"Growth Hacking con Marketing Digital" |
"Ests buscando un curso completo de Growth Hacking con marketing digital que te ensear todo lo que necesitas para crecer exponencialmente tu negocio?Encontraste el curso perfecto!Con las habilidades y estrategias que vas a aprender aqu en nuestro curso completo de marketing digital, podrs:CRECER exponencialmente tu negocio, nmero de clientes y ingresos a partir del primer diaCONSEGUIR un trabajo excelente en el sector de marketing digitalAYUDAR a tus clientes aumentar y hacer crecer sus negociosAl final del curso vas a recibir el certificado oficial de Growth Hacking con Marketing digital que puede ser adicionado a tu currculum. Muchos alumnos deciden comenzar una nueva carrera y as aprovechar las oportunidades que hoy existen en el mercado para profesionales en marketing digital.Nos comprometemos a hacer todo lo posible para ayudarle a DOMINAR todas estas estrategias de marketing digital & marketing de redes sociales.En este curso vas a aprender:Cmo utilizar estrategias actuales de Growth Hacking para crecer exponencialmente tu negocioVamos a crear un plan de accin personalizado para tu empresa, con ideas que puedes implementar a partir de hoy en tu negocioVas a entender y aprender cmo funciona el proceso completo de Growth HackingVas a aprender como utilizar estrategias para crecer 10x el nmero de clientes de forma orgnicaVas a aprender como utilizar estrategias para crecer 5x sus ingresosCmo agregar millares de clientes potenciales y suscriptores a su lista de emailCmo optimizar tus sitios web con mapas de calorCmo aumentar 10x la conversin de sus pginas de opt-in y pginas de ventas8 estrategias para evitar el abandono de su carrito de comprasCmo convertir a los usuarios que abandonan tu sitio y garantice un retorno de la inversinCmo crear campaas de marketing viralesCmo optimizar tus artculos y blogs para que funcionen como herramienta de ventasCmo optimizar y mejorar tus productos para hacerlos irresistibles a sus clientesCmo usar la psicologa de ventas para aumentar las transacciones y tus preciosCmo escribir contenido de marketing que llame la atencin y genere ventasCmo utilizar grabaciones de pantalla, mapas de calor y las acciones de sus visitantes para aumentar sus ingresosCmo rastrear y analizar los datos de uso de su sitio web utilizando Google Analyticsy mucho ms...La mayora de las herramientas y estrategias de Growth Hacking con marketing digital que recomendamos y enseamos en el curso son completamente gratis!QU USTED RECIBE AL INSCRIBIRSE EN EL CURSO COMPLETO DE GROWTH HACKING CON MARKETING DIGITAL?Acceso vitalicio (de por vida) al curso y futuras actualizacionesSupport personalizado y respuesta a todas sus preguntas y dudasCertificado oficial de Mster en Growth Hacking con marketing digital - que puedes incluir en tu currculumGaranta de devolucin de su dinero en los primeros 30 das - si no te gusta el curso puedes pedir el reembolso de 100% de tu inversinBONUS DEL CURSO DE GROWTH HACKING CON MARKETING DIGITALDownload del Checklist (listas de estrategias) para tomar el curso y aprender de la manera correctaDownload de guas completas para ayudarte a dominar cada materia y aplicar las estrategias en sude marketingEstudios de Caso, para demostrar el backstage de nuestras estrategias de marketingPREPARE PARA COLOCAR EN LA PRCTICA!Durante todo el curso, usted estar aplicando las estrategias en su propio negocio! Y consecuentemente su negocio ir creciendo ms y ms a cada dia.Usted aprender las tcnicas y estrategias perfectas en cada seccin. Luego usted ver cmo estas estrategias se utilizan en el mundo real con estudios de caso. Finalmente, usted va a poner en la prctica y ver resultados reales!LLEG LA HORA! Y USTED MERECE APRENDER Y COMENZAR A USAR LAS MEJORES DE GROWTH HACKING Y MARKETING DIGITALInscrbase ahora y vamos a dominar el marketing digital y empezar a utilizarlo para crecer exponencialmente sus negocios!Nos vemos en la primera leccin!Saludos,Diego Davila----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CURRICULUM DEL CURSO - Growth Hacking con Marketing DigitalIntroduccinBienvenido al curso de Growth Hacking con Marketing DigitalCmo conseguir su certificado de Growth Hacker Qu es Growth Hacking con Marketing Digital?Qu es Growth Hacking con Marketing Digital?El proceso de Growth HackingEstudio de Caso: Ejemplos de empresas que utilizaron el Growth HackingDescarga los slides del mduloEmbudo de Growth HackingEl embudo de ventas Growth HackingLas 5 fases para el Growth Hacking de tu empresaTarea - El embudo de Growth Hacking para tu EmpresaDescarga los slides del mduloAnalizando tus sitios y redes socialesIntroduccin al mduloAnalizando tu Sitio Web con Google AnalyticsCreando Metas en el Google AnalyticsAnalizando tus redes sociales para crecer an msAnalizando de dnde vienen tus clientesAnalizando la secuencia de autoresponderPARTE 2 - Estrategias Prcticas de Growth HackingIntroduccin a la Parte 2 del Curso de Growth Hacking con Marketing DigitalPaso #1: Asegrate de crear un producto que la gente realmente quieraEjercicio: Haz una lista de tus productos o serviciosVerificando si las personas realmente desean tus productos y serviciosHerramientas para crear Encuestas OnlineSi no tienes ideas para crear nuevos productos o serviciosPasos finalesPaso #2: Optimice su pblico objetivo6 beneficios de definir un perfil de cliente idealTarea: Cree un perfil de su cliente idealHerramientas para optimizar su pblico objetivoUtilizando tu pblico objetivo para crecer an msPaso #3: Adquisicin - Como los clientes te encuentran?De dnde vienen tus clientes?3 Estrategias de adquisicin:Estudio de Caso de AdquisicinLectura recomendada (Text lecture)Paso #4: Activacin - Cmo dar a los clientes una primera primera impresin excelente?Que es la Activacin y cmo puedes optimizarla?Utilizando Hotmaps en tu sitio webCmo optimizar el proceso de ActivacinPrximos pasos para optimizar an ms la Activacin en tu EmpresaPaso #5: Retencin - Los clientes vuelven a comprar?Que es la Retencin y cmo puedes optimizarla?Estrategias para retener clientes existentesPrximos pasos para optimizar la Retencin de clientesPaso #6: Ingresos - Como generas ingresos?Qu son los Ingresos en Growth Hacking y cmo optimizarlos?Estrategias Growth Hacking para aumentar tus ingresosPor qu tus clientes abandonan el carrito de compras?Prximos pasos para maximizar tus ingresosPaso #7: Referencias - Cmo conseguir que tus clientes te recomienden?Que son Referencias y cmo optimizarla?Estudio de Caso: Cmo grandes empresas crecieron exponencialmente utilizando referenciasAnalizando si tus clientes estn listos para promover y divulgar tus productosCreando un programa de afiliacin para sus productos o serviciosPaso #8: Mejora tu producto continuamenteMejorando tu producto continuamente Herramientas para el Growth HackerConclusinFelicitaciones!"
Price: 199.99

