"Data Science Career Guide - Interview Preparation" |
"According to Glassdoor, a career as a Data Scientist is the best job in America! With an average base salary of over $120,000, not only do Data Scientists earn fantastic compensation, but they also get to work on some of the world's most interesting problems! Data Scientist positions are also rated as having some of the best work-life balances by Glassdoor. Companies are in dire need of filling out this unique role, and you can use this course to help you rock your Data Scientist Interview!This course is designed to be the ultimate resource for getting a career as a Data Scientist.We'll start off with an general overview of the field and discuss multiple career paths, including Product Analyst, Data Engineering, Data Scientist, and many more. You'll understand the various opportunities available and the best way to pursue each of them.The coursetouches upon a wide variety of topics, including questions on probability, statistics, machine learning, product metrics, example data sets, A/B testing, market analysis, and much more!The course will be full of real questions sourced from employees working at some of the world's top technology companies, including Amazon, Square, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, AirBnb and more!The course containsreal questions with fully detailed explanations and solutions. Not only is the course designed for candidates to achieve a full understanding of possible interview questions, but also for recruiters to learn about what to look for in each question response.For questions requiring coded solutions, fully commented code examples will be shown for both Python and R. This way you can focus on understanding the code in a programming language you're already familiar with, instead of worrying about syntax!"
Price: 194.99

"Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask!" |
"Welcome to the best online resource for learning how to create websites with Python and Flask!I'm Jose Portilla and I've created this course to help you develop a true understanding of the ins and outs of creating amazing websites with the latest technologies in Python and Flask!I teach over 500,000 students online and I'm happy to get the chance to help others learn the amazing power of programming!This course will be your complete definitive guide for developing fully functional websites with the Flask web framework. We'll start with crash courses in the basic front end technologies for HTML, CSS, and Boostrap 4. Once you have a good understanding of the basics of these front end technologies, we'll begin our journey with Python and Flask. The course includes a complete Python refresher that starts with the very basics and quickly takes you through the advanced features, including functions, decorators, object oriented programming, and more!Once we understand HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4, andPython we're ready to tackle Flask and learn about all the amazing features it has! We'll create basic landing pages with Flask and Python, then show you how to connect templates to Flask do you can connect your Flask Application to HTML,CSS, and Bootstrap based templates. We'll also cover how to use theJinja template engine to directly connect your flask application to your front end files to customize your websites.Then we'll learn how to create forms to accept user information, how to save that information to a SQLdatabase, and relay it back to the user.This course includes afully complete Social Network project that includes, User Logins, Followers, Authentication, Blueprints, Templates, SQLDatabases, and more!In this course we'll cover everything you need to know, including:Crash Course on HTMLCrash Course on CSSCrash Course on Bootstrap 4CompleteOverview of Python 3Utilizing Flask BasicsCreating Templates with Flask and JinjaCreating Forms with Flask and WTFormsCreating Databases with SQL and connecting them to FlaskStructuring Large Flask Applications with BlueprintsCreating User Login, Registration, andAuthenticationCreating Full Applications, including a Social Network ProjectRESTAPIs with FlaskAccepting Payments with Stripeand much more!So what are you waiting for?Sign up today and begin your journey to creating amazing websites with the power of programming with Flask and Python!I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp" |
"Get a Real In-Depth Understanding of Go and its Internal Mechanisms by:Ultra-detailed, entertaining, intuitive, and easy to understand animations.Learn by doing:Write a log parser, file scanner, spam masker and more.Solve 1000+ hands-on exercises.Learn a lot of tips and tricks that you can't find easily anywhere else.What's included?Go OOP: Interfaces and MethodsInternals of Methods and InterfacesFunctions and Pointers: Program design, pass by value, and addressability.Implicit interface satisfactionType assertion and Type SwitchEmpty interface: []interface{} vs interface{}Value, Pointer, and Nil ReceiversPromoted MethodsFamous InterfacesTips about when to use interfacesfmt.Stringer, sort.Sort, json.Marshaler, json.Unmarshaler, and so on.Composite Types: Arrays, Slices, Maps, and StructsInternals of Slices and MapsBacking array, slice header, capacity, and map headerJSON encoding and decoding, field tags, embeddingMake, copy, full Slice expressions and append mechanicsUTF-8 encoding and decodingGo Type System MechanicsType inference, underlying, predeclared, and unnamed types.Untyped constants and iota.Blank Identifier, short declaration, redeclaration, scopes, naming conventionsI/OProcess Command-Line Arguments, printf, working with files, bufio.Scanner, ...How to create your own Go packagesHow to run multiple Go files, and how to use third-party packagesGo toolsDebugging Go code, go doc, and others....and more.Why Go?Go is one of the most desired, easy to learn, and the highest paying programming languages. There are 1+ million Go programmers around the world, and the number is increasing each day exponentially. It's been used by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, Docker, Kubernetes, Heroku, and many others.Go is Efficient like C, C++, and Java, and Easy to use like Python and Javascript. It's Open-Source, Simple, Powerful, Efficient, Cross-Platform (OS X, Windows, Linux, ...), Compiled, Garbage-Collected, and Concurrent. Go is best for Command-line Tools, Web APIs, Distributed Network Applications like Microservices, Database Engines, Big-Data Processing Pipelines, and so on.Go has been designed by one of the most influential people in the industry:Unix: Ken ThompsonUTF-8, Plan 9: Rob PikeHotspot JVM (Java Virtual Machine): Robert Griesemer"
Price: 199.99

