"Certificao Amazon AWS Para Iniciantes - 2020" |
"Se voc est pensando em mergulhar no mundo de Cloud Computing, este curso Amazon AWS vai te ajudar a entender os componentes principais da Amazon AWS. Aqui voc vai aprender como o sistema AWS funciona, vai criar a sua conta gratuitamente e at criar um servidor virtual que pode ser acessado de qualquer lugar do mundo.Este curso Amazon AWS est totalmente atualizado em 2019.Em 2006, a Amazon Web Services (AWS) comeou a oferecer servios de infraestrutura de TI para empresas por meio de servios web hoje conhecidos como computao em nuvem. Um dos principais benefcios da computao em nuvem a oportunidade de substituir diretamente gastos com a infraestrutura principal por preos variveis baixos, que se ajustam de acordo com sua empresa. Com a Nuvem, as empresas no precisam mais planejar ou adquirir servidores, assim como outras infraestruturas de TI, com semanas ou meses de antecedncia. Em vez disso, podem instantaneamente rodar centenas de milhares de servidores em minutos e oferecer resultados mais rapidamente.Esse o poder de Cloud Computing e da Amazon AWS. Em poucos minutos voc tem uma topologia computacional funcionando e operacional.Atualmente, a Amazon Web Services oferece uma plataforma de infraestrutura altamente confivel, escalvel e de baixo custo na nuvem que potencializa centenas de milhares de empresas em 190 pases ao redor do mundo. Com datacenters localizados nos EUA, Europa, Brasil, Cingapura, Japo e Austrlia. Mais pases para lanamento em 2019."
Price: 294.99

"Amazon AWS - Criando Servidores Virtuais com EC2 - 2020" |
"O que acha de subir o seu primeiro Servidor Virtual na estrutura da Amazon AWS?Hoje em dia inmeras empresas esto migrando para Cloud Computing, com o intuito de melhorarem seus servios aumentando a disponibilidade, segurana e reduzindo a manuteno.Com este curso voc vai estar aprendendo, do zero, como criar servidores virtuais Windows Server 2019 e Linux.O Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) um web service que disponibiliza capacidade computacional segura e redimensionvel na nuvem. Ele foi projetado para facilitar a computao em nuvem na escala da web para os desenvolvedores.A interface de web service simples do Amazon EC2 permite que voc obtenha e configure a capacidade com o mnimo de esforo. Oferece um controle completo de seus recursos computacionais e permite que voc trabalhe no ambiente computacional comprovado da Amazon. O Amazon EC2 reduz a apenas alguns minutos o tempo necessrio para obter e inicializar novas instncias de servidor, permitindo que voc dimensione a capacidade rapidamente para mais e para menos, medida que seus requisitos de computao mudarem. O Amazon EC2 muda os fatores econmicos da computao, permitindo que voc pague somente pela capacidade que realmente usa. O Amazon EC2 fornece aos desenvolvedores as ferramentas para criar aplicativos resistentes a falhas e isol-los de cenrios comuns de falhas.O Amazon EC2 permite que voc aumente ou diminua a capacidade em minutos, no horas ou dias. possvel contratar simultaneamente uma, centenas ou at milhares de instncias de servidor.Voc tem controle completo das suas instncias, incluindo acesso root e a possibilidade de interagir com elas da mesma forma que faria com qualquer mquina. Voc pode interromper qualquer instncia, mantendo os dados na partio de inicializao e posteriormente reiniciar a mesma instncia usando as APIs de web service. As instncias podem ser reinicializadas remotamente usando APIs de web service. Alm disso, voc tambm pode acessar a sada do console.Vamos entrar para o mundo de servidores virtuais?Te espero na primeira aula :)"
Price: 399.99

"Warrior Mindset: The Ultimate Personal Breakthrough Formula" |
"Have you ever felt stuck, out of answers and totally unclear about what your next steps should be in life? Motivation is always essential to taking action and accomplishing our goals, but unfortunately, this motivation can often be difficult to find.Warrior Mindset contains an armoury of crucial life principles for big thinking people who aren't willing to give up on life or settle for the status quo. You'll discover an arsenal of insights for identifying your problem areas, and an actionable framework for moving beyond them.Breakthrough will help you to achieve major life improvements, and quickly step out of any temporary dips (or lulls) that you currently find yourself in. You'll develop a supercharged mindset for resolving any problems in your life that you haven't yet managed to resolve by yourself.Throughout Warrior Mindset, you'll also discover how to:Increaseyour self esteem, performance, motivation & efficiency.Develop a Warrior Mindset anddeeper state of inner resilience.Face inevitable future challenges with greater confidence & ease.Clarify your goals,vision and chart a course toward a more proactive path.Harness the tools that are essential to your personal growth in times of pressure.Remove your head trash & nurture a mindsetthat cultivatesinner freedom & peace.Build authentic confidence & self esteem that is easily recognised by other people.Take the firststeps towards a grounded, balanced and more rewarding way of life.And So Much More...In this high-octane course, Kain will guide you through the process of looking beyond your current circumstances to better understanding your main 'internal' challenges. Upon doing so, youll become able to boldly embrace the unexpected and move on into your future with far greater excitement.As you learn what it takes to develop a Warrior Mindset, you won't just get the long overdue breakthrough that you've been waiting for, you'll also gain the inner peace and freedom to actually enjoy it.Warrior Mindset comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee, and if you're less that 100% satisfied, you can get a full refund within 30 days of purchase."
Price: 174.99