"Growth Hacking com Marketing Digital" |
"Voc esta procurando um curso completo de Growth Hacking com marketing digital que vai te ensinar tudo o necessrio para crescer exponencialmente o seu negcio?Voc encontrou o curso perfeito!Com as habilidades e estratgias que vai aprender aqui no nosso curso de Growth Hacking com marketing digital, voc pode:CRESCER exponencialmente o seu prprio negcio, nmero de clientes e receitas das sua empresaCONSEGUIR um timo emprego no setor de marketing digitalAJUDAR aos seus clientes a aumentar e crescer seus negciosNo final do curso, voc receber o certificado oficial de Growth Hacking com o marketing digital que pode ser adicionado ao seu currculo. Muitos alunos conseguiram iniciar uma nova carreira e, assim, aproveitar as oportunidades que existem hoje no mercado para profissionais de marketing digital.Prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para ajud-lo a dominar todas as melhores estratgias de marketing digital & marketing de redes sociais para gerar um crescimento exponencial.Neste curso voc aprender:Como usar estratgias atuais de Growth Hacking para expandir exponencialmente o seu negcioVamos criar um plano de ao personalizado para sua empresa, com ideias que voc pode implementar a partir de hoje e assim ver resultados rapidamenteVoc entender e aprender como funciona todo o processo de Growth HackingVoc vai aprender como usar estratgias para crescer 10x o nmero de clientes de forma orgnicaVoc vai aprender como usar estratgias para crescer 5x sua renda e ingresos da sua empresaComo adicionar milhares de potenciais clientes e assinantes sua lista de emailComo otimizar seus sites com mapas de calorComo aumentar 10x a converso de suas pginas de opt-in e pginas de vendas8 estratgias para evitar que os clientes abandonem seu carrinho de comprasComo converter em clientes os usurios que deixam seu siteComo criar campanhas de marketing viralComo otimizar seus artigos e blogs para funcionar como uma ferramenta de vendasComo otimizar e melhorar seus produtos para torn-los irresistveis para seus clientesComo usar a psicologia de vendas para aumentar as transaes e seus preosComo escrever contedo de marketing que atrai a ateno e gera vendasComo usar gravaes de tela, mapas de calor e as aes de seus visitantes para aumentar sua rendaComo acompanhar e analisar os dados de uso de seu site usando o Google Analyticse muito maisA maioria das ferramentas e estratgias de Growth Hacking com marketing digital que recomendamos e ensinamos no curso so totalmente gratuitas!O QUE VOC RECEBE AO SE INSCREVER NO CURSO DE GROWTH HACKING COM MARKETING DIGITAL?Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as atualizaesSuporte personalizado e respostas s suas perguntasCertificado de concluso Udemy - que podes incluir no teu currculoGarantia de devoluo do dinheiro de 30 dias - se no gostar do curso podes pedir o reembolso de 100%BNUS DO CURSO DE GROWTH HACKING COM MARKETING DIGITAL?Download de Checklist (listas com estratgias) para fazer o curso e aprender da maneira certaDownload de Guias completos para te ajudar a dominar cada assunto e aplicar as estratgias no teu marketingEstudos de caso para mostrar os bastidores de nossas estratgiasPREPARE-SE PARA COLOCAR NA PRTICA!Durante todo o curso, voc estar aplicando as estratgias no seu prprio negcio!Voc aprender as tcnicas e estratgias perfeitas para cada seo. Logo voc ver como essas estratgias so usadas no mundo real com estudos de caso. Finalmente, voc vai colocar na prtica e ver resultados reais!Inscreva-se agora e vamos dominar o marketing digital e comear a utiliza-lo para crescer exponencialmente os seus negcios!Nos vemos na primeira lio!Diego DavilaCURRCULO DO CURSO:IntroduoBem-vindo ao curso de Growth Hacking com marketing digitalO que o Growth Hacking com Marketing Digital?O que o Growth Hacking com Marketing Digital?O processo de Growth HackingEstudo de caso: Exemplos de empresas que usaram o Growth HackingBaixe os slides do mduloFunil de vendas Growth HackingO funil de vendas Growth HackingAs 5 fases do Growth Hacking para a sua empresaTarefa - Aplicando o funil de Growth Hacking na sua empresaBaixe os slides do mduloAnalisando o seu site e redes sociaisIntroduo ao mduloAnalisando seu site com o Google AnalyticsCriando Metas no Google AnalyticsAnalisando suas redes sociais para crescer ainda maisAnalisando a sequncia de email do autoresponderPARTE 2 - Estratgias prticas de Growth HackingIntroduccin a la Parte 2 del Curso de Growth Hacking con Marketing DigitalPasso #1: Certifique-se de criar um produto que as pessoas realmente amemExerccio: Faa uma lista de seus produtos ou serviosVerifique se as pessoas realmente desejam os seus produtos e serviosFerramentas para criar Pesquisas OnlineSe voc no tem idias para novos produtos ou serviosPassos finais para criar produtos que seus clientes amemPasso #2: Otimize seu pblico-alvo6 benefcios de definir um perfil de cliente ideal (ENER)Exerccio: Crie o perfil de seu cliente idealFerramentas para otimizar o seu pblico-alvoOtimizando o seu pblico-alvo para crescer ainda maisPasso #3: Aquisio - Como os clientes te encontram?De onde vm os teus clientes?3 Estratgias de AquisioEstudo de Caso de AquisioLeitura recomendada (Text lecture)Passo #4: Ativao - Como causar uma tima primeira impresso nos seus clientes?O que Ativao e como voc pode otimizar?Instalando e usando HotMaps em seu siteOtimizando o processo de AtivaoPrximos passos para otimizar ainda mais a Ativao da sua empresaPasso #5: Reteno - Os seus clientes compram varias vezes?O que Reteno e como voc pode otimiz-lo?Estratgias para reter os clientes existentesPrximos passos para otimizar a reteno de clientesPasso #6: Receita - Como a sua empresa gera renda?O que a Receita no Growth Hacking e como otimiz-lo?Identificando o seu processo de compraEstratgias de Growth Hacking para aumentar a sua rendaPor que os seus clientes abandonam o carrinho de compras?Prximos passos para maximizar o seu rendimentoPasso #7: Referncias - Como conseguir que teus clientes te recomendemO que so Referncias e como otimiz-lo?Estudo de Caso: Como grandes empresas cresceram exponencialmenteAnalisando se teus clientes esto prontos para recomendar teus produtosCriando um programa de afiliados para seus produtos ou servios Passo #8: Melhore o seu produto continuamenteComo melhorar o seu produto continuamenteConclusoParabens!"
Price: 579.99

"Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing Masterclass" |
"Are you looking for a complete Growth Hacking with digital marketing course that will teach you everything you need to grow your business exponentially?You have found the perfect course!With the skills and strategies you will learn here in our Growth Hacking with digital marketing course, you can:EXPONENTIALLY GROW your business, number of customers and your company's revenueGET a great job in the digital marketing industryHELP your customers to increase and grow their businessesAt the end of the course, you will receive the official Growth Hacking certificate that can be added to your resume. Many students have been able to start a new career and take advantage of the opportunities that exist today in the market for digital marketing professionals.I promise that I'll do everything I can to help you master all the best digital marketing & social media marketing strategies to generate exponential growth.In this course you will learn:How to use current Growth Hacking strategies to expand your business exponentiallyWe'll create a customized action plan for your company with ideas you can implement today and see results quicklyYou will understand and learn how the Growth Hacking process worksYou will learn how to use strategies to grow 10x your number of customers organicallyYou will learn how to use strategies that can help you to grow 5x the income of your businessHow to add thousands of potential customers and subscribers to your email listHow to optimize your websites with heat mapsHow to increase 10x the conversion of your opt-in pages and sales pagesEight strategies to prevent customers from abandoning your shopping cartHow to create viral marketing campaignsHow to optimize your articles and blogs to work as sales and marketing toolsHow to optimize and improve your products to make them irresistible to customersHow to use sales psychology to increase transactions and pricesHow to write content marketing that attracts attention and generates salesHow to use screen recordings, maps heat and actions of your visitors to increase your incomeHow to track and analyze the data of your website using Google Analyticsand more...Most of the digital marketing tools and strategies that we teach in this course are Free!WHAT DO YOU GET AFTER ENROLLING IN THE GROWTH HACKING WITH DIGITAL MARKETING COURSE?Lifetime access to the course and all updatesPersonalized support and answers to your questionsCertificate of Completion - which you can include in your resume30-day money-back guarantee - if you do not like the course you can request a 100% refundBONUS - for all new students of the GROWTH HACKING DIGITAL MARKETING COURSEDownload - A complete course checklist to learn in the right wayDownload - Complete Guides to help you master each subject and apply the strategies in your marketingCase studies to show you how our strategies are implemented by the largest online corporationsBE PREPARED TO TAKE ACTION!Throughout the course, you will be applying strategies in your own business!You will learn the exact techniques and strategies in each section. Soon you will see how these strategies are used in the real world with case studies. Finally, you will put into practice and see real results!Enroll now and let's start growing your business exponentially!See you in the first lesson!Diego Davila.@realDiegoDavilaCurriculum - Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing courseIntroductionWelcome to the Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing CourseWhat is Growth Hacking?What is Growth Hacking?The Growth Hacking ProcessCase Study: 9 companies that used Growth Hacking strategies to grow exponentiallyDownload all the slides of this moduleThe Growth Hacking FunnelThe Growth Hacking FunnelThe 5 stages of Growth Hacking for your companyExercise - Applying the Growth Hacking funnel in your companyDownload the slides of this moduleAnalyzing your website and social networksModule IntroAnalyzing your website with Google AnalyticsCreating Goals in Google AnalyticsAnalyzing your Social networks to grow even moreAnalyzing your Autoresponder sequence PART 2 - Practical Growth Hacking StrategiesIntroduction to Part 2 of the Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing CourseStep # 1: Be sure to create a product that people really loveExercise: Make a list of your products or servicesCreating your Online Surveys with a free toolIf you dont have products or clients to send the surveyFinal steps to create products that your customers loveStep # 2: Optimizing Your Target Audience6 Benefits of creating an Ideal Customer ProfileExercise: Creating a profile of your ideal clientTools to optimize your target audienceOptimizing your target audience even more!Step # 3: Acquisition - How Do Customers Find You?Where do your customers come from?3 Acquisition StrategiesCase Study: AcquisitionRecommended readingStep # 4: Activation - How to make a great first impression on your customers?What is Activation and how can you optimize?Installing and using HotMaps on your siteOptimizing the Activation ProcessNext Steps to Further Optimize ActivationStep # 5: Retention - Do Your Customers Buy Multiple Times?What is Retention and how can you optimize it?Strategies to retain existing customersNext steps to optimize customer retentionStep # 6: Revenue - How Does Your Business Generate Income?What is Revenue in Growth Hacking and how to optimize it?Identifying your sales processGrowth Hacking strategies to increase your incomeWhy do your customers abandon the shopping cart?Next steps to maximize your incomeStep # 7: Referrals - Getting Your Customers to Recommend YouWhat are referrals and how to optimize it?Case Study: How big companies grow exponentiallyAnalyzing if your customers are ready to recommend your productsCreating an affiliate program for your products or services Step # 8: Continually Improve Your ProductHow to continually improve your productConclusionCongratulations!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo de YouTube Marketing" |
"Bem-vindo ao Curso Completo de YouTube Marketing em Portugus!Antes de te mostrar todas as coisas fantsticas, voc vai aprender neste curso.Quero te contar que o meu objetivo te ajudar a usar todo o Poder do YouTube para aumentar exponencialmente suas vendas, esmagar seus concorrentes e se tornar um Lder no YouTube, enquanto a gente se diverte criando uma comunidade de fs apaixonados que amam seus produtos e so viciados em seu contedo no YouTube.Este no um curso como os outros cursos em que voc assiste aos vdeos e nunca implementa, aqui vamos trabalhar com aes e resultados para garantir que at o final do curso voc domine o YouTube e tenha resultados reais, usando as melhores estratgias do YouTube que so usadas por grandes corporaes e YouTubers que fazem milhares de dlares todos os dias, estratgias que voc comear a usar hoje.Todos os dias, mais de 1.3 Bilhes de pessoas utilizam o YouTubeMas, como otimizar o seu canal no YouTube para conseguir muito mais inscritos? Como planejar o seu contedo e seus vdeos para aumentar exponencialmente o nmero de visualizaes, comentrios e compartilhamentos?Como espionar e ganhar dos seus concorrentes e ver exatamente quais so as estratgias que eles esto usando?Quais so as coisas que voc precisa fazer e as coisas que voc deve evitar?Usando as estratgias certas, voc obter excelentes resultados, aumentando suas vendas, aumentando o nmero de clientes e seguidores e seu relacionamento com eles, aumentando o nmero de visualizaes em seus vdeos e inspirando seus seguidores a agir e comprar seus produtos ou servios.Bem-vindo ao melhor treinamento de YouTube Marketing da Udemy.Neste curso, voc aprender como alcanar centenas, milhares de pessoas no YouTube e convert-las em clientes e seguidores.Vamos comear criando otimizando o seu canal no YouTube para deix-lo irresistvel e garantir que, cada vez que algum visitar o seu canal, e essa pessoa se inscreva e comea a seguir o seu trabalho!Voc se converter num master de contedo no YouTube, com estratgias que permitiro que voc toque o corao de seus seguidores com cada vdeo.Vamos identificar e fazer uma lista dos seus cinco principais concorrentes e, juntos, faremos um raio-X dessas contas, aprendendo as estratgias que esto funcionando para seu tipo de negcio, e voc vai conseguir aplicar essas estratgias imediatamente e acelerar seus resultados.E voc tambm aprender como criar uma legio de fs com o YouTube Live, (milhes de pessoas assistem s transmisses ao vivo no YouTube live todos os dias). Usando a chamada para ao perfeita, podemos converter os seus seguidores em clientes.E como um bnus, voc vai aprender como criar miniaturas personalizadas que vo capturar a ateno dos usurios do YouTube garantindo que voc ganhe mais visualizaes e inscritos no seu canal.Lembre que no suficiente apenas assistir a todos os vdeos, os resultados reais surgem somente quando voc AGE! por isso que neste curso voc encontrar exerccios prticos. Cada exerccio foi criado para ajud-lo a aplicar todas as estratgias que voc aprendeu no mdulo, e assim garantimos que voc est dando os passos certos para dominar o YouTube.Por que voc tem que fazer este curso agora?H 1.3 bilhes de pessoas no YouTube todos os dias, o seu pblico-alvo est l, essas pessoas esto esperando para ouvir de voc, dos seus produtos e servios. Se voc no est otimizando suas estratgias no YouTube, pode estar perdendo uma tima oportunidade.Voc precisa deste curso porque aqui voc encontrar estratgias do mundo real. Estratgias que so utilizadas diariamente. Vamos analisar os canais top no YouTube para ver qual a receita exata que eles esto usando, voc vai ver e aprender, e assim implementar imediatamente em seu canal.Voc precisa deste curso porque, juntos, identificaremos seus 5 principais concorrentes no YouTube e vamos descobrir as estratgias que eles esto usando. Estratgias que funcionam para seu tipo de negcio.Voc vai adorar este curso, porque voc no somente assiste aos vdeos, aqui vamos colocar na prtica e obter resultados.Voc vai adorar este curso porque no importa se voc um usurio iniciante ou um expert no YouTube, a gente vai do iniciantes at avanado!Voc vai adorar este curso porque todas as estratgias so bem simples mas muito poderosas, e aps cada aula, voc pode tomar colocar na prtica e comear a ver os resultados.Voc vai adorar este curso porque vai aprender como ""avaliar"" a estratgia de algum, essa uma habilidade que voc sempre vai poder usar, ja seja para crescer e otimizar seus negcios ou ajudar amigos e familiares.Voc vai se divertir!Tenho certeza que voc vai adorar o curso, e que este curso vai revolucionar o seu negcio e aumentar o poder que voc tem no YouTube. Por esse motivo ofereo Resultados 100% garantidos!Se voc assistir ao curso, fizer as tarefas, aplicar as estratgias e no tiver os resultados desejados (ou se simplesmente no gostar do curso), poder solicitar a devoluo de 100% do seu dinheiro, nos primeiros 30 dias.Com toda essa garantia voc no tem nada a perder, Inscreva-se agora e vamos comear a usar todo o poder do YouTube para gerar mais vendas, atrair mais seguidores e aumentar exponencialmente a sua presena online!"
Price: 579.99

"Accounting 1 Simplified for You" |
"Accounting 1 Simplified for You - is a unique, no-nonsense and meaningful way of understanding accounting basics by illustrating how business transactions are recorded in simple terms and step-by-step easy to follow exercises. Discover how easy it is to prepare financial statements and design your own accounting information system. Empower yourself with the advantage of knowing and understanding your organization's economic conditions through financial statements. Possess the ability to convert data into information that is meaningful to you. Convert your fear in accounting to confidence based on understanding the ""jargon"" in your own terms. Sharpen your analytical skills and empower yourself with understanding accounting for your business. In this class, you will have a series of thoughtfully prepared video lectures, using real-life business examples and practice exercises after each section to reinforce your learning. Dr. Jacinto promotes and encourages lively discussions and feedback sessions. All your questions directly related to the topic will be answered within 24 hours. This course is ideal for college business and accounting students, bookkeepers, business owners, managers and anyone who wants to better understand accounting in business in a way that makes sense to you. This is an excellent study guide and supplement for students in accounting and those who are looking for a quick refresher. This course is an excellent complement to Accounting 2 Simplified You."
Price: 49.99

"Accounting 2 Simplified for You" |
"Accounting II Simplified for You is a continuation of a unique, no-nonsense and meaningful approach of understanding basic accounting principles, with special focus in merchandising, inventories, internal control, cash management, fixed assets, receivables, liabilities and payroll. Business transactions are illustrated in simple terms using relevant examples and easy to follow step-by-step instructions. As the saying goes, Accounting is the language of business."" But you are NOT an accountant, so should you be left behind? ABSOLUTELY NOT! You do not need be an accountant to learn accounting. Give yourself the competitive edge of understanding accounting principles and concepts to better navigate the business environment. This is a perfect complement to my course Accounting 1 Simplified for You -where you learn the basic framework of accounting, the recording process, the accounting cycle and financial statement preparation. These 2 courses combined will provide you with the framework you need to fully understand and apply accounting in business for any type of industry. In this class, you will have a series of thoughtfully prepared video lectures using real-life business examples, handouts comes with every lecture and quizzes after each section to reinforce your learning. Dr. Jacinto promotes and encourages lively discussions and feedback sessions. All your questions directly related to the topic will be answered within 24 hours. This course is ideal for college business and accounting students, bookkeepers, business owners, managers and anyone who wants to better understand accounting in business in a way that makes sense to you. For work - this is an excellent go-to accounting course & guide whenever you need a quick refresher; and for school - a perfect study guide and supplement for students in accounting and business."
Price: 49.99

"US Income Taxes - Income Tax Preparation Simplified for You" |
"Student Course Feedback: ""Dr. Jacinto, you were a great instructor. Your lectures were clear, precise and showed real ""teacher"" abilities. You enunciate so well and very easy to understand and follow. Your organization was noteworthy and covered the material well. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire course. In fact, I've listened to your lectures twice.""=====================================================================2015 Tax Season Ends. A season of SAVINGS begin! Enjoy this course for $9 ($39 regular price) while it is being updated for next year's (2016) tax season. See you inside!===================================================================== Income Tax Basic Training has one simple objective - and that is for you to be able to prepare & file your OWN federal & state income tax return by 04/15 by empowering you with the tools you need to understand & learn how US income tax system works. The course is delivered in simple, no-nonsense and straightforward terms to take the intimidation factor away from dealing with ""taxes"" and promote an engaging learning environment. All the materials you need to successfully complete the course are built-in. It's loaded with supplemental resources and quizzes to reinforce learning. The course walks you through how to prepare a basic 1040 from the beginning to the end. At the end of the course, you will understand how to calculate for your gross income subject to tax, adjusted gross income, the correct type of deduction to take: standard vs. itemized, the number of exemptions to claim, the credits that you may qualify for, your taxable income, tax liability, tax refund or tax due. Save yourself an average of $200/year by filing your own federal & state income tax return every year. A research conducted by the National Society of Accountants showed that the average of professional tax preparation is $152 for a simple 1040 and $261 for a 1040 with Schedule A. More importantly, be in control of your own taxes by knowing why you pay what you do and learning and understanding how taxes work and affect you. Your instructor promotes and encourages a lively class through the discussion forum. Expect her to respond to you within 24 hours or less. Before you sign up, please refer to the target audience for this course to see that it is the right one for you."
Price: 29.99

