"Time hacking in practice: Bend time and gain productivity" |
"Let the time starts to work for you - techniques of successful people in time management and planning tasks. Youve a job to do and a vision of how you do it. Youre planning your dreams, you want to realize, however is often the way ... no time. Anyone who wants to be successful should have good time management skills. Organize your work better - how not to put off tasks for later? Perhaps you are planning a task daily on paper, computer, or using a dedicated application. However, the effect is not satisfactory because you prolong the daily task for several hours until you move them to do the next day. And so on ... Finally it so much that you dont know what to do. Unfinished tasks, and new already waiting in line ... Take control of your time! Dont you know how to make plans, set priorities and perform the tasks put before you? Got a problem with Procrastination? With the course "Effective time management" you will learn how to make the time he began work for you. You will learn from this course how to: Create good plans feasible, You'll see how to implement the tasks put before you, Increase your efficiency and productivity, Discover your time management priorities, How to control your live and accomplish our goals, Dont forget about resolutions, The self-motivation, Discover your own biorythm. Youll learn methods to deal with the habit postpone, Manage your energy and resources efficiently, Find a way to unlock your potential. Do you want to watch passively as time flits through your fingers you and your work is the spot? Would you rather be a person who effectively manage your time so that performs tasks and successful. Join the training now."
Price: 44.99

"Become A Fastest Typist In 14 Easy Steps" |
"Computers are everywhere. In our life many of the tasks we perform with pen or pad but in this era computer is everything like sending email, typing reports, making plans and data entry it's everything about typing. Are you want to type fast? Are you want to learn typing without help of any typing software? Are you looking for data entry/typing job but have no experience in typing ? Did you want to become a faster typist in few days? Is this possible to learn typing without any typing software? YES...We teach you how to type fast in just 14 easy steps. After completing this typing course you will be able to type 40+ words per minute!!! Let's Start..."
Price: 99.99

"Simple HTML5 Game Development" |
"Learn to build web and mobile games with HTML5. Even if you have no experience in programming or web development, you can create your own games.This course begins with a quick overview of web development in HTML5 and shows you the basic web framework used in all modern pages. It then teaches essential programming concepts using the JavaScript language embedded in all modern browsers.The course centers around a game engine designed especially to be easy to understand. The game engine and all the other tools needed for the course are completely free. You won't need to purchase anything to build great games.By the end of the course, you'll be able to build 2D games on the web as well as on mobile devices like the iPad and mobile phones. "
Price: 19.99

"Complete Web Development: HTML5 and CSS3" |
"Web development is complex, but it can be easy if you take it step by step. This course is the first in a series of courses by bestselling author Andy Harris. Throughout the series, he takes students through every single example of his massive book (the book is over 1000 pages of fun yet authoritative instruction.) Each mini-book will be its own smaller course, so you can pick and choose the content you need without having to pay for content you already know. This first course provides a solid understanding of HTML5 and CSS3, the underlying foundations of the Internet. You'll learn:"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Market Planning" |
"Most owners of small and growing businesses know they need Marketing Plans. That doesnt mean they have them, however. Easy Market Planning diffuses the three most popular misconceptions about market planning: market planning is expensive; marketing takes a long, uninterrupted block of time; and marketing takes forever to work (we need sales, not marketing, Dummy!). Easy Market Planning takes all the stress out of preparing a Marketing Plan by guiding a business owner (or executive) step by step to a simple, brief marketing guide that will become a road map for ones company."
Price: 29.99

"Summertime Marketing" |
"We dont market during the summer; everyones on vacation. Unfortunately that philosophy is all too prevalent, and it prevents business owners from capitalizing upon the single most effective marketing season of the year. Learn all the possibilities of marketing during the summer months. And, if summertime is your busiest time of year, learn how to juggle the demands of your business, with the calls and emails that are still coming in, to ensure a full pipeline of business for the fall. How can you take advantage of the Clean Desk Syndrome? How can you involve your employees, so theyre engaged and an integral part of your Marketing Team? Summertime is simply full of marketing opportunities!"
Price: 39.99

"Over 100 Ways to Grow Your Business" |
"It's easy to become confused by all of the possible marketing strategies, which basically fall into the categories of Unknown to Unknown, Known to Unknown and Known to Known. The latter two categories contain the most effective strategies. "102 Ways to Grow your Business" emphasizes paying attention to those who already who you are. How many people in these categories, while knowing you to some extent, know what you actually o? How well are you targeting these people, instead of venturing into the Vast Unknown? People buy from you, because they have confidence in, are comfortable with and trust you. You can further these positive emotions (yes, marketing is emotional, not logical) through face-to-face and voice-to-voice marketing. Email, while it has its uses, can be too impersonal. If you're feeling frustrated by the lack of response to your marketing efforts, this course will teach you how to market smart and realize a quick return on your marketing investments of money, people and time."
Price: 29.99

