"Catia V5R20" |
"People are often intimidated by 2D and 3D modelling software and have the view that it is going to take years of learning to get a grip on the software and be able to use it. This is a misconception.This course is a comprehensive guide which will allow you to confidently produce 2D and 3D models of you drawings as well enable you to make effective and efficient use of your time. This is coursed is designed by keeping in mind the usersapprehensions regarding the software and hence the language used is easy and lucid without the use of heavytechnical jargon so that it is easy to understand for one and all.What will you learnWe start with the basic functions to make 2DSketches,going on to make 3D Models, covering numerous commandsin between to make you an competent user. The course will begin with covering the most basic of features and move on the more evolved features which will enable you to reach your goal of learning 3D modelling.The course is divided into sectionswhich will enable you to have a systematic learning approach. The sections are divided into,:CommandsConstraintsTools and CommandsGenerating ViewsIn this new age of 3D printing, learning 3D modelling gives you an added advantage, and all the working professionals are assured to get an edge being well versed with this popular software as many major Aerospace, Automotive, Shipbuilding, Industrial equipment, Architecture industries use this software in varying degrees for their modelling needs.So what are you waiting for take this course and see yourself work more efficiently than ever! Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo usar Pinterest para aumentar las ventas de tu negocio" |
"Curso actualizado una vez ms el da 28 de Septiembre de 2015Por promocin este curso se ofrece gratuito. A partir del 1ero de Octubre, el precio pasar a ser de $9.Este curso se ofrece con 30 das de garanta, si no ests 100% satisfecho te reembolsaremos tu dinero. Sin preguntas. NETE A MS DE 1000 ALUMNOS QUE YA ESTAN HACIENDO CRECER A SU NEGOCIO PINEANDO!======================================================================================Aprende a dirigir trfico de Pinterest hacia tu pgina web, blog, canal de YouTube o a dnde quieras! ======================================================================================= Bienvenidos a mi curso ""Como usar Pinterest para hacer crecer tu negocio."" Este es un curso fcil y divertido Qu vas a aprender en este curso? Al inscribirte a este curso, tendrs acceso ilimitado a ms de 2 horas y 18 clases de contenido a tu alcance siempre que quieras. A generar trfico hacia tu pgina desde Pinterest A usar palabras claves y ttulos relevantes De dnde sacas las fotos? A abrir y a pegar tu primer anuncio. Todo esto y mucho mas en tu propio idiomaTESTIMONIALES ""Oradora carismtica y de enseanza prctica."" Rodrigo G. ""Esta muy bien explicado, la instructora es muy natural, encanta su estilo y forma de explicar."" Alberto T. ""Muy interesante el curso. Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos, en realidad no me imaginaba que Pinterest sirviera para mi emprendimiento online, gracias."" Jorge L. ""Un curso prctico y de utilidad."" Gonzalo ""Muy buen curso. Muchos tips, te ayuda a dimensionar nuevas estrategias para atraer trfico a tu sitio web y otros que quieras. Muy recomendado."" Desarrollador F.================ NO CREES QUE YA VA SIENDO HORA DE PASAR A LA ACCIN? ================ Inscrbete ahora y accede al contenido sin lmites desde cualquier parte del mundo. Un curso en espaol adaptado a tus necesidades, impartido de manera amena y pensado para todos los niveles. Aprender nunca antes ha sido tan fcil. Adems, te garantizo la devolucin de tu inversin en 30 das si no quedas satisfecho con los contenidos del curso. No tienes nada que perder!Cules son los requisitos?Tan slo necesitas: Una computadora laptop con acceso a Internet. Lpiz y papel para que no se te escape ningn consejo.================================= TOMA ESTE CURSO YA! ================================="
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Certification on IBM Lotus Domino 9.X Administration" |
"This course helps for the people who have completed IBM Lotus Domino Administration 8.5 training or experienced Domino 8.5 Administrators or Network or System administrators who are new to Domino technology and who are interested to take IBMLotus Domino Certification first time.With IBM Certified System Administrator you should be able to perform the tasks and demonstrate skills associated with growth in expanding a Lotus Domino Infrastructure.Above course provides complete required skills for certifications like :-Installation and configuration- Mail and messaging- Management and maintenance- Utilizing Domino Attachment and Object Service- Management of servers- Defining Domino attributes- Implementing Lotus Traveler- Understanding, configuring, and managing security, including deploying implementing, and managing the ID Vault"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A+ Essays: A Structured Approach to Successful Essay Writing" |
"Many students become anxious at the prospect of having to write an essay or term paper. They don't understand the conventions for organizing essays, and they don't know how to manage their time and the writing process. The result is that many students enter college without the skills necessary to succeed simply because they were never properly taught how to write essays. This course aims to overcome this problem by offering a systematic framework for essay writing that removes the mystery and presents a clear path for moving from idea to outline to completed first draft. A STRUCTURED APPROACH TO SUCCESSFUL ESSAY WRITINGThe most efficient way to improve your essay writing is to focus on the key structural features that define successful writing at the essay level. An essay can be written beautifully, but if it's missing key structural elements (like a well defined thesis statement), it will fail as an essay.This course provides a set of concepts and tools for thinking about, analyzing and fixing problems with the structural elements of your essay. CONTENTS AND OVERVIEWStudents in this course will learn how essay writing skills are related to ""deep reading"" and ""deep thinking"" skills, and why this is increasingly important in today's world. You will also learn how standards of good essay writing are related to standards of good written communication more broadly. You'll learn why academic essays are structured the way they are, how essay style is related to essay structure, how to approach the writing process, and how to organize your time so that you can actually get the work done before the deadline.But the centerpiece of the course is two detailed case studies. In one of them I take a short student essay that