"NLP for Entrepreneurs and Managers - NLP Certification 2020" |
"Exceed Your Own Potential! Join My Student Community Today! PREMIUM Udemy COURSE NLP for Entrepreneurs and Managers 2020>>>> A must-have, differentiated, Udemy Premium Course - 2 x Certificated - Designed as Your fast and easy new set of skills to implement today! FACT: The NLP Program for Entrepreneurs is said by many experts to be the #1 training and course product on the NLP Entrepreneurial market at the moment. And it is! You know why? Because you quickly understand and use: What to shift to a powerful Business, entrepreneurial and Neuro-linguistic Programming mindset the EXACT formula for lightning speed recovery from any of the challenges and obstacles life throws your way. Test the quickest way to rewire and reprogram your brain to manifest great success and wealth (anyone can do this!)Steps you can take to incorporate NLP into your work or passions to boost and launch your ideas What the core drivers of generating visionary ideas are, and how they relate to NLP - Build your dreamsHow to thoughtfully implement the strategies in this NLP Udemy course into your entrepreneurial practices - PracticeHow Managers, Business designers, change agents, use visionary thinking strategies.I want to share with you how this works and why its one of the most transformational quantum leaps you may have ever had - like months of coaching, mentoring, and healing all in one!Prepare to learn amazing strategies that help you create, sell and put your ideas to work! NLP for Entrepreneurs and Managers - NLP Certification Training is one of the leading online NLP Business coaching programs and business systems all in one. Enroll and dive into the immersive ways entrepreneurs are using visionary business mechanics and system thinking to to enable you to launch your ideas from day 1!COURSE USAGEDiscover NLP strategies for collaborative processes, generating ideas, action planning, and implementation. You deserve this step by step Udemy NLP toolkit for creating, selling or just putting your ideas to work for you. Get results! Entrepreneurs, GET ACCESS NOW to a new way to gain competitive advantage with this step by step guide to your ultimate success. Don't wait, enroll now! For startups: Discover one of the most effective NLP Visionary Business strategies, designed by me over 4 years ago - The Organizational Entities. Use it for project management, planning and implementation! Materials included: audio lecture, mind maps, infographic slides, a free guide into Disney Strategy for Creativity, NLP Business mindmap, and more. Quality and Results: You have the chance for a first hand Udemy experience using a set of NLP tools and strategies with a high implementation rate. Be the promoter, the designer, or the analyst of this NLP toolkit in your own workplace or personal life. This Udemy course is perfect for you if: You want to live your passions! I guarantee you will understand, filter, and be ready to use for your own benefit every single thing I will deliver to you through this Udemy course. Easy Self-Paced Learning Take it at your own pace, come back and re-watch sections if you like, or watch the entire course in one go. I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material. Plus, I will be here for you on our 1h one-on-one Skype coaching session and follow-up. So sign up now! *At the end of this course, you will receive a DOUBLE CERTIFICATION - An official Certification Signed and released by me with an endorsement for you and a Certificate of Completion from Udemy Talk soon, Alina Tudorache - your Udemy instructor #sellyourideas #entrepreneurship #udemybusiness #nlp #udemynlp #Kaizen #visionarycompany #udemymoney #visionaryentrepreneur #visionarybusiness #visionarynlp"
Price: 199.99

"Recover Now - A Project for Naturally Healing your Psoriasis" |
"Overcome Psoriasis in 2020! It's about time! A Premium Udemy CourseHaving red itchy skin from psoriasis is no fun, thats for sure.The more you scratch, the worse it getsAnd people start giving you funny looks thinking you have some sort of disease. Now while you can easily cover it up in winter, its a different story in summer once the weather gets hot and you sweat more. Plus to make things worse, the creams that dermatologists give you only provide temporary reliefAnd the problem comes back to haunt you again. How much has your skin condition cost you? If I sat down to calculate the amount of money Ive spent over the years trying to resolve my psoriasis, I can guarantee it would run into thousands. Some of the obvious bills I incur include- Medical insurance excess- Medication and pharmaceutical treatments- Light treatments- Topical Creams and emollients- Missed workdaysThose are just the direct and immediate financial costs, believe me the list goes on! That said, I never viewed this as wasted money, I would have spent everything I had for someone to take my skin problem away. I did however feel endlessly disappointed that the cure Id invested in didn't work.Looking back, the answer did not lie in throwing money at miracle creams and pharmaceuticals. The solution was much, much closer to home. Taking back control was the first step in changing my mindset and emotional well-being. All of a sudden I was back in the driver's seat, I felt empowered. My skin had left me feeling out of control for a very long time and now, finally, I was in a position to do something about that.So let me ask you this: Are you ready to heal your psoriasis? Does this question seem realistic to you? My intention is to get you 100% on track, motivated and empowered to get well again. Consider this: YOU CAN HEAL YOURSELF! How about you start acting towards improving it and HEALING right now? Could this be you?The methods in this course are designed to work on all types of Psoriasis: Plaque Psoriasis, Guttate Psoriasis, Pustular Psoriasis, Inverse Psoriasis, Erythrodermic Psoriasis, Nail Psoriasis, Scalp Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis. Get ready to use this holistic approach and heal your psoriasis with concrete actions! This is meant to be a concise fast-track guide to achieving this goal. Why is this course unique? I am sure you have searched a lot online topics on how to cure psoriasis, been to several doctors, and so on. So I am positive that you might be wondering what could this course offer besides a good vibe that someone else is talking about psoriasis. Well, this course is structured as a personal project combining a Ready-Steady-Go stimulus for you to heal. It will show you how to: practice bath self-care techniques, have a good scalp psoriasis management, properly take care of your private parts, approach the other areas of your skin, take advantage of time-effectiveness, meditation, sports, practice socialization, networking, self-esteem and confidence, use herbal remedies, vitamins & supplements, clean eating + I'll be here along this course to guide you, to support you and to make you reach your goals! I'll show you what worked for me since 2006, how I have proceeded without biological treatments, allopathic medicine, without a lot of money in my pocket. Materials included: audio lecture, mind maps, infographic slides, a free guide, and more. Why take this Udemy course? I have fought with everything I have (myself and my life) to overcome this condition. I am here to show you how I did it and how you can do it. Allow yourself this gift. You know it will change your life. You're about to discover what might be the most powerful Psoriasis system ever developed. With it, I have helped thousands of people just like you permanently cure their Psoriasis and achieve permanent freedom from all types of Psoriasis. BONUS - 2020 REPORT Boost Your Immunity - Short and Effective Multivitamins GuideI am Alina and I have suffered like I've been in Hell for the last 14 years. So for those of you who cannot afford this curse or its discount, just drop me a line and I will offer it to you for free. I understand poverty, hunger, pain, insomnia and many more struggling aspects of life ... It's time for you to get well. I mean it from my heart.#psoriasisudemy"
Price: 199.99

"Convert Loneliness into Raw Energy: 2020 Embodiment Guide" |
"Hello!This is your best chance to activate and enhance your life! You're sooo gonna love this! It's a designed for you! You're about to shift out of:lonelinessself-doubtfearseclusion and launch yourself into a new healthy and connected life! I'll guide you through this process right away.I just need you to ask yourself a few Qs:What do I believe in? Who do I trust? Where is my life going? What am I grateful for? With whom am I sharing happiness?Your beliefs create the reality you live in. Fact:You are lonely by (your own) design. Can you guess who drawn the blueprint and built your entire loneliness architecture?IT IS TIME!...to stop the pity party! No more energy blockages!Right now: Hack your loneliness and get a massive advantage over it!I am so excited to share this exclusive course with you. Just prepare yourself to get the most out of this Behavioral toolkit! This course was intentionally structured to work for you.(~Allow me to gently tipping you: You are here to bring greater connection, harmony, flow and soul expression into being. )For powerful effects and an incredible transformation, enroll right now! Stop feeling defeated by loneliness ASAP. Here's how it works (I'll teach your everything fast!):Identify feelings of loneliness and find their causeStop wallowing in self-pity and change your belief systemsEvaluate your life circumstancesBuild a sense of belonging and acceptanceSpot the detrimental effects of loneliness on your healthOvercome challenges while acknowledging your feelingsDifferent methods and resources available to prevent isolation and loneliness.Foster the ability to be alone and connect with yourself at a deeper emotional levelRemove fears and make quality connectionsCultivate an awareness of interbeing: connect with others in a more deep and authentic wayQuestion your expectations while emotionally connecting with othersFocus on your passions and take responsibilityManifest care and gratitudeIdentify your longings and desiresImplement lifestyle changes and make new friendsManage loneliness in marriageManage loneliness factors if you are a seniorFind your higher purpose in lifeBONUSES are included. Feel free to secretly use my gifts. It's all for you: the loneliness panic letterthe ebookplus the downloadable resources and the practical mind-maps to master your life. Free coaching, support and consulting are offered after the completion of this curse. Just send me a message.Consider this course your own project. I am here to guide you all along, and answer any questions you might have. It's all for you. Perfectly designed to make you feel better. Go grab a coffee (or tea), put your feet up and start this course for a quick and powerful life fix right now!With love,Alina - your guidePS: I loved to collaborate with a professional voice actor to offer you an engaging audio experience."
Price: 104.99

