"Maximizing ad revenue with Google DFP" |
"This course is about using the free Google DFP ad server to manage the ads on your web site. Google DFP enables you to use multiple advertiser and yield them against each other to maximize the revenue that you are generating from your web site audience. In the class you will learn the following topics: Introduction to DFP and overview of interface Creating ad units and ad tags Examples where to place the tags into your web site Creating placements so advertisers can target specific elements of your site through Google AdSense Setting up AdSense as a backfill for your ad units Creating new orders and advertisers Managing existing orders and creatives Yield management with different orders and creatives The class is designed as a video class where I show you Google DFP. You will also be provided with the example ad code that I use on the video. This class is a good for for you if you are interested in increasing the ad revenues from your website or want to start using an ad server to manage the ad inventory. Wether it is a blog or a large online publication does not matter."
Price: 24.99

"How To Walk The Camino de Santiago" |
"Walking the Camino de Santiago is actually quite simpleyou walk, eat, and sleep, and continue this cycle until you reach Santiago de Compestela. However, an almost endless amount of decisions about gear, training, travel, and daily life on the Camino can be overwhelming. But you dont need to be overwhelmedits possible to prepare for and walk your Camino with confidence! Learn How to Add Confidence to Your Camino Experience Overcome your fears about walking the Camino Gain control over your planning process Create a gear list that works for YOU Train in the most effective way Learn about the different kinds of pilgrims on the Camino Apply the lessons learned on the Camino to your life Take Control of Your Own Unique Camino Youve decided to walk the Camino de Santiago, but your initial excitement has now been replaced by fear and anxiety. You may wonder how you should train, what you should take with you, and what life on the Camino will be like. And instead of giving you clarity and calmness, the advice youve been reading only makes you more confused and concerned. Believe me, I know how you feel...I felt the same way when I prepared for my Camino! But then I found that preparing for and walking the Camino doesnt have to be that hard. Lets sit down face to face, you and me, and talk some sanity into your Camino preparations. Youll learn how to effectively plan, train, and walk your Camino while casting out fear and confusion."
Price: 29.99

"Essential Makeup Tips For Photos & Videos" |
"In this course, Essential Makeup Tips For Photos & Videos, you will learn how to use makeup for photo and video applications, both of which require a different approach from everyday makeup. How makeup looks in real life is one thing, but now with high-definition video being used everywhere along with flash and lighting to consider, applying makeup for photo and video is another story. With the rise of high-definition being used just about everywhere, viewers are able to see more than they ever have before, so good makeup is very important, both for men and women. The Essential Makeup Tips For Photos & Videos course teaches you the proper techniques for applying makeup. And if you are a professional photographer or videographer then this course is a must have for getting better results. What You'll Learn With the help of a makeup pro, this course teaches you the basics of makeup for photo and video. You will learn about what products to use, how to apply makeup, how much to use, and more By the end of this course, you'll know how to apply makeup for photo or video. And with a few makeup supplies and a bit of practice, any photographer or videographer can develop enough skill to apply basic makeup and make your subjects look great, while also appearing completely natural."
Price: 19.99

"Video Lighting: Master The Art of Lighting in Video and Film" |
"Digital video has introduced all kinds of possibilities for do-it-yourself video and film. Believe it or not, your videos can look almost as good as professionals without buying new cameras. The secret is in better lighting. While broadcast television networks do use better quality cameras, the fact is the major difference between Uncle Joe's underexposed home videos and really excellent broadcast television pictures is principally lighting and exposure. In this course, Video Lighting Basics, you get a crash course in the basics of video lighting, including a few tips to get around the most common problems you'll run into in your productions. You will learn how to use essential lighting equipment and techniques in order to accomplish desired aesthetic effects. This course will teach you how to get the lighting perfect for any shot, in studio and out. Well teach you how to master the art of light rigs, so wherever you find yourself shooting someone, you can make them look great and produce a professional-looking video."
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to make iPhone/android 2D Games without coding" |
"In this course you will learn how to build games for iPhone, Android, PC, HTML5 and Flash. The objective of this course is to help you "a non-programmer" create games without you having any experience in game development. If you are a programmer, you will find that this course will help you reduce the amount of time you spend developing games. This course will enable anyone willing to enter the gaming industry and begin making games and apps. Ride the current wave of 2D game development for PC, Steam, Tablets, Mobile devices, Micro-Consoles and Browser based games. In this course we will use Clickteam Fusion to build games without coding. We will use Clickteam Fusion's exporters to export games to different platforms (PC, iOS, Android, HTML5, FLASH, OUYA) all with a click of a button, just like that! This course is not technical or theoretical, this is a hands on training course. From lecture 1 to the last lecture you will be actively engaged as the lectures progress and the instructor reveals new material. Each lecture contains one or more example(s) for you to take a look an experiment yourself. At the end of the course you will learn how to build a Flappy Bird Clone and a Doodle Jump Clone. We'll also review some common techniques to build games in Clickteam Fusion. Feel free to ask any questions I will be more than glad to help you. Cheers, Ron * Although you can create 3D games in Fusion, this course will mainly focus on 2D game development."
Price: 19.99

