"Mask R-CNN - Practical Deep Learning Segmentation in 1 hour" |
"***Important Notes***This is a practical-focused course. While we do provide an overview of Mask R-CNN theory, we focus mostly on helping you get Mask R-CNN working step-by-step. Learn how we implemented Mask R-CNN Deep Learning Object Detection Models From Training to Inference - Step-by-StepWhen we first got started in Deep Learning particularly in Computer Vision, we were really excited at the possibilities of this technology to help people. The only problem is that if you are just getting started learning about AI Object Segmentation, you may encounter some of the following common obstacles along the way:Labeling dataset is quite tedious and cumbersome, Annotation formats between various object detection models are quite different.Labels may get corrupt with free annotation tools,Unclear instructions on how to train models - causes a lot of wasted time during trial and error.Duplicate images are a headache to manage. This got us searching for a better way to manage the object detection workflow, that will not only help us better manage the object detection process but will also improve our time to market. Amongst the possible solutions we arrived at using Supervisely which is free Object Segmentation Workflow Tool, that can help you:Use AI to annotate your dataset for Mask segmentation,Annotation for one dataset can be used for other models (No need for any conversion) - Mask-RCNN, Yolo, SSD, FR-CNN, Inception etc,Robust and Fast Annotation and Data Augmentation,Supervisely handles duplicate images.You can Train your AI Models Online (for free) from anywhere in the world, once you've set up your Deep Learning Cluster.So as you can see, that the features mentioned above can save you a tremendous amount of time. In this course, I show you how to use this workflow by training your own custom Mask RCNN as well as how to deploy your models using PyTorch. So essentially, we've structured this training to reduce debugging, speed up your time to market and get you results sooner. In this course, here's some of the things that you will learn:Learn the State of the Art in Object Detection using Mask R-CNN pre-trained model,Discover the Object Segmentation Workflow that saves you time and money,The quickest way to gather images and annotate your dataset while avoiding duplicates,Secret tip to multiply your data using Data Augmentation,How to use AI to label your dataset for you,Find out how to train your own custom Mask R-CNN from scratch for Road Pothole Detection, Segmentation & Pixel Analysis,Step-by-step instructions on how to Execute,Collect Images, Annotate, Train and Deploy Custom Mask R-CNN models,and much more...You also get helpful bonuses:Neural Network FundamentalsPersonal help within the courseWe donate my time to regularly hold office hours with students. During the office hours you can ask me any business question you want, and we will do my best to help you. Students can start discussions and message us with private questions. We regularly update this course to reflect the current marketing landscape.Get a Career Boost with a Certificate of Completion Upon completing 100% of this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion. You can show it as proof of your expertise and that you have completed a certain number of hours of instruction.If you want to get a marketing job or freelancing clients, a certificate from this course can help you appear as a stronger candidate for Artificial Intelligence jobs.Money-Back GuaranteeThe course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Let me help you get fast results. Enroll now, by clicking the button and let us show you how to Develop Object Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN."
Price: 199.99

"How to Manage Difficult People" |
"Learn skills and techniques that you will use to manage the challenge of difficult staff, cranky customers, uncooperative colleagues, and a demanding boss.Develop an Understanding of Your Own and Other People's Behaviour Programs, Enabling You to Handle Difficult Interactions.Learn how people behave as they do, and how to influence that behaviourBuild positive relationships that will minimise difficult situationsFind out how to reduce stressSpend less time solving problems, and more time achieving business resultsNew skills that will help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and the people you interact with.Learning various skills and techniques will allow you to choose behaviour that suits your personality. You will find explanations about how each of us reacts when we have to deal with a difficult member of staff, a customer, or a member of your family.You will be able to use these skills to make your life easier, get the job done and get more out of your life.Developing the skill to manage different types of people and situations, will have a positive influence on your career in business, management and sales. Content and OverviewSuitable for new and experienced managers and anyone who deals with customers. This includes internal customers and will enable you to build team spirit. Sixteen lectures include many practical examples and easy to understand theory. There are downloadable notes and PowerPoint slides to support the lectures.You will start by learning how human interactions go wrong and how to avoid it. We will consider what we mean by difficult behaviour and how you can change other people by changing yourself.Identifying the six programs of behaviour will enable you to better understand yourself and other people. You can then use that understanding to make changes to your own behaviour and influence the people you interact with. Studying the Five Factors of Success will enable you to build your own confidence, your self-belief and your communication skills.Prevention is always better than cure and you will learn how to communicate on two levels. Although you may be a likeable person, you will learn how to develop that talent and become even more likeable.Other people may try to draw you into unproductive interactions, you will learn how to avoid that and minimise your stress. There are words you need to avoid when managing a difficult person and these will be explained and substituted for others. You will also explore what it is about other people that annoy you and why they see things differently. It is important to be assertive in any difficult interaction, and you will learn techniques to manage this. This will not infringe the rights of others and will contribute to positive relationships.You will then come on to learn specific techniques to deal with a difficult client or a member of staff. Techniques to defuse emotions and remain rational in a pressure situation.Overall you will learn how to convince someone of your willingness to resolve their problem and satisfy their needs.As someone who has worked in management and customer service for twenty-five years, I designed this course to give you practical skills that you can use on a day to day basis."
Price: 19.99