"The Spirit and Science of Crystals and Pendulums" |
"Crystals are as old as the earth itself. Their uses range from internal cellphone and computer parts, to health, healing, grounding and balance. This class is for you if you: Have been curious about crystals and their uses but not known where to start-how to use them-how to identify them and care for them. Find the idea of working with crystals intriguing but also intimidating. Have wondered about the Science and the Spirituality of crystals. Have wondered how to use crystals in your life but have been afraid of sounding too hippy dippy or weird. Are hippy dippy and weird and want to know more about crystals. Are interested in Pendulum Work or have no idea what Pendulum work is. Class will include all the supplies you need - pdf handout, guided meditation, display crystals, crystals for purchase and step-by-step instruction. *The Crystal Class Handout (pdf) is in Lecture 17 under Resources."
Price: 29.99

"QR Revolution: Creating Designer QR Codes for Profit and Fun" |
"Join the QRRevolution!QR Codes Ramped-Up:Think of yourself as a brand designer - for you or for a client. How do you want to be portrayed?Learn how to master the art of the QR Code and make a piece that is boardroom-presentable and get paid well for your work!No Adobe Illustrator needed and Adobe Photoshop is optionalCreate print-worthy ads for local businesses or for yourselfGet paid online with your works of artAny iPhone running iOS 11 (or later) comes with a built-in QR reader in its camera and some Android phones also have native functionality (other smartphones may require a download of a mobile app).QR Revolution teaches you how to design QR Codes and where to find the best free software (and commercial software) to do so.Be the Designer who owns the QRMarket!This training has everything you need to get you consistent income - creating designer QR CodesGet recurring income each month with dynamic QR codes that businesses use to change the direction of their marketing.Businesses pay between $97 and $247 for a designer QR Code!For the Ultimate Course on QR Codes and training on how to make designer excellence.Get this video course on making and selling designer QR Codes for one low price today!"
Price: 19.99

"Aplicaciones Tienda Windows: Crear un Lector de Blogs" |
"Aprende de forma prctica a crear una aplicacin de lector de blogs para publicar en la tienda Windows, Ejemplo prctico realizado paso a paso. Utiliza clases, recursos, datos, pginas, elementos, temas, estilos, plantillas... y crea un blog de forma sencilla para poder publicar en tienda de Windows"
Price: 19.99

"Symmetry & Shape Drawing with Procreate for iPad!" |
"Procreate is a simple, but powerful digital drawing app for the iPad. Beginners and seasoned pros alike use this incredible app for everything from quick sketches to finalized artwork for publication. Procreateis a bit like a piano. If you know the basics, you can playTwinkle, Twinkle Little Staror, with a little practice,you mightplay some Beethoven!This course is designed to teach you an easy-to-follow, step-by-step way to use Procreate's symmetry tools and drawing guides to draw perfect shapes and angles or use the awesome new symmetry tools to create stunning mandalas, mirrored artwork, and kaleidoscope-like trippy-looking drawings! I've heard ""I can't even draw a straight line"" many times over the years, and Procreate takes care of that with ease. :)We'll go through the app together - first covering the basic tools and how to use them. Procreate is also full of neat little gestures that can be hard to stumble across, but I'll show you my favorites. Iteach you how to use vertical symmetry to create mirrored images in half the time it would take to draw the whole thing. I'll go over the incredible new radial symmetry tool as well. It's a great way to create designs to sell, publish, or print!My name is K. Michael Russell, and I use Procreate extensively in my work for publishers like Image Comics and Top Cow as well as my own paintings and drawings. I've been creating tutorials since 2013 teaching thousands of students worldwide about digitalart.Procreate isMUCH more powerful than most users realize.You'll learn tons of tips, tricks, and shortcuts that Ihad to learn the hard way! :)I'll also include:Example PSD &Procreate files I've created with the app. Time-lapse videos from Procreate in mp4 formatSo check it out! If you'd like a fun walkthrough my hands-down favorite drawing app, I'll see you inside!*Requires Procreate 4.2 & an iPad. Apple Pencil is preferred, but touch/finger will work as well."
Price: 39.99

