"Body Language and Persuasion for Profit" |
"Do you know how to instantly read your clients? Can you tailor your body language and words so that you can easily hear Yes? This Class Will Teach You How! I want to show you a new way of communicating so that you increase your sales and easily get others to say yes to you. Learn simple tools used by the most successful people in the world: strategic use of body language and words. I'll teach you the art and science of persuasion so you're recognizing the messages hidden in plain sight, using your body language strategically and responding to unspoken questions. Its true. You are unconsciously communicating all the time in any situation Interviewing Networking Sales Meetings Negotiations With Your Kids or Spouse Its your responsibility to hear what others are telling you and then give them your message in the way they need to hear it. The end result is a person that's open to what's being said and easily influenced because deep unconscious needs are being met and objections are eliminated or bypassed."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Web API in 7 Days - The Ultimate Web API Tutorial" |
"Asp dot net web api is a dot net framework which is part of Asp dot Net MVC 4. In this web api course, you can master Asp net web api restful service development in few days only.Here is the list of lectures which are part of this course. Lecture 1: Getting Started with ASP dot net Web API Lecture 2: Using ASP dot net Web API with Microsoft Entity Framework Lecture 3: Supporting OData Query Options in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 4: Doing CRUD with ASP dot net Web API Lecture 5: Routing in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 6: Attribute Routing in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 7: ASP dot net Web API and Exception Handling Lecture 8: Media Formatters in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 9: JSON and XML Serialization in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 10: BSON Support in ASP dot net Web API 2.1 Lecture 11: Unit Testing Controllers in ASP dot net Web API Lecture 12: OWIN to Self-Host ASP dot net Web API Lecture 13: Hosting ASP dot net Web API in IIS & IISExpress And More...Who can attend this course? The course is designed for .Net Developers, Tech Leads and Architects who are working on Microsoft technologies like ASP dot net, ASP dot net MVC for developing web and mobile based applications and they want to learn web apiPrerequisites You will need Visual Studio 2012/13/2015/2017 and ASP MS SQL Express to do practicals as stated here. The course is mainly covered as videos and presentations. Course Duration It depends on the individual pace to complete the course. This asp net web api course is targeted to finish in a week. What will you be learning After completion the learner will be able to develop ASP dot net Web API services comfortably."
Price: 99.99

"Making Killer Images in Photoshop that WOW Clients!" |
"In this course you will learn how to use illustrations, photos, composite modes and text to create dynamic graphic art that you can apply to and reproduce on anything from t-shirts and logos to book covers and posters. I will cover detailed design topics such as layer styles, filters, mood, lighting, color space and more. In addition I will share valuable insights on the process I use to work with my clients to produce graphics that exceed their expectations. Our main project will be to create a Movie Poster for an up and coming indie movie. This project will give you a chance to apply the core lesson topics as I walk you step by step through the process. After completing the course and the course assignments you will have the understanding and the confidence to creatively tackle a variety of design projects in Photoshop with precision and ease."
Price: 94.99

"How a Nonfiction Author Becomes a Local Expert" |
"Nonfiction authors share stories that will change people's lives. Yet they don't always get the recognition they should. They know they've poured their heart out and revealed something so personal that the triumph makes them want to tell it all. Once they do, they don't get the book sales they expect. Why does this happen? Newsflash: You have to brand and market yourself starting in your local area. Latest updates added December 2, 2015.If you're an author who has released your first book or maybe even your third and haven't had sales, then this course is for you. Or, if you are currently writing your first book, this is a course you want to take and be ahead of the game. This course walks authors through the steps of becoming a local expert.You'll learn: Purpose of creating an Author WebsiteInsider tips on participating in local Author EventsHow to get exposure from your local libraryImportance of a press release and where to submitHow to use Social Media in your branding and marketingHow to utilize radio interviews in your marketingGiving Back through Local Nonprofits and much more Get started today and become the local expert newspaper editors and radio shows contact again and again."
Price: 39.99

"Obamacare - What Everyone Should Know About Health Insurance" |
"Student Reviews from Discover How Obamacare Works:Obamacare ""This course is a valuable tool for everybody. It is very completeand has many examples. The instructor shows a real interest inteaching the subject. I recommend this course"". Milciades AndrionUntangling the mysteries of the AffordableCare Act ""As a self-employed single mom, I've had a terrible time trying tofigure out the Affordable Care Act. (And I work in healthcare.) Thisclass really helped me to figure out ways to save as much money aspossible (since rates will keep going up for people like me)"". Jennifer Schmid, MSN, RN,CNLMissed the enrollment period. There's stillhope! ""Nice information regarding qualifying for this program even if youhave missed the enrollment deadline. Thanks to this course, I nowrealize that I do qualify for this program through one of thequalifying events. Hats off Dr. Taffy Wagner""! David Young Join over 1,000 happy students Latest updates: November 2015 Did you know prior to healthcare reform there was 57 million uninsured Americans? Do you know today, November 2015 there are still 30 million uninsured Americans?Do you know as of May 2015, there are 31 million UNDER-insured Americans?Uninsured or under-insured, what does Obamacare mean to you? Health is personal and private especially when it involves money. No need to be frustrated and react to what is happening in the healthcare industry because you don't understand it. Don't delay taking care of your health because you don't have insurance and believe there are no options. This course reveals what Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act) is and what it means to you and your family. This course will show you up close and personal: Why healthcare reform was started What the goals of Obamacare are Learn the different kinds of health insurance plans The pros and cons The 10 Essential Health Benefits required for a plan to be insurance How to apply for coverage How to use the Marketplace Whether or not you can keep your current insurance and much, much more. As a student of this course, you can send me a message through email regarding your personal situation and Obamacare for recommendations. This course will continue to grow as the constant updates and changes are made to health care reform. I spend a lot of time studying Obamacare and will share that information. You can get this information and make an educated decision regarding the new health insurance law and how it applies to you. Spend the next two hours getting the information that millions haven't heard even though their lives are being affected. This course is delivered through videos, audios and downloadable pdfs. Click the take this course"" button, top right now not having this information can cost you money which leads to stress and frustration."
Price: 29.99

"Beauty Biz Basics to Break Into a Corporate Cosmetics Career" |
"Professional advice is not widely available for entering the cosmetics industry which typically hires from within. Jumpstart your cosmetics career by taking this course now! If you don't have experience, then at least be armed with knowledge. If you don't have contacts, then cast a smaller net targeting companies that are a better fit. Present yourself as an insider. Many aspirants have the passion to get in, but don't demonstrate "having done their homework" to stand out. Being able to speak as more in-the-know will help you advance. In just 30 minutes, learn the basics. Job Search Worksheet included as a guide. These lectures give access to those seeking corporate work in the beauty business: industry overview: top companies, key distribution channels, categories realities and varieties of company culture, work styles, functional role professional development tips and key networking organizations I created content because to have this background and resource as a roadmap would have been great when I was seeking to break into beauty more than a decade ago transitioning from financial services marketing. I successfully navigated the barriers to entry growing to mid-level executive at small and large companies including The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. and L'Oreal USA and even earned both a master's degree in Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing and Management and an adjunct professorship in the undergraduate Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing program at The Fashion Institute of Technology. Now, I have transitioned to independent consulting and instruction. Even if not pursuing work or study, it's just as informative for the curious at heart. Valuable and clear understanding of this fascinating, specialized field is guaranteed. Yours in beauty. ~T. Bernie"
Price: 19.99

