"Become a Poet: Mastering the Art of Writing Poetry" |
"Explore your poetic prowess and write the amazing poetry you've always wished you could. This course on poetry writing will teach you more than just how to write a poem. First, you will learn about the history of poetry, what makes a poet a poet, and where poets might find their inspiration. Next, the course dissects the concepts that help us understand poetry. After breaking down the various literary devices used in a poem, the course walks you through the process of analyzing a poem to see how those literary devices work. Next, youll have the opportunity to look at sound patterns in poetry and the different types of poems you may encounter or may want to attempt to write yourself. Writing Exercises Throughout the course, youll have the opportunity to write your own poetry with guided writing exercises. As you learn the skills every great poet must understand, you'll be asked to write poems that leverage these new skills. Share your poems with the rest of the class and get feedback on your work. Who Should Take This Course Many of you who take this course may have written some poetry in the past, but having written poetry is not a requirement for this course. Anyone can take this course without ever having written a word and come out with an understanding of how to write great poetry. About The Author - Jennifer Chesak Im a freelance adventure writer, editor and ghostwriter with a cornucopia of quirky clips to showcase my 12-years of experience. Since receiving my Master of Science in Journalism from Northwesterns Medill School or Journalism, Ive covered a wild gamut: bank robberies with ensuing high-speed chases, cross-country motorcycle adventures, free dives with sharks, fishing excursions at remote northern outposts and simply must-try crazy cuisine and cocktails. If you need copy to wow your readers or an entire book spruced, goosed and juiced, Im your gal! An avid journal keeper for much of my life, I believe writing in any form and at any age is a powerful self-development tool that can prompt healing and facilitate the ongoing process of discovering and rediscovering ones self. I am passionate about helping others grasp the writer within and achieve the satisfaction of creative thinking and production. When Im not tethered to pen and notebook, I can be found training for my next marathon."
Price: 99.99

"HTML5 y CSS3 Mster: Fundamentos de diseo web profesional." |
"Hola! Soy Marlon Ceballos, Adobe Community Professional y consultor en diseo web y multimedia, con ms de 20 aos de experiencia pedaggica. Te doy la bienvenida al curso HTML5 y CSS3 Mster: Fundamentos diseo web profesional. HTML y CSS son los lenguajes bsicos del diseo web con los cuales es posible crear la estructura y la presentacin de cualquier pgina web.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de disear sitios web profesionales. El contenido inicia con los conceptos fundamentales de HTML, explicando la sintaxis y el uso correcto de las etiquetas, para despus, de forma prctica, crear diferentes estructuras web. Posteriormente, aprenderemos a agregar contenido multimedia como audio y video el cual podr reproducirse en cualquier dispositivo mvil o de escritorio. Despus, conocers la sintaxis y el uso de las reglas CSS y aprenders a aplicar tamaos, colores, fuentes y dems aspectos de presentacin, a tus sitios web. Finalmente, conocers y aprenders a usar las reglas de CSS3 las cuales te permitirn mejorar an ms el diseo de tus sitio web.La metodologa usada est basada en ejemplos prcticos, por lo cual ste curso incluye los archivos de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlos y practicar cada uno de los ejerciciosy talleres.Este completo curso est compuesto por 195 lecciones organizadas en 30 captulos los cuales suman 15 horas de contenido! Si eres un usuario que ya tiene alguna experiencia previa, no necesitas ver todos los temas ni seguir un orden especfico, por el contrario, puedes ver la descripcin de cada seccin y leccin y decidir qu temas ver. Adems, si an tienes dudas sobre la calidad pedaggica y de contenido del curso te invito a ver los videos gratuitos que contiene cada captulo.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a disear sitios web profesionales usando correctamente los lenguajes HTML y CSS.Si deseas contratar ste u otro curso para un grupo empresarial o universidad de forma presencial u online puedes contactarme desde el sitio web de Xpert o por mensaje privado desde mi perfil de UdemyImportante:A lo largo deeste curso usaremos tres editores de cdigo diferentes pero tu puedes usar el editor que prefieras, ya sea gratuito o de pago.Actualmente el diseo de un sitio web requiere de mltiples lenguajes, libreras, frameworks, etc. Este curso cubre los 2 lenguajes bsicos (HTML y CSS) de forma suficientemente extensa para que posteriormente puedas continuar aprendiendo otros lenguajes, libreras y frameworks de acuerdo a tus necesidades.Si anteriormenteya has comprado mis cursos bsicos y avanzados de HTML y CSS, no necesitas comprar este curso pues est conformado por el contenido de esos 4 cursos."
Price: 199.99

"Twitter Hacking" |
"Twitter Hacking is all about discovering a simple yet effective set of techniques and tools to help you to Tweet like a pro. Following a professional copywriting approach to writing eye catching and engaging tweets alongside a selection of rapid campaign building tools to help you write genuinely interesting tweets in quantity and in a short time. Containing attention grabbing headline starters taken straight from the ad world alongside a batch of hypnotic key words to truly engage your audience. Introducing you to a tried and trusted method to writing better and faster as well as the easy and mostly free tools you could use to increase your followers rapidly. Even though this course is mainly focussed on Twitter. The copywriting elements can easily be used on Facebook, Blog, Articles and Promotional materials. In fact anything that needs to engage, inform and entertain can use these 31 power words to create something memorable."
Price: 19.99

