"Auto Socorrer-se - Treinamento Mental Brainwave" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para AUTO SOCORRER-SE se sentir no controle da sua vida com conscincia=> AUTO SOCORRER-SE se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo que voc seja seu amigo, mestre e tutor nos momentos mais difceis da vida, onde situaes limitantes precisam serem trabalhados para o seu auto desenvolvimento=> Muitas pessoas so limitadas porque no conseguem prestar o auto socorre emocional que precisam diante de algumas situaes, e acabam corrompendo a sua personalidade de atuarem em suas vidas=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para AUTO SOCORRER-SE tendo mais sabedoria para lidar com as decises do dia a dia, resolver conflitos internos e externos, nunca deixando de ser fiel aos seus princpiosEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a AUTO SOCORRER-SEEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.AUTO SOCORRER-SE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para AUTO SOCORRER-SEVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Comer Comida Saudvel - Treinamento Mental Brainwave" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para COMER COMIDA SAUDVEL e passar a se interessar por alimentos com melhores valores nutricionais=> COMER COMIDA SAUDVEL se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo querer alimentos mais saudveis o orgnicos=> Algumas pessoas no procuram saber a origem daquilo que esto comento, acabam sem ter acesso a uma alimentao mais saudvel=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para COMER COMIDA SAUDVEL se tornando uma pessoa com hbitos mais saudveis para se alimentarEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a COMER COMIDA SAUDVELEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.COMER COMIDA SAUDVEL o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para COMER COMIDA SAUDVELVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Aumentar seu Metabolismo - Treinamento Mental Brainwave" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMO voc vai adquirir um metabolismo natural e queimar muitas calorias=> AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMO se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo perder peso usando a fora energtica do seu metabolismo=> Algumas pessoas podem comer de tudo e no engordarem, outras s de pensarem no alimento elas j ganham uns quilos, isso tem haver diretamente com o metabolismo do corpo de cada pessoa=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMO se tornando capaz de acessar atravs do seu subconsciente todas as clulas do seu corpo para acelerarem o metabolismo interno delas, se sentindo mais motivado a ter um novo estilo de vida, que leve a ter mais sade e alcanar o peso desejadoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMOEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para AUMENTAR SEU METABOLISMOVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Motivao para Fazer Exerccios -Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOS voc vai recuperar o desejo de levantar e se mexer e comear a exercitar com frequncia seu corpo=> MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOS se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te proporcionando o desejo de exercitar o corpo em busca dos benefcios que os exerccios sempre trazem=> Algumas pessoas acham difcil estabelecer uma meta em fazer exerccios devido as milhares distraes do dia a dia, esquecem que o corpo uma mquina que precisa ser lubrificada sempre=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOS estabelecendo uma rotina semanal de atividades que vo lubrificar seu corpo, mudar seu estilo de vida, trazendo mais energia, sade e bem estar fsicoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOSEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOS o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER EXERCCIOSVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Pensar Magro - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para PENSAR MAGRO e alcanar o peso ideal para seu corpo=> PENSAR MAGRO se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo manter seu corpo sempre magro=> Algumas pessoas tem dificuldades em pensar em si mesmo magras, e isso interfere direto no sucesso do processo de emagrecimento=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para PENSAR MAGRO te fazendo focar no peso ideal que deseja ter, os meios para alcanar esse objetivo e manter esse peso e medidas de forma mais naturalEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a PENSAR MAGROEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.PENSAR MAGRO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para PENSAR MAGROVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Controlar Vcio de Comer a Noite Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITE e controlar a compulso de comer durante a noite interrompendo o sono para ir se alimentar=> CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITE se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo ter disciplina para vencer o vcio de comer a noite=> Muitas pessoas so viciadas em comer de madrugada e assaltar todas as noites a geladeira, atrapalhando o metabolismo natural dos seus corpos e prejudicando o processo de emagrecimento=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITE controlando essa vontade que j se tornou um vcio, ajudando a no interromper mais o sono para comer e ficar apenas saciado com o jantarEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITEEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para CONTROLAR VCIO DE COMER A NOITEVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Controlar Vcio de Fast Food - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOOD e aprender a comer de forma mais saudvel=> CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOOD se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te levando sempre a dar preferncia para uma comida mais caseira e natural=> Algumas pessoas tem dificuldades em comer de forma saudvel, seja pela correria do dia a dia, trabalho ou algum motivo pessoal, e acabam se alimento em fast foods diariamente prejudicando toda sua dieta alimentar=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOOD controlando essa compulso de sempre querer comer fora, ou comer coisas que so pr prontas e prtica, e passar a desejar ter alimentao mais saudvel e variada, de preferncia uma comida mais caseiraEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOODEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOOD o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para CONTROLAR VCIO DE FAST FOODVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Controlar a Fome - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para CONTROLAR A FOME e parar de sentir uma obsesso alimentar e pensar em comida toda hora=> CONTROLAR A FOME se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo sentir menos necessidade de comer toda hora=> Algumas pessoas ficam viciadas em comer e parece que toda hora sentem muita fome, isso vai se tornando um vicio muito perigoso para sade=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para CONTROLAR A FOME voc vai sentir fome nas horas certas das refeies, parar de beliscar o dia todo pequenas besteiras e deixar de cometer excessos na sua dieta diriaEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a CONTROLAR A FOMEEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.CONTROLAR A FOME o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para CONTROLAR A FOMEVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Motivao para fazer Dieta - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETA vai aprender a manter seu foco na dieta que se props a fazer=> MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETA se tornar uma realidade na sua vida tornando uma pessoa motivada e focada na alimentao que vai manter a sua dieta=> Algumas pessoas perdem toda a motivao no processo de emagrecimento, elas acham que dieta chata, desagradvel e sem sabor, quando elas poderiam ter uma alimentao saborosa e saudvel=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETA te tornando mais motivado em procurar os melhores alimentos, ingredientes, temperos e opes para comer uma comida saudvel e saborosa, durante a sua dieta.Esse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETAEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETA o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para MOTIVAO PARA FAZER DIETAVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Vencer Vcio de Chocolate - Treinamento Mental" |
"=> Voc vai adquirir a habilidade para VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATE e aprender a controlar a sua ansiedade em comer sempre chocolate=> VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATE se tornar uma realidade na sua vida te fazendo que controle a compulso de sempre comer chocolates=> Muita pessoas se consideram choclatras pois no passam um dia sem comer nem que seja um pedacinho de chocolate, esse vcio pode prejudicar em um processo de emagrecimento=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATE se sentindo mais motivado a manter uma dieta mais saudvel, dando preferncia a outros alimentos mesmo que doces, mas que no atrapalhem a sua dieta e seu emagrecimentoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATEEsse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme.Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro.VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida.Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento.Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para VENCER VCIO DE CHOCOLATEVoc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"NGINX - Beginner To Advanced 2020 Crash Course" |
"LEARNNGINX INJUST 1HOURAre youlooking tofurther your careerby learning how to set up a web server with NGINX?Do you want tomaster the fundamentals and core components of NGINX, butdon't want to waste7 hourson a repetitivecourse, when you can learn thesame in a short,to-the-point1 hour course?Do you want the ability to create complex environments such as load balancing,reverse proxy,caching with zero cost?My NGINX for beginnerscourseisall you needtoacquire thereal world job skills of NGINXmanagement-that will further your careerfast!Thiscourse is astep-by-stepintroductiononhow toinstall & configure an NGINX web server from scratch,taught byanexperiencedSystemAdministrator.How to install and configure NGINX, NGINX service management,binary, NGINX on Wordpress, MySQL server &more -it's all coveredstep-by-step.Thiscoursewill give you asolid theoreticalunderstandingof NGINX as well as thepractical skillsto use it proficiently atyourjob.WHAT IS NGINX?NGINXis open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more.It started out as a web server designed for maximum performance and stability. In addition to its HTTP server capabilities, NGINX can also function as a proxy server for email (IMAP, POP3, and SMTP) and a reverse proxy and load balancer for HTTP, TCP, and UDP servers.NGINXis an open source web server that is quickly gaining ground,and is expected to be the most widely installed web server softwarein the futureGUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions askedjust press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card.ARE YOU READY TO SETUPNGINX WEB SERVERS ANHOURFROMNOW?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 194.99