"Creating Modern Websites from Scratch using HTML & CSS" |
"+ + + + + + ++ + New section coming soon on Bootstrap 4 + + + + + + + + + + Learn from scratch how to create Modern, Professional, and in Demand websites using HTML and CSS. These two languages are the foundation of ""every"" website. ""Learn Step by Step How to Create a Modern, Professional, In Demand, and Real World Website that a Business Owner wanted to Pay $3,500 for."" Build a fully functional 4 page website with HTML and CSSLearn HTML (HTML5) and CSS (CSS3) the easy wayLearn how to use and implement CSS style sheetsLearn how to validate your HTML and CSSWrite clear, clean, efficient, and standard compliance codeQuizzes to reinforce understanding of each sectionBONUS lecturesStart your very own Portfolio The Power of HTML and CSS Gain the knowledge, skills, and experience to dominate the competition by creating Modern and Professional websites. Step by step you will create a real world website that a business owner wanted to pay $3,500 for. HTML and CSS are the two most important languages when it comes to web development. Having a solid knowledge of both opens many other doors for you. Even if someone else builds your websites, you should have a basic knowledge of HTML and CSS so that you can update / modify your existing pages if need be. Content and Overview This course has over 9 hours of hands on content that will teach you a solid foundation of writing clean,efficient, and standard compliant HTML and CSS. We first understand the foundation of HTML before moving into the presentation of CSS. We begin working on our course project (Dental Doctors) as early as Section 3. This is a modern and professional website you will learn how to create throughout the course. As we learn new concepts, we'll immediately apply them to our project website updating it as we move along. By the end of the course you will have a modern, profession, and complete website in which you can edit and use as the first project in your portfolio. If you're thinking about becoming a freelance web developer, seeking a job as a web developer, taking a web development certification test, etc. HTML and CSS are fundamental skills that are required, and you WILL LEARN those skills in this course. You'll make your money back in just a single project. NOTHING to lose, EVERYTHING to GAIN! Join Today and Receive: unlimited access bonus lectures and updates at no additional costsmy personal help, recommendations, and advice (usually respond within 24hrs)30-day money back guarantee, No Questions Asked!! ENROLL NOW, and start dominating the competition. The longer you wait, The more clients you will lose. Get started NOW!!"
Price: 24.99

"Rendir siempre al mximo de manera Saludable y Sostenible" |
"El 90% de nuestras acciones son espontneas. Cada vez que tomamos una decisin de renuncia a algo lo hacemos consumiendo parte de nuestra reserva de fuerza de voluntad. Nuestra fuerza de voluntad es limitada y cada vez que la utilizamos se consume y debemos recargarla. Tenemos que reservar esta fuerza de voluntad para lo realmente es importante. A travs de los rituales, construimos hbitos para consolidar cambios sostenibles y saludables para rendir al mximo y sacar lo mejor de ti mismo/a. Combinando la introduccin de conceptos tericos y metodologa, los participantes trabajan el diseo de sus rituales para desarrollar nuevas competencias. Previamente al inicio del curso se realiza un cuestionario de prcticas actuales para generar consciencia del punto de partida, establecer objetivos y medir los avances conseguidos con el programa."
Price: 49.99

"Step-by-Step Guide to Getting the Business Credit You Need" |
"***There are over 1300 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS FROM 71 DIFFERENT COUNTRIESCURRENTLY ENROLLED!!!*** ***SIGN-UP NOW to GUARANTEE Today's Price for Lifetime Access!!!*** . . . SAVE $ and GET STARTED IMMEDIATELY!!!*** INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL REVIEW:""Great Business Start Up and Credit Information"""" I'm a business attorney and I deal with these start-up issues all of the time. Darryl gives you concise information and a true step-by-step process for establishing your business and your business credit.""~ Shaune B. Arnold, Esq. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ This Step-by-Step course will provide aspiring and current business owners the necessary knowledge to successfully establish their ""Business Entity"" and GET OVER $100,000 in Business Credit. This course is designed to walk you through the fundamental steps of establishing a Business Entity"" and provide the tools and resources necessary to GET OVER $100,000 of Business Credit . . . COMPLETELY separate from personal credit. You will learn the basics of business credit allowing you an opportunity to understand what Business Credit is and how to obtain it. In addition, You will be given over 30 Credit Vendors EAGER to extend your business the necessary credit it deserves allowing you to LEVERAGE CASH FLOW!!! This course will 1) DIRECTLY guide you, 2) SAVE you tons of Money and 3) ELIMINATE your Fear of ""How To"" and ""Where to Start"" and 4) SAVE you a LOT of TIME and many many MAJOR Headaches!!! Included with Course: ~FREQUENT Updates of ""New Credit Vendors""along with their Approval Requirements as well as changes in the Business Credit Industry~ Designated ""Instructor Office Hours"" to assist throughout the course ~ List of Over 30 Companies that will Grant IMMEDIATE Business Credit without a Personal Guarantor~ Downloadable Documents required for Business Formation and Business Credit Building.~ Specific Resources to use that are ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! . . . Eliminating Cost for many services required to form a ""Legal Entity""~ Regularly Updated Market Data as it Becomes Available~ Course Updates as they Become Available~ BEAUTIFUL Downloadable Certificate of Completion~ Ongoing Support from an Industry Professional . . . and MUCH MUCH More!!!"
Price: 199.99

"Master 120 common phrasal verbs" |
"Are you frustrated with your efforts to learn and use phrasal verbs? Are you finding that memorizing lists with translations is ineffective? Are you looking for an effective method of learning vocabulary and improving your listening and speaking skills? Then, join me on this course to learn how to use 120 common phrasal verbs in your daily conversations, and improve your listening comprehension and your fluency at the same time. The course consists of over 2 hours of video and audio content to enable you to practise and fully assimilate about 120 common phrasal verbs used in daily conversations. Each video lesson consists of one or two dialogues containing several phrasal verbs. The dialogues also include many intermediate and advanced structures (tenses, conditionals, modals, gerunds etc.), so you can also review the usage of important structures at the same time as you learn these verbs. Each video lesson ends with gap-filling exercises, so you can review the same verbs in a new context. Then, the phrasal verbs are reviewed again in the 120 follow-up audio exercises. The package also includes a handbook containing: - A step-by-step study guide and a 2-week study programme - Answers to frequently asked questions about phrasal verbs - List of the phrasal verbs in the course with their definitions - pdf transcripts of all dialogues, exercises and answer keys"
Price: 24.99

