"How to be a Young Innovator" |
"This How to be a Young Innovatorcourse covers both the professional as well as the personal requirements forbeing an innovator. I do call this ProPer, Professional as well as Personal. Inother words, this course addresses the yin and yang of being a young innovator.That approach will enable you to become a stable and successful innovator. Asthere is a lot of information available about the mechanics of innovation(the doing), we will focus on the even more important aspects of living thelife of an innovator (the being).Being an innovator is, both:- challengingand rewarding- difficultand fun- lonely andcollaborative- empty andfulfilling- frustratingand empoweringBeing an innovator is not just a job, which you willleave at 5pm to pick up your life again. It is a lifestyle of which you are theembodiment. It is impossible to separate life and work if you are an innovator.Innovators please be aware: it never stops!Therefore you have to pay attention to carefullylive this life, in order to be successful on all levels. For example, you haveto be healthy and energetic to come up with great ideas. A clear mind is alsoneeded to come up with solutions for the grand challenges of our society.In the course I will explain some of the keyprinciples of innovation and of being a Young innovator.I do ask a lot of questions to trigger your learning. You will provide theanswers and apply them in your (ProPer) life. A live session is included tocoach you with your specific issues.Take this ultimate Young Innovators course right now andlearn how to changeyour life."
Price: 39.99

"Start Blogging: Your First WordPress Blog Setup Today" |
"This course will take you step-by-step into setting up your first online WordPress blog. It's not hard to do when you have someone teaching you with step-by-step video instructions.Who should take this course? Anyone who is looking to setup a blog the easiest and fastest way. People who are looking to start a blog for a company, business or personal use should take this course.The course consists of:28 Step-by-step lectures25 Easy to follow tutorial videoYou'll learn the basics like:How to get a domain and what it isHow to get cheap hosting (including first month for 1 Cent!)How to create your 1st blog postHow to make your site look awesomeHow to add tags and categories to organize your siteHow to use plugins/widgets and what they areEasily adding images to your sidebar and blog postsHow to customize your header/logo (the easy way)Plus some more advanced stuff like:Getting into a niche your loveWhat are keywords and how to use them on your blogHow to do advanced keyword researchCreating blog posts that people will LOVEGetting indexed (found) in Google/BingYou can take this course now and have your blog setup today. Simply watch the instructional videos and then complete each action while watching over my shoulder."
Price: 49.99

"Graphic Design Foundation Course" |
"The Design-Eye Foundation Course comprises 34 training videos totalling near 3.5 hours, fronted by American presenter, Janie McGrath. Fully referenced, the video chapters amalgamate the golden nuggets of information mirrored by 25 of the most popular design books and combine the gems with the experience of a seasoned video editor & graphic designer, utilising sensory rich language and exemplary visuals to aid deep learning and recall. The course has been tailored for video editors, yet would prove interesting to anyone keen to improve their design-eye, photography and artistic skills.Creative Confidence..."
Price: 44.99

"The Secrets of Body Language" |
"Do you ever wish you could know what someone is thinking? Or perhaps you want to improve your own non-verbal communication? Body language is a great way to gain insights into how others think and feel, as well improve your everyday communication with others. This body language course is based on scientifically-backed research, and is designed to teach you how to read people's nonverbal behavior and improve your own. Whether you are a business owner, parent, spouse, employee, human resources director, teacher or student, this course will change the way you interact with those around you. If you have ever interacted with another person, this course will be useful to you because our everyday interactions are filled with secret nonverbal cues just waiting to be uncovered. Why Is Body Language Important? Up to 93% of our communication is nonverbal. However, we often only think about the words we say, not how we say them. In this course, we will review the face, the body and how it expresses emotions and even talk a little bit about the lie detection. In the Secrets of Body Language I give real life examples and tons of practical tips that you will be able to use immediately. If You Don't Learn How to Decode Body Language Now, You'll Hate Yourself Later At one point you will be on a date, in a business meeting, or in a negotiation and wish you know how to read body language. Invest the time in this course and you will be happy to have a leg up on your communication in the future. If you wish you could begin to unravel the mysteries of body language, then enroll today in Secrets of Body Language now! For more articles and to find out more about the author, Vanessa Van Edwards visit: ScienceofPeople.org What People Are Saying About Vanessa's Courses: Vanessa's presentation style is so engaging and entertaining that I believe everyone in any job function will get something extremely useful out of it. Monica Enand, Founder of Zapproved Vanessa is a dynamic and polished speaker. We would definitely ask her back for more presentations." Emily Ediger, Portland State University Business Accelerator Vanessa Van Edwards' speech to our club of hundreds was a welcome break from the standard speech. It was always engaging, at times uproariously funny and very informative. As I looked at the audience, everyone was leaning forward and feeling each moment together. We all came away feeling more light-hearted and armed with insights about human behavior that we didn't know at the beginning. It was a treat to hear her speak!" Mike Pendergast, Business Development Consultant and Rotarian"
Price: 19.99