"Group Policy Fundamentals: Beginner To Pro In 1 Hour" |
"LEARNGROUPPOLICYTODAY!Do you want to learn how to use Windows Group Policy on Windows Server in just 1 hour?Do you want to take your ITcareer to the next level?Then this course is the right course for you!ABOUTTHECOURSEThis course covers all you need to know to succeed with Group policy.When you finish the course, you will have gained a solid understanding ofGroup policy and its capabilities.And you will be able to manageGroup Policy yourself in your job.YOUWILLLEARN:Group Policy InheritanceGroup Policy LinksGroup Policy SettingsGroup Policy Tasksmuch much more...WHATISGROUPPOLICY?Group Policy is simply the easiest way to reach out and configure computer and user settings on networks based on Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). If your business is not using Group Policy, you are missing a huge opportunity to reduce costs, control configurations, keep users productive and happy, and harden security.Knowing Group Policy Management is an essential skill you need, if you want to succeed as a system administrator,Help Desk Supporter, Network Administrator,ITSupport Specialistor other ITrelated career.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card. AREYOUREADY TO TAKEYOURITCAREERTOTHENEXTLEVEL?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 99.99

"Windows Server 2012 Installation Walkthrough" |
"LEARNTOINSTALLWINDOWSSERVER2012 INJUST 2HOURS!Are you looking to install Windows Server 2012 for the first time?Not sure how to get started?What type of installation to use?What settings to choose?Want become a better system ITadministrator, by knowing how toinstalland useWindows Server 2012 on your job?Installing Windows Server 2012 can be a daunting task! So many settings, a lot can go wrong. And what about your companies files - how can they stay safe?My name is Pablo Mendoza, and in this course I will show you step-by-step how to install and customize Windows Server 2012. As a experienced Microsoft Certified Instructor with years of practical experience as a network administrator, I will be sure to keep the process safe, fast and secure.You will learn:How to choose the correct Windows Server 2012 installation packageHow to set up a virtual machine for practice installationsHow to install and choose the correct settingsHow to customize your Windows Server 2012 installation according to your companies requirementsAnd all of this will only take 2hour of your time to learn! (You can always go back and re-watch, download etc.)GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card. AREYOUREADY TO INSTALLWINDOWSSERVER2012 SAFE, SECURE&FAST?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start installing today!"
Price: 39.99

