"Statistics / Data Analysis: Survey Data and Likert Scales" |
"November, 2019.This course takes the viewer through the key steps of entering and processing questionnaire/survey data and Likert scales in SPSS, including creating variables in SPSS, entering value labels, using statistical analyses to identify data entry errors, recoding Likert items, computing total (composite) scores, conducting reliability analyses of Likert scales, and computing other statistics, including frequencies, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), and correlations. In addition to this, a number of additional database management skills in SPSS are also covered. Created by an award-winning university instructor with a focus on simple and accurate (step by step) explanations of the material. Specifically, in this course you will learn the following: How to enter questionnaire data for qualitative and quantitative variables in SPSSHow to reverse code negatively-worded Likert scale itemsHow to create composite (total) scores in SPSSHow to conduct reliability analyses (coefficient alpha) in SPSSHow to use statistical analysis to detect data entry errorsHow to use SPSS syntax to quickly and efficiently analyze dataHow to score/recode true/false (dichotomous) data in SPSSHow to create professional looking Likert scales in Microsoft WordLearn SPSS database management skills, including inserting variables and cases, recoding variables, applying value labels to several variables at once, handling missing values in SPSS, and moreLearn how to conduct statistical analyses in SPSS, including frequencies, descriptives, correlation, and more. (The primary focus of this course is on questionnaire/survey data and Likert scales; for a more detailed look at data analysis in SPSS, our courses descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS courses are recommended) This course is perfect for professionals looking to increase the data processing skills in SPSS, for those working on survey research, and for students working on theses or dissertations (or other research projects). "
Price: 94.99

"Google Hangouts Mastery - Generate Massive Business Online" |
"Google has given all marketers access to tool for SERIOUS traffic that anyone can use! Learn to Use Google Hangouts to Grow Your Business for Zero Cost! The methods in this course are REALLY simple baby step by baby step directions to follow. All you need is the willingness to take hangouts seriously. Once you see Google Hangouts as your television station, this course will have you creating traffic pulling content at will. Follow 20 step video formula to have the kind of FREE traffic system that you'll seriously need as Google begins to rely more on video. You've got nothing to lose but everything to gain. In these videos you will reveal the new secrets of making money with hangouts from all angles in internet marketing and in your business. You'll be amazed at how regardless of what your niche is, you'll be able to use Google Hangouts for more profits."
Price: 44.99

"Hacking Wireless Networks. Theory and practice." |
"LAST UPDATED: 07/2020Welcome to Hacking School! Ethical Wireless Network Hacking Course:Hacking Wireless Networks. Theory and practice. Before we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you. This course covers all the important techniques related with WIRELESS NETWORK (or WiFi) HACKING used by hackers, system administrators and pentesters. Wireless networks are all around us. You want it or not, you ARE part of this system. As new wireless encryption-standards are being developed, new attack techniques are being discovered and presented at the same time. Its a real arms race. Either you want to make your home WiFi network more secure, you want to recover a forgotten password, or you want to break into your wireless network to prove it is secure - regardless of the WiFi encryption-type used (WEP, WPA, WPA2), you will find the answer in this course. What you can expect from this course: You will get access to over 60 interesting lectures on Wireless Network HackingYou can download the course Handbook in PDF (over 180 pages)You can download the Training Operating System v2.0 CE (CUDA Extension) which is equipped with all the tools described in this courseIt is a step by step training on WiFi ethical hackingIt covers over 25 different Wireless Network Hacking techniques and experimentsThis course can be treated as a valuable source of knowledge by white- and blackhat hackers, pentesters and network analystsYou can get access to all the source codes and tools described in the course its already prepared for you in the Training Operating System environmentYou can boot the Training Operating System from CD/DVD or start it inside a virtual machine (using VirtualBox on Windows and VMware Fusion on MAC OSX) What you need to know before you begin: This ethical hacking course is intended to help you regardless of your current knowledge and skills. All you need is a basic computer knowledge and our Training Operating System v2.0 (you will also get access to it!).We will show you how to prepare your training environment. In this environment you can experiment freely, without doing harm to anybody.You will find all the source codes and examples inside your Training OS to avoid unnecessary code retyping.Most of the modules (lessons) contain the attack related part, as well as a guidance to protect your own wireless network.What you will find inside can also be used by beginners - thanks to live Video Training attached to the course. The complete list of all the video training sessions included in this course: The configuration of wireless network card modesChanging the MAC address of the wireless network cardFinding a hidden access point with disabled ESSID broadcastThe use of deauthentication attack for jamming network trafficThe overview and demonstration of the chop-chop attackGenerating packets without knowing the network keyInteractive packet replay and ARP request replayThe demonstration of the PTW and KoreK attacksCreating a fake access point the Caffe Latte attackThe dictionary attack on WPA/WPA2The dictionary attack on WPA/WPA2 using hash tablesCUDA the initial preparation of the environmentThe installation of CUDA-SDK and CUDA-ToolkitThe compilation and installation of the tools with CUDA supportThe optimization of the parameters of an nVidia video cardCUDA preparation for the attackCUDA the attack on WPA/WPA2Generating your own dictionaryApplications for cracking MD4 and MD5 hashes with the use of CUDA technology Please be advised that all the techniques presented in this course can only be used ethically and in your own testing / researching environment. Note that you will get all the required tools and information to prepare your own training system. Please see the Legal information in the 1st section for further legal reference. We guarantee your 100% satisfaction or you will get your money back. You have 30 days to decide if this course is for you. You will get access to the whole system. If for any reason you're not satisfied with your training, you will get a full refund. No questions asked. Good luck and see you on the other side,Andrew Harper Hacking School Team "
Price: 99.99