"Qlik Sense Master Class - Self Service Analytics" |
"Don't want to use Excel to present dashboards to your team ? No problem, use Qlik Sense instead !From my experience many users just get hung up trying to tease Excel into creating data visualisations from the underlying spreadsheet data.This becomes a real issue when more than one workbook contains the required data for presentation, it quickly becomes a nightmare!What's the alternative ? Qlik Sense of course ! Qlik Sense is easy & intuitive to work with, simple drag and drop wizards.This course is presented from a user perspective making it very easy to present insight to an audience with confidence.You will get to ...Import data for instant insightCreating data visualisations and dashboardsConditional testing logicA Project assignment for you to test yourself withData story creationUser Experience enhancementsReal world data for downloadAt the end of the course you'll wonder why you ever struggled with Excel to build your data visualisations.Unleash your creative urges with Qlik Sense and impress your audience(s)Looking forward to seeing you in the course.PaulData Analyst and Visualisation Engineer"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Excel for Business Today" |
"The top features of Excel are covered including Macro functions, VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Table formatting and Slicers.Learn complex skills fast from scratch.Easy tips show you how Excel can make your office work easier.At the end you can design spreadsheets to input data in an efficient way.Create functions automatically using the Sigma icon.Understand the different types of data.Use simple formulae to add subtract multiply and divide cells.No knowledge of Excel is required.Use your basic knowledge of word processing to gain an understanding of how an Excel Spreadsheet works."
Price: 19.99

"Ensine programao para crianas" |
"Este curso voltado professores e estudantes que percebem a necessidade do desenvolvimento da criatividade tambm no mundo digital. Neste curso vamos abordar as principais plataformas de ensino de programao para crianas e adolescentes. Atravs de tutoriais em vdeo, voc vai conhecer estratgias indispensveis para promover as habilidades necessrias para o pensamento computacional. Para os alunos do infantil e anos iniciais do fundamental 1 vamos abordar a plataform CODE.ORG que possibilita a criao de turmas e seu acompanhamento atravs de uma interface para o professor. A aprendizagem dos conceitos ligados programao se dar atravs de desafios on-line e off-line onde a interao e o trabalho em grupo sero essenciais.Para os alunos dos anos finais do fundamental 1 e iniciais do fundamental 2 vamos introduzir a plataforma criada pelo MIT para o ensino de cincias da computao, o SCRATCH. Nela vamos criar uma histria interativa que promover tambm habilidades relacionadas lgica e linguagem.No necessrio saber programar, mas importante possuir a vontade por aprender junto com seus alunos;No preciso possuir computadores de ltima gerao, pois as plataformas rodam no navegador da internet;Todos as interfaces utilizadas so gratuitas;Garantia de 30 Dias;Acesso vitalcio.Inscreva-se hoje mesmo e desenvolva a sua criatividade no mundo digital."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Adobe Illustrator do Zero" |
"O Adobe Illustrator faz parte da famlia de softwares de criao grfica da Adobe Systems. Utilizado por artistas, designers e ilustradores profissionais, ele voltado especialmente para a criao de grficos vetoriais, tais como logotipos, cones, desenhos, tipografia, ilustraes para impresso, internet, vdeo e dispositivos mveis.Atravs da elaborao de projetos do incio ao fim, vamos dominar diversas tcnicas de design utilizadas profissionais do mercado. As ilustraes podem ser criadas mo livre, formas bsicas ou atravs de vetorizao e composio de imagens encontradas na internet. Este curso composto de tutoriais em vdeo e exemplos prticos que demonstram de forma simples e rpida como ganhar tempo e contornar as principais dificuldades que voc vai encontrar no mundo profissional. Eu sou o Alexsandro Sunaga, tenho me dedicado h alguns anos na elaborao de cursos on-line voltados a educadores e a profissionais da rea de design grfico e jogos digitais. Convido-o a assistir gratuitamente as primeiras aulas deste curso e a se inscrever o quanto antes para aprofundar seus conhecimentos e tornar-se um artista digital."
Price: 19.99

"PMP 6th SIMULATION Practical Exam by Jamil Faraj" |
"This course is designed for both Arabic and English speakers. It is not a course to learn project management. It is a multi-level CAPM and PMP tests to prepare you to set for and pass the CAPM or PMP Exams.However, It is designed to start with the CAPM level. Then it goes deeper to PMP level then it will take you to more situational and real exam cases and problems.In the majority of questions, there is an Arabic language aid for Arabic Speakers.Hope this will help you prepare for your exam and pass it by the first try.Best regards,Jamil"
Price: 99.99

"Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud" |
"This video course is for Beginners who have never build RESTful Web Services and Microservices before. It will guide you step-by-step through basics and will help you create and run RESTful Microservices from scratch. You will learn how to run Microservices on your own developer's machine as well as in Docker Containers on AWS EC2 Linux machines.By the end of this course you will have your own RESTful Spring Boot Microservices built and running in Spring Cloud. You will learn how to create and run your own: RESTful Microservices, Eureka Discovery Service, Zuul API Gateway,Load Balancer, Spring Cloud Config Server, You will learn to use:Spring Cloud Bus and Rabbit MQ, Spring Boot ActuatorYou will also learn how to implement for your REST API features like: User Authentication(Login) and, User Authorization(Registration)You will learn to use: Spring Security and JWTYou will learn how to use: Spring Data JPA to store user details in a database, H2 in-memory database and a database console, MySQL database server, Postman HTTP Client, Spring Tool Suite, Spring InitializerThis course also covers how to: Trace HTTP Requests with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin(Distributed tracing)Aggregate log files in one place(Centralized logging) with ELK stack(Logstash, Elasticsearch, Kibana).You will also learn how to: Start up AWS EC2 Linux machine, Install Docker, Create Docker images, Run Microservices in Docker containers on multiple EC2 Linux machines in Amazon AWS Cloud."
Price: 39.99

"Getting Digital Marketing Right" |
"**August Update: Over 10,500 Students. That is really amazing. Everyone, thank you kindly! Please reach out if you can use any personal advice. My philosophyis simple:relentless commitment to your success.Finally, a strategic guide to drive smart business growth. If you're sick of jumping from tactic to tactic and hoping to see something work, this course is for you. A proven, streamlined process of strategic digital marketing without any frills so after watching the videos totaling a comprehensive but compact 3-hours, you will have a digital strategy that fuels your business to reach new heights.I guarantee you will learn everything you need to about developing a strategy. Or, I will either work with you directly or add content to the course by request. Just like with my clients, your success is my success.FREE BONUS BOOK: My book is a best-seller with a 4.9 / 5 stars with 75+ reviews internationally. You get a free copy for being a student of this course!Plus other bonuses, but what's this all about anyhow?You probably have seen hundreds of courses on online marketing.""The one hack to get 10x email subscribers"", ""how to grow your business with a blog"", ""how to do AdWords campaigns to drive customers to your business.""That sounds wonderful and all, but these are tactics - just one piece of the whole puzzle. And there's no clear way of how they fit into your master plan...This course will give you a step-by-step formula to develop a strategy, grow your business, and make smart online marketing decisions.This is the secret sauce that even many of the ""internet marketing ninjas"" forget. Don't get me wrong, tactics are powerful, but only when they are linked to a strategy and a digital sales funnel.Otherwise, you waste time, money and energy.DON'T WASTE TIME, MONEY, AND ENERGY!Just look through all the lessons and see for yourself. We aren't doing the standard ""this is how you do online marketing"". We're doing the ""this is how you lead your business to success"".You will not:Learn how to set up an AdWords campaignLearn the 21 ways to blog more effectivelyLearn email marketing tricks and tips to get 100,000 subscribersLearn how to engage customers on social media to grow your followingWhen it comes time to do online advertising, blogging, email marketing, social media, or any of the other techniques, I strongly recommend you consider hiring an expert or freelancers to get this done. After all, you're trying to grow a business. No one gains massive success by doing everything themselves!But, you will:Figure out exactly where you want to go with your businessUnderstand what a digital sales funnel looks like in full, clear detailBe able to take action immediately on your strategyGrow your business in a lean, effective wayAnd there's plenty more to it, but this is the key to understand. If you just want to focus on SEO, this isn't the course for you! If you want to lead your company to new heights, welcome aboard!Over ten thousandhappy students. We have alarge base of students from all walks of life, from all over the world. These methods have also been shared and usedwithmy clients and readers of my book. What's important is that it consistently works for them all when they follow the process!I am super fortunate to have reached and brought value to so manythousands.Please join us in this journey and you'll see just how to grow your business as well."
Price: 109.99

"Get the best from Steemit - The Steemit Starter Pack" |
"In this course you will gain a foundational and comprehensive understanding of how to create effective posts and network yourself better on Steemit. The course will not only give you ideas on how to write amazing posts that engage with your audience, but it will spark ideas into your mind on how to make a lasting impression with those that you touch along the way.This course is solely designed in a way to spark the creativity centres in your mind so that you can take my ideas and add your personal splice of life to them and make it your own."
Price: 19.99

"Create a Logo & Eye Catching Social Network Images" |
"Do you need a logo for your startup or blog andvisuals for social media?The good news is you dont need to hire a designer or buy expensive softwares to create good-lookingvisuals. You can do it YOURSELF and with FREE tools, thanks to the different resources that are available on the Internet. There are so many easy and quick solutions out there! Actually, even the most highly paid pros take help from the same resources you are going to learn in this course.Take this course and learn, by practical examples, how to create your first logo, functionalsocial network cover photos andpostsby usingtools and resources that are available on the Internet. While taking this course, you will also master basic features of PicMonkey and different Google Chrome plug-ins.After completing this course, you will be able to:create a logo for your startup or blog according to the best logodesign principlesget royalty free images even for commercial purposescreate web banners and social network images with PicMonkeypick tasteful color combinations for your brand and web bannerstake and edit screenshotsoptimize image sizefor better webpageSEOconvert almost any file to PDF and extract pictures from PDFsconvert your video to jpg to use themas photosadd beautifuland freefonts to your computer""steal"" color codes from any websiteuse other tools that will save your time and improve efficiencyIn short, after its completion, you'll be able to create visuals for your webpage, blog and social networks yourself and with no money spent. Moreover, in the end of the course you will know how to create visuals that represent your brand and help increasing your brand awareness.Don't worry if you haven't studied in a design or art school, because with the tools available, ANYBODY can create beautiful images and logos for their digital projects. And this is what you will learn in the course. You will be able to create great visuals even if you are trying for the first time.Since I value your time, the lectures are just as long as they need to be in order to show you practical information and tips. No empty talk.Don't wait too long to enroll! This course is going to have regular updates added in the future and I am going to share even more great tools and tips with you. Therefore, the price will increase once the course meets certain milestones. If you enroll now, you will receive all these updates free of charge. In the case you don't find this course valuable, you can always receive a full refund within 30 days of purchase through Udemy!"
Price: 34.99