"Java Web Services For Beginners (SOAP, REST, Spring & XML)" |
"THE COMPLETEJAVAWEBSERVICESCOURSEAre you looking to improve your Java programming skills by learning how to create Java Web Services using SOAPand RESTful web services? Do you want to secure a promotion at your job?My Java Web Services courseis all you need to take your Javaskills to the next level and position yourself for a pay-raise. The course is astep-by-stepintroductiononhow to develop and implement Java Webservices using all of the industry standard software like REST, SOAP, XML, JSON, Spring Core, Maven and more.All taught by an experienced Java developer with years of academic and business experience.Thiscoursewill give you asolid theoreticalunderstandingofJava Web Services programming, as well as thepractical skillsto develop Java Web Servicesat your job.WHATYOUWILLLEARNThe primary objective of this course is to help students learn developing Java Web Servicesusing both the widely used technologies that are SOAP Web Services and RESTful WebServices. So in this course students will learn developingthese using Apaches CXF frameworkwhich is an implementation of JAX-WS specifications.Additionally I have added lectures toother technologies that are needed to develop these web services like XML, XML Namespaces,XML Schema Definition or XSD, JSON, Java annotations introduction, Spring Core introduction,JAXB,JAX-WS and Maven that will help students also develop basic to slightly more than basicskills on these as well.WHATISJAVAWEBSERVICES (ANDWHYISITIMPORTANT?)Web Services is a technology or framework that enables applications to make themselvesavailable or expose their APIs to be invoked by other applications over HTTP coded notnecessarily in the same programming language. So web services really make applicationsplatform and technology independent and help other applications use the functionality of otherapplications e.g. A Vehicle Check web service would help another application to provide detailsof a car by providing only the registration number of the car.Java Web Services is a specification called JAX-WS and JAX-RS that provides collection ofJava APIs to be implemented by other third party libraries like Apache AXIS, Jersey, ApacheCXF and others.Java Web Services provide APIs for both Big Web Services aka SOAP whichis JAX-WS and RESTful Web Services which is JAX-RS. Developers use theseimplementations like Apache CXF to program web services and web service clients.Java Web Services simplify app development by taking the complexity out of applicationdevelopers when implementing web services and letting application developers focus more onsolving the business problems.Java Web Services also provide APIs to secure web serviceusing different authentication methods and also add interceptors to web services. Java WebServices can be accessed by applications or web service clients programmed inother technologies like .NET, PHP, C# etc. The new, improved and open source frameworks continueto be created for Java Web Services.All these advantages certainly ascertain a wide adoption by enterprises and hence bright futurefor Java Web Services.TOP3 REASONSYOUSHOULDLEARNTODEVELOPJAVAWEBSERVICES1. Huge demandJava came a close second among the languages used in GitHub, in the annual popularity contest organized by TIOBE, a Netherlands-based provider of software quality assessment services . Even after 20 years of it's birth, its popularity has grown by 5.94% last year. Its presence is in demand so much that it is currently the No.1 in the enterprise backend domain andhaving significant growth in mobile application development as well.2. Future proofJava Web Services has become the standard on which many enterprise deployments are built.As Java is open source, there are a number of non-proprietary Java Web Services open source projectsthat have helped create frameworks like Apache CXF and Spring Boot making Java Web Services morerelevant for the changing industry demands.3. Get chosen over your competitorsAdding Java Web Services to students skill portfolio at an early stage of their career in programming willcertainly provide an edge over other junior developers who generally lack experience in developing webservices.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card.AREYOUREADY TO TAKEYOURITCAREERTOTHENEXTLEVEL?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99

"Bash Scripting 1-Hour Crash Course: Write Scripts Today!" |
"LEARNBASHSHELLSCRIPTINGINJUST 1HOURAre youlooking tofurther your careerby learning do complex automation tasks using Bash Shell?Are you a beginner wanting to learnbash scripting- FAST?Do you want tomaster the fundamentals and core components of Shell Scripting, butdon't want to waste 10hourson a repetitivecourse, when you can learn thesame in a short,to-the-point1 hour course?My Bash Shell Scriptingfor beginnerscourseisall you needtoacquire thereal world job skills of Bash Shell Scripting-that will further your careerfast!Thiscourse is astep-by-stepintroductionon how to use Bash Shell to write programs, automate tasks and much more. All taught byanexperienced SystemAdministrator.Writing your first script, variables, cron automation, loops and more-it's all coveredstep-by-step.Thiscoursewill give you asolid theoreticalunderstandingof Bash Shell Scripting as well as thepractical skillsto use it proficiently atyourjob.No experience required!WHATYOUWILLLEARN INTHECOURSE:First youlearn what the Bash shell is and how it developed to the stage it is in at the moment.Then, as we install a VPS with DigitalOcean, you will get practical, and learn the basics of scripting in Bash, adding features like variables, redirections and pipes.You will also learn how to automate tasks with cron jobs (scheduled tasks), and advanced features of Bash as a programming language (if...else, loops, functions and user input).To put all pieces together, and maybe add few new ones, there are two case studies. One for installing subversion server for sharing scripts you have written, and another case study, which will extract information from web server(Apache) logs and put them into a database (mysql).And every section will have an exercise video full of training questions, so you can test and improve your skills as we go along.WHAT IS BASHSHELLSCRIPTING?Bash shell is the most common command line interpreter for Linuxoperating system. It is a result of decades of development of variouscommand line interpreters,each building up on its predecessor goodfeatures, and adding its own improvements.In todays world, scripting is gaining ground everywhere-fromnetwork devices to supercomputers. Once you master Bash for commonadministrative task, you can go ahead and learn Python or Perl moreeasily, because you have a solid foundation on what Linux can and cannot do.Although Bash is not a full-blown programming languages, withits loops, conditions, variables, chaining multiple commandstogether, shell scripts have grown to be much more than just commandline expressions put together.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions askedjust press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card.ARE YOU READY TO WRITEYOURFIRSTSHELLSCRIPTANHOURFROMNOW?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 179.99

