"Bootstrap 4 from Scratch" |
"Bootstrap is an open source project originally created by Twitter to enable creation of responsive, mobile first web pages. Bootstrap has a standard set of classes that allow developers to quickly create applications that scale to devices of all sizes, and incorporate common components such as dialog boxes and validation. Bootstrap has become a de facto standard for web design.This course is designed to be a primer on Bootstrap. By the end of the three modules you will have gained the knowledge to create pages common to all web applications, and implement the most frequently used components and classes provided by Bootstrap. You will also see how to use the tooling provided by Visual Studio to assist you in creating pages as quickly as possible."
Price: 49.99

"PHP 7 and MySQL From Scratch" |
"In this PHP training course, students will learn to create database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL or the database of their choice. The class also covers SQL basics.GoalsLearn how PHP works.Learn the basic syntax of PHP.Learn to create dynamic interactive pages with PHP.Learn to manipulate files with PHP.Learn to work with arrays in PHP.Learn to validate forms with PHP.Learn to write functions in PHP.Learn to manipulate and manage database data with PHP.Learn to authenticate users with PHP.Learn to manage sessions with PHP.Learn to work with the MDB2 package.Learn advanced form validation with regular expressions.Learn to send email with PHP.Understand how MySQL works.Learn to use SQL to output reports with MySQL.Learn to modify MySQL data with SQL."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende Microsoft Project 2019" |
"Se considera que ms de 20 millones de personas en el mundo utilizan Microsoft Project para administrar sus proyectos de cualquier ndole. En este curso aprenders desde la creacin de proyectos como su actualizacin, uso de grupos de recursos y crear proyectos mltiples. Los objetivos particulares sern:El alumno :Aprender las caractersticas bsicas de Microsoft Project 2019.Comprender y manipular los diferentes tipos de archivos de Microsoft Project.Aprender a introducir las tareas y a organizarlas.Vincular las tareas en Microsoft Project de diferentes formas.Comprender el concepto de ruta crtica y las diferentes formas de identificarlas en Microsoft Project.Modificar el formato del diagrama de Gantt y de la escala de tiempo.Aprender a incorporar recursos de trabajo, costos y materiales en Project.Aprender a visualizar las cargas de recursos en los proyectos.Comprender el seguimiento del proyecto.Aplicar los filtros y ordenar la informacin del proyecto.Manejara subproyectos, reportes y grupos de recursos.El presente curso est enfocado a todo aquel que desee utilizar Microsoft Project para la administracin de proyectos sencillos hasta muy complejos. Este no es un curso de administracin de proyectos, por lo que necesitas tener los conocimientos bsicos sobre el tema."
Price: 270.00

"Cham Kiu - The Second Wing Chun Form" |
"Introducing the Second Wing Chun Form, Cham Kiu, Udemy CourseThe video tutorials that you will Discover in this course will allow you to Access Exclusive Details about the second form and its applications so you can Instantly Level UP Your skill and understanding of the Wing Chun System.The Breakthrough information you will get access to is guaranteed to help you improve your Wing Chun learning experience and get you closer to your goal of being proficient in the Wing Chun system. What students say about my othercourses?'I am an experienced practitioner and this is very good both for basics and articulating a lot of little details that sometimes get lost or forgotten in larger classes.'(Stephen Browne)'Shifu, thank you very much your lesson was amazing. I practice Kung Fu and watching your practice I understood how to improve the forms. May the universe protects you, thanks a lot!' (Fredy Guibert)'Very good and valuable course. A lot of useful information inside it. I recommend this course to everyone with all my heart.' (Richard Wanczuk)Here's what you will learn:You will Discover how to do the Second Wing Chun FormYou will Learn how to use each and every motion of the form to effectively defend yourself and improve your sparring capabilitiesYou will get answers to some of the most common questions askedYou will learn how to do the Cham Kiu form to activate Balance and Chi Energy inside your bodyThis course is for you if:You are passionate about the Wing Chun system and want to learn moreYou are beginner to intermediate level Wing Chun practitioner who wants detailed information on the forms and their applicationsYou are ambitious and are driven to apply the information in this courseYou are willing and able to apply yourself to learning online You are serious about getting results and making your Wing Chun work effortlessly for youHere are even more testimonials frompeople who benefited from my other courses:'The presenter is an excellent teacher. He talks you through what he is demonstrating and tells and shows you the mistakes to avoid and how to use the movements in self defense. Very useful course, whether you practice Wing Chun or some other martial art.' (Steve Condry)'Very nice explanations! Also the English you use is very clean and clear!' (Hanga Elena Teodora)'Great Basic Wing Chun Course and Great Explanation of use of the Concepts! Sifu Rosu really shows he cares about imparting proper knowledge and self development. I highly recommend taking this course!' (Anthony Illa)'Good information. Instructor teaches you step by step.' (Gregory A. Kenney)'I am a Wing Chun student for many years, and this video is very good at breaking down the basics. Very easy to follow. Excellent for beginners.' (John Salvador)'I liked the simplicity and accessibility of explanation' (Ara Stepanian)'Two thumbs up!!! This was so interesting. My Sifu (instructor) teaches me the exact same form when I get 1on1 training with him. Now I can review this form and practice in the comfort of my own home. I am sure Sifu will be happy that I remembered the form and I credit it all to you; and my Sifu of course. Your instruction was simple and precise. Thank you so much! I am sure I will enjoy the rest of your program and will look for more courses from you in the near future.' (Phaktravichet Phal)'Simple, humble and effective' (Daniel Oppenheim)"
Price: 49.99

