"Sistema Ordem de Servios PHP 7 e Mysqli" |
"O curso de Sistema de Ordem de Servios com PHP 7.3 possui 51 aulas, neste curso usado o Sublime Text para desenvolvimento dos cdigos mas pode ser usado qualquer outro editor de cdigos de sua preferncia, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar um sistema de OS completo, com toda gerao da Ordem de Servios e os relatrios, no usaremos nenhum framework e nenhum componente externo, tudo ser feito com PHP7 puro, aconselhvel antes o aluno acompanhar o curso de Sistema de Oramentos com PHP caso no tenha conhecimento prvio, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sitemas web."
Price: 399.99

"Sistema de Controle Financeiro com PHP 7" |
"O curso de Controle Financeiro com PHP 7.3 possui 57 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar um controle financeiro completo, com gastos, vendas, compras, pagamentos e movimentaes, criaremos tambm os relatrios, no usaremos nenhum framework e nenhum componente externo, tudo ser feito com PHP7 puro, aconselhvel antes o aluno acompanhar o curso de Sistema de Ordem de Servios com PHP caso no tenha conhecimento prvio, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sitemas web."
Price: 414.99

"Fechamento de Sistemas com PHP 7" |
"O curso de Fechamento de Sistemas com PHP 7.3 possui 47 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a fazer o fechamento de sistemas com relatrios, pginas principais dos painis, configuraes de rotas e urls, painl do cliente, backup pelo sistema, hospedagem do sistema e do banco de dados, no usaremos nenhum framework e nenhum componente externo, tudo ser feito com PHP7 puro, aconselhvel antes o aluno acompanhar o curso de Controle FInanceiro com PHP caso no tenha conhecimento prvio, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus sitemas web."
Price: 459.99

"Aplicativos Hbridos com Ionic 5" |
"O curso de Ionic 5 possui 50 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a desenvolver aplicativos mobile usando o ionic 5 com linguagens web como html, css, javascript, angular, entre outras, adquira j o curso e comece a criar seus aplicativos hbridos para android e ios de forma simples e prtica, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 414.99

"Aplicativos com Ionic 5 e Mysql" |
"O curso de Ionic 5 com Mysql possui 44 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a desenvolver aplicativos mobile usando o ionic 5, angular 8, php e mysqli, fazemos um crud completo com consultas, edies, inseres, delees, login e buscas, usando api em PHP, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 564.99

"Aplicativo Financeiro com Ionic 5" |
"O curso de Aplicativo Financeiro com Ionic 5 e Mysql possui 55 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprende a criar um aplicativo financeiro usando a verso mais recente do ionic, angular 8, mysli e api em PHP, nosso aplicativo vai ter movimentaes, pagamentos, gastos e tudo para gesto financeira, atualmente ionic a linguagem mobile que mais cresce no mercado, torne-se um desenvolvedor mobile e comece a lucrar desenvolvendo seus aplicativos."
Price: 549.99

"Camtasia: Screencasts aufnehmen und editieren" |
"Mit Camtasia kannst du deinen Bildschirma aufnehmen und diech auch gleichzeitig mit der Webcam filemen, wenn du das willst. Diese Aufnahmen eignen sich bestens fr deine Online Schulungen. In diesem Kurs lernst du- Welche Technik du fr die Aufnahmen bentigst- Welche Einstellungen du vornehmen musst- Wie du deinen Bildschirm und deine Webcam aufnimmst- Wie du deine Videos schneidest- Viele Tipps und Trick rund um die Bearbeitung, um dein Video zu etwas Besonderem zu machenAm Schluss zeige ich noch 3 Praxis-Beispiele, wie du Camtasia anwenden kannst, um- eine Bauchbinde einzufgen- ein Interview zu bearbeiten und zu verschnern- eine Meditation aufzunehmen"
Price: 99.99

