"#2 Scrum Product Owner -A Practical Guide For Product Owners" |
"Welcome to The Practical Product Owner (PO) Course. In this Agile world, the scrum product owner is a critical responsibility and it needs to be played well for the success of the organization.In this course, I will provide you the real-world skills and experience which are needed to excel in the role of Agile Product Owner.Why should you take this course?After taking this course you will be able to implement the techniques and skills right away and excel in the role of the product owner.You will have Lifetime Access to all video lectures and all your queries/doubts will get a detailed answer if required with an additional video tutorial also!!Who should take this course?This course is for anyone who wants to play the role of Product Owner in a Scrum project.Or who is aspiring for the role of Product OwnerContent and overviewThe course covers all concepts which are required for a product owner in a scrum project. Below are the topics covered as part of this agile product owner courseOverview of Scrum framework: As part of this section we cover the concept of the scrum roles, scrum events, definition of done(DoD), acceptance criteria, scaling of the scrum, etc.Key Interfaces and Meetings for the role of Product Owner: In this section, we are discussing the stakeholders with whom the Product Owner needs to interact on a daily basis. And also we are discussing different meetings that need to be hosted by the Product Owner with a special focus on product backlog refinement meeting.Role and Key Tasks of A Product Owner: This section is dedicated to discussing the role of Product Owner in defining the product vision, product road-map and release management. Also, we're covering a day's schedule of a product owner, product backlog structure and minimum viable product.Expectation and Skills required for Product Owner role in detail: Here we are discussing the Product Owner job profile as per industry standard.Product Owner Career-related questions: This section is dedicated to informing about the career path of the product owner. Also here we are addressing the common confusions likeAre the product owner and scrum master the same?What is the difference between a product owner and product manager?So this course covers almost everything required to perform the role of Product Owner well and progress in your career.You can get a full refund within 30 days and no question asked if you didn't like the course.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and demystify the Product Owner role!!!"
Price: 99.99

"An Introduction to the Ethernet/IP Protocol" |
"Ethernet/IP (Ethernet Industrial Protocol) is a network communication standard capable of handling large amounts of data at speeds of 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, and at up to 1500 bytes per packet. The specification uses an open protocol at the application layer. It is especially popular for control applications.This course has been designed with practicality in mind. At the end of this course, you will know how Ethernet/IP devices represent data in memory and the types of messaging that they use to exchange data. You will also perform practical exercises using simulation software, allowing you to get first hand experience in configuring Ethernet/IP devices for communications. Essentially, you will have a new practical skill in the field of industrial communications and networking. Specifically, in this course, you will learn:- How Ethernet/IP devices represent data in memory.- Ethernet/IP network messaging types - Explicit and Implicit.- Network services.- Configuration of devices for Explicit messaging.- Configuration of devices for Implicit messaging.- Understanding network topology and client - server operation.- Building an Implicit and Explicit scanner application using .NET.and much more ..."
Price: 34.99

"Financial Statement Analysis A Complete Study" |
"Welcome to your course Financial Statement Analysis A Complete Study. In this course you will learn the process of analyzing Financial Statements so that you / your organisation will be able to take effective decisions. Financial Statements will be analysed by both external and internal stake holders for various evaluation purposes. External Stake holder will be analyzing Financial Statements to understand overall Financial Health of an organisations and it will also help them to evaluate the Financial Performance and Value of the business.On the other side, Internal Stake holders will be carrying out Financial Statement Analysis to monitor the finance and operational performance. The person who does the financial analysis will be called as Financial Analyst and there is ample opportunities for them with -Insurance Companies-Banks-Securities Firms-Pension and Mutual FundsFinancial Analysts can also have their own office and operate independently and develop a good customer base. This course is structured in self paced learning style. Please use microphone for effective listening. Go through the demo lectures to get an idea about the course and i'll see you inside the course.how to analyse Financial Statement"
Price: 149.99

"Spring Boot Tips, Tricks, and Techniques" |
"This course sets out to supply new possibilities. You will cover many aspects of Spring Boots: some you may know, and some you probably never knew existed. This course will boost your skills and will let you explore best practices and techniques to help you improve your application development.In this course, you'll learn to implement practical and proven techniques and adopt a quicker way to develop applications using Spring Boot. Each section covers techniques (with clear instructions) you can use to carry out different development tasks in a practical manner. We cover how to make your apps more maintainable, testable, fault-tolerant, and resilient.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence to harness the Spring Boot tips, best practices, and techniques covered in the course to make your coding and app development projects achieve their maximum potential performance-wise.About the AuthorTomasz Lelek is a software engineer, programming mostly in Java and Scala. He has been working with the Spark and ML APIs for the past 6 years, with production experience in processing petabytes of data.He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development and believes that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before attempting to solve a problem. Recently he was a speaker at conferences in PolandConfitura and JDD (Java Developers Day)and at Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at the Geecon Conference."
Price: 124.99

"The Complete Camtasia Course for Content Creators: Start Now" |
"ITS FINALLY HERE! The Complete Camtasia Course: Your Ultimate Video Editing Guide from Newbie to PROLearn how to use Camtasia, a non-intimidating / user-friendly video editing software by Techsmith, for editing ALL your video projects with ease - from YouTube videos, promo videos and other creative video projects.After coaching and teaching many online entrepreneurs on how to use the Camtasia Studio software for years, I am SO thrilled to teach you EVERYTHING I know about this video editing software and will simplify the entire video editing process for you in a step-by-step, easy to understand manner. This Complete Camtasia Course will fast track your video editing skills, with 9+ hours of bite-size video tutorials for you watch at your own pace and learn the software from scratch all the way to more advanced editing techniques.We'll start at the basics: I'll show you around the software including all of its features (how to import clips/images, add text, transitions, etc.) Then, you'll watch over my shoulder as I edit a video from start to finish so you can apply what you learn here right away to your own projects.Once you get the hang of the basics, I'll teach you some really cool FUN stuff you can do! Ill also show you some unique strategies and video editing techniques that you won't find anywhere else because I came up with these techniques from hours of my own trial & error (and with having edited literally 1200+ videos in the Camtasia Studio video editing software, that's A LOT of trial & error!).Let's get those pending video projects of yours DONE, so they can start to impact the world the way they're meant to. It all starts here. :)See you in class! Jewel Tolentino"
Price: 149.99

