"Wordpress fr Anfnger" |
"WordPress fr Anfnger - In nur 2 Stunden zur eigenen Website Dieser WordPress Kurs zeigt Ihnen wie Sie in nur 2 Stunden eine Funktionierende Website oder Blog erhalten knnen.WordPress ist das meistgenutzte CMS (Content Management System) Weltweit, bereits mehr als 26% aller Webseiten laufen mit einem WordPress System im Hintergrund.WordPress ist aber auch nicht ohne Grund das beliebteste CMS. Es zeichnet sich durch seine einfache Bedienbarkeit und Modularen Aufbau aus. Und besitzt obendrein die grte Entwickler Community. Netter Nebeneffekt -> WordPress ist Kostenlos. Dieser Kurs behandelt alle Themen die fr eine Funktionierende Installation notwendig sind. Obwohl dieser Schnellkurs Sie in nur 2 Stunden ans Ziel bringt ist er doch Umfangreich genug um Ihnen die ersten Schritte im Umgang mit WordPress zu vermitteln. Durch zahlreiche Videos zeige ich Ihnen Schritt fr Schritt welche Manahmen ntig sind um zum gewnschten Ergebnis zu kommen. Steigen Sie in die Materie Wordpress ein und Sie werden erstaunt sein wie schnell man zu einer eigenen Website mit Wordpress kommt."
Price: 19.99

"Yeni Balayan Fotoraflar iin Photoshop Eitimi" |
"Temelden renim Kitaplarda, dergilerde, internette bulduunuz videolar uygulayarak benzer sonular alabilirsiniz ama bu anlatmlar sizin ezber yapmanz salar, esas olan Photoshopu temelinden renmektir. Az Bilinen pular Her kitapta bulunmayan ve profesyonellerin sklkla kulland ipularna sahip olarak, ok daha kolay ve hzl ekilde ilemlerinizi yapabilecek, klasik bir fotorafdan daha fazlas olacaksnz. Trke Anlatm Youtubedaki ingilizce video anlatmlardan bktysanz artk sizi daha fazla aramaktan kurtaryoruz, ye olun ve arkanza yaslann, kendi dilinizin rahatlnda video izlemenin zevkine varn. zel Frsatlar Sadece yelere dnemlik veya belli bir sre ierisinde aktif olan zel fotoraf ve fotoraflkla ilgili frsatlar, rnler ve indirimler size sunulacak Srekli Eriim Bir kere ye olduktan sonra videolar size alacak ve hi bir zaman kapanmayacak, istediiniz zaman dnp tekrar tekrar izleyebilirsiniz. rnek almalar Sizin Derslerde greceiniz tm rnek almalar da size veriliyor, bu sayede grdnz eyleri ayn grsel zerinde pratik yapabileceksiniz."
Price: 99.99

"iPhone ile Nasl Daha yi Fotoraf ekebilirim?iPhoneography" |
"Bu kurs sizin iPhone ile daha iyi fotoraflar ekebilmeniz iin gerekli temelleri almanz, iPhone'lar arasndaki farklar grmenizi, kamera ayarlarnz daha iyi yapabilmenizi, fotoraflarnza derinlik ekleyebilmenizi ve ektiiniz fotoraflar ok daha iyi dzenleyebilmenizi salayacak!iPhone; Dnyann en ok kullanlan fotoraf makinesi. Bakn fotoraf makinesi diyorum nk artk btn verilerde telefonlar fotoraf makinesi olarak geiyor. Her zaman yanmzda olan bu gelimi kameralarla daha fazlasn yapmak istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz.ster yeni balyor olun, isterseniz bir sredir fotoraf ekiyor olun, bu kurs size ok ey katacak. Yaklak 10 yllk sektr tecrbem + kk ipular ve anlatmlarma hem iinizdeki fotoraf sevgisini hem de bu konudaki motivasyonunuzu canl tutacak bir eitim...Neler reneceksiniz?iPhone'lar arasndaki farklar greceksinizKamera ayarlarnz daha iyi yapabileceksinizPortre modunu ve nerede kullanabileceinizi reneceksinizKompozisyon, k gibi ok stnde durulmayan konular grerek nasl bir adm daha alabileceinizi greceksinizSnapseed, Photoshop, Lightroom gibi en popler uygulamalar rahatlkla kullanabileceksinizKursa dair herhangi bir soru, aklnza taklan bir nokta olursa bana her zaman mesaj veya soru/cevap ksmndan ulaabilirsiniz. Sorulara genellikle ayn saat ierisinde, en ge 24 saat ierisinde cevap vereceime dair sz veriyorum!Bence artk beklemeyelim, hemen kayt olun, dersi herhangi bir nedenden dolay beenmezseniz 30 gn boyunca tm verdiiniz creti geri alabiliyorsunuz.Haydi bekliyorum!Tahir"
Price: 99.99