"Blogging to Freedom: Create Your Independence with Blogging" |
"JOIN 19,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO CREATE A $60K+ ONLINE BUSINESS FROM BLOGGING! SEE HOW TO BLOG YOUR WAY FREE FROM THE CUBICLE CHAINS FOR GOOD! In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to create my blog, Create My Independence from nothing to over 2,000 subscribers and close to a million page views, enabling me to build relationships with hundreds of people and create an independent online business of my own. What is my experience on the topic? I've been blogging for over three years. I'm almost completely self taught (hundreds of hours of trial and error). I've exchanged hundreds of emails with my readers. I've written over 200 posts to date and have built relationships with hundreds of bloggers and influencers in my niche. From my blog, I've built my own independent online business from scratch (from $0 to over $60,000 in revenue). Who is this course for? The cubiclepreneur (entrepreneur at heart, but currently stuck in a day-job) who wants to build an online platform as the foundation for an eventual business venture that will bring them the freedom, options and independence they're looking to create in their life. What problems does this course for solve for cubiclepreneurs? It saves you hundreds of hours of trial and error in creating your own online platform. It gives you the exact blueprint (and I mean EXACT) for choosing a topic and name, choosing a blog platform, setting up your site, customizing it, making it awesome and connecting with other like-minded people in your niche. Who is this course NOT for? The person looking to create a blog just to make a few bucks on the side, in the short term. Someone not willing to follow through and stick with this for the long haul."
Price: 194.99

"How I Started My Online Business: Business Launch Game Plan" |
"JOIN 12,000+ STUDENTS LEARNING HOW TO CREATE A $60,000+ ONLINE BUSINESS! SEE HOW TO BREAK FREE FROM THE CUBICLE CHAINS FOR GOOD! In this course, I'll be teaching you the exact methods that I used to create a game plan for starting my own business that has gone from zero dollars in online independent income to over $60,000 in less than three years. What is my experience on the topic? I've built up a location independence online business that generates over $60,000 per year and full supports me. My business has seven streams of income and it allows me to do what I want with my time. Who is this course for? This course is for the entrepreneur at heart, who doesn't have a clue where to start but knows he/she wants to create an independent online business. What problems does this course for solve for cubiclepreneurs? This course helps you get out of your own way and start making progress toward your dream like. It shows the exact steps I took to create my game plan for starting my own business, that is now earning over $60,000 per year. Who is this course NOT for? The person looking to make a few bucks on the side, in the short term. It's not for someone not willing to follow through and stick with this for the long haul."
Price: 194.99

"How to Create Udemy Courses with an iPad - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. The iPad is the most powerful and easiest video production ever invented. Cameras, microphones, wires, computers, video editing software is complex and I have witnessed people struggle with it for years. But knowing how to make training has been a skill that served me for 30 years. I used to do for corporations that huge budgets to do it. Not anymore. An iPad, $40 worth of apps that only run on the iPad, the built in cameras, and even the built in microphone works to make trainings of all kinds. And if you know that to do, you can be working in a weekend. It is the fastest, easiest, and least expensive investment to make trainings you can sell to the world. In fact, I made a lot of this very training with my iPad, But I had to make iPad app trainings with my PC, but with the 1 million apps in app store, that alone worth learning what we teach here. You must own an iPad, I recommend a iPad Air with at least 32 gigs of drive storage. An external microphone system is optional, but improves the audio. The apps I use are under $40 and most are free with the iPad Air. Here's what your will learn: Step by step training of iMovie app 2.0 and how to make videos you can train others with in Udemy The 8 other apps that only run on an iPad that enable you to create killer video trainings from Powerpoint or Keynote slides How to send videos from your iPad to your computer, or to the websites that need them to make you money The dirt cheap accessories to mount your iPad and microphones to get professional audio 40 awesome royalty free tracks of music from my music membership website Two Buck Themes that you can use in your trainings, CDs, DVDs, Podcasts, YouTube you name it! An invite to the private Facebook community of iPad video producers which I moderate so we can learn to make this course better and better Lifetime of updates as I work to make this the best possible training for video ever How to make trainings for the million plus iPad apps and finding the ones to teach in your niche is the opportunity no one should ignore"
Price: 49.99

"SCRUM Guia Rpido" |
"Apresentamos os conceitos essenciais do framework SCRUM e como aplic-los. Simples e direto, este o nosso objetivo. Este curso um roteiro, apresentando passo a passo o que mais relevante para colocar no seu dia a dia as prticas geis. Quais so os principais elementos? Quais os papis em um projeto SCRUM? Essas respostas so de acesso fcil na vasta literatura que h, entretanto, um desafio ver um projeto SCRUM do comeo ao fim de maneira to simples e prtico, pois a nossa proposta est, facilitar o entendimento e aplicabilidade."
Price: 19.99

