"Beginners Guide to Learning Programming" |
"Want To Learn How To Program? This Course Will Teach You The Core Principles Of Programming In Any Computer Language - Quickly And Easily. This Learning Programming training course from Infinite Skills teaches you everything you need to know to start programming. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no programming or coding experience is required. You will start by learning programming terms, such as statements, variables, parameters, and operators. From there, this course will teach you programming concepts, including how to create a solution, assign and change variable values, and perform mathematical calculations. This video tutorial will also cover abstract programming concepts, such as procedural and functional programming, pseudocode, and flowcharting. This course includes a project that allows you to demonstrate some of the topics that have been discussed throughout the course. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have learned the programming basics. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Beginners Swift Programming For iOS Development" |
"This new Swift programming language from Apple makes building iOS applications easy. Learn all you need to know about programming in Swift with this Infinite Skills course. This Learning to Program with Swift training course from Infinite Skills will teach you how to program with Swift for iOS and Mac OS. This course is designed for beginner and experienced developers, and knowledge of Java, C#, or other modern languages is recommended. You will start with an introduction to Swift, including learning how to define constants and variables and learning about conditional statements and control flow statements. From there, Rogers will teach you about the Swift language features. This video tutorial will also cover Swift classes and inheritance, as well as enumerations, structures, generics, and operators. Finally, you will see Swift in action as you watch Rogers demonstrate a Master-Detail application. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using Swifts modern features to program for iOS and Mac OS. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Master Excel on Apple Mac and Succeed at Your Workplace" |
"The best course to quickly learn Excel 2011 and Excel 2016.A step-by-step tutorial to become efficient and productive in Excel.A course to help you quickly transition from Excel 2011 to Excel 2016.This course was originally prepared for one of my large corporate clients to train about 1000 of their employees who needed to quickly learn and get up to speed on the most common and important tasks done in Excel on Mac. If you are like those 1000 people, and do have to use Excel at work, you have no time to waste. You want to quickly become effective and efficient in your Excel tasks. In this tutorial course you will be able to quickly understand and gain skills in Microsoft Excel on Mac. You will quickly, step by step, gain confidence in using Microsoft Excel. The topics in this course were carefully hand-picked to develop quick understanding of the most important Excel concepts.This course begins with Excel 2011 and then gradually transitions to Excel 2016, as soon as it is officially released."
Price: 64.99

"How To Run Facebook Ads For Cheap Clicks & High Engagement" |
"ACTUAL STUDENT RESULTS: ""Hi Dave. I made it! I am getting a 10.377% CTR and $0.08 clicks!"" :D Stefanos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""Dave, just got a whopping 6.736% CTR on the first try. Thanks so much!"" Frans Van Agthoven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ""WOW ... this really works!!! I'm getting clicks for 7c with 4.78% CTR ... Crazy!!"" Skekeu ================================================== If you are interested in using Facebook Ads for your business (or any business) then this brief, 45-minute Udemy course is for you! In this course, I reveal a sneaky, yet simple way (white hat) to get incredibly cheap traffic from Facebook Ads - one of the world's best ad networks. Not only will you learn the simple strategy for getting 5 clicks on Facebook, but these clicks also come with several bonuses! Because not only are these extremely low-cost clicks, but they are also extremely effective - you will also be getting Clickthrough Rates (CTRs) as high as 11%! And that's not all! Because when you implement this strategy, you will ALSO get high engagement on your ads. Your ""Likes"", ""Comments"" and ""Shares"" will be through the roof! Powerful benefits of creating Facebook Ad campaigns with this strategy: Low Cost Per Click - as low as 5 High CTR - As high as 11% or more High engagement - Viral Likes, Comments and Shares All these are yours in this one, little-known, yet easy-to-do strategy! You will be blown away as you see how powerful this one strategy is for generating extremely low-cost traffic - even before you add your own targeting! Let's face it, all the big dogs are using Facebook Ads to generate tons of targeted traffic to their websites, offers and more. But Facebook Ads have gotten very expensive as a result. This course will show you how to ""level the playing field"" and grab your share of dirt-cheap, high-return Facebook traffic! You will also discover how to build a massive email list for pennies and then a variety of ways to monetize that list. Also revealed: A killer way to sell access to your massive email list to businesses who need instant sales. You will literally be able to turn businesses around with this one simple strategy."
Price: 79.99

"Reading a Group: Using Group dynamics to get ahead in life" |
""Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work." - Vince Lombardi All of society is divided into groups in one form or another. Starting out as a family group and forming different group as we progress in the world. Understanding groups and how they function most effectively will get you ahead of the game. No more getting caught off guard. You will be able to use the skills in this course to instantly recognize the movers and shakers in a group by where they sit, how they talk and what they say. By understanding how groups think, you can effectively improve any group you encounter and turn it around for the better. Knowing the roles that individuals play in the group as well as understanding the distinctions and nuances in task based and social based groups, you will be better equipped to help the group meet its needs and perform its goals. Groups are more than a collection of individuals they take on a life of their own and work in different ways because of that. Having the foundations of group dynamics theory, any group will make more sense and can be easier to fit into and work with. Start understanding groups today so that you can shape you future interactions and get ahead in any group you encounter."
Price: 24.99