"Descubre Las 5 Claves para Alcanzar la Felicidad Total" |
"Ultimas Noticias: MILES DE PERSONAS YAN HAN TOMADO ESTE CURSO, Y POR PEDIDO DE MIS ESTUDIANTES, AHORA ESTE CURSO ESTA DISPONIBLE AQU EN UDEMY Mas reciente actualizacin del curso: 21de noviembre, 2016 Prxima actualizacin: 30de enero, 2017 ________________________________________________________________________ Quisieras que te ENCANTE tu ocupacin o profesin? Quisieras eliminar el estrs y la ansiedad que te hacen sentir mal? Quisieras tener amigos que te inspiren y te apoyen a lograr tus metas? Quisieras no tener que preocuparte del dinero nunca ms? Quisieras sentirte fisicamente estupendo? Quisieras saber que se siente AMAR todo lo que haces en la vida? ________________________________________________________________________ Sobre este curso: Ms de 25,000 personas han tomado este curso Ahora, todo el contenido esta disponible para ti, aqu en Udemy 55 lecciones y mas de 4 horas de video! Tendrs acceso gratuito de por vida al curso Podrs acceder y bajar el contenido a cualquiera de tus dispositivos mviles Todas las lecciones adicionales que ir incorporando las recibirs gratis Tienes mi garanta personal: Si no cumplo con tus expectativas, se te devolver tu dinero Este curso ha recibido comentarios increbles de gente que ha sido transformada gracias al contenido de este curso ________________________________________________________________________ Estudios cientficos recientes muestran que solo el 7% de la poblacin en el mundo se siente totalmente satisfecha y complacida con sus vidas. En este curso, te revelar todos sus secretos. Te dir exactamente lo que ests personas de xito hacen en cada una de las reas de su vida para ser tan felices, y te dar la gua completa detallando todos los pasos que debes de seguir para aplicar este conocimiento, para que tu tambin puedas sentir esta sensacin de jbilo, paz, felicidad y dicha que esta gente de xito vive. ________________________________________________________________________ Si logras aplicar si quiera una fraccin de lo que voy a revelar en este curso, tu sers una persona ms feliz, sin lugar a duda. Te lo digo no solamente por experiencia personal, si no tambin por los miles de comentarios que he recibido de mis alumnos de alrededor del mundo, que pueden atestiguar sobre los beneficios que ellos tambin han recibido. ________________________________________________________________________ Toda la gua y enseanzas que recibirs durante la duracin del curso, es el resultado de ms de 50 aos de anlisis cientfico, llevado a cabo por las instituciones de investigacin ms prestigiosas del mundo. Como Educador Master del Centro Chopra para el Bienestar, he estudiado esta informacin de manera minuciosa y me ha tomado varios meses para crear este curso y presentarte los hallazgos de estos estudios de una manera entretenida, clara y concisa para que puedas asimilar este conocimiento de una manera fcil y didctica. Miles de mis estudiantes me siguen comunicando a diario que el aplicar las recomendaciones que revelo en este curso, les ha permitido experimentar niveles ms elevados de bienestar y felicidad. nete a ellos tomando este curso! ________________________________________________________________________ Si no te sientes TOTALMENTE satisfecho con tu situacin actual - No crees que ya es hora de intentar algo distinto? Y que mejor que intentar algo que ya est comprobado que te traer resultados. Y recuerda que te doy mi palabra que si no ests satisfecho con el curso dentro de los 30 das de haber realizado la compra, se te reembolsar todo tu dinero. Yo actualizo este curso con regularidad, a si que recibirs nuevas lecciones en maneras de como incrementar tus niveles de felicidad Totalmente gratis! Ests solamente a un paso de transformar tu estilo de vida para que sepas lo que es sacarle el jugo a la vida - no esperes mas tiempo - Tu te mereces ms !"
Price: 49.99

"Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites - Increase Amazon Sales" |
" Hello, my name is Adrian Knight, a full time entrepreneur and former owner of a VERY successful online lead generation business. Over the past three years I've had lead generation clients all over the world, ranging from luxury 5* hotels to financial powerhouses. In 2013 I sold my online lead generation business for a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money... and I'm now applying the same principles I used to build my HIGHLY POWERFUL lead generation websites to rapidly grow my new Amazon FBA Business. I am now building powerful lead generation websites that direct a TON of HIGHLY TARGETED BUYER TRAFFIC to my Amazon product pages - <u>I call them Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites</u>. This POWERFUL Step-by-Step Blueprint Is PERFECT For Non-Tech Savvy Business Owner Who Wants to Know How to Build High Value Lead Generation Websites That Churns Out TENS OF THOUSANDS of HIGHLY TARGETED BUYER TRAFFIC To Your Amazon Product Pages, Month After Month, All On Auto-Pilot. These Are Valuable Stand Alone Digital Assets That You Own And Control Not Only Will They Increase Your Amazon Sales NOW By Sending Targeted Buying Traffic To Your Amazon Product Pages, The Websites Themselves INCREASE In Value Over Time (Which Is How I Sold My Lead Generation Business For So Much $$$!) Not Only Can You Make Thousands In Extra Amazon Sales Every Month You Can Easily SELL These Powerful Sites To Your Competitors For Tens of Thousands of Dollars If You Ever Decide To Shut Down Your Business! In this course you will get a detailed step-by-step manual to building these powerful digital assets. You can use this high value knowledge to build Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites for your own Amazon business, or even build them and sell to your competitors. This is the exact method I've used for years to build several NEW lead generation websites EVERY MONTH for the past three years! Inside this step-by-step blueprint youll learn... How to Build POWERFUL Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites That Will At Least DOUBLE Your Amazon Sales! Build POWERFUL Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites That Can Be Used To INCREASE THE SALES OF ANY BUSINESS! Build VALUABLE BUSINESS ASSETS That Can Be EASILY SOLD For $10,000 And ABOVE Tap Into LARGE VOLUMES Of Potential Buyers For Practically ZERO COST OUTSOURCE THE ENTIRE PROCESS To An Offshore Team And Build Lead Generation Websites ON SCALE! Outrank ALL Your Amazon Competition And Get To The TOP Of Amazon Searches EFFORTLESSLY Increase The Conversion Rate % Of Your Amazon Product Pages Why 95% of Business Owners Who Follow Similar Steps Will FAIL and Why YOU Will SUCCEEDHow to Use This Blueprint to Build a THRIVING Website Portfolio So That You Can Make THOUSANDS of EXTRA Dollars Every MonthHow to Build These Powerful Lead Generation Websites In Under TWO Days!How to Properly Research Your Online Market and Tap Into Keywords That Your Competitors Wouldnt Have Even Thought Of!How to Structure Your Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites Around What YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS Are Searching For So That You Can AMPLIFY The Number of Sales That You GenerateHow to Judge Your Organic Competition and ACCURATELY CALCULATE Your Chances of Ranking #1 for ANY Keyword in ANY Online NicheStep-by-Step Tutorials On How to Build Your Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites For Those With No Technical Knowledge!How to Layout Your Website So That You Can Generate the Highest Number of Conversions as PossibleThe 7 MUST HAVE Lead Generation Wordpress PluginsDETAILED GUIDELINES On How to Optimize Your Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites and Web Pages for Your Target KeywordsSafe, Low Cost Steps You Can Take to Ranking Your Lead Generation WebsitesChecklists, Worksheets and MUCH, MUCH MORE! There's no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and I'll refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked. You either end up with the Amazon FBA Lead Generation Website skills, go on to develop great Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites and potentially skyrocket your Amazon FBA business... or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don't like it...You literally can't lose. Ready to get started?Enrol now using the ""Add to Cart"" button on the right, and get started on your way to Amazon FBA success! See you on the inside (hurry, your Amazon FBA Lead Generation Websites are waiting!)"
Price: 199.99