"Beat Bullying - Boost Your Confidence and Esteem In (2020)" |
"Beat Bullying - Boost Your Confidence and Esteem In (2020)Including 10. Bonus Hypnosis Downloads Read my 5 Star Reviews Today I have recorded this course because there are so many who suffer alone at the hands of bullies and feel isolated as many bullies work in groups to elevate themselves from their own insecurities lack of confidence and their own self esteem that makes them depend on the gang or group to support their bullying needs. So that when they pick on someone who has no confidence because people of low self esteem are perceived as easy targets for the bully to improve their own confidence by targeting them. What you will get from this program is interactive lessons that with teach you a powerful but simple technique to let go the negative feelings you have been made to feel from low confidence and because the mind and body are connected you will become stronger psychologically boost your self esteem and will become less attractive to the person or persons who have been bullying you.This technique is called emotional freedom technique and I am a therapist who has been using it with my clients since 2006 with outstanding results so much so that I was inspired to record this and many other programs like it. You are going to be taught how to apply emotional freedom technique and how it can influence the body with a simple breathing exercise. Then after experiencing the mind body connection or psychosomatic ( Psycho in the mind ) ( Somatic in the body ) you will be guided through a interactive experience with emotional freedom technique to eliminate the negative feelings you have been feeling and by letting go these feelings you will boost your confidence and self esteem.You will then be offered a mopping up section to remove any fragments of bad feelings that remain that may also hold you back from having that inner confidence. Then I will help you to program your mind with suggestions of confidence and feelings of self esteem with a hypnotic recording called monster confidence and esteem that by being a clinical hypnotherapist I have recorded especially for you and this course for personal growth to boost your self confidence and esteem to new and higher levels.10. Bonus Hypnosis Downloads Assertiveness Hypnosis More Happiness In Life Hypnosis Anxiety relief HypnosisBecoming Successful HypnosisFind Your Passion HypnosisPower Nap HypnosisPublic Speaking HypnosisSuper Self Confidence Hypnosis Inner Wisdom Meet the Wise Old Man HypnosisFear of Crowds Hypnosis"
Price: 34.99

"Anger Management Technique to eliminate anger fast" |
"Anger Management Technique to eliminate anger fast in this courseyou will learn to eliminate anger from your life with an easy to learn and apply technique that connects mind and body. But not just that you will also be learning a life changing technique that will let you overcome fears , feel more confident and help to remove the barriers we call bad feelings that cause you to hold back from all of what want to do with your life.. 1) You will be guided through an exercise that will prove to you that every thought you have effects how you fee.l. 2) You will learn a technique that will help you change the way you think and feel.. 3) You will learn my secrets that have helped me change so many peoples lives on a daily basis. 4) You will have access to my book as a download that has protocols for working on 28 more areas of your life with this technique you are about to learn. 5) You will also be able to down load 4 mp3 files of how to learn and apply this technique so that you can use it anytime. 6) You also get a Hypnosis recording that was created just for this program that you can download also. 7) There is no risk by buying this course because you have a 30 day money back guarantee if you get absolutely no result from engaging in and using this technique. Also you are welcome to keep all the downloadable material, because I am confident that if you set aside a little time to try this course out just watch how your life begins to change around you. All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Self Confidence Mastery Tap into Unstoppable Confidence Fast" |
"Self Confidence: Mastery Tap into Unstoppable ConfidenceConfidence Mastery Emotional confidence control with EFT and Hypnosis program has been created to give you a simulated therapy experience as close as you could have to a private confidence boosting session with me as a client Did you know that confident people do not have to think about being confident or having confidence they just are confident. Did you know that you feel confident in many areas of your life already.So What has been holding you back from doing all that you have wanted to do in your life, excuses and lack of confidence and those excuses are created by negative feelings and thinking? Now you can change all that by tapping into the energy pathways that deliver the messages to the organs in your body that have been making you feel bad and without any confidence. In this course I will guide you through each exercise and you will also be able to download some MP3 and PDFs files so that you can get the benefit from this course even when you have no internet connection. Did you know that a lack of confidence can feel a bit like fear and as a baby you were only born with two fears and they are the fear of falling and loud noises and you only have to look at any baby to see their reactions to falling and noise. As a baby you learned by osmosis even confidence and how to feel confident.So what osmosis is learning through experience and its experiences that have caused you to feel a lack of confidence. In this course I will teach you how to find some of those past experiences where you have lost the natural confidence you were born with and easily remove the emotional charge to those past experiences and by doing this you will begin to feel more confidence in every area of your life and you will have less limiting filters of perception because that perception and lack of confidence and confident feelings were only perceptions created from past failures that caused you to have less confidence and have been holding you back from doing and achieving the best that life can offer you. .Bonus Downloads EFT Tapping Points Instructions PDFEmotional First Aid On Tap PDFAssertiveness Hypnosis for ConfidenceBecoming Successful HypnosisBeing Young At Heart HypnosisExtreme Dating Confidence Hypnosis Feel happier in life hypnosisIncrease Performance in Sport HypnosisGet Perfect Job HypnosisImprove Your World HypnosisPower Nap HypnosisSuper Self Confidence HypnosisEFT Downloads Release Self sabotaging feelings of Guilt EFTFreedom from fear EFTGain Self Confidence With EFTTension Relief With EFT"
Price: 34.99