"Ondas de Elliot Moderno y Fibonacci Experto / Parte 1" |
"El Retroceso y Expansin de Fibonacci nos ayudaran a definir precios de compra y venta en el Mercado. Adems, nos puede definir a donde llegara el Precio segn la Tendencia y Onda. Cada Onda tiene su medicin, cada retroceso tiene su medicin algo que es bastante apasionante. En un Mercado donde parece que el caos predomina lo que nos damos cuenta es que no y que todo est perfectamente establecido, algunos pueden decir que es porque esta manipulado, nosotros pensamos que es simplemente la forma en que el Mercado se mueve, un Animal que respira, que debe comer y que sabe a dnde tiene que ir antes de continuar con su camino.En la medida en que adentras en el sistema te das cuenta de que todo es exacto, esto no quiere decir que sea fcil de entender! Tarda mucho tiempo en que podamos entender la naturaleza de la forma en que vibra el Mercado.Una vez tenemos el entendimiento llega la parte de ser paciente y mantenerse en el plan sin sobre apalancarse."
Price: 149.99

"Ondas de Elliot Moderno y Fibonacci Experto / Parte 2" |
"El Retroceso y Expansin de Fibonacci nos ayudaran a definir precios de compra y venta en el Mercado. Adems, nos puede definir a donde llegara el Precio segn la Tendencia y Onda. Cada Onda tiene su medicin, cada retroceso tiene su medicin algo que es bastante apasionante. En un Mercado donde parece que el caos predomina lo que nos damos cuenta es que no y que todo est perfectamente establecido, algunos pueden decir que es porque esta manipulado, nosotros pensamos que es simplemente la forma en que el Mercado se mueve, un Animal que respira, que debe comer y que sabe a dnde tiene que ir antes de continuar con su camino.En la medida en que adentras en el sistema te das cuenta de que todo es exacto, esto no quiere decir que sea fcil de entender! Tarda mucho tiempo en que podamos entender la naturaleza de la forma en que vibra el Mercado.Una vez tenemos el entendimiento llega la parte de ser paciente y mantenerse en el plan sin sobre apalancarse."
Price: 144.99

"SQLite for beginners" |
"This course gives you a brief overview of SQLite and the SQLites distinctive features that make SQLite one of the most widely deployed SQL database engine.SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system. The lite in SQLite means light weight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resource. SQLite does NOT require a server to run.Because of the serverless architecture, you dont need to install SQLite before using it. There is no server process that needs to be configured, started, and stopped. SQLite uses dynamic types for tables. It means you can store any value in any column, regardless of the data type.SQLite is self-contained means it requires minimal support from the operating system or external library. This makes SQLite usable in any environments especially in embedded devices like iPhones, Android phones, game consoles, handheld media players, etc.SQLite is capable of creating in-memory databases which are very fast to work with.SQLite database is integrated with the application that accesses the database. The applications interact with the SQLite database read and write directly from the database files stored on disk.What You will learn includes:Database Concepts Download and Install SQLiteWhat is SQLite Studio Attaching Sample Database to SQLiteHow to connect to SQLite DatabaseSome Basic SQLite CommandsSome commonly used sqlite3 commandsSQLite Dump commandWhat is sqlite3 toolSQLite SELECT statementQuerying data from all columns in a tableQuerying data from specific columns in a tableSorting data using ORDER BY clauseRemoving duplicate records using DISTINCT clauseFiltering data with WHERE clauseIdentifying NULL valuesSQLite Data TypesSQLite ConstraintsSQLite Create Table Statement SQLite INSERT INTO Table StatementSQLite UPDATE StatementSQLite DELETE StatementSQLite DROP Table StatementSQLite BETWEEN OperatorSQLite IN OperatorSQLite LIMIT clauseSQLite LIKE operatorSQLite GLOB OperatorSQLite SubqueryBuilding a subquery in a WHERE clauseBuilding a subquery in a WHERE clause using IN operatorBuilding a subquery in FROM clauseSQLITE Table JoinsSQLite LEFT JoinSQLite INNER JoinSQLite CROSS JoinSQLite SELF JoinSQLite ALiasesSQLite Aggregate FunctionsIntroduction to SQLite Aggregate FunctionsSQLite AVG FunctionSQLite COUNT FunctionSQLIte SUM FunctionSQLite MAX FunctionSQLite MIN FunctionSQLite GROUP_ CONCAT FunctionSQLite GROUP BY ClauseSQLite HAVING Clause"
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to Django for beginners" |
"Django is a fantastic web framework built with the Python programming language. With Django you can create websites and web apps very quickly and efficiently.Django was created by very experienced developers who have built into it several tools for rapid web application development.Django is very fast ,secure and scalable making it an attractive framework choice for thousands of developers.Django developers are in hot demand and command attractive wages. Some billion dollar companies like Instagram and Pinterest were created using the Django framework.This is a beginners Django course that will take you from absolute scratch to creating a simple Django web app. The course isa hands on course and i strongly advise you to follow along with me so you can gain a better understanding of the framework.What your will learn:How to install pythonHow to check for and upgrade PipHow to install virtual isolated environmentsHow to activate the virtual environmentHow to install DjangoHow to create Django projectHow to create Django appHow to create Django ModelHow to run Django commandsHow to use command line interfaceHow to run MigrationsHow to query Django databaseHow to register Django appHow to Administer Django appBasic crash course in PythonDjango is an extremely in-demand skill that pays quite well. Django is used by a lot of startups to build great applications.Instagram was once a startup that was built using Django and later sold to facebook for $1 billion ,Yes 1 billion dollars !just roughly two years after it was created.Django has a thriving community that you can engage with as you begin your Django journey."
Price: 114.99

