"Word 365 Advanced" |
"In this course, students will automate with Microsoft Word 365 through the use of building blocks, Quick Parts, fields, and Macros. Students will also utilize reference tools such as bookmarks, hyperlinks, cross references, footnotes, endnotes, bibliography tools, sources, and placeholders. Students will also learn techniques to manage long documents through a table of contents, indexing, and captions. Students will also work with Outline View and master documents, Mail Merge, and forms.This IAAP-certified counts for 5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 39.99

"Power Pivot Excel 365 - From Zero to Hero" |
"Power Pivot is an Excel add-in, available in Excel 2010 and certain versions of Excel 2013 and later. You can use Power Pivot, with its own DAX functions to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily. Power Pivot is the gateway to business intelligence and data all within Excel.This course has been designed to take the novice Powerpivot user to a level where they are comfortable working with Power Pivot Models, using Pivot tables and charts along with carrying out DAX calculations and using DAX time intelligence functions.This course consists of 5 modules, each with learning activities, and workbooks to download. To make sure you get the most out of this course,the learning material is made up of both videos and articles to reinforce what is covered.Module 1Get your head around the basics of Powerpivot, learn how to link a table and work with that table and find out how you can get data into powerpivot to work with it. If you are new to Power Pivot this module will show you around, so you become more familiar with the user interface and become more confident adding data to a power pivot model. What is Power Pivot? How do I create a linked table from Excel to Power Pivot? What other ways can I get data into Power Pivot? How do I find my way around Power Pivot? How do I work with tables in Power Pivot?Module 2Powerpivot allows you perform calculations across different tables of data. In order to do this, you must link the tables together by means of relationships. Relationships can be difficult to understand at first and they are a big change to working in Excel. In this module you will learn What are relationships? How do I create a relationship in Powerpivot? How do I overcome a many to many relationships?- How to set up a bridging tableModule 3The pivot table is by far one of the most useful ways to analyse and visualize your data in Excel. Powerpivot allows you quickly insert a pivot table or chart from multiple tables to analyse or slice and dice like never before. In this module you will learn How do I insert a pivot table from Power Pivot? How do I work with a pivot table? How do I insert a pivot chart from Power Pivot? How do I work with and format a pivot chart? How do I insert and work with slicers and timelines?Module 4Powerpivot allows basic to complex data modelling and calculations to be carried out across multiple tables of data. It does this via its powerful calculation engine using Data Analysis eXpressions. Understanding the basics of DAX is a necessity for the use of Powerpivot. In this module you will learn What is DAX What are calculated Columns? What are Measures? What are the X Expressions? How do I work with related tables?Module 5How often do you see comparisons in accounts and reports such as Same period last year and running totals over time? DAX is equipped with a suite of time intelligence functions that are not found in excel. These functions will allow you quickly analyse your data over different time period. By the end of this module you will learn What are time intelligent functions? What is the purpose of a date and calendar table and how do I set one up? How to I use Total Month Todate and related Functions? How do I use Same period last year and related functions? How do I use Opening closing balances?"
Price: 149.99

"Learn How To Recover From Google Panda and Penguin - SEO Fix" |
"Google's Panda and Penguin algorithms have affected the rankings of hundreds of thousands of websites. If you put up content on your website you are affected by Panda and Penguin to some extent whether you know it or not. This course will show you what Panda and Penguin are all about, and what you can do to protect yourself from these two updates. You will also learn how to analyze websites to find out whether they are affected by Panda and Penguin, and how to analyze backlinks to find out if they are toxic. "
Price: 74.99

"Curso de AutoCAD, Revit, Revit MEP y ArchiCAD 27,5 Horas" |
"Este es un curso de Arquitectura completo y comenzando desde cero.Aprenderemos a utilizar el software ms popular a nivel mundial como lo es AutoCAD, Revit, Revit MEP y ArchiCAD.El Curso de AutoCAD comienza de cero en el nivel bsico, para que los usuarios conozcan la ventana de AutoCAD, los espacios de trabajo, la ubicacin de los paneles y cmo aplicar sus herramientas. Luego, conociendo las unidades del dibujo, sus coordenadas y otras especificaciones, dibujaremos formas simples como lneas, crculos y rectngulos. Una vez conocida y practicada la parte bsica, pasaremos al nivel avanzado y 3D, donde crearemos formas ms complejas como polgonos, polilneas, entre muchas otras ms. Al final, crearemos un proyecto completo de construccin incluyendo muros, ventanas, pisos, techos, escaleras y otros elementos. Aprenderemos a crear cotas, a dibujar, rellenar, crear matrices, as como finalmente a crear espectaculares rnders con iluminacin.El Curso de AutoCAD comprende:Conocer la interfazComandos bsicos y avanzadosConfigurar las unidades de dibujoEstrategias de dibujoCrear y gestionar capasCrear y gestionar bloques y tablasCrear cotas y dimensionesCrear textosCrear vistas y alzadosRellenar objetosModelado en 3DDisear y poblar planosRnders con materiales e iluminacinImpresin, etc.El Curso de Revit ensea a utilizar el programa durante la creacin de un proyecto completo de construccin desde cero y paso a paso. Revit es una aplicacin diferente y 100% aplicada a la arquitectura. Cambia el sistema tradicional de dibujo en la creacin de plantas, cortes, alzados y modelos 3D, utilizando una forma integral y aplicando el concepto BIM. Hoy en da, Revit es la aplicacin de Arquitectura ms utilizada a nivel mundial.El Curso de Revit comprende:Conocer y dominar la interfaz de usuarioManejar las herramientas y sus comandosPropiedades y manejo de funcionesCrear y gestionar familias (bloques)Crear un proyecto completo de construccinFlujo y definicin de trabajoAplicar el concepto BIMCrear rnders, iluminacin y planos.Paseos arquitectnicos, etc.El Curso de Revit MEP, ensea a utilizar el programa Revit en la parte MEP. Es decir, ensea a disear y a colocar instalaciones sanitarias, elctricas y mecnicas de aire desde cero. Todo esto, utilizando ejercicios prcticos y paso a paso. Es importante conocer que Revit MEP no es un programa diferente o adicional al programa Revit. Forma parte de la misma aplicacin, pero es la parte que tiene que ver especficamente con las instalaciones elctricas, de fontanera y de aire.El Curso de Revit MEP comprende:Conocer la seccin de Instalaciones en RevitUbicar las herramientas y aplicarlasUbicar y aplicar las familias (bloques) MEPAnalizar, compartir y presentar proyectosDisear y colocar instalaciones sanitariasDisear y colocar instalaciones de aireDisear y colocar instalaciones elctricasEl Curso de ArchiCAD, tambin ensea al usuario a utilizar las herramientas y funciones del programa para la creacin de un proyecto completo de construccin desde cero. El objetivo es lograr que los estudiantes queden en capacidad de realizar un proyecto de construccin con la temtica del concepto BIM. Se aprovechar al mximo todas las capacidades de ArchiCAD para lograr un gran ahorro de tiempo al realizar los cortes, alzados y vistas 3D foto realistas.El Curso de ArchiCAD comprende:Conocer la interfazUbicar y aplicar sus herramientasPropiedades y aplicar funcionesHabilidades prcticas cotidianasAcotacin y medirDocumentacin de proyectosCrear planosConocer y aplicar el concepto BIMCrear vistas de seccionesCrear puertas, ventanas, muros, techos, escaleras, etc.Iluminacin y rndersPaseos arquitectnicos e impresinAl final, el usuario podr decidir cual de las herramientas o software aprendido en este curso, ser la forma ptima e ideal para crear un proyecto especfico."
Price: 194.99

