"ClickBank Affiliate Teaser Course : A Newbies Guide" |
"ClickBank Affiliate Teaser Course : Newbies Guide to ClickbankClickbank has already paid its affiliates over $3 billion, and if you want to be part of the next pay out you have found the right course.This is a taster course of something BIG and EXCITING in our main course. This taster course gives you an introduction to the opportunity that is staring you in the face and how you can make money.Watch this course NOW, its FREE for limited time only enroll now before it will be a paid courseEvery second you wait you are losing out on money that other people are making. Do you want to be part of the next $3 billion payment? This course has been produced by experts in e-commerce, wealth creation and money attraction who are already successful and can PROVE IT. We are here to help you be successful to and it starts with this course.Watch the course, finish it and then let us help you make money. It is that simple.Good luckSergey and Marc************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 24.99

"Power BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und Tricks" |
"Business Intelligence von morgen erfordert weit mehr als nur Excel und Powerpoint. Neue effiziente Tools mssen her um im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung Daten schnell dynamisch und effizient verarbeiten und visuell aufbereiten zu knnen. Und das betrifft alle Geschftsbereiche Controlling, Finanzen, Marketing,... gleichermaen. Deshalb:Hallo und Willkommen in der Welt von Power BIPower BI ist eine Suite aus Business Analytics-Tools, die dir dabei helfen neue Insights in deine Daten und dein Unternehmen zu generieren. Du kannst eine Vielzahl von Datenquellen anbinden, die Daten einfach aufbereiten und nach der Datenaufbereitung Ad-hoc-Analysen durchfhren. Du kannst ansprechende Visualisierungen und Reports erstellen und zielgruppenspezifisch anpassen.Und genau das lernst du hierDas ist ein praxisbezogener Kurs. Wir gehen die einzelnen Kapitel gemeinsam durch. Wir bauen auf deinem Wissensstand der vorherigen Kurse auf.Einfhrung in Microsoft Power BI DesktopEinfhrung in Berechnungen mit Microsoft Power BI DesktopEffizientes Arbeiten mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop Datenanalyse und Visualisierung mit Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - praktische Projekt Tipps und TricksEinfhrungen in Berechnungen mit Calculate in Power BI DesktopPower BI Desktop - hilfreiche Tips und TricksDatenaufbereitung mit Microsoft Power BI Desktop(Alle sind ebenfalls auf Udemy verfgbar) Es wird eine bungsdatei bereitgestellt, sodass du jeden Schritt selbst nachbauen kannst. Nach meiner Erfahrung bringt diese praktische Anwendung den grten Lernerfolg mit sich.Am Ende wirst du neue Tipps und Tricks gelernt haben und in der Lage sein noch effizienter mit Power BI Desktop zu arbeiten. du lernst noch mehr DAX Berechnungen sowie interessante Lsungen kennen die dich bei deiner tglichen Arbeit untersttzen knnen.Also los. Worauf wartest du noch?"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Azure Cloud para Iniciantes - 2020" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao Curso Microsoft Azure para Iniciantes.Se voc no tem conhecimento algum sobre computao de nuvem, ou quer saber mais sobre a Microsoft Azure, este curso para voc!Neste curso vamos criar a sua conta gratuitamente, entender como funciona a Azure e criar uma Virtual Machine.NO UTILIZAMOS SLIDES NESSE CURSO! Aqui voc aprende fazendo na prpria plataforma com laboratrios prticos!O Microsoft Azure um conjunto cada vez maior de servios de nuvem para ajudar sua organizao a enfrentar seus desafios de negcios. a liberdade de criar, gerenciar e implantar aplicativos em uma enorme rede global usando suas ferramentas e estruturas favoritas.Em termos gerais, o Microsoft Azure funciona como um apoio tecnolgico ao negcio. Ele oferece, ao mesmo tempo, a infraestrutura necessria para rodar seu sistema empresarial (computao, armazenamento, lgica, gesto financeira etc) e as ferramentas necessrias para transformar esse poder em produtividade.O Microsoft Azure funciona, basicamente, em dois modelos flexveis de assinatura: pr-pago e ps-pago. Isso , voc paga apenas pelos servios que precisa baseado na sua demanda e na sua capacidade de investimento naquele momento sem qualquer restrio de compromisso no caso do modelo pr-pago. Alguns desses mdulos, inclusive (como a capacidade de computao e armazenamento), so elsticos em tempo real.Isso quer dizer que a empresa nunca paga mais ou recebe menos do que precisa. Em picos de demanda possvel pedir mais recursos para atender todos os clientes com qualidade. Em momentos de mercado frio, d para abrir mo dos recursos ociosos e economizar dinheiro.Pronto para iniciar o curso Microsoft Azure para Iniciantes?Te vejo na primeira aula :)"
Price: 294.99