"The 10 Essential Steps for Success" |
"The 10 Essential Steps for Success General Summary of theCourse:The 10 Essential Steps for Successis a course designed to help you to accomplish the following:Learn how to work through or on anysituation in your life. Learn how to use the 10 Essential Steps forSuccess in your business, home life or even Your Church!Learn how to be clear in your Goals andDreams.Learn how to design a success plan to fitany situation.Gain the confidence to be able to achieveanything that you desire.Understand what is holding you back, so you canlearn to move forward.How to set daily reminders for yourself.How to watch out for dreams stealers.What you should be workingon daily.Why do youwant to take my course called the 10 Essential Steps for Success? You want totake this course if you are anything like I was many years ago. I was tired,run down, lost, tired of falling short with my goals, and I had a huge desireto want to be successful. If this is youthen this course was designed for you, and my hope is that you gain from it in theway that I had several years earlier. You might even take this course becauseyou are tired of being broke, have no clue how you are going to accomplishsomething amazing, or you are just feeling stressed or depressed. If you fitinto any of these categories or anything remotely close, then I encourage youto take this course because I will help pull you through on the other end. Thiscourse will help teach you how to turn success into a systematic approach. The coursewe are presenting here will help to draw from the mental strength hidden insideof you. This course will also help discipline you to work on a success strategyto achieve more in your life. The 10 Essentials Steps for Success trains you tofocus on where you are, where you want to go and how you are going to get there.My job is simple; I help bridge the gap for you. This course will help you withwhat is holding you back, so you can learn how to move forward in your life. Iknow it is tough to look inward at your life, (it was for me for sure) and bebrutally honest, but this is what I am going to help teach you. I say eliminatethe lies because we tell too many self-lies. We do not hit at the heart of thetruth and instead like to make excuses for not achieving success. No moreexcuses as of this day forward. You really want only truths in your life. Byfollowing this course and learning from yourself you will have more successthan you have previously tried. Do not worry as no one will know your innertruths only you will with one exception; when you change they will ask how youdid it!This Successcourse is structured with videos, resources, and exercises that are designedfor you to work on to learn how to be successful. I use a lot of questions toget you to find the answers to accomplish this course. These questions willhelp you to achieve success. I will provide some handouts and other material aswell to assist you in the completion of this course. At the end there is anessay for you to write that you should be able to pass with flying colors.I deliverto you some strong education, personal stories, victories as well as defeats. Iteach you about life, business, teams and relationships. I do a lot in this course,but the reality is that you will do more work, and only you will create massivesuccess. I am simply here to encourage you. What you will also learn though isyou need a success coach or mentor. You canwork straight through this course or you can take it slow and focus in on eachsection. Some of this stuff is more intense where other sections are a biteasier to learn, and for you to utilize right away. There is no time limit orpass or fail but make sure that you can learn from it. As you continue throughthe course you will learn the ten steps. These steps can and should be useddaily for small goals or problems and then you will learn to use them long termdepending on how big of a goal or problem you are attacking. Dreams should notbe easy and in fact almost beyond your reach. That was before you got yourhands on this course.Lastly, Icaution you to keep what youre doing in this course to yourself for a while.Most people will not understand why you even need to do this work. They willuse words like, you are perfect how you are. You are okay, and you have it all together,but truth be told your family and friends dont mean to cause you any harm.They are just unconscientiously attacking your belief system, and that is whatwe are going to change. People around you may try and discourage you, or atminimum they may get you questioning your resolve in this course as well as thechange. Standstrong until we can spend enough time together, and I will help you to alwaysbe confident in your resolve. As this course continues I will be addingpersonal videos, pdfs, pictures, inspiration and more. This will help you getmore than your monies worth. I hope if I do a great job then you will referthis course to others, and maybe put in an application to get successcoaching/mentoring from me (I dont take on just anyone to coach). Lets notget ahead of ourselves. Lets get ready for the 10 Essentials Steps forSuccess! I am excited for you because you are starting on an incredible journeyI took may years ago.Disclaimer:By agreeing to take this course through Udemy,and by TruthMastery,Inc, you understand that not all results are typical, and youwill end up with a unique result from others who have taken this course. There is no such thing as easy,or noissues with achieving an outcome as every person is different. Truth Masterycan attest that many people have had great success just as many have had lessthan great success. All experiences are unique, and we give no writtenguarantees. If you have any questions before purchasing, please ask us ahead oftime so that you may be informed of any information you need clarified beforesigning up, paying for and taking this class. There is no income guarantees or anythingelse by the means of compensation claims. Truth Mastery, Inc is a fair andreputable company who believes in building long term relationships, and thiscan only be accomplished with fair and honest marketing practices. Why are wemaking this disclaimer? What does it mean to our relationship? Government agencies wants tomake sure that any time we are charging money and providing products orservices that we have been honest in our approach and marketing. We are required by law tomake this disclaimer so that the public is made aware of all material fact prior to purchasing. We do so proudly and believe it is the responsible thingto do. Our company tries to make everything transparent as we believe we have a corporate social responsibility to improve the communities we work in and being honest is the first place to start. Thank you in advance for purchasing our program as we are truly trying to help as many people as possible become more successful. Copyright 2018Truth Mastery. All Rights Reserved"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to PLC's [Programmable Logic Controllers]-10-18" |
"This course is a basic introduction to the world of Programmable Logic Controllers. Specifically, this course introduces the use of the PIB [PLC-in-A-Box] and the Allen Bradley Micro_Logix 1000 controller and associated hardware and software. Course Outline: SECTION 1: AN INTRODUCTION TO PIBLesson 1: Intro to the PIB Lesson 2: Setting Drivers for the PIB Lesson 3: Verifying Communication with the PIB Lesson 4: The PIB Software Overview Lesson 5: Selecting the PIB Processor Lesson 6: The PIB Basic Commands Library Lesson 7: The PIB Software Data Files Lesson 8: The PIB First Project Lesson 10: Testing the First PIB Project SECTION 2: PRINCIPLES OF PLC THEORY-Relay and ladder logic principles-Defining PLC-what is a PLC?-Justifying the use of PLC--why are they used?-Ways to represent input and output elements-Conversion of relay to ladder-Schematic electrical to ladder logic conversionSECTION 3: PLC SYSTEM SET UP-PLC Design process-7-Steps method to design PLC projects-Computer logic and ladder logic-What is inside a PLC-computer architecture?-PLC ladder logic programming fundamentals-PLC system set up for programming and operationSECTION 4: PLC STANDARD APPLICATIONS-Program Start-Stop ladder -Program Jogging to Start-stop-Program Forward-reverse ladder application-Program ON and OFFdelay timer applications-Program Up-Down counter application"
Price: 19.99

"Estructura del plan de Social Media" |
"Contenido del curso: - La estructura general del Plan: Ordenar los apartados para que se entienda - La fase de anlisis: Qu buscar, cmo buscar y cmo ordenar la informacin. - La estrategia: Dnde, por qu tengo que estar y qu hacer. El DAFO y el DAFO cruzado - La tctica: Poltica de contenidos y difusin. Elaborar un plan sitio a sitio con objetivos concretos. - Los recursos: Qu necesito para poner en marcha un plan. La difusin de los contenidos. - El anlisis: Qu son las KPIs y los objetivos / Cmo crear un dashboard"
Price: 19.99

"Automation Architect - Selenium WebDriver - 7 Live Projects" |
"The Only course to cover 7 Live projects on different frameworks designed from scratch~~~~~COURSE RECENTLY UPDATED WITH LATEST SELENIUM 4 SERIES~~~~~~The course is specially designed at architect level which will cover all major framework designing concept with implementation of majorly use Utilities.As in most of the Selenium and Appium interviews majorly questions are asked from frameworks itself, this course specifically focuses on end to end framework designing on Live projects using all major techniques and live projects. After the course you should be capable enough to show 2-3+ years of your current experience in Selenium and can hit the market accordingly Topics Highlight: Projects build with in-depth implementation of following topicsExcel ReaderLogsMailsZipListeners - Soft assertions, Test FailureJenkinsMavenReportNGExtentReportsDatabasePropertiesRunmodesTestNGScreenshotUtilsParallel ExecutionDockerJava GenericsMultiThreadingPage Object and Page Factory7 Live Projects with Different Frameworks implemented on:Data Driven FrameworkData Driven extended with Grid ImplementationPage Object Model Page Object Model with Page FactoryCucumber BDD with Page Object and Page FactoriesPage Object Model and Page Factory extended with Java Generics and MultiThreading (Parallel Execution)Cucumber BDD with Page Objects and Page Factories with Parallel ExecutionOnce again to join this course you should have basic understanding of Core Java and WebDriver.Happy Learning !!!"
Price: 199.99