"Ultimate Java Masterclass" |
"Since its inception, Java has stormed the programming world. Its features and functionalities give developers all the tools required to write robust cross-platform applications. Java Fundamentals introduces you to these tools and functionalities that will enable you to start creating Java programs. It starts with the actual material of the language and its philosophy and its evolution over time, until the latest release. You'll learn how the javac/java tools work, and what are Java packages - the way that a Java program is usually organized. Once you are comfortable in this world, you'll be introduced to all the ""meat"" of the language, with control flow keywords and the likes. You'll learn all about programming and the part it plays in making Java what it is. You'll learn in detail about classes, typecasting, and interfaces, and explore the use of data structures, arrays, strings, handling exceptions, and creating generics. Ultimate Java Masterclass provides you sufficient fluency in Java to write programs to automate some tasks and to follow further courses in algorithms and data structures or more advanced Java courses.About the AuthorGazihan Alankus is an assistant professor at Izmir University of Economics, where he teaches courses related to mobile applications, games, and IoT. He received his PhD from Washington University in St. Louis and worked as an intern at Google. In 2019, he became a Google Developer Expert in the Dart programming language. He enjoys working on a variety of research and development projects.Rogrio Theodoro de Brito has a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in computational biology, both from the University of So Paulo, Brazil. Academically, he is a free/open source software (FOSS) enthusiast and teaches various subjects in computer science and IT at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University in So Paulo, Brazil. He was the technical reviewer of Packt's edX E-Learning Course Marketing. After completing his master's degree, he started his role as an academic instructor and has been working with many languages, such as C, C++, Java, C, Perl, and Python. He writes, co-writes, and maintains a number of projects with two of the most prominent learning platforms, coursera-dl and edx-dl, and is dedicated to helping users of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) download materials for their study from MOOC platforms. He is very excited by using the Java language to build Android applications.Basheer Ahamed Fazal works as a technical architect at a renowned Software as a Service-based product company in India. He had advanced his career with technology organizations such as Cognizant, Symantec, HID Global, and Ooyala. He has seasoned his programming and algorithmic abilities by solving complex problems around agile product development, including those to do with microservices, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud-based architectures, application security, and big data- and AI- driven initiatives. Apart from his technical career, he has emerged as a professional trainer and has conducted various training sessions on Java, Python, application security, machine learning, and more. He holds a bachelor's degree in electronics and communication engineering from Anna University, Chennai, and has a Scrum Master Certification from Scrum Alliance.Vinicius Isola has a diverse background with a bachelors' degree in physics from the University of Campinas. In 1999, he started learning how to program ActionScript, when Macromedia Flash was taking over the internet. In 2002, while taking a 10-month course on Visual Basic, he used it to build a simulation of life using Cellular Automata combined with Genetic Algorithms for his scientific initiation program at university. At the beginning of 2005, he got his first job in the computer world at a call center. He was then promoted to a data support position where he learned a lot about SQL and databases. Also in 2005, he decided to learn Java and took a 5-day course at Sun Microsystems. After that, he started using Java to build tools to help him at work, automating multiple workflows and saving him a lot of time, freeing up more time to learn new technologies.In 2007, he got his first software engineering job at IBM, working with Java and Apache Struts. Between 2008 and 2010, he worked for multiple consulting companies, gaining a lot of experience on distributed systems. In mid-2010, he started building a Java course, which drove him to start his own programming school in the beginning of 2011. In mid-2011, he had to shut down his school and go back to working full-time as a software engineer.At the end of 2011, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts, and since then has worked for multiple companies, including Amazon, HubSpot, and Panorama Education. During this time, he has worked with many programming languages, databases, and technologies, including Android, Javascript, Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache Kafka, and Apache HBase. Nowadays, he works as a full-time software engineer at Everbridge and spends his spare time learning new programming languages, such as Go, and building tools to help developers implement powerful continuous integration and continuous deployment of automated pipelines.Miles Obare leads the data engineering team at Betika, a Nairobi-based sports betting firm. He works on building real-time, scalable backend systems. Formerly, he worked as a data engineer for a fintech start-up, where his role involved developing and deploying data pipelines and machine learning models to production. He holds a degree in electrical and computer engineering and often writes about distributed systems.David W. Parker (eLearning author) is programming professionally for 16 years. He had worked for large enterprises such as the United States Air Force. His work also includes several small startups as CTO and VP of Engineering. He is the co-founder of Uvize, accepted into Techstars startup accelerator and later sold it. He has passion for graphics, personal finance, and education."
Price: 199.99