"Let's Color a Goblin with Procreate! Complete Color Process" |
"Hi! In this course, we'll be coloring a goblin! (The time-lapse in the promo video was created from the lessons of this course!) We'll go through coloring the entire illustration, step-by-step, from start to finish. I'll explain each part of the process throughout. I was inspired to create this course after someone paid me a wonderful compliment... ""It reminds me of watching Bob Ross!"" Ithink that's a reach, but I'll take it! :) I'll be showing you how Iuse Procreate to create rich colors all on one illustration! Procreate is a very powerful digital art application. I even use it in my professional work for comic book publishers like Image Comics and Top Cow. We'll cover flat colors, shadows, direct light sources, indirect lights, change the colors of the lines, and even add some special effects all on one illustration!I'll also include:A selection of Procreate brushes used in the course.My final layered file of the finished piece, so you can see how it all comes together!A version with only flat colors, so you can practice your lighting and shadows. An inked version to start with the flat colors. A sketch version if you want to ink it yourself.Important notes!Although Ido explain what I'm doing throughout, this course assumes that you understand the most basic Procreate functions like where the brush and eraser tools are. This is not a ""how to draw"" course. The course will start with the ink drawing of the character. This course is focused on coloring this particular illustration. The lessons learned can be applied to almost any kind of art. This course uses the Procreate app for iPad. These principles can be applied to digital art apps that have layers, blending modes, and masks like Photoshop, Clip Studio Pro, ArtStudio Pro, Krita, etc, but only Procreate is used in this course."
Price: 39.99

"Motivation, Memory & Metacognition for Children with LD" |
"For children with learning difficulties, challenges in learning occur not only from lesson content, but also from neurological and psychological brain immaturities and differences. As such, many of these children have learning issues associated with what ReMinds terms the Triple M Challenges. That is, Motivation, Memory and Metacognitive Thinking. This program will explain and address these challenges. Motivation underpins learning for all of us throughout out lives. However, for children with learning difficulties, specific demotivators may affect learning psychologically even more than neurologically if not dealt with appropriately. In addition, teaching and instruction may be in vain if information is forgotten frequently due to problems with short term, working and long term memory. Discover how this is related to issues of storage and retrieval. Metacognition is essence relates to self awareness. This course will explain how delays in metacognitive thinking impact on learning and academic performance."
Price: 19.99

"The Startup Equity Calculator" |
"Kristen Barker - 5 StarsClear and understandable. Excellent, useful excel templates. I appreciated the optional modules that clarified terms as well as more advanced information.Dan Heffley - 5 StarsClear, concise, excellent pacing, with great examples, and numerous other resources.Noelima Salama - 5 StarsGood presentation and message transmission. Factors in those who already have the knowledge and those who dont.Who is the Startup Equity Calculator for? New business owners Startup founders Co-founders EntrepreneursSo, you have a great business idea.You grab your two best friends, get all excited, and then start a company together.In your haste to get started, you and your two cofounders decided to divide the equity evenly in thirds--it seemed the obvious and fair choice at the time.Two months later, just as you're starting to get some traction, one of your friends changes his mind and drops out entirely. But for the work that he did initially, he believes he should still get to keep his 1/3 share of the company.The two of you left are now essentially doing all the work, but for only 2/3 of the company.Still worth pursuing? Maybe. But you definitely won't be happy.'Deadweight' cofounders with significant equity stakes can make it difficult to attract new team members or investors, among other issues.Don't make this easily avoidable mistake. My course and my calculator will allow you and your cofounders to have a collaborative and transparent conversation about how much of the company each person should get._____________________________________________Juan Campos - 5 StarsThe resource materials are worth the course ALONE. On top of that, everything is explained clearly and with very good examples. You end up not only owning the knowledge, but also having the toolkit to act upon it.Guarav Bansal - 5 StarsExcellent course and explained in a very simple manner. Perfect use of text, side-video, traversing the excel workbooks, etc.The excel workbooks are extremely helpful for understanding the concepts and for ready plug n play.Thanks!Look, starting a new venture is hard, but having to figure out what is fair for each cofounder shouldn't be.By taking this course and utilizing my easy-to-useStartup Equity Calculator (UPDATED to handle up to 7 cofounder slots--more than what 99.99% of you will need), you'll learn how to avoid this unfortunate, yet totally avoidable, situation. You and your team might even have fun with the pie slicing exercise!Through this course, you'll learn what you should factor into your equity pie considerations and how to use a systematic approach for calculating each founders fair share, both collaboratively and openly.While this course isn't intended to provide you with the ""correct solution, it will give you and your team a great starting point to move your important conversation forward.More importantly, it'll make it easier and less awkward to talk about who should get how much and why.Deciding and agreeing on how to divide the initial equity pie is no trivial task, but this tool will help get the conversation going on the right pathby forcing you and your cofounders to decide on what are the key milestones for your venture and how each of you are going to be making your contributions.What if your starting a more traditional business?Whether you're going for a high-growth type of startup or a more traditional startup with known benchmarks for revenue and cash flow, I've got you covered.I'll explain to you which of the two frameworks and tools you should use depending on the type of venture you're starting up.Feel free to take a look at the preview lectures to check out the calculators in action, and you'll see how they can help you and your cofounders have a smart equity conversation.Good luck and happy slicing!~Symon"
Price: 199.99