"What's New in Word 2019?" |
"New Editing and Image Features Improve The Worlds Most Popular Document AppThe new Microsoft Word 2019 includes a slew of new tools and capabilities that can help regular users and new users alike.Updated features we cover for Word 2019 include: New Editor and Researcher tools Improved Sharing Features Updated Ink & Drawing Tools New Dictation and Translation capabilities Enhanced Image tools, including scalable graphics and 3D images Tap, a new way to re-use content from other Office documentsThis course includes thirteen easy-to-understand modules that show how to use all the new features in Word 2019"
Price: 24.99

"Think Before You Click" |
"Hundreds of times per day, cybercriminals are attempting to access your computer or your data, often by tricking you with fake emails, fake links, or even fake phone calls and voicemails. How do you know whats real and what you should avoid?In this course, IT security expert, Ken Dwight, aka The Virus Doctor, will walk you through the world of cybersecurity, including all the attacks, techniques, and strategies the bad guys use every day to try and make us click without thinking.Along with Microsoft trainer Lisa Lopez, Ken will cover the critical topics everyone needs to know.Topics covered include: Learning the types of attacks users face every day Learning the threats posed by Phishing, Spear-Phishing, Spyware, Ransomware, and Sextortion Learning what criminals hope to gain by attacking you and your devices Discovering ways you can protect yourself and your computer Knowing the characteristics of a strong password Learning backup strategies to protect your data from ransomware attacks Learning social engineering techniques that criminals use to prey on your emotions, so you let your guard down and allow them into your accountsWith real life examples culled from over 20 years in IT security, The Virus Doctor, will teach all you need to know in this engaging, effective eLearning course!"
Price: 29.99

"Concept Art: Desenho, Ilustrao e Pintura no Photoshop" |
"Aprenda tcnicas e ferramentas profissionais para se tornar um profissional em Concept Art: Design de Personagens e Paisagens / Quadrinhos / Arte Digital. Aprenda tudo o que voc precisa saber para obter um amplo conhecimento da Arte Conceitual atravs de exemplos e explicaes claras e concretas A Escola Invisvel apresenta a ""Concept Art: Professor Premiado"", o mais completo curso online de Concept Art do mercado. Etienne Park, um dos melhores artistas digitais da Amrica Latina, guiar voc pelo mundo da Concept Art: exemplos, projetos e tcnicas revelados por renomados instrutores. Acredite em ns quando garantimos que o principal trunfo deste curso so nossos instrutores.// O trabalho de Etienne Park foi publicado em uma incrvel variedade de publicaes internacionais, como Beyond Illustration, Castle Magazine (Alemanha), Painter, Ballistic Publishing (Austrlia), EyeCandy for Strangers e BrandStudio.Neste curso, voc encontrar tudo o que precisa saber para se tornar um artista do Concept Art profissional. Segredos, truques e dicas para comear uma carreira na Concept Art com o curso mais completo da Udemy. Lies passo-a-passo, tcnicas e ferramentas para criar a arte digital mais incrvel e poderosa.Este curso ministrado em espanhol com legendas em portugus. No esquea de ativ-los!O que Concep Art?Concept Art uma forma de ilustrao usada para transmitir uma ideia para uso em filmes, videogames, animaes, quadrinhos ou outras mdias antes de ser includa no produto final. A Concept Art geralmente se refere a obras de arte usadas para inspirar o desenvolvimento de produtos audiovisuais.Concept Art desenvolvida por vrias iteraes. Vrias solues so exploradas antes de decidir sobre o design final. A Concept Art no usada apenas para desenvolver o trabalho, mas tambm para mostrar o progresso do projeto para diretores, clientes e investidores."
Price: 19.99

