"Excel im Bro sinnvoll nutzen" |
"Dieser Excel-Kurs richtet sich an alle, die noch mehr aus Excel heraus holen mchten. Die Vielzahl der Funktionen besser kennnen lernen mchten. Fr alle die auch komplexere Tabellen bearbeiten mssen. Sie werden berrrascht sein, wieviel Zeit Sie in Zukunft sparen werden. Verschaffen Sie sich den entscheidenden Vorteil im Berufsleben. Diese Trainings sind speziell fr Menschen im Beruf konzipiert. Geringe Grundkenntnisse sollten Sie bereits haben. Ideal fr Umsteiger aus anderen Office Versionen. Mit diesen Videotrainings werden Ihnen detailliert die Mglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Es werden Ihnen die einzelnen Arbeitsschritte am Bildschirm gezeigt, die Sie dann leicht auf ihre Aufgaben bertragen knnen. Highlights dieses Videotrainings: Sie bestimmen Tempo und Uhrzeit Alles kann anhand von mitgelieferten Dateien selbst ausprobiert werden Die vielen Praxisbeispiele knnen Sie direkt selbst nachvollziehen oder auch ganz individuell anpassen.Die einzelnen Inhalte sind: Modul 1: Anpassen von Excel Modul 2: Externe Daten importieren Modul 3: Listen und Dropdown-Felder erstellen Modul 4: Funktionen nutzen Modul 5: Diagramme erstellen Modul 6: Pivot-Tabellen erstellen und vergleichen Modul 7: Makros aufzeichnen und bearbeiten"
Price: 129.99

"Your Internet Business - German Internet Marketer tells his" |
"Make Money on the Internet - A German Marketer tells all Henning Glaser has over 4 million views and participants in more than 100 countries3 million viewings of his tutorials Over 1 million contacts in 3 years Earn over 1000 in one hour From now on everything is possible for you To have success in the internet nowadays you hear all kinds of things. What you also always hear is become an expert in a niche You also always get to hear that 90% dont have any success in the internet. Maybe theresthe KEY Everyone looks in a keyword planner to find out what people look for in google. That is however wrong, right is to look for what people need. How can I help the people which problems do my product solve. Which uses can I offer people? We should be concentrating on these things Is google really so important or are there possibilities to be successful without google? There are in fact many possibilities which others hardly ever use because that only see google and the experts in their niche Its high time to think again The following themes are handled: Without google to success How do I further build on what others have built Concentrate on the core matters Success comes to only there who put things into practice Earn with videos Earn also over 1000 in one hour Make correct use of the social media Goal setting and the Pareto principle Business plan and positioning Selling on portals like Amazon and ebay Model yourself on the competition What more can we say about this product What our clients said: Its my regular partner (in the car, in the sun, when peeling potatoes) How its possible with simple means, to build up a flourishing internet business Four weeks ago I never believed that I would be able to set up a youtube video Small classifieds by ebay (with over 3 thousand visitors I thought I dreamt it From yesterday I have got almost 50 likes and that in less than 24 hours Approaches which for the most part distinguish themselves from the current published video sources My website visitors increased six-fold Right, youve really given me a push On google Im in 2nd place with my facebook page You have many new thoughts ideas and tips and and and Enjoy the feeling that youre on the move"
Price: 199.99

"Video-Marketing - now you are the director" |
"Video-Marketing -now you are the director Henning Glaser has over 4 million views and participants in more than 100 countriesIf you browse through the internet, you will find a wide variety of videos. There are videos with people, there are animated videos, there are videos with music only, or videos with music and voice. As you can see, the video medium offers you many diverse possibilities to display your content. And there's no doubt about it: videos will be an essential part of the internet in the future. But unfortunately it's not that easy to create good and simple videos. This training will show you different possibilities for the creation of videos, which will enable you to easily create your own videos in the future and thus enhance your internet business. You will learn how the content of a video should be like, how to create a video, how to present the video on the internet, how to best publish the video on YouTube, how to drive YouTube traffic directly to your website and many other things. Don't miss out all the useful tips and tricks, that will help you to get the best out of your video marketing efforts. But the most important thing of all: get things started by creating your first video or optimizing your existing videos! Enjoy the feeling of getting things done right"
Price: 199.99

"Multiplier-Business - use the big ones for your business" |
"Start your business today without any investment Henning Glaser has over 4 million views and participants in more than 100 countriesAgain and again one hears the following argument: ""When I have a good idea/When I have my product ready, I will also start to be successful on the internet."" Things don't have to be this complicated! The internet offers possibilities for everybody to get things started right away - without any investments and without taking any risks at all. Unfortunately, most people use these possibilities rarely or not at all. Although it's so easy to take advantage of other people's success. There's no need to reinvent the wheel constantly to be successfull on the internet. You can easily take advantage of already existing concepts. That's not only an uncomplicated way to success, but also a really fast one. You will be surprised, how many possibilities there are. Enjoy the feeling that you're on the move"
Price: 199.99

"Die meditative Heldenreise" |
"Die meditative Heldenreise kannst du hier erleben.Die Heldenreise wird in verschiedenen Mythen und Blockbustern aus Hollywood immer wieder verwendet. Mit diesen Meditationen kannst du dich selbst auf deine eigene Heldenreise begebenEnthlt die 6 Meditationen- Zentrierungsbung- Den Ruf formulieren- Den Ruf intensivieren- Das Ressourcenteam- Umgang mit Widerstnden- Erreichtes geniessenErscheinungsjahr 2018Gefhrte Meditationen von Michael Marciniak"
Price: 74.99

"7 Hypnosen fr mehr Erfolg im Leben - ganz einfach" |
"7 Erfolgs-Hypnosen fr mehr Erfolg im LebenEnthlt die folgenden Hypnosethemen - Achte mehr auf deine Gesundheit - Wecke dein Power-ICH - Fhle dich einfach Sau wohl - Lerne dich selbst besser zu verkaufen - Ganz leicht Ziele erreichen - Starte DEIN Leben - jetzt - Erreiche ein neues LevelDu erhltst zu jedem Thema immer zwei Hypnoseneine normale Hypnose - zur Anwendung am Tageine Hypnose zum Einschlafen - hier kannst du nach derMeditation einfach weiter schlafenErscheinungsjahr 2018"
Price: 79.99

"Office Bootcamp - 30 zustzliche Tipps und Tricks" |
"Wo sind eigentlich die kleinen Tricks und Tipps, die das Office-Leben erleichtern knnen. In diesem Kurs findest du einige davon.Es gibt immer wieder Funktionen, die man schon x-mal aufgerufen hat, aber trotzdem hat man manchmal ein Hkchen bersehen, aber gerade dieses dieses erffnet ganz neue Mglichkeiten. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir einige davon,Dieser Kurs gilt als Ergnzung zu den anderen Office Kursen von mir."
Price: 49.99