"Foundation 5 - Learn Responsive Design & Rapid Prototyping" |
"Foundation 5 makes it faster to learn and to code. This workshop is a fast-track to getting up to speed with rapid responsive prototyping with the most advanced responsive Framework. Topics include: A complete guide to the responsive grid A tour of the numerous CSS components & Key UI elements Dynamic features Integration with orbit slider, reveal modal, Accordion, Lightbox.. Mobile user experience optimization A 1-hour walkthrough : from prototype to beautiful design Quizzes, Interactive Exercices Hand-on and project-based, the course will help you : Learn the fundamentals of using Foundation Start building responsive web pages Sharpen your design skills So, let's get started with Foundation 5! This workshop is the fastest way to get you up and running with Rapid Prototyping, Mobile First & Easy Customization"
Price: 54.99

"HTML & CSS - Quickstart Ebook included" |
"With HTML and CSS Quickstart , learn to create a website in minutes. This course will teach you the ins and outs of web development The course is easy, fast and hand-on. If you have no coding experience, this course is perfect for you. The videos and materials will walk you through the process of creating your first web page. And, in the process build a strong foundation for more advanced front-end development. Students will learn to : Write HTML and structure webpage with HTML elements to customize a page with CSS that stands for Cascading Stylesheet Add media and images to a webpage Work with colors And create a 2-column layout By the end of the course, students will be able to : Create webpages from the ground up Customize webpages with CSS (Cascading Stylesheet) By the end of the course, you will be perfectly comfortable using HTML elements, HTML formatting tags, and HTML entities. Lessons include : Video lessons with HTML and CSS examples Pages demos The first part of the Course will cover the HTML basics The second part will focus on the CSS Fundamentals In the third section, you will practice on your own and create your own webpage. Practice makes perfect! Instructions and video lessons will be available to help along the project. PLUS, Ebooks available for download at the end of the course Enroll & Start to coding Today"
Price: 29.99

"HTML & CSS - Learn to build sleek websites" |
"Level UP your coding skills. The course level is from beginner to intermediate. You will learn to create a beautiful webpage with very easy steps and instructions. You are a beginner: the 2 hands-on HTML & CSS tutorials teach the 101 of web development. You are intermediate: you will learn the foundation for more advanced web development By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of HTML, CSS (Cascading Stylesheet), web development and responsive design. As a student in this course, you will learn to: create a fully functional website with HTML and CSS add graphics and images work efficiently with CSS make the webpage responsive with media queries Video lessons include: 2 Hands-on HTML& CSS tutorials (start here if you are a complete beginner) Guide to Web Hosting (coming soon) 1 Final Project Some Bonus include Using CSS3 Animation Adding CSS transition integrating a Image Hover effect Adding a Favicon (coming soon) I am fast-lightening responder - if you have any question about the course, you can reach out to me in a private message or by posting your question on the discussion board. I will make sure you have the best learning experience"
Price: 54.99