"Anlisis de datos con Google Data Studio" |
"En este curso, aprenders como convertir los datos de una simple hoja de clculo en un dashboard interactivo para crear informes dinmicos increbles con Google Data Studio. Creando un anlisis de datos sorprendente en minutos.Este curso empieza desde los conocimientos ms bsicos como conectar tus datos a Google Data Studio hasta los avanzados cmo crear mapas interactivos de datos. Esta indicado para aquellas personas que quieran analizar datos de forma rpida para crear informes avanzados.Google Data Studio es una herramienta increblemente fcil de utilizar que permite crear multitud de visualizaciones diferentes en minutos. La adicin de herramientas de filtrado produce informes asombrosos que llevarn su anlisis de datos al siguiente nivel.Google Data Studio est disponible de forma gratuita para las personas con una cuenta de Google o Gmail. A dems los informes y cuadros de mando pueden ser compartidos a cualquier usuario si tienen una cuenta de Google o no.En este curso vamos a ensearte: Cmo conectar Data Studio a Hojas de Google Aprenda a calcular los promedios, los valores ms altos, los valores ms bajos y el nmero de valores nicos Crea Scorecards para mostrar mtricas clave y KPIs Cree grficos avanzados de anlisis de tendencias para ayudar en el pronstico Cree los clculos de ao a ao, mes a fecha y mes anterior con el clic de un botn del mouse Aprende a obtener un anlisis poderoso de barras apiladas y grficos del 100% Cree potentes filtros de Tiempo y Categora para crear fcilmente informes interactivos Aprenda a compartir sus informes y paneles con otros usuariosGoogle Data Studio es realmente un producto increble para crear conocimiento e inteligencia a partir de sus datos de Google Sheets.Lo que aprenders Aprenda de un instructor con ms de 10 aos de experiencia en anlisis de datos y diseo de paneles. Cree poderosos cuadros de mando interactivos a partir de datos de hojas de Google en minutos Analice las hojas de Google en minutos usando visualizaciones potentes Cree los clculos de ao a ao, mes a fecha, semana a fecha con el clic del mouse Aprenda a compartir y colaborar utilizando informes y paneles de datos. Cree potentes tablas de puntuacin que muestren las mtricas clave y los KPI Cree grficos de series de tiempo que muestran fcilmente el mes hasta la fecha, el mes anterior y muchos ms Mostrar comparaciones a Anterior Periodos Cree filtros para crear fcilmente cuadros de mandos interactivos, grficos e informes. Aprende visualizaciones poderosas como Columnas, Barras, Pie, Diagrama de dispersinHay requisitos para crear un curso? Necesitars una cuenta de Google Necesitar acceso a Google Sheets Necesitars acceso a Google Data Studio.Para quin es este curso? Usuarios de Google Sheets y usuarios de Excel que quieran aprender a usar Data Studio para analizar e informar datos"
Price: 69.99

"Outlook 2019 Advanced" |
"In this Intellezy course, students will expand upon their existing knowledge as well as learn and use advanced features of Microsoft Outlook 2019. This is the optional second and final course in this series that is a continuation of Outlook 2019 Beginner. Students will learn how to modify and manage message options, learn tracking and delivery options, voting options, contact options, calendar options, and a large variety of other advanced, yet easy to use Outlook features. Students will also review various rules and automation and cleanup commands. Sharing options and advanced graphic options will also be highlighted in this course along with other great features like SmartArt, Quick Parts, advanced search options, and a variety of Junk email options that can be easily configured. Students will also learn the other mail options of Outlook, import and export features, and how to back up their Outlook data.Like most of our courses, closed caption subtitles are available for this course in: Arabic, English, Simplified Chinese, German, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Spanish (Latin America), Hindi, and FrenchThis IAAP-certified counts for 2.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Outlook 365 Advanced" |
"In this course, students will expand upon their existing knowledge and learn and use advanced features of Microsoft Outlook 365. Students will modify and manage message options, track and delivery options, voting options, contact options, calendar options, and other advanced Outlook features. Students will also review rules and automation, cleanup commands, sharing options, advanced graphic options, junk mail options, import and export features, and how to back up their Outlook data.This IAAP-certified counts for 2 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Software Organizing System (Advanced Organization Vol 2)" |
"In this course you'll get a 157 folder structure, downloadable in a zip file, to organize all your software. This is a comprehensive taxonomy of categorization system for organizing any type of software out there.To maximize your productivity, you need to be able to keep track of hundreds if not thousands of apps and applications over the course of your life, including ones that are very useful in specific situations but you might go months or years without using.You also need to be able to remember how to use each piece of software, and create and store checklists or create process documents to store what you learn as you develop new processes for using the software.But where do you store this information so you can find it years and years in the future?And how do you store similar software in the same place so that you can find a piece of software that you can't remember by name but you remember what it does or what it's similar to?Have you ever spent an hour trying to remember what a unique tool was called, searching and searching but not being able to find it?With this system, you can kiss the problems above goodbye forever.This system is also compatible as a ""plug-in"" to the Big 4 folder structure that Iprovide in MasteringOrganization. It's sits within 02. Personal / 45. Software.See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"Psicologa Aplicada a las Ventas" |
"En este curso veremos algunos de los condicionantes psicolgicos ms relevantes en el mundo de las ventas y los negocios en general. Veremos cmo funcionan y analizaremos ejemplos de cmo utilizarlos tanto en productos fsicos como en productos digitales o servicios.Si aplicas lo que vas a aprender en este minicurso, podrs llegar a dominar el arte de la persuasin en las ventas. Y te aseguro que esa es una facultad invaluable.Nos vemos dentro."
Price: 94.99

"Adobe Captivate Fundamentals" |
"Captivate 2019 is Adobe's latest edition to its powerful eLearning authoring tool. Captivate makes it easy to create responsive eLearning content and software simulations. In this course we will cover everything you need to know to get started with Captivate 2019 and along the way we will be building a fully featured sample course that you can use to demo your Captivate skills."
Price: 149.99