"Small Business Lead Generation" |
"**UPDATEDOCTOBER2017**** Called ""a must have for anyone looking to get new leads for their business without cold calling. Simply THE BEST"" Landing new clients to grow your business doesn't have to be nightmare... There's a better way than cold calling and going to networking events that rarely yield meaningful results...yet for some reason people keep approaching growing their business this way!? In this course, I want to teach you how to connect with any potential client you want using cold emails. Can you imagine being 1 click away for anyone that might benefit from your product or service? It's a pretty powerful place to be...and way more fun than picking up the phone to pitch yourself to someone who doesn't want to talk to you. Whether you've tried cold emailing before or this is your first time, you're going to get a ton of value out of this course. Many people I've taught recoup their investment in less than 1 day of implementing the strategies I teach! You'll learn things like: How to create a clockwork system for developing new leads and prospects to grow your business Places to find potential clients for your business How to find the right person to reach out to at target businesses 8+ proven methods to find anyone's email address How to think and write like a world class copywriter 9 Cold Email rules you should always follow 4 Things you should always avoid Eight different cold email scripts you can use today How to increase your response rate from prospects by 50% with one little tweak When and how you should follow up with people you're reaching out to maximize efficiency How to convert initial cold emails to meetings and handle rebuttals like ""we don't have the money"", ""this isn't a good fit,"" or ""we already work with a competitor"" Does having a crystal clear understanding of all of these things sound like it would supercharge your business? If you're not convinced, look no further than my Cold Emailing For Startups Course. It's been taken by over 11,000 students and has an average 5 star review! I created this course because many people who took this course wanted more, and a greater focus on applying these strategies if you weren't building a technology startup. This course is perfect for you if: You have a freelancing, consulting, or small business Your customers are often small businesses, local companies or targeted individuals You want to learn how to connect with anyone to pitch your product or service You're tired of trying to drum up business with cold calls and ineffective networking events No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this class (see the testimonials above for proof). I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now! Talk soon, Scott Britton P.S. The $197 price is an initial offering to build the students and positive reviews. I believe being able to start a dialogue with anyone in the world is worth way more than 30 cents a day for the next year so I plan on raising the price in the near future. If you want to take advantage of the initial price, I'd sign up sooner than later (Like now!)"
Price: 194.99

"CompTIA A+ 220-802 - Prepare For The CompTIA A+ 220-802 Exam" |
"In order to become CompTIA A+ Certified, you need to take this course and also the CompTIA 220-801 course. In this CompTIA A+ 220-802 Exam training course, expert author Mark Long will teach you everything you need to know to prepare for a career in IT and successfully complete the A+ 220-802 exam. You must pass the A+ 220-801 and A+ 220-802 exam to receive the CompTIA A+ certification. You will start by learning about the various Windows operating systems, including how to install Windows and use the command line tools. You will then learn about networking command line tools and administrative tools, such as performance monitor, Windows firewall, and task manager. Mark will teach you about the control panel utilities, including folder and power options and user accounts. This video tutorial will also cover how to configure Windows networking, sharing resources, and security. You will also learn about different mobile devices, such as Android, iOS, and Bluetooth. Finally, you will cover troubleshooting techniques, including common hard drive symptoms, network issues, and printer symptoms. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have the developed the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the A+ 220-802 (2012 Objectives) exam."
Price: 49.99

"A Concise Guide to a Successful Career in Industrial Sales" |
"Embarking on a career in sales is both exciting and daunting. It is a results orientated businesswhere the rewards can be great but the price of failure usually means a short lived career. This presentation is aimed at those who are in their early stages, or thinking, of starting a life selling into industry. There are a multitude and diverse selection of books and courses available to you but this is designed to give you the best possible initial grounding into your chosen profession. I have been selling at various levels for almost 40 years and believe me there is nothing quite like the feeling you getfrom landing a new lucrative account/contract no matter how far up the greasy pole you may get. However luck plays little part in that feeling but hard work and good advice is essential. If you are lucky enough to work for a professional and progressive company then you are likely to be sent on detailed and focussed training courses but you will certainly have to prove that you have the basics right before your company will invest good money in getting the best from you. The thrust of this presentation is to either enable you to grasp the fundamentals of selling prior to an interview or if you have landed your first sales role and feel a little guidance would help."
Price: 19.99