"ETL for beginners : Learn to integrate data" |
"A common problem that organizations face is how to gathering data from multiple sources, in multiple formats, and move it to one or more data stores. The destination may not be the same type of data store as the source, and often the format is different, or the data needs to be shaped or cleaned before loading it into its final destination.Extract, transform, and load (ETL) is a data pipeline used to collect data from various sources, transform the data according to business rules, and load it into a destination data store. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a useful and powerful Business Intelligence Tool . It is best suited to work with SQL Server Database . It is added to SQL Server Database when you install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)which adds the Business Intelligence Templates to Visual studio that is used to create Integration projects.SSIS can be used for:Data IntegrationData TransformationProviding solutions to complex Business problemsUpdating data warehousesCleaning dataMining dataManaging SQL Server objects and dataExtracting data from a variety of sourcesLoading data into one or several destinationsWhat You Will Learn ....How to install SQL Server Database How to download and attach a database to SQL ServerHow to download and install SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Create a New Integration Services ProjectHow to add and Configuring a Flat File Connection ManagerHow to add and Configuring an OLE DB Connection ManagerHow to add a Data Flow Task to the PackageHow to add and Configuring the Flat File SourceHow to add and Configuring the Lookup TransformationsHow to Create Integration Services TasksHow to Create New Connection ManagerHow to Write data to a SQL Server databaseHow to Execute a package from SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Control Data Flow for Flat FilesHow to test Packages"
Price: 109.99

"Web Scraping for Beginners with : Python Scrapy BS4" |
"Web scraping is the process of automatically downloading a web page's data and extracting specific information from it.The extracted information can be stored in a database or as various file types. Basic Scraping Rules: Always check a website's Terms and Conditions before you scrape it to avoid legal issues. Do not request data from a website too aggressively (spamming) with your program as this may break the website. The layout of a website may change from time to time ,so make sure your code adapts to it when it does.Popular web scraping tools include BeautifulSoup and Scrapy.BeautifulSoup is a python library for pulling data (parsing) out of HTML and XML files.Scrapy is a free open source application framework used for crawling web sites and extracting structured datawhich can be used for a variety of things like data mining,research ,information process or historical archival. Web scraping software tools may access the World Wide Web directly using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or through a web browser. While web scraping can be done manually by a software user, the term typically refers to automated processes implemented using a bot or web crawler. It is a form of copying, in which specific data is gathered and copied from the web, typically into a central local database or spreadsheet, for later retrieval or analysis.Scraping a web page involves fetching it and extracting from it. Fetching is the downloading of a page (which a browser does when you view the page). to fetch pages for later processing. Once fetched, then extraction can take place. The content of a page may be parsed, searched, reformatted, its data copied into a spreadsheet, and so on. Web scrapers typically take something out of a page, to make use of it for another purpose somewhere else. An example would be to find and copy names and phone numbers, or companies and their URLs, to a list (contact scraping).Web scraping is used for contact scraping, and as a component of applications used for web indexing, web mining and data mining, online price change monitoring and price comparison, product review scraping (to watch the competition), gathering real estate listings, weather data monitoring, website change detection, research, tracking online presence and reputation, web mashup and, web data integration.Web pages are built using text-based mark-up languages (HTML and XHTML), and frequently contain a wealth of useful data in text form. . A web scraper is an Application Programming Interface (API) to extract data from a web site. Companies like Amazon AWS and Google provide web scraping tools, services and public data available free of cost to end users."
Price: 119.99

"Solidity and Blockchain for beginners" |
"Solidity is an object-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts. Smart contracts are programs which govern the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state.Solidity was influenced by C++, Python and JavaScript and is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).Solidity is statically typed, supports inheritance, libraries and complex user-defined types among other features.With Solidity you can create contracts for uses such as voting, crowdfunding, blind auctions, and multi-signature wallets.A contract in the sense of Solidity is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum blockchain. Blockchain is a very powerful technology that allows everyday users to exchange sensitive data without a middleman. Programmers can leverage the blockchain in theirapplications using Solidity, a programming language for the Ethereum platform.This basic beginners course teaches you how to build a simple contract-based application with Solidity.What You will learn include:Blockchain terminologyBasic layout of a solidity source fileImporting other source filesUsing comments in solidityBasic solidity syntaxBasic structure of a solidity contractSolidity TypesEthereum Virtual Machine -EVMFunctions and Function ModifiersSolidity Function SyntaxSolidity CompilerSolidity EventsCreating a solidity contractSolidity OperatorsSolidity UnitsSpecial types of contractSpecial variables and FunctionsState variables"
Price: 104.99

"12 Weekend Coding projects for beginners from scratch" |
"Programming languages are the building blocks for communicating instructions to machines, without them the technology driven world we live in today wouldnt exist. Programming can be fun as well as challenging. In this beginners course we will be learning to code using four very popular and high in demand programming languages:JavaPythonJavaScriptC#Java is a general purpose high-level, object-oriented programming language.Java is one of the most commonly used languages for developingand delivering content on the web. An estimated nine millionJava developers use it and more than three billion mobile phones run it.Java is an object-oriented language, which means that programmersdefine not only the data type of a data structure, but also the types of functions that can be applied to the data structure.Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynamic typing and dynamic binding, make it very attractive for Rapid Application Development, as well as for use as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.JavaScript is a programming language for the web. It is supported by most web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, internet Explorer, Edge, Opera, etc. Most mobile browsers for smart phones support JavaScript too.C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-server applications, database applications, and much, much more. The projects we will create are:Creating your own Music player with C#Create your own Paint drawing app with C#Create a database driven Login Form with C#Create an Image Upload App with C#Create a word count Tool with JavaCreate a Percentage Calculator Tool with JavaCreate a BMI tool with JavaCreate a Basic calculator with JavaScriptCreate a Todo App with JavaScriptCreate an Interactive Quiz App with JavaScriptCreate a digital clock with PythonCreate a Times Table Generator with Python"
Price: 109.99