"Excel & PowerPoint 2019/365 - Huge value MS Office course" |
"**This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access**Learn to use Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint 2019, master spreadsheets, and deliver outstanding presentations in this two-course bundle.The Excel 2019 Course:With this 7-hour Microsoft Excel 2019/365 course, youll gain a fantastic grounding in Microsoft Excel. This in-depth course is perfect for those brand new to Excel and who are using Excel 2019 or Excel 365 editions. This course is perfect if youre brand new to Excel or are upgrading from an older version.What You'll Learn:What's new in Excel 2019Creating workbooksEntering text, numbers and working with datesNavigating workbooksPage setup and print optionsWorking with rows, columns and cellsCut, Copy and PasteIntroduction to functions and formulasFormatting in Excel, including formatting cells and numbersCreating charts and graphsSorting and FilteringIntroduction to PivotTablesLogical and lookup formulas - the basics***Exercise and demo files included***The PowerPoint 2019 Course:In this in-depth PowerPoint 2019 course, we not only teach you through the most business-relevant PowerPoint techniques, you then get to put into practice what you learn through exercises at the end of each chapter.This PowerPoint 2019 course will help you:Utilize templates to improve your efficiencyCreate professional looking presentations using PowerPoint's new Icons functionInclude multi-media to take your presentations up a notchWhat You'll Learn:How to navigate around PowerPointPresentation dos and don'tsText and bullet edition optionsHow to use graphics, images, objects and shapesUsing SmartArtWorking with Charts and GraphsHow to utilize Master Slides and just how much time this could save youHow to add audio and video to a presentationAll about transitions between slidesAnimation, the animation pane and motion pathsSetting your slideshow optionsPresentation preparation and deliveryThe backstage area of PowerPoint including printing a presentationThis 2-course bundle includes:14-hours of video tutorials170+ individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionHeres what our students are sayingAs someone who has no experience with Microsoft Excel I am finding this course very easy to understand and follow. Great pace and the modules don't overwhelm you. So glad I purchased this.- Sharon KnightYes of course, it was a wonderful learning. This will be very much beneficial in my professional life. Thank you !- Armesh KambleI had learned excel a long time ago, but never used it much or worked with formulas. Most of the ""work""was more for inventory. This was very helpful and I will be using it more for the applications described. Thank-you!- Wendy GoniganDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 79.99

"Legal Terms Explained Simply and Visually" |
"This series of 26 videos gives businesses and consumers a fast, clear graspof 45 of the most common legal terms and issues.Created by the explainer-video studio usedby many Fortune 100 brands, these shortbut content-packed video lessons are carefullywritten and designed to make these complexsubjects simple and memorable.Written in plain language, not ""legalese"",with visuals. Additional PDF resources providemore detail and secondary explanations."
Price: 39.99

"The 10 Laws for Personal Success - The Complete Course" |
"The 10 Laws for Personal Success - The Complete CoursePersonal success...it can be yours. You can achieve your goals in life, have a great career, build strong relationships, and live your lifes purpose. Nobody was born with personal success; it is a function of applying skills in a systematic way throughout life.TJ Walker is one of the top personal development trainers in the world and coaches people on the elements of personal success, personal development, and personal transformation. His unique system of using SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) is a groundbreaking method for creating permanent habit change. And best of all, it doesnt require will power or new reserves of self-discipline.If you are looking for personal success and you realize that just reading another book or taking another course isnt necessarily going to do the trick, then this system is for you. TJ Walker works with real people who struggle with willpower, self-discipline, and every other human flaw, because he has all of those too.This is a personal success system that is incredibly easy to follow, simple, and it gets real results. Please check out the promo video or go ahead and enroll today in The 10 Laws for Personal Success - The Complete Course."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate PowerPoint Course, 2016 - 2019 Beginner to Advanced" |
"Master PowerPoint and deliver outstanding presentationsIn this in-depth PowerPoint course includes two versions - 2016 and 2019. In each course, we not only teach you through the most business-relevant PowerPoint techniques, you then get to put into practice what you learn through exercises at the end of each chapter.This PowerPoint course will help you:Utilize templates to improve your efficiencyCreate professional looking presentations using PowerPoint's new Icons functionInclude multi-media to make your presentations stand out.Features:Includes two courses, one recorded in PowerPoint 2016 and one in 2019.Business focused to helpIncludes presenting best practice and tips, not just a how to on PowerPoint.Brought to you by Microsoft experts Simon Sez IT.What You'll Learn:How to navigate around PowerPointPresentation dos and don'tsText and bullet edition optionsHow to use graphics, images, objects and shapesUsing SmartArtWorking with Charts and GraphsHow to utilize Master Slides and just how much time this could save youHow to add audio and video to a presentationAll about transitions between slidesAnimation, the animation pane and motion pathsSetting your slideshow optionsPresentation preparation and deliveryThe backstage area of PowerPoint including printing a presentationThis 2-course bundle includes:13-hours of video tutorials140+ individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionThis course is designed for students that are new or have some experience using Microsoft PowerPoint. One course is recorded in the 2016 version of the software and a second course is recorded in the 2019 version of the software. Both courses are aimed at helping you become an advanced PowerPoint user. If you are looking to add a competitive edge to your presentations and create PowerPoint slides that truly impress then this is the course for you.Heres what our students are sayingThis is a really amazing course. Nice and educative. I use PowerPoint myself since I need it at school and office. I easily understand whats new in PowerPoint since Toby did a fantastic job explaining the lectures thoroughly and it's also easy to follow. I would recommend this course to those who wants to use PowerPoint with ease and confidence. Again, an amazing course.- May Ann ReyesThe training course is very helpful on how to use the latest innovations on MS Powerpoint. The new version features plenty of welcome improvements from better templates to more efficient layout and editing tools. The author conveyed the message of learning this software in the easiest and quickest way possible. By the help of this tutorials, I can now create a resourceful presentations that will entertain and powerfully deliver my message. - Wendy DiafanteDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 79.99