"Interactive Python Dashboards with Plotly and Dash" |
"Welcome to Python Visualization Dashboards with Plotly's Dash Library!This course will teach your everything you need to know to use Python to create interactive dashboard's with Plotly's new Dash library! Have you ever wanted to take your Python skills to the next level in data visualization? With this course you will be able to create fully customization, interactive dashboards with the open source libraries of Plotly and Dash.Dash instructional courses from Plotly usually cost more than $1000, but now you can get the bootcamp experience for a fraction of that price in this self-paced course that includes example code, explanatory videos, student support in our chat channels, Question and Answer Forums, and interactive exercises.We'll start off by teaching you enough Numpy and Pandas that you feel comfortable working and generating data in our quick crash course. Then we'll continue by teaching you about basic data visualization with Plotly, including scatter plots, line charts, bar charts, bubble charts, box plots, histograms, distribution plots, heat maps, and more! We'll also give you an intuition of when to use each plot type.After this and at the end of each section you'll be given exercise tasks to test and evaluate your new skills, a feature no other Plotly Dash training offers!Once you have a grasp on Plotly basics we'll move on to the bulk of the course which is utilizing the Dash library to leverage the power of plotly plots to create interactive dashboards. We'll discuss how to create layouts for dashboards, how to have interactive callbacks, dealing with multiple inputs and outputs, creating interactive components, and more!We'll finish off the course by going over live updating dashboards that automatically update in real timeand even show you how you can deploy your dashboards live to the web with the Heroku service.By taking this course you will be learning the bleeding edge of data visualization technology with Python and gain a valuable new skill to show your colleagues or potential employers. After completing the course you will have a certification you can post to your LinkedIn profile and a portfolio of dashboard projects you can share as well.All of this comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so what are you waiting for? Enroll today and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Der groe Deep Learning Kurs mit Keras und TensorFlow 2" |
"Dieser Grundlagenkurs fhrt dich durch den Einsatz des Keras und TensorFlow 2-Frameworks von Google, um knstliche neuronale Netzwerke fr Deep Learning zu erstellen. Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, dir einen leicht verstndlichen Leitfaden ber die Komplexitt des TensorFlow-Frameworks von Google zu geben. Dennoch sollte dir die Komplexitt dieses Themas bewusst sein. Andere Kurse und Tutorials tendieren dazu, sich von reinem TensorFlow fernzuhalten und stattdessen Abstraktionen zu verwenden, die dem Teilnehmer wenig tatschliches Handwerkszeug mit auf den Weg geben. Hier stellen wir dir einen Kurs vor, der dir schlielich als vollstndige Anleitung zur bestimmungsgemen Verwendung des TensorFlow-Frameworks dient und dir die neuesten Techniken des Deep Learning zeigt. ""War ein toller Kurs und konnte mir durch diesen Kurs ein Verstndnis ber Neuronale Netzwerke verschaffen! Der Kurs ist sehr gut aufgebaut und strukturiert. Zunchst wird die Theorie erklrt, darauf folgt ein Bespiel und schlielich eine bungsaufgabe... Besonders toll finde ich, dass auch die Folien entahlten sind!"" ( S. Tatzreiter)Dieser Kurs besteht aus zwei Teilen, das heisst du bekommst 2 Kurse fr 1.-----------------------------------Teil 1: Keras und Tensorflow 2-----------------------------------Wir konzentrieren uns darauf, die neuesten Updates fr TensorFlow 2 zu verstehen und die Keras-API (die offizielle API von TensorFlow 2.0) zu nutzen, um schnell und einfach Modelle zu erstellen. In diesem Kurs werden wir Modelle erstellen, um zuknftige Preisimmobilien vorherzusagen, medizinische Bilder zu klassifizieren, zuknftige Verkaufsdaten vorherzusagen, knstlich vollstndigen neuen Text zu generieren und vieles mehr!Keras, ein benutzerfreundlicher API-Standard fr maschinelles Lernen, wird die zentrale API auf hoher Ebene sein, die zum Erstellen und Trainieren von Modellen verwendet wird. Die Keras-API erleichtert den Einstieg in TensorFlow 2. Wichtig ist, dass Keras mehrere modellbildende APIs (sequentiell, funktional und Unterklassen) bereitstellt, damit Sie die richtige Abstraktionsebene fr Ihr Projekt auswhlen knnen. Die Implementierung von TensorFlow enthlt Verbesserungen, einschlielich der eifrigen Ausfhrung fr die sofortige Iteration und des intuitiven Debuggens sowie tf.data zum Erstellen skalierbarer Eingabe-Pipelines.Dieser Teil des Kurses deckt eine Vielzahl von Themen ab, darunterNumPy CrashkursPandas Datenanalyse CrashkursDaten Visualisierungs CrashkursGrundlagen der Neuronalen NetzeTensorFlow 2 GrundlagenKeras GrundlagenKnstliche Neuronale Netzwerke (engl. Artificial Neural Networks)Dicht verbundene Netzwerke (eng. Densely Connected Networks)Faltungsneuronale Netze (eng. Convolutional Neural Networks)Wiederkehrende Neuronale Netzwerke (eng. Recurrent Neural Networks)AutoEncodersGANs - Generative Adversarial NetworksAusrollen von TensorFlow 2 in die Produktionand much more!-----------------------------------------Teil 2: TensorFlow 1 (mit Details)-----------------------------------------Dieser Teil des Kurses hilft dir die Hintergrnde in TensorFlow zu verstehen. Der 1. Teil des Kurses hat dir gezeigt wie du schnell und einfach mit Keras Analysen machen kannst. Wenn es dich interessiert was sich hinter der Abstraktion des Keras Frameworks verbirgt und wie TensorFlow im Detail funktioniert, dann ist dieser Teil genau richtig fr dich.Dieser Teil des Kurses deckt eine Vielzahl von Themen ab, darunterGrundlagen des Neuronalen NetzesTensorFlow GrundlagenKnstliche Neuronale NetzwerkeDicht verbundene Netzwerke (eng. Densely Connected Networks)Faltungsneuronale Netze (eng. Convolutional Neural Networks)Wiederkehrende Neuronale Netzwerke (eng. Recurrent Neural Networks)AutoEncoderReinforcement LearningOpenAI Gymund vieles mehr!-----------------------------------------Es gibt viele Deep Learning Frameworks, warum also TensorFlow?TensorFlow ist eine Open-Source-Softwarebibliothek zur numerischen Berechnung mit Datenflussgraphen. Knoten in einem Graphen stellen mathematische Operationen dar, whrend die Graphenkanten die zwischen ihnen kommunizierten multidimensionalen Datenarrays (Tensoren) darstellen. Die flexible Architektur ermglicht die Bereitstellung von Berechnungen auf einer oder mehreren CPUs oder GPUs in einem Desktop, Server oder mobilen Gert mit einer einzigen API. TensorFlow wurde ursprnglich von Forschern und Ingenieuren entwickelt, die im Google Brain Team innerhalb der Machine Intelligence Forschungsorganisation von Google arbeiten, um maschinelles Lernen und Forschung an tiefen neuronalen Netzen durchzufhren, aber das System ist allgemein genug, um auch in einer Vielzahl anderer Bereiche einsetzbar zu sein.Es wird von groen Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet, darunter Airbnb, Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, Uber, SAP, Qualcomm, IBM, Intel und natrlich Google!Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugang zu allen Lektionen und den passenden Notebooks zu den Lektionen!Zustzlich bietet dir dieser Kurs eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie. Wenn du in irgendeiner Weise nicht zufrieden sein solltest, erhltst du dein Geld zurck. Und du darfst alle Notebooks als Dankeschn fr das Ausprobieren dieses Kurses behalten!Werde noch heute ein Deep Learning Experte! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 194.99

"Probability and Statistics for Business and Data Science" |
"Welcome to Probability and Statistics for Business andData Science!In this course we cover what you need to know about probability and statistics to succeed in business and the data science field!This practical course will go over theory and implementation of statistics to real world problems. Each section has example problems, in course quizzes, and assessment tests. Well start by talking about the basics of data, understanding how to examine it with measurements of central tendency, dispersion, and also building an understanding of how bivariate data sources can relate to each other.Afterwards well dive into probability , learning about combinations and permutations, as well as conditional probability and how to apply bayes theorem.Then well move on to discussing the most common distributions found in statistics, creating a solid foundation of understanding how to work with uniform, binomial, poisson, and normal distributions.Up next well talk about statistics, applying what weve learned so far to real world business cases, including hypothesis testing and the student's T distribution.Well end the course with 3 sections on advanced topics, such as ANOVA (analysis of variance), understanding regression analysis, and finally performing chi squared analysis.The sections are modular and organized by topic, so you can reference what you need and jump right in!Our course includes HDVideo with clear explanations and high quality animations, we also include extensive case studies to show you how to apply this knowledge to the real world.We'll cover everything you need to know about statistics and probability to clearly tackle real world business and data science problems!Including:Measurements of DataMean, Median, and ModeVariance and Standard DeviationCo-variance and CorrelationPermutations andCombinationsUnions and IntersectionsConditional ProbabilityBayes TheoremBinomial DistributionPoisson DistributionNormal DistributionSamplingCentral Limit TheoremHypothesis TestingT-Distribution TestingRegression AnalysisANOVAChi Squaredand much more!Not only do you get great technical content, but youll also have access to our online QA forums as well as our student chat channel. Where the TAs and myself are happy to help out with any questions you encounter! Upon finishing this course youll receive a certificate of completion you can post on your linkedin profile to show off to your colleagues, or even potential employers!All of this content comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, so you can try out the course risk free!So what are you waiting for? Enroll today and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 194.99

"Kingdom Finance & Multiple Streams of Income" |
"Kingdom Finance & Multiple Streams of Incomewill train students for multiple streams of income, financial wealth, and secondary income. Students will learn how to make money using a variety of platforms including internet sales/marketing, mentoring/coaching, stock trading, real estate and more.The training offered in this course is potentially life changing, covering subjects such as Multiple Ways of Making Money, Training for Internet Income, Real Estate Investment for Beginners and much more. Students will learn how to sell on eBay, Amazon, and Fiverr; flipping in real estate, stock market riches and so much more. Upon completion of this course, students will be more confident for effective, multiple streams of income and entrepreneurship. God wants us to be wealthy and wise with our money and this course is meant to be a training ground to step out of the rat-race and into the fast-track of financial independence. Lessons: eBaytraining in multiple areas Amazonriches made from home Start your ownCoaching/Mentorshipprogram with intellectual property that you already obtain and that others are willing to pay you to know Stock Marketmillions can be made How to start flipping inReal Estate Cryptocurrencyand theForex Website building and YouTube richesA somewhat secret website that has everyone enamored to make money in resales About this course: Thousands of happy students Comes with workbook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God! Full, free lifetime access And of course, we stand behind the30-day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown with this easy to understand and easy to grasp course. The information provided in this course and accompanying material is for informational purposes only.It should not be considered legal or financial advice. Im not a certified financial planner/advisor nor a certified financial analyst nor an economist nor a CPA nor an accountant nor a lawyer. Im not a finance professional through formal education. I do not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using the content. By taking this course, you agree to hold me harmless from any ramifications, financial or otherwise, that occur to you as a result of acting on information contained in this course. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende MongoDB - La mejor Base de Datos NoSQL desde cero" |
"MongoDB es la base de datos ms popular para el desarrollo de aplicaciones modernas, es la base de datos NoSQL - No Relacional, con mayor uso en el mercado, y en este curso aprendrs desde lo ms bsico a trabajar con ella. MongoDB es la solucin de base de datos ms sofisticada en el mundo de la tecnologa en este momento, capaz de impulsar desde cualquier proyecto personal en crecimiento hasta una infraestructura empresarial.Este curso te ayudar a dominar una de las bases de datos NoSQL ms populares, MongoDB. Este curso est diseado para proporcionar conocimiento y habilidades prcticas para que puedas convertirte en un experto de MongoDB.**************** Este Curso se actualiza de forma peridica ********************Este curso te ayudar a conocer y a dominar una de las bases de datos NoSQL ms populares. Este curso est diseado para proporcionar conocimiento y habilidades prcticas para convertirse en poco tiempo en un experto de MongoDB.Comenzaremos por aprender los conceptos bsicos de MongoDB, el proceso de instalacin, crear bases de datos, colecciones, operaciones CRUD, Consultas, Agregaciones e indexacin.Habr pequeos cuestionarios despus de cada seccin para poner a prueba nuestra comprensin y tambin para revisar los conceptos.Al final de este curso conocers esta base de datos NoSQL y adems como integrar el desarrollo de aplicaciones basado en MongoDB utilizando Robo3T como interfaz de gestin de MongoDB.Aprenda cmo trabajar con la Shell de MongoDB. Vamos a discutir y explorar el motor de JavaScript que se utiliza en MongoDB.Estudie los tipos de datos principales de MongoDB: cadenas, nmeros, matrices, objetos, fechas, etc. Hablaremos sobre los tipos de datos JSON y BSON, y discutiremos la diferencia entre ellos.Objetivos del curso:Conocer el manejo de MongoDB.Actualizacin a la versin de MongoDB 4.x.Nuevas formas de ingreso de datos de la ltima versin.Decidir dnde y cundo usar MongoDB en el desarrollo de su aplicacin.Disear una base de datos MongoDB de principio a fin.Diferenciar entre bases de datos Relacional y una base de datos NoSQL.Conocer las principales caractersticas y ventajas de la base de datos NoSQL MongoDB sobre las bases de datos Relacionales.Realizar las operaciones CRUD en MongoDB.Conocer los tipos de datos en MongoDB.Realizar las diferentes operaciones de consultas y operadores.Conocer las operaciones con los Framework de Agregacin.Manejo de ndices en MongoDB.Tareas administrativas, usuarios y roles, copia de seguridad, importacin y exportacin de datos en MongoDB.Que dicen algunos de los estudiantes que llevarn el curso: ""Bastante completo y muy bien explicado"", Daniel ""Es un curso muy bueno y completo sobre MongoDB, absolutamente recomendado."", Jhonatan ""Excelente Explicacin en todo el Curso"", Alejandro ""Est siendo una experiencia muy buena de cara a mejorar mis conocimientos en BBDD No sql."", David ""Excelente curso, muy didctico y con buenas explicaciones"", ZabdielRecuerda que tienes la garanta de Udemy de 30 das, as que toma la decisin de aprender MongoDB, no tienes nada que perder."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende CSS3 - Conoce lo Nuevo que Trae est Versin de CSS" |
"En este curso vas a aprender sobre las novedades de CSS en su versin 3 - CSS3 y su aplicacin sencilla, sus nuevas propiedades que te van a permitir crear los mejores estilos y efectos para tu sitio web.Cuando creamos un sitio web muy atractivo y con una interfaz muy limpia es gracias a CSS3, el desarrollo de un sitio web no termina al maquetar el sitio utilizando HTML5, las hojas de estilos juegan un rol muy importanto en lo atractivo, y en lo que a diseo del sitio se refiere.CSS3 es la ltima evolucin de las hojas de estilo en cascadas, trae consigo nuevas novedades esperadas como las esquinas redondeadas de una caja, la aplicacin sencilla de las nuevas propiedades sin la neesidad de escribir tanto cdigo en las hojas de estilos.En este curso vas a ir conociendo diversas caractersticas aparecidas en la ltima versin de CSS, con lecciones puntuales y cada una con su respectivo ejemplo de aplicacin.El curso se divide en 2 secciones en donde vamos a tocar los siguientes temas en general:Novedades de CSS3.CSS3 Selectores.Propiedades de CSS3.Lecciones que son ms que tutoriales.Para llevar el curso se requiere un conocimiento bsico de HTML5 y CSS, el mismo que puedes conseguir siguiendo el curso ""Diseo Web - Aprende creando un sitio web"", que es totalmente GRATIS.Espero te anims y verte dentro del curso, recuerda que cualquier duda estamos para apoyarte por medio de la seccin de preguntas y respuestas, y recuerda adems que tienes 30 das de garanta para la devolucin de tu dinero, siempre y cuando no estes satisfecho con el curso."
Price: 99.99