"GMO - Gesto de Mudana Organizacional" |
"A mudana frequentemente um processo desafiador. Apesar disso, no pode ser ignorado porque inevitvel. Sem isso, as empresas perderiam sua vantagem competitiva e deixariam de atender s necessidades de seus clientes, mercado e responder com agilidade a arena competitiva.A resistncia mudana a um dos principais fatores para a falha em projeto. Isso geralmente ocorre porque as organizaes se concentram mais no lado tcnico da mudana do que no lado das pessoas. Entender como a gesto de mudanas impulsiona os resultados organizacionais. E Aprender a aplicar a metodologia e ferramentas de gesto de mudanas organizacional um diferencial competitivo. A GMO contribui para sairmos do mundo da 'abstrao' para a materializao dos objetivos corporativos.A GMO est comprovada que ajuda as organizaes a obter benefcios significativos de suas iniciativas de mudana.Este curso ensina aos participantes a importncia do gerenciamento de mudanas e mostra como realiz-lo efetivamente atravs de vrios modelos. Principais objetivos do curso:Entender os fundamentos da mudana e de gesto de mudanas;Demonstrar como o gerenciamento de mudanas melhora os resultados organizacionais;Compreender e ser capaz de explicar os fundamentos da mudana e do gerenciamento de mudanas;Saber como aplicar o modelo de gerenciamento de mudana organizacional para facilitar as transies que geram impactos nos negcios;Construir uma estratgia holstica para influenciar as transies pessoais;Reduzir o tempo necessrio para implementar uma mudana bem-sucedida;Reduzir o risco associado mudana;Reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade relacionados ao gerenciamento de mudanas;Apoiar as preocupaes da gerncia e da equipe a respeito de novas mudanas de maneira adequada;Melhorar a moral, a produtividade e a qualidade do trabalho;Melhorar a cooperao, colaborao e comunicao quando as mudanas so anunciadas.Permitindo que voc:Avalie as caractersticas da mudana;Identifique os grupos impactados;Construa uma estratgia holstica para influenciar transies individuais e da organizao;Aplique as ferramentas e modelos."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Basis End User Training" |
"Worlds Leading Provider of Business Management Software.,Established in 1972. Headquarters in Walldorf , Germany with 82000 Customers run SAP in 120 countries. Addressing business needs of organizations ranging from Fortune 500 Global Organizations to Small & Medium businesses. SAP is an acronym for Systems , Applications and Products for Data Processing SAP ECC 6.0 (Enterprise Core Components) provide the core solutions for running enterprise business processes in Financials, Logistics and Human Resources The term BASIS is a reference to the underlying technical architecture of an SAP application. The term encompasses the server infrastructure , software and the server processes that run the SAP application. SAP consultants who design, build and manage the SAP environment are termed as BASIS consultants. They are the SAP Technical architects in the IT organization. SAP consultants possess the skills required to administer and configure SAP specific settings in an IT landscape. They are part of a larger organization which may run a landscape consisting of several SAP and Non-SAP applications. Taught by an instructor who carries more than 12 years plus of Real time SAP experience with numerous implementations. This Course is designed for all Newbee into SAP Basis. This course is the first step which gives Level 1 activities as a Freshers or 2 to 4 yrs of experience in SAP Basis. Instructor has taught all Daily Activities as a SAP Basis Administrator in any organization. Trainer has given very clear explanation on all the monitoring tasks with examples."
Price: 44.99