"A Foundation for Learning Cultures" |
"This course presents an innovative, socio-cultural model of education that can be implemented in classrooms at all levels and in all subjects. Learning Cultures practices will help you transform your classroom into a vibrant space for learning by ramping up student motivation, engagement, achievement, independence, self-responsibility, social collaboration and cooperation. In this introductory course, you will explore ideas from philosophy, history and science to understand why our current school system should change and how the Learning Cultures model provides a promising model for school reform. VISIT LEARNINGCULTURES.NET to learn more about the Learning Cultures model."
Price: 19.99

"The Essential Web Developer Course - Build 12 Websites" |
"Ready to go from a complete beginner to an advanced Web developer in the matter of weeks? Want to earn more money or quit your full time job, becoming a seasoned Web developer in the process? Whatever your reasons for wanting to learn Web development, you've most certainly uncovered a gem hidden in a sea of online courses. This is by far THE MOST comprehensive and exhaustive Web development course available online anywhere. In this course, you will learn the skills required to become a professional Web developer from the ground up. I'm so confident that you will be 100% satisfied with your experience, that I'm offering a complete 30-day money back guarantee!If you're tired of trying to sift through online tutorials and YouTube videos to gain the skills required to become a Web developer, then you've come to the right place.So, what's included? You get instant access to well-thought-out and comprehensive sections with detailed lectures that walk you through ever step of the way. You'll learn to become a professional coder from a seasoned Web developer with dozens of best-selling books in the technology and online-marketing field. Combining my experience as a professional blogger who occasionally blogs for the Huffington Post and Engadget, best-selling author with dozens of popular technology and self-development books, and my experience as a software engineer and developer, you'll learn difficult tasks presented in a clear, crisp and easy-to-follow manner. You'll find my teaching style both highly informative and simple to understand, allowing you to move nearly effortlessly through difficult concepts and tasks. This is by far the best course that you can embark in if you're serious about becoming a Web developer today. I will absolutely guarantee that you will be completely satisfied with this course and am offering a complete 30-day money back guarantee. If you're ready to become a fully-fledged, confident and capable Web developer, earning thousands of extra cash income every month, then you've come to the right place. Here's what you get with The Essential Web Developer Course: Instant and unfettered lifetime access to over 30 hours of crystal-clear and highly-engaging video tutorials that will walk you through every step of the way as you build a basic understanding of technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Upon learning the basics, I'll show you in-depth just how to develop responsive and interactive database-driven Websites using technologies such as PHP, MySQL, jQuery, and Bootstrap. Access to an online forum where you can pose and present questions and get help walking through some of the more common problems faced by first-time developers who are just getting started. Once you've mastered it all, you'll learn how to market your services so that you can generate thousands of extra income every month from the comfort of your own home as a seasoned Web developer. Regardless of your age, you can learn to code and become a professional Web developer. I will absolutely guarantee that every single person, young or old will benefit from this course, and follow along with the painstakingly clear and concise videos, lessons, and challenges that you'll find herein. Plus, you'll get access to me! I'm a professional and accomplished blogger, a seasoned Web developer, and founder of several successful startups. I know just what it takes to build responsive and dyanmic code, and you'll learn just how to do that in this course!Don't wait another moment. Sign up right now. Stop wasting your time trying to sift through YouTube videos and read blogs that will just leave you more confused. I will teach you how to do it every step of the way!Scroll up and click the button to get started TODAY."
Price: 199.99

"How to Pick Stocks" |
"Are you interested in making a side income picking stocks? Do you feel at a disadvantage trying to choose the right stocks? Or perhaps you simply want to reduce the risk of losing the money you invest?This simple course is designed for you.I felt those same concerns when I started investing. Through the ups and downs of my career on Wall Street, I have learned the rights and wrongs of stock picking and how the best investors pick their stocks with confidence.In this course you will learn a proven strategy successful investors like Warren Buffet and Benjamin Graham used to pick their best stocks and how you can prevent yourself from losing big when you invest your hard earned cash.Concepts Included:The most effective process for analyzing if a stock is a good pick.Reduce the risk of investing in a stock which will lose you money.Minimize time spent searching before finding winning stocks.Understand common investing strategies: you will learn which strategies work and which ones will leave you confused and frustrated. I've tried many of these strategies before, but my loss is your gain: through this course I will help you avoid the same mistakes I made.This Course Contains:Easy to follow walk-throughs on finding and evaluating stocks.Step by step examples of picking winning stocks.A free financial model you can use to value your favorite company.Free resources and tools you can use to today.I created this course because I am passionate about stocks. It was fun for me to make and I know you'll enjoy it. Sign up today and for $20 have the confidence and knowledge you need to be successful in the stock market. You're an investor after all, isn't it worth investing in you right now?"
Price: 19.99