"C++ Working with Files - fstream I/O library" |
"If you want to learn how to work with files in C++ language using the fstream (file stream) library then you are in the right place!You do not need to know anything about operating on files, but it's good idea to know the basics of C++ language. After this course you will know: how to operate on input and output streams,how to open and close files and how to handle errors connected to that operations,states of file opening,streams error flags,how to check the size of an opened file,what binary files are and how to compare them,how to extract and save the content of a file,how to create a mini database that allows you to add, show, search, remove, load, and save,many functions about working on filesThis course consists of over 2 hours of great content. Before buying, please watch free videos so that you will see for yourself if you like the way I teach. Over 240,000 students bought my courses and most of them are happy. You will also be satisfied with this course. If you do not like the course, remember that within 30 days you can request a full refund. I guarantee you satisfaction. If you have any questions regarding the topics covered in this C++ course, please feel free to ask. I'm always happy to help those who want to learn! Please check out the free lessons first! See for yourself the great quality of my course and enjoy it!"
Price: 109.99

"Master Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014" |
"This Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the essential editing techniques you need to take your editing skills to the next level with the latest release of this video editing software program from Adobe. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no experience with Premiere Pro is required. You will start by touring the user interface, and then jump into learning how to set up and work with a project. Andy will then show you how to import media into Premiere Pro, as well as organize your clips. Once youre comfortable with the program, the course will teach you editing basics, including how to overwrite, work with markers, group clips, and split clips. This video tutorial will also cover topics such as trimming clips, working with fixed effects and key frames, utilizing effects, working with transitions, and title effects. Finally, you will learn how to work with mattes and multi-cam, and then get ready for primetime by exporting the production, saving an export preset, and work with the project manager. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of assembling video clips into a successful production, as well as using a variety of output options. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Microsoft Word 2013 Tutorial" |
"In this software training course from ClayDesk, you will learn advanced skills in using Microsoft Word 2013, and be able to demonstrate the use of advanced and specialized features within the application. You should be able to create, manage, and distribute professional documents for a variety of specialized purposes and situations, and be able to customize Word 2013 environment to meet specific needs to enhance productivity. After a quick overview of Word 2013, you will start with:1. How to manage and share documents2. Preparing documents & set tracking options3. Advanced editing features4. Protecting and designing advanced documents5. Applying advanced formatting and styles6. Learn shortcuts, tips, and techniques along with several quizzes to fully prepare you from not only the examination point of view, but acquire skills, giving you a competitive edge, and much more.... This comprehensive tutorial covers all aspects and prepares you to take the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS): Microsoft Office Word 2013 Expert certification exams 77 425 (Part 1) and 77 426 (Part 2). In addition, the American Council on Education (ACE) has reviewed and recommended college credit for selected Microsoft certifications. Approved certifications are eligible for one to six semester hours of college credit in bachelors degree or associate degree classes on computer applications, information technology, or computer information systems. The Accreditation Program helps your students achieve employ-ability and academic goals, as well as bridging the gap between workforce training and the classroom. By the completion of this training video, you will be comfortable with using advanced features of Word 2013 and feel confident performing your work in an efficient manner. For those who already have a good grounding in Microsoft Word, this course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to use Word 2013 at an expert level. Don't forget to take a look at the Bonus lectures!Join thousand of happy students!See you in class!Syed and Team ClayDesk"
Price: 94.99