"Stop smoking Fast track Hypnosis & EFT Ultimate Hypnosis" |
"Stop smoking Fast track Hypnosis & EFT Ultimate Hypnosis Hypnosis & EFT Stop smoking Fast track Hypnosis Program has been created to simulate a private EFT and Hypnosis therapy session here with me.Did you Know that Hypnosis has been used for a long time as an easy method for habit a behavioural change smoking has always been the one habit that hypnosis helps to stop smokers from smoking without all that cold turkey and awful cravings that people have to battle to quit smoking.Hypnosis is like a magical medicine when taken you don't need will power or to battle cravings you just immediately become a natural non smoker. But not only that with so many people having so many excuses about when they should start to quit smoking or why they cant stop yet I have added a bonus Hypnosis MP3 to get you ready to stop smoking before you actually do quit. The great thing about having this MP3 is you can download it an listen to it when you have decided to stop smoking forever and ave a long healthy life. Is it not time to stop paying for a shorter life Here is What Happens When You Stop SmokingImmediately Air around you no longer is dangerous to children and other adults.20 minutes after quitting Blood pressure drops to normal.Pulse rate drops to normal as you stop smokingTemperature in hands and feet increases to normal.after 8 hours not smoking Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal.Oxygen level in blood increases to normal.After 24 hours Chance of heart attack decreases.After 48 hours Sense of smell and taste improves when you stop smoking2 to 12 weeks Circulation improves.as you stop smoking Breathing improves.Walking becomes easier.1 to 9 months Coughing and sinus congestion decreases.Stop Smoking & Shortness of breath decreases.Overall energy increases.Lungs increase ability to self-clean and reduce infection.1 year Risk of premature coronary heart disease is half the risk of a smoker.5 years Risk of stroke comparable to that of a nonsmoker.10 years Life expectancy comparable to a nonsmoker.Lung cancer death rate is about half the rate of a smoker.What I will teach you in this hypnosis course 1. You will begin by creating an image in your mind of what you want so that you will know where you are going and how your life will change when you stop smoking2. Learn a secret feel good trigger that will help you through any bad times or set backs on your way.3. learn how your mind and body work together with some fun but important lessons that will improve the results of this hypnotherapy session.4. Learn how you naturally resist changes even changes that can be very good for you5. Learn just how powerful words can be and their effect on you physically even if they are only self talk.6. Learn who can and cannot be hypnotized7. Learn how you can have a feeling excellence any time you want to8. Stop smoking bonus section with a extra hypnosis sessionGet ready to stop smoking Hypnosis session MP3Stop smoking in 15 Minutes 9. How to use and apply EFT in the bonus section an amazingly powerful technique that can eliminate any limiting bad feelings and improve your life with a special section on cravings in the FREE Ebook Emotional first aid on tap."
Price: 34.99

"EFT: Easy Pain Management is in Your Hands with EFT Tapping" |
"EFT: Easy Pain Management is in Your Hands with EFT Tapping5 Star Review Alan has done a thorough job in designing a course with a beginner EFT student in mind who has no prior knowledge of Emotional Freedom Technique. If you are interested in diving deep in your own psyche, then the downloadable hypnotherapy sessions can help you along the way. Overall the course benefits those interested in bettering their emotional states. Whether EFT and hypnotherapy can alleviate physical pain remains to be a mystery. I have used EFT, FasterEFT and self-hypnosis to address various challenges. And sure any outside tool can help or hinder depending on the belief structure to begin with. Thanks Alan for your contribution to the course.Bonnie DavidLearn why Pain is a subjective experience and can be both acute and chronic however there are many ways of looking at a and stopping or reducing that pain experience, Here you are going to learn a technique called EFT Emotional freedom Technique I have been using for years with clients that can give amazingly fast results. Those results can sometimes seem unbelievable and I am happy to be able to share my knowledge and experience with you here. You are going to learn a simple to learn and apply technique that I will teach you step by step so that you will fully appreciate the Power and versatility of EFT, that you will discover can be used anywhere anytime for stopping pain. You may also experience complete cessation of pain because it was not actually a physical condition but may be connected to a past emotional event that has been causing you all that pain.I will guide you every step of the way and I have also added a hypnosis session to program your mind to stop pain. Bonus Downloads1. EFT Tapping Points Instructions PDF2. Emotional First Aid On Tap PDF3. Rainbow healing meditation4. Acute and Chronic Pain relief Hypnosis5. Deep Relaxation Hypnosis6. Getting a painless tattoo Hypnosis7. Power Nap Hypnosis8. Sleep Deeply Each night Hypnosis"
Price: 34.99

