"Your Digital Makeover: Learn How To Win Clients & Followers" |
"We dont have a choice on whether we do social & mobile, the choice is in how well we do it. The above quote seems illogical. After all, do I not have a choice regarding my use of social and mobile outlets or any new technology? Would avoidance of these new tools protect my reputation? You could choose the path of technology avoidance, but it would be increasingly difficult to succeed without these digital tools and your reputation could still be compromised. Regardless if you elect to use social media or have a digital presence, people will be looking for you online. When you do not create and manage your digital reputation, you allow others to do this for you. Would you rather have influence over your reputation, or give that control to others? For example, research indicates that 92% of children under the age of two already have a digital posting about them. Yes, what happens offline stays online. This is a fundamental shift in society. It is a shift that many of us, from schoolteachers to CEOs, have failed to grasp. By taking this course, you have made the choice to produce and protect your best reputation. Nice choice."
Price: 49.99

"Conquer Anxiety with Simple Practices" |
"This course is about turning anxiety and high levels of stress into sources of strength, creativity, and power, rather than issues or obstacles. This coursecovers breathing techniques andguided imagerymeditationsfor deep relaxation and improved focus skills.Using video, this short course is structuredin a simple, straightforward, friendly manner. Take this course if you struggle with high levels of stress,anxiety, post traumatic stress, grief, anger, or low self esteem and if youwant to build upresiliency to stress and anxiety.These practices are simpleand modifiedfor all levels, which meansno previous breath work, or guided relaxationexperience isnecessary."
Price: 19.99

"Manage Post Traumatic Stress with Yoga and Breath Work" |
"This beginner level trauma informed breathing and yoga course is geared specifically for people who are recovering from a traumatic event in their lives. Using video, audio and PDF's, this course teaches 2 simple and proven styles of effective breathing practices which may help improve mood, decrease anxiety and depression, and may help practitioners mange Post Traumatic Stress by toning the nervous system. This class teaches beginner level yoga postures and offers a guided relaxation which may help to reduce physical tension and emotional suffering. -mindful breath techniques -beginner level yoga sequences (does require getting up and down off the floor, but may be skipped) -take time to rest, renew and restorewhile practicing self care -build trust -gain confidence -improved mood -enhanced sleep -develop conscious clarity and self awareness Trauma informed breathing and yoga practices may help you feel more at ease in your mind and body. Has someone recommended you try yoga? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you ever feel like you're a bit lost or overwhelmed with life? Do you want some me time? This short course sets the stage for self compassion, self respect, and self awareness and may help to open the door for the next level of your personal healing journey to happen. This course was created out of an intention to offer a simple, self compassionate breathing and yoga course which most anyone who is able to get up and down from the floor can try. While the content in this course isnt complicated, or too long, it may not be easy. If you are wanting to move slow and mindfully and with your breath, and to work with the intuition of healing, this is the place for you. With trauma comes emotional and often, physical pain. This class is unique in that it is targeting the parts of ourselves needing time, space and attention to recover. We all have traumas in our lives and we all respond differently. This compassionate course is useful for the times when we need a little extra support and prefer to practice in the privacy of our own space. Unhealthy coping mechanisms such as abusing food, excessive drinking, dangerous drugs, over-excercising, overspending, will never be enough to rebuild or sustain our vitality. We all need to practice cultivating self awareness to help create personal healing. In this class you will spend time exploring breath techniques and you will move consciously with respect for your body. You will benefit physically and emotionally by taking time to nurture yourself. At the end of this course you may feel relaxed, centered and more mindful."
Price: 19.99

"The Ultimate Guide To Instagram Success" |
"If you want to discover how to drive traffic, build a list and make sales using instagram, then The Ultimate Guide To Instagram Success is themust have course on Udemy.On the inside we reveal the exact step-by-step method we personally use on instagram and how you can get major results too in only 10 minutes effort per day.We've personally taught thousands of people how to successfully market on social media over the past few years. And we look forward to teaching you how to dominate instagram and stand out from your competitionThree reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!1.This is what's working for us oninstagram right now. You get our entire methodwith nothing left out.2. You can connect with us on Facebook personally and ask us any question you choose.3. What you'll discover inside this course is unique. we spent over two years testing out various methods on instagram. We know what doesn't work. And we know what works like gangbusters. You get to benefit from our personal experience. This course will also reveal how you can automate 98% of your insagram business so you can sit back and watch as the traffic and sales start pouring in.Get An Edge On Your Competition Today And Discover Why Instagram Is The Hottest Social MediaPlatform Out ThereAnd How You Can Leverage It To Maximum Effect!ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"A Hangover Free Life" |
" Over 685 students enrolled since launch Last updated: May 2020 Testimonial received 7th Jan 2019: ""I just want to say thank you, your course was the first course i did on my journey to being alcohol free, i am now 1 year and 10 months along and still going strong. I think if i had not stumbled on your course, i would not be where i am now 100%, i would be still drinking. Thanks :)"" Since I stopped drinking in September 2013 I have saved 100,000, lost 12lbs in weight and any symptoms of anxiety or depression have all but gone. Plus in January 2018 my family emigrated from the UK to Australia for me to continue my professional career as a Clinical Nurse in Alcohol and Other Drugs Service (AODS) firstly in the Outback of North West Queensland and then, following a move to the East Coast, in Central Queensland. The course has been updated with new information & skills from the additional knowledge gained in these positions.Before we stop, we think quitting drinking will be impossible and too hard, so we decide not to even try, but this course will give you all the information and tools to make it possible. There are presentations, an e-book, hand-outs and online resources for you to use. The course is designed to be completed in 6-7 hours but deciding to change your relationship with alcohol, and changing it can be a process which takes some time and as this course gives you lifetime access it will be there for you as long as you need it. It looks at ways to cut down through moderation, gives you the structure and time to reflect on your drinking while thinking about stopping or preparing to stop. It gives you knowledge about the impact that alcohol has physically and emotionally and the skills to manage life alcohol free. Then once you are living hangover free tools are provided to ensure that you can stay that way as long as you wish. It gives supportive resources in terms of books, audio podcasts, films and online communities. Plus I can provide one-on-one support via telephone, email or Skype so if you feel this would be beneficial, please ask about my hourly rate. This course is for you if you want to look at your relationship with booze and want to change it, be that temporarily or permanently. What have you got to lose? You can always go back to drinking if you change your mind. Although you might find, like me, that life is so much better without it that you'd rather stay hangover free. Enroll now!Update: I have uploaded to the introduction to the course page, which you can preview for free, the new COVID-19; information on stopping drinking for people dependent on alcohol guidelines from Public Health England published on 7th May 2020 for your information. This information gives guidance on how to manage your drinking if you are worried that you are alcohol dependent and support resources available. Although this is UK public health advice the message is appropriate wherever you live in the world."
Price: 79.99