"eMillionaire Bootcamp" |
"Discover the truth about how money is REALLY made online and how to build, grow, and run a successful business..from the ground up! The problem with most online business education programs is that they don't teach you what you need to do every single day. Instead, they give you broad, abstract concepts that don't get you any closer to making any real money. The secrets in THESE lessons will make the difference between your complete success and catastrophic failure. This is quite literally a step-by-step guide to earning a profitable income through your online business. The real secret is in creating your own high value, content-packed information products. Think about it we call this the information age for a reason. You might not fully understand it yet, but the knowledge inside your own head is a gold mine waiting to be harvested. Not only does your view of the world have value but it has more value than you ever imagined. From researching and planning to creating and publishing, this series will teach you everything you need to know to create fantastic eBooks, video training, audio courses, coaching programs, live webinars or multimedia products all while making boatloads of cash in the process. If you're going to learn a valuable skill, you might as well get paid to do it, right? You'll also learn how to get a TON of highly targeted leads and recurring website visitors who are actually incredibly interested in the information you have to share. I'll walk you through the most effective traffic strategies and the FASTEST way to make them work for you. We'll even discuss how you can literally and legally 'steal' money from other marketers and piggy back on their hard work. It's called 'affiliate' marketing, and it's the closest thing I know of to legally PRINTING money. Here's a sneak peak at what you'll be getting access to: Module #1 : Business Big Bang Here you'll discover the truth about how money is really made online. Module #2: The Profit Hub We'll teach you how to build your profitable insfractructure Module #3: Something from Nothing How to create your own high-value, content-packed information product Module #4: Traffic Tornadoes How to get targeted, quality, and buying visitor who are interested in your product. Module #5: Daylight Robbery How you can legally ""steal"" money from other successful marketers and piggy back on their hard work Module #6: Unstoppable Growth This is where you'll learn how to put the pieces together and get a flow going. I've even added several bonus learning modules JUST for people who use udemy Bonus Module #1 - Automated Profit Machines Where you'll learn not just how to make money online but you'll learn how to do it on AUTOPILOT. Bonus Module #2 - The Lazy Millionaire The Lazy Millionaire isn't actually lazy, he works harder than anyone else alive only he does so through the power of OUTSOURCING. Bonus Module #3 - Membership Profits I'll teach you how to acquire the two most beautiful words you'll EVER hear: recurring revenue. Plus I'm going to give you a fourth, final SECRET bonus module It's so good, I don't even want to TALK about it outside the course but suffice it to say, I'll break down EVERY SINGLE LAST number, process, and requirement to build a strong annual income online. Of course, there IS an alternative You COULD do all of this research yourself, of course. There's probably even a 1-in-a-1000 chance you'd be successful. But even then you'd have to spend YEARS sorting through all of the misinformation out there, and trying each and every strategy YOURSELF. You'd have to learn by trial and error ALONE. And even then, you could make a mistake you weren't aware of and ruin several potentially great opportunities. I've seen people make millions and millions and then throw it all away with one simple mistake. And that's a GOOD outcome for most people because most people never even make the millions in the FIRST place. But why would you put yourself through that, when this program will iron out all of the creases, fill in all the gaps, and show you how the whole puzzle fits together? There isn't anything out there that is THIS comprehensive. You won't have to worry about figuring it all out yourself, because I've already done it for you. You wont' have to worry about making a mistake, because I've already outlined them all. And you definitely don't have to worry about being ALONE while you do it not only I, but the other people in the course, will be with you EVERY step of the way. And remember: Each one of the modules inside this course can EASILY generate 6 or even 7 figures online so imagine the the money you can make when you combine them ALL. Don't just imagine yourself surviving in this life, my friends imagine yourselves THRIVING in this life. And that is precisely what will happen. So what are you waiting for? It's incredibly easy to get started. Just click on the little button that says Take this Course"" and follow the instructions. You can get started immediately. In fact, you SHOULD get started immediately. The faster you get to it, the faster you'll start seeing those dramatic results. Maybe you have some limiting belief that's holding you back like a fear of success, or a fear of action, or a fear of being alienated from the ones you love. If that's the case, I feel for you. That's the toughest part, because as human beings we are often slaves to our fears, and our fears are almost NEVER rational. But do something for me. Think of your fear, and then think the exact opposite thought go ahead, try it out. Don't read ahead until you've done it. How did it feel? If it makes you FEEL good if it makes you FEEL free, and uninhibited, and happy, and powerful then how would you like to feel that way ALL the time? It's possible. But you have to WANT it, and you have to FACE it, and you have to TAKE ACTION. I'd love to help you on your journey towards becoming everything you've ever wanted to be. Handling the money side of things is often overlooked, and is the most important first step in that process, because it makes all of the rest a lot easier. And so that's why I love helping people handle it. Again, if you're interested, just click on the button that says Take this Course"" and follow the instructions. It really is THAT easy. I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 129.99

"Teach Online: How To Create In-Demand Online Courses" |
"Are you a coach, consultant, or some other expert? Do you make a living helping others by sharing that expertise? Have you maxed-out on the number of clients you can work with? Or, hit an income ceiling in your business? Or, are you just tired of trading hours for dollars? If that sounds like you, then maybe its time to learn how to leverage your expertise and your time by packaging your knowledge into online courses. That way you can serve thousands of people without having to be there in person (or via the phone). Online courses provide a passive income stream. That means you do the work once to create the course, and then you earn money, month after month after month, with little to no additional time invested on your part. Thats called leveraging yourself. And its a great way to grow your business and help more people without having to work more hours. However, if you want to earn good money from your courses, and really help your students, you need to create a high quality course. It needs to be a course people want. And, it must share information thats in demand and people are willing to pay for. Ive been in business online, teaching virtually and packaging my expertise into information products since 2004. I've been a bestselling online teacher since 2013. Ive created 17 online courses and I continue to earn passive income from those courses every single month.I'm a Udemy bestseller with more than 22,000 students in 169 countries; 34,000 enrollments; and more than 290,000 minutes taught.The majority of my students purchase multiple courses from me. In fact many of them are enrolled in every single course Ive created.Oh, and the majority of my students are PAID. Thats an important distinction.Some courses may have thousands of students enrolled but none of those students actually paid to take the course.But, if you want to make passive income you need to create a course students are willing to pay for. And thats exactly what Im going to teach you how to do in this course.In this course, you will learn How to decide WHAT to teach so people will pay to take your coursesHow to create a course outline that easily translates into an online courseHow to create the presentations youll need to shoot your video lessons4 different types of video lessons and how to create each oneHow to name your course so more students find itWhat you need to include in your course in addition to video lessons to enhance your students learning and keep em coming back for more coursesWhat you need to do BEFORE you shoot your course videos to ensure your course will be top quality and quickly approved by any marketplace you publish it toThe equipment youll need to create your course and where to get itThe software youll need and how to use itAnd the equipment you can wait to buy until you start earning moneyHow to record, edit, and produce your course videos, even if youve never shot videos beforeThe technical specs you need to ensure your videos are the correct format to play on the webHow to create an animated branded bumper for all your course videos so your course looks professional and its less likely to be piratedHow to name all your course files to keep them organized and make it easy to upload them to multiple websites (or even have someone else do it for you)You'll see my exact course creation process.I will walk you step-by-step through everything I do to create my courses and Ill even take you behind the scenes into my studio. Plus you get checklists every step of the way so youll have all the important info you need handy as you create your course. I'd love to help you create your first bestselling online course!Ive been in business online, teaching virtually and packaging my expertise into information products since 2004. I've been a Udemy bestselling course instructor since 2013.If youve been thinking about creating an online course but didnt know where to start, this course is the A to Z How-To Guide youve been waiting for.If you follow all the action steps I teach you in this course, when youre done you will have your very own online course, and a brand new recurring revenue stream for your business."
Price: 49.99