"Crushing, un Juego Ldico-Didctico (Diseo y Construccin)" |
"Promover en el alumno una aventura de diseo, construccin y produccin de juegos fsicos como estrategia de desarrollo de la inteligencia.Asimismo, llevarlo de la mano para que se sensibilice de los mltiples factores que inciden en la generacin de las ideas, as como una mirada panormica de las facetas que lo distinguen."
Price: 345.00

"How to Budget: From Basics to Levels of Financial Literacy" |
"Few people learn to ride a bike by jumping on a bicycle and performing. Even though the two-wheel version of a bicycle is the most free and Lucid approach to biking, thats not how people start. Most people began with a bike with training wheels. Financial literacy is no different. People need support and a proven system of capacity development to realize the gains others take for granted. Without those training wheels, more harm than good is done as people reject the best option because of their failure to implement it. I have quite a few examples of clients who were frustrated until I took the time and examined my approach to easing clients into best practice financial management techniques.This training recognizes the reality when it comes to budgeting. You may not know what it looks like once you find out, you must still integrate the discipline into your life and daily routine."
Price: 24.99

"Community Analysis for Social Work and Health Workers" |
"MAWMedia Group sees community analysis as fundamentally different from market analysis. Though market analysis is an appropriate activity for both for-profit and not-for-profit enterprise, market analysis alone may not fully connect with the mission-mindedness of the not-for-profit organization. Community analysis can support knowledge of the community, its structures, and market opportunities, but the service mission of not-for-profits often focus more on service gaps, collaborations, and community impact in areas where for-profit entities do not perceive a market. For that reason, a community analysis may be more appropriate when the motivations are social good as primary and profit as secondary.Secondary, but still important profit motive can be translated into sustainability for the social good you are performing through the business. This training operationalizes mission-driven community analysis in a way that illuminates vision, translates it into actionable goals, organizes groups for collective action, and evaluated both process and impact.We achieve this through 3 products. You will have the ability to create the following after completing this training:A case for social care including environmental practice, which explains cultural, health, economic, political, and technological impacts on individual choice behavior.A community analysis report complete with information from 6 distinct areas explaining the community you intend to analyze.A foundation for collective activity with proposed intervention goals attending to expansion, partnership, and convening considerations.An evaluation plan that included formative correction and summative innovation prompts, process mapping for replication, and impact evaluation for data-based storytelling."
Price: 34.99

outliner2-output |
"Dynalist(=)()=3()1Q&A! /Dynalist!"
Price: 4800.00

"Unbounce for Beginners: Build a Landing Page with Unbounce" |
"**Just Updated for January 2020 - The Most Comprehensive Unbounce Course on Udemy**Do you want to become an Unbounce expert? Want to learn how to design, publish, and test Unbounce pages in little time, with no coding or development knowledge required? Ready to explore all of Unbounce's features and see how their platform can help you skyrocket your landing page conversion rates? Then this course is exactly what you need.Hi, I'm Nicholas, and I've been working with Unbounce's landing page builder for over 4 years. I'm an Unbounce Agency Partner, and a member of the official Unbounce Experts program. With a background in conversion optimization, I'm here to teach you everything you need to know about Unbounce.We'll even cover some of the other features of the tool, such as the Unbounce popup and sticky bar builder, AMP pages, Unbounce's script library, and how to run an A/B test!And best of all, I've just UPDATED every single video in this course for 2020, so you'll be learning from the latest version of Unbounce with all of the most current features.So get ready, because if you really want to excel with Unbounce, this course will make it happen."
Price: 199.99

"Graphic Design For Beginners With Designbold" |
"Graphic Design For Beginners In DesignboldUsing the right type of graphic designs for your content and marketing activites cand be a real challenge for many entrepreneurs and marketers out there.Many of us outsource their graphic designs to freelancer or media agency and spend thousands of dollars on projects and works which many times don't turn out exactly as we would like.That is why the BEST SOLUTION would be to take control over your own graphic design activities and create them on your own.And now that is possible because of the tools that we have at our disposal and which allow us to create with ease amazing graphic designs without having special graphic design skills like editing in Photoshop, Illustrator or other similar softwares and apps.That is what you will learn in this course, how to create amazing graphic designs using a free cloud based app named Designbold.After going through the course you will be able to create social media posts, banners, animated posts, flyers, presentations and many other types of designs without having to go through all of the headaches of outsourcing these tasks.This course is dedicated to entrepreneurs, marketers and people who need graphics designs for their businesses and projects.So, enroll in the course right now and let's get started!PS:And don't worry, if you think this course was not good for you for any reason at all, we have a 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked, so that you have no risk whatsoever!"
Price: 74.99

"Create Images, Videos And Web Pages Using Adobe Spark 2020" |
"Stunning presentations, social media posts and videos are the key to online marketing success.If you are not able to captivate your audience's attention by using these elements than you are probably not driving traffic and sales to your products and services.The problem is that to create professional looking media elements like these you need to spend a lot of moneyon designers, software, images/photos and the list can go on.The question is: ""Can you create them for FREE?"" and the Answer is ""Yes"".How? Join this course right now and learn how to do it with Adobe Spark in 2019!"
Price: 89.99

"Learn Facebook Messenger Chatbot Marketing With Manychat" |
"Hello and Welcome!Bot Marketing is the new Email Marketing. The open rates can get as high as 75% or more in some cases and CTR are through the roof. This is the new way to communicate with your clients online and build a business so don't miss out on this amazing trend. If you are just starting out or you are a seasoned marketer or entrepreneur than this is for you. This will help you to start a new business or take your actual one to a whole new level!Here is what we are going to cover in this course:How to Create a Manychat AccountHow To Start A New BotHow To Grow Your Bot And Messenger ListHow To Communicate And Market To Your ListAnd Much More...Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!New Tools introduced in the course!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!All of this in less than 2 hours (out of your busy schedule) of simple to follow lectures that YOU CAN APPLY from TODAY!It's Time to take action!To Your Massive Success,Sorin Constantin"
Price: 149.99

"SAT Essay" |
"The SAT essay doesn't affect your score, but it is used by some colleges as an independent measure of your writing ability. However, it is very easy to do well on this essay if you follow my template, which addresses everything the graders are looking for!With just a few days of practice, you will be able to score at least 16 on the SAT essay. If you do exactly as my template suggests, you will score over 20 for sure."
Price: 19.99

"Design and Simulate the Aerodynamics of Propellers in MATLAB" |
"One of the only comprehensive, detailed and approachable online courses taking you through the physics behind wings and propellers to then teach you how to use Actuator Disk theory or Blade Element Theory in MATLAB to model, design and simulate the performance of propellers accurately in real life conditions.Today, propellers and wings are central to ensuring the functioning of some of the most important and impressive machines created by mankind. From personal drones, to airplanes, how does ""apparently"" such simple engineering devices create forces literally out of thin air, and how can you harness the wonderful Physics behind them?This course gives you the opportunity to learn anddo the following: -Understand Aerodynamics and Pressure.- Understand the Physics behind Wings and Propellers.- Understand Actuator Disk Theory from its fundamentals and use it to estimate Propellers' Power, Thrust and Efficiency.- Understand Blade Element Theory from its fundamentals.- Implement Blade Element Theory in MATLAB and use it to fully design and/or simulate propellers in real flight conditions.I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these concepts and techniquesandexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginner,intermediate or advancedlearning platform for the mathematics and physics behind wings and propellers as well as the use of MATLAB in engineering design and simulation. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, an engineer, a sci-fi addict, an amateur roboticist, a drone builder, acomputer scientist ora business orsports person,you will master the physics behind propellers andlearnhow to use the power of MATLAB to design and simulate your own propellers for any project you might have, whether pure curiosity or a full-sized aircraft!If you have questions at any point of your progress along the course, do not hesitate to contact me,it will be my pleasureto answer you within 24 hours!If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 19.99

"Grammar Boot Camp: Easy Lessons for Common Writing Mistakes" |
"Welcome to Grammar Boot Camp, the BESTSELLING Udemy grammar and editing course that has helped thousands of students craft strong, beautiful sentences. The rules of grammar, punctuation, and style are often the things by which readers will judge your work. You may have original and insightful things to say, but your meaning will be lost if your sentences are riddled with errors, awkward phrasing, misplaced punctuation, and incorrectly used words. What You Get in This Course**NEW** Receive a professional grammar and stylecritique of 500 words (about two pages double spaced) of your own writing! 20 video lectures that include on-screen examples and explanations.BONUS: The complete e-workbook ""Just the Basics of English Grammar"" for FREE. (A $14 value!)Practice worksheets with exercises and answers to check your own work. Why This Course? If you have found grammar and punctuation to be confusing or mysterious, then this course is for you. I have designed this course to cover the ""must know"" elements of grammar and punctuation with easy explanations that everyone can understand. Years ago I set out to find an affordable grammar resource for my students and made a startling discovery. There wasn't one! I found that too many English courses and textbooks taught unnecessary information andtechnical terminology, confusing students more than helping them. The material seemed like it was made for English teachers and not English students. Also, the materials that were okay were unnecessarily expensive. That is why Iwrote Just the Basics of English Grammar and produced the video course Grammar Boot Camp. I wanted to give my students simple, easy tools that would actually improve their writing at a low cost.Having taught students at all levels for 15 years, I understand the pitfalls and points of confusion that give peopletrouble. The examples and explanations in this course are tested in the classroom and have proven the most effective in helping students understand the material and master the necessary skills.Here are just a few of the skills you will learn in this course: The importance of sentence boundaries (correcting fragments and run-ons). How to avoid unnecessary shifts in tense and pronoun usage. How to write clear, to-the-point sentences, avoiding awkward and wordy phrasing.How to avoid faulty parallel structure (and what that even means). How to use the best words, especially verbs, to make your writing more powerful. When to use commas and other punctuation. How to use quotations and dialogue in your writing. TestimonialsHere is a sampling of what students are saying about Grammar Boot Camp: ""I love the course. The information is clear and to the point."" - Ashley Navarra""I found the content of this course very useful in my future writing."" -Chris Page""Good content! This was a really great course. I learned a lot of new things . Thank you!!"" - Phoebe Felix""Excellent course!"" Khaled Javed""This is just the kind of thing I was looking for."" - Elizabeth ""English is my second language, so this is exactly what I needed to remind myself of grammar rules I had forgotten in order to improve my writing. This is also a great refresher if you are looking to take the GMAT."" - Winnie McCrea ""The course is very clear, simple and direct."" - Danielle Rodenroth ""Informative and friendly lectures. Great resources and worksheets."" - Kara McCleod Let's Get Started!Ican't wait for you to join me in this journey to take your writing to the next level. Imagine what it will feel like to write with confidence rather than with that nagging doubt that you are doing it wrong. Writing is power. Language is power. I look forward to helping you strengthen your writing voice to become the writer you are capable of becoming."
Price: 49.99

"Dog CPR, First Aid + Safety for pet pros + dedicated owners" |
"""This course is the real deal, put together with world experts in CPR and dog safety.I love Melanie Monteiro's work! "" Jessica Vogelsang, DVM""Professional and concise. I recommend this course to any and all dog owners."" Susan Bertram, DVMThis unique course is modeled on The Safe Dog Handbook to arm you with the skills, resources and knowledge to protect your pups in the real world; react confidently and intelligently in a life-threatening emergency; and boost your profile credentials to help you stand out in the highly competitive online marketplace of pet care providers.My approach to dog safety has been praised by top veterinarians, VPI Pet Insurance, national humane organizations and countless dog parents. You'll learn the same skills I cover in my hands-on workshops and more - because here on Udemy, I'm also able to incorporate amazing teaching tools such as video clips of real emergencies, guest experts and a bonus e-book download. Plus plenty of adorable dog action! You'll learn: How to perform pet CPR, plus life-saving first aid skills for choking, heatstroke, bleeding, car accidents, accidental poisonings and more How to read a dog's vital signs How to handle encounters with aggressive dogs while out walking How to spot a bloating dog Which car restraints provide the best protection What apps and numbers to have on your smartphone How to create a dog-safe home and outdoor environmentHow to prevent accidents and prepare for a successful outcome BEFORE an emergency happens Extra precautions for puppies The course is broken up into concise, single-topic lessons, so you can go at your own pace. The format includes video demonstrations with my beautiful senior Labrador Taiga, lectures, hands-on practice exercises, and printable handouts. When appropriate, I provide deeper explantations about various emergencies so you'll not only learn how to spot the signs and what actions to take, but also WHY you're doing it to help you better retain the knowledge and skills to react in a stressful situation. I worked closely with leading vets throughout the development of this course to ensure that each lesson, demonstration and handout is accurate, up-to-date and veterinarian-approved.Happy endings! Testimonials for Melanie's training videos and hands-on workshops:""I used CPR to save Woody's life yesterday! It was a freak accident - I came home to find Mia's jaw caught around Woody's collar. Mia was frantic, flopping Woody around like a rag doll trying to break free. Her mouth was bloody and she couldn't let go. By the time I was able to remove the collar, Woody was lifeless. His eyes were milky and his gums were blue. Needless to say I was in a complete panic, but I remembered our CPR class and was able to calm down to give him rescue breathing and CPR, and he regained consciousness - I couldn't believe it! I rushed him to the vet, and he will be ok. I already ordered safety collars but until they get here, the dogs will stay in and the collars will stay off. Thank you!"" Monika H., Los Angeles, CA""Last night my dog began choking on a cherry tomato. While my wife tried in vain to dislodge the tomato, I remembered your video about back blows and the Heimlich maneuver. We did exactly what you said. The Heimlich worked, and the tomato popped out. It was a long, terrifying couple of minutes. You saved our precious boy's life! Thank you! We are forever in your debt."" Dale W. Portland, OR""Your CPR video saved my sweet dog Casey's life and I could never ever thank you enough. In three weeks, our story is going to be in our local newspaper and they will be printing the link to your video. I will send you the link to read the story online as soon as it's up! Thank you again, your video is amazing and every single dog owner should know how to perform CPR in case of an emergency. THANK YOU!!!!!"" Stefanie A., Joliet, Il....................................................................................................................................................*This course is not intended to replace veterinary advice. Always seek prompt veterinary care in an emergency. While every caution was taken to provide safe recommendations based on the standard accepted methods of pet first aid, it is impossible to predict the outcome of their use. Melanie Monteiro assumes no liability for any harm arising from the use of these techniques, and students should exercise personal judgement when applying them. Woof!"
Price: 74.99

"Unity, [] Script" |
Price: 89.99

"AZ-301/AZ-304 Azure Architect Design Exam Prep 2020" |
"V2.0 SEP 2020 - AZ-304 updates have started. New and updated videos being added.Complete preparation for the Azure AZ-301 exam.FREE UPGRADE: This course will also contain the AZ-304 content when that exam is released.Microsoft Azure is a skill in high demand in today's large business marketplace.According to Microsoft, Azure is being used by 85% of the Fortune 500 companies, particularly with their hot Office 365 suiteUse of Azure has grown 90% year-over-yearSalary survey sites report that Azure Architects earn US$130,000 to US$170,000 per year across the United StatesMicrosoft has more than 100 data centers, across 54 regions and 10 geos, making it one of the largest data centers in the world. This course also goes through the requirements of the Azure AZ-301 exam: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies, section by section. I'm quite confident that this is the most complete training course targeted specifically at the exam. While the technology world is full of ""buzzwords"" and ""flavors of the month"", the cloud is a real paradigm shift in the way solutions are designed and architected. There are now so many reasons why you should include Azure cloud technology in the design of your solution that there are almost no reasons why not to do it. Cost savings is the one that catches the attention of businesses. Some companies are spending millions of dollars per month of their IT infrastructure, and every few years that hardware needs to be repaired and upgraded. Being able to reduce capital investment and essentially rent powerful equipment on demand is quite a lot of upfront savings.If you add in the scalability, flexibility, and worldwide reach of the cloud and the technology group sees the potential as well. You can truly do more with less. This course goes through all of the requirements of the Microsoft exam AZ-301: Microsoft Azure Architect Design. Multiple videos are devoted to each sub-objective, and we cover the topic thoroughly.Most of the courses and content you find online assume you already have expert knowledge of Azure and just tells you what to study, spending only seconds covering entire objectives. I can confidently say this course goes deep on everything you need to know.If you ARE already an expert at many Azure topics, you can easily skip the sections that you already know and focus on the ones you have not yet had much exposure too. This is the benefit of having the complete course. Each section has additional web-based resources for you to do further research and expand your knowledge beyond the requirements of the exam.Enroll today!Version historyV1.0 Launched Aug 2019V1.1 OCT 2019 - Updates to audio quality. English closed captions added.V1.2 DEC 2019 - Review of exam updates. Course updated for the latest requirements.Microsoft, Windows, and Microsoft Azure are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Microsoft Corporation."
Price: 79.99

"Die SEO Masterclass: Lerne Suchmaschinenoptimierung von A-Z" |
"Wenn ich wissen will, wo in meiner Nhe das beste Restaurant ist, dann google ich es. Wenn ich wissen mchte, wie etwas funktioniert, dann google ich es. Bevor ich etwas kaufe, suche ich auf Google nach dem Produkt, Bewertungen und Anbietern.Suchmaschinen sind die mit Abstand grte Quelle von organischem Traffic im Internet. Zwischen 60 und 80% jeglichen Website Traffics beginnen mit einer Suchanfrage. Aber nicht nur das. Hinter jeder Suche steckt eine Intention, dabei kann es um eine Kaufentscheidung gehen oder jemand sucht einfach gezielt nach Informationen. Egal, ob es sich um ein kleines Unternehmen oder einen groen Konzern handelt: Wer sich nicht mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung beschftigt verzichtet auf eine unglaubliche Anzahl an potenziellen Neukunden, denn wer uns nicht findet, kann auch nicht bei uns kaufen.In diesem neuen, umfassenden SEO Kurs bringen wir dir bei, wie du mit Suchmaschinenoptimierung die Basis fr eine langfristig erfolgreiche digitale Marketing Strategie legen kannst. Du lernst deine Website nachhaltig so zu optimieren, dass dir kein potenzieller Kunde mehr verloren geht. SEO ist die Grundlage fr stetigen, qualitativ hochwertigen Traffic, fr den man nicht bezahlen muss und sollte dementsprechend von hchster Prioritt fr jeden Website Betreiber sein.In diesem Kurs lernst du von den Grundlagen und Definitionen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung, ber On Page Optimierungen, technische Grundlagen und Anwendungen bis hin zur richtigen Verwendung von Tools und Hilfsmitteln, Reporting und Berichterstellung und der ganz praktischen Day to Day Arbeit eines SEO alles, was du bentigst um sicher und selbstbewusst an das Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung heranzugehen.Des Weiteren bekommst du viele ntzliche Ressourcen und Hilfsmittel zum Download fr deine eigenen Unterlagen und bei Fragen oder Problemen, stehen wir dir jederzeit zur Verfgung und helfen dir weiter, wo wir knnen.ber 32.000 zufriedene Studenten lernen bereits mit uns und wir wrden uns freuen, auch Dich in unserem Kurs begren zu drfen!"
Price: 199.99