"MikroTik Security Engineer with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***As a network engineer, you have always a concern to protect your network from outside cyber attacks. This is most of the the time a challenge when it comes to deploy a security plan to your network. MikroTik has an extensive firewall feature that can protect your network from all different types of Cyber attacks. The goal of this course is to show you all different steps using real LAB scenarios of how to protect your MikroTik router(s) from any type of cyber attacks and do not let hackers to compromise your network. This course is based on the MikroTik MTCSE syllabus. So by taking this course, you will cover all the topics of the MikroTik MTCSE track and you will be ready for the exam.In this course, I will issue cyber attacks to my MikroTik router to see what are the weaknesses available on the router and then show you how you can protect it. All the course will be based on Hands-on LABS that you can re-do them yourself after following this course.In this course, I will discuss about all security concerns in MikroTik and how to protect your router(s). Some example of the topics that will be explained are: Attacks, mechanisms and services The most common threats RouterOS security deployment Packet flow, firewall chains Stateful firewall RAW table SYN flood mitigation RouterOS default configuration Best practices for management access Detecting an attack to critical infrastructure services Bridge filter Advanced options in firewall filter ICMP filtering MNDP attacks and prevention DHCP: rogue servers, starvation attacks and prevention TCP SYN attacks and prevention UDP attacks and prevention ICMP Smurf attacks and prevention FTP, telnet and SSH brute-force attacks and prevention Port scan detection and prevention Introduction to cryptography and terminology Encryption methods Algorithms - symmetric, asymmetric Public key infrastructure (PKI) Port knocking Secure connections (HTTPS, SSH, WinBox) Default ports for the servicesIn addition of all those security topics, there is one module which explain about the VPN tunneling and will contain the following topics: Introduction to IPsec L2TP + IPsec SSTP with certificatesThis course is ideal for Network engineers, technicians and students wanting to deploy and secure MikroTik device based networks. The content of this course is very rich and it has a lot of hands-on LABs so you are more familiar about the types of attacks and how to protect your MikroTik routers from them.So, are you looking to become a MikroTik Security Professional and be ready for the MTCSE exam? If yes, please do not wait to enroll to my course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn easy Bluegrass + Country licks on harmonica - big fun!" |
"Here's a course that will open the door to bluegrass, country and Celtic music for you.This will give your skills a huge boost and show you a world of new possibilities!You will learn some chugging rhythms, some useful scales and how to warm up with them as a starting point.Then you will see how we can take impossibly fast music, slow it down and learn to play it.This will be a fun and exciting challenge and your playing will come on leaps and bounds!There is a backing track so you can practice at three different speeds in lecture 5. It has one minute at a slow speed, one minute at a medium speed and, you guessed it, one minute at a fast pace (75% of the original Buddy version)"
Price: 74.99

"Certificao AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies" |
"Para voc que sonha em conseguir sua Certificao Microsoft Azure AZ-300, este o seu curso!Mas antes de falarmos um pouco mais sobre esse fantstico curso, vamos aprender um pouco sobre o que Microsoft Azure.Com o crescimento da demanda por computao na nuvem e a sofisticao dessa tecnologia na ltima dcada, no demorou muito para uma das maiores empresas do mundo entrar no mercado e oferecer servios de computao na nuvem. Apresentado em 2008, o Windows Azure foi lanado em 2010 e renomeado para Microsoft Azure em 2014.Em termos gerais, o Microsoft Azure funciona como um apoio tecnolgico ao negcio. Ele oferece, ao mesmo tempo, a infraestrutura necessria para rodar seu sistema empresarial (computao, armazenamento, lgica, gesto financeira etc) e as ferramentas necessrias para transformar esse poder em produtividade.O Microsoft Azure funciona, basicamente, em dois modelos flexveis de assinatura: pr-pago e ps-pago. Isso , voc paga apenas pelos servios que precisa baseado na sua demanda e na sua capacidade de investimento naquele momento sem qualquer restrio de compromisso no caso do modelo pr-pago. Alguns desses mdulos, inclusive (como a capacidade de computao e armazenamento), so elsticos em tempo real.Mas voc ainda pode estar se perguntando.... Quanto ganha um profissional Microsoft Azure Certificado?Para responder a essa pergunta, eu vou te mostras as seguintes estatsticas:De acordo com a Microsoft, A plataforma Azure utilizada por 85% das empresas mais ricas do planeta.A utilizao da Azure cresceu mais de 90% no ultimo ano.A mdia salarial de um profissional gira em torno de R$5.000 a R$9.000 mensais no BrasilA Microsoft possui mais de 110 Data Centers, se tornando a empresa com um dos maiores Data Centres do mundo.Bom.... Partindo do ponto que estamos falando da conhecida Microsoft, aprender Azure vai impulsionar muito a sua carreira!Agora vamos falar um pouco sobre esse curso Microsoft Azure! Aqui voc vai ter acesso a:Curso Atualizado para o novo exame Microsoft Azure AZ-300Aulas sem slides!Laboratrios com mo na massa (Hands on)Aulas com alta qualidade de video e audioCertificado de Concluso no final do CursoTira dvidas dentro da plataforma da UdemyAgora s depende de voc!!!Vamos juntos rumo a sua Certificao Microsoft Azure AZ-300?Te vejo na primeira aula!!!"
Price: 579.99