"Principios para entender y aplicar Agile, Scrum, Kanban y XP" |
" ***** LTIMA ACTUALIZACIN : Setiembre 2020 - ***** Somos mas de 2000+ estudiantes exitosos en el curso MAS POPULAR sobre agilismo en espaol de Udemy!Por qu los proyectos de desarrollo de software casi siempre se entregan tarde, excediendo el presupuesto y con problemas de calidad?Por qu los que trabajamos en proyectos de desarrollo de software tenemos que trabajar cada vez ms sin alcanzar los resultados esperados muchas veces sacrificando nuestro tiempo personal? En qu se basa la gestin de proyectos que siguen compaas exitosas como Google, Amazon, Salesforce y Spotify que innovan con frecuencia y rpidamente sacan productos de software que cuentan con gran aceptacin? Existe un problema fundamental con la gestin tradicional del desarrollo de software, el paradigma tradicional se est volviendo obsoleto! Podras argumentar que las compaas mencionadas pueden acceder al mejor talento disponible pero NO DEPENDE DE ESO. Existen una serie de factores comunes en proyectos exitosos que los equipos pueden aprender y utilizar consistentemente logrando: - Evitar desarrollar requerimientos innecesarios - Ms innovacin y entrega continua de valor - Elevar las probabilidades de xito de tus proyectos en entornos complejos y cambiantes ******************************************************************* Si ests buscando convertirte instantaneamente en un Super Project Manager con tan solo una hora y media de clases... no tomes este curso! Liderar proyectos efectivamente requiere de rigor, prctica y mucha disciplina para experimentar los distintos enfoques propuestos. La buena noticia es que este curso ser tu punto de partida! Por otro lado este curso no se basa en ninguna metodologa en especfico, se basa en fundamentos y principios que son la base para entender cualquier metodologa gil ! ******************************************************************* En muchos casos tendrs que desaprender algunas creencias y abrir la mente hacia nuevos paradigmas. Los temas que veremos en el curso son: La problemtica del desarrollo de productosPropuesta alternativaComparacin de paradigmasComplejidad inherente en los proyectos El manifiesto gil y sus 12 principiosEl ecosistema de metodologas basadas en Lean-Agile (Lean Software Development, Scrum, Kanban, XP, etc)Solo piensa en todo el potencial que se podra aprovechar en tus proyectos de desarrollo de software cambiando tu enfoque. Te sorprenders de que mucho de lo mostrado se basa en el sentido comn! Estos son los mismos principios que he seguido para lograr el xito una y otra vez en mis proyectos de desarrollo de software. Al final incluyo como BONUS un caso de xito (en espaol e ingls) donde en el transcurso de casi un ao document en el da a da la aplicacin de los fundamentos claves descritos en este curso. Aqu te lo demuestro paso a paso de una manera didctica. Te sugiero tomes notas a lo largo del curso! Si algo no te qued claro contestar cualquier pregunta propuestas en la seccin de discusin.Un punto final importante, cada minuto que pasa podras estar perdiendo la oportunidad de entregar software ms rpido, generar ms oportunidades para innovar y tener al cliente ms satisfecho, sobre todo hoy donde mas que nunca se requiere mayor visibilidad, productividad y priorizacin del trabajo. No pierdas mas tiempo y comienza a aprender ! "
Price: 19.99

"Gestin de Proyectos exitosa con Lean Software Development" |
" ***** LTIMA ACTUALIZACIN: Marzo 2020***** 1200+ estudiantes exitosos que se han enrolado ya a este curso! Cmo lograr agilidad y entregar ms valor utilizando la filosofa y tcnicas ""Just-In-Time"" del altamente eficiente Sistema de Produccin de Toyota?Cmo podemos eliminar el desperdicio y optimizar TODO el Ciclo de Desarrollo de Software desde que el cliente solicita un requerimiento hasta que se le entrega? Cmo lograr mejoras sustanciales en nuestro proceso, en qu nos debemos enfocar y qu preguntas nos debemos hacer ? Este curso te dar las respuestas a estas preguntas! El pensamiento Lean es lo que diferencia a un profesional estndar de uno excepcional. Algunos lo relacionan con tener un nivel de sentido comn avanzado para tomar decisiones con orden, coherencia lgica y pensamiento sistmico. Si eres un profesional que busca un proceso de desarrollo de software altamente efectivo con una base filosfica 100% prctica que perdure en el tiempo, este curso te ser muy til. Adems contars con herramientas para que de manera rpida tomes accin logrando: Aprender una base filosfica efectiva, fcil de entender y aplicable para mejorar no solo en software sino en otros mbitos Facilitar la formacin de equipos efectivos y productivos Tomar mejores decisiones y tomarlas Just-In-Time"" Utilizar el conocimiento que se genera en proyectos de manera ms efectiva Entregar software rpido y con calidad optimizando el todo Incorporar la calidad como algo inherente a tu proceso, desde temprano Visualizar y eliminar el desperdicio en el proceso de desarrollo de software Agilizar el marco metodolgico o gestin que utilizas en tus proyectos ************************************************************************************* Este curso no te presenta una metodologa que te explica paso a paso qu debes hacer en cada situacin, es mucho ms poderoso que eso. Los principios de Lean Software Development te permitirn tomar mejores decisiones que impactarn positivamente en el resultado de tus proyectos a todo nivel. ***************************************************************************************** Podrs potenciar tu liderazgo ayudando a tu equipo a cambiar y superarse descubriendo situaciones que generan desperdicio en los proyectos. Te sorprenders de la cantidad de desperdicio que se generan en los proyectos por ciertas actitudes y creencias que se consideran aceptables en la industria. En este curso aprenders a optimizar TODO tu ciclo de desarrollo de software con principios que tienen su base en el sentido comn. Mejorarn los tiempos de entrega de tu equipo, pero para entregar ms rpido necesitarn calidad y eliminar el desperdicio en el proceso de desarrollo de software, el curso provee los fundamentos para comenzar a hacerlo. Adems si ya utilizas o piensas adoptar metodologas giles en el futuro, los fundamentos estudiados aqu potenciar cualquier marco, mtodo o tcnica que utilices (Kanban, Scrum, XP, TDD, etc)! Si algo no te qued claro contestar preguntas propuestas en la seccin de discusin. Un punto final importante a tener en cuenta, has pensado que en este momento se podran estar dando situaciones que generen alguna forma de desperdicio en tus proyectos? En el contexto tan complejo en el que vivimos ten en cuenta que cada minuto que pasa y no eres consciente de esto se consume parte del presupuesto de tu proyecto! Registrate haciendo click al botn ""Toma este curso"", empieza a aprender y aplicar estos conceptos poderosos y efectivos!"
Price: 19.99