"Master the USMLE Step 1 (250-280) - Anki, Qbanks and More" |
"Going through medical school is one of the most grueling paths anybody can take. Navy SEALs have Hell Week, but med students have Hell Years. A couple years ago I started getting medical students asking me for advice on how to apply my learning system to medical school and especially the board exams, and that lead to coaching multiple medical students over the last year to develop this course.The academic research on studying shows that three things matter most for long term retention of information.1. Practice Testing2. Flashcards3. MnemonicsThe first is part of a larger paradigm of ""Deliberate Practice"" which was developed by Anders K Erikson, who's work was later popularized by Macolm Gladwell in the 10,000 hour rule. The idea is that you should practice for the exact thing you will be tested on. Which means lots of practice questions. The best Qbanks like UWorld are even better than this because they have comprehensive explanations of how the answer the question if you get it wrong.The second, flashcards, is based on spaced repetition research. This is the method where you can get as close as possible to forcing your brain the memorize things, and measure your progress in a quantitative way. The medical community is are in that it has tons of pre-made flashcard decks, some with tens of thousands of pre-made cards, ready for you to use. These represent hundreds of person-hours of work that you don't have to do. The third, Mnemonics, is just memory techniques. This involves either audio memory like rhyming, visuals like Sketchy Medical products, and Acronyms. These help you memorize via ""brute force"" the things that won't stick with just simple flashcards.In this course I will recommend a 2 year study plan starting in the beginning of M1 to help you methodically study and prepare for the Step 1 exam. I will also explain how to use a variant of my plan if you only have 1 year, or are close to your dedicated time.I will tell you exactly which resources to use and why, and it will all be laid out in a visual way.See you inside the course,Timothy"
Price: 199.99

"CursosMaticos - eBusiness Academy" |
"Completo Programa de Entrenamiento para emprendedores y empresarios que entrega todos los conocimientos tcnicos necesarios y coaching sobre los siguientes temas:+ Diseo Web+ Funnels De Ventas+ Posicionamiento Web en Motores de Bsqueda (SEO)+ Redes Sociales & Whatsapp Marketing+ Optimizacin de Campaas en Facebook Ads+ Chatbot para Facebook+ Analtica Web con Google Analytics+ Mentalidad Ganadora+ COACHING PRIVADO POR ZOOM PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIN CORRECTA DE CADA ESTRATEGIA."
Price: 94.99

"Full stack web development and AI with Python (Django)" |
"MASTERCLASS, WORLD CLASS COURSE - DJANGO WEB DEVELOPMENT, MACHINE LEARNING + AI INTEGRATIONSMaster practical and theoretical concepts This full-stack web, Django and AI combination course leads you through a complete range of software skills and languages, skilling you up to be an incredibly on-demand developer. The combination of being able to create full-stack websites AND machine learning and AI models is very rare - something referred to as a unAIcorn. This is exactly what you will be able to do by the end of this course.Why you need this courseWhether you're looking to get into a high paying job in tech, aspiring to build a portfolio so that you can land remote contracts and work from the beach, or you're looking to grow your own tech start-up, this course will be essential to set you up with the skills and knowledge to develop you into a unAIcorn.It won't matter if you're a complete beginner to software or a seasoned veteran. This course will fill all the gaps in between. I will be there with you through your complete learning experience.What you will get out of this courseI will give you straightforward examples, instructions, advice, insights and resources for you to take simple steps to start coding your own programs, solving problems that inspire you and instilling the 'developer's mindset' of problem solving into you.I don't just throw you in at the deep end - I provide you with the resources to learn and develop what you need at a pace that works for you and then help you stroll through to the finish line. Studies have shown that to learn effectively from online courses tutorials should last around ten minutes each. Therefore to maximise your learning experience all of the lectures in this course have been created around this amount of time or less.My course integrates all of the aspects required to get you on the road becoming a successful web, software and machine learning developer. I teach and I preach, with live, practical exercises and walkthroughs throughout each of the sections.By paying a small cost for this course I believe you will get your value back, with a lot more by the time you have completed it.Ask yourself - how much is mastering a full spectrum of skills in some of of the most exciting areas of software worth to you?How long will it take?Although everyone is different, on average it has taken existing students between 1 - 6 months to complete the course, whilst developing their skills and knowledge along the way. It's best not to speed through the content, and instead go through a handful of lectures, try out the concepts by coding, yourself, and move on once you feel you've grasped the basics of those lectures.Who this is not forThis course is not for anyone looking for a one-click fix. Although I provide you with a path walked enough times that it can be a smooth journey it still requires time and effort from you to make it happen. If you're not interested in putting in your energy to truly better yours skills then this may not be the right course for you.Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?Absolutely. I am confident that my course will bring you more value than you spend on the course. As one of the top featured Udemy Instructors my motto is 'your success is my success'. If within the first 30 days you feel my course is not going to help you to achieve your goals then you get a no questions asked, full discount.What materials are included?The majority of my lectures I have chosen to be as video so that you can hear me and see my workings when we're going through each and every area of the course. I include a vast array of practical projects that you can then use in the future to showcase your skills as you develop them, along with introductory clips and quizzes in each section to ensure that you're grasping the concepts effectively.I will be consistently adding more content and resources to the course as time goes by. Keep checking back here if you're not sure right now and feel free to send me a message with any questions or requests you may have.So go ahead and click the 'Buy now' button when you feel ready on your screen.I look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Music Theory Comprehensive Complete: Parts 13, 14, & 15" |
"Welcome to the COMPLETE Music Theory Guide!This course is ""5-Star Certified"" by the International Association of Online Music Educators and Institutions (IAOMEI). This course has been independently reviewed by a panel of experts and has received a stellar 5-star rating.This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and level up. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.For years I've been teaching Music Theory in the college classroom. These classes I'm making for Udemy use the same syllabus I've used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost. I believe anyone can learn Music Theory - and cost shouldn't be a barrier.My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain ways. Once you understand those concepts, you can find any scale, key, or chord that exists. Even invent your own. If you've tried to learn music theory before, or if you are just starting out - this series of courses is the perfect fit.Dr. Allen is a professional musician, top-rated Udemy instructor, and university professor. In 2017 the Star Tribune featured him as a ""Mover and a Shaker,"" and he is recognized by the Grammy Foundation for his music education classes. Throughout this class, If you get stuck, you can review the videos or post a question, and I'll back to it as fast as possible. This class is a combined class, and includes all of parts 13, 14, and 15.In this class, we will cover:Modulation and TonicizationRules for ModulationUsing Pivot ChordsAnalyzing MozartModulating to V using Pivot ChordsModulating to the Relative Major Using Pivot ChordsPivoting from I to IVPivoting from i to vRules of PivotingDirect ModulationsAbrupt ModulationsAnalyzing BachModulations by Secondary DominantModulation ChallengeMary Had a Little ModulationNew Developments in FormBinary FormRounded Binary FormBinary Form in a Minor KeyPhrasing in Binary FormBalanced Binary FormSimple Ternary FormComposite Ternary FormBaroque Era Contrapuntal DevicesThe SubjectFortspinnungCompound MelodyStep ProgressionsAnalyzing the SubjectReal and Tonal AnswersThe CountersubjectInvertable CounterpointDouble and Triple CounterpointExposition AnalysisThe EpisodeAnalyzing the EpisodeGraphing a FugueDouble and Triple FuguesStrettoInversionAugmentationDiminutionCanonWhy do we care about Fugues?Mode Mixture4-Voice Harmony in Mixture SettingsModification to Earlier RulesSolfege in Chromatic SettingsThe Chromatic Pre-Dominant ChordsThe Neapolitan Six ChordAnalysis: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven)Analysis: Piano Sonata in D Major (Mozart)Italian Augmented 6th ChordsFrench Augmented 6th ChordsGerman Augmented 6th ChordsResolutions to Augmented 6th ChordsAnalysis: Mozart String QuartetHow to Study for Music Theory Placement Tests...and much, much more!You will not have another opportunity to learn Music Theory in a more comprehensive way than this. All the tools you need to successfully learn Music Theory are included in this course and the entire course is based on real-life experiences - not just academic theory.Please click the ""Take This Course"" button so you can launch your music career today.Test Prep: This course is perfect for prep for the Praxis II Test (ETS Praxis Music), The ABRSM Music Theory Exam (up to Grade 8), AP Music Theory Exam, College Placement Exams (Music Theory), and other common secondary and post-secondary placement exams.** I guarantee that this course is the most thorough music theory course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee, as per Udemy Policy) **Closed captions have been added to all lessons in this course.--------------------------------------------------------------------- Praise for Courses by Jason Allen: ""It seems like every little detail is being covered in an extremely simple fashion. The learning process becomes relaxed and allows the complex concepts to get absorbed easily. My only regret is not taking this course earlier."" - M. Shah ""Great for everyone without any knowledge so far. I bought all three parts... It's the best investment in leveling up my skills so far.."" - Z. Palce ""Excellent explanations! No more or less than what is needed."" - A. Tth ""VERY COOL. I've waiting for years to see a good video course, now I don't have to wait anymore. Thank You!"" - Jeffrey Koury ""I am learning LOTS! And I really like having the worksheets!"" - A. Deichsel ""The basics explained very clearly - loads of really useful tips!"" - J. Pook ""Jason is really quick and great with questions, always a great resource for an online class!"" M. Smith----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 109.99