"Introduction Bootstrap Rapide & Facile" |
"Bienvenue introduction Bootstrap 3. Ce tutoriel gratuit vous permettra de dcouvrir le framework CSS pour le dploiement de sites Internet responsives Twitter Bootstrap est un ensemble de code HTML et classes CSS pr-dfinies pour permettre le dveloppement facile et rapide de sites et applications web, adaptes a toutes tailles d'cran (responsive web design). Le framework Bootstrap inclut des lments prts l'emploi, comme des formulaires, des boutons, des outils de navigation et autres lments interactifs, ainsi que des extensions Javascript trs simples d'utilisation. Voici les notions qui seront abordes dans ce tutoriel Bootstrap d'introduction : Une introduction au framework Bootstrap. Un guide d'installation des fichiers sources. Une brve introduction au systme de grille Un tour de quelques classes et composants CSS Au programme de ce cours, vous verrez: Comment utiliser les classes, composants et extensions javascripts avec des exemples l'appui. Nous verrons une dmonstration de dveloppement de page web en seulement quelques tapes. Outils: Il est recommand d'utiliser un navigateur web moderne comme Chrome ou Firefox. Nous utiliserons l'application en ligne CodePen pour les dmonstrations en vido. Pr-requis: HTML CSS Javascript Ce cours est spcialement conu: pour les premiers utilisateurs de Bootstrap Concepteurs de page web Graphistes Rejoignez ce cours pour dmarrer Bootstrap et apprendre developper rapidement des pages web responsive"
Price: 24.99

"Dveloppement rapide avec Bootstrap 3 - Le Cours Complet" |
"Bootstrap est une librairie de proprits CSS et de fonctionalits jQuery qui permettent le dveloppement rapide et facile de pages internet adaptives. Avec un systme de grille flexible, il est trs simple de crer des mises en page aussi bien pour les crans d'ordinateur de bureau que pour les smartphones. Si vous faites vos premiers pas avec Bootstrap, ce tuto est le bon choix pour dmarrer avec le clbre framework. Ce cours complet va vous aider comprendre l'intgration de sites internet adaptifs ""responsifs"" avec Bootstrap. A l'aide de plusieurs examples et dmonstrations, vous apprendrez raliser rapidement des sites internet adaptifs. Vous aurez aussi l'occasion de crer votre page. Les corrigs et explications seront disponibles en videos. Qu'est ce que vous allez apprendre? Intgrer Bootstrap & tlcharger les fichiers ressources Crer rapidement une mise en page flexible et responsive avec le systme de grille L'ensemble des proprits Bootstrap avec les classes et composants CSS pr-tablis Ajouter des lments intractifs avec les extensions jQuery En supplment, on ira plus loin avec les thmes suivants: Interface alternative Glyphicons & Font Awesome Google Font L'inspector tool W3C validator Pr-requis Des notions des languages HTML, CSS et Javascript aideront mieux comprendre le concept du framework responsive. Votre instructeur Je suis Sandy et je suis a votre entire disposition si vous avez des questions. Ce cours a t conu tout spcialement pour les dbutants. Je vous recommande de visionner les vidos et de rpter les exercices plusieurs fois. ""C'est en forgeant que l on devient forgeron"", donc si vous mettez du coeur l'ouvrage, vous progresserez davantage et les rsultats seront l. N'hsitez me solliciter si vous avez besoins d'aide. Je rpondrai dans les meilleurs dlais."
Price: 44.99

"Educacin sexual afectiva a personas con discapacidad intel" |
"Curso dirigido a profesionales sanitarios y educadores interesados en adquirir conocimientos prcticos encaminados a la intervencin en el mbito de la sexualidad en personas con discapacidad intelectual. A travs de unas 3 horas de curso divido en 10 video-clases podrs conocer las caractersticas de la sexualidad en las personas con discapacidad psquica, sus necesidades especificas, el desarrollo de destreza en la realizacin de talleres , aprenders a resolver un conflicto dnde exista implicacin de la conducta sexual. Intervencin en situaciones complejas de carcter sexual y el asesoramiento a familiares sobre sexualidad Podrs evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de 5 mdulos en los que se divide el curso con sus respectivas pruebas de evaluacin, asi como descargarte excelentes recursos para la prctica profesional, y asi obtener el diploma final que acreditara dichos conocimientos en el mbito de la sexualidad."
Price: 49.99

"Training en Terapia Sexual: Disfunciones sexuales masculinas" |
"Curso prctico que desde un enfoque multidisciplinar hace un repaso a las principales tcnicas de evaluacin y tratamiento usadas actualmente en sexologa clnica y medicina sexual para las disfunciones sexuales masculinas ms frecuentes :Disfuncin erctil, eyaculacin precoz , eyaculacin retardada y bajo deseo sexual.Incluye varios casos prcticos y diferentes recursos utilizados en la consulta de un sexlogo."
Price: 59.99

"Training en Terapia Sexual: Disfunciones sexuales femeninas" |
"Curso prctico que desde un enfoque multidisciplinar hace un repaso a las principales tcnicas de evaluacin y tratamiento usadas actualmente en sexologa clnica y medicina sexual para las disfunciones sexuales femeninas ms frecuentes :Bajo deseo sexual, vaginismo, dispareunia y anorgasmia.Incluye varios casos prcticos y diferentes recursos utilizados en la consulta de un sexlogo."
Price: 59.99