"How to Get Published as a Graduate Student" |
"This course will get you started on your way to a successful academic publishing career! You will learn how to: see a manuscript through from conceptualization to publication develop habits that will support your writing anticipate (and survive!) common pitfalls in academic writing and publishing You will also learn what to expect after you submit a manuscript for review and how to respond in an appropriate and timely manner to decision letters. This course is intended to be used in two ways: to provide you with an overview of the academic writing and publication process to return to when you need specific help with a part of the overall process The course is structured in a linear manner (from manuscript conceptualization to publication). However, feel free to move around as needed as most lectures can be viewed as stand-alone."
Price: 79.99

"How to Support Your Adolescent's Reading Development" |
"This course will teach you proven strategies that will help your adolescent improve as a reader. You will learn how to: how to identify appropriate books for your teen to read strategies to support a positive reading environment at home how to have discussions about books with your teen This course is structured in such a way that you can move about it as you wish or you can progress in a linear manner. The strategies presented here are independent of each other. Feel free to select and use them as it makes sense for you and your teen."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods" |
"This course teaches you the basics of conducting qualitative research. You will learn how to: (a) design research questions, (b) write interview questions, and (c) conduct observations. You will also be introduced to basic data analysis techniques and think about where you would like to publish and present your research.This course is perfect for anyone interested in conducting qualitative research but isn't sure how to get started. At the end of this course, you will have gained knowledge about the primary tools used in qualitative research and how to use them. You will be ready to go forth and conduct your own research."
Price: 84.99

"How To Conduct & Write a Literature Review" |
"In this course, you will learn how to write research questions for a literature review, gather and analyze data, and write up your work. You should end the course with a solid rough draft of your paper. You will go through the entire process step by step, and I'll show you the process I recommend most for getting this work done."
Price: 79.99

"How To Nourish Your Child Properly For Healthy Life Ahead" |
"This course is designed for moms with young children. These moms care about their kids health and are looking to learn how to feed their children healthy foods. These moms sometimes feel confused about conflicting information about food and nutrition and want to know what is truly healthy for their children and what to avoid. This course is about food our children eat today and how this food effects their health. It explains why we have an epidemic of modern diseases that were pretty much unknown just 100 years ago. We compare modern kids' food to the food children ate back in time, before the Industrial Revolution and how their way of eating made them into strong and robust adults. This course is designed to help moms to feed their children in the way that creates and supports strong health rather than creates some of the many modern diseases in the future of their children. This course will NOT teach mothers the same information that is taught in the mainstream nutritional schools or what they hear from their doctors daily. This mainstream information is supporting the many myths about the way our Ancestors lived and ate and how we should eat today. The effects of this mainstream (mis)information, that largely supports the food and the pharmaceutical industries and not our health, are clearly visible all around us, in growing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, autism, and many other modern disease rates. Instead, from this course mothers will learn the general information on what worked for millions of years for our pre-Industrial Revolutionary Ancestors and that help our species to develop and survive in the world. They will also learn what to avoid in their kids diet and what to include on the daily basis, so that they can raise healthy, happy, smart, and balanced children This course consists of videos, text materials, and YouTube uploaded videos in supportive materials."
Price: 19.99

"How To Nourish Your Baby Properly For Healthy Life Ahead" |
"Learn which foods create health and which create disease, which foods are best for your baby and which foods to avoid; raise a healthy, happy, and robust child. Master Ancestral Wisdom Of Health And Nutrition And Raise A Healthy Happy And Robust Baby Know the differences between breastfeeding and commercial formulas Learn how to make your own homemade formula that is healthy and safe Recognize what first foods are healthy for your baby and which to avoid Learn what our healthy Ancestors did for thousands of years Your babys health is in your hands - do it right the first time! Your babys health depends on what you know! Knowledge is power - give your baby the right start in life! Give your baby the right start in life - knowledge is power! Well learn the time-tested Ancestral Wisdom about health and nourishment. Knowing this information will allow you to protect your baby from modern diseases and help your baby to grow healthy and strong. Following this Ancestral Wisdom will ensure your baby develops properly and gets the right start in life. This information is not something you will hear from the mainstream media. In fact, the food and pharmaceutical industries would prefer you dont learn this, as the moment you learn this, they lose you and your child as consumers and patients. And that is precisely why you should learn this! Content and Overview As a mother myself I know how difficult it can be to know how to feed your child healthy in todays commercialized world. I have spent many years studying Ancestral nutrition and have travelled the world researching what our Ancestors did that allowed them do live healthy and disease-free. I have become an expert in the field of Ancestral nutrition and want to share this knowledge with you and other moms. I designed this course to be an overview of the Ancestral nutrition with concrete step-by-step instructions on how to feed your baby the right way. This will help your baby to develop properly. Nutrition is the most crucial for your baby in the first months of life. These first months will determine the state of health for your child for the rest of his or her life. This course gives you an opportunity to learn, so you can help your baby grow healthy and strong. Do not rely on the commercial foods, as they are not adequate nutrition for your little one. Do you ever wonder why we have so many MODERN diseases and why they are called MODERN? This course will answer these questions. Babies need real, nourishing foods that commercial baby formulas and baby foods do not provide. That is why you need to know what your baby truly needs and how to provide it for your baby. The only way to shield your little baby from the health damaging effects of the newfangled industrial foods is for you to gain knowledge. This course provides this knowledge and will allow you to take charge of your babys health and to nourish your precious child into a healthy and strong human being, safe from the onslaught of modern diseases. This course clears the confusion around food, as there are so many conflicting messages about food and nutrition all around us. You have to know this information - your baby develops only once! So get it right the first time. I have created this course to be a simple and fast paced learning experience as I know how busy you are as a new mom. You can complete this course in no time and start implementing changes right away! At the end of this course you will be able to discern which foods create health and which create future disease and chose only the right ones for your baby. I provide ongoing help and support. All future additional lectures and guides are included in your course - there's never anything extra or anything more to pay."
Price: 19.99