has some serious problems, analyze the structural issues and rewrite that essay from start to finish. In another case study I take an actual essay assignment from an actual college class, that I don't teach, and take that essay from initial brainstorming and researching to a detailed outline to a completed first draft with a reference list and inline reference citations.At the end of this course you will feel more confident about your ability to successfully complete essay assignments in school, and you will have a greater understanding of the skills and habits of successful writers. NOTE: ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS LOVE THIS CONTENTI have a lot of positive feedback about this content over the years. College and universities from around the world have paid me thousands of dollars to license the use of these videos on their institutional servers (libraries, academic integrity programs, etc.). Here are some of the institutions that have purchased copies of these videos for use on their own institutional servers:Michigan State UniversityUniversity of South FloridaForest Train AcademyHarvard Kennedy SchoolLawrence High SchoolWayland Public SchoolsWentville School District among others.But I would like to share this content with as wide an audience as possible, and Udemy is a fabulous platform for hosting it."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons : Blues Chords : Fingerpicking" |
"Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons: Blues Chords: Fingerstyle Blues Guitar Chords : Fingerstyle Acoustic Guitar Patterns BluesThis courses provides tuition in several diverse blues guitar finger picking styles, and also gives the opportunity to learn complete songs - advice is also given about singing at the same time. Artists covered - Lightnin' Hopkins, John Loudermilk, Gary Davis, Sam Chatmon and Guy Davis. The acoustic blues guitar masters had an enormous influence on generations of modern guitarists - the acoustic swing blues of Broonzy, for example, became the electric style of Muddy Waters, then Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan. The starting point fo any guitar picker wanting to play any kind of blues is to study the techniques of the original blues guitar players, to see how they put their music together and to appreciate how their fingers produced so much rhythm and syncopation onj a relatively simple instrument like the acoustic guitar. This basiccourse covers several basic guitar finger picking styles, and my approach is to show you just one thing - anyone can play the blues guitar with the right tuition, time and practice - it's all up to you. Each guitar lesson includes in-video guitar tablature, discussion about technique and slow motion demonstrations of both hands. This course is a great primer for my other blues guitar lessons, which cover all of the major guitar picking styles from most famous blues men of old.#fingerstyle #acoustic #blues #guitar"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Hacking School - DEUTSCHE EDITION - Lernen durch Praxis" |
"Letzte Aktualisierung: 07/2020Hacking School - DEUTSCHE EDITION - Lernen durch PraxisAchtung: Das ist eine neue Version des Kurses. Es umfasst Trainingssystem und alle Skripte diskutiert in den Aufnahmen.Hacking School Der unzensierte Hacking KursEthical Hacking Unleashed! Wir freuen uns, dass wir Ihnen das von uns erarbeitete und in seiner Art einmalige Hacking School Handbuch vorstellen knnen. Es vermittelt die Grundkenntnisse im Bereich System- und Netzwerksicherheit. Mit Hilfe des Handbuches gehen Sie Schritt fr Schritt den interaktiven Kurs durch und erlernen sowohl einfache als auch fortgeschrittene Techniken, die tglich von Hackern genutzt werden um in fremde Netze einzudringen. Wenn Ihnen diese Techniken gelufig sind, werde Sie auch in der Lage sein, ihr eigenes Netz zu schtzen. Prfen Sie, wie sicher Ihr Netzwerk und Ihr Computer sind. Wenn Sie ber einen eigenen Server oder eine Internetseite verfgen, oder wenn Sie ein Diskussionsforum leiten, wissen Sie bestimmt, was fr ein groer Schaden von Eindringlingen eingerichtet werden kann. Schlagen Sie Internetverbrecher mit ihren eigenen Waffen. Sie wollen wissen wie? Sie erfahren, wie sicher Ihre Kennwrter sind - die beste Art es zu erfahren ist, sie zu knacken.Fhren Sie eine Attacke gegen eine eigene Web-Seite durch und stellen Sie ihre Schwachstellen fest. Sie spter zu korrigieren fllt Ihnen dann wesentlich leichter.Sie werden erfahren, wie (erschreckend) einfach jede im LAN versendete Nachricht abgefangen werden kann Mails, ber Messenger gefhrte Gesprche oder der Inhalt betrachteter Webseiten. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie das unterbinden knnen und dadurch Ihre Privatsphre schtzen knnen.Das ist nur ein kleiner Teil der Techniken, die wir Ihnen vermitteln wollen. Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann lesen Sie weiter... Expertenmeinungen Unser Training wurde von einer Reihe von Branchendiensten durchgetestet. Wir mchten Sie anregen, sich mit der Meinung unabhngiger Experten von solchen Webdiensten wie Hakin9 Magazine oder All About PC Vortal vertraut zu machen. Es folgen Links zu bisher erschienenen Verffentlichungen. Wie erweitern Sie ihr Wissen auf dem Fachgebiet des Hackings? Speziell fr Sie haben wir ein komplexes, interaktives Trainingsset entwickelt, dessen einzelne Elemente im Folgenden besprochen werden. Das Hacking School Handbuch - Das Buch fhrt Sie Schritt fr Schritt sowohl in die grundlegenden als auch in die fortgeschrittenen Geheimnisse des Hackings ein. 420 Seiten an Beispielen und Fllen sowie an Informationen darber, wie Hacker arbeiten, aber auch bungen, mit deren Hilfe Sie praktische Fhigkeiten erlernen, untersttzen Sie dabei. Jedes Kapitel stellt einen abgeschlossen Abschnitt dar und behandelt ein ausgewhltes Thema. Sie selbst entscheiden sowohl ber Ihr eigenes Lerntempo als auch ber das Thema, das gerade fr Sie von Interesse ist. System mit 19 Trainingsfilmen - fast 4 Stunden Audio- und Videomaterial. Jedes Thema aus dem Handbuch wird detailliert vorgestellt und ist mit gesprochenen Kommentaren versehen. Jeder Film wurde in einer realen Umgebung erstellt und stellt ein wirkliches Szenario dar, das von einem potentiellen Hacker durchgefhrt werden knnte. Die Filme zeigen Ihnen alle notwendigen Schritte - wichtig, wenn Sie unterwegs ""hngen bleiben"". Trainingsbetriebssystem (ISO-Abbild) - Um die Umsetzung des Trainingsmaterials auch Anfngern zu ermglichen, wurde dem Set ein speziell vorbereitetes Trainingsbetriebssystem beigelegt, das direkt von der CD - also ohne Installation gestartet werden kann. Zwei Minuten nach dem Start ist Ihre Testumgebung einsatzbereit und Sie knnen loslegen! Konfuzius, einer der grten chinesischen Philosophen hat einst gesagt: ""Ich hre und vergesse. Ich