"Become a DevOps & Jenkins Superstar! Learn As Easy As 1-2-3" |
"THE COMPLETEDEVOPS FORBEGINNERSCOURSEDo you want to learn what DevOps technology is all about?Do you want to become a DevOps engineer?Do you want to further your IT career by acquiring high demand DevOps skills like continuous integration & continuous delivery (CI/CD) and container management?Do you want to learn how to use common DevOps tools likeJenkins, Ansible, Git, Docker and OpenShift?My DevOps introductioncourseis all you need to succeed as a DevOps engineer and position yourself for a new job or a pay-raise. The course is astep-by-stepintroduction to the foundational principles behind DevOps as well as a thoroughintroduction to all the common tools used in a DevOps environment.Everything istaught by an highlyexperienced DevOps engineerwith years of practical DevOpsexperience.Thiscoursewill give you asolid theoreticalunderstandingofDevOps, as well as thepractical skillsto implement DevOps principles and tools in your job.WHATYOUWILLLEARNThe primary objective of this course is to help students understand the fundamental principles of DevOps. It will give you a high-flying overview of how you can use DevOps principles in your own business or with your employer.Throughout the course you will be introduced to all of the common tools that is used in the DevOps environment. Tools like Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, Git, OpenShift, Sonarqube and more. You will learn how to install, configure and work with these tools in DevOps environment.Some of the skills you will learn are:Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)Automation , provisioning & configurationContainer managementDeploying Simple MicroservicesAnd much much more.Each section will have live-demonstrations of the tasks, so that you can practice your DevOps skills at home.WHATISDEVOPS?DevOps is a culture,a philosophy where Developer AND Operation teams can collaborate &participate together in agile practice through the entire softwarelifecycle, from initial development stage to production support.DevOps is NOT aboutlearning fancy tools. It's about people. About solving problems. A DevOps environmentmay do things a lot differently than your legacy IT. Of course itwont change to the worse. In a DevOps environment you can expectmore automation, more flexibelity & an easier way to do thingsthan how you are used todoing right now.TOP3 REASONSYOUSHOULDLEARNDEVOPS1. Future proofDevOps systemshas become the standard on which many big corporations and startups are built.There is nothing to suggest that DevOps implementation will slow down. So if you want job security in exiting tech companies, DevOps is for you.2.High demand for DevOps engineersDevops Engineer iscurrently a highly demanded position with few qualified engineers to fill the positions.Comparing this to other IT positions, DevOps Engineeringisa really promisingcareer path.3. Cut cost in halfA good DevOps practice will cut businessesIT budget by 30-50%bothmid-term & long-term.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card.AREYOUREADY TO LEARNDEVOPS?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 179.99

"PL SQL 1-Hour Bootcamp: Learn Fundamental PLSQL Skills Today" |
"The primary objective of this course is to introduce you to the Oracle plsql programming language fast and to give you the practical skills to be productive as a web developer working with Oracle databases.In the course you will be introduced to variety of fundamental PL SQL functions like:How to declare and use PL/SQL VariablesHow to create functions and proceduresUse PL/SQL packages to group and contain relatedobjectsHandle run time errors using ExceptionsAnd much much more...By the end of the course I will give you practical exercises for you to do to test out your new PL/SQL skills in real time. You will learn everything you need to jumpstart your PL/SQL programming learning.WHAT IS PL/SQL (AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?)PL/SQL is a block structured language thatcan contain any number of nested sub-blocks. Pl/SQL stands for""Procedural Language extension of SQL"" that is used in Oracle.Although PL/SQL is closely integrated with SQL language, it addssome programming constraints that are not available in SQL.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, please get a refund. We only want happy students.ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR CAREER TO THE NEXT LEVEL?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 79.99

"Learn How SAP ERP Certification Can Lead To Your Dream Job" |
"Do you want to learn what SAP software is?Are you interested in furthering you career withaSAP certification, but not sure whatmodule to choose?Are you looking to implement a ERP system in your business, but not sure what to do?My SAPintroductory courseis all you need to get started with your SAPeducation.The course is astep-by-stepintroductionon what SAP is, how it's used ina corporation and how to get started with your SAPcertification.All taught by an experienced SAPconsultant with years of practical businessexperience.Thiscoursewill give you asolid theoreticalunderstandingofSAP, as well as thepractical knowledge of how to launch a career in SAP.WHATYOUWILLLEARNThe primary objective of this course is to help students understand the basics of the ERP market and specifically the SAPsoftware suite.In the course you will be introduced to the variety of SAPmodules like SAP FI, SAPCO,SAP SD,SAP FICO, SAPMM , SAPHR, SAPPP, SAPPS, SAPABAPetc.You will learn what makes each one unique and what benefit each one has. I will give you an overview of theschools and certification programs that you can take to get educated in each module and further your SAP career.I will also show you hands-on how the SAP interface looks, how to navigate it and use it - practically.By the end Iwill show you how SAP is evolving and what you can expect to happen in the near SAPfuture and how you can prepare yourself.The course will conclude with a quiz, so you can put you SAPknowledge to the test.WHATIS SAP(ANDWHYISITIMPORTANT?)SAPstands forSystemsApplicationsandProductsin Data Processing. SAPby definition is also named of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)software as well the name of the company.SAP Software was founded in 1972 by Wellenreuther, Hopp, Hector,Plattner and Tschira. SAP system consists of a number of fullyintegrated modules, which covers virtually every aspect of thebusiness management.TOP3 REASONSYOUSHOULDLEARNABOUTSAPLeading enterprise resource planning softwareSAPis one of the number one providers of business software solutionstowards better work and data management in organizations acrossindustries. WhenSystems,Applications & Products in Data Processing(SAP)was founded in June, 1972, it was centered to only A type or bigbusinesses. However over a period of time, small and medium sizecompanies adopted SAP towards achieving organizational goals andtoday SAP is the leader in enterprise applications. You should learn about SAPto see if you should use it to streamline your business.Job securityItwill make your resume count better, unique and different from allothers around you. It is the key to unlocking full technology valueand your professional career. With SAP certification, you willalways be ahead of your competitors and will be preferred by theemployers. SAP Skills will open up amassive sea of opportunitiesfor you.Job promotionApartfrom job opportunities, it will help you in get promoted and earn a higher salary. Along with payment increment, it willbring a certain level of respect and reputation. You will be considered as a knowledgeable person in your domain. In thisverychallenging job market, adding extra professional skills are veryimportant; hence aSAP course is an excellent step towards securefuture.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card.AREYOUREADY TO TAKEYOURCAREERTOTHENEXTLEVEL?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 69.99