"VPS Linux en DigitalOcean: Tu Gua creando Proyectos Reales" |
"Conoce, crea y aprende a implementar tu propio servidor VPS en la nube de DigitalOcean para varios sitios web, incluyendo uno con WordPress.Ms que un curso de como implamentar tu VPS, una experiencia con dos proyectos reales, al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientos necesarios para brindar este tipo de soluciones y un sitio web funcionando para empezar a recibir visitas.Que hablan los estudiantes de nuestro curso:""Felicidades! En verdad un GRAN curso, fcil de seguir, de entender. Las prcticas muy bien realizadas. No tuve ningn problema, y ya tengo mi wordpress corriendo en un ""droplet"" de Digital Ocean. Gracias!"" - Fernando Barajas.""El mejor curso sin duda, gracias por compartir tus conocimientos"" - Frank Lopez.""El curso esta genial! Explica lo que muchos buscamos en la web para poder iniciar con nuestros proyectos con wordpress, ya sea una pagina web, una landing page o en mi caso una e-commerce con woocomerce :'). Mas que satisfecho con su contenido y muy buena didctica! :D"" - Kevin Toribio.""Excelente, un paso a paso muy bien explicado, ya tengo mi propio VPS tan slo siguiendo est gua."" - Carlos GutierrezLo que vas a aprender:Un Servidor Virtual Privado (VPS - Virtual Private Server), ya no es algo nuevo, es una tecnologa muy utilizada en la actualidad, y con mucho futuro, abri las puertas a lo que hoy conocemos como el Cloud o la Nube. Un VPS te permite gestionar tus propios recursos para implementar soluciones escalables.WordPress es uno de los CMS ms utilizados por Bloggers, emprendedores y empresas para implementar un sitio web, haz que tu pgina tenga el rendimiento deseado con las visitas que recibe, consigue el posicionamiento en buscadores, siendo la optimizacin del sitio un factor muy importante.En este curso vas a aprender paso a paso a crear tu propio servidor para implementar un sitio web desde cero, para ello vamos a crear todo el entorno necesario para un sitio web basado en WordPress, siendo este uno de los manejadores de contenidos ms utilizado en la web por muchos blogs y sitios de Internet.Para crear todo tu propio entorno, vamos a utilizar la Nube de DigitalOcean para crear un VPS bajo el Sistema Operativo Ubuntu Linux, dentro de tu propio servidor aprenders a instalar el servidor web NgInx, el gestor de base de datos MySQL, instalar PHP, y finalmente instalar el Manejador de contenido WordPress ,para que tengas tu propio Blog o pgina de emprendimiento, tambin vamos explicar el proceso de alojar un segundo sitio en el mismo servidor VPS.A continuacin detallamos algunos temas especficos que vamos a revisar en el curso:Introduccin a los VPS y porqu utilizarlos.Qu es un Droplet en DigitalOcean.Acceder a tu servidor va SSH para su administracin.Instalar y configurar NgInx.Instalar y crear una base de datos MySQL.Instalar PHP e integrarlos con el servidor Web.Manejo de paquetes en Linux.Comandos bsicos de Linux.Descargar e instalar WordPress en tu VPS.Manejo de permisos en Linux.Configurar un Dominio para acceder a tu sitio web.Configurar un certificado Let's Encrypt, para asegurar el sitio.Configurar un segundo sitio en el VPS.Que dicen algunos de nuestros estudiantes:, ""Muy buena eleccin. Ya tengo configurado dos sitios en mi vps"", Emiliano, ""Excelente curso, he aprendido mucho en lo que voy de l!"", Jaime, ""El mejor curso, muy buen maestro!"", Juan Pablo, ""Excelente eleccin, mejor de lo esperado"", Israel, ""Perfecto este curso esta mas que completo muchas gracias, es justo lo que esperaba"", EstebanRecuerda que todos nuestros cursos tienen constante actualizacin, a los mismos que tendrs acceso de por vida. Siempre estaremos pendiente para brindarte el apoyo necesario en cada una de las lecciones en las que tengas dudas. Adems tienes la Garanta de Udemy de la devolucin de tu dinero durante los primeros 30 das.Vamos, aprende a implementar un VPS con Ubuntu Linux de forma rpida!!, y empieza a publicar tus propios proyectos o emprendimiento. Espero verte dentro del curso."
Price: 119.99