"React Native in 7 Steps" |
"React Native is a cross-platform application development framework built by engineers at Facebook. React Native will help you to get out of the pain of maintaining a Swift and Java code base by learning once and applying it anywhere.With the help of React Native, youll be able to create visually stunning and high-performing applications. This course will get you started with React Native quickly by building React components for mobile devices. Youll learn to configure Firebase to store your data while coding your applications. Youll be able to hot-reload applications and see the changes youve made without re-compiling your application again and again.By the end of this course, youll be able to develop highly functional iOS and Android applications on your own and deploy them to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.About The AuthorChristopher Reyes is a software engineer in Southern California with a BSc in Computer Information Systems, specializing in software development. He has multiple years of experience working across diverse technologies, including proprietary programming languages, and full stack JavaScript. Chris has experience on the back end with Node.js developing RESTful APIs with TypeScript, and exposing data through GraphQL and Apollo, alongside utilizing React on the front end. Chris has deployed React Native to develop versatile mobile applications that can be utilized across multiple devices and platforms. Chris has mostly worked in the financial sector and has also freelanced for a telematics company. Chris is passionate about test-driven development and writing clean code."
Price: 124.99

"C++ Fundamentals" |
"C++ has come a long way and is now adopted in several contexts. Its key strengths are its software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications, including desktop applications, servers, and performance-critical applications, not to forget its importance in game programming. Despite its strengths in these areas, beginners usually tend to shy away from learning the language because of its steep learning curve. The main mission of this book is to make you familiar and comfortable with C++. You will finish the book not only being able to write your own code, but more importantly, you will be able to read other projects. It is only by being able to read others' code that you will progress from a beginner to an advanced programmer. This book is the first step in that progression.About the AuthorAntonio Mallia is a C++ enthusiast with half a decade of experience in the industry as a Software Engineer and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at NYU Tandon School of Engineering in New York City. His research interest is mainly related to Information Retrieval, with a strong focus on improving efficiency of large scale systems. For this reason, C++ plays an important role for most of his projects and contributes to their success.Francesco Zoffoli is a professional Software Engineer currently working for Bloomberg LP in London.Passionate about programming languages and maintainable software, he learned C++ when joining the industry. He is passionate about C++ and its expressivity, especially its metaprogramming capabilities.He uses C++ for his personal projects as well as his day to day job.Brent Arnold is a software engineer with over 15 years of web and mobile development experience. He has been teaching online for over 10 years with multiple published courses"
Price: 199.99

"LANDING PAGE Wordpress" |
", . . - , WordPress? : , , , . , , landing page, ."
Price: 1799.00

"8 Pop Songs for Finger-Style Guitar" |
"Welcome to this course ""8 Pop Songs for Finger-Style Guitar"". If you've been following me through out my 7 courses "" Classical Guitar Essentials"", these songs will not be new for you. In fact, there's only one song here which is new (Fragile by Sting). If this is the first time you take one of my courses, all these songs should be new for you.I collected these songs from my previous courses and put them all here, to separate the Classic repertoire from the Pop repertoire. This course is divided into 3 sections: Easy - Intermediate - Hard. So whatever your level on the guitar, you'll find songs here that suits your level.All the sheet music here are written in standard music notation, and TABS so don't worry if you can't read music!I carefully choose these songs not only because they sound good on the classic and acoustic guitar, but also because they cover wide range of techniques on the guitar, like:Hammer onPull offsBar ChordsScalesDouble notesSoloing Arpeggios Shifting Positions I am very excited about teaching you all these songs, so hit the enroll button and lets start.See you on the other side."
Price: 119.99

"Implementing Windows Server 2019 Containers" |
"Container technology is nothing new and. with the release of Windows Server 2019, you can now provide Windows Server containers and Hyper-V containers in your own environment.In this course, you will learn all about installing and configuring Windows Server 2019 container hosts. You will be introduced to containers and the differences between Windows Server containers and Hyper-V containers. Next, you will delve into deploying and managing containers on Windows Server. You will also master a new feature: deploying and managing Linux containers in Windows Server 2019. You will also manage and orchestrate containers with the new Kubernetes support provided by Windows Server 2019. You will manage container networking, and deploy a multi-container application in Azure.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills you need to maximize your efforts and meet your enterprise needs. As an administrator you will be able to provide developers with protected and agile application environments, offering both stability and flexibility.About the AuthorAdrian Nicolae Dumitras has worked as a Windows Server administrator since 2012 at a multinational company in the automotive segment, managing thousands of Windows servers. Besides his familiarity with most common Windows roles and services, he specializes in scripting and automation with Powershell and OS deployment with the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit. He is always keen to learn new and interesting things. In his spare time, he likes to write articles on his blog: aboutwinserver, play some games, and have fun with friends and family."
Price: 124.99

"Practical Projects with Keras 2.X" |
"Keras is a user-friendly, modular, and intuitive neural network library that enables you to experiment with deep neural networks.Practical Projects with Keras 2.x explains how to leverage the power of Keras to build and train state-of-the-art deep learning models through a series of practical projects that look at a range of real-world application areas. You'll begin by exploring concepts underlying regression, such as the differences between simple and multiple regression and algebraically representing a multiple linear regression problem. Moving on, you'll discover various classification techniques, such as Naive Bayes and Mixture Gaussian, and use these to solve practical problems. The course ends by teaching you the basic concepts of multilayer neural networks and how to implement them in Keras environment.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge you need to train your own deep learning models to solve different kinds of problems.About the AuthorGiuseppe Ciaburro holds a Ph.D. in environmental technical physics, along with two master's degrees. His research was focused on machine learning applications in the study of urban sound environments. He works at the Built Environment Control Laboratory at the Universit degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy. He has an experience of over 15 years in programming (Python, R, and MATLAB), first in the field of combustion and then in acoustics and noise control. He has several publications to his credit.Barbora StetinovaFor 13 years working in Automotive industry earned experience in data science and machine learning, leading small team, leading strategical projects and in controlling topics.Since Sept 2018 as a member of IT department participating on the Data science implementation in an automotive company.In parallel, since Aug 2017, engaged in strategical group projects for the automotive company and with side contract as an analytical external consultant for different industries (retail, sensorics, building) at Leadership Synergy Community.Data science trainer for Elderberry data, specialized in MS Excel and Knime analytics platform in both face-to-face and elearning forms. Currently working on elearning course Python with Keras for PACKT publishing.I am motivated by learning new things, achieving goals and helping others."
Price: 199.99