"Interviewing Skills: Conducting Job Interviews" |
"InterviewingSkills are essential for managers who must screen new job applicants on a regular basis.You can conduct job interviews with prospective employees confidently and professionally. Never be nervous or uncomfortable again when speaking to job applicants about why they might want to work for your organization.Conducing a job interview can be every bit as stressful as being interviewed for a job. A manager conducting a job interview with a prospective employee needs to know how to communicate the needs of the position as well as the value of the company. The interviewing manager must now how to present the company and engage in meaningful conversation with the job applicant. A job interview can be unnatural and awkward for both the interviewer and the interviewee. This course will teach managers how to prepare for interviews, how to ask the right questions, how to avoid the wrong questions and how to learn valuable insights on applicants in order to lead to better hiring decisions.Students of this InterviewingSkills course will learn how to be completely comfortable, confident and relaxed while conducting interviews.What will students achieve or be able to do after taking thisInterviewingSkills course?Conduct job interviews professionallyPrepare for job interviewsMinimize legal troubles from job interviewsWhat do Udemy students of this InterviewingSkills course have to say about the instructor?""5 Stars! It was a very useful to ""refresh"" the best practices on interviews for those who already have experience with that and for those who don't it's very clean and practical.""Beryk Salab""5 Stars! Great course, be able to grasp what job interview should be like in a very short time. Thank you for making this course available to all of us. :)""Akira Nakayama""5 Stars! The information was relevant, and the presentation was excellent. I especially liked the supplemental materials, thanks!""William Russo""5 Stars! Clarity and the ability to convey the message or the idea is sky high - really enjoyed the course.""Ahmad SuhaibThere is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this InterviewingSkills course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee."
Price: 199.99

"Project Management using Microsoft Project" |
"Are your projects expanding in size and scope faster than you can manage them? Are you starting to work on an enterprise team and need to understand how larger projects work? Have you found yourself unexpectedly taking on the role of project manager? Is your IT career path taking you in the direction of project management? As IT and development projects get increasingly complex, the role of project manager has become more critical. Whether you're a reluctant project manager trying to improve the output and efficiency of your team, or an aspiring project professional, you're going to find this course extremely helpful. With over 20 years of project management experience, Beth Mosolgo-Clark will be your instructor as you learn the basics of project management, including terminology, techniques, reporting, and costing. At the same time, you'll become familiar with Microsoft Project--the software most commonly used by project professionals. This course includes hours of video lecture, dozens of project management examples, and samples. You'll find there is no better way to dive into Microsoft Project software and the field of project management!"
Price: 19.99

"3 Simple Steps to Recording Great Sounding Voice Over Audio!" |
"In less than an hours time, I can show you how to produce a GREAT sounding Voice Over using simple step-by-step instructions, and using tools and software that are very inexpensive! OVER 60 REVIEWS!Have you ever wondered what voice over processing tips can make your voice sound better on a recording? Have you ever tried to listen to a video or podcast, only to find the author has recorded his voice over too low, or worse, the audio is loud and distorted, and sounds like they're talking through a kazoo? My personal pet peeve is hearing plosives, pops, and breaths distorting the audio every time says a word starting with a P or B! At the end of the day, there's a simple reason why we have very little patience for bad audio quality in a voice over... People will forgive a bad image, but they will not forgive bad sound. I have been recording videos, screencasts, screen recordings, and voice overs for well over 10 years, recording for my own company, tonyteach, as well as others such as Creative Cow, Infinite Skills, and even Lynda[dot]com. During this time, through many trials and errors, playing with different audio softwares, microphones, and hardwares I was able to develop simple voice over processing tips to produce quality audio, every single time I recorded. More importantly, I was able to do all of this without breaking the bank, and I've summed it up into a short, easy to follow, 30+ minute course 3 Simple Steps to Recording Great Sounding Voice Over Audio! In this course, I can show you how to set up your voice over recording area, but also I tell you why. Learn how NOT to get those annoying echoes & reverbs when recording your voiceover Discover why 99% of the time, I record my voice without having a SINGLE pop, or plosive in the audio.See why I only use a $40 USB mic that fits in the palm of my hand, for 98% of my voice over recordings.I can show all of this, and more, in 3 Simple Steps :)"
Price: 94.99