"Vue JS - Aprende a Crear Aplicaciones Web Modernas con Vue" |
"MS de 25000 ESTUDIANTES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vue JS, es uno de los Frameworks de desarrollo web muy utilizado en la actualidad, con el vas a poder crear sitios web modernos que cubran todas las necesidades que un desarrollador web pueda imaginar.Bienvenido a nuestro curso de Vue JS en su versin 2, tambin llamado VueJS 2, este curso esta orientado para que lo empieces desde cero, vamos a empezar a conocer Vue JS desde sus conceptos bsicos, hasta empezar a crear pequeas pero funcionales aplicaciones, en donde podrs notar la funcionalidad que puedes conseguir con este poderoso Framework.No importa donde lo bsques (Google, GitHub, Tendencias) ni como lo mires, Vue JS se est convirtiendo rpidamente en la estrella del desarrollo web utilizando un Framework de JavaScript.El desarrollo reactivo se est volviendo muy popular, ya que brindan una mejor experiencia a los usuarios, y esto lo vemos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles, pero hoy en da gracias a los Frameworks o marcos de trabajao desarrollados, en JavaScript, podemos llevar esa reactividad a los navegadores. VueJS ya es tendencia y como tal se requiere cada da de personas con este conocimiento.Estoy seguro que muchos conocen o escucharon hablar de Angular o ReactJS, ambos muy buenos y con sus caractersticas propias que hacen que el desarrollo web sea como un juego, VueJS une o combina la mejor de ambos Frameworks, y hace que el desarrollo de aplicaciones web de todo nivel sea an ms divertido y funcional. Y si no escuchaste de los dos Frameworks o tampoco conoces algo de ellos, no te preocupes, que no necesitas de esos conocimientos para aprender VueJS, lo iremos aprendiendo durante el desarrollo del curso.Lo que vas a aprender en el curso:Qus es Vue JS y porqu deberas utilizarlo?Crear tu entorno de trabajo para empezar con VueJS.Todos los tipos de Uniones o Datan Bindings.Uso de las diferentes Directivas de Vue JS.Uso de los Filtros.Creacin de Componentes Web.Como implementar tu aplicacin en produccin.Comunicacin entre componentes.Varias Apps, incluyendo carrito de compras.Integrar Bootstrap a tus proyectos con Vue.Vue CLI 3.Vue Router o rutas en Vue JS.Fomularios con Vue JS.Validaciones.Manejo de estados de la aplicacin con Vuex.Que dicen algunos de los estudiantes inscritos en el curso: ""Muy buen curso, aunque la seccin de ""Rutas en Vue JS"" lo sent un poco largo y sin el mismo orden que tenan las secciones anteriores. Pero no quiere decir que es algo negativo o malo, solo que a mi percepcin no sigui la misma lnea de las otras secciones."", Humberto ""Le doy 5 estrellas todo bien exelente profesor y lecciones mas que claras con ejemplos y pequeos proyectos."", Roy ""Todo muy bien explicado, sabe de lo que habla, excelente introduccin de Vue.JS, cubri todos los aspectos importantes de Vue.js."", Jess Rosas ""El curso es excelente y est muy bien estructurado hasta los momentos Felicito al profesor."", Will ""El profesor posee una excelente capacidad comunicativa. Totalmente recomendable. Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de compartir conocimientos."", Carlos...En cada una de las secciones te acompaaran pequeos ejercicios, y evaluaciones para reforzar tus conocimientos, nuestra misin es que no solo veas cdigo, sino que tambin lo practiques.Para firnalizar recuerda que todos nuestros cursos tienen actualizaciones peridicas, eso garantiza que siempre tendrs un curso actualizado, tambin no olvides que tienes la garanta de devolucin de tu dinero por parte de UDEMY. Espero verte dentro."
Price: 99.99

"Learn the Fundamentals of VHDL and FPGA Development" |
"How will you learn?You will learn by doing the real programming. All the code and examples are explained in tutoring videos. After you adjust the existing code or you create your own, you will run simulations to verify it. If you are interested to run your code on a real hardware (not required, but much more fun), we recommend Altera or Xilinx boards.What you will learn aboutWhat will you learn?Learn the Essentials of VHDL and FPGA Development is course that will teach you the fundamentals and basics of VHDL design. In this course you will be working through various projects that will require you to go through the entire FPGA development process. You will be guided through the coding of the actual VHDL to the synthesis using either Xilinxs development tool, Vivado or Altera development tool Quartus. There are 8 projects in this course:Buttons & LEDsA project that is designed to teach students the very basics of VHDL as well as how to make specific pins on an FPGA inputs (buttons) and outputs (LEDs).Blinky LEDsStudents will learn how to create a counter in VHDL in order to simultaneously turn multiple LEDs on and off in unison.LED BrightnessThis project will have students create 3 VHDL designs, a PWM design to control the brightness of the LEDs, a counter to vary the duty cycle, and a top level design to pull everything together.UART DemonstrationStudents will be introduced to softcore processors and use them to display a Hello World message on a serial port terminal.UART I/OIn the project students will build upon the ability to transmit messages using the softcore processor to read messages. Students will learn how to interpret messages coming from the computer to the FPGA in order to read the status of various peripherals on the board.AD ProcessingThis project will have students perform an analog to digital conversion. As en example, they sense the temperature.SPI Interface (Arty A7 Only)In this project students will learn how to work with SPI interface. They will load existing designs onto the external flash memory chip to have the FPGA configure itself through the SPI interface.I2C Interface (DE10 Nano Only)In this project students will learn how to work with I2C. They will load an embedded Linux operating system onto the DE10 Nano development board. They will then run a program that interfaces with the onboard accelerometer to display the g forces the sensor reads.All of the required background and knowledge to complete each project will be explained prior to completing the project. There are demonstration videos and walk-throughs for each project so that you can have a deep understanding of how the project works."
Price: 199.99

"Aspen HYSYS - Basic Process Modeling" |
"The BASICAspen HYSYS Course will show you how to model and simulate Processes (From Petrochemical, to Ammonia Synthesis and Polymerisation).Analysis of Unit Operation will help you in order tooptimise the Chemical Plant.This is helpful for students,teachers,engineers and researchers in the area of R&D and Plant Design/Operation.The course is didactic, with a lot of applied theory and Workshops/Study cases.At the end of the course you will be able to setup a simulation, run it, get results and more important, analysis of the process for further optimisation."
Price: 19.99

"Start modeling your first Chemical Process with Aspen HYSYS" |
"This is simple course on Plant Simulation via Aspen HYSYSwill show you how to:Set a fluid packageManipulate a FlowsheetAdd unit operationsInput all the minimum required data.This is helpful for students,teachers,engineers and researchers in the area of R&D and Plant Design/Operation.The course is didactic, with the minimum theory required to work on the Simulation Case (hands-on-workshop)!"
Price: 24.99

"Aspen Plus - Getting Started!" |
"This is simple course on Plant Simulationwill show youhow to model the most used and common unit operations present in a chemical plant.We will model a small plant including several ""basic"" unit operationssuch as:PumpReactorValveHeaterDistillation ColumnFlashThis is helpful forstudents,teachers,engineers and researchersin the area of R&D and Plant Design/Operation.The course isdidactic, with a lot of applied theory and Workshops/Study cases.At the end of the course you will be able to setup a simple simulation, run it, get results such as heat duty, composition of streams, overall material and energy balances and some other specified unit operation parameters.This is recommended specially for those willing to start their journey on their simulation/modeling via software career."
Price: 24.99

"Aspen HYSYS - Petroleum Assays and Oil Characterization" |
"This is course on Plant Simulationwill show you how to setup hypothetical compounds, oil assays, blends, and petroleumcharacterization using the Oil Manager of Aspen HYSYS.You will learn about:Hypothetical Compounds (Hypos)Estimation of hypo compound dataModels via Chemical StructureUNIFAC Component BuilderBasis conversion/cloning of existing componentsInput ofPetroleumAssayand Crude OilsTypical Bulk Properties (Molar Weight, Density, Viscosity)Distillation curves such asTBP (Total Boiling Point)ASTM(D86, D1160, D86-D1160, D2887)ChromatographyLight EndOil CharacterizationUsing the Petroleum Assay Manager or theOil ManagerImporting Assays:Existing DatabaseCreating Assays:Manually /ModelCutting:Pseudocomponentgeneration Blending of crude oilsInstalling oils into Aspen HYSYSflowsheetsGetting Results (Plots, Graphs, Tables)Property and Composition TablesDistribution Plot(Off Gas, Light Short Run,Naphtha, Kerosene, Light Diesel, Heavy Diesel, Gasoil, Residue)Oil PropertiesProperBoiling Point CurvesViscosity, Density, Molecular WeightCurvesThis is helpful forstudents,teachers,engineers and researchersin the area of R&D, specially those in theOil and Gas or Petroleum Refining industry.This is a ""workshop-based"" course, there is about25%theory and about 75% work!At the end of the course you will be able to handle crude oils for your fractionation, refining, petrochemical process simulations!"
Price: 199.99

"Aspen Plus - Intermediate Process Modeling" |
"The INTERMEDIATE Aspen Plus Course will show you how to model and simulate more complexProcessesAnalysis of Unit Operation will help you in order tosimulate more complexchemical processes, as well as to analyse and optimize existing ones.You will learn about:Better Flowsheet manipulationHierarchy, Flowsheeting, Sub-flowsheet creationLogical Operators / ManipulatorsUnderstand Property Method Selection and its effects on simulation resultsStudy of more rigorous unit operationsModel Analysis Tools such as sensitivity and optimizationReporting Relevant Results Plot relevant data for Heaters, Columns ,Reactors, PumpsTemperature Profiles, Concentration Profile, Pump Curves, Heat Curves, etcUp to 3 Case Studies (in-depth analysis)All theory is backed up by more than 30Practical Workshops!At the end of the course you will be able to setup more complex processes, increase yoursimulation and flow sheeting techniques, run it and debugging, get relevantresults and make a deeperanalysis of the process for further optimization."
Price: 19.99