"HIIT Bosu Workout- Burn Fat and Get Fit with Bosu" |
"HIIT Bosu Workout is the Ultimate Way to learn how to optimize the use of the Bosu Ball to rev up metabolism for hours after your workout and improve your fitness. The Bosu is one of the most effective tools available for both home and gym use. This course is designed to accomplish the following: - Learn new and exciting ways to use the Bosu for maximum results. - Use the Bosu to sculpt your entire body. - Experience How HIIT workouts increase your metabolism hours after your workout. - This course is designed for beginners to advanced trainers. This course is designed to provide heart pumping Total Body Bosu Workouts to take your Fitness to the next level. This course is an effective and fun way to get in shape with a single piece of equipment you can use at home or at the gym."
Price: 19.99

"Improve your Fiction Writing and Finish More Stories" |
"Have you always felt you had a book or story inside your mind? Or perhaps you are already a writer, but looking to improve your process. Youre who this course is for. This course is set up to take you through the process of writing a work of fiction of any length, all through a series of short videos. Well start with the first stepidea generationand go all the way through to revisions. I even included a video on working with beta readers, which is the step after that. You will learn: 6 ways of adding tension to a story, 2 things to always do when working with beta readers 6 ways of making characters interesting Tips for doing research 7 qualifications for a good ending and much more, including, dialogue, and plot. In addition, I have an exercise on turning the most blank-slate character you can think of into a well-rounded, fleshed-out inhabitant of your story. The course can be taken in order or you are free to jump around as you please. At the end, youll be able to refine your fiction writing so you can write much more smoothly, more quickly and with more intensity. That means you'll be cranking out more and better stories in less time! Don't forget--30-day guarantee if you aren't 100% satisfied! You have nothing to lose!"
Price: 49.99

"Spanish for Beginners: Laugh While You Learn!" |
"Welcome to Bad Language Medias Spanish for Beginners! Whether you are a beginner or just out of practice, this course if designed for getting started with Spanish. We use a fun, story-based learning model to teach and reinforce the most important basic Spanish language concepts. By the end of this course, you will be able to use basic Spanish language structures to express complex ideas in the present tense. In addition, each lecture contains communicative intuition practice designed to improve your ability to understand Spanish! In this course you will: -learn how to construct basic sentences in Spanish -be able to conjugate regular and irregular verbs -have access to over 200 useful vocabulary words -learn to use gender effectively in Spanish -improve comprehension through intuition training -learn to use basic words to express complex ideas -laugh as you follow a fun and ridiculous story!"
Price: 29.99

"EMPOWER Your Life Now! : A comprehensive Intro to NLP" |
"NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming can be thought of as a 'manual for the mind' it related to the processes and language that we use to communicate with the unconscious mind to deliver our results. In business, in our personal life, relationships, in fact in any context. When we are born we are set free in the world to figure out this 'thing called life'. Imagine, how it would be if you could learn how to operate at your peak and be the best version of yourself through learning some proven skills. AND imagine how much time you will save on your way to success :) We are giving you this training at this incredibly low investment for a LIMITED TIME. Why? well the course is complete, but I want to make it more snazzy in the post production edit so it will be changing in looks over the next few weeks. That said its complete and ready to study ! AND I would find any reviews and feedback really useful at this moment in time. SO, bag yourself a deal before the price goes up ! Welcome to quite possibly the most comprehensive Introduction to NLP training 'out there' . Put simply, begin to learn what NLP is and what it does. See if NLP will be able to help you become more successful in life Do you just need a little more direction in your life? Then this course will help to show you the tools you need to get it. Do you want to take control of you life ? See how NLP can help you do that. Are you fed up with treading water? Learn the skills of the worlds greatest achievers Do you want to know if NLP is for you without committing to spending thousands on training Are you looking for a new career of business opportunity? Then gain insight into the ultimate tools for personal development So why the low price ticket ? Well apart from the reasons listed above, when you have applied some of the things you learn to your life and decide you want more of this 'NLP stuff' we hope you will come back and continue your study with us. That's it really......simple. The content of this Introduction to NLP delivered by an expert trainer, coach and entrepreneur Matt Barnett (mABNLP) And if you are ready to take the Introduction to NLP Training course. The why not sign up below now and lets get the show on the rd."
Price: 139.99

"Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction and your Perfect Life" |
"Would you like more clarity and direction?Law of Attraction - Attraction and your Perfect Life - Some recent Feedback: ""Yay!!! - Hey Matthew, I have really been enjoying your course! I wanted to understand the LOA better for things other than money, but I decided I wanted a bit more of the green stuff anyway. I told myself that no matter what, I will have an extra $5000 by January. Guess what? I received EXACTLY $5000!!!! To the cent! I couldn't believe it! Now I am going to manifest $10000. Will let you know when it comes to me! Thank you so much! :) ""This course is a must have for everyone who wishes to achieve enlightenment! It is easy to follow and understand and lifts the spirit with every section.Do not miss this course. THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!!! ""More feedback from students embracing the Law of Attraction ""This changes everythingThis course is...just the best. Matt is a wonderful inspiring teacher, he makes you want more, do more, understand more - and try just one more thing, think one more thought. I have taken other courses on Udemy and when I finish, I archive the course. Not this one. I want it here, in front of me, so I can listen any time I like. I do not want to forget a single word, miss a single idea or feeling. This is the Open Door to LOA, delightful, easy to grasp and it will make you happy. I promise. My first week I set out to make an extra 1250 - but I failed. I made more. It's changed my attitude to money; how I view life and ageing; this is my event horizon and I can't wait to dive right in! Best of all, it makes you happy. Because - you are amazing and when you realize, you'll be just as happy.""""On my way to attracting a perfect life.................. Thank you so much for making this course. It has basically changed my life.""""Loved itThis course has been amazing. You explain the information in a very clear way which I really appreciate. ...................... Thank you for making it available! I enjoyed it!"" ""Best course of Law of Attraction What I can say is this is the best course about Law of Attraction out there. Barnett explain well about the Law, how it work, how to make it work best for you. I will give this course 5 star."" Praise indeed ! I am so thrilled to be able to offer you this Law of Attraction course and to assist people to have the life they deserve. AND I am with you every step of the way. Just drop me a line and I will come right back to you. So go right ahead and join my other students in attracting your perfect life with the Law of Attraction . All over the world, people just like you are using the Law of Attraction to attract a new quality of life that they never before thought was possible,by engaging with the Law of Attraction How would it be, if the very next thing you chose to decide to to changed your life positively forever? Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to attract great things to their lives How would it be if you could take control of your life, gain clarity and a real direction Imagine if you could, begin to attract whatever you desire in life. Can you picture being able to attract unlimited wealth, health and happiness?. In this course, expert Trainer author and coach Matt Barnett, introduces you to the real secrets of the law of attraction. Learn the mind-set of the hugely successful people and the skills that you can use to change your life for the better and begin living with abundance. Learn about the unconscious mind and the power you have within you to manifest anything you desire Discover the TRUE secret to the law of attraction and how to put it to work instantly Watch high quality video and listen to great quality audio from an expert in personal development. This is a new course by expert in personal development, and entrepreneur Matthew G Barnett (ABNLP). and to celebrate its release, for a LIMITED TIME the published price discounted to that which you can see. if you were given the keys to the life of your dreams, would you take them? or would you spend your life wondering 'what if'? I can tell you now, and as someone who has attracted his own perfect life, that if you follow the steps in this training you can join with me, and people just like us, in learning the Law of Attraction and attracting Your Perfect Life. Starting right now"
Price: 144.99

"Change your state in an instant: The Art of NLP Anchoring" |
"Have you ever had that situation where you feel lethargic and wish that you could SNAP out of it? Have you ever wanted to feel more confident? to improve your results How would it be if you could choose your state fire off any state in an instant? In this course, Matt Barnett - Certified Trainer of NLP will take you through the incredible power of Anchoring with NLP. Influenced by the work of Ivan Pavlov and conditioned response, you will learn how to effectively manage your state so that you can operate at your peak at any time and in any situation."
Price: 29.99

"Demolish Negative States Instantly - Collapse Anchors NLP" |
"Collapse anchoring is a great technique for eliminating minor negative states. Can you imagine if you could get rid of that nagging irritation that is constantly there?Imagine if frustration was a thing of the past !Everybody has experienced these minor negative states before, and in varying contexts. Collapse anchoring is the technique for getting rid of them once and for all. In this course, expert NLP trainer Matt Barnett describes the process of collapse anchoring a fabulous and powerful technique for eliminating minor negative states that are 'always present' The course is comprised of slides and audio as well as video of Matt Barnett talking about the process and demonstrating aspects of it. Included in the course is a Script to assist you in using the technique with other people and reference is made to how to use the technique with yourself as well. The course is structured in such a way as to layer and represent key information so that it is easily absorbed. You can take this course and you may find that you could go through the entire course in a day and by studying this course, you will learn another way to take control of your thinking and your life and of course you will learn a great skill for helping other people as well. Which is always a good thing."
Price: 29.99

"Get rid of fears and Phobias FOREVER in just minutes - NLP" |
"Can you imagine being able to help someone get rid of a lifelong phobia? Can you imagine getting rid of trauma and irrational fear from your own life? Do you know anyone who is held back by the fear of say public speaking? The fast phobia model is a very popular NLP technique for getting rid of phobias and fears 'at source' . By changing the submodalities or ingredients of an experience we can very quickly change the behaviour that results from it. This course shows you how t do just that. You will learn how t get rid of a phobia in arond 15 - 20 minutes. You will learn how t run moves in your mind and feel the feelings of fear disperse as you do so. The Fast phobia model works very very quickly and really changes peoples lives. If you have a phobia or you know someone hwho has then take this course and lets get rid of it together now!"
Price: 29.99