"Real Estate Math Made Easy: Pass Your Licensing Exam" |
"*** Over 500 students enrolled within 24 hours of launching this course!! *** Learn basic and advanced real estate math concepts you need to: pass your real estate licensing exam become a successful real estate agent understand the math behind real estate transactions Get Over Your Math Anxiety and Succeed In Real Estate At the end of this course, you will have a strong real estate math foundation that you can use throughout your entire real estate career. Many real estate agents are afraid of real estate math, but you don't have to be! Stand out from your competition with confidence that you can answer any real estate math questions they have. Content and Overview This is a comprehensive course that covers 9 ESSENTIAL REAL ESTATE MATH TOPICS: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Basic Applications of Percentages Commissions Qualifying for a Loan Interest and Mortgages Area and Volume Legal Descriptions of Land Appraisal Methods Closing Statements 100+ Real Estate Math Practice Problems will Full Solutions Go beyond the lectures and practice yourself with over 100 real estate math practice problems. Each sections has a set of practice problems and full solutions so you can practice and pinpoint your problem areas. Understand Real World Situations and Impress Your Clients This course not only helps prepare you for the real estate licensing exam, but also provides real world examples of how real estate math is used on every real estate deal, whether you are buying or selling real estate. Impress your clients with your expert knowledge to help them with buying or selling including: how they can qualify for a loan, estimate renovation costs, understanding their closing costs, and much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Certified Positive Psychology Habits Practitioner Accredited" |
"Mr. Pobric is a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing. He has over 34,000 happy Udemy students in 165 Countries (who rated his programs with over 2,500 - 5 STAR Reviews). He is actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and does his best to answer all the questions within 48 hours. This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Standards Office. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. *In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 40 course hours. Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group.At the end of this course, you will:Understand Basic of Habits Choose One or More Habits You Want To Change Make Necessary Steps to Change Your Habits Increase Will Power and Self Confidence Release Your Own Happy Chemical Learn 7 Secrets to Habits and Happiness Become Happier Succeed in Any Habit Formation Introduce New Routines Apply the tools and secrets that are scientifically proven to increase our happiness level and improve overall wellbeing Learn What Positive Psychology Science of Happiness is and what is not Realize What is happiness and how to become happier using the scientifically proven methods Get ready to start any new habit or change the existing Be aware of 7 Tools to help you change any habit Know Why and how gratitude can help you become happier and more successful Learn about Empathy and Happiness Mirror Neurons and how we are built to help others And much more... What some Udemy Program Participants Have to Say About This Program... ***** Braco delivers the lectures with enthusiasm, making you want to keep going and learn more. - Al Riess***** Wonderful instructor who presents clearly what happiness is and how to achieve happiness for your life. I highly recommend this course! - Yin Yin,***** My favorite thing about this course is how applicable it is! - Felix Thea,***** Braco is very enthusiastic and passionate. Thanks for this motivating course. - Pamela Loveridge***** ...The course contains a good mix between theory and practice with explanatory videos. - Silviu Marisca,***** ... I found it's straight to the point but comprehensive. cc - Manuel Kraus***** The overall production quality was excellent, and I enjoyed Braco's delivery, which was upbeat, personable and realistic. -Christine Scarince***** In short, engaging and powerful lectures,..There is a wealth of information and knowledge in this course and I would also highly recommend Braco's book for additional information and examples of other habits. -Annie Glynn***** The videos are short & effective and cover all that one needs to know to change habits positively. There is no fluff, everything is efficiently presented. -Louis-Eric Simard***** I love this approach. Practical, easy to follow step by step....The two course (taught by Braco)- (this one and positive psychology +) are along the best positive psychology courses and training methods -Erdlyi AndrsThis program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group. Our CPD provider Number is 777313Habits and Happiness Udemy Program combines years of research by experts in the field of habits, neuroscience, traditional and positive psychology, and teaches you how to apply this new information in a very simple and practical way. This program will help you understand your habits: why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life. Implementing habitual behavior in accordance with this program will help you become happier and more successful, will improve your wellbeing, and will assist you in living the life you've always wanted to live. Everything you want to achieve in life--from a successful career, thriving relationships, improved health, or simply increase your happiness and wellbeingeverything starts with habits. Everything! If your goal is to double your income, get a new job, do well on an interview, lose weight, gain weight, start exercising, start meditating, improve relationships, change your diet, become happier or anything else in life this course is for you. This program is based on my bestselling book Habits and Happiness: How to Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits, my Habits and Happiness workshops, individual coaching sessions, and many years of helping others change their life for the better in the areas they believe are most necessary. Regardless of what areas of your life need improvement income, career, heath, relationships, spirituality or anything else - you can only make that happen by changing your habits. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW to become happier and more successful. Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Health, Success... ENROLL NOW! "
Price: 199.99

"Certified Mindfulness Practitioner Accredited Certification" |
"IMPORTANT NOTE: Do Not Purchase this course if you already a student of my Authentic Happiness Certification Course (AHC). JOIN MY > 36,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 168 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 1,400 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited Certificate Program Accredited by the CPD Standards Office. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. About this course:FREE Full lifetime accessFully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation GroupAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeRegular free surprise bonuses to help you become even more mindful!The research shows mindfulness improves our overall wellbeing, increases happiness level, improves chance of a Life Success, help with mental and physical health, reduces stress, help people deal with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, substance abuse even borderline personality to name just a few.This program, is a full Mindfulness Program that includes Level 1 - 3 and it will give you a mix of research, tools and practices. At the end of this program you will be able to:Understand the benefits of mindfulnessGet to know the benefits of mindlessnessApply habits to your mindfulness practice - connecting habits and mindfulness Learn about informal and formal meditation and mindfulness practices Apply mindfulness and meditation in your daily lifeLearn and practice informal meditation such as mindful breathing, eating, driving, walking, waiting in line , etc. Learn How to Apply these tools to help with stress and pain Eat Mindfully Age Mindfully - Stay 20 years younger Enjoy NatureTake 30 Day Mindfulness ChallengeAnd much, much more...This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group.Our CPD provider Number is 50124CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries. For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change. Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning. Global Acceptance of CPD Standards Accreditation Whilst based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements. Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors. CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education. Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country. It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology and Habits please check my other programs. Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... Enroll NOW to become happier and more successful.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you...Happiness, Health, Success...ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Positive Psychology Business Coach: L3 (3 in 1) Accredited" |
"***IMPORTANT: This program is for the Students who have already signed up for my Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner (L1) and Certified Positive Psychology Coach: L2 Programs. JOIN MY > 40,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 172 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 3,000 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Figure in the field of Positive Psychology, Happiness and Human Flourishing I am actively involved in this amazing community of happier people and do my best to answer all the questions within 48 hours.This course is a fully-accredited professional Certification with 40 CPD / CE Credit Hours by the The CPD Accreditation Group. This comprehensive training course contains HD video content, supplementary resources, and complimentary tutor support 24/7. Upon completion of this training you will be eligible to apply for and receive; Official Positive Psychology Business Coach Level 3 CertificateOfficial Chief Happiness Officer Certificate (Prerequisite is completion of Positive Psychology Practitioner Certification (L1) and Positive Psychology Coach Certification (L2). *In addition to the course content students should be prepared to study and practice the material for a minimum of 80 course hours. If you answer YES, to any of the following statements, this Accredited course is for you:I am a Speaker and want to deliver Happiness Speaking Engagements to Organizations I am Workshop Facilitator and want to add Create Happiness Workshops I am interested in becoming a Chief Happiness Officer but cant afford to pay a high price for a Certification Program I am a Manager and want to learn how to help my Company and Employees become Happier I am a HR Manager and want to learn how to Apply Positive Psychology in my day top day workI am a Business Owner and want to learn how to Increase Profitability while at the same time keep my employees happy I have a Certification in Positive Psychology and want to learn Positive Psychology and other Authentic Happiness Coaching Tools I am a Licensed Therapist (Psychotherapist, Psychologist, Counselor, etc.) and want to use tools from Positive Psychology to help employees in their journey of a long term happiness I am a Business Professional and want to help my team members apply their strengths at work and improve their relationships which in turns will help them become even more successful I am a Small Business Owner and want to learn coaching skills to help my employees increase their productivityI already know a lot about Coaching but want to learn Authentic Organizational And Employee Happiness Skills About this course:3 Courses in 1 (for students who do not wish to proceed with Positive Psychology Practitioner and Positive Psychology Coach Certifications) Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group Become Certified Chief Happiness Officer (When Complete all 3 Levels) The Most Comprehensive Authentic Happiness Accredited Online Certification for Personal Use, Coaches and Organizations Includes most of the lectures from the Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner and Certified Positive Psychology Coach Programs Over 200 Lectures Over 12 Hours of On Demand VideoOver 100 articles and Research papers 10 Books Provided as Supporting Material Many Learning and Reflection Assignments Certification Program - Receive Udemy + become eligible to receive an Accredited Certification with CPD / CE Credit Hours.Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success!Regular free surprise bonuses to help you change your habits and become even happier!At the end of this course, you will be able to help your clients, their employees and their organization Understand (AOEH) Authentic Organizational and Employees Happiness FrameworkLearn, Understand and Apply 8 Pillars of Authentic Organizational and Employee Happiness AOEH Provide Key Characteristics of Authentic Happiness OrganizationApply Psychology Capital of Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) in any organization""Sell"" and Deliver Authentic Happiness to Organizations Create Successful Authentic Happiness PresentationPromote and Deliver Positive Psychology Based Programs Help Your Clients and Organizations Become Authentically Happier Align Organizational and Employee Happiness Align Organizational and Employees Goals for Success. Improve their Personal and Business RelationshipAnd much more..._________________________________________________________________________This program is Fully Accredited CPD / CE Program by the CPD Accreditation Group and when completed you will be eligible to receive Accredited Certificate with 40 CPD / CE Hours. Our CPD provider Number is 777313CPD / CE is beneficial for employees career progression and advancement. CPD research confirmed that for anyone hoping to get promoted, or wanting to specialize in a different area, demonstrating their learning agility and dedication to CPD / CE can make a substantive difference. In real terms, this means that Accredited Certificate contributes to achieving higher salaries.For employees, CPD / CE helps them keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date. It also ensures that the professional standard of their qualifications and registrations is maintained. Furthermore, it contributes to their professional sense of direction. Completing CPD / CE helps build their confidence and credibility, allows them to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change.Within different regions, there can be different terminology used. For example, CPD can be known as Continuing Education (CE) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE). It is important to note that these terms are completely interchangeable with CPD, and are both focused on a structured approach to lifelong learning.Global Acceptance of CPD Standards AccreditationWhile based in the UK, the CPD Standards accreditation operates internationally and meets the CPD / CE requirements and expectations for all professional bodies, regulators and membership organizations across the globe. This means that a professional attending an accredited CPD / CE training activity can receive a CPD / CE Certificate of Attendance, which can then be used towards their national CPD / CE requirements.Due to the research undertaken by the CPD Standards Research Project with various professional bodies and regulators the accreditation is recognized and respected internationally. Formal CPD Standards certificates are issued and accepted in a multitude of countries and across all professional sectors.CPD in the United States of America often uses slightly different language to describe the practice of CPD e.g. CE Continuing Education, CPE Continuing Professional Education, CME Continuing Medical Education, or CLE Continuing Legal Education.Similar to the UK, there are stringent requirements for professionals to undertake CE within different sectors, with over 4000 professional bodies, institutes, and regulators across the country.It is a rather complex area as each of the 52 States has different CE requirements in place for regulated areas e.g. lawyers in Alaska have to under 4 hours of CPD a year, whereas lawyers in Ohio have to undertake 24 hours of CE over 2 years.For additional knowledge and tools on Positive Psychology please check my other programs. "
Price: 199.99