"Get Your Book Into Print - Professional Formatting Course" |
"LATEST: Guarantee - if you struggle to format your book, I will do it for you and show you how I did it. For less than the price of paying a professional formatter to do one book for you, you can join this course and learn how to format all your books. Join over 600 authors on this course. Learn quickly, get your books in print, and your royalties could be double NEXT MONTH. I am available for advice and support every step of the way. If you get stuck, holler! Double your royalties - really? I did. Well, actually, I more than doubled them. My print sales have overtaken my digital sales on some books. I was shocked - until I published this course and students reported that they were making more money - either by the presence of their print book stimulating sales of their Kindle book (because the print book looks inexpensive in comparison), or by great print sales. You too can make more money from your Kindle books by getting them into print via CreateSpace. A print book can increase your royalties both by making sales itself and by increasing your Kindle sales due to the cost comparison. Sales of eBooks have overtaken sales of paperback and hardback books combined. However, that doesn't mean that physical books don't sell anymore - they do. Amazon sell 118 eBooks for every 100 physical books. That's still a lot of physical books being sold! It depends on your genre, but many authors report that their print sales actually overtake their digital sales in December and August - holiday periods. We all seem to prefer real books on the beach and for use as gifts! There's a lot less competition in the physical book arena as most of the Internet Marketers stick to Kindle books. Kindle eBooks are quick and easy to publish - formatting for paperback takes a bit more time. It's well worth it, though. Having a paperback version of your eBook can help increase your royalties for a number of reasons. More Kindle sales - Your eBook sales can increase because the cost of the paperback is generally more, making the eBook look much better value A new source of royalties - You may find that you make a good number of paperback sales. People still like physical books. They are much better for reading in the bath! I recently had an illness that prevented me from looking at a screen (it hurt). It made me put away my Kindle for the first time in months and dig out a load of paperbacks. There are lots of people who prefer physical books, for various reasons. Increased credibility - Fewer Indie authors take the plunge into print so you will be part of a more select group. That raises your credibility and could lead to more opportunities, such as guest blogging, interviews on podcasts, etc. You need a physical book to schedule a Goodreads Giveaway. If you haven't heard of Goodreads, you might want to check it out, it's where passionate readers hang out. Giveaways are mini competitions that members enter to try to win free books. Even if you can only afford to buy one paperback version of your book, you can schedule a Giveaway and offer that. The beauty of them is that they attract an average of 825 entries each. That's 825 people seeing your book who may not otherwise have come across it - and all their Goodreads friends (and possibly their Facebook) will see it in their update feeds. That's how viral popularity starts. It worked for E.L. James with '50 Shades of Grey'; it worked for Ally Condie with 'Matched'; it could work for you too. However, many authors confess to finding the formatting of their manuscript to CreateSpace's standards to be difficult. Who has the time to spend hours learning, fiddling, tweaking, proofing, and submitting? This course can save you days and days of fumbling around trying to discover the best ways of formatting your manuscript yourself. It will enable you once you have completed the course to get a book into CreateSpace-ready format in around an hour. If you struggle at any point, I will do it for you and show you exactly what I did to get it right. The course is packed with information, practical steps and activities, as well as tons of bonuses, such as PDF downloads and checklists to guide you along the way. It won't take you more than an hour or two to complete and the benefits will be with you forever. You can pick and mix to just study the bits you need, if you already know how to do the formatting but want to learn how to produce books that are professional enough to stand side-by-side with traditionally-published books. The course has a full guarantee and will be accessible whenever you need to check back, in case you forget something. I will also keep it up-to-date and add new resources as time goes on. You are welcome to ask questions, I'll support you all I can. You can find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter if I don't respond quickly enough on Udemy! (They don't always send out announcements about new questions.) NOTE: This course is currently mostly suitable for Windows users (due to the demise of my Mac!)."
Price: 39.99