"NLP Practitioner & NLP Life Coach Certification (Accredited)" |
"Students who complete this NLP Certification and NLP Practitioner Life Coach Training will receive an official CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy and Auspicium. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 50 CPD or CEU credits are available upon request. Details for how to request the official certification and optional 50 CPD/CEU credits will be provided at the end of the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This course is taught by 3 instructors with expertise in psychology, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), hypnotherapy, and life coaching. Combined, the instructors have over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do you want to learn the most effective techniques for helping your clients create rapid transformation, including overcoming fear, changing habits, and releasing limiting beliefs?Do you want to experience self-mastery by developing a level of self-awareness and understanding of the mind that puts you in the drivers seat of your own mind and destiny?Do you want to become a Certified NLP Practitioner and NLP Life Coach?Then we invite you to join us for the NLP Practitioner and Life Coach Certification program, taught by world-renowned NLP expert David Key and leading life coach training instructors Joeel and Natalie Rivera.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WHY BECOME AN NLP PRACTITIONER & LIFE COACH?As an NLP practitioner and coach, you will:Learn how to help your clients set goals in a way that navigates the minds road blocks.Become a master communicator, including the ability to read body language, develop strong rapport and build deeper relationships.Become a highly effective coach by knowing how to listen, question and challenge your clients in a way that empowers them to overcome limitations and create lasting changeExplore advanced techniques and methodologies that help you experience for yourself how the mind works, including how it processes sensory information, interprets experiences, and stores and retrieves information. This is a vital skill for any coach.You see, our experience of our life is based on our interpretation of the world around us.Our interpretation is based on our internal mental programmingTherefore, if we change our programming, we change our experience of lifeBut, it isnt just because our interpretation changes changing our programming actually creates a new reality!When we change our thought patterns, we change our emotions which changes our behaviors which get us different results in the outside world The truth is that humans create their own realitiesboth their interpretation of it AND what actually happens.We are the masters of our destiny! However, most people are so lost in habituated thinking and old patterns that they have forgotten their true power.Neuro Linguistic Programming gives you back that power and provides you with the tools to help your clients transform their lives from within.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?This comprehensive NLP Practitioner AND Life Coach Certification Program teaches you everything you need to know to become an effective NLP practitioner and start your NLP coaching business!Heighten your senses and your intuition and quickly tune into the thoughts and emotions of othersMaster communication skills that will dramatically improve your personal and business relationshipsReprogram the mind using simple, practical techniques that help your clients quickly shift negative emotions and create lasting behavior changeFree yourself and your clients from phobias, bad habits, negative thinking patterns, limiting beliefs and emotional pain.Plus, youll receive a detailed 160 page NLP Manual with step-by-step instructions, tools to use with clients, and processes to practice in order to develop your skills. You will also be able to watch NLP in action through professional video demonstrations.If you want to make a real difference in the lives of your clients, NLP is the most powerful, practical and in-depth tool you can learn, and you can start right now!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++SO, WHO ARE WE? This course is taught by 3 instructors in the fields of NLP and life coaching.NLP Trainer David Key was the very first Association of NLP (ANLP) Accredited Trainer in the world and is a pioneer in the field. He is one of the most sought after behavioral strategists in the UK. He is also a Master Trainer of Hypnosis, a best selling author, a transformative coach and teacher of The Three Principles. He was the recipient of the prestigious APCTC (Association of Professional Coaches, Trainers and Consultants) Outstanding Achievement Award in 2015 for his outstanding contribution to the coaching industry. David is the main instructor in this course.Life Coach Trainers Joeel & Natalie Rivera have over a decade in the life coaching field and have trained almost 100,000 life coaches through Transformation Academy. Joeel has a Masters Degree in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. Joeel and Natalie began their journey into NLP as students of David. During a period of long-term illness, while Joeel was bedridden, they used many of the tools taught by David in this program to turn what some would see as a curse into a blessing. They are excited to bring his powerful training program to you because they know first hand the transformational impact it will have on your life and business.Combined they have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. We all look forward to seeing you in the course.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE UNIQUE?This program is extremely in-depth and it taught in a real-world manner that provides powerful stories and detailed step-by-step models to follow.This program provides beginner to advanced NLP training AND the coaching skills, tools, and perspectives that will help you actually implement NLP and coaching techniques working with real clients.This program contains models that are NOT available in any other product in the World. Products like the NLP Present designed by David Key.In this program, you will also learn 2 VERSIONS of the Meta Model. The traditional old-world model taught in most schools of NLP and the New World Model.This material is used globally by many top NLP Trainers, a testament to the high quality of this online course.Upon completion, you will earn an official NLP Practitioner AND NLP Life Coach Certification from Transformation Academy and Auspicium (including the option to receive a fully accredited CPD diploma)!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++I have fully audited the Auspicium Home Study & Online NLP Practitioner certification course and found the content to be thorough, well-founded and excellently designed to provide a logical learning-journey that will stimulate learners wanting practical skills in NLP. I can recommend this course.Dr Angus McLeod, 2012. Author, International Coach & Visiting Professor of Coaching at Birmingham City University. UK"
Price: 199.99