"Unity 2019 3D Game Physics" |
"Physics is really important for game programmers who want to add realism and functionality to their games. Collision detection, in particular, is a problem that affects all game developers, regardless of the platform, engine, or toolkit they use. This course will help you to understand game physics better. You will practice creating your own physics components and improve your knowledge of Newton's Laws of Motion and their applications to game development. This course will teach you the concepts and formulas behind collision detection. You will also be taught how to build a simple physics engine, where rigid body physics is the main focus, and learn about intersection algorithms for primitive shapes. You will be implementing 2D and 3D primitives, and we'll show you how to perform effective collision tests and cover one of the harder areas of game developmentcollision detection and resolution. Further on, you will learn what a physics engine is, how to set up a game window, and how to implement rendering. Youll also find out how to implement a rudimentary physics engine, which you can use to build an ""Angry Birds"" type of game or a more advanced game. By the end of this course, you will have gained confidence in translating theories of physics into working game code. You will have implemented all primitive and some advanced collision tests, and you will be able to read on geometry and linear Algebra formulas to take forward to your own games!About the AuthorSamuel Asher Rivello is a Unity Certified Developer with 19 years of experience creating games and educational software. He loves games! He served on the founding team of Neopets .com and led the team of game developers through the companys acquisition by Viacom/MTV. He created the custom, real-time multiplayer gaming framework for MyYearbook .com through its acquisition by Quepasa. He has shipped many Unity titles including Shiftlings published by the legendary Sierra Games for Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam and Subway Surfers created by SYBO Games for Android and iOS. He has taught at American universities including USC and UCLA and has presented at conferences, including Adobe Max, FITC, FlashForward, and LA Games Summit. He has served as author and editor for Adobe, Future Publishing UK, OReilly, and more. Sams mission is to educate and entertain with interactive technology and to champion best practices, coding standards, and learning. He now consults for top clients as a Unity Game Developer and Unity Tools Developer to level-up interactive projects in gaming, education, and AR/VR."
Price: 124.99

"7-Step Technology Startup Success Formula" |
"WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOUThis course is a knowledge base of that core experience I have gained in my journey of 2 decades as an Employee, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and CTO. I have expressed all these concepts on the basis of an example so that the understanding is not just theoretical in nature. You will be able to learn the following :Defining / Documenting your VisionTeam VisionArranging FundsCrafting Your Product/Service systemMarketing Your Product/ServiceSelling Your Product/ServiceCustomer ServiceHANDS-ON WORKSHOPS WITH TEMPLATESThe workshops will ensure that by the end of the course, you create the artefacts for your own business idea. You will have everything ready which will boost your confidence in your business idea in a defined and structured wayBONUSES INCLUDEDAs a bonus, I will spend 30 mins with you to discuss the artefacts you have created so that we can clarify your doubts and tweak the artefacts if needed. WHO AM I AND WHY SHOULD YOU LISTEN TO MEAfter having spent more than 20 years as an Employee, Entrepreneur and Consultant in the Digital Startup industry I saw the journey and the challenges faced during it. Be it product design, marketing, selling, funding each aspect of the journey needed to be taken up carefully - planned and executed with patience rather than rushing into it blindfolded."
Price: 74.99

"YouTube Secrets 2020: Your Complete YouTube Masterclass!" |
"**BRAND NEW & UP TO DATE 2020 - COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE!**2020 YouTube Diamond AcademyAlmost 5 Billion Videos Are Watched On YouTube Every Single Day. YouTube Gets Over 30 Million Visitors Per DayGrow Your Business By Telling Your Brands Story To Connect With New Subscribers Who Will Love Your Business.Marketing Isn't Simple, And I Want You To Succeed, So By Following My Step By Step Simple Strategies To Gain Subscribers You Will Significantly Increase Your Businesses Revenue. You Will Find Your Customers On YouTube And Establish Your Business's Presence So That People Can Connect With You.IN THIS COURSE YOU WILL LEARN:Create An Attractive, Powerful, Optimized And Professional Home For Your Brand On YouTubeIdentify And Reach Your Target Customers Through YouTube Everyday In Your Desired Niche!An Exact Blueprint To Optimize Your YouTube Channel To Expand Your Customer Base With YouTubeA Fool-Proof System Of How To Automatically Increase Your YouTube Reach And Influence Using Easy To Follow Proven StrategiesConnect Directly With Your Customer With Facebook Messenger MarketingHarness Facebook Groups To Create A Huge Community Around Your Brand's MessageYou Will Skyrocket Your Brands Awareness To A Level Beyond Your Expectations And You Will Have The Tools To Create Quality Content And Market Your Business To Targeted Customers.This Course Gives You Step By Step Techniques To Grow Your YouTube Channel And Market Your Business. You Will Tell Your Brands Story With A Compelling And Professional Profile And Reach Thousands Of New Subscribers While Building Strong And Trustworthy Relationships.You Will Skyrocket Your Brands Awareness To A Level Beyond Your Expectations And You Will Have The Tools To Create Quality Content And Market Your Business To Targeted Customers.2020 YouTube Diamond AcademyThis Course Starts With The Very Basics And You Will Learn How To Create A Powerful, Professional YouTube Channel For Your Business. I Then Cover How To Create Viral And Hyper Targeted Content, Expand Your Customer Base And How To Create And Harness The Power Of A Facebook Group. You Will Learn How To Connect Directly With Your Customer With Marketing.What Sets This Apart From Other YouTube & Marketing Courses Is That By The End Of This Course - You Will Know All The Strategies For You To Grow Your YouTube Channel And Then Convert Your Successful YouTube Statistics Into Sales, Customers And Loyal Subscribers!"
Price: 199.99