"Active Directory For Beginners. Manage Users & Groups Today!" |
"LEARNACTIVEDIRECTORYMANAGEMENTTODAY!Do you want to learn how to use Windows Active Directory to create profiles, groups and permissions?Don't want to waste time on long boring courses?Then this course isrightfor you!ABOUTTHECOURSEThis Active Directory course covers all you need to get started with Active Directory.When you finish the course, you will have gained a solid understanding ofActive Directory managementand its capabilities.And you will be able to manageActive Directoryyourself atyour job.YOUWILLLEARN:How to create user accounts for an enterprise networkHow to control who has permission to create computer accountsGroup typesHow to delegate administrative controlmuch much more...WHATISACTIVEDIRECTORY?Active Directory (AD) is a Microsoft technology used to manage computers and other devices on a network. It is a primary feature of Windows Server, an operating system that runs both local and Internet-based servers.Active Directory allows network administrators to create and manage domains, users, and objects within a network. For example, an admin can create a group of users and give them specific access privileges to certain directories on the server.Knowing Active DirectoryManagement is an essential skill you need, if you want to succeed as a system administrator,Help Desk Supporter, Network Administrator,ITSupport Specialistor other ITrelated career.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card. AREYOUREADY TO TAKEYOURITCAREERTOTHENEXTLEVEL?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 89.99

"Become an AWS Lambda Serverless Framework Superstar Today!" |
"COURSE OBJECTIVE The primary objective for this course is to introduce students to the concept, tools and methods of working with serverless architecture on AWS (Amazon Web Services) The course will introduce you to the following key technologies that are a part of AWS serverless program suite:DynamoDB database - a key-valuestore that is completely serverless and Amazon-inventedLambdafunction written in Python. This communicates with the database. AWS API gateway service. This serves as a link between the application and the Lambda function.S3 where we will store our web pageRoute53which will use our subdomain to access this page.All sections of the course will have relevant exercises for you to do, so you can practice your new skills so that you can use them practically in your own job afterwards.WHAT IS AWS SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURE / TECHNOLOGIES?Amazon has grown to become the most sophisticated provider of storage, virtual servers and many other various IT services, with the main goal of letting you concentrate on programming and system development, rather than the maintenance of the systems. With Amazon serverless technologies, you can set up a powerful computer system, consisting of databases, programming environments, hosting platforms, using only your laptop and an Amazon AWS account.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNING TO WORK WITH AWS SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURE 1. High in demand Experts in AWS are high in demand, with a huge number of either freelancing or full-time jobs available and growing. 2. Emerging technology All of AWS services are rather new, compared to traditional skills like C++ programming or TCP/IP network administration.Being new, they are powerful and flexible on one side, but on the other side, they can be difficult to understand at first. This course will lead you through various new technologies, some of which you may not know even existed. 3. A great addition to your current skills If you are a programmer, you would benefit from being able to manage your own databases and application hosting; if you are a system engineer, you will be able to setup a complete system without having to setup a single server; if you are a system integrator, you will love the way different AWS services come together.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Will I learn to programme? No, you will not learn to programme, but you can see the principle in the example that I will show you, as every line of code will be explained. This is not a programming tutorial, because programming a few lines of Python code is just a small part of the course.Will I need additional software? No, all the software that you will need is the web browser, preferably FirefoxHow much will it cost me, I know that Amazon is not free?If you are in the free tier, it will cost you nothing, but if you are paying, it will be a few dollars at mostHow much time will it take for me to finish the course?The course itself is 2 hours long, but you will probably need four to six hours to finish it. GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card. ARE YOU READY TO BECOME AN AWS SERVERLESS ARCHITECTURE EXPERT?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 199.99

"30 Minutes Servlets Overview" |
"THEDEDICATEDJAVASERVLET INTRODUCTIONCOURSEThis course is dedicated to teaching you specifically about Java Servlets.What are Java servlets?How do they work?How do Icreate a servlet and use it in my project?What are the advanced features of a servlet?This and much much more will be covered in the course.STEP-BY-STEPThe course is taught by an experienced Java developer and he will show you step-by-step, how you can get started creating your own servlets and use them with your projects.WHAT AREJAVASERVLETS?Servlets are the Java platform technology of choice for extending and enhancing Web servers.Servlets provide a component-based, platform-independent method for building Web-based applications, without the performance limitations of CGI programs.These dats,servlets are a popular choice for building interactive Web applications and is knowing how to create and use servlets, is a skill in high demand in the tech world.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card. AREYOUREADY TO TAKEYOURITCAREERTOTHENEXTLEVEL?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!Tags: JSP, JDBC, container"
Price: 19.99

"Docker 40 Minutes Overview" |
"TOPQUICK-STARTDOCKERCOURSEDo you want to learn what Docker is and how to use it to create containers?Do you want to understand the basics and just start practicing right away?In this course you will get a quick-start introduction to the Docker application.You will learn:What container technology isHow to install DockerHow to deploy your first containerWhat a Docker image isHow to run a container with volumeMuch more...And all in the span of 40 minutes, so you can start practicing yourself right away.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card.AREYOUREADY TO LEARNDOCKER?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 19.99