"Hypnosis : Master of hypnosis unleash your unconscious power" |
"A Comprehensive Hypnosis / HypnotherapyTraining delivered by Matt Barnett - Expert in Personal and Business development & Certified Trainer of Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy ( American Board Of Hypnotherapy) & Certified Trainer of NLP (American Board of NLP) FEEDBACK ""This course is an extraordinary guide into hypnosis and its usage. It's practical, well-done (great production quality), and it has a realistic approach to what is hypnosis and how one can practice it. As an NLP coach, I find the fact that the instructor is clearly using NLP tools of hypnosis to be a distinctive and rather effective way for anyone to learn language and behavioral patterns during the hypnosis process.From what I've seen, this course is one of the most powerful one into hypnosis on the Udemy market, by far.""Imagine if you could by using hypnosis harness the power of an incredible supercomputer, to work on your behalf, tirelessly producing results to get you the life of your dreams Wouldn't it be incredible to be able to help others to take control of their results and achieve more success, make more money, have more contented lives through hypnosisWould you like to learn hypnosis and how to hypnotise others and yourself to tap in to this unlimited power?Hypnosis has been around in one form or another since the dawn of time. It is fast, effective and comfortable. In this comprehensive course. Matt Barnett Certified Trainer of Hypnosis will guide you step by step through the fascinating world of hypnosis and the Hypnotist. Starting with the Origins of Hypnosis - this greatly underestimated tool for change, Matt will take you on a journey of discovery and insight that will empower you to take control of your mind, your results and will provide you with the Hypnosis tools for making lasting changes in behavior both personally and with others. If you are a coach, parent or Mentor this hypnosis course is for youDispel the Hypnosis Myths - so that you can been seen as an authority on the subject Learn some of the linguistic tools of hypnosis and the hypnotist so that you can elegantly take another into a trance, relaxed state.Learn the secret tips of a practising hypnosis expert and Master Hypnotist so that you can virtually ensure success. Become a Master of Hypnosis today ! I personally Guarantee this course back by Udemy's now quibble promise. If you are not 100% satisfied with this Hypnosis training, you get your money back...simple.... SO let me ask you a question... with ZERO risk and everything to gain, would you like to learn how to use hypnosis to improve all areas of your l life ? Good... so join with other students just like you by choosing to decide to CLICK ON THE GREEN 'ENROLL NOW' Button now, and lets start mastering Hypnosis today.Hypnosis for usewith yourself and others to unleash the power of your unconscious mind - from a Certified Hypnosis Pro"
Price: 194.99

"SMART Mastery S.M.A.R.T Goals - Achieve your goals and WIN!" |
"Most of the time, what people have when they turn up wondering why they are not getting anywhere is dreams. Now there is nothing wrong with having dreams, after all if you dont have one, how can they come true. But dreams are very different to Goals.I have heard it said before, and its a line I borrow often when working with people, Goals are dreams in action. That is, a goal, is a dream with direction, that is measurable and thought out.So that is what this course is about. This course is concerned with writing and planning your goals, or putting your dreams in action so that you can achieve whatever you desire in life. would that be ok.You are going to learn the key components of a well crafted goal so that you can confidently pursue it safe in the knowledge that you will achieve it.You will learn about the unconscious mind and the powerful resources within you to assist you in achieving your goals. And you will learn actionable steps that you can use straight away."
Price: 44.99

"The Path to Fluency - Spanish Level 1 (Part 1 / 10)" |
"This course is designed for students who have already taken a beginner course, such as Rosetta Stone, Pimsleur, Fluenz, or high school/college classes. Rather than give you random words and phrases to memorize, we structured our lessons to help you achieve the optimal amount of language retention. Set in a series of stories, the lessons place you in everyday situations and daily activities of a family. Every story consists of ten lessons, each expanding on the previous while having a guide to clarify grammar and idioms as needed. The whole learning process focuses on the familys casual conversations in their daily life which progressively becomes more and more complex. This learning experience flows very naturally and is meant to make you feel like you are a part of the story actively participating with the family, rather than simply studying words and phrases."
Price: 49.99

"The Path to Fluency - Italian Basic" |
"Set in a series of stories, the lessons place you in everyday situations and daily activities of a family. Every story consists of ten lessons, each expanding on the previous all while having a tutor clarify grammar and idioms as needed. The whole learning process focuses on the family members casual conversations in their daily lives which progressively become more and more complex. This learning experience flows very naturally and it is meant to make you feel like you are a part of the story actively participating with the family, rather than simply studying words and phrases. The BASIC program (Lessons A-J) covers the essential material needed when traveling. Level 1 (Lessons 1-100) is where complex stories involving the entire family takes place."
Price: 49.99

"The Path to Fluency - French Basic" |
"Set in a series of stories, the lessons place you in everyday situations and daily activities of a family. Every story consists of ten lessons, each expanding on the previous all while having a tutor clarify grammar and idioms as needed. The whole learning process focuses on the family members casual conversations in their daily lives which progressively become more and more complex. This learning experience flows very naturally and it is meant to make you feel like you are a part of the story actively participating with the family, rather than simply studying words and phrases. The BASIC program (Lessons A-J) covers the essential material needed when traveling. Level 1 (Lessons 1-100) is where complex stories involving the entire family takes place."
Price: 49.99

"The Path to Fluency - Portuguese BASIC" |
"Set in a series of stories, the lessons place you in everyday situations and daily activities of a family. Every story consists of ten lessons, each expanding on the previous all while having a tutor clarify grammar and idioms as needed. The whole learning process focuses on the family members casual conversations in their daily lives which progressively become more and more complex. This learning experience flows very naturally and it is meant to make you feel like you are a part of the story actively participating with the family, rather than simply studying words and phrases. The BASIC program (Lessons A-J) covers the essential material needed when traveling. Level 1 (Lessons 1-100) is where complex stories involving the entire family takes place."
Price: 49.99