"Top 10 Items to Have in a Economic Recession" |
"Is a recession imminent in the year 2020? Could a great recession happen before or after the 2020 elections? How to prepare for any recession in the near future? The 10 steps you need to take right now to insure the safety and well being of your family is here for you right now in a practical on demand format. Don't be caught off guard, be prepared for when the next great recession hits the United States and world countries also."
Price: 19.99

"Total Transformation Yoga Teacher Training: Anatomy & Flow!" |
""This one online teacher training course taught me more than my 200 and 500-hour trainings combined--and for a fraction of the price. Now my class sizes have tripled by using the information that Sadie and Tyler have so brilliantly designed and so generously offered. Run, don't walk to get this priceless resource for yourself. Yeah. It's that good!" ~Kim, studio owner, NYC ******** Hi there--it's Sadie & Tyler! Did you know that, by our professional estimation, around 95% of yoga teachers everywhere are giving instructions that can injure students over time (or in one class), and leaks away half the benefits of EVERY pose they teach? And they don't even know it! After taking this training course...you won't be one of them. And, what's more, over 90% of any yoga pose should be aligned BEFORE you get into the pose, not after you're already there. Forget coming into Warrior 2, and then talking about alignment--it's too late! Tyler and I, two anatomy and yoga experts who travel the world teaching students and teachers alike how to ROCK their yoga practice in creative, savvy, next-level and ridiculously effective ways, are here to teach you the crucial new world of internal vs. external yoga cueing and aligning your students properly through the transitions. What's cool is that you can keep what and how you already teach, but now you'll have a totally transformed turboboost to apply during what used to be thought of as the less important in-between times. We now know that the spaces in-between postures are actually the magic key to giving your students 2-3 times the results, safety and power! You MUST know the 7 Core Cues, in order, to be able to ignite the transitions optimally. We want you and your students to practice yoga for a lifetime, not until the neck, wrists, shoulders, low back, hips or knees give out--something MOST yoga instruction today is causing--not helping! With this incredible training that you won't find anywhere else, you're about to join the top level of yoga teachers in the world, who know the latest anatomy, biomechanics and yoga movement language of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga. This is a style that COMPLIMENTS your existing style, so you don't have to give it up--we just help you shore it up--to make your style much more effective, dynamic and safe! It's awesome. And yes! If you're a yoga student wanting to learn how to ensure your yoga practice is giving you all the benefits, with WAY less chance of injury, you will also get a ton out of this training. Thousands of teachers count CSV Yoga as their secret--or not so secret--weapon to attract more students, and become one of the most sought-after teachers in their areas and beyond. Tyler and I have studied with the great anatomy and yoga masters, and formulated our 7 Core Cues of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga to help distill decades of complex anatomy knowledge into 7 simple concepts you can use to ROCK your yoga classes, and every pose you teach...every time. This is the latest in our method, and it's going to blow your mind. The 7 Core Cues are based on the understanding of myofascial meridians (the fact that your muscles run in holistic, whole-body lines, not singular muscles as many people think), and unique bone and joint alignment where EVERY student is different, and our standard cueing has to change or we can hurt people, and also the knowledge of Laws of Physics and why we need to use them or our poses get super heavy and joint compressive. Yuck-asana! You have not learned this information in your yoga teacher training...or even any you've taken with Sadie and/or Tyler here on Udemy, and yet it's the next-level for any yoga instructor wanting to transform their offerings into the best they can be. We're excited for you to begin! Sadie and Tyler."
Price: 194.99

"YouTube: Cmo Utilizarlo Para Impulsar (O Crear) Tu Negocio" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a utilizar YouTube para impulsar (o incluso para crear, si todava no has emprendido) tu negocio en internet.YouTube es una plataforma que est en auge y la tendencia es a que las personas lo utilicemos cada vez con mayor frecuencia. Aunque Google Search sigue siendo el principal buscador de contenido del mundo, YouTube ocupa el segundo lugar y va ganando ms y ms terreno cada da. Y esto es as porque, cuando no hace mucho tiempo buscbamos respuestas escritas a nuestras a nuestras preguntas, ahora tenemos preferencia por el contenido audiovisual.Y ah est el gran potencial de YouTube como proveedor de contenido sobre cualquier tema.En este programa aprenders a sacar el mximo provecho de YouTube para aspectos fundamentales como investigar a tu audiencia, hacer estudios de mercado, posicionar a tu negocio en tu sector o establecer una relacin de confianza con tus potenciales clientes.Disfruta de esta experiencia!"
Price: 179.99