"SAP Basis Complete Installation" |
"SAP AG is a German multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. Headquartered in Walldorf, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany, with regional offices around the world. The company's best-known software products are its enterprise resource planning application systems and management (SAP ERP), its enterprise data warehouse product SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW), SAP Business Objects software, and most recently, Sybase mobile products and the in-memory computing appliance SAP HANA. Taught by an instructor who carries more than 12 years plus of Real time SAP experience with numerous implementations. This Course is designed for all SAP Basis Consultants who has learned SAP Basis and who are coming from SAP Basis background. Instructor has given step by step installation how to Install SAP on your own PC ( whether it is Windows 7 or Windows 8 or Windows 2000 or Windows 2003) No need to have VMWare ( At least 4 GB RAM / 200 GB HDD Required) Nobody needs to purchase SAP access from outside. This tutorial will teach you how to Install SAP."
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Office 2010" |
"Microsoft Access 2010 Este curso proporciona los conocimientos necesarios para poder entender y gestionar bases de datos en Microsoft Access, utilizando las herramientas que ofrece la aplicacin: tablas, consultas, formularios, informes, relaciones y Macros. Introduccin Tablas Relaciones y Uniones Consultas Formularios Informes Controles Macros Importar y Exportar Datos Microsoft Excel 2010 Este curso esta enfocado de manera inicial a conocer los fundamentos bsicos e intermedios para el manejo de esta herramienta, aqu encontraremos ejemplos muy sencillos, que nos ayudarn a entender mejor las diferentes opciones y herramientas de esta aplicacin, en este curso conoceremos los elementos de la ventana de Excel, introducir informacin numrica y de texto, creacin de frmulas, funciones de clculo, configuracin de hojas, y las diferentes formas de vista para mostrar la informacin dentro de una hoja de clculo. Una vez teniendo estos conocimientos slidos de la herramienta, profundizremos en las herramientas avanzadas de Excel, donde aprenderemos a manejar grandes bases de datos, utilizando filtros, esquemas y tablas dinmicas, tambin aprenderemos a automatizar nuestras tareas con las macros, aplicar formatos condicionales basados en criterios, as como funciones de bsqueda, lgicas, texto, y de bases de datos. Introduccin Excel 2010 Bsico-Intermedio Manejo de Celdas Formato de Texto y Nmeros Formato de Celdas, Columnas y Filas Edicin de Hojas Crear y Capturar Frmulas Funciones Bsicas Comentarios Manejo de Archivos Listas Personalizadas Ordenar datos Manejo de Hojas del Libro Imgenes Grficos Configurar pgina Introduccin Excel 2010 Avanzado Nombrar rangos Funciones Lgicas Formato Condicional Funciones Fecha Funciones Condicionales Validacin de Datos Filtros Funciones de Mltiples Condiciones Funciones de Texto Base de Datos Funciones de Bsqueda Funciones de Bases de Datos Tablas Dinmicas Auditora de Formulas Proteccin de Hojas y Libros Creacin de Macros Microsoft Outlook 2010 Outlook es una herramienta que le ayuda a administrar mensajes de correo electrnico, calendario, contactos y tareas. En este sentido, es el centro no solo de las comunicaciones sino tambin de la administracin del tiempo. Este curso presenta nuestros consejos para obtener el mximo partido de Outlook. Abarca algunas situaciones principales que le ayudarn a aprovechar Outlook para sus tareas de administracin de la informacin as como la administracin del tiempo. Introduccin Mensajes de Correo Electrnico Administrar mensajes de Correo Seguimiento Calendario Tareas Contactos Microsoft Power Point 2010 En este Curso podrs aprender cmo crear presentaciones efectivas en PowerPoint. Conocers cmo llevar a cabo un proceso creativo para construir tu presentacin y lograr comunicar tu idea a travs de cada diapositiva. Aprenders cmo disear tus propias presentaciones de forma creativa para que logres transmitir un mensaje potente que impacte sobre tu pblico. Introduccin Trabajar con diapositivas Trabajando con Texto Trabajar con Formas Trabajar con Imgenes Trabajar con Tablas Trabajar con Grficos Trabajar con Grficos SmartArt Trabajar con Animaciones Trabajar Multimedia Microsoft Word 2010 El objetivo de este curso es conocer las herramientas necesarias para aplicar estilos, listas multinivel, esquemas, tablas, ndices, referencias cruzadas, revisar, compartir y proteger documentos, aadir objetos, grficos, organigramas, formularios, etc. Adems, conocers cmo interactuar con otros programas de Office como son Excel y Outlook. Introduccin Formato a Texto y Prrafo Diseo de Pgina Tablas Formas Imgenes Prediseadas y de Archivo Objetos SmartArt Objetos WordArt Manejo de secciones Grficos Hipervnculos y Referencias Tablas de Contenido, Tablas de Ilustraciones e Indices Vistas de Word Revisar Correspondencia Formularios"
Price: 49.99

"Aprende paso a paso Microsoft Access 2010" |
"Este curso proporciona los conocimientos necesarios para poder entender y gestionar bases de datos en Microsoft Access, utilizando las herramientas que ofrece la aplicacin: tablas, consultas, formularios, informes, relaciones y Macros. Microsoft Access 2010 es un sistema de gestin de bases de datos incluido en el paquete de programas de Microsoft Office. En este curso anprenders a crear bases de datos, las cuales se utilizan para realizar tareas de administracin de datos con lo que podrs almacenar, recuperar, y analizar los datos acerca de pedidos y clientes. Introduccin Tablas Relaciones y Uniones Consultas Formularios Informes Controles Macros Importar y Exportar Datos"
Price: 19.99