"Sales Analysis for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course? This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in improving and developing sales and marketing through a series of practical cases. It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize sales and marketing on daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to understand main challenges in sales and marketing How to improve sales and marketing in order to increase margin and profit Where to look for savings and improvements, how to calculate potential savings in Excel and implement them The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize also sales and marketing of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Sales and Marketing Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc.On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 29000 students.I teach through cases, so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main challenges in sales and marketing for each business model. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Sales and marketing differs drastically in every company and it usually takes a management consultant a lot of time to learn and understand the business during a consulting project. By giving you exposure to real life cases and analyses I want to improve your awareness and skills in analyzing complex sales and marketing analysis. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during a consulting project devoted to sales and marketing area. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques related to analyzing and optimizing sales and marketing. That is why. I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as sales managers and directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze sales and marketing. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn: How to understand sales and marketing in different business models How to optimize it Where to look for savings and improvements How to calculate the impact of proposed changes in Excel You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 5 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production FMCG . In the second section I will discuss main challenges in sales and marketing in FMCG. We will also go through a number of cases and business analyses devoted to sales and marketing in FMCG. Our cases will be from cosmetics, food industry and will show you how to analyze motivation / bonus system, how to analyze the efficiency of sales force, how to estimate potential growth in specific regions and many more. Retail . In this section will discuss main challenges in sales and marketing in Retail. We will also go through a number of cases and business analyses devoted to sales and marketing in Retail that will help you immensely during consulting project. B2B Services. In the 4###sup/sup### section I will discuss main challenges in sales and marketing in B2B Services. We will also go through a number of cases and business analyses devoted to sales and marketing in B2B Services. We will go through many cases including consulting, analytical services, aircraft maintenance. B2C Services. In this section I will discuss main challenges in sales and marketing in B2B services. We will also go through a number of cases and business analyses devoted to sales and marketing in B2C Services. The case will be from restaurant chain, beauty salon chain and others. I will show you how to check whether new product introduction make sense, how to increase profits by 10% and other cases I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 189.99

"Management Consulting Techniques, Tools and Frameworks" |
"What is the aim of this course?This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge of management consulting techniques, tools and frameworks. It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or are dealing with performance improvements as well as strategic projects in their firms. In the course you will learn 3 things: What consulting techniques, tools and frameworks there are When to apply each and one of them How to use them in practice including examples how to calculate specific things in Excel The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who are now CEO, COO, Directors of Sales, Production, Investment Directors in PE funds, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 45 000 students including people working in Walmart, EY, Dell, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal I teach through cases, so for every tool, technique and framework I provide an example, preferably in Excel, that shows you how to apply the knowledge in practice. To most of lectures you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. If you are already working in Management Consulting this course will give you an advantage over your colleagues and will help you get promoted faster to a Project Manager. Why I decided to create this course? Management consulting has been very creative and has produced or popularized the application of many tools, techniques and frameworks that can be used to improve any business. By putting them in one course and explaining them using real life examples, I wanted to make this knowledge available to students that are considering joining Management Consulting firms as well as managers that simply need to expand their toolbox with few useful tools. Things you will find in this course will improve your awareness and skills in analyzing problems that you will be facing in business as well as in private life. Thanks to this course, you will know what tool, technique or framework to use and how to use it in practice. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in any business you should master techniques presented in this course. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customers, but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as managers and directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your business. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn: What management consulting tools, techniques and frameworks are available How to understand business using management consulting tools, techniques and frameworks How to apply in practice those techniques, tools and frameworks to optimize the business and take strategic decisions You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 4 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Basic tools, techniques and frameworks used by management consultants. In the second section I will discuss the main tools that you can use to analyze and understand a business. We will talk about things like: issue tree, bottom-up approach, top-down approach, backward reasoning, 80/20 rule, benchmarking, cost drivers, opportunity tree and many, many more Intermediate tools, techniques and frameworks used by management consultants. In this section I will discuss more advanced techniques such as: rankings, scenario analysis, representative element analysis, decision tree, OEE, OLE, theory of constraints, Critical Chain and many, many more Advanced tools, techniques and frameworks used by management consultants. In this section I will discuss further more advanced techniques such as: simulation analysis, decomposition analysis, feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to 1.Master management consulting tools, techniques and frameworks 2. Apply the right elements from your management consulting toolbox 3. Analyze fast problems that are killing your business 4. Find fast potential improvements in your business 5. Prepare you to move on to intermediate level management consulting training 6. Calculate in Excel the impact of your proposals"
Price: 99.99

"Excel Shortcuts for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course?As a Business Analysts or Management Consultant you will be spending 3-5 hours a day crunching data in Excel and doing analysis. That is why you should become the Master of Excel and be able to do fast analysis. In this way you will have a chance to have a life outside your time-consuming work. People trained by me are able to do business analysis in Excel 10x faster than most of business analysts and management consultants working in top consulting firms. 60% of the effect comes from knowing the right formulas, applying certain rules in analysis. The rest: 40% is coming from applying Excel shortcuts that drastically changes the speed at which you are able to produce analysis in Excel. In this course I will concentrate on teaching you the essential Excel shortcuts that will make your life much easier. This course will help you drastically improve your speed of preparing business analysis in Excel thanks to Excel shortcuts. It is designed for people who want to become or are management consultants, business analysts, work in consulting, private equity or investment banking. From this course will greatly benefit anybody, who uses Excel at least 1-2 hours a day. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to work fast with Excel using shortcuts How shortcuts can be applied to create a killer analyses that also looks great What other rules will make your life easier when it comes to Excel and Power Point The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who are now CEO, COO, Directors of Sales, Production, Investment Directors in PE funds, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that over 28000 students have taken my courses on Udemy. I teach through cases, so for every shortcuts I will show you how to apply it. At the end of every lecture there will be a short overview of shortcuts covered. I am using Excel under Windows / PC (non-Mac) but in the overview I will also show the shortcuts for Mac / Apple version of Excel. If you are already working in Management Consulting this course will give you an advantage over your colleagues and will help you get promoted faster to a Project Manager position. Why I decided to create this course? The speed of analysis is critical in order to survive the first 1-3 years in Management Consulting and thrive. This cannot be achieved if you do not master the Excel as it will be one of the two main tools with which you will work. In most likelihood, you will spend more time with Excel than with your girlfriend or boyfriend. An important part of proficiency in Excel, doing the analysis fast is using Excel shortcuts. There are plenty of Excel shortcuts that you can use. In this course I will show you the essential ones that will help you 2-5x your speed of analysis in Excel. I will also show you how to look for other useful shortcuts. Thanks to this course, you will be doing the analysis much faster. This will give you time to learn new things, progress faster at work, deliver ahead of deadlines and have a normal life outside the work. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to want to become top Management Consultant / Business Analysts you should master Excel shortcuts presented in this course. That is why, I highly recommend this course to consultants, business analysts, people working in investment banking, private equity. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of tips, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your analysis in Excel. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn: How to work fast in Excel using shortcuts Which Excel Shortcuts you should learn by heart What other rules are worth following How does analysis done using Excel shortcuts look like You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 4 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Essential shortcuts. In the second section I will discuss essential shortcuts that you have to learn by heart to prepare fast analysis. More advanced shortcuts. In this section I will discuss more advanced shortcuts that I also find extremely useful. I will also show you how to find new shortcuts for the specific tasks that you repeat on daily basis Useful rules that will make your life easier. In this section I will discuss other useful tool for Excel as well as Power Point that I recommend instilling in your daily routine to even further boost your efficiency Example of analysis done using shortcuts. In the last section I will show you example of analysis performed using Excel shortcuts You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course A list of Excel Shortcuts pdf presentation. Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 89.99

"FMCG for Management Consultants and Business Analysts" |
"What is the aim of this course? Consulting projects especially when it comes to consumer goods business are very demanding. The two most complicated areas are sales and marketing and supply chain. During consulting projects I have seen business analysts and management consultants struggling with understanding the business fast enough to deliver value to the customer. This course will give you the knowledge and insight into real life case studies that will make your life during a consulting project in a consumer goods business much easier. This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in analyzing and improving Fast Moving Consumer Goods businesses (FMCG). It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or have to run and optimize FMCG businesses on daily bases. In the course you will learn 3 things: How to model FMCG business in Excel How to improve sales and marketing in order to increase margin and profit How to improve supply chain in order to increase margin and profit The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On many occasions I had to optimize also sales and marketing of the businesses I was responsible for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Sales and Marketing Directors, Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Companies, Supply Chain Directors, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 42 000 students.I teach through cases, so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. There will be also overview of main challenges in sales and marketing as well as supply chain typical for FMCG. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Consulting projects especially when it comes to consumer goods business are very demanding. The two most complicated areas are sales and marketing and supply chain. During consulting projects I have seen business analysts and management consultants struggling with understanding the business fast enough to deliver value to the customer. The course will give you the knowledge and insight into real life case studies that will make your life during a consulting project in a consumer goods business much easier. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during a consulting project devoted in a FMCG company. I will show you also how to model FMCG business in Excel. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to build or to find improvements in FMCG business you should master techniques related to analyzing and optimizing sales and marketing as well as supply chain. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as directors. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you find and analyze FMCG business. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn: How to understand and improve sales and marketing in FMCG How to understand and improve supply chain in FMCG How to model FMCG business in Excel You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 5 sections and I will be adding new sections to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Modeling FMCG business in Excel. In the second section I will show you how to model in Excel FMCG business. You will also get as a part of it Excel files to play with. I will use an example cosmetics business Sales and Marketing in FMCG. In this section I will show you examples of analysis of sales and marketing in FMCG business. This will give you a good idea on what to concentrate during a consulting project FMCG - Examples of business analyses of Supply Chain. In the section 4 I will show you examples of analysis of supply chain in FMCG business. This will give you a good idea on what to concentrate during a consulting project I will be adding new sections and lectures in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading"
Price: 149.99