"F5 LTM Introduction - Learn to Load Balance - Version 13" |
"F5 Network LTMIn this F5 Load Balancer Tutorial course, you will learn an introduction to the F5 Local Traffic Management Device. I will break down F5 concepts for you to utilize an F5 in your environment. I will walk you through installation and using the lab for your benefit to get hands on to prepare for a deployment in your environment.What will you learn in this F5 load balancer tutorial:How to use the GUINodes, Pools, and Virtual ServersHow to setup monitorsWhat is persistenceInformation about SSLThe concept of iRulesHigh Availability and failoverIf you would like to learn and gain knowledge of how to load balance using an F5 LTM, this F5 load balancer tutorial course is for you."
Price: 29.99

"Becoming a Cloud Expert - Microsoft Azure IaaS - Level 3" |
"Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure is one of the leading cloud providers (together with Amazon AWS and Google Cloud) with a global cloud infrastructure for providing public cloud services around the world. Cloud computing is one of the biggest and fastest technology revolutions in the IT industry and the global demand for more skilled people in the area of cloud computing is also growing rapidly across multiple industries. Becoming a Cloud ExpertIf you are looking to become a cloud expert then this training program is designed to help you build the knowledge and experience about the subject of cloud computing while using the Azure cloud platform. The training program is divided into levels.Level 3 - is all about Resilience and ScalabilityIn level 1, we learned to build an end-to-end cloud solution inside the Microsoft Azure platform and in level 2, we learned how to monitor the performance and health of our cloud solution. Now it is time to learn how to design a system that will be more resilience to failures and more flexible to unpredictable capacity demand. One thing for sure, it is going to be interesting! Join us and start to pave your way as a Cloud Expert!"
Price: 199.99

"! Risk Management in Projects, Programs and Portfolios" |
"One topic, Two courses - A two speed risk management course.The fast-track is under 30 minutes of step-by-step WHAT to doThe videos and Workbook-manual guide you through what's needed at work to Manage, Lead or Oversee and Facilitate risk in your projects, programs and portfolios.The Master-class is 13hours of detailed HOW-to using the same Workbook and slides as the Fast-TrackDip into the Masterclass videos only where you feel you need or want more guidance than the fast-track gives.*IF* you also want to take PMI or AXELOS/PeopleCert exams then use the two 'exam conversion' modules to understand what exam specific vocabularies and process models are overlaid on real-world risk management.~~""~~These two courses are for Project (and Program or Portfolio)managers and PMOAnalysts, Scrum Masters, Team Subject Matter experts and Project Sponsors and Product Owners who need competency in how to handle risk.Learn a step by step framework of WHATto do grounded in ""Projects are delivered by people (so most of the arithmetic theory isn't too useful)"". Plus here are the techniques, tips, tools and hints per step to give solid How-to that includes the adjustments required to work across the typical mixture of teams using Agile and Predictive product development ways of working. The master class covers it all.The Fast-Track is just the structured what to do - suitable if you've already got some idea of how to lead workshops and define risk scales (etc).Your ideal situation would be that your starting a project and feel some guidance on ""how to really do risk"" from day one with the sponsor through every day with the team to last day and risk handover. Ideal because the WorkBook's guidance is written as exercises to be applied to your current project to create real governance documents. If you've not got a current project then I've provided a scenario based on a fictionalised combination of some of my past projects.I've practiced projects as PMand PMO lead for 30 years and taught other people's risk courses on and off over the last 20. Those course from the big global training companies have always needed a big dose of reality which is what I've built into this course.The result is a course unlike any other I know of because it doesn't treat the world as 'text-book'. In fact I've recorded it because I think big training company courses and project risk textbooks and chapters (in the PRINCE2 guide and the PMBoK-Guide) are fit more for exams than reality. Since the course is IMHOreality I've included two 'exam conversion modules' for those who DOwant to take the exams.I'm expert enough to be unsure what a risk is (!) but Iknow its not 'A Single and instantaneous event-based-cause that leads to A Single quantifiable consequence for A Single stakeholder'. That is too naive. Too simple for the world Iwork in and for the one you're in too. Iknow that identification is key to all that follows. I'll share with you how to define responses (they are what actually matter!) so defining ""A""risk isn't so important when we know our set of valid responses (plural).I'll start you off with what does running each workshop of each step look and feel like. In the Master-Class I'll give your a slew of tools to use and I'll suggest how to apply to your own project, how to build responses into the baseline - because we only have one set of people to deliver the project and handle the risk. I'll cover how reporting of project status integrates risk management.[ Of course after investing your effort you'll probably appreciate a way to demonstrate the results so I've also been mindful to giving you real world skills that substantially support efforts to gain CAPM/ PMP/ IMPA-abcd/ PRINCE2agile and PRINCE2 exam/ RMP/ MoR etc. The course includes the supplements for translating to exam needs."
Price: 39.99