"Intervencin con nios victimas de violencia sexual" |
"Curso aplicado en el que se analizan la tcnicas ms eficaces de intervencin y tratamiento utilizadas en el mbito profesional en la atencin de nios victimas de violencia sexual.Desde una perspectiva cognitivo-conductual se desarrollan dos programas , uno de prevencin y otro de atencin a nios victimas de violencia sexual junto con material necesario para su implementacin"
Price: 49.99

"SAP Excel Integration" |
"Microsoft Excel is extensively used in all business. There are many SAP Consultant or Business users not aware we can interface Microsoft Excel with simple VAB Code. Then we have an interesting question. If we use and SAP do we stop using Excel? The answer is NO. As an SAP Consultant / Business owners you may have some report customized for your business requirement. There will be few reports which are used by one or two users. Now the next question, how much money we spend to develop this report. Quite often this report again downloaded and viewed in Microsoft Excel. Can we get the report directly in Excel from SAP? Yes, it is possible and very simple. You can get the data from SAP directly in Excel. You can format the report as you like. You can create online dash board etc. With this course who ever have little excel knowledge or SAP knowledge can create this SAP excel report generator program every easy. Join our course, save cost and efforts and enjoy!!"
Price: 39.99

"Running a Babysitting Business In-Depth" |
"What is this course about? Learn about how to start and operate a babysitting business. How long will it take to complete the course? This course can be completed within one day. Why take this course? I have operated my own babysitting business and have been very successful. I want to try and help other start-ups become successful like me."
Price: 19.99

"Sex Education For Teens and Parents" |
"This course covers both male and female sex ED. How long will it take to complete this course? 55 minutes of lectures and hours of activities and journal writings. What is this course about? In this course your child will 1) become aware of one's positive qualities; 2) identify things about oneself that can be changed; 3) identify potential work skills and strengths, 4) understand the meaning of values; 5) identify personal, family, religious, and cultural values; 6) explore where values come from; 7) discover which values are most important personally; 8) examine the relationship between values and behavior; 9) practice communicating values to others; 10) practice accepting the values of others, 11) learn which behaviors can enhance or destroy a relationship; 12) understand the nature of family relationships and what influences them; 13) identify qualities that develop and define friendship and romantic relationships; 14) define sexuality as more than genital sexual activity; 15) learn what human sexuality is and how it affects our behavior; 16) become more comfortable talking and asking questions about sexuality; 17) review how male and female bodies develop and change during puberty; 18) discuss how feelings and relationships change during sexual development; 19) review how human reproduction occurs; 20) review and dispel myths about sexual activity and reproduction; 21) learn how to care for sexual and reproductive organs;22) learn about sexual orientation, 23) learn what stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination mean; 24) examine stereotypes about gender and learn how stereotyping affects relationships; 25) learn about, meet, and develop empathy for a variety of people; 26) identify sexual behaviors that put one at risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS; 27) correct misinformation about unprotected sexual intercourse and its consequences; 28) learn basic facts about STD/HIV infection; 29) identify contraceptive methods that reduce the risk of pregnancy and STD/HIV infection; and 30) develop increased understanding of and compassion for people with AIDS."
Price: 19.99

"Sales Performance Tune Up Part 2" |
"Sales Performance Tune Up Pt 2 picks up directly from SPTU Pt 1. You should start there. Having done great discovery sessions with our prospect we are now ready to build a solution and demonstrate how we address their needs. We cover how to build and present your demo, how to handle objections, how to negotiate a winning outcome and what you need to do when you lose! This is where the rubber meets the road. Course structure is the same as Pt 1 with short quizzes at the end of key sections to validate that you get it before moving on. Content can be revisited anytime. It is recommended that you complete the course and then come back and apply each section to your SPECIFIC sales cycles that you are in at this moment."
Price: 19.99

"Happy Hips and Hamstrings Yin Yoga" |
"This course shares information about the benefits of a Yin Yoga practice. Students will learn about the importance of living a balanced lifestyle. Concentrating on the hips and hamstrings this course will train students how to lengthen and release the connective tissue of the hips, spine and legs. Learning how to approach this type of practice will be explained. Students will practice creating a mind/body connection and learn how to consciously relax."
Price: 19.99

"Test Your Business Idea" |
"Finally! An online course to test your business idea. Increase your clarity and confidence in yourself and your business Reduce your upfront investment of time and money Learn the process for building a successful product Stop dreaming and start working on your great business idea! Save Time and Money: Learn the methods to validate if your solution fits a real customer problem BEFORE you build anything. Increase your confidence: Test your solution in front of real potential customers to understand their needs better. Fill the knowledge gap: Learn the proven concepts and behaviors of successful startup teams. On demand and repeatable: Learn and practice the methods at your own pace with 24-7 lifetime access. Make learning fun: Delivered in the language of entrepreneurs, by an entrepreneur with stories, animations and examples. Practical workbook: Includes a downloadable resource and exercise book to compliment the video tutorials."
Price: 29.99