"Financial Modeling for Startups" |
"Why I decided to create this course? I work with startups, VC and PE funds on daily and I have noticed that despite tones of very good books on lean methods (i.e. Lean Analytics, Running Lean etc.) startups as well as small / medium businesses have problems with applying this knowledge in practice. We have noticed that, especially first time startups, do not really understand their business model (which is totally understandable). Thats why, it is very difficult for them to know what they should concentrate on. Most entrepreneurs / startups have more or less clear business idea but quite often they do not know the business models they have chosen works in practice and they end up learning it the hard way, through their own mistakes. They have even more problems with translating the business idea / business model into coherent Excel model and checking whether the idea is worth trying. No matter what business you are trying to start it is worth devoting some time and building a financial / business model in the form of Excel. This simple tool will help you estimate the value of your business, see how much cash you need and how your business ideas and KPIs are affecting your business. Once you build the model you can play with it and see how using different assumptions and parameters your profit will change. The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, new business development, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sector that I worked for. On many occasions I was working on building new businesses and supporting startups. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained startup founders, entrepreneurs but also Business Analysts working for PE / VC funds, Investment Directors, Business Development Managers creating new businesses as a part of a bigger corporation. What will this course give you? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of tips and tools that will help you significantly speed up with your business, especially if you are a startup or a small / medium business. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from our own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: what your business model is about, what to concentrate on and what are the key KPIs for you? How you can translate it into Excel and evaluate your business? How to make conclusions on the basis of your business model presented in the form of Excel In this course I will talk about 4 online business models: e-commerce, marketplaces, SaaS, media site and 2 more traditional ones: restaurant and consulting (service) firm How the course is organized? Currently the course is divided into 7 sections: Introduction. In this section I give you quick overview of the purpose and approach we will use in each and every section E-commerce business model. In this section you will get insight t into the business model of different e-commerce companies. E-commerce businesses group is very diversified so we will try to show the similarities and the differences between concepts.. You will learn here the definition of this business model, see some examples of companies using this business models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect. Afterwards, I will show you how you can build the model in Excel and what conclusions can you draw from it. B2C Services. In this section I will discuss the business model of B2C services i.e. hairdresser, restaurant chains, plumber, electricians etc. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. We will go into more details when it comes to restaurant chain and I will show you how to model it in Excel 2-sided market business model. This business model has been very popular over the last 5-years and successful companies in this model can grow to be true global players at big scale. Here you will get insight into the business model of 2-sided market, especially marketplaces. You will learn not only the definition of this business model but you will have also the opportunity to see some examples of companies using these models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect. Afterwards, I will show you how you can build the model in Excel and what conclusions can you draw from it. SaaS business models. Here you will get insight into the business model of Software as a Service companies. You will learn the definition of the business model , see some examples of companies using this business models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect. At the end, I will show you how you can build the model in Excel and what conclusions can you draw from it. B2B Services. Next we will move on to business model of B2B services. They behave a little bit differently than the B2C service. I will show you the main challenges they are facing, KPIs that matter in B2C service, examples of companies. At the end I will show you how to model consulting business in Excel. Media site business models. Here you will have a look at relatively simple and cheap business model media site. You will learn the definition of this business, see some examples of companies using this business models. You will also understand what really matters in this sort of business, what KPIs you should look at and what values you can expect. Afterwards, I will show you how you can build the model in Excel and what conclusions can you draw from it. You will be able also to download many additional resources Models in Excel show in lectures Links to books worth reading Links to additional resourcesAt the end of my course, students will be able to Model your business in ExcelManage based on numbers your business and set well prioritiesPick the right business model for your business ideaYou will understand what is important in your businessYou will know what KPI you should look at and what are the benchmarksYou will be able to write down your business model in the form of an Excel model and to draw conclusion out of itWho should take this course? Who should not? Startup foundersSmall and medium business ownersInvestment DirectorsBusiness analystFinancial AnalystControllers"
Price: 89.99

"Strategy for Management Consultants & Business Analysts" |
"Course summary What is the aim of this course?Strategy is one of the most dreaded subject in any businesses. There are so many conflicting frameworks that is difficult to decide what to choose. In this course you will learn a framework that will help you formulate and execute the strategy for your businesses on the level of top consulting firms i.e. McKinsey, BCG, Bain, PwC, EY. You will also see how others are implementing their strategic choices. This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in creating as well as executing a strategy for your business (or your customers businesses). It is designed for people who want to become management consultants, business analysts or work on creating and implementing the strategy inside the business. In the course you will learn 3 main things: What strategic choices do you have and how to choose the optimal one? How to calculate the impact of chosen strategy or tactic? How to implement the strategy and how others are doing it? The course is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B sectors that I worked for. On many occasions I had to not only formulate the strategy but also make sure that it is implemented. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are CEOs, Board Members , Operational Directors, COO, Investment Directors, Directors in Consulting Firms, etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 29 000 students. I teach through cases so most of the lectures are case studies showing some business problems solved in Excel. In this way you get a lot of practical insight how to calculate the impact of strategic changes or how to decide which strategic option is useful. This skills will come handy during consulting projects. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels shown in the lecture so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? Most consultants and business analysts are a bit lost during strategic projects. On one hand, you have a business you dont quite understand as it is new to you. On the other hand, you have a multitude of frameworks that are conflicting with each other and quite often not practical enough. To make matters worse the customer - the business you are working for has problems with understanding what you are trying to convey with your thick presentations and thousands of Excels Therefore, I have gathered all my experience into one framework that is easy to follow not only for you but also your customer. I believe in the power of data. That is why, I will show you also how to prove, using hard data and calculation in Excel, that certain strategic choice is good or bad. In order to make certain strategies easier to understand I have also added plenty of examples of businesses using specific strategy. To sum it up, I believe that if you want to find a way to grow a business you have to become an expert in formulating and executing a proper strategy for this business. This course has all the materials you need to become one. That is why, I highly recommend this course not only to consultants or business analyst that have to advice their customer but also to owners, founders of businesses as well as board members. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of examples, analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you formulate a strategy. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: What strategic choices do you have and how to choose the optimal one? How to calculate the impact of chosen strategy or tactic? How to implement the strategy and how others are doing it? What are consequences of a specific strategic choice for your business? You can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 6 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info on production Do what you do but better. In the second section I will discuss the basic things you can do to improve its profitability without much of growth or expansion. This strategic direction is the best for people who are satisfied with the current size of their business Expand your business. In this section I will show you different ways in which you can grow your business or your customers businesses in size. This strategic choice is perfect for those business that have a winning business model and a lot of room to grow. As always there will be loads of case studies, practical knowledge how to do in practice the necessary calculation in Excels Go niche. In 4thsection I will show you how you can protect your business by going into a niche. I will devote a lot of time to Blue Ocean Strategy and Low Cost Strategy 2 very powerful strategic concepts that have been disrupting many markets Transform. In 5th section I will show you how you can transform your business from your current vulnerable position into a better place with better margins and more room to grow. Disrupt Yourself. In this section I will show you the last strategic option you may consider. Here you decide to look for ways to disrupt yourself before somebody else does it. I will discuss ways in which you can do it and I will show you plenty of examples of successful execution of this strategy You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the course Presentation of slides show in the course Links to additional presentations and movies Links to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to How to formulate a successful business strategyPick the right strategy for your businessHow to crunch data in ExcelEstimate the impact of strategic option you have chosenIncrease the value of your business or the businesses belong to your customersHow to structure complex issuesHow to define key steps needed to achieve the selected strategyWho should take this course? Who should not? Management ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsSmall and medium business ownersStartups foundersControllersEnjoy the course and if you have any questions or request just let me know"
Price: 189.99