"The Path to Fluency - Spanish Basic" |
"Set in a series of stories, the lessons place you in everyday situations and daily activities of a family. Every story consists of ten lessons, each expanding on the previous all while having a tutor clarify grammar and idioms as needed. The whole learning process focuses on the family members casual conversations in their daily lives which progressively become more and more complex. This learning experience flows very naturally and it is meant to make you feel like you are a part of the story actively participating with the family, rather than simply studying words and phrases. The BASIC program (Lessons A-J) covers the essential material needed when traveling. Level 1 (Lessons 1-100) is where complex stories involving the entire family takes place."
Price: 49.99

"English Grammar for Beginners: The Verb" |
"Learning a language is not easy and requires much effort. But we can't imagine our life without English. If we don't know English we'll not be able to step with the highly civilized world. This is a course to help you learn the use of English tenses and their formation, as well. Learn English Quickly Using the Structural Approach MethodThe Auxiliary Verbs as the Principal Components of TensesThe Verb to be"The Verb to do"The Verb to have"The Modal VerbsEverything is Introduced Quite Simple and Comprehensible.The method of course teaching is based on the structural approach of language teaching. This is a special method which is effective and in a rather short period of time the result is obvious. In order to better understand the essence of this method, imagine that you build a house. Each brick is of special significance. You start from the very ground up. If you learn a language in this way, you'll be able to easily master multiple languages.OverviewThis short course contains 27 lectures and 32 minutes of content. Here you can quickly master the most important keys to English learning.The auxiliary verbs to be, to do and to have are of special relevance which is obvious in the first lecture. If you master the use of these verbs you can see that there's no difficulty in language learning process. Learn these verbs as words which bear a meaning of action and their features in grammar and then you can easily master the tenses which are formed with them. A language is well learned logically. When you know that the past form of the verb to be is was/were, you'll easily master the past continuous tense. This is the essence of the structural approach of language learning/teaching. After the course you will be able to use the principal tenses and modal verbs in English. It will help you to avoid several common mistakes referring the English grammar. Build the core and then try to expand your knowledge tower!"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Illustrator for Photoshop Users" |
"Learn tools, features and techniques to create vector illustrations using Adobe Illustrator - the graphic industry's premier software application. Take your existing Photoshop knowledge and use it to quick start learning Illustrator. Avoid going over information that you already know and get to grips quickly with what is new to you in Illustrator. Learn and master Illustrator Vector shapes Shape Creation tools Type Effects Repeating Patterns Blends Textures A Powerful New Skill for your Creative arsenal Learning Illustrator is your entry ticket to the world of graphic design. Illustrator is the industry standard application for Mac and PC. Knowing Illustrator will prepare you for working in the field of graphic design. Using it you can turn your art into scalable shapes, make saleable vector stock and design anything from fabric to infographics. Combined with your existing knowledge of Photoshop your new Illustrator skills can open up a world of creative opportunity and job prospects. Content and Overview Suitable for Photoshop users this course of 35 lectures and over 3 hours of content, gets you up and running with Illustrator. Many lectures close with exercises for you to practice what you learned in that lecture. Starting with the similarities and differences between Illustrator and Photoshop you'll progress quickly to creating complex vector shapes from simple shapes. You'll learn to edit and combine shapes and get familiar with the range of tools for creating and editing shapes. You will learn how to color and recolor your art, create and style type, and paint with vector paint brushes. Advanced topics such as pattern making, tracing bitmaps, and creating blended shapes are covered. You will finish the course making a piece of vector art. When you complete this course you will have a solid grounding in using Illustrator and the ability to create vector artwork for yourself or for work."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Digital Painting Training with Corel Painter" |
"Join over 4k students andLearn to Become a Digital Painter using Corel Painter and Wacom Graphics Tablet. Learn Digital Paintingand the techniques used by Industry Professionals. When you enroll in this course, you will be learning the essentialsof usingCorel Painter and a Wacom Tablet for Digital Painting. Share your creation with our student community and get feedback on your Painting. Whether you want to gift itor want to earn money from Digital Painting, this is the course for you. No experience with Digital Painting or traditional painting is required, nor is any experience with Corel Painter or a pen tablet necessary. In this course, Gurasis Anandwalks through the process of downloading and installing Corel Paintertrial, then explains the importance of a pen tablet for painting in digital medium and helps you compare and buy a tablet, Gurasis then teaches the essentials of Corel painterand Wacom pen tablet usage. He shares tips and best practices for a more efficient workflow in Corel Painter, thenyou learnto paint aPortrait painting from a photograph step by step. Finalizing byaddingfinishes touches to the painting and getingthe Portrait printed on a Canvas. In the Bonus section, Gurasis shows you tips and tricks to paint fur effectively for the pets in your portraits. Then discuses Cloning and Auto-painting techniques to paint faster. Finally, you learnways money could be made with TheArt of DigitalPainting. Topics Covered: Essentials of using Wacom pen tablet Essentials of Corel painter 2015 Best practices for Painting in Corel Painter Painting a Digital portrait from a photograph step by step Getting a Digital Portrait Painting Printed on a Canvas Painting Fur in Corel Painter Bonus: Cloning and Auto Painting in Corel Painter Earning money from Digital Portrait Painting You can save the time Gurasis has spent exploring and learning the techniques used by today's professionals of The Digital Art by taking this course.Become a Digital Artist, ENROLL TODAY!"
Price: 49.99

