"Learning How to Learn" |
"This Course is for anyone who is currently learning or wanting to learn. It is for students of all ages.It is for parents who are looking to help their children.Take this course in any order that you wish, learn the tools and then to back to the brain study. This Course gives the details on what the brain needs and then the tools that make learning so much easier. It shows us what the brain wants in order to support what we want. If you have wanted to learn more with greater ease and retention, then this course is for you. If you have wanted to open more of your potential, this course is for you. This is the Course to take if you have wanted to know what the brain really needs in order to learn easily."
Price: 24.99

"How to Pitch for Success and Improve Your Influence" |
"Course Updated 12/30/15: Update included brand new video recordings, updated lessons for all sections, new interactive activity sheets for all lessons, new free resources and examples.Join over 5,400 students taking this course to learn powerful techniques that help you whenever you need to pitch. Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and professionals.Ive been presenting and pitching as a sales person, trainer and coach for 30 years. Now I'm sharing the techniques I used to close millions of dollars in business and to successfully launch my online training business.What You'll Learn in This Course:Discover the secret formula that can make your pitch powerful for inspiring your audience to act.Leverage your own individual strengths to connect with an audience of one, or of many quickly.Learn to structure for creating a pitch that will be comfortable and interesting at the same time.Recognize the elements of a good pitch so you can incorporate them into your own presentations, making you more effective and more influential.Who Can Benefit From this Course?Whether youre a freelancer looking for a gig, a professional preparing for a job interview or an entrepreneur who wants to start your own business, you will benefit from knowing these helpful tricks and techniques.This course is for anyone who wants to be more effective pitching to investors, selling to customers, or just presenting for work in a project meeting. If you are looking to improve your presentation skills, your public speaking skills, or your leadership skills then this course is for you. Inside you will gain access to simple to use, easy to learn tips that make you pitch more effectively, speak more confidently, and present more comfortably.Is It Going to Be Boring and Dull?Using short video lessons in conjunction with examples from speakers and leaders I will show you how to identify the keys to making your pitch memorable and engaging. Pitching is about influence and inspiring others to act. So no, not dull and dreary at all!Learn to Amp Up Your PresentationsEnroll in the course and I will teach you how to use story structure to create presentations that inspire and let you lead with authority. Being a leader means mastering leadership skills, like communicating effectively and being able to rally a group to action. This course will give you a fundamental understanding of what makes a pitch good and how to avoid some pitfalls that prevents many people from achieving their goals."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Success for Photographers" |
"Thereare many photographers and photography businesses who have been utilizing social media, aspart of their digital marketing strategy, to move their photography businessesforward.However,there are many more photographers who aren't.Areyou one of those? Do find that social media is a "waste of time" orthat you're not seeing growth in your followers?Doyou struggle to see the true value in creative social media marketing for yourphotography business?Ifso, then this 3 hour course is for you.Inthis web course on social media success for photographers I'll teach you howphotographers with massive followings are using strategies that get themnoticed. You'll learn some of the fundamentals behind using social mediastrategies for your photography business.Thecourse will cover: Why social media marketing is important forphotographers. The foundationalelements of successful social media marketing. You'll learn some ofthe tools of the trade I use to manage my social media accounts. You'll learn whyit's important to know your audience. We'll discusssetting goals and tracking your progress. How to build yoursocial media profiles as a photography business person. The importance offilling your content funnel. We'll coverFacebook, Twitter, Goolge Plus, and LinkedIn We'll also touch onFlickr, 500px, Instagram, and Pinterest ...and more!</p>"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Test Driven Development in Java" |
"This Java Training: Test Driven Development Tutorial for Java course provides everything you need to know to get started with test driven development in Java. This course covers test driven development from scratch, through video lectures, demonstrations of practicing a test driven approach, and through exercises for you to complete, allowing you to gain valuable experience in using TDD. For more information on our Java Training: Test Driven Development Tutorial for Java courses, visit our course page. Sign up for this Java Training course now and learn from the ultimate test driven development tutorial for Java."
Price: 49.99