"Introspection: The Art of Transforming Your Life" |
"Transform your life in 8 lessons using the fine art of self-observation and meta-cognition (thinking about how you think) This self-paced, comprehensive ebook course is designed for those looking for a guided, holistic approach to health of body and mind, with ease of mind, that can help you focus on your goals for total health, happiness and success in your life. By helping to remove myths, negative thoughts, action, and inaction that hinder one's progress, this course reveals a path for those who may lack direction, motivation, and mentor-type guidance. Contains extensive resources and research for your personal development. This course also utilizes a reading list to go along with it, which is recommended, but is not required to benefit from the course. The reading list is included in the assignments at the end of each lesson to supplement this reflection area. Note: For best results, please use headphones to focus on the audio instruction and background music to make the most of its meditative qualities."
Price: 49.99

"Installing Wordpress 5 - Installation, Registrars & Hosting" |
"Covers Wordpress 5.x (the latest version) Installing Wordpress - Installation, domain registrars and web hosting is a course designed to give complete beginners all the knowledge and skills they need to install Wordpress on any web host. We'll discuss domain registrars and web hosting, and see why it is better to use two separate companies for this, rather than relying on your web host to act as both host and registrar. If that statement confuses you, don't panic. I'll explain how to set all of this up, with videos and PDFs to help every step of the way. I'll even show you how to move a domain you already own to a separate domain registrar. We'll look at two automated ways of installing Wordpress, plus a manual method using FTP for those that like adventure. I'll tell you which automated method is better, and why. Once Wordpress is installed, we'll clean up the installation to remove the ""fluff"" that Wordpress installed. We'll look at adding posts and pages, and talk about the main differences between these two types of document. One of the reasons I love Wordpress is the simplicity of changing the look and feel of the site using themes. We'll see how to find and install specific themes that meet your criteria, as well as how to install premium themes in case you buy one. One of the most powerful features of Wordpress is the way it can be extended using plugins, which add new features and capabilities to an already powerful content management system. We'll look at finding and installing plugins (both free and premium), and I'll tell you some of the free plugins I use on most of my sites. Finally, for those that want a 100% free Wordpress site, I'll show you how to create one. There are limitations to this type of Wordpress site, but hey, it's free, right? I'll let you know what you can and cannot do with these free sites. By the end of this course, you will be able to install Wordpress on any web host, using a separate domain registrar, and understand why that is important."
Price: 44.99

"Wordpress for Beginners - Master Wordpress Quickly" |
"Wordpress for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Wordpress!In 2020, it's never been easier to build a fantastic, responsive website that looks great on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. You can learn Wordpress WITHOUT having to buy web hosting or a domain name. I'll show you how you can set it all up on your own computer using free tools. NOTE: This course will always be updated to cover the latest version of WordPress. Covers WordPress 5.0 and earlier.The primary goal of this course is to teach anyone, even a complete beginner, how to become a Wordpress guru in a few short hours, without lots of technical jargon. I'll guarantee that after taking this course you'll have the knowledge you need to build a responsive, beautiful website with the latest version of Wordpress. Not only will you know more than 99% of Wordpress users out there, but you'll actually enjoy using Wordpress too. This course is taught by Wordpress author and teacher, Dr. Andy Williams, who has over a decade of experience using and teaching Wordpress to people of all skill levels.About the CourseThis course will guide you through every single step from installation to finished website. I'll show you how you can install Wordpress on your own computer for free, so you don't have to pay for a domain name or hosting fees while you complete this course. Once you've got Wordpress installed on your computer, you will learn how to build and run a successful, beautiful, responsive-design website you can be proud of. After taking you through all of the main options in Wordpress, explaining what each one does and how you set it up, I'll let you watch over my shoulder as I build a Wordpress website. It will be an affiliate site that I hope will make me passive income for many years to come. Go and check out the free preview tutorials in Section 13. Who is this Wordpress course for? Have you ever wanted to build a professional looking website, but didn't know where to start? Now you can. Wordpress for Beginners is a complete course for anyone, no matter what your technical ability. This course assumes no prior knowledge! At the start of the course, I'll walk you through setting up Wordpress on your own computer so that you don't need to pay for a web host (or a domain name) while you master wordpress. When you decide you want to put a website online, you can then watch over-my-shoulder as I buy a domain name and hosting, and install Wordpress online.Whether you decide to host your site on your own computer, or at a web host, you'll be ready to start mastering Wordpress. We'll start at the very beginning by logging in to have a look around to familiarize ourselves with the main areas of the Dashboard.Once you are happy navigating around your new tools, we'll go through the main features you will need as you create your site, including: The WYSIWYG Editor. This is where you enter all of your website content.The Media Library, to manage your images, videos, sound files and other media you want to share on your site.Wordpress Settings, and I'll take you step by step to set those up just right.We'll look at the differences between Wordpress posts and pages, and I'll give you a simple way of knowing which one to use on any occasion.We'll look at post excerpts, categories and tags, and how to use them on a well-structured site to maximize visitor experience and search engine ranking benefits.You'll see the two main ways you can set your homepage up.We'll create a contact form on the site so visitors can get in touch.We'll setup an About us page, and I'll explain why this page is important and what information to include on it.We'll cover the legal pages you need.We'll discuss the navigation system on your site, and how you can set up customized navigation in the header, sidebar or footer of your site. We'll also talk about internal site linking.We'll cover Wordpress security, and set up a system that will keep the site safe from hackers.We'll check out some great free plugins.Finally, I'll give you a 20 step plan for creating your site. By the end of this course, you will have a website that you are truly proud of. Just of few of the many Student ReviewsThis is a fabulous course, and I would it give it six stars if such a rating were available! Everything is very clearly explained, and Andy promptly answers any question you might have. If you are interested in using and learning WordPress, you owe it to yourself to take this outstanding course. Robert WeiserLectures are well-structured with lots of details given. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and communicates very effectively. I've been able to set up my first website based on what I've learned here. A definite plus is that questions posted via the course are answered quickly! Susan WormsI love this course. I have spent a few hours today and I have already learned so much. Really excited about the potential for when I am done. Great Course! A. Luis AcostaI learned a lot more than how to use WordPress in basic terms. Andrew shares a lot of insider knowledge and tips that would take you countless hours of doing your own research to learn...and answering questions you may not have thought to ask. Couldn't have asked for a better course to help me jumpstart into WordPress. Nathaniel StephensWhat a fantastic share of knowledge. I really appreciated and loved how a ""real"" site was used for the lectures, real world examples of everything. I would definitely take this course - highly recommended! Glen SchaferThis course is perfect for people who want to start a blog or info page with wordpress. He covers all the basics and sometimes goes even a little deeper, to give you an idea what to look for. The provided documents are gold and very helpfull. I can't wait to go public with my site. Thank you for the great lectures. Andreas LackmannI really wish I had access to a course such as this four years ago when I first started dabbling with Wordpress as a hobby in my retirement. The learning process at the time, for a non-techy like me, was painstaking. Andy's course was the ideal step-by-step teaching method. I'm now much more confident about starting a new affiliate marketing website. LeonWell delivered, well structured. Easy to follow and logical. Developed my own website in parallel with the course, and had it up and running within two weeks of starting. Looking forward to undertaking a couple of the course developers other courses now. Highly recommended. Steve LaingExcellent instructor. Andy is great. He used visuals for everything he say. I was able to pause him and go to my site and test my understanding in all areas that I did know. The results and excitement are fantastic. Esau KhanA fantastic course. Thank you Andy. This is a great course and it has helped me start to build my own WordPress website. I was very impressed when I had a problem with viewing my site that you took time to check for me. That shows what a great teacher you are. I have booked up another course by to and can't wait for more. Once again. Thank you. B BrownMany of the courses I've been through related to learning Wordpress are either too complicated or the author doesn't spend enough time explaining concepts so that you can understand what's being said. Andy strikes a nice balance with this course in that all the modules are broken up into easily digestible pieces. I like that he takes enough time to explain each new concept or module without being repetitive or using jargon that's difficult to follow. I also love being able to follow along with Andy as he explains each new module as well (as opposed to just talking off of slides all the time). He literally walks you through everything, so it's like you're right there looking over his shoulder. For anyone wanting to understand all the fundamentals of Wordpress, I think you'll absolutely love this course. It will save you tons of time by having all this information in one place. And you'll even learn some additional features like setting up affiliate links (not that everyone needs to know this but I like that Andy included it so it's there if you ever want to know). Truly a fantastic course! Lance GrossSuperb Course - Extraordinary Instructor!! Andy's Wordpress for Beginners-Master Wordpress Quicky course is by far the best Wordpress course I've seen. And I definitely wouldn't say it's just for beginners. I'm not a beginner - I thought I knew Wordpress pretty well, but I learned SO MUCH MORE from this course! I've always had a lot of questions about the many settings and various options in Wordpress and most courses just skip over them or tell you to check this box and move on with no explanation. I never really got my questions answered until now. Andy is very detailed in his instruction. He walks you through step by step and tells you what each setting or section is for, how it is used (or not used) and why. I got more out of Andy's course than any other course I've ever taken. He has an extensive teaching background and it is evident in his clearly produced videos. After taking this course, you'll find your confidence level will soar. Carol"
Price: 194.99