"Master Microsoft Word with Word 2019/365 for Beginners" |
"**This course includes practice exercises and LIFETIME access**Become a Microsoft Word 2019 expert in this detailed course from Microsoft Office experts Simon Sez IT.The big secret about Microsoft Word is that using it the right way can save you hours of time and help you produce more impactful documents and reports. It's likely your currently using less than 20% of the functionality that Microsoft Word currently offers. Unlocking that 80% could have a huge impact on your productivity and career.In this in-depth Word 2019 course from Simon Sez IT, we teach you the most business-relevant features of Microsoft Word, you then get to put into practice what you learn through exercises.What You'll LearnHow to get started with Word 2019Word 2019 basics including navigation, editing and savingCharacter formatting in Word including Format Painter and AutoCorrectHow to properly work with bullets and numbering in Microsoft WordAll about formatting paragraphs and managing listsWorking with Tables in Word including formatting, converting data and formulasPage appearance including page-breaks, watermarks and stylesAll about Sectioning a documentInserting graphics, pictures, shapes, icons and 3d models (new for 2019)How to work with envelopes and labelsAll about mail-merge and operating Word at scaleHow to create an Index or Contents pageReviewing and Printing in Word and Page SetupProtecting a Word document and basic macros in Word***Exercise and demo files included***This course includes:5+ hours of video tutorials82 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionThis course is designed for students that are new to Microsoft Word, are upgrading from a previous version, or have a basic understanding and are looking to sharpen their skills. If youve been using Word for years but are convinced that youre not utilizing its full potential, then you need this course.If youre working in administration, the legal sector, or managing documents then you could be wasting hours of time by not using Word properly. Let us show you how.Heres what our students are sayingPleasantly surprised with the quality of this course. It's packed with information, and well organised into bite size modules. The explanations are clear, and the instructors supply detailed real world examples as illustrations. Highly recommended if you're looking to brush up your MS Office knowledge, or push it to the next level.- MikeThe course is very detailed and the instructors very clear. Although I don't think of myself as a beginner in MS Office, I learned a lot of very useful tips from this beginner's course. I highly recommend this course to both absolute beginners and intermediate users..- Ivana Remkovaj""The Add-ons features is awesome. Brilliant ideas, it has trending with the technologies especially with the Internet capabilities.Love this course!!! Give a peek for this course, it makes wonderful outcome even you are a beginner at MS WORD.You will not regret it.""- Rom SlasherDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 79.99

"Paint like Bob Ross digitally" |
"Hi, welcome to Paint Like Bob Ross Digitally, where you will learn how to paint full landscape paintings that look and feel like a Bob Ross painting. Im Neil Fontaine, a professional painter both digitally and traditionally with over 60,000 happy students.I will teach you the basics of Paint Storm and my free Bob Ross Brushes, plus all the techniques, which feel very much like traditional techniques. That is the goal for this course, to get you to not only paint like Bob Ross, but to feel like you are painting.By the end of this course, you will be painting your own landscape paintings that you will be proud of, but most importantly, that you will have fun painting.In this course, we will learn the techniques that feel good, are fun, and are easy. We will learn how to paint happy clouds, trees for the squirrels to play in, almighty mountains, water for the ducks, and so much more.I also help you along the way by answering your questions and giving feedback on your paintings.This course is for the beginning to the advanced painter that wishes to have fun painting like Bob Ross digitally. Feel free to look through the course. I will see you inside."
Price: 49.99

"200 Common Errors in English" |
"When youre learning English, one thing that might be holding you back is fear of mistakes.Wouldnt it be great to know what the most common errors are, so that you can avoid them? In this course, youll learn about 200 common errors that English as a Second Language learners tend to make.My name is Shayna, and Ive helped thousands of English learners improve their speaking and writing skills. In my years of teaching, Ive collected the most common errors that English learners make - so that I can show you how to fix them. When you learn how to avoid these mistakes, then you will be able to use your English much more confidently! In this course, well cover the most commongrammar errorsvocabulary errorspronunciation errorsspelling errorsmistakes in learning method and mindsetThis course is for you if you are learning English as a second language, but youre not yet fluent and youre afraid of making mistakes when you speak or write in English. Remember that mistakes are a natural part of learning, and theyre an opportunity to learn!Thats why I created this course to help you avoid the most common errors in English, so that you can use the language with confidence. If you want to learn how to avoid the most common mistakes and improve your English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, and much more, join the course today!"
Price: 39.99

"Business process mapping / modelling - the complete course!" |
"Welcome everyone, let's check out the curriculum of this course before we start:Purpose of process mappingWhat is process mapping?Understanding process mappingWhy process mapping is important?Process levels, BPM vs Process mappingDocumentationComponents of process mappingProcess, sub-process and activitiesTypes of charts (Focus on swim lane)Create a flow chart tools and techniquesRACI MatrixAs-is and To-be ModelsReal-case exampleAnalyzing processes using techniquesProject Canvas (bonus)Summary end of the courseWhat is process mapping?""A process map is a planning and management tool that visually describes the flow of work. Using process mapping software, process maps show a series of events that produce an end result. A process map is also called a flowchart, process flowchart, process chart, functional process chart, functional flowchart, process model, workflow diagram, business flow diagram or process flow diagram."" (Lucid Chart)Why do i need it?""It shows who and what is involved in a process and can be used in any business or organization and can reveal areas where a process should be improved."" (Lucid Chart) Which i totally agree with the definition, very clear and straightforward.You would need process mapping (And process management basics) to understand how should you design the activities and process completely, perfectly and with all details needed from stakeholders.They might be able to know how processes are working, but it would be much better to see it visualized and prepared in a perfect way to impress others with the results of your process / model analysis link to this process map that you just created.I will only listen or will i practice?This course will include both Theoretical part of the process mapping and Practical part, which includes examples and explanation how to design process map in the best/correct shape.Resources?Don't forget to download the resources attachedLevel required?This course is designed for absolute beginners, and no need for any pre-knowledge in this field.Enjoy learning"
Price: 24.99

"Como Comunicarse Efectivamente" |
"Comunicarse bien es una de las habilidades ms importantes que cualquier persona debe tener. Una buena comunicacin, adems de proporcionarnos grandes beneficios, nos ayuda a evitar un sinfn de problemas tanto en la vida cotidiana como en el trabajo y en los negocios.Todos dependemos de la comunicacin para relacionarnos con las dems personas y obtener beneficios mutuos. en este curso aprenders cmo mejorar tus habilidades para comunicarte adecuadamente."
Price: 199.99

"Hands-on Three.js 3D Web Visualisations" |
"Three.js is the most popular JavaScript library for displaying 3D content on the web, giving you the power to display incredible models, games, music videos, and scientific/data visualizations in your browser and even on your smartphone!This course begins with a 3D beginner-level primer to 3D concepts and some basic examples to get you started with the most important features that Three.js has to offer. You'll learn how to quickly create a scene, camera, and renderer and how to add meshes using the Geometry primitives included with the library. You'll explore troubleshooting steps that will focus on some of the common pitfalls developers face. You'll learn the very sophisticated animation system included with the library. The course concludes by introducing post-processing, essentially adding filters to your rendered scene, and GLSL, the shading language that is used by all materials included with the library. You'll see how creating your materials is easier than you'd imagine using GLSL.By the end of this course, you'll be able to quickly add advanced features to your 3D scenes, improve the way users interact with them, and make them look stunning.About the AuthorNik Lever started work in 1980 as a cartoon animator. Buying a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 was the start of a migration to a role as a full-time programmer. The ZX81 was quickly swapped for the Sinclair Spectrum; a Z80 processor and a massive 48K of RAM made this a much better computer on which to develop games and he developed games using Sinclair Basic and then Z80 Assembler. The Spectrum was swapped for a Commodore Amiga and Nik developed more games in the shareware market, moving on to use C. At this stage, programming was essentially a hobby. Paid work was still animated TV commercials.Nik finally bought a PC in the early nineties, created a sprite library ActiveX control, and authored his first book, aimed at getting designers into programming. In the mid-nineties along came Flash and the company he was now running, Catalyst Pictures, became known for creating games.Since then, the majority of his working life has been devoted to creating games, first in Flash and then Director, as Director published the first widely available 3D library that would run in a browser using a plugin.In recent years, his game development has involved using HTML5 and Canvas to create 2D and 3D games using both custom code and various libraries. His preference is to use the latest version of Adobe Flash, now called Animate, which exports to JavaScript via the Createjs library and uses the THREE.js WebGL library.Nik has developed online content for the BBC, Johnson and Johnson, Deloitte, Mars Corporation, and many other blue-chip clients. The company he's run for over 30 years has won several awards and has been nominated for a BAFTA twice, the UK equivalent to the Oscar.Over the last 20 years, he has been struck by just how difficult it has been to get good developers and has decided to do something about this rather than just complain. He runs a CodeClub for 9-13-year-old kids and has developed several courses for Udemy in the hope of inspiring and educating new developers."
Price: 124.99