"Copyright Basics: How to Protect Your Work from Piracy" |
"Youre an artist a graphic designer youre writing a book youve developed a website, youre a photographer, youve recorded some great music.. .. youre a start-up. In that case, you really need to understand how to protect your intellectual property. It could be your most valuable asset- and the easiest to steal. Someone breaks into Coca Colas premises and steals a truck. Thats easy to sort out. A truck is physical. Coca Cola owned the truck, they taxed it, they registered it. They even insured it against theft. Intellectual property Your photos. Your designs. Your novel. Your music composition are your intellectual property, so you need to understand the basics of copyright protection. What will you learn in this Copyright Basics: How to Copyright? The really basic stuff, like how to type a Copyright symbol on your computer you know, the little C in a circle in this copyright basics course. The difference between copyright, patenting and trade mark protection. Why protecting a product design is different from a graphic design. The ins and outs of registering copyright and Ill explain the dangers in using whats called Poor mans Copyright Ill reveal all the misconceptions - and there are lots! For example THERE IS NO EQUIVALENT of the Drugs Enforcement Agency. There ARE no copyright cops. There is no authority that will sort out disputes for you How to find out if someone has already registered a trademark How the music industry and book publishers are protecting themselves against internet Pirate sites. And Ill show you how, even as a one-man band, you can get someone who infringes your copyright to desist - without going to law. In fact, Ill share a real-life Case Study where another writer copied my own website - wholesale. How I stopped her in one day flat. AND, Ill give you lots of really useful links. Plus some interesting anecdotes and history about copyright to amuse you along the way. Take this Copyright Basics: course right now and learn how to copyright your intellectual property."
Price: 19.99

"Essential Options: Strategies for Mastering the Stock Market" |
"Join Pro Market Advisors (PMA) founding partners Rick Swope and Shawn Howell as they introduce you to some of the core principles and teach you the strategies necessary to becoming a skilled option trader. Designed for novice stock investors and beginning option traders, the PMA Essential Options course: provides twenty-five video recordings from PMAs online webinar training sessions along with their 58 page Intro to Options color manual in PDF and three 20 questions quizzes to test your knowledge. In total you'll receive over four hours of video training. The Stock Market Training course covers topics such as Technical Analysis, Risk Management, Stock Selection and Six Basic Option Strategies (Long Calls, Speculative Puts, Protective Puts, Covered Call/Buy Write, The Collar and Bull Call Spreads. Rick Swope and Shawn Howell founded Pro Market Advisors to offer you quality, non-hyped, real world financial education. PMA partnerships include the leaders in trading and investing: E*TRADE, Chicago Board Options Exchange, The Options Industry Council, NYSE Euronext, NASDAQ, and ISE. Rick and Shawn are also the co-authors of Trading By Numbers (Wiley Global Finance, 2012). Take this ultimate Stock Market Training course and learn stock market for beginners with 6 essential strategies. "
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Photographic Effects" |
"Join one of the worlds foremost Photoshop experts, Colin Smith. Colin shares his mouth-watering recepies, that will turn your photographs into jaw-dropping masterpieces. He reveals how to mimick the coolest traditional darkroom techniques and a whole lot more that would usually require thousands of dollars of special gear. He studied photographs that used special development processes and equipment, such as tilt-shift lens, toy cameras etc. He then deconstructed the looks and turned them into easy to follow photoshop techniques.Learn how to change the time of day, the weather and even the environment. These techniques are just like magic! All of these original techniques stand up to industry standards, because Colin has used them in his professional work for years. You will be amazed at how easy these techniques are once you know the secret sauce. All the photographs have been taken by Colin, so there are no canned, stock photos. You wont find these techniques in the user manual... or anywhere else.Photographers and designers will celebrate this one-of-a-kind title in their learning library.</p>"
Price: 24.99

"Minute Taking at Meetings" |
"And you'll take the minutes. This is a statement that often sends fear into the minds of meeting attendees. Why? Because too many people consider the role boring, stressful, and non-important. This three-hour Minute Taking course: How to Take Minutes at Meetings will change your mind. I have been involved in the meeting process -- both as a minute taker and as a chair -- for many years. In fact, I have written one of the first books exclusively on minute taking -- The Minute Takers Handbook -- now in its 4th reprint. Since then I have taught minute taking to all sorts of groups. And I have learned even more techniques to help you. Whether you are taking minutes for boards, committees, weekly meetings, volunteer groups or your condo association, this workshop will make you more confident and enable you to produce professional minutes. Take this ultimate Minute Taking course right now and learn how to take minutes at meetings."
Price: 94.99