"S un RockStar: Escribe Canciones de Cero a Experto!" |
"Convirtete en un RockStar. Este es el mejor curso para aprender a escribir canciones de manera profesional, aprenders absolutamente todo para la creacin de canciones del mundo real. Aprenders las tcnicas usadas por los artistas ms populares. Juntos, analizaremos decenas de canciones y explicaremos las tcnicas que usan los profesionales.Utilizaremos un software muy especial que permitir que escribir canciones sea un proceso que hasta un nio pueda entender. Este curso est creado para personas que empiezan absolutamente desde cero o que cuentan con un conocimiento musical que desean escribir sus propias composiciones y/o canciones. El software de composicin de canciones que utilizaremos te permite practicar todos los conceptos y tcnicas que aprendas de inmediato.Este es el curso ms divertido que podrs encontrar para crear tus propias canciones, fcil de entender y lleno de conocimiento del mundo real.Aprenders la creacin de melodas y progresiones de acordes de la manera ms divertida, fcil de entender y llena de conocimientos prcticos. A lo largo del curso veremos decenas de ejemplos interactivos y ejemplos audiovisuales de artistas como: The Beatles, Journey, Coldplay, Billy Joel, Lady Gaga, Elton John y Maroon 5, entre muchos otros, que facilitan la visualizacin de las tcnicas utilizadas por estos artistas.Adems tendremos una seccin dedicada a msica en espaol, donde analizaremos varios gneros como Rock, Balada, Cumbia, Salsa, etc. Con el objetivo de que puedas empezar a componer canciones como Smooth de Carlos Santana, Pedro Navajas de Rubn Blades, La Vida es un Carnaval de Celia Cruz, o gneros tan variados como la cancin de Te Quiero de Hombres G, Beber de tu Sangre de Los Amantes de Lola, boleros como Somos Novios, Sabor a M de Armando Manzanero, y muchas canciones y compositores ms.Con este nuevo conocimiento y habilidades sers capaz de crear cualquier cancin en cualquier gnero que te interese incursionar, ya que aprenders desde cero y paso a paso las tcnicas que utilizan los profesionales para la creacin de canciones. Adems como bono extra les agregaremos una seccin para creacin de letras, para que adems de la msica (armona y meloda) de sus canciones, tambin puedan agregar una letra que sea acorde a la composicin creada. As que este es el curso ms completo de composicin que podrs encontrar.No necesitas ningn conocimiento previo de msica o la capacidad de leer/escribir msica, ni tampoco saber tocar ningn instrumento, ya que todo lo ensearemos absolutamente desde cero. Creamos este curso por que estbamos cansados de ver los sitios web, cursos o libros de ""composicin"" que hablan vagamente de ""encontrar tu inspiracin"" en lugar de proporcionar herramientas concretas para mejorar tu msica.Con este curso hemos creado un recurso accesible e intuitivo que responde directamente las preguntas difciles: Por qu ciertos acordes encajan fcilmente y otros no tan fcilmente? Cmo puedo pasar de este acorde a ese otro acorde? Cmo puedo crear una gran meloda? Este curso te har decir ""ah ha!"" Muchas veces :)As que, Qu esperas para convertirte en un RockStar Hoy Mismo?Si tu sueo es convertirte en un gran msico creando tus propias canciones, ests en el lugar indicado.Te veo del otro lado!Tu amigo e Instructor Ubaldo Acosta"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin al cloud computing (IaaS)" |
"En este curso aprenders de forma rpida que se entiende por ""cloud"" y que servicios puede ofrecer, identificando claramente sus beneficios en reduccin de costes y eficiencia.A travs de los ejemplos prcticos aprenders a trabajar con distintos proveedores, a utilizar plantillas para gestin de los servicios como Amazon AWS y Arsys CB.Este cursos esta especialmente indicado para tcnicos o managers que quieran aprender de forma rpidas los beneficios de esta tecnologa."
Price: 44.99

"Master Multiplication of Numbers A to Z" |
"Multiplication of numbers is one of the number operations foundational building block in math. Understanding multiplication of numbers is a brilliant achievement that every student of math should strive to attain because of its long-term benefits.In this video course you will understand all the foundational concepts of multiplication of numbers from building multiplication tables from scratch, practicing from 1 x 1 to 4 x 4 digit operations. We also examine the tips and tricks of word problems when it comes to multiplication of numbers. The video course also explains how to multiply decimal numbers and fractions.To gain a better understanding of this math topic, you will need pen and paper to practice all the exercises at the end of each video. By the time you complete watching these videos, you will have practiced multiplication exercises in addition to other number operations more than 400 times and become a master of this number operations.Lets join the class now!"
Price: 19.99

"VSDOpen2018 - First ever online VLSI conference" |
"VSDOpen2018, the six hours program, responds to many trends and challenges in semiconductor design using open source hardware tools and developing the IP to reach the silicon level, with papers and presentation in the research paper sessions covering the core set of design topics: Front-end open-source EDA tool flows for IC design and verification, Clock tree synthesis and optimization of digital ICs for best Performance, Floorplanning of digital ICs for best area, Place and Route of digital ICs for best PPA, Standard cell layout/characterization for compact area/high performance/minimal routing resources, Machine Learning in EDA.Key highlights of this conference were:Keynote by Prof. David Patterson on ""A New Golden Age in Computer Architecture""Keynote by Prof. Sharon Hu on ""Professional growth with ACM SIGDA""Keynote by Mohamed Kaseem on ""Applying open community innovation to hardware product creation""Apart from above keynotes, here are some interesting papers, on RISC-V and opensource EDA which were presentedTAU2019 contest announcement by George Chen from IntelPadframe generator for qflow (an opensource RTL2GDS tool) by Phillip Guhring, Vienna AustriaPNR of digital coreIC using cloud based EDAtool by AnandRajgopalan, Mumbai UniversityCoverage driven functional verification on RISC-Vcores, by Lavanya J., Anmol Sahoo, Paul George from IITMadrasRapid Physical ICimplementation and integration using efabless platform by Alberto Gomez Saiz, Imperial college, LondonIntroduction to TL-Verilog by Steve Hoover, Redwood EDAFormally verifying WARP-V, an open-source TL-Verilog RISC-V Core generator by Akos Hadnagy, TUDelft Top-down transaction level design with TL-Verilog by Ahmed Salman, Alexandria University"
Price: 99.99