sehe und erinnere mich. Ich mache und verstehe."". Dieses alte chinesische Sprichwort hat uns whrend der ganzen Entstehungszeit des Hacking School Sets begleitet. Im Verlauf von vierzehn Monaten harter Arbeit ist es uns gelungen, fr Sie ein auergewhnliches und bisher nie da gewesenes Training zu erstellen. Es war nicht einfach, aber Dank der Ausdauer und des Engagements aller acht Teammitglieder, haben wir es geschafft. Es ist uns gelungen, die Information in Buchform mit dem Multimediamaterial und der Trainingsumgebung auf dem hchsten Niveau miteinander zu verbinden. Das alles, damit das Endprodukt sogar den anspruchsvollsten, zuknftigen Adepten der Hackerkunst zufrieden stellt. Eine Art der Wissensvermittlung, die funktioniert. Das Set beinhaltet nicht umsonst das Wort Handbuch"" in seinem Titel. Wie Sie sich gleich berzeugen knnen, handelt es sich hierbei nicht um eine weitere technische Abhandlung zum Thema Systemsicherheit. Bei dem, was wir vorbereitet haben, handelt es sich um ein interaktives Trainingsset, dass Sie Schritt fr Schritt in die Welt der ausgefallensten Hacker-Methoden einfhrt. Dank der dem Handbuch beigefgten Multimediadisks fhlen Sie sich wie ein Teilnehmer an einem echten Vortrag! Stellen Sie sich vor, dass Sie die Mglichkeit haben, bisher unzugngliche Problemkomplexe kennen zu lernen. Geheimnisse, die nur auf ihre Entdeckung warten. Sie schlagen einfach das Handbuch bei der Sie interessierenden Lektion auf und lernen ihren Inhalt kennen. Einmal durchlesen, durchdenken und verstehen... Sie knnen in nur 2 Minuten auf Ihren Computer eine einsatzfhige Testumgebung aufbauen und alles durchtesten, was Sie bisher gelernt haben dies alles mit dem unabhngigen, sich von der Disk startenden Trainingsbetriebssystem. Sie knnen die Lehrfilme sehen und Sie lernen das interaktive Videomaterial kennen, das Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt, Handlung fr Handlung alles das zeigt, was Sie gerade eben erst gelesen haben. Es ist vollkommen unwichtig, ob Sie ein Anfnger im Umgang mit dem Computer, oder auch ein Computer-Guru sind, der schon mir allen Wassern gewaschen ist. Sie entdecken im Trainigsset immer wieder Neues. Die Art und Weise, wie dieses Wissen vermittelt wird, ist zweifelsohne ein Meilenstein. In 20 hervorragend ausgearbeiteten Multimedialektionen werden solche Problemstellungen behandelt wie: Knacken von Kennwrtern gesicherter Dateien.Abfangen von unverschlsseltem Text oder von mit fortgeschrittenen Verschlsselungsmethoden verschlsseltem Text.Angriffe auf Anwendungen und Datenbertragungsprotokolle.Erstellung von eigenen Exploits und Shellcodes.Nutzung von Netzwerkscannern.Einbrucherkennungssysteme.... und viele, viele weitere interessante Themen.Eine der in der Hacking School beschriebenen Problemstellungen ist das Abhren des Internets. In der Zeit immer weitlufigerer Heim-, Siedlungs- oder Universittsnetzwerke, knnen Sie unbewusst zu einem Opfer eines bsartigen Eindringlings werden. Wir zeigen Ihnen ohne Umschweife, wie das Abfangen von Informationen im Intranet mglich ist. Sie haben die Mglichkeit, die gesamte Prozedur vom Standpunkt eines potentiellen Einbrechers aus Schritt fr Schritt zu verfolgen. Sie werden sehen, dass es (erschreckend) einfach ist, Opfer solcher Attacken zu werden. Lernen Sie diese Techniken kennen und schtzen Sie Ihre Privatsphre! Dank der im Set enthaltenen Informationen werden Sie die im Netzwerk herrschenden Funktionsmechanismen verstehen lernen. Wir hegen die Hoffnung, dass dieser Teil des Handbuchs Sie zum Nachdenken anregt und dazu beitrgt, das Sicherheitsniveau Ihres lokalen Netzwerks erneut zu berdenken und verbessern. Wir zeigen Ihnen die Funktionsweise verschiedenartiger Backdoors und Rootkits. Wir beschreiben genau, wie die Dateien, Verzeichnisse, Module und Programme verborgen werden knnen. Das alles knnen Sie in zwei Kapiteln des Hacking School Handbuchs nachlesen und mit Hilfe des hervorragend vorbereiteten Multimediamaterials nachspielen. Es gibt viele Mglichkeiten in Computer einzubrechen... ""Hacking"" Anfnger beginnen fr gewhnlich ihr Abenteuer mit verschiedenartigen Trojanern oder fertigen Skripten. Allerdings berlegen sich die wenigsten von ihnen, wie diese eigentlich funktionieren. Mit jedem Tag werden diese Methoden immer wirkungsloser. Programmierer hinterlassen oftmals unbeabsichtigt im Code kleine Fehler, die bei entsprechender Ausnutzung einen Einbruch ermglichen. Mit Hilfe der Hacking School lernen sie sowohl die grundlegenden als auch die fortgeschrittenen Techniken hierzu kennen. Sie erfahren, wie: Der Programmcode analysiert wird,Man zur Fehlerquelle vordringt,ein bestimmter Fehler wirkungsvoll durch den Hacker ausgenutzt werden kann. Wenn Sie ein Anfnger sind und erst damit beginnen, die Geheimnisse der Computerwelt zu erforschen, trgt das Hacking School Handbuch gewiss zu der Erweiterung ihres Horizonts bei! Warum? Wir zeigen Ihnen in dem Handbuch u. a. Programmiergrundlagen einiger populrer Programmiersprachen wie C und Python. Diese Kenntnisse sind fr das Verstndnis von manchen Problemen und deren Lsung von essentieller Bedeutung. Zusammenfassung: Jede der 21 Lektionen im Handbuch ist in Unterkapitel aufgeteilt.19 der 21 Lektionen werden durch interaktives Lehrmaterial ergnz.Auf den 420 Seiten des Handbuchs und in dem 4-stndigen Lehrfilme sind die verschiedensten mit der Ausnutzung der Schwchen von Computersystemen und Netzwerken in Verbindung stehenden Problemstellungen enthalten.Smtliche Werkzeuganwendungen sowie der Quellcode der im Handbuch beschriebenen Skripte und Programme erhalten Sie auf der beigefgten Zip-Archiv. Alles ist nach Kapiteln unterteilt.Dank des speziell entwickelten Schulungsbetriebssystems verfgen Sie ber die Mglichkeit, jede der Lektionen durchzugehen ohne die Software auf dem Computer installieren zu mssen. Der Start des Systems von der CD (oder ISO-Abbild) dauert etwa zwei Minuten."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Email List Using Facebook Live Video!" |