"Learning App Development in iOS 8" |
"This Learning App Development in iOS 8 training course from Infinite Skills will teach you how to use Xcode and Objective-C to create iPhone and iPad apps. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no iOS app development experience is required. You will start by learning the basics of Xcode and Objective-C, as well as the iOS SDK. From there, this course will teach you how to build a user interface using storyboard. This video tutorial will cover basic user interface elements such as labels and text views, and more advanced controls like collection views and tab bars. You will also cover iOS features, including location services, mapping, social networking, reminders, and alarms. Keith will also teach you about the new iOS features, including CloudKit, HomeKit, and PhotoKit. Finally, you will work with the Dev Center and learn how to submit your completed iPhone or iPad app for inclusion in the iTunes App Store. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of creating your own iOS apps for the iPhone and iPad. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Mobile Game Development With Corona SDK ( 2014 )" |
"Covers App creation for iOS 8 and Android L Corona allows you to create games and apps quickly which run on both Android and iOS without the need to write 2 versions. It's by far the easiest way to create complex games and applications in the shortest possible time. This Mobile Game Development with Corona SDK from Infinite Skills will teach you how to create a mobile game with Corona SDK for iOS or Android. This course is developed for beginners, meaning no prior programming experience is required. You will start by learning about the Lua language, then jump into how to display and animate images. From there, Whye will teach you about tap and touch events and how to use the widget library, including how to make buttons with widgets and create scrolling pictures. This video tutorial will also cover how to create text on the screen, manage a scene with Composer, and saving and loading files. You will also learn how to display Sprites on the screen and animate them, as well as how to use music and sound effects in your game to create a scoring system. Finally, you will learn how to create three simple games: a physics-based puzzler, a memory match game, and a space shooter. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of creating your own game from scratch with Corona SDK. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Cables & Connections: How to make them & how to use them" |
"You will learn how to make your own audio, video, and data cables as well as what cables exist that can solve your technology connection problems. You will learn how to terminate Cat5 cable with an Ethernet jack, phone jack, and on a punch down terminal; how to make shielded audio cables using RG-6 coax cable; what tools exist and what/where you should purchase to do the job you're trying to do; and how to make and identify many more cable types and what they're used for!"
Price: 19.99

"Train Your Brain For Success with Mental Rehearsal" |
"Did you know that mentally rehearsing your most positive outcomes can make a huge difference to your success? Think about it, if top athletes use tools such as visualization and mental rehearsal to help them become peak performers, then so can you. If done properly these techniques are really effective and will become valued tools that you will turn to often. This course is for you if . . . You find it difficult to actually 'see' yourself being successful? You want to make improvements to an aspect of your business or well-being but are struggling with will power alone. You are not getting the results you want and feel like giving up Self-doubt is stopping you from taking practical action steps to reach your goals. You carry lots of limiting beliefs about change being slow, or difficult, or a struggle. Mental rehearsal can make goal achievement so much easier. No matter what you want to achieve, mental rehearsal and visualization techniques will make your journey faster, easier and a lot more fun. But you need to know how to use these techniques properly if they are going to work for you. Daydreaming just isnt enough! Dont believe me? Join me for this introductory course and try it out for yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Massive Mailing List With Joomla - No Monthly Fees" |
"CREATE UNLIMITED LISTS. NO SUBSCRIBER LIMIT. NO MONTHLY FEES. INCREASE SALES OVERNIGHT! Get Started In Less Than 10 Minutes! Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to generate sales, get new clients, and grow your online business. As a small business owner, your success relies on maximizing your sales while minimizing your expenses. Email allows you to do both. A good email marketing campaign can help you: Increase Your Sales Conversion Regardless of how good your product or service is, in reality most visitors to your site won't convert into sales on their first visit. Generate Repeat Sales Getting new customers is hard work - it's also really expensive. A good email marketing campaign will increase the frequency of repeat purchases from your existing customers. Up-sell and Cross-sell Products and Services "Would you like fries with that?" This basic technique by itself can easily add an extra 30% to your average order value and is used by almost all major companies online. Gain Valuable Feedback from your Visitors Email in particular provides your customers with a unique opportunity to give honest feedback. Unlike face-to-face interaction where people can be shy about voicing their true feelings, email allows them to get right to the point. Drive Web Users to Make Offline Purchases If you run a conventional offline business you can use email marketing to drive foot traffic through your door. Using Joomla Joomla is the most versatile CMS (content management system) in the world. It allows you to extend it with amazing extensions suit to fit your needs. This course teaches you step by step how to integrate email marketing on your website. This is an introductory course on how to use Joomla to create newsletters and build your mailing list. While most email marketing services charge you a fee based on the size of your list, this DOES NOT. You get everything for FREE. You will learn: How to integrate a capture form on your website How to setup a redirect after form submission How to create auto responders with new subscription How to create beautiful email marketing templates How to add the capture form on your article pages How to import existing users into Joomla How to create, edit and send newsletter How to use placeholders to save time How to create multiple email lists How to send multiple newsletters to separate lists How to automate and schedule newsletter release date And many more If you are serious about email marketing (and you should be), then this course teaches you everything you need to know to get started. PLUS, you don't have to be any monthly fees."
Price: 39.99