"SSIS : Create a basic package and implement a lookup logic" |
"SSIS allows you to perform a lookup on data in the course of a task, using referenced data from any OLE DB source. It is a useful feature that enables you to check on the validity of data, or interpret it before proceeding. There might be times when developing a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package that you want to perform a lookup in order to supplement or validate the data in your data flow. A lookup lets you access data related to your current dataset without having to create a special structure to support that access.To facilitate the ability to perform lookups, SSIS includes the Lookup transformation, which provides the mechanism necessary to access and retrieve data from a secondary dataset. The transformation works by joining the primary dataset (the input data) to the secondary dataset (the referenced data). SSIS attempts to perform an equi-join based on one or more matching columns in the input and referenced datasets, just like you would join two tables in in a SQL Server database.Because SSIS uses an equi-join, each row of the input dataset must match at least one row in the referenced dataset. The rows are considered matching if the values in the joined columns are equal. By default, if an input row cannot be joined to a referenced row, the Lookup transformation treats the row as an error. However, you can override the default behavior by configuring the transformation to instead redirect any rows without a match to a specific output. If an input row matches multiple rows in the referenced dataset, the transformation uses only the first row. The way in which the other rows are treated depends on how the transformation is configured.The Lookup transformation lets you access a referenced dataset either through an OLE DB connection manager or through a Cache connection manager. The Cache connection manager accesses the dataset held in an in-memory cache store throughout the duration of the package execution. You can also persist the cache to a cache file (.caw) so it can be available to multiple packages or be deployed to several computers.In this course we will create an SSIS package and implement a lookup logic to it."
Price: 99.99

"Learn to code with Python from scratch." |
"Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language that is easy to learn and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small. Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility.Python is object -oriented means it regards everything as an object. An object in the real world could be a person or a car.Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied like for example java programming language.It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games, for statistical data and visualisation,speech and face recognition.Some of the biggest websites on this planet earth use python in one way or another. Examples inlude:GoogleYoutubeFacebookNasaDisneyPixarRedditPinterestInstagramSpotifySurvey MonkeyYahoo MapsIn this absolute beginners course you will learn Python in a practical wayfrom the ground up. The course consist of over 30 hours of video over 300 lectures and several practical hands on projects.Topics covered include:How to download and install pythonInstalling text editors and PycharmInteracting with Python in various waysCommand line basicsPython OperatorsPython Data TypesData type castingPython String Methods and FormattingPython Data StructuresPython FunctionsPython DocStringsPython DecoratorsPython Control Flow StatementsPython Modules and PackagesWorking with external files in PythonWorking with dates and timesWorking with calendarsHandling exception errorsVersion control system with Git and GithubWeb scrapping with PythonPython and Machine LearningDjangoBootstrapPostgreSQL Relational Database Management SystemPython Object Oriented ProgrammingPolymorphismClasses and MethodsInheritanceEncapsulationAbstractionProjects we will create:Create a functional todo app and deploy to cloudCreate a functional portfolio appCreate a basic calculatorCreate a digital clockCreate a times table generatorCreate a weight conversion toolCreate a number guessing gameCreate a random number generatorCreate a vowel stripping programCreate a countdown timerCreate a lottery number simulator"
Price: 179.99

"Learn C++ from scratch" |
"C++ is a compiled modern object -oriented programming language .The code you write in C++ has to be translated by a special program called a compiler into machine code .C++ is widely used for both systems and applications development, and is available for virtually every operating system and has influenced and informed many derivative languages, including C# and Java. In this course,i will guide you through the nuts and bolts of this essential language. We will set up your environment for coding and dissects the anatomy of a basic C++ program. We will learn the essentialsstatements and expressions, variables, arrays, conditionals, switch, operators, loops, and functionsand data structures, classes and objects. We will also learn data casting.Topics include:Setting up C++ development environment using code blocksDisplaying outputAccepting user inputsUsing code commentsUsing Escape sequenceStatements and expressionsCreating VariablesPointers and ReferenceConstantsLocal and global variablesString functionsArrays2D ArraysConditionals ( if , else , else if , switch)Loops ( while, do-while, for)Looping through arraysNested l for oopsData typesOperatorsFunctionsClasses and objectsClass methodsClass membersAccessing class attributes and methodsOverriding class methodsInheritance Create a math application program."
Price: 114.99

"SQL Fundamentals for beginners" |
"Almost all applications you interact with on a daily basis involves data which are stored in databases . Applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Hospitals ,Banks etc all interacts with data stored in databases.SQL is the language used to interact with the data inside these databases. SQL skills are always in demand due to the ever increasing use and reliance of data.In this beginners course, you will learn the building blocks of SQL by interacting with a PostgreSQL database. From creating a brand new table, up through organizing and aggregating data across multiple tables, you will learn the fundamental skills of SQL and youll be prepared to apply them right away.Topics include:Installing PostgreSQL Relational Database SystemConnecting to PostgreSQL Default DatabaseLoad sample databaseCreating database and tablesUsing constraintsRetrieving data from database tableUpdating data inside a tableDeleting data inside a database tableFiltering data returned from a database tableSorting data returned from a database tableRetrieving data using various operatorsCombining data from multiple tablesUsing aggregate functions to manipulate data.Using subqueries"
Price: 109.99

"Primavera P6 Professional For beginners" |
"Oracle's Primavera P6 is one of the most powerful and comprehensive project management tools available on the market today. Simply put, Primavera is a project management software specifically designed to help manage complex projects. Oracle Primavera P6 stands out as one of the most easily recognized and useful tools in effective project management. Oracle Primavera P6 gives unparalleled control, monitoring, and insight to planners, project managers, schedulers, employers, stakeholders, and any others who are involved in a given project.Learn to use Primavera P6 to manage mid-size and large-scale projects successfully and efficiently.In this course i will introduce you to some key features in Primavera P6 professional I will demonstrate how to create a new project , enterprise project structure, assign roles and resources, update an un-resourced project, import and export project plans and much more.Topics include:Creating Enterprise Project StructureConfiguring preferencesCreating a ProjectAdding ActivitiesCreating RelationshipsSchedulingAssigning ConstraintsFormatting Schedule DataAssigning ResourcesMaintaining calendarsCreating a work breakdown structure (WBS)Creating and formatting a scheduleFormatting Gantt chartsAdding constraintsSetting a baselineAssigning resourcesHandling expensesPrinting reports"
Price: 104.99

"SQL/ETL Developer - T-SQL/Stored Procedures/ETL/SSIS" |
"A common problem that organizations face is how to gathering data from multiple sources, in multiple formats, and move it to one or more data stores. The destination may not be the same type of data store as the source, and often the format is different, or the data needs to be shaped or cleaned before loading it into its final destination.Extract, transform, and load (ETL) is a data pipeline used to collect data from various sources, transform the data according to business rules, and load it into a destination data store. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a useful and powerful Business Intelligence Tool . It is best suited to work with SQL Server Database . It is added to SQL Server Database when you install SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)which adds the Business Intelligence Templates to Visual studio that is used to create Integration projects.SSIS can be used for:Data IntegrationData TransformationProviding solutions to complex Business problemsUpdating data warehousesCleaning dataMining dataManaging SQL Server objects and dataExtracting data from a variety of sourcesLoading data into one or several destinationsWhat You Will Learn ....How to install SQL Server Database How to download and attach a database to SQL ServerHow to download and install SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Create a New Integration Services ProjectHow to add and Configuring a Flat File Connection ManagerHow to add and Configuring an OLE DB Connection ManagerHow to add a Data Flow Task to the PackageHow to add and Configuring the Flat File SourceHow to add and Configuring the Lookup TransformationsHow to Create Integration Services TasksHow to Create New Connection ManagerHow to Write data to a SQL Server databaseHow to Execute a package from SQL Server Data ToolsHow to Control Data Flow for Flat FilesHow to test PackagesSQL FunctionsT-SQL Stored proceduresExtracting data from multiple tables"
Price: 74.99

"Database Developer - SQL Server/T-SQL/Database Migration" |
"One of the many roles of a database developer includes working with relational database servers,using T-SQL(Transact ) to interact with Microsoft SQL Server and also performing database migrations from one relational database management system to another. There are several tools available to perform database and data migration. In this course we will be using a free powerful tool by Oracle called Oracle SQL Developer to migrate a third party database from Microsoft SQL Server into Oracle.Database migration involves several steps specified below:Setting up a Migration Repository : The Migrations Repository is a database schema that stores themeta_data collected and transformed in the migration process.Configuring the Third Party Database Connection : You need to configure a database connection for the databasewhich you would like to migrate. There are two steps to this process:Download JDBC driver and Connecting to ThirdParty Database.Capturing Source Database :This step is used to capture a snapshot of the current stateof your third-party database and is necessary to provide SQL Developer with a ""point in time"" view of your database. Once this step is complete, the Migration wizard works on the meta-data stored in its repository, instead of issuing queries against your live database.Convert Captured Model to Oracle : The next step in the migration process is to convert the captured modelof the database to an Oracle-specific model.Translate Third Party SQL Objects to Oracle :The next step in the migration process is to translate theT-SQL objects - constraints, functions, procedures, triggers, views - to Oracle SQL objects.Generating Scripts to Create Target Database :Once the conversion process has completed, SQL Developer hasa model of what the converted database will look like. This is used to generate SQL scripts for the creation of the new Oracle Database schema(s) and to run these scripts.Move Data from Third Party Database to Oracle :The last step in the Migration Wizard is to move the data to the new database. Migrating the data is a process that copies the data from the third-party database to the new tablesin the Oracle database. The Migration Wizard uses the same Oracle database connection required to run the scripts as it does to move the data."
Price: 59.99

"Mobile App development for beginners - Android and Apple" |
"Mobile app development can be both profitable and fun. In this beginners introductory course you will learn to create and deploy an app to a physical device. You learn how to setup development environments for both Android and Apple Apps.We will be using the MVC ( Model View Controller) design pattern which is commonly used in IOS app development and the Xcode integrated development environment to develop an app to run on an apple device. Xcode comes with virtual devices that you can use to test your app.Android powers the majority of smartphones on the planet and a growing number of devices, from Android Wear on your wrist to Android Auto for your car.This course is designed to teach anyone how to make a new Android app from scratch.Learn all the basics of the platform and all the skills an Android app developer needs to be successful. Topic include:Setting up development environment for Android using Android StudioSetting up development environment for Apple using XcodeCreate new projects in Android Studio and XcodeDesign AppCreate variablesCreate a dice rolling app in androidCreate a dice rolling app in AppleCreate arrayCode the app logicTest app on virtual devicesDeploy app to a real device"
Price: 109.99

"SQL Essentials For Beginners Using Command Line Interface" |
"SQL ( Structured Query Language) is used to query and interact with various types of database systems. Most applications we interact with daily has a database component which SQL can query and manipulate.In this course we will use MySQL which is a relational database management system that comes with some sample database when installed.We will perform the essential operations that occur frequently on any database system using the MySQL Client Tool which is a command line interface utility.The most essential operations on any database system is called CRUDCreate Read Update DeleteYou will learn how to create database and table ; also how to insert some data into the table ,update records and the delete records."
Price: 19.99

"Build 17 Beginner's Projects with : Python JavaScript C#" |
"Learning to code can be both fun and rewarding. It is exciting to be able to write some code that gives the computer a bunch of tasks to perform.This course is packed with hands-on projects in three popular and in demand programming languages : Python JavaScript and C#.I have included a brief crash course in these three languages for those who have no exposure to them at all.You will learn how to setup your development environment for these programming languages then build the following projects step by step:Build a music playerBuild a paint drawing programBuild a screen saver programBuild a currency converter programBuild a web browserBuild a C# calculatorBuild a word count programBuild an image slider appBuild a todo list appBuild an interactive quiz appBuild a loan calculatorBuild a JavaScript CalculatorBuild a digital clockBuild a weight conversion programBuild a countdown appBuild a calculator with PythonBuild a lottery number simulator programAfter completing the projects in this course you should be equipped with enough skills to be creative and build more projects."
Price: 99.99