"Sper Memoria: Cmo Desarrollar una Mente Poderosa." |
"El curso que ests a punto de iniciar ser la aventura intelectual ms importante y emocionante de tu vida. Obtendrs pruebas inmediatas y convincentes de que tu memoria puede expandirse de manera sencilla y sorprendente.Este prctico curso est repleto de desafos e ideas para mejorar tu capacidad mental y tu memoria, con ejercicios, evaluaciones y enigmas que pondrn a prueba tu cerebro.Desarrolla tu Ingenio.Aumenta tu Concentracin a Niveles Increbles.Expande tu Memoria.Mejora tu Capacidad de Estudio.Acelera tus Conexiones Neuronales y Desbloquea tu Mente.Imagina cmo sera tu vida si pudieras recordar:Listas de palabras, como por ejemplo todos los Huesos y Msculos del cuerpo humano.Listas complejas como la Tabla Peridica de Elementos.Discursos exactos, palabra por palabra.Aprender Cualquier Materia en Tiempo Rcord.El Vocabulario de Cualquier Idioma o de Varios.Recordar los Rostros y Nombres de Todas las Personas.Y Mucho, Mucho Ms.La Memoria es a la Vida lo Mismo que el Gimnasio al Cuerpo. Tener una Sper Memoria es Solo Cuestin de Darle a los Msculos del Cerebro el Entrenamiento Correcto y ese Entrenamiento es Exactamente este Curso.Toma las riendas del Poder de tu Mente y Aumenta tu Productividad desde hoy mismo.Sumrgete en la Experiencia que Cambiar tu Vida para Siempre. Bienvenido/a a Sper Memoria!"
Price: 39.99

"Modern App Development with C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0" |
"C# is rapidly approaching the third decade of its newest features. It helps in preventing the null reference exceptions that have riddled object-oriented programming. C# and .NET Core combined give developers a new sense of robustness, flexibility, and efficiency to build amazing applications inside and outside the MS ecosystem. There are several improvements and additions to the language and framework in this upcoming release.After quickly taking you through C# 8 and how .NET Core 3.0 works, you'll explore topics such as packaging and deploying your own libraries, working with Visual Studio and other relevant tools, and using common libraries to work with collections, performance, databases, and encryption. The course practically demonstrates the major types of applications that you can build and deploy cross-device and cross-platformweb, mobile, and desktop alike.About the AuthorDimitris Loukas is a software engineer who is currently part of a growing start-up building a revolutionary referral marketing platform with Node.js, Angular, MySQL, Redis, and Docker. He also develops trading software applications using C#, Aurelia, and TypeScript.He is an author at Packt and has developed many video tutorials in C#, .NET Core, and TypeScript. He has worked for two start-ups in the past, is active in the open-source community, and loves taking up small side projects. He has developed microservices using C# and Node.js and has also mastered Angular, Aurelia, and Vue.js. He is an early adopter of .NET Core and is fascinated by modern JavaScript and where the web is going."
Price: 124.99

"TypeScript for JavaScript Developers" |
"TypeScript and JavaScript are must-know languages for many web developers. While JavaScript is the de facto choice for web development, this course will show you why you need TypeScript to make your code more efficient.This course is designed to get you started with TypeScript and help you implement a variety of real-world coding examples. In this course, you will learn how to convert several JavaScript code samples into TypeScript and master how these relate to JavaScript. You will learn the essentials of TypeScript such as objects, functions, and classes and appreciate the similarities and differences between the JavaScript and TypeScript syntaxes. In addition, you will learn how to configure Typescript projects according to your needs and implement best practices.By the end of this course, you will be confident to start your projects in TypeScript. You will have the skills you need to utilize TypeScript for writing better frontends for your web apps.About the AuthorAnton Selin is an expert in software architecture, innovation, and IT management and has more than 10 years' experience in the industry. He is a keen IT enthusiast, and for the last 4 years he has been working as a software architect. He has worked in many international companies building sophisticated technology-based solutions and as an independent consultant helping startups to develop their ideas and bring them to life."
Price: 124.99

"Bluebeam in 3 Hours" |
"Bluebeam is a software for working with PDF documents in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industries. Bluebeam helps teams stay coordinated during design and construction, giving you a robust data set through to completion. With great tools and workflows, Bluebeam enables you to save hours and reduce opportunity costs by eliminating redundant and complicated tasks. Giving project teams an efficient up-to-date and paperless environment ultimately saves money.In this course, you will learn how to seize these productivity benefits by utilizing the tools in Bluebeam and leverage its built-in cloud collaboration features to manage your construction projects in a paperless environment, using multiple workflows and examples. Bluebeam estimating, and its markup and document management tools, will help facilitate effective document control throughout your project cycles.In addition, by taking this course you will gain the skills to search for more than just text: with Bluebeam, you'll learn how to find symbols, details, and callouts throughout a set of documents. You will also learn about multiple versions of Bluebeam and the differences in features between them.This highly functional mix of theory, exercises, and practical cases will take you to the next level in your Bluebeam learning.Please note that this course features Bluebeam Revu 2018.About the AuthorDalton Goodwin is a BIM Coordinator with over 3 years experience using Bluebeam. He manages BIM projects on a variety of jobs at DLR, Overland Park, KS, USA. Prior to this, he served as a BIM Lead for CRB, managing projects from concept through to build and occupation."
Price: 124.99