"Monta un servidor web con Linux desde cero" |
"Cualquier contenido que se muestra en Internet, o en una Intranet empresarial, en un explorador web es presentado a travs de un servidor web. La mayor parte de pginas web de Internet estn publicadas en el servidor web Apache HTTP Server que a su vez est instalado, normalmente, sobre un sistema operativo Linux. Tanto Apache como Linux son programas de cdigo abierto o Open Source: no son propietarios de ninguna compaa y pueden ser usados, y modificados libremente. En el curso "Monta un servidor web con Linux desde cero" aprenderemos a instalar un servidor web Apache sobre Linux desde cero. El curso contiene ms de 4 horas de vdeo, adems de materiales de apoyo a modo de resmenes y documentacin, llenos de enlaces de inters donde poder ampliar cualquier concepto. Todo el Software que utilizaremos es gratuito y puede ser descargado libre y legalmente de Internet. Al final del curso el alumno habr instalado y configurado desde cero un servidor listo para instalar sobre l un sistema de blogs como Word Press u otras herramientas Open Source basadas en el lenguaje de programacin PHP y el gestor de bases de datos MySQL. Este curso no es slo un curso sobre tecnologa: Es un curso en el que el alumno ser guiado para, de forma eminentemente prctica, instalar su propio servidor Un regalo para cualquier amante de la tecnologa curioso sobre el funcionamiento de Internet. Una ayuda inestimable para quin necesite instalar un servidor web basado en Linux que funcione sin necesidad de leer varios libros sobre distintas tecnologas. Y lo mejor de todo: todas las tecnologas que usaremos en el curso son libres y gratuitas, todo lo que necesitas es tu propio ordenador. Al final de este curso estars en disposicin de publicar tu propia pgina web personal o profesional en Internet sin necesidad de contratar un servicio de hosting o alojamiento.Todo lo que necesitas para completar este curso habiendo montado tu propio servidor web es un ordenador (el tuyo) en el que poder montar una mquina virtual. Una mquina virtual permite hacer una instalacin de otro sistema operativo sin tocar tu actual instalacin. Es como cualquier programa que instalas , al iniciarse se arranca la mquina virtual y dentro de ella se ejecuta, como si fuese otro ordenador, otro sistema operativo. Existen multitud de sistemas gratuitos de virtualizacin. Lo nico que hay que tener en cuenta es que la mquina virtual compartir (y competir) por los recursos del sistema en el que est instalado por lo que lo ideal es contar con un ordenador con, al menos 2 GB de memoria RAM y 20 GB de espacio libre en disco.El curso es eminentemente prctico y basado en vdeos. Todas las lecciones tienen material complementario que servirn como apoyo a las lecciones en vdeo y apuntes con los conceptos, comandos y configuraciones realizadas. Todos los textos estn apoyados con enlaces a diversas fuentes donde ampliar cualquier concepto o tecnologa que se considere interesante o necesaria."
Price: 44.99

"SAP Security Training for all" |
"A Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Get your first job interview for SAP. " Get a recession proof skill at 1/10th the cost of training " A career which can easily help you learn valuable skill. There is no other module which is as central to SAP implementations and support as SAP Security. with SAP security skills, you get exposure to all elements of business as each function involves SAP security configuration. It is also easy to learn and forms a good entry module for beginners. Excel in SAP security. The author will teach you with live videos and other aids all the basic skills needed to be an SAP Security administrator in an organization. In no time will you have a good insight into all SAP routine administration tasks. The course is intended to be lucid, easy to follow not theoretical as are most of the courses taught online. crack sap interviews successfully and get a 6 figure job. Get a career break in SAP."
Price: 39.99

"Fotografa con iPhone" |
"Un exclusivo y completo curso de fotografa aplicada al iPhone y dedicado a todas aquellas personas que buscan realizar fotos impresionantes con el smartphone de Apple.Con este fascinante curso, conocers tanto la teora como la tcnica fotogrfica aplicada a la fotografa con mvil. Una nueva tendencia en la captacin de imgenes que apasiona a todo el que la prueba.Sus principales caractersticas: Inmediatez y sencillez tanto en la captacin como en la edicin de la imagen, capacidad de compartir y automticamente en redes sociales e internet, as como la impresionante caldiad fotogrfica que se obtiene, hacen de la fotografa con iPhone un hobby cada da ms extendido.Con este curso dominars la tcnica y teora fotogrfica por medio de la cmara de tu iPhone.Un curso presentado en 17 video tutoriales en HD. Claras y pedaggicas unidades locutadas en estudio. Con resmenes y esquemas contenidos en los .PDF de cada unidad. Exmen final."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Perl 5 By Doing It" |
"Discover some of the amazing things you can do with Perl 5, including downloading text and images from the Internet (just like Zuckerberg in The Social Network), reformatting data, importing and exporting data to and from databases, sysadmin-type tasks like renaming or moving files, fixing even huge amounts of data quickly and even creating web CGI scripts. In this course you'll also learn how to use regular expressions, those unbelievably useful little things that have now made their way into almost every serious programming language, yet remain the bte noire of many a developer."
Price: 24.99