"Appium - Mobile Testing with Latest 1.17 and Live Projects" |
" One single course to Master Mobile automation testing for IOS and Android 2020***********FIRST COURSE TO COVER MAXIMUM TOPICS ON ANDROID AND IOS WITH MOBILE AUTOMATION FRAMEWORKS IN DEPTH******* Update: New Lectures added based on Latest Appium 1.17 (2020) for IOS 10 with XCUITest and Android 8.0 updateUpdate: Master Mobile Automation framework added for IOS and Android ********What makes this course unique from others********************** 65+ hours of Latest and unique content, 260+ Lectures which you will not find in any other Appium courses on Udemy ************************************************************************************************** RECENT UPDATES:Added the lectures from Recent API Updates i.e. 1.8.2 / 1.13.0Added Lecture on Appium Grid - Parallel execution on Multiple DevicesAdded lectures on Mobile Automation Master Framework - One Framework to Automate All Types of Native, Hybrid & WebApp with integration of Page Objects, Page Factory and Cucumber BDD**************************************************************************************************As the mobile market is growing so there's a demand of Mobile application testers increasing like anything across the Globe. Appium: supports Mobile application testing on Native, Hybrid & WebApps for Iphone, Ipads & Android real device and Emulators / Simulators. These are the unique Appium training tutorials in market that will help you in learning Mobile apps automation testing for IOS and Android in very simple way I have covered examples on both Simulators / Emulators and Real IOS & Android Devices. Not just the video lectures you will see the entire coding part done step by step and the lectures are explained in a very detailed and practical approach is taken in every example by the trainer. "
Price: 199.99

"Abstracts: Peel Painting 1 - Setup Basics" |
"A Peel Painting is paint squeezed between 2 surfaces then pulled apart to reveal fascinating texture lines. It's a painting made fast, takes no skill, great results happen, and creates duplication. If you start with thick paint, you can keep pressing to get up to 4 paintings.Artists are always complaining about having blocks, not being able to draw, confidence issues, being good enough, no time, no ideas, have shaky hands, takes too long and is too hard to learn, and not being able to make enough paintings fast enough. This all changes now with Peel Painting.How this will change your life:Non-artists will be able to make sophisticated paintings easilyGet paintings created fast even if you have no timeYou feel you have no talent but want to create fun art easyYou won't have to learn how to draw!Paint now even if you have shaky handsExercises will get you through Artist's Block or being in a ""slump""Be able to create many works in a fast amount of timeNo need for photos to copy now or copyright hassles, by creating from your imaginationPaint looser now & more free formDecorate your home for cheap in a unique wayKnowing how to transfer a peel will make no waste of paintFind an escape that is productive & rewardingPeel painting texture can cover mistakes in old paintingsThis course is the first in a series about how even a non-artist can set up for creating easy Peel Paintings, and is laid out to help you get set up to manage multiple paintings and how to make each clone look different from the other. By the end of the course you will know about what supplies, paints, and canvas deals to get, how to pick the best colors, how to set up a cheap drying and storage solution, how to transfer a peel to waste absolutely no paint, and have gone through a few exercises to making fascinating paintings. Peel Paintings course 2 and 3 will be about what tools and techniques can be used to enhance your peels. They are not made yet.This course would be great taken internationally, as acrylic paints are more readily available than just thicker paints I normally speak of from the USA.Benefits & Skills you will gain:Hack your way into painting an easy wayBe creative & paint from your imagination instead of relying on copying a pictureHave more fun when you createPaint without having to draw!No time? Get paintings done fast now!Be prolific and learn how to make many good works in a fast amount of timeFor most any age, profession, artist or non-artist, anyone wanting to learn abstract artThen you will be set up for Peel Painting Course 2 in the making, which will be all demonstrations and exercises you can do with tools and various pressing surfaces."
Price: 39.99

"Social Media Marketing Simplified For Artists/Creatives" |
"JOIN THOUSANDS OF ARTISTS + CREATIVES USING THIS SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING COURSE TO BUILD AN EFFECTIVE 30-DAY SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN AND GAIN MORE VISIBILITY FOR YOUR BRAND ONLINE!Musicians, Photographers, Artists, Designers + Other Creative Professionals!You know social media is important but you're not sure how to use it effectively. You're just looking for a simple system to plug into, so you can start marketing your work online.Make this THE year to take control of your online marketing.If you feel a little all over the place"" trying to manage multiple social media accounts...If you're not seeing the results you'd like in your social media marketing...If you find yourself procrastinating because it all just seems too overwhelming to start......this course will teach you strategies for building your social media presence in an effective yet manageable way. Everything in this course is designed with time efficiency in mind so that you can establish a solid presence online without the overwhelm. This is how I managed to build a successful online presence with a full time job, managing my own music career and launching my business. Here are a few things you will learn: The four critical concepts that will help you build solid foundation for a successful social media presence.Tips and strategies to optimize your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest accounts so that you can increase your followers and your social media engagement.How to easily and consistently come up with ideas for engaging social media content.How to set your social media marketing on autopilot with the best social media management tools (without sacrificing the quality of your marketing).How to create a simple action plan for staying consistent with your social media marketing even after this course is over (with our social media marketing strategy template).By the end of this course, you will have at least one months' worth of content already scheduled to be posted and a solid social media marketing plan. You have nothing to lose. Click on the ""Take This Course"" button, and I look forward to having you as my student :)"
Price: 19.99

"SQL Server Essentials, from Scratch" |
"You learned a little SQL, but you are ready to take the next step and really understand how databases work. Or maybe you are a complete beginner. Heres a little secret. Its not that complicated. Thats right. Databases are actually a very simple concept that starts with a simple Table just like a spreadsheet in Excel. Everything else in the database is built around this little concept of a table. With a little SQL Server knowledge, you can retrieve data yourself. You can automate your reporting. You can help management find information and troubleshoot problems. You can even transfer this knowledge to Oracle and MySQL. In this course, veteran consultant, Joey Blue, takes you through the essentials of SQL Server right through advanced topics such as backups, security, and indexes. This course is recommended for all business and IT professionals that want to advance their careers by understanding their corporate database."
Price: 199.99

"Photo To Painting A Landscape In Oil - Contemplation" |
"Welcome to this class in which I'll be painting a sunset scene based on a photograph. I'll be doing this complete exercise in a step by step manner and explain my thinking all along the way.My name is Mandar, a fine artist and a sculptor. I'll be leading you through this course.First I'll go through the 12 considerations that I make when I decide what to paint and compose the picture. Then come the steps in which I do a value sketch, premix the colors and then go through the actual proces of painting.If you love painting, you'll love this journey from a photo to painting and learn a few things along the way. I've used oil colors for this painting but you can use gouache, acrylics or casein to paint in the manner I've shown.So, I invite you to join me on this journey! See you inside the class!Thanks,Mandar"
Price: 59.99

"3 steps Python Blueprint" |
"This Course aims to teach the programming using Python.This course introduces the fundamental concepts of programming andteaches you how to write programs using the Python language.Anyone with knowledge of High School Mathematics and basic computer Knowledge can take this course.This Course is divided into 6 modules and is designed to be completed in 3weeks.The best way to do this course is to practice the codes by yourself while listening to the lectures.By the end of this course,you will have enough knowledge of Python programming languagefrom where you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise."
Price: 19.99