"Copywriting secrets - How to write copy that sells" |
"Let me share my copywriting secrets with you. Copywriting can boost your sales, improve your market penetration and your margins. Good copywriting can do a whole lot better. And world class copywriting can transform your performance out of all recognition. Im going to show you how. A unique insiders view I've been a top copywriter for 30 years or more, with clients ranging from startups to major corporations. Names like IBM, Vodafone, Lloyds, PricewaterhouseCoopers, the BBC , Travlex, Oracle, one of the world's top business schools, a number of big pharma companies and lots in the financial services arena. Not to mention one of TV's Secret Millionaires. A shoulder to lean on Just like my other courses, I'm always available to answer your queries, or to explain things further, usually within 24 hours; I love to help. And, just like my other courses, this one will grow over time as students suggest new topics. It's a LIVING course thats yours for life. How is this course different? There are lots of great courses on copywriting. Pity they never get much further than sales copy. They bang on about the consumer when theres a whole, profitable B2B marketplace out there. In this course, I focus on a whole range of business copywriting. Sales copy? Sure, in spades. But I also cover things like press releases. How to write them and what to DO with them once you have written them. Like getting published. We'll look in detail at how to write case studies, web copy thats optimized, White Papers, and how to become a Voice in Your Industry - where editors will actively seek out your expertise. And I'll introduce you to the most powerful sales-lead generation secret of all time. Complete with real-life examples. That's something else you get in this course, real-life examples to download, so you can see for yourself how the finished article looks and how it feels. Wholl benefit? Who will benefit? Well, entrepreneurs and start-ups. Small business owners, of course. And so will any person responsible for their company's marketing; wanting to improve their skills and their promotion prospects. And finally, anyone who's taken my course How to Become a Successful Freelance Copywriter, Working from Home. This course will really boost your business writing skills. And remember, this is a Udemy course, so you have the security of a no-quibble, 100% money-back guarantee. You've nothing to lose, so join me right now in what I can promise will be a fascinating journey."
Price: 89.99

"iOS Maze Games with Swift, Sprite Kit and Designed in Tiled" |
"Classic game concepts. Modern programming. When you think of maze games, youll probably think of Pac-Man, which isnt hard to argue is the most popular game of all time. At that games core is a simple hook. Move at high speeds and dont get caught, which is a fun concept for any player of any age. Even today some of the most popular games dont rely on much more than a classic hook: something that is easy to play, but impossible to beat. A game like Flappy Bird is a recent testament to that. In this tutorial series, well look at programming a conceptually simple game, but one that can be expanded in a hundred different directions using Apples amazingly easy physics engine. Youll learn the latest in iOS programming technology: Swift and Sprite Kit. Then for level design, youll get two options: create levels within Xcode 6 using the new Scene editor, or take a step outside Xcode and use Tiled, a free level design program which in our opinion, is a tad more refined and speeds up level creation. After this series, you will be a game developer! Ready to submit your first app for the iPhone, iPad, and possibly even Apple Watch. Plus using software like Apportable, you can even export your app to Android and a plethora of other devices."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Piano Scales: Play any song in any key! Like Pro's do" |
"Playing piano or keyboard is great fun and can be great fun to learn. Each day you learn a little more and can play more songs or play the ones you know better. It can also be a difficult instrument to learn. Many people stop learning because it takes so long to learn and it is difficult. Lets face it not everyone can afford a private tutor or even have the time for a regular time slot. In particular playing solos or turnarounds is well out of the game for most beginners. Its not your fault; you just havent known what to learn. You learned a few chords, you learned a few notes but which notes go with each chord or key is a mystery. The answer is really quite easy. All you need to know is which notes fit with the key you are playing in. Then all you do is make up your solo or turnaround using those notes. You do need to know which fingers to use and the notes will almost play themselves. You probably cannot play the fiddly interesting bits, the turnarounds, the solos, and most important, cannot change key. You may even be stuck and unable to move forward with your playing; it seems a chore, not a pleasure. learning scales will rectify that. You will be able to change keys at will; you will know the notes needed if a different key is needed. you will be able to play a solo because you know which notes will be used, purely because you know your scales. You will finally enjoy the joy of playing with friends.And by taking this course: You will have lessons that you can go back to and refresh at anytime. You will have: High Quality teaching that gives you complete confidence You will learn Correct fingering so you do it right first time You will have HD Video so that you can see how you should play You will have High Quality Audio so you can hear everything properly You will have Fun Methods of teaching used so you do not start hating scales You will have Fun Practice Schedules, no one wants to spend hours playing scales up and down. You will have a ""Scales Book"" included so you always have a scales book available. You will enjoy having a Qualified Teacher with years of experience so you know you will be being taught properly. And most important of all, you can contact the teacher at any time for support A private tutor automatically teaches scales as they are so important. Such teaching is not so readily available online. A few reasons why you should enjoy scales:Timing is a very important aspect of playing music to master. Get this wrong and your music will sound odd. No one will want to play with you because your playing is a mess.Someone who knows scales instantly knows if an instrument is out of tune. a useful trick to know.Practicing scales improves dexterity. No dexterity and you can only play slow songs.Playing scales improves co-ordination, fits in with dexterity. Fingers have to hit the right notes with the right timing.Practicing scales helps develop finger muscles to provide strong fingers that can play for long periods. Strong fingers also help with dynamics as finger control is improved.Knowing scales is good for ear training. The natural sounding notes are recognized, wrong notes are quickly noticed and can be sorted out.When reading music good scale knowledge helps speed up reading and understanding, especially as the eye recognizes patterns. Music is after all, about patterns.Scales are the building blocks of music. Although you will probably never play a scale as a tune, having a sound grounding in scales, is one of your building block foundations. Start learning scales today and accelerate your playing abilities exponentially. As with all my courses:you have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, etc in this course are always freethere is an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question I believe my support on udemy cannot be bettered.Enroll now!"
Price: 49.99