"Learn about Attention Deficit Disorder Jef Gazley" |
"This Learn about Treatment for ADHD course explains the causes, symptoms, and complex dynamics of ADD and ADHD and dispels many of the common myths about attention deficit disorder. It shows the research done at the Amen Clinic by Jef Gazley, M.S., LMFT with ADD patients and introduces ADD-care which is a natural alternative to the stimulants. This educational video also demonstrates the Six Types of ADD and how to treat each one of them. Find a solution for your ADD or ADHD symptoms with this excellent Learn about Treatment for ADHD course. Take this course now and learn about Treatment for ADHD all you need to know about ADHD.</p>"
Price: 39.99

"The Book as iPad App" |
"iPads are everywhere, touching off a revolution of innovative books being published as appsbook apps that take advantage of the iPad's multi-touch interface and multimedia capabilities. In this course, you'll become familiar with specific book apps in different categories, and learn how these apps are pushing the boundaries of the medium. We will NOT be discussing plain text titles available on the Kindle, Nook, & other platforms. Instead we'll focus on multimedia, interactive books that are released as individual apps, such as London: A City Through Time (available in the iTunes store for iPads). In each section of the course you'll watch video demos of particular interactive book apps, read several interesting articles and discuss everything in the class forums. There is a total of about 8-10 hours of work, which you can do at your own pace, with perpetual access. We'll have discussions about the future of the book as a medium. What do these changes mean for readers, libraries, authors, and publishers? What are the qualities of a delightful reading experience? How are these apps enabling learning and which features and qualities enable a the best experience for readers? A resource guide is included, with links to recommended book apps, additional readings, publishers to watch and blogs to follow."
Price: 59.99

"CCNA Security 2019 210-260 Video Boot Camp With Chris Bryant" |
"Over 150,000 students in my Video Boot Camps have joined my Video Boot Camps on Udemy, and now it's your turn!Every single video in this CCNA Security 210-260 Video Boot Camp is downloadable, and you'll get your certification with the clearest, most comprehensive CCNA Security course available - and without busting your budget! Even better, your access to the CCNA Security training course is permanent, and every video is downloadable for viewing offline!Thanks for making my course part of your CCNA Security certification success story! Chris Bryant CCIE #12933 ""The Computer Certification Bulldog"" "
Price: 19.99

"Video Editing Workshop Complete Beginners Course-Sony Vegas" |
"IMAGINE IF YOU CAN. Make Fantastic Videos for School, Office, Home, Work, Sales, Shows Suitable For All Industries!Create Professional High Quality Video PresentationsPresent Slide Shows that will Touch Everyones HeartsExpress Your CreativityDeliver Your Message with a BANG! Let me Tell You Something, YES! NOW YOU CAN! Video Editing Course: Learn How to Edit Videos- (Sony Vegas ) FROM NEWBIE TO AWESOMENESS NO TECHNICAL SKILLS REQUIRED! A housewife who plans to start your own home based businessA student who wants to get out of the ordinary boring projectsA salesman who wants to create stunning presentationsA boyfriend who wants to make the anniversary extra specialA girl who wants to express your creative with music and graphicsAnyone who wants to deliver a message to the world!Anyone who wants to learn how to edit videos and create awesome videos. SO WHATS INSIDE VIDEO EDITING COURSE? I'm the type of trainer who believes in the philosophy of READY, FIRE, AIM! Teaching with action and with a project is more effective rather than discussing first and making the application later. So there will be 3 MAIN VIDEO PROJECTS where I will show you all you need to learn to make videos from scratch and all the technicalities behind them. The interface of Sony Vegas 10The tools that you need throughoutHow to work with videos and audiosHow to edit, arrange, retouch, move, pan and animateHow to wrap them all up and render into one fileWith TONS of tips and Techniques discussed all throughout the 3 projects! THE 3 PROJECTS ARE SO COMPREHENSIVE ENOUGH ALL YOU NEED TO LEARN IS ALREADY THERE!! But we don't stop there. I will be giving a BONUS CONTENT that is BIGGER IN VALUE THAN THE COURSE ITSELF! BONUS - 19 POWERFUL TIPS and TRICKS Typography 3D Texts and Bump Map Lighting Faded Zoom Effects Soul Text Effect Intro and Waves Video Effects and Styles Angelic Glow and Blur EffectsColorize MeUnderstanding the Film EffectsSin City Style and Secondary Color CorrectionSlow Motion, Fast Motion, and Reverse Your Video Color Effects and Restorations Color CurvesColor CorrectorsPower Up Using SharpenBlend Modes, and Overlay Background Animations with Texts Effects Fun Checkered Background AnimationsMoving CurtainsDancing LinesFlourishes and Gradient MapsMoving Tech Style GridsZooming in Outer Space and Light Rays Video Styles 3D Shuffling in PresentationsGreen Screen Effects and Chroma KeyJames Bond Style Effect, Generated Noise and Vectors Understand these TONS OF PRINCIPLES principles and you will automatically unlock your creativity! So What are you waiting for? ENROLL NOW for this video editing course! See you inside the VIDEO EDITING COURSE: LEARN HOW TO EDIT VIDEOS- SONY VEGAS!</p>"
Price: 19.99