"Facebook Live video can be an invaluable tool in your marketing quiver! This is a fairly new marketing platform, and along with other popular live video apps, it is quickly becoming a marketing tool you won't be able to ignore any longer.It's the perfect medium to establish authentic and more intimate relationships with your audience. In addition, there's no better way to continue nurturing those relationships than by email. This course will show you the easiest way to convert live broadcast viewers into dedicated and engaged email subscribers.Inside, I will discuss many of the reasons why you should use Facebook Live video and the different types of video you can choose from. In addition, you'll learn some of the best practices of broadcasting live video using Facebook, so that you'll feel like a pro in no time.You will also learn the exact components ofthe webpages you can use to capture the email addresses of your audience. If you want to become an authority in your niche and grow your list of subscribers in the process, this course is your logical next step.Did you know that there is a superpower Facebook has given you if you own a Facebook Page? That's right, and you'll learn step-by-step how to use this superpower using free software for your computer.As a bonus, you'll receive my highest converting landing pages you can use to make quick use of the concepts you'll learn in this course. Of course, I show you how to customize these pages so that you can use them instantly.Don't get left out of cashing in on the live video revolution! Let me teach you all I know about building your email list using Facebook Live video."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Effective Mobile Marketing" |
""Learn Effective Mobile Marketing" course will help you to understand how users engage with mobile, create a clear marketing strategy, target segment and measure your campaigns.With the massive growth of smartphones, mobile has become a significant and diverse media marketing channel. With more and more consumer time spent with mobile devices, how can brands find engagement? Whilst there are many opportunities, there are also a diverse range of technologies to deliver these - from messaging to apps, from mobile web to image recognition. This course provides an in-depth understanding of these channels and how they can be used in brand marketing and advertising."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media For Business Strategy" |
"4 Hrs Of Video and 23 new LecturesToday's customers are online, web savvy and socially connected. Which means they're better informed, harder to reach and harder to please. It's clear then, that the world of business has changed.But have you kept up?Do you have the tactics, tools and training to leverage social media for business success?Social Media Marketing gives you a powerful mix of rich customer data, flexible marketing platforms and the chance to get ahead of your competitors.This new and highly practical Social Media for Business Growth will give you actionable tips and ideas so that you make the most of: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogging and more. You will learn: A process for generating leads using social media; How to create content that increases conversion rates; Practical advice on incorporating mobile strategies into your marketing mix ;A step-by-step process for measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your social media campaigns. This Social Media Course will help you build a solid social media marketing strategy to generate more leads and sales, contribute to business growth and become a marketing rock star..."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Crear y gestionar firmas digitales con Adobe Acrobat" |
"En este curso grabado por un ""Adobe Certified Instructor - Acrobat"" aprenders a crear y gestionar firmas electrnicasy firmas digitales con Adobe Acrobat.El curso inicia explicando los conceptos bsicos de firmas y las diferencias entre firmas electrnicas y firmas digitales, tambin conoceremos el marco legal que controla el uso de firmas digitales en el mundo. Posteriormente mostraremos de forma prctica la creacin y uso de firmas electrnicas y firmas digitales en archivos PDF y finalmente aprenderemos a validar documentos que han sido firmados o certificados con firmas digitales.El curso es 100% prctico basado en talleres, adems podrs practicar usando los archivos que tendrs para descarga con los cuales podrs replicar los ejemplos que se muestran en los videos.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Crear ePubs de diseo fluido con Sigil" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear libros digitales (eBooks)en formato ePub de diseo fluidousando la aplicacin gratuita Sigil.El curso inicia explicando conceptos bsicos como el concepto y estructura de los ePub. Posteriormente conocers la interfaz de Sigil,herramientas bsicas y el proceso de creacin de un nuevo ePub y la estructuracin de su contenido as como la adicin de contenido multimedia como audio, video e imgenes.Tendremos un captulo dedicado al conocimiento yaplicacin de CSS para aplicar la capa de presentacin a nuestros ePub (color, fuentes, tamao, etc) y finalmente convertiremos nuestro ePub a formato .mobi para publicar en Amazon.El curso es 100% prctico basado en talleres, adems podrs practicar usando los archivos que tendrs para descarga con los cuales podrs replicar los ejemplos que se muestran en los videos.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - Avanzado: Edicin Profesional." |
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 20 aos de experiencia pedaggica, te doy la bienvenida al curso Adobe Photoshop CC - Avanzado. Photoshop es la aplicacin estndar para el trabajo con imgenes digitales y este detallado curso te llevar paso a paso por las diferentes herramientas y opciones avanzadas de Photoshop para el trabajo con imgenes digitales.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de realizar tareas de nivel profesional comoajustes tonalesentus imgenes, realizar composiciones complejas basadas en capas, realizar retoques avanzados, generar efectos mediante el uso de modos de fusin de capas, realizar siluetas o selecciones complejas y muchos retoques y efectos ms!La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos por lo cual ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios mostrados.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a usar Photoshop llevando a otro niveltus procesos creativos con imgenes digitales.An no conoces Photoshop? Entonces mira mi curso""Adobe Photoshop CC - Fundamentos"" que puedes encontrar en mi perfil.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC Mster: De Bsico a Profesional." |
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor de aplicaciones Adobe con ms de 20 aos de experiencia pedaggica, te doy la bienvenida al curso Adobe Photoshop CC Mster: De Bsico a Profesional. Photoshop es la aplicacin estndar para el trabajo con imgenes digitales y este extenso y detallado curso te llevar paso a paso por las diferentes opciones y herramientas desde sus fundamentos hasta el nivel avanzado para que te conviertas en todo un profesional de la imagen digital.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de realizar ajustes y mejoras de color a tus imgenes, realizar composiciones complejas basadas en capas, realizar retoques, generar efectos mediante el uso de modos de fusin de capas, realizar siluetas complejas y muchos retoques y efectos ms!Se trata de un curso bastante extenso compuesto por 187lecciones organizadas en 19secciones las cuales suman 17horas de contenido. Si eres un usuario que ya conoce este programa no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos por lo cual ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejercicios mostrados.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a usar Photoshop llevando tus procesos creativos con imgenes digitales a otro nivel.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy.Importante: Si ya has comprado mi curso bsico yavanzado de Photoshop no necesitas comprar este cursopues est conformado por el contenido de esos 2 cursos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Animate CC: Crear animaciones HTML5." |