"Getting Started with TensorFlow 2.0 for Deep Learning" |
"Deep learning is a trending technology if you want to break into cutting-edge AI and solve real-world, data-driven problems. Googles TensorFlow is a popular library for implementing deep learning algorithms because of its rapid developments and commercial deployments.This course provides you with the core of deep learning using TensorFlow 2.0. Youll learn to train your deep learning networks from scratch, pre-process and split your datasets, train deep learning models for real-world applications, and validate the accuracy of your models.By the end of the course, youll have a profound knowledge of how you can leverage TensorFlow 2.0 to build real-world applications without much effort.About the AuthorMuhammad Hamza Javed is a self-taught machine learning engineer, an entrepreneur, and an author with over five years of industrial experience. Along with his team, he has been working on several computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning international projects. He learned skills on his own without a direct mentor, so he knows how troublesome it is for everyone to find to-the-point content that improves ones skillset. Hes designed this course considering the challenges he faced when he learned and in projects, so you dont have to spend too much time finding whats best for you."
Price: 124.99

"Applied Deep Learning with Keras" |
"Though designing neural networks is a sought-after skill, it is not easy to master. With Keras, you can apply complex machine learning algorithms with minimum code.Applied Deep Learning with Keras starts by taking you through the basics of machine learning and Python all the way to gaining an in-depth understanding of applying Keras to develop efficient deep learning solutions. To help you grasp the difference between machine and deep learning, the course guides you on how to build a logistic regression model, first with scikit-learn and then with Keras. You will delve into Keras and its many models by creating prediction models for various real-world scenarios, such as disease prediction and customer churning. Youll gain knowledge on how to evaluate, optimize, and improve your models to achieve maximum information. Next, youll learn to evaluate your model by cross-validating it using Keras Wrapper and scikit-learn. Following this, youll proceed to understand how to apply L1, L2, and dropout regularization techniques to improve the accuracy of your model. To help maintain accuracy, youll get to grips with applying techniques including null accuracy, precision, and AUC-ROC score techniques for fine tuning your model.By the end of this course, you will have the skills you need to use Keras when building high-level deep neural networks.About the AuthorRitesh Bhagwat has a master's degree in applied mathematics with a specialization in computer science. He has over 14 years of experience in data-driven technologies and has led and been a part of complex projects ranging from data warehousing and business intelligence to machine learning and artificial intelligence. He has worked with top-tier global consulting firms as well as large multinational financial institutions. Currently, he works as a data scientist. Besides work, he enjoys playing and watching cricket and loves to travel. He is also deeply interested in Bayesian statistics.Mahla Abdolahnejad is a Ph.D. candidate in systems and computer engineering with Carleton University, Canada. She also holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in biomedical engineering, which first exposed her to the field of artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks, in particular. Her Ph.D. research is focused on deep unsupervised learning for computer vision applications. She is particularly interested in exploring the differences between a human's way of learning from the visual world and a machine's way of learning from the visual world, and how to push machine learning algorithms toward learning and thinking like humans.Matthew Moocarme is a director and senior data scientist in Viacoms Advertising Science team. As a data scientist at Viacom, he designs data-driven solutions to help Viacom gain insights, streamline workflows, and solve complex problems using data science and machine learning.Matthew lives in New York City and outside of work enjoys combining deep learning with music theory. He is a classically-trained physicist, holding a Ph.D. in Physics from The Graduate Center of CUNY and is an active Artificial Intelligence developer, researcher, practitioner, and educator."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering SharePoint 2019" |
"SharePoint 2019 is designed to be compelling, flexible, mobile, and easier to use. This course will be a perfect guide to take your skills in Microsoft SharePoint to the next level. Learn to maximize your skills using lists and libraries, team sites, branding, and communication sites to give you an edge over other SharePoint developers.This course will develop and take your intermediate skills to the next level.You will learn to develop an application through Microsoft SharePoint and then cover all the new features that SharePoint 2019 has to offer. You will learn to set up and manage your SharePoint business site on the cloud with SharePoint Online. You will then learn collaboration with other Microsoft products and services. Lastly, some interesting tips, tricks, and developers' best practices will be revealed.By the end of the course, you will have mastered SharePoint 2019 and will be confident using this knowledge in your organization and to support your own career advancement.About the AuthorHasan Shingieti has been working with SharePoint and Microsoft products for over 10 years, creating applications and services using a variety of technologies.From JavaScript and Progressive Web Apps to cloud services and continuous integration, his passion for development drives him to explore and improve upon his domain of knowledge to deliver the right solutions with the right technology. He considers programming to be a core skill of the future, regardless of the programming language, along with fundamental abilities to think critically, solve problems creatively, and collaborate with others in meaningful and productive ways."
Price: 124.99