"Estudio de Mercado para Negocios en Internet" |
"A la hora de lanzar un nuevo producto o servicio, como emprendedores, siempre corremos el riesgo de que que el lanzamiento sea un fracaso. Es decir, de que hayamos invertido un montn de tiempo, recursos y energa en crear el producto y preparar todo el lanzamiento y, finalmente, nadie se interese.Bueno, es una posibilidad que est ah. Puede ocurrir. Y si eres un emprendedor realmente apasionado y activo, tal vez ya te haya pasado varias veces, porque eso es seal de que ests haciendo cosas y de que los miedos no te paralizan. Ya sabes, el fracaso es el mejor indicador de accin. Quien jams fracasa, es porque no est haciendo nada. Y evidentemente casi todos nuestros fracasos pueden convertirse en lecciones, de modo que dejaran de ser fracasos para ser pasos en nuestro aprendizaje. Pero no vamos a evitar la palabra fracaso porque hace que todo est ms claro. Si tu objetivo es tener ventas, y lo intentas pero no las tienes, eso es un pequeo fracaso puntual. Puedes sacar algo bueno de la experiencia, pero en lo que se refiere a tu objetivo (que eran, las ventas) puedes decir que tienes tu primer fracaso. Y no pasa nada. Fracasars constantemente, forma parte del proceso.Partiendo de ah, lo que yo te quiero explicar ahora es cmo minimizar el riesgo de fracasar en el lanzamiento de tus nuevos productos fsicos. Simplemente, porque as puedes ir un poco ms a tiro fijo, y porque las victorias le sientan bien a nuestro nivel de motivacin y a nuestro bolsillo. Y para esto, vamos a seguir un paso a paso sencillo. Me gustara que me acompaes en ese paso a paso y no slo aprendas en qu consiste, sino que lo apliques. Paso por paso. Y no avances sin haber aplicado lo que ya has visto. Te animas?"
Price: 199.99

"Music Theory Comprehensive: Part 14: The Fugue and Invention" |
"Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Theory Guide!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and level up. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.For years I've been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I'm making for Udemy use the same syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory - and cost shouldn't be a barrier.My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own. If you've tried to learn music theory before, or if you are just starting out - this series of courses is the perfect fit.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I'll back to it as fast as possible. This class is Part 14: Fugue and Invention. It continues what would be the third semester of a college music theory class (according to the typical American academic system for learning music theory).In this class, we will cover:Baroque Era Contrapuntal DevicesThe SubjectFortspinnungCompound MelodyStep ProgressionsAnalyzing the SubjectReal and Tonal AnswersThe CountersubjectInvertable CounterpointDouble and Triple CounterpointExposition AnalysisThe EpisodeAnalyzing the EpisodeGraphing a FugueDouble and Triple FuguesStrettoInversionAugmentationDiminutionCanonWhy do we care about Fugues?...and much, much more!You will not have another opportunity to learn Music Theory in a more comprehensive way than this. All the tools you need to successfully learn Music Theory are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.Test Prep: This course is perfect for prep for the Praxis II Test (ETS Praxis Music), The ABRSM Music Theory Exam (up to Grade 8), AP Music Theory Exam, College Placement Exams (Music Theory), and other common secondary and post-secondary placement exams.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee, as per Udemy Policy) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 39.99

"How a Single Person can Find the Ideal Relationship" |
"This course is for the chronically single person who wants to be in a satisfactory romantic relationship. This course is about the inner game of meeting a partner. This course is NOT about dating advice, strategies, pick lines, none of that. Here we will discuss deep subconscious issues that keeps a person single, and what to do to change those issues."
Price: 19.99

"Creating Repeat Patterns On iPad Using Assembly App" |
"Hello and Welcome!Repeat patterns are all around us. You might have seen them on clothes, wallpapers, bags, phone cases, yoga mats, and so many other things.In this class, I'll show you my steps of creating repeating patterns using a free iPad App called Assembly. We'll start by looking at what is the need for a repeating pattern and what makes a pattern repeat seamlessly.Then we'll go over the wide variety of ready-made design elements the Assembly app gives you and learn all the features or tools that allow us to create a repeat pattern. Once these basics are covered, we'll go over how to actually create a simple repeating pattern and test it to ensure that it looks nice and also repeats seamlessly.Next lecture shows you how to upload this to a print on demand site that allows you to print your patterns on a wide range of products. I'll be using Redbubble as my POD site but you can choose any other pod platform.In the last lecture, I'll show you how to draw your own design elements in another free vector drawing app and then import those into Assembly App to create the repeats.You don't need any prior design or drawing experience to take this class. All you need is an iPad and a willingness to learn.So, let's get started!"
Price: 59.99

"Google Ads New Updates 2019" |
"Introducing a new and updated Google Ads online course, designed for digital marketing professionals.Tailored for Marketing agencies, Web designers, SEO & Social Media specialists, and led by a Google Ads professional.During this training, we will focus on the latest Google Ads updates and the new features introduced since the switch to the new interface.We will cover the new campaigns types, new ads formats and new targeting methods for Google Search, Google Display Network & YouTube. All broken down in multiple short sessions, so you can stay focused while learning.We will keep on adding new sessions to cover as many updates as possible, overtime."
Price: 34.99

"Master Linear Equation from A to Z" |
"This video course covers linear equation from end to end, providing all the foundational knowledge and skills required to navigate this topic and beyond.Master Linear Equation from A to Z provides clear explanation of coefficients and variables. It explains all the advanced number operations required from this point forward; carefully explained with several examples and practice exercises.There are several examples and solved exercises to help you gain a better understanding of linear equation from end to end.This is the math video that will help you to become expert in linear equation.To acquire the skills within the allotted time, please come prepared with your pen and paper, because as you watch the examples and practice the exercises, you will keep getting better and by the time you complete viewing these video course you wold have become a master of this topic.Buy the video course now and start learning today..."
Price: 19.99