"Basic Chinese ABC for ZERO Beginners (Version 2020!)" |
"The PDF document Version 2020 is uploaded now! New video will be added soon! Enjoy your study!David YAOSeptember 22, 2020Dear All:The contents are updating! More quiz in video which I create for other Courses will be added here to have more fun in Your Chinese Learning journey! Enjoy and have fun! RegardsDavid YAOJune 10, 2020Basic Chinese ABC for Zero BeginnersBasic Chinese ABC for Zero Beginners is an introductory courses customize designed for foreigner to learn mandarin, suitable for ZERO beginners.This is the KEY to a series Chinese Courses: ""Learn Chinese with David (LCWD)"", which is a product of many years painstaking labour carried out with the passion and devotion to the cause of Chinese Teaching by David, proven to be possible the Best course in YouTube.Many Zero beginners who want study mandarin Chinese but don't know how or scared by the Chinese Characters. From David Yao's past 25 years mandarin teaching experience, he is very glad to take the challenge to present you a short course which will:-to prove Chinese is such an easy and straight forward language.-to show the beauty of this ancient language which still in full vigour in current days-to nurturing your interest to experience more on Chinese learning journey.-to open a window show you the true Chinese Culture.-to enrich your life and bring the youth to your brain as Chinese will train your brain in different area.At the end of this 90 minutes course, you will:- be able to speak out 100 sentences.- have a big picture of Chinese language.- learn that Chinese is a LEGOOOO game- know the trick part of Chinese.- know the nice part of Chinese.- know the Pinyin (Pronunciation System)-know the secrets how the Chinese characters were created-to learn Chinese Strokes Chinese Characters are made of Strokes, there is NO Alphabet -to learn Basic Seven Rules of Chinese Stroke Orders -to know how many Chinese Characters, For You or For All -know the basic Grammar (maybe no Grammar in certain senses)-have the survival language skills in China."
Price: 99.99

"Speak Mandarin Chinese in 10 Hours -300 Essential Sentences" |
"This course ""Section 12 In the Airport Version 2018"" is the updates in Version 2018. I am preparing Updates Version 2020 now, will update in Udemy course in One Month time. This is lifetime access, I will keep updating once have new videos. Enjoy your study!David Yao20200909Many people think Chinese language is difficult to learn. In our past 25 years of teaching Chinese as second language oversea we create this course to answer zero beginner question:- How do I begin to learn Chinese?- How long it takes for me to begin speak Chinese?-In there any alphabet in Chinese language?.In short, we create this 10 hour course, our video length is about 7 hours and it will take you around 10 hours or longer to finished it. We gave Essential Sentences, , 600 hundred vocabulary, covering 11 topics:Know Chinese language structure, why there are many callings.Know the basic grammars (Chinese language is straight forward, you can see there are minimum rules of grammar or NO grammar in Certain Senses)Know basic rules of how the Characters are createdKnow basic 7 rules of how the Characters are writtenSpeak out 300 sentences covering 10 topics, your survival guidance in China.600 most important vocabularies, which you can expand into 600 sentences!20 most common sentence pattern.Know the right path for your further study, better with us, of courseKnow the Pinyin (Pronunciation System, Spell Sound literally)It is the prefect start point for ZERO beginners.The following updates added into Version 2018-Your time to Speak and Listening Practice-Update the English translation to possibly the best-Using Flash to illustrate the writing of the most common Characters-More details in explanation, the video length almost doubled.-More vocabularies (1000 )At the end of my course, students will be able toStart with a verb. Include details on specific skills students will learn and where students can apply them.-At the end of this course, youll be able to talk confidently 300 basic 300 sentences, which cover greetings, date and time, feelings differentiation, etc. 11 topics.Know the big picture of Chinese languageYou will know Chines is such an easy and amazing language!-Boost up your confidence and take action to start: Just do it with David!Know the Pinyin (Pronunciation System, borrowed from Western language)Know the basic method how the Chinese characters were createdKnow the basic Grammar ( need no Grammar in certain senses)Comments from Customers:C'est une super vido !SuperEleonorah 28 May 2016You are really the best and better than school....jim parsit 24 May 2016I simply love the way you teach, so far you are the best. I have been teaching myself the Chinese out of my passion for it, but your lessons drove all the points home, thank you so much for your amazing job!Alvera Zikama 24 May 2016David, I went through hundreds of UTube learning Chinese, you are the best because of simple, clear style. What I like most is that you put English at Chinese word by word without considered of English sentences. I can develop a new sentence by putting these words together, just like put each puzzle into one picture.jim parsit 10 May 2016great job sir most important wards you shared i was searching them at last foundMuzahir Hussain 01 May 2016GREAT JOB, VERY GOOD WAY TO LEARN CHINESEBuffalo Bill 01 May 2016Hello Mr David Yao, thank you for this video. Very good and clear!Sophia Tang 01 April 2016Once you understand the structure, it no longer seems insurmountable! Just lots of vocabulary words to be learned. I really like you presentation.RC S 01 April 2016This is really useful materials for igcse students :)!Bedroom Learn Chinese, 01 May 2016Wow! You are a talented and passionate teacher. Thank you for your noble heart to share this many hours of excellent planning of this wonderful lesson.Stephen Goh 12 October 2015This man's video is absolutely brilliant and even though he doesn't always get the, lets say perhaps the correct word, he still makes himself very clear and one can easily interpret what he means.For example at the start when it says ""What's the callings for Chinese or Mandarine"" and one things to oneself ""hmmm, callings now what does he mean. Ah, the name.What are [not is] the names [many names] for Chinese or Mandarin"" of which I've learnt many. There are so many rubbish teaching resources on Youtube but this video is one of the very few that are any good or worthwhile bookmarking to use as a major resource for learning Madarin [because there are some very useful Youtube vids also]. He's very to the point just what the learning doctor ordered. I'm going to search the rest of his series as this is one of 76 so 75 to go hopefully they can be found via Youtube or may be one has to subscribe to his website. Love Chinese and am so going to conquer it.11kwright August 18,2015This is very good. Thank you for your guidance on how to speak perfect mandarin.Mervyn Hem Lee August 15, 2015I love your lessons. Xie xiegenevieve o'sullivan August 10, 2015This tutorial is great! :-D Thank you!!Kampy187 August 09, 2015 This tutorial is great! :-D Thank you!!?on Basic Chinese ABC - The Basic Greeting View moreSep 4, 2015Michael Murphy The most useful Chinese lessons I've ever seen. Great job David!?on Basic Chinese ABC - The Basic Greeting View moreOct 6, 2015"
Price: 129.99