"Fear Mastery: Conquer Your Limitation to a Life Without Fear" |
"5 Star ReviewI asked about conquering my fear of the dark. It is so huge, I have been unable to sleep alone in a tent in front of my own house! I live rurally so I hear all sorts of things at night. Going to my car if I forgot something, is sometimes challenging. Alan assured me I could overcome this. The night before last I slept on my deck in total peace and calm!! Hurray! I am sure I might need a few more session to walk up the street in the dark and I now KNOW I can do it! I have been releasing other fears, like of spiders. I do carry them outside, however, it used to be in a state of great anxiety and now with great calm! THANK YOU for this Amazing class! I am in continuing Gratitude for all the Many Ways I am going to put it to use!! I have tried EFT on my own and it did not work before. After taking this course, Alan helped me better understand how it works and different Simple steps to take, for things which might be a little harder to overcome. I listened and followed all the steps and know I will continue to use this in my life from now on, when other challenges come my way! A Great class!MorgineFear Mastery Conquer your limitations to life without fearIn this course I am going teach you how to conquer your feelings of fear with a simple to learn and apply technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) that will offer you a simple technique to eliminate the fear of fear itself. You will have lots of exercises and I will be guiding you through every step of your learning experience. But not only will I be guiding you through all of the exercises but I will be talking to you about fear and where your fear comes from, what fears you are born with and where your fear started so that together we will get to the roots of your fear so that together we will conquer the fear that has been stopping you living life to your maximum.So that you do not have to avoid those experiences you have been avoiding in the past because of fear but only if you choose to. Not only that you will also be learning a technique that can be applied to every area of your life allowing you to grow as a person.So that by taking this course not only will you be able to conquer your fear and the fear of fear, but you will be able to make much more positive changes to your life. Along with this course Fear Mastery Conquer your limitations to life without fearI have added downloadable mp3 files and pdf files and even an EBook with protocols from A to Z of issues you will be able to use EFT on. Also the great thing about taking my course and applying it for at least 21 days if you have absolutely no change you can have a full refund, as a 30 day refund policy applies to all courses on Udemy and as I am really confident that if you take the time to learn this easy technique and apply it you will notice changes in the fear you used to have in your life very quickly. All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT for Rapid Change" |
"Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT for Rapid Change Now with over 70 Online Reviews 5 Star Review Alan has a great ""therapy"" voice that immediately puts you at ease. I liked the background scenery as well in the exercises. Nature does connect us to our bodies like nothing else. I learned a lot. I came across a video about EFT Tapping on Facebook. There are many school districts teaching it to children as stress and anxiety effect so many children today. And this is leading to increased mental health issues. I felt that watching the video was clearly not enough information about EFT and somewhere in my searching this course popped up. I didn't hesitate to sign up because I have taken other courses through UDEMY and I would recommend them to anyone. I am a middle school teacher and it is my goal to bring EFT into my school. I showed the video I found to our assistant principal and she was very intrigued and wanted to know more. So now, thanks to Alan, I have that much more information to share with her. There are RESOURCES provided with this course! Thank you! I do wish there was a diagram that not only showed the Meridian points but the organs each one is connected to. It would make it easier to remember.Gloria Budz If you have been suffering from negative feelings or emotions this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFTThe EFT Tapping pointsEFT Tapping Points and Energy Meridians they are connected toProof that mind and body are connectedThe Setup PhraseThe Reminder PhraseThe Breathing Exercise Let go negative emotions with EFTMopping up with EFTMopping up with EFT using colorthe terrible cost of unforgivenessEliminate anger towards yourself and others with EFTMy Secret TipsAdvanced EFT TechniqueBonus EFT Video Sessions 1. Stop Exam Anxiety with EFT2. Get what you really want with EFT3. Asthma Relief with EFT4. EFT for people with Dyslexia5. EFT for Diabetic Food Cravings6. Overcome Racism with EFT7. EFT for carpal tunnel syndrome8. EFT for Fear of BloodBonus EFT Session Downloads1. Anger elimination session2. Anxiety session3. EFT Healing with The Seven Archangels4. EFT rejection session5. Freedom from fear session6. Freedom from stress with EFT7. IBS Relief with EFT8. Expectation of loss of sexual pleasure9. Imaginary tapping session10. Improve sports performance.11. Improve your sex life12. Let go of bad feelings with EFT13. Letting go feelings of worry with EFT 14. Negative emotions session15. OCD Relief with EFT16. Pain relief with EFT17. Panic attack release session18. Release Self sabotaging feelings of Guilt19. Release feelings of being bullied20. Tension Relief With EFT"
Price: 34.99

"Beat Anxiety in (2020) with EFT the Tapping Therapy" |
"Beat Anxiety in (2020) with EFT the Tapping Therapy5 Star ReviewI've watched How to EFT videos on YouTube but this Udemy course explained the detailed specifics on how each step should be performed and why. The downloads were also equally detailed and helpful. The instructor's voice is very soothing. I highly recommend this course and I'm glad I took it.Cynthia GuajardoIf you have been suffering from anxiety this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply anxiety management technique that I will teach you.I will guide you through each exercise of this anxiety management technique so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person eliminating anxiety in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the anxiety attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy for management of your anxiety. But I am so confident you will get results with this anxiety management technique and from taking the time to learn and apply this technique to give you relief from anxiety. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these pointsProof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain wayThe breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular ideaGuide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you needGuide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that Bonus Downloads 1. Anxiety relief Hypnosis2. Grounding Exercise3. Improve Your World Hypnosis4. Power Nap Hypnosis5. Public Speaking Hypnosis6. Being Young At Heart Hypnosis7. Super Self Confidence 8. EFT instructions 9. Breathing Exercise10. anxiety session11. mopping upPDF Downloads1. EFT Tapping Points Instructions2. Emotional First Aid on Tap"
Price: 34.99

"Easy IBS Relief with EFT - Tapping Therapy" |
"If you have been suffering from IBS this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Hypnosis for to visit Past life or lives Guided Hypnosis" |
"5 Star Review Great course and appreciated the bonus, feel good lecture. Instructor is easy to listen to and very good at what he does. Thank you for offering your course which has saved me many hundreds of dollars as well as my precious time from having to schedule the allotted time with a therapist. Very comfortable watching as my time allowed and going through these sessions in the privacy of my home. Thank you.Rhonda HeilmanHypnosis for to visit Past life or lives Guided Hypnosiswas created to give you the closestexperience to having a private hypnotherapy session here with me.HypnosisWill help If you have ever wondered if you lived before in a past life past life regression hypnosis will take you on a hypnotic journey or trip to another life time where you will be visit your past lives and beable to answer lots of questions about that life.Past life regression Hypnosis has been used by people to solve present life issues or just as recreation a fun experience.with Hypnosis and on a past life hypnotic journey you may even discover that you were the opposite sex, if you were rich or poor person, what country you lived in and what era. You may even learn important lessons that will help you understand more about yourself in your present life that will help to improve the life you are living.Obviously we have no way of knowing if what you experience with past life regression hypnosis hypnotic journey is real or what some feel is just a dream or their imagination at work. However in my experience as a hypnotherapist this is in no way like a dream but seems to relate to our personalities and for most that they are the opposite in this life experience to the past life experience and very like karma so this would make sense as your life experiences are supposed to be spiritual lessons because it is said we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Another explanation is that your subconscious mind will take the opportunity of you using past life regression hypnosis to take you on a symbolic journey and offer you information in the form of a life experience to make positive changes in your present life.Hypnosis for to visit Past life or lives Guided Hypnosiscoursewill teach you1. You will begin by creating an image in your mind of what you want so that you will know where you are going 2. Learn a secret feel good trigger that will help you through any bad times or set backs on your way.3. learn how your mind and body work together with some fun but important lessons that will improve the results of this hypnotherapy session.4. Learn how you naturally resist changes even changes that can be very good for you5. Learn just how powerful words can be and their effect on you physically even if they are only self talk.6. Learn who can and cannot be hypnotized7. Learn how you can feel amazing any time you want to8. Enjoy Hypnotic journey to a past life virtual Hypnotherapybonus sectionAngel Meditation mp3Past Life Journey Hypnosis mp3Astral Travel Hypnosis mp3Take a Hypnotic Holiday mp3Hypnosis course bonus sectionHow to use and apply EFT an amazingly powerful technique that can eliminate any limiting bad feelings that have been stopping you from feeling greatEmotional First Aid On Tap EbookEft Instructions mp3Eft Breathing Exercise mp3Eft for Negative Emotions mp3Eft Mopping Up mp3All Files and videos are downloadable for easier access"
Price: 34.99