"css for beginners" |
"use codeget50 to get 50% discountCascading style sheets are the text files that contain one or more rules in the form of property/value pairs for determining how elements in a webpage should be displayed. the use of css in a web page enables the separation of content from presentation elements ,which includes layout ,color and fonts used in a webpage. You'll learn about basic concepts of style sheet You'll learn how to work with different type of style sheets to present the elements on the web page You will be exposed with working of different type of css properties: background properties, text properties, font properties, list properties ,box properties etc. the best way to do this course is to practise more and more while watching videos . By the end of this course,you can create a beautiful and presentable websites using html and css tools ."
Price: 19.99

"neural networks for sentiment and stock price prediction" |
"Let's dive into data science with python and predict stock prices and customer sentiment.machine learning / ai ?How to learn machine learning in python? And what is transfer learning? How to use it? How to create a sentiment classification algorithm in python? How to train a neural network for stock price prediction?Good questions here is a point to start searching for answersIn the world of today and especially tomorrowmachine learning and artificial intelligence will be the driving force of the economy. Data science No matter who you are, an entrepreneur or an employee, and in which industry you are working in,machine learning (especially deep learning neural networks) will be on your agenda.""From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you aquire some skills in the data science field. Diving into this topic can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!""It'stime to get your hands dirtyand dive into one of the hottest topics on this planet.To me the best way to get exposure is to do it ""Hands on"". And that's exactly what we do. Together we will go through the whole process of data import, preprocess the data , creating an long short term neural network in keras (LSTM), training the neural network and test it(= make predictions)The course consists of 2 parts. In the first part we will create a neural network for stock price prediction. In the second part we create a neural network for sentiment analysis on twitter tweets.Let's get into it. See you in the first lecture"
Price: 149.99

"Photoshop Elements 2019 Made Easy Training Tutorial" |
"Learn Adobe Photoshop Elements 2019 with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc.Mastering Photoshop Elements Made Easyfeatures 186 video lessons and 7 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual (257 pages, additional images, and practice exercises). You will learn how to use all of the various tools, advanced layer techniques, manipulating images and much more.Whether you are completely new to Photoshop Elements or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs. Simply launch the easy-to-use interface, click to start a video lesson or open the manual and you are on your way to mastering Elements."
Price: 19.99

"Starting with Angular 7" |
"Purpose: To keep this course on the cutting edge of Angular technology and be consistent in providing instruction for the features found in the latest Angular release (v7.1.1)In this update we addressed the major changes in the Angular version 7.1.1 release (late November 2018). Per our course content, including hands-on coding exercises, there were a few breaking changes in the 7.0.x releases which ripped across much of the original project code and also included minor, non-breaking changes which outdated certain aspects of our original content. We updated all of the courses code-along video content to fix the breaking changes, including:Angular-CLI & npm syntax usageAngular-CLI template output changesMaterial 2 inclusion and configuration syntax changesFallout of the above deltas outdated a large percentage of the courses existing content. Each affected video in the series was updated to reflect the current release.The Angular CLI has been continually improving since its inception. Additional features that have bumped its power up changed some of the commands and flags that are used in creating new Angular projects, generating assets, and adding schematics. While closely tied to the Angular core library, but not included in it, the Material 2 styling library has endured a lengthy, rough development and release lifecycle. As this library is so closely tied to the Angular core, weve included content in this video series from the beginning. Again, in this current release, many breaking changes and previously unavailable features were included. We made significant changes to existing content and created additional content to appropriately cover the current state of the Material library.As with prior updates to this video series, we applied incremental improvements to existing content in an effort to continuously improve the overall effectiveness and appeal of the entire course. Keeping Current with AngularThis course will be updated regularly to reflect the constant changes in the Angular framework. We're teaching this course in a modular style rather than project-based style so that small changes in Angular can be updated right away, and not affect your ability to learn in any way.Angular for AllUnderstand Angular and how it can make you a better developer Code an Angular project with an online IDE Learn to code with TypeScript Utilise dependency injection to keep your applications lean Implement services in an Angular application Get to grips with component paradigms, pipes, data binding, component nesting and more"
Price: 199.99