"iOS 7 & Mac OS X Programming Tutorial - Objective C & Xcode" |
"THIS COURSE IS NOW UPGRADED FOR iOS7 Learn How To Program For Both IOS Mobile Devices And The Mac Operating System Aimed Towards The Beginner, No Prior Experiance Required Easy To Follow Lessons That Allow You To Learn At Your OwnPace In this Objective-C programming training course expert author will teach you how to leverage the technologies that Objective-C, Xcode and the Apple Frameworks have to offer. This course focuses on the Objective-C programming language, utilizing Xcode and Frameworks wherever necessary to build your App. You start the tutorial with a review of the Xcode interface, and how you are going to use it to build your Objective-C project. Jesse teaches you what Objective-C is, and the structure of an Objective-C App. Throughout this video tutorial you will learn about using declared properties and instance variables, how to manage memory, creating and working with classes, and how to use the debugger effectively. You will explore protocols and delegates, using blocks, handling exceptions, using selectors and much more! Once you have completed this computer based training course on Objective-C programming, you will understand how to write Objective-C code, how to utilize provided Apple Frameworks and how to use Xcode to build your App."
Price: 49.99

"Despierta tu Creatividad" |
"En este curso te muestro diversas formas para crear una pintura o un dibujo. Vers demostraciones que explican paso a paso varios procesos creativo y que te ayudar a crear independientemente un cuadro nico y muy personal.Aprenders a trabajar en blanco y negro, en color, cmo organizar formas y tonos y cmo crear una composicin siguiendo tu intuicin. Con cada ejercicio te divertirs!"
Price: 129.99

"Unleash your Creativity" |
"This course introduces you to various forms of creative painting. It aims to help you find and develop your own personal creativity and visual expression according to your strengths and interests.You will see step by step demonstrations on different creative processes that will help you to create an original and very personal artwork. We explore experimental techniques for composition, layering, textures, transparency and blind drawing, with an emphasis on the creative process and exploration. In one lesson you'll learn how to draw in 15 minutes!This course is for beginners and advanced students who are interested in using painting as a vehicle for growth as a creative being. Each technique is fun!Take this ultimate Unleash Your Creativity course right now and learn different creative processes to create an exclusive and professional abstract painting"
Price: 129.99

"Basics of Medical Microbiology" |
"An Introduction to the study of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Topics include History of Microbiology, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Classification, Microscopy, Staining techniques, and Microbial growth and nutrition. Materials will include PowerPoint presentations, links to videos, and lecture notes. The course may take a week or more to complete. It is structured in such a way that there will be a progression from one concept to the next, although each lesson will be a stand alone. It will include laboratory aspects associated with Microbiology. Whether you are new to Microbiology, want to refresher course, or learn certain basic yet complex concepts, this course aims to deliver quality material which will make learning more engaging and Microbiology a more fascinating subject, specially as it relates to Medicine. "
Price: 19.99

"Prenatal Yoga" |
"Covering each week of pregnancy (week 12 through week 40), these video classes provide the yoga postures you need to take care of yourself and your growing baby. Each video includes a warm-up followed by a series of standing, seated, and lying postures, all especially adapted for your stage of pregnancy. They finish with a lovely guided relaxation to help you to learn to be in the moment. Classes last 30-60 minutes. The course will help prepare your body and your mind to deliver your baby. It will facilitate you regaining your figure after childbirth. All postures and techniques are especially adapted to take care of you and your baby. Classes contain:Information on you and your baby's development for that week of your pregnancyWarm Up exercisesSun Salutations adapted for your growing babyYoga postures - standing, seated and lyingYoga breathing techniquesRelaxation You can start the course at the week that is appropriate for you. We look forward to joining you on your wonderful journey."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Excel 2013 Advanced. Online Excel Training Course" |
"Learn the expert features and functions in Microsoft Excel 2013, alongside our expert author, to help you get you beyond the basics and have advanced-level proficiency within the Excel 2013 suite Whilst in this course well cover the basics of Excel, including SUM, MIN, MAX and other conditional statements, well quickly move onto more advanced-level topics including: IF statements VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Sparklines Pivot Tables and Charts Macro Operations The Ability to Master Excel By the completion of this computer based advanced Excel training video for Microsoft Excel 2013, you will be comfortable with many of the advanced features and functions that this powerful spreadsheet software from Microsoft has to offer. With the ability to handle advanced tasks in Excel, youll be able to get more power out of your worksheets and be able to dramatically shorten your task times and increase your efficiency in the process. Content and Overview Suitable for beginners with Microsoft Excel (as well cover the basics early on) but also for those who wish to cover the advanced topics in Excel. Through the course of 128 lectures and 10+ hours of content, youll learn all of the basic and advanced items of Excel, which will enable you to use Excel expertly within in a personal or commercial environment. Complete with working files and code samples, youll be able to follow along with the author throughout the lessons, and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 49.99

