"Construye pginas web MODERNAS y PROFESIONALES con ELEMENTOR" |
"Hola!!, Te presento mi nuevo y definitivo Curso para construir pginas web Modernas y Profesionales con ELEMENTOR.Este completo curso deElementor est orientado para todas las personas que ya tienen un sitio web o estn por construir uno y estn deseando saber qu mtodo es el mejor para que su sitio tenga una apariencia completamente profesional y 100% moderna. Bueno, en este curso en particular te ensear la que yo creo que es la mejor de todas las ofertas del mercado y esa es el constructor visual (visual builder) llamado Elementor. Este maravilloso constructor que en realidad es un plugin, tiene tanto una versin gratuita como una de pago. Y lo mejor de todo, es que ambas son igual de completas. Crearemos juntos nuestra pgina web y le daremos la nueva apariencia que se merece. Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de Elementor.**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?- Podrs crear pginas web modernas y profesionales gracias a Elementor.- Entenders cmo funciona Elementor y cmo instalarlo en WordPress.- Aprenders absolutamente todos sus widgets y funcionalidades.- Personalizars todos los ajustes necesarios para que tu pgina web sea 100% responsiva.- Aprenders tambin a utilizar la versin PRO de Elementor y entender de forma definitiva cules son sus beneficios con la versin gratuita.- Utilizaremos extensiones gratuitas que aumentarn las funcionalidades de Elementor.- Conocers todos los secretos y tips para usar de forma correcta el mejor constructor visual del mercado actual.**********************************************Beneficios:- Ahorra tiempo en leer tutoriales y cursos. Aqu est todo en un mismo lugar.- Web atractiva y moderna adaptada a dispositivos mviles que genere confianza a tus clientes y lectores y te pueda reportar beneficios.**********************************************Este curso NOes para ti si:- Crees que hacer una web no lleva tiempo y trabajo- No crees en tu proyecto y no ests comprometido de verdad con la web que quieres crear para tu proyecto online. Espero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso...Saludos !!"
Price: 29.99

"Crea una tienda de afiliados de Amazon con WordPress" |
"Hola!!, Te presento el nuevo Curso para construir tiendas de afiliados de Amazon en WordPress.Ests buscando cmo poder ganar dinero en internet, de forma sencilla y relativamente rpida? Aprende un mtodo pasivo que no requiere de muchos conocimientos para montar tu propia tienda online creada con productos de Amazon. Este mtodo pasivo para ganar dinero solo requiere un esfuerzo en la primera etapa y luego solo tienes que ir manteniendo la tienda.El sistema de afiliados de Amazon en palabras simples consiste en que t le consigues clientes a Amazon y este a su vez te paga una comisin por cada venta que tu le generes. Aprende cmo crear tu tienda online con enlaces referidos y comienza a ganar dinero!!**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?- Encontrar un nicho o un grupo de personas que estn buscando un tipo de producto.- Encontrar categoras claves para tu tienda de afiliados.- Utilizar herramientas online para la bsqueda de palabras clave y pblico objetivo.- Utilizar plugins de WordPress para potenciar tu tienda de afiliados.- Configurar Amazon y crear la API necesaria para conectar WordPress con Amazon.- Instalar WordPress en un hosting.- Crear la tienda en WordPress paso a paso.**********************************************Beneficios:- Obtener ingresos extras- El proceso con Amazon es gratuito- Requiere poca inversin- Te ensear paso a paso cmo crear tiendas de afiliadosEspero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso... Saludos !!"
Price: 39.99