"Crea presentaciones impactantes con Power Point 2010" |
"En este Curso podrs aprender cmo crear presentaciones efectivas en PowerPoint. Conocers cmo llevar a cabo un proceso creativo para construir tu presentacin y lograr comunicar tu idea a travs de cada diapositiva. Aprenders cmo disear tus propias presentaciones de forma creativa para que logres transmitir un mensaje potente que impacte sobre tu pblico. Aprovecha esta gran oportunidad, estamos seguros que te ser de mucha utilidad! Introduccin Trabajar con diapositivas Trabajando con Texto Trabajar con Formas Trabajar con Imgenes Trabajar con Tablas Trabajar con Grficos Trabajar con Grficos SmartArt Trabajar con Animaciones Trabajar Multimedia"
Price: 19.99

"Crea documentos con este poderoso procesador de textos Word" |
"El objetivo de este curso es conocer las herramientas necesarias para aplicar estilos, listas multinivel, esquemas, tablas, ndices, referencias cruzadas, revisar, compartir y proteger documentos, aadir objetos, grficos, organigramas, formularios, etc. Adems, conocers cmo interactuar con otros programas de Office como son Excel y Outlook. Word 2010 es el procesador de textos por excelencia incluido dentro de Microsoft Office. Es en la actualidad, la solucin ofimtica ms utilizada a nivel administrativo junto la hoja de clculo Microsoft Excel. Word 2010 est diseado para brindarte las mejores herramientas para dar formato a los documentos. Adems te ayuda a organizar y a redactar documentos de manera fcil y eficaz, as como a mantener los documentos a tu alcance para que puedas plasmar tus ideas. Introduccin Formato a Texto y Prrafo Diseo de Pgina Tablas Formas Imgenes Prediseadas y de Archivo Objetos SmartArt Objetos WordArt Manejo de secciones Grficos Hipervnculos y Referencias Tablas de Contenido, Tablas de Ilustraciones e Indices Vistas de Word Revisar Correspondencia Formularios"
Price: 24.99

"Aprende paso a paso Curso completo Microsoft Excel 2010" |
"Este curso esta enfocado de manera inicial a conocer los fundamentos bsicos e intermedios para el manejo de esta herramienta, aqu encontraremos ejemplos muy sencillos, que nos ayudarn a entender mejor las diferentes opciones y herramientas de esta aplicacin, en este curso conoceremos los elementos de la ventana de Excel, introducir informacin numrica y de texto, creacin de frmulas, funciones de clculo, configuracin de hojas, y las diferentes formas de vista para mostrar la informacin dentro de una hoja de clculo. Una vez teniendo estos conocimientos slidos de la herramienta, profundizremos en las herramientas avanzadas de Excel, donde aprenderemos a manejar grandes bases de datos, utilizando filtros, esquemas y tablas dinmicas, tambin aprenderemos a automatizar nuestras tareas con las macros, aplicar formatos condicionales basados en criterios, as como funciones de bsqueda, lgicas, texto, y de bases de datos. Introduccin Excel 2010 Bsico-Intermedio Manejo de Celdas Formato de Texto y Nmeros Formato de Celdas, Columnas y Filas Edicin de Hojas Crear y Capturar Frmulas Funciones Bsicas Comentarios Manejo de Archivos Listas Personalizadas Ordenar datos Manejo de Hojas del Libro Imgenes Grficos Configurar pgina Introduccin Excel 2010 Avanzado Nombrar rangos Funciones Lgicas Formato Condicional Funciones Fecha Funciones Condicionales Validacin de Datos Filtros Funciones de Mltiples Condiciones Funciones de Texto Base de Datos Funciones de Bsqueda Funciones de Bases de Datos Tablas Dinmicas Auditora de Formulas Proteccin de Hojas y Libros Creacin de Macros"
Price: 29.99

"Administra tu tiempo" |
"Outlook es una herramienta que le ayuda a administrar mensajes de correo electrnico, calendario, contactos y tareas. En este sentido, es el centro no solo de las comunicaciones sino tambin de la administracin del tiempo. Este curso presenta nuestros consejos para obtener el mximo partido de Outlook. Abarca algunas situaciones principales que le ayudarn a aprovechar Outlook para sus tareas de administracin de la informacin as como la administracin del tiempo. Introduccin Tablas Relaciones y Uniones Consultas Formularios Informes Controles Macros Importar y Exportar Datos"
Price: 19.99