"Gain Weight, Build Muscle and Increase Energy" |
"Athletes that struggle to gain lean muscle body weight can finally stop looking...the answer is in this course. Follow the "Game Plan" that Tavis outlines and get results the right way. The "Getting Started" unit is the most important part of the "Game Plan," so don't skip it. You will be able to download all of the documents needed to complete the course and begin to see the results you have been looking for. After you complete the course take the exam and test your knowledge. You will meet other athletes that are taking this course and learn what is working from them as well. Take this ultimate course right now and learn how to gain weight and build muscle fast."
Price: 29.99

"Remix Tutorial: How to Remix in Logic Pro X" |
"Here's what some of my students are saying about this course:""This course has been very helpful. I previously had no clue what you needed to remix a song, but within minutes I had a good understanding of how to get started. Dylan Bowes is an excellent teacher, and I cannot wait to complete this course."" - JT B.""This course is fantastic - the lectures are set out extremely well and Dylan presents the material in simple terms. Great for beginners and experienced users of Logic Pro."" -P Dwyer""This course was great. The instructor was knowledgeable and helpful and the video lectures taught me a lot. Would definitely recommend!"" - Susana M.---This course is a comprehensive guide to creating remixes using Logic Pro. After taking this course, you'll have everything you need to know to get started making remixes! We'll walk through finding remixes opportunities, setting up remix stems in your project, changing stem tempos, creating instrument tracks, using insert effects, midi sequencing, mixing and mastering your track, and everything else in between. Using 100% high definition video lectures, you'll watch as I remix a pop tune from start to finish. I'll provide all of the midi and audio files I use to remix the song for your reference. I'll also provide the Logic project file at the outset so that you can follow along with my work. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to get started making remixes. If you've never opened up Logic before, we will make you feel right at home and show you the basics of working with Logic. Or, if you have some experience remixing but want to improve your skills, we'll give you some new tips and tricks to make the most out of your experience with Logic Pro."
Price: 19.99

"VLSI - Essential concepts and detailed interview guide" |
"This course is about Basic concepts of VLSI System Design. The course is designed in the form of micro-videos, which delivers content in the form of Info-Graphics. It is designed for self-learning and will help to polish the Industrial skills in VLSI World. This course will cover end-to-end description from basic Device Physics to Chip Design.The introductory video series focuses on the basic elemental physics and electrical characteristics of MOS Transistor.This course covers most topics in brief and not in detail, just to revise topics below interviews. For detailed and thorough discussion of each topic, you need to go to individual courses. All the best for your interviews and happy learning"
Price: 194.99

"Writing your life story. Turning memories into memoir" |
"Write Your Life StoryDo you have a story about your life that you are yearning to write?Your story is important. Its your life and it is your legacy.Your story can be just for you, a healing story, a slice of life or self-help. Imagine passing your story down through the generations.How to turn your life into a book, your memoirTurning your life into a memoir is simpler than you think. In this course, I take you on a journey through your life, helping you to decide what slice of life you will share and then editing it so that it engages with your readers.It can often be difficult to write your story as you meander back into your personal history. This is such a worthwhile venture. It brings clarity while being cathartic and it is always inspiring.You don't have to have had a tough life to write a memoir, you can write yours to provide a legacy for future generations or you can just write it because you can.You don't even have to publish it, but just imagine if you did, imagine giving your book to friends and family... Or lclients if you are using this to teach with.Writing your memoir gives you truth and clarity.It can be happy, sad, funny, scary, cutting or kind, but most of all, its about you, your life and your truth - the way you see and have experienced it.Even if you think that all you have done is gone from birth to where you are now with nothing exciting to share, I would beg to differ. I bet there is much more to your life, than you give yourself credit for.Memoir lets you share your stories, in a way that lets others see what you went through (good or not so good), shows who you are and says 'maybe I can help you, maybe you can learn from me.""Your memoir could be your story, you could write it because you need to heal, or you can turn it into a self help book, where you provide advice to others. Whichever you choose, this course will help you to plan it, write it, edit and get it self published.The challenge is to get started. Let me take you on a journey that will make writing your memoir as stress free and easy as possible.Join me for the next part of your life and writing adventure"
Price: 94.99

