"SOLD OUT How to Create An Event & Offer Continuing Ed" |
"This course takes you step by step on how to choose a topic, locate the venue, produce, market and sell out your event. The instructor has 25 years experience in the creation, marketing and production of conferences and events. Putting on an event takes meticulous planning. This course provides a checklist from beginning to completion taking your profits to the bank.What is your passion?What do you love to teach others?Hundreds if not thousands of people want to learn from you. Are you a dynamic speaker? Do you like telling stories? What are you an expert in that other people seek your advice?If you are a therapist or life coach teaching is another way to expand your business. But all businesses have people in them who do product demos, seminars and more.If you are one of them then this course is for you!Register today!"
Price: 199.99

"Multiple Streams of Realtor Income - Real Estate Investing" |
"As a Realtor, you have a unique position in your market. However, most realtors miss out on many profitable opportunities because their training has focused on one thing: Selling a house.Instead, realtors should focus on helping people find affordable housing. By opening up their minds, new lucrative streams of income open up.Louis 'Lou' Brown has been buying, selling and holding property for over 30 years. Lou is the nations leading real estate trainer, author, speaker and investor.Lou Has:Trained thousands of successful real estate investorsHis students have acquired over 1 Billion Dollars in propertyIs founding President of the National Real Estate Investors AssociationVolunteered and served on the boards of numerous non-profit organizations to help create affordable housing in AmericaUsing Lou Browns proven formula, investors are generating passive streams of income with little or no cash."
Price: 199.99

"Unstoppable Self Confidence - Your Key to Success!" |
"Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are - UnknownDo you feel stuck? Do you feel like your life will never change? Youre not alone. Often, the root of feeling stuck is a lack of confidence. How to become more confident is exactly what youll learn in this course.This course is going to help you build your confidence step by step. It includes 7 major confidence hacks to show how you can take action immediately.You can use any one of them at any time or day. You can choose to use these tools in any order you wish, and the more you repeat them, the higher youll climb on the ladder of confidence.The higher your confidence, the more benefits youll acquire, including:Improving your job performanceBecoming healthier and more positiveGaining greater self-esteem and self-awarenessBetter focus on achieving goalsFeeling more energizedGreater feelings of fulfillment and satisfactionRemaining loyal to yourself, your values and beliefsAccepting new challenges without fearAchieving more with less stressSetting realistic goals and getting the results you wantBy the end of this course, youll be ready to let your light shine and take charge of your own success. Youll not only feel confident, youll show your confidence to the world.So go on and discover how to awaken your confidence and forge your own destiny."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Youtube Traffic Hack - Unlimited Free Traffic" |
"YouTube is a massive source of hot, targeted traffic.As with all high traffic sources, YouTube has secrets which you can use to increase your rankings and drive more traffic to your videos and sites.In this high anticipated course, Christian Gasper shares his top secrets for dominating YouTube and directing its traffic where you want it to go.Discover simple and plain step-by-step methods which is easy to follow that brings a ton of visitors.These methods do not require you to produce videos and you don't even need a youTube channel to use one of them!Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Team Building: New Strategies for Developing Effective Teams" |
"OVER 1,000 STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN & SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THIS COURSE. JOIN THEM!Update on 25 June 2015 and Now New Section coming up on 5th July 2105 - with 3 new lectures.Brainstorming: The Before, During and After the Brainstorming exerciseBrainwriting and Mind mapping Combining Brainstorming and Brainwriting - Getting Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is your team motivated? Do you work well together as a team to solve problems and get things done? Do you have a process for managing issues and solving team problems? Is your team work productive and result oriented?Do you struggle with team building activities and team building games to have a smooth teamwork?This training can help you say Yes!"" to all of these questions and build a better team. A manager's career depends on how he manages teams. A true manager builds teams that are effective and productive. He knows the main elements that make or break a team. This course is a complete team building training with practical assignment for you to excel in team development and create a favorable team spirit to achieve the goals of your team."
Price: 39.99

"REVEALING - How to Build Your Business without Working Hard" |
"Updated on 5 July 2015! OVER 1,700 STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN & SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THIS COURSE. JOIN THEM! Management and Entrepreneurship for: Small Business Owners Family Owned Business Home Owned Business Side-business Owner Solo-Entrepreneurs Business Start-ups Business Expansion for Small Businesses Working in your business day in day out? Not having much of a life except the business? Finding it hard to delegate responsibility because you're afraid they'll mess up? This is when entrepreneurs become prisoners in their own business. Feeling burned out? Are you a talented, ambitious, and energetic entrepreneur running out of gas? Do you insist on tackling all aspects of your business's operations by yourself? Is your business growing? Are you starting to feel overwhelmed and are wondering what to do? Are you using too much of your time and energy on routine or unimportant tasks? Have you failed to take the time to look at the vital aspects of your business? What about your company's future, the strategic plans, long term budgets and all the marketing campaigns you keep thinking about? Do you objectively review which tasks can be delegated to others and focus on the tasks that require the experience and skills that only you possess? Discover how delegation is a true power within the context of entrepreneurship and self-employement. You will learn how to accurately use other people's talents, expertise, time and effort to start-up, build or expand your business. It will lead you to increase your business income while focusing on the most important aspect of your business. You Need To Learn To Delegate Professionally When: You want your small business to expand and make more income. After all you can't do everything by yourself. You are now aware that entrepreneurs don't just make money. They create Wealth for themselves and others. You want to own several businesses and work ON your Businesses and not IN your businesses. Learn how to use delegation as a core skill for establishing and developing your businesses in a fast paced, confident and influential way. It can make others work very hard to your benefit. What Makes this Course Valuable and Different COMPLETE SYSTEM: from Start to Finish. You will never find a complete delegation strategy for entrepreneurs on the net or in any book (or eBook) You will learn the little known 'secret steps' to delegate like a professional entrepreneur and get the results you want. You will learn how successful entrepreneurs plan their delegation. Drawn from my practical experience after spending years studying successful entrepreneurs. Up-to-date strategies. Strategies that WORK. This is 2015. Avoid learning from old books on outdated strategies written decades ago. How to use this delegation system to make your business work for you and How to avoid the trap of working for your business for the rest of your life. You will get to create your own system and decide on what to delegate and why! It is not haphazard work! How to use this delegation system to create wealth for you and others. That's more than just making money. How mastering this delegation system will allow you to create any type of business Not just the ones you're familiar with. ""He's big on delegation,"" the Microsoft founder said in a packed theatre at a TED conference about Warren Buffet. Master the PROVEN and POWERFUL delegation SYSTEM to increase your achievements and realize your business ventures. Enlist the best people to help you achieve your targets Learn the true evaluation steps for what to delegate and what to keep. Prepare to delegate to get exactly what you want How to monitor delegation results to get what you want when you want it Extreme delegation giving away every task that is not in your area of special competency can be the recipe for extraordinary riches. Ever wondered how somebody can own several businesses and seems doing very little? Learning how to delegate using this well-structured system will put you ahead of the ordinary entrepreneur and the self-employed. When you apply the delegation system within this course you will get the results you want from almost anybody you need to work with. You will be using the same skills that made true entrepreneurs prominent and rich. You will discover how to lead a delegation meeting to get commitment and obligation from almost anyone. How to establish milestones and to accomplish your targets quickly, on time and accurately. Learn before you pay a dire price. If you think there is too much to do, so many tasks, small tasks, long term ones, important ones to achieve, before you get your business up and running or that expansion is too much work and you cannot handle it: You are wrong. It is at this moment that you need to learn this true and powerful delegation system before you start giving up and letting go. The aim of this course is for you to acquire the skill of: How to make people happy making you rich"" What's in this course and how it will get you to become a master delegator. The most important question is 'What's in it for you?' and this this were we will start. You will discover the importance of delegation within the context of entrepreneurship or the self-employed. You will go through the advantages and disadvantages of delegation and most importantly you will have the chance to draw your own conclusions to establish how YOU can ultimately benefit from delegation and draw on its influence on other people. Defining delegation and its process will be our starting point to launching you into learning the process and what steps to take to establish a strong, outcome oriented, yet flexible delegation. The concise and efficient 4-steps of delegation will be covered thoroughly with examples and methods of their application. You also get couple of homework and quizzes for you to anchor your learnings and establish motivators to learn the skill even better. Results is what you're looking for in your business. You will have the opportunity to acquire several methods for effective feedback a master skill that will help in all other endeavour in your life. Finally you will go through the guidelines for successful delegation and how to become a good delegator."
Price: 39.99

"Real Estate Marketing - Facebook Marketing For Realtors" |
"Jason Wardrop (your teacher) is a real estate lead generation specialist. In the last 36 months Jason has worked with over 5,100 real estate professionals & generated over 100,000 real estate leads for his business through the lead generation strategies he will be showing you in this course.He will show you step-by-step the exact Facebook ad templates to use, how to set up your tracking, who to target, and how to effectively follow up with your leads so you can book more appointments and close more deals from the leads you're generating."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Marketing & Facebook Ads Mastery 2020!" |
"Want to become a Facebook Ads expert? JOIN THE 5,000+ BUSINESSES I HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK ADS! Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a product, service, brand, or public figure they need to PROMOTE! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You get lifetime access to lectures!I have spent over $1 Million Dollars on Facebook Ads of my own money (not clients money), so I know in depth what works and what doesn't work when it comes to making profitable Facebook adsI have helped over 8,000 business owners with their Facebook Marketing to see success in their businessIn this course, you will learn Facebook Marketing from beginner level to advanced! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook and the Facebook Ads Manager. Learn how to use and optimize every type of Facebook campaign, Facebook custom audience, Facebook pixel... the things you will learn about Facebook are truly amazing and will instantly help advance your presence online!You will be able to optimize your Facebook ads for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to create and make use of EVERY type of Facebook ad. You will be able to grow your Facebook page likes and post engagement. You will be able to find new customers that will drive your brand to new heights via online marketing. Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, service, or public figure to the next level with the power of Facebook Marketing!TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING, FACEBOOK ADS, AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!Who this course is for:Small business ownersBloggers, Influencers, Public FiguresOnline marketers and marketing repsAdvertising managersCorporationsANYONE looking to MASTER Facebook Marketing!ANYONE looking to MASTER Facebook Ads!ANYONE looking for the most highly targeted and cheapest advertising strategies on Facebook!"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Leads Mastery: YouTube SEO & Marketing For Beginners" |
"In the last 18 months I've been able to grow my YouTube following from 0 to over 45k subscribers while going from making $0 to over $35k per month with my YouTube channel. Want to know how I did it? This course will show you step-by-step everything I've done and how you can replicate it for your own YouTube channel so you can start making more money and grow a nice side business. I love YouTube and believe everyone should have a YouTube channel no matter what walk of life they come from or what their interests are. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (next to Google & Google owns YouTube) so it makes it easy to be found without spending tons of money on advertising.Let me take you by the hand and show you the exact structure I've used to grow my YouTube channel part-time (I work 10 hours or less on my channel each week as I have a normal full-time day job) so you can have a successful YouTube channel in the coming months as well!"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Messenger Bot Mastery: Facebook Messenger Marketing" |
"Welcome to Facebook Messenger Bot Mastery!Facebook Messenger is a great marketing tool that allows you to get your message seen by more people than any other channel. Email open rates are slowly declining and a 20% email open rate is considered 'good'. With Facebook Messenger you can see 90%+ open rates for your messages so a Messenger list 1/5 the size of your email list can be just as effective.In this course I'll show you the strategies I've used to grow my Facebook Messenger List to over 20k subscribers in just 6 months and how I leverage that list to launch new content, release promos for my business, as well as several other cool strategies that will get your business launched into the next gear."
Price: 199.99

"Strategies for Succeeding at Running an Online Business" |
"Could you use an extra $750 dollars a month ? Do you have two hours of time to spend each day reaching this goal? If you answered yes to both of these questions then this course is for you. This course is great for stay at home parents, college students and retired individuals . This course is video based using power point and screen capturing. You can start making money within a week of completing this course. This course is broken down in easy to follow steps for you. I will show you every site you need to use along with how to use them to start making money online . If you have 2 hours a day to spend working on the techniques outline in this course and at least $100 dollars to get started on your way to making 750 dollars a month then start watching this video course today."
Price: 19.99

"Emails fast kostenlos versenden mit Sendy & Amazon 2020" |
"Letztes Update: Mrz 2020Schon ber 77 zufriedene Studenten, die diesen Kurs erfolgreich absolviert haben! WAS DU LERNST In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie Du mithilfe von Sendy und den Amazon Webservices Emails 100x gnstiger versendest und Dich unabhngig von monatlichen Fixkosten bei Email-Drittanbietern machst. Ich zeige Dir, wie Du Sendy installierst und mit den Amazon Webservices verknpfstwie Du Sendy auf deutsch umstellstwie Du ein Sendy ""Optin Widget"" in Wordpress einrichtest und verffentlichstwie Du eine Sendy ""Marke"" und ""Liste"" anlegestwie Du eine Sendy ""Kampagne"" erstellst und versendestwie Du einen Sendy ""Autoresponder"" anlegstBONUS Auerdem habe ich zustzliches Bonus-Material fr Dich vorbereitet, mit dem ich Dir helfe, Zeit und Arbeit bei der Erstellung einer Kampagne zu sparenFR WEN IST DER KURS? Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Menschen, die Emails in Form eines Newsletters, einer gezielten Marketing Kampagne oder eines Autoresponders verschicken. Menschen, die sich von den monatlichen Fixkosten bei Email-Drittanbietern befreien mchten und 100x gnstiger versenden wollen. HINWEIS Du hast eine uneingeschrnkte 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie durch udemy! Sollte dir mein Kurs nicht gefallen, bekommst du ohne Wenn und Aber dein Geld zurck! "
Price: 34.99

"Verndere Dich und damit die Welt Der Videokurs 2020" |
"Letztes Update: Mrz 2020Dieser Kurs gehrt zur #1 auf Udemy in der deutschen Kategorie Persnlichkeitsentwicklung / Persnliche Vernderung.Bereits mehr als 950 Studenten aus der ganzen deutschsprachigen Welt, haben diesen Kurs erfolgreich absolviert und haben angefangen, ihr Leben und das Leben ihrer Mitmenschen zu verndern! Und bisher gab es richtig tolles Feedback von meinen Teilnehmern!!Ab wann bist Du dabei?"
Price: 34.99

"EFT Mastery - Be Your Own Trauma Therapist" |
"* Mar 12, 2015. Major enhancements including:Inserted visuals, graphics and text9 quizesBonus LecturesThank you for the feedback and reviews! Welcome to EFT Mastery: Be Your Own Trauma Therapist! This course teaches EFT and associated trauma resolution techniques to people who wish to resolve their own trauma. This course goes deep into the subject matter, far beyond the basics. The sum of these techniques are useful and effective for working through specific traumas such as: Phobias PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Abuse, etc... Too strong emotions that are inappropriate for the circumstances * This course is not a substitute for appropriate professional care. This introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique quickly proceeds beyond the basics into the advanced usages. Though EFT can be used by trauma therapists for the resolution of trauma, this course is designed for people that will be tapping on themselves. We will cover the basic recipe, the setup phrase, the SUDs rating, the tapping points, and how to find deeper aspects, to take the EFT practitioner to the deeper levels of emotional freedom. Also included are numerous techniques that are used in various other trauma resolution modalities. Considered essential, there are exercises included that will guide you to apply EFT and what you have learned in the course. Doing these exercises will have a definite impact on experienced levels of trauma. The course will take about an hour and a half and will leave the student with sufficient understanding to begin engaging in the practice of eliminating unwanted fears and emotions."
Price: 44.99

"Toxic Black Mold / Mould Recovery. What you need to know." |
"* Course updated Feb 26, 2015 A new section (Case Studies) and three new lectures! - Decisive Understanding and Action are critical to a decent recovery - This course covers toxic mold, and informs the student of the first steps to take upon discovery, and how to approach and proceed towards recovery. Mold toxicity syndrome is a widespread problem, indeed an epidemic, and it is poorly understood. Many doctors are largely unfamiliar with the effects of mold and so the wide range of symptoms that show up in patients are frequently misdiagnosed. Toxic mold is the root cause of symptoms as diverse as: Flu symptoms Chest pain Migraines Chronic fatigue Memory loss Brain fog Immune system disfunction Stomach cramping much more... It is bound to be a stressful time when you find that your body, and perhaps your mind, are malfunctioning. If you are in a living space that is toxic, and all of your possessions are contaminated, again, it is bound to be a very stressful time. It helps dramatically to be well informed! This course recognizes that someone with the challenge of mold should clearly understand, as soon as possible, the severity of the condition, what they can do about it, and where to go next on their healing journey. This course presents the allopathic and alternative medical approaches to recovery from the patient's perspective so that one can become an effective advocate for one's own health. About an hour and a half of video lectures are included that cover: How to handle one's space and possessions The various impacts on the body, including the lungs, sinuses, stomach, liver, immune system, mind and energetic system. Case studies of how others have managed. All referenced products, tests, and treatments are indexed in the PDF at the end of the course. Feedback is appreciated and will be added to this course in Bonus sections. This course will put you on track to return to health. There is a lot of information in this course that could, quite possibly, strongly influence your recovery..."
Price: 44.99

"Apple Pages: An Overview to Word Processing and more" |
"This course will help the average Joe become comfortable using Pages as their word processing application. To use this course, you need a Mac OS X computer and the Pages application. We will be using the latest version of Pages but many features will be relate to previous versions of the application. If you are looking for an overview of this word processing application, you are in a great spot! We will go over topics including: templates, font styles, format palette, alignment, picture editing, iCloud Pages, and more! You can either view the tutorials or pause the videos and follow along! At the end of this course you will be able to use Pages with confidence and teach others what you have learned."
Price: 19.99

"Bestseller! Learn Photoshop in 1 Hour (No Experience Needed)" |
"Give me 1 Hour and I promise you will never be afraid of Photoshop again. In fact, you will see how fun it can be. Why do so many people shake in fear at the thought of trying to learn Photoshop. I know it is a huge program, but the truth is you only ever end up using certain things. In this course I will show you exactly what use every day and leave out all of the fat.Photoshop has been around for a long time. And while it is constantly innovating and making our lives easier, Adobe very rarely takes out the parts that don't work anymore. It's understandable. Many designers don't want to relearn the program every year. So Photoshop has become kind of like a hoarder. Full of a lot of junk that it just can't bring itself to throw away.Another important thing to understand. Most online classes want to be thorough. They think they have to each you every single tool and effect and walk through step by boring step explaining how to use tools that nobody uses anymore. Why is this course different?I'm not here to teach you all of Photoshop. To be honest, I don't know anyone who knows everything you can do with Photoshop. The program updates so much that you can either work as a Graphic Designer, or spend all your time learning what's new.If your goal is to become a graphic designer, this is a very good first step. If your goal is simply to open Photoshop documents and know where to go...this is also the course for you.If you have been working with Photoshop for a while and want an advanced class...this isn't the course for you. However we do cover some topics that are considered advanced. I just consider them cool...or really good to know.Give me just an hour and I swear you will never be afraid of Photoshop again!After we get up to speed with Photoshop, it's time to learn how to make some dough! I will show you some of my favorite techniques to find new clients.We begin with a quick hour of training. Then, using the tools from the training I will show you a few key skills that I use to generate income. After that I will show you some ways to find clients. Here's one of the keys, you don't want to try and find jobs where everyone else is. So forget Elance and other job boards. I'll show you what actually works. As I add more to this class the price will go up. So I recommend you get in early. Once you buy this class you will be in for life. So it could go well over a few hundred dollars, but you may have only paid $59. In this course we will learn the following:The 3 Most Important Parts of Photoshop CCThe Secrets to the Layers PanelThe most important tools and how they work.The one quick skill that can bring you tons of income. My favorite tricksHow to find clients today!If you are not 100% satisfied that this course is worth the price you paid, I will give you a full refund."
Price: 19.99

"German for beginners - for business or holidays - and more!" |
"December 2018: This course has been updated to accommodate more lectures. It still has the 30 day challenge but now also has 2 extra sections with additional lectures to take you beyond the challenge. A 30 day challenge to learn enough German to help you feel less daunted and have a great time on your first trip to Germany. If you are a busy person who finds it hard to fit in time for language lessons, then this course is perfect for you! Each topic comes in a bite-sized challenge, lasting no more than 5 - 10 (a few maybe 15) minutes work a day, followed by a revision quiz on the following day. This will be enough to make you feel less uncomfortable when in Germany and people speak to you or you read German instructions. A final assignment will also help with more personal details you mightneed for your trip to Germany. And for the business person, who wants to exhibit in Germany or who is meeting a prospective client - this course may just help you get that deal! Contrary to popular belief, not all Germans do speak English - and even if they do, a few polite sentences in German may just be what they needed to hear to be persuaded to buy from you. Topics in the challenge covered are: greeting peopleMy name is ...I come from ...I live in ...four little wordsDo you speak English?Sorry!days of the weeknumbers from 0 - 10Where is?directionsordering drinksordering foodI'm allergic!numbers from 11- 20numbers from 21 - 100What's the time?How much does it cost?buying clothescoloursbuying train ticketsbody part and illnessesbuying medicinesbooking a hotel roomat the restaurantsaying goodbyeAnd now even more:Du or Sie?Being politeSpecial dietary requirementsextra listening and reading exercisesand more to come..."
Price: 34.99

"German grammar - gender #1 - Is it der, die or das?" |
"Are you a German learner and struggling to work out when THE means der, die or das?Do you remember if the German word for cake is der, die or das Kuchen? (it's der Kuchen)Are you struggling to work out if the flower is der, die or das Blume?(It's die Blume) And what about the car? Is it der, die or das Auto, or der, die or das Wagen? (It's das Auto, der Wagen)Is this really annoying you?Then this course is going to help you by showing you which German nouns are always or usually masculine, always or usually feminine and always or usually neuter. You will also learn how to work out the gender of compound nouns and of new Germanwords.At the end of the course you will have a better understanding of German gender which will make life a lot easier when you learn other German grammar rules."
Price: 29.99

"Write A Best Man's Wedding Speech!" |
"Are you having difficulties writing a Best Man's Speech? Does the idea of giving a Best Mans speech send you into a cold sweat; when youre standing there in front of a big crowd, the fear of not being engaging enough, funny enough or downright interesting enough, does the whole situation feel like one big nightmare. This is an introductory Course on How to Write a Best Man's Speech. Its the perfect solution to writing a best mans speech easily and conveniently. It contains proven tips and practical knowledge, articulated to help you craft out the most amazing best man speeches! You will learn: The different kinds of Speech. The Stories to use. How to write A Best Man's Speech. Things to avoid talking about. How to deliver your Speech. And lastly, a few examples of Speeches. Through this course, you will never have to worry about writing a best mans speech, because you will get all the information you need. What's in the course: Through the use of video tutorials and real-world examples you will gain the tools needed to write a Best Man's Speech. After the first 20 minutes of the course you will already have acquired the basic skills needed to understand whats required in a speech You should take this course if: You have been asked to be a Best Man. Don't know where to start with a Best Man's Speech. Looing for real world examples and the actual transcripts of great speeches. You want to master small talk and networking. You want to give an amazing Best Man's Speech. Scroll back up and join the course today. We look forward to seeing you in the course."
Price: 19.99

"MS Project 2013: Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender como usar o MS Project para planejar e controlar seu projeto. Voc vai concluir o curso conhecendo todas as funcionalidades da ferramenta, mas vai saber tambm em que casos usar qual delas. Se voc j sabe o bsico, voc pode revisar alguns pontos enfocar naqueles mais avanados. Se voc nunca usou, vai terminar o curso com um conhecimento acima da mdia no mercado. O curso est divido entre bsico, intermedirio e avanado. E para cada uma das partes, voc vai baixar um ebook com todos os passos ensinados nos vdeos. Mas a principal forma de aprender vendo os vdeos e fazendo os exerccios ao final de cada unidade. Voc faz o curso no seu tempo e termina quando quiser. Alm disso, voc vai at onde voc achar de deve, sem precisar aprender nada que no agregue sua vida e carreira. **Um certificado de concluso digital vlido oferecido para os estudantes que completarem o curso. O seu certificado tem um cdigo de verificao para autenticidade."
Price: 39.99

"Animal Hospice Foundations" |
"Animal Hospice Foundations is the course for you if you find yourself crossing the threshold of another family's home in service or support of animal hospice. This program specifically addresses all of the non-medical peripheral, yet crucial information when supporting a family through animal hospice. Understand The Hidden Components of Animal Hospice Care Identify the unspoken concerns of the family Understand spiritual, cultural, and family dynamics Build your own hospice team Nurture clear, compassionate communication Confidently and Completely Support Families in Animal Hospice This course is foundational to every member of the hospice team. We address and identify various components of animal hospice not obvious to any one practitioner on the team.The intention of this foundational course is to give you the complete view and understanding to the unseen dynamics in order to complement your particular strength and function within the hospice care team.To get you into the material more quickly, I designed this course with overview style lectures; with an emphasis on the supplemental materials. In order to get the most from this course I recommended you schedule time to review the supplemental materials as well as explore and research the additional resources offered and map out a plan for implementation.Care went into creating the materials in a way that would be accessible regardless of your skill set or experience in animal hospice care. I encourage you to take advantage of the weekly office hours available.The best thing is there's no risk. Here's a quote from the Udemy refund page (July 31, 2015) Sometimes a course doesn't work out, and that's OK! Udemy has a 30 day money back guarantee for all courses purchased on the site."Enroll today to learn the hidden elements to successfully supporting animal hospice.Course updated: 7/31/2015"
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneur from Bedroom - 4 skills you need for success" |
"Ever wonder why some people are more successful than others? Are they so much smarter? Are they work 20 hours per day? It is their skill set that is different from others. Successful people use some techniques that makes them more productive, happier, focused, confident, organized, etc. AND NOW YOU CAN LEARN SOME OF THOSE TECHNIQUES! If you want to improve your professional and personal life you should learn skills I teach here. This is basic course designed to help you form new habits and acquire new knowledge. I designed this course to be easy understandable and to the point. You will learn about: Goals setting (we will learn why we need to set them in the first place and also how to set them easily) Positive Mindset (I will show you why is positive mindset so important for everything you do) Public Speaking (You will be introduced to public speaking and I will tell you secret about public speaking anxiety) Time management (Effective time management is crucial for this society we all live in) All of the above skills are a MUST for anyone who is serious about achieving SUCCESS. After you put in the practice things you learn here, you will take control of your life. Learning and using these skills will help you to be more organized, confident, more productive and positive. You will be able to present your ideas to larger groups of people and beat speech anxiety. When you start applying these techniques, your career will get a huge boost. Successful people always stand out with some unique skill set. That skill set is usually their competitive advantage. These four skills you will be introduced with in this course are, in my opinion the most important ones you can master."
Price: 19.99

"Entrepreneur's course to writing AWESOME business plan!" |
"COURSE UPDATED 14.01.2016.EVERY STUDENT GETS FREE BUSINESS PLAN REVIEW PLUS COMPLETE FILL IN BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE! This course is all about developing and writing good business plan. If you are: - entrepreneur looking to start or grow business - freelancer looking for a new skill - person with an idea Then this course is just for you and it will help you develop good business plan. Learn how to: - make good industry analysis - analyze your market - research competition and a LOT more... You do not need to spend months (and you shouldn't) developing business plan for your idea! Here I focus on explaining how to make crucial parts of your business plan, what questions to answer, things you need to focus... At the finish of this course, you will understand how business plans are developed and researched, and you will be able to do it all by yourself. Also, in this course you will get free fill in template and use it as you wish."
Price: 39.99

"A Beginners Guide to Hiring an Effective Virtual Assistant" |
"**Course Last Updated : November 2016 **Join Over 500+ Students in the New Year and Learn How Easy it is to Hire a VA** **Receive a Valuable Script To Boost VA Job Responses****Learn Where I Find **SUPERSTAR** Virtual Assistants that cost less than $5/hr** Is your full time job stopping you from spending too much time on your growing business? Ever wondered how you can hire someone to do small tasks for you without over paying !! Join over 500+ entrepreneurs and DISCOVER how I outsource tedious tasks to professionals that can do it in a few hours, while you sleep at night ! You'll learn everything you need to take action and actually have a person work for you within 1 week of finishing this course!! Part 1 : The Benefits of Having a Virtual Assistant Here I'll discuss what a virtual assistant is . What they can do for you and the benefits of having one. Part 2: Where and How to hire a Rockstar Virtual Assistant This section we'll talk about o'desk and elance and why these places are average, I'll discuss why I was hesitant about these sites. I'll talk about my secret resource of where I find Rockstar Assistants at the most lowest cost!! Part 3: The Job Description - Using a Pre-made Template that gets Results Here I'll give you access to my pre-made template for hiring Rockstars. I'll discuss the benefits of using my template and how to edit it to suite your needs! Part 4: So many applicants but how do I choose a Rockstar? So you had a 90% success rate, but who do you choose? I'll talk about how I filter the best ones by having them do a small test before you've hired them ! Part 5: Setting Tasks For your Rockstar Virtual Assistant Here I'll dive deep on how to manage your rockstar assistant and how to keep them happy so they stick around. How certain software helps and what to do if they don't understand you. Enrol Now !! Job Template Script Valued at over $1000 !! Part 6: Paying your Rockstar Virtual Assistant I'll talk about why it is important to pay and pay on time as you have promised. Part 7: Upscaling your team and why you should do it Why you need to upscale and when to do it! This is the basic outline of my course, there is a tonne of value that I will show you ! Most of the Udemy courses don't provide valuable assets such as scripts, actual examples and much much more ! Join over 500+ People and Discover the Ease of Outsourcing!!! This course has a limited time introductory price. What are you waiting for Be One Of These 500+ People That Get Things Done!!!"
Price: 44.99

"Forex Breakout Profits: The Definitive Guide" |
"Have you ever wondered how professional Forex traders make consistent profits? Well this is your chance to find out. This course will teach you exactly how I trade two very simple breakout strategies that have been extremely profitable for me since 2011. The patterns and trading strategies taught here are easy to learn and can be applied by anyone, regardless of trading experience. Who should take this course: Anyone who wants to gain financial freedom through the Forex market A new Forex trader in search of simple trading strategies that produce consistent profits Intermediate to advanced traders who want to supplement their current trading strategies to make more profits with minimal risk. So whether you're a new trader in search of a profitable strategy, or you simply want to add to your trading arsenal, this course is for you! This course will teach you how to: Quickly identify wedges and channels Make precise entries based on price action Protect your capital with an appropriate stop loss placement Use a proper risk to reward ratio for massive profits with minimal risk Profit each and every month with these simple strategies This course can be completed in one to two days. Lifetime support provided by Justin Bennett through the student discussion forum."
Price: 24.99

"How To Remember Everything With Tom Weber" |
"In this live memory training workshop you will learn how to remember names, presentations, speeches, lists and more. Everything vital to you and your business and your life - all in the comfort of your home! This is a live workshop recorded in Chicago, IL. The course includes memory training exercises, tests, evaluations, and Tom's invaluable guidance - all broken down into easy, implementable steps. Good memory is a valuable skill and inside this powerful training you can learn how to master names, presentations, lists and much, much more! Join us today and start changing your life!"
Price: 34.99

"SUPER Easy Way to Read and Write Anything in Arabic Language" |
"This course will let you know all the Arabic alphabet in a very easy way, at the end of the first 10 lectures you will be able to read and write any Arabic word, and you will learn more than 100 Arabic words. You will be able to start conversations, talk about your self, and lots of commonly-used words & expressions for everyday use. We made the lectures in a very simple way to make it easy for you to understand and memorize, exactly as we teach non-Arabs kids and adults in traditional classrooms. This is not just a course with video lectures, there will be home-works and assignments.This is not just a course , it is an online community where you can meet people from all over the world that have the same passion you have in learning the Arabic language. The course will be updated with new lectures Monthly."
Price: 49.99

"Bookbinding: Make a Perfect Bound Book" |
"Learn the art of book binding! In this online class we will learn the techniques and process of making a one-of-a-kind handmade notebook. The course will cover the nitty-gritty details of taking raw materials and forming them into a functional book, as well as covering tips on craftsmanship and production. Making Perfect Bound books is a great way to enter the world of book binding because, compared to stitching methods, a Perfect Bound book requires less material, unique tools, and can be completed between 30 minutes and an hour. Crafting Perfect Bound books is an excellent way to make gifts for friends, for personal use, and even to start a business! Why Book Binding? So, you're probably thinking book binding sounds like an unusual hobby. Well, you're right! After all, we live in an industrial society where every item we use is mass produced; and while handmade has become a novelty, most people would never consider making their own books. That's why I want to invite you to join the cool kids! This class is for anyone with a sense of adventure and lover of learning. I will teach you the skills to create excellent quality Perfect Bound books, become better craftsman, and have fun along the way. Next Steps! I have been making and selling books for years, producing a variety of binding styles, but Perfect Bound books are my bread and butter. I want to share my expertise with you, and hopefully have fun too! What You Will Learn Materials & Tools. We will cover materials and tools needed, where to find them, and brands and tips to keep an eye out for. Process. We will cover the step-by-step instructions of making a handmade perfect bound notebook. Tips & Tricks. Throughout the class we will talk about tips to improve craft, work more efficiently, use our tools better, and be awesome! Ideas & Alternatives. We will discuss alternative ways to make books, materials to use, and how to make things new and exciting. Materials We Will Need We will need to gather some materials to produce a book. Below you will see a general list of the materials, we will cover the material list in more detail at the beginning of the class. Cardstock Paper Chipboard Glue Decorative Papers Duct Tape or Masking Tape Double-Sided Tape Roller X-Acto Knife & Blades Metal Ruler Pencil"
Price: 19.99

"Six-Step Relational Database Design" |
"Database design is the most important task performed by application developers because the resulting database and all applications that access it are based on this design. Therefore, if the data for the application is modeled incorrectly and the resulting database poorly designed, poor and difficult to use applications will result. Learn how to design databases in six easy steps Create implementable database models Create Crow's Foot Relational Model (R-M) diagrams Create Entity Relationship Model (E-R) diagrams Case studies to reinforce the instructions Easy to follow, step by step instructions Learn how to create sturdy, reliable and accurate data models for your databases A database is the backbone of any application, and therefore it must be sturdy, reliable, and accurate. Having a well-designed database is the key to having your database meet these criteria, and the six-step technique taught by this course ensures that the data model upon which your database is built is sturdy, reliable, and accurate. The six steps outlined in this course are simple, easy to follow, and precise. It teaches you how to quickly and accurately model the data that your application will use, and shows you how to do so in the shortest possible time. Extensive knowledge of database theory is not required and the theory is kept to a minimum. Video lectures are used to present the material, and case studies are incorporated into the lectures thus reinforcing the steps of the database design technique taught by this course. There is also a lot of supplemental material that you can download and read, which explains each of the steps in further detail."
Price: 29.99

"The Ultimate Beginners' Guide to Handling Finances" |
"Learn the essential tools you and all high-school students need when starting out on your journey of earning and using money wisely. Build A Strong Foundation In Understanding The Basics To Earning And Using Money Wisely Find out exactly how much you should save and spend from your income Discover the secrets of how banks work and how to benefit from them Learn the essentials of tax Understand the techniques of how professionals approach money and get rich Find out how to start earning money right away with a job or business Discover the latest ideas in how to use your money to maximise happiness Get free downloadable documents that you can edit right away Powerful Money Skills That Every Adult Wishes They Were Taught This course has been designed from the ground up to specifically help high-school students. Too many people aren't taught personal finance skills and have to learn the hard way - by making mistakes. Avoid those mistakes and gain important money skills right now. This is the first time a course like this has been presented online. It was designed and taught by James to high-school students around Australia, but now you can join in too using this online course. This online version has been built based on feedback and lessons from the classroom version, as well as parents all over the world. Content And Overview Suitable for high-school students and adults wanting a skill refresh, this course has 1.5hrs of video divided into 45 lectures. These are bite-sized lectures that each cover a different skill, and a short quiz follows each one so you can check your understanding. The course is designed to be done over a few weeks so you can spread out each of the 8 topics rather than do them in one big hit and end up confused. Starting with teaching you how the professionals think, we then get into the basics of saving and how thinking long-term is the key to success. We'll teach you the exact amount to save and spend, and the answer is surprising! Once these important basics are mastered we then go deeper into understanding how banks work so that you can make them work for you. Compound interest is the holy grail to getting rich so we make sure you understand why and how. We'll then cover the art of making a budget and even give you a free template to use yourself. The power of advertising is covered so that you understand the tricks used and don't fall victim to spending too much of your money on things you don't need. After this we'll look at how you can actually start earning money right away, because by this stage you'll be super excited to have an income and start growing your tree of wealth. We'll teach you how to get a job like a pro as well as starting a business so you can make a choice and have options. You'll also receive a free resume template to help you get started. It is vital to understand debt and credit cards before you get trapped by them. We dedicate a whole topic to this so you have a true understanding and avoid the trap. But we also teach you when debt can be helpful. We'll then cover tax so you aren't surprised by this, and find out what it's used for and the various ways you will have to pay it in your lifetime. Lastly the final topic teaches the latest research on happiness and using money to maximise this. If at any time you have questions during the course the instructor will be monitoring the online discussions to help you out. At the end of the course you'll receive a verifiable certificate to show the world what a master of personal finance you have become. So enrol in this course now to learn the secrets that most adults wish they were taught."
Price: 29.99