"Construyendo Web APIs RESTful con ASP.NET Core 3.1" |
"Aprende a desarrollar Web APIs con ASP.NET Core desde cero con este increble curso. Vamos a ver todo el ciclo de vida del desarrollo de un Web API, desde crear la solucin, desarrollar los endpoints, trabajar la manipulacin de recursos, hasta su puesta en publicacin en Azure. Aprende tambin a utilizar Azure DevOps para configurar un pipeline de Continuous Integration y Continuous Delivery, para poder publicar tus proyectos desde su cdigo fuente en Github, Bitbucket, o cualquier otro proveedor de repositorios de GIT.Tenemos un mdulo de proyecto final donde creamos desde cero un Web API donde trabajamos: Subida de archivos, Sistema de usuario con rolesValidacionesBase de datos de SQL ServerRelaciones entre tablasEntity Framework CoreQueries Espaciales (lugares cercanos al usuario)Pruebas unitarias y de integracinManejo de errores en produccinY ms!"
Price: 74.99

"3D Character Creation: Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Instructor Info Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time when by. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry. Course Info Are you curious about how realistic 3D characters like Gollum from the movie Lord of the Rings are made? Have you ever played a video game with outstanding graphics and wondered how such detailed characters are created? Are you currently going to school right now but want to speed up your learning curve so you can get ahead of your peers? Are you a traditional artist and want to apply your sculpting skills digitally? Do you want to know about the latest 3d industry workflow and become a better 3D artist? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then ""3D Character Creation: Sculpting in Zbrush"" is the course just for you. In this amazing course, professional 3d artist/instructor Corazon Bryant will show you how to use the brushes in ZBrushto create believable muscle structure and anatomy. You will then move on to sculpting folds and wrinkles for your character's cloth. Corazon will discuss the characteristics of cloth and show you her technique on adding fabric details. You will also gain knowledge on building armor with wear and tear just like you see in video games and movies. Main tools that will be used are Dynamesh, Extract tool, Layers, Deformation, Panel Loops, Polygroup, Masking, and Transformation tools. By the end of this course, you will be able to create your very own 3D character from scratch. Have fun with this tutorial and there will be more to come from Victory 3D!"
Price: 49.99

"3D Character Creation: Retopologizing For Animation - Zbrush" |
"Instructor Info Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time when by. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry. Course Info In this 3-hour video course, Corazon Bryant will go over different types of tools that you can use to retopologize your character. You will first start by understanding the purpose of retopologizing and learning the kind of geometry structure that is needed to create an animatable mesh. You will gain knowledge on how to use Zremesher to create a clean topology for your character. You will learn how to control the flow of your geometry and manage the amount of polygons that is suitable for games. You will also gain insight on how to utilize the Topology brush and Zsphere Topology tool to create accurate topology for your needs. By the end of this course, you will acquire the skills to be able to turn your high res sculpt into an animation-ready low res character. So get your detailed Zbrush ready and it's time to have some fun!"
Price: 29.99

"Female Barbarian Warrior Vol. 1 - Sculpting in Zbrush" |
"Instructor InfoNikolay Naydenov is a Senior Character Artist currently working in Gameloft. Nikolay always had deep interest in art. In his spare time he was either reading a book or scribbling on a notebook ever since he was a child. He has been in the game industry since 2007 and had worked in many projects. The project that he is most proud of is the game titled March of Empires. He loves his job as a character artist especially when he is given freedom to do his own concepting and ideas. His advice for everyone just starting out is to spend lots of time learning software programs, be efficient and fast, and also spend many hours learning the anatomy, studying faces, and muscles underneath the skin. As every profession, to be good at something, you have to practice a lot. He recommends students to always look for improvement and never settle. He believes good things require sacrifice of time and other pleasures and this can turn your passion into a profession. Course InfoIn this course, we will learn how to create a female barbarian warrior character in ZBrush using only the tools that ZBrush itself provides. We will start by remodeling the female basemesh that comes with the program. Then you will learn how to invent and prototype your design, how to develop it from scratch and adjust it easily until we reach the silhouette and forms we like. We will understand how the Zmodeler brush works by making a simple knife. We will go through the process of making realistic eyes, make every piece of armor from scratch and detail them. You will learn how to make basic hair from Fibermesh and also make the character weapon. Then we will learn how to make fine skin detail as well as armor detail. Lastly we will go through the process of posing the character to get the most out of it. At the end we will have a professional looking high polygonal character in Zbrush."
Price: 64.99

