"Product Launch Success: Best Strategies For a Product Launch" |
"hs urs rvls th bst techniques usd n a successful product launch with videos. Wth ths techniques, u wll nt nl gn vtl undrstndng f runnng effective video launches, u wll ls lvt ur brnds stn nd nrs ur brands awareness.hs training ntns ll th nssr nfrmtn tht ull nd t ln ur product launch wth ll th bst strategies nd ut t t rftn.Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:The best techniques used in successful product launch.Gain a vital understanding of running effective video launches.Why you need to strategize your video product launch to maximize success.How to elevate your brands position and increase your brands awareness.How to generate the buzz you need for a product launch.Common mistakes to avoid in a successful product launch.And Much, Much More!Other Benefits:Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!Time To Take ACTION!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now...every day and hour you delay, means leaving money on the table in your Business.Enroll now and take your product launch to a new level!"
Price: 199.99

"Zen Life Habits: Living A Simpler, Richer and Happier Life." |
"hs trnsfrmtnl urs ntns vrthng u nd t knw but lvng th Zen Life. Yu wll dsvr hw t ld mnmlst lfstl wth Zen practices, hw Zen habits n hl u dsvr ur lf urs nd fus n whts mnngful n lf, lf hks t ld mr dslnd, smlr nd lss strssful lf nstd f ntrvd nd rtfl n, dl rts t hl u dvl Zen habits nd urb ddtn to mention but a few.In SHORT......It reveals how to achieve a simpler, richer and a happier life.Think about it...Who doesnt want to live a healthy, fulfilling and empowering lifestyle?Who doesnt want to have access to information that can change their lives physically and mentally?Who doesnt want to discover the secrets to maintaining exceptional mental, physical and emotional well-being?Who doesnt want to learn how to take good care of their 'Spiritual Temple'?Who doesnt want to live their life full of energy and unshakable confidence? Knowing that they're always at their PEAK state!Who doesnt want to have that unlimited energy, vibrance and focus to do whatever they set to do with their lives?Who doesn't want to share TRANSFORMATIONAL information to their loved ones?Trust me What you're about to discover is more than what meets the eye -You will have NO REASON to Not Stay Away From The ZEN LIFE ever again!Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:How to have a simpler, purposeful, and be more productive by decluttering your lifeONE Zen practice you can practice right away to experience deep calmness instantlyDiscovering the ONE thing thats holding you back from getting inner peace7 health benefits you definitely get if you practiced Zen calm, controlled breathing3 simple breathing techniques you can use right away to reap amazing mental benefitsOne bad habit you should avoid that will make it difficult to achieve Zen3 ways to train your mind to stay focusedHow to simplify your life with 3 simple life hacksHow to stop overspending, overworking, and overcommitting by avoiding this disruptive mentalityWhy you dont have to wait for years to be happy - A simple life hack that forces you to the happy TODAY!And Much, Much More!Other Benefits:Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!Time To Take ACTION!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now...every day and hour you delay, means neither living a simpler not a richer life.Enroll now and start to achieve true balance in all areas of life."
Price: 99.99

"Power Of Optimism: Live An Ultra-positive And Fulfilled Life" |
"Power Of Optimism s th ultmt training gud t live an ultra-positive and fulfilled life, ttrt mr success and abundance into your life. Yu wll mstr th k tttud t g gnst ll dds n lf, whh s th srt su t long-term success. mstrng th power of relentless optimism, u wll lv happier, calmer and stress-free life.Ultimately, this is your go-to self-help guide if you want to attract more abundance, success, and live a life free from unnecessary stress & worries... Think about it...Who doesnt want to lead a life of abundance - filled with joy, happiness & unlimited fulfillmentWho doesnt want to have access to information that can change their lives?Who doesnt want to discover the secret sauce to a meaningful life?Who doesnt want to improve every core areas of their lives and be the BEST version they possibly can?Who doesn't want to free themselves from all the pain, disappointments, missed opportunities, and broken relationships due to the lack of optimism?rust m Whn u l th Y tht sts u u t Win in LIFE- Yu wll hv R t Feel Miserable ever again!Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:Attract more success & abundance into your lifeBecome the best version of yourselfHave a more positive attitude towards lifeFight stress, anxiety, and depression without harmful medicationsAccomplish any desired goals in lifeCreate a massive impact on your own life and the people around youUnleash your full potential and get more out of life!And Much, Much More!Other Benefits:Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!Time To Take ACTION!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now...every day and hour you delay, means missing to live an amazing, ultra-positive and fulfilled life.Enroll now and start to live an ultra-positive and a fulfilled life."
Price: 99.99