"Master The English Verb Tenses" |
"If you are feeling challenged by the number and complexity of English verb tenses, join me on this course for a complete review of all the tenses in English. Whether you are an elementary, intermediate or advanced student, this course will enable you to systematically learn or review the verb tenses and begin to use them confidently in your daily writing and speaking activities. The course consists of about 2 hours of video lessons and 90 minutes of supplementary oral exercises. All the components of this course are downloadable to allow you to study both online and offline. Doing the oral exercises several times will ensure that you can use the tenses spontaneously when you speak. These exercises also include many daily expressions that will allow you to improve your general fluency and pronunciation. Course Structure: The first 9 video lessons contrast two or three tenses that are often confused with each other. Each video lesson finishes with a common mistakes section to deepen your understanding of their differences. Each lesson is then followed by oral exercises to help your assimilation and fluency. The final lesson is a review of all the tenses with both video and audio exercises. The package also includes a handbook containing: A study file with a summary of all the tenses and additional examples PDF transcripts of the audio exercises and answer keys A study guide and a 2-week study programme"
Price: 24.99

vlkcomru |
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Price: 24.99

"Swift for Beginners - Create your first iOS App with Swift" |
"75 Billion Apps were already sold in the iOS App Store. If you ever wanted a chance to participate in this success, here is your chance. Course abstract In this course you are going to learn all the basics you need to know to create your own simple iOS applications using the new Swift programming language. After learning all about the basics of programming (variables, constants, if-statements, loops ...), you are going to become familiar with object oriented programming (OOP). These are the fundamentals to be able to grasp the awesome UIKit Framework which you are going to use to create awesome Apps. After getting in touch with many iOS User Interface components we are going to start using more advanced user interaction techniques like recognizing gestures on the iPhone screen. The conclusion of this course is a real-life example that will help you connect all the dots and pieces of your newly acquired knowledge. Section 1: Welcome You will start off creating a nice App that allows you to manipulate images, using image filters. Although this is an advanced topic, this example will show you the possibilities of the iOS SDK and the workflow within Xcode. This project is supposed to replace the standard Hello World example. Section 2: Xcode - Your favourite environment You have to know the tools you are using. So, this section is all about Xcode itself. Section 3: Swift Basics Since you dont need any programming experience to start developing iOS Apps, here are all the programming basics that you are going to need to be become a successful iOS App developer. We are covering topics like variables and constants, datatypes, collection types (Arrays and Dictionaries), control flow using if statements, loops Section 4: Swift beyond the Basics Since object oriented programming is the fundamental paradigm, on which Swift and the iOS SDK are based, you are going to learn all the basics you need to know in order to successfully use the classes provided by Apple. Section 5: Your daily bread User-Interface Components In this section we are going to cover UI components like textfields, buttons, labels and you are are also going to learn the basics about Storyboards, ViewControllers and Delegates. Section 6: Lets get dangerous In this section you are going to learn how to use gesture recognizers for responding to touch events on the iPhone screen. You will also learn the basics of animating objects, as well as the usage of the UIAlertController class to display messages to your users. Section 7: Welcome to the real world In this final section we are going to put all the dots and pieces together and create a great calculator App from scratch. We are going to design the User Interface, write all the necessary Swift code and finally you are going to learn how to add a great Icon to your App."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Retargeting Pro (PPC Advertising)" |
"--Updated July 2015-- If you're already familiar with PPC advertising on Facebook, then you will leave this course knowing how to setup Facebook Retargeting (Website Custom Audiences) on your own website and how to automate advertising campaigns that bring your best target audience back to your webpage to take specific actions. Facebook Retargeting allows you to target visitors to your website in very specific ways. You have an online store and people navigate away without purchasing you can target them with an ad reminding them about the specific product they were looking at. You write a blogpost that brings people to your website, but they leave without signing up for your email list you can target them with an ad offering them a free gift if they come back to your site and opt-in. You're a politician and elections are coming up you can target everyone who's visited your website with an ad on election day telling your supporters to go vote. You're a realtor and there's a property you want to sell you can target people who look at it on your website with an ad inviting them to an open house. You're launching your online product or class and people have opted-in for a free preview class you've created, but they haven't listened to it yet you can target specifically the people who haven't yet listened with an additional offer. This technology is the most effective and lowest cost advertising you can make use of on Facebook and has been accessible to larger companies with huge budgets until only recently. Now it's available to even the smallest of businesses and individuals, but only in a DIY format. I've built this course to teach you everything you need in under an hour to get started with your first campaign. I've included industry-specific examples, and will add any others that participants suggest. Currently these ones are available: Facebook Retargeting for blogs Facebook Retargeting for events Facebook Retargeting for online product launches Facebook Retargeting for web designers & graphic designers Facebook Retargeting for musicians & bands Facebook Retargeting for politicians & elections Facebook Retargeting for real estate agents & realtors More to come..."
Price: 29.99

"Take Cake Decorating To a New Level With a Sculpted 3D Cake" |
"Unleash your creativity with this Lambert Academy sculpted cake class from famed cake designer Lesi Lambert. With Lesis help, you will sculpt a 3-D cake of a classic looking Fat Chef. Lesi will guide you step by step through the process as you stack and carve your cake, adding in support and details along the way. Learn how to personalize your chefs face by using Lesis secret cake paste technique that will only be shared with the cake designers who have this video. Lesi even includes her own cake recipe that is stiff enough to hold up under the pressure of sculpting and tastes so good your friends and clients will love it for any occasion."
Price: 34.99

"Einfache Formatierung fr ein perfektes eBook" |
"Seit mehr als 15 Jahren schreibe ich Bcher. Mit dem Angebot des Verkaufs eigener Bcher auf Amazon stellte sich mir die Frage, wie kann ich ohne groartige Kenntnisse von HTML und CSS ein eBook erstellen, das dem Leser Freude bereitet. Nach langem Probieren von diversen Programmen, unter anderem Sigil, aber auch Scrivener (was ich heute noch zur Planung und Ordnung meiner Ideen nutze), bin ich auf Jutoh gestoen. Dieses Programm hat es mchtig in sich, ohne jedoch den Nutzer zu berfordern.Ich habe fr Sie den Kurs ber Jutoh erstellt, damit Ihnen der Einstieg in das Programm erleichtert wird, damit Sie sehen, was alles mglich ist.Lernen Sie in dem vorliegenden Kurs das Programm Jutoh nher kennen. Das Erstellen von eBooks wird damit wesentlich einfacher und das Ergebnis ist ein professionell erscheinendes Buch, welches auf den Lesegerten Ihrer Leser einfach klasse aussieht.Sie bentigen keine Vorkenntnisse und knnen sofort starten. Teil 1: Warum JutohTeil 2: Jutoh installierenTeil 3: VorbereitungenTeil 4: Unser ProjektTeil 5: Fortgeschrittene TippsTeil 6: Profi-Tipps Legen Sie Zettel und Stift bereit und notieren Sie sich wesentliche Schritte, schauen Sie mir ber die Schulter, wie ein neues eBook entsteht. Gemeinsam erstellen wir im Kurs ein neues eBook mit Jutoh. Sie werden sehen, dass keine Vorkenntnisse an HTML oder CSS notwendig sind. Viel Spa beim Ansehen."
Price: 89.99

"Schreibe Dein Buch endlich fertig - Mit einfachen Schritten" |
"Wolltest Du jemals Schriftsteller werden? Hast Du bereits angefangen zu schreiben, aber das Buch nie zu Ende gebracht?In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du, welche Schritte ntig sind, ein Buchprojekt von Anfang bis zum Ende fertig zu stellen. Ich stelle Dir die 10 Grnde vor, warum die meisten begonnenen Buchprojekte nicht fertig werden. Meide diese Fehler, mache es von Anfang an richtig.Im Kurs erhltst Du aufeinanderfolgende Aufgaben, die Dir helfen, Dein Buch abzuschlieen. Alles was Du bentigst ist: Interesse und NeugierTglich etwas Zeit zum SchreibenDurchhaltevermgenComputer mit InternetzugangWenn Du diesen Kurses absolvierst, wirst Du danach Dein Buch fertig knnen. Und solltest Du Hilfe bentigen, dann schreibe mir. Warte nicht, auf den Tag der Erleuchtung oder den besten Zeitpunkt, Du musst heute anfangen."
Price: 174.99