"Cmo crear buenos hbitos y rutinas" |
"Cmo puedes ayudar a tu hijo a ser ms autnomo? El bao, la comida o el sueo pueden convertirse en los peores momentos del da si el nio no sabe qu tiene que hacer. Aunque a veces cueste, conseguir que tu hijo adopte hbitos y pautas de comportamiento en su desarrollo es posible, slo tienes que saber cmo guiarlo en ese proceso. Conoces las claves para establecer hbitos en familia sin que haya enfados? No todos los nios son iguales, pero a todos s se les debe educar para desarrollar su autonoma personal. Debes conocer a tu hijo para saber qu cosas se le pueden exigir, o qu tiempo necesitan para completarlas. Porque es tarea de los padres marcar las rutinas a los hijos. La repeticin de estas rutinas genera hbitos, y estos le ofrecen seguridad en el entorno, necesaria para ser feliz en estas primeras edades. Consigue con Superpadres. com los recursos para potenciar buenos hbitos de lectura en tu hijo. EN CADA RETO SUPERPADRES. COM ENCONTRARS: VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. MATERIALES de rpida consulta. RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. EJERCICIOS Y ACTIVIDADES. CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo navegar por internet de forma segura" |
"Cmo puedes proteger a tu hijo en el mundo digital? Internet ofrece un sinfn de posibilidades. Pero, a su vez, tambin es peligroso y su uso implica una serie de riesgos. Para poder orientarle, es imprescindible que t primero conozcas cmo navegar en Internet de forma segura y creativa y cmo protegernos en el uso de las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin (TIC). Los mviles, los ordenadores, las tabletas forman ya parte de nuestra vida. Los nios necesitan que se les oriente en el uso seguro de Internet, y para ello el dilogo dentro de la familia es bsico: navegar juntos, comentar las situaciones que se pueden encontrar los menores y cmo actuar ante ellas son actividades que debis hacer conjuntamente y con las que le ayudars a reforzar su autonoma personal. Consigue con Superpadres. com los recursos para reconocer y prevenir los riesgos de Internet y orientar a tu hijo para que navegue seguro. EN CADA RETO SUPERPADRES. COM ENCONTRARS: VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. MATERIALES de rpida consulta. RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. EJERCICIOS Y ACTIVIDADES. CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo afrontar las rabietas" |
"Por qu tu hijo tiene rabietas? Qu las promueven? Vives cada da con una pataleta de tu hijo, con todo lo que ello conlleva? Nervios, preocupacin, frustracin: el ambiente familiar se resiente y no sabemos si es algo que hagamos mal como padres, o si el nio no sabe cmo expresar su malestar. Qu debemos hacer y qu no para afrontarlas? Las rabietas son la forma natural que tiene tu hijo de expresar sus emociones y su identidad. Son parte de una etapa en la que se est conociendo a s mismo. Como padres, debemos actuar ante las rabietas con calma y confianza en nuestras capacidades. Porque en funcin de nuestro comportamiento ante el nio, en vez de mitigar las rabietas slo conseguiremos que se repitan ms a menudo. Consigue con Superpadres. com los recursos para mitigar la frecuencia de aparicin de las rabietas de tu hijo. EN CADA RETO SUPERPADRES. COM ENCONTRARS: VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. MATERIALES de rpida consulta. RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. EJERCICIOS Y ACTIVIDADES. CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo inculcar la responsabilidad" |
"Qu herramientas son las mejores para inculcar la responsabilidad? La autonoma y la responsabilidad no aparecen en los nios por arte de magia. Son el fruto de un conjunto de normas, tareas, estimulaciones y pautas eficaces marcadas por nuestra parte. Est claro que los sermones, los castigos y los sobornos no son el mejor estilo educativo para que tu hijo se adapte a las normas sociales. La tarea de educar a los nios para que sean responsables es muy difcil. Porque, podemos realmente inculcar la responsabilidad? Buscamos buenos colegios, les ayudamos en sus estudios, en su desarrollo social y emocional. Pero para que desarrollen su consciencia moral y sean responsables, necesitan encontrar el equilibrio entre alcanzar sus propios deseos y adaptarse a las normas sociales. Consigue con Superpadres. com los recursos para educar a tu hijo en la responsabilidad. EN CADA RETO SUPERPADRES. COM ENCONTRARS: VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. MATERIALES de rpida consulta. RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. EJERCICIOS Y ACTIVIDADES. CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil."
Price: 24.99

"Camtasia Mastery 8 - Creating Killer Videos w/ Camtasia 8" |
"Last update: October 2016.Camtasia Mastery is for everyone who uses Camtasia Studio to make videos. From beginners learning what the program is about, to experienced users who want to learn how to take animations and hosting to the next level, this course has loads of information for learners of all experience levels. The Camtasia Mastery sections are divided into several bite-sized videos. This allows you to go through the course in order, or jump to any of the topics you need help with. Most videos are only 2-3 minutes long but the course is packed with over 6 hours of instruction. You can get exactly what you need, when you need it - no more scouring hours of videos to try and find the one nugget of information you need. Be sure to check out all of the course reviews to see how students love this course. From beginners to long-time users, you WILL learn how to best use Camtasia Studio. Post your questions. I reply to most student questions and comments within 3 days (usually faster). The best questions will get a video answer. I will create a video to fully answer great questions. Video answers (and questions) are shared with all students in a special section at the end of the course. If you are creating training videos with Camtasia, you will learn tricks and tips to save you time and make your videos look great!"
Price: 194.99