"CSS for beginners" |
"Web pages are built with HTML, but styled with CSS. As with any other coding language, CSS has a learning curve that puts off many beginners. This CSSfor beginnerscourse aims to change all that and make learning CSS fun. As you work through the tutorials, you can try out the examples, or try your own CSS and see the live preview of your code immediately to check if you got it right. CSS for Beginnersstarts with an introduction to CSS where you can get your feet wet by creating your own uniquely styled Google's homepage. After learning a few key phrases you'll move on to look at the three ways you can implement CSS into your web pages. You'll look at color, including web safe colors, and the different ways you can add color to your web pages. We'll look at how you can style any HTML element, from headers to lists using base selectors, before looking at the design power offered by Classes and IDs to really put your CSS designs into overdrive. With a great working knowledge of the main concepts in CSS, we'll cover the Box Model of CSS, which is a great source of confusion for many CSS beginners. Using a simple diagram as reference, you can roll up your sleeves and explore the Box Model with a simple CSS coding session. Not only can you follow along in real-time using the same free tool that I do, you can also experiment and have fun as you learn. If you are a beginner to CSS or struggled with the learning curve in the past, then CSS for Beginnersis the course for you, and offers you a fun way to learn CSS, using free tools. Check out the introductory lecture for free."
Price: 94.99

"WordPress Intermediate Skills" |
"I have been teaching WordPress for around 15 years and recently asked a group of my students:""What do you think is missing from most WordPress courses, that YOU feel all WordPress users need to know."" This course is the result of that questionnaire.If you have a working knowledge of WordPress, but want to learn more and become a better website developer, then this course can help. This course does not teach you how to use WordPress. That much is assumed. This course includes more information on :WordPress files on your server and how to access them with FTP or through cPanel.Child themes and how to create them.WordPress pages including parent-child relationships, page templates, template hierarchy, conditional statements, custom page templates and custom post templates.Why redirects are important and how to use them successfully.HTTP to HTTPS conversion on web hosts that support Let's Encrypt.Improving page load times by optimizing your site, and checking your site is mobile-friendly.Design stuff like Themes, Dynamic Widgets, Custom Sidebars, Jump Links, Page Builders & Favicons.The Media Library and image galleries.WordPress Users and roles. Your'll also learn how to create your own roles.GDPR and how to ensure you are compliant.Autoresponders - how they work and why you should use them.Site Structure - how to create different types of site with WordPress using the tools available within the Dashboard.CTR & Time on Site, and how to improve these by monitoring and tweaking.WordPress Problems and how to solve the majority of them quickly and easily.Staging Sites and how to create them so you can work on a copy of your site and only push updates to the live site when you are ready.Developer Tools built into Google Chrome (& Firefox) to help examine the code behind your site, and tweak it.By the end of this course you will have a more complete tool set to create engaging, successful websites using WordPress."
Price: 199.99

"Master Number Theory 2020: The Secrets Of Numbers" |
"For thousands of years, mathematicians have been curious about numbers. Where did they come from? What properties do they have? The truth is that you will never learn the secrets of numbers until you take Number Theory, and all you need is a curious mind to understand (no prerequisites to this course!). One of the biggest problems in history has been: how do you factor a number into prime factors? Well, 26=13*2, but try factoring 1432479... Not so easy now? What if I asked what the next prime number was after 1432479 is? These are tough questions and their answers involve a different type of math - one that you don't need calculus for - but you need a lot of curiosity.In this course, you will look into the secrets of the integers and the many properties that they hold. You do not need Calculus or any advanced mathematics to understand this course, however this is an advanced mathematics course. The material will not involve ""solve for..."" problems. This course is designed to prove things, and so most of the lectures will cover proofs, and not problem solving. This is a great introduction to what pure mathematics actually deals with, and what many modern professors research.Learn and Master Arithmetic, Prime Numbers and Factorization Solving Diophantine EquationsQuadratic Reciprocity Theorems and Legendre SymbolContinued FractionsPrimitive RootsExtended Euclidean AlgorithmAdvanced Modern FactorizationAlgebra of Prime NumbersPythagorean TriplesSee the Algebra of Modern MathematicsThis is not just a basic math course. This course offers over 7 hours of content that will blow your mind. You will learn more material than most Universities offer in their own Number Theory courses. We go into depth on everything with clear examples that helps you understand.How in depth do we go? Take for example the proof of Wilson's Theorem. We will prove it Once, Twice, Three times each in a different way. And that's just one theorem in this course.So what are you waiting for?"
Price: 19.99

"Master Mathematical Cryptography 2020: Crack Any Code" |
"In this course, you will learn all of the old and modern security systems that have been used and are currently being used. You also learn how to crack each one and understand why certain security systems are weak and why others are strong. We will even go into RSA, AES and ECC which are the three main modern cryptography systems used today. Learn How to Crack the Code! Advanced Encryption StandardPublic Key Cryptosystems (ie RSA)Elliptic Curve CryptographyModern Cryptographic SecurityAdvanced Mathematical TechniquesMaster the Art of Security! Security is a very important tool, and the ability to use mathematics to hide information is vital to the world. See how our banks and even the National Security Agency (NSA) keeps their data secure. With the knowledge of this course, you can even apply for security jobs at places like the NSA! This is a course that is rarely taught in Universities, so take advantage and start today! Most of today's security is based upon RSA, and AES but the NSA is trying to push Elliptic Curve Cryptography since it is more secure than RSA. In this course, we learn all of these cryptosystems and their weaknesses. We give examples of every cipher that we cover. Only a small number of people currently understand these systems, and you can join them. The best part of this course is the fun in breaking the codes. We offer many examples of each cryptosystem and how to break each one. Even as you are reading this, your https:// at the top says that the RSA Algorithm is successfully keeping your information from flooding the internet. You can find out how it all works and the mathematical structures that keep it secure in this course. So what are you waiting for? "
Price: 19.99

"Master Linear Algebra 2020: The Complete Study Of Spaces" |
"Have you ever wanted to fully understand the fourth dimension? How about the fifth? How about a space that is infinite dimensional? This is likely the most applicable mathematics course ever. We cover in depth everything about dots, lines, planes, spaces, and whatever is beyond that. We detail special functions on them and redefine everything that you have ever learned. Prepare to have your mind blown! Master and Learn Everything Involving Spaces Vector Spaces Linear Transformations How to Measure Space Definition of a Right Angle (The Real One) Inner-Product Spaces Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Linear Algebra Can Be Easy. Start Your Course Today! This course includes everything that a university level linear algebra course has to offer *guaranteed*. This course is great to take before or during your linear algebra course. The book isn't enough - trust me. You will succeed with these lectures. It's hard to believe that such a difficult class can be made simple and fun, but I promise that it will be. This is a topic that is widely used with everyone, and can be understood. The reason that I succeeded in my linear algebra course is because I had a great professor, and you deserve one too! So what are you waiting for?Join today!"
Price: 19.99

"The Organized Genealogist" |
"Genealogy is such an absorbing pastimethat most of us don't get organized untilwere buried in information, legends, vital statistics, phantom relatives, and allof the vasthodgepodge of documents we find. In ""The Organized Genealogist,"" one of our""Everything Olde is New Again!"" series of genealogy courses,you'll learn how to navigate through the obstacles most of us run into sooner or later. In thiscourse, you'll unravel the maze of forms and fundamentals to help you organize your research. Get and keep your genealogy research under control whether you are just starting this adventure, or a seasoned family historian. When two pieces of information disagree, you'll have a way to determine which is more likely to be correct? You'll know where you found your ancestry information and have a better idea of it's accuracy. Get organized and stay organized with: Family data tracking forms Common searches to find basic genealogy evidence What to look for on primary and secondary evidence How to spot errors, even on official documents What's a third cousin twice removed Genealogy filing systems Ancestral numbering systems Easy citations Copyright violations to avoid Spend your time researching and discovering, not retracing Avoid wracking your memory. You'll have your research all written down, and nicely organized. You'll be able to find those sites you didn't think you'll ever need again. You'll have access toexamples of the types of inaccuracies you might come across, even in official documents. But YOU won't get discouraged by these because you'll knowhow to manage that information. More importantly, you'll learn techniques for analyzing conflicting information, or how to uncover previously elusive information (or ancestors.) Content and Overview I designed this course because I learned, personally, what a mess all these documents and artifacts could become. You'll learn: Where to find forms at no cost, including one interactive set designed in Excel How to fill out the forms using common records. Where to look for records How to distinguish between primary, secondary and best evidenceWhat is considered proof How to connect the dots between different pieces of evidence How to make use of incorrectinformation found on official documents What numbering systems are and how to use them Why you don't mix your mom's family photos with your dad's How copyright law affects your decisions to share what you find You'll, also, get a full 53-page textbook with links to every site we visit, downloads and assignments for practice and discussion. And you will learn enough to be able to determine whether or notyou really are related to Kevin Bacon. Isn't everyone? What my classroom students say about my genealogy courses ~ Exceeded my expectations. Micki was a wonderful instructor who came to class with years of research experience which she shared with us. I found her to be very encouraging and very helpful and was generous with help even when class wasnt in session. ~ Allenda Elam Learned useful ways to approach brick walls. ~ William Sadler Wonderful Class. Id like to take it again. ~ Nancy Copple The course was great. ~ Anonymous I am very pleased with the guidance course materials and helpfulness of the instructor. ~ Glen Crain Really appreciate your research, printed and DVD package. ~ Bonnie Sadler"
Price: 49.99

"Learn Bookkeeping From Scratch" |
"NOTE: This is NOT a video course. Everything is written in simple English. The negative reviews are from people who expected video content. You're about to go on a journey that will take you from understanding what an ACCOUNT really is (and its not as obvious as you may think) to being able to read any balance sheet with ease. You will understand exactly what the professionals (Bankers, Certified Accountants, VCs, FDs CFOs) are talking about. You will be able to talk with confidence about your new bookkeeping and accounting knowledge and will earn respect for it. You will know your gross profit from your net profit, your cost of goods from your operating capital, your depreciation from your amortization but BEST OF ALL you will CLEARLY understand the logic behind these things in a way that no other course has EVER explained. Why is a credit a credit. Why do so many people get credits and debits mixed up. The single guaranteed way never to get them wrong again (just knowing that is worth the price of admission never get stuck in an exam again). And you get our special mini-course on starting your own bookkeeping service. "
Price: 19.99

"Google AdWords Business Training" |
""This is a great course that explains in depth everything that you would need to know to properly set up and manage an AdWords account. I would highly recommend this class for anyone wanting to learn AdWords." - by Chris ZechaBenefit from David Black's years of experience in the industry, working at the forefront of the PPC market as a consultant, presenter and trainerTeach yourself and your staff how to expertly research, develop & manage highly profitable Google AdWords campaigns Take complete control over your spending and maximise your return on investment Manage and optimise your AdWords campaigns like a professional with insightful step by step guidance Wipe the floor with your competition by implementing the proven Google AdWords techniques in this course. We'll start with the basics; What Google AdWords isHow the advertising networks works What factors result in your adverts being displayedHow competing adverts are ranked With your grounding in the fundamentals of Adwords complete and a full understanding of how to navigate properly within your account, we will move on to how you can: Identify the most profitable keywords in your market Limit wasted clicks with carefully chosen negative keywords Structure your Adwords campaigns properly to ensure high ad rank and quality scores Boost advert performance with dynamic content At the end of this section you will have both a plan and the tools ready start developing your first optimised campaign. Once built the campaigns will need calibrating and precisely targeted to ensure your adverts are only served to audiences with a high chance of engaging with your business. These steps include: Targeting specific geographic locations Serving your adverts at the optimal times of the day Marketing to previous visitors to your web site with remarketing Testing ads and landing pages with A:B split testing Boosting your ads performance and ROI with campaign optimisation This course will give you and your business a comprehensive step by step guide to getting most out of Google AdWords. Whether you want to train you and your staff or simply have a reference you can use any time to help you get better results on advertising. HOW TO USE THIS GOOGLE ADWORDS PPC COURSE You can use this course in 2 ways: As a complete step by step guide to researching, developing and optimising winning AdWords campaigns. Perfect for teaching yourself or your staff valuable new skills. As a digital handbook that you can refer to or download at any time either on your mobile, tablets or PC. Whenever you need a helping hand on AdWords, you can use this course to find the right answer and direction. --- Course is currently up to date as of April 2015 --- ABOUT THE AUTHOR David Black is one of the UK's most experienced Certified Google AdWords trainer & consultant, with over 6 years of experience helping hundreds of businesses to build and manage more profitable PPC campaigns. If you have any questions, or would like some AdWords advice, please feel free to get in touch."
Price: 19.99

"French for Beginners : Level 1" |
"This course teaches you the basics of the French language. It is meant for persons with little or no knowledge of French. This course is video based and taught by Julie, a bilingual speaker who is a native and experienced French teacher. over 2.5 hours of content including videos, quizzes and printable documents such as vocabulary sheets progressive & comprehensive learning conducted in English additional notes within the videos for a better understanding exclusive bloopers for your enjoyment next levels are in the making Absolute beginners as well as people getting started with the French language will learn a lot with this easy-to-follow French course. It will also be very beneficial for people planning a short trip to France or to any other French-speaking country. Learning French with Julie is fun, pleasant and effective. Julie has taught thousands of students of all ages in private and group settings, and has received extremely positive feedback from them. Topics covered in this introductory course are the French letters, French numbers, conjugation basics, asking and giving directions, introducing yourself (asking and telling your age, nationality, profession, etc), genders (feminine and masculine), quantity (singular and plural), pronunciation (accents, stressing, tips...), giving the time in French and more ! One of the many perks of this course are the short videos in between sections that put to use the vocabulary and rules covered in the previous lessons. This way you can put yourself in real-life situations and test your understanding of native speakers. Not to worry, the short movies are always played twice and come with subtitles the second time ! Last but not least, we have included bloopers at the very end of this course for you to laugh with us. Learning French is no easy task, one must put time and effort to learn and eventually master the language, but you MUST keep in mind that it has to remain a FUN experience. Enjoying learning is the key to staying motivated and progressing efficiently. Ready ? C'est parti !"
Price: 24.99

"Windows Exploit Development Megaprimer" |
"This is a comprehensive course on Exploit Development in Windows platform. The course is designed in such a way to help the beginners. It will help you understand the different domains of software exploitation. The participants will learn about different types and techniques of exploitation, using debuggers to create their own exploits, understand protection mechanism of the Operating Systems and how to bypass them. You will also learn how to write and execute an exploit in the latest Windows operating systems like Windows 7 and 8. This course will be supported by additional reference materials that will help you to understand the concepts and for further reading. The the course content will be updated regularly. What you will learn? Learn stack based buffer overflow Exploiting buffer overflows Understand and write shellcodes Write exploits for Win32 platform Bypassing various memory protections Making your exploits reliable Write remote and local exploits Converting your exploits to metasploit modules Learn about concepts like Vanilla EIP Overwrite, Egg hunting, SEH overwrite, ROP chains etc. Learn to use various exploit development tools like debuggers, mona extension etc. Who should attend this course? Pentesters Network/system administrators Reverse engineers Malware analysts Security enthusiasts Anyone interested in exploit development. What are the Prerequisites? Working knowledge of Windows and Linux Operating Systems Knowledge in scripting languages like Python, Perl or Ruby Comfortable with command-line utilities Basics of Assembly language Why take this course ? Do you want to learn how to read and understand existing exploits? Do need to successfully modify an existing exploit?. Do you want to write reliable exploits and port them into Metasploit modules? Do you want to know how shellcode works ? Do you need to understand the basic concepts of exploit writing? Are you willing to dig deeper into shellcodes and debugger? Then this course is for you!"
Price: 8000.00

"Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks for Pentesters" |
"Cross Site Scripting or XSS is still one of the most common injection vulnerability that exist in modern as well as legacy Web Applications. This course will teach XSS in-depth and even talk about the lesser known derivatives of XSS called Mutation XSS (mXSS) and Relative Path Overwrite XSS (RPO XSS). If you are interested in learning about the different types of XSS, different context in XSS, and about real world red team XSS Exploitation, then this course is for you and it does not take hours. Invest just 2 hours and master XSS in-depth. This course is completely hands-on and every concept is explained with a demo or exercise. This allow students to try out all the things that they have learned. This course explains XSS, its types, context and also discuss about exploiting XSS vulnerabilities in real world where you can perform offensive attacks ranging from Keylogging, Cookie Stealing, Phishing, Victim/Browser/Network Fingerprinting to much advanced attacks like reverse TCP shell, Driveby Attacks etc with OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework. OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework is an Advanced Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability Detection and Exploitation Framework written by the author of this course. Finally we will also discuss about XSS Protection where we discuss about Input Validation, Context Sensitive output escaping and the various security headers that help us to mitigate XSS. Also as a take away you will get "The Ultimate XSS Protection Cheat sheet" from OpenSecurity. The course will cover the following things. What is XSS? Why XSS? Types of XSS Reflected XSS or Non-Persistent XSS Stored XSS or Persistent XSS DOM XSS mXSS or Mutation XSS RPO or Relative Path Overwrite XSS What are the Source of XSS? Different Contexts in XSS HTML Context Attribute Context URL Context Style Context Script Context Attacks in Real World Exploiting XSS with OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework XSS Protection"
Price: 6080.00

"Excel for Accountants: Volume 2" |
"Developed specifically for accountants, this course discusses the Excel features, functions, and techniques that are practical, relevant, and sure to save you time. My Excel University series of books are available online in paperback and digital Kindle versions. My online Excel University courses teach the content of the books in video format. Now, for Udemy, I've combined the book text and the lecture videos of Excel University Volume 2 and made them both available in this Excel for Accountants Volume 2 course. Course Format Each course section will begin with the lecture video. You can work through the sample Excel file to practice. Each section also provides the text of the book which reinforces and enhances the content presented in the lecture video. I then provide additional resources and related Excel University blog posts and articles. These elements provide an effective training experience. Instructor Author and award-winning instructor, Jeff Lenning, is a certified public account and Microsoft certified trainer, and has helped thousands of accountants use Excel more efficiently."
Price: 174.99

"Excel for Accountants: Volume 3" |
"Developed specifically for accountants, this course discusses the Excel features, functions, and techniques that are practical, relevant, and sure to save you time. After this course, you'll feel comfortable building PivotTable reports to replace existing formula-based reports. Plus, you'll learn how efficiently Excel can retrieve data from other data sources, including the world wide web. The session concludes with several features than enable you to communicate data graphically. Background My Excel University series of books are available online in paperback and digital Kindle versions. My online Excel University courses teach the content of the books in video format. Now, for Udemy, I've combined the book text and the lecture videos of Excel University Volume 3 and made them both available in this Excel for Accountants Volume 3 course. Course Format Each course section will begin with the lecture video. You can work through the sample Excel file to practice. Each section also provides the text of the book which reinforces and enhances the content presented in the lecture video. I then provide additional resources and related Excel University blog posts and articles. These elements provide an effective training experience. Instructor Author and award-winning instructor, Jeff Lenning, is a certified public account and Microsoft certified trainer, and has helped thousands of accountants use Excel more efficiently."
Price: 174.99

"Excel for Accountants: Volume 1" |
"Developed specifically for accountants, this course discusses the Excel features, functions, and techniques that are practical, relevant, and sure to save you time. My Excel University series of books are available online in paperback and digital Kindle versions. My online Excel University courses teach the content of the books in video format. Now, for Udemy, I've combined the book text and the lecture videos of Excel University Volume 1 and made them both available in this Excel for Accountants Volume 1 course. Course Format Each course section will begin with the lecture video. You can work through the sample Excel file to practice. Each section also provides the text of the book which reinforces and enhances the content presented in the lecture video. I then provide additional resources and related Excel University blog posts and articles. These elements provide an effective training experience. Instructor Author and award-winning instructor, Jeff Lenning, is a certified public account and Microsoft certified trainer, and has helped thousands of accountants use Excel more efficiently."
Price: 94.99

"Audio Equalization (EQ) Techniques and Tips" |
"Learn how to use an EQ properly! The equalizer is a very powerful tool when mixing audio, but if misused, it can make everything sound worse! With this course, you can learn how to use equalizers in the right way and improve the quality of your production. This course was created to start from scratch in the world of equalization. From the basics of sound and frequency to the types of EQ's and common applications. Learn the most important concepts for a good equalization: Types of equalizers, characteristics and applications.Hertz, dB, frequency ranges.Their typical controls and settings.The use of filters: HPF, LPF, BPF, notch.How the ""magic frequencies"" of different instruments work.Common EQ techniques for vocals, guitars, drums, bass, etc.The differences between graphic, parametric, shelving and Baxandall EQ's.Serial and parallel equalization.Procedures to equalize in a fast and effective way. You can learn how to take the best out of an equalizer! You will understand in a practical way how to use an equalizer and get better results in your mixes and music productions. The techniques shown in this course will work in the home or pro studio (with any DAW) and in live sound situations as well. Either with hardware or software EQ's, and when editing or mixing audio! This course is a great option for DJ's, music producers, musicians, sound technicians, audio enthusiasts, etc. Course Overview First, we will deal with the concept of frequency and how it is perceived. We will understand the frequency ranges and their importance in sound. This is crucial for proper equalization. You will never get a great sound unless you learn what to hear even before touching the EQ! This course is based on that principle.Then we will tackle the application of audio filters to minimize unwanted frequencies or to create special effects. After that we will work with equalizers, we will show the different kinds of EQ's and their applications. You'll see demonstrations of equalization procedures for different instruments, learning which frequencies cause the most common problems for different instruments and you'll be able to practice with the included material.Finally, we'll talk about Audacity, the free audio editor, and how you can use it to equalize your material without buying any specialized software.The course has been carefully designed to be a self-paced, step-by-step process right from the beginning, so you won't need any previous audio knowledge. You will learn in a fast and effective way. You can even study a pair of lessons in just 15 minutes a day!You will be guided by a certified audio instructor (Avid, Yamaha, Steinberg), with more than 15 years of teaching experience at all levels, from professional seminars to college-level classes and a top instructor on Udemy, so academic quality is guaranteed.Forget about incomplete tutorials on the web. In this course, you will find the most important information about equalization in an organized, concise and easy-to-follow way.Testimonials""Great class! helps me to understand with ease. Straight to the point, with great examples and explanations"". David Virtue.""I liked that he gave a keyword to help remember the different frequency ranges..."". Debra Peterson. Join a community of more than 3,000 students worldwide and learn more about audio!*A Spanish version of this course is also available on Udemy. "
Price: 29.99