"Hands-On Unsupervised Learning with TensorFlow 2.0" |
"Nowadays, machine learning is becoming increasingly important to businesses. It is used to solve various business problems using supervised and unsupervised algorithms. In unsupervised learning, Artificial Intelligence systems try to categorize unlabeled and unsorted data based on the similarities and differences that exist among data. In this case, the capabilities of unsupervised learning methods to generate a model based on data make it possible to deal with complex and more difficult problems in comparison with the capabilities of supervised learning. In this course, we examine different unsupervised learning methods and solve practical problems using the TensorFlow platform. Solving examples of real-world problems using TensorFlow is more inspiring and compelling and will enhance your practical skills.By the end of this course, you will gain significant hands-on experience using unsupervised learning algorithms with TensorFlow and will be able to make your own model to solve relevant real-world learning problems.About the AuthorMahsa Lotfi has more than 4 years' experience in digital signal processing and data science. She has implemented academic projects in different fields including machine learning, big data, data compression, deep learning, and biomedical image processing and has programming experience in Python, C++, Matlab, Hadoop, and more. She achieved her Ph.D., Masters, and Bachelors degrees in Electrical Engineering (the Digital Signal Processing branch) and is interested in problem-solving using math and data science algorithms."
Price: 124.99

"Accident Investigation" |
"This training deliver an essential introduction for anyone responsible for accident investigation reports within their organisation. The courses introduce the practicalities of incident reporting procedures and explore key concepts such as root cause analysis to provide a broader understanding of why accident investigations can fail to prevent accidents occurring in the future. This class is made up of short videos that you can watch at your own pace. There are some practical examples in the courses for the big accidents occurred including Tennirife 1977, Zeeburgge 1987 and Bhopal 1984. All these were due to verdict human error. In this program we will show that such mistakes are actually un-inevitable consequence of deeper rooted problems. In effect most people are set upped to have accidents. Total length of the course is about 50 minutes. You may need one hour to take the course with quizzes. This course is divided in to two major sections: Section 1 - Introduction To The Principles of Accident Investigation Section 2 - Investigation Techniques Each section starts with and introduction lecture, in which student will learn about the key objectives. There is an important summary lecture at the end of each section. In summary you will learn the major key points to remember. The root cause analysis will prevent both the reoccurrences of the specific incident under investigation. This will prevent the wide range of unforeseen accidents in your organization. Reasons to investigate a workplace accident include: most importantly, to find out the root cause of accidents and to prevent similar accidents in the future to fulfill any legal requirements to determine the cost of an accident to determine compliance with applicable safety regulations to process workers' compensation claims"
Price: 39.99

"Isla Verde Spa Hot Stones Massage Certificate Course" |
"Wouldn't you just love to know how to do an amazing hot stones massage?Well you can from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones.""Great instructions on hot stones massage. "" C.V. 5 STARS""Excellent teacher! Love it. I think this is one of the best hot stone massage courses I have taken as there were several new insights that really helped. Thank you for a great teaching professionally and well done."" P.K. 5 STARSMark discovered early on when learning hot stones massage that this form of massage lacked something, namely massage. The vast problems with most hot stones massages are that they are so focused on using the hot stones that they forget about the main objective-giving a great massage with the hands and forearms.Best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones guides you step by step to show you from the basics to advanced how to give your massage clients an incredible Hot Stones massage experience.It doesn't matter whether you have done hot stones massage before or have no experience at all. Mark shows you not only what his 25 years of massage experience has helped him, but also he shows you the ways to avoid the mistakes that he has made along the way.When it comes to a massage clinic or spa, your best asset is your massage. Without an incredible massage sequence, it will be very difficult to have a thriving practice. This course will give you the skills set to give your clients an amazing massage experience.In this hot stones massage course you are going to learn:Acupressure TechniquesWhat equipment is neededEffective Spa/Clinic Marketing Strategies to making a successful businessTo Correct Body Alignment and Postural ProblemsTo Set up the right atmosphere for your ClientThe Importance of First ImpressionsHow to use your forearm Techniques correctlyPlus so much more..The most important aspect to any spa or massage clinic is the quality of the massages, because without the ability to deliver great massages most therapists will not succeed and be taken over by the competition in this highly competitive industry. You will be shown not only our secrets to giving incredible massages to your clients, but also know how to use your body correctly and avoid the pitfalls that many therapists fall into. You will be taught advanced techniques, the correct ways to apply pressure, how to correctly use acupressure and we also share with you other aspects of the spa business that have helped our business grow from just one person to needing 4 massage therapists in under 2 years!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Isla Verde Spa Relaxation Massage Certificate Course" |
"Wouldn't you just love to know how to do this incredible form of massage?Well you can from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones.Mark's massage spa had the first 100 out of 100 reviews on Tripadvisor ALL 5 STAR! They were also shortlisted this year for the 2017 Spa & Wellness awards for the Americas. Mark has done massage for elite athletes, celebrities and Presidents of Countries and is going to show you exactly the same massage sequence that he did for them.""This massage course is worth every dime. In my opinion, instructor and his team went above and beyond with quality lesson plans. I recommend to serious massage therapists who want to become great, take this course. You will not be disappointed.""""This is one of the best massage courses i have ever taken!""""Excellent and expert instruction. Beautiful videos. These methods are far superior to what we were taught in aesthetic and spa training classes.""""Because I want people to know how awesome this course is! I am someone with no experience with a massage, but seeing this massage course, I was inspired to take it up for my wife, and I have loved it!""""I had gotten to a point where I wasn't sure if this was a career I really wanted to continue but now I have a renewed sense of passion!""""Two Giant Thumbs Way Up!""Want to learn massage online? Whether you would just like to learn massage online because you would like to treat your family, friends or partner or you are a massage therapist-You have come to the right place!To do great massages, it is imperative to get the correct massage training. When it comes to a massage clinic or spa, your best asset is your massage. Without an incredible massage sequence and techniques, it will be very difficult to have a thriving practice.This online massage course will give you the skills set to give your clients or your friends or family an amazing relaxation massage experience. It doesn't matter whether you have had massage training before or have no experience at all. In this relaxation massage training course, Mark guides you step by step and shows you not only what his 20 years of experience has helped him, but also he shows you the ways to avoid the mistakes that he has made along the way. In this massage course you will learn: Our Full Body Relaxation Massage sequenceThe Do's and Don'ts of setting up your massage roomCorrect Body Alignment and Postural ProblemsHow to Set up the right atmosphere for your ClientThe Importance of First ImpressionsPlus so much more! The most important aspect to any spa or massage clinic is the quality of the massages, because without the ability to deliver great massages most therapists will not succeed and be taken over by the competition in this highly competitive industry. In this online massage course, you will learn not only our secrets to giving incredible massages to your clients, but also know how to use your body correctly and avoid the pitfalls that many therapists fall into. Enroll in this course and set yourself up for life as a Great Relaxation Massage Therapist!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Thai Massage Certificate Course (4 CEU)" |
"Wouldn't you just love to know how to do this incredible form of Thai massage? Maybe start your own Thai massage business or just treat your friends and family?Well you can from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones. Mark has done massages for elite althletes, celebrities and even Presidents of Countries and is going to teach you exactly the same massage sequence that he did on them.""My favorite massage course thus far..! Thanks so much!"" K.D. 5 STARS""Excellent course on Thai massage. "" D.G. 5 STARSThis is not your normal Thai massage course!This is not a Northern style Thai massage course nor is it the southern Wat Pho style of Thai massage.Instead, it is a unique blend of Thai massage styles utilizing what Mark considers are the best of the best massage techniques in Thai massage.In this online massage course, Mark guides you step by step to show you from the basic massage techniques to more advanced on how to give your massage clients an incredible Thai massage experience. Mark's massage clinic had the first 100 out of 100 reviews on Tripadvisor ALL 5 STAR! They were also shortlisted this year for the 2017 Spa & Wellness awards for the Americas.When it comes to a massage clinic or spa, your best asset is your massage. Without an incredible Thai massage sequence, it will be very difficult to have a thriving practice. This course will give you the massage skills set to give your clients an amazing Thai massage experience each and every time!Mark designed this Thai massage sequence after spending years of doing Thai massage and finding out what he thought were the best and favorite techniques over the thousands of hours of Thai massage that he had performed.It doesn't matter whether you have done Thai massage before or have no experience at all. Mark guides you step by step and shows you not only what his 25 years of experience have helped him, but also he shows you the ways to avoid the mistakes that he has made along the way.Enroll now and start doing Thai massages Today!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"How to fix your own back pain and sciatica" |
"Best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones has helped thousands of back pain sufferers worldwide with this incredibly complete course. These are exactly the same techniques that he teaches his clients in his award winning massage clinic. ""Your video, is the most comprehensive, simplistic and explicit presentation, I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. "" Rick K Whether you are a massage therapist and would like to treat your massage clients more effectively with back pain and sciatica, or it is your own back pain, in this course you are going to learn how Mark Perren-Jones treated thousands of his massage clients with pain and how easy it is for you to fix your own back pain, sciatica, degenerative disc disease or even spinal stenosis! You will also learn exactly what causes back pain and disc bulges so that you can teach your massage clients. As you will see, it is absolutely essential that you first remove the causes of your back pain to ever hope to have a pain free back permanently. It is vital to teach your massage clients this first step otherwise massage therapy will have only a temporary effect. Once you have learnt the causes of back pain and start teaching your massage clients(or learning them yourself if it is your back pain) the postural corrections, correct bending and lifting techniques etc in daily life you will then see incredible results just like Mark had with his clients in his massage clinic for over 20 years.In the course, you will learn specific exercises that you need to do to remove back pain and treat any disc bulges and pinched nerves. You will learn exactly how and why these exercises work so that you have a clear understanding to remove your pain and radiating symptoms ( such as numbness, tingling or pain in the legs, buttocks or feet if you have any) and will be able to teach your massage clients to do at home.You will also learn other pain relieving techniques such as how to help trigger point pain and knots in your upper and lower back Once you have studied this course, you will then know: What causes back pain and how to remove those causes from daily life so that the back can finally get a chance to heal and become pain free.How to treat back pain without drugs, treatments or surgery.What causes discs to bulge and nerves to become pinched and how to avoid this happening in the future.How to save 1000's of dollars on unnecessary treatments."
Price: 49.99

"How to fix your own neck pain, disc bulges, pinched nerves" |
"""Absolutely amazing! You don't understand how much this helped me! I was in so much discomfort, especially with pain in my left shoulder and arm. I started your exercises immediately and feel almost no pain now. THANK YOU!!! ""..Amanda Sands 5 STARS Best-selling massage course, instructor Mark Perren-Jones, has helped thousands of his massage clients with neck pain in his massage clinic. These are exactly the same techniques that he teaches his clients.Maybe you are a massage therapist that would like to be able to treat your massage clients with neck pain more effectively, or maybe it is your own neck pain, in this course you will learn how best-selling massage course instructor Mark Perren-Jones treated his massage clients for over 20 years.In this course you are going to learn how easy it is for you to fix your own neck pain(or your massage clients) and treat any pinched nerves such as pain, tingling or numbness in your arms, hands or fingers. You will also learn exactly what causes your neck pain(or your massage clients) and disc bulges so that you can then stop harming your neck because it is essential that you first remove the causes of your neck pain to ever hope to have a pain free neck permanently. Once you have learnt the causes of your neck pain and start implementing them in your daily life you will then be on the path to healing your neck instead of harming it all day every day. The course shows you two specific exercises that you need to do to remove your neck pain and treat any disc bulges and pinched nerves. You will learn exactly how and why these exercises work so that you have a clear understanding of what it is your doing to remove your pain and radiating symptoms ( if you have any). You will also learn other pain relieving techniques such as how to help trigger point pain and knots in your upper back Once you have studied this course, you will then know: What causes your neck pain and how to remove those causes from your daily life so that your neck can finally get a chance to heal and you can become pain free.How to treat your own neck pain without drugs, treatments or surgery.What causes your discs to bulge and nerves to become pinched and how to avoid this happening in the future.How to fix your own neck pain if you should ever have a recurrence of your neck symptoms ever again. Enroll in this course now to learn how to remove your neck pain and get your quality of life back!"
Price: 49.99