"Create an Apocalyptic 3D Environment for Games" |
"Instructor InfoManuel Rondon is currently working as a freelance 3D artist and college instructor. He loves both jobs because they allow him to work on what he is passionate about while still having some creative freedom. His advice for students who are just starting out and want to make it in the industry is to be knowledgeable and be open to different areas of 3D art as this can give you more opportunities for jobs. As you gain more experience, you can then specialize in characters, textures, or animations but in the beginning, it's best to wear as many hats as possible. Course InfoIn this course, we will build a professional apocalyptic game environment from scratch using 3ds Max, Substance Painter and Unreal. We will start everything from scratch, from looking at references, looking at some concept art, and start applying it onto our environment. First, we will start by making small blockout of our scene and create the assets that we are going to need, how we are going to lay them out in the environment, then we are going to move into modeling. The modeling will be done all in 3ds Max, after that we will proceed to unwrapping the assets, and we will learn how to make the assets look smooth while keeping them low poly by using a very neat technique. From that, we are going inside Substance Painter to texture all of the assets and we will be creating materials that are going to be reusable across different assets for more efficient workflow. To finalize our tutorial, we will go through the process of rendering the whole environment in Unreal Engine."
Price: 59.99

"Hard Surface Character Creation in Zbrush" |
"Instructor InfoPierre Rogers is a freelance artist with years of experience in hardsurface character design. When he is not in a 3d program creating unique and amazing hardsurface artwork, he is having fun making money hand painting bag toss boards. As a young child, he wanted to be a chef, but then got into video games and adopted his cousins interests in comics and drawing. Most of his 3D/CG work has been featured in courses, lesson articles and reviews he had made for 3D Creative Magazine, 3D Artist Magazine, CGTuts+, Digital Tutors and Pluralsight. The advice he gives artists that are just starting out and want to make it in the 3d industry is to continue to learn and challenge yourself. He believes in hardcore studying of the art fundamentals, but also understands the importance of taking breaks, watching a movie, hanging with friends because he believes that art imitates life and soone must do some living between art projects for the sake of ones art. A very interesting fact about Pierre is he still has his pet turtlefrom 7th grade so the turtle is over 22 years old now! Course InfoIn this course, we will explore hard surface character creation with Zbrush. The material covered can be used within workflow for 3D print, concept art, as well as map generation for games and animation assets. Throughout the journey, we will sculpt, slice, and polish over 30 million polygons exploring many new and old techniques and features. Some of the topics covered are various brushes and tools essential to hardsurface sculpting, rebuilding dynamesh models into subdivision levels, applying and editing materials, posing, light and rendering, as well as photoshop render compositing. By the end of the course, you should have the skills to create a professional looking hardsurface character to add to your portfolio."
Price: 44.99

"Female Barbarian Warrior Vol. 2 - Game Ready Workflow" |
"Instructor InfoNikolay Naydenov is a Senior Character Artist currently working in Gameloft. Nikolay always had deep interest in art. In his spare time he was either reading a book or scribbling on a notebook ever since he was a child. He has been in the game industry since 2007 and had worked in many projects. The project that he is most proud of is the game titled March of Empires. He loves his job as a character artist especially when he is given freedom to do his own concepting and ideas. His advice for everyone just starting out is to spend lots of time learning software programs, be efficient and fast, and also spend many hours learning the anatomy, studying faces, and muscles underneath the skin. As every profession, to be good at something, you have to practice a lot. He recommends students to always look for improvement and never settle. He believes good things require sacrifice of time and other pleasures and this can turn your passion into a profession. Course InfoIn this course, you will learn how to make a low poly character from a high res mesh. First, we will start by exporting the high poly in parts, using the Decimation Master tool in Zbrush. Then we will import them in 3ds Max, and start making the low poly by retopologizing the decimated meshes. We will learn how to retopologize and make the most out of our forms with fewer polygons. Then we will make the UV coordinates for our low poly and bake the textures in Xnormal. After that, our textures and low poly will be imported in Substance Painter, where you will learn how to make realistic metal, leather and other materials for your character texture. Then it will be time for Marmoset Toolbag, where we will make the most of our textures and model, to achieve the final result that we like. Last, but not least, we will learn how to make low poly hair from scratch. From making the hair planes brush in Zbrush, to making the texture and normal map from Fibermesh, and ready game hair in Marmoset. The end result will be a beautiful production-ready game character."
Price: 54.99

"Character Creation for Games Vol. 2: Production Workflow" |
"Instructor InfoCorazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother's wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time wentby. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love - which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.Course InfoIn this course, I will take you through the entire process of retopologizing, unwrapping, baking and texturing a full body game character. We will start by decimating and exporting our character out of Zbrush. Then we will make a low poly version of our character using 3ds Max. I will go over the importance of having clean topology that will make your character easy to animate and create UVs for. After going through the process of retopologizing, we will unwrap our character. We will unfold our mesh so we can create textures that will fit our 3d model. I will discuss what makes a clean UV set, how to optimize your UV texture space, and the fastest and the most efficient ways to create your UVs.After we unwrap, we will be ready for baking and texturing in Substance Painter. We will go through the process of extracting our details from our high poly mesh so we can use them for our low poly mesh. We will create realistic skin, wound, scratches, metal, leather, and tattoo by using different types of brushes, stencils, filters, generators, and smart materials. After texturing, we will put our character inside Unreal game engine to check out how our character will appear in an actual game. At the end, we will create a nice visual presentation of our character in Marmoset Toolbag and Substance Painter. If you are determined to take your high res sculpt all the way to a completely production ready mesh, then this course is for you."
Price: 54.99