"Freelance on Freelancer - How to Earn More with Freelancing" |
"Freelance on Freelancer - in this course you will discover how to use the largest outsourcing portal for freelancers and freelancing all around the world.NEXT UPDATE: My complete experience in using Freelancer.JOIN 1100+ satisfied students NOW to earn more money on Freelancer!I decided to offer free profile page tips from Black Friday 2019 for each student that completes the course. Join the course or read below for more description.The lessons cover practically every engagement you may encounter when you bid, work and get paid by Freelancer. After you complete the course, your bids will: get much higher chance to be awarded;be posted faster (that also helps when a buyer is selecting urgently or for the best price);help you to be more authentic, be YOU.Practically everything that earned me more than $17,374 on Freelancer (I do work over other outsourcing portals but Freelancer gets me the most income). You'll get immediately useful information: How, when and what amount to bid.What to say in your freelancing bid.When to emphasize your bid to stand out.How to estimate your milestones correctly.What to pay attention on when working per hour.Ways to contact Freelancer (and when not).How to start improving your chances to be awarded a project.All from the 10 years of experience from a freelancer who has started on RentACoder that got renamed to vWorker and acquired by Freelancer. How this course is delivered:videos will show you practical tips;document templates will help you bid quickly andresources will be your weapon to build a great profile.Join me in this course and let me help you ease the process of competing with others, getting the projects awarded and focus most of your time on what gets you paid - working on awarded projects. Your first bid might make you more money online than your investment in this course. Click the Take This Course (Buy This Course - if you are using mobile device) button to start now! To your success,Matt S RincP.S. Since student times freelancing work has helped me and now it's more important than ever. By 2020 research shows that more than 50% of people will be working remote, most of the time freelancing. Join me, ask me and you'll have positive return too! And a review of your profile page on Freelancer might get you more work and satisfaction."
Price: 29.99

"The Intentional Life Series: Charting Your Own Adventure" |
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming: Wow! What a ride! Robert Wickman How do you live life with passion, on your own terms? How do you get to the place where your days unfold in a way that creates excitement and energizes you? How do you get to the place where you are finally living your dreams, tackling goals and projects you always wanted to do? The Intentional Life Series will take you there. At the end of Chart Your Own Adventure (part one of this series), you will have six maps that each provide a unique perspective on who you are and where you are going. As you overlay these maps, they will reveal alternate paths open for exploration, aligned with your deepest motivations and desires. This course contains: 21 Lessons Two and hours of video A dozen exercises Handouts and infographics A resource list Not a single test! (other than having to face yourself in the mirror!) Dont waste another day wondering if you are missing out, if life has more to offer, if you will ever be able to live on your own terms. If you are bold enough, that journey starts today."
Price: 24.99

"Reignite Your Life - In 7 Quick Ways" |
"This course is all about getting "the ball" rolling in your life again. We all hit a wall at some point in life, we run low on creative juices. This natural. What isn't so good, is to stay stagnated. It's supposed to be a season, not a permanent state. However, I did find myself living in such a state for quite a long time. And it was really hard for me to start to understand how I could get out of it. I've been studying personal development, self-awareness and human behavior for over 6 years now. It has helped me tremendously! I'm not fearless, I'm not a guru, or expert. But today I can honestly say that I know how to face, and overcome my challenges & problems. I don't overreact, or react negatively, as I used to do all the time. In this quick course I'll share some really easy, but important, ways that will help you to reignite that lost spark in your life. Here are the 7 Quick Ways: 01 - Yes, the time is right! 02 - Drop the B.S.! 03 - Consume good information (and put it to use). 04 - Consistency is key. 05 - Feel like giving up? (ignore the naysayers). 06 - Get out of your comfort zone. 07 - Make yourself accountable. Everything I share here is based on my own personal experience and point of view, it's what have worked for me. And I believe it could benefit others, such as yourself. It's also important to notice that I'm a non-native English speaker. So if you're not comfortable with my pronunciation (check the intro video), maybe it would be wise to avoid taking this course. ;-) I'm open to all kinds of constructive feedback. If you want to make a suggestion, please feel free to do so. If you enjoy the course, it would mean the world to me if you could leave me an honest rating and a review. Thanks for taking the time to consider my course, I hope you enjoy it! Take care, stay active, and stay positive! Rod Gomes"
Price: 19.99

"Learn the deadly art of retail sales persuasion" |
"The Sales Ninja is a highly revered retail sales system and collection of sales techniques. If you are lucky enough to peek into the dojo and learn these battle tested techniques you have to make one solemn promise. To never use these highly effective techniques to convince someone to buy a really ugly sweater. Even when you have the power, you have to remember to use these techniques for good - never evil. The 3 minute videos have been called highly watchable, but past students have referred to them as deadly in the art of persuasion. Whether you are new to retail, or you invented retail, in two weeks you will leave the dojo with the confidence to approach the creature called the Public and deliver a devastating array of retail sales techniques. Once you learn the ways of the Sales Ninja you will throw out your watch, because you will always know what time it is. Its Sales NINJA TIME HIYYYYYAHHHHH!"
Price: 24.99

"Beginning Family Portrait Photography: Shoot Like a Pro" |
"More than 2000 students have enrolled and have left over 45 5-star, rave reviews. After taking my photography course, your kids and perhaps even their friends will be begging you to take their portraits too! What You'll Learn: How to position your subject indoors and outdoors for the best lighting. Posing ideas for women, men, teens and younger children. How to choose the right camera settings for more attractive, professional looking portraits. The best types of lenses for portrait photography (for DSLR users). Background ideas How to edit your portraits in Adobe Lightroom This course will show you how to use the available light, without special lighting set-ups, to take amazing portraits of your kids. Outdoors, you'll learn where to position your subject and yourself in relation to the sun for the best lighting. You'll also get tips on taking indoor portraits without using your flash. You'll learn a basic formula for your camera settings that will help you take better portraits. You'll also get a general understanding of exposure and how aperture, shutter speed and ISO work together. What you won't get is a lot of super technical stuff. This is a non-technical photography course designed to get you up and going quickly. It's created for parents and others who want to go beyond taking ordinary snapshots and learn how to take better portraits and family photos without a lot of equipment. We've all taken those photos where the background looks great but your subject's face is so dark you can barely recognize them, or maybe you want to know how pros get the background to look all blurry in portraits. Many people are intimidated by using their DSLR or compact camera's manual settings and just don't know where to start. That Auto Mode is so tempting and easy. But getting out of the Auto Mode will open the door to more creative, professional looking photos of your kids. BONUS: You can go a step further and watch over my shoulder as I import and edit photos in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Lightroom is a popular, relatively inexpensive software program designed specifically for photographers. If you enjoy taking photos, you may want to consider this software. You can get a free trial at Adobe. With my course you get: Over 2000 happy students have already taken this course Over three dozen glowing, 5-star Reviews Unlimited lifetime course access at no extra cost All future additional lectures and supplementary material included for free, always Unconditional, no questions asked, Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee Your children are growing fast. You don't want another day to go by without capturing memorable photos of them, not just quick smartphone snapshots."
Price: 19.99