"Scrivere Online: Scrittura per Internet e Web Copywriting" |
"La scrittura online segue delle regole totalmente diverse dalla scrittura tradizionale. A volte non basta mettersi davanti a uno schermo e iniziare a scrivere: per realizzare un progetto di comunicazione online e produrre contenuti di qualit necessario capire come funziona il mondo dell'editoria online.***Alcune cose da sapere sul corso di Scrittura Online: una guida che ti segue passo dopo passo, sia che tu parta da zero, sia che tu abbia gi una presenza online e il tuo obiettivo sia quello di portare la tua professionalit a un livello successivo;le lezioni hanno un taglio pratico, con poca teoria e tanti consigli per ottenere risultati concreti;il linguaggio usato semplice e informale, per permettere a tutti di seguire ogni passaggio;le lezioni si adattano alle tue esigenze di tempo: le lezioni hanno durata breve - in media 7 minuti - per adattarsi alla perfezione ai tuoi impegni quotidiani e ai tuoi tempi di apprendimento.***Da chi tenuto il corso di Scrittura Online?Il corso di Scrittura Online tenuto da Giulio Gaudiano - Editore Online e Consulente di Comunicazione e Web Marketing - che da 10 anni si confronta con il mondo dell'Editoria Digitale.Il suo background accademico di tipo tradizionale (Laurea in Lettere e Master in Giornalismo), ma nei primi anni di esperienza professionale ha dovuto cancellare tutto quello che aveva imparato sulla scrittura e imparare da zero a scrivere online in maniera efficace seguendo le regole del Web.Formatore di web publisher, insegna come scrivere e comunicare su Internet. Con la sua consulenza aiuta aziende e professionisti a fare business online in modo efficace.***Il corso composto da:31 video lezioni, per un totale di 4 ore di contenuti video;27 slide che riassumono i concetti fondamentali affrontati in ogni lezione;letture consigliate e video di approfondimento sui temi trattati in ogni lezione;quiz di verifica delle conoscenze apprese in ogni lezione."
Price: 99.99

"Write a Powerful Resume Using Our Tried & Tested Template!" |
"Please Note: The course price will go up to $49 on the 1st of March at 10GMT BONUS: We include a free resume review with this course. Once you have finished your resume using our template system, one of our professional team will review your resume and give you expert feedback. Here is what managers and recruiters said about resume's written using this process: The general manager could not say enough about the style of my resume. He said the more he read it the more he wanted to read it. It kept answering questions he said Was probably the best resume I had read in years It kept my attention! Another manager said the following: I felt like I really got to know you in your resume, the interview was only to meet you face to face, your resume already convinced me that I had to hire you. Over the last 30 years we have recruited hundreds of people and coached many into super successful careers they love. We are still coaching many of these individuals and most of them are earning million dollar salaries and loving the work they do. The BIG SECRET Here is the one thing you must know when it comes to writing your resume: Remember that those reading your resume are peopleand people love a good story. Your resume must be a story from the start. Tell an effective story about how qualified you are to help the company you want to work for grow and how much more they will achieve with you as part of the team. FACT: You have 6 seconds to grab the employer / recruiter / manager's attention. If your resume reads like any old resume it gets thrown in the trash within 30 seconds maximum. Heres what you want your resume to achieve: It must answer questions from the get-go. We have recruited hundreds of people, those that got the job was those that had a resume that made us feel like we got to know them personally through their resume. Like that manager said, The interview was just to meet you face to face, your resume already convinced me I had to hire you. Remember our bonus: We review your resume. You get feedback and write a resume that's irresistible to any employer. If you want to find a job you will love doing, then you need to get this course now. You work an average of 1800 hours per year! Can you really afford to be doing a job you hate? What this course is not: It is not a quick fix. You must be serious about wanting to make a positive career move. It is not simply a resume template or a list of tips and tricks, it is a meticulously developed career growth process that assumes you are willing to do your part. It is not an extremely complex process that will take you weeks to complete. Give it your best and the process will guide to a resume that guarantees you the job you want. Click the blue "Take This Course" button to get started. All the resume and career help and support you need to find the job of your dreams is inside."
Price: 29.99

"PHP Programmierung fr Anfnger - Grundlagen" |
"Der Kurs ist fr blutige Anfnger gefertigt.Gemeinsam werden wir uns Schritt fr Schritt die Grundlagen der Programmierung mit PHP anschauen.Zu beginn erklre ich dir, was PHP ist, wie es funktioniert und was man mit dieser Skriptsprache alles machen kann.Im Anschlu daran werden wir deinen Computer fr die Programmierung mit PHP vorbereiten. Du installierst Dir deinen eigenen Webserver und installierst eine Entwicklungsumgebung.Danach schreiben wir gemeinsam Dein erstes PHP-Dokument und lassen es im Browser anzeigen.Wenn die erste Hrde geschafft ist, werden wichtige Programmkonstrukte wie beispielsweise Schleifen und Arrays vermittelt.Zu guter Letzt werden HTML-Formulare ausgewertet.Damit es fr Dich komfortabler ist, befindet sich der komplette Quelltext und die gezeigte Prsentation als Anhang am Ende dieses Kurses.Du hast nicht alles richtig verstanden oder hast riesige Lust alles von Anfang an erklrt zu bekommen? Worauf wartest Du noch?! Es dauert nur knapp 3 Stunden und schon beherrscht Du die Grundlagen der Programmierung mit PHP. :)"
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Craft and Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn" |
"v2.1 Released on August 20, 2015 Create More Opportunities and Present Yourself Powerfully on LinkedIn 300,000,000+ professionals are active on LinkedIn--the network is quickly becoming an essential part of every modern professional's career presence. On the other side of Eazl's course on advanced LinkedIn profile building, you'll have a profile that increases your visibility, that helps you get found for big opportunities, and that makes you someone that other people want to have in their professional networks. You will quickly be able to: Bring relevant, valuable connections into your professional ecosystem Establish yourself as best in class talent in your professional arena Differentiate yourself or your organization from competitors Convert online connections to real world relationships Eazl's team of recruiters, digital producers, and support staff in San Francisco has leveraged cutting edge research from Harvard, Purdue, Duke, the Gates Foundation, and McKinsey to create a comprehensive suite of resources that you can access for free by enrolling in the course. They include: 20+ HD Videos and Step-by-step Tutorials 15 Exclusive Guides and Sample Summaries (in downloadable .pdf format) ...and more Get Access to Eazl's Signature Customer Support Team During your experience with the course, you'll also have access to Eazl's signature customer support team. We promise that all support inquiries made via email or in the discussions board will be answered within 48 hours."
Price: 34.99