"Bienvenidos al curso ""Adobe Animate CC - Fundamentos"".Animate es el nombre que ahora Adobe le ha dado a Flash. En este curso conocers y aprenders a usar las diferentes herramientas de esta aplicacin para la creacin de elementos dinmicos e interactivos en formato HTML5 como animaciones, banners, contenido eLearning, etc,los cuales podrs usar en sitios web y/o publicaciones digitales.Este es un curso extenso (ms de 13 horas de contenido)y muy completoque inicia explicando conceptos bsicos como los usos de Animate as como los diferentes tipos de documentos que se pueden crear con esta aplicacin. Tambin explicaremos la diferencia entre documentos de tipo ActionScript y documentos de tipo HTML5 Canvas. Posteriormente conoceremos la interfaz de Animate, aprenderemos a importar imgenes, a trabajar con elementos y despus aprenderemos a usar las diferentes herramientas de dibujo incluyendo la famosa herramienta pluma. En los siguientes captulos aprenderemos a animar elementos usando los tres tipos de interpolacin disponibles en Animate para despus aprender a agregar interactividad mediante Javascript usando fragmentos de cdigo que evitarn que tengas que escribir ese cdigo de forma manual. Posteriormente aprenderemos a trabajar con audio y video para pasar a un captulo de talleres donde practicaremos los temas abordados en los captulos anteriores pasando finalmente a aprender a realizar la publicacin de nuestros documentos en diversos formatos y a aprender a usar esos archivos publicados en diferentes aplicacionescomo Brackets, Dreamweaver, Muse e InDesign.Por supuesto podrs practicar cada uno de los ejercicios mostrados usando los archivos de ejemplo que tendrs disponibles para descarga.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a usar Adobe Animate para crear animaciones modernas en formato HTML5 que adems incluyan caractersticas interactivas.Yaconoces Animate? Entonces mira mi curso""Adobe Animate CC - Avanzado: Interactividad HTML5"" que puedes encontrar en mi perfil.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xperto por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de Udemy."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Service Management Fundamentals (also USMBOK Foundation)" |
"The course combines the outside-in, customer centric best practices used by many of today's most successful service businesses to design and manage the customer experience, with service management concepts, and explains how these are used to ensure the customer relevancy and focus of a service management system and service provider organization. It also explores the latest customer engagement thinking and use of social media tools. This course provides an understanding of the origins of services and service management theory, the core terms, principles and concepts found in Universal Service Management, the elements of a service management framework, including the operational system, and key roles within a service provider organization, workforce management system, and consumer management system. The course includes an introduction to Outside-In"" (customer-centric) thinking, and its relationship to decisions on what products and services to offer, the makeup of those services, and the service support designed to manage the customer interactions, touchpoints, and customer service experience based upon 'moments of truth'. The course also describes the relationship between service functionality and successful customer outcomes, the principles of measuring and managing the customer's level of satisfaction with the service experience, and how these form the basis for defining problems, and responding to these through a continuous improvement program embedded within the service excellence system component of the service management framework.The Universal Service Management Body of Knowledge (USMBOK) is a series of reference publication used by professionals within a service provider organization or service business to design a systematic method for managing services.The USMBOK is a proud member of the International Best Practice Library, alongside the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), and ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Practical Trading on Financial Futures & Options Markets" |
"This is our revised 2nd edition course with significant improvements as a step by step guide on how professionals trade the markets.Experience practical interactive learning beyond classroom & theory! While going through our course, you'll execute trades on a trading platform as we walk you through set ups each week! You'll learn debit / credit spreads using Crude Oil, Gold and conventions across different futures markets. We'll cover how to plan & monitor vertical spreads to start. Oahu Capital is a registered CTA (commodity trade advisor) and member of the National Futures Association (NFA). NFA ID: #0427607. Google: ""Oahu Capital"" or ""Oahu Education"" for both our websites"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Zen Cart Essential Training" |
"In this course you will learn about Zen Cart . Zen Cart is a Free, Open Source and User Friendly Shopping Cart Software/Online Store Management SystemAt the end of this course, you will be able to setup your own Ecommerce Website using Zen Cart. You will be able to Setup Zen Cart on your local hostAdd new templatesAdd new modulesAdd/remove bannersAdd categories & productsSetup shipping and payment methods and moreYou will also learn How to Upload Zen Cart to your web hosting account using FileZillaTransfer Zen Cart from a Sub Domain to Root/MainBackup Zen CartUpgrade an older version of Zen Cart to the latest versionIf you have any questions, feel free to post them in the discussion area.Happy Learning :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Gephi |
"Gephi------- Gephi Gephi Gephi Gephi Gephi The new tutorial will introduce Gephi Gephi Advanced statistical functions on the basis of Gephi Chinese tutorial on this course allows learners Gephi Chinese tutorial basics network science, and science for the future in the framework of multi-network kinds of network phenomena provide the basis for the preparation of a study. The current release is part of the average degree of the network-related statistics, the content of the course includes basic concepts, will introduce the basic concepts of science Gephi for network operation mode, learning programs completely ministry takes half the time."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 - Instalando e Configurando" |