"Interviewing Skills: How to Recognize & Hire The Best" |
"Recognize the importance of good talent, but find it difficult to drawn excellent candidates for your organization? Hired major duds in the past? Hiring is a complicated aspect of building an organization, and something most people get 100% wrong! But those that do build long-lasting brands, massive empires, and companies that spur innovation. The difference between hiring right and hiring wrong can be the life or death of an entire organization. Unfortunately, you probably don't know the best practices of hiring. My name is Mark Forman and I work with Fortune 500 companies to improve their organization, and one area that usually needs improvement is their hiring process. In this course you will learn: The failures of the hiring process you are using now How to hire the best person for the job (not the best interviewer) Matching candidates with job competencies How to prepare as the job interviewer A whole lot more These are the same strategies that have generated millions in increased efficiency and output of companies all over the world. Hire the best, be the best. Enroll now."
Price: 19.99

"Tai Chi Made Fun and Easy" |
"This is a course in Tai Chi for the Tai Chi Curious - a fun and entertaining way to learn the 24 movement Yang style "Short Form." It originally aired as a 13-part series for Hawaii Public Television. Filmed on location in beautiful Hawaii on the island of Oahu, every episode includes: a short lecture on a different aspect of Taiji (Tai Chi) a 5-10 minute follow-along Taiji workout called "Flow Motion" and instruction in the movements of the world's most popular Taiji routine a Final Thought - advice, inspiration or philosophy from the ancient Masters."
Price: 199.99

"Master the Art of Teaching with Student Data Portfolios" |
"Want to bring your teaching to the next level? Are you ready to do what it takes to become a "master teacher" and be recognized by students, parents, and your supervisor for using strategies that work? Look no further! In this course you will learn everything you need to get started with a teaching strategy that will not only transform your career, but could increase your students' performance by 30 percentile points! The course, "Getting Started with Student Data Portfolios" will teach you what experts have found to be the most effective strategies in boosting student achievement at all grade levels. So what are you waiting for? Spend some time interacting with this course and take your teaching to the next level the next day!"
Price: 19.99

"iPhone Video Editing Quick Start Guide: Edit iPhone videos" |
"Master iPhone photo and video storytelling with these step-by-step tutorials.In this hands-on course you will learn how to film, edit and share images that tell stories using only your iPhone.REVIEW:""Wow! What a great course I learned everything I need to know to use my iPhone to make videos for my online courses. I had no idea how easily I could make high quality video before taking this course. Thank you!"" Sally Littleton Who is this course for? Travel buffs, digital photography enthusiasts, Instagrammers and creative people who want to make more cinematic photos and videos.Megapixels and apps do not tell stories. People do. This course will teach you how to use your iPhone camera to record and tell amazing stories - wherever you are.You will learn how to make your first professional movie project with your iPhone in a few easy steps. And a whole lot more!This course is taught by an award-winning film director and the global expert on mobile video storytelling (Two textbooks, 12 online courses, and more than 950 reviews!)The professor is the expert that the experts go to for learning iPhone video storytelling: His clients include the United Nations, CNN, The New York Times, Channel News Asia, Mediacorp, Reuters, and the Danish School of Journalism.Elizabeth Shean says:""Great course! This was a terrific and easy-to-understand course on video production with an iPhone. I hadn't realized the video capabilities of the iPhone, along with the selected apps. Robb has created an engaging course and shows how easy it can be to create compelling and interesting videos using minimal equipment.""Enroll now and get started making incredible cinematic movies and video stories.What you will learn:The best apps for making and editing videoHow to build great visuals for your videosHow to plan an execute special shots like time-lapse and motion shotsWhat gear helps make the best picturesBest practices for sharing your video stories with friends and familyTommy Kalman writes:The right course for all iPhone photo geeks! A wonderful course from a dedicated lecturer! The content fits to all types of audience, from absolute novices to more advanced users.""These lessons are drawn from the top-selling Smart Film School courses on making pro video with an iPhone.Learn how to find, film and tell a video story with your iPhone.Register and begin making incredible stories to impress your family and friends."
Price: 44.99

"Programming Amazing Drum Tracks: a Guide for Non-Drummers" |
""Carl Eden you are a hero, all these silly vids on yotube are telling one to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on vst plugins or whatever, imagine how simple it was. thank you from the bottom of yours truly" "Just what I was looking for! Thanx a million! You say it straight and to the point! Great course! Be blessed!" Do you dream of selling your songs? Would you like your tracks to sound like a real, world-class drummer played on them recorded in one of the finest studios in the world? The start of a great song is a great drum track with a fantastic feel, pristine sound and bespoke, fluent fills, however only the few can afford the skills of a real, talented drummer plus time in the studio. In this course I give you all the skills and knowledge you need to program original, professional and organic beats and mix the results for maximum impact within your songs. Learn the recording and mixing tricks of the pros and all without ever having to pick up a pair of drum sticks! Absolutely no prior knowledge is needed and, by the end of the course, you will be creating and mixing drum tracks that shine and that give your songs the edge that's needed to stand out. All you need is any sequencer software that can load soft synths and that utilises a piano-roll-style editor (ie. all of them including Cubase, Ableton, Logic, Sonar and Reaper). Where third party plugins are used, links are given to freeware alternatives. And, with a one month money-back guarantee in case you are not completely satisfied, you have absolutely nothing to lose so sign up now and begin to create commercial-sounding drum tracks today."
Price: 19.99

"An Accelerated Piano Course for Beginners - Piano Lessons" |
"A WELL-QUALIFIED AND FRIENDLY TEACHERHi, I'm Carl and I have been a piano teacher for over thirty years. I have a degree in music, a postgraduate degree in teaching and I hold a piano diploma through the Victoria College of Music.PRIMER BOOK INCLUDED WORTH 9.99Through my specially written 50 page piano primer book, full of engaging pieces and downloadable as part of the course, you will learn the basics of the art of playing the piano. Lesson by lesson I will discuss and demonstrate each piece, showing you the tricks and time-savers to maximize your practice. This is the same book that I use with my private students.GETTING YOUR HANDS ON THOSE KEYS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLEBefore you know it, in fact before you learn to read a note, you will be working on your first tune. As you move on to reading simple music you will learn how to practice in ways that support progress rather than waste time; learn how to read music with ease, going beyond letter names to utilize the underlying shapes of melodies; learn how to move around the keyboard with confidence using hand positions to allow you to keep your eyes on the music as much as possible - a sure way to succeed quicker; and learn how real music is about so much more than the individual notes.FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANTLike my private students, the issues you face as you progress through the course will be different from the next person. Because of this, feedback is extremely important. Therefore, as part of the course, you will have the opportunity to send me videos for critiquing plus I will always be on hand to answer any questions you might have.REAL PIANO LESSONS This is a deep dive into piano playing that will set you up for playing the piano music of some of the great composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach and will give you pleasure for years to come.All in all my piano method is the next best thing to having one-to-one piano lessons, but at a fraction of the cost and with the ability to schedule your learning to times that suit you.Don't put it off any longer, there's no time like the present and with a 30-day money back guarantee there's no risk. Start your wonderful journey into the world of the piano today."
Price: 19.99

"Portrait Photography and Posing For Photographers" |
"I started in photographyhoping to pay off my camera. In a few short months I had paid off my full frame DSLR, pro lens, and lights by using a really effective photography system. I'll show you this system and take you along as we shoot portraits and pose subjects. Photography is a super competitive market and it's hard to make money. If you want a shot at a successful photography business study with someone who has run a profitable photography business (many online instructors haven't ever done this).When. you done, you'll be ableto:Build hundreds of photo poses from memoryDiscover great portraitlight with easeMaster professional photo editingFind your creativity as a photographer and artistProfessional tips and tricks to improve your photographyLearning the foundations of portrait photography from this course. This training will puta powerful and very useful skill at your fingertips. Portraits have been one of the most enduring disciplines of photography and one of the most powerful.Being a skilled portrait photographer (and there really aren't many of them out there) opens many doors. Freelance portrait photography and wedding photography are prime jobs for a talented portrait photographer.Photography ClassContent and OverviewSuitable for beginners and intermediate photographers, in this course of over 130 lectures and 12 hours you'll learn the fundamentals of portrait photography and portrait photography editing. You'll build a strong foundation as a photographer that you can use to break into other disciplines of photography such as street photography or wedding photography. Starting with a practical application section of lighting, posing, editing, and working with clients, you'll move to key theory lessons and some practical experiences from the field.With these basics mastered we'll also explore sunset portraits, some studio lighting, and backlit silhouettes so you can build variety into your portfolio.You will have the skills to setup, shoot, andedit like a prowhen the course is complete.Then, put your skills to use as we enjoy a monthly photo contest where you can enjoy other students work, learn from their images, ask questions, and have a chance to win your first photo contest while you cheer on your fellow students.Complete with over 300 sample images that clearly show shutter speed, aperture, and ISO so you can master these essential photography skills all in one, fun class. Why not join me today and see what you've been missing!"
Price: 199.99