"Productos Notables Incluye Problemas de Examen Resueltos" |
"Este curso te ensenara la metodologa que te permitir razonar . en forma rpida, fcil y efectiva. La misma esta basada en mi experiencia con estudiantes de distintos pases, culturas y diferentes idiomas que lleva continuamente a la excelencia de mis alumnos. Requieres de un cuaderno un lpiz colores y una goma para borrar si te equivocas. Completas este curso acorde a la dedicacin que des al mismo y te sugiero que rehagas los ejercicios Qu dicen mis alumnos y sus padres? Diego Fernndez Mariaca - Ing. Comercial Universidad de Chile El penltimo ao de clases mis notas empezaron a bajar, los requerimientos del colegio eran ms altos que los aos pasados y yo tena dficit atencional. Claramente necesitaba alguna solucin. Estudiando las posibilidades decid ir a probar una clase donde Esther. Al principio estaba muy escptico pero varios de mis amigos me la recomendaron a ciegas y me dijeron que ella definitivamente era la persona que me poda ayudar. Apenas llegu donde Esther empez el cambio, no solo me enseaba fsica, matemticas o qumica si no que al mismo tiempo me enseaba como estudiar. Despus unas semanas decid hacer un anlisis de lo que haba aprendido; me di cuenta de que haba aprendido a hacer resumes eficientes, plantear problemas de manera correcta, sabia las maas de los ejercicios, me enfrentaba a los exmenes mejor que antes, aprovechaba mi tiempo mucho mejor que antes y lo principal, mis notas haban subido considerablemente. Todo esto me motiv a seguir estudiando y el problema de la concentracin se volvi mnimo ya que disfrutaba lo que haca. Fue entonces que decid tomar clases con Esther de manera regular puesto que si bien haba aprendido mucho todava quedaba mucho por perfeccionar. Adems el ambiente de estudio era muy agradable con ella y el tiempo renda muchsimo ms. Si alguien me preguntara como es una clase con Esther yo le dira: Sera una hora extremadamente productiva, donde te exigirn orden y rigurosidad y lo mejor de todo es que saldrs con la confianza de saber perfectamente lo que viste con ella. Ya creo haber mencionado las aptitudes que aprend con Esther que aunque parezca extrao me estn sirviendo aun ms ahora que estoy en la universidad que cuando estaba en el colegio. Es por eso que recomiendo a ciegas a Esther tal como me la recomendaron mis amigos. Sin duda, si conozco a alguien con virtudes para ensear esa es Esther. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catalina GONZALEZ DECKER - Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris Collge Universitaire d'tudes Ibriques et Latinomricaines Cuando busqu a Esther, pens que iba simplemente a tomar clases de matemticas. Para mi sorpresa, no fue as. Supe que no era una clase comn y corriente desde las primeras consignas: Lo nico que necesitas es un lpiz, una goma, ser ordenada con tus clculos y divertirte. Nunca haba tenido problemas en ninguna materia en el colegio, y por primera vez me senta incapacitada a entender. Esa frustracin se solucion con rapidez. Al empezar las clases con Esther, mis notas en matemticas ascendieron inmediatamente. Logr notas por las que ya me haba dado por vencida. Pero independientemente de las notas, logr comprender y disfrutar de lo que estudiaba. Le estuve agradecida a Esther hasta el da en el que sal bachiller, pues con ella haba superado el primer obstculo al que me vi enfrentada acadmicamente. Sin embargo, tuvieron que pasar unos aos ms para que me diera cuenta de que lo que de verdad le agradezco a Esther no son solamente las notas alcanzadas en matemticas. Creo que lo diferente de la experiencia con Esther, es que ella no slo logra efectos inmediatos, sino tambin siembra en sus alumnos cosas que se hacen tangibles una vez que estos ya la han dejado. El da de hoy, ya universitaria, las bases con las que trabajo son aquellas que adquir en esas clases de matemticas para el colegio. El simple hecho de ser ordenada en mis cuadernos y de saltar lneas entre cada clculo, hacen que hoy sea organizada a la hora de trabajar y estudiar en cualquier materia. Hoy soy capaz de estudiar con rigor, pero tambin de manera dinmica y sobre todo con placer. Aprendiendo de la mano de Esther, me hizo tambin ser consiente de que siempre hay una goma para volver a escribir en el papel, pues si se comenten errores al aprender, siempre hay una vuelta atrs: perd los miedos a atreverme a lograr cosas por ms riesgos que corra. Asimismo, hoy estoy segura de que los obstculos se presentan en nuestro camino para sobrepasarlos y no para darnos por vencidos Por eso y mucho ms Esther, Te voy a estar eternamente agradecida! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macri Bastos. Madre y psicloga clnica. Macri Bastos - Intercambios Culturales Bolivia Esther Iberkleid, no es slo una extraordinaria profesora de ciencias exactas, especialmente de matemticas, es un Maestra que sabe inculcar en sus estudiantes, el Amor por lo exacto, los nmeros, el razonamiento lgico. Ella es muy respetuosa de las limitaciones con las cuales sus estudiantes llegan, trabaja en ellos la auto-confianza, la alegra de aprender aquello que siempre han temido o no les gustaba. He tenido el gusto y el privilegio de que Esther sea la profesora de mis hijos. Ambos esperaban con entusiasmo asistir a sus clases, y llegaban con la dicha de haber aprendido cosas nuevas. No slo mis hijos han sido recomendados para tomar clases con ella, tambin los hijos e hijas de mis amigas. Uno paga la hora en Oro, pues sus clases no tienen precio, debido a la experiencia que los chicos reciben de desarrollar el gusto por la ciencia y la lgica. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sergio Hernn Rovira - La Paz, Bolivia: Gracias a ti Esther s que todo puede ser posible en esta vida y a veces miramos con nuestros ojos y no asi con el corazn como ser en el futuro cercano. Me cambiaste la vida desde la primera clase. Me sient y me siento revitalizado, grande que puedo hacer cosas que creia que eran literalmente imposibles, pero una charla contigo es un cambio de universo. Una realidad (esta) donde nada es inalcanzable, donde todo es posible y especialmente: DONDE NO EXISTEN LOS LMITES Gracias"
Price: 99.99

"Master en Inteligencia Emocional y Soft Skills YPD" |
"Aprender a hablar en pblico, empatizar con los dems, hacer presentaciones que impacten a tu audiencia, desarrollar tu marca personal, aprender a liderarte a ti mismo, establecer tus objetivos vitales, desarrollar tu espritu emprendedor, trabajar en equipo o desarrollar tu capacidad de cambio; son cosas necesarias tanto para el desarrollo profesional de cualquier persona, como para la vida en general. Sinopsis Este Master en Inteligencia Emocional y Soft Skills YPD es un completo programa compuesto de 12 cursos YPD para desarrollar tus habilidades y potenciar tu capacidad de comunicacin, creatividad y liderazgo: Descubre tu poder para influir y empatizar (CLIC)13 pasos para hablar en pblico (13 PASOS)Aprende a hacer presentaciones de alto impacto (PRESENTACIONES EFICACES)Desarrolla tu marca personal (LA MARCA)Desarrolla tu liderazgo con Viktor Frankl (LA VIDA ES BELLA)Dnde estoy y a dnde quiero ir (EL MAPA DE MI VIDA)Cmo montar tu negocio en 10 sesiones (PLAN DE NEGOCIO)Cmo montar tu empresa sin morir en el intento (EXPERIENCIA CARTOON)Aprende a venderte en 30 segundos (ELEVATOR PITCH)Desarrolla tu creatividad en el mundo de la publicidad (LA CAMPAA)Desarrolla tu espritu de equipo (EQUIPO 10)Desarrolla tu capacidad de cambio (METAMORFOSIS) Autores Franco Soldi (CEO Founder & YPD Captain) ""Jary"" Juan Antonio Ramos-Yzquierdo (Chief Operations Officer &YPD Captain)"
Price: 49.99