"Beating OCD at the tips of your fingers with inner healer" |
"If you have been suffering from OCD this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Stress management and relief from tension Stress causes you" |
"In This Course TitledStress management and relief from tension Stress causes you If you have been suffering from Stress or Tension in your body this is the course to help you beat that feeling of stress with an easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can become stress free. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that This course is completely downloadable to be used offline for easier access with no buffering"
Price: 34.99

"Let go worries with Emotional Freedom Technique" |
"5 Star ReviewThis EFT is very easy to learn I will be using it a lot , Great teacher I found myself unable to stop watching I wanted to learn more and moreTrudy ColferLet go worries with Emotional Freedom Technique If you have been suffering from worrying to much then this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply itThe tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these pointsProof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain wayThe breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular ideaGuide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you needGuide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working onGuide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working onGuide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that."
Price: 34.99

"Get the golf edge to golf excellence & play golf like a pro" |
"Get the golf edge to golf excellence & play golf like a pro I am going to teach you a simple to learn and apply technique that will improve your golf, and help you feel more relaxed before and during each game of golf and how to never feel intimidated by your opponent because of their reputation or how good they have performed in the past in any Golf Tournament . You will also feel more confident about making any shot playing golf even the ones that you find the most difficult in the past whether they be short or long shots drives or putts in any golfing competition. I am so confident you will get results in your golf performance by taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients to improve their lives and yes increase performance in their golf, that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can be the best they can be. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply itThe tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these pointsProof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain wayThe breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular ideaGuide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you needGuide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working onGuide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working onGuide you through a Golf session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that"
Price: 34.99

"Call on Angels to help with EFT" |
"If you have been suffering from negative feelings or emotions this is the course to help calling in the Angels Jophiel, Zadkiel, Michael,Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel and Gabriel to help assist you to beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Reduce Stammering boost confidence with tapping therapy EFT" |
"If you have been suffering from the effects of having a speech impediment this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Send Healing to family and friends with EFT" |
"If you have been suffering from anxiety, fear or any emotional issue then this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life, that you will also be able to help friends and family even if they are not in the same location as you. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can. So what will I teach you What is EFT and how to apply it The tapping points and the major organs in your body that you are creating a calming effect on by tapping on these points Proof that the mind and body work together meaning that what you think can create how you feel and feelings can cause thinking in a certain way The breathing exercise to prove to you how you physically feel can be changed by tapping on a few points on the body while focusing on a particular idea Guide you Through a session to beat your anxiety with EFT that can be used as many times as you need Guide you through a mopping up session that will help clear up and stubborn emotional charge on the issue you have been working on Guide you through an advanced tapping technique that tunes both conscious and subconscious mind to work together so that the most stubborn of trapped emotional charge can be released on the issues you have been working on Guide you through a session debriefing so that you can measure all of the results you so much so that you will be shocked to think about the way you used to feel and how easy it was to change all that All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline"
Price: 34.99

"Hypnosis for Natural Easy Childbirth Hypnosis Program" |
"Hypnosis for Natural Easy ChildbirthHypnosis Programthis has been created to simulate a complete collection of privatehypnosis sessions with me as your guiding HypnotherapistChildbirth is one of the most natural experiences any woman can ever have and has to have been the first ever most precious of human experiences. All fears and most of the pain that you may have heard about giving birth or being in labor are created by those people who gave birth with fear in their minds. Because it was this fear that caused them to tense their body causing restrictions in the natural birthing process because nature never created your body to have pain while doing anything that was a natural part of life. As human beings we are part of the animal kingdom how many times have people found kittens born of their cats and never heard a thing or puppies, chickens who lay eggs everyday with out a peep that is because no one has told them to be afraid of their own natural processes . I am going to teach you in this Hypnosis CourseWhat is EFT Emotional Freedom Technique and how to apply it.What fear is and where it comes fromHow to eliminate fear with EFTWhat pain is How to reduce or eliminate painhow the mind and body are connectedproof that you can change how you feel by using just your thoughts.How to feel good any time The benefits of Hypnosis and who can be hypnotisedHow to communicate with your baby inside youCompletely reprogram your mind to having the most enjoyable childbirth for youLots of bonus downloads Complete 3 week Hypnotherapy Program as used with my Clients All videos are downloadable for ease of viewing off line"
Price: 34.99