"Pencil Drawing - The Guide to Graphite" |
"""Pencil Drawing - The Guide to Graphite"" is a complete video course on pencil drawing with graphite designed for beginner and intermediate artists. The goal of this course is to provide the learner with a rich learning experience through ""easy to digest"" modules consisting of video demonstrations and accompanying ebooks.The ordinary graphite pencil is usually the first art-making medium that we explore as artists. This common and simple tool is capable of producing incredible drawings and anyone can do it. All it takes to create amazing drawings is a basic understanding of the concepts of drawing, a knowledge of the tools and surfaces, and a willingness to learn and apply what you've learned to your own drawings. Fortunately, it doesn't require talent to create life-like drawings. It requires knowledge and practice. This comprehensive drawing course provides you with the knowledge by exploring the core concepts of drawing such as light and shadow, shading, creating textures, sketching and proportion while covering a variety of forms of graphite including traditional drawing pencils, mechanical pencils, powdered graphite, water soluble graphite and even colored graphite. All while exploring the subjects of still life, portrait drawing, landscape drawing, figure drawing, and pet portraits."
Price: 34.99

"Affiliate Marketing Masterclass: Newbie to Advanced Bootcamp" |
"Affiliate Marketing Masterclass: Newbie to Advanced BootcampWelcome to the 6.5 hour exclusive to Udemy become a complete Affiliate Master Marketing Machine Course. This Masterclass combines a few of my best Affiliate courses together. I will first teach you how to create a website using Wix where you can not only use it to join those Affiliate Programs you can also use it to promote your Affiliate links once you get accepted into the various Affiliate Programs. In summary in this class you will learn how to join various Affiliate programs, how to create a Wix Website, how to join those programs them and lastly use Social Media to promote your Affiliate links. Lastly I will show you how to run paid ads to generate even more traffic to your Affiliate links.In this course I will cover the following Affiliate programs.... Course should be priced at over $1,000 but Udemy only allows me to price a course higher then $200 limit! Learn to be Etsy, Amazon, Udemy, Skillshare Affiliate and create your own websiteTotal of 5 of my best selling courses combined into one masterclass@ FREE 25 MIN EXCLUSIVE COACHING SESSION WITH PURCHASE OF THIS COURSE @To get the Coaching Session Finish 100% of the Course and Contact me after on UdemyIn this class you will also learn...How to join Affiliate ProgramsCreate a website using WixUse Social Media to PromoteGet more traffic with Paid AdsThis course is worth nearly a thousands of dollars as each class separate costs hundreds of dollars to enroll save huge by enrolling in this all in one masterclass. Overall hours of content that is guaranteed to make you money or your money back. If you not happy for any reason you got 30 days to get a full refund that is how much confident I am that you will love this course. Take your Affiliate knowledge to the next level and beyond with this awesome course. The money you will pay to enroll will be made many times over. Every second you wait you are losing money because you could making more today with the knowledge you learned after taking this course.Zero risk to you! If you are not happy for any reason, ask Udemy for a refund. Test drive this course for 30 days. I promise you what you learn will pay this course for itself easily. This is the system all many successful eBay drop shippers now use. How do I know this? I tried many different methods and finally perfected one that works really well and is profitable.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99

"WordPress 2020 para Iniciantes - Crie seu Site Agora Mesmo!" |
"APRENDA FACILMENTE COMO INSTALAR E CONFIGURAR WORDPRESS E INICIE AGORA MESMO O SEU BLOG OU WEBSITE PROFISSIONAL. AULAS PRATICAS E NADA DE SLIDES! PASSO A PASSO PARA TODOS OS TOPICOS.Est pronto(a) para criar o seu primeiro website sem qualquer experincia no assunto? Caso a sua resposta seja sim, voc est no curso certo!Neste curso vamos de forma simples e objetiva, montar do zero, um website para voc! Vamos utilizar para isso a fantstica plataforma Wordpress.WordPress a plataforma de publicao de blogs e sites mais popular da internet atualmente. A plataforma usada em mais de 26% de todos os sites no mundo, estando presente em mais de 72 milhes de websites pelo globo. Lanado em 2003, o WordPress um sistema de cdigo aberto, e que conta com uma comunidade fervorosa. A colaborao entre membros VANTAGENS DO WORDPRESSAs vantagens em utilizar o WordPress como plataforma para o seu site ou blog ou site profissional so muitas e possvel que pessoas diferentes apontem vantagens distintas. Isso acontece porque a ferramenta extremamente verstil e pode ser adaptada para uma infinidade de propsitos, desde um simples blog at uma loja online com muitos produtos. Listamos aqui algumas vantagens ao escolher este CMS, independente da finalidade:Fcil de operar voc no precisa ser um expert em internet para administrar ou publicar contedo em um site WordPress. Amigvel aos mecanismos de busca a estrutura padro das pginas e posts j possui todos os elementos html que so necessrios para o Google e outros buscadores entenderem e indexarem seu contedo. Com a adio de alguns plugins, como o Yoast SEO, possvel turbinar ainda mais o seu SEO.Pode ser exportado/migrado com facilidade se em qualquer momento voc precisar mudar de plano de hospedagem, muito fcil migrar a instalao do seu WordPress de um servidor para outro. Algumas empresas de hospedagem at oferecem o procedimento como um servio gratuito. suportado por uma comunidade gigantesca encontre respostas para praticamente qualquer questo na documentao ou no frum oficial da plataforma. No encontrou o que precisava? Procure no Google e voc vai se deparar com uma infinidade de blogs e sites falando sobre o assunto.Possui milhares de especialistas se em algum momento voc precisar de ajuda profissional, ou seja, contratar algum para customizar ou incrementar o seu WordPress, saiba que existem muitos profissionais, entre designers, desenvolvedores e programadores especialistas na plataforma.Adaptvel a qualquer cenrio precisa de um frum online? Use o WordPress. Quer publicar uma loja virtual, mas no sabe por onde comear? Use o WordPress. Deseja ter um site com uma rea exclusiva para determinados clientes? V de WordPress! Apesar de no ser a soluo para todas as situaes, o que seria impossvel, o WordPress bastante flexvel e pode se transformar em diferentes ferramentas. Por isso, ao pensar em empreender na internet, veja se o WordPress poder atender suas necessidades antes de pensar em outras ferramentas.Ao participar do Curso Wordpress voc ter acesso a 12 Templates gratuitas para que possa iniciar agora mesmo seu website :)12 TEMPLATES GRATUITAS PARA DOWNLOADComo veremos daqui a pouco, os recursos do WordPress podem ser (bastante) ampliados atravs da instalao de plugins e temas. Apesar disso, os recursos bsicos da plataforma, aqueles que vm instalados por padro, j so suficientes para se fazer muita coisa.Ao final deste curso voc estar com o seu Website Wordpress funcionando e acessvel para todo o mundo!#wordpress #criarwebsite #blogwordpress #criarblog #website"
Price: 139.99