"Complete Guide to Maschine MKII" |
"COURSE INCLUDES: 3 and a half hours of streamed lessons - access 24/7/365 written notes with each lesson Maschine projects made throughout the course 240MB of bonus audio samples from Loopmasters This course takes you through every part of the Maschine software and hardware, slowly explaining how each one works and the ways they can be used to create a variety of different styles of music. Taught by Producertech Course Director, music and sound recording graduate and professional producer Rob Jones, the lessons not only show you how to use each area of Maschine, but apply every technique to inspiring examples of how quality music is made. The course comes with 3.5 hours of video tutorials and written notes, as well as the Maschine projects created in the movies. Plus, there are 240MB of royalty-free samples from Loopmasters included in the course pack. Before signing up, check out the free sample lesson, which provides an introduction to Maschine and the course."
Price: 49.99

"Complete Guide to Maschine Mk3" |
"NIs latest Maschine controller has elevated the device to whole new levels, transforming it into one of the most incredible platforms for making music. Whether producing or performing, the powerful hardware/software combo provides all the tools you need to create original beats or complete arrangements with ease. On this comprehensive course by certified trainer Rob Jones, youll learn every aspect of both the MK3 controller and Maschine software, as well as learn a multitude of techniques for creating many different styles of music with them.The tutorials begin with a detailed look at how to make patterns with the pads, working in the default pad mode as well as keyboard, chord and 16- velocity modes, explaining the various benefits of each one. Rob then teaches the ins and outs of soundslots in Maschine, by building a kit from scratch, before getting more advanced with Maschines Sampler, showing how to record and edit your own samples, slice up loops and lots more.There is also a thorough exploration of Maschines instruments and effects, with lessons on both Drum and Bass Synths, as well as the entire range of built-in effects. Additionally, the course includes tutorials covering more advanced signal routing and effects usage, teaching how to modulate parameters and set up send effects, and also how to use Maschine within DAWs like Ableton Live and Logic Pro.Signing up to the course provides immediate access to over 4 hours of tutorials, written notes, Maschine projects and 250MB of bonus samples. Before signing up, check out the free sample modules for an example of the tutorial content, which will have you mastering NIs legendary music-making tool in no time!"
Price: 39.99

"JIRA Administration Mastery - Level 1 - System Configuration" |
"JIRA is a very flexible issue tracker that can be used for a wide variety of use cases. That flexibility comes with a certain degree of complexity, which makes its administration complicated at times. This Level 1 course is part of a larger series that covers JIRA Administration in its entirety. Other levels are not included in this course and must be purchased separately. Our goal in separating JIRA Administration training in several "Levels" is to allow you pick and choose the parts you want to learn about. This course is the first step to unlocking JIRA's full power This Level 1 course will cover the full set of features of the "System" section of JIRA Administration. We will cover topics such as: Universal JIRA Administration advice acquired through years of experience Global properties that affect the entire instance Advanced settings that will make a big difference How to change JIRA's look and feel Changing date formats to simplify data exports to Microsoft Excel How to get rid of the JIRA Administrator password prompt once and for all What is auto-watch, why I hate it, and how to disable it How to send detailed support requests to Atlassian Much much more :-) Configure your JIRA instance according to best practices This first course covers items that are usually configured only once when you install JIRA or when you are looking to fix something very precise. On the other hand, the items we'll cover in this course affect the entire JIRA instance, and can therefore have a significant impact on the overall experience. JIRA itself is very easy to install, but you know the old saying: the devils lies in the details. This course is about those details. By the time you are done with the course, you will understand what they are and how you can use them to provide an improved experience to your users. My promise to you I've worked as a professional JIRA consultant for years, developing my knowledge day by day, developing best practices where there aren't any. My promise to you is that I will share everything I know about JIRA System Configuration in this class. You will get loads of inside information not found in the official documentation, explained with real-word examples. Technical Considerations This course has been recorded on a standard JIRA 6.3 Server instance running on Windows. If you are working with JIRA Cloud instance, 95% of the contents of this course applies to you. But I do want to mention the remaining 5% only applies to JIRA Server due to the limitations of JIRA Cloud."
Price: 49.99

"Diabetes (and Blood Sugar Issues) Healed Naturally" |
"Diabetes Healed Naturally is a course about understanding Type II Diabetes and blood-sugar related symptoms and how to heal those symptoms naturally. The terminology will be simple language Slideshows, downloads and links are included in the course. Everything you need to get started on your way. The course is designed to take 6 week, but you can go as quickly or as slowly as you need to. There will be lectures and to-do's each week which will guide you through the process of healing without going on a deprivation diet or eating foods you don't like. If you have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Have Blood Sugar issues, Hypoglycemia, Depression if you are worried about Alzheimers or Cancer, or if Diabetes run's in your family - this is the course for you to heal and prevent high/low blood sugar complications. You have the opportunity to connect with me on a LIVE call each week! I will clarify any topics for you and answer any questions. This alone is worth the price of the program. I'll also be available to correspond to your questions throughout the program. You will have lots of ways of getting your questions and concerns answered as this program is intended to create a Unique plan for you! I'll also cheer you on all the way, because I know you can do it! Lots of positive reinforcement and a little bit of humor too."
Price: 59.99

"WordPress The Complete Business Web Design Course" |
"JOIN MORE THAN 2,000 STUDENTS INTHE MOST COMPREHENSIVE ALL-IN-ONE COURSE IN WORDPRESS THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND TIME!Are you unhappy with the website that your web designer gave you? Or are you tired of paying someone else to maintain your website when you could be better off doing it yourself?In the online world, your website IS the shopfront of your business. The whole purpose behind a website is to help you to sell more of your products and services.But for all the money you spent to hire a web design company, all you get at the end of the day is a website that looks good but does nothing more for you and your business.And there is nothing more you can do about it. Having zero control over your business site is almost like leaving the keys of your shop to someone else!Many business owners have their fair share of nightmares like these, but it shouldn't have to be this way for you.Because you're here, all this will change.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""Excellent course. Concise lectures but comprehensive content. KC over delivers!I was very impressed with this course. The instructions are clear and concise. KC shows you how to do each lecture topic in simple to follow steps and, unlike some tutors, he does not waste your time by waffling. Well planned and presented and thoroughly recommended!"" Rita Smith:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Web designers are not the only ones who can create a decent business website. The reality is, creating a website is not as tough as it seems!This course will show you that you are capable of creating a professional business website all by yourself just like many other students have after you learn the skills from this step-by-step course.Imagine having a website that feels exactly the way you want it and tells your story and vision to your customers in a unique voice of your own, because no one knows your business as well as you do Your visitors can have a pleasant experience surfing around your website because you learnt how to cleverly organize your content in your website, making it so easy for your visitors to find the key information they are looking for!And most importantly, the convenience of having the full control to manage your business website the way you want it.You will learn exactly how to make this a reality for you and your business after taking this course.Whether it is changing the content of your site, adding more images, or updating your contact information, you'll know how to do these easily anytime you want.No more frustrating delays and waiting for unresponsive web designers because you have the skills to do it by yourself.Even if you are new to WordPress, you will know exactly how to get a fully functioning business website up and running from scratch by the end of this course!*************************************************************ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!I will regularly update this course with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additions automatically at no extra cost. Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free. That's lots of real money saved!THIS COURSE IS CREATED TO GIVE YOU THE CRITICAL SKILL THAT OTHER WEB DESIGN COURSES FAIL TO TEACH YOU!What do you think is the biggest challenge that most people face when it comes to creating a business site?Is it learning how to use WordPress? Interestingly, no. (That's the easier part, actually.)In reality, people are often clueless about what content they should write for their website!Truth is, you can create the most attractive-looking site with WordPress but when you find yourself stuck with not knowing what to write, your website has nothing to show for.This is a real problem but you can count on this course to help you fix that!With ""WordPress 2016 The Complete Small Business Web Design Course"", you will have a complete solution to help you to get your business website up and running as quickly as possible!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""This is by far the best WordPress course I've taken! I've learned some new things that I never found in other coursesHonestly, if you're in need of a WordPress course to help you out, then take this one. You won't regret it."" Eric D:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::More than just a practical course that equips you with the essential skills to use WordPress to create your website, you will learn the specifics of what makes a highly effective business website, including what pages and content you need to include in your website.On top of that, you will learn exactly how to turn your website into a fully functioning online shop (also using WordPress),plus generate more customer leads for your business through your website!Here is a quick overview of what you will take away from this comprehensive course:Master the basic essentials to get started from scratch (choosing a good domain and hosting)Learn the important concepts of what pages you need for your business website to effectively deliver your value proposition!Learn techniques on how to write good content for your website to attract more people to buy your products and services!Master the skill of using WordPress to create a professional business site! Learn how to create an online store and sell your products/services online!Integrate an automated system in your website (auto-responder) to capture and nurture leads for your business!... and more!By the end of the course, you will be able to create a fully functioning business website that is all set to automatically generate leads and accept payment from your customers 24/7 even while you're not actively working!Here are the ways to help you get the most out of this course:Save Time and Money - Instead of taking several courses to learn everything you need to create your business website, all the essentials have been organized neatly for you in this one single course!Structured Learning - The content in the course is logically structured from beginning to end to give you a smooth learning experience. Just go with the flow as I take you through from zero to having a fully completed website for your business by the end of the course.Easy to Understand - All the training is presented in clear step-by-step instructional videos. You will see my screen and I will show you exactly where to click; it will be really easy to follow.Supplementary Materials - You will also receive PDF training slides that you can print out and take notes while following through the video lectures!Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.Because upon becoming a student of this course, you will receive continuous support from me help that comes with no expiry. I will be here to share my advice and answers to all your questions whenever you need help from me :)I trust that this course will give you with the core fundamental skills that you need to create a professional website for your business.This is a gift that only YOU can give yourself, so act on it and I welcome you to join my course!Now, it is all up to you.If you have read up all the way till here, I believe you are serious about learning and you have a great attitude to succeed!To enroll, simply click the ''Add to Cart/Buy Now' button on top and I will see you inside!"
Price: 194.99