"Java Masterclass: De cero a Heroe en tiempo record" |
"Este curso es una especializacin en la tecnologa Java. Comenzaremos desde los Fundamentos de Java, y te llevaremos paso a paso hasta convertirte en un experto Java en tiempo record y as puedas crear aplicaciones Web y Empresariales, incluyendo temas y tecnologas como Fundamentos de Java, Programacin Orientada a Objetos, Patrones de Diseo y Mejores prcticas Java, JDBC, HTML,CSS y JavaScript, HTML y CSS3, Servlets y JSP's, Java Empresarial (Java EE), incluyendo EJB's, JPA, Web Services, Seguridad y mucho mucho ms. El mejor Soporte de ALTA PRIORIDAD de cualquier duda de tu curso, nicamente para alumnos inscritos al curso. NUNCA ESTARS SOLO. ""Java Masterclass es el mejor curso para aprender a programar en Java. Con todo lo anterior, tendrs las bases para preparar varias certificaciones como programador Java, adems de adquirir el conocimiento para poder aplicar a varias vacantes laborales para comenzar a trabajar como programador Java en tiempo record.El mejor curso Online para aprender Java. El contenido est dividido en niveles perfectamente estructurados, cada nivel apoyado del anterior, con el objetivo de ir agregando conocimiento Java de manera incremental y as te puedas enfocar en dominar los temas poco a poco y de manera paulatina. As asegurar el xito de tu capacitacin Java. Ofreceremos soporte de cualquier duda del material didctico incluido en esta especializacin Java.El curso de Java Masterclass incluye los siguientes temas de estudio en la tecnologa Java y tecnologas relacionadas:Nivel 1. Fundamentos de Java Leccin 1 - Comenzando con la Tecnologa JavaEl asombroso mundo de la programacin en JavaQu es la tecnologa Java (desde un enfoque prctico)Nuestro primer programa en Java desde ceroLeccin 2 - Variables y Operadores en JavaUso de Variables en Java y para qu las utilizamosTipos de Datos en Java y cmo se clasificanManejo y Clasificacin de operadores en JavaLeccin 3 - Sentencias de Control en JavaUso de la estructura if-else y dnde utilizarlaManejo de la esctrutura switch y cuando aplicarlaLeccin 4 - Manejo de Ciclos en JavaUso del ciclo for y su usoUso del ciclo while y cmo aplicarloUso del ciclo do-while y cuando utilizarloLeccin 5 - Programacin Orientada a ObjetosIntroduccin a la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (POO)Manejo de Clases en JavaUso de Objetos en JavaLeccin 6 - Funciones en JavaDeclaracin de Mtodos o Funciones en JavaUso y llamado de Funciones en JavaLeccin 7 - Manejo de Datos en JavaUso de Arreglos en JavaManejo de Matrices en JavaLeccin 8 - Herencia en JavaManejo de Herencia en JavaUso de superclases y subclases en JavaLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se integra todo lo aprendido en este NivelNivel 2. Programacin con JavaLeccin 1 - Polimorfismo en JavaQu es el polimorfismo y su aplicacinSobreescritura en Java y su usoLeccin 2 - Manejo Avanzado de Objetos en JavaConversin de Objetos (cast)Identificando el tipo de objeto con el operador instanceofLa importancia y uso del operador thisLeccin 3 - Manejo de Bloques de Cdigo en JavaAlcance de Variables (Scope)Uso de bloques estticos y no estticosLeccin 4 - Uso de Clases Abstractas e Interfaces en JavaDiferencias entre Clases Abstractas e InterfacesDeclaracin y uso de Clases AbstractasManejo de Interfaces en Java y cundo utilizarlasLeccin 5 - Manejo de Excepciones en JavaProcesando las excepciones en JavaUso de try-catch y propagacin de ExcepcionesMdulo 6 - Manejo de Colecciones en JavaUso de las colecciones en JavaManejo de List, Set y Map y la aplicacin de cada estructuraMdulo 7 - Manejo de Archivos en JavaManejo y uso de archivos en JavaManejo de Streams en Java y sus usosLaboratorio Final del NivelEjercicio Final donde se aplica todo lo aprendido en este nivelNivel 3. Conexin a Bases de Datos con JDBCLeccin 1 - Comenzando con JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)La necesidad de una base de datosInstalando MySql y OracleDescarga de controladores (drivers) para conectarnos a la baseLeccin 2 - Conectando a la Base de Datos (BD)Pasos para conectarnos a una base de datos relacionalCdigo JDBC para conectarnos a la base de datosLeccin 3 - Sentencia SelectPasos para ejecutar la sentencia Select de SQL con JDBCUso de la sentencia select para leer la informacin de la BDLeccin 4 - Manipulando Datos con JDBCPasos para ejecutar las sentencias insert, update y deleteUso de las sentencias insert,update y delete para manipular informacinSeparacin de funciones select, insert, update y delete con JDBCLeccin 5 - Metadatos con JDBCConocimiendo la estructura de las tablas de BD con JDBCLa importancia del uso de Metadatos en JDBCLeccin 6 - Oracle, Store Procedures y FuncionesJava JDBC con OracleEjecucin de Store Procedures de Oracle con JDBCEjecucin de Funciones de Oracle con JDBCLeccin 7 - Arquitectura MulticapasEstructurando nuestro cdigo JDBCCreando la capa de datos en una Arquitecturas MulticapasLeccin 8 - Patrones de DiseoPatrn de Diseo DAO (Data Access Object)Patrn de Diseo DTO (Data Transfer Object) o VO (Value Object)Laboratorio Final con la integracin de todo lo visto en este NivelNivel 4 - HTML, CSS y JavaScriptLeccin 1 - Introduccin a HTMLEstudiaremos una introduccin a la tecnologa HTMLEnteniendo el papel de HTML en el mundo de las aplicaciones WebLeccin 2 - Componentes en HTMLLos componentes de HTML y cmo se estructura una pgina WebUso de componentes de Texto, Fuentes, Preformato y ms en HTMLLeccin 3 - Introduccin a CSSIntroduccin a las Hojas de Estilo CSSLos aspectos ms importantes a considerar al utilizar CSSUso de clases e indentificadores en CSSLeccin 4 - Formularios en HTMLElementos a considerar al crear Formularios HTMLComponentes para la creacin de Formularios HTMLLeccin 5 - Introduccin a JavaScriptQu es JavaScript y cmo aplicarlo en nuestras pginas HTMLElementos bsicos del lenguaje JavaScriptLeccin 6 - Validacin de Formularios HTMLIntegracin de Formularios HTML y JavaScriptValidacin de Formularios con JavaScriptNivel 5 - Servlets y JSPsLeccin 1 - Introduccin a la Tecnologa Web con JavaEl asombroso mundo de la tecnologa Web con JavaLa revolucin de las aplicaciones Web y cmo aprovecharlaEl servidor de aplicaciones Tomcat y cmo utilizarloLeccin 2 - Conceptos Bsicos de los ServletsSin misterios: qu es la tecnologa de los ServletsElementos y ciclo de vida de un ServletLeccin 3 - Manejo de Sesiones con ServletsImplementacin del concepto de Sesiones con ServletsAprenderemos el uso del objeto HttpSessionImplementaremos un carrito de compras WebLeccin 4 - Conceptos Bsicos de los JSPsEstudiaremos cmo crear pginas Web dinmicas con JSPsAprenderemos los elementos fundamentales de los JSPsLeccin 5 - Conceptos Avanzados de Servlets y JSPsVeremos cmo crear una aplicacin Web integrando los Servlets y JSPsProcesamiento de datos con Servlets y despliegue de informacin con JSPsLeccin 6 - JSTL y EL (Expression Language) en JSPsEntenderemos las etiquetas JSTL para facilitar el uso de JSPsVeremos el poder de EL (Expression Language) en los JSPsLeccin 7 - Patrn de Diseo MVC (Model View Controller)Estudiaremos una arquitectura multicapas del mundo real con Servlets y JSPsAplicaremos el patrn de diseo MVC con Servlets y JSPsLeccin 8 - Aplicacin SGA (Sistema de Gestin de Alumnos)Integracin de los primeros 5 niveles en un proyecto final (SGA)Anlisis, Diseo y Desarrollo de la aplicacin SGAEste nivel les permite conseguir empleo desde becario o programador Java JrNivel 6 - Java Server FacesLeccin 1 - Introduccin a JavaServer FacesQu es JSF y su rol en Java EEConceptos bsicos de JSF y MVCHolaMundo con JSFLeccin 2 - ManagedBeans en JSFConcepto de ManagedBeans en JSFUso de ModelManagedBeans en JSFExpression Language (EL) en JSFCocepto de BackingBeans en JSFManejo de Alcances (Scopes) en JSFLeccin 3 - Reglas de Navegacin en JSFReglas de Navegacin en JSFCiclo de Vida en JSFLeccin 4 - Validadores en JSFManejo de Validadores en JSFUso de Convertidores en JSFManejo de Mensajes e Internacionalizacin en JSFLeccin 5 - Manejo de Eventos en JSFUso de Value Change ListenerManejo de ActionListener y ActionEvent en JSFUso de librera estndar y SelectItems en JSFLeccin 6 - Manejo de FaceletsLa evolucin de JSP y el uso de FaceletsEl uso y la importancia de Faceltes en JSFLeccin 7 - Integracin de Servicios Java EEEl rol de JSF, EJB y JPAEjercicio donde se integra todo lo visto en este NivelNivel 7 - Java EE (Bsico) (Incluye EJB's y JPA)Leccin 1 - Introduccin a Java EEIntroduccin al mundo Java Empresarial (Java EE)Stack de Tecnologas Java EEArquitectura Multicapas en Java EEInstalacin de las Herramientas (Eclipse, MySql)Instalacin del Servidor de Aplicaciones GlassfishUso de Maven y JavaEEHolaMundo con JavaEELeccin 2 - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)Introduccin a los EJBTipos y Configuracin de un EJBInyeccin de Dependencias en Java EEEmpaquetamiento y Contenedores empresarialesLeccin 3 - Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Introduccin a Java Persistence API (JPA)Entenidimiento de las clases de Entidad en JPAManejo de EntityManager y Persistence UnitUso de JUnit y JPALeccin 4 - Consultas con JPACiclo de Vida en JPATipos de Relaciones en JPAConsultas JPQL en JPAUso del API de Criteria en JPAManejo de Transacciones en JPANivel 8 - Java EE (Avanzado) (Incluye Web Services y Seguridad)Leccin 5 - Rol de los Servlets y JSPsRol de los Servlets y JSPs en Java EERol de los JSPs en Java EEIntegracin Servlets y EJB en Java EELeccin 6 - Rol de JSFRol de JSF en Java EEAjax en JSF PrimeFaces y JSF Integracin JSF, PrimeFaces, AJAX, EJB y JPALeccin 7 - WebServices y JavaEEIntroduccin a los Web ServicesTipos de Web Services JAX-WS y JAX-RSQu es un Documento WSDLUso de Documentos XML y XSD (XML Scheme)Manejo del API de JAXBEstrategias de Generacin de Web ServicesDespliegue de Web ServicesCreacin del Cliente del Servicio WebLeccin 8 - REST Web ServicesIntroduccin a REST Web ServicesAnlisis de Peticiones HTTPAnotaciones del API JAX-RSIntegracin de EJB y JAX-RSCreacin de un Cliente RESTDocumento WADL y XSD del REST Web ServiceDespliegue de un REST Web ServiceCreacin Cliente REST Web ServiceLeccin 9 - Seguridad en Java EEIntroduccin a la Seguridad en Java EEAutenticacin y Autorizacin en Java EESeguridad en la Capa Web en Java EESeguridad en Capa EJB en Java EEAutenticacin de Clientes en Java EEAutenticacin del Cliente WebAutenticacin del Cliente SOAP y REST Web ServiceEjercicio Final con la integracin de todo lo aprendidoY por si fuera poco, te obsequiamos como bono de regalo el curso de HTML5 y CSS3, el cual est incluido de manera gratuita en este curso e incluye las siguientes lecciones:Al finalizar obtienes un certificado de haber concluido con el curso Java Masterclass. Y a partir de ese momento grandes oportunidades laborales y profesionales te esperan en el mundo real.Recuerda, que tu satisfaccin est garantizada o tu dinero de vuelta.Saludos y te vemos del otro lado.Ing. Ubaldo AcostaPasin por la tecnologa JavaFundador de Global Mentoring"
Price: 19.99