"LinkedIn: fatti notare ed ottieni risultati in soli 4 giorni" |
"ULTIMA REVISIONE: AGOSTO 2020UNISCITI A OLTRE 3500 STUDENTI DEI MIEI CORSI ON-LINE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LinkedIn: fatti notare ed ottieni risultati in soli 4 giorniTutto quello che devi sapere e fare per diventare un ""pro"" di LinkedIn ed utilizzarlo con successo!In questo corso ti mostro come usare LinkedIn al meglio per conseguire il tuo obiettivo, sia esso trovare un lavoro, vendere, allacciare relazioni nuove o sostenere la tua attivit.Ecco cosa troverai all'interno:Un processo in 4 giorni per diventare un ""pro""Scopri come aumentare velocemente la tua rete di contatti.Le 3 stelle magiche che fanno il tuo ""brand"".Come fare un profilo efficace.Gestire le diverse sezioni per comunicare meglioSfruttare con successo tutte le caratteristiche di LinkedIn, dai gruppi agli articoli, dai progetti alle pagine aziendali.E tanto altro ancora...Il funzionamento di questo metodo garantito che tu sia un principiante o gi un esperto!Pensi di non sfruttare a dovere le opportunit che un network di quasi 400 milioni di persone, di cui poco meno di 10 in Italia, pu offrirti?Vorresti che nuove persone visitassero il tuo profilo e scoprissero cosa puoi offrire loro?Hai speso tempo e fatica, ma ti sembra che LinkedIn non ti stia dando i risultati che ti aspettavi?Non preoccuparti, questo corso risponde a queste esigenze e molte altre.Vedremo passo-passo come creare e migliorare un profilo, aumentare le connessioni e creare conversazioni. Come usare al meglio i gruppi e tutte le altre caratteristiche che spesso i pi ignorano. Imparerai come far emergere il tuo profilo, come farti notare e creare nuove relazioni. Se hai sempre pensato di poter fare di pi con LinkedIn, questo il corso che fa per te!Quando ho creato il mio profilo, tanti anni fa, l'ho fatto in modo casuale, senza sapere esattamente cosa funziona e cosa no. Nel 2014 ho deciso di investire maggiormente in LinkedIn, ho ricevuto del coaching, mi sono documentato, ho modificato radicalmente il mio profilo e soprattutto ho iniziato ad usarlo intensivamente per lavoro. Da allora sono aumentati i miei contatti, ricevo offerte di lavoro ed opportunit e, cosa pi importante per me, ho generato nuovi clienti e nuovo fatturato.Oggi condivido con te questi anni di esperienza, tutto quello che ho imparato dagli altri e sul campo. Quello che funziona a livello globale e alcuni accorgimenti specifici per l'Italia. Il tutto in un formato comodo, diviso su 4 giorni dove seguiamo passo passo un percorso preciso. Dalla creazione di un profilo a migliorare uno gi esistente.Non perdere pi opportunit solo perch non hai un profilo efficace su LinkedIn.Prendi questo corso e metti in pratica tutti i suggerimenti che ti fornisco.Ci vediamo nel corso :)Paolo Cosa dicono di questo corso?""Mi piaciuto e mi ha aiutato a capire meglio come funziona Linkedin e gi sono aumentate le visualizzazioni del mio profilo (che ho cambiato seguendo i consigli)""Barbara HainzlPianificazione Commerciale - Sviluppo nuovi Clienti - Sales - MarketingCosa ti serve?Accesso a LinkedIn (con o senza un profilo, non importa)Una connessione ad internetMentalit aperta, ed un sorriso, per migliorare notevolmente il tuo uso dello strumento.Cosa ottieni comprando questo corso?Pi di 45 capitoli ed oltre 6 ore di video.Come diventare un ""pro"" in soli 4 giorniCome aumentare la tua rete di contatti e le tue opportunit lavorative.Come entrare in contatto con le persone che contano per te.Evita di spendere soldi in opzioni a pagamento che non ti servono.Una guida passo passo che funziona qualunque sia il tuo livello.Questo corso per te...Se vuoi migliorare la tua visibilitSe vuoi creare nuove relazioni e nuove opportunit per il tuo businessSe vuoi sfruttare al meglio tutte le caratteristiche che LinkedIn offre senza comprare servizi aggiuntivi ed investendo il minimo tempoQuesto corso non per te...Se vuoi fare soldi in fretta.Se non hai nessuna voglia di imparare cose nuove.Se cerchi un corso specifico per la presenza aziendale su LinkedIn (allora LinkedIn: i 7 passi che che devi fare subito per la tua azienda quello che ti serve)"
Price: 194.99

"Deploying machine learning models with flask for beginners" |
"About this courseLet's dive into data science with python and learn how we can create our own API (Application Programming Interface) where we can send data to and let our model return a prediction.This course is a practical hands on course where we learn to deploy our trained machine learning models aka neural networks with the flask web framework.This is a beginners class. You don't need any pre-knowlege about flask but you should know about neural networks and python. We will learn and code step by step together and I will explain what we do along the way.Besides machine learning apis we will also use transferlearning to use an advanced neural network and use a userfriendly HTML template to give the enduser a visual appealing interface for our application. The user can upload an image and our model will return an image classification predictionAll the resources will be provided and you can download all the used tools completely for free.Sounds interesting? I hope so! Let's dive in and do this together. Let's acquire new skills and create new opportunities for us.In GeneralWhy datascience and machine learning? Well...In the world of today and especially tomorrow machine learning and artificial intelligence will be the driving force of the economy. Data science No matter who you are, an entrepreneur or an employee, and in which industry you are working in, machine learning (especially deep learning neural networks) will be on your agenda.from me personal:""From my personal experience I can tell you that companies will actively searching for you if you aquire some skills in the data science field. Diving into this topic can not only immensly improve your career opportunities but also your job satisfaction!""It's time to get your hands dirty and dive into one of the hottest topics on this planet."
Price: 99.99