"Microsoft Project: The Five Keys - Key 2 Task Links (Part A)" |
"This is Part A of Key 2, and covers Task Entry and Task Linking in MS Project.Here is a summary of where this key fits into the Five Keys Method: Key 1 covered Navigation. Key 2 has two modules: This Task Linking Mechanics (Part A) module and then is followed by a second module on the Application of Task Linking (Part B) in project schedules. Thus Key 2 covers not only how task linking works (Part A), but how it enables the application of key scheduling features (Part B)---such as the critical path method---to help you create effective project plans. Key 3 covers Task Constraints---one of the most misunderstood components of MS Project. Key 4 covers Project Calendars. Key 5 cover Tracking Actual Progress. In total the Five Keys gives you the essential skills needed to use MS Project in a way that keeps the tool lean but powerful, and thus the Five Keys teaches you to use MS Project in a way that actually helps your projects be more successful."
Price: 199.99

"Cmara rflex digital" |
"La cmara fotogrfica rflex digital, es quizs el mayor exponente en cuanto a calidad y prestaciones de un equipo fotogrfico al alcance del usuario. Es por ello la herramienta principal del profesional y el sueo de muchos aficionados a la fotografa.Aunque existe una gran variedad de marcas y modelos, sus caractersticas principales son similares en todas ellas ya que estn basadas en los conceptos y fundamentos de la teora y tcnica fotogrfica.Este curso presenta de una manera sencilla y progresiva las cuestiones que necesita conocer y dominar todo aquel que desea utilizar una cmara rflex digital.Con este curso dominars la tcnica y las diferentes funciones fotogrficas para utilizar la cmara rflex digital.Un curso presentado en 8 video tutoriales en HD. Claras y pedaggicas unidades locutadas en estudio. Con resmenes y esquemas contenidos en los .PDF de cada unidad. Exmen final.</p></p>"
Price: 19.99

"Prenatal Yoga for Labor" |
"This Yoga during Pregnancy course will help you manage pain during labor, build confidence in your capacity to deliver your baby and to prepare your mind for childbirth. The Yoga during Pregnancy: Yoga Breathing Exercises and Postures course offers three special video classes to help you prepare for labor. All postures and techniques are especially adapted to take care of you and your baby. The three classes are:Yoga with your birth partnerYoga postues for labor Yoga breathing exercises for labor Yoga with your birth partner will build confidence and communication between you and your birth partner. The yoga postures will prepare your body for contractions. The yoga breathing will let you rehearse each stage of your labor with specific breathing techniques. These classes are ideally practised in the third trimester of your pregnancy. We look forward to joining you on your wonderful journey. Take this ultimate Yoga during Pregnancy: yoga breathing exercises and postures course right now and manage labor pain."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 the Easy Way - 9 Hours" |
"With the newest version of Microsofts presentation software, PowerPoint 2013, you can do more than ever when it comes to creating expertly designed slideshows. In this PowerPoint Training: How to Use PowerPoint 2013 course, our professional instructor will walk you through the exciting new features of PowerPoint 2013. Throughout this 9-hour class, youll learn the most effective ways to create polished presentations along with valuable shortcuts and tips for saving time. Starting with the basics, youll discover how to work with the colorful new PowerPoint 2013 templates and to design your own backgrounds from scratch. Then, youll learn to add images, hyperlinks, audio, and video for engaging slides and attention-grabbing animations. As you then learn to merge shapes, maximize smart guides, and use motion paths, youll master custom icon creation and accurately aligned graphics. Finally, youll see how to take your presentations to the cloud as you learn to save your work online and to publish to the SkyDrive. Dont let technical difficulties get in your way. Prepare for every meeting by learning to size presentations in standard and wide screen layouts, and to run them on the web or via smartphones. From 10 minute slideshows to lengthy presentations, this PowerPoint 2013 training course will give you the tools you need to share your story effectively. Even if youve been making presentations for years, our tutorials will give you the inside scoop on new PowerPoint 2013 features that will take your work up another notch. Your presentations will look better than ever! Plus, when you sign up for our class, youll also get these 6 BONUSES in addition to the 40+ online course videos: Downloadable & printable keyboard shortcuts - to help you save time and get your work done faster. An online quiz (40 questions) - to test what you've learned. Exercise files to help you become proficient with the material. Downloadable & printable transcripts to give you another learning option, if you prefer reading but dont have time to take notes. Downloadable MP3s to play on your favorite audio device - to help you learn in the car, while you walk, or in the gym. A certificate of completion to tell everyone you've aced the course. Take this ultimate PowerPoint Training course right now and learn how to use PowerPoint 2013. What People Are Saying: Great content and well-paced. Even if you've been using PowerPoint, there's something new in here to learn. David Wilson Very Informative - Yes I am learning. Lessons are very clear and concise. Geneva Gallander Very thorough in scope. Very well planned out & rehearsed. Jason Hill Very well presented course, will need a lot of practice to become really proficient. It is great that review is available! -Zsuzsanna Hamran At half point in this course, I am enjoying it very much. The instructor is very organized, knows the subject well, prepared for this course, and I like the way the presentations are set up. Thank you. -Laurie Haj Ashab"
Price: 74.99