"Aprenda neste segundo curso da srie Certificao Citrix como gerenciar o ambiente Citrix XenDesktop e XenApp 7.6 com as melhores prticas e dicas incrveis para entregar Aplicativos & Desktops aos usurios finais de forma integrada com os produtos lderes para virtualizao (VMware, Hyper-V e XenServer) e aos Big Players da Cloud Computing como: Amazon AWS e Microsoft Azure. Neste curso voc aprender tambm a: Administrar licenas, configurar o StoreFront Server, compreender e configurar as Citrix Policies, Citrix Profile Management, Citrix Director e Citrix Printing incluindo o mais novo recurso do Citrix Universal Print Server. O que voc ganha? 1. Voc ter somente o melhor treinamento: O curso ministrado por Cleriston Cardoso, que possui mais de 18 anos de experincia na indstria de TI com foco intenso em virtualizao de servidores e desktops 2. Curso 100% certificado: No basta ser treinado. obtenha a certificao 3. Obtenha a prtica: Voc comea a aprender tudo, desde a teoria bsica do XenApp FMA (HDX) at a entrega de Desktops Virtuais (VDI) com o XenDesktop. 4. Aprenda confortavelmente: O curso oferecido on-line no conforto da sua prpria casa 5. Pague uma pechincha: O curso est sendo oferecido por uma frao do preo original obtenha agora a melhor formao, sem que seja um fardo para seu bolso. 6. Portugus: O curso oferecido 100% em portugus. 7. Certifique Citrix: Fazendo os trs cursos da srie ""Certificao Citrix"", voc estar preparado para fazer os exames 1Y0-200 (CCA-V) e/ou 1Y0-300 (CCP-V) e fazer um upgrade da sua carreira. *Ateno: Para passar na prova de certificao alm dos conhecimentos adquiridos nos trs cursos, o aluno precisa adquirir experincia prtica (podendo ser atravs do trabalho dia-dia ou laboratrios)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"U.S. History 201" |
"""U.S. History 201"" is a comprehensive introduction to United States History from Early Colonization to Reconstruction. This self-paced online course combines the real world immediacy and intimacy of professionally-produced video with the free, open-source, peer-reviewed textbook ""U.S. History"" from OpenStax College. Hear from noted historians and scholars - including Stephen Aron, Bernard Bailyn, Helena Wall, Estelle Freedman, Samuel H. Beer, Barbara Oberg and others - who together provide a comprehensive and balanced examination of America's rich heritage.The course covers everything you can expect to see in an introductory college or high school course in United States History:Early ColonizationImperial Reforms and Colonial ProtestsAmerica's War for IndependenceCreating Republican GovernmentsThe Industrial, Market, and Transportation RevolutionsJacksonian DemocracyWestward ExpansionThe Antebellum SouthThe Civil WarReconstructionEnjoy more than 200 professionally-produced and engaging video segments - each approximately three to five minutes in duration - that incorporate subject expert interviews, dramatic recreations, photographs and artifacts, and historic images and illustrations.U.S. History 201 can be adopted ""as is"" for use as a complete online course in Early American History, as a quality textbook replacement for existing history courses, or as a media-rich resource for homeworkand test preparation (e.g. CLEP Exam)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"U.S. History 202" |
"""U.S. History 202"" is a comprehensive introduction to United States History from Reconstruction to the Information Age. This self-paced online course, and companion course to U.S. History 201, combines the real world immediacy and intimacy of professionally-produced video with the free, open-source, peer-reviewed textbook ""U.S. History"" from OpenStax College. Hear from noted historians and scholars - including Alan Brinkley, Deborah G. White, Matthew Frye Jacobson, Mickey Edwards, Kent Greenawalt, Alice Kessler-Harris, David Gergen, Paula McClain and others - who together provide a comprehensive and balanced examination of America's rich heritage.The course covers everything you can expect to see in an introductory college or high school course in United States History:ReconstructionWestward ExpansionIndustrialization and UrbanizationThe Age of EmpireThe Progressive MovementWorld War IThe Roaring 20sThe Great Depression and New DealWorld War II and the Cold WarAmerica in the 1960sCulture WarsChallenges of the 21st CenturyEnjoy more than 200 professionally-produced and engaging video segments - each approximately three to five minutes in duration - that incorporate subject expert interviews, photographs and artifacts, and historic images and illustrations.U.S. History 202 can be adopted ""as is"" for use as a complete online course in American History, as a quality textbook replacement for existing history courses, or as a media-rich resource for homeworkand test preparation (e.g. CLEP Exam)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Create your business plan with StratPad" |
"This course helps entrepreneurs and startups create a banker-ready business plan from scratch using award-winning StratPad software. Its 20 short lessons walk you through the creation of your business plan, step-by-step. Follow along in StratPad and you'll complete your business plan by the end of the course. You should be able to complete the course (and your business plan) in a single day. You'll learn: - the 7 key questions that you must answer to get a loan or investment - how to break your plan down into manageable pieces - the numbers you need to create your financial projections - how to strengthen your plan with metrics - how to build accountability into your plan The course contains everything you need except for a StratPad account. Get your free 7-day StratPad account at the StratPad website."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory with the Ableton Push" |
"Traditionally, music theory is taught with a piano as the main tool to learn the concepts. In this class, we take music theory concepts and apply them to the the Ableton Push controller. Using the Push, we can find the patterns for chords, harmony, and intervals that will get you producing, songwriting, or composing with the Ableton Push. For the best success in this course, it is recommended students have already taken the other Music Theory for Electronic Musician classes. They are: Music Theory for Electronic Musicians I and Music Theory for Electronic Musicians II: Minor Keys and More"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Audacity: Producing & Recording with Powerful Free Software" |