"SOX - Sarbones Oxley - Guia Prtico" |
"Apresentar os principais aspectos da SOX (Sarbanes-Oxcley act) e Controles Internos com enfoque nos relatrios financeiros e tecnologia da informao. Nosso enfoque est nas principais sees e seus impactos nas organizaes, as etapas para realizar o projeto SOX, as Melhores prticas para atender a SOX. Respondemos as seguintes perguntas:O que a SOX?Quais so os principais atores da SOX?O que realmente importante na SOX?Quais so os Ambientes de Controles?O que realmente importar controlar?Qual estrutura bsica da Gesto de Riscos?Verificar a adequao dos lanamentos!Qual a estrutura ideal e como testar?Qual a causa raiz da Fraude?Qual o impacto direto da fraude no Varejo?Quais so exemplos de Riscos s Demonstraes Financeiras?O que essencial na SOX?Qual o caminho para o projeto SOX?"
Price: 19.99

"Data Wrangling with Python" |
"For data to be useful and meaningful, it must be curated and refined. Data Wrangling with Python teaches you the core ideas behind these processes and equips you with knowledge of the most popular tools and techniques in the domain. The course starts with the absolute basics of Python, focusing mainly on data structures. It then delves into the fundamental tools of data wrangling like NumPy and Pandas libraries. You'll explore useful insights into why you should stay away from traditional ways of data cleaning, as done in other languages, and take advantage of the specialized pre-built routines in Python. This combination of Python tips and tricks will also demonstrate how to use the same Python backend and extract/transform data from an array of sources including the Internet, large database vaults, and Excel financial tables. To help you prepare for more challenging scenarios, you'll cover how to handle missing or wrong data, and reformat it based on the requirements from the downstream analytics tool. The course will further help you grasp concepts through real-world examples and datasets. By the end of this course, you will be confident in using a diverse array of sources to extract, clean, transform, and format your data efficiently.About the AuthorSamik Sen is currently working with R on Machine Learning. He has done his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. He has Tutored Classes for High-Performance Computing postgraduates and Lecturer at International Conferences. He has experience of using Perl on data, producing plots with gnuplot for visualization and latex to produce reports. He, then, moved to finance/football and online education with videos.Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar works as a senior principal engineer in the semiconductor technology domain, where he applies cutting-edge data science/machine learning techniques for design automation and predictive analytics. He writes regularly about Python programming and data science topics. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois and certifications in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning from Stanford and MIT.Shubhadeep Roychowdhury works as a senior software engineer at a Paris-based cybersecurity startup, where he is applying the state-of-the-art computer vision and data engineering algorithms and tools to develop cutting-edge products. He often writes about algorithm implementation in Python and similar topics. He holds a master's degree in computer science from West Bengal University Of Technology and certifications in machine learning from Stanford."
Price: 199.99

"AWS Cloud Practioner Certification Guide for Beginners" |
"Amazon launched AWS during the early transitioning period of cloud computing in 2006. It provides a cloud computing platform to individuals, organizations and even governments. The internal IT resource management of Amazon built AWS. Today, it is one of the most cost-effective cloud solution providers. Its popularity is clearly visible in its share of all cloud space which is close to 34%. Microsoft, the second largest shareowner owns only 11% of the total cloud space. As of 2017, over 90 different services are being offered with AWS including tools for IOT, deployment, management, storage, networking and a whole lot more! Keeping them in mind we are launching this course where you can teach yourself about the basics of AWS cloud practitioner.What makes this course so valuable?This AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials makes AWS Cloud very easy to grasp. It explains all the core concepts in detail. The course begins with a basic introduction and overview of the AWS Cloud. Then it covers AWS Global Infrastructure, Amazon VPC, Security Groups, Compute Services, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda and other core services. Along with these, youll also learn about all the essentials of AWS Security such as AWS Access Control and Management, AWS Shared Responsibility Model, AWS Security Compliance Programs and AWS Security Resources. But theres more! It also goes onto cover all the Architecting essentials including Fault Tolerance, well-architected framework, and Web Hosting with the price models, and account management. You can also learn to find appropriate documentation and how to get the technical assistance if needed. Finally, it includes the core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud with the overall summary.This course includes-1. Introduction to the Cloud and Introduction to the AWS Cloud2. Introduction to the AWS Global Infrastructure3. Introduction to Amazon VPC4. Introduction to Security Groups and Compute Services5. AWS Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk6. AWS Trusted Advisor7. The AWS Shared Responsibility Model8. The TCO Calculator Overview and Pricing DetailsTry out this course and explore all the fundamental concepts of AWS Cloud today!"
Price: 39.99

"Modern JavaScript For Developers" |
"Undoubtedly JavaScript has become one of the most popular languages of the world. Unlike any other language, JavaScript is used everywhere. It is a dynamic, multi-paradigm, prototype-based, versatile and effective language. Today, it wont be hard for you to find JavaScript in almost all the websites along with mobile sites, games and web applications. Thanks to all its features, this programming language is becoming essential for every developer. Already, industry giants like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, PayPal, Walmart, Uber and numerous other companies are using JavaScript. Owing to these facts, our team of JavaScript professionals has formulated this comprehensive Modern JavaScript Online Tutorial for Developers consisting of various sections explaining all the required concepts.Why this course is important?This JavaScript tutorial gives insight into all the essentials of modern JavaScript. It unfolds with the basic introduction, then covers all the basics of JavaScript such as variables, scope, constructs and others. Following this, NodeJS, transpiling for ES6, introduction to ES6, and promises are also covered in details. Lastly, array functions, advanced ES6 and many more cool topics are also included for the complete understanding of JavaScript programming language.This course includes-Introduction to the JavaScript, ES6 and its HistoryJavaScript Basics- Variables, Scope and othersJavaScript Outside the BrowserTranspiling for ES6- NPM, Webpack and BabelIntroduction to ES6, Promises, Array FunctionsAdvanced ES6And Much More!Get started with this course to learn JavaScript and ace web development today!"
Price: 39.99