"Manejo Efectivo del Estrs" |
"CERTIFICADO: En este curso prctico usted conocer desde un visin experta todo lo relativo al concepto, fisiologa, utilidad, fases y estrategias para manejar el estrs de una manera efectiva en su vida. Este entrenamiento cuenta con una serie de 21 videos explicando cada elemento dentro de nuestro currculo. Tambin cuenta con un Test para medir su nivel de estrs, donde usted podr evaluarse y corregirlo a la vez (descargable). El curso tiene una duracin de unas 2 horas tericas, donde se plantean ejercicios puntuales para que usted los realice en el tiempo que usted considere y pueda as lograr los objetivos propuestos. Usted contar con 9 secciones divididas de la siguiente manera: Introduccin al curso El Estrs en la Actualidad, Cmo lo vemos? Fisiologa del Estrs Utilidad del Estrs El problema del Estrs Fases del Estrs Cul es mi nivel de Estrs? Estrategias para el Manejo del Estrs Resumen y cierre del curso Al tomar este curso usted se sentir en la capacidad de poder tomar control sobre su vida y los elementos que constantemente le causan estrs. Tendr las herramientas adecuadas que lograrn mejorar significativamente su calidad de vida. Podr ayudar a todo el que le rodea a manejar su estrs de la mejor manera posible. Usted proyectar una imagen de persona equilibrada frente a su ambiente laboral, familiar, social. Por ltimo, pero no menos importante, garantizar eliminar ciertas patologas o enfermedades que se producen por el manejo inadecuado del Estrs cotidiano. Lo garantizamos!, con este curso, usted tendr MUCHO QUE GANAR!"
Price: 49.99

"Aprende a Escribir tu Diario Personal" |
"En este curso tratamos sobre la importancia de la escritura en nuestra vida y como a travs de un diario personal tiene mltiple beneficios, siempre positivos para nuestra vida. Tambin ofrecemos 8 estrategias que te ayudarn a poder escribir un diario Personal. Este curso incluye material audiovisual. En este curso encontrars 20 clases en formato interactivo (video y audio) explicando todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el curso. Esta capacitacin tiene una duracin de ms de 1 horas terica, donde se plantean ejercicios puntuales para que los realices en el tiempo que consideres apropiado y puedas as lograr los objetivos propuestos. Contars con 6 secciones, divididas de la siguiente manera: SECCIN 1: Introduccin SECCIN 2:Definicin de escribir. SECCIN 3:Por qu escribir un diario personal SECCIN 4: Beneficios de escribir un diario personal. SECCIN 5: Herramientas para escribir un diario personal SECCIN 6: Conclusin del curso Al tomar este curso aprenders a plasmar en un cuaderno, libreta, bloc de notas o aplicacin tus propias vivencias, emociones, pensamientos, las dolencias o las frustraciones. El Diario Personal es una buena herramienta que ayuda a gestionar circunstancias por las atravieses en tu vida. Bienvenido a este espacio de crecimiento personal, esperamos que te sea de gran provecho. Jeymi Febles - Instructora"
Price: 19.99

"Docker Complete Training" |
"What is Docker? Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run distributed applications. Consisting of Docker Engine, a portable, lightweight runtime and packaging tool, and Docker Hub, a cloud service for sharing applications and automating workflows, Docker enables apps to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates the friction between development, QA, and production environments. As a result, IT can ship faster and run the same app, unchanged, on laptops, data center VMs, and any cloud. Why do developers like it? With Docker, developers can build any app in any language using any toolchain. Dockerized apps are completely portable and can run anywhere - colleagues OS X and Windows laptops, QA servers running Ubuntu in the cloud, and production data center VMs running Red Hat. Developers can get going quickly by starting with one of the 13,000+ apps available on Docker Hub. Docker manages and tracks changes and dependencies, making it easier for sysadmins to understand how the apps that developers build work. And with Docker Hub, developers can automate their build pipeline and share artifacts with collaborators through public or private repositories. Docker helps developers build and ship higher-quality applications, faster. Why do sysadmins like it? Sysadmins use Docker to provide standardized environments for their development, QA, and production teams, reducing works on my machine finger-pointing. By Dockerizing the app platform and its dependencies, sysadmins abstract away differences in OS distributions and underlying infrastructure. In addition, standardizing on the Docker Engine as the unit of deployment gives sysadmins flexibility in where workloads run. Whether on-premise bare metal or data center VMs or public clouds, workload deployment is less constrained by infrastructure technology and is instead driven by business priorities and policies. Furthermore, the Docker Engines lightweight runtime enables rapid scale-up and scale-down in response to changes in demand. Docker helps sysadmins deploy and run any app on any infrastructure, quickly and reliably."
Price: 19.99

"Design Grid Layouts for iPhone apps using Collection Views" |
"Display your content using grid layout's and write less code. This course teaches you how to layout your app's dynamic or static content. This course will teach you how you can adapt Apple's powerful UICollectionView classes for your apps to display pictures, options, or help screens. You will learn the easiest way to get things done with code examples that include building a custom help screen that scrolls between pages of content. The UICollectionView is powerful because you can display the same content in different ways. This is the best course to get started with the power of grid layouts in iOS 7 and Objective C. Signup today!"
Price: 29.99

"Easy Club Dance Moves for Men" |
"Embarrassed to "get down" on the dance floor? Being left out of the fun because you don't know how to dance? 2 left feet? 2 right ones as well? Learn the step-by-step process to getting started with dance in the Dance 101 - Club Dance For Men program! Unlike real-life dance classes, we won't be learning any fancy choreography or doing any goofy steps. Step-by-step, 1-on-1 style lessons Easy, modern dance moves No complicated or goofy choreography Follow-along drills to practice with Confidence building techniques Frequently asked questions answered Get started today and become the life of the party at the next clubbing, or social event!"
Price: 44.99

"Google Maps JavaScript API - Complete Training" |
"Maps make websites more useful; they can help users find businesses and areas of interest, get directions, or gain insights into new communities. In this course, learn to add interactive maps to your websites with Google Maps JavaScript API v3. Narayan Prusty first shows you how to set up the tools and get an API key. After an introduction to presenting simple maps with the JavaScript, the course describes how to set a map's initial state, switch between different map types, work with map markers, draw shapes, and work with zoom controls, the My Location button, and Much more. Topics include: Setting up the developer tools Adding required permissions Getting a Google Maps API key Setting a map's initial state Geocoding an address Adding map markers Handling marker events Drawing lines, polygons, and circles Adding maps to existing apps"
Price: 19.99