"Tcnicas de ecualizacin de audio (EQ)" |
"Aprende a ecualizar adecuadamente! El ecualizador es una herramienta poderosa en el mundo del audio, pero si no se usa bien puede hacer que todo suene peor!Este es un curso diseado para partir desde cero en el mundo de la ecualizacin. Abarca los fundamentos para conocer, de una manera prctica y efectiva, los conceptos que te permitirn usar un ecualizador de audio como lo hacen los ingenieros de sonido experimentados. Desde los tipos de ecualizadores y sus funciones bsicas hasta su aplicacin con distintos instrumentos o voz. Aprende tcnicas prcticas para ecualizar msica y audio. Conoce conceptos como: frecuencia, decibeles, rango audible, entre otros.Escucha de manera analtica antes de ecualizar.Ecualiza voz, bajo, batera, guitarra y ms.Usa filtros para limpiar tu audio o crear efectos especiales.Aprende las diferencias entre EQ grfico, EQ paramtrico, shelving, etc.Aplica tcnicas de ecualizacin en serie y en paralelo. Puedes aprender a ecualizar y obtener los resultados que buscas en el audio. El curso incluye adems material descargable para que puedas practicar. No se requiere de equipo especial. Los conceptos aprendidos pueden se pueden aplicar a cualquier tipo de msica (pop, rock, electrnica, latina, etc.), video, grabacin, etc. y a toda clase de instrumento musical. Estos principios de ecualizacin funcionan en el estudio casero o profesional y tambin en situaciones de audio en vivo (sonido en directo).Contenido general Comenzars aprendiendo qu es la frecuencia y cmo afecta a lo que escuchamos. Despus escuchars demostraciones para asimilar mejor el efecto que tiene cada rango de frecuencias en el sonido. Esta es la base de la ecualizacin, poder escuchar de manera analtica para saber qu es lo que necesita ser corregido. Nunca podrs ecualizar adecuadamente si no usas tus odos para hacer los ajustes necesarios. Este curso se basa en este principio.Luego aprenders cmo funcionan los filtros y qu efectos puedes lograr con ellos. Conocers el pasa altos, pasa bajos, pasa banda, etc. En seguida conocers la diferencia entre ecualizadores y filtros, sus tipos y caractersticas.Finalmente, vers demostraciones prcticas sobre casos comunes de ecualizacin de diversos instrumentos. Aqu exponemos las frecuencias que suelen generar los problemas ms comunes en cada caso. Tambin aprenders a ecualizar con Audacity, si es que no cuentas con ningn otro programa de audio, de modo que puedas aplicar lo aprendido sin tener que gastar en software especializado.Los conocimientos que adquieras en este curso te servirn durante toda tu carrera como msico, productor, DJ, ingeniero, etc. pues te brindan las bases para que desarrolles la habilidad de ecualizar. Adems podrs aplicar estos conocimientos con cualquier tipo de ecualizador, de software o hardware, para situaciones de sonido en vivo, grabacin o mezcla.Aprende paso a paso, rpidamente y de una manera clara y concisa. Puedes estudiar un par de lecciones en solo 15 minutos al da! Este curso ha sido diseado cuidadosamente por un calificado instructor de audio lder en Udemy. Con ms de 15 aos de experiencia docente en seminarios, talleres y universidades. Diversas certificaciones profesionales (Avid, Yamaha) y ex-alumnos trabajando en empresas como Televisa, TV Azteca, Ocesa, entre otras, con artistas de talla internacional o ganadores del premio Grammy. Todo esto respalda la calidad acadmica del curso.Olvdate de buscar tutoriales o material incompleto en la red. En este curso encontrars la informacin de forma completa, organizada y sintetizada, que te permitir aprender a ecualizar en el menor tiempo posible y usando cualquier tipo de ecualizador.nete a ms de 3,000 estudiantes alrededor del mundo y aprende ms sobre audio y sonido!*Este curso tambin est disponible en ingls"
Price: 29.99

"Using Audio Effects Processors: the secret of a creative mix" |
"Audio effects are very important to improve the audio quality and sonic impact of a music production. Current technology gives us access to lots of tools to process audio in different ways: create depth or space in the mix, adjust the pitch or create a different ""color"" in the sound of musical instruments, vocals, etc.Brian Eno, famous producer of U2, David Bowie and Coldplay, said: ""Most audio processors can be used as musical instruments by themselves"".Modern producers must know how audio processors work in order to shape their sound. There are not hard rules to follow once you know the basic principles. If you know how audio effects operate, you will be able to create your own sound and define your own sonic style!Audio effects have been an important part of many styles in the history of music recording. Rock, pop, EDM, etc. all of them have ""signature"" effects that identify them. Many musicians and productions are also identified because of the effects they use. Artists spend a lot of time polishing their sound to create fresh and different sounds in their mixes. This course is the entry point to do that!In this course you will learn, step by step, how audio processors work and how to apply them. You will learn how to use effects like:DelayEchoReverbExcitersModulation effectsTremoloChorusFlangerPhaserAnd more*By using these effects effectively, you will be able to:Improve the quality of your music mixesCreate new sounds for any musical styleFix tuning problems of singers and musical instrumentsImprove the impact and realism of sounds and recordingsCreate original effects for DJ sets or post-production applicationsTake full advantage of the tools included in your DAW (Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, etc.)The course covers each family of processors from their foundations. So, by the end, you will be able to use any kind of software or hardware audio effect!Songs produced in a professional studio are carefully polished by using lots of audio processors. The engineer adds little processing here and there to create more dimension, depth, clarity and punch in the music. You can learn how to do this too! By mastering your arsenal of audio effects, you will have the knowledge to sound more professional and differentiate your music from the rest.This is an ideal course for the music producer, musician, audio editor or engineer that needs a deeper understanding of the available audio effects and tools. The course has beed designed to learn in an efficient way, understanding each important concept step-by-step and watching practical examples. You can learn a lot by studying just 15 minutes a day!You will be guided by a certified audio instructor, with more than 15 years of teaching experience at all levels, from seminars to college-level classes and a top instructor on Udemy, so academic quality is guaranteed. Join more than 3,000 students worldwide and learn more about audio!*This course is the ideal complement to the Equalization Techniques and Compression Techniques courses, from the same author.**Tambin se encuentra disponible una versin en espaol de este curso."
Price: 49.99