"Tcnicas y herramientas avanzadas de Final Cut Pro X" |
"Bajo su aparente simplicidad, Final Cut Pro X es uno de los programas de edicin de video ms potentes y verstiles de la actualidad.Con este curso aprenders numerosas herramientas y tcnicas avanzadas de Final Cut Pro X que te permitirn mejorar enormemente tu nivel y no verte limitado a nivel tcnico o creativo por tu falta de conocimientos.Adems, podrs enfrentarte a proyectos complejos de una manera ms productiva y organizada.En resumidas cuentas, con este curso avanzado vas a mejorar de verdad tu nivel en edicin y postproduccin de video y sonido con Final Cut Pro X."
Price: 199.99

"Calculus 1" |
"In this course you will find lot of solved problems on advanced topics of calculus. All the questions are solved step by step with proper explanation of all the relevant concepts for better understanding.topics covered are multiple integrals, rectification, differential equations, numerical methods triple integrals rectangular and spherical coordinates lot of solved problems for practice"
Price: 99.99

"Alteryx Masterclass - solving real world business challenges" |
"Master Alteryx to solve your daily data issues at work - fast, efficient and by having funYou are interested in data analytics and business intelligence? Great! You have chosen not only a highly rewarding profession but also one of the most interesting ones of the future. Data is the oil of our century and getting the right insights at the right time will be the key competitive advantage for businesses.This is why you are here. Companies need highly skilled people to help them analyzing their data. During this process the data aggregation and cleaning is the most challenging part. 80% of the time of data analyts and data scientists are spend with data preparation. This can be cumbersome but is crucial to derive valuable insights. Because:""Trash in trash out!""This is why we need to explore fast and efficient ways to prepare our data which we then want to visualize in powerful tools like Tableau or Power BI.And now the most interesting question? How exactly can we achieve this? What are the best tools to do that, which do not require extreme programming skills?MeetAlteryx! One of the best ETL / data preparation tools on the market. This awesome tool with an ""Apple flair design"" and drag and drop functionality will help us to clean and combineeven the worst kinds of datasourcesThis course is the cosecutive of the Alteryx Masterclass series. If you have no prior knowledge I would highly recommend to do the ""Alteryx Masterclass - crash course in alteryx for beginners"" course first!This course is about extending your prior knowledge and help you solve often seen data issues in a fast and efficient way. I hope I can provide additional tips and tricks to help you leverage the power of alteryx to get thinks done.So why waiting? Let's get into it!"
Price: 194.99

"Azure Cognitive Services for Developers" |
"Always wanted to use AI, but it seems too hard? Not anymore! With Azure Cognitive Services, you can make your applications smarterthe easy way.In this course, you will be introduced to Azure Cognitive Services. With this, Microsoft offers you a lot of the power that AI has to offer, but it's made available to you by a set of simple-to-use REST APIs. Because it is so easy to implement, you can start working with it today and make your applications smarter with AIthe easy way.After working through this course, you will know what Cognitive Services are and what they can do for you. But most importantly, after this hands-on course you will be able to get started for yourself, straightaway!About The AuthorGerald Versluis is based in The Netherlands. He is an all-round software developer, Microsoft MVP, and he has authored four courses. After years of experience working with Azure, ASP.NET, DevOps, Xamarin, and other .NET technologies, he has been involved in a number of different projects and has been building several real-world apps and solutions.Not only does he like to code, he is also passionate about spreading his knowledgeand gaining some in the process. In his spare time, Gerald is involved in speaking; providing training sessions; writing blogs or articles; answering questions on Stack Overflow; and contributing to open-source projects. Twitter: @jfversluis."
Price: 124.99

"Desarrollo de aplicaciones con CodeIgniter" |
"Aunque seamos expertos en el desarrollo con PHP, nunca est dems utilizar una herramienta para acelerar los tiempos de desarrollo, y CodeIgniter es una poderosa herramienta, donde escuchar frecuentemente: para que reinventar la rueda. Nos dedicaremos a ser ms productivos. En este curso tendremos los siguientes objetivos:Aprender a instalar y configurar CodeIgniter y su patrn MVC, modelo, vista y controlador.Desarrollar un modelo de Altas, Bajas y Cambios de una tabla de la base de datos.Aplicar helpers y libreras a sus desarrollos en CodeIgniter.Conocer y manejar las principales libreras en CodeIgniter.Aplicar lo aprendido en el curso para desarrollar una sencilla aplicacin.Este curso est enfocado a desarrolladores web con conocimientos en PHP y MySQL. No es un curso bsico de este lenguaje, usted debe tener conocimientos bsicos sobre este lenguaje y la base de datos. Siempre contars con los archivos del curso y los apuntes del mismo (en PDF)."
Price: 270.00

"Yeni Nesil Matematik" |
"Bu kursa balamadan nce cretsiz olarak yaynladm En Batan Matematik Kursunu bitirmenizi tavsiye ederim. zellikle matematie yeni balayan yada alt yaps yeterli dzeyde olmayan rencilerime tavsiye ederim.Matematie bak anz, yararnza deitirecek ekilde hazrladm ve hazrlamaya devam ediyorum. Kendinize iyilik yapn. renmeye balayn, Yaammzdaki neden sonu ilikisini matematiksiz zemeyiz. Ne iimize yarayacak demeyin. Her iinize yarayacak. Matematik insan akl ile oluturulmu bir oyun. htiyalardan domutur. zerinde yaadmz gezegenin koullarn anlamaya ve onu yaammz kolaylatrmak iin gelitirdiimiz her ey matematik sayesindedir. En iyi rnei bu yazy hangi teknoloji ile okuyabiliyoruz...."
Price: 199.99