"Windows 10 End User Essentials" |
"This course is designed to familiarize users with the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. Users will login and learn basic functionality and navigation, review new functionality to Windows 10, review file management and customization with File Explorer, customize and personalize various areas of the Windows 10 operating environment, and work with applications and programs including installing, updating, and troubleshooting.This IAAP-certified counts for 4.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Content Marketing: Grow Your Business with Content Marketing" |
"Welcome to the only class you need to learn how to use content marketing to grow your business and brand. From coming up with great content ideas to creating marketing funnels that actually turn strangers into customers, this course covers it all.After taking this course, you'll know the exact steps to creating, publishing, and promoting content to achieve any of your goals. Here are just a few examples of what you can do with content marketing:Get more followersIncrease website trafficGrow an email listMake more salesand so much more!This content marketing course is based off the instructor's own experience using content marketing to grow his own 7-figure business. What you learn will be actionable, realistic, and easy to start on any budget for any type of businessWhat will you learn?Content Marketing Basics: Learn why content marketing is important for any modern business, the best formats and platforms to use, and how it all fits in to a digital marketing funnel.Branding Your Business: Truly understand what your business goals and and how content marketing can help you achieve them.Target Audience: Create customer personas based off of demographics to improve how you create content that helps your ideal customer.Content Ideation: Come up with amazing content ideas and develop a system so you never run out of content your audience loves.Content Marketing Formats: Understand the different types of content and which ones are best for your business.Creating Your Content: Learn best practices for writing great articles and making great visual, audio and video content.Publishing Your Content: Know the best platforms for different kinds of content, and tips for easily repurposing content across multiple platforms.Promoting Your Content: Get more views and engagement with social media, email marketing and other forms of traditional marketing.Marketing Funnels: Build digital marketing funnels that turn potential customers into returning ones with your content.Measuring Your Results: Learn how to use analytics on websites, YouTube and social media to improve your content creation and better achieve your goals.This content marketing course covers it all, and if you put into practice all of the techniques taught in the course, you should have a professional marketing system that helps your business grow. You can also use these skills to get a job in the booming digital marketing space.Our Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with the course, we have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can get a full refund. We always try our best to support you, answer your questions in a timely manner, and update the course if there's anything you need.What are you waiting for?Start using modern content marketing methods today! I'll help you come up with a full-fledged content marketing strategy to help grow your business.See you in class!Phil"
Price: 199.99

"The AP Latin Selections from Vergil's Aeneid" |
"These materials are designed to help students prepare their Latin for Vergil portion of the APLatin exam, Here you will get extensive training translating literally, as well as scanning and interpreting the dactylic hexameter verse used by Vergil. Students will practice sight-reading and translating literally so that their translations not only are accurate and precise, but also make sense in English.There are also additional materials to facility your study and review, such as a list of the common usages of the ablative case and subjunctive mood, a downloadable text with all the passages from Vergil required by the exam, including the sections required only in English, and preparatory lectures on the mechanics of Vergil's meter."
Price: 29.99

"Learn SharePoint the Fast Easy Way" |
"So you need to learn SharePointLearn from the guy who has been building SharePoint sites and teaching people just like you to build SharePoint sites since 2001. Tom knows SharePoint and even better, he knows how to teach you to know SharePointLearn the best business perspective on DDK (Documents, Data, Knowledge)Learn WHY SharePoint is the correct tool for the job. It always amazes me how we get our jobs done despite our DDK being spread all over the business: shared drives, BOX, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, as attachments in email and meetings, SharePoint, hard drives, desktop... With our DDK in all these places (and more) it's a wonder we get our job done at allStop the madness and learn how to make SharePoint work for you with an expert in business collaboration and SharePointLearn with Tom, an expert in business collaboration and the tools that help make it all happen. SharePoint will be used as a central hub for business DDK storage, collaboration and communication, virtually eliminating the need for any other storage servicesWhat do you get from taking this course? You will learn how to:Design and build an amazing collaborative SharePoint site for your teamOrganize and access your team's DDKUse SharePoint sites, lists, libraries, pages and web parts to make your site gorgeous and usefulEnroll now, and in a very short amount of time you can be the proud owner of a magnificent, easy to use, informative SharePoint siteTom's videos are all just about 3 minutes in length. You will be amazed at how much you can learn without all the jibber-jabber and stories. How 2 in 3 minutes is all you need."
Price: 29.99