"Cyber Reptile Game Character Creation Volume 1" |
"Instructor InfoNikolay Naydenov is a Senior Character Artist currently working in Gameloft. Nikolay always had deep interest in art. In his spare time he was either reading a book or scribbling on a notebook ever since he was a child. He has been in the game industry since 2007 and had worked in many projects. The project that he is most proud of is the game titled March of Empires. He loves his job as a character artist especially when he is given freedom to do his own concepting and ideas. His advice for everyone just starting out is to spend lots of time learning software programs, be efficient and fast, and also spend many hours learning the anatomy, studying faces, and muscles underneath the skin. As every profession, to be good at something, you have to practice a lot. He recommends students to always look for improvement and never settle. He believes good things require sacrifice of time and other pleasures and this can turn your passion into a profession. Course InfoIn this course, we will go through the process of creating a cyber crocodile creature from a sphere to a finish render in Zbrush. We will start by doing the 3D sketch of our model which will allow us to change the design quickly and easily on the fly. This will be achieved by using one of the new features in Zbrush, which is Sculptris Pro. The Sculptris Pro mode will help us in the concepting stage and in the final polishing of our crocodile skin. You will learn different techniques for hardsurface modeling and mechanical parts creation. This will include Zmodeler brush, Trim Dynamic brush, and making your own Insert Multi-Mesh brush. The big part of the tutorial will be the detailed creation of crocodile scales. We will make them either by hand or using alpha brushes. In order to do that, you will learn how to make your own alpha brushes from scratch. At the end, we will make the pose for our high poly sculpt and lastly, we will export render passes which we will combine in Photoshop to achieve a nice professional looking render."
Price: 54.99

"Cyber Reptile Game Character Creation Volume 2" |
"Instructor InfoNikolay Naydenov is a Senior Character Artist currently working in Gameloft. Nikolay always had deep interest in art. In his spare time he was either reading a book or scribbling on a notebook ever since he was a child. He has been in the game industry since 2007 and had worked in many projects. The project that he is most proud of is the game titled March of Empires. He loves his job as a character artist especially when he is given freedom to do his own concepting and ideas. His advice for everyone just starting out is to spend lots of time learning software programs, be efficient and fast, and also spend many hours learning the anatomy, studying faces, and muscles underneath the skin. As every profession, to be good at something, you have to practice a lot. He recommends students to always look for improvement and never settle. He believes good things require sacrifice of time and other pleasures and this can turn your passion into a profession.Course InfoIn this course, we will make a high resolution character that we sculpted in Zbrush ready for production. First, we will start by exporting the high poly parts using the decimation master tool in Zbrush. Then we will import them in 3ds Max and start making the low poly by retopologizing the decimated meshes. We will learn how to retopologize, make the most out of our forms and follow the silhouette with fewer polygons. Then we will make the UV coordinates for our low poly in 3ds Max with little help from Zbrush. After that, we will bake the textures from high to the low poly using Substance Painter. Then we will continue in Substance Painter to make the texture. You will learn how to create realistic painted metal, scales, dirt and more. We will make our textures super detailed using various layering techniques and strategic hand painting. We will even go through the process of creating emissive materials to further enhance our model. We will present our model using Substance Painter's Iray Render and then later on put it inside Marmoset to create a turntable video that will allow us to display our model in the best possible light. At the end, our amazing model will be ready for animation and game engine."
Price: 49.99

"Victorian Era 3D Game Environment" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies.Course InfoIn this course, we will go through the process of creating an amazing Victorian style game environment! We will start off by modeling the ornate pieces inside 3ds Max and then take them in Zbrush to enhance them. We will then model our modular pieces such as the pillars, the doors, the roof, the floor, etc. for reusing them in Unreal Game Engine. We will use Substance Designer to create a variety of tileable textures such as wood, plaster, gold, and fabric. We will explore different types of techniques such as high poly to low poly modeling and weight normal to low poly modeling to create our props in our scene. We will also utilize Marvelous Designer to create realistic cloth and drapery that will further solidify our environment. We will jump into Substance Painter to texture our props and once everything is looking good, we will setup our models and materials in the game engine. We will dive in creating lights and post fx that will set the mood for the overall Victorian Era game environment."
Price: 69.99