"Self Publishing Secrets" |
"Although Kindle ebook publishing is all the rage these days (and for good reason), paperback books will absolutely never go out of style. In fact, many paperback books listed at Amazon.com outsell their ebook counterparts by a margin of 2 to 1. And thanks to print-on-demand publishing via CreateSpace, it has never been easier than right now to get published! In fact, it can take as little as 60 minutes to publish an existing manuscript for free as a paperback book to Amazon...even if you've never done it before. You simply need to know how to format and submit your manuscript correctly, and you can be making sales at Amazon in as little as 24 hours. In this Self Publishing on Amazon: Learn How to Self Publish course I will show you how to potentially double your Kindle ebook royalties by publishing the very same manuscript to CreateSpace as a print-on-demand paperback via CreateSpace.com. You'll enjoy dozens of studio-quality videos, audios, pdf guides, and even a cut and paste formatting template inside this self publishing on Amazon course at a very low introductory price. Invest today and you'll receive a 6-video bonus course on how to get your book listed Page 1 of Google! Take this Self Publishing on Amazon course now and learn how to self publish on Amazon the most easy way!</p>"
Price: 44.99

"Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) for Beginners" |
"Theres a revolution happening in publishing, and if you want to stay marketable, you need to learn digital skills, fast. Readers can now touch and interact with magazines and other publications. These digital publications can be produced with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS for short) which is quickly becoming the industry standard. Used with Adobe InDesign, you can make tablet-ready content, and preview it instantly on your iPad, Android device, and computer. Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for Beginners is made up of several lessons from my larger course, Create Your Own iPad & Android Publications, which covers other topics, including design principles, interactive pdfs, and eBooks. Adobe Digital Publishing Suite for Beginners is for you if you have knowledge of design fundamentals, and just want to get up and running with Adobe DPS.Download templates and lesson files if you want to follow along, and re-create the examples shown in the video lectures."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Web Designing & HTML5/CSS3 Essentials in 4-Hours" |
"** Course Updated November 26th, 2014! ** New lecture added: Code a CSS Sticky Footer - - - The Best Way to Learn HTML5 & CSS3 PSD to HTML5/CSS3 is a simple course that will teach you to take a Photoshop Mockup Design and hand-code it into a beautiful, semantic, valid HTML5 & CSS3 website. Start Speaking the Language Right Away Just like learning a human language, the best way of learning is by speaking from day 1this course is similar in the sense that we'll begin speaking HTML5 & CSS3 right away! I believe this is the best way to learn HTML5 and CSS3. It's simple. It's easy. You can do it! If youve always wanted to know how to build your own website, or have wanted a simple and comprehensive way to dive into PSD to HTML5 & CSS3, this course is definitely for you. Real World Example One of my students, who had no previous web design experience, took my course and ran with the skills he acquired. He built a brand new website for his Barbershop in Vancouver! So, what are you waiting for? Do you want to hand-code your first website in 4-hours? Let's do this!"
Price: 74.99