"Boost Website Sales Fast with Conversion Rate Optimization" |
"** Newly updated with section on conversion research - the most important part of CRO **Benefit from a popular new online marketing technique - conversion rate optimization (CRO). Hours of best practices for conversion rate optimization, Google Analytics, website usability, website persuasion, and A/B testing to quickly boost your conversion rate and website sales.Learn CRO from Rich Page, an expert with 15 years experience, who is also author of two CRO books. The results you'll love: 100's of extra sales or leads from your website per month - from a much higher conversion rate. Why my students are loving my course: ""Really practical advice that can make a difference immediately."" Shaun Douglas""I found myself actually jumping in, tweaking my web pages! I really like that not only is it lecture content, but also videos of actual websites with the instructor showing what is good and bad about them. This is a course that will be generating revenue for you for years to come!"" Mark A. Pitman --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The benefits you get from taking this course: Much greater sales or leads from your website and current traffic - all without having to spend more money on driving new visitors. Significantly higher-conversion rate for your website, converting a much bigger percentage of your existing visitors into leads or sales.More profitable paid search and ad spend because your website converts better, enabling you to lower ad spend and focus it elsewhere.Ultimately, much greater online revenue for your business!Why this course, and what you will learn:It's a great course about conversion rate optimization (CRO) - essential to maximize your website sales and profits.I'll show you secrets that high-converting websites use to increase sales & leads, like Amazon and Moz.I'll reveal to you CRO, web analytics, web usability, landing page optimization and A/B testing techniques pro's use to quickly boost sales or leads for all types of websites including ecommerce, SaaS and blogs.What makes Rich Page an expert? I've helped improve conversions and sales for many 100's of websites over the last 15 years, ranging from Disney and Vodafone's to small ecommerce stores and startup websites.I'm the author of two major books on conversion rate optimization - 'Website Optimization: An Hour a Day' and 'Landing Page Optimization' with Tim Ash.I'm a Google Analytics qualified individual. "
Price: 199.99

"Pianoforall - Incredible New Way To Learn Piano & Keyboard" |
"Pianoforall is one of the most popular online piano courses with over 300,000 students worldwideNow ANYONE Can Learn Piano or Keyboard Imagine being able to sit down at a piano and just PLAY - Ballads, Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, even amazing Classical pieces? Now you can... and you can do it in months not years without wasting money, time and effort on traditional Piano Lessons. An Incredible Set of Videos and ebooks (9 books, 600 pages) Pianoforall is specially designed to take complete beginners to an intermediate level faster than any other method. You start with popular rhythm style piano (think of artists like Lennon & McCartney, Elton John, Billy Joel, Barry Mannilow, Lionel Ritchie, Coldplay, Norah Jones and so on) which means you get to sound like a pro right from the start. You then expand step-by-step into Ballad style, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and creating your own melodies. You will even learn how to read music AS you learn how to play-by-ear and eventually you will be able to play some amazing Classical pieces. The course is divided into 9 very easy to follow sections:Party Time - Play-By-Ear - Rhythm Style PianoBasic Blues & Rock n RollChord Magic & InversionsAdvanced Chords Made EasyBallad Style & ImprovisationJazz Piano Made EasyAdvanced Blues, Fake Stride & The EntertainerTaming The ClassicsSpeed LearningPianoforall is one of the only piano courses on Udemy that comes with exceptional supplemental material - each video has an accompanying PDF that you can print out and set on your keyboard. There is a complete PDF ebook at the end of each section. It's very important to learn from printed instruction as well as video so that you can explore more written material after you finish the course."
Price: 199.99