"Successful New-Customer Campaigns" |
"Discover how to target and attract new customers by mail.According to the Direct Marketing Association, response rates to postal mail are way, way up in recent years! Postal mail campaigns enable you to target a precise universe of potential customers and invite them to respond.Lead generation by sending letters or postcards makes it possible to transform perfect strangers into a manageable group of promising prospects for your company or nonprofit organization. Your mailing begins the process of generating time-after-time clients.This course begins with 10 time-honored steps for creating a new-customer campaign. Then you get 10 real-life letters to study, along with commentary that breaks down and analyzes their successful components.Instructor Marcia Yudkin, the author of multiple books from major publishers, has developed successful new-customer campaigns over the years for dozens of companies, new entrepreneurs and professional organizations.Industries included in the sample lead-generating letters:Web developerBookkeeping serviceConsulting companyFinancial services firmLandscaping companyAccounting firmEmployee benefits providerMassage therapistMartial arts studioBusiness coachIssues addressed in the sample letters include:As a new member of the Chamber of Commerce, you can send one letter free to other members. How can you best use this chance?You'd like to expand service into a specific geographical area where you have few customers.It would be nice (and smart) to convince existing customers to refer their friends and family members.You provide a service to children and need to attract and reassure their parents first.Once companies try your service, they're hooked, so how to persuade them to give you a try in the first place?You'd like prospective customers who may or may not think they need your services to check out your web site.It's tough to convince organizations who already have a vendor to give you the time of day, much less an appointment.You're seeking bright, ambitious professionals who aren't happy with their current employer to join your firm instead.All the sample letters use clear, magnetic wording and proven letter-writing structures to make their case. They easily serve as models because the accompanying commentary points out particular elements, such as a headline, opening, offer or ""P.S.,"" and explains why they were crafted the way they were. Save hundreds of dollars off the cost of commissioning a custom-written letter by taking this course. Finally understand how to execute a successful lead-generating letter campaign step by step!"
Price: 34.99

"Mindset Reprogramming Course: Motivated, Wealthy, Successful" |
"Mindset Reprogramming: Get motivated, wealthy and successful""Mindset"" is EVERYTHING! Step into the next level and beyond with this Mindset Mastery Course. Watching this class I will help you with changing your outlook on life and getting the results you always wanted. Did you know that most people only use around 1 percent of their brain power By tapping into significantly more of that energy ... you are capable of doing just about anything. Are you struggling to get motivated? Would you like to learn how to re-train your mind to become more motivated & productive in life and in business? If so you came to the right place.This class will show you how to change your thinking (Mindset) and train your mind to become easily Motivated to accomplish all your goals. Are you ready to break free from the rat race? If so it is time for a change and first thing you need to change is your mind. This class will help you reprogram your mind to become a successful person. Join me in this Mindset class and learn how to master your mindset with the Unlimited Motivation Mindset Course. Become the best person you can be by tapping into the power of your Mindset and internal motivation.We are not done yet! Once you get pumped and ready to be motivated ... the next part is to learn to attract money by changing the way you think about wealth creation. Did you know that most people who become rich used very similar Mindset methods to attract money? I have studied many of them and I will share what I learned and change the way you think about money. This is why I created the ""Wealth Creation"" section of this class.Doing same thing over and over again, yet expecting same results, is called insanity. Why not try something new to get where you want in your life! So what are you waiting for? Every second you wait, you are missing out on learning new skills & essential knowledge. Sign up today and and start learning Mindset Mastery from the comfort of your own home! Test drive this Mindset course now! This investment you make in yourself will pay for itself many times over!See you on the inside!Your Mindset instructor,Sergey************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with an unconditional backed Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course risk free. I am sure you will love this course, this is not just a guarantee it is my personal promise to you that you will succeed and I will help you out so you too can get great results. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 24.99

"Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Awareness 21 Day CHALLENGE" |
"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. If you want to get CERTIFIED as a life coach to use this material with your clients or workshop participants, look for our ""Mindfulness Life Coach Certification"" course. Note: This course contains the SAME core content as the Certification, so you do not need to enroll in both.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Studies have shown that people spend almost 50% of their daily life on autopilot, meaning that your probably missing out on your life because youre lost in thought, worry, or stress. And if youre like most people, you probably put countless energy and money into things that you believe will help you be happier, healthier, and live longer. But what if I told you that there is one simple thing that you can do every day that will not only help you extend your life but will help you actually experience more OF your life? The solution is MINDFULNESS.So, if you are tired of being stressed out, frustrated, unable to stop negative thinking... ...and youre ready to finally live fully aware, awake, and alive... Then join us for the 21 Day Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Awareness ChallengeIn just 20 minutes a day for 3 weeks you will learn mindfulness and meditation techniques that will help you: Master your monkey mindReduce stressManage negative emotionsEnjoy your life more and increase happiness and well being Increase focus and attentionincrease productivity and more importantly live a more intentional life You will achieve this things with simple yet powerful mindfulness techniques that you can practice anywhere and at anytime. You will also finish the 21 day mindfulness challenge with momentum and foundation to make mindfulness part of your unconscious daily routine. Keep in mind that this mindfulness course comes with life time access so you will be able to come back to it and utilize the tools and meditations as many times as you wish. .............................................................................................................................................<<<A Personal Note from Joeel>>>We are passionate about teaching people to develop self-awareness and mindfulness because our ability to remain centered and focused is what has allowed us to thrive through even the most challenging parts of life. In fact, when I was sick and bed ridden for a year I used many of these mindfulness techniques to not only help me find peace but also find joy in the darkest places. In my many emergency room visits, the doctors wondered why I would be laughing and joking around with Natalie while my body was basically shutting down. The reason was that mindfulness helped me detach from the chaos and see the light at the end of tunnel, regardless of how dim it was because we were able to focus in the moment rather than being lost in worrying thoughts. Therefore, we know the power of mindfulness and this is why we are so excited to share these tools with you!.............................................................................................................................................21 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Challenge OUTLINE: In Week 1 youll practice enjoying the present moment and learning how to be mindful in everyday life. In Week 2 youll learn to be the observer of your thoughts and emotions so you can master your monkey mind and manage negative emotions. In Week 3 youll take what youve learned and use it to develop self-compassion, take back control of what and who you allow to influence you, and practice being more present with others. Why practice mindfulness? Nearly all people who are extremely successful, as well as most professional athletes, use mindfulness because study after study have revealed the amazing benefits! Mindfulness and meditation have been shown to actually change the areas of the brain associated with memory, learning and regulation of emotion. This leads to increased mental clarity and concentration, reduced stress, and increased experiences of peace and happiness. Plus, its been shown to have powerful health benefits, including improving sleep, raising energy, increasing immune function, lowering blood pressure and reducing pain and headaches. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well my Masters in Counseling and research on happiness for my dissertation for a PhD in psychology. At the time of this recording, we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries."
Price: 149.99

"Mindfulness Life Coach Certification & Mindfulness Blueprint" |
"Students who complete this Mindfulness Certification will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 15 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you are a current or aspiring life coach and you want to help your clients develop more peace of mind, mindfulness, manage their thoughts and emotions, and lead happier, healthier, more awakened lives, than this Mindfulness Certification is for you!Studies have shown that people spend almost 50% of their daily life on autopilot, meaning that your clients are probably missing out on their life because theyre lost in thought, worry, or stress. But the good news is that YOU can offer them one simple thing that will not only help extend their life but will help them actually experience more OF their life...The solution is MINDFULNESS!Mindfulness has helped transform our lives and the lives of our clients. Regardless of the niche of coaching that you focus on, mindfulness is an essential skill to add to your practice. You see, about 50% of our daily habits are unconscious repetitive actions... Let's face it, it is hard to create change in our client when they are stuck on autopilot, living in the past or sabotaging themselves with negative self-talk and overwhelming thoughts and emotions. In order for ANY client to effectively create lasting change and happiness, they need to learn how to take back control of their mind, emotions and decisions through mindfulness. And, the ONLY time they can do this is when they are aware in the present moment and able to clearly observe their thoughts and emotions.***There is a reason almost all extremely successful people and professional athletes use mindfulness and meditation techniques!***Mindfulness and meditation are the key that unlocks self-awareness, focus, concentration, emotional self-control, clarity of thought, and the ability to make transformational change. No one can be effective if they're trapped in their monkey mind, which is constantly distracting them from their dreams and causing stress and anxiety.The greatest gift you can give your clients is the gift of being more aware, awake, and alive in their daily life!Not only does helping your clients develop mindfulness (including meditation) transform their lives, it's also a great tool to use as a coach, such as bring both you and your clients' full awareness into the present moment at the start of your coaching session. .............................................................................................................................................<<<A Personal Note from Joeel>>>We are passionate about teaching people to develop self-awareness and mindfulness because our ability to remain centered and focused is what has allowed us to thrive through even the most challenging parts of life. In fact, when I was sick and bed ridden for a year I used many of these mindfulness techniques to not only help my find peace but also find joy in the darkest places. In my many emergency room visits, the doctors wondered why I would be laughing and joking around with Natalie while my body was basically shutting down. The reason was that mindfulness helped me detach from the chaos and see the light at the end of tunnel, regardless of how dim it was because we were able to focus in the moment rather than being lost in worrying thoughts. Therefore, we know the power of mindfulness and this is why we are so excited to share these tools with you!.............................................................................................................................................In this course were giving you all the mindfulness tools and strategies we use so your can get your clients these same results.This course is a complete life coach training program that gives you a blueprint for helping your clients develop mindfulness and meditation practices in everyday life. It includes a 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge that contains over 50 mindfulness exercises and meditations. As a Certified Mindfulness Life Coach youll be able to help your clients: Master their monkey mind Reduce stress and burnout Manage negative emotions Enjoy their life moreYour clients will learn how to: Be the observer of their thoughts and emotions Stop getting caught up in a runaway mind Stop being overwhelmed by their emotions Develop self-compassion and take back control of what and who they allow to influence them, as well as practice being more present with others. Plus, theyll experience all of the benefits of mindfulness. Nearly all people who are extremely successful, as well as most professional athletes, use mindfulness because study after study have shown that mindfulness increases mental clarity, reduces stress, and has powerful health benefits, including improving sleep, increased energy, and an improved immune system! As a life coach or an aspiring life coach this course will provide: A proven life coaching blueprint to help your life coaching clients develop Mindfulness tools. A life coaching program that you can implement as a stand alone niche life coaching service or life coaching tools and skills that you can add and incorporate to any life coaching niche. Transformational research based mindfulness techniques that can be used in your life coaching practice Essential psychological and emotional life coaching tools that will better help your personal and professional life. Access to a private life coaching network community with over 7,000 active life coaches from all over the world. This group is made up of life coaches that have either completed or are completing one of our life coach certification programs. This support group of life coaches is invaluable as you have a range of life coaches with past experience that share their experience and provide feedback and insights. Made for you handouts, exercises, and activities that you can give to your life coaching clients. Access to our Transformation Life Coaching Magazine Free listing in Transformation Life Coaching Directory Official Life Coaching Certification from Transformation AcademySo, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well my Masters in Counseling and research on happiness for my dissertation for a PhD in psychology. At the time of this recording, we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. **If you are interested in mindfulness, meditation, and taking the 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge but you are NOT a life coach, look for the simplified version of this course. Note: This course contains the SAME core content as the Challenge course, so you do not need to enroll in both. "
Price: 199.99