"Start Your Online Coaching Business - Sell Your Expertise!" |
"This course will guide you on how to start an online coaching business selling information you're passionate about.Yu s, vrbd s an expert (or 'expert enough') in at least one body of knowledge. t dsn't mttr wht t s.b u knw hw t sng lttl bt bttr thn vrbd ls, mb u knw ur w rund th bsktbll urt, mb u hv dsvrd w f runnng lttl bt fstr, r mb u knw hw t mk mn wth wttr r Fbk.Regardless of who you're dealing with, everybody has at least one area of expertise.Definitely, thr s great demand for online coaching services nd wll ntnu t rs n th frsbl futur.And this step by step course gives you a shortcut to starting your online coaching business.Here are just a few of the many things you will learn:You are going to learn how to start an online coaching business.You will learn to identify what to look for in terms of opportunities and potential problems.You will understand different coaching service sales models.You can begin to understand the benefits of selling your expertise.You are going to learn exactly how to set up live one-on-one appointment systems.And Much, Much More!Other Benefits:Lifetime Access to all other updates!Surprise Bonuses!FULL Support through the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated we are to your success!Time To Take ACTION!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now...every day and hour you delay, means leaving money on the table in your Business.Enroll now and start learning the benefits of selling your expertise."
Price: 199.99

"Creacin de Modelos 3D Pintados a Mano para Videojuegos" |
"Crea Arte para Videojuegos 3D con estilo Toony(pintado a mano) de manera Profesional!Este curso fue hecho para personas dentro de la industria del 3D y animacin digital interesados en adquirir conocimientos sobre como hacer modelos de bajos polgonos utilizados comnmenteen la industria de los video-juegos.Porque tomar este curso?Ya sea porque deseas realizar tu propio video-juego de manera profesional (Ej: si ya eres programador),o quieres conseguir trabajo como freelancer independiente, oaplicar para puestos de trabajo en algnestudiodela industria de los video-juegos,este curso es para ti.ConocimientosrequeridosLas personas interesadas en el curso debern de contar con los siguientes requisitos:Manejo de software de modelado3D. Preferentemente 3ds Max que es en donde realizaremos este curso.Adobe Photoshop o algn software de ilustracin digital.Conocimientos bsicosde la teora del color.Se recomienda tener conocimiento bsico y preferentemente intermedio de dichas herramientas. Tambin sera til para el estudiante si ya cuenta con conocimientos artsticos.Equipo y Herramientas RequeridasPara la creacin de modelos 3D se necesitan los siguientes softwares y herramientas:HardwarePC o Laptop con los requerimientos mnimos para el elaborar diseos y procesos complejos para el computador (Memoria RAM, Tarjeta de Vdeo, Procesador, etc.)Tableta Digital Wacom o similar.SoftwareAutodesk 3ds MaxAdobe PhotoshopEstructura del CursoEl curso teenseara a completar paso a paso el modelo 3Dde manera profesional de principio a fin en 3 fases:Creacin del modelo de bajos polgonos.Desdoblamiento apropiado de las UVs del modelo.Texturizado del modelo.Este tipo de modelos y arte se usan principalmente para juegos con estilo toony (pero sin limitarse), comnmente usados para aplicaciones mviles o juegos de consola, sin limitarnos a estos obviamente.Todo mundo juega video-juegos y actualmente hay muchos trabajos y proyectos demandando artistas low poly profesionalesAnmate a ser uno de ellosy coopera con la industria de video-juegos!"
Price: 74.99

"Plan A 1-Minute Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat Ad Script!" |
"Blueprint Your 1-Minute Facebook, Instagram andSnapchatVideo Ad Script! is a great course to learn how to script a successful video ad for social media platforms.How do you grow and audience? You tell a story about your brand that resonates with your target customers.Your video ad is the way to tell that story and with the correct blueprint you can script for success.Through this course you will learn the quick and easy blueprint to follow and the tools you can use (right now) to get your ads in front of prospective buyers.Whateverthe ""Call-To-Action"" for your video is, you'll learn a great technique to get your viewers to that stage and beyond."
Price: 99.99

"Build A (Profitable) Shopify eCommerce Store In An Hour?!" |
"Follow along as course instructor Mike Naus guides you through the entire Shopify experience that will help you build your very OWN e-commerce store in as little as an hour!This course is a mini case study to help guide YOU through the entire process to get a site up and running with Shopify. It includes:A walkthrough of the Shopify dashboardHow to select and upload products QUICKLY to your storeHow to change your stores theme and make it look and feel inviting for your customersWhich apps you need to add as a baseline for store functionalityAnd more!As a beginner the toughest thing to do is to simply get started. With this hands-on course you will be guided exactly where to go and what you need to add to get a store built quickly.Use your very own Shopify store to help your business grow, make more passive income, and free more of your time!"
Price: 29.99

"Leadership Training - Leadership and Management Skills" |
"Leadership Skills Training 101 : First Steps To Leadership : 10 Qualities Of Great Leaders Achieving and maintaining effective leadership depends upon an almost intuitive integration of core characteristics. These characteristics, once explained, have the quality of 'deja vu' they immediately make sense.Complex behavioural changes are simply not required in order to excel as a leader. Interpretation of your passion and commitment to your team readily translates into the basic leadership skills essential to achieving your, and the team's, goals.The course focuses on the essential qualities of a great leader. Master just a few of these techniques and you will be the leader your team deserves.Leadership Skills Covered:Introduction What Is A leader?How A Leader Inspires The TeamIncentives Do They Work?Maintaining A Leader's AuthorityHow Does A Great Leader Deal With Crises?Is It Better For A Leader To Be Feared Or Liked?How A Leader Handles DissentTeam Creation - The Leader's First JobPersonality Types Leader's Should KnowConclusion & Recap#leader #leadership #management #development #skills #situational"
Price: 69.99

"Book Writing : Writing & Publishing Book" |
"How To Write and Publish A BookNovel Writing is easy and difficult at the same time. Let me explain. Writing novels is a dream for most of us, but incredibly, almost everyone thinks they have a book inside them, just dying to get out if only they have the time to do it.I have to admit that I wrote my first novel without any idea of structure, plot or character development. I didn't know how to write or publish a book. I just wanted to get stuck in and do it! This was some time ago and actually it went very well. The novel was written in 5 months, edited after 7 months and published after 8 months.However, when I re-read my novel after some months, I could see that there were problems that I couldn't quite put my finger on. It didn't flow. Some characters were just dead, or nor even necessary. Some pages didn't move the plot along or add anything interesting to the overall story.I decided to find out exactly how to write and publish a book the correct way (and there's more than one!) and some months after, this course was born, in the hope that it will help beginners to understand the mechanism of novel writing.Best wishes, James#write #book #publish"
Price: 59.99

"User Experience & User Interface Design von A-Z mit Adobe XD" |
"User Experience Design vereint Marktforschung, visuelles Verstndnis und Kundendienst in einer Disziplin, die besonders im Bezug auf digitale Branchen an Bedeutung kaum zu bertreffen ist.Der Kurs ist in vier Abschnitte unterteilt:Im ersten Abschnitt behandeln wir die Grundlagen von Human Centered Design.In diesem Teil beschftigten wir uns vor allem mit den Menschen, die unsere Produkte verwenden. Dabei lernen wir, wie man recherchiert und welche Daten fr uns als Designer hilfreich sind, um Produkte zu entwickeln, die von Menschen benutzt werden wollen.Wir lernen bewhrte Methoden aus der Psychologie und der Marktforschung kennen, um Prototyp Nutzer - sogenannte Personas - zu konzipieren und auf deren Basis Nutzererfahrungen zu entwickeln.Im nchsten Teil setzen wir uns mit Jakob Nielsens Heuristiken auseinander, um so zu verstehen, wie wir Systeme und Produkte fr User konzipieren.Anschlieend lernen wir konkrete Anstze des User Experience Design Prozesses kennen. Dabei behandeln wir die drei erfolgreichsten Anstze im Detail:Design ThinkingLean UXLean DevelopmentNachdem wir die Theorie verstanden haben beginnen wir damit die Grundlage fr unseren Prototypen zu schaffen, indem wir gemeinsam eine Informationsarchitektur erstellen und die Vorteile von visuellen Prototypen kennenlernen. Wir behandeln ausfhrlich die Grundlagen des User Interface Designs und lernen Dinge wie Farbenlehre, Typographie und Animationen.Im finalen Praxis-Abschnitt verwenden wir alles bisher Gelernte, um mithilfe des Prototyping-Tools Adobe XD eine Website zu konzipieren. Vorkenntnisse sind keine erforderlich, da wir das Programm von Grund auf kennen lernen. Zunchst entwickeln wir einen Wireframe, spter dann sogar einen voll funktionsfhigen High Fidelity Prototypen.Zustzlich gibt es noch jede Menge Tipps, Tricks und Tutorials fr den Umgang mit Adobe XD und die Konzeption weiterer Prototypen, sowie das Erstellen von eigenen Animationen.Dieser Kurs richtet sich vor allem an Einsteiger, die User Experience und User Interface Design praxisnah lernen mchten. Durch die Mischung von Theorie und Praxis bietet der Kurs die perfekte Grundlage fr angehende User Experience Designer."
Price: 199.99

"Create Transparent Powerpoint Animations for your Videos" |
"Use this course as a tool kit to improve the quality of your talking head videos by adding transparent infographics and ""lower thirds"". You will create these graphics using Powerpoint and make them transparent using Adobe Premiere. Some other video editors can also create the transparency effect, but the same good result as with Adobe Premiere is NOTguaranteed. So if you don't have Adobe Premiere, do make sure that your video editing software can create the transparency effect (check the list at the bottom). In this course we're going to create:2 Lists 2 Name/titles1 ""Post-it"" effect1 ""Polaroid"" Photo effectThese graphics can be used for your YouTube videos, Online courses, Business/Marketing videos, Interview Videos and more. Basically, whenever a person is talking on camera.You will learn how to create these graphics with Powerpoint only, and you will probably be surprised how powerful Powerpoint can be. And even though you won't be able to create the most complex effects that can be done with specialized animation software, Powerpoint is a great compromise in terms of quality and creation speed. Once you learn how it works, you will be able to create many other infographics for your videos relatively fast.However, you will need a video editing software that can do a ""Remove Color"" effect to make it transparent and add on top of your talking head video, and most decent software can do it. However, not all of them give the same results.For example, Camtasia ""remove color"" effect is not as good as Adobe Premiere's ""Ultra Key"" - some shadows don't work, you need to do much more adjustments, but it's still possible. So here is a limited list of software that have *some version* of this effect. If your software is not listed here, it doesn't mean that it can't do it. In that case you should check it for yourself on the internet if this is possible or not. Otherwise, write me privately and I will do the research for you and update the list below.Adobe Premiere Camtasia Filmora Corel VideoStudioFinal Cut Pro Pinnacle StudioFor everything else, check the Promo and the Free Preview videos of this course!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn The Fundamentals of Screenwriting & Story Structure" |
"Join the more than 2,700 students learning from our courses!Filmmaking is about Story Telling - I created ""The Fundamentals of Screenwriting & Story Structure"" to help you get your story ideas out of your head on the written page so that you or an indie filmmaker you know can actually shoot it, so you can get your story on a screen where it belongs!Why Shortfilms? Contrary to popular belief, short films are not a lesser form of cinematic storytelling. In fact, it requires the same skillsets as writing a feature, just on a smaller scale, but with the added benefit of saving a ton of time and money, and they increase your chances of getting accepted into festivals. Here are just a few shorts that launched careers (and were turned into feature-length films:Monster The BabadookWhiplashSaw 0.5 (Saw)Alive in Joburg District 9The Customer is Always Right Sin CityBorn in the trenches of low and no-budget filmmaking by an active indie filmmaker, The Fundamentals of Screenwriting and Story Structure wont waste your time with irrelevant and outdated theory - you learn what you really need to know to turn your ideas into short films. I know this stuff works because it's exactly how I write and shoot my short films on a budget of coffee and donuts!What You'll Learn:How to write a screenplay that people want to read and actors want to be in! How to create compelling characters that people will get emotionally invested inHow to write believable dialogueHow and Why to use suspense, drama and conflictYou will learn the Screenwriting Elements you need to know, how to properly format and use them, and so much more!What Students are saying:The trainer talks everything through his experiences, that's the best part of it. I am going to come back and listen to everything again, the information he provides is vast. Loved the Bonus Podcasts at the end. ~ Jayachandran (gave the course 4 1/2 stars!)Kenn is a REALLY GREAT instructor. I love how this course was just right..It had ALL the pertinent information, the encouragement without being too long. He is great to respond to questions. Thank you Kenn! Many blessings to you in your filmmaking. I loved this course! ~ Rita (gave the course 5 stars!)Really helped me pull together my thoughts on some script ideas. Seeing a few of Kenn's own films made it all come together for me. Thank you.~ Susan (Udemy Student - gave the course 5 Stars)The only thing I can see that would make this better, is to physically be in a room watching the instructor. Or a video from the front seat of the class.~ Felix (gave the course 5 stars!)What people outside Udemy are saying about Kenn:Natural and compelling dialogue is key to screenplays that really stand out. Kenn Crawford understands the importance of effective dialogue; as a result, his screenplays flow perfectly. Kenn also structures his screenplays to maximize audience interest. His characters and situations feel real, and each story is compelling. I highly recommend Kenn Crawfords course on screenplay writing. It will help you take your ideas and turn them into tightly written screenplays that are ready for production. ~ Professor Michael G. MacDonald, Cape Breton University. Stage and Film Actor Kenn is a visual writer. His dialogue is natural, his settings real, and his stories entertaining. I was fortunate to have Kenn guide me through the screenwriting process for THE ROSE and THE TATTOO. Believe me when I say, if he can teach me how to write a screenplay, he can show anyone. ~ Dan Yakimchuk, PhD., Cape Breton University Kenn is a hardworking guerrilla filmmaker who embraces the DSLR revolution. He is proof you dont need a million bucks to make a movie, just passion and elbow grease. ~ Brett Holmes, Indie Screenwriter & FilmmakerEnroll in my course today and start writing your screenplay tomorrow!"
Price: 49.99

"Catia V5 : Fundamental 3D Modeling Course for Engineers" |
"CATIA is one of the most widely used CAD software in the world.the main content of this course in divided into following modulesbasics sketches sketch edit tools3D modeling3d advance toolssurface modelingadvance surface designassembly of partsdrafting drawingthe main outline of this course are as followingunlimited & lifetime access to more than 100 lectures (increasing with time)all updates & new features are available for free with the course.the course starts with basic understanding of different commands, & slowly move on to more complex sections.Unconditional Udemy 30 days money back guarantee why take this coursethe course is designed in such a way a that even a beginner without any prior experience can take this course.the course is an industry oriented course, which means you will learn wherever is required in industries.more than 10 hours of course material which is updating over timeyou will get all the project files used in this course. more than 10 practice models are available for a better practice and understanding of all the commands."
Price: 34.99

"Be Victimless" |
"Many people become victims because they are not aware of their surroundings. Most people don't even know what to be aware of because they don't understand how criminals attack and why they choose certain targets. In this course you are going to learn how to become a hard target in which criminals don't want to deal with versus a easy target. Some might say I carry mace or a firearm so I have nothing to worry about. Remember criminals always have the upper hand because they scope out their targets, if you don't understand or know how to position yourself to get the upper hand a weapon is useless and means nothing to them."
Price: 59.99

"Boost the Grades You Get by Perfecting the Goals You Set!" |
"This course focuses on improving your grades and academic outcomes by equipping you to set more effective, strategic and powerful academic goals. So much of academic success is linked to having effective goals, but many students like yourself have set goals in the past, but for whatever reason have failed to achieve these goals. This course uses psychology theory, teacher experience and student feedback from high achievers to provide some insight into why many academic goals aren't achieved and to outline the steps that need to be taken to develop goals that are more closely aligned with academic success.Learn to develop the super goals that lead to super grades!Recognize why some goals failLink your personal values to your goals to make your goals more meaningfulDevelop goals that are strategic and lead to greater commitmentLearn how to be fully engaged with your goal successPlan the sequential steps that will lead to goal successWhile there is so much research on why goal-setting is important, very little attention is paid to understanding why some goals are successful and others are not. This course was written for the many students I meet who regardless of their academic ability, get frustrated when they don't achieve as much as they had hoped for. This frustration comes from the fact that they worked very hard and tried their best, but they still feel they could have achieved more. This course aims to provide students like you with a deeper insight into what makes goals effective and how (if applied correctly) effective goals can revolutionize academic outcomes. While the majority of the course is made up of videos, there is also a number of documents and worksheets which can be downloaded for reference and for skill development. The content will include hands-on activities to give you practice in effective goal-setting techniques and will be referring to a number of everyday academic examples so that by the end of the course, you will be have practiced what we teach. Because the principles are core in nature, they can be applied to any student, in any course of any age. In fact, the principles are foundational enough that non-students will benefit from them too!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Oud 1 (No Prior Music Knowledge Required!)" |
"The main and the most popular musical instrument in Arabic Music is the Oud. This is a condensed 25-lesson (38 Videos) Oud fundamentals course for absolute beginners given by a well known composer and teacher, Tareq Al Jundi using one of the recognized Oud curricula in Arabic Music Institutes that uses popular Palestinian, Jordanian,Syrian, Egyptian and Iraqi folk music and popular Arabic songs (by Fairuz and The Rahbani Brothers and others) as applications to basics Of Oud performance taught throughout the course. In addition typical western songs like ""Happy Birthday"", ""Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"" and ""Jingle Bells"" are explained on the Oud which will help you understand the Oud through simple melodies you already heard before. By the end of the course you are expected to know the proper way of holding the Oud and producing sound from it, how to read music notation and reading the oriental quarter tone, the basic Arabic Maqams and Scales and how to play popular Arabic songs using these Maqams/Scales on this beautiful Middle Eastern instrument."
Price: 19.99

"What is Consciousness? - Spirituality meets Quantum Physics" |
"How does the Law of Attraction work? Explore the nature of the universe & find your power! + Guided visualisation MP3sUpdated for April 2020. This course has been ranked Best Seller & Highest Rated in Personal-development on Udemy. What is the Law of Attraction? By the end of the course, you will know exactly how to use the power of your mind, to focus, allow, visualise, release resistance and get into the flow... to manifest the things you seek. A complete course about metaphysics."" It makes me very glad that through some `coincidence` I clicked here, because well... the feeling I had while listening was like putting on a rarely worn coatyou put your hand in its pocket and you find something there, that you`ve been looking for for ages...or some similar feeling. THANK YOU!"" - Rita Welcome!Please check out the free previews! My name is Peter Torok and I would like to welcome you to my Law of Attraction course. This training was designed to show us how we can align with our Higher self and how to move into the vibration, which is most conducive for success and positive synchronicities.A mysterious connection to the universeA few months after I first started meditating, someone told me that I should really try to go on a retreat. So, I went. On the retreat, I had to do 9 hours of meditation and visualisation every day. On the third day, something happened to me, which wasn`t like anything else that I have experienced in my life before. I suddenly felt that my mind had become silent. I had no thoughts in me, only blissful presence. I looked around me, and I saw other people on the retreat going about their business. As I looked at them, I felt unconditional love towards them and it seemed like no negativity existed in the world; that everything was perfect and purposeful. This feeling is not something that I can explain. It doesn`t compare to physical or emotional or any kind of mental love - it was something infinitely powerful and integrative.I couldn`t make sense of loving these strangers in this inexpressible way. As I sat there just observing myself and them, I realised something. It wasn`t really me who was doing the `loving`. Instead, love was just there, pre-existing and somehow I managed to go beyond my ordinary thinking mind! Beyond that, there was this unconditionally existing love, to which everyone and everything is connectedI was in this specific state for half an hour and it took three weeks until it completely wore off. It has changed my life. I began researching consciousness, which led me through a life of study, teaching, meditation and lucid dreaming.The power of our mindThis course is both philosophical and practical in nature. Its purpose is to really think deeply about our place in the universe and to draw attention to the shocking discovery that our `mind` actually has some unknown power, which effects subatomic particles which can manifest! We can find many ideas in the New Age, Buddhism and other Shamanic linages, which show a surprising similarity with the results of Quantum Physics experiments. I took the time to collect these experiments. In this course anyone can look at these video demonstrations, then listen to me compare their results to the wisdom of the ancient traditions. After the comparison you can decide what to think and how you`re going to apply this in your life!You will find detailed explanations about our place in the universe and our connection with our `higher self`. By the end of the course, you will know exactly how to use the power of your mind, to focus, allow, visualise, release resistance and get into the flow... to manifest the things you seek. Did you know? Lucid Dreaming is an excellent way to practice manifestation because in the dream world, we manifest instantly. If you are interested, please see my other courses! Check out the free previews!I'm confident that you'll love the course and that once you take action, you will revolutionise your self-development practice! I hope to see you soon,Peter What my students said:You are describing complicated phenomena in a clear way, therefore it is easy to understand your lecture. Secondly, I enjoyed the loose, mixed composition of topics, which gave a comprehensive understanding about known and new things - Judit. G "
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of Asana in 2019 (Project Management)" |
"Asana is an awesome and very popular tool for project management.In this class, I'll take you through all the basic features of Asana step-by-step so you finish with a great overview of the features available to you.I've used Asana extensively over the past few years, both when working full-time at an events company and remote for a consultancy, as well as now working several different freelance roles where I have clients using this tool.I believe that using Asana makes teams more productive, as it helps to organize everyone's work, keep team's on track and makes project management easier and more efficient.What will this course cover?We'll review:the five key areas of the Asana interfacehow to create taskshow to create projectsthe difference between a workspace and an organizationhow to add due dates to tasks and projectshow to assign ownership to tasks and projectsWho is this course for?This course is aimed at complete beginners to Asana. I want to help you get your first taste of this tool so that you feel very comfortable using it for personal projects, freelance or full-time work right after watching the lectures.This course is also useful for people who are already using Asana but have a feeling like they could be getting more from the tool, maybe they haven't had time to fully review all the features on offer. If this sounds like you, I'm sure you can pick up one or two tips from this course to share with your team.What are the benefits of taking the course?If your company is using Asana, or will be in the future, take this course to get a head start on what features you have available. That way, when you start using Asana for project management, you understand the best way to use Asana to organize a project into a way that works for you and your company.It's important to understand what you can do with Asana, so you choose the correct set-up (personal projects, workspace or organization) and use features like tags, sections and color-coding to give everyone an accurate big picture of a project. Otherwise, Asana can become a confusing space, where there are duplicate tasks floating around and no clear organization. Don't make that mistake.Take the time to learn about the basic features of Asana, so you can create a clear and organized project management structure. As a student, youll get lifetime access to:16 engaging and practical lecturesStep-by-step tutorials: how to create tasks and projects, assign ownership, due dates, and moreAll this for an investment of $19.99. If you aren't 100% happy with the course, Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked. Register for the course now and get started today.Check out what other students are saying""I have found this course really helpful because it is clear, easy to understand and explains the program very well."" - Nikolett Gorog, August 2019""Very good , probably the best about Asana"" - Stefano Tanzania, July 2019""Really interesting and easy to follow tutorials. Would recommend."" - Alex Carol, June 2019"
Price: 19.99

"Train Like A Soldier" |
"In 2020, the US Army will be ending its Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), and will, instead, use its new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) for all soldiers in Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserves. This is a great opportunity to train like a soldier for this grueling new challenge. With this course, you will learn the insider details of the ACFT, how its scored, and basic programming for someone to pass and max out their score on the test. Train to the army standard in a fun and competitive way and see how you stack up on that fitness scale."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga for dealing with anxiety and stress" |
"Attending this course you will learn how:implement ancient wisdom in Yoga, Pranayama, Ayurveda and Meditation in your daily lifeto minimize stress and fatigueto reduce anxiety levelto avoid disturbing thoughtsnot to get involved in exhaustible emotionsto be completely content with your lifeto make your body more strong and healthyto open your lungs, breathe more easy and be ready for new day and new life"
Price: 29.99

"CCBA Exam Prep - Made Easy" |
"This Excel file is prepared for the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) , Certificate of Capability in Business Analysis, CCBA Certification aspirants. This file is a very well-thought, easy-to-use, effective visual-learning preparation material. It enables you to take a grasp on the concepts of BABOKv3 and helps you to understand &memorize them in an structured &easy approach. The instructor created this file during his journey towards IIBA-CCBA, and this has proven extremely valuable in clearing the exam."
Price: 24.99

"Clear ECBA exam on your First try!" |
"This Excel file is prepared for the International Institute ofBusiness Analysis(IIBA) , Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) aspirants.This file is a very well-thought, easy-to-use, effective visual-learning preparation material. It enables you to take a grasp on the concepts of BABOKv3 and helps you to understand &memorize them in an structured &easy approach. The instructor created this file during his journey towards IIBA-ECBA, and this has proven extremely valuable in clearing the exam."
Price: 24.99

"Master Basic Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving Skills" |
"** ACCORDING TO WORKFORCE: ""Decision making and problem-solving skills are the most important skills in the 21st century."" ** SPECIAL FREE BONUS** EXCEL DECISION MAKING WORKBOOK INCLUDED. In order to further improve the student experience, there is a free download of an Excel workbook packed with activities and ready to use models. This helps ensure everything is even easier to understand & even more fun and engaging! **Are you ready to take your career to the next level? In this course, you will learn a range of problem solving and decision making strategies. This course covers important topics such as decision making skills, conflict resolution models, product analysis and strategic thinking. You will learn or remind yourself of these concepts that will help make you more successful!The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a Policy Analyst in The Office of the Presidency of South Africa, founder of Grow2Lead, a leadership and non-profit organization in South Africa and a Data Associate for a leading Education nonprofit in New York City. I received a PhD from Texas A&M University and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the Bush School of Government. This course ties together both my theoretical knowledge and practical experience in a dynamic, practical and applicable way.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students of this course will enjoy learning a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.from the Eisenhower Model, SWOT analysis, to the Long Tail, and Integration Techniques. Use this course to take your career to the next level!What are the requirements?Come ready to learn :)What am I going to get from this course?Join a global community of students!Superb reviews!Over fifteen decision making and problem solving strategies! Learn how to make better decisions!Use the models to resolve conflicts and deliver great feedback!After this course you will have the tools / skills needed to make important decision to take you to the next level! Who is the target audience?Anyone interested in learning about or brushing up on their decision making skills."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Admin Certification Winter '19 ADX201 Exam Course" |
"**This course is perfect for anyone who wants to pass the Salesforce Certified Administrator Winter 19 ADX201 Exam For Salesforce Lightning Experience**In this course you will practice answering questions from the actual test.Core concepts from the course:1. Describe the features and benefits of Files.2. Describe the capabilities of lead automation tools and campaign management.3. Apply the appropriate sales productivity features using opportunity tools, and know when products and pricebooks should be used.4. Distinguish and understand the implications of using the various UI features that an administrator controls.5. Describe the options available when creating and modifying dashboards (e.g., dashboard components, data sources, chart types, scheduling, running user).6. Describe the capabilities of case management."
Price: 49.99