"Project Photoshop: Automation" |
"This course will help you to be more efficient in Photoshop CS6, thanks to the automation methods that are available. This includes step-by-step instruction on not only built-in automated command and actions, but also less-obvious speed enhances such as Smart Objects and Variables.We'll cover the most important built-in automation commands, how to access automation from within Bridge, how to create, edit and use Actions, and much more. By the end of this course you'll be able to work more quickly and "unleash your creativity"."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Java Programming" |
"An Advanced Java Tutorial aimed towards the Developer Who Already has Learned the Fundamentals of Java Programming. In this Advanced Java Programming training course, expert content provider Infinite Skills builds on the beginners Java course, and goes deeper into programming topics that help you to understand these more advanced Java concepts. Designed for the more experienced Java developer, you should have a good working knowledge of the Java programming language before going through this tutorial. Some of the advanced topics that you will cover in this Advanced Java Tutorialincludes; generic programming, sequential and associative data structures, classic data structures, sorting and searching, exception handling, database programming with JDBC, networking programming GUI development using Swing and an overview of Multithreading. You will also explore Java Applets, web applications (Servlets), advanced input and output classes, more advanced strings, regular expressions, Java graphics, and finally, closing off with a look at using Eclipse. By the conclusion of this training course, you will have a clear understanding of each of the topics of Advanced Java Programming, which will allow you to go more in-depth with the concepts of your choice. Working files are included to allow you to learn the concepts using the same files that the author does throughout this computer based training course.</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Access 2010 Training - Beginners/Intermediate" |
"Learn Microsoft Access 2010 by Simon Sez IT is a 7-hour course filled with all the information you need to create, design, and customize high-performing databases. Your professional trainer will introduce you to Microsofts Ribbon interface, showing you tips and techniques to leverage its features for more efficient database management. Discover the fundamentals of database design and construction, which will allow you to construct a strong relational database that makes future modifications and data analysis easier. Each chapter builds on the previous one, walking you through topics on tables and their attributes, structures, and field properties. Forms are presented to make information gathering and input a breeze. Learn data analysis using functions, formulas, expression builder, conditional formatting, sorting, filtering, and queries. Discover practical techniques for improving designs, adding existing fields, and grouping/sortingas your instructor gives you easy to understand methods for working with reports. Before the Microsoft Access Training: Microsoft Access Tutorial course is over, well cover all key areas of the program: custom queries using defined criteria, select queries, updating queries, appending queries, deleting queries, inner joins, outer joins, table queries, and mail merges. Plus, when you sign up for our class, youll also get these 5 BONUSES in addition to the 40 online course videos: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (40 questions) - to test what you've learned. Downloadable & printable transcripts (over 130 searchable pages) to give you another learning option, if you prefer reading but dont have time to take notes. 7 hours of downloadable MP3s to play on your favorite audio device - to help you learn in the car, while you walk, or in the gym. A certificate of completion to tell everyone you've aced the course. Where else can you find so many extra tools to help you master Access 2010?!?! So start learning today. Because being a technology dinosaur isnt going to get you a promotion or raise! All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged. What our customers are saying: "Thank you very much for an extraordinaire online tutorial of Access, it has helped me a lot and even enabled me to get a job. Now I work for an asset management bureau in Paris programming and updating databases from Bloomberg on a daily basis!" - Lisa R., France. So take this Microsoft Access training and learn from Microsoft Access tutorial."
Price: 74.99

"Learning to Learn" |
"The Most important skill of the 21st Century is the ability to learn! Regardless of your age or background, your ability to learn and adapt is critical in our rapidly changing world. While you may have spent a lot of time in school learning "WHAT" to learn, you probably didn't spend a lot of time learning "HOW" to learn. This course focuses on "How to Learn" is is designed to bridge the gap. This hands-on course is designed to equip you with practical, effective ways to improve your ability to learn just about anything. In addition to providing information on how to supercharge your memory, we'll also discuss how your brain works and dispel some common misconceptions about learning that may be standing in your way. I'll even be covering some tips and tricks for learning a new language. Finally I'll provide you with some amazing learning resources and destinations that can unleash your new skills on and take your learning to the next level! This course is for anyone interested in enriching their studies, their career or their life by becoming a more effective learner. Let me show you how. Sign up and learn how to learn today!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Korean Writing - Hana Hana Hangul" |
"In this video series of twenty lessons, you will learn the Korean alphabet, known as Hangul. We will teach you Hangul using simple steps, showing you the correct stroke order, helpful tricks for memorization, and proper usage in common Korean words. If you want to get started reading and writing Korean, this is THE place to start. You'll learn Korean in mere minutes with these video lessons, so join us for Hana Hana Hangul from KoreanClass101!"
Price: 19.99