"Deep Tissue Massage Certificate Course (5 CEU's)" |
"Wouldn't you just love to know how to do this incredible form of deep tissue massage?Well you can from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones!Mark has done deep tissue massage for elite athletes, celebrities and even Presidents of Countries and is going to teach you exactly the same massage sequences that he did on them.Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ( NCBTMB #1805) ""This is one of the best deep tissue massage courses i have ever taken!""""I had gotten to a point where I wasn't sure if massage therapy was a career I really wanted to continue but now I have a renewed sense of passion!""The Award Winning Isla Verde Spa Deep Tissue and Advanced Techniques Massage Course! ""its one of the best massage training courses i have ever had online!""In this deep tissue massage course, Mark Perren-Jones guides you step by step to show you from the basics to advanced massage techniques on how to give your massage clients an incredible Deep Tissue massage experience. You will learn not only deep tissue massage techniques that you can use but also will be able to incorporate these massage techniques into any of your other massages such as your relaxation or hot stones massage sequences.Mark shows you not only what his 25 years of experience has helped him, but also he shows you the ways to avoid the mistakes that he has made along the way. When it comes to a massage clinic or spa, your best asset is your massage.Without an incredible deep tissue massage sequence, it will be very difficult to have a thriving spa or practice. This online massage course will give you the skills set to give your clients an amazing deep tissue massage experience.In this massage course you are going to learn:Acupressure TechniquesWhat equipment is needed for deep tissue massageEffective Spa/Clinic Marketing Strategies to making a successful businessTo Correct Body Alignment and Postural ProblemsTo Set up the right atmosphere for your ClientThe Importance of First ImpressionsHow to use your forearm Techniques correctly when doing deep tissue massagesPlus so much more..The most important aspect to any spa or massage clinic is the quality of the massages, because without the ability to deliver great massages most therapists will not succeed and be taken over by the competition in this highly competitive industry. You will be shown not only our secrets to giving incredible deep tissue massages to your clients, friends, partners or family members but also know how to use your body correctly and avoid the pitfalls that many therapists fall into. You will be taught advanced techniques, the correct ways to apply pressure, how to correctly use acupressure and we also share with you other aspects of the spa business that have helped our business grow from just one person to needing 4 massage therapists in under 2 years!Enroll now and start learning deep tissue massage today!On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Clinical Aromatherapy For Health Certificate Course (4 CEU)" |
"After completing this aromatherapy course, you are going to have the skills to use aromatherapy essential oils to treat both physical and emotional health conditions for yourself, loved ones and clients. Mark is a Fully Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and an essential oil specialist, approved by The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA), and the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) both leading governing bodies for educational standards for Aromatherapists. He is also a massage therapist and acupuncturist with over 30 years experience.You will come away from this aromatherapy course and know which are the best aromatherapy essential oils to use for both physical health problems and emotional states and also, most importantly, which are the best methods to apply them!In this aromatherapy course we focus on using essential oils in their purest and most therapeutic methods as aromatherapy was originally intended to get the best clinical results Please note that in this aromatherapy course, I will not be focused on making aromatherapy products with essential oils like lip balms and deodorants etc.What that means is that we will be focused on using pure aromatherapy essential oils topically or inhaled with the correct dilution rates so that you will see and feel their incrediblele healing benefits!You will be able to use your new knowledge of aromatherapy and essential oils to combine the best essential oils with the most effective carrier oils and gels to best help:skin conditions like fungal problems, dandruff, eczema and psoriasismuscle and joint pains, bruises, wounds, stings and burnssystemic disorders such as constipation, nausea and digestive disorders psychological issues such as stress, depression, mood swings and anxietyuse aromatherapy to improve your memory, focus, concentration and so much more!Once you have completed this aromatherapy course, you will be able to confidently apply your skills to treat:Headaches Asthma and other breathing disordersVaricose veinsAllergiesWeight lossPoor energy levelsInsomniaMenopausal SymptomsHair lossStretch marksScarsThis aromatherapy course is packed full of PDF files for you to download, quizzes, blends to use in your diffuser for any occasion and so much more!Mark is an Approved Continuing Education Provider(APCE) with the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (#1805) and you will receive 4 CEU credits on completion of this coursePlus you get a 30 day refund policy so it is completely risk free!Full instructor support for any questions you may have.On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 199.99

"Professional Cupping Therapy Massage Certificate Course" |
"Start therapeutic cupping therapy massage today and you will learn Mark's complete system in cupping therapy massage from the basics to advanced to treat muscle and joint pains effectively and also how to use cupping therapy massage to give someone a wonderful treatment that is so incredibly relaxing.In this cupping therapy massage course you will learn a complete system:Mark firstly teaches you about the condition that you are going to treat...then how to perform the cupping therapy massage on that area and... finally home stretches or strengthening exercises to help the person be pain free more quickly.Feeling stressed? Is your upper back and neck tense? Well, cupping therapy massage is for you. It is one of the most relaxing treatments on the planet!In less than 3 hours, you will be able to confidently use cupping therapy massage to treat pain for yourself, family, friends and massage clients! You will learn just how easy it is to do cupping therapy massage and see how powerful it is.Mark Perren-Jones, best selling massage instructor will simplify cupping therapy massage. It does not need to be complicated at all- it is simple and you will find out just how easy and incredibly effective this amazing treatment is to do.And the best part is, you will not have big red circular marks all over your body because, as you will learn, it is not necessary AT ALL!Families have been successfully treating each others pain with cupping therapy massage for thousands of years all over the World. They did not need to memorize long sequences to treat someone using cupping therapy massage . And neither will you!You will very quickly be taught the basics to cupping therapy massage so that you can start doing it immediately, and then Mark will take you through more advanced cupping therapy massage techniques so that you will see incredible results.If you are a massage therapist then by learning cupping therapy massage , you will see much better results with your massage clients and not only that, you will save your hands as well.If you are not a massage therapist, but would just love to learn how to do cupping therapy massage and would like to know how to treat muscle and joint pains then this course is for you as well!On completion of this cupping therapy massage course, you will know how to treat:Lower back painNeck painShoulder and rotator cuff painFrozen ShoulderPlantar fasciitisTennis elbowUpper back painCalf painSciaticaGolfers elbowCarpal tunnel syndromeChest pain/Respiratory IssuesKnee painStress disordersAnd so much more.AND...if you are unsure about anything when it comes to treating with cupping therapy massage, Mark is always there to answer any questions for his students within 24 hours. More than that, you have a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.So, do you feel like learning a new skill? Would you like to know how easy and effective it is to treat pain with cupping therapy massage?Ok, let's go!On completion of this course you will receive a certificate from the Isla Verde Spa Training Academy and also be eligible to join to CTAA if you so desire.All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99