"Increase Your Sales By Building A Lead Generation Website!" |
"Hello, my name is Adrian Knight, a full time entrepreneur and former owner of a VERY successful online lead generation business. Over the past three years I've had lead generation clients all over the world, ranging from luxury 5* hotels to financial powerhouses. In 2013 I sold my online lead generation business for a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money... and I'm now applying the same principles I used to build my HIGHLY POWERFUL lead generation websites to rapidly grow my new Amazon FBA Business. This POWERFUL Step-by-Step Blueprint Is PERFECT For Non-Tech Savvy Business Owner Who Wants to Know How to Build High Value Lead Generation Websites That Churns Out TENS OF THOUSANDS of HIGHLY TARGETED BUYER TRAFFIC To Your Product Pages, Lead Forms and Email Lists, Month After Month, and All On Auto-Pilot. These Are Valuable Stand Alone Digital Assets That You Own And Control Not Only Will They Increase Your Sales NOW By Sending Targeted Buying Traffic To Your Product/Lead Pages, The Websites Themselves INCREASE In Value Over Time (Which Is How I Sold My Lead Generation Business For So Much $$$!) Not Only Can You Make Thousands In Extra Sales Every Month You Can Easily SELL These Powerful Sites To Your Competitors For Tens of Thousands of Dollars If You Ever Decide That You Want To Raise A Cash Lump Sum! <u>WARNING: The Price WILL Be Going Up To $499 When It Reaches 1000 Students!</u> In this course you will get a detailed step-by-step manual to building these powerful digital assets. You can use this high value knowledge to build Lead Generation Websites for your own business, or even build them and sell to clients (which is something I've done on multiple occasions). This is the exact method I've used for years to build several NEW lead generation websites EVERY MONTH for the past three years! Inside this step-by-step blueprint youll learn... How to Build POWERFUL Lead Generation Websites That Will At Least DOUBLE Your Sales! Build POWERFUL Lead Generation Websites That Can Be Used To INCREASE THE SALES OF ANY BUSINESS! Build VALUABLE BUSINESS ASSETS That Can Be EASILY SOLD For $10,000 And ABOVE Tap Into LARGE VOLUMES Of Potential Buyers For Practically ZERO COST OUTSOURCE THE ENTIRE PROCESS To An Offshore Team And Build Lead Generation Websites ON SCALE! EFFORTLESSLY Increase The Conversion Rate % Of Your Product Pages and Lead Forms Why 95% of Business Owners Who Follow Similar Steps Will FAIL and Why YOU Will SUCCEED How to Use This Blueprint to Build a THRIVING Website Portfolio So That You Can Make THOUSANDS of EXTRA Dollars Every Month How to Build These Powerful Lead Generation Websites In Under TWO Days! How to Properly Research Your Online Market and Tap Into Keywords That Your Competitors Wouldnt Have Even Thought Of! How to Structure Your Lead Generation Website Around What YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS Are Searching For So That You Can AMPLIFY The Number of Sales That You Generate How to Judge Your Organic Competition and ACCURATELY CALCULATE Your Chances of Ranking #1 for ANY Keyword in ANY Online Niche Step-by-Step Tutorials On How to Build Your Lead Generation Websites For Those With No Technical Knowledge! How to Layout Your Website So That You Can Generate the Highest Number of Conversions as Possible The 7 MUST HAVE Lead Generation Wordpress Plugins DETAILED GUIDELINES On How to Optimize Your Lead Generation Website and Web Pages for Your Target Keywords Safe, Low Cost Steps You Can Take to Ranking Your Lead Generation Websites Checklists, Worksheets and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Ready For The Catch? Im a nice guy but I have to draw the line somewhere. This is an EXTREMELY SPECIAL offer at a RIDICULOUSLY low offer, but that will soon change. This price will be open to the first 1000 students for $199. As soon as customer #1000 has bought, the price will going up to $499. Even at that price its still a steal! This is the exact system I have used to build and sell a six figure website portfolio and online lead generation business. I have also used this system to build powerful lead generation websites for others, in which I charged a premium rate. This information (and Ive left nothing out) has literally made me hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get it now before I come to my senses and take it down! <u>WARNING: The Price WILL Be Going Up To $499 When It Reaches 1000 Students!</u> Dont wait, take action now! Youre going to love my blueprint, I know it. If I didnt I wouldnt be hosting it on Udemy where they have a risk-free 30 day money back guarantee it. Click the buy button right now so that you and I can start working on bringing the great successes you deserve. Honestly, I cant wait to play a part in that. See you soon! -Adrian P.S. This is an extremely special offer at a ridiculously low price, but that will soon change. This price will be open to the first 1000 customers for $199. As soon as customer #1000 as bought, the price will be going up to $499!"
Price: 199.99

"Keyword Research For Profit: A SEO Guru's Beginner Blueprint" |
"Keywords and keyword research are the crucial foundation for online success - without proper keyword research everything else is wasted time and money. In this course SEO Guru Adrian Knight shows you how to use keywords to jump into the minds of your customers, and how to use that insight to tailor your products, services, marketing and website around what you KNOW your customers want (not what you THINK they want). Adrian will show you how to build, segment and organize a powerful keyword list around your customers buying intent (how likely they are to buy at that specific point in time) - and more importantly - how to use that information to drive them to making a purchase. Topics include: How-to Use Keyword Research To Understand What Your Customers And Potential Customers REALLY Want (Hint: It's Not What You Think) How-to Use Keyword Research To Tailor Products, Services And Marketing Around What You KNOW Your Users REALLY Want (Rather Than What You THINK They Want) How-to Use Keyword Research To Structure Your Website And Maximize Website Conversions How-to Use A Custom Made Keyword Research Spreadsheet To Organize Your Keywords Around Customer Buying Intent (Free Download) How-to Use Keyword Research To Identify Major Trends And Seasonal Trends In Your Market That You Can Tailor Your Marketing Promotions Around Know Why The Free Google Keyword Planner Is The Only Tool You'll Ever Need For Professional Keyword Research Have A Full Understanding Of The Consumer Buying Process And How To Incorporate It Into YOUR Business Merge Your Keywords With The Consumer Buying Process For MAJOR Profits Use Keywords To Create Your Website Content (And Convert Visitors Into Sales) And much more! We guarantee that this short course (which takes less than an hour to complete) will be one of the most POWERFUL marketing courses you will ever take on Udemy - it's a true business transformer! Enroll in this course RISK-FREE now and lay the foundation to a high performing business today!"
Price: 19.99

"Non-Executive Directorship For Beginners" |
"Non-Executive Directorship can be both lucrative and rewarding, serving as the perfect platform for building your portfolio career. Learn how to build your Non-Executive career from the ground up, starting with the foundations on Non-Executive Directorship through to setting up your personal branding and the step-by-step strategies for securing lucrative Non-Executive roles. This course has been created to help aspiring professionals, executives, niche experts and business leaders demystify the world of Non-Executive Directorships and to get going in building their own portfolio career. In this course we cover:The world of Non-Executive Directorship The roles and responsibilities of a Non-Executive Director How much Non-Executive's make (it will shock you!)An overview of Corporate GovernanceWhat companies look for from prospective Non-Executive DirectorsHow to structure your Non-Executive CV (with swipe files and templates)Your Non-Executive Director CV Cover Letter (with swipe files and templates)How to prepare your LinkedIn profile for Non-Executive Directorship (with swipe files and templates)Your Non-Executive Elevator Pitch (with swipe files and templates)How companies recruit Non-Executive DirectorsHow to secure Non-Executive Directorships through your personal networkHow to secure Non-Executive Directorships through your responding to advertisementsHow to secure Non-Executive Directorships through executive search firmsHow to secure Non-Executive Directorships through directly approaching companiesNon-Executive Directorship interview questionsHow to join the board of a charity or non-profitAnd much more!There's no risk either!This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply contact the Udemy support team and they'll refund 100% of your money, no questions asked. You either end up with the knowledge of a Non-Executive Director and take the first steps to building your portfolio career... or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don't like it...You literally can't lose. Ready to get started?Enrol now using the ""Add to Cart"" button on the right, and get started on your way to Non-Executive success! See you on the inside (hurry, your Non-Executive Director portfolio career is waiting!)"
Price: 199.99

"Business Blog Writing to Generate Leads: For Beginners" |
"Learn blogging techniques to generate leads for your business. Experienced news editor and trainer gets you started and walks you through five posts that show your expertise to potential clients. Major companies hire journalists to market with content and Ill teach you how to get started from scratch and to blog with sales as your final goal. When I was a news editor, I was shocked by how few business owners could actually communicate with their communities. This course busts through every insecurity and excuse I heard to get business owners blogging. With concise spoken and screencast lectures, I will teach you to everything you need to get started marketing your business and receiving leads with a blog. Let's get started and let's get you published!"
Price: 144.99

"Do It Yourself Immigration: Temporary Protected Status" |
"This course is intended to give an overview of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), as granted by the U.S. government, and provide detailed instructions on how to apply for TPS without the need for an attorney. If you have no prior criminal convictions or immigration violations, this course may save you hundreds of dollars in attorneys' fees. By the end of this course, you will know how to complete every required form, which supporting documents are required, how to secure work authorization, and how to maintain your TPS status."
Price: 49.99

"Career Development - Get the BEST Job Evaluation EVER!" |
"Career Development Strategies - How to Get the Best Performance Evaluation EVER! Have you ever wondered: How to get a better Performance Evaluation? How to get the recognition you deserve at work? How Career Advancement is affected by your behavior? Did you answer Yes to any of these Questions? If so, then take advantage of this exclusive Udemy Learning Course about Career Development - How to Get the Best Performance Evaluation EVER! This Course will improve your Job Security and Job Satisfaction. In this course you can expect to learn 25 powerful Career Development techniques that will truly improve your career advancement opportunities. Use these to get noticed and to greatly improve your standing at work. Don't fall behind or be ignored any longer. Become rapidly noticed by management for your performance, accomplishments and skills. Receive that promotion and raise you deserve! Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% "no questions asked" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! Believe me, with over 25 years of workplace experience, I can assure you that this Career Development Strategies course is all you need to accomplish all of this. My simple, powerful techniques will quickly change how you are perceived in your work environment. I personally wish I knew all about this when I was in my 20s! Here is a sample of what you will learn about Career Development Strategies: Important information about what is expected of you How to send emails, The Right Way! What it takes to be noticed by management Behaviors that will negatively affect your Career Advancement Goals What every employer is looking for What every employer is looking to avoid How to make yourself Bullet Proof at work Also included in this Career Development Strategies Course: A Powerful E-book demonstrating the 25 Career Development Strategies that will improve your Job Security and get you noticed at work. A Career Aptitude Test Quiz to ensure you are fully aware of the changes you should make. This Career Development Strategies course will provide you with the tools you will need to become a STAR as work. It is like having your own personal Career Guidance Counselor! Ask yourself these Final Questions: Are you confident, indispensable and fully recognized at work? Are you doing everything to achieve your Career Advancement Goals? Are you secure in your job? If this time you answered No! Take this course and change your career path and your financial success. Do not get left behind. Join the 600+ successful students that are using my Career Development Strategies and are already improving how they are being perceived at work - start today, win tomorrow! To your success, David Peterson"
Price: 19.99