"In this comprehensive class we will learn the ins and outs of the powerful, open-source, and FREE software Audacity. Audacity allows for recording, editing, mastering, and mixing, and is a versatile tool for any aspiring or professional producer looking for an inexpensive way to produce high-quality tracks. We will focus on the strengths of the program and look at its editing features, tools, and sample-level manipulation options. (Powerful!) Use built-in techniques to generate new sounds through manipulation and synthesis Explore Audacity's built in analysis tools for an overview of Mastering techniques. BONUS: Also included in this class is 50% discounts to all my other audio classes, including Sound Design: Synthesis, Sound Design: Sampling, Intro to Electronic Music, and Music Theory for Electronic Musicians! J. Anthony Allen is an Ableton Certified Trainer, and a PhD in Music Composition and master of Electronic Sounds. His music has been heard internationally in film, radio, video games, and industrial sound, as well as the concert hall and theater. He currently as an adjunct professor of composition at the University of St. Thomas, Macphail Academy of Music, and the CEO of Slam Academy in Minneapolis. Praise for other classes by J. Anthony Allen: ""Dr Allen does it again with his music theory for electronic musicians series. This course really opened up everything I learned from the 1st section and now I understand more about the composition side of things for music. I highly highly recommend this course to anyone!!! Really opened my eyes to many things I wasn't aware of."" ""The Best Teacher ever, who makes you understand the ins & outs of Music Theory by all mean without giving what you don't want to know."" ""I have never had any formal training in music at all. Trying to learn all the notes and how everything translated was a serious challenge. After going thru this class, Dr. J has totally brought down the barriers. The content was very useful and was easy to grasp for me."""
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Swift 2.0 and Sprite Kit Basics for Game Developers" |
"In the Swift Basics section of video tutorials, Ill teach some of the basic things you can do with Swift in Xcode. If youre completely new to programming or just need a little refresher, this is a great starter tutorial series, and it is all completely free. In the Swift and Sprite Kit section, you can follow right along with me during my first week with Sprite Kit and Swift. Although, Im quite comfortable behind the wheel with Sprite Kit, these videos were recorded over my first 5 days with Swift, so this series is a bit more off-the-cuff, experimental, and reveals some of my initial ah-ha moments with the language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to the CISSP Security Certification" |
"Acquire the ability to deal with todays fast evolving technological threats. Information security is an area that every organization needs to deal with, considering the increased security risks arising from emerging technologies and the growing army of malicious attackers. This CISSP training course covers topics ranging from operations security, telecommunications, network and internet security and business continuity planning. The training course is delivered by a certified CISSP professional, covering all eight domains of the CISSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) and is addressed to both information security professionals, which are committed to continually expanding their knowledge and expertise, as well as the general public. The CISSP certification is a worldwide recognized standard of achievement that confirms knowledge in the information security field and is imperative to a cyber security career. CISSPs are information assurance professionals that assure a secure business environment. The CISSP Certification offers the following benefits: Advanced knowledge of information security Enhanced credibility and marketability career distinction Increased income than non-certified professionals The CISSP course is nothing more and nothing less than a thorough, deep dive into the most critical skills of information technology and it is available to anyone, anywhere in the world."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Survive Italy Without Being Fluent in Italian" |
"COURSE RECENTLY UPDATED: Q&A Webinars Added (your questions got answered!) OVER 11,000 STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE! Buongiorno! Planning a trip to Italy and don't have enough time to learn Italian? Curious about the Italian language? Struggling to learn Italian? In this introductory course you will learn several tricks to jumpstart your Italian and to speed up your learning. Did you know that you could immediately and almost effortlessly learn 50% of the Italian vocabulary? Did you know that you can master Italian pronunciation in just a few hours? Did you know that you could be speaking in long, complex sentences in just a few weeks? This course is not magic and naturally learning a language does require some time and effort, but no one needs to be fluent to enjoy the beautiful country that is Italy. If you were ever interested in visiting Italy, then this course will help you prepare for the adventure. Enjoy.Grazie, Manu VendittiNOTE: this is a 90 minute lecture on ways you can pick up some basic Italian. Obviously it is not a complete language course! Have fun with it and hopefully this will spark your interest in learning Italian with one of the more complete courses I offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Geographic Information Systems with geodjango" |
"We can add anything onto our standard databases and then search up queries like listing them in a particular chronological order or for instance, showing people who has a name starting with the letter a. But have you ever thought about how we save a particular location, more precisely, their latitude and longitude information by using queries? What about listing these queries from the nearest to the most far, most far to the nearest and everything else like searching up within a particular kilometer? If the subject is location, we also need to learn how to use other data types as well as customary databases like pointfield or polygonfield. What is a PointField?Simply put, it is a type of data that we use to save the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the users. What is a PolygonField?This is the type of data that you would need to use if you want to plot a particular area instead of just plotting a point on the map. Examples include: land, patch of an area, country, city, the area of a house etc.Where can I use PointField? Where would it benefit me? For example, when you check-in using the swarm