"Sales Skills: Communicate with Customers to Win More Sales" |
"This sales training course will help you develop sales skills to win more business. Whether you are new to sales, a veteran salesperson, technical staff who increasingly are being called on for business development, or an inside salesperson who wants to update their sales skills - this course is for you. The Course This sales skills course draws from proven sales training programs used by thousands of salespeople over 30 years in Fortune 500 companies - including UPS, GE, J&J, Boston Scientific, Kimberly-Clark, Medtronic, Smith & Nephew - and other market leaders like Booz Allen and the Center for Creative Leadership. We learned from the very best what it takes to win business and translated those sales skills and insights into ACE - Achieve a Competitive Edge. Course Structure The 18 lectures are divided into 8 sections (spanning 2 hours) and cover: fundamentals of face-to-face selling - from opening, call planning and asking questions to objection handling and closing emerging sales topics - team selling, building credibility, using social media, and storytelling Sections conclude with: lecture notes containing all of the slides and a transcript of the Instructor's presentation for the section questions you can use to help you review the content presented and apply the concepts to your sales challenges online sales tools introduced in the Section Start Boosting Your Sales - Now How companies buy, what they buy, and what they are willing to pay are all changing dramatically. ACE - Achieve a Competitive Edgeshares the knowledge and skills you need to win more business in this challenging environment. Now is the time to for you to get that extra edge - building your sales skills to develop and win more business. Take the first step now and start winning more business."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Scrivener Fast" |
"I Created Learn Scrivener Fast to Make Sure You Never, Ever Struggle with Scrivener Again. Ever! Finallyget the secret weapon every successful writer uses to publish their books, finish their novels, and have their work seen by hundredseven millions of peopleevery single day! I dont think its any secret that if youre an author, a freelance writer, a copywriter, a professional blogger, a marketer, or even a lawyer, your livelihood depends on your writing. And if youre not writing, you wont be making any money on the half-finished novels and sales pages sitting on your virtual shelf of Scrivener. See, its not like there are other amazing writing softwares out there. If there was a better program, you would use it! And the Question No One Wants to Face: What Work of Yours is Unfinished Because Scrivener Got in the Way? I know you have work youre proud of and feel that need to share it with the world. And you cant do that if youre losing heart in docs of your research, trying to find your writing in other programs, and feel like you cant keep it together for a minute more.. Its my dream to help you learn Scrivener as fast as you can, move forward on your writing projects, and finally publish all of your best work, just like Ive helped hundreds of other people do. So Is it Possible to Sustain a Lucrative Writing Career in Your Pajamas? With Learn Scrivener Fast, it is. If you believe that you have more to write, more to create, more to share If you want to be seen as a writer and be a writer that completely makes a living off of the words you put on the page, then Im confident in saying that Learn Scrivener Fast will be a game-changer for you, just as it has been for so many other people. Heres what you will instantly know how to do with Learn Scrivener Fast: You'll Learn: How to get set-up with Scrivener in as little as an hour, whether youre a Mac or Windows user, and virtually guarantee your success with using it How to navigate that complicated Scrivener window so you know what you need to use, and when you need to use it (and forget about what you dont so you dont waste time) How to customize your toolbar and turn yourself into a writing machinewhether you have a million ideas, or just 1. How to make The Binder bend to your will and organize all of your writing in one placeperfect for anyone whos a self-proclaimed visual learner. Corkboard Mastery in just 4 minutes: How to turn your corkboard into your own writing lab and never lose track of anything, forget your notes, or even your progress ever again. How to use the Collections feature so you always know what you need to do and what to focus on. Warning: Your projects will get done faster than you can blink. How to use the outliner to organize massive projects, complete them, and feel completely in control of your writing process. How to use your Project Notes so you can literally find your ideas on-demand without having to stop writing and search all over the place for your notes. How to master the art of the rewrite and save every single version of your work, so you never worry about losing your writing gold again. The simple, little known secret that will shave off weeks of time editing your writing. Hint: Just one click can help you replace the name of a character or the name of the place without having to do it manually throughout your entire piece! How you can print, compile, share, and export your work with anyone so no one misses out on reading your work So Why Do You Keep Putting Off Your Dream? As one of my favorite self-development experts, Tony Robbins, has said: Youre actually only a few millimetersor a tweak awayfrom true success. Can you believe that your dream could be that close to you? That Learn Scrivener Fast might be that tiny little tweak youve been searching for in those Scrivener forums and communities and help desks, but you never got the answer you wanted? And found yourself secretly begging the universe for someone to swoop in and fix it all for you? Learn Scrivener Fast Is Here and Available For You to Take Just one clickand its yours What Others Are Saying About Learn Scrivener Fast This is awesome! I love Joes training style. I highly recommend the Learn Scrivener Fast program! VERY well done and so worth it. MICHAEL HYATT - Best Selling Author, Speaker I wanted to get up to speed with Scrivener NOW, and Joseph delivered. Youre never farther away from a new skill than a couple of minutes. Its brilliant! The course is far and away one of the best applied courses Ive seen anywhere.JOEL FRIEDLANDER - Author The Learn Scrivener Fast program is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to Scrivener, with short, actionable videos that will help you write more efficiently as well as publish more easily. There are tips and tricks for the newbie and the more experienced, Im learning so much and Ive been using Scrivener for years. JOANNA PENN J.F.Penn, NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author I used Scrivener a couple years ago but didnt get mastery. Thanks to these tutorials Im off and running now. This is going to help me push further ahead on my book project! CURT RICE - Huffpost writer "I cannot thank you enough for creating the Learn Scrivener Fast course! I had tried to learn through a dummies book and it seemed complicated. Your course bought it down to easy to implement steps and now I feel confident. I am using it to write my first book and know I will be using it for years to come. Thanks so much! LINDA LOCHRIDGE - Writer "Scrivener is the ONLY program to write your book with. You will save 10 or more hours by learning from Joe and youll start selling your book sooner. Theres no risk, just a chance for you to get published sooner. Buy it. You wont regret it." ANDY TRAUB - Author Scrivener is an essential tool for the modern writer, but even after years of use it can still be confusing. Learn Scrivener Fast is a step-by-step self-paced video course designed to help writers maximize their time. Scrivener is an essential part of our daily flow, and tapping its full potential is paramount. This tool helps! JOHNNY, SEAN, AND DAVE The Self-Publishing Podcast,"
Price: 49.99