"How To Buy a NEW Car with Confidence!" |
"How to Buy a New Car will teach you everything you need to know if you are planning on purchasing a New Car. As a previous car salesman, I know the secrets that dealerships do not want you to know. This course will teach you: Important information about when to buy a new car Proven times when NOT to buy a new car Essential preparation work before going to a dealership How to negotiate, The Right Way, to get the best deal on a new car The Secrets of how to play the new car purchase GAME! Stop paying too much for a new car. Learn what every car purchaser should know. Discover what a trial close is, and learn what you should know BEFORE you Buy a New Car. Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% ""no questions asked"" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! What do you have to lose? 30 minutes could save you thousands. Buy this course and you will get FREE access for my soon to be released How to Purchase a Used Car course. Also in included in this course is a FREE NEW CAR PURCHASE CHECKLIST. This checklist will ensure you get everything you want. Learn the New Car Purchase GAME and become more confident when you buy a car. When you know the GAME, you will actually enjoy buying a new car. So, do not leave home without this information. Join the other successful students that are already more confident when buying a new - start today! To your Success, David Peterson"
Price: 19.99

"How to Buy a USED Car - The RIGHT Way!" |
"How to Buy a USED Car, The Right Way! Take this course BEFORE you buy a Used Car? Learn what to do before you buy a used car Learn where to buy a used car and where not to buy a used car Learn how to negotiate when you are buying a used car Learn what to look for when checking out a used car 45 minutes could SAVE you 1000s of dollars. I have been a car salesman and have bought cars for over 25 years and will teach you what I have learned the hard way, so you dont have to! Have you ever paid too much for a used car? Have you ever bought a used car that turned out to be a lemon? Do you have very little experience buying a used car? Are you planning a buying a car in the near future? Did you answer YES to any of these questions? If so, then take advantage of this exclusive Udemy Learning Course about How to Buy a Used Car, it could save you $1000s of dollars and help you avoid endless headaches. In this course you can expect to learn How to Buy a Used Car, The Right Way. You will become confident and knowledgeable about the Used Car Purchase Process. Take my course - study it, test it, implement it...and, if for whatever reason you are not happy then you can get a 100% ""no questions asked"" refund. You will have 30 days to test drive my course and be covered by this 100% money-back guarantee. So, you have absolutely no risk! With over 25 years of car buying experience, I can assure you that this course will teach you How to Buy a Used Car, The Right Way! Follow my process, learn my techniques and you will be successful. I have sold and bought over 20 cars and have learned what to do and what NOT to do along the way. Also Included in this How to Buy a Used Car Course: A Free Checklist of Everything to Look for when Purchasing a Used Car Buy this Course and I will give you Free Access to my other Course How to Buy A New Car This course will provide you with the tools you will need to become a Car Purchase Expert. Ask yourself theseFinal Questions: Are you confident when buying a used car? Do you know how to evaluate if a used car is good? Do you know how to negotiate a car purchase? If this time you answered No! Take this course and help ensure you get the BEST DEAL you can when buying a used car. To your success, David Peterson"
Price: 44.99

"Real Life Coding: Developing Survey Application" |
"This course will take you through the steps necessary to build a useful, real life web application based on requirements from an actual marketing department. Watch as the web developer in this video series is given the task of creating survey functionality to be used on a web site and poll participants via email marketing blasts. Additionally this developer must collect real time feedback from attendees at live events. Learn which technologies should be used and how each requirement should be fulfilled. Sit next to the developer and see how it's all put together. This course is not about teaching a specific language or technology, but rather it demonstrates how to use several technologies and programming tools together to accomplish the given goals. By watching this video series you will benefit by learning how to code and tie different layers of application together in an efficient way. This course will help expand your web development skills and will provide you with ideas to help you approach future projects with confidence."
Price: 24.99

"Successfully Transitioning Into Supervision" |
"The objective of this course is to provide students with practical information, tools and techniques that can immediately be applied in their new or current role as a supervisor or manager. Students will learn how to get off to a great start by communicating with the appropriate people and learn how to maximize the resources that are available. They will also learn how to shorten their learning curve by empowering employees and gain a better understanding of how to create their own future by establishing goals. Lastly, they will learn to be a humble leader that is committed to providing support and service, as well as receive my personal advice regarding the most important behaviors of successful supervisors. In order to encourage and assist students in the implementation and application the content in this course, Action Plans are provided at the end of most modules. This course will enhance your performance and increase the probability of you becoming a top performing, successful supervisor."
Price: 94.99

"Philosophy of Language: Intriguing Puzzles and Paradoxes" |
"Are you interested in the philosophy of language? Curious about the philosophical problems that significant figures in the history of analytic philosophy were preoccupied with? Intrigued by the phenomenon of vagueness and paradoxes that boggle your mind? This course will stimulate your mind, challenge what you've always taken for granted, and bring you to a higher level of philosophical skill. In this course, I explain in clear language 4 philosophical problems. Step by step, I will explain each argument and provide potential solutions to some of the problems. Topics include: Kripke's Wittgenstein, Vagueness, Quine on the analytic/synthetic distinction, Davidson on meaning. Full transcripts for each lecture are provided. 30 day full refund if not satisfied. Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. Over 600 students have enrolled. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The prerequisite to the course Linear Algebra for Beginners: Open Doors to Great Careers 2.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn a mathematics subject that is crucial for many high-demand lucrative career fields such as:Computer ScienceData ScienceActuarial ScienceFinancial MathematicsCryptographyEngineeringComputer GraphicsEconomicsIf you're looking to gain a solid foundation in Linear Algebra, allowing you to study on your own schedule at a fraction of the cost it would take at a traditional university, to further your career goals, this online course is for you. If you're a working professional needing a refresher on linear algebra or a complete beginner who needs to learn Linear Algebra for the first time, this online course is for you.Why you should take this online course: You need to refresh your knowledge of linear algebra for your career to earn a higher salary. You need to learn linear algebra because it is a required mathematical subject for your chosen career field such as computer science or electrical engineering. You intend to pursue a masters degree or PhD, and linear algebra is a required or recommended subject.Why you should choose this instructor: I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Riverside. I have extensive teaching experience: 6 years as a teaching assistant at University of California, Riverside, over two years as a faculty member at Western Governors University, #1 in secondary education by the National Council on Teacher Quality, and as a faculty member at Trident University International.In this course, I cover the core concepts such as:Gaussian eliminationVectorsMatrix AlgebraDeterminantsVector SpacesSubspacesAfter taking this course, you will feel CARE-FREE AND CONFIDENT. I will break it all down into bite-sized no-brainer chunks. I explain each definition and go through each example STEP BY STEP so that you understand each topic clearly. I will also be AVAILABLE TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS you might have on the lecture material or any other questions you are struggling with.Practice problems are provided for you, and detailed solutions are also provided to check your understanding.30 day full refund if not satisfied.Grab a cup of coffee and start listening to the first lecture. I, and your peers, are here to help. We're waiting for your insights and questions! Enroll now!"
Price: 19.99

"Cuidados naturales para tu beb" |
"El nacimiento de un hijo es una experiencia maravillosa que nos regala la vida, llega un nuevo ser lleno de amor que mantendr un vnculo muy especial con la madre hasta mucho despus de nacer. En este curso aprenders cmo cuidar a tu beb sin romper ese vnculo, desde el respeto y utilizando remedios naturales no agresivos que mantendrn a tu beb sano sin necesidad de frmacos o productos industriales. Este curso de crianza natural est impartido por una prestigiosa partera con ms de 40 aos de experiencia y unos 2.000 alumbramientos. Todos los remedios que se explican en las clases estn comprobados durante aos y no revisten ningn efecto secundario. Aprende a criar a tu beb desde el amor y respeto con las herramientas que te da la naturaleza y que te devolvern la confianza innata de toda madre: tu sabes que es lo mejor para tus hijos."
Price: 24.99