"ASP.NET Core 2.2 - Aprenda construindo uma Loja Virtual" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao ASP.NET Core 2.2 - Aprenda construindo uma Loja Virtual! Esse curso vai te ensinar a ser um desenvolvedor Web desde o bsico at o nvel intermedirio.No curso ASP.NET Core 2.2, voc vai comear entendo vrios conceitos do protocolo HTTP e das APIs do ASP.NET Core, aprender a construir pginas inteligentes com Razor, o motor de template do ASP.NET e juntos faremos uma loja virtual completa com inmeras funcionalidades e desafios onde voc vai aprender a utilizar vrios recursos do ASP.NET Core no desenvolvimento de um site.Voc vai terminar esse curso de ASP.NET entendendo os porqus, a lgica de como a coisa acontece, o que vai te tornar um profissional muito mais qualificado e competitivo no mercado. E no projeto final do curso iremos desenvolver uma aplicao de complexidade mdia, iremos desenvolver uma loja virtual, um projeto grande com centenas de funcionalidades e necessidades.Assista as aulas abertas e confira a qualidade do nosso contedo, e veja tambm os comentrios dos nossos alunos.Ao finalizar o curso, voc vai receber um certificado de concluso e o seu acesso vitalcio, no expira. E se mesmo depois de tudo que apresentamos voc no gostar do curso, ns garantimos o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias aps a compra de forma simples.Grande abrao e bons estudos!Importante: Este curso foi produzido no Windows, apesar de ASP.NET Core ser multiplataforma o uso do Windows + Visual Studio Community. Usurios Mac podem usar o Visual Studio for Mac. No recomendo o curso para usurios Linux, por no existir Visual Studio para este SO, sendo necessrio usar o VS Code e CLI.Para quem este curso: Pessoas que desejam se tornar desenvolvedores ASP.NET Core Pessoas que desejam aprender a criar sites complexos. Pessoas que querem entrar no mercado de trabalho como desenvolvedor de aplicaes Web Pessoas que querem empreender e precisam desenvolver solues para Web O necessrio para se tornar um desenvolvedor web backendAssista as aulas abertas, sem custo e confira o que voc vai poder desenvolver junto com a gente.Quais recursos e tecnologias voc ir aprender: HTTP/HTTPS e todo o ecossistema de funcionamento da internet para que os sites funcionem. ASP.NET Core MVC: Cookie Sesses Filtros Middleware Validaes customizadas rea Segurana (CSRF, Token, Criptografia e muito mais). EF Core: CRUD - Criar, Consultar, Atualizar e Deletar (4 operaes bsicas). Migrations - Criao automtica de um script de criao/mudanas na estrutura do banco de dados. Motor de Template do ASP.NET Core - Razor: Tag Helper; HTML Helper; ViewComponent; Layout e Importaes; Padro: MVC Repository Unity of Works Injeo de Dependncia. Integraes com outros sistemas/biblotecas: Correios Pagar.Me Gmail. Sistema de registro de Log (Serilog) Scheduler (Agendador de tarefas - Coravel) AutoMapper. Dicas de escalabilidade do seu sistema: Escalabilidade Horizontal Escalabilidade Vertical Os impactos na forma de codificar."
Price: 99.99

"ASP.NET Core - Web API" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao ASP.NET Core - Web API! Esse curso vai te ensinar a construir API Web com ASP.NET Core.No curso ASP.NET Core, voc vai comear entendo os conceitos de API, REST e aprender a construir comigo 3 projetos diferentes, que exigiro novos recursos a medida que evoluem. Voc aprender a maneira correta de construir APIs com ASP.NET Core e receber varias dicas no decorrer do curso.Assista as aulas abertas e confira a qualidade do nosso contedo, e veja tambm os comentrios dos nossos alunos.Ao finalizar o curso, voc vai receber um certificado de concluso e o seu acesso vitalcio, no expira. E se mesmo depois de tudo que apresentamos voc no gostar do curso, ns garantimos o seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias aps a compra de forma simples.Grande abrao e bons estudos!Para quem este curso: Pessoas que desejam aprender a desenvolver API com ASP.NET Core Pessoas que desejam aprender a utilizar as melhores praticas e tecnologias na criao de API. Pessoas que querem entrar no mercado de trabalho como desenvolvedor de aplicaes backend com foco em API. Pessoas que querem empreender e precisam desenvolver solues.Assista as aulas abertas, sem custo e confira o que voc vai poder desenvolver junto com a gente.Quais recursos e tecnologias voc ir aprender: ASP.NET Core Web API: Construo de API - REST. CRUD(Criar, Consultar, Atualizar e Deletar) com Banco de dados. Versionamento de API Autenticao com ASP.NET Core Identity (Bsico). Json Web Token (JWT). Documentao com o Swagger. Postman - Testar e organizar as API. Publicar sua API no Azure Sites. EF Core: CRUD - Criar, Consultar, Atualizar e Deletar (4 operaes bsicas). Migrations - Criao automtica de um script de criao/mudanas na estrutura do banco de dados. Padro: MVC Repository Unity of Works Injeo de Dependncia. Integraes com outros sistemas/biblotecas: AutoMapper."
Price: 69.99

"MATLAB/SIMULINK Masterclass - From a Beginner to an Expert" |
"Learn by doing the leading software MATLAB/SIMULINK in Modelling & Simulation through step by step exercises from real life applications.Master the basics and move to an advanced level in MATLAB/SIMULINK.Why would you take this course?Learn the different Modelling & Simulation Techniques in MATLAB/SIMULINKAdvance your career as a Model-Based Design Engineer.Enhance your problem solving skills in Modelling & Simulation.Learn How to Build Control Systems.Learn How to Design PID Controller.Learn how to design and simulate Finite State Machines using stateflow. Course Topics OverviewMATLAB/SIMULINK is a leading software in Modelling & Simulation that is widely used by Engineers, Programmers, Researchers, Teachers, and Entrepreneurs.In this course you will start learning MATLAB/SIMULINK :By understanding the different types of Modelling & Simulation. You will learn how to do the mathematical modelling of some systems like Mechanical, Hydraulic & Electrical. After that you will learn how to draw the block diagram for any system. You will learn how to use MATLAB/SIMULINK starting from the beginning until reaching to a confident point. (Mastering Point) Then you will learn advanced techniques in Modelling & Simulation of some applications from real life for example Modelling and Simulation of the Vehicle Suspension System, DC Servo Motor & Tank Level Control. You will enhance your skills in MATLAB/SIMULINK as well as your problem solving abilities. You will also understand the difference between Continuous and Discreet Systems and you will learn how to Design & Simulate Finite State Machines by using stateflow which is a powerful tool in building some systems like for example:Traffic Light SystemsCar Lane Change SignalMp3 Player Software Complete the course lectures, examples, quizzes and assignments in MATLAB/SIMULINK and you will be able to distinguish your self as a Model Based Design Engineer. "
Price: 199.99

"Fire Safety and Prevention Planning" |
"Course Outlines:Number of Sections: 10Number of Lectures: 29Number of Quizzes: 1 comprehensive quizNumber of Additional Resources: 17Lectures Duration:125 MinutesCourse Approach: Thorough Detailing of Stated Subject, Practical Approach, Industries Best Practices Elaboration andAccelerated Learning Technique (ALT).Prelude: As witnessed by many or can even be seen on social media / print media that catastrophes occurred due to FIREand the prime reason is lack of knowledge and understanding'Learn not to Burn', around the globe almost every country has builtin legislation's regardingFIREsafety andprevention planing.Understanding of ""Fire Safety and Prevention Planning"" is one of the necessary ingredient of our life.In this course we will learn the detailed methods of ""Fire Prevention"" that are one of the pre-requisites to work in any organization,even if you have no understandingabout occupational safety or FIRE, this course is going to transform you from novice level to expert's grounds.At the end of this course you will be able to implement Fire Safety and Prevention Planning within your organization and workplaces in accordance with the standard requirements.This course is in compliance with the ""Fire Safety Reforms 2005"", ""NFPAUSA"" and ""OSHA""requirements.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeAll my Courses have 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.Click on the RedBuy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 49.99