"Break Into A Technology Startup" |
"Have you ever wondered what kind of impact you could make at a small company with huge growth potential? Are you interested in growing your career and advancing well beyond your peers? There is a reason why jobs at startup companies are among the most desired jobs in any industry: Super smart co-workers The chance to have an impact The opportunity to advance your career 10X faster than working at a larger firm So, whats stopping you from landing an awesome startup job? This course is a step by step guide for people who currently don't possess any technical skills but want to land the startup marketing or business job of their dreams. In this course we focus on one of the most impactful jobs a startup will ever have - GROWTH! A growth role in a technology start up might be right for you if you want to: Touch multiple parts of the business, including design, sales, web development, and product. You are either creative or numbers driven Are prepared to build one of the most in demand skill sets in the industry. Grow your network far beyond what you imagined, ensuring when you are up for that next startup role, it will be there waiting for you. Own the growth of your company, and have a huge impact on whether your product successfully scales! The path of most growth marketers is CEO/Founder, highly paid marketing director, or CMO. Despite being one of the most difficult jobs to hire for - technology marketing does not require you to have specialized coding or sales skills. You just need to be strategic, understand the major marketing concepts, and be willing to learn! Your career will know no limits if you can work hard, execute and learn on your feet. This course is the first step by step guide with exact strategies, word-for-word scripts, and proven tactics to land a Startup tech marketing role. Best of all, this course is specifically designed for those who want to break into a business side startup job right from college or a different industry. Here is just *some* of what you will learn in this course: A step by step strategy for breaking into a startup, even if you dont know where to start A proven approach to connect with the right people to get an interview at your dream startup. A roadmap for your entire job search and networking strategy. A powerful method for answering any interview question like a top performer. Exact strategies for pitching companies that ensures you rise to the top of all applicants A deep understanding of how startup founders select employees hint: they dont hire from job boards. Learn how to learn: We dont just show you how to break in, we give you the tools to win at interviews for top startups again and again, your career will never be the same! Here is An Outline of All the Awesome Things You're Going to Learn Module 1: Startup Marketing Foundations - Learn why growth at a technology startup is so critical to success, and how startup founders and CEOs really think about the role. At the end of this module, you will be speaking the same language as the pros. Youll also learn the most common types of startup marketing jobs out there. Module 2: Becoming a Top Performer The best way to understand what distinguishes a good startup marketer is to understand the huge challenges they help solve in a startup environment. In this module, you will learn about the common challenges and skills needed in your role, so you can position yourself as the solution to your dream companys problem. Module 3: Developing a Bulletproof Job Search Strategy - Breaking into a tech startup is incredibly hard. In this module, we will give you the step by step job search, networking, and organizational strategies you will need to separate yourself from the pack. You will have an awesome battle plan ready after this module. Module 4: Building the Network of a Top Performer - The strategies and mindsets in this course will show you what you need to do to build an insanely powerful network of influential people who are invested in seeing you succeed. More often than not, a strong network determines wether or not you will be successful, this module shows you how to get one. Module 5: Killer Strategies for Breaking In Having the desire to work for a tech startup is not enough you need skills, strategies that set you apart from other candidates. In this module, we equip you with the strategies you need to lay a job search foundation. Module 6: Getting the interview Most startups are totally overwhelmed with resumes from applicants who dont know how to play the game. Dont fall prey to blind resume submissions. We will show you how to approach the application process so you will rise to the top of the pile Module 7: Acing the interview Remember, an interview is a performance. In this module, we will show you how to perform like a top candidate during the interview, and will show you how to answer difficult questions and impress your hiring manager. This course is for: People who want to break into a top tech startup and are willing to put the effort needed for this difficult task. People interested in getting one of the few coveted, non-technical jobs at a startup, especially in marketing. Those who are willing to build a strong network of friends and colleagues that help them have their dream career. This course is not for people who think there is a magic bullet to finding your dream job, or for people who bought a course hoping it would solve their career problems. You need to take action and be creative, using the tactics, scripts and deep job search strategies outlined in this course. The choice is up to you: -------------------------------------- You can: Continue to struggle at finding your way into a job you are excited to go to every day, hoping at some point that your current situation will improve. or 2. Take action now in your career and set yourself on the path to landing that dream startup job. No matter where you are in the job search process, if you take even one strategy or mindset away from this course, the result could result in a dramatic improvement in your career. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you work through these presentations. I am invested in your success and happy to help! -Erik Grueter"
Price: 19.99

"Android App Development for Beginners" |
"The course takes a practical approach to illustrating core concepts of the Android programming language. From low-level to high-level coding, hybrid apps, and native development, this course contains everything you need to know about programming languages for app developmentAndroid is an open-source software development platform run by Google. While Google has its own mobile devices for phones and tablets, other manufacturers, like Samsung, Huawei, and more also produce phones and tablets that are powered by the Android OS.To build an Android app, you need to get the Android development toolkit that has debuggers, emulators, and the required SDK. The best integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development is Android Studio. There are other options available, but Android Studio is definitely the most popular.Android IDEs can typically be run on any OS, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.All concepts are illustrated by a step-by-step coding video which shows how an app is created in real time. A simple app called the GetTogether App is used as an example to explain everything right from UI to Data persistence with respect to Android Application Development. At the end of the course, you have the GetTogether app created by your own self which is a major confidence booster for a beginner"
Price: 24.99

"Colorimetria per tutti" |
"Non richiesta nessuna conoscenza preliminare! Il videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" aiuta a comprendere in maniera facile i problemi della riproduzione colore dall'originale al video sino alla stampa. 14 lezioni video per la durata complessiva di 90 minuti. All'interno di ogni lezione inserito un pdf scaricabile con tutte le schermate della lezione stessa. Sono presenti pure 4 sezioni quiz per aiutarVi a valutare il Vostro grado di apprendimento. Il videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" nasce dall'esperienza di un lungo periodo di formazione e attivit pratica in aziende, scuole ed enti. Lo scopo principale del videocorso "colorimetria per tutti" di far conoscere e comprendere in maniera facile e completa i problemi della riproduzione del colore dall'originale al video sino alla stampa, anche a principianti che lavorano nel mondo della grafica, della fotografia e in tutti gli ambiti dove si usa il colore. Molti di questi principi sono le basi fondamentali per poter operare nel settore della grafica, fotografia, design, architettura, web, moda... senza incorrere in gravi errori che vanno a scapito del lavoro finale e della Vostra professionalit. Imparerete a valutare le differenze tra il monitor e la stampa e molto altro ancora prima di imbattervi in spiacevoli sorprese. Se avete qualche dimenticanza, nessun problema: potete rivedere il video della lezione o rileggere le schermate del pdf."
Price: 79.99

"Enrichment analysis: interpret gene lists like a pro" |
"Gene enrichment analysis is the most popular systematic approach to assign ontologies, pathways, and transcription factors to gene lists usually resulted from high throughput experiments. This short course introduces the two most frequently applied methods to locate the common features of large gene lists, and provide opportunities to practice this analysis in the most common research scenarios using GeneTrail (for gene set enrichment analysis) and WebGestalt (for over-representation analysis), the two web tools used most often in the field. You get written material, video explanations for the background, and prepared example data files for practices. You are provided with (almost) real life discussions between a wet-lab biologist and a bioinformatician to clarify the most common misunderstandings related to this analysis. You are led step by step by two experts of the field, both active researchers; and in the meantime, you are challenged to proof your knowledge in quizzes. If you have a solid background in molecular biology research, you will be able to expert these methods in a maximum of 8-10 active course hours, but if you have only a general idea of the field, you will get a plenty of background material to learn and practice all in a few days. We recommend to cover all the provided material approximately in a week to maximize the efficiency of your learning. As you know, bionformatics and data analysis skills are highly demanded among molecular biology and pharma researchers. Why not equip yourself with these easy but very useful tools to extend your future potential as a researcher?"
Price: 44.99

"NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths Term 2 (SA2)" |
"NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths Term2 (SA2) is a self-paced course is designed to help CBSE/ NCERT students to understand concepts and application through videos. You can view these classes as many times as you want to clear the concepts. The comprehensive nature of this course will help you be prepared for CBSE board exams, competitive exams and in engineering entrance examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Maths has particularly been created with the view to give students to explore mathematics and develop the abilities to reason mathematically. Topics like Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry and probability have been presented by linking them with their introductory parts studied in earlier classes. Key Features: Each question is explained with concepts. Notes, Formulas, Definitions, Key points are included in the videos, while explaining each question. While explaining each solutions, we have added small anecdotes, pictures which you would find interesting. How to get most from this video course: Schedule time and watch videos. Take Notes as we solve each exercise. We recommend you solve each question on your own before going through video explanation. Practice NCERT solutions every day. Teach it to someone (anyone). Second Term: SA-II (October to March) Units Topics Marks 1. Algebra (Contd.) Quadratic Equations. Arithmetic Progressions. 23 2. Geometry (Contd.) Circles. Constructions. 17 3. Trigonometry (Contd.) Heights and Distances. 08 4. Probability Probability 08 5. Coordinate geometry Lines(In two-dimensions) 11 6. Mensuration Area related to circles. Surface areas and volumes. 23"
Price: 19.99

"NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths Term 2 (SA2)" |
"NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths Term2 (SA2) is a self-paced course is designed to help CBSE/ NCERT students to understand concepts and application through videos. You can view these classes as many times as you want to clear the concepts. The comprehensive nature of this course will help you be prepared for CBSE board exams, competitive exams and in engineering entrance examinations. NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Maths has particularly been created with the view to give students to explore mathematics and develop the abilities to reason mathematically. Key Features: Each question is explained with concepts. Notes, Formulas, Definitions, Key points are included in the videos, while explaining each question. While explaining each solutions, we have added small anecdotes, pictures which you would find interesting. How to get most from this video course: Schedule time and watch videos. Take Notes as we solve each exercise. We recommend you solve each question on your own before going through video explanation. Practice NCERT solutions every day. Teach it to someone (anyone). Second Term: SA-II (October to March) Units Topics Marks 1. Algebra Linear equations in two variables. 16 2. Geometry (Contd.) Quadrilaterals. Area. Circles. Constructions. 38 3. Mensuration (Contd.) Surface area & volumes 18 4. Statistics and Probability Statistics. Probability. 18"
Price: 19.99

"Mercadeo Oportuno para Emprendedores" |
"Este curso est dirigido a cualquier persona que quiera utilizar Internet para atraer clientes y fortalecer las relaciones con clientes actuales. Mercadeo Oportuno es una filosofa que define un camino claro para entender mejor al cliente y ayudarlo en sus problemas para construir relaciones estables y duraderas. Cada da hay ms gente conectada a Internet. Tus amigos, familiares, clientes y proveedores estn usando Internet para conseguir nuevas empresas, adquirir productos y decidir dnde gastar su dinero. Cada vez que tenemos una necesidad hacemos una bsqueda. Y con la telefona celular no tenemos que esperar a llegar al computador. Tus clientes estn conectados a Internet y si no sabes como conectarte con ellos, otra empresa los va a atender. En este curso aprenders cmo: Convertirte en un Experto para tus clientes Utilizar la Pgina Web como centro de tu estrategia Conocer cmo funcionan los buscadores Entender como usar las Redes Sociales Atraer las personas ms interesadas Acompaar a los prospectos en su decisin Mejorar el servicio que ofreces a tus clientes Aprenderemos a usar herramientas gratuitas o de muy bajo costo disponibles en Internet. Evitando las complicaciones tcnicas nos centraremos en los objetivos importantes para tu negocio. Slo hace falta que tengas una conexin a Internet y que sepas como navegar en Internet. Todo lo dems te lo explicamos de una forma sencilla y amena. La mayor parte del curso son vdeos con explicaciones y casos prcticos. Tambin se incluye un diccionario con todos los trminos utilizados para que no te pierdas de nada. Todo el tiempo se est agregando enlaces a materiales interesantes, as como libros electrnicos en formato PDF. La filosofa de Mercadeo Oportuno te muestra el camino para atraer personas interesadas, y que stas personas te recomienden nuevos clientes usando las Redes Sociales. Es una filosofa fcil de entender y con unas indicaciones claras de cmo utilizarla. Es el resultado de aos de experiencia manteniendo un negocio en Internet. Est orientada especficamente a emprendedores que quieran mejorar su negocio y llevarlo a niveles ms altos. Este curso no te ofrece ninguna receta mgica, sino que te muestra un camino claro, comprobado, con sentido comn, para que puedas adaptarte y triunfar en el mundo moderno. Como las cosas importantes de la vida, requiere dedicacin, talento y constancia de tu parte. Yo recomiendo tomar todo el curso en 4 semanas para que te d tiempo de hacer los ejercicios y asimilar todo el conocimiento. Aunque si tienes el tiempo y la dedicacin puedes completarlo en 5 das."
Price: 49.99

"Build Your Own Web Site" |
"This course teaches how to make a simple web site, no programming involved. It includes some theory and a Step-by-Step guide to producing a functional web site. The student will understand the fundamentals of a web site, of the Internet, the server and uploading files via FTP. The outcome will be an operational web site available on the Internet. All the necessary components are included at no extra cost. No additional software required or other complexities. This course is suitable for novice developers wanting to create their first web site successfully. The entire process should take between 3 - 8 hours. A weekend venture to get you up and running with a web site on the Internet."
Price: 29.99

"Photo Education for Outdoor Enthusiasts - JUMPSTART" |
"Paul's motivational JUMPSTART into the world of outdoor photography is a unique blend of practical hands-on lecture, ideas for creative inspiration, and Q and A from a live audience who asks the questions you want to know. Count on having a lot of fun learning from Paul's vibrant teaching style, and then get outside on your next adventure taking great photos! This is an ongoing photography course, and you have lifetime access. New illustrations and assignments will be added to this course as it becomes available or as needed for explanation. If you have something you want to see, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am here to launch you as far as I can into this wonderful world of wilderness photography! For those of you who don't have 6-weeks to sit in a boring classroom, we'll do it all in ONE DAY! This course is for beginners who are serious about learning it right and in a tangible way the first time. This is not for casual shooters who just want to take a better snapshot of their family. This is for those who want to really be artists with their camera. You will need to have your camera out in front of you. Be prepared to practice, practice, practice as the course progresses. I deliver this time-tested Jumpstart course in three sections; CAMERA CLASS, PHOTOGRAPHY, and PROBLEM SOLVING. - CAMERA CLASS: You have to learn this gadget before you can create those artistic masterpieces of this wild planet. Look forward to getting off of that pesky green Auto setting forever after this morning session. - PHOTOGRAPHY: It's all about the Light, baby! - PROBLEM SOLVING: After this section, When you're photographing on your own, and there's no one to look over your shoulder and critique, you can basically teach yourself."" This is a one-day intensive course. Although, you can break it into two days to allow more time for everything to digest. Either way, most importantly, TRY everything we cover on YOUR OWN CAMERA as you progress through the course. Don't take tons of notes JUST TRY IT! Join Paul in this LIVELY ongoing classroom experience. The flame of passion you currently have for photography will be fanned into a blazing inferno."
Price: 199.99