"Object Oriented Programming for beginners - Using Python" |
"Object-oriented Programming, or OOP for short, is a programming paradigm which provides a means of structuring programs so that properties and behaviors are bundled into individual objects.For instance, an object could represent a person with a name property, age, address, etc., with behaviors like walking, talking, breathing, and running. Or an email with properties like recipient list, subject, body, etc., and behaviors like adding attachments and sending.Put another way, object-oriented programming is an approach for modeling concrete, real-world things like cars as well as relations between things like companies and employees, students and teachers, etc. OOP models real-world entities as software objects, which have some data associated with them and can perform certain functions.Object-oriented programming is based on the imperative programming paradigm, which uses statements to change a program's state. It focuses on describing how a program should operate.OOP uses the concept of objects and classes. A class can be thought of as a 'blueprint' for objects. These can have their own attributes (characteristics they possess), and methods (actions they perform).In this course you will learn the key concepts of object oriented programming which includes:ClassesMethodsInstantiatingInheritancePolymorphismEncapsulationAbstraction"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Python Control Flow Statements" |
"Control flow statements are an essential part of the Python programming language.A control flow statement is a block of programming that analyses variables and chooses a direction in which to go based on given parameters. In simple sentence, a control structure is just a decision that the computer makes. So, it is the basic decision-making process in programming and flow of control determines how a computer program will respond when given certain conditions and parameters. It determines the order in which the programs code executes.They are decision Making Statements that allow the program to take the decision as which statement should be executed next.Decision Making statements are used when we want a set of instructions should be executed in one situation and different instructions should be executed in another situation .Decision making can be implemented in python using:if statementselse statementselif statementswhile loopsfor loops"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Python Data Structures for beginners" |
"Data structures are an essential part of the Python programming language.They are a way of organizing and storing data so that they can be accessed and worked with efficiently. They define the relationship between the data, and the operations that can be performed on the data. This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. When working with data, we need ways to store it in variables so we can manipulate it. Python has the following built-in data structures:ListTupleSetDictionaryIn this course you will learn about some of the methods you can use with the data structures"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Python Functions for beginners" |
"Functions are an essential part of the Python programming language.A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called.You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function and a function can return data as a result.Functions are a convenient way to divide your code into useful blocks, allowing us to order our code, make it more readable, reuse it and save some time.Also functions are a key way to define interfaces so programmers can share their code.Functions provide better modularity for your application and a high degree of code reusing.You can use functions in programming to bundle a set of instructions that you want to use repeatedly or that, because of their complexity, are better self-contained in a sub-program and called when needed. That means that a function is a piece of code written to carry out a specified task.To carry out that specific task, the function might or might not need multiple inputs.When the task is carried out, the function can or can not return one or more values.There are three types of functions in Python:Built-in functions, such as help() to ask for help, min() to get the minimum value, print() to print an object to the terminal.User-Defined Functions (UDFs), which are functions that users create to help them outAnonymous functions, which are also called lambda functions because they are not declared with the standard def keyword."
Price: 19.99

"SQL For Beginners: Learn to communicate with databases" |
"Why Learn SQL?We live in a data-driven world: people search through data to find insights to inform strategy, marketing, operations, and a plethora of other categories. There are a ton of businesses that use large, relational databases, which makes a basic understanding of SQL a great employable skill not only for data scientists, but for almost everyone.Almost all applications you interact with on a daily basis involves data which are stored in databases . Applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Hospitals ,Banks etc all interacts with data stored in databases.SQL is the language used to interact with the data inside these databases. SQL skills are always in demand due to the ever increasing use and reliance of data.In this beginners course, you will learn the building blocks of SQL by interacting with a MySQL database. From creating a brand new table, up through organizing and aggregating data across multiple tables, you will learn the fundamental skills of SQL and youll be prepared to apply them right away.Topics include:Creating database and tablesRetrieving data from database tableUpdating data inside a tableDeleting data inside a database tableFiltering data returned from a database tableSorting data returned from a database tableRetrieving data using various operatorsCombining data from multiple tablesUsing aggregate functions to manipulate data.Using subqueriesTake-Away Skills:In this course, youll learn how to communicate with relational databases through SQL."
Price: 19.99

"Python Operators For Beginners" |
"Python is a popular programming language .Python can be used for :web development (server-side),software development,mathematics,system scripting.Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.Python divides the operators in the following groups:Arithmetic operatorsAssignment operatorsComparison operatorsLogical operatorsIdentity operatorsMembership operatorsBitwise operatorsIn this course you learn how to install Python and practice interacting with various types of Python Operators ."
Price: 24.99