"The Law of Attraction - Learn to Manifest your EVERY Desire!" |
"Become one of the leading experts in mastering the most powerful Universal Law i.e. THE LAW OF ATTRACTION and LEARN TO MANIFEST YOUR EVERY DESIRE using the same law with this amazing yet simple, practical and easy to follow course and change the rest of your Life for Better. This course can definitely help you to go from where you are right now to where you want to be!What people are saying about this course?Law of attraction in ActionFirst of all I should say that this course is absolutely simple and easy to follow. Its very detailed yet with no unnecessary stuff. The templates have been very useful and the Mindset-Skill set-Tool set strategy is amazing. Excellent work! - Ravi Kumar GManifest Your every Desire using LoAYes, this course delivers exactly what it says! This has been life changing for me and i did not move an inch till i finished the course completely. The action steps are very helpful and that's one of the plus points of this course. Highly recommended course. - Catherine ~ Your thoughts create your reality. You can achieve any desire in your mind if you learn how to focus your thoughts. Hi, I am Sneha, founder of thePowerMonk. I have spent several years testing several techniques and laws to help you to unleash the ultimate awesomeness in you. This course is for anyone looking to achieve every desire on their mind and is open to applying a powerful universal law called as the LAW OF ATTRACTION. Whether or not you know what the LoA is, this course will teach you exactly how to take charge of your reality. You will learn - 1. The essence of the law and how it really works 2. A tried and tested to make the law work in your favor every single time YOU want. Why should you take this course? There are easy hacks to make the law work in your favor, but the harsh truth is that whether or not you use these hacks, the LoA is always at work. So learning a few tricks to apply it as and when needed is not correct. You need to change yourself from within so that you can consciously make the Law of Attraction work for you unfailingly every second of your life. This course is not about quick fixes but is about a solid psychological system where in you permanently align yourself with the LoA - Step 1. Changing your MINDSET Step 2. Developing the SKILLSET Step 3. Acquiring the TOOLSET. What kind of material is included in this course? Video lectures Pictorial representation and demonstration to reinforce the concept Action items with downloadable templates Fully transcribed lectures as downloadable documents After a year of intense research and a lot of trials and testing I am here to teach you the true essence of the law of attraction and the most efficient strategy to make it work. Take this course and you can skip the trial and error phase, shoot for the stars and make a sure landing! Good luck!"
Price: 194.99

"Make Your First Video Game Today With Unity 3D" |
"This course is a basic introduction to the game development platform Unity 3D, brought to you by Awesome Inc and RunJumpDev. Through this course you will learn how to use Unity3D, write scripts in C#, and discover resources you didn't know existed. What's more, it'll only take three hours - a few hours that can start you on the path to becoming a game developer. The course has 10 lectures, none more than about 30 minutes, and two lectures that give you more detail about Unity3D and resources you can use to become a better developer. Becoming a game developer is an awesome aspiration, and there's no better way to get started than with this course. Good Luck, and Game On."
Price: 19.99

"Forex - Catch the Big Market Moves in Forex" |
"This is a short and to the point course showing how to predict and enter the big moves in the Forex Market. It is based on the premise that the best type of trading focuses on getting High Return on Investment on your trades. These High ROI trades are achieved by catching the big moves in Forex and using small risk in order to gain a potentailly huge reward. The techniques are based on best selling series of books. The 10XROI Trading System The Trade Around Your Job System The High ROI Scalping System The High ROI End of Day System Here are some comments from readers and students of the system. 5.0 out of 5 stars Nicely done! 10R trades are NOT pie in the sky...they are STRUCTURED!, This book offers a refreshing and bold assertion that there REALLY IS something more worthwhile to shoot for than a 1 to 1 reward/risk trade. My own work over the last few years in creating custom trading data analysis spreadsheets has led me to reach the inescapable conclusion that I must aim HIGHER than high win-rate, 1 to 1 RR methods in order to put the MATH on my side. Thomas' approach fits SQUARELY into my own money managment parameters and actually EXCEEDS them. The information in this book is GOLD if you are willing to rethink and then CHANGE your paradigms about Reward/Risk and trade management. Well done! 5.0 out of 5 stars The 10xro1, March 2, 2014 Good read and plan for trading. Following the formula for good results. Tom Casey ABOUT THE COURSE CREATOR I have been a trader for 9 years and I know what a struggle it can be. I have been using my systems for the past three years and I decided to share them with other traders so they can hopefully short cut their time to becoming a profitable trader. I am a bestselling Amazon author and also run a blog where I keep my readers and students updated. It is important to note that ALL the trading systems were designed to slot into each other and to be traded together. This means that you can add each system to your trading system with confidence knowing that you are adding more opportunities and they can all be traded without conflict"
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Profit In Forex With Market Rhythms" |
"Course Updated 5th September With New Added Video This course will teach you how to understand market rhythms and how to integrate them into your trading. Market rhythm is applicable whatever time frame, trading instrument or trading system you use and will help you both increase profits and just as important, reduce losses! This course was created because there is very little usable information available on market rhythms and how they affect your trading and yet it is a vital part of any trading decision that you make. Market rhythms apply to the movement of the market, candle patterns and chart patterns. Price action does not form in a vacuum; there are transitions from one type of price action to another. The market tends to form rhythmic price action which then transitions through to non-rhythmic price action. By understanding what the market is telling you, you can make better trading decisions. The course is presented in a nice and simple to understand fashion and the creator is on hand to answer any student questions. The course is dynamic and will be added to over time. To get an idea of the potential value of this new course, here are some comments on my other books and courses from my readers and students. LRs video course is to the point, clear, accurate and profitable LRs High ROI Trading Video Course contains possibly the best (i.e. the most profitable for a given risk) FOREX education content of any on the internet. And the course takes a lot of the mental barriers away by defining clear and unambiguous rules. I have participated in many expensive courses, and while I learned something from all of them, this Course hits sixes to the boundary every time. So SIMPLE, yet SO POWERFUL! ANOTHER out of the park Home-Run! By Pipskateer on December 17, 2013 Format: Kindle Edition MATH is definitely KING where trading money management is concerned, and LR Thomas is ALL OVER IT! If ever there was a case for PURPOSELY STRUCTURING your trades on a FOUNDATION of MATHEMATICS, LR Thomas has MADE IT quite convincingly. The strategies outlined in Pyramid Your Trades To Profit will GREATLY enhance the possibilities of EXPONENTIALLY increasing trading profits from the already excellent low risk/high reward 10XROI and Trade Around Your Job systems offered in Thomas other books. The really AMAZING thing about these strategies is that you can pyramid your profits WITHOUT increasing your risk per trade!! Who would NOT want to do THAT? Just simply PHENOMENAL.. ABOUT THE COURSE CREATOR I have been a trader for 9 years and I know what a struggle it can be. I have been using my systems for the past three years and I decided to share them with other traders so they can hopefully short cut their time to becoming a profitable trader. I am a bestselling Amazon author and also run a blog where I keep my readers and students updated. It is important to note that ALL the trading systems were designed to slot into each other and to be traded together. This means that you can add each system to your trading system with confidence knowing that you are adding more opportunities and they can all be traded without conflict"
Price: 19.99