"Tesis: cmo plantear el proyecto?" |
"Este curso no es slo eso, es tambin la posibilidad para que -por fin- te amigues con el desarrollo de tu tesis y puedas recibirte. Te propongo un curso de metodologa prctica al 100%, sin laberintos tericos. Las clases estn armadas para que puedas cumplimentar, de modo eficaz, cada uno de los requisitos del proyecto de tu tesis.Te acompaar en este proceso, y responder a todas tus consultas. Podrs realizar tus consultas podrsutilizar el foro o enviarme un mail personal.Cmo est estructurado el este curso?Como dicen: ""todos los temas, son un tema posible para la tesis"". Entonces, pens un recorrido que abarca desde planteo de la idea hasta el modo en el que debe redactarse el documento de la tesis y lo estructur en cuatro momentos:1) De la idea al tema;2) Del tema al problema;3) Del problema a la estructura y4) De la estructura a la redaccin.Pero, como hay tantos recorridos metodolgicos como investigadores en el mundo, podes seguir tu propia estructura en funcin a tus necesidades e ir realizando la clase que quieras, ms all del orden de mi propuesta. Te encontrars con 21 clases prcticas en video (ms material complementario) que te ayudarn a cumplimentar tu proyecto en el tiempo que te lo propongas. La propuesta es ideal para estudiantes del rea de las Ciencias Sociales, carreras como: Comunicacin, Diseo, Relaciones Pblicas, Psicologa, Publicidad, Profesorados, entre tantas otras. Si tu intencin es recibirte y sents que necesitas ayuda; sin dudar puedo afirmarte que: este es tu curso! ;)"
Price: 54.99

"CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles! Adis a los bloqueos" |
"Quienes culminen el workshop obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante debe haber cumplimentado el workshop (100%). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Hace casi dos aos que este workshop est en lnea, y ya cuenta con ms de 1800 entusiastas en busca de potenciar su creatividad. El promedio de su calificacin es de 4 estrellas. Quienes hicieron el workshop dijeron:""ExcelenteEs un curso que te permite desarrollar tu creatividad. y te pone sumamente activa."" por Shirleyann Williams Smith""Una tcnica interesanteme sorprendi la novedad de esta tcnica, creo que entrega la informacin bsica necesaria para comenzar con los ejercicios creativos."" por Cristina Rojas""Todo sirve!Muy til y ademas aplicable en todo!"" por Nora Prez Barrio""Estimulacin creativaEs bueno, como un recurso para generar la creatividad en pocas de crisis para la innovacin."" por Leonardo LopezMe encanta actualizar los contenidos de mis workshops; esta nueva versin para activar tu pensamiento creativo te enfrentar a nuevos desafos que podrs resolver y sumar las herramientas necesarias a tu vida diaria. Ahora bajo el ttulo ""CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles"", descubrirs mucho ms sobre ti y tu capacidad creativa.Si bien el concepto de creatividad no termina de tener una definicin unificada, para la mayora de los autores la creatividad no es ms que la resolucin de problemas. Por lo tanto, todos somos creativos. El tema es cmo potenciamos nuestro pensamiento creativo para llegar a nuevas ideas, sortear los bloqueos y mantener la motivacin. CREAtividad: 4 tcnicas infalibles, es un workshop que te permitir activar tu pensamiento creativo, y a pura prctica!!!La creatividad es una cualidad que todos poseemos, pero que no todos la potenciamos. El talento creativo de los seres humanos se ha constituido en el corazn y en el ncleo bsico de los procesos de desarrollo, los cuales son el resultado de nuestra capacidad para imaginar, administrar, resolver problemas y hacer cientos de cosas que han contribuido al progreso del individuo y de la humanidad en general.Por suerte, a estas alturas se ha llegado a la conclusin de que la creatividad dej de asociarse exclusivamente con el campo artstico y esttico, y se convierte en una capacidad y en una facultad fundamental para el desarrollo personal y social.Sobre la actitud que debemos adoptar en tiempos tan cambiantes como los que vivimos, Guilford (psiclogo norteamericano) aos atrs ya haba anunciado que: para enfrentar el mundo de hoy necesitamos ms de un comportamiento que creativo que de un comportamiento inteligente. La flexibilidad como condicin de adaptabilidad parece ser una de las claves para desarrollar la creatividad. Y uno de los modos de alcanzarla es activando el pensamiento creativo.Activa tu pensamiento creativo, apuntate ahora!"
Price: 49.99

"Coaching de vida: lleva tu negocio al siguiente nivel!" |
"Quienes culminen el workshop obtendrn el Certificado de participacin de Escuela de Coaching. Para obtener el certificado, cada participante debe haber completado el 100% del curso.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Te sientes bloqueado?, temeroso?, sientes ansiedad?, te notas frustrado? Estas son algunas de las emociones que aparecen en el camino de todo emprendedor. Si la aventura de emprender es tu objetivo pero te sientes estancado y el miedo no te deja asumir los riesgos que implica salirte de tu zona de confort, entonces este es tu workshop.Emprende xito te propone un recorrido prctico para que puedas salvar los bloqueos por los que puedas estar pasando en este momento de tu vida. Bajo la perspectiva del coaching de vida, con una mirada transpersonal, logrars liberarte de toda frustracin.Te parece increble? Espera a ver la informacin valiosa que descubrirs:Caractersticas de los emprendimientos actualesLas cualidades e los emprendedoresCreencias limitantesLa relacin con el dinero y la riquezaIdentidad, campo relacional y BioDataAnlisis del sistema familiarObjetivos de calidadEste no es un workshop ms para emprendedores, es el workshop que te ayudar emprender xito, y mantenerlo en el tiempo.Emprende xito te propone un recorrido prctico para que puedas fluir con tu propuesta de negocio y disfrutar de la vida que tanto quieres tener. Aprenders la manera de descubrir la va de la informacin que te hace falta para lograr todo lo que imaginas."
Price: 74.99

"Po-Folks Guide To Stock Trading Easy Language Daily Income" |
"The Ultimate Home Based Business - Many people are looking for a way to make extra income from home. There is a very good business most people don't even think about or don't even know about. This business has a scary name "" Stock orCommodities market. In this course you will hear my story how Igot started from Y'all Street to Wall Street. And step by step how you can do the same. FAQ. That it possible to make a daily living trading? YES That it does not take a lot of money to start? NO That you do not need a college degree? NO That you can work full or part time and be successful at trading? YES These are the exciting thing you will learn in your new journey. People will say you can't learn this . Because they are afraid! I am livingproof.YES YOU CAN!!!!."
Price: 24.99