"Standout Statements - Get in to Your Top Graduate Program" |
"Learn how to write a statement of purpose (or 'graduate school essay') that will make your background and experience stand out from other applicants. This course will cover the basics of writing a statement of purpose (what exactly to include and what to leave out) - including several interactive and fun exercises that will help you define your passion in a format that will make applicant reviewers want to accept you. This course will also provide you with insider information about the graduate school review process and how to avoid common application mistakes.Write a compelling narrative about you and your experience Build a convincing argument for why you are a perfect fit for your top grad program Elaborate your experience in a way that captivates reviewers Create a theme that makes the graduate essay easy to write and exciting to read Avoid common mistakes in your statement writing Easy to follow steps and exercises will get you to a terrific statement quicklyWriting a statement of purpose is very difficult! This course breaks down the process into easy to follow steps, guidelines, and fun exercises that will help you create a statement that will be enjoyable to write. In this course you will break down the statement into important 'puzzle pieces', and then use these pieces to create a theme that is specific to you and your background. At the end of the course you will have a completed statement that is unlike the rest of the pack. Content and OverviewThis course contains 11 lectures and over 3 hours of content. In addition there are 11 unique exercises that will help you define various components of the graduate statement of purpose.This course is designed for anyone planning on applying to graduate school whether the application is due in a few weeks or roughly a year away. The course content is applicable for both applied (e.g., medical school, law school, social work) or more research/STEM based programs.What are the requirements? A plan to apply to one (or more) US-based graduate school programs in the next year. What am I going to get from this course? 11 lectures and more than 3 hours of video content By the end you will have a complete statement of purpose written You will also have a better understanding of the review process for graduate schools What is the target audience? People applying to graduate school (applied or more research-based) in the next year"
Price: 99.99

"The Seven Day Energy Detox" |
"Hello and welcome to the 7 Day Energy Detox!I'm Shannon Nicole, Reiki Master Teacher and Sound Healer. Join me as I lead you through a journey of clearing, balancing and harmonizing your energy. In today's world we are bombarded with energy and information. We are overworked, underpaid, stressed out and exhausted. If you're like me, then you're sensitive to energy. Negative people, places and situations can stress you out and wear you down leaving you feeling depressed, overwhelmed, grumpy and depleted! You might find yourself running out of energy towards the middle of the day and by the time you get home you don't have the energy to do the things you want to do. Instead of working out, taking care of the house or going out to do something fun, you collapse on the couch, exhausted. You then turn on the TV and reach for the ice cream... because you don't FEEl good so you try to help yourself feel better. This only perpetuates your low vibration and before you know it, things can downward spiral out of control. You might feel ""stuck in a rut"" or in a downward slump that you just can't shake. Most people live their life like this. But the 7 Day Energy Detox teaches you how to cleanse, balance and harmonize your energy to being you back into a high vibration. Follow along to the videos, meditations, soundbaths and workbook to help you take back your power today! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see you inside the course! Keep your energy clear and your vibes high....Love,Shannon Nicole"
Price: 39.99

"How to use Synthesizers for Music Production" |
"Welcome to my Guide on Synthesizers for Music ProductionHello Music Composers & Producers! My name is Mike, and I will now teach you how synthesizers work, and how you can make your own sounds for your music productions.You will get:A Complete Guide of the Main Synthesizer FeaturesLive Examples of Sound Design on SynthesizersAnd a lot of Practical Tips & TricksYou will learn how to create:Pluck Synth SoundsPad Synth SoundsLead Synth SoundsBass Synth SoundsRiff Synth Sounds...and basically any sound you want, by learning how to design and shape sounds from scratch, with a synthesizer.My name is Mike, music composer and sound designer since 1998. And I truly love to inspire, motivate and educate creative people like you.Now it is time for you to take action, and dive into the world synthesizers for music production."
Price: 74.99

"Music Composition - How to Create Powerful Ostinatos" |
"Learn how to Create Powerful Rhythmic OstinatosHello and welcome all Music Composers & Producers! My name is Mike, and I will now teach you how to create rhythmic ostinatos, to add that powerful, driving energy into your music compositions.Get a Complete Guide of OstinatosLearn the Sounds, Articulations & StylesWatch Live Examples of Ostinatos in ActionAnd get lots of Practical Tips & TricksYou will learn how to create:Straight OstinatosBouncy OstinatosHarmonic OstinatosMelodic OstinatosIn the end, you will be able to create any type and style of ostinato for your music, with the practical knowledge you will gain from this course.My name is Mike, music composer and sound designer since 1998. And I truly love to inspire, motivate and educate creative people like you.Take Action Now!Now it is time for you to take action, and dive into the world of powerful, driving ostinatos for music composition. Let's do this...right now!"
Price: 79.99

"Music Composition - Percussion Fundamentals" |
"Learn how to Master Percussion in Music CompositionHello and Welcome, all Music Composers & Producers! My name is Mike, and I will now teach YOU: how to create powerful percussion. So that you can add that amazing drive, energy and action into your music compositions.Get a Complete Guide of PercussionCreate the Sound Palette of PercussionDesign the Colors of PercussionDominate the Canvas of PercussionMaster the Performance of Your Percussion MixIn the end, you will be able to write, perform and design any style of percussion in your music compositions.My name is Mike, music composer and sound designer since 1998. And I truly love to inspire, motivate and educate creative people like you.Take Action Now!Now it is time for you to take action, and dive into the world of powerful percussion for music composition. Let's do this...right now!"
Price: 74.99