"Etsy 2020 Hacking Domination: SEO, Vintage & Dropshipping" |
"SIGN UP NOW: EACH SECOND YOU DELAY YOU COULD BE MAKING MONEY Over $23,000 Dollars made in sales in my 3 Etsy Shop are you ready to be the next Etsy success story? Did you know that Etsy had over 1 billion dollars in transactions last year? What if you could go back in time and start selling one eBay when only a few know about it! This is what Etsy is all about with not too many sellers and over 50 million buyers where the average seller makes over $2,000 while those on the top making a living the dream. You can as well join this course today and learn some of the methods that will get you to the top of the food chain instructors by two of the top teachers on Udemy.In this course, you will learn about the kinds of products that make money on Etsy as its only limited to selling handmade, antiques & vintage anything made before 1998, and digital creative products. Learn to dominate like a true master. Rank with Etsy SEO, sell vintage & antiques and dropship products super fast! In this intermediate class you will learn all of that and much more when you done with this class you are ready to graduate and enroll in the ten hour Etsy masterclass. Remember this course is a small preview of my larger Etsy course which features over 6 hour of content. This course gets you started with 40 free listing, each listing on Etsy normally cost 20 cents but on the plus side you get 4 months exposure and Etsy only charges you 4% final value fees and they accept Paypal plus a wide variety of payments methods. Etsy is the next big thing in ecommerce learn about starting and starting your Etsy shop today see you on the inside. ************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students enrolled in all my online classes. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************BONUSES & OFFICE HOURSWith the paid purchase of this course you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of. ************************MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee. I am sure you will love this course. With paid purchase you receive lifetime access, any future revisions or additional lectures free of charge plus unlimited instructor support. "
Price: 199.99

"Modelado 3D y render de productos deportivos para publicidad" |
"Aprende a texturizar e iluminar un calzado deportivo con calidad apta para publicidad.Partiendo de la escena completamente modelada que dejamos hecha en el volmen 1, vamos a aprender como crear nuestros propios materiales de una forma convincente y realista, generaremos una iluminacin controlada, comprendiendo como usar las luces y cual es el propsito de cada una. Crearemos un render final que despus retocaremos en photoshop para darle un aspecto lo ms natural posible.Este es el volumen 2 de un total de 2. En el volumen 1 hemos repasado completamente todo el proceso de modelado desde cero hasta el modelo final, que es el que usaremos en este curso."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Engineering Materials and Testing Procedures" |
"This course is a practical guide to understand the technical characteristics of engineering materials. It starts with materials physical and mechanical structures. Describes different types of industrial materials; including ferrous, nonferrous, and thermosett. Explains the various composites, polymers and ceramics. Concludes explaining testing methods and procedures.It will cover: Differentiate types of materials propertiesIdentify mechanical and physical propertiesDescribe the properties of ferrous and nonferrousDefine thermosettingExplain composite materialsPresents polymeric materialsIdentify ceramic and cement typesIntroduce testing procedures of materials"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Spring Boot 2.x" |
"This course will enable you to harness and master the powerful app-creation opportunities that come with Spring Boot's great configuration and flexibility. You will use Spring Boot with its configuration mechanism and will learn how to provide default configurations. Then you will use more advanced techniques to manage the Spring Boot applications in production.In this course, you will learn to speed up development with microservices on Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. You will build and deploy your microservice architectures in the cloud. Then you will add more advanced Micrometer metrics, create declarative metrics, and develop and test high-performance, reactive, non-blocking applications with Spring Boot.By the end of this course, you will have the confidence to take on any challenge, build useful applications, and develop high-performance, reactive, non-blocking applicationsall with Spring Boot 2.x.About the AuthorTomasz Lelek is a software engineer programming in Java, Spring, and Scala. He has worked with the Spring ecosystem and microservices for more than 5 years and has developed production microservices that run on multiple instances in the cloud.He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development and believes that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before solving a problem. Recently, he was a speaker at conferences in PolandConfitura and JDD (Java Developers Day)and also at the Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at the Geecon Conference. He is a co-founder of initlearn .com, an e-learning platform built with the Java language. He has also written articles about everything related to the Java world."
Price: 124.99

"Java Programlama 1 - Java SE (Standard Edition)" |
"Java yazlm diline yeni balayan herkes bu kursa katlabilir. Java programlama ve algoritma bilgilerini pratie dkmekte zorlanan kiiler bu kursa katlabilir. Java teknolojileri uzerine kariyer yapmak isteyen herkes bu kursa katlabilir. Bu eitim Java teknolojileri zerine kariyer yapmak isteyenlere yardmc olacaktr. Eitim boyunca derslerde her eyi adm adm anlatmaya altk. Java teknolojileri uzerine kariyer yapmak isteyen herkes bu kursa katlabilir."
Price: 99.99