"Linguagens do Zero" |
"Muita gente diz que o ENEM no cobra gramtica, mas, independentemente de a cobrana no ser direta, para fazer uma boa prova de Linguagens e uma redao nota mil, seu conhecimento nessa parte fundamental. Alm disso, muitos vestibulares possuem questes de gramtica, e outros tipos de produo textual que no sejam a dissertao-argumentativa. Pensando nisso, o QG do ENEM, plataforma de cursos online, preparou o curso Linguagens do Zero com a professora Gab Jardim. So aulas que abordam desde tipologias textuais e noes sintticas at semntica. + Videoaulas de Linguagens bsica+ Aulas voltadas para o ENEM+ Foco nos assuntos mais importantes do Ensino Mdio"
Price: 54.99

"Qumica Premium 2019" |
"Qumica difcil, n? Mas voc pode e vai se dar muito bem no ENEM e tirar um noto em Qumica. Seu caso especfica? Ento, vem com o QG e o professores Helton Moreira, Joo Carlos, Alan Belvino e Roberto Mazzei. A melhor forma de entender Qumica por meio de exerccios. Neste curso, os professores focam nas resolues de questes complexas do ENEM e de vestibulares de todo o pas. RECURSOS E BENEFCIOS+ Resoluo de Exerccios+ Foco nos assuntos mais importantes para os vestibulares especficos e para o ENEM 2019"
Price: 69.99

"Matemtica Premium" |
"Quer se dar muito bem na prova de Matemtica do ENEM? Ou vai fazer prova especfica de Matemtica? Ento, vem com o QG e o professor Sandro Davison. Uma boa nota na prova de Matemtica do ENEM para quem almeja carreiras em exatas, pode fazer toda a diferena! E nos vestibulares especficos ento... nem se fala! Pensando nisso, preparamos esse curso online de Matemtica com tudo que voc precisa saber para se dar bem no Exame Nacional do Ensino Mdio e nos vestibulares que rolam pelo pas! So vdeoaulas com muita teoria, resolues de exerccios de especificas e foco nos assuntos mais importantes para os vestibulares especficos e para o ENEM 2019."
Price: 69.99

"Biologia Premium" |
"Quer se dar muito bem na prova de Biologia do ENEM? Vai fazer prova especfica de Biologia? Ento, vem com o QG e os professores Rafael Cafezeiro e Fabrcio Pinheiro. Preparamos um curso online de Biologia unindo assuntos do dia a dia com o conceito da matria. So vdeoaulas com muita teoria, resolues de exerccios e mensagem direta ao monitor."
Price: 54.99

"Fsica do Zero" |
"Quer dominar de uma vez por todas a Fsica do Ensino Mdio? Ento, vem com o QG do Enem. O bom conhecimento da matria, desde o bsico, extremamente fundamental para um bom resultado na prova de Cincias da Natureza do ENEM. Preparamos um curso online com aulas de tudo que voc precisa saber para se dar bem no Exame Nacional do Ensino Mdio!RECURSOS E BENEFCIOSVideoaulas de Fsica bsicaAulas voltadas para o ENEMFoco nos assuntos mais importantes do Ensino Mdio"
Price: 39.99

"- Youtube complete Course" |
", , , . :1. 2. Creator Studio3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11."
Price: 19.99

"Criando WebSites PHP sem saber programar usando o PHPRunner" |
"O objetivo do curso instruir sobre como criar um site internet com recursos avanados sem que seja necessrio ao aluno conhecimentos sobre linguagem de programao , para isto iremos utilizar a ferramenta PHPRunner.O software permite:Customizao do layout e dos estilosCriar pginas apenas de tabelas de banco de dados e criar relacionamento entre elasCriar pginas PHP sem a necessidade de conhecimento da linguagemExecutar o Website sem a necessidade de instalar servidorCriar executvel que roda o website podendo ser distribudo inclusive com um instaladorDefinir os tipos dos campos dos formulriosCriao de site totalmente responsivoEstaremos demonstrando passo a passo estas funcionalidades."
Price: 39.99