"Complexity Theory: An Introduction" |
""I think the next [21st] century will be the century of complexity" Stephen W. Hawking This course is an introduction to the core concepts of complex systems theory, an exciting new area that is offering us a fresh perspective on issues such as understanding our financial system, the environment and large social organizations. The aim of this course is to bring the often abstract and sophisticated concepts of this subject down to earth and understandable in an intuitive form. After having started with an overview to complex systems this course will focus upon five of the core concepts. Systems: We will start with two sections on systems theory and systems thinking, this should introduce students to the bigger picture of why complex systems is seen as a new paradigm in science; what exactly this new paradigm is; why we need it and lastly how it differs from our traditional methods of scientific inquiry. Nonlinear systems: The term nonlinear science and complex systems are often used interchangeably showing how essential the concept of nonlinearity is to this subject. In this section we draw the distinction between linear and nonlinear systems and see why it matters. The second part of this section covers the subject of chaos theory and the dynamics of nonlinear systems. Network theory: network theory and networks in general have arisen in almost all fields of inquiry in the past few decades making it one of the most active and exciting areas of scientific study. We will explore many different types of networks, their properties and examples in the real world from social networks to logistics networks. This section will conclude by looking at graph theory, the mathematical foundations that lie behind networks. Complex adaptive systems(CAS): CAS is increasingly being used to model a wide variety of systems from, electrical power grids to economies and cultures it represents a powerful new way of seeing the world. This section will also cover CASs close relative cybernetics and the basic concept of adaptation and evolution. Self-organization: Self-organization is another of the foundational concepts within complex systems that is proving particularly relevant to the world of the 21st century as we see collaborative self-organizing groups such as Wikipedia and the Linux foundation emerge. But self-organization is more than just a social phenomenon, we explore how it is in fact ubiquitous in our world from the formation of fish schools to magnetization and traffic jams. In conclusion a short film on complex systems Is presented to give you an idea of where the subject is today and what are the main challenges going forward. Each subject is broken down into three lessons the first being an introduction to the topic delivered through video. This will be followed by a slide presentation that digs deeper into the main themes introduced in the first lesson, followed up with a quick(optional) quiz to get you thinking."
Price: 34.99

"Complexity science: an introducton" |
"Complexity Science is a science for the complex world we live in at the turn of the 21st century, by using new theories that let us look at age old problems with a fresh perspective and leveraging the use of powerful computation and large data sets it is offering us new insight into the fundamental workings of our interconnected world of networks, globalization and sustainability. This course gives an overview to the emerging new area of science that is complexity science. By applying the tools of complexity theory such as network analysis, systems theory and self organization, complexity science studies the complex systems in our world that have traditionally been some what overlooked, such as chaotic weather patterns, social networks, transportation systems or the spread of pandemics, to name just a few. This course will cover some of the main applications of complexity theory to various scientific, domains such as: Social network analysis is the application of network theory and the tools of data analysis to the modeling of social systems. With the arrival of high-powered computing and the proliferation of data sets relating to social interaction, social network analysis is taking off. Earth systems science is the study of earth as a complex adaptive system. Inherently interdisciplinary it crosses the scientific boundaries to treat the earth as an integrated system. This section introduces you to the application of complexity theory to the modeling and analysis of our planet. Complexity economics is part of a new set of ideas surrounding economic theory, it sees the economy as a complex system evolving over time through the interaction of multiple adaptive elements that give rise to the emergent structures of enterprises and whole markets. Complex technology systems are large networks composed of multiple highly interconnected technologies, such as electrical power grids, telecommunication networks, transportation networks or global supply chains. The organization of these systems involves a web of connections and demonstrates self-driven adaptability and emergence behaviour. The tools of complexity theory are beginning to be applied to modeling these technologies and helping us to get a better understanding of their operations."
Price: 34.99

"Complexity Management: an introduction" |
"We live in interesting times as on the one hand our industrial age systems of organization are ending their life cycle and on the other globalization and information technology are enabling the emergence of new forms of organization, this transition is in turn driving a fundamental transformation in our theory and methods of management, one that goes beyond our traditional paradigm designed for dealing with relatively static hierarchical organizations within relatively stable environments, to more complex networked organizations that are adapted to operating in a so called VUCA world of volatility, uncertainty and rapid change driven by innovation. This course is a first of its kind bringing together some of the latest ideas from complexity theory and emerging approaches to the management of complex organizations. During this course we will explore many of these new ideas including, network organizations, co-evolution, co-creation of value, systems thinking, agile development, and the adaptive cycle to name just a few. Complex systems and systems thinking We will start this section with an overview to complex systems theory, talking briefly about systems thinking and what exactly a complex system is, with some examples. Following on from this, we will take an introduction to the basic concepts from complexity theory, that we will be using throughout the rest of the course such as self-organization, networks, evolution, systems and more. Complex environment of the 21st century It is often said that we live in an increasingly complex world, the pace of change, the degree of connectivity and the scale of operations are leading to rapidly escalating complexity in many domains. The aim of this section is to give you an overview to the main forces that are shaping the complex environment within which organizations have to operate in the 21st century. We will try to untangle and understand the underlying drivers that are causing this volatile environment of heightened complexity. The VUCA framework The net result of the complex environment that we explored in the previous section is what the business world calls VUCA. VUCA is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity; it captures the most salient challenges faced by leaders operating in complex environments. In this section we introduce the concept of VUCA and give an overview to navigating these challenging environments. Networked organizations The environment within which organizations operate has become greatly more complex over the past few decades. In the face of this our industrial model of organization that was design for operation within a very different environment is showing its limitation across a number of dimensions. In response to this is emerging a new type of organization that goes beyond the industrial age model, enabled by information technology, it is networked in structure, collaborative by nature, open and self-organizing. In this module we explore the DNA of these new forms of organization contrasting them with our more traditional form to understand their key features and finish by discuss approaches to managing them. Complex project management In this module we will see how a very different approach to our traditional linear project management methods are needed when projects reach a high degree of complexity. We will look at the methods presented by complexity management that are designed for managing large projects, under volatile and uncertain condition, within this paradigm projects are seen less as a set of linear stages to be completed and more as complex adaptive systems that evolve over time."
Price: 34.99