"Ansible 30 Minutes Overview" |
"TOPQUICK-STARTANSIBLEAUTOMATION COURSEDo you want to learn what Ansible is and how to use it for provisioning and configuration management?Do you want to understand the basics quicklyand just start practicing right away?In this course you will get a quick-start introduction to the Ansible application.You will learn:How to install AnsibleHow to configure and manage hostsHow to run Ansible from the command lineHow to create and run an Ansible PlaybookMore...And all in the span of 30minutes, so you can start practicing yourself right away.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that its not for you, pleaseget aUdemy-backed refund. No questions asked - just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to yourcredit card.AREYOUREADY TO LEARNANSIBLE?Please press the""Take This Course""button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn ETL Testing With Informatica PowerCenter Today" |
"COURSEOBJECTIVEThe Primary objective of this course to make you familiar with ETL testing concepts.The course starts with data warehousing concepts, as that is required before you start testing the data in data warehouse.You should be well versed is SQL (RDBMS query language), hence this tutorial hasa brief introduction to SQL and normalization to structure data in adatabase.You willlearn how to test the loaded data by ETL process after transformations. After you finish the tutorial, you can startcreating a set of test cases for your ETL mapping and build your ownqueries to execute them.All sections of the course will have relevant exercises for you to do, so you can practice your new skills.WHAT IS ETL TESTING?ETL stands for Extract-Transform-Load. It is a process of loading data from the source system to the data warehouse.ETL testing is done to ensure that the data loaded from thesource system to a data warehouse(after transformations), is accurate.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNING ETL TESTINGETL testing professionals arein highdemand in the market. Tools like Informatica PowerCenter, IBM Infosphere Information Server, Oracle data Integrator,etc. are in huge demand in the Industry and there is no sign of this trend should stop growing anytime soon.ETL testing Jobs are generally well payed and include many benefits.Learning ETL testing will improve your data analytical skills.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSIs it easy to get a job in ETL testing?Iwould say it is ""easy"". But if you have the right knowledge (like this course)and SQL experience, it should not be much of a problem to get a good ETLtesting job in various companies.The future of ETL Testing is very bright. There will always be aneed to storedata for analysis, for any organizations thathas large amount of transactions.What skills are required before I opt for ETLtesting?ETL is all about playing with large data in database. You must have good knowledge of database structured query language (SQL), and knowledge of data warehousing concepts. A short refresher to SQLwill be given in the course.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card.ARE YOU READY TO LEARN ETL TESTING?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99

"Buy An Online Business Without Money & Earn Passive Income!" |
"COURSEOBJECTIVEThis course willintroduce you to the processof finding and buying a successful online business, that's making passive income every day.This can be done without any experience and even without using any of yourown money.The key benefits to buying an online business are:Skip failure. 90% of new online businesses fail within 120 days. When you buy a provenonline business, you bypass failure and makemoney from day 1Passive income. An online business can make money for you while you sleep with automationGood investment. An online business can be bought for as low as $500 and up to 5 million. They usually sell for 2x yearly profits aka. 50%return on your investmentLocation independence. All you need to run an online business is a computer and internet - you can work from home, the beach or abroad.Scale-ability. You can easily improve the business by translating it to another language, increase the advertising spend and many other things.Easy to learn. When you buy a business, you will get written standard operating procedures and live training on how to run the business from the previous owner. You don't have to figure it allout yourself.Flipping websites is a great wealth builder. You can buy an online business, improve it and sellit in 6 months and make great profits from the ""digital real-estate"" flip.In this course, Iwill show all of the steps necessary to safely buy a successful online business like an affiliate site, Amazon business or a dropshipping ecommercestore.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a Udemy-backed refund. No questions asked just press the refund button, and all of your money will be returned to your credit card.ARE YOU READY TO LEARNHOWTOBUYANONLINEBUSINESS?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 179.99

"Amazon FBA SEO 2020: How To Make a Perfect Listing" |
"THE""PEFECTAMAZONLISTINGRECIPE""COURSEAre you selling private labelproducts (or your own products)on Amazon and not seeing the results you want?Are you unsure if your product listing on Amazon is good enough and not sure how to improve it?Have some of your products ""died""and your not sure how to get them startselling again?Are you being left behind by the competition and not sure what to do about it?Myperfect amazon recipe courseis all you need turn your average product listing into a high-converting bestseller in any Amazon category!In this course, Iwill show you proven strategies, that can improve the conversion rate of any product.Where you before were only getting 5 sales per every 100 visitors (5% conversion rate), you can nowget8 sales per every 100 visitors (8% conversion rate) -IFyou follow the strategies and methods taught in this course diligently.Everything is taught step-by-step and I'll show you examples and give exercises along the way.The strategies are also applicable if your just running a normal Ecommerce site and you want to have the best product listings youcan have.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:How to improve your Amazon product listing conversion rate with 3-8% (on top of what it is now!)How to write a title that will get buyers to clickHow to improve your imagesHow to optimize your bullets using features & benefitsHow to write a product description that converts using the 6-step copywriting formulaDownloadable checklists for future referenceHow to make you listing look good with simple HTMLReal-world examples & exercisesMuch more...30 DAYSMONEY-BACKGUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, fell free to get a Udemy-backed refund. No risk to you!ARE YOU READY TODOUBLEYOURSALESONAMAZON?Pleasepress the ""Buy Now"" buttonand get a perfect Amazon product listing today!"
Price: 179.99