"Harness iPhone Touch Gesture Input for Games or Apps in iOS7" |
"You can use Apple's code to make it easy to enable finger interaction with your apps. This course is awesome. It will save you time. You won't spend weeks trying to get it to work right. The code samples are taken from two of my published iPhone apps, Photo Table and Artwork Evolution. You'll learn how to create a touch friendly app. Many apps use gestures to make the app fun to use. Download Flipboard, Clear, Paper FiftyThree, Paper Stories from Facebook. Slide your finger, drag some text, swipe up and down. Each of these apps makes people smile because they use touch gestures to make complex tasks easy and convenient. At the end of the course you can test your knowledge and build a working picture and text collage app. Topics UIGestureRecognizer Basics Gesture States (i.e. your status message) Pan Gesture - Drag an image with your finger Pinch Gesture - Zoom or shrink a photo Rotate Gesture - Twirl text or images Screen Edge Pan Gesture - Slide on panels like Control Center"
Price: 29.99

"Simple Game Ready Asset Creation in 3D Coat" |
"Don't get lost in videos that try to cover too much and lose focus! This course will demonstrate how to create a simple game-ready asset with 3D Coat. Students will learn to create the asset from scratch that can be used in various game engines. The process will entail planning, blocking out forms, sculpting details, retopology, UV unwrapping, projection, painting and baking textures, exporting the asset, and then importing the asset into a couple of popular game engines (E.g. UDK and Unity). As a bonus, I've also included a short video covering how to bring the asset into Marmoset for easier creation of beauty shots."
Price: 34.99

"Disea la casa de tus sueos en 3D" |
"Te gustara disear la casa de tus sueos sin tener que pagarle a un diseador profesional? Si quieres aprender a realizar tus diseos en 3D fcil y rpido, con una herramienta sencilla, pero poderosa y sin tener que comprar ni descargar absolutamente nada, entonces Este curso ES PARA TI! Aprenders a: Disear el plano de tu hogar u oficina Disear espacios en 3D Aadir habitaciones, anexos y pisos adicionales Pintar y Amoblar tus espacios Modificar tu diseo para adaptarlo a tus necesidades Tomar fotografas de alta resolucin en 3D de tus diseos Realizar panormicas en 360 Y mucho ms... Adems, cualquier duda que tengas, siempre estar disponible en la seccin de preguntas y en mi sitio Web, donde encontrars cdigos de descuento para mis nuevos cursos y muchsimo ms."
Price: 99.99

"Learn How To Create Mobile Apps With HTML5" |
"This Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5 training course Infinite Skills takes you through the process of creating a mobile app using HTML5 from start to finish. This course is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of HTML and CSS. You will start with an introduction to the project app you'll be creating, learning how to make a wireframe and covering HTML5 features. You will then learn how to construct a skeleton app, including making the list, adding new items and details, and cleaning up the layout. This course will show you how to use LocalStorage, set up Handlebars to make templates, and work in the detail view. This video tutorial also covers how to add and edit items, use the camera, detect network status, and add Geolocation. Finally, you will learn how to implement speech recognition into your app. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of creating your own mobile app with HTML5. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Programming With R. Learn How To Program In R - Beginners" |
"This Learning R training course from Infinite Skills will teach you how to use R, a programming language used for statistical computing and graphics. This course is designed for beginners that have no previous R programming experience. You will require a fundamental understanding of statistics to get the most out of this course. You will start by learning how to install and navigate R studio, then move into learning basic operations like statistical functions, matrix operations, and string functions. This course will show you how to plot, including scatter plots, probability plots, and plotting arguments. This video tutorial will cover working with data and data analysis, such as extracting model information, examining files and objects, and subsetting and indexing. You will also learn about conditional statements and user-defined functions, including how to write and de-bug functions. Finally, you will learn how to save different types of data. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using R for developing statistical software and data analysis tools. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Learning Modernizr - A Definitive Modernizr Course" |
"This Modernizr training course from Infinite Skills will teach you everything you need to know about this JavaScript library. Modernizr is a JavaScript library that works to detect which HTML5 and CSS3 features your visitor's browser supports. You will start by learning the basics of Modernizr, such as how to add it to a web page and create a custom build of Modernizr. Ben will teach you about Modernizr in CSS and the various Modernizr classes. This video tutorial will also cover Modernizr and JavaScript, including adding custom tests to Modernizr and conditionally running JavaScript. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be able to use this feature detection library for your own web development projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Copywriting for Digital Marketing - Write Copy That Sells!" |
"Copywriting is the key skill for the 21st Century: It applies to Business Communication, Business Writing, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Freelancing, Sales Skills, Writing.Now probably the BEST,MOSTCOMPLETE, COPYWRITINGCOURSEINUDEMY!If you can master copy writing - you can sell - Online or Offline. This course reveals my Copy Writing Secrets - how to write Copy that Sells. Some call Copywriting ""Ninja Writing"" - but its not a Dark Art - its a formula and a process that you CAN masterThis is the Perfect Copywriting Course for you to help you to improve your Writing Skills.I SHOW YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED AND SUCCEED!If you have found Copywriting to be a difficult subject to grasp, then you have come to the right place to succeed and to achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.Now in FiveClear Sections:BASICS- covering the basics of copywriting so that you have a foundation to work withPSYCHOLOGY- so important in getting your customers to decide to buy from youUDEMY- how to apply your newly found copywriting skills to your Udemy course (if you are an instructor) - its a great case study if you are notSEO- helping you understand how Copywriting andSEO work hand in hand in the world of online marketingCOPYWRITINGFOR...:These sections cover a range of different formats from Blog Posts, Landing Pages, Sales Letters, VideoSales Letters,Promotional Videos,Email - with more to comeIn this Course you will discover14 Essential Steps to Great CopywritingHow to use Copywriting Formulas to improve your Writing SkillsHow to optimise your Content Writing with great HeadlinesHow to use images to support your Copy WritingThe essentials of Proofreading and EditingUnderstand the Psychology ofCopywritingThe Essence of Copywriting and SEO for Udemy CoursesHow to write a high converting Sales Page/Course DescriptionHow to write effective Online Course Titles, Goals and Descriptions, optimised for SEOHow to apply your Copywriting skills to BloggingHow to write effective Landing PagesHow to create amazing Video Sales letters as a CopywriterThe key formulae for Writing Editing Sales Letters, including a Case StudyHow to combine your Promotional Video skills with yourCopywritingHow to apply Content Writing Skills to EmailCopywriting:What you need to know to write great HeadlinesCOURSE BONUSESCase Study - Step by Step guide to applying Copywriting towriting a Course DescriptionCase Study - Copywriting Step by Step Guide to a Course Sales LetterSTUDENT TESTIMONIALSWhat some of my previous students have said about my Courses:Leslie Masaitis Linkedin Double Your Network in Half the Time:Concise, well-written, strategic This is the second of John Colley's courses I've taken and will continue to take more. He organizes content to provide useful tips and tricks in manageable ""chunks"" so as not to overwhelm, clearly demonstrates where and how to perform tasks on screen, and his insights are strategically-minded and perfect for all levels of users. Very helpful information, would highly recommend.""Christine Owens, The Entrepreneurs Guide to Startup FundingThis course is very well structured and contains excellent information at each lecture. It is very practical and straightforward. I would recommend it.""WHY LEARN FROM ME?I am your instructor, John Colley and I have created some of the highest rated and engaging courses here on Udemy. Over the past five years I have shared my knowledge and experience with over 50,000 students and I love sharing my knowledge and experience of Copywriting with you now.I teach everything from my own experience and show you clearly what works and what does not. I don't hold anything back in my courses so that you can have the sort of success that I have been fortunate to benefit from.So what ever your core area of interest: Business Communication, Business Writing, Content Marketing, Content Writing, Freelancing, Sales Skills, Writing - Copywriting is a skill which you cannot afford NOT to master.Click on the Blue Take This Course"" Button Now!Don't forget that Udemy offers a 30 Day 100% money back guarantee - there is no reason to hesitate or delay. Enroll now - see if this course is for you and start becoming an expert at Copywriting today!SoAll the BestJohn"
Price: 199.99