"Voice Mail That Makes Sales - Get Your Call Returned !" |
"Inside Voice Mail That Makes Money, you will learn how to get people to return your call and build credibility along the way. Learn this sales growth hack. Business to Business sales and consumer direct sales stratigies to generate more closed sales. START CLOSING MORE SALES! Learn this 1- 2 business building secret. Using this simple 2-step lead generating telephone and email sales process, you will blow past all of the BS that your prospects make every other sales person go through. Increase your sales ability to communicate and grow your business. Specific lead generating sales emails and voice mails that grab attention! Grab this income producing sales blueprint and get the sales edge over your competition. Master sales and attract more sales leads and customers. Sales training and sales coaching has never been this easy to implement in your business until now. We also talk about: The 6 reasons why people don't return your calls and what to do about it. The strange phenomenon that takes place, when we leave someone a voice mail message and how it sets us up to fail. The common theme that most people in sales follow and why it simply doesn't work. Small business lead generation, Business development for start ups and tech companies... Start closing more sales and generating online leads. Crack the cold calling and cold emailing code! Eliminate cold calling with these business building sales coaching secrets! Peter Drucker said; ""If we want something different, then we have to do something different."" Get the sales psychologisy and persuasion skills to supercharge your business lead generations, phone sales skills and get more clients now by doubling you business. Learn phone sales success, discover online sales strategies and techniques that increase business to business sales and close consumer sales faster. Quickly develop email marketing that delivers leads and closes sales."
Price: 194.99

"CRUSH IT !!! Sales Strategies" |
"Discover a step by step sales process you can drop into your business to re-connect with lost prospects. Start building your business and closing more sales. The individuals who will make the most money, generate qualified leads and close more sales are those who have the ability to leverage the conversations they've already had. Learn email prospecting with a simple 3 step email sales formula. Generate sales leads with email marketing and using these 5 easy to implement sales coaching secrets. - This is a complete system for selling, cold calling, email marketing, prospecting and reconnecting with leads,prospects and clients. Stop making cold calls & Start making sales. Finally crack the email code and sharpen your sales skills and business communication.. These sales training ideas work in Business to Business selling as well as consumer direct sales. Start mastering your selling skills and growth hack your selling carrier. CRUSH IT!!! Has been designed for people in sales who depend on prospects taking action and moving forward through the sales process. 3 x your face to face sales, phone prospecting skills, internet selling and lead generation. Alternatively CRUSH IT!!! is not recommended for the individual who either already knows everything or has more business than they can reasonably handle. While we will be coaching to specific strategies and techniques to re-connect with good fit prospects all that is required is an open mind and a willingness to learn. Also, during this course you will be able to explore an untapped" resource I've been using and sharing with my personal 1-on-1 coaching clients that generates free dedicated leads Using free technology. Do what most don't to get the results others can't.- Start closing more sales now. This is interesting If we look around what do we see? Legions of people in sales all trying to be the best at what everyone else is doing. Once of the concepts we coach to comes from a quote by Peter Drucker. If you want something different then you have to do something different." CRUSH IT !!! has been broken down into specific sections for each area of your business. Start building your business and closing sales. After all you've invested time, effort, energy and money to generate an interested prospect, why not make it as simple as possible for them to re-connect with you by mastering your sales, email and business communication? Let your competition continue lose sale after sale and bang their head against a wall doing the same things over and over again wondering why they keep getting the same result. You make a decision to make it happen on purpose by learning strategies and techniques that separate yourself from the competition."
Price: 199.99