"Excel Pivot Tables for Management Consultants & Analysts" |
"What is the aim of this course? Excel is the most often used first-choice tool of every business analyst and consultant. Maybe it is not the most fancy or sophisticated one, yet it is universally understood by everybody especially your boss and your customers. Excel is still pretty advanced solution with countless number of features and functions. One of the most useful Excel tools is the Pivot Tables that help you do fast and efficiently data analyses. In this course I will show you how to use the full potential of Pivot Tables during consulting projects. This course is organized around 80/20 rule and I want to teach you the most useful (from business analyst / consultant perspective) features of Pivot Tables as fast as possible. I want you also to acquire thanks to the course good habits in Excel that will save you loads of time. If done properly, this course will transform you in 1 day into pretty good business analyst that knows how to use Pivot Tables Excel in the smart way. It is based on my 14 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting companies and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, improvement and turn-arounds in biggest companies from FMCG, SMG, B2B sector that I worked for. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 business analysts who now are Investment Directors, Senior Analyst, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 34 000 students. I teach step by step on the basis of Excel files that will be attached to the course. To make the most out of the course you should follow my steps and repeat what I do with the data after every lecture. Dont move to the next lecture if you have not done what I show in the lecture that you have gone through. I assume that you know basic Excel so the basic features (i.e. how to write formula in Excel) are not explained in this course. I concentrate on intermediate and advanced solutions and purposefully get rid of some things that are advanced yet later become very inflexible and useless (i.e. naming the variables). At the end, I will show full blown analyses using Pivot Tables that use the tricks that I show in the lectures. To every lecture you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excel files shown in the lectures. In this way, as a part of this course, you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you in your work. Why I decided to create this course? I have done number of courses showing you how to analyze data in Excel. Yet, I have noticed that some students lack the fluency of operations in Excel, especially when it comes to Pivot Tables. This course is designed to fill in the gap and help you fully appreciate my other courses for business analysts and consultants. It can be used also as standalone course that will help you to be smart with Excel Pivot Tables. I recommend it especially to people that have to work in Excel 2-3 hours a day or want to become management consultants. In what way will you benefit from this course? The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you do the analyses using Pivot Tables as well as the quality of the conclusions coming out of available in your company data. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will know: How to use Pivot Tables in practice? How to calculate things directly in Pivot Tables How to draw conclusions from analyses chosen examples of analyses How to improve the look & feel of Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts How to use Pivot Charts to present the data & conclusions You can also ask me any question either through the discussion mode or by messaging me directly. How the course is organized? The course is divided currently in 7 sections and will be adding new section to address other important issues. Currently you will find the following sections: Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course Basic Usage of Pivot Tables. In this section I will show you most important features of Pivot Tables that will drastically increase the speed of your data analysis. We will discuss how to build Pivot Table, Pivot Chart, how to replaces Pivot Tables with some other functions. We will also go through an example of an analysis done using Pivot Table Calculation in the Pivot Tables. Quite often you want to do a lot of calculations on the basis of the original data. You can do it in the original table or directly in the Pivot Table. In this section you will learn how to do it in the Pivot Tables. We will discuss the calculation field, show as option and many others. Other useful pre-defined options. Pivot tables have many pre-defined options such as sorting, filtering, changing source data, adding new variable etc. We will discuss them in this section and will show you some examples how to use them in practice. Improving the look and feel of the table. In the 5###sup/sup### section I will show you how to improve the look and feel of the Pivot Tables. Pivot Charts. In this section I will go into details when it comes to Pivot Charts. I will also show you how to create a Dashboard using Pivot Charts and slicers. Examples of analysis using Pivot Tables. Here I will show examples of real life data analyses using Pivot Tables We will be adding new sections in the coming months You will be able also to download many additional resources Excels with analyses shown in the courseLinks to additional presentations and moviesLinks to books worth reading At the end of my course, students will be able to You will master the most crucial functions and features of Excel Pivot TablesUnderstand the main challenges in analyzing data with Pivot TablesDo calculation directly in the Pivot Table without impacting the original data setPerform the analyses in a very effective mannerBuild Dashboards using Pivot Tables and ChartsWho should take this course? Who should not? Business analystsConsultantsStudents that want to work in Management ConsultantsResearchersStudents that want to work in Private EquityControllersSmall and medium business ownersStartups founders"
Price: 99.99

"Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide" |
"Smart Contracts?They're here. TheEthereum Blockchain?Covered.Solidity?Yep!There can be no understating it: Ethereum and Blockchain technology is the most disruptive force in years. Companies cannot hire developers who understand blockchain technologies fast enough, but there are a tiny number of resources published to help youtrulyunderstand what blockchains are used for, let alone build apps with them. That's the purpose of this course:to be the best resource online for learning about Ethereum, blockchains, and how to build apps with this new technology.The development community is still figuring out the best way to use Ethereum in the creation of new and exciting apps. I spent a tremendous amount of time to research and create best practice for interfacing with Ethereum from Javascript. I can't overstate it enough; this course will show you the best and most easily repeatable patterns for creating production-readyapps with Ethereum.What tools and libraries are used?The Ethereum tech ecosystem is in constant change. Don't be fooled by other courses that mention how you'll learna dozen different libraries! Every library that you'll use with Ethereum breaks and is deprecated on a near-weekly basis! Instead, this course will teach you how to assemble your own boilerplate packageto develop, compile, and test Smart Contracts. By learning thecore technologies, you'll be prepared to adjust to Ethereum no matter how the ecosystem changes.What is Ethereum?Ethereum is a cryptocurrency much like Bitcoin, andit has been heralded as Bitcoins successor. Whereas Bitcoin currently has issues scaling with an increasing backlog of transactions, Ethereum is poised to surpass Bitcoin in performance, popularity, and value. Ethereum was created to help developers like you create applications focused around transferring money or value from one party to another.What is Solidity?Solidity is a programming language for writing Smart Contracts. Essentially, think of it as a way to control a bank account with code. With Solidity, we can write applications that simulate a crowd funding campaign, a lottery, a loan, or any other type of financial instrument. Don't be intimidated by learning 'another' programming language; Solidity is known to be quite similar to Javascript and exceptionally easy to pick up for anyone who has previous JS experience. This course will give you all the tools you need to master Solidity."
Price: 94.99

"Node JS: Advanced Concepts" |
"Go beyond the basics of Node! This course will give you the skills needed to become a top Node engineer.Query Caching with Redis?You will learn it. The Node Event Loop?Included. Scalable File Upload?Of course!------------------------------This is a must-take course if you work with Node.Node Internals:Here's one of the most common interview questions you'll face when looking for a Node job: ""Can you explain Node's Event Loop?""There are two types of engineers: those who can describe the Event Loop and those who cannot! This course will ensure that you are incredibly well prepared to answer that most important question. Besides being critical for interviews, knowledge of the Event Loop will give you a better understanding of how Nodeworks internally. Many engineers know not to 'block' the Event Loop, but they don't necessarily understand why. You will be one of the engineers who can clearly articulate the performance profile of Node and its Event Loop.Caching with Redis:We'll also supercharge the performance of database queries by implementing caching backed by Redis.No previous experience of Redis is required! Redis is an in-memory data store purpose built for solving caching needs. By adding caching to your application, you can decrease the amount of time that any given request takes, improving the overall response time of your app.File Upload: There are many resources online that offer suggestions on how to handle file upload, but few show a solution that can truly scale. Hint: saving files directly on your server isn't a scalable solution! Learn how to leverage AWS S3 to implement file upload that can scale to millions of users with a few dozen lines of simple code. Plentiful discussions are included on security concerns with handling uploads, as well.Continuous Integration Testing:This is a must have feature for any serious production app. We'll first learn how to test huge swaths of our codebase with just a few lines of code by using Puppeteer andJest.After writing many effective tests, we'll enable continuous integration on Travis CI, a popular - and free - CIplatform. Testing can sometimes be boring, so we'll use this section to brush up on some advanced Javascript techniques, including one of the only legitimate uses of ES2015 Proxies that you'll ever see!------------------------------Here's what we'll learn:Master the Node Event Loop - understand how Node executes your source code.Understand the purpose of Node, and how the code you write is eventually executed by C++ code in the V8 engineAdd a huge boost to performance in your Node app through clusteringand worker threadsTurbocharge MongoDB queries by adding query cachingbacked by a lightning-fast Redis instanceScale your app to infinity with image and file uploadbacked by Amazon's S3 file serviceImplement a continuous integration testing pipeline so you always know your project functions properlyThink you know everything there is aboutmanaging cookies and session? Well, you might, but learn even more!Ensure your app works the way you expect with automated browser testing usingJest andPuppeteerBonus - learn advanced JS techniques along the way, including where to use ES2015 proxies!I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to Node. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 119.99

"Vue JS Essentials with Vuex and Vue Router" |
"State management with Vuex?Yep. Drag and drop image upload? Covered!Authentication with OAuth2? Its here!If you're looking to learn Vue, Vuex, and Vue Router in record time you're in the right place! I built this course to help you understand Vue in a fraction of the time that other courses requires. You'll find absolutelyno filler content here, only direct, accurate, and concise explanations of exactly how Vue works.Vue is an extremely popular front end Javascript framework made for developing dynamicand interactive web apps. Vue has grown tremendously in popularity in the last few years, and is poised to overtake even React and Angular as the king of all web frameworks. The secret of Vue is its simplicity - a little bit of knowledge of how Vue works goes a long way! To help you master Vue, I built this coursespecifically tailored to be completed in the smallest amount of time possible. No time is spent with unnecessary or unimportant topics, only the most relevant information is presented.In just 11 hours, you can become a master of Vue!Vue can be used by itself, but it gets even better when used with Vuex and Vue Router as well. Vuex is a state management framework, which is used to fetch, store, and move data around your application. In this course, you'll get a deep understanding of how Vuex works and how it works so well with Vue by getting plenty of practice fetching data, storing it, and then retrieving it for use inside of a Vue application. Vue Router is used to navigate users around to different pages in a single page application. Vue Router is incredibly simple to get started with - you'll master its inner workingsafter I show you one simple example.Throughout this course, you'll get practical experience with the following:Producing dynamic, responsive applications using VueUpload images to a remote server using drag and drop image uploadLog users into your app using OAuth2 AuthenticationUse a cutting edge project boilerplate with Vue CLIReduce the amount of code you write using TemplateDirectivesCommunicate between components using Props and EventsUpdate Vue components using reactive data propertiesProgamatically navigate users around your application using Vue RouterModel application data using the powerful Vuex frameworkPersist information stored in your appusing Local StorageDevelop a master-level understandingof the differences between imperative and declarativeprogrammingLearn how Vue gives developers multiple tools to accomplish task, and know which the best is for youAll of these topics are communicated with the utmost respect for your learningtime. Every section has been written and re-written to be as concise as possible.If you want to learn Vue as fast as possible then look no further! Sign up today and master Vue!"
Price: 119.99

"Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide" |
"If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.Animations? You will learn it. Architectural Patterns? Included. Navigation? Of course!Flutter is a newcomer to the mobile development scene. Strongly supported by Google, it is already viewed as an ideal platform for replacing native Swift and Android development. Thanks to its amazing standard library of widgets, fast compile times, and amazing documentation, developers are falling in love with Flutter!This course supports MacOS and Windows - develop Android and iOSapps easily!Flutter apps are created using the language Dart.No problem if you're not already familiar with Dart; this course includes a lightning fast introduction to Dart at the beginning, along with hours of bonus lectures at the end of the course solely focused on Dart and its advanced features. If you come from a background working with Java, Ruby, or Javascript, you'll feel right at home with Dart - the syntax is nearly identical, only a few core concepts need to be learned. Dart is a strongly typed language - but don't be discouraged if you're not a fan of strong types! I spend special time in this course to make it extra clear why developing with a strongly typed language is a breeze!One of the greatest challenges around developing Flutter applications right now is understanding how to design and architectapps. Flutter is still in rapid development, and the community at large is still trying to find out the best techniques. With this in mind, special attention is paid in the course to making sure you understand the primary design patternsadvocated by Google's Flutter team, including both the 'Stateful Widget' pattern and the 'BLOC' pattern. The 'BLOC' pattern makes heavy use of Reactive Programming techniques, which you'll learn about in this course as well. These techniques can be easily applied to other languages and frameworks as well - talk about a bonus!Of course, no mobile app is complete without some nice looking animations.You'll learn how to build animations using Flutter's standard library of tools, which can be easily used to make interactions that your users will love. You should plan to complete the course with knowledge of how to reference Flutter's standard library of widgets to assemble complex animations.Sign up today and you will:Understand the Dart language and its primary featuresStore information for long periods of time on the user's device with offline storageLearn how to optimize network requests for improved performance on mobile networksDelight your users with complex animationsExpose the functionality of your apps with multi-screennavigationSteer through the incredible amount of Flutter documentationMaster Reactive Programming with streams by using RxDartImplement advanced design patternsadvocated by Google's official Flutter teamHandle user input withform validationLearn to build open source Dart packagesand distribute them to other developersI've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning Flutter. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them."
Price: 149.99

"Understanding & Improving Cybersecurity for Nonprofits" |
"ChallengeCybersecurity is a constant challenge for all organizations. Heck, just keeping up with the pace of technological change is a herculean task all by itself. People and organizations are faced with a virtual blizzard of new technology every day and, in trying to improve our organizations, we have to evaluate and adopt new technologies all the time. We must also think about how these changing technologies impact the security of our organization, our information, our clients, constituents and staff.ApproachThis course will help students build a solid foundation for those looking to significantly improve their literacy around digital security. The sessions will focus on both strategy and tactics, helping students learn foundational security skills that will apply for years to come, while also delving into the specific tactics and tools that are most relevant today. Whether you are just starting on your cybersecurity career, looking to help make your organization more secure, or looking to develop literacy and skills around cybersecurity, this course is for you.Meet your instructor:Joshua PeskayJoshua Peskay is the Vice President of Technology Strategy at RoundTable Technology and an accomplished technology leader with more than two decades of experience managing technology for over a thousand New York City nonprofit organizations. Joshua is committed to helping organizations sort through the rapid pace of technological change to select the best products and services available and use them effectively. Joshua is a dynamic and engaging public speaker with a proven track-record for planning, implementing and supporting a wide range of successful technology solutions for nonprofits. Joshua is also a nationally recognized expert in nonprofit cybersecurity and performs dozens of cybersecurity assessments a year for various organizations, with a focus on those organizations in the civil rights and immigration rights sector. Joshua works to help organizations overcome FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) to gain a thorough understanding of the risks they face and actionable and achievable steps they can take to manage those risks."
Price: 119.99

"Advanced Basketball: Offensive Dribbling Moves" |
"Do you want to improve your ball handling skills?Do you want to learn effective dribbling moves?Do you want to add advanced dribbling moves to your offensive game?Well, this is the course for you!Welcome to the Advanced Basketball: Offensive Dribbling Moves Course!This basketball course is for anyone that wants to become a better offensive player through advanced ball handling moves. The purpose of this course is to teach basketball players advanced offensive dribbling moves that help with beating defenders off the dribble.Expectations from this courseThis course is split into fivesections. The first section is all about the basic fundamentals of dribbling that every basketball player needs to know before performing all the dribbling moves. The other sections are all the differenttypes of dribbling moves that I demonstrate for you. The different types of moves are single dribbling moves, combination dribbling moves, shooting off dribble moves, and special dribblingmoves. As a result, varietyof dribbling moves will shown throughout the entirely of the course.Why take this course?!I believe studentsshould take this course if they really want to be a better offensive player through ball handling moves. There are many aspects of a basketball offensive game and adding creative dribbling moves to your game can be very beneficial. The concepts taught in this course will help you better understand the importance ofthe fundamentals of dribbling. In addition, I will personally demonstrate over 50 dribbling moves that you can look over and practice on your own. This basketball course will definitely make you a better basketball player and improve your offensive game from justa dribbling standpoint."
Price: 19.99

"The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security 2020 - Part 2" |
"** PART 2 OF THE BEST SELLING CYBER SECURITY GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS SERIES **Take your basic knowledge of cyber security to a whole new level with this exciting course that promises to be educational, informative and fun filled.Build upon abasicfoundation in Cyber Securitywith a strong focus on the following core topics.NetworkingPrivacy & AnonymityMalwareEmail SecurityBackups & EncryptionWindows 10 HardeningWhat are the main benefits of taking this course?Iam glad you asked. This course has been designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to not only better protect yourself against malware but to also prepare you for a career in the cyber security field if you so wish.You will learn all the latest techniques used in the world of cyber security today and understand how a lot security technologies work behind the scenes.In this course you will learn the following practical skillsHow to use a proxy serverHow to setup and use a virtual private networkHow to use Tor to access the dark web anonymouslyBest practices to browse the internet securely and privatelyHow to set up a firewallHow to use a rootkit scannerHow to encrypt your emailsHow to track emails you have sent and also how to detect if you are being trackedHow to use 3major anti-malware software productsHow to completely harden the Windows 10 operating systemHow to backup and encrypt your hard driveHow to choose the right anti virusand much much much moreYou will also learn how to use a wide variety of software to improve your security game and these include:Virtual Private NetworksKaspersky AntivirusBitlockerProxy serversBleachbitTorCCleanerProtonmailDuckduck goBrave BrowserUgly EmailMail TrackerNord VPNGMER Rootkit scannerSecure BootVeracryptFilevaultGuerrilla MailComodo FirewallLastpassJobs in Cyber security are plentiful and this course will help prepare you for entry level roles by providing you with a solid set of skills to build up on.* PERFECT FOR BEGINNERS *You don't need to have a background in cyber security though any sort of prior knowledge would be beneficial. This course is designed in such a manner that as long as you know how to use a computer and the internet, you will be able to understand and apply everything you are taught.Content and OverviewSuitable for non professionals and students with a basic understanding of cyber security. In thiscourse of nearly 100lectures and almost 7hours of content, youll learn all of the corecyber securityfundamentals and develop a strong understanding of how security and privacy can either be maintained or deprived from a user. Each chapter closes with a section review highlighting the core points raised in the section.Starting with Networking 101, you will learn the basics of networking including what theTCP/IP protocol suite is and how the domain name system works.With the basics of networking mastered, you will be ready to jump into the course proper with the following section where you will begin to learn about privacy and anonymity. You will learn how advertisers and websites are able to track you online and what you can do about it.You will then move on to a more advanced section where you will be introduced to Anonymizers. You will learn how to work with proxy servers and how to setup and configure a Virtual Private Network. We will also explore how to use Tor to access the dark web as well as the pros and cons of using anonymizers. By the end of this section, you would have learned techniques and skills that you can use to secure your privacy online.Section 5 covers malware with a special focus on viruses, rootkits and ransomware. You will learn how these various forms of malware can affect you plus you will also be introduced to a variety of anti-malware software that you can use to fight against malware.We will then move to discuss about backups and encryption. You will learn about cloud backups as well the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of technology. Iwill then show you how you can back up andencrypt your hard drive and sensitive files.Section 7 covers one of the most interesting aspects of cyber security - Social Engineering. You will learn about the different tactics employed by social engineers to extract important information without using any technical skills. We will explore how hackers exploit human psychology and fool their targets.Email security will be covered in the very next section. Emails are a fundamental component of our daily lives and you will learn exactly how emails are sent and received behind the scenes. You will learn how to track emails and how to use mail services like guerrilla mail and proton mail.In the final section of the course, you will learn how to harden the Windows 10 operating system against malware. Windows 10 by default is vulnerable to malware but with a few adjustments, you can make it far more secure and you will learn this tricks in this section.Complete with resources and section reviews, youll be able to apply what you have learnt in this course either at home or at your place of workand will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course.Take control of your privacy and security - Enroll Today in one of the very best cyber security courses you will find online."
Price: 199.99