"Telling the Story of Your Research in Academic Contexts" |
"Telling the Story of Your Research in Academic Contexts Students in academia frequently hear: be aware of your audience, write for your reader. But how do you actually do this? Join me for a deep dive into the issue of narration in academic writing. Let me help you understand the plot of academic research and how to tell the story of your research, regardless of your field. This workshop will enable you to make deliberate decisions about the use of: Active or passive voice First or third person Transitions Signposting (telling the reader what to expect) Tenses Guided exercises will help you understand how to narrate your own projects using the conventions of your field. Tell the story of your research with confidence and clarity."
Price: 59.99

"Publish your own ""4 Pics 1 Word"" iPhone Game Clone, 0 coding" |
"Thank you for your interest in this course, my name is Yohann, I will be your instructor. With this course, you get the full source code of a game clone called 4 Pics 1 Word. This is an iPhone app where the player is shown 4 images and he or she needs to guess what is the hidden word in these pictures. Its simple enough that anyone can pick it up quickly, and its also very addictive. This type of game has made it to the top chart and whats great about it is that its not just a trendy game, its an app that keeps getting downloaded over the years and people keep playing it. Since this source code comes with advertising banners and in-app purchases, the game is prone to bring you passive income for the years to come. This game source code costs $200 on its own, and youre getting it for free with this course, with an unlimited license, meaning you can keep using this code and make dozens of games out of it. You can make games about guessing the artists, celebrities, logos, icons, TV shows, countries, presidents and so much more, You imagination has no limits. In this course, I show you every single steps you need to start, and Im assuming you know nothing or very little,and Im gonna help you succeed having your very own game, published in the itunes app store, without having to write not even one single line of code! This is one of the easiest app youll ever get to put your hands on. There is barely any graphics to change, just a few colors and the words to guess. This is a perfect way to start your mobile app business or increase your app portfolio quickly. This is a great course with a source code thats proven to work, make the right decision and join us now. Ill see you in the classroom."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Use Public Domain in Your Business" |
"You are about to discover the secrets of public domain. The Public Domain is a world of free content and resources that you can exploit, use, sell, and give way to build your online empire. You will learn how to use the public domain as is or to create new products. You'll find out what is in the public domain. This is a great way to start a business, or to use in your existing business. You'll find out: How to find material that's free and clear for you to use. How to locate and verify public domain works. What topics sell. You will learn: How to get started making money with public domain. How to package your work for sale. Where to sell you products. Everything you need to know to monetize your public domain works. You will find everything you need to know to get started making money in the public domain, from finding copyright-free books, photos, illustrations, art, music, videos to preparing them for sale to selling your products online. You'll also get lots of links to essential web resources. And best of all, you don't have to spend another dime of your own money to profit from the public domain! You will be given homework after each section. The homework is designed to guide you through the process to making and selling your own product. Do the homework as we go along and you will have a completed project ready to sell at the end of the course. You will get the PDF for each section. You will get a PDF of URLs for each section. You will get a PDF of resources. I have updated the course as of Aug. 28, 2015. If you signed up for the course before then please read the update in Section 8 Lecture 30. I have also added a bonus lecture 27."
Price: 49.99

"Rhythm to Rock Drum Lessons 3" |
"Before studying lesson 3, you must first be proficient at lessons 1 and 2. In lesson 1 you learned how to play and read quarter notes in 4/4 time signature. In lesson 2 you learned how to play and read half notes in 2/4 time signature. In this third lesson you will learn how to play and read dotted half notes in 3/4 time signature. You will also learn a new exercise for the development of your hand technique and you will learn a new Etude that will summarize all skills learned to date. You will need the same things that you used for lesson 1 and 2."
Price: 19.99