"INTENTION Sales Skills" |
"Take Control of Your Selling Day! - Make More Money & Get More Done in Less Time Start closing more sales, building a strong list of prospects with these business building strategies and techniques designed to put you in front of the right people at the right time. Lets face it traditional time management techniques were never designed for people in sales... The profession of selling is like no other position within any company. Successful business owners, entrepreneurs and top performers from every industry have had to learn this the hard way. Grow the day to day business intelligence needed to develop more selling opportunities, control your day and make more money. As sales professionals our job is more demanding than ever this requires a specific set of skills to stay on track and keep moving forward. Learn the secrets that separate the amateurs in sales from the top producing professionals. Close more sales by staying focused on whats important. Learn the business intelligence secrets to avoid phone tag, get out of voice mail jail and having people expecting your call. Build your business by design with these specific tools created by sales people specifically for people in sales. INTENTION Selling Strategies & Business Intelligence Techniques is dedicated to the business to business professional as well as selling consumer direct. Weve packed this course with the mindset strategy- and techniques that have been real world tested to help you leverage the time youre selling day Creating more selling opportunities, generating quality leads and closing more sales. Ensuring youre making the right sales moves at the right time backed by proven business intelligence techniques to deliver you high impact results. This sales Training and Coaching program will guide you through the 5 steps to controlling your day and making most of your time. Start getting more of what youre going after ON PURPOSE! The only thing required to learn these selling strategies and business intelligence time hacks is a willingness to learn a business and sales communication model along with the how to become a complete sales professional with this step by step system used by both entrepreneurs, business professionals as well as top producing sales people."
Price: 54.99

"Email Sales Prospecting With The High Value Email" |
"Uncover New Business Sales Leads FAST Without Cold Calls Start closing more sales now Finally Crack the Email Prospecting Code! Lets face it, email marketing simply does not work for most people in sales. Almost every method being taught is simply another rehashed version of the same old stuff. And None of it Works! Learn to use this powerful 3x5 email marketing sales strategy and start seeing results. Have people picking up the phone to call you & Separate yourself from the competition. Do something different and dramatically increase your sales leads, good fit prospects and finally get in front of real decision makersNOW! Here's a Real Life Result = Outstanding! I've been using a variation to your "high value email" for about a year now and it is absolutely amazing how well this works! 88% of the prospects I've sent it to have taken that next step. It takes more work but has yielded me the single biggest return on investment of time. Very very stoked about putting the rest of what you taught to use. Thanks Bob! - Jim E Learn the email hack that actually produce results. If youre sick and tired of making cold calls, wasting your money on digital marketing campaigns that dont live up to the hype, this is a real chance to develop a sales specific strategy to start generating more leads with the actual buyers who are interested in what you sell. Weve packed this short no nonsense course full of ideas to increase sales. If you know how to use email youre in!"
Price: 199.99

"Creative Coaching (starter)" |
"Have you ever wondered how you could expand your creativity? How you could step beyond the forces that obstruct inspiration? How to hack your flow? Embark on a journey of self-discovery as we bring you an array of techniques and stories from our studies in NLP and own lives to allow you to find out more about who you are as a person. There are so many influences that are thrust upon us from the time we are children that it can be hard to know whether our thoughts belong to ourselves, our peer group, our family or our society. We will cover: how creativity evolved in nature an introduction to Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and its principles. NLP eye patterns- where do people look when they are lying perceptual positions- how to gain perspectives on a situation (NLP) our filters on the world- deletion, distortion and generalisation (NLP) an introduction to the Myers Briggs personality test *This is the introductory course (lite) with the self-discovery section (section 1) and is included as part of the full Creativity Manual Online programme."
Price: 34.99

"Get Started With Penny Stocks -Step by Step Guide to Trading" |
" ***UPDATED FOR NOVEMBER 2019*** JOIN 10,323+ STUDENTS IN UDEMY'S BESTSELLING AND MOST COMPREHENSIVE STOCK TRADING COURSE! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! You get lifetime access with several new lectures from Mubarak Shah, Penny Stock Trader and Teacher!You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What you will learn in this course is original, honest, and detailed! This course will take your Penny Stock Trading to the next level. In this course, you will learn the most modern and up to date strategies and techniques to make massive amounts of gains with the Penny Stock Market. What would you do with an extra $5,000 a day? If you could finally make profits daily what would that mean to you? Would you Pay off debts? Fund your retirement account? Put your kids through college debt free? This course is designed for anyone who wants to discover proven profitable trading strategies and for those who are interested in making money trading stocks. Packed with over 15 different video lessons and over 2+ hours of content, Mubarak Shah spills everything you need to make money trading penny stocks. In this training course, you are going to learn how you can make consistent money trading stocks and how to utilize the most profitable trading strategies. In these videos, I give you surefire proven strategies for trading and how to become a successful and profitable trader. The profitable patterns that are mentioned in these videos have been successfully duplicated to give you the freedom to easily build a consistently profitable trading system. Now you'll be able to win more trades and make greater profits, so you can finally take control of your financial future. Get started on your path to a profitable, stress-free stock trading lifestyle by signing up for this course NOW. The purpose of this course is to teach anybody how to acquire a professional trader mindset. This course also will teach you what set of techniques and tools professionals use in the market every day to create wealth. Anybody who devotes time and study to this course will be in a very good position to profit from the markets and to achieve financial freedom. "
Price: 199.99