"Java Programlama 2 - JSP (JavaServer Pages)" |
"Kurumsal JavaEE web teknolojilerin temelleri JSP ve Sevlet zerine kurulmutur. Bu alanda kariyer yapmak isteyen herkes bu eitimden yararlanabilir. Bu kursta i yaamnda yazlm sektrnde iimize yarayacak birok bilgi ve birikimi rnekler ile adm adm inceledik. Bilgilerini pratie dkmekte zorlananlar iin bu eitim ok yardmc olacaktr. Gzel bir gelecek iin kendinize bu eitimle yaptrm yapabilirsiniz. Kurumsal Java dnyas iin doru yerdesiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Java Programlama 3 - JSF (JavaServer Faces)" |
"Java web teknolojileri zerine kariyer yapmak isteyen herkes bu eitimden yararlanabilir. rnek Java Server Faces (JSF) uygulamalar ile konular adm adm ele aldk. Bu sayede i yaamnda bize gereken bilgileri ve senaryolar birok rnek ile de inceledik. Bilgilerini pratie dkmekte zorlananlar iin bu eitim ok yardmc olacaktr. Gzel bir gelecek iin kendinize bu eitimle yaptrm yapn. Kurumsal Java dnyas iin doru yerdesiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Azure Cloud ile Big Data Programlama" |
"Veri gnmzn petroldr. Bu anonim sz azlara sakz olmutur ama dorudur. Big Datay kefetmek mi istiyorsunuz? O zaman ho geldiniz, doru yerdesiniz. Bu eitimde byk veriyi ileyeceiz. Big Data ile kurumsal projelerimizi gelitireceiz. nce Big Data'ya dair bileenleri alt yaplarn greceiz. Eitim boyunca byk veri teknolojilerine dair rnekler yapacaz. Hangi programlama dili ile kod gelitirirseniz gelitirin, fark etmez, bir gn yolunuz mutlaka byk veriye decektir. Bu nedenle de kurumsal projelerde aranlan kii olmak iin kesinlikle Big Datay bilip gelimelerden haberdar olmak zorundasnz. Yazlm kariyerinde hzla ykselmek isteyenler, bu zel frsat sakn karmasnlar. Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, HBase, Sqoop aralarn bu eitimde kefedeceksiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Systems Thinking with Causal Loop Diagrams for Scrum Masters" |
"Puzzled by how to describe complex systems to your teams and managers?Frustrated because everyone is searching for simple solutions instead of looking beneath the surface?Do you want to learn a simple technique for modeling complex systems that leads to powerful, actionable insights?Welcome to 'Systems Thinking with Causal Loop Diagrams for Scrum Masters'!In this short course you'll learn how to use causal loop diagrams to model complex systems.You'll be introduced to Loopy, a free tool for creating causal loop diagrams. You do not need to know how to program!After taking this course you'll know a great technique that you can bring to retrospectives and to discussions with management. It will make you look smarter because you will be smarter!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso nivel Medio HP UFT" |
"En este curso aprenders a mejorar tus revisiones en flujos de calidad, con un nivel medio/alto, automatizando con la herramienta UFT (Unified Functional Testing ) de HP en versin 12. Este curso, comprende desde la instalacin hasta la ejecucin de un flujo de revisin de calidad con una herramienta ya reconocida a nivel mundial."
Price: 19.99

"Ethereum ve Solidity Dili ile Blockchain Programlama" |
"Blockchain programlama aralarn ve ortamlarn kefetmek mi istiyorsunuz? O zaman ho geldiniz, doru yerdesiniz. Blok zinciri evreninde kullanlan aralar ve teknolojiler olduka eitlidir. Biz bu eitimde sfrdan balayp adm adm kodlayp blockchain projeleri gelitirmeyi reneceiz. Eitim boyunca u konular ileyeceiz.1.Oturum Blokzinciri Sunumu, (Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum, Hash, SHA-256, Blok, Mutabakat (Consensus), Is Kant, Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), Zorluk Hedefi (Difficulty Target), Dugum Tipleri, Merkle Agac, Bellek Havuzu (Mempool), Islemler (Transactions), Anahtar Cifti (Key Pairs), Guncelleme (Fork), Czdan eitleri (Wallet Types), Whitepaper, Ilk Coin Arz (ICO), ifreli Kripto Para (Cryptocurrency))2.Oturum Kodlama, Solidity, Remix IDE, Gas, Wei, Functions, CryptoZombies, Gavwood, DApps, Akll Szlemeler (Smart Contracts), Yap (Struct), Dzenleyiciler (Modifiers), Olaylar (Events), deyebilme (Payable), Kaltm, Miras (Inheritance), Contracts Communications, Ktphaneler (Libraries)3.Oturum Kodlama, MetaMask, Brave, Ganache, Nodejs, Npm, Truffle, TestRPC, Etherscan, Rinkeby, Ropsten, Kovan Faucet4.Oturum Bulut Ortam, Azure Cloud, Frontend Web Application, Webpack, Web3.js, JavaScript, OpenZeppelin, Standart Tokenlar (ERC20, ERC721)Ethereum ve Solidity ile Blockchain programlamay kefetmek mi istiyorsunuz? O zaman ho geldiniz, doru yerdesiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Crea un manejador de imgenes con PHP7" |
"En este curso aprovecharemos nuestros conocimientos en PHP para desarrollar un manejador de imgenes con los iteradores de las libreras estndar de PHP (SPL) y la potente librera GD para el manejo de filtros y de efectos como rotar, voltear (flip) u optimizar el tamao de una imagen. Realizaremos un filtro con diferentes etiquetas y una nube de las mismas. Finalmente realizaremos el proceso de descarga de las imgenes. Este curso es intermedio, ya necesitas tener conocimientos generales de PHP y MySQL, ya que no se explicarn los trminos bsicos. Utilizaremos la herramienta Bootstrap, aunque no es indispensable que la conozcas. Los objetivos de este curso son:El alumno construir la estructura bsica del Manejador de Imgenes con PHPEl alumno crear la caratula para mostrar la imagen y el men correspondiente.El alumno desarrollar el manejo de etiquetasEl alumno aprender a optimizar una imagen con PHPEl alumno aprender a aplicar filtros a las imgenes con la librera GDEl alumno efectuar un filtro por etiquetas y una nube de etiquetasEste es un curso intermedio, por lo que necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de programacin en PHP y manejo de MySQL, as como conocimientos previos en HTML y CSS. (no es necesario manejar Bootstrap) un editor de cdigo y una computadora con acceso a Internet.Este curso est orientado a desarrolladores web con conocimientos de PHP y MySQL. Tendrs los ejercicios de cada clase y los apuntes del curso (PDF)."
Price: 270.00