"PMP Certification Preparatory Online Course (PMBOK 6th Ed.)" |
"Course HighlightsAligned to PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition Extensive learning of 49 processes from the PMBOK Guide Sixth Edition. In total more than 11 hours of e-learning content, prepared in accordance to PMBOK Guide Sixth EditionThe course has been indigenously developed by PMP Certified InstructorsThe complete course has been divided into 12 chapters and further broken down into processesPractice assessments, quizzes after end of each knowledge areaOne PMPSimulation Test has been enabled with 200 questions, 4 hours duration.11 Contact Hours/PDUs (Professional Development Units) shall be awarded, on successful completion of course, as required for PMP Exam PMP Exam PrerequisitesSecondary degree (high school diploma, associates degree or the global equivalent)7,500 hours leading and directing projects35 hours of project management educationORFour-year degree4,500 hours leading and directing projects35 hours of project management education PMP Exam Guidelines The PMP Exam is a computer based examination of 4 hours, 200 multiple choice question paper with 25 pretest questions which are not counted in scores. You have to schedule your examination at the nearest PMI approved Prometric Center. Upon completion of the center-based examination, you will receive a printed copy of your test results. In addition to the overall pass/fail status, important diagnostic information on your performance is provided for each domain. This information provides specific guidance for both passing and failing candidates. Candidates who take a center-based examination receive the exam report at the test center the day they sit for the examination. You can also access your exam report on the online certification system no later than 10 business days after your examination date. You will receive an email notifying you when your exam report is available online. Examination ReportThe test results are reported in two ways: A pass/fail score is generated based on your overall performance on the examination The second level of results is the assignment of one of four proficiency levels to each process group a) Each topic domain is assigned one of the four levels of proficiency Above Target, Target, Below Target, Needs Improvement based on the number of questions answered correctly within the domain. b) This provides direction about your strengths and weaknesses.PMP Certification Exam fees and CCR Certification Renewal FeesFor PMI members - USD 405For non-members - USD 555Reexamination fee for members - USD 275Reexamination fee for non-members - USD 375CCR Certification Renewal for members - USD 60CCR Certification Renewal for non-members - USD 150Why Cognitel?PMI approved Registered Education Provider (R.E.P. id 3864)R.E.P. since 2013 and have trained more than 2000 professionalsHigh rated PMP Certified Instructors, who have developed the contentStudent satisfaction rate above 90% (feedback as collected from participant post training completion)Student pass rate above 95% (feedback as received from participants, who declare their results on Discussion Forums)Have trained employees from the following industries, across globe - Telecom, Information Technology, Finance, Real Estate, Hospitality, Services, Defense, Power, Infrastructure, Petroleum, Corporate Affairs, Hospital, Clinical, e-Governance, Education, Technology, etc."
Price: 29.99

Price: 49.99

"Penny Stocks" |
"5 500 short selling"
Price: 49.99

"AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass 2020" |
"**Course Updated** In the world of DevOps automation and Auto Devops, Big Data Analytics, and Enterprise Cloud Applications, developing and managing enterprise grade applications has become a challenge!AWS codepipeline along with CI/CD forms a robust solution and serves as a powerful combination, and provides a seamless solution to implementing a Devops lifecycle.Do if you or your company are facing challenges with enterprise app deployment or would like to learn how to automate software delivery using DevOps best practices with AWS CodeStar, AWS Codepipeline, AWS Codecommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS Codedeploy, and AWS Beanstalk? Look no further - AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass course will help you gain solid understanding of all these concepts along with hand-on application.Course DescriptionAre you a company or a App Developer, Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Web Developer, IT administrator, Data Center Architect, Project Manager, Enterprise Architect, or Programmer? and want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills and enjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass course - A specialized course!It is not only a comprehensive hands-on course with detailed concepts and their application, you are will not find a course similar to this. The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. In this course, you'll learn and practice:Create billing alertsAWS automation, developer tools, and AWS SDK toolkitBe able to deploy PHP, JAVA, WP Blog, and other Web applications using Eclipse IDE and AWS Cloud9Create AWS CloudFormation template, and work with EBS, and CLI Gain solid understanding of DevOps concepts relating to CI/CD pipelineKnow AWS CodeStar, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline, repositories, and much more.... You will also get valuable resources and several quiz questions with this course! So, if you would like to:- gain solid understanding of Amazon AWS Codepipeline complete DevOps CI/CD pipeline, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...this AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass course is exactly what you need, and more. (Youll even get a certification of completion)See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Mariana JonesThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience! Carlos Nvara.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?As a senior Enterprise Architect & Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, along with AWS, Microsoft, and CISCO certifications, my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in AWS CodePipeline: DevOps CI/CD Masterclass course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of DevOps - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Shuffle Dance Master Class Vol 3. Advanced shuffling!" |
"Welcome to Vol 3! In Shuffle Dance Master Class Vol 3, you're going to learn advanced shuffle techniques that will help take your shuffle dancing to the next level. You will learn how to dance to faster-pace music, you will learn tons of ""traveling"" Shuffle moves, and finally you will learn a collection of Shuffle Spins!"
Price: 54.99

"Photoshop Elements 2019 Training: From Beginner to Pro" |
"In a nutshell:120 videos spanning 14+ hours of content, exercise files included to follow along.Learn to create spectacular images in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2019 even from imperfect shots!This course is aimed at beginner to intermediate users or those upgrading to PSE 2019.By the end of this course, youll have a detailed working knowledge of Photoshop Elements 2019.Why take this course?Weve been teaching Photoshop for 10+ yearsOur experienced Photoshop tutor has taught thousands of people to use Photoshop Elements. Were a professional online training company, so our videos are made to the highest standards.We take the time to properly explain how everything works, were not just a quick how to tutorial.Completely jargon-free. We dont assume you already use Photoshop!How this course worksWe start with the basics of Photoshop Elements:Downloading and installing PSE 2019 and getting up and runningImporting images and using the OrganizerExplaining how the workspace operatesSorting and organizing large collections of photosApply basic styles and effectsBefore moving onto more advanced techniques:Removing red-eyeAdjusting lighting levelsApplying professional image editing techniquesCorrecting and enhancing imagesRetouching images and adding textCreating photo slideshows and other projectsUsing layers, one of the most important features in PhotoshopUsing Guided Editing to resize photosConverting images into black and whiteRemoving or adding different backgroundsCreating special projects to share, including cards and calendarsEmpower Your Creativity and Create Beautiful MemoriesPhoto perfection doesnt stop after you capture an image. Image specialists (and the rest of us) optimize their pictures in Photoshop before sharing/posting these creations. With this course, you can gain professional-level Photoshop Elements skills and impress your audience with top-quality images.Whether youre an entry-level photographer, an experienced amateur, or a professional photo editor, you need to know about Photoshop Elements 2019. As a beginner, youll love this software package, which contains many features of the professional version but with a simpler interface and reduced cost. Youll enjoy 120 video lessons which span over 14 hours of beginner-to-advanced content. This course includes confidence-building exercise files and all the sample photos the instructor uses in the course. Heres what our students are sayingFor an absolute beginner, the details and instructions were easy to follow. The instructor spoke slowly and gave reasons why or why not he would be using certain features. So far so good. Anne DavidsonThe course was correctly paced and well presented by the instructor, the layers section was the area I was most interested in. Although I do not use the Organizer, I have a much better understanding of it now. Overall a very good introduction to PSE 2018 and most of its capabilities, some areas were out of scope for the course, of those not covered I would have liked to see a least a brief tour of in camera raw. - Jim Westfall""Very detailed, and appreciated. It makes it easy to be motivated rather than discouraged for someone that finds this part of photography difficult. Thank you""- Kristi YacavaceDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 29.99

"Goal Setting for Managers" |
"This program is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn and apply a practical, management-centric goal setting process. A process that is designed to reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Upon completion, each learner will have completed the process as well as identified future opportunities for development.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.50 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"WRB . volatility & gaps WRB Hidden Zones Hammer WRB WRB : currency exchange :"
Price: 49.99

"Supply & Demand Zones" |
". 3 1- 2- 3- / 4-"
Price: 49.99