"28 Loving ReAwakenings" |
"Self love is the most important asset in your life and it's time that you begin to use it. If you are disconnected from yourself and your core, you'll never be happy and fulfilled. You can try every diet, go on every spiritual path, but if you don't come to a point of being in tune with your deepest thoughts and feelings, you will always feel a lack in your life. In this Self Love: Learn How to Love Yourself course, you will get 10 videos, 9 audio files and 9 text messages that guide you on your journey to loving yourself more. You will move your body, change your habits, take a look at your destructive beliefs, go deep within to see what you truly yearn for and so much more.The Self Love: Learn How to Love Yourself course will take 28 days to complete, but you can also do it at your own pace. With this course your thoughts will become clearer, your feelings will become less hateful and your actions will become more loving. If you're searching for a fun way to find your way back to yourself, then this Self Love: Learn How to Love Yourself is the course for you. Imagine that in 28 short days you've created a strong self-care routine, helping you to have an intimate and loving relationship with the person you are. Imagine how incredible it would feel to know that you are worthy, lovable and deserving of all the happiness in the world. Imagine what it would feel like to know that you dont have to change, lose weight or negate your true nature to completely accept yourself. You're not that far away from that reality right now.Now on the other hand imagine what would happen if you never stepped up and made yourself a priority. Imagine how your life would be impacted. Imagine how much more pain or despair youd remain in if you, yes YOU, didn't take action and unabashedly loved yourself in the way only you know how.Imagine the suffering that would be created by you not doing this.So, what'll it be? Which choice will you make?Take this Self Love course and learn how to love yourself.</p>"
Price: 29.99

"The No 1. Facial Yoga - Naturally Look More Attractive" |
"The Facial Yoga Sculpting System is a series of Facial Exercises designed to exercise every major muscle group in the face. Each one of these muscles can be exercised which will drastically improve your facial appearance, much like working out your abs or biceps.The tough part is that it's difficult to actually target these muscles, over the years I've put together a collection of exercises that when used together can radically improve your face.Why does the Facial Yoga Sculpting System Work So Quickly?The muscles in your face are much smaller than other muscles in your body like your abs or biceps, because of this they get ""worked out"" much more quickly. This means that you can expect to see visible results in a much shorter time than you might expect.Take this Facial Yoga course now and learn face yoga expression especially designed to improve your facial appearance."
Price: 19.99

"4 Proven Principles For Creating A Life Worth Living" |
"To make a successful career shift - and, really, to get anything you want in life - you need a good plan, flexibility and strong focus. It also takes persistence and fortitude to stay on task in spite of possible distractions and the dead ends or set backs which occasionally crop up along the way. Using selected material from the Go For It! Module of their popular program, ""The Career Finder Method,"" Jay Markunas and Angela Lob help you get focused, set goals, keep your momentum and get results. The purpose of this Career Finder: How to Find the Right Career course is to give some valuable tips while introducing a few of the concepts for a successful career change. For the more comprehensive course, please check out the complete Career Finder program, which comes with 3 hours of video, a 65-page guide and an online DISC assessment, at www.GreatOccupations.com . Note: This program was originally recorded on June 22, 2010 About the Instructors: Angela Lob and Jay Markunas have successfully advised professionals on career management and transition strategies for a combined 40 years. Together they inform, inspire and engage audiences with their unique approach of balancing the positive and the practical. ____________________________________________ Feedback from clients about Jay's approach to career transition: Jay provides a good balance of practical advice and positive encouragement. M.G., Austin, TX You gave me a jump start after I have been bogged down by doubts and insecurities. C.L., Austin, TX Even if you are aware of the wide range of strategies he shares, youll come away with more information making it very worthwhile, especially for the short amount of time invested. C.S., Austin, TX I wanted to let you know that I accepted a job with NI last week. Im excited about the opportunity. its a great role. Thanks for your help. J.L., Austin, TX Feedback from clients about Angela's approach to career transition: Angela provided me with career transition consulting and my only regret was not finding her sooner! From the help re-writing my resume, to the worksheets that helped me to understand my key competencies (very useful for competency-based interviews), to understanding the importance of networking and LinkedIn. Every piece of information and advice Angela gave me was incredibly helpful and definitely got me out of my job search rut. In addition, her upbeat and positive attitude made it an all around pleasant experience working with her. Angela is the ultimate expert at what she does. Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity Jamelyn Hart, Austin, TX Angela helped me get a clearer direction in my career path. In our meeting Angela assisted me in narrowing down my fields of interest, suggested some organizations to research, and helped direct me in my action plan. She provided me with several worksheets that were key in revamping my resume. Angela's career coaching has been invaluable to me, and I see a light at the end of the tunnel now thanks to her! Top qualities: Personable, Expert, Creative Debbie Lester, Austin, TX Take this Career Finder course now and learn how to find the right career with 4 proven principles.</p>"
Price: 19.99

"Discover How to Draw and paint Comics" |
"In this 60 hour Learn to Draw: Learn to Paint course, you will learn to draw anything from your imagination and do it realistically. This is a vital skill to have. You will also learn to draw the human figure, muscles, heads, emotions, cartoons, develop your own style, perspective, 3D shapes, form, lighting, and so much more. You will even learn how to use Photoshop if that is something you are into, and how to photo edit. You will also learn how to digitally paint. The price of this Learn to Draw: Learn to Paint course is worth just my figure course, heads course, and form, lighting, perspective course. Those three courses can be done with just pencil and paper. Try some of the free lectures to see how great the teachings are. Stop Wasting Your Time With Lame Tutorials and Finally Draw Take this Learn to Draw: Learn to Paint course and learn From Your Imagination.</p>"
Price: 64.99

"Beginning Mobile Game Development with Solar2D" |
"Aimed at beginners, this video tutorial course will guide you through the creation of your own game for iOS or Android.The Solar2D framework used for this course is one of the most powerful 2D game engines available, and it's completely free so get started making your own games!You Can Get Started, Right Now!The videos can be viewed online and the sample code can be downloaded to your computer so you can follow along. Since its all online and all digital, you dont have to wait, you can start finding out how to make your own game right now.Play games other people make, or finally take control and make your own games.""You got me up to speed in record time and my first game should be out in 4-6 weeks time. Congrats on an awesome course."" - Tim BuchalkaImagine how it will feel when people around the world download and play what youve created!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Self-Hypnosis in Only Minutes a Day" |
" In this self-paced course you will learn about hypnosis, trance and altered states. Practice hands-on exercises as you are guided step by step. By the end of this course you will learn a simple, 3 step process for using self-hypnosis. Learn how to write your own hypnotic suggestions, to program your subconscious mind to adopt new habits that make life better.Change unwanted habits, attitudes and behaviors and adopt NEW habits to enjoy better health, better finances, and have happy fulfilling relationships.Becky Hays, Certified Master NLP Hypnotherapist, produces media for self-improvement, and has held thousands of sessions since 2007, helping people make positive changes in their life. Becky is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, National Society of NLP, and was a Presenting Faculty Member at the Natl Guild of Hypnotists International Convention where she. taught hypnotists elements of the NLP meta model. She also coproduced the amazing movie Beyond Belief which explores the powerful of the subconscious mind. The film has been incorporated into training centers worldwide, and enters the 10th year of global distribution in 2020. "
Price: 29.99

"Art History Renaissance to 20th Century" |
"This course now has professionally created captions in English on 98% of all the videos. This is part one of a year-long college-level survey course in art history. This course covers art history from the European Renaissance around 1300 A.D. until the Mid 20th CenturyThis course is designed as a basic college-level survey of art history. I provide an online textbook as well as study guides and worksheets. This course covers the language used to discuss art. A complete overview of art, culture, and architecture from the Renaissance to the 1950s. Each work is covered in depth, the works physical or formal properties are discussed such as technology used to create the work, color, medium, materials, composition, and shading.The symbolism of each work is discussed and how to interpret the interrelationship of symbols in a work of art. This course is the actual content of a course I teach at an accredited college in California called Ohlone college.I designed this course as a series of clear, non-jargon laden video lectures and texts designed to help any student who wants to pass AP art history and or any beginning level art history survey course."
Price: 24.99

"Curso Linkedin para empresas y profesionales." |
"Quieres ms visibilidad para tu marca, mejores contactos y mejores oportunidades profesionales?Linkedin te ofrece todo esto y ms.Sin lugar a dudas, Linkedin es la red social ms infrautilizada de Internet. Sin embargo, su potencial para las empresas y marcas es inmenso. En Linkedin no slo es posible crear un perfil empresarial; -una pgina equivalente a la pgina de fans de Facebook , sino que podemos promocionar de forma totalmente gratuita, todos nuestros productos y servicios. Con una pgina de empresa en Linkedin podemos destacar entre nuestros competidores, podemos conectar con nuestros clientes y crear nuevas relaciones profesionales de alto nivel, entre otros muchos beneficios. Linkedin te permite posicionarte como expertos en tu sector, ofertar tus servicios, promocionar tus contenidos y generar marca personal.Quizs Linkedin te parezca complicado. A lo mejor tiene opciones y funciones que se te escapan. Al igual que t, estoy harto de realizar cursos de decenas de horas con contenido de relleno y poco til. Por ello, he diseado este curso, para que aprendas lo mximo en el menor tiempo posible. Con este curso prctico en vdeo de Linkedin vas a aprender cmo crear perfiles perfectos para potenciar su marca y tambin pginas optimizadas para tu empresa en la red social profesional nmero uno en el mundo.Curso nico en su gnero! En este curso vas a aprender:- Optimizacin de perfiles de Linkedin- Cmo crear pginas de empresa optimizadas en Linkedin- Cmo aadir productos y servicios en Linkedin de forma gratuita.- Cmo recomendar nuestros productos y servicios en Linkedin- Cmo crear un grupo en Linkedin- Cmo conseguir ms seguidores para nuestra pgina de empresa- Curacin de contenidos con Linkedin- Cmo anunciarse en Linkedin- Cmo promocionar nuestros contenidos en Linkedin- Cmo publicar de forma automatizada en Linkedin- Plugins sociales de Linkedin- SEO para Linkedin- Recursos educativos gratuitos adicionales.El acceso a todos los contenidos es inmediato e ilimitado desde cualquier dispositivo.Consigue mejores trabajos y mejores oportunidades. Accede a mejores sueldos o consigue ms clientes. Inscrbete ahora."
Price: 49.99

"Easy Instructional Harmonium for Yoga, Kirtans, Meditations" |
"Join Raghunath in taking the mystery out of playing the harmonium. This beautiful instrument used in classical India kirtan is ideal for both personal meditation and group chanting. The course is designed for personal enjoyment and for those interested in leading kirtans, and looking to transform their yoga classes into sacred space using transcendental chants. In this instructional video and instructional ebook Raghunath breaks it all down and will have "you off and chanting in no time. The basics of the harmonium are accompanied by inspiring texts on the power of kirtan and sacred sound as well as full translations of the meaning of many familiar mantras and songs.The course is especially designed for non-musicians, those not familiar with musical instruments and those who do not know the meaning behind familiar mantras. Raghunath will explain it all and systematically take you through understanding, playing and sonic meditation. It is truly harmonium playing made easy." Learn mantras, learn melodies learn to free your voice and tap into the divinely sacred with the harmonium as your guide."
Price: 39.99

"Snapseed - The Definitive Guide" |
"Snapseed is a powerful image enhancing tool that is easy to use. In this course you'll learn how to use Snapeed in creative ways by walking you through the exact steps I used to create eleven different images. The goal of the course is not only to teach you how to use the various features of Snapseed but learn the fundamentals of creative image processing. This course is just as much about 'how to' do it as 'why' we do it. By the end of this course, not only will you be fired up about using Snapseed photo editing tools, you will be able to explore your own creativity and make photographs you are excited to share with your friends, family and maybe even the world! Reasons To Attend Real Examples - You can download copies of all the images in the course and follow along with me as we make some magic together! Click Here - To see the images we work through. Real World Creativity - This is not just a Snapseed tutorial. It is so much more than that. The principals you learn here are the same creative processing principals you can apply to all your photo processing! Q/A - You can ask me questions directly...and yep, I will happily answer them. Bang For The Buck - The techniques you learn here can be applied to Snapseed for the desktop, iPad, iPhone, & Droid! Self-Paced - Take your time, you will have lifetime access to the course and its content. The Best Part - As long as you remain a student, you will receive free updates whenever I publish new course material. Learn smart use of Snapseed with my especial photo editing tutorials and get most out of your iPhone or Andriod. I really look forward to teaching you! Justin </p>"
Price: 19.99