app, the app will receive your latitude and logitude information where you have checked in at that moment. This information will be sent to their server and will be saved into the pointfield after being transformed into a point. Then your location will be shared with everyone instantly. What else does Swarm do? For example, when you are checking in, it comes up with some suggestions. For example, if you are eating in London in Burger King, and you have a Starbucks nearby, it will be suggested to you.Here is an example of what the suggestions may look like:Burger KingStarbucksLondonOthers...... but how does swarm know that you are near these places? Because these are actually saved into the database of Swarm as a pointfield. So it's listing these localities from the closest to the most far. After you have learnt from these lectures, you will find it's really easy make such filters. Additionally, you will also learn how to add limitations within a chosen quantity of kilometer . So you could request to show people for instance only within 10km in distance and list those from the nearest to the farthest.Let's talk a bit about Tinder. What does Tinder do? It shows you the nearest opposite sex. If you are not interested in the users nearby, it will show you someone else that is farther and the distance will gradually become higher. For example, if you are not interested in the people within 0.3km away, the distance will gradually increase to like 2km, 5km, 10km but for example if you are using Tinder in Turkey, you obviously won't see people who are in Germany.Basically, Tinder saves your location into their pointfield and lists people who are the nearest to the farthest to your location. Tinder also shows your distance to other users. With these lectures, you will also learn these and how to calculate the distance in between two users using km's or miles. Congratulations, you can now create apps such as swarm, tinder or foursquare. So what else can we do? Find my friends: you can make an app where you can find all your friends over a map.You can create a special app where people can follow their girlfriends over a map.You can create an app for rent a car type of businesses to follow the location of the vehicle.For example, you can create an app for an employer who has a business that is usually done outside by an employee like working as a taxi driver. Usually, you would need an expensive GPS device for such things but you can simply make them download an app for their mobile phone and constantly watch their current location.Not only these.If you have a website about selling property (real estate) and instead of writing just the km2 of the house, you can show the location of the property on the map including its area giving more details. Who wouldn't want that? Not only all of these, after these lectures, you will also learn about all the basics of Google Maps.You will be able to show the people you have previously saved over google maps too.You will gain knowledge about map markers. You will gain knowledge about complex map markers. You will see the photos which you have taken from the database as a marker and be able to add links to them.I have learnt everything about Geodjango, learnt about the types of data, I understand Google Maps too, yes, but you talk a lot about the latitude and logitude information. Where can I find that information? This is a very smart question. If you want to do this on web, don't worry, I also talk about the usage of the html 5 geolocation feature. If you have a mobile app (objective-c for iOS and java for android) it is extremely easy to receive the latitude and longitude information. What you do with mobile applications is the same as posting the latitude and longtitude information to the server.Wow, the amount of information in the lectures are unbelievable! I think that's all we learn. No. Lastly, let's talk about GEOIP. Basically, GEOIP works by receiving the IP adress to receive information such as the country, county, city, district, adress. And yes, with these lectures, you would be able to learn how to use the GEOIP library.More info on geodjango . tumblr address."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shark Accounting - Building a Business by the Numbers!" |
"Starting a business? Could you go up against the shark venture capitalists that want to see if you understand you numbers? This course will not only prepare you for the sharks but it will help you see how the numbers can assist you to develop a successful venture. This is not a course about debits and credits. This is a course that guides you through the process of starting a profitable and sustainable business. The course is taught with video lectures and instructional materials. The course can be completed in two hours. This class not only prepares you to face bankers, venture capitalists and financial advisers but it also gets your business off to the right start. Professor Vince is available to answer your questions. He respondes to your questions and messages within 72 hours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Top-BOSS |
"MBA / EMBA *** () () () () (1) (2) () (3) / ()"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Trabaja desde casa con Fiverr" |
"En mi curso aprenders a obtener generar ingresos extras, trabajar desde casa con pequeos pasos, a mi me tomo un tiempo aprender empezar y generar ingresos, con lo que te ensee ahorraras tiempo en aprender por tu cuenta y hacerlo de manera correcta.Ademas de algunos consejos que ir dando en el curso, y por ltimo porque se que siempre hay algo nuevo que agregar al curso, una vez compres el curso, este curso lo actualizare peridicamente con nuevas estrategias y la mejor parte es que no tendrs que pagar mas por ello.El curso va desde los ms bsico a lo avanzado todo paso a paso, as todos empiezan desde lo bsico y continua un niveles mas avanzados en cada video, entonces...Resumiendo:Te enseare como registrarte y publicar en Fiverr as como publicar tus servicios.No te tomara mucho tiempoSern servicios simples y en algunos casos sencillosGana 5, 10, a 40 dlares por servicioSolo tomara un poco de tu tiempo libreTe guiare paso a paso a como :-registrarte-configurar tu cuenta-subir fotos-publicar tus servicios-agregar videos, descripcin-agregar servicios complementarios-navegar por los servicios-contestar mensajes-y mas Tips para incrementar tu ventasEstas son algunas calificaciones que recib en fiverr: *very helpful, thanks! - purelyalpaca*bueno - andy1294 *Rapido, eficiente, 100% recomendable! - cardenasl2003*Outstanding Experience! - chris99hansen*very quick and delievered - longschool*Great experience! - ovitgroup *Id like to thank you for your help. You helped me do my job. ~~ - dahaeleeGreat job - bigman8point5"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |