"Getting Started with Google Keep" |
"Getting organized and increasing your productivity can be difficult if you don't have the tools, time, or money to invest in a system. Google Keep is a free tool that allows ANYONEto quickly capture ideas, create lists, and take notes. And more importantly, you can view, manipulate, and use your data instantly and share it with anyone.In this course you will learn:How to use Google KeepGoogle Keep tips and tricksHow to create notes and remindersHow to create, edit, and download drawingsHow to create location based reminders and notificationsAnd much, much more...This class is designed to cut the fluff and get you right into organizing your ideas and setting your own custom reminders. Through easy to follow tutorials, you will find that you increased your organization and productivity in no time. This course will show you the ins and outs of Google Keeps so that you can use it to suit your needs.So what are you waiting for? Enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Concept Art Character Design" |
"Welcome to Concept Art Character Design! My name is Hardy Fowler and Ive got an amazing and valuable course to share. Character Concept Art is a really exciting and high demand field. Countless entertainment industry clients are willing to pay very well for skilled artists who can conceptualize and paint beautiful and memorable character art, BUT, its a highly competitive corner of the market and you need to stand out from the crowd in order to succeed.Help is here! the main, big picture idea of this course is to show you how to elevate good character art into amazing character art. Ive been doing this for over a decade now and my career has taught me some sure fire ways to push any character concept painting to the next level and thats what I want students to take away. Were going to make your portfolio stand out from the pack - lets turn good into great!This course is designed for character artists who already feel like they know the basics but want to rise up to much higher levels. Well do six full character projects covering a wide variety of genres and challenges and Ill show some incredibly cool and easy to master rendering techniques. But this course is so much more than just a painting demonstration. Well dive into all of the concepts and theories that guide great character design and youll learn all of the skills, habits and mindsets that really elevate those pro-level portfolios that get picked by clients. I love chatting with students and seeing their work I offer responsive support and feedback this course is packed with career-changing resources and bonus materials So, if you are looking to reach that next level and create the kind of portfolio that can launch a concept art career, dont miss this course. Enroll today, grab your stylus and lets PAINT COOL STUFF!"
Price: 149.99

"Punch Them In The Gut: Writing Fiction with Emotional Impact" |
"Learn how to write a story that will suck your readers in and get them to share your work with friends, family, and co-workers.Story is the most powerful force in the world, but so few people even understand what it is or how it works.In Punch them in the Gut you will learn:The power of story and how it continues to shape our world.The brain's need for story and how to keep rewarding your reader.What a story is and the parts that must be included to keep a reader turning the page.How to tailor a story for instant emotional engagement with your reader.The three scenes in each story that must be solid and how to build them.How to create an emotional impact that will get your reader to share your work instantly.How to intensify your story with believable outer problems.How you can change the world with your writing.And much, much more!!Gain maximum reader engagement by understanding What Readers Want.This course represents 1000's of hours of research in writing and psychology boiled down to the core level of understanding so you can take what you learn and put it right to work.The course includes eight modules, designed to build a foundation of the psychology of reading first. As you move forward in the course, you will learn how to structure and write your story to tap into the reader's deep emotions.Punch them in the Gutalso includes worksheets that will help you identify reader's emotions, protagonist's emotions, tools to increase tension, and more.I set out to learn how to sell more books, but I found so much more. This research has changed not only how I write stories but how I view the world. It has changed my life. As authors, we represent the one sure fire way of changing people's lives. Why? Because it is only in a story that a person can experience deep empathy and truly see the world through a new set of eyes. I excited to share this with you."
Price: 109.99

"Tcnicas de Venta ""Negociando como un Profesional""" |
"Finalmente, un taller de tcnicas de ventas, que revela los secretos ms de 50 de los mejores vendedores y negociadores de la historia, todo en un mismo taller.Estimados Freelancers, Consultores, Emprendedores, Empresarios, Vendedores, Gerentes Comerciales, Key Account Managers: Si los contadores fueron a la escuela de contabilidad, y los diseadores a la de diseo A cul escuela de ventas fueron ustedes?Si usualmente t o tus vendedores:Tienen decenas de reuniones y no cierran la ventaNo usan eficientemente tu tiempoSe van de tu empresa porque no funcionaronParecieran ser amateurs en vez de profesionales Seguramente es porque no has recibido la capacitacin adecuada. Este no es un tema para avergonzarse, yo estuve donde mismo estn ustedes y luego de mucho entrenamiento, cursos, un centenar de libros y entrevistas a los mejores agentes comerciales hemos reunido un programa espectacular , con todos los secretos, trucos y metodologas que necesitas para entrenar tus tcnicas de ventas.Pero.este programa NO es para todosSi crees que el xito es gratuito y que est asociado ms al talento que al esfuerzoeste programa no es para t.Si crees que por haber estudiado alguna ingeniera, sabes todo lo que tienes que sabereste programa no es para t. (Incluso Ingeniera Comercial!)Este programa es un ENTRENAMIENTO y es por eso que soy conocido por obtener resultados y ahorrar a las empresas decenas de millones de pesos. Al final del curso debers tener los siguientes beneficios:Repercutir inmediatamente en los resultados comerciales de tu empresa.Crear hbitos profesionales.Identificar formas de acercarse a los prospectos y optimizar la forma en que nos relacionamos.Lograr negociar en ambientes amigables y hostiles.Entender cules son los momentos claves en los que puedo y debo cerrar el negocio.Comprensin integral del proceso de ventas.Representar de forma profesional a tu empresa y la dejen bien parada siempre. Dentro de los temas que develaremos y entrenaremos se encuentran: Planificacin Acercamiento al prospecto Presentacin Manejo de objeciones Negociacin Cierre de ventas Todo esto con nuestro efectivo mtodo de Aprendizaje Progresivo, el que asegura la asimilacin de los contenidos gracias a su modalidad y distribucin temporal, lo que te permitir ir implementando nuevas tcnicas al mismo tiempo que aprendes y trabajas, avanzando las semanas para as pulir tus hbitos de venta. Deberas ser capaz de realizar este taller en unas 4 sesiones de 2 horas cada una, incluyendo los entrenamientos. Cada seccin tiene material de apoyo para que generes tu propia mini-wikipedia de tu propio proceso de ventas. Toma este curso hoy para lograr un aumento rpido y eficiente en tus ventas, sorprndete a ti mismo y descubre tus verdaderas aptitudes. Recuerda que tenemos una garanta de un 100% de retorno de tu dinero si quedas insatisfecho, por lo que puedes tomar este curso es sin ningn riesgo. (Sin preguntas, sin letra chica)"
Price: 59.99

"Learn The Fundamentals Of Ballet" |
"Hello future students! Ballet is a beautiful art form that I encourage you to experience for yourself! It is fundamental style of dance that allows the dancer to be able to follow on easily into various other styles of dance. Each section of this course is broken down into short videos to demonstrate the movements and allow you to follow along easily. The first section we learn the basic positions of the hands and feet. The second section demonstrates ballet practice at the Barre. The third section is an introduction to centre practice, including pirouettes. The fourth section jumps and curtsee are the focal points. This course has been carefully designed to enable you to be able to feel confident any time you walk into the ballet studio, whether that be local, or abroad. As ballet was created in France, the names for each movement are French, I will translate and go over these with you, so that you can clearly understand the meanings and pronunciation. All that is left now for you to do is sign up today! I am excited to help you to become the ballet dancer that you desire to be!"
Price: 24.99

"Leadership a Roadmap to Success" |
"This Course is All About Leadership a Roadmap to Success, It is also included many understandable statements regarding the leadership, why the leadership is considered the key to success. Along with this, It also covers the concept of leader, his Importance, characteristics, functions, qualities, role in the modern and civilized world. It also covers the most important and comprehensive terms of the organization just like vision, mission, goals, strategy. Furthermore, it includes many factor of leader which are proved to be leading organization to success and unlike this there are also several factors of many factors of leader which are leading an organization to the failure. Besides this, the SWOT analysis is also included in it along with this where it is used, when and how it is used to and developed, who can create a SWOT analysis and how this is used. lastly it is included the role of leader 21st century."
Price: 29.99

"Php Secure Login and Registration System + Email Activation" |
"Php Secure Login and Registration System + Email ActivationGuys, If you want to design and develop attractive and also professional I will teach with you How You can Make Php Secure Login and Registration System + Email Activation. Login and Registration application is very important for any web-based application. If you are using Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, etc web application, You must be create an account, Once you create an Account.Then the particular application sent an email for account activation, Once you activate the account then you will able to use that. So, That's called Login & Registration System Application, In this course I will teach with you How You can Design and also develop the Login and Registration System Application in Php with Email Activation.First of All, We Will Learn How to Design Application Forms with the help of Bootstrap. Once We Designed the Complete Application Forms, then we will learn How to Use Php to Develop the Application. In this application We Will Use Bootstrap, Php and Also MySQLi.We Will Use those technologies to develop the complete application. Once we design the application, We will learn How to Buy Domain Name and Also Web Hosting. Finally We Will learn How to Upload our Php based project with Live Server or Online Server.Here are Registration Form Steps:Configuration & Setup ProjectDesigning Pages Using BootstrapReuse Php CodeCreating a FunctionsRegistration Form ValidationRegister Data in the DatabaseEmail ConfigurationAccount ActivationHere are Login Form Steps:User Login Form ValidationUser Logged In and Logged Remember Me Recover PasswordReset PasswordOnce we followed above steps, then we will learn How to Buy Domain Name and Web Hosting to upload the project. Once we upload the project, then our application is ready to use. You can use that with complete features and also you will Integer the Php Secure Login and Registration System + Email Activation with your Php Based Application."
Price: 199.99

"Access Macros: Automate Your Access Databases" |
"Macros allow you more control over you Microsoft Access database.You get work done faster, and become more efficient.This course, designed to help you create macros for Access databases for day-to-day use, will allow you to:Become familiar with the Macro Builder window - get comfortable working with macros.Create macros for tables - automate actions in the foundation of your databaseAttach macros to buttons on forms and reports - make Access easier for you and your usersCreate macros that start when your database starts - a real time saver!_______________________________You don't need to know any VBA code to enroll in this course.You just need a willingness to want to save time with macros, to upgrade your skills, and to invest a few hours of time in the process.The examples in this course can be used to create macros in Microsoft Office Access 2010, as well as 2013. You can GAIN MICROSOFT ACCESS MACRO SKILLS.So Click The TakeThis Course Button On The Right & I'll See You In Class!"
Price: 124.99

"Work From Home: Find Legitimate Telecommuting Jobs that Pay" |
"If you're ready to find a real work from home job, then this course will show you how. Inside, you'll learn how to find work as an employee or as an independent contractor for a job that allows you to work from the comfort of your home. I'll also show you how to quickly spot and avoid scams during your job search. Find Legitimate Work at Home Jobs from Companies That Are Hiring Now Advantages to Working From Home Home Office Requirements Managing Your Online Reputation as a Job Seeker Find a Job on the Most Popular Job Search Sites Recognize and Avoid Job Search Scams I will not be selling you on a new business opportunity or encouraging you to sign up for jobs that pay per task. These are real jobs from real companies, like Xerox, UnitedHealth Group, Dell, Aetna, American Express, First Data, Humana, ADP, General Electric GE, Symantec, Microsoft and a host of smaller ones, who are hiring for full or partial work from home positions (Source: FlexJobs). These aren't just entry level jobs either. In addition to sales and customer service jobs, you'll also find opportunities for nurse case managers, marketers, analysts, accountants and more. My husband and I have been working from home for over 6 years, securing contracts both as employees and independent contractors. This gave us the freedom to work on our own small business ventures while keeping our bills paid. By the end of this course, you'll have the tools necessary to find, apply and be successful in a work from home job. Each course section is packed with easy to digest lessons and recommendations that you can start implementing today. If you're ready to learn how you, too, can crack the work at home industry, purchase this course now."
Price: 39.99

"Mindfulness for Mothers with author Leonie Laukkanen" |
"This course will teach mothers how to feel connected content and calm on their motherhood journey. Motherhood is a roller coaster of emotion filled with moments of bliss but also moments of intense frustration. Mothers are dis-connected, over-whelmed, stressed and often exhausted. This course is about how to practise mindfulness. Mindfulness creates self-awareness and allows mothers to re-connect.Whats included?Videos and practical tipsOne moment meditations5 minute guided meditations Beautiful mindfulness journalPrintable posters and positive affirmationsStress managementMothering in the momentMindful parentingLearning to let goLearn at your own paceWhat will you learn?Relates to the practice of mindfulness so you learn to let go of what doesnt serve you, be present, speak your truth and live with an open heart and mind.Teaches you how to re-connect back to you, let go of mummy guilt, practise self care, gratitude and how to turn mundane tasks into magical mindful meditations.Provides numerous tools and ideas to effectively manage stress and get more energy.Teaches how to raise kids mindfully including affirmations and meditations for kids.Includes downloadable 40 page mindfulness journal for 12 months to record and reflect on your journey.How is the course structured?The content is made up of short lecture videos, one mindful moment activity cards, downloadable posters including positive affirmations, tips and a mindfulness journal. The journal allows you to write record their experiences on their journey and encourages time to reflect each month. Mothers are busy and time poor so the activity cards encourage mothers to find their mindful moment each day. In time these moments start to happen automatically and there are also guided mediations that last up to 5 minutes.How will you benefit?This course will teach you how to be a mindful mother so you feel more joy and less frustration. This is your guide to being a content, calm and more compassionate mother. You can reduce the stress of motherhood by connecting with yourself and your child in just one mindful moment a day.The course is designed for you to do at your own pace in your own time. This course is based on the content of the award winning book Mother Om written by business mentor,yoga and mindfulness teacher Leonie Percy. Leonie is also the host of the Magnetic Mama podcast."
Price: 49.99

"Hiring Smart: Human Resources Management For Beginners" |
"The Hiring Smart: Human Resources Management for Beginners course, from Global Finance School, is your best bet for learning all the ins and outs of organizational business management. Whether you're looking to improve your current managerial skills, or want to benefit from in-depth knowledge of Human Resources as a whole, our online management course is the right course for you. Ramp up your management strategies, with a flexible program, that covers the business of Human Resources from the ground up.Learn to effectively recruit, manage, evaluate, and motivate personnelDiscover the benefits of teams and team cycles in the workplaceUnderstand the moral and ethical implications behind professional employee managementUncover the pros and cons of remote working, and virtual teamsHuman Resource Management is the backbone of any effective business. People are what drive every organization, and understanding the concepts behind the successful management of this vital resource will help your company thrive. Our easy-to-understand, lecture-based course material fully covers the information you'll need to manage personnel at any level. Whether you're a small business owner with only a few employees, a student of organizational psychology, or a manager looking to advance your Human Resources career, our course will help set you on the path to success. HR Management is all about hiring, supporting, and keeping good people. We offer 50 lectures, featuring three full hours of content, that will teach you everything you need to know about becoming an effective management professional. With links to real-life examples - and review tests and projects you can reset and repeat - our e-learning course gives you the practical skills necessary to run and grow your business or career. Learn about recruiting, supervising, and motivating personnel, the advantages of teams in the workplace, and the essentials of dealing with employee health & safety issues. You'll explore the implications of remote working, and find out how to coordinate virtual groups.By the end of this course you will become a better manager, and build a better business team. With our Human Resources Management for Beginners online course, Global Finance School will help you navigate the management maze, and get you Hiring Smart."
Price: 24.99

"How To Make Your First Movie" |
"Are you an aspiring filmmaker who has no clue how to get started making your first movie? Are you frustrated waiting for it to happen and just want to say action already? What if your a million miles away from Hollywood and live out in the middle of no where? That all changes now! This course has been designed to get you rolling on your very first movie from anywhere without the need of Hollywood or a lot of money.My name is Mike and I have been a filmmaker for over twenty years. To date, I have made over fifteen films and have written forty screenplays. It's my passion and I love making movies! In the beginning I had no clue how to make a movie. I didn't have Internet access, I was a high school student, and I had absolutely no connections to Hollywood or anyone in the business. As a matter of fact I was living on the complete opposite side of the country from La La Land! All I knew was that I wanted to make movies. One night my frustrations reached their peak and I had enough of the dreaming and waiting for something to happen. I decided right then and there that I was going to make my first movie and I did so the very next day. By the time that year was over I actually made my first TWO films! Both were full length features. So how did I go from being an aspiring filmmaker, with ZERO knowledge of filmmaking, to actually making my first movie? That's what this course is all about and by the time you finish the final lesson you will have made your first movie!Thanks to the 21rst century and technology that is now easily available to us, making movies is so much doable than it was when I started. With just a smart phone you can make an epic that rivals a Hollywood film! It's is possible and talented filmmakers are proving that everyday. You just need to have a great story to tell and the right knowledge and tools to move forward. To dream is great, and all artists do it, but a dream is just a dream unless you actually do something to make it real. Your time has come to make that dream a reality!To get started, you will learn how to come up with your story and then how to turn that into a screenplay. Before you move onto the next lesson you will write a short story that will become your first movie. From there you will learn how to budget it, raise funds, produce it, casting, and even how to make props. The biggest lesson you will learn with pre-production is how to do it all for less money. I have become known in my circles for producing films for way less than others. I actually caught the attention of a huge Hollywood Film and Television company who was interested in me producing a network prime-time television show and a multi-picture deal! They were impressed with how I made my films for little money. Here you will learn how to replicate that.Once you learn pre-production we then go into the production itself. We cover everything from directing to actors, lighting, the camera angles as well as feeding your team , signing releases and perhaps getting them to work for free! It's easier than you think.Finally we move onto post. You will learn some basic tips on adding CGI, musical soundtrack, video editing, and how and where to release your completed film such as film festivals, Amazon, DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.Now this is not a course about camera settings, lighting types, or how to operate film equipment. It won't really over those topics. This is all about getting you out of the dream stage and into the reality of actually making your first film. This course is designed to inspire you and show you how to get going with funds or with very little. This course is designed to be understanding and give you a foundation to build your film career.There is a lot to learn, but by the time this course ends, you will FINALLY have made your first movie! This course is mostly designed for those who have little to basic knowledge of filmmaking, If you are more advanced, but still want to take this course, you may learn some tips and tricks of things you didn't think of before.The biggest requirement to taking any course with me is to have an open mind and know you are here to learn. If you have been yearning to make a movie now is your chance to finally make your dream come true. I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Blockchain Blueprint" |
"This course covers a range of blockchain experts across different industries where you will gain insights into the blockchain space and how to incorporate it into your business or startup. You will gain real-world first-hand knowledge from experts who are living and breathing the blockchain technology.This will save you a lot of time, but also help you avoid costly mistakes that could be easily avoided if you knew what to do to begin with. Instead of having to fly all over the world to meet these experts in person, we've compiled their knowledge here for your ease of learning in one spot from the comfort of your own home.This mini-course is a selection of a few of the many interview that we have on our full platform, and provides a solid start to your blockchain fundamental knowledge base."
Price: 199.99

"Launch a business on budget: I did it, so can you!" |
"If you're here, it's because you have an idea, but you're stuck. And chances are the "stuck" part is based on lack of money. You already have all the tools you need to launch and I'm here to show you how! I was in your shoes, but I launched a business with less than $1,000. And I personally know plenty of others who have done so with just a few hundred bucks. I didn't get lucky or suddenly find a windfall of money, I developed strategies that I want to share with you. This course is not a "get rich quick" scheme, it's for serious entrepreneurs who are willing to work. This course is for those who need assistance thinking outside of the box, from someone who has faced every challenge imaginable. This course will not end in me telling you to launch a crowdfunding campaign (though they're awesome!), or to amass debt, or take out loans. Even if some of the tools and tactics ring familiar, I promise that you'll see them in a different way. I firmly believe that you can start where you are to launch a successful, sustainable business. "Yesterday, you said tomorrow." Enroll Today."
Price: 29.99

"Goals using 80/20 Rule to Achieve Faster & with Less Effort" |
"It's uncovering the fact from fiction of goal setting & giving practical techniques that are actually proven to work, including how and why the work. There is a lot of time & energy-wasting things out there around goals, this is get the 20% that actually works. You can waste hours, days, weeks, month even years by following pop theories that have little effect or you can do this course & learn the Goal Achieving techniques that WILL make a difference to your life. By enrolling in this course you will get lifetime access & FREE updated lectures. You also get a 30 Day 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! No questions asked. If you want to Reach Your Goals faster & easier then don't delay, enroll now. About: Range of techniques & the facts behind why they work to help you reach your goals fast with less effort Why take this course?: There is heaps of information out there about goal setting but most is time consuming & ineffective! If you want to stop struggling to reach your goals & hit the fast track then take this course. Take this course if You want more time & energy to put into your results, because your not wasting time You want to achieve your goals faster, because your focusing on what works You want to have a large team of people behind you, helping you get to your goals faster You want to tap into at will your full brains power to reach your goals quicker Materials: Basic house hold items; pen, coloured pencils & paper. How Long: There is around 90mins of lectures packed full of relevant information that can change your life. Structure: I've split the activities into different area's of focus, though you will get the most out of it if you watch from start to finish. If you feel you're in need of extra help about a particular area then you can go straight back to it. When you know & use these skills things start to happen in your life, enroll now and start living the life you deserve. What Students are saying: by Mahendar Reddy Great course This course is very good and precise by Susan Gast Compassion for others leads to surprising rewards! Setting goals are important - and Amanda explains how the ""loftier"" they are the better! They are NOT unreachable, but the view while reaching them is much clearer - and less crowded. Amanda teaches that you should feel compassion for others and in return you'll reap rewards that will help you and your business grow in ways you only imagined! Amanda is a lot of fun to listen to... and watch! This course was last updated 30.5.15"
Price: 199.99

"Feel Good about YOU, Right NOW! Practical Guide" |
"With over 1200+ students enrolleds, you to can join the crowd who is taking their happiness in their own hands by learning these techniques. You can spend 90mins in front of the TV tonight, watching that movie you have already seen before or you can invest in yourself, your happiness, your relationships & take this course. By enrolling in this course you will get lifetime access & FREE updated lectures. You also get a 30 Day 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ! No questions asked. If you want to feel good about You right Now! don't delay, enrol now. About: Practical activities you can do today to help you feel good about yourself Why take this course?: One of the most destructive parts of modern society is the constant bombardment of advertisements telling us we are not good enough, and its just NOT TRUE! Take this course if You're ready to be the person you want to be, If you want to feel good about being you Your going through a tough time & need a pick-me-up Want practical tips that don't require expensive & time consuming guidance. You want to improve your relationships You want to improve your career or reach other goals If you just want to feel good right now! Materials: Basic house hold items; pen, paper, camera How Long: This course if your doing every lecture activity in sequence & in-depth can take you over 20 hours. As its a practical guide it is more beneficial to watch the entire course then do an activity every few days, see how it fits with you then either incorporate it into your everyday life or let it go. A reference style course you can jump between area's & lectures depending what your in need of at the time. Most activity video's are under 5mins. Structure: I've split the activities into different area's of focus. If you feel your in need of help about a particular area then you can go straight to it. When you feel good about yourself amazing things start to happen in your life, enrol now and start living the life you deserve. This course was last updated 24.4.15 Susan Gust "I've taken this course! And at the end of it, I found that Amanda really did make me CHANGE the way I viewed myself! So many of us focus on the negative aspects of ourselves, rather than the positive. I'm sure that when you've reached the end of Amanda's course, you'll feel energized, plus you'll start talking with a lovely ozzie accent! I know I have been!!""
Price: 24.99

"The complete DynamoDB Bootcamp" |
"Hi and welcome to this course. Im super excited to be here with you teaching you all about DynamoDB. First off a quick introduction about myself and why you should learn from me and then also I want to quickly cover what youre going to learn on this courseMy name is Ram and Ive been in the IT industry for more than 15 years. But even more than that, Im the author of a few different courses in Udemy and all of which are tailored towards beginners. I have a particular interest in covering the basics in a way that people can easily understand and put into action immediately. And hence I believe you have come to the right place.This course is meant to be the ultimate bootcamp in learning about the basics of DynamoDB in just 3 hours. No advanced topics, no unnecessary drivel, just the solid basics to get you off on the right footing. All I'm asking for is about 3 hours of your time in terms of lecture and probably another 3 or 4 hours in terms of practicing what youve learnt. Just imagine, all it will take you is about 1 day or 8 hours to learn about the basics of DynamoDB if you wish to do it this way. Do note that for this speed to work, you should have a basic understanding of databases otherwise your learning curve will be slightly longerWell cover the basics of NoSQL and how it is different from SQL and immediately get into the basics of DynamoDB and the AWS console and well start creating tables in the very first chapter. Well then cover more details about the various features of DynamoDB and finally round-up with some of the advanced features of DynamoDB including how it can be used in conjunction with other AWS services to do some extremely powerful database operations.The recommended way to learn this course though is to take your time between lectures, practice what you learnt in the previous lesson and then move onto the next lecture. This is my preferred method of learning whenever Im tackling a new subject, but off course each person learns in a different way and I encourage you to follow the method that works best for you.Sample of reviews from students:Carlos Vzquez Castaeda - ""Gracias""Venkadesan Janakiraman - ""The material is well documented explaining each and every concept in a simple understandable format""Soma sudhakar Dhargalkar - ""Yes, It is helpful for me"""
Price: 34.99

"Foam Rolling: Less Pain & More Mobile in 10 minutes" |
"Updates: 10 FIVE STAR REVIEWS and over 500+ STUDENTS IN THE FIRST FORTNIGHT of this course going live!YOU HAVE ONLY 1 BODY!For the rest of your life.That is it.So are you going to look after it and maximise it's awesome potential? My clients simply love to use a Foam Roller to get amazing massage for free!....reduce pain, reduce muscle tightness and give them greater movement freedom. This course teaches you all the secret techniques to make your body FEEL BETTER in just 10 minutes. This course is for you if you want: To get massage Better movement freedom Reduce pain Reduce muscle and joint stiffness Join the tens of thousands of people who are using Foam Rolling to FEEL BETTER in just 10 minutes by clicking enroll now. Like all of our students.used you've started foam rolling regularly, you'll wonder how you lived without it! Since taking this course and learning all the right techniques for how to use the foam roll I feel confident to give the right muscles in the body the massage they need so that I can move better, feel more limber and most importantlynot to feel any pain in my knee!"" Melanie All lectures include a full anatomical breakdown so you'll know exactly what areas and muscles of the body you'll be targetingwithout over complicating things with and long medical jargon or terminology. This course is meant for the everyday person with a very basic understanding of their body. Every single technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you instant returns. Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know. As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my personal promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the hour ... and if you don't take this course you'll constantly be wondering if you could be feeling better right now if you had only clicked take this course now"" This course is not backed or produced by Udemy - it's all my own work ... but the excellent Udemy staff are there to help you, too, of course! Every minute you delay is time you could have spent getting a free self massage using a foam roller . Enrol now!"
Price: 44.99

"How to Start An Online T-Shirt Business Using Shopify" |
"If you've ever wanted to start an online business or sell existing products online You should take this course. No experience required. I will show you step-by-step, how to create your own beautiful online store with Shopify to sell any physical or digital products. I will also teach you how to source products and use your own designs to manufacture and and start a t-shirt business with ZERO inventory! Everyone has thought of starting their own online business and there is no better place to start than t-shirts. We walk students through the theory and application behind your options in t-shirt manufacturing, and even show you how to create a t-shirt with a design on it and have it available for sale online immediately upon completing the course. For your business to succeed, you need to have an amazing online presence because of the impact it can have on a potential customers buying decision. Unfortunately, a lot of people think they have to pay web designers, developers and business consultants a ton of money to make their dreams come to life. The good news is that you can do everything that you need to start an online business or selling t-shirts yourself. I'll show you how in this course. By the end of this course youll be able to: Create a store on Shopify Source manufacturers and designers for a t-shirt business Customize your stores payment options Create a blog for your online store Set up taxes Add and manage products in your store Create and manage product categories Manage the orders placed by your customers Offer your customers discounts Add more functionality using the Shopify app store Market your business and products online Sell T-shirts online with On Demand Merchandising through the Merchify app Take this course, and start your very own t-shirt business! Note: there's a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 19.99

"Video Marketing Scholars" |
"Video Marketing Scholars (VMS) is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners that are looking for ways to advertise their businesses without spending a fortune on advertising. Video marketing continues to grow at an extraordinary rate and will account for 74% of Internet traffic by 2017. As a result, VMS was designed to help customers achieve page one rankings on the major search engines without resorting to paid advertising. Everything on VMS starts with keyword research. This is the cornerstone of the course. We teach students how to use keyword research for Video Marketing, Video SEO, On-Page SEO, Local SEO and Article Marketing. The keyword research alone would help any entrepreneur or business owner do extremely well on social media marketing too. The Video Marketing Scholar course is primarily video driven. Many of the things we demonstrate on the videos are applicable to what every student needs to do to be successful with video marketing. There are 8 sections in the VMS course. Students may choose specific sections to focus on, but the course was designed to fill in as many gaps as possible to be successful. VMS specifically addresses: Keyword Research YouTube Video Marketing Webmaster Tools On-Page SEO and Video SEO PowerPoint And Keynote Article Marketing Google My Business There is approximately 7 hours of video content available to students. Each lecture is designed to address a specific knowledge gap within the 8 sections of this course. Video marketing should be a key component of any business owners arsenal. VMS has gone to great lengths to fill in the knowledge gaps about video marketing and spent three full years refining the topics covered based on the dialogue we have had with customers all over the world. The value you will receive from VMS is incalculable."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering and Coping with Obesity - Treatment & Surgery" |
"In America you need to know the facts about Obesity Obesity has more than doubled and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Immediate Health Effects: Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Long-term health effects: Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults11-14 and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Learn about obesity in these Course. You'll learn what causes obesity; how your body stores fat; what are the biggest risk factors for obesity; what surgical options are available for the morbidly obese; how obesity affects fertility, pregnancy, cancer, and diabetes; and much more."
Price: 29.99

"Elemental Yoga with Amber Sawyer" |
"This easy to follow elemental yoga series by Amber Sawyer is designed with a holistic approach to yoga. Follow Amber's gentle guidance as she leads you on a journey to better health, a more relaxed body and peaceful mind through simple hatha yoga sequences combined with breath and meditation. Enjoy the sounds of nature and beautiful natural settings these yoga sequences were filmed in as you bring your mind and body into a state of union. This course covers the following 5 elemental sequences to improve the flow of energy through specific meridian pathways: The Earth sequence brings harmony to the spleen and stomach meridians, which can cultivate feelings of groundedess, awareness, centeredness, safety, home & nourishment. The Water sequence brings harmony to the bladder and kidney meridians, which can cultivate feelings of sensuality, potential, flow, balance, equanimity, cleansing, nurturing and truth. The Fire sequence brings harmony to the small intestine and heart meridians, which can cultivate feelings of joy, acceptance, creativity, devotion, purification, transformation, power and healthy desire.The Wind sequence brings harmony to the lungs and large intestine meridians, which can cultivate feelings of adaptability, spontaneity, positivity, inspiration, letting go, change and vitality. The Space sequence brings harmony to the gall bladder and liver meridians, which can cultivate feelings of vision, possibility, direction, risk, belief and faith. "
Price: 49.99

"Get Great Learning Skills and Have More Time for Fun!" |
"Accelerate your learning NOW for only $20Join the hundreds ofstudents who enrolled to learn how to learn quickly and remember.Get study tipsLearn how to stay calm and confident in exams.For students of all ages. Ever wondered why some students are able to learn quickly, get great grades and still have time for fun? At the end of this course, you will know how your brain works and how you can use simple study tips to access the Learning part of your Brain. You will feel calm and confident with your test prep. know that you can calm yourself quickly and easily with simple study skills.be able to accelerate learning. get outstanding exam results. find that you can balance time for learning and time for fun. The course is made up of a lesson for each Study Tip. Over my 40 years of teaching Science, Mathematics and Reading, I have developed this series of tips that can help you learn. Each of the Learning Tips is based on current research and theory of how the human brain works and how learning takes place. To use these tips, listen and read and use one of the skills each week of the school year, just like I do with my classes. Make posters and infographics of each Secret. Put these on your study wall. Use the accelerated learning skilss to learn the tips! Over time, you will use the tips from previous weeks and gradually build up your skills in learning. You will see your results increase very quickly. Learn life long skills: how to learn, unlearn, and relearn the new literacy of the 21st century, (Alvin Toffler). Enrol now to download your FREE ebook. Enjoy confidence in your learning and high self-esteem."
Price: 94.99

"Learn How To Think Like A Visionary, Innovator, Entrepreneur" |
"Do people like Walt Disney, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs *INSPIRE* you? Do you ever wonder what they did to achieve such great feats? Would you like to unlock their secrets of personal transformation to live an extraordinary life beyond your wildest imagination? In Order To Make Your Dreams A Reality, You First Have To Understand One Very Important Thing All great visionaries, innovators, and entrepreneurial leaders were committed to their ideals despite what the world thought.... They latched onto them and *NEVER* allowed the criticism, fear and discouragement of others to overtake their positions. They understood that in order to tap their inner potential, they'd have to approach life differently than the masses. But you may be wondering how exactly they went about their work In The Mechanics of Thought you will learn just that the models of behavior these people adopted to shape their lives and impact humanity. It reveals a Code of Excellence"" and exposes you to concepts which are intended to shift your paradigm and stimulate a new line of thinking And the best part is You'll Learn It All In Under AN HOUR! This *revolutionary* course is power-packed with ancient and contemporary cultural secrets like: What the yin-yang symbol really means and how it applies to the concepts of Consciousness,"" Duality"" and Oneness"" Cause-Effect and the process of creation as it relates to both humans AND nature How to shift your paradigm and *BREAK OUT* of mental prison The transmutation of energy and how to convert negative thoughts into positive ones How to [protect the mind] from fear by cultivating unconditional love How to become self-reliant when the world portrays a victim mentality How to match the vibrational frequency of your desires with the new-age"" law of attraction The importance of reaching for dreams that sit *OUTSIDE* of your comfort zone The dissipation of thought energy and how to project your emotional attention towards a definite worthwhile purpose 3 simple steps to manifesting your dreams The path of evolution and the road to PERSONAL FREEDOM The subtle and obvious differences between love and fear Plus more (It's valuable information you'll want to review over and over, again and again) When you buy it NOW you'll receive: 40+ page downloadable ebook 60+ slides of course 45+ minutes of animated content Direct Q&A access to myself Ongoing materials added periodically Oh, and one last thing If you feel the material wasn't what you expected, at any point within the first 30 days, you can always ask for a 100% refund, *GUARANTEED*. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. My interest is not in getting your money but in helping you TRANSFORM your LIFE. So with that I encourage you to buy the course, go through the materials, run it through your mind a couple of times, and determine for yourself whether it was a worthwhile purchase. And again, you can watch ALL the videos in under an hour... which I think is pretty cool, but that's just me. If you're ready, click ""Take This Course"" to get started."
Price: 49.99

"Preparing Your Child for School" |
"Teach your child everything they need to know prior to entering kindergarten. Preparing your Child for School includes 23 video lessons, two print articles and a printable checklist of skills. You will learn: What the school expects your child to know BEFORE the first day of school Why those skills are important to your childs future academic success Activities to use with your child that are easy, fun and wont disrupt your busy family schedule. Learn how to help your child enter school ready for success. Many parents receive the first report back from the school and are surprised to learn what was expected of their child. After taking this class you will send your child to school ready to learn. In the United States, less than half of students enter school kindergarten ready. We evaluated school readiness tests from around the country. You will learn whats tested, why your child must master the skills and concepts, and activities to help them quickly learn. Its all designed to be simple for your family, and fun for your child. After taking this class, you will be able to help your children with their: Academic and Cognitive Development Mathematics Literacy Language Development Physical Development Social and Emotional Development You will also learn when you should be concerned about your child's progress, and where you can go for help. Your instructor for this class is National Board Certified Teacher and Bluegrass Learning Senior Education Specialist Bobbie Noall. Bobbie has more than 15 years of classroom teaching experience. The class is designed for busy parents and is also beneficial for any caregiver (grandparent or babysitter) who spends large amounts of time with children from birth-5 years of age."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python and Django: Payment Processing" |
"***September 2016: All new videos and code.Fully updated to work with the latest version of Django*** Take this course to gain the skills you need to make money online. Learn Django, the #1 Python Web Framework. Pinterest, Instagram, and The Washington Times are built with Django. If you want to build an e-commerce store you need the ability to accept online customer payments. In this course, you will learn the easiest way to accept payments with your Django web applications. You will also learn how to: Implement Bootstrap with HTML templates, add Stripe to your site, build a web application with Django, and deploy applications with Python Anywhere."
Price: 69.99

"Phrasal Verbs en Ingls para Hispanohablantes" |
"Domina los Phrasal Verbs ms importantes! Los phrasal verbs son tan sencillos que incluso los nios pequeos los usan y entienden, antes de aprender un vocabulario ms amplio. A un angloparlante un phrasal verb le parece incluso ms sencillo que una palabra ms larga. En una conversacin entre americanos o britnicos, se usan los phrasal verbs en todo momento, y nadie piensa en ello como algo difcil. Es simplemente como hablamos. Y son algo que todo el mundo sabe que debe aprender. Pero cuando estoy en clase y digo hoy vamos a hablar de los phrasal verbs sale un suspiro de angustia profunda del grupoincluso personas con muy buen nivel, que llevan aos estudiando el ingls, tienen miedo a los phrasal verbs. Eres uno de aquellas personas? Puede que s. La verdad es que en espaol pasa todo lo contrario. Los hispanohablantes usan palabras ms largas y as les parece ms complicado acordarse de un phrasal verb, aunque slo sea la combinacin de dos palabras ya conocidas. Pero realmente, el miedo que la gente tiene de los phrasal verbs carece de fundamento. La expresin en ingls get up sigue siendo ms corto que su equivalente en espaol, levantarse. Un angloparlante en sus primeros aos de estudiar el espaol dira: Levantarse? No hay algo ms corto? Es que son cuatro slabas! Y adems tiene un montn de conjugaciones. Entonces, por qu es que mis estudiantes tienen tanto miedo a los phrasal verbs? Supongo que porque sus profesores no los han sabido explicar de forma clara y comprensible. Es difcil encontrar un buen mtodo, a veces, y los libros de texto normales no son de gran ayuda. Creme, que los he tenido que utilizar en mis clases aqu en Madrid. Los mtodos normales son tan malos que con el tiempo he desarrollado uno nuevo, para ensear bien (por fin!) este tema tan importante de la gramtica y el vocabulario. La verdad es que los phrasal verbs no son tan complicadoscuando se ensean bien. Cada partcula tiene unos significados propios, que se pueden usar en muchos casos para adivinar el significado del verbo. Las partculasup, down, in, out, on, off, away, back, around y los demsnos ayudan con una direccin o con un significado propio que tienen. Aprenderlos bien es slo cuestin de saberse unas docenas de los phrasal verbs ms usados, y practicarlos un poco. Disfruta del curso!"
Price: 29.99

"Comment obtenir votre prochaine augmentation de salaire ?" |
"En gnral, l'obtention d'une bonne promotion se droule en 5 grandes phases qui s'organisent sur une dure d'environ un an. Ce cours correspond la premire grande phase et doit tre suivi en mme temps que vous lancez votre dmarche en vue d'une future augmentation de salaire. C'est un cours pratique, et c'est pour cette raison que nous lappelons "Training". A l'issue du training : Vous serez capable d'identifier les diffrents systmes de promotion et notamment les systmes de promotion internes et de concevoir les grandes tapes de votre prochaine augmentation de salaire. Vous serez aussi capable didentifier les types de ressources ncessaires pour votre promotion professionnelle, de valider si vous tes prt ou pas vous lancer dans une dmarche de promotion professionnelle et de comprendre lintrt des rseaux professionnels en gnral et des rseaux sociaux en particulier. Enfin, je vous montrerai comment reconnatre le bon moment et le bon interlocuteur dans votre entreprise pour obtenir votre promotion professionnelle. Ce training est ponctu d'exercices et de quiz qui vous permettront de vous entraner afin d'tre prt au rendez-vous de votre prochaine augmentation de salaire. En bonus, je vous prsenterai les 7 promotions que j'ai obtenues en 10 ans de carrire et dont l'une d'elles m'a permis de gagner ce jour plus de 120000 euros. Si vous avez du mal obtenir une promotion professionnelle et que vous souhaitez mettre toutes les chances de votre ct pour la prochaine, alors c'est maintenant qu'il faut commencer et ce training est l pour vous y aider."
Price: 194.99

"FileMaker Pro 13 for beginners" |
"Develop professional database information solutions! Ask yourself this question? "Have I ever used a database"? You may be surprised to realize that the internet is a database! Just about every part of your day to day activity is dependent upon databases. Your smartphones contain many databases. You don't need to be a Information Technology Professional to get into database development. This course has 12 hours of video and hands on labs where you learn to be a professional database designer. It has 65 lessons covering FileMaker Pro usage. In 2008, I designed database solutions for the iTunes Store. This resulted in a four-year gross sales of $150,000, and sales of over 5000+ databases sold worldwide. I also developed custom applications using FileMaker Pro for over 1200 custom databases for clients. This course is unique in that it provides top to bottom knowledge to become a FileMaker Pro developer. There are no other courses that provide as thorough step-by-step and hands-on labs to instruct you in all aspects of the design of FileMaker database solutions. Sections in this Course: 1: Master the basics of working with your clients to develop a database project. 2: Learn the FileMaker RIDE (Rapid Interface Design Engine) interface step by step. 3: Learn the "Data Inspector" to manage the appearance, style, and position of layout objects. 4: Add Tables, Fields, and prepare linking of tables in relationships. 5: Learn the basic to understanding how to work with the tables to connect the relational links. 6: Use labs to make the individual layouts used for the user interface. 7: Advanced user interface design is the last labs where you will cover the more advanced elements used in the My Codebook Pro interface design"
Price: 24.99

"OpenSesame: The Experiment Building Software" |
"Through this course, students will learn how to use OpenSesame, an open source, experiment building software for the social sciences. OpenSesame allows you to easily create experiments, using a graphical interface, as well as add audiovisual elements to develop more complex experiments. OpenSesame also enables you to run multiple trials of your experiments with minimum effort and it also helps to manage and record data. This course aims at teaching students how to operate this useful software. Enrolled students can expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various features and functions of this software, such as adding audiovisual stimuli and incorporating feedback given to participants, as well as an opportunity to create an experiment, using these different elements. This course will take ? hours to complete, (including one contact hour with the course instructor after completion of the workshop.)? The course is divided into ? broad sections, which include ? lectures and ? quizzes. An understanding of this software is important because OpenSesame is applicable to varied disciplines and is indispensible to experiment designing for a contemporary researcher. OpenSesame also makes the process of conducting experiments easier because it allows the calculation of accurate reaction times and other dependant variables as well as automatically saves and arranges data in the form of easy-to-view tables for each trial. Moreover, the comprehensive nature of this course ensures that its participants will not only be able to understand, but also apply the course content. Therefore, by taking this course, students and professionals will be armed with a powerful research tool. (For those studying at the University of Mumbai and or its affiliated colleges (Mithibai and National College), knowledge of OpenSesame is mandatory for the MA Psychology course at these institutes.)"
Price: 99.99

"Build an Ebook (EPUB) from Scratch" |
"Building an ebook with the standard epub format is not as complex as you might think. The process involves some technical steps, but with some self discipline and following the clear steps on this course, I am pretty sure you will be able to reach the goal and build your own ebook from scratch. The course will take you around 2-3 hours to complete. A great investment of time, as you will add a new skill to your tool belt. Including all the business opportunities related to it. From a writter being able to create her own ebook and sell it in Amazon or iTunes, to a designer or web developer being able to offer it as a new service to his clients. You could also use this new skill for your personal sake, sharing your new ebook with your family and friends, so they can read your new novel or cookbook with the convenience of their iPads or Kindles."
Price: 19.99