"QuickBooks Pro 2013 Training the Easy Way" |
"During this QuickBooks Pro 2013 video training course, learn to use QuickBooks to manage your business's finances. Your certified QuickBooks Pro Advisor trainer will show how to create accounts to organizing customer, vendor, and item records. Discover how to setup QuickBooks Pro 2013 for the first time, pay employees, create reports, reconcile, work with sales tax, setup inventory, receive payments, and much more. This course is designed to be an introduction to the features offered by QuickBooks Pro 2013. This is not an accounting course. Each business and home financial situation is unique, with different procedures required in response to various rules, laws and policies. Please consult your accountant, employer, QuickBooks ProAdvisor or other appropriate expert with regard to specific requirements or guidelines. All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged."
Price: 99.99

"Solving quadratic equations using various methods" |
"In this course you will learn how to solve quadratic equations using factorization, using a specific formula as well as completion of the square. It consists of 6 lessons, where the last lesson is theory and follows directly from lesson 5. After the first 5 lessons you are given equations to solve using the methods explained in that particular lesson.It is important to know how to solve quadratic equations because you use it almost everywhere in mathematics."
Price: 19.99

"HypeBomb - Growth Hacking for Startups" |
"HypeBomb is a course on how to get more clients for your startup. We don't deal with theory in this course. This is not a course about things that might work, or could work; This is a course about startup marketing strategies that have worked for us every time we launch a new product. If you're an Entrepreneur or the startup Marketing Director, you need to understand the 17 principles of a HypeBomb. By the end of this course you will understand what it takes to generate buzz, how to get more clients (new users), and convert them into paying customers. </p>"
Price: 34.99

"Learn Deep House Production with Logic Pro" |
"This course will teach you the fundamentals of Deep House Music production using Logic Pro. The full course has more than 36 lectures, divided into 5 modules. Each chapter will give you a new level of knowledge in house music production. We'll start from the basics with building drum kits, programming drums and writing chord progression to more advanced and the most popular techniques used in Deep house, such as Soulful chord progressions, deep stabs, chopped vocal delays and creating synth patches. At the end of each week, we will give you an assignment on "how to build a section of the track" using the skills you have learned. You might be asked to demonstrate in class your technique used for that process. The Logic project of each final project will be available for you to download as well. By the end of this course you will produce and arrange your own professional club-track ."
Price: 39.99

"How to Build a WordPress Form Using the Gravity Forms Plugin" |
"How to Build a Form? This is the exact question we get asked almost daily by our WordPress website clients. Our answer has always been get the Gravity Forms plugin. Why? Before the Gravity Forms plugin existed we used a variety of freely available plugins for WordPress that allowed us to build web forms but we quickly reverted to creating our own custom web forms as soon as something more robust than a simple Contact Us form was needed. Then Gravity Forms was Released by Rocketgenius.When we first became aware of Gravity Forms back in 2010, our first thought was why do we need to buy a plugin to build website forms when we already have free ones available, and if needed, we could simply code our own? But that thought quickly faded as we took a closer look at the features and capabilities of the Gravity Forms plugin for WordPress. Not only does it provide a simple interface for building web forms, but it also provides incredible tools for creating very advanced web forms, all with a simple point and click interface. Why We Created This How to Build a Form Video Tutorial Course. Since purchasing the developer license of the Gravity Forms plugin and using it on our sites and those of our clients, we have have been nothing but impressed with both the ease of use and also the support that the folks at Rocketgenius provide. Not only that, but they are continually developing this plugin and adding new features requested by customers. However, although there is a lot of written documentation provided to purchasers of this plugin, we are visual learners and do much better when seeing something in action rather than reading through a how to build a form series of web pages. It wasnt just us. Because we own the developer license and we use this on many clients sites, there were numerous times when site owners wanted to use the plugin to create an additional web form for their business and didnt know how to use Gravity Forms. It was then that we started including how to build a web form videos for our clients, and it turned out that they were visual learners too. Seeing it in action allowed them to just get it. Maybe youre a developer or site owner with the same set of problems? Then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99