"Salud y vitalidad: la clorofila" |
"Clorofila: Alimento de luz, la base de la vida! Este curso trata sobre la clorofila. Un pigmento de color verde con muchas propiedades teraputicas, utilizado por algunas culturas desde la antigedad para curar distintas enfermedades. Hipcrates alrededor del ao 400 AC ya mencion las propiedades de los alimentos como fuente de medicina. Durante los aos 1960-1990 en Boston, La Dra. Ann Wigmore demostr personalmente las virtudes de este pigmento, que utiliz para tratarse el cncer en dos ocasiones, con excelentes resultados, y para restablecer la funcin de sus piernas tras un accidente de coche cuando los mdicos que la asistieron solo podan concebir una amputacin total. Ella logr recuperarse por completo con dieta cruda basada en la incorporacin y aplicacin directa sobre las heridas de clorofila fresca varias veces al da. La clorofila es la sangre de los vegetales y es exactamente igual a la hemoglobina de nuestra sangre a nivel de forma molecular. La clorofila promueve la actividad de enzimas protectoras, enzimas detoxificadoras del organismo que ayudan a prevenir el desarrollo de distintas enfermedades, entre ellas el cncer. La sangre es la vida liquida de las personas. Mantenerla libre de toxinas y con alta concentracin de oxigeno mantiene en perfecto estado de equilibrio todo el sistema. Es por eso que la clorofila puede ayudar a curar infinidad de enfermedades. Es un recurso al alcance de todos para aumentar la capacidad de oxigenacin de la sangre. A medida que la sangre pierde su capacidad de transportar oxigeno los glbulos rojos, que son los encargados de llevar oxigeno a todos los tejidos y rganos del cuerpo, sufren un fenmeno llamado Rouleau o pilas de moneda. Este fenmeno lo podemos ver en enfermedades crnicas, y cuanto ms avanzada mayor es el apilamiento de globulos rojos. Esto tambin se relaciona con el grado de toxicidad que tiene la sangre y por lo tanto con la acidificacin del medio interno. La clorofila aumenta la alcalinidad del medio interno yayuda a la desintoxicacin de los rganos filtrantes de la sangre como hgado, rin, intestino y pulmones, por lo que ayuda amejorar la calidad de la sangre. De esta manera, con rganos que funcionan correctamente, el cuerpo tiene capacidad de auto regeneracin. Tambin es capaz de limpiar la sangre de nicotina, cuyos restos podemos ver en esta muestra de sangre. Ventajas de la incorporacin de clorofila en nuestra dieta: Limpia la sangre y rganos de toxinas y metales pesados. Alcaliniza el medio interno. Aumenta la oxigenacin de la sangre por lo cual aumenta la oxigenacin de los rganos. Esto eleva el nivel de energa en todo el cuerpo. Es fuente de enzimas, oligoelementos, vitaminas y minerales, especialmente hierro, calcio y magnesio. Estimula la cicatrizacin y regeneracin de los tejidos. Equilibra la flora intestinal y repara la membrana intestinal, aumentando as la auto-inmunidad. Desodoriza el cuerpo. Mejora el sistema circulatorio, digestivo, reproductivo y circulatorio por su capacidad antioxidante y antiinflamatorio."
Price: 19.99

"Learn a Combat Proven Fighting System: WCA Crash Course" |
"The Course is comprised of the most effective self-defense and street fighting techniques that flow with our natural instincts. The course was developed by Matt "Sensei" Bryers - 3rd Degree Kobukai Ju-Jitsu Black Belt, 20+ Years Combatives Experience, Certified Hand-to-Hand Combat Instructor and more. Teaches Police Officers, SWAT Team Members, Corrections Officers, Security Professionals and Every-Day Joes Heres what you will learn: Simple yet BRUTAL technique that is the Ultimate Fight Changer. This one technique will revolutionize the way you fight. Its instinctual, natural and utterly brutal. Hardcore Ballistic Striking Techniques These striking techniques go beyond throwing some lame haymakers that barely work. Im going to teach you how to make your striking so effective that its almost too easy to end the fight Standing Combat Jiu-Jitsu Techniques We all know that jiu-jitsu is one the most effective martial arts out there. It is the base martial art of military programs, police officer training and Mixed Martial Arts (UFC). If you need to fight and survive, you NEED to know to use Jiu-Jitsu. But dont worry, I break it down for you and make it simple, effective and easy to learn. Ground Combat Jiu-Jitsu Techniques In a real fight, going to the ground is dangerous, especially in a multiple opponent scenario. BUT if you do end up there, you HAVE to know what to do! If not, youre going to get your ass kicked or your face stomped in. I like my face Im sure you like yours too, theres no reason for a face stomping. Learn how to fight off the ground, get back to your feet, and finish the fight."
Price: 19.99

"TRITAC Combatives System: 'No Rules' MMA ... with Weapons" |
"TRITAC COMBATIVES - FRAMEWORK FOR COMBAT SKILL DEVELOPMENTConfidence in martial arts isn't earned by throwing the best high kick or just grappling on the ground. True confidence is built from knowing that you have the ability to fight and win when the 'shit that hits the fan'. Whether you're a LEO and the stop just goes wrong, or when driving home some dude just takes it too far... the ability to defend yourself and fight is vital to your survival.TRITAC is NOT a martial arts style. It is a framework of concepts, movements, techniques, and flows (drills) that give the student the ability to focus on specific gaps in their fighting game, or explore enhance existing combat skills. We relate TRITAC to MMA with no rules, against multiple opponents, and where the use of a weapon, improvised or concealed, is a strong possibility. TRITAC is designed for the individual. Combat is in our nature. It's part of being a human. As individuals, we all have our own natural expression of combat, our instincts. The way you fight, won't be exactly the same way I fight. We may share similar techniques that we may use in combat, but no two humans think, react, move the same. A true fighting system is a play-book that is expressed by the individual When thinking about no-rules, survival-based combat, the only thing we can do is train to be prepared for any situation, any attack, and to remove 'holes' in our fighting game. One style does not have the answer. A style is an idea, a concept that you can use to fight. It should never be a rule-book for fighting, only a concept that might for you.THE TRITAC COMBATIVESLEVEL 1 TRAININGCOURSEThe TRITAC Combatives self defense training course is a system for studying, training and learning reality based self defense. This is a hand to hand combat training DVD focusing on skill sets for street fights or life or death self defense situations. The skills you will develop are similar to a MMA fighter, minus the rules :). There are 6 main areas of combat skills you will focus on to become a well-rounded, powerful combat martial artist. LEVEL 1 CURRICULUM:Concepts & Movement (14 Videos):Stances & FootworkThe 'Fence'The 'Frame' ConceptCombat MovementsEvasionsCQC Striking (22 videos):PunchesHammer FistsElbowsFramesHeabuttsKneesKicksEntries & Takedowns (22 videos):Frame EntriesHammer EntriesLevel-Change EntriesTrips & RearsBack Control TakedownsAttacking Elbow ClearsGround Combat (25 Videos):Climbing EscapesEscaping ControlsSubmissions DefenseCombat GuardGet-upsGround & PoundSituational Defense (21 Videos):Grab DefenseGrab & Hit DefenseBear Hug DefenseRear Bear Hug DefenseChoke DefenseRear Strangle DefenseWrist Grab CountersFront ShieldingRear ShieldingWeapons Combat (23 Videos):Knife DefenseKnife AttacksStick / Club DefenseStick / Club AttacksDefense & Attack Drills"
Price: 69.99

"Play Gospel Music By Ear" |
"This course is about teaching you how to play gospel music by ear. We want you to have enjoy the experience that music brings , joy and beautiful sound. This course is designed for beginners from ages 5 and up. What do you need for this course is a keyboard or piano, internet access, and time and patience to make beautiful music. We will show you how easy it really is once you get the basic musical foundation. Our course paves the way for you to go down the road to play gospel music. Materials include tutorial videos, still illustrations of keyboards with notes to help reinforce the basics of music. We also include still photos for instructional purposes as well as several quizzes to confirm your understanding of music basics. The course starts with basic music theory incorporated with videos to reinforce the music theory to get you started playing piano today. This course is fun and easy and before you know it you will be playing for your own pleasure and satisfaction. You could be playing by the end of this course. Just follow our easy steps from as simple as the alphabet. This course takes you from what are the notes on the keyboard to moving towards playing music and sounding out music via the keyboard and your own memory of music that you may know and always wanted to play. We are committed to teach you to play and the know how and support to get you there. This course is the beginning of something beautiful and that is music. At the end of the course you will be able to play the melody of music you may know. This course was designed to be easily understood by beginners so thats why one should consider this course. This will help you navigate the keyboards, learn they keys,sound them out and start playing after putting it all together. We make it easy for you to start playing today."
Price: 19.99

"How to Produce a professional radio show with Ableton Live" |
"UPDATED ON January 12 2015: A quick tip video to celebrate the new year! Requested by one of the students, you can now see how to add effects to your tracks using the send and returns commands. (less cpu demanding than adding the same fx on every track!) - Do you want to be the next Hardwell or Tiesto? Or / And make a name for yourself in the DJ market & get more gigs? Then this course is for you. One of the fastest way to establish your name out there as a DJ is reaching a wide audience quickly. And radio is the perfect way for this. Follow everything Ill teach you in this course and youll be able to produce a real radio show that radios wont be able to resist broadcasting. Radios schedules are full of badly produced radio shows and theyre craving for better shows. I can tell you this since Im a program director myself, working in radio for the last 15 years. -Discover the secrets that will make your radio show desirable for a program director. Even A-List DJs make mistakes because theyre not aware of certain aspects of radio which lead them to produce bad radio shows. Ill be delivering to you my 15 years expertise in the radio world so you can skip the mistakes and getting straight to offer a true professional-sounding radio show. Ill point everything you need to know about what to do and what NOT to do! This course will cover everything from the content, to commercial breaks, where to put the jingles, how often, how long the tracks should last for, how to a clock for your show (one of the most important thing!)and much more. -The best tool for the job Ableton live isnt only a great tool for producing music and performing live. It is THE fastest tool there is to produce your radio show as fast as possible. And youll see how in this course! Even if you dont know how to use the software, youll be up and running in no time as I explain here everything you need to know to produce your radio show ( along with some other tips along the way! ) -Who is this course for? This high level course is designed for producers and/or DJs who want to be heard on the radio. Its also aimed at radio show producers/hosts, or radio production companies who might want to level up the quality of their work by tailoring exactly the program to the requirements of radio. The techniques can be applied to any genre of music. By the end of this course, youll have acquired all the required skills to deliver a very high quality product to radios. Don't get fooled by the apparent short length of the course and the videos. It's pretty intense, which is why you'll probably want to take notes, rewind, and watch again to make sure you haven't skipped anything as pretty much everything taught in this course if of importance! Best of all, I'll happily give you feedback on your projects, don't hesitate to send me link if you want me to give a listen to something and tell you personally where you should be improving !"
Price: 139.99