"Complex Systems Design: An Introduction" |
"Some technologies are simple like a cup or hammer, some are complicated like a circuit board or car, but some are truly complex such as large information systems, supply chain networks, sustainable urban environments, health care systems or advanced financial services. These complex engineered systems are defined by consisting of multiple diverse parts that are highly interconnect and autonomous. This course is a comprehensive introduction to the application of complexity theory to the design and engineering of systems within the context of the 21st century, from the bigger picture of why we should care to key architectural considerations, It brings together many new ideas in systems design to present an integrated paradigm and set of principal to the design of complex systems. A new design paradigm- In the first section of the course we will explore some of the major themes that are shaping the design and engineering of systems in the 21st century, such as the rise of sustainability, information technology, the revolution in services and economic globalisation, these will all provide a backdrop and reoccurring set of themes that will be woven into our discussion. This section will also give you an overview to complexity theory and the basic concepts that we will be using though out the course, such as the model of a system, a framework for understanding complexity and a definition for complex systems. The last section of this model will give an overview to complex systems design providing you with a clear and concise description of what a complex engineered system is and how this new paradigm in design differs from our traditional approach. Key concepts- Next we introduce you to the key concepts within this new domain, we will talk about services and product-service systems, designing synergistic relations in order to integration diverse components and one of the key takeaways form this entire course the idea of abstraction as a powerful tool for solving complexity. Design Principals- In the third module to the course we discuss the primary principals that should govern our approach to designing complex systems. Firstly networks with these highly interconnected systems networks are their true geometry, understanding them and being able to see the systems we are designing as networks is one of our key principal. Secondly we will look at adaptive systems and how I.T. is enabling the next generation of technologies that are responsive, adaptive and dynamic, allowing for self-organisation and a new form of bottom up emergent design. Lastly in this section we will also cover the key mechanisms of evolution and how it effect the lifecycle to the system we are designing. Systems Architecture- In systems architecture we begin to change gears to talk about the more practical mechanics of how to design complex systems based around a new systems architecture paradigm that has arisen within I.T. over the past few decades what is called Services Orientated Architecture, in this section we will discuss platform technologies and their internal workings, modular systems design and Event Driven Architecture which is particularly well suited to the dynamic nature of the systems we are developing. Design Methods- Lastly we present a series of lectures on the design method or process best suited to complex systems design. In this module you will be introduced to design thinking that represents a repeatable set of stages in the design process for solving complex problems."
Price: 34.99

"Fotografa Digital - Introduccin" |
"Curso destinado a usuarios que han adquirido una cmara semiprofesional rflex, como tambin para quien piensa en adquirir una en el corto plazo. Se introduce al alumno en nociones de fotografa bsicas, con el propsito de pasar del registro a la fotografa creativa y tcnicamente resuelta. As el alumno no slo aprende el uso de su propia cmara, tambin es capaz de reconocer tcnicas, tipos de lentes y cmaras, ya sean con su propio trabajo como con el de otros. Adems se les entregan "tips" para resolver con criterio problemas tpicos de la toma fotogrfica, tendiente a que se use la cmara en todas sus opciones y el propsito final de ocupar sta en su opcin manual creativamente, con autonoma frente a las opciones automticas."
Price: 29.99

"Tcnicas de respiracin para manejar el estrs de tu cuerpo" |
"Nuestro organismo presenta una variedad de recursos para desarrollar los distintos aspectos de la vida, siendo uno de los mas fundamentales hoy nuestro aspecto mental y su fortaleza. Una de las principales consecuencias de ello pasa por la relacin que vamos sosteniendo con el cuerpo y su naturaleza mas orgnica en relacin al estrs que va tomando progresivamente un mayor lugar como indice de enfermedades y origen de otras afecciones sicosomticas que impiden desplegar esa relacin en su mximo potencial y va mermando nuestras capacidades de relacionarnos de manera armnica con nuestra faceta productiva, en nuestras relaciones, con nuestras familias y parejas. En este curso podrs aprender tcnicas precisas para administrar esa relacin, adquiriendo herramientas sutiles y sencillas que fundadas en la respiracin conciente, te darn autonoma para resolver el problema del estrs, administrar de manera ptima tus energas y responder en cada frente de la vida con oportunidad y eficacia, fluyendo con sus estmulos y dandole espacio a tu creatividad y buena salud. Todo, a partir de un proceso de oxigenacion profunda que se entiende desde los fundamentos del Yoga como un pilar basal para comprender nuestra relacion con el cuerpo fsico y sus necesidades, dejando lo que no nos aporta y adiestrando a la mente para apoyar nuestro crecimiento sin desbordarse ni colapsarnos."
Price: 19.99