"Associate Safety Professional - ASP Practice Test" |
"Practice Examinations:ASP - Associate Safety ProfessionalCourse Approach: These examinations are designed on the basis of domain distributions recommended by ASPblueprint as follows;Mathematics: 18%Safety Management System: 23%Ergonomics: 13%Fire Prevention and Protection: 11%Occupational Health: 11%Environmental Management: 15%Training, Education, and Communication: 9%What you will learn when you take this onlinecourse (Learning Objectives):Understand various examination approachesUnderstand the examination jargon prepared by NEBOSHexaminersUnderstand the proper usage of command words in answering the questionsUnderstand the width of answers as required by the command words30 Day Money Back GuaranteeDon't forget, all my Courses have an unconditional, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means you have absolutely no risk when signing up to one of my great Courses. I never ask questions and always refund 100% in full.Click on the RedBuy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 199.99

"PMP Practice Test/Exam 2019 from PMBOK 6th Edition" |
"PMP Practice Exam - Researched based questions selected for better understanding of PMPfinal examination, to get you passed in ""FIRST"" attempt.All the questions are supported with the detailed explanation of correct answers. Students can prepare for the examinations with the support of this online simulator for better understanding of their weak areas as well.Before appearing to the final assessment of PMP (Project Management Professional)certification, it is strongly recommended to review PMP practice / mock tests to understand the potentially weak or strong areas that needs further preparation.Assessment Methodology:Most likely asked questions in PMP examinationExplained answersSituational Modeling Numerical and Mathematics questions included Coverage of every knowledge area30 Day Money Back GuaranteeDon't forget, all my Courses have an unconditional, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. This means you have absolutely no risk when signing up to one of my great Courses. I never ask questions and always refund 100% in full.Click on the RedBuy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 199.99

"Excel Skills for Business - Scratch to Advanced Level" |
"Introduction to Excel Skills for Business Course:In this course of the ""Excel Skills for Business"" you will learn the Essentials of Microsoft Excel. During this course you will learn to expertly navigate;The Excel user interfacePerform basic calculations with formulas and functionsProfessionally format spreadsheetsCreate visualizations of data through charts and graphs. Much more excel 2016 hacksWhether you have expertise in excel by yourself for better effectiveness and productivity or whether you have never used ecel before, this course will prove to be a solid foundation to become a confident user and can develop more advanced skills by further exploring it.Being an Entrepreneur and Business Professional I have been personally using Microsoft Excel for more than 15 years with which i have brought a great learning methodology for your in-depth understanding by having real time interface with Excel.Spreadsheet software is one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. At a time when digital skills jobs are growing much faster than non-digital jobs, make sure to position yourself ahead of the rest by adding Excel skills to your employment portfolio.30 Day Money Back GuaranteeAll my Courses have 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.Click on the Red Buy Now"" Button at the Top Right Hand Side of the Page Then follow the instructions to register and pay for the course."
Price: 39.99

"Integrated Chinese Level 01 Part 02 - Teacher Explanation" |
"Hello, this is John Wang. I am a professional Chinese teacher with over 10 years experience. I have loved teaching Chinese, and I still love it! To help friends like you to improve your Chinese. Last year I made a course on Udemy called Integrated Chinese Level 01 Part 01 - Teacher Explanation. It is one of the leading foundation-level textbooks in the United States. So far, over 4000 students have registered and they love my course. I was motivated by all these friends. So I made the new course Integrated Chinese Level 01 Part 02 - Teacher Explanation. The new course took me a much longer time, and is greatly improved in interpretation, accuracy, examples and video quality compared to the previous one. I explained each new word in the vocabulary and each sentence in the dialogue. Also, I explained all the sentence structures with my own understanding based on my teaching experience. It makes the structure much easier to understand. You can find plenty of examples in my course plus useful resources. You are welcome to leave me a message if you have any questions during your studies. I love these questions, especially the harder ones! Ok! Enjoy the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Kids Behavior, Development, Motivation, and Learning" |
"Why Can't a child Choose Their Parents?The reason why your child was born in this world isn't for falling behind. If parents gave birth to their children in this world, they are responsible for raising them well so that they dont get behind in this society. They must not give their child any disadvantage out of ignorance and negligence. So they MUST learn validated parenting skills.Validated Parenting CourseParents need to have proven parenting knowledