"Finanzas personales - Aprende a Comprar, Ahorrar e Invertir" |
"Usamos nuestro dinero a diario, pero no sabemos como funciona ni como hacer que trabaje por nosotros. En este curso aprenders desde los conceptos ms bsicos del mundo de las finanzas hasta conocer nuevas alternativas de inversin que se estn gestando en la industria.Aprende con ejemplos claros y prcticos como puedes mejorar tus hbitos de consumo, ahorro e inversin de modo que puedas aprovechar al mximo todo el dinero que pasa por tus manos y ser ms consciente al momento de utilizarlo.Identifica y aprovecha las alternativas de inversin convencionales con ejemplos reales como Cetes Directo, Fondos de Inversin y Bienes races para que pongas en prctica dentro de tus hbitos y estrategias de ahorro e inversin de tu dinero.Conoce a detalle lo que es el mundo de las FinTech (Entidades financieras basadas en tecnologa) y las Criptomonedas (Crypto Currency) y de que manera puedes aprovechar y utilizar (o no) estas alternativas no convencionales de inversin.Si ya tienes algn tipo de ingreso o si estas pensando prepararte para aprovechar el dinero que tienes en mano, este curso te brindar las herramientas necesarias para que le saques el mayor provecho posible y empieces a hacer que tu dinero trabaje por ti."
Price: 129.99

"Vende tus propias Camisetas en Internet por menos de 100 USD" |
"El comercio electrnico tiene muchas ventanas para que nosotros podamos integrarnos a esta industria. El Print on Demand o Impresin bajo demanda, es una tcnica muy utilizada por dueos de tiendas en lnea para vender todo tipo de productos personalizados a travs de servicios que imprimen y envan los productos a los destinatarios, lo que significa que nisiquiera necesitamos tener inventario para tener nuestra propia tienda en Internet.En este curso aprenderemos los elementos bsicos de como configurar nuestra tienda en lnea con Shopify.Luego pasaremos a crear nuestras propias creaciones de diseo de Camisetas para aadirlas como productos de nuestras tiendas.Y por ultimo aprenderemos como conectar nuestra tienda a diferentes canales de venta para potenciar nuestras ventas.Espero estn tan emocionados como yo de crear su propia tienda de camisetas, con una inversin menor a 100USD, garantizado.NOS VEMOS EN EL CURSO!"
Price: 89.99

"Creating Subtitles for Films" |
"What is the course about? Learn how to make subtitles for your films with commonly available tools such as MS Office, YouTube and GoogleDocs. Upload your subtitles to video sharing websites, translate them into various languages, create a subtitle track for the disc versions of your movie. More importantly, the course is about understanding the thought process for subtitle creation and relationships between the tools. The course is not about learning how to use the tools extensively. Expected level of knowledge before taking the course Basic functional knowledge of 1. MS Office - Excel and Word 2. YouTube - Uploading videos 3. GoogleDocs - Creating your own Google Drive and spreadsheets in GoogleDocs What kind of materials are included? All the course material is in the form of short videos of screen captures. Course Structure The course is divided into 5 sections as mentioned below. Each section has a group of videos. 1. What are captions or subtitles? 2. Preparation 3. Formatting 4. Upload-Fix-Download 5. Translate-Post"
Price: 19.99

"AlgoTrading101- Black Algo Trading: Build Your Trading Robot" |
"**** Course featured on Investopedia ****Most Popular Trading (and Algorithmic Trading Course) on Udemy with over 30,000 students!This course is the first part of a 5part mega course.Scroll down to see the full list of Chapters. **** Huh? What is a Trading Robot? A Trading Robot a set of programming codethat analyseand trade the market on its own. Trading Robots allow you to trade the markets without human intervention!What does this course offer? This course teaches the insider knowledge to designing, testing and coding long term profitable robots. We do NOT promise that you will strike it rich overnight. We do not make ridiculous claims (like those you see in newspapers and online ads) that you will make $3722 every night. This course WILL, however, offer you the years of experience we have in building Robots. You will understand the pitfalls and keys to success to design great robots. You will avoid the hundreds of mistakes we made in ourjourney. This course does not only teach programming. Programming is just the tool we use to execute our ideas. The main essence of the course is the design theories behind the Trading Robots. These theories and knowledge come from years of industry practice. At the end of the day you will acquire the ability to generate a trading idea, code the idea (within 1hour), test the idea, see the strength and flaws in the idea, improve and finally execute the idea.Chapters - Full List (These are Sections NOT Lectures!)<Course 1: Black Algo Trading Build Your Trading Robot>Here's What You Are In For!Programming Basics 1: Variables and ConditionalRobot 1: Adeline - Our First Robot!Uncommon Common Sense. Design Effective And Logical RobotsGarbage In, Garbage Out. Understanding DataProgramming Basics 2: LoopsRobot 2: Belinda - Utilising Volatility!To Buy Big or Small? Position Sizing and Money ManagementRobot 2A: Belinda Upgraded (No Gambler's Ruin for Me!)Where To Start? Idea Generation and ExpectationsProgramming Basics 3: Functions, Time and Self-LearningRelevant Statistics 101!Understanding Robot Behaviour and Robustness: Backtesting!Programming Basics 4: Arrays And IndicatorsRobot 3: ClarissaWhat A Mess - Managing Trades, Orders and PositionsRobot 4: DesireeDesign Theories - Improving Robots By Manipulating Time, Entries and ExitsAdd A Twist To Your Orders - Advance Order ManagementRobot 5: Desiree 2.0Buff Up Your Robot Responsibly - Optimisation Without Curve FittingBonus Stuff!<Course 2: BAT201 - Advanced Trading Robots and Crowd Manipulation (MQL4 + VBA)>Recap of What We LearntPerfect Your Bet Sizing - Advanced Position Sizing MethodsRobot 6: ElizabethProgramming Basics 5: Clean Up Your Codes! Simple Is Fast!Garbage In, Garbage Out Again. Advanced Data Cleaning (Part 1)Excel VBA - Using Excel Magic to Improve Our TradingGarbage In, Garbage Out Again. Advanced Data Cleaning (Part2)I Like Colours And Shapes - Adding GraphicsRing Ring! Notify Yourself When Something Goes Wrong (Or Right)Robot 7: Faye - The Alert RobotConnect with the outside world - Importing and Exporting Data out of our Trading PlatformProgramming Basics 6: Coding IdiosyncrasiesDesign Theories II - The ""Secret Sauce""Bonus Stuff!<Course 3: BAT202 - Tradingon External News and Peak Optimisation>Recap of What We LearntLooking Outwards - Trading on External EventsRobot 8: GraceUnderstanding Performance - High Returns Are Meaningless!Garbage In, Garbage Out Again. Advanced Data Cleaning (Part 3)When Robots Fail - How, Why And Is It My Fault?Robot 9: HaleyWalking Forward - Advanced OptimisationRobot 10: IrisLooking To The Future! - Advanced Optimisation 2.0<Course 4: BAT203- LiveAlgoTrading:Managing an Army of Robots>Recap of What We LearntTime For Equities, Commodities And BondsEverything is Relative - Relative Value StrategiesRobot 11: JudyMany Robots One System - Running A Portfolio Of RobotsRobot 12: KateCash Is King! - Running Robots With Real MoneyWatch Her Well - Operational Risk ManagementBuy This Robot, It Makes 100% A Month! - Evaluating Commercial RobotsBonus Stuff!<Course 5: BAT302- Machine Learning: Trading Robots That Think For Themselves>Skynet - Robots That Think For ThemselvesRobot 13: Lynda (Skynet)Bonus Stuff!Note: This list may be subject to change.Frequently Asked Questions// I'm a complete beginner. Is this course suitable for me?Yes, this course is designed for beginners. The course is prepared in a progressive manner. It entails a graphical, step-by-step approach with minimal technical jargon. But of course, you will need to put in more effort than someone with a stronger background to master the content.// I can't code! Is this course suitable for me?Yes, this course is designed for those who are new at programming. We have a 24/7 support channel to assist you with coding issues!// I can code! Is this course suitable for me?If you can code MQL4, you can probably skip the coding lectures. The value you gain will come mainly from the lectures on Robot Design and Market Theories.// What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact Udemy in the first 30 days and they will give you a full refund. No questions asked.//This is a Forex course?No, it is not. Think of it as a general algorithmic trading course. The course content is not specific to any asset class. However, we use forex for most of our examples initially as it is beginner friendly. In the later chapters (of the later courses), we will talk about other asset classes.// How long do I have access to the course?How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.About the CourseFree: All software and data used are free! All robot testing and trading done in this course are done using virtual money!Unconditional 30 days money-back guarantee You have absolutely nothing to loseFull lifetime access!Access to all future lectures. Over 30 sections (150 lectures) to be added in the coming months. (Note that Course Price will rise as more sections are added)24/7 access to Luke Code Support (LCS). LCS is an email conduit where you can ask for help for any programming issues."
Price: 199.99

"Part 1 Foundation Enterprise Architect Certification Trng" |
"UP TO DATE as of JAN2018.OVER 6,000AWESOME REVIEWS!!! 4.3STARS OUT OF 5!!! THANK YOU!!!32,000+ satisfied students! The number 1 TOGAF course on Udemy, by far.Adeyemi says: ""I was able to pass both the part 1 and part 2 exams thanks to the extremely good quality of both courses. It shaved months off my planned study time.""Mohammed says: ""When I thought that I need at least 3 months to pass the course, I did it in 2 weeks, thanks to God and then to Scott and his course.""Frank says: ""Yesterday I successfully passed my TOGAF 9 Combined Part 1 and Part 2"" exam. Additional exam preparation, for added comfort, was achieved through Scott Duffy's online course, thanks Scott.""Chander says: ""I have taken the OG93 - Combined Exam today, and Passed both. Your Course has been greatly helpful. I sincerely Thank you for this Wonderful Course!!""Deepak says: ""A great course on TOGAF certification!!!""Bhaskara says, ""The course helped me a lot to understand the concepts and memorize it in a very short span of time.""Listen:If you look at the job listings, developers and architects with TOGAF experience are in high demand. You can get certified as an enterprise architect with the TOGAF 9.1 certification exam (OG0-091), and this course will teach you what you need to know! It takes training to become an Enterprise Architect. Much of that comes through on-the-job skills learned working on software projects larger-and-larger in scope. But very definitely there is a very specific way to design software at enterprise scale. The Open Group has defined a standard for this method for almost 10 years now, and over 400 companies and government agencies have been involved in crafting that standard. It is called TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework. The truth is:This course helps you become certified in the TOGAF 9.1 specification. Through learning the Architecture Development Method (ADM), you will become better at designing systems. If you already architect software for a living, learning an official enterprise architecture framework such as this takes you to the next level of your career. You owe it to yourself:If you are a software developer, this is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise, and designing the right solutions for today and tomorrow! While software development is skill any teenager can acquire, and the salaries paid to software developers fall or are frozen, it's those who know the complex skills of designing large software projects that will still be in high demand. Specifically, this course will teach you: The details of the TOGAF 9.1 Foundation exam (OG0-091), including how to book it, and my experiences taking the examThe basic and core skills of the TOGAF frameworkThe Architecture Development Method (ADM), all of the phases, and the key information to know to pass the examOther topics covered on the exam, including Architecture Governance, Architecture Capacity, Enterprise Continuum, Capability Assessment and reference frameworks such as TRM and III-RMThis course is focused on passing the exam. In person classes for this same exam costs $2,000 and take 2 days of intensive training. This course aims to bridge the gap between that level of in-person training, and self-study. If you've ever tried to read the TOGAF 9.1 specification, or even the official study guides for the exam, you will perhaps agree that they are lengthy and hard to understand. The TOGAF 9.1 spec is 654 pages long. The official study guide is 265 pages. Both are written in that same style that many official specifications are written in - both very precise and extremely lengthy.Watching these lectures, doing the quiz questions, and following up with a reading of the relevant section of the specification will save hours off your self-study time, and will give you the confidence to take the exam and get certified at Part 1! So join me:Join over 32,000 students studying for the TOGAF 9.1 Part 1 certification test! Many have taken and passed the exam after taking this course! I am confident that this course will save you many, many hours of studying time compared with just reading the 650 page spec yourself. If you are in any way not satisfied, for any reason, you can get a full refund from Udemy within 30 days. No questions asked. But I am confident you won't need to. I stand behind this course 100% and am committed to helping you pass. You won't get that commitment from a book, or from any other TOGAF class on Udemy.This course qualifies for Eight (8) Professional Development Units (PDUs) from the Project Management Institute (PMI), USA.I am a TOGAF Certified architect, and a member of the Open Group's Architecture Forum - helping to define the standard going forward. I am using the TOGAF 9.1 specification under a commercial license. TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. SoftwareArchitect(dot)cais a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and holds a current, valid TOGAF Commercial License. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. The course will always be up-to-date here and nowhere else."
Price: 164.99

"Part 1 and Part 2 Certification Exam Strategy" |
"New videos recorded Apr 2016.Part 2 Sample Questions added. With subtitles.More than 15,000 students have joined my Part 1 course, and more than 9,000 students have joined my Part 2 course. More than 2,500 reviews between the two courses! This course goes through the process of studying for the TOGAF 9 Part 1, Part 2 and Combined exams. I go through what you need to do to prepare for the exam in the weeks leading up to the test, and how to approach the exam itself on the day of the test. I also link to the best resources I have found online for studying for this test. I link to free resources, cheap and inexpensive ones, and even blog posts I have found. By the end of this short course, you will know how to approach studying for the exam. I want to be clear that this course does not cover the TOGAF 9 specification itself. This class alone is not sufficient for taking the TOGAF exams. But I do lay out a schedule for you to study over 4-5 weeks that you can follow. I am TOGAF 9 Certified, having passed both the Part 1 and Part 2 exams. And I am also a member of the Open Group's Architecture Forum. I hold a commercial license to teach the TOGAF 9 Specification. TOGAF is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. SoftwareArchitect(dot)cais a member of The Open Group Architecture Forum and holds a current, valid TOGAF Commercial License. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. The course will always be up-to-date here and nowhere else. I am also available for questions inside the course discussion board."
Price: 64.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep -Sept 2020" |
"LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF AZURE IN ONE DAY!New content added for the latest changes to the exam, Aug 23, 2020. The course is completely up-to-date with new requirements.New Azure AZ-900 exam goes live Sept 15, 2020 and this course already contains more than ONE HOUR of additional new videos to cover that content! The first and only course with updated content, anywhere.The course includes the following free bonuses:BONUS #1: All lectures manually closed-captioned in EnglishBONUS #2: Quiz questions to reinforce learning throughout the courseBONUS #3: Downloadable 24-page study guide PDF for the exam that covers the contents of the courseBONUS #4: 50-question practice testBONUS #5: Downloadable audios for the course, so you can listen to the course on the goVersion 2.3 of course now live! It contains a 24-page study guide, complete audio re-mastering, audio files can be downloaded, slides can be downloaded. Quizzes added. New 50-question practice test added. This course is continually improved.Complete preparation for the new AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam.This always-up-to-date course completely covers the AZ-900 exam from start to finish. Always updated with the latest requirements. This course goes over each requirement of the exam in detail. If you have no experience in Azure, this is the course that will get you up to speed.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest-growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding well-qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Sign up today!"
Price: 29.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Original Practice Tests" |
"LEARN THE FUNDAMENTALS OF AZURE IN ONE DAY!Brand new practice tests for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam. Three separate timed tests of 50 questions each. 150 questions total. All original material not found anywhere else.If you're not sure if you are ready to take the AZ-900 exam, these practice test can test your knowledge. If you find something that you don't know, you can study a bit more on that area. Course based on the contents of my AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep In One Day video course, but that course is not required to get this one. If you just want to test your knowledge, try to pass these timed tests.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding good qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Sign up today!Updates: Nov 15, 2019 - Spelling fixes in all tests"
Price: 29.99

"IFRS Financial Reporting (Conceptual)" |
"IFRS Financial Reporting Course will cover most of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).The course is basically designed for commerce students and working professional in accounting field. Anyone interested to equip in latest global accounting standards will find this course helpfulThe course consist of power point presentation of conceptual framework of various IAS and IFRS standards. It includes objective recognition criteria, measurement bases, disclosures etc of all specific IASs and IFRSs.This course will help you to gain understanding of global accounting standards and their practical use in the preparation of financial statements like Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, other comprehensive income, Statement of Equity etc."
Price: 54.99

"Google Adwords para anunciarse con xito (Actualizado 2017)" |
"Con nuevas lecciones actualizadas a 2017! La primera leccin de este curso la aprenders ahora mismo y se resume en esta frase: Google Adwords es suficientemente sencillo como para que cualquiera pueda fracasar y pagar ms con sus campaas de Coste por Clic. Seguro que habrs ledo que Google Adwords es muy sencillo de utilizar. Su interfaz tan bonita, potente e intuitiva y la propia publicidad que Google hace en torno a su sistema hacen sentir a cualquiera capaz de configurar una campaa y ver cmo sus anuncios aparecen en los resultados del conocido buscador. Pero realmente Google Adwords es una herramienta muy potente, compleja y de cuya configuracin dependen factores crticos como cunto pagars por cada clic, cuanto debers invertir o en qu posicin y qu rendimiento darn tus anuncios. En este curso prctico aprenders, a travs de lecciones tericas y vdeos con demostraciones prcticas los entresijos de la configuracin de Google Adwords, conceptos importantes relativos al medio publicitario online y trucos y consejos para conseguir pagar el mnimo y obtener el mximo rendimiento a tus campaas de PPC, ya sean para la red de bsqueda como display. El curso est estructurado en las siguientes secciones: Conceptos tericos sobre Google Adwords. Creacin y gestin de una campaa para la red de bsqueda. Creacin y gestin de una campaa para la red de Display. Por su carcter prctico, este curso no est enfocado a profesionales que quieran obtener la certificacin de partner sino para profesionales del Marketing o empresarios que quieran gestionar con xito sus propias campaas y conseguir los mejores resultados. Al realizar este curso obtendrs los conocimientos que he ido adquiriendo a lo largo de toda mi experiencia gestionando cuentas de clientes en distintos sectores y para distintos casos. Este curso es prctico y sencillo de asimilar."
Price: 89.99

"How to Set Business Goals That Work" |
"If you're an entrepreneur, you know that time is valuable. Quite literallytime is money. In this course, you'll learn how to set business goals that will save you oodles of time by learning smart goal setting that is measurable, time-oriented, methodical, and data-driven. Goals are one of the fundamentals of effective business. Although everyone sets them, most don't set them in a way that will guide them to achievement. Smart goal setting takes goals from vague desires to well-thought-out, calculated goals that are reachable and driven by success of short-term goals. After we go over the essential parts of developing a smart goal, you'll download a spreadsheet and be walked through setting a 12 month goal, while breaking it down into meaningful stepping stones that will map out the road to accomplishing it. Goal setting is important, but it's only half of the equation. If you don't have the right tools to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable, you run a high risk of failure. After setting your 12 month goal, we'll explore 5 methods to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable. In this course, you will learn: How to identify goals that are ambitious, but reachable How to use data and research to determine time frames and measure progress How to use the 3 essential parts of a smart goal How to work backward and set short-term goals that work toward a long-term goal 5 Methods to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable with examples of how to execute; including peer-to-peer mentorship, forming routines, and staying hyper focused. Once you master these skills, you'll be able to move toward the success of anything you want to achieve with all the right tools and confidence that you're on the right path. I'm always available to help you in setting and reaching your business goals. Get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Android Application Programming" |
"If you are searching for a Android course with added advantage of Java ProgrammingDid you want to prepare for Android Interview , your search will ends here. Welcome to Professional Android App Development Training , This course is the essence of my past 11+ years experience on Mobile Application programming and Java. After going through 100 + workshops on Android App Development and Training 25,000+ Students and Programmers Across India, I created this and daily I am adding 5 new video tutorial with brand new topics.Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.""-- Albert EinsteinIn this course you will learn how to convert your imagination into programming. you will learn key concept first in Java and then will learn Complete Android Programming with 15+ projects. All the essential topic is covered in this course with full detail.This course is about Android Programming, and contain full practical approach of creating Android application.This course contain videos, pdf and source code of practical on android programming.This course is structured into Sections and topic wise, starting from the basic of Java, Installation of Eclipse and Android Studio, Basic of Android , Designing components in Android types of Services and lot of topics that will helpful in your professional Programming in AndroidYou should take this course if you want to became hard core Android programmer, if you are working in Android Project and need help on the particular topic on Android.So Join this course and be update on new topics on Android Programming"
Price: 49.99

"PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT : Growing From Within !" |
"Welcome to this course on Personality Development. Its unique features are as follows : 1. It is holistic, covering all levels of human existence viz. Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual. It introduces you to your real Self which is behind your appearance and which has limitless potential to empower and guide your life. The methodology therefore is 'inside out' - growing from within. 2. It takes an integrative and spiritual view of life and yet has a scientific approach all along. Even as it suggests a spiritual outlook, it refers to supportive modern findings in supersciences like Aura, Brain Waves, Mind-Body Wellness research, Psycho-neuro-immunology and neuro-Cardiology, etc. 3. With deep insight yet in a simple language, it reveals that our personality is not something that we unchangeably are, but something that we ourselves have created through our conscious or unconscious past choices in thoughts, lifestyle habits, values, perceptions, attitudes etc.. And therefore, it can be changed by changing those same inputs. 4. Through a step-by-step method, the students are led to understanding how to transform their personalities physically, psychologically and spiritually. The body and mind affect each other, and soul affects both of them. 5. There are 14 lectures ; all are engaging videos except just one which is in audio format. There are supplementary resources including PP slides, motivation-in-a-minute videos which were telecast earlier, some popular blogs, etc. 6. What is shared is not borrowed from books, but learned practically the hard way from actual life with guidance from great Masters. It is backed by a total work experience of 42 years, plus a parallel exposure to yoga-meditation principles and practices for over three decades. 7. The course includes wellness tips and useful material on career growth / professional excellence, besides how to have positive attitudes in resolving stress and conflicts of life, how to be confident, how to motivate oneself, how to convert adversities into opportunities and setbacks into encouragement, etc. Everyone these days is advised to have positive attitudes but no one explains how to develop them ; this course explains where attitudes come from - the level at which we must work, etc. Similarly, we all like self-confidence, but do we know the roots within where confidence can be drawn from ? This course deals with all of that. 8. Everyone, not just students, will find this course very inspiring, eye-opening and practically useful. You do not have to be religious to understand the essential spiritual aspects shared here ; all you need is an open mind. Even successful managers / executives / self-employed professionals / entrepreneurs / housewives / trainers / coaches will find the insights useful to them. 9. Names of some life-transforming books and a couple of free downloads are shared in the end to help students beyond this course. 10. The price has been kept affordable and the course offers a great value for your money."
Price: 29.99

"Credit Repair Techniques" |
"Welcome to Credit Repair Techniques for Better Credit and Higher Scores. This course is for those who have experienced a hard time trying to get credit with decent interest rates when applying for a home, automobile, or even a credit card etc. because of their low credit scores and don't know what to do to better their credit. The content in this course teaches the beginner not only how to re-establish a better credit profile and how to get higher scores, but also how to maintain your good credit and high scores. Credit Repair Techniques consists of 12-short, video presentations (most of them under 3 minutes), including an introduction, last thoughts, and a conclusion. Some of the topics that are covered in the course include:: what you can do to help your credit scores increase, how to re-establish a good credit profile, what to do if you're ever harassed by a creditor, how you can restore your credit profile after a bankruptcy, how to handle old debts and late pays, how to stay aware of what's going on with your credit profile, how to manage applying for credit and paying your bills, how to manage credit card balances, and services that are available to help with debt management The course is only a little over 30-minutes long and PDF files are also available. You can choose to follow along with the video presentations or you can print out a PDF copy and study the materials at your own pace. If you really want a better credit profile and higher credit scores to get the best interest rates when applying for a new home, an automobile, or credit cards, etc., this is the course for you. It's time to take charge of your credit profile destiny and get the credit and higher scores that you deserve."
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel - Power Of Macros In 60 Minutes" |
"A step-by-step video series that will help you get familiar with Excel's Macro Recorder. Many Excel users across the globe are unaware of the power, macros can bring to their workbooks, and the amount of time that can be saved. This course aims at getting you equipped with enough tips & tricks to automate any repetitive task that you might be performing, using Excel's Macro Recorder. From teaching Excel to automatically generate templates for you, to controlling objects like AutoFilter, Pivot Tables etc., to work on their own, you will learn it all in a matter of 60 mins. In this course you will learn - 1) Basics of Macros & Macro recording 2) Elements of the macro recorder 3) Recording Simple & Complex Macros 4) Optimizing a recorded code with some VBA lines 5) Some helpful examples for hands on training The course contains easy to understand video lessons & other reading material and should take approximately 1 hour to finish. Easy to follow along with the help of exercise files that are provided with lessons wherever required for practice. Those who have been using Excel and are looking to get into Macros or VBA, this course will provide a good foundation to build upon."
Price: 19.99

"Building Excel Formulas From Scratch" |
"A step-by-step video series that will help you get familiar with basics to intermediate concepts of Formula Building. Highly sophisticated Formulas can be built using Excel to get results most users might not even imagine. This course aims at helping students develop that logical thinking that would guide them in the right direction when it comes to Excel FormulasThe course starts with clarifying basics along with some Do's & Dont's while using Excel. It also spends some quality time to make students understands the power of Excel functions by themselves. It then moves ahead to teach how these functions can be used together to build Powerful Excel Formulas to derive some pretty complicated results. I also touch base upon Array formulas, which is a pretty advanced concept.In this course you will learn -1) Usage of Excel functions2) Basics of Building Formulas3) Using functions to build complex Excel formulas4) Array Formula Basics5) Some helpful examples for hands on training along with other important Tips & tricksThe course contains easy to understand video lessons & other reading material and should take approximately 2 hours to finish. Easy to follow along with the help of exercise files that are provided with lessons wherever required for practice.Those who have been using Excel and are looking learn some advanced stuff, this course will provide a good foundation to build upon.What are you going to get from this course?Have an understanding of Excel formulasWill be able to build some complex formulas by the end of this course"
Price: 39.99

"Selenium WebDriver With Java - Novice To Ninja + Interview" |
"*** Course latest updated on May 23, 2020 with Selenium WebDriver latest version, new GitHub lectures and updated Jenkins lectures *** Next Update: More Java and Framework lectures*** Most popular, Highest Rated, Top Ranked and most loved by students, best Selenium WebDriver course on Udemy ****** Watch lecture 2 which illustrates our roaring success on Udemy ***The one and only Selenium WebDriver course on Udemy with *** Highest Rated, Top Courses and Top Responder tags ***Includes: 280+ lectures (Basics to Framework) with real time websites + life time support (Also best support you have ever received, On Demand Skype and Team Viewer sessions)No false promises, straight point to point explanation with simple and easy to understand examplesJoin the group of more than 27,000 students already taking advantage of this course with positive feedbackNo other course on udemy covers topics covered in this course with such great depth of detail*** I noticed other courses copying the content of my page, please be aware of them. The easiest way is to enroll in the course and see which course is best because you have 30-day money back guarantee *** This course includes a wide range of topics from Selenium WebDriver Basics and Advanced, Java Concepts, TestNG Framework, Automation Framework Design (Page Objects, Page Factory, Data Driven, Reading Excel Files), Logging with Log4j, Best reporting tool - Advanced Reporting, Cross-Browser Testing with Selenium Grid 2.0, Maven Build Management, Git and GitHub, Continuous Integration with Jenkins, Git integration with Jenkins, Database Testing, Performance Testing, Behavior Driven Testing Using Cucumber, Sauce Labs Integration, Interview Preparation. All materials including code files.***** One stop place to become an Expert in Web Automation Framework related technologies from scratch ***** We start from Beginners level and go through Advance level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Web UI Automation.********************* WHAT MAKES THIS COURSE BEST ON UDEMY? *****************************We assume that students have no experience in automation/coding and start every topic from scratch and basics.Examples are taken from TESTING REAL TIME HOSTED WEB APPLICATIONS to understand how different components can be automated, that will give you idea of industry level framework and give you confidence.NO PRIOR CODING OR AUTOMATION EXPERIENCE NEEDED, this course covers all the necessary topics.Get more than 44 hours of unique content with real example code files provided to refer and learn with examples.Get awesome Support, on demand desktop session on Team Viewer and Skype.*******************************************************************************************************Are you looking to step into automation industry with the latest technologies in market?Are you keen to learn GUI automation using selenium webdriver with java and other latest framework technologies?Interested in learning how selenium is used in projects? We start with how to code in Java and then move towards learning selenium, TestNG, selenium grid, log4j, maven, jenkins, database testing, performance testing, behavior driven testing using cucumber and gherkin language. Topics Include:Selenium Webdriver 3.xJava Concepts in detailsTestNG FrameworkAdvanced ReportingLogging infrastructure with Log4jPage Object ModelPage Factory FrameworkData Driven FrameworkExecuting tests on a remote machine using Selenium Grid 2.0Build Management with MavenContinuous Integration with JenkinsDatabase TestingPerformance TestingBehavior Driven Testing Using Cucumber and Gherkin language"
Price: 199.99

"How to Start Your Career as a Freelance Virtual Assistant" |
"This course is for anyone who wants start a career as a Freelance Virtual Assistant, or is already one and needs some helpful guidance. In either of these cases the goal is for you to make money by working at your leisure from your own home office, whether it be as a side job or a full-time career. I will guide you with my lectures, and will give you tips, tricks, and tools of the trade along with past experiences and advice on how to succeed in this very lucrative new business venture. Ellen Levinas is a Certified Master Virtual Assistant Worldwide, and a Certified Marketing Advisor with over 25 + years of experience. At the end of my course, students will be able to..."
Price: 34.99

"Press Releases: The Power of Gaining Massive Website Traffic" |
"Traffic, traffic we all need, and want it to gain publicity and exposure for our businesses, but how do you get that much needed traffic is the question. Naturally there are many ways to go about this, but one sure fire way that I've tried and tested throughout my many years on the Net, is the awesome Press Release! Many do not realize what a well-written Press Release can actually accomplish, the mind-set is that it is hard to write, and won't be very good, but they don't know about the little untold secret of how it can bring massive traffic to you and your business without even getting picked up by journalists and the like. So please don't think that it won't help you, because it definitely can! Follow this guide and download my PR template, a list of 80+ PR venues to submit you PR to, and grab my PR tracker to get totally organized. Also as a huge bonus, grab the BIG Press Release Sample Book, then, watch your traffic grow!"
Price: 29.99

"Master Blueprints in Unreal Engine 4 - Endless Runner" |
"The course will guide you through the creation of an Endless Runner using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). All the mechanics and game play elements are created in a step by step manner using videos tutorials. The video tutorials are initially geared around a specific UE4 problem / mechanic. You will see how to begin and complete each area from simple player controls to pick up interactions. As the course progresses the videos will show the exploration of deeper mechanics and algorithms to deal with procedural level design and pick up placement. Students can expect to learn a variety of techniques that will help them complete a mini arcade game in about 5 hours. We provide all the assets in two sample projects. Allowing you to focus on the games design and creation rather than the 3D modelling or asset design. This we hope will help you build a vast amount of blue print knowledge which you can apply to your own mini games and future projects. No where else can you find a lecture set that shows you the start and end to an entire developing pipeline with sensible instruction from tutors who are actively engaged in education and the industry."
Price: 19.99

"Converse in Chinese with Confidence" |
"IMPORTANT NOTE: Parts 3 6 will become available in the next few weeksLearning a new language can be tough. You need to familiarize yourself with new patterns of speech, new ways of thinking, and many, many new words. Chinese is no different. However, the way many courses teach Chinese is ineffective, because they bog you down with the thousands of characters. This course aims to teach you to speak Chinese with confidence by focusing on real life usage of the language.Get a Good Start in Oral Chinese through Active Practice Learn basic vocabulary and sentencesCreate your own sentencesImprove your pronunciationRecognize and avoid common pitfallsSpeak Chinese like a native speakerLearn Chinese at your own pace with a selection of effective methods based on recent research in Linguistics and Neuroscience.With over a billion speakers around the world, Chinese is the 21st centurys language to learn! This compact course provides an overview of the language and will give you the necessary skills you need to start speaking with confidence. Its like a pocket knifequick to master and with limitless uses. The course is a combination of the most effective methods currently on the market. I have studied several courses and selected for you the best approaches to learn Chinese when I prepared the teaching material. Contents and Course Overview Part 1 and 2 is now available for you to access. Part 3 6 will become available in the next few weeks. PART 1 Communicating in Chinese is relatively easy if you focus on oral practice first. In part 1, you will develop confidence in your ability to learn Chinese. You will learn common words and phrases and how to use them effectively. PART 2 Reading Pinyin correctly with the proper tones is vital if you want to be understood. A bad pronunciation is very difficult to correct in later stages of the learning process. The second part of the course will teach you Pinyin. It may seem a little boring, but it will save you a huge amount of time in the future and will help you be understood by others. PART 3 Question make up a large chunk of conversations. In part 3, you will learn how to ask common questions, such as when, where, who, what, and how, as well as yes-or-no questions such as Have you been to the market today? PART 4 In this section, you will learn what to say in common situations. These include: going out for a meal, going shopping, and calling or emailing someone. PART 5 Now that you have a solid foundation, you want to start making up your own sentences that are suited to your individual needs. In part 5, you will start to use different tenses and sentence structures. PART 6 In the final part of this course, you will receive sound advice on how to continue from here. You will also get my list of recommended resources, as well as a verifiable certificate of completion.By the end of the course, you will enjoy speaking Chinese. You will be confident that you can continue to progress in your new language. You will be able to create new sentences by yourself. Most of all you will have started with the right pronunciation. This course will provide you with a solid foundation for further studies."
Price: 54.99

"How Brilliant People Live Their Purpose and How You Can Too" |
"THE AMAZING YOUHow Brilliant People Live Their Purpose & How You Can TooI WANT TO DO WHAT I LOVE!These words are on everyone's lips, but they are so vague nowadaysthey've become a hidden way to complain about why you don't enjoy liferather than the driver, the pull, and the main reason to start living a meaningful life.With this course, you go from day-dreaming to daily-doing.FrustrationStressDepressionDiscouragementAddictionAll these problems have the same cause losing purpose and meaning in life.How do you find meaning in life, how do you discover what you love,and how do you live your dreams in today's world of exponential change?This is the question of the century and the problem most of the people face.Resources are available like never before but another major problem emerged:Who do you trust to learn from? Where do you get your know-how?Who should you listen to? Who do you believe when it comes to your dreams?By their fruits you shall know them.WE DID THE RESEARCH FOR YOUDr. Dragos had the same questions, and he looked for the answers. He traveled on 5 continents, worked and learned from the greatest leaders in the history of NASA, celebrity entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, rock stars, New York Times bestselling authors, but also from monks, ministers and spiritual teachers. He learned a lot from his studies, and even more from his experience around the world to help you find the answer to one question: What is my purpose and how can I make my dreams a reality?LEARN FROM THE BEST MINDS & YOUR KIND OF PEOPLEIf you are a technical person, you might not be open to listen to spiritual teacher. If you are an artist, maybe you cannot relate to an astronaut. This is why Dr. Dragos brought all of them together in this course. He was just like you, a scientist who didn't care about any of the spiritual teachings, until he discovered the information in this transformational course.Some of the best minds in the world - NASA legends, rock stars, New York Times bestselling authors, celebrity entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, the founder of Angry Birds have joined hands in The Amazing You project to share with you the knowledge to discover your purpose and transform your passion into a successful reality.YOUR TEACHERSIn this behind-the-scenes video series you will study directly with:Gregg Braden - New York Times bestselling authorSteve Vai - Grammy award winning musicianDr. Charles Pellerin - NASA legend, Charlie built Hubble Space TelescopeDr. Ed Hoffman - NASA Chief Knowledge Officer, Ed developed thousands of NASA leaders and teamsScott Hubbard - Prof Stanford University, NASA MARS Program Director. Scott put three robots on MarsHoward Martin - Vice President HeartMathPeter Mighty Eagle - Peter made Angry Birds into the global brand it is todayDr. Robert Richards - Co-Founder Singularity University and International Space UniversityDr. Dragos - Author, Speaker and Award Winning ScientistThey share with you what they've learned on their journey to success, lessons you want to know but don't want to learn the hard way. They walked the long road to success before you, and in this engaging course they lend you a hand to make it easier for you to walk your own road.Because it's never the extraordinary people who do the extraordinary. It's the ordinary people like you and me who decide to step out, step up and take the journey. When they complete the journey, ordinary people like you become extraordinary.BROUGHT TO YOU FROM THE AMAZING YOU MOVIEThis course is the expanded version of The Amazing You film, includes behind the scenes videos and secret lessons you will not get anywhere else. More than 550 students have already joined this course and are waiting for you to join them in their success.Facts about THE AMAZING YOU movie: UNESCO OFFICIAL SELECTION for the global youth forums, Washington 2015 Nominated in TOP 10 MOVIES THAT CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, Los Angeles, 2014 GLOBAL AWARD FOR EDUCATION & Social Change, Los Angeles 2014 Available in 20 languages (by volunteers who recognized the profound power of this movie)HOW WILL THIS COURSE HELP YOU?You answer the key questions to find your passion and purpose in lifeYou get proven strategies for success from NASA leaders and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs Ittranscendsyour worries, fears and limitations through rational, logical and critical thinking"
Price: 49.99

"Learn QuickBooks Online by John Whiteley, CPA" |
"Learn How To Use QuickBooks Online (in the Cloud) - Practical Training for the Small Business User Quizzes and Certificate of Completion! This QuickBooks Online (October 2014) Training is for Beginners who need to know how to enter transactions and generate reports using QuickBooks Online software by Intuit. John Whiteley, CPA and Certified Pro Advisor, and author will teach you how to set up your books in QuickBooks Online. John will demonstrate the steps needed in using all modules in the Online version of QuickBooks. Practical application are included in this valuable training. The lectures and demonstrations are provided in HD video format and allow the full screen presentation thus making it much easier to identify the menu details and data inputed into the screens. A text screen with a brief summary of the lecture, along with screen shots and the menu steps needed to retrieve the topic screens is presented at the end of each session. The text screens will save you time having to repeat the videos just to find where the menu link is for a particular screen mentioned in the training session. Each module is explored in detail so that you can see how your company file is set up; how your bank accounts are created in QuickBooks Online and connected to your actual bank accounts for downloading transactions, etc. Demonstrations are provided on how to enter your data in all the modules in QuickBooks Online; including, sales receipts, sales invoices,customer payments, expenses, checks, bills payable, payroll and much more. John also provides practical advice on using the software as you would expect from your local CPA. The student will have established a solid base for using QuickBooks Online upon completion of the course. At the same time , John emphasizes the importance of including your local CPA or Certified Pro Advisor in the set up of the chart of accounts and customized reports when accounting skills should play a part in the setup. Take this QuickBooks Online Practical Training and become confident in moving ahead with your bookkeeping system."
Price: 49.99

"Body 4 Believers Weight loss" |
"Body 4 Believers is a nutrition program that instructs how to eat normal everyday foods in a way that removes fat from the body. Great benefits are accomplished in the implementation of the disciplines we instruct. Over the last 70 years we have compromised our nutrient input by replacing fiber with refined carbohydrates. This has caused a epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes. We instruct a healthy balance of nutrients for feeding the body properly. This results of feeding our body well is fat loss and new-found energy. It is amazing how our health can return. I have personally witness the rebound of health and energy of hundreds that I have instructed in the implementation of these disciplines. We don't need more gimmicks just to learn how to eat normal everyday foods."
Price: 34.99

"Learn How to Format & Publish Your Book in Microsoft Word" |
"Self-publishing is the wave of the future for authors. With greater creative control there are greater levels of responsibility for the self-publishing author. While the traditional publishing route takes longer, many of the more difficult aspects of the process are taken care by the big publishing house. With the technology available today, publishing a book is easier, but the task of creating great looking books can become costly for independent authors with little to no design experience and limited funds. This course is designed to help authors finish their projects. Many authors take a lot of care in writing and editing, but sometimes forget to invest as much in the overall look. This course will focus on how to create books that look great in a shorter amount of time. If you have already written a book and are ready to move to the final stages of your books journey, this course will help you learn the basics of using the built in functions of Microsoft Word to maximum effect. Most people have Word on their laptops at home or desktops at work. The reality is that Word is the most accessible word processing software available. The step-by-step lessons in this course will walk you through the process of creating a print-ready document to provide to the many Print-On-Demand companies you can chose from. Each lesson in the course includes information about the various aspects of the design process. You will walk with the teacher through each step, watching as they show you how to do each of the step. Even if you have never used some of the functions in Word before you will learn some important ideas about what it takes to create great looking books. In the end we believe that the price of this course will save you hundreds of dollars in the long run and may even become a source of income for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Google, Facebook, Yelp Review Marketing Entrepreneurs 2020!" |
"JOIN OVER 5500 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS!! LIMITED TIME SPECIAL RATE!!TOP RATED COURSE! ***** 24- 5 STAR REVIEWS!!BONUS UPDATE: LECTURE 12 - If your customer management software does not have a way to track your reviews consider using this simple Excel template. You can track all of your reviews in one file for the year.""Reviews are the backbone of Local SEO and Online reputation, in this course Tom explains how to get reviews for your online business. No-Fluff...I highly recommend it to anyone"" Faisal, Udemy Student No matter what kind of business you have. If you are selling a product or service, online or offline, local, national or worldwide, your business needs to get control of and start leveraging positive online reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, Angie's Listand more! This course covers: - How to create an endless source of free, new leads for your business - How to gate or control which customers will write online reviews for you - How to build or rebuild your online reputation (social proof) and your national and local search engine optimization with online reviews...BECOME A ROCK STAR IN YOUR LOCAL MARKET! - What the most popular review sites are and how to find the review sites specific to your industry - How to receive local and national attention with your online reviews - How to leverage your new and existing positive customer reviews for maximum benefit - How to handle negative and fake reviews about your product, service or company - How to handle a complaining customer - How to develop a systematic approach to handling your online review program in just 30 minutes or less per week - And so much more! All using only legitimate strategies.only real customers and real reviews! No black hat techniques, reputation management firms, or fake reviews allowed! Plus, you get 10 fully customizable email, letter and webpage templates included ""I plan on using some of the tips I received from this course in my business. There were a lot of things about reviews that I learned that I was unaware of. The instructor has a pleasant voice and the course was interesting."" Lora, Wedding Officiant & Author Whether you are thinking of starting a business or you are a long time entrepreneur, managing and leveraging your customer's online reviews are vital to your businesses success! In the last few years online reviews and sites have exploded across the internet, Yelp, Google, Yahoo Local, Bing and so many more. Ask yourself this question. What did you do before the last time you made a purchase? Odds are that you looked for online reviews of the product/service and the company (or both) before you made a purchasing decision. According to a recent study by Dimensional Research, 90% or 9 out of 10 customers claimed positive reviews influenced their purchasing decision. On the flip side, 86% said their buying decision was influenced by negative online reviews! Now try this. Pretend to be a potential customer for YOUR business. Type in a Google search with your business name followed by the word reviews""Gulp! Did you do it or were you too afraid of what might come up? If you were not happy with the results of this search, what can you do? A lot actually! In this course you'll learn why online reviews are critical for attracting more clients and sales. I'll show you what review sites all businesses should target and how to find the ones specific to your industry. We'll cover how to get your customers to give you those awesome reviews and then how to leverage them for their maximum positive impact. Plus if you've gotten negative reviews in the past, I'll show you how to bury those with positive reviews and lessen their impact on your business. With this course you'll get 10 email, letter and webpage templates to use, many resources and more! Sound like a lot of work? I'll show you how to spend less than 30 minutes per week on it! Are you envious of those customer service awards received by some businesses? I'll show you how to receive those as well! Let's get started!""This course has given me a way to get though the ""review bottleneck"". I work hard to produce high quality results for my clients and many of them are tremendously happy with the work I produce. My problems has always been that even when I ask (verbally) for them to review my work it generally doesn't happen, and I didn't understand why! Tom's course has given me not only the tools, but also the understanding of the process I need to properly encourage them to create and post positive reviews. On top of all that he also gives you a way to use reviews as a feedback mechanism to help improve your product or service delivery without damaging your public reputation. I can't tell you how many times I would like people to tell me what they are REALLY thinking when they don't want to. Tom's system helps with that as well."" Scott, Udemy StudentUpdate: BONUS lecture 36: 5 minute overview of using my system for wedding professionals, DJs, caterers, florists, hotels, etc. Leverage your wedding marketing with online reviews on TheKnot, WeddingWire, Google, Yelp and more! Learn do it yourself reputation management to increase your leads and sales this wedding season.Update: Lecture 27 & 28 - Yelp! Tips and tricks on how to master this popular review website! How to get those hidden or ""not recommended"" reviews to show up and a template for your Yelp reviewers!BONUS UPDATE: Lecture 35 - 36 More Online Review Websites and Business Listing Websites To Consider (for all kinds of businesses)BONUS 2: Lecture 25 - Wedding Professionals template, photographers, DJs, formal wear shops, what can you do right now to leverage your reviews for the busiest booking season of the year? Get your previous clients to review you on all of the review sites like WeddingWire and The Knot!BONUS 3: Lecture 24 - Udemy Instructor template, how to leverage your Udemy course reviews onto other social media and review sites!"
Price: 194.99

"Entrepreneurs How to Pick the Right Startup Business in 2020" |
"TOP RATED ENTREPRENEURSHIP COURSE! JOIN OVER 3800 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS!! ***** 19 - 5 STAR REVIEWS! LIMITED TIME SPECIAL RATE!! BONUS UPDATE: Just added a great resource listing all of the programs available from the US Small Business Administration (SBA). You'll find information on getting counseling, funding and much more to start your business!BONUS LECTURE: This question came from Ray, one of your fellow students! Thanks for the question Ray! Establishing validity of business concept?"" This will give you a thought process and a simple strategy to test market your product or service idea. Like I say in the rest of the course, you can over think and over analyze whether you should launch or not...5 STAR REVIEW: ""This course should be the first step for every entrepreneur. Tom's a funny and experienced instructor who doesn't disappoint. I think this course is the perfect first step for anybody who wants to get started as an entrepreneur. Because after all, there is no shortage of opportunities but what really makes the difference is finding something that you're passionate about. And that's what this course is all about!"" Manuel KrausAre you stuck? Do any of these questions describe you?I want to start a business, but I have no idea what to start or what to do first.I've wanted to start a business for years now but I have doubts that I can make it work.I want to do something different than my current job or business to make a full-time or part-time living.I've started a bunch of different ventures along the way that sounded great at first but I ended up hating them or never made the money that was promised.If so, this course will help!!5 STAR REVIEW: ""Stop thinking and take action! I've been an entrepreneur for over 30 years having owned several businesses. I took Tom's course as I wanted to see if it would help some of the people I run into that want to start a business but are not sure of what they want to do. I highly recommend this course to anyone that wants to start a business but just can't pinpoint exactly what they are both good and passionate about."" Wendy Mayhew How long have you wanted to start a business? A few monthsa few years? How long have you been doubting that you could do it? How long have you been researching, analyzing, etc. various businesses without taking the leap? Or have you been jumping on each hot or fad business that pops up only to realize that you hate doing it? Are you in a current business or job and want a change? Well this course will help you discover the right business or industry for you. You are unique. There is not another person on this planet that is just like you. So your business needs to fit you and your passions and lifestyle.COURSE OBJECTIVES: - You will know if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur- You will discover one or more ideas that fit your passions, skills and personality, even if you don't have a clue what the right business is for you - You will be able to narrow down the overwhelming amount of business ideas that you could start to just 1 or 2 - You will be able to overcome your procrastination when it comes to starting a business - You will know the difference between setting a goal and having an intention - You will be able to handle unsupportive friends and family members - You will be able to overcome your own self doubt - You will learn the definition of an entrepreneur and what other names an entrepreneur might be called - And more! 5 STAR REVIEW: ""Tom hits the nail on the head when he talks about everyone being an entrepreneur, even people working 9-5 in a cubicle. His own passion for inspiring entrepreneurs with real-world challenges to be more successful is evident throughout the course. Don't know what you're passionate about? Tom handles that in style. You'll be launching your own business before you know it after Tom gets through with you!"" Scott Paton"
Price: 94.99

"Master Finance in Three Hours" |
"""The most Effective and Efficient Way to Learn is to Practice"" Enroll Now and GET ACCESS to:3+ hours of Screen Cast Dedicated Videos (screen capture with audio narration)Practice Problems (in Excel & Word Formats) Useful Financial Templates (in Excel & Word Formats)Examples using business-related financial Information (real life applicable learning) Acquire very quickly and with lots of fun and applicable knowledge of vital financial topics applicable to all businesses, such as: -Income Statement-Balance Sheet-Statement of Cash Flows-Accrual and Cash Accounting-Financial Analysis Methods (Trend Analysis, Vertical Analysis and Variance Analysis)-Financing A Small and Medium Size Business (Bootstrapping, Crowd-Funding, Angel Investors and Venture Capital). Right upon completion of the taught material and practice problems you will be able to: a) understand and apply easily finance, b) evaluate financial information, and c) make effective financial decisions. Why take this finance course? It is a practice-based course since you can 'learn finance only by doing'. This is achieved through: -The use of multiple case examples in the video lectures illustrating thoroughly finance topics; -The numerous exercises and financial templates that are provided to students as a way for them to practice and internalize more deeply the taught material. -The student support provided by the instructor on any questions students may have regarding the course. I am looking forward to helping you understand the above financial topics, since you will need to apply them in your own job, business, studies or life. "" Learn Finance Once & For All ""Let's Start ... Learning Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Ebay Guide - Buying & Selling Antiques & Collectibles Online" |
"Selling Antiques & Collectibles Online & On EbayLearn how to run a home based business selling antiques online and on Ebay and make money.This is a comprehensive in depth course into the art of making money with antiques and collectables!What Do We Know?This is a course based on over 10 years direct experience working in the antiques trade online.What You Will Learn In this course you will learn how to make money buying and selling antiques and collectibles. We teach the secrets of the trade and how to run your own antiques and collectibles business. Who Is It Suitable For? Anyone selling antiques and collectibles for a profit will benefit from this in depth course, maybe you currently are looking to make money from flipping items, this will take you to the next level, where the real money is. Are You Thinking About Starting Your Own Business? You may be looking to start your own part time or full time business, with this course, we will cover everything you need to consider to make money selling antiques and collectibles online. A Difficult Trade The antiques trade is notoriously difficult to make money from, but if you know how to develop niche areas of expertise, how to identify niche marketplaces and understand the psychology of the auction room, then you have will be able to overcome the barriers that most people fail to overcome. Some of the subjects covered in the course: A note on provenance Auction houses Auction houses / online catalogues Auctions online / Ebay Car boots / yard sales Antiques fairs Direct from the public Other dealers Negotiations Preparation for the auction Creating an auction diary Creating an auction list Pre-sale visit Deciding your prices Job lots In the boxes The psychology of the auction room Bringing your stock into inventory Packing your items Clean up Surprises Stock numbering Entering into stock Storage of stock Finding your market Developing your online presence Selling on your website Choosing a website platform Using third party platforms Third party platforms - examples Listing on eBay Selling direct to collectors Selling at fairs Selling in antiques centres Creating your listings Identifying your items Listing systems Listing template Writing the description Postage chart Estimating postage costs Photography equipment Studio area Camera choice Camera settings Photographing the stock Uploading to platforms Duration of listings Managing the sale Postage and shipping Communication with your client Communication tools Packing Advertising material Postage collections Follow up communication Updating inventory / accounts Social marketing and paid advertising Creating conversations Building relationships Promoting your knowledge Sharing socially SEO for your website Testimonials and reshares Advertising with Adwords Building a mailing list Building a community of collectors Website Postage / Packing Advertising Antique fairs and centres Reference materials Listing fees / transaction fees Tax / VAT Insurance Financing your stock Deciding your stock levels Storage costs Stock clearance Photography equipment Choosing an accountant 100% Money Back GuaranteeThis course is backed by the Udemy 100% 30 day money back guarantee.Join Me On The Other SideAnd take a fascinating journey through the world of antiques and collectables that could change your life..."
Price: 194.99

"SEO + Local SEO 2020 - Get More Customers From Google Search" |
"SEO - Local SEO - Fully Up To Date For 2020!*SEO Training - With a little bit of training, you can learn how to improve your search rankings and SEO rankings using up to date techniques for 2019 and grow your business presence online.*This course is included in the Social Media Marketing Masterclass - So please do not purchase if you already have that course.Wordpress Not RequiredMost SEO courses assume you have Wordpress, but you can use the methods in this course with any website, not just Wordpress, both for Local SEO And International SEO.Objectives Of The SEO CourseThis course is a guide to show you how to improve you search position for your business using the latest and up to date SEO techniques.Guide To Local SEO And SEO:This is a complete guide with step by step instructions on how to improve your local search rankings in Google local search and Google maps search, using these techniques for both Local Search and International Search, you will improve your rankings.Knowing how to do all the things Google wants you to do, gives you an advantage. If someone in your area is searching for your business on Google, you will need to appear in search in a favourable position. Creating a strong SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy is key and this course will guide you through that process. What You Will Learn About SEO In This Course:In this course, you will learn how to set up your business in local search and international search so that it can be found.And you will learn how to improve your rankings and competitiveness in local search results and international search results.You will also learn the key principles of online search marketing so that you can grow your business with highly targeted potential clients in an easy to understand way!So if you are a business owner, that serves a local area or an international area and you want to compete in Google search with organic traffic (free traffic), then this course contains essential information that will help you do that.It is also useful if you are running a marketing business as it will give you very specific SEO training on how you can help your clients impact their position in search, which will deepen the strength of your service offerings.Special Note For Marketers Who Want To Learn Local SEO:Once you have gone through the course, you will in turn, be able to train others, we recommend that you practice the principles first however, until you are completely sure that you have grasped all the ins and outs that we discuss in the training.Course Format: The SEO training is presented in a really simple format that anyone can understand and all terms are clearly explained throughout the course. This is a video course with on screen notes and screen shares throughout. The Guarantee:Before we go any further, let us just say, we dont want you to be disappointed.If you dont like this course for any reason, you can get a full refund in the first 30 days, which is backed by Udemys 30 day guarantee, with no questions asked! Questions This Course Answers: How can I get my business to do better in local search results?How do I get my business higher in Google maps results?How do I get my business to rank better in international search on Google?How do I get my business found on Google?Why don't I see my business in Google maps?How does Google My Business work?Join Me On The Other Side And Learn Local SEO And Best SEO Practices:So join me on the other side and learn how to use local search marketing to grow your business profits and your business!"
Price: 144.99

"Copywriting - Write Titles Like A Professional Copywriter" |
"Copywriting - Write Titles Like A Professional CopywriterWrite internet marketing titles like a professional copywriter and watch your digital marketing explode - perfect for bloggers who want to improve their blogging.*This course is included in the Photography Composition & Portrait Photography Masterclass - so do not purchase this if you have that course! You Have Just 3 Seconds To get a customers attention. That is it. So how are you going to make those 3 seconds work for you? Learn How To Get A Potential Clients Attention Are you struggling to get the attention of potential clients? Then you have probably lost their attention in the first 3 seconds of contact with your sales and marketing copy. What if you knew how to get their attention, what if you could communicate that what they are trying to buy is exactly what you are selling? What if you could turn those 3 valuable seconds into potential client engagement through a deeper understanding of title copywriting. Amazing course so far I'm just on Lecture 6, but this content is incredible. I can see how I've sped through some of these steps in the past, and it may have hurt my business as a result. Excellent content and presentation! ~ J Portia This Course: In this course we teach you how to create a marketing mission statement, which also doubles up as a course on writing headlines for your sales copy and SEO. The deep analysis needed for a mission statement creation, transfers perfectly to headline research and title writing, whether for a blog post, social media post or Udemy course title for example. Marketing Mission Statements - Your Marketing Foundation Most business' struggle to create a clear and concise marketing mission statement that lets potential clients know that they have found the right supplier. It is the very first step in any marketing strategy for a business. A marketing mission statement will grab the clients attention in the 3 golden seconds, so knowing how to write a powerful one is extremely important. Improve Your Marketing Headlines Many people also struggle with writing compelling marketing headlines that grab customers attention and make their digital marketing have real impact. Learn how to get their attention by understanding how they think and what you need to communicate to them. Learn how to focus on what the reader is trying to buy, not on what you are trying to sell and get more sales. Who Is This Course Suitable For? This course is suitable for small business owners and entrepreneurs that want to improve their internet marketing. It is also suitable for internet marketing professionals who want to add value to their own services. It will also help new bloggers and social media trainers and social media professionals write better headlines for their social content. It will also help content creators like Udemy instructors create compelling titles for their video courses. What Is Included In The Course? The purpose of a marketing mission statementWhy writing a good statement is difficultNiche client statementsSolving problems rather than selling productsBreaking down problemsPersonifying your niche clientHow to create a marketing mission statementA sample marketing mission statementMarketing headlinesExtended skills All the concepts needed to understand marketing mission statements and marketing headlines are clearly explained in this course. Questions people ask that this course answers: How do I write a good titleHow do I write a title for social mediaHow do I write a title for a web pageHow do I write a title for my video courseHow do I create marketing headlines that sellHow do I create good marketing headlinesHow do I create online marketing headlines"
Price: 64.99