"How to Be More Productive in Less Time" |
"Do you ever feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day? Do you have a million things on your to-do list, and at the end of the day feel like you still didn't get enough done? Would you like to be able to get 200% more done in just simply 50% of the time? To be able to shut down your computer or come home from work at the end of the day, feeling fulfilled and accomplished, able to relax and spend time with your family or friends? I mean, that could be a life-changer for you! If you have ever felt like you're overwhelmed, stressed and don't know how to achieve your goals, this course will be useful to you. you have ever interacted with another person, this course will be useful to you because our everyday interactions are filled with secret nonverbal cues just waiting to be uncovered. Why is Productivity Important? In today's world, we are bombarded with more information and distractions than ever before. It can be extremely difficult to know what to focus on and how to do it. More so, in a time where we can pick up our iPhones to check email, get message alerts, look at Facebook and eat in drive-thrus - we're stressed, overwhelmed and have difficulty focusing for more than eight seconds at a time! In this course, I will give you concrete tools and tips to increase your focus, your energy and learn how to get more accomplished without stress or worry. If You Don't Learn How to Be More Productive Now, You'll Never Achieve Your Goals It's so easy spending our days checking emails, racing from one meeting to the next, mindlessly looking at Facebook and never getting any REAL work done. Everything feels like an emergency and takes our attention off of our true focus: setting and achieving our goals. This course takes productivity a step further by helping you learn best practices of goal-setting and how to actually achieve your goals. If we don't know what we want in our work and lives, we'll never know how to get there. I'll teach you how to put yourself into a state where you can achieve your goals faster than ever before, while focusing on the RIGHT things to help you achieve them."
Price: 24.99

"Start Designing with the Secrets to Photoshop Design" |
"LEARN THE SECRETS OF PHOTOSHOP DESIGN & MAKE MONEY MORE THAN 1100 STUDENTS HAVE ENROLLED ALREADY80 PHOTOSHOP LESSONS "" Making Photoshop Design Fun & Easy ""LATEST COURSE UPDATE - 15 September 201630+ 5 Star Reviews from really happy & satisfied studentsNEW! Now includes all PSD files & Fonts, and 2 free font library linksNo Prior Photoshop experience needed ""Guaranteed""All future & additional lectures will always be free of chargeNo illustrator or other software is needed ""You only need Photoshop"" ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH SIMPLE DESIGN STUFF?AND MASSIVELY WANT TO IMPROVE?AND DO IT EASILY AND INSTANTLY?AND WITH NO PRIOR PHOTOSHOP KNOWLEDGE? --------------------------- "" Then this course is for you "" ------------------------------- What This Course Entails: I will teach you how to get into Photoshop Design; so don't worry if you don't have prior experience with Photoshop or other Plugins. Follow my lead and I'll teach you to be good at it! Seriously"" All my design instructions form part of a comprehensive guide that can help you to accomplish your goals by applying these skills and techniques. During the lesson you get to eavesdrop as I work, giving you some insight as to how I work and what I do. The idea is to make designing fun and easy! ""Anyone can do this"" Whether you have previous experience with designing or not, it doesn't matter. Apply your knowledge for half an hour a day and you could be making huge improvements or even extra money, just like me. ""And I'm not kidding when I say that you need nothing but Photoshop!"" All future lectures and upgrades are always included for free. Unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Here's what you'll learn:How to create/open a new canvas ""To get started""How to work with only the required Photoshop toolsHow to create simple designs and speed up your workflowHow to create your own custom design shapesA secret for getting simple yet effective looksTwo secrets ways of getting amazing font libraries for freeTips on how to generate more ideas and creative designsHow to create amazing shapes/objects with no artistic or ""design skills"" whatsoeverHow to design Fun, Corporate, Feminine or even crazy Brands LogosHow to Create a Print Ready business card with your own designHow to create amazing badges from scratch ... and that's just some of the things you'll learn! There are way more and new lessons are always added to the course.Are you intrigued yet? Keep reading! As with all my courses: the initial low price will increase shortly. This one is currently $49 and it will soon upgrade to $60 so join in now! ""You will have unlimited lifetime access at no extra cost"" Not just that; all future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free. There's an unconditional, no-questions-asked full 30-day money-back guarantee!I'm known for always offering support in Udemy, so feel free to shout out if you're stuck or need assistance. ""I'm here to help"" One final note: My goal is to teach you how to design anything, so don't stress about not having worked in Photoshop before. ""I do my best to make it simple & fun"" I've crammed all my design knowledge into over 13+ hours of tutorial lessons! After going through this course you'll be able to apply your new design skills to Photoshop anything and make some extra cash along the way. All you have to do is click on the ""take this course"" button on the top right corner. You have nothing to lose. In fact, you've got a lot to gain. Thank you, Manni "
Price: 19.99