"Network Programming with Java Sockets" |
"This course is going to teach you how to write network applications using Java socket programming. The approach of this course is Practical First Theory Later. Instructor have covered the coding dynamics and implementations details of Java Network Programming. After setting the foundation with the code, instructor then turned his focus on the underground Theoretical concepts in much detailed since its very very necessary for students to know the in-depth details of network communications. This course can not only benefit Beginners but also to those who have been coding for years and want to learn more about Network Programming and communications fundamentals in-depth. We don't believe in playing with words and writing long Course Description. Check this course yourself. Kindly give us your feedback.Note: Instructor is working on THEORY section and will soon publish the videos. More contents will be uploaded soon. Log(n) Academy"
Price: 19.99

"How To Create Better Goals + Habits + Motivation + Results" |
"[2020] Program Yourself With Automatic + Positive Habits So That You Will Succeed With Business, Weight Loss, Health, or LoveGet Unstuck + Start Taking Action Using Life Coaching On Yourself: A Step-By-Step System To More Confidence + MotivationLearn to become your own life coach and create the right mindset to start your business, lose weight, gain health, or find love. Use life coaching to become the best version of yourself, so that you can create the best version of you easier and faster!LEARN TO PROGRAM YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS!RAPID SUCCESS MINDSET PROGRAMMINGGet Unstuck Take Consistent Action Create More ProfitProblem:Most entrepreneurs get stuck doing mostly learning and research actions and they're not doing result actions like building online courses, membership sites, and other products to sell. And they're definitely not taking other result actions like creating youtube videos, instagram posts, blog posts, social media posts, facebook ads, webinars etc... actions that actually sell their productsThe reason they're not taking these result actions and putting themselves out there is because they have fears of not feeling good enough, of being judged, of looking foolish, and of failing. And so they stay in the comfort zone of passive learning and research action, where there's no way to fail, you just keep gathering more information and staying safe...You feel like you're being productive, but it's not leading to actually selling things and making money... there's no direct results from these passive actions. And if they keep not putting themselves out there by not doing result actions, they'll never succeed or make money... This is a HUGE problem and it's why most entrepreneurs fail, or never get started in the first place!Solution:Program your mind to get unstuck and out of passive learning and research mode and into taking result creating actions every single day, automatically and subconsciously. You'll build confidence and courage at your identity level, so that you can easily overcome your fears and put yourself out there anytime to sell your products and start making money!... I'll show you exactly how to do this inside my Rapid Success Mindset Online Course Build automated, identity based, success habit routines, so that you're highly motivated subconsciously from the inside out to do specific, result creating, success habit routines every day, effortlessly and automatically. You'll build the belief, confidence, and identity in yourself that you can easily build and perform these success habit routines any time. I'll show you exactly how to do this inside my Rapid Success Mindset Online Course Model and optimize current profitable business systems from successful entrepreneurs in your niche. This will build confidence and certainty into your subconscious identity and into your actual day to day process. This allows you to quickly set up your business and start making money by following a path that's already laid out and programmed into your subconscious mind. Don't reinvent the wheel! I'll show you exactly how to do this inside my Rapid Success Mindset Online Course This course shows you, step-by-step, how to Program Your Mind for success so that you can get what you want in life faster!This Course Is YOUR Solution, showing you how to create an automatic, goal focusing, Rapid Success Mindset, so you can get more out of life, like:More income + abundance... By modeling other successful businesses at the subconscious levelMore time to spend with those you care about... By getting out of being stuck and overwhelmedMore freedom to live and work like you want, when you want... By creating automated habitsMore energy, confidence, self esteem, relaxation, and fun By building your mindset of success!What's included in the Rapid Success Mindset Course?12 Easy to follow step-by-step modules""Over the top"" results focused bonusesMindset Training: youll learn how to program yourself to effortlessly take action every day towards the results you wantHabits: You dont just follow this plan, you BECOME the type of person who automatically succeeds with this plan using automated habit routinesAnd much, much more... Entire list below...Once You Become Master of Your Mind, You Become Master of Your Life!If you want more in life... to feel motivated and energized each day... to have more time, money and freedom...You must BE and FEEL different as you DO something different by creating a new identity, new character traits, and new habits of success...You need to build your Rapid Success Mindset... And I'll show you how to build one inside my online course...Hello! I'm Jay Forno and I've used all of the principles inside this Rapid Success Mindset course for over 25 years to achieve millions of dollars in sales volume across all my business ventures.I'm also proud to have transformed the lives of almost 7,000 students across all of my online courses... and now I look forward to showing you inside this course how to transform your life by creating your own Rapid Success Mindset!This Course is an 8 step system showing you how to program your mind to create a rapid success mindset!In this course, you'll:Discover How to Stop Being OverwhelmedLearn a Simple Way to End ProcrastinationFind a Fast Way To Overcome Perfectionism and Start Taking Action FasterLearn to Take Massive and Productive Action On A Daily Basis No Matter What Else Is Going On Around YouEasily Create and Achieve Your Goals FasterLeverage Your Mindset To Create More Money, Time, and FreedomCelebrities Who Optimize Their Lives Daily By Programming Their Mindset Following The Same Type of System You'll Learn In This Course: Arnold Schwarzenegger Lady GagaKaty PerryDenzel WashingtonMichael PhelpsWill SmithJim CarreyOprah Winfrey"
Price: 199.99