"Underwater Photography: Make Your Dive Gear Pay For Itself!" |
"I started my career in underwater photography any goal was to publish one article. Within a few short months I had published my first article ever in Popular Photography and made $500! I'll show you how I did it (the underwater photography part) in this course.Don't be fooled, many online instructors have never published an article or made a single dollar as a photographer. Learn the core skills you will need to take underwater pictures that have vibrant colors and sharp focus.Master an underwater photography method in this comprehensive course.Discover the best gearMaster your camera settingsProtect your gearFind your confidence in underwater photographyProfessional tips and tricks to improve your photography todayLearning the foundations of underwater photography that puts a powerful and very unique ability at your fingertips. Underwater photography brings the magic of the ocean to life in a powerful way.Being a skilled underwater photographer sets you apart from the pack. Books, publications, and exhibits are prime venues for a talented underwater photographerContent and OverviewSuitable for beginners and intermediate underwater photographers, in this course you'll learn the fundamentals of underwater photography color correction. You'll build a strong foundation as an underwater photographer that you can used around the world while adventuring underwater.Starting with a practical application section of color correction, diving, wildlife, and safety checks you'll move to key theory lessons and some practical experiences from the field.You will have the skills to setup, shoot, and edit underwater photos.Then, put your skills to use as we enjoy sharing our photos and talking together in the course.Complete with sample images, instruction, and knowledge checks, you can work alongside the instructor as you earn your verifiable certificate of completion."
Price: 199.99

Scrum |
"Learn from the only qualified trainer on Udemy. About Scrum.There are over 20,000 high paying jobs looking for Scrum experts. Search today and see for yourself. Join now and take the first steps to a dream job.Are you tired of a dead end job or no job at all? Are you worried that your skills are out of date and need updating? Have you recently been passed over for a promotion or are you worried you will not be promoted in the future?Prepare for your next big career move in this course where you will learn Scrum, Trello, and Agile Program Management. Learn the ins and outs of Scrum. Learn how to be an Agile Program Manager. Learn everything you need to know to pass your Scrum Master certification test. Learn to use Trello to unite your team around a digital Scrum board (don't worry, it's free software).See how to make airplanes fly 40% better with Scrum. Learn to use Scrum without any complicated language or confusing terms.There are over 29,000 jobs today looking for people trained in Scrum and agility, level up and step into your next job.This course will help your professional life by preparing you to pass your Scrum Master test. Being a Scrum Master will let you apply for Scrum Master jobs and help you to fit into the increasingly agile workforce.Tech jobs, manufacturing, and service-related industries are going Agile. If you want to be competitive for the high paying jobs of today and tomorrow you should be agile. Learning Scrum in this course will allow you to be competitive in any agile workforce.If you join this course you will be able to:Pass your Scrum Master examSpeak intelligently about Scrum at job interviewsBe able to act as a Scrum MasterWork in an agile workplaceExplain the Scrum FrameworkExplain the Agile ManifestoYou will be able to do this through:Multiple Scrum Master practice testsPractice test answers with explanationA detailed explanation of Scrum and the Scrum Master roleQuestion and answer interactivityStudent Testimonials (Real students after in-person training)""Great and useful introduction"" Janine, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum ""Strongly agree that the learning objectives were clear"" Jon M, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum Average participants rated their level of skill/knowledge at the start of the course as ""poor"" and ""excellent"" at the end, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum student survey data. What does that data me? Students saw a jump in skill from ""poor"" to ""excellent"" by attending this training in person.After teaching this course in person, I have had students implement Scrum at work successfully but also start ""Scrum Families"". Scrum can help your personal life by organizing your family and creating happier family teams. I've seen first hand how families use Scrum at home to:Scrum at home:Get chores done without naggingImprove communicationClarify expectations Clean the houseMove the family to a new stateHelp children with schoolScrum helps families by giving everyone a voice, improving communication, and increasing everyone's involvement in family life. If you're curious to learn more check out the Ted talk on Agile programming for your family. All these amazing benefits of Scrum won't help if you don't master the material or if you don't pass your test.In order to be taken seriously, you need to pass your Scrum Master test. This can be a challenge because you may have taken your certification course in the past and you don't remember everything. Perhaps you didn't fully understand everything you learned when you went through your original scrum master certification training. It's a lot of information to go through and sometimes it can be confusing.Many people go through their certification course and don't understand how all the components of the Scrum Framework fit together. They need practical examples and more practice tests in order to be prepared for their Certified Scrum Master Test.Sometimes the numbers and techniques in order to calculate things like a product burned down chart or a Sprint burned down chart can be really confusing. Often times, certification courses don't fully cover how to calculate these important charts. If they do, they don't give you reference material to look back on if you ever get confused in the future.Some people go through certification courses and only get taught how scrum applies to software. This can be really discouraging because scrum is also used in hardware, service, and family settings. Without understanding how scrum is applied in different industries and settings you won't be able to use it effectively.This is why many people say scrum doesn't work, they never were trained properly. They try to implement Scrum and go agile without understanding what they're doing. The results can be disappointing but it's not scrum or agile's fault, the people who tried it just didn't know how to do it right.You can't try to implement Scrum without having a full understanding of the Scrum framework and a thoughtful approach to applying it with your team. If you don't fully understand the Scrum framework you won't really be doing Scrum. You'll be doing something, but it won't be Scrum. Your results will be disappointing since you need to use the full scrum framework to be effective.Some organizations don't understand how to be agile. They know they should be agile, but they don't know how so they just start using a lot of confusing terms. The resulting mayhem is disruptive for everyone. Agile can only be done right when it's done thoughtfully.How can this course help?First and foremost, this course will prepare you for your certified scrum Master test. It will review all of the foundations of the Scrum framework and provide enough practical examples so you'll have no problem with your test.If you have been exposed to scrum but don't really understand it fully, this course can also help by providing you with a comprehensive and integrated explanation. We break down every part of the Scrum framework and provide you with practical examples of how to do it. You'll learn scrum in a way that will apply to any industry.We can help you calculate your product burned down, Sprint burned down, and team velocity charts. Will build a case study so you can see how to calculate all of the numbers. Don't worry, the calculations are easy and will walk you through step-by-step. The good thing about having this done online as you can go back and refer to it if you're ever confused in the future. Calculate your charts with confidence knowing that you've mastered the math and science behind scrum measurements.You will learn a thoughtful approach to implementing the Scrum framework so that you'll have the best chances of success with your team. You won't learn a rigid one-size-fits-all approach to the Scrum framework, you'll learn a flexible and thoughtful approach so you can lead scrum implementations and agile change in any organization.This will make you competitive in any job market and ensure you remain relevant no matter what happens in the future.You'll learn what agile really means and how scrum makes your organization agile. You can cut through the confusion and jargon and effectively deliver product to market. You will emerge as a thought leader within your workplace being able to guide others through the confusing world of agile. This will allow you to mentor your teammates, up-lead your supervisors, and gain a reputation for excellence.Still not convinced this course can help?According to the Bureau of Labor and statistics, workers hold 10 different jobs on average before they turn 40. This number is likely to grow in the future as jobs and industries become more fluid and changing.It's not enough to have one skill and one career. The odds are, you need many skills and will have many careers throughout your working life. This is a problem because most workers don't have the time or resources to go back to school after their career begins.The demands of family, bills, and real life quickly set in. These demands on time and money become overwhelming for many. The idea of going back to school to acquire additional education is out of reach. People do not have the time or the resources in order to re-skill their careers once they've begun.What makes the situation more complicated, is that many careers are going out of date. The reason people are changing careers so often is because their old careers are being replaced. Software, technology, and automation are making lifelong employment challenging.This trend will only continue. The accelerating pace of technology and the number of programmers available to corporations means will see shorter careers and an increased need for retraining.The good news is, more and more companies are requiring agile experience. It's a valuable skill to be able to lead agile implementations and to understand how to work on a scrum team. This increases your value to potential employers and allows you to be more productive. Instead of being confused by the Scrum framework you can lead scrum change.By taking this course, you can do this from the comfort of your home, the convenience of your phone, in any location, whenever you have a free moment. This allows you to add a valuable skill to your resume without having to spend an enormous sum of money returning to school. This also allows you the flexibility to add this skill to your resume on your own terms.Taking this class will add a valuable skill without adding the requirement to commute to school, register at an institution, or travel to in-person training.Join today, prepare for your scrum Master test, and go agile."
Price: 199.99

"Learn How to Create the Ultimate Personal Website" |
"Dec 28th Update: Almost 1000 students now! Thank you! Jan 22nd Update: Many people have been asking me for the link to my personal website. I should've included it earlier! Here's the link: sunnytrochaniak[dot]com Creating your own website is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and your personal brand. According to the Huffington Post, over 80% of employers Google search applicants before inviting them to an interview, and almost 50% of them have said they changed their mind based on what they found online. This is only trending upwards; this is just the beginning. Most people scramble to simply change their Facebook name and remove their drunken photos, and while and this may be an effective hiding strategy, you need to ask yourself this question: you are competing for a position with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of other people. Do you really want to be hiding? This is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd. When it comes down to it, having a personal website is great at 3 things: Landing your dream job. When employers Google your name, a stunning personal website can be the icing on the cake. A resume simply demonstrates that you're qualified; a personal brand website tells your story, showcases your personality, and demonstrates why you'd be a great fit at that company. Creating new opportunities. You never know who might stumble across your site. Having a personal website can open doors you never knew existed. You have no idea the number of times I've been contacted by a complete stranger, because they read about something on my website. You'll be able to start evaluating and actually choosing which career path you want to take. Establishing yourself as an expert in your field. Sharing your thoughts and experiences gives you an opportunity to showcase your knowledge. By demonstrating your expertise, you begin to build credibility, not just through your words but by your actions. Both people and companies will start coming to you for your expert opinion. The other great thing about having a website is that it's online 24/7. Take a little bit of time to set up your site right now, and you will reap the rewards it provides. Your website will be at work for you even while you sleep. ""Sunny, this sounds great and all, but I don't think it's going to work for me, I've never created a website before!"" Perfect, that's exactly the reason I created this course. The lessons are so simple that a baby could understand. Not only that, I'll show you how you can make one in just a couple of sittings. What are you waiting for, let's start building your personal brand powerhouse right now! It's time to make a name for yourself. *You have my personal promise that you will get every penny's worth out of this class. If you put in the effort, your career will change for the better. If not, you have 30 days to get a full refund. No questions asked :) --- Details We'll be making it on Wordpress (completely free, easy to edit, and has some awesome plugins) In this class, I'll be using a premium Wordpress theme ($55). You can definitely use a free theme, although using a premium theme will put your site on the next level, and is definitely worth it in my opinion. I'll show you some great options of course. You'll also need hosting ($5-10/month). To make it easy for you, I've set one up specifically for students of this course. I'll walk you through setting it up. Your own domain. This is $10/year just about everywhere."
Price: 19.99

"12 Day Detox - Total Transformation" |
"Are you looking for a detox program that isn't a fad diet, crazy pills, or starvation? If you are looking for a whole food, clean eating program that supports your health as well as your mind and soul then this is the program for you. This program is great for anyone who eats a lot of processed foods and wants to give themselves a clean start or those wanting learn about a healthy weight loss jumpstart. Moms, busy business professionals, and those who are on the run and forget to take the time to focus on their own health and well being are perfect candidates for this class. Ask yourself these questions: Do you have low energy levels? Do you have sugar cravings? Do you battle with weight gain? Do you sleep well or have poor concentration? Do you eat processed foods and want to clean up your diet? Do you take care of everyone else and forget to take care of yourself? In the next 12 days you can dissolve your sugar cravings, experience more energy, lose weight in a healthy manner, improve concentration, and improve your quality of sleep. Experience what it is feels like to completely purify your body and cleanse your entire system of stored up toxins that have been weighing you down for years. You will learn: Effective ways to release toxins How to jump start your weight loss How to shop healthy & confidently Incorporating the best superfoods your body can buy How to cleanse without deprivation or hunger How primary foods affect your health Travel tips during your cleanse Motivational techniques & visualizations Everything you consume during your 12-day Detox, is designed to give your body the best, most compact sources of nutrition. If youre trying to lose weight, this is the perfect kick-off! Youll recognize the real benefit to this system is cleansing and detoxing with good nutritious whole foods. ..not chemicals or processed foodsjust good clean food. This course includes a workbook, recipe book, daily lectures, daily focus activities to keep you on track, and daily visualizations to help shift body and mind. Here is what students are saying about the course: "Expert Guidance on Detox This course is great in explaining how to improve health with a 12-day detox program. The structure of the course has been well planned - each lesson is presented with great clarity in a concise, right to the point manner and the course progresses in a logical flow (day by day).This course is about as comprehensive as it should be without overwhelming me with too much information. Lisa (the instructor) covers each topic with amazing attention to detail in an engaging tone. Also, working files and external resources are generously provided whenever applicable. What impresses me most are the insights she shares based on her own experience - the practical tips that would save me a lot of time from having to figure it out myself." Michael In a nutshell, if you're looking to learn how to improve health with a detox program, this course will help you get the job done with minimal fuss. I would love to support you in your health and wellness goals with this 12 day detox - Total Transformation Program."
Price: 49.99

"Slim, Sexy, and Smart - 28 Day Weight Loss and Fit Program" |
"This is not a one size fits all program. You will go on a journey of self discovery while learning how to make healthy food choices, incorporate movement and exercise into your routine, explore body and mind tools to help reduce stress, and how to reach your health and wellness goals. You will get daily lectures with a specific health and wellness focus, a daily activity to help implement your goals, and a few special bonuses to help keep you on track. This is a 28 day program but you can certainly spread it out over a few months to incorporate the tools I have laid out for you. This is a lifetime approach to great health. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then check out this program. Give yourself 28 days to feel more energetic, have peace of mind, and a greater sense of well being!"
Price: 49.99

"Become Excel Pivot Tables & Charts Expert in under 3 hours" |
"""Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts have helped me save loads of time when dealing with data in Excel and from other sources"" - a recent feedback from a student. I believe that most part of what I learned came from real life experiences. Working in a professional services firm required an extensive use of MS Excel - lots of formulae, tons of tables, thousands of charts and the list goes on. On the bright side, all this load makes you figure your way out of lengthy and enormous tasks. This is where PIVOT TABLE & PIVOT CHART came for help. Pivot tools in MS Excel assist us on handling big data, discovering hidden trends, and delivering amazingly professional presentations. I did my best to build this course following my own learning format. No Books, No formulas, No lengthy talks - JUST THE DOING! This course is designed to promote the strength of PIVOT tools in Excel and assist every student to quickly get into the DOING! No need to worry about the new tools, there are dozens of examples, a number of solutions to problems I faced myself - all of which are ATTACHED TO THE CURRICULUM in order to make the course as smooth as possible. Good luck!"
Price: 29.99

"ACCA Financial Accounting (FA) - Tam Kurs" |
"gr thsil bazarna baxsaq, ACCA kurslarnn hans qiymt olduunu akar grrik. Buna hm yerli bazardak kurslar, hm d onlayn xarici kurslar aiddir. Mnim fikrimc, ham ACCA F3 kursuna asankeid ld etmlidir, nki bu mhasibin yetimsind ilk addmdr. Lakin, bel imkan demk olar ki, yoxdur. Bunu nzr alaraq, bel qrara gldim ki, zm bukursu yaradm v tlblrin istifadsin verim.ACCA F3 Tam Kursu tlblrin istyini nzr alaraq Azrbaycan dilind hazrlanb. ACCA imtahanlar ngilis dilind keirildiyi n kurs boyunca terminlrdn hr iki dild istifad olunub. Bu tlblr hm mvzunu baa dmy, hm d imtahana hazrlamaa kmk mqsdi gdr.Nzriniz onu da atdrm ki, kurs n qeydiyyatdan ken zaman bu kursa mrlk zvlk ld edirsiniz.Aydndr ki, ACCA daim inkiaf edir v hr il imtahann mndricatnda yeniliklr tqdim edir. Bunu nzr alb, mn d vaxtar kursa yeni videolar v materiallar lav edcm. Bel yenilikr daimi olaraq sizin istifadnizd olacaq.Kurs rzind hans mvzunu kifayt qdr aydn formada izah etmdiyimi fikirlsniz, bunu mnim nzrim atdrma sizdn xahi edirm. Bel ki, keyfiyyti daim artrmaqla hm siz daha yax kurs tqdim etmi oluram, hm d tlblrin imtahandan keid nticlrini msbt istiqamtd inkiaf etdirmi oluram.Yeni: Uzun mddt dnisiz tklif eldiyim bu kursu indi dnili statusa keirmkqrarna gldim. Bu addm, hqiqi ACCAtlblrini clb etmk, kursun keyfiyytini artrmaq v davaml olaraq kursu yenilmk mqsdil atdm. Qeyd edim ki, mxtlif sosial bklrd endirim linklrini vaxtar blcm. Uurlar!"
Price: 29.99

"C# Developers: Double Your Coding Speed with Visual Studio" |
"If you want to be a real pro C# coder, you need to master your keyboard and Visual Studio. You need to be able to navigate in your code base, find and modify code in seconds. Great coders hardly ever use the mouse. They do everything with the keyboard. They use shortcuts and some tricks to type less and generate more code in less time. And that is what this course is all about. In this course, Mosh, author of six 5-star C#courses, shares with you lots of shortcuts and tricks that help youfind, write and modify code in less time. In particular, you'll learn How to quickly find files, classes and methods. Say goodbye to Solution Explorer and navigating between folders to find classes. How to navigate in the code like a pro: no more clicking back and forth to navigate between members of classes. Jump from one method to another and come back to where you were. How to compile, run and debug applications faster and more effectively.60+ shortcuts that will boost your productivity (both on Windows and Mac)How to reduce your chance of getting RSI (repetitive strain injury) Ideal StudentThis course is most suited to junior C#developers new to Visual Studio. But even if you've been programming in Visual Studio for a few years, you may still learn tips and tricks that you're not aware of. There is a whole section dedicated to ReSharper, which is one of the greatest plug-ins for Visual Studio. If you've never used ReSharper before, this course is a must for you. Full Money-back Guarantee This course comes with a 30-day fullmoney-back guarantee. No questions asked. If you don't learn anything from this course, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back. ""Every Visual Studio programmer in the world needs to take this short course. Seriously! Take it. Now! The value per money is simply immense."" Gino Costescu ""Excellent tips and tricks: I've been using Visual Studio for years and even being a seasoned user, I found the tips and tricks offered in this course to be extremely helpful."" - Jake Janes ""Thank you for your classes! There are awesome, ninja coding skills on the way!"" - Fredy Guibert ""Great course! It's neat and systematic and shows some usefull tricks for VS."" - Nikola Kratka ""I've been using VS for many years. So, I'm quite familiar with navigating VS with the keyboard, but I still learned some very cool tricks."" - Jason E. Rice ""Great course, great instructor: You did a great job. I'd take any other course you'd teach."" - Saif Ahsanullah ""Very clear, helpful and to the point: The course is very helpful. I was looking for this kind of course because I'm a professional web developer with 3 year-exprience, with a very poor performance keyboard with Visual Studio, so your course is helping me a lot."" - Antonio Marques Taltavull ""Awesome! Great instructor, short and too the point, really helped my programming! Hardly took an hour of my time to learn the basic concepts. Love it!"" - Eshan Singh About Your InstructorMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 15years ofexperience.He has been involved in the design and implementation of numerous projects of varying size and complexity, including web applications, mobile apps, desktop applications and frameworks.So, do you want to learn the time-saving techniques of pro C# developers?Take the course now and get started."
Price: 69.99

"Backbone Tutorial: Learn Backbonejs from Scratch" |
"Want to learn how to write clean, maintainable, testable Javascript code? There are many libraries and frameworks to help you structure your Javascript code. BackboneJS is one of them. In this course, I'll take you on a step-by-step journey to learn Backbone from novice to ninja. You'll learn everything you need to know to build structured and maintainable real-world applications with Backbone. You don't need any prior knowledge of Backbone. Only basic understanding of Javascript and jQuery is enough to take this course. We start with the big picture You'll learn the basic building blocks of Backbone and what they are used for. Then, I'll show you a real-world example of an application built with Backbone and explain how those building blocks work together in action. Then we start learning Backbone.js from scratch Once you get the big picture, we start learning Backbone in a practical, hands-on way from scratch. Lectures are short, concise and up to the point, without wasting your time. I hate courses that waste students' time (with too much rambling) and I've done my best to make sure I won't waste your time in this course! Each section includes: An introduction that tells you what you're gonna learn A few lectures, each teaching you new concepts, in a step-by-step fashion A cheat sheet for you to quickly review what you've learned A mini project or assignment for you to apply what you've learned Next we get into the real-world challenges Once we cover the fundamentals of Backbone, then we'll cover unit testing and modularising the code. You'll learn the basics of RequireJS and Jasmine. And finally build an application from scratch In the last section, we'll build an application with Backbone in an iterative way. With every iteration we enhance our app in a baby-step fashion. The before and after source code for each lecture is available for you to download to review or to complete on your own. I'll share with you other tips to make you a better web developer I've been a web developer since 2000. In the last section, I'll share with you lots of other tips on usability, productivity, clean coding, object-oriented programming, HTML, CSS, a little bit of security and many other things. These supplementary materials help you become a better web developer. I'll show you many real-world examples Throughout the course I touch on some popular web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Four Square and Bitly and explain how you can make something like them with Backbone. So, by the end of this course, you'll have a good and in-depth understanding of Backbone and how to use it in building real-world applications. What else will you get? Lifetime access to course materials New lectures, tips and tricks, absolutely free Ask me any questions and I'll help you throughout your learning What my students say: "Mosh's course stands out as one of the best online courses I've ever taken, whether for Backbone or any other technology. Mosh's teaching style is unique. He leads the student logically through a progression of understanding in a manner akin to good unit testing." - David Handel "This is one of the best courses I took o Udemy so far. Mosh is one of the best instructor as it is clear and it's evident that lessons are well prepared and not improvised. Thanks a lot!" -Andrea Salvatore "Very good course, with crystal clear examples. Mosh is a very professional trainer and a magic developer. Thanks for your good job." Antonio Marqus Taltavull What's the risk for you? Absolutely nothing! This course comes with Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee. Just take the course, watch the lectures, practice the assignments and if you're not happy, ask for a refund. You'll get all your money back, no questions asked. So do you want to learn Backbone from scratch and write clean, structured, maintainable and testable Javascript code? Take this course now and let's get started."
Price: 89.99

"C# Advanced Topics: Prepare for Technical Interviews" |
"Chances are you're familiar with the basics of C# and are hungry to learn more. Or you've been out of touch with C# for a while and are looking for a quick course as a refresher to get you up to speed with advanced C# constructs. If so, then this course is for you. In C# Advanced Topics, the third part in Mosh's best-selling C# series, he walks you through the advanced features of C# that are frequently used in building real-world applications: Exception Handling Generics DelegatesEvents Lambda Expressions Extensions Methods LINQ Nullable Types Dynamics Asynchronous Programming with Async / Await And more There are lots of free tutorials and videos on YouTube. Why should you take this course? This course has a clean structure with a perfect pace (not too fast to confuse you, and not too slow to bore you or waste your time). It gives you an in-depth understanding of advanced C# features, and is created by a C# expert and best-selling author with in-depth knowledge of the C# language and .NET Framework as well as 13 years of professional experience in the industry. So, from the very beginning to the very end, you'll be confident that you'll be in good hands. If you got questions along the way, Mosh is here to help you.More than16,000 happy studentscan't be wrong! Here is a glimpse of what Mosh's students say:""Ive actually landed my first job as a Junior software developer. I owe a lot of it to you because your courses have been EXTREMELY helpful. May God bless you and your efforts to create high quality courses. This has really changed my life from working as a security guard and doing websites for free, now I am a professional."" -Danish Jafri""Just finished this course today, it was absolutely brilliant! They way the course boils down huge topics, that would take hundreds of dry boring text books into short videos, while including not only theory but how professionals make the most of the concepts. The Man has serious passion about Development, his enthusiasm and experience really make these dense topics fun & easy to learn!"" -Conor McGarth""This guy really knows what he is doing. I have been a developer for a while and he really knows how to break down what happens behind the scenes and how to create code that is extensible and reusable. I had peers telling me that paying for a course is not worth it but I went ahead and did it and I have learned so much from the videos. This course is definitely worth the price."" -Justin Weinzimmer""Mosh is a great teacher, explains things clearly, his lessons have a nice logical order, the course is engaging, he never bores, he DOES answer every single question. Highly recommended!"" -Frantisek Nagy""Excellent! Another brilliant piece of instruction... I have grown to expect nothing less from Mosh!"" -Douglas Crowder""One of my favorite aspects of Mosh's teaching style is his effort to retain relevance to real-world situations. As an experienced C# developer myself, I can tell you pretty much every topic in this course is important to a .Net developer, and Mosh does a good job of separating what you should understand conceptually versus how you'll likely be using the concepts in practice."" -M.B""The information that Mosh provides is extremely helpful. He does a great job of explaining things. Mosh has an interesting and fun style of presenting information. He covers the topics thoroughly and responds to questions in the discussions."" -Jon OwnbeyTHECOMPLETEC#PACKAGEThis course is the third part of Mosh's complete C#series on Udemy:Part 1:C#Basics for Beginners:Learn C#Fundamentals by CodingPart 2:C#Intermediate:Classes, Interfaces and Object-oriented ProgrammingPart 3:C#Advanced:Take Your C#Skills to the Next Level100% MONEY-BACKGUARANTEE This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not happy, ask for a refund, all your money back, no questions asked. ABOUTYOURINSTRUCTOR Mosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a .NET developer with over 13years of professional experience designing and implementing applications and frameworks using C# and .NET. Mosh's students describe him as a passionate teacher who knows how to lead a student through a logical series of baby steps along with a perfect balance of theory and practice. Read his reviews to see what others say about him and his courses. Mosh is academically educated with a Master of Science in Network Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. He is also a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Application Developer (MCAD), and Professional (MCP). Do you want to take your C# knowledge to the advanced level? Then take this course and get started."
Price: 149.99

"C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding" |
"With over 50,000 happystudents and 15,000+ positive reviews, this course is Udemy's most popular course for learning C# from scratch!C# is a beautiful cross-platform language that can be used to build variety of applications. With C#, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, web sites and desktop applications. Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or you can change job and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy. In this course, Mosh, author of severalbest-selling C# courses on Udemy, teaches you thefundamentals of C# programming in a clear, concise and step-by-step way. Note only that, but he'll also teach you best practices and shortcuts to help you become a better developer.Every section comes with a few bite-sized video lectures and a quiz or programming exercises. These exercises are carefully chosen from academic and real-world examples to train your ""programming brain"". If you want to be a successful programmer, who has many high-paid job offers and freedom to ""choose"", you need to learn how to think like a programmer. And this is what you're going to get out of these exercises. All exercises come with solutions, so you can compare your solutions with Mosh's to find areas for improvement. There are plenty of free tutorials and videos that teach you C# and they are great if all you want to learn is C# constructs. But if you want to learn C# and become a better programmer with a bright future and lots of options, this is the course for you. For every topic, not only will you learn the whats, but you'll also learn the whys, and hows. You'll see common errors that pop up as part of developing applications with C#. Mosh explains these errors in detail, and shows you how to resolve them. THECOMPLETEC#PACKAGEThis course is the first part of Mosh's complete C#series on Udemy:Part 1:C#Basics for Beginners:Learn C#Fundamentals by CodingPart 2:C#Intermediate:Classes, Interfaces and Object-oriented ProgrammingPart 3:C#Advanced:Take Your C#Skills to the Next LevelWHATOTHERSTUDENTSWHOHAVETAKENTHISCOURSESAY:""Ive actually landed my first job as a Junior software developer. I owe a lot of it to you because your courses have been EXTREMELY helpful. May God bless you and your efforts to create high quality courses. This has really changed my life from working as a security guard and doing websites for free, now I am a professional."" -Danish Jafri""Great Instructor, Great Course, Mosh does a great job of breaking down the material and making it interesting."" -Michael Gardner""You can hear the passion in his voice which makes the course sound 10x more exciting then someone who just does it for the money."" -Tim Medcalf""Great Instructor, I love the way he teaches the course."" -Edward Tkachev""I love Mosh's approach of delivering the theory and then the practice. Audio and video quality are superb."" -Paul Mooney""You can definitely tell that Mosh is not only an experienced programmer, but he also cares deeply about producing great quality lessons and ensuring that his students are understanding the content."" -David30-DAY FULL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, watch every lecture, and do the exercises, and if you feel like this course is not for you,ask for a full refund within 30 days.All your money back, no questions asked.ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORMosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a software engineer with 17 years of professional experience. He is the author ofseveral best sellingUdemy courseswithmore than 120,000 students in 192 countries. He has a Master of Science in Network Systems and Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.His students describe him aspassionate, pragmatic and motivational in his teaching.Do you want to start learning C#now?Join the other 50,000+ happystudents who havetaken this course and start coding within a few minutes."
Price: 179.99

"C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP" |
"Whether you want to use C# to build web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps or games, understanding C# classes, interfaces and principles of object-oriented programming is crucial. This course is the second part of Mosh's best-selling C# series and is all about classes, interfaces and object-oriented programming. In essence, you'll learn: How to work with classes, constructors, fields, properties, methods and indexers How to use encapsulation to reduce the impact of change How to improve the robustness of your code How to re-use code using inheritance and composition Why composition is better than inheritance How to build extensible applications using polymorphism How to develop loosely-coupled, extensible and testable applications using interfaces There are lots of free tutorials and videos on YouTube. Why would you want to take this course?The answer is simple: quality of teaching. Mosh is a passionate software engineer with over 13 years of experience developing applications in C#. He is the author of several best-selling C#courses on Udemyand knows how to lead you through a series of baby steps in a logical way. So, from the very beginning to the very end, you'll be confident that you'll be in good hands and watching every minute of the course, unlike the reading many free tutorials and videos, does not waste your precious time. Each section is equipped with a balanced mix of theory and practice. At the end of each section you'll get exercises to master the concepts you learn in that section.And one last reason: all videos are produced with high quality video/audio, to provide you the best learning experience. THECOMPLETEC#PACKAGEThis course is the second part of Mosh's complete C#series on Udemy:Part 1:C#Basics for Beginners:Learn C#Fundamentals by CodingPart 2:C#Intermediate:Classes, Interfaces and Object-oriented ProgrammingPart 3:C#Advanced:Take Your C#Skills to the Next LevelWHATOTHERSTUDENTSWHOHAVETAKENTHISCOURSESAY:""Ive actually landed my first job as a Junior software developer. I owe a lot of it to you because your courses have been EXTREMELY helpful. May God bless you and your efforts to create high quality courses. This has really changed my life from working as a security guard and doing websites for free, now I am a professional."" -Danish Jafri""Your courses have given me the confidence to get out of my dead end job and apply for a full time coding job. I am very happy to say that I just finished the job interview and they gave me the job!!!"" -Dan Farnell""Outstanding quality! I have come to learn that all Mosh's courses are top notch. This course is no different! The content is beautifully designed, well organized with great examples, and delivered in a clear and concise manner (with great video and audio quality)! I also loved that this course includes exercises. Fantastic stuff!"" -Roger Sle""Love it! This guy definitely knows what he's talking about. He strives to make his courses as comprehensive as possible and he teaches you several tricks along the way."" -Jeb Watson""As with all of his courses his passion and love for programming is infectious. He does a great job of intermixing theory with hard examples and cautions with practicality. If you learn better by watching and examples then reading and theory this is a must watch to move beyond the learning the syntax of c#."" -Michael Paul""Excellent course! All of Mosh's courses are very much worth taking if you really want to learn C# in a professional way. Not only does Mosh clearly describe the syntax of the language and explain the language concepts, but he also constantly emphasizes the importance of good programming practices"" -Tony Zampini ABOUTYOURINSTRUCTOR Mosh (Moshfegh) Hamedani is a passionate software engineer and teacher with 13 years of experience building applications using C# (since the first release of .NET Framework in 2002). Mosh is a full-time developer and what you are going to learn in this course is the result of his day-to-day work as a hardcore programmer along with years of studying, Mosh's students describe him as a passionate teacher who knows how to take a student on a series of logical steps and enriching them with a great mixed of theory and practice. 100% MONEY-BACKGUARANTEEThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. Take the course, go through the lectures, do the exercises, and if you're not happy, ask for a refund within 30 days. All your money back, no questions asked. So do you want to take your C# skills to the next level? Then take this course now and get started!"
Price: 149.99

"Stop Motion Essentials" |
"A to Z of Stop motion essentials. Includes every detail and training on a variety of stop motion animations apart from in depth knowledge about any equipment or software involved in its execution. With special stress on how to do it on a budget. STOP MOTION ANIMATION is either perceived to be too easy by some, until they try a hand at it, or too difficult, until they try a hand at it. The art of Stop Motion animation is neither too difficult nor too easy. It is just too interesting. In this course you shall be guided on every nuance you need to know to be able to execute almost every type of Stop Motion Animation. We shall cover every step in details, ranging from what and how a story for stop motion animation should be and how does it differ from other forms of story telling. We cover how to create an environment that finally leads to the execution of that story. We learn every essential technology involved in the production of a stop motion animation and even discuss a few trade secrets, tips and tricks. The language of the course is simple English, and we have not tried to come off as hard core geeks who use unfathomable words. And even if we do mention such words here and there, we always follow it with explanation and relevance. the HIGHLIGHT OF THIS COURSE is that you not only learn how to make a great stop motion animation but also become comfortable and then confidant in VIDEO EDITING ON ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CS6 and LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY ON DSLR WITH IN DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF MANUAL SETTINGS. This course will make you a master in things that may open more creative doors for you in the field of media. You could complete the course in 1 day if you wanted, but we recommend you take it slow and take at least 7 days to complete this course. The structure of the course is like a seed that grows into a tree. Every following lecture will make more sense as you go along and seem effortlessly organic. Stop Motion animation, if used intelligently, if really charming and amazing. But the best part about this animation is, that you don't even need to be a professional animator to be able to execute this. It will just be a shame to not know this one."
Price: 34.99

"Discover The 5 Keys to Achieving Total Happiness & Wellbeing" |
"Latest Updates: THOUSANDS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE, AND BY POPULAR DEMAND IT IS NOW AVAILABLE HERE ON UDEMY Multiple 5-star reviews from students around the world Course updated again on Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 Next course update: April 30th, 2016 ________________________________________________________________________ Do you want to LOVE what you do for a living? Do you want for get rid of the stress and anxiety that is holding you back? Do you want to have friends that inspire you and help you achieve your goals? Do you want to be financially stable and not worry about money? Do you want to look and feel physically great? Do you want to know how it feels to really love your life? ________________________________________________________________________ About this course: Full, free lifetime access 24/7 access via your favourite mobile device All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise that you will become happier by taking this course Bonus lectures that will make you an overall healthier person Amazing reviews by transformed students! (Read the inspiring reviews below the curriculum) ________________________________________________________________________ Research shows that only 7% of people in the world feel completely happy with their lives. In this course, I will reveal all their secrets. I will tell you exactly what they do in each of the most relevant areas of their lives that makes them so happy, and I will provide you with step-by-step guides on how to apply these learnings, so that you can feel the sense of fulfilment, joy, peace and absolute bliss that these people enjoy. ________________________________________________________________________ If you follow even a fraction of what I will share with you in this course, you will be a happier person. I speak from personal experience and thousands of my students around the world can attest to the benefits they have received as well. ________________________________________________________________________ All the guidance and advise you will receive throughout this course is the result of 50 years of scientific analysis conducted by prestigious research organisations. As a Senior Instructor for the Chopra Centre for Wellbeing, I have studied this data and have taken many months to put together this content to present it to you in a format that is easy to understand and follow. Students have reported that after applying the insights learned in this course, they have experienced massive transformations in key aspects of their lives and in a very short time. Join them! ________________________________________________________________________ If you feel you are not completely happy with how things are going for you - why keep navigating by trial an error in your life when the answers that you are looking for are right here! And remember, you have my personal promise that if you are not satisfied with this course, your money will be refunded within 30 days of purchase. This course is updated regularly, so you will receive new lectures on ways to increase the satisfaction levels in your life absolutely free! The happy days you seek are now within your reach - don't wait any longer!"
Price: 49.99

"Practical Ways to Spend Wisely & Increase Savings Each Year" |
"Scope Learn simple and practical principles that will empower you to save money every year. You will learn how to: 1. Identify opportunities where you may save money 2. Ask the right questions to understand price drivers 3. Challenge cost, price, fees without fear 4. Manage a price discussion without jeopardizing relationships 5. Have fun in the process while keeping more money in your pocket Yes, this is negotiation made practical, simple, and effective... Easy! Years of personal and business experience are summarized in this course to give you the core of money-saving secrets Who will benefit from this course? If you spend money and are not used to challenge prices, request discounts, or negotiate this course will be beneficial to you. If you fear asking questions, or being rejected, or believe that some expenses just need to be paid then this course will be beneficial to you. Student, professional, salesman, casual shopper, serial shopper, wife, husband...Everyone buys or sells something at some point, low cost items, also more expensive items. If you practice the principles described in this course, use them gradually and starting with small items, you will soon be prepared to handle bigger opportunities. You will receive back the cost of the course in savings sooner than you expect. Structure and duration The course is delivered in five major sections: 1. Introduction. Learn in this section why it is important to know how to manage a price discussion, what are some of the types of opportunities you may encounter, and examples of them. 2. Steps to a price discussion. This section covers four simple steps that will help you manage a price discussion. 3. Principles. The principles elaborate on the concepts reviewed in the prior section. These are described individually to gradually build the story and facilitate retention. 4. Examples. Several examples are listed to consolidate the principles and describe how you may approach real-life scenarios. 5. Summary and next steps. All course will take approximately two hours. Materials and delivery Course is delivered through videos over slides, using visual content (slides) as support to the audio content. You can easily just listen to and follow the course while you are in the train, car-pooling, plane, bus, or at your leisure in front of your computer."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Photoshop Quickly (For Bloggers & Web Images)" |
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WAIT! Did you know you can get Photoshop for FREE and it's 100% legal? Yep! Watch the ""Free"" Preview video below before you sign up for this course.You can also download the free trial from Adobe's website and use that along with the course.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE:This course is taught with versionCS6 but can also be used for the CCversion. Because this is a beginner's course, all the features I usecan also be found in the latest version of Photoshop.--------Are you intimidated by Photoshop? Do you believe it's only an advanced program for web designers or photographers? Well, it's not! It's also for YOU, the blogger or webmaster who wants the freedom to create your own images for your site and social media. The problem is NO ONE ever teaches Photoshop from that angle... until now. And I'm going to make learning so easy! You are going to be blown away by how quickly you will pick everything up. This course will definitely squash the perception of Photoshop being ""too confusing."" The Internet has become incredibly visual and attractive images drive more exposure to your site. So take control of your own creations by learning the most powerful image creation program on the planet! By the time you are done with this course, you will be able to apply these basic lessons to create your own headers, banners, site images, YouTube thumbnails and even simple infographics. Each section in the course builds on the one before. It begins with an overview of three core functions of Photoshop that we will use throughout the course. Once you learn those basics, you will be halfway home. From there you will learn how to create an image from scratch, style the background, add and style text, crop people out of photos and erase backgrounds. I'm not just going to highlight the tools. I show you real-life examples of how to use them so you can create images for your website. I will also illustrate how to add patterns and fonts to Photoshop for ultimate design freedom. Free online image creators are great, but limited. With Photoshop, you can add as many fonts, shapes and patterns as you want and I'll show you how! As an added bonus, I will walk you through creating a basic infographic. These images are handy for getting more exposure on social media. I use them to get lots of traffic from Pinterest. You'll also learn how to create images to re-sell on T-shirts, mugs, etc. so you can earn with sites like Cafe Press, Spreadshirt, Teespring, Zazzle, you name it. Forget hiring a graphics person to do your site images because you can learn to do them yourself! This is not a course for web designers or advanced photo effects. So you won't be learning how to design a website or do things like remove wrinkles from people's faces. This course is best if you want to create feature images on your blog posts, images for social media, headers, simple infographics and more. I'm so excited to teach you Photoshop in a way that it SHOULD be taught, and the way I wish it had been taught to me. Many of you are site owners without design experience who just want the control and freedom to create web images with no limitations. If that's you, sign up today! See ya in class!"
Price: 79.99