"Music Production - advanced techniques used by the pros" |
"Updated July 6th with new documentation regarding a brand new free ableton live plug-in! This course intends to give you some of the best kept secrets among top music producers and professionals of all genres but it also intends to give you tips that will speed up your production process a great deal to help you make better tracks and finish them much faster. Make Better Music Today! Mastering do's and don't's Learn how to beef up your bass sound Discover the secrets to make fatter sounds and more tricks to easily put in practice Ever wondered what's lacking your productions to compete with professional and successful songs? Welllook no further, if you're serious about making music, this course is for you. Although this course might be useful to beginners it will make more sense if you have a little bit of experience at producing already. Logic and Ableton Live will mainly be used here to cover the subject. But be assured that most of the content here can be done with any DAW (Except for a few Live only tricks which I'll teach you along the way!) At the end of this course you will be closer than ever to making professional music!"
Price: 69.99

"The Weather Around You, Understanding How the Weather Works" |
"Ever wonder why afternoon thunderstorms form in the summer, or how hail forms? Maybe you have another question about weather but do not want to learn all of the complicated mathematics and science that are included in a detailed meteorology class? In this course, The Weather Around You, I will teach you what you want to know about basic weather phenomenon, from how small air eddies form, to how the earth's tilt and orbit impact our weather. We will work our way into many different concepts necessary for understanding the weather. As we move through the course together, we will discuss air pressure, energy and how it actually warms us up, water's role, clouds, precipitation, storm formation and so much more. Toward the end of the course we will also discuss how different weather events are formed, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes and lightning. Each lecture will cover a specific idea or concept about the weather, without lingering too long on any one subject. lectures are generally 5 - 10 minutes in length and have a brief review at the end. After each section you will be given the opportunity to see how much you have learned by taking a short quiz pertaining to the information we have covered! When you finish this course you will have a great understanding of what the weather is doing around you, as well as know what the weather forecasters actually mean when you hear them use weather related terms!"
Price: 19.99

"Save Time in Character Animation for After Effects" |
"Stop your I dont have time for this and animate quickly, using a powerful technique that helps you animate with just a few clicks and drags. The most common reason why people neglect to pursue something in their lives is because the lack of time. Lots of work, lots of things to do. Thats the very reason why millions of people love to learn how to do things faster and easier. But how can you do something if there is no such way yet? Frustration hurts, but I had to overcome it. And better yet, help others to avoid it. When I started to take a bit of my sleep time to start a project in animation, I just knew it was going to take me forever, and after the frustration of dropping the project for a couple of months, I came back for revenge! (Not in the negative way, more like in an EPIC WAY!) It was after watching a couple of tutorials for After Effects on Video Copilot that I learned the power of expressions. Got me inspired. There could actually be a way to solve this! As you know, there is no spoiler in saying this, but yes, I found a way. HOORAY! Finally, a solution! That solution is what this course is about. Teaching you how to speed up your animation time with an advanced technique: Rigged Characters. Rigging characters has been used since a couple of years ago, but what I teach you here is how to automate the movements by using expressions (Java code and lots math) inside After Effects to give you the ability to move your characters with just clicks and drags. Just check 1 hour of free lessons to see if you find the techniques interesting. What options do I have for animating a character? Picture this. You have a project in your mind, lets say, a 2 minute animation. You have the plot in your mind, its a good story and you even have the main characters drawn and ready. You know how to use After Effects, because you went to Video Copilot and learned the basics for free. Option 1: Puppet tool You could put your drawings inside After Effects and put a couple of puppet pins, so you can move the character by changing the position of the pins. Right? Well that takes a lot of time to animate, its faster than drawing frame-by-frame, but still takes a lot of time. Option 2: Cut out animation Maybe you dont know about the puppet tool technique and you just split the character into the different parts of the body. The arms, the legs, the body and the head. Everything in a separate layer. Animating that rig takes a lot of time too. Maybe its faster than classical animation but it won't be as fast as a few clicks and drags to change the position. What can you do to make it super fast? Option 3: Advanced Rigging Using a powerful rig that calculates everything for you so you only have to make a few clicks and drags to change the position of your character. Its so easy that you will remember when you played with toys Have you ever played with toys? If you wanted to raise the hand of your Action Figure or your Barbie, all you had to do was to take the hand and raise it right? Imagine if animating was that simple. Well, this is what this course is going to teach you. How to change body positions in a snap. When you find a solution, everybody wants to know it After I came up with this technique, I brought it to the studio I work for (I do motion graphics for commercials), and they went crazy. They started to ask me for lots of tips because I knew that the secret to be faster in animation was by using expressions. Anybody who knows how to use After Effects knows that the secret to speed up your work is by automating with expressions. And the only way I could help everybody, was by organizing the process and create a couple of videos. Thats when the idea for this course was born. Rigged Characters are the common way to speed your animation, everybody knows that Rigged Characters are what most professionals under a schedule use. Im talking about Nickelodeon, Disney TV. They all use techniques to rig characters and animate faster. But until now, there was no way you could achieve all this in After Effects, you had to do your animation in Toon Boom, or Animate Studio. What about us? The After Effects Community? Well, this is my contribution. An Advanced Rig that helps you control your character easily and quickly, all inside After Effects. If you havent checked yet, take a look at 1 hour of free lessons and see for yourself how easy you can achieve this rig, and how it can help you to animate faster. It all sounds great, but, What level of knowledge do I need? Because I know there is a lot of people who doesnt know how to use After Effects, I made an update and included a tour of the software. Everyone is getting it now. And if you are a veteran user, you might discover some advanced little tips that can help you cut your work time in half. Check the reviews. Animating faster is not only something people with little time need, but also big studios who work under a schedule. This course will help you achieve faster times, deliver work earlier and stay ahead of schedule. What if I dont understand something? What if I need help? If you have a question, just ask me and I try to reach as fast as possible. I answer all questions, mostly on the same day. I check my inbox twice a day. And just so you know, this course has had tons of modifications thanks to the many questions I received. Many lessons have been re recorded so anyone can understand the concepts. Really, any doubt you have is actually a way to help improve this course. Check the free lessons now! What are you waiting for? Preview the free hour of video lessons and if you believe this course is what you were looking for, enroll for the complete 4.5 hour course and discover the secret techniques that can help you cut your working time in half. Inside you will find the project files to follow along and easy to follow instructions to achieve this powerful technique. Enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"Rock The Review: Get Promoted as VIP Talent" |
"** Course valued at $500. ** Over 250 students within 24 hours of going live Are you getting overlooked for new projects and promotions? Are you putting in long hours of hard work, hoping someone will notice? You are starting to feel undervalued and unappreciated in the office- you are starting to feel invisible. It hurts, because you know you have a lot to offer and you crave to feel fired up at work. Its time to feel confident and fulfilled at work . Its time for you to discover your unique talents and confidently communicate your value to get the opportunities you deserve. Your performance review is the ideal opportunity for you to showcase who you are, why you matter and ask for what you need to take it to the next level of your career. Isnt it time to own your awesomeness? Im Tania DeSa, a leadership trainerwith an MBA who has acted on these strategies to achieve success across industries, organizations and countries. Im going to help you own your awesomeness and stand out in the workplace as top talent. This course will help you: Get clear on your career direction Courageously ask for what you want Decide what you want (and dont want) in a role Confidently showcase your talent Build a stellar relationship with your boss Fearlessly ask for what you want (and get it) Measure your success effortlessly throughout the year Its time to ignite your purpose, own your worth and amplify your impact in the workplace. Its time to build a clear vision for where you want to go and then take action to make that vision a reality. I want to help you achieve your career ambition. I want to help others see you as the superstar you are. I will guide you through a step-by-step process of rocking your performance review. You will hear case studies from my own career, practical advice from Fortune 500 managers, directors and CEOs, and get fill-in-the-blank templates to use in your own performance review. Ive consolidated years of experience into a single success system that you can complete in a few lunch hours during the workweek. You CAN rock your performance review to shine as top talent and catapult your career to the next level. Youre not alone and it doesnt have to be difficult. What you do matters so let me support you in owning your worth and rising to new levels of greatness at work (and lets have fun in the process). ** This Course is valued at over $500, but I'm on a mission to help you be seen and heard at work so I'd like to offer the course to you at an over 70% discount**"
Price: 179.99