"Alleviate Upper Back and Neck Pain with Tai Chi & QiGong" |
"Do you suffer from upper back pain? Would you like to find a safe way to improve your quality of life? This course, Ramel (Rami) Rones will guide you through a series of stretches, movements and elements of Tai Chi and Qi Gong that will help you recover from acute back pain as well as long term chronic pain. In addition, you will learn the power of deep breathing and meditation and will become more relaxed, lowering any stress you may have. Rami has synthesized over 30 years of Tai Chi and mind-body teaching and practice to create his Relieve and End Back Pain courses. You will experience the same teaching he has done with the thousands of elite athletes, adults, teenagers, weekend warriors, martial artists and others to live a more pain free life. He has designed a number of medical clinical trials such as the investigation of the benefits of Tai Chi and Fibromyalgia, Tai Chi and Knee Osteoarthritis. Much of his research design is also included in this course. His Fibromyalgia and Tai Chi study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine and featured in the New York Times. You will also benefit from his extensive teaching at the internationally recognized Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Tufts Medical Center and the Boston Medical Center where he continues to help patients deal with, and recover from, a wide variety of ailments and and the side effects that often occur with various treatments. Ramis incredible knowledge, teaching ability and engaging personality makes this Tai Chi for Beginners course a joy for anyone interested in improving their physical and mental well-being. By investing 20 minutes a day you will greatly improve your quality of life and enjoy activities that you have not been able to enjoy."
Price: 29.99

"Tai Chi for a Focused Mind - Pure and Simple" |
"Do you want to become more focused, flexible, and relaxed? Don't have time for long workouts? This course in nourishing Tai Chi forms for focusing the mind taught by Rami Rones will show you how to do a Tai Chi routine in a simple, step-by-step proven method. Not one for all the extra philosophy behind the techniques? No worries. This course is purposefully abridged and focuses entirely on the forms. The course begins with a short introduction to Rami's goals for the course. Immediately after, you'll dive right into learning and practicing the Tai Chi form. At the end, we've included a bonus section of stretches and breathing exercises that will help you take the benefits of the Tai Chi form to the next level. Rami has synthesized over 30 years of Tai Chi and mind-body teaching and practice to create this Tai Chi course for beginners. You will experience the same teaching he has done with the thousands of elite athletes, adults, teenagers, weekend warriors, martial artists and others to become more successful and confident. He has designed a number of medical clinical trials such as the investigation of the benefits of Tai Chi and Fibromyalgia, Tai Chi and Knee Osteoarthritis. Much of his research design is also included in this course. His Fibromyalgia and Tai Chi study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine and featured in the New York Times. You will also benefit from his extensive teaching at the internationally recognized Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Tufts Medical Center and the Boston Medical Center where he continues to help patients deal with, and recover from, a wide variety of ailments and and the side effects that often occur with various treatments. Ramis incredible knowledge, teaching ability and engaging personality makes this Tai Chi for Beginners course a joy for anyone interested in improving their physical and mental well-being. This course is designed to be used for about 15 minutes, three times a week."
Price: 24.99

"15 Minute Mind-Body Workout for Recharging & Reducing Stress" |
"This 15 Minute Mind-Body Workout will synchronize your health, boosting your emotional balance while also keeping you fit and healthy. This course is for anyone and everyone interested in a more holistic workout that includes strength training, stretching, meditations, and relaxations. It includes supplementary material about each exercise and logs to keep track of your practice."
Price: 19.99