"Learn Chinese in the Fun way through Video Clips for HSK 1" |
"Writing PDF included in the course.The new HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) is an international standardized exam that tests and rates Chinese language proficiency. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers abilities in using the Chinese language in their daily, academic and professional lives. HSK consists of six levels, namely the HSK 1 (level I), HSK 2 (level II), HSK 3 (level III), HSK 4 (level IV), HSK 5 (level V), and HSK 6 (level VI).Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level I) can understand and use very simple Chinese words and phrases, meet basic needs for communication and possess the ability to further their Chinese language studies.New HSK VocabularyHSK 1 (Level 1) 150HSK 2 (Level 2) 300HSK 3 (Level 3) 600HSK 4 (Level 4) 1200HSK 5 (Level 5) 2500HSK 6 (Level 6) Over 5,000This course mainly will credit to Mr. Nathaniel Schuetz, who live in Texas US but have enthusiasm to learn Chinese. He edited most of the videos. This course contains limited fragments of copyrighted material that constitute Fair Use under United States Copyright Law."
Price: 89.99

"Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Foreign Language Mock Online Test" |
"This is Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Foreign Language Mock Online Test- A Quick Reference to past Exam Papers (0547-21) 2018 with Explanations . Cambridge IGCSE Chinese consists: Chinese - First Language (0509) ; Chinese - Second Language (0523) ; Chinese (Mandarin) - Foreign Language (0547). By reffering to GCSE, IGCSE past papers with our in-depth 25 years experience, we present each set of past paper with 3 products to enable students can achieve good result in short time: 1 Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Foreign Language (0547-21) 2018 Intensive Revision PDF Book- A Quick Reference to past Exam Papers with 2 detailed Explanations2 Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Foreign Language Mock Online Test- A Quick Reference to past Exam Papers (0547-21) 2018 with Explanations 3 Cambridge IGCSE Chinese Foreign Language (0547-21) 2018 Intensive Revision Video Course - Examination Skills, Tips and GuideCambridge IGCSE is the worlds most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year olds. It is recognised by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide.This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies.Cambridge IGCSE Chinese aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where Mandarin Chinese is spoken, encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages. Make many people confused, there are total 3 examination bodies offering GCSE Chinese /IGCSE Chinese, namely:1 Cambridge IGCSE Chinese2 Edexcel International GCSE Chinese3 Edexcel International IGCSE Chinese (since 2009) 4 AQA GCSE Chinese (Mandarin) Comparing with Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK), which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners. The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF),GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows: GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 89.99

"IB Chinese Course SL PAPER Practice Test S1405" |
"Our IB Chinese Intensive Revision Reading is based on the past year papers with our in-depth explanations. Each past paper will have 3 related products:1. Intensive Revision PDF Book - A Quick Reference to past2. Online Quiz - A Quick Reference to past Exam Papers3. Intensive Revision Video Course - Examination Skills, Tips and GuideWe also have another course Extensive Reading - Ahead of the Time - Latest Article from New Paper. There is no official textbook for IB Chinese. We use these articles to expand reading and enable students be well prepared for their coming exam, Ahead of the TimeAll vocabularies in these courses are given the Best English Translation for better understanding based our years' experience in HSK and GCSE, IB teaching. We also give HSK level classification which will give you a cross reference for your Chinese standard. Many students call it ""LIFE SAVING"" for their exam. It takes our years' painful effort to edit. Thanks for your support for us creating better contents for you!How to use these course effectively? Intensive Revision PDF Book will be used as Textbook. Online Quiz will enable student to access their own progress. Intensive Revision Video Course - the in-depth explanation by our expert teachers in video will serve as virtual teacher for students."
Price: 189.99

"IB Chinese B (HL) Chinese Online Quiz Mock S1305" |
"Our IB Chinese Intensive Revision Reading is based on the past year papers with our in-depth explanations. Each past paper will have 3 related products:1. Intensive Revision PDF Book - A Quick Reference to past2. Online Quiz - A Quick Reference to past Exam Papers3. Intensive Revision Video Course - Examination Skills, Tips and GuideWe also have another course Extensive Reading - Ahead of the Time - Latest Article from New Paper. There is no official textbook for IB Chinese. We use these articles to expand reading and enable students be well prepared for their coming exam, Ahead of the TimeAll vocabularies in these courses are given the Best English Translation for better understanding based our years' experience in HSK and GCSE, IB teaching. We also give HSK level classification which will give you a cross reference for your Chinese standard. Many students call it ""LIFE SAVING"" for their exam. It takes our years' painful effort to edit. Thanks for your support for us creating better contents for you!How to use these course effectively? Intensive Revision PDF Book will be used as Textbook. Online Quiz will enable student to access their own progress. Intensive Revision Video Course - the in-depth explanation by our expert teachers in video will serve as virtual teacher for students."
Price: 189.99