"ClickBank Success Affiliate Marketing Without A Website" |
"****IMPORTANT: Only purchases made in Udemy will get lifetime monthly course updates and personal support from the Instructor, KC TAN. If you see this course listed on other websites, those are fake or outdated versions.****JOIN OVER 20,000 DELIGHTED STUDENTS TO EXPERIENCE THE JOY AND EXCITEMENT OF GETTING YOUR FIRST SALES FROM CLICKBANK USING THE SIMPLE TECHNIQUES THAT I TEACH YOU IN THIS COURSE! *KA-CHING!*Do you have a strong desire to succeed in ClickBank and you are determined to make things work?All that is left standing between you and your dream of making money with ClickBank is the right advice and guidance to spur you into action!If you are looking for a course that can help you to gain a breakthrough and successfully make money online as a ClickBank affiliate, then you've put yourself in the perfect place!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""The BEST CB Course in UdemyThis is the best course on how to make money on CB I've seen so far. It takes you from the most basic things that you need to know to the best ways to really make money from CB. Kc Tan knows his stuff really well because he practices what he teaches and gives us real examples. I really like this course and will definitely recommend it to anyone who wanted to start making real money from CB affiliate program. 5 stars!"" Frederic Talis:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::This course is here to prove to you that your dream of making money with ClickBank is within your reach.Imagine going to bed and waking up to the excitement of finding a new ClickBank sale in your inbox the next morning!Whether you are enjoying a meal with your loved ones, hanging out with your friends, travelling or sleeping, you could be making money even while you're away from your computer.'ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Make Money Without A Website' will teach you exactly how you can make this a reality for yourself!YOU can. And I am here to help you.You don't need to be an expert at Internet marketing to make it happen. And you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to learn.In this course, you will find everything you need to know to help you get started and see real results.Even if you do not have any experience with ClickBank right now, you will be confident of the steps to take to earn your first dollar with ClickBank after taking the course!******************************************************************ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING (COURSE UPDATED)!I will regularly update this course with fresh content to bring you the most up-to-date knowledge and information.Once you are enrolled as a student, you will receive all future updates and new content additions automatically at no extra cost. Yes! You get lifetime updates and it's free. That's lots of real money saved!Full Update Log:Updated 25 Jun 2020: Lecture Added - ""Replacement for Jumbo Keyword Tool""Updated 16 Mar 2020: Lecture Added - ""Steps To Create New Advertising Account""Updated 26 Feb 2020: Lecture Updated - ""Proven Keyword Generation Techniques Part 1 (Updated for 2020)""Updated 10 Jan 2020: Lecture Updated - ""Getting Paid With Payoneer""Updated 01 Nov 2019: Lecture Added - ""A Quick Note On Latest Budget Option Changes (Nov 2019)""Updated 10 Jul 2019: Lecture Added - ""Further Guidance On Squeeze Page Building""Updated 08 May 2019: Lecture updated - ""Latest Update (May 2019) - MUST READ!""Updated 18 Feb 2019: Lecture updated - ""Tracking Keywords That Lead To Sales Part 3""Updated 2 Jan 2019: Lecture updated - ""Latest Update (Jan 2019) - MUST READ!""Updated 23 Sep 2018: Lectures updated - ""Proven Keywords Generation Techniques Part 1 & 2"" and ""The Power Of Two Ads"".Updated 1 Sep 2018: Lecture updated - ""Latest Update (Sep 2018) - MUST READ!""Updated 1 Jun 2018: Lecture updated - ""Problems Applying ClickBank Account?""Updated 4 Mar 2018: New lecture added - ""Updates On Posting Affiliate Links On Facebook""Updated 5 Dec 2017: Lecture updated - ""Latest Update (Dec 2017) - MUST READ""Updated 11 Oct 2017: New lecture added: ""Updates for Tracking Keywords With Squeeze page ""Updated 2 Sep 2017: Lectures updated: ""Problems Applying ClickBank Account?""Updated 28 Jul 2017: New lectures added: ""Ads Creation Secrets Part 1 to 3""Updated 28 Jul 2017: New lectures added: ""Tracking Keywords That Leads To Sales Part 1 to Part 3""Updated 3 Jul 2017: New lecture added: ""ClickBank 2017 Top Conversion Data""Updated 1 Jun 2017: Lecture updated: ""Problems Applying ClickBank Account?""Updated 8 May 2017: New lecture added: ""Costly Mistakes To Avoid In Your First Campaign!""Updated 3 Apr 2017: New lecture added - ""What If I Can't Find A product That Fits The Criteria?""Updated 2 Mar 2017: New lecture added - ""Problems Applying ClickBank Account?""Updated 12 Feb 2017: Lecture updated - ""Identify Products That Sell""Updated 12 Feb 2017: Lecture updated - ""Products To Avoid In ClickBank!""Updated 12 Feb 2017: Lecture updated - ""Choosing The Perfect Product For Direct Linking""Updated 2 Feb 2017: New lecture added - ""An Easier Way To Add Privacy Policy & Terms Of Service (Latest for 2017!)""Updated 3 Jan 2017: New lecture added ""Get Paid From Your Local ATM""Updated 6 Dec 2016: Lecture updated ""Latest Updates (Dec 2016)""Updated 1 Nov 2016: Lecture updated ""Ads Creation Secrets!"" (after Bing Ads interface update)Updated 2 Oct 2016: New lecture added ""Another Pay-Per-Click Network To Bring You Sales!""Updated 1 Sep 2016: Lecture updated ""Latest Updates (Sep 2016)""Updated 15 Jul 2016: Lecture updated ""Proven Keywords Generation Techniques""Updated 18 Jun 2016: Lecture updated ""Ads Creation Secrets!""Updated 10 May 2016: New lecture added ""Generate Another 1,000 Keywords!""Updated 1 Apr 2016: New lecture added ""All You Need To Know About Display & Destination URL""Updated 4 Mar 2016: New lecture added ""More Tips If You Can't Find A Suitable Product To Promote!""Updated 3 Feb 2016: New lecture added ""Advanced Affiliate Link Parameters""Updated 8 Jan 2016: New lecture added ""How to increase your advertisement quality score!""******************************************************************THIS COURSE IS CREATED FOR ONE SIMPLE PURPOSE If you have yet to successfully make a single dollar in ClickBank, this is the course that will help you to achieve that, and more!So that you can finally shout to the world, ""I MADE IT! I EARNED MY FIRST SALE IN CLICKBANK FOR REAL!!!!""Whether you are A total newbie to ClickBank and you're clueless about how to get started to make money as a ClickBank affiliate, orAn affiliate who has been struggling with promoting ClickBank products with little or no success so farThis course will give you a rock-solid foundation on the 'whats' and 'hows' to help you make your first dollar as a ClickBank affiliate as QUICKLY as possible! (There's a good reason for this... read on to find out why!)Truth is, one of the biggest challenges that many affiliates face is failure to see results and they give up.It's not that they didn't try hard enough, but it just took them way too long to see results before they decided it's time to throw in the towel.That's bad news :( But the good news is you don't have to make the same mistake as them because you're here :)You will learn, in this course, my tried-and-tested core strategy that is going to help you to significantly shorten the time you'll take to make your first dollar in ClickBank! You don't have to wait 10, 20 months later just to see the light!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""Outstanding!!I've never written a review for a course before, but I had to give praise to the instructor for this one. I followed the course step-by-step, did exactly as the instructor said, and it worked! In my first 24 hours of starting my Clickbank campaign, I have already made 2 sales, for a total commission of $64! My investment to make these sales was only $7. $57 profit in only 24 hours! This is easily the best course I have bought on Udemy."" Gary Bush:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::This is a structured and practical course that will teach you a viable and easy-to-follow system to make money online through promoting ClickBank products. You will discover how easy it is to get started by learning the core technique of Direct Linking through Search Engine Pay Per Click marketing you don't need to have a website, domain, hosting, whatsoever. This technique is specially designed to help you take as little time as possible to get your first sales in ClickBank so that you can gain the confidence you need and build up your momentum from there! I have personally received average sales ranging from $30+ to $80+ per week using this core strategy and you will learn exactly how to implement this technique in this course. In the second part of this course, you will learn how to further boost your income in the longer term by using squeeze pages (again, without the need for domain name and hosting) as well as Facebook.Here is a quick summary of what you will take away from this course:Understanding ClickBank metrics and how to make the most out of them!How to select suitable products to promote, and products to avoid!How to create promotion campaigns to start making sales quickly!How to build a more sustainable income for the long term!Apply these strategies to other affiliate programs that you join in future (besides ClickBank)!....and more!Note: This is not a course to teach you how to get rich quick!If you're looking for ways to get rich quick, I'm sorry, this course is not suitable for you.But if you believe in putting in the effort and time to learn and practice what I teach you, then this course is perfect for you!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""I made a ClickBank sale after a few days of following KC's instructions. He's very objective and to the point and shows you very clearly what you need to do without any filler or trying to upsell you something else. Amazing teacher. Great course."" Eugenio Gonzalez:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::To help you get the most out of this course, all the concepts are explained to you in simple terms and broken down nicely into actionable steps that is easy to understand and follow.The course comes with over 40 concise lessons that walk you through every detail in step by step format so that you can effectively apply what you have learnt.Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.Because upon becoming a student of this course, you will receive continuous support from me help that comes with no expiry! I will be here to share my advice and answers to all your questions whenever you need help from me :)In fact, you will also get to learn from fellow students like yourself! We have an incredibly active community where hardworking and committed students are posting new questions every day, and I welcome you to join our growing community of more than 8,000 success-driven students from all around the world!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""Great Course & InstructorThis is a VERY high quality course with an Instructor who really cares about his students. I learned so much in such a short amount of time and loved that KC covered all bases throughout this course!! I will be giving this oh-so-simple system a go tomorrow and highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an easy way to get in the affiliate game."" Jamie Briggs:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Would you like access to a wallet-friendly course that doesn't cost you thousands of dollars to learn? Check.Are you hoping someone would teach you a proven strategy to make money with ClickBank so you won't have to waste time to figure things out on your own? (Time savings are always the most precious.) Check.Would you love the assurance of having someone to go to when you need help on ClickBank affiliate marketing? Check.Wouldn't you be relieved to have clear instructions that show you exactly what you need to do so you can act on it right away? Check.Many people have made a leap of faith to leverage this course as a springboard to their personal success and it has delivered what they needed to make their first sales in ClickBank! Head over to the reviews section below to find out what the students are saying about this course.I trust that ClickBank Affiliate Marketing Make Money Without A Website will give you the hope, confidence and skills you need to make an income with ClickBank and get you closer to realizing your personal goals!This is a gift that only YOU can give yourself, so act on it and I welcome you to join my course!Now, it is all up to you. If you have read up all the way till here, I believe you are serious about learning and you have a great attitude to succeed!If you are ready to start making money with ClickBank, just click the 'Add to Cart/Buy Now' button on top to enroll yourself and I'll see you inside.You fully deserve to learn everything in this course and experience the results for yourself!"
Price: 194.99