"Twitter Marketing: Your First Client in 7 Days or Less!" |
"Dont you want a sure-fire method of doing Twitter Marketing? And have a detailed plan laid out for you where you can follow tested strategies, yet at the same time do things your way? Arent you tired of wasting time and money on campaigns that make you lose trust in Twitter as a business platform? If you haven't yet dug up your Twitter treasure chest, then this course is your very own treasure map with a big red X that marks the spot. Not familiar at all with Twitter as a business platform? No worries, this course covers even the basics but in such a way that even Twitter veterans get some value from that section of the course. Like you, Im a strong believer in action, because what drove you ahead as a professional was DOING, not just LEARNING. Thats why a big chunk of this Twitter Marketing course is focused on hands-on training. We dont just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Still, just to make sure you understand the psychology of this platform, initially we will cover the mindset of clients when they go on Twitter and how to create an effective marketing strategy. What's more, Ill cover everything from: how to create content for Twitter how to schedule it for maximum exposure how to use software that marketing agencies use and how to analyse results and better yourself and your strategy each step of the way. And, for those of you who think can handle everything Twitter, Ive included some lectures with case studies of actual companies doing successful Twitter marketing campaigns. But lets get back on track. Ill give it to you straight. This course is a complete material on Twitter Marketing and covers: the professional setup of your Twitter account ongoing management with everything from structure to strategy additional resources to ease your workload case scenarios with various problems you might face and how to overcome them But what this course beats a lot of other Twitter marketing courses at is because IT'S PERSONAL. What does that mean? It means that depending on your own specific business needs I will offer appropriate advice. So if you are not sure how a specific section applies to your Twitter campaign, just ask me in the discussion section of the course or personally email me (youll have my full contact info once becoming a student). So you not only get professional training, but 1on1 Twitter marketing coaching as well. And the average hourly rate of advertising agencies ($150+) is higher than the entire course itself. And unlike when dealing with an agency where most of the time its just a transaction. I have all the interest in the world for you to succeed with the advice I share. What better marketing can I get than a student saying my course helped him/her to get where they wanted. You cant beat that! And thats my goal as an author here on Udemy, to guide people into achieving their desired goal, in this case, create and manage successful campaigns on Twitter. Still hesitant? WHY? Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee. No questions asked. So what are you really risking? And besides, the thousands of students that took my courses and gave great reviews cant all be wrong? On the other hand, WHAT DO YOU GAIN if you DO take this course? the chance to finally feel in control of your social media marketing, Twitter in particular spend minutes on tasks that you once spent hours on know how to search Twitter trends and understand what works and what doesnt get a bonus from your employer or if youre self-employed get the bonus plus the pride of success know that you have one less thing to worry about And in case if its any value to you, what I want, as your coach, in this journey through Social Media Marketing is: To see a smug look on your face for reaching pro level at Twitter marketing and create campaigns that ROCK. And knowing that from your success, maybe 0.1% is my contribution, will give me a similar smug ;) So my message to you is simple. TAKE THE COURSE, TAKE ACTION, WIN AT TWITTER MARKETING. Because as you already know the universe rewards action, not thought."
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Revit 2015" |
"Un Certificado de Cumplimiento Verificable ser entregado a todos los estudiantes que finalicen este Curso. Aprende a utilizar Revit Arquitectura, sus herramientas y funciones. En este curso conocers la interfaz, las herramientas y el trabajo en 3D. Construirs un proyecto completo desde cero, aprenders a realizar espectaculares renders y paseos virtuales. Nuestros videotutoriales se basan en ejemplos prcticos y guiados paso a paso. Para tomar este curso no necesitas conocimientos previos, puedes empezar desde cero. Este curso est basado en la versin 2015 de Revit y tambin puede ser utilizado perfectamente en versiones anteriores. Incluye los ejercicios utilizados en el curso."
Price: 74.99

"BBoy Blueprint - Advanced BBoy Creativity Concepts" |
"Been dancing for 1-3 years? Looking to become a more original BBoy? Hitting a 'plateau'? Find out the never-talked-about process for creating completely original moves that you can claim as your own with these advance creativity concepts! Discover the strategies for: Quickly creating original BBoy moves you can claim as your own Step-by-step strategies for thinking 'outside of the box' Becoming more of a 'beat-rider' And much more! Learn from BBoy Bminus from the Now Or Never crew the step-by-step strategy for breaking through your plateau and continuing in your improvement to become the original, recognized, unique bboy."
Price: 39.99