"Gana dinero vendiendo tus fotografas online" |
"Cualquier persona lo puede hacer! Las fotos que sacas las puedes vender para generar un ingreso residual continuo mes a mes. Este curso te ensea paso a paso como hacerlo. Hay una alta demanda para fotografas por parte de revistas, sitios web, empresa, agencias, etc. Hay una alta demanda por fotografas. Debido a la alta demanda de fotografas, sitios web llamado "MicroStock Agencies" han surgido y puedes ganar dinero en forma continua mensualmente a travs de ellos. Es fcil! El curso se enseara los pasos para lograr que estas agencias acepten tus fotos para empezar a ganar dinero. En el curso vas a aprender: 1. Que tipo de fotos venden y como seleccionarlas? 2. Los pasos para seleccionar tus mejores fotos para someterlas a las agencias 3. Como crear tu cuenta en PayPal para que te paguen? 4. Pasos prcticos para someter tus fotos a cada Agencia En este curso, nosotros revelamos lo secretos como ganar dinero mes a mes vendiendo tus fotografas. Las ventas de las fotos las realiza las Agencias y ellos te pagan, es fcil!!! Este curso te entrega la oportunidad de ganar dinero con lo que te mas apasiona, la fotografa!!"
Price: 19.99

"Create a Finger-Drumming Rack in Ableton Live (Basics)" |
"1200+ students enrolled, lifetime access and a 30 day money back guarantee in case you're not satisfied with the content!* Please note: Free previews of 3 lectures available! Just scroll to the curriculum section to see where we start, how a kick drum sound is processed and what the possible result could sound like. Latest Update: To help you getting started, my version of the Ableton Live Session can now be downloaded. Just look at the material of lecture "Setting Up The Live Session"! Summary: This course will teach beginners how to set up a session for recording in Ableton Live, records sounds created with items from your household and turn them into a finger-drumming rack. You will learn to cut samples, process them with Simpler, shape sounds with envelope and filter and play them with your computer keyboard or a midi controller. With clever arrangement and some practice, you will be able to play the processed sounds with both hands simultaneously and create basic drum loops accompanied by simple melodic elements. Therefore we will: set up a live session to work with set up your input source choose proper items to record shape drum- and percussion sounds process a bass sounds use looping techniques to get pads and lead sounds spice up the sounds with Simpler's built in audio fx and Ableton's midi fx arranging the sounds for playback on keyboard or midi controller play the rack! Finger drumming is a fun way to develop simple rhythmical ideas and improve your coordination, even if you have never played an instrument. The recordings are made from items you'll find at home. The course consists of video modules only. Some lectures have downloads available to help you in your process. Choose whatever items you like to use during the course. Watching and understanding the videos will take about 2 hours, but I recommend to execute all tasks show in the lessons directly after watching. Still, after you gathered your items and installed a version of Ableton, the course can be completed in about 3 to 4 hours without any problems. If you're completely new to the topic, I recommend to watch the lectures once to understand the basic idea and then re-watch it to support you in settingup, recording, processing and playing, step by step. No special equipment needed! You will most likely own everything needed to complete this course! *May not be available for app-in purchases, please check conditions before buying."
Price: 19.99

"Loud And Clear: Make Better Voice Recordings Now" |
"About this course: Latest Update: I added another bonus lecture at the end of the course. This time, I used a small clip-mic that can be used for talking head videos, compared it to my condenser mic and showed a quick treatment to handle the flaws. 3 hours of content available! 2000+ students already joined the course! Free preview lectures available! Get enrolled today and improve the quality of your vocal recordings! Quality substance comes in quality wrappings! Lots of e-learning courses, podcasts and other vocal recordings have superb content, but suffer from poor recordings and audio treatment! The same can be said about some vocal artists: Rappers with great skill and singers with touching lyrics sometimes sound like they recorded the vocals in a bucket and loose lots of the emotional appeal and power they could have! However: Often, it's NOT the expensive microphone, a high-end preamp or renting a studio for loads of money, BUT room treatment, proper recording technique and some simple tricks to improve the character of your vocal material drastically. This course teaches you how to set up your room, the microphone and shows how to use software solutions to help you to get loud and clear voice tracks! Lifetime access and a 30 day money back guarantee in case you're not satisfied with the content!* *May not be available for app-in purchases, please check conditions before buying."
Price: 29.99

"Dr John's - Learn Financial Accounting the easy way" |
"This is an introductory financial accountingcourse thatcovers all the financial accounting concepts offered in an introductory financial accounting course at university or college. We begin with an understanding of how the accountant presentsthe Income Statement and Balance sheet. Then we learn how to record business transactions using Debits and Credits. There are two practice sets of accounting records where you will learn how to keep the books fora service company and again fora merchandise company. The accounting records will be in an excel file that is part of material of this course.We will be continually uploading more problems with video solutions for you to practice.Learn and Master the Financial Accounting Process.Understand that accounting is the language of business.Know business terminology (biz speak).Understand the difference between a corporation and a single proprietorship.Know the three forms of business - service company, merchandise company and a manufacturer.Understand an Income Statement and how to prepare one.Understand a Balance Sheet and how to prepare one.Know how to analyse and record business transactionsLearn how to use debits and credits to record business transactions.Know how to use the accounting journal and ledger,Complete a set of accounting records for a service business using excel spreadsheets.Complete a set of accounting records for a merchandise company using excel spreadsheets.Understand LIFO and FIFO.Understand how to use the accounting system for Internal Control.Understand the different methods of depreciation.This course is unique in that it contains a number of excel projects on using a set of accounting records first for a service company and then a merchandise company. There are practice midterm and final exams with marking keys that highlight where an exam marker will award you marks.If you can get an ""A"" on the midterm and final exams in this course - you'll get an A from your accounting prof.I liked your explanations dr, because you explain every chapter step by step so thats very good and understandable to the students, and each video or each lecture almost is not so long. also dr, thank you very much for this kind of teaching style really even am already take this course but I feel I need to go through this videos to learn from you dr because it's very important course Mohammed_ali111 This is one of the best courses i have gone through.My finance knowledge have increased to large extent. Sonalika Sood"
Price: 19.99