"Digital Marketing Done Right!" |
"Do you want to learnhow toget more customers and salesonline without getting overwhelmed and overworked?Or perhapsyouhavebeen trying reallyhardto market your business online but you are stillnot seeing the results you hoped for...If you are looking for a course that canhelp you to work SMARTER(not HARDER) togenerate more sales for your businessonline,then what you needis right in front of you!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""Having enjoyed KC's clarity of instruction and step-by-step guidance in his previous course,I was expecting nothing less than another high quality course from him. In this course, his instructions are just as clear as ever, and yet again his attention to detail simply amazing. This time round, we still get the direct ""how to"" actionable lessons, coupled with ""secret sauce"" insights derived from years of his experience and topped with sharing of supplementary resources whenever it is practical to do so. And boy, I'm impressed! Looking to learn online marketing for small business? This is it!"" Michael Lim:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ifyou have been struggling with online marketing with little success so far, maybe you have beenmissing something important...When it comes to marketing, you need toremember the golden 80/20 principle 80 percent of your outcomes come from 20 PERCENT of your efforts.Precisely, just 20 percent! Rather than tryingto do all, you ought tobe focusing your time and resources onlyon marketingactivitiesthat produce the most results for you.Make every dollar and minute that you invest into marketing your business count!Here is thedifference it makes when you applythe 80/20 rule to your business:You avoidwasting time and money on marketing channels that do not ROI for you!You gainmore time tofocus on marketing channelsthat bring you betterresults (as well asother important aspects of your business)!Insteadof getting overwhelmed with marketing, you reapthe benefitsof working with greaterproductivity!You achieve greater sales results with lesser effort!To this end, this practicalcourse is createdto empoweryou to focus on the right online marketing strategies for your business so that you canwork smarter whileyour online marketing strategies work hard for you!You will learn the top 3provendigital marketing strategies (your 20 percent) that contribute the majority of sales, which areSearch Engine Marketing, Facebook Marketing and Email Marketing.Whether you are Just starting out in your small business and you'reclueless about which onlinemarketing strategies you should focus on,An existing business owner who has been struggling to attractsales online with little or no success so farThis course will giveyou the knowledge andpracticalSKILLS to implement thesetop 3 ROImarketing channels inyourbusinessand use them to your own advantage!This is a highly actionable course that is designedbased on my years of experience in Internet marketing and running my own business (and these are the exact techniques that I am using for my own businessesnow)!By applyingthese top-ROI digital marketing strategies, you will be able tomaximize your time and resources togenerate more leads and sales for your business!To help you get the most out of this course, all the concepts are explained to you in simple terms and broken down nicely into actionable steps that is easy to understand and follow.This practical how-to course comes withover30 detailed step-by-step videos (4 hours of content) that teachyou:What are the things you need toprepare before you start marketing your business website this will potentially save you thousands of dollars! How to make the very best out of Search Engine Marketing and adopt best practices to rank your website and enjoy highly affordable pay-per-click rates! How to leverage Facebook to build a strong followingfor your business. Learn what you should and should NOT share on Facebook! Model my email marketing strategies to close sales every month without having to buy or rent email databases!What this course is NOT:A general course that talks aboutevery type of digital marketingtechnique out there;Big picture theories without practical application tipsOutdated digital marketing techniques that are no longer effective now:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""KC Tan is one of the best teachers in Udemy. He's clear, concise and goes to the point without any fluff or extra talk. He always exceeds expectations."" Eugenio Gonzalez:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Above all, if you get stuck or experience any difficulties along the way, you won't ever have to struggle on your own and worry about having no one to turn to for help.Because upon becoming a student of this course, you will receive continuous support from me help that comes with no expiry!I will be here to share my advice and answers to all your questions whenever you need help from me :)This is a gift that only YOU can give yourself and you fully deserve to learn everything in this course.So act on it and I welcome you to join my course!To enroll, simplyclick on the 'Add to Cart/Buy Now' button on topand I look forward to see you inside!"
Price: 149.99