"Music Marketing Online (Guerrilla Marketing and Promotion)" |
"Admit it. Promoting your music in the digital era can be confusing and overwhelming. Where do you start? What do you focus on? After you take this course, you'll have a much clearer perspective and a road map to follow to promote your music online. In this fast-paced training session, Bob Baker expands on chapters from his books, "Guerrilla Music Marketing Online" and the "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook." Here's just some of what you'll get from this course: Laying the Foundation for Online Music Marketing How to Engage Your Fans So They Support You Three Steps to Effective Music Marketing Creating a Framework for Internet Promotion Building Your Hub and Spoke Structure Five Elements of an Effective Music Website Determining Your Content Marketing Plan Understanding the Three Modes of Online Communication A Checklist of What to Post and Share Online Be prepared to take lots of notes. Register for this course on Udemy today and get lifetime access to the lessons. Watch them on your computer, or on your smartphone or tablet using the free Udemy app. Plus, it comes with a 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee!"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo actuar durante y tras una separacin" |
"Cmo responder a las nuevas demandas de nuestros nios? Tras una separacin o un divorcio, pensar que esa ruptura puede afectar negativamente a nuestros hijos nos produce cierto temor y recelo. No hay motivo para angustiarse si somos capaces de mantener el referente de equilibrio y seguridad que siempre hemos proyectado en nuestros hijos. Cmo actuar? Qu pasos debemos realizar? Los nios que viven una ruptura, por divorcio o separacin de los padres, se encuentran inevitablemente con una situacin diferente, que se suma a los problemas propios de su edad. Para protegerles, lo ideal es que los padres puedan seguir actuando como tales a pesar de la ruptura conyugal. Porque nuestros hijos siguen teniendo en nosotros, de forma ms intensa, el referente de equilibrio y seguridad. Consigue con Superpadres. com los recursos para ayudar a tus hijos ante las nuevas demandas derivadas de una ruptura conyugal. EN CADA RETO SUPERPADRES. COM ENCONTRARS: VDEOS Y AUDIOS prcticos y amenos. MATERIALES de rpida consulta. RESPUESTAS concretas a tus dudas. CONSEJOS, pautas y herramientas de fcil aplicacin. EJERCICIOS Y ACTIVIDADES. CONTENIDO realizado por pedagogos, psiclogos y especialistas en desarrollo infantil."
Price: 24.99

"CCIE Routing & Switching Version 5.0 - Layer 2" |
"Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing and Switching (CCIE Routing and Switching) certifies the skills required of expert-level network engineers to plan, operate and troubleshoot complex, converged network infrastructure. This video training course focuses on the topics listed in the Layer 2 Technologies" section of Cisco's blueprint for the CCIE Routing and Swiching Version 5 Written and Lab exam. This is the First part of of 7 CCIE courses by sikandar shaik. The benefits of getting a CCIE certification are varied and include the following: Better pay Career-advancement opportunities Applies to certain minimum requirements for Cisco Silver and Gold Channel Partners, as well as those seeking Master Specialization, making you more valuable to Channel Partners Better movement through the problem-resolution process when calling the Cisco TAC Prestige Credibility for consultants and customer engineers, including the use of the Cisco CCIE logo The other big reason to take the CCIE Routing and Switching written exam is that it recertifies an individual's associate-, professional-, and expert-level Cisco certifications, regardless of his or her technology track."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to build educational apps in XCode 6 with Swift and C" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to build apps? This course is for you! This course will show you how to build educational apps for iOS and OSX in Xcode 6! Learn how to build apps for a very lucrative area of the app store! This course will show you how to code in Swift and Objective - C. This course is for complete beginners and not experienced programmers. Learn how to build apps for yourself, your kids or somebody you know. John Bura is one of the 10 highest grossing Udemy instructors. Recently the top 10 instructors have sold over 10 million dollars of courses collectively. John Bura has been programming games since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John is the owner of the game development studio Mammoth Interactive. This company produces XBOX 360, iPhone, iPad, android, HTML 5, ad-games and more. Mammoth Interactive recently sold a game to Nickelodeon! John has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management. To this day John has 40 commercial games that he has contributed to. Several of the games he has produced have risen to the top 10 in the Apple's app store. In his spare time John likes to play ultimate Frisbee, cycle and work out."
Price: 19.99

"Data Visualize Data with D3.js The Easy Way" |
"This Learning to Visualize Data with D3.js training course from Infinite Skills teaches you how to build data visualizations with the D3 JavaScript library. This course is designed for users that already have some HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming experience. You will start by learning the basics of D3, including how to bind data from JavaScript arrays to elements, scale data, and style simple data visualizations with CSS. From there, This course will show you how to introduce interactivity into your data visualization, including how to add a sort button, animate changes, and respond to other mouse events. This video tutorial will also cover how to create a line chart and a scatter-plot data visualization. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have developed a solid working knowledge of D3, and be able to build your own data visualizations. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99