"Excel 2010 Sper Fcil - Nivel Intermedio" |
""Es una herramienta muy importante sobre todo para las empresas, ya que en este programa pueden realizar su contabilidad, sus facturas, anlisis de datos, agendas de clientes/proveedores, todo tipo de base de datos, etc." Uccvirtual. "Excel ha creado una increble eficacia en las finanzas e industrias de contabilidad. Excel es ampliamente utilizado por muchas empresas para gestionar, controlar y analizar los datos de la empresa." Investopedia Excel 2010 Sper Fcil! - Nivel intermedio es un curso pensado para las personas que desean aprender Excel y que ya tienen conocimientos bsicos, aunque este curso podra considerarse la continuacin del curso de Excel 2010 Sper Fcil! Nivel bsico esto no debera representar ningn problema para las personas que desean tomar este curso sin haber tomado el nivel bsico, ya que este es un curso completo porque se hace un recorrido de Excel desde algunas de las herramientas bsicas hasta las herramientas avanzadas como lo son la creacin de frmulas, utilizacin de funciones y grficos. Sin embargo, si consideras que necesitas reforzar tus conocimientos bsicos de Excel 2010 te invitamos a tomar el curso de Excel 2010 Sper Fcil! Nivel bsico. Excel 2010 es uno de los programas ms populares que existen. Actualmente hay en el mercado otras versiones como Excel 2013 y Excel 365, sin embargo quien sabe manejar Excel 2010 sabr manejar cualquiera de las versiones que hoy tenemos disponibles. Este curso de Excel 2010 est pensado para ensearte de una forma fcil y prctica las herramientas que hoy son usadas en la universidad, empresas, contabilidad, estadstica, matemtica, finanzas, etc. En este curso aprenders: Herramientas de formato para trabajar con distintos tipos de datos. A crear frmulas para resolver situaciones para las que no existe funciones. Las funciones ms utilizadas en Excel para convertirte en una persona ms efectiva. A insertar grficos y mini grficos de diferentes tipos. Podras completar este curso en un solo da o tomar algunas lecciones diariamente, solo haz lo que te haga sentir mejor. De cualquier forma si tomas este curso tendrs acceso de por vida y podrs consultarlo cada vez que desees recordar algo. Hoy en da Excel 2010 es el programa que todos necesitan saber. Este curso te encantar, bienvenido(a)!"
Price: 19.99

"Creating Sports League Tables and Tournaments in Excel" |
"This course shows you how to create spreadsheets for sports tournaments and league tables. Use the power of Excel to automatically calculate cup draws and league table rankings. Whether your league table rankings are determined by goal difference, goals scored, number of away wins or something else. You will learn how you can use this criteria to automatically determine a team or players league position. Spreadsheets are available for download along the way for practice, or to use as a template to adapt to your needs. The course is broken down into three sections. Creating League Tables Learn how to automatically calculate league table rankings when results are entered onto a spreadsheet. We look at adapting the league table to apply different ranking criterion. A football/soccer and a rugby union example are used for demonstration. Create Cup Tournaments Learn to create cup tournaments in Excel including random cup draws and calculating match results to automatically move a player or team to the next rounds draw. A snooker and a tennis example are used for demonstration. Cricket World Twenty20 Tournament A section is dedicated to learning how to calculate cricket statistics and match results due to the unique nature of the sport. The World Twenty20 tournament is used to demonstrate how to calculate match results and statistics like net run rate, bowling strike rate and total balls bowled. Let's Do It Although the course cannot possibly cover all sports examples, the techniques learned can be adapted for any sports competition. Let's get started."
Price: 29.99

"Photoshop CC For The Web" |
"With so many file formats, colour spaces, and image types, knowing where to start with web graphics can be daunting. But guided by this thorough, yet easy to follow course, youll be feeling like a pro in no time! Join award-winning trainer Geoff Blake as he takes you step-by-step through the process of preparing images for your next web project. Youll learn all about the web friendly file formats, when to use each, and how to get the most out of them. Discover web colour spaces, methods for working faster and more efficiently, and an approach to image resolution thatll leave you feeling like a Zen Master of web graphics! Break down the barriers, dispel the myths, and clear the clutter. In just a few short hours, youll have clarity and confidence using Photoshop for your web projects!"
Price: 74.99

"Flight Computer CRP-1 and CRP-5 For UK EASA PPL and LAPL" |
"Training for the UK EASA Private Pilot Licence exams on how to use the CRP1 or CRP5 flight computer (sometimes described as the Whizzy Wheel). The course includes use of the Wind side of the computer, and several function on the calculator side. The calculations taught are: 1. Indicated Airspeed to True Airspeed calculations 2. Speed time distance calculations 3. Fuel specific gravity calculations 4. Fuel burn calculations The course includes a trench of each type of calculation, showing the recommended method, then worked examples and some multiple choice practice questions. This course is recommended prior to attending a ground school session for either the Navigation exam or the Flight Performance and Planning exam."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Mind Mapping Basics using MindManager (2014 version)" |
"Heard about Mind Mapping but not had time to play with the software? Feel like there must be a way to get more from your Brain? Want to have more fun with the way you handle your work? If so then take this course - it was designed with you in mind. Maps marry your logical mind with your creative abilities to keep your brain more stimulated. We have an infinite capacity for remembering images so we link graphics to ideas to boost memory. The brain has an infinite capacity to make creative connections. Maps of your thoughts opens up linkages. The whole or ""gestalt"" view relaxes the brain. Seeing the Big Picture feels like everything under control. Using a simple scenario, making a training course, we demonstrate the features and benefits of MindJet's MindManager. Learn by following the course with MindJet's 30 day FREE trial. Get practical experience. It takes about 2 hours to complete with three simple exercises to build your first map. Things you will achieve: See and work on all your ideas from a single screen. Add graphics to your work to make it more memorable. Link to websites, Excel, Word, Powerpoint and Visio for a complete view of the world without switching applications. Add tasks and view them in a Project Workflow or Gantt Chart. Make creative connections and brainstorm for innovative insights using prompts. if you get stuck. Deliver more compelling presentations with Walk-through and Slideshow. Navigate your map as it builds, search for specific elements, personalise the colours and backgrounds. Share your ideas with others in a wide range of different ways. Make the mental shift to mapping and achieve more from your most important asset - your Brain."
Price: 19.99