"Learn PHP 7, MySQL, Object-Oriented Programming, PHP Forms" |
"NOTE: This is five of my flagship courses bundled into one: Beginner's Guide to PHP Build Professional PHP Applications With Object-Oriented ProgrammingSecure Session-Based Login ScriptHow to Submit an HTML Form to a MySQL Database Using PHPFreelancing on UpworkAll 5 are included in this course.Hey, I'm John. I've been a freelance web developer for over 12 years. You might know me from my popular YouTube channel or the work I've done for well-known clients like New York Times Bestselling Author Michael Hyatt, Internet Celebrity (and Ellen regular) Lewis Howes, Inc. Magazine and others.Over the years, I've taught hundreds of thousands of web developers how to code.And, I've finally put my flagship PHP courses here on Udemy.That's what this course is.I've taken my five most popular training courses and packaged them here in one big mega-course that's going to take you from beginner to building the kind of professional PHP applications clients and employers are starving for. But, let me be upfront with you before you go any further...I teach leaders...People willing to break the rules.My goal for you isn't for you to just know what everyone else does. I'm going to challenge you to think differently and deeper... to be creative and try new things. I don't want you to be the one simply using the shiny new ""thing"" someone else developed. I want you to be the one building that shiny new thing.The latest and greatest design pattern...Or, a newer and better framework...The next multi-million user application.I don't want you to just be a user of these things. I want you to be the ""mastermind"" behind them. Sounds amazing... but, it's no small task. So, I'm not going to just show you one way of doing things or give you all ""my"" answers. I want you to learn how to develop your own answers.Because you understand the code at such a deep level.That means... this course isn't for everyone.BUT...If you're ready to challenge yourself and take not just your PHP skills, but all your coding skills up a notch... then, this course is for you. Here's some of the things you're going to learn:How to create a secure login formHow to build cryptographically secure tokensObject-oriented programmingHow to send email via PHPHow to create a multi-page form using sessionsHow to upload filesHow to create foldersHow to create a contact formArrays, loops...If, else and switchPrepared statementsPDO and MySQLiAnd, a lot more.PLUS, I've added module 2 of my Upwork 101 course that will show you how to build your Upwork profile to BOTH persuade clients to hire you AND rank higher on Upwork... so your profile actually gets seen and you can get paid for all these new skills you're going to learn.So, if you're ready to take the challenge...And, finally just GO for it!Enroll in the Beginner's Guide to PHP and let's get crackin'."
Price: 99.99

"Como conseguir 20.000 followers de alta calidad en Twitter" |
"Este es un curso donde te cuento como empezar a aumentar tus followers en Twitter. En mi caso tengo un trabajo que me apasiona y que al mismo tiempo me absorve mucho tiempo. Es por ello que solo puedo invertir en formas de generacin de nuevos seguidores que me ocupen poqusimo tiempo.Al completar mi curso, los estudiantes sern capaces de:- Tener una estrategia para conseguir miles de seguidores en Twitter en un tiempo relativamente corto (de 3 a 4 semanas).- Conocer herramientas bsicas que le ayudarn a implementar el anterior punto.Quin debera seguir este curso? Quin no debera hacerlo?- Aquellos que quieran tener un alto impacto en su nicho con Twitter deberan seguir este curso. - Aquellos que quieran tener 20.000 seguidores en Twitter con prcticamente esfuerzo nulo no deberan seguir mi curso.Qu necesitarn saber o hacer los estudiantes antes de empezar el curso?Los estudiantes necesitan tener una cuenta de Twitter y tener un conocimiento bsico de redes sociales.Estoy convencido de que aprenders en el curso y que lo pasars bien. Porque al fin y al cabo cuando lo pasas bien aprendes mucho ms.No tienes excusa. Recuerda que la accin siempre supera a la no iniciativa. Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 34.99

"Deploy Java Spring Apps Online to Amazon Cloud (AWS)" |
"STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD BY SHOWCASING YOUR JAVA SPRING APP ONLINE!Deploy your Java Spring apps for Live Internet access! no more ""localhost"" :-)Includes deploying a MySQL database in the Amazon Cloud (AWS)---Benefits of Taking This Java Spring CourseHave you developed a Spring app locally on your computer? Everything is running fine on ""localhost"". But wouldn't you like to showcase this app to prospective employers for live Internet access? What you need is a custom domain name and URL that points to your Spring App online.Now, how awesome would it be to share this URL to a prospective employer? Beyond prospective employers, you can also use this to impress your work colleagues and friends.In this course, we'll cover all of the steps required to deploy your Java Spring App online to the Amazon cloud.You Will Learn How ToDeploy a Java Spring App online to the Amazon Cloud (AWS) - Live Internet AccessCreate a free AWS Developer AccountLaunch an Elastic Beanstalk ServerBuild a Java Web Application Archive (WAR)Deploy a database in the Amazon CloudPopulate the database with our custom tables and dataDeploy an End-to-End Spring App to the Amazon CloudAdd a Custom Domain Name that points to our Spring AppWhat is the Amazon Cloud (AWS)?The Amazon Cloud is a suite of online services for application deployment and management. It is similar to a normal web host, but you can use it for much. It has a rich set of features for modern cloud computing.Do I have to pay to use the Amazon Cloud (AWS)?No, you do not have to pay. Amazon offers a free developers account for 12 months. Free AWS developer account requires a credit card for registration (no charges to card, verification only).We'll show you how to set up a free AWSdeveloper account in this course.Compared to other Spring coursesThis is the ONLY course that shows you how to deploy Spring 5 apps to the Amazon Cloud. This will give your apps live Internet access.No Risk Money-Back Guarantee Finally, there is no risk. You can preview 25% of the course for free. Once you purchase the course, if for some reason you are not happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose, sign up for this course and learn how todeploy Java Spring Apps Online to the Amazon Cloud! Target Audience Java Spring Developers with basic Spring experience"
Price: 99.99