"Introduction to Information Marketing Business" |
"Are you curious how others are selling information online and making it into an online business? In fact, KC has been in the informational marketing business for the past 10+ years since 2008!This course is specially designed and delivered by KC Tan to teach people who are new to Information marketing business. Learners do not need any prerequisites unlike other technical courses. What you will learn in this course- What is information marketing and why you should start now!- What are the information that people are buying online?- 3 misconceptions that most people have about information marketing.- 7 types of information products that you can sell (even without creating!)- 3 methods to select your niche to start with!- 3 Quick steps to start selling information product online- Learn how to set up a sales page without web hosting- 3 newbie friendly methods to market your first information product!ONE-TIME ENROLLMENT FOR LIFETIME LEARNING!At this moment, the investment for this course is only one-time, and it allows you to access to this online course lifetime (with updates) without any recurring charges!But if you believe in putting in the effort and time to learn and practice what I teach you, then this course is perfect for you as it gives you a good foundations in information marketing business!Special Note: This is an introductory course for beginners. If you are already making money with information marketing, then this course is not for you."
Price: 159.99

"Gluten Free Creations, All Spiced Up! Certification" |
"On-Site Culinary Solutions presentation of "Gluten-Free Creations All Spiced Up!" will be a series of lectures containing videos, slides, recipes, and cooking demonstrations that can also be downloaded for future reference. We will be presenting items for participants to understand the principles of Gluten-Free cooking and how they should taste. Each lecture will have narrated, easy to grasp terminology, for all levels of chefs! Participants are invited to share their experiences using a variety of grains and legumes as an alternate to gluten dishes and discuss regional/international cuisine standards that are gluten-free. Chef Jud Flynn will also be sharing three cooking demonstrations for video oriented learning. These demonstrations feature Asian oriented dishes, using a variety of spices, many of which a casual chef may not have even heard of prior to taking this course! Many topics will be covered in this course: the science behind gluten, allowable and avoidable grains, reading food labels, gluten intolerance and how to overcome, Celiac Disease, what exactly living gluten free consists of, and how to cook delicious global gluten free cuisine. A recipe cookbook, with 29 recipes is also included on the last section of the course, as well as printouts for easy to reference points for your kitchen. What separates this course from any other is the continuing educational hours obtained upon completion. Through the American Culinary Federation and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, we are proud to offer 8 combined CEHs to all who complete and wish to have documentation. By the end of this course, you should have a complete understanding of gluten and how to avoid it in your diet. The gluten free lifestyle is not a fad its here to stay! We hope you enjoy your learning experience, and thank you for choosing On Site Culinary for your professional development in the kitchen!"
Price: 24.99

"herramientas gestin de estrs y ansiedad" |
"Aprende a gestionar el estrs y la ansiedad es un curso 100% prctico, que te va a permitir aprender a gestionar el estrs y la ansiedad en el plazo de 4 semanas. Hola, soy Javier Romero, psiclogo del equipo de WebPsiclogos. Desde hace ms de 10 aos estoy ayudando a muchas personas a superar el estrs y la ansiedad y he decidido compartir las tcnicas que utilizo a travs de este curso. OBJETIVO: Aprender a gestionar el estrs y la ansiedad QUE NECESITAS Ganas de solucionar tus problemas Ganas de trabajar y esforzarte, realizar los ejercicios que propongo y entrenar duro QUE VAS A APRENDER El curso se divide en tres mdulos: Que es el estrs y la ansiedad Donde vamos a aprender que son estos dos conceptos, cmo nos afectan y en que se diferencian. Herramientas conductuales Aqui voy a ensearte respuestas incompatibles con la ansiedad y que puedes aplicar a tu da a da para conseguir reducri el malestar. Herramientas cognitivas En el terer mdulo voy a ensearte a analizar tus pensamientos, descubrir los que te hacen dao y estrategias para aprender a ""pensar de otra manera"" para evitar el malestar que produce el estrs y la ansiedad. Para realizar el curso correctamente necesitas por lo menos 5 semanas para prcticar todos los ejercicios y ser disciplinado para aprender una nueva manera de actuar y pensar que te lleve a evitar los problemas generados por el estrs y la ansiedad. Este curso no es una varita mgica ni va a solucionar tus problemas solo porque veas unos cuantos videos. Lo que te ofrezco es una guia de trabajo personal, basada en la psicologa cientfica y que ha ayudado a miles de personas a superar sus problemas."
Price: 34.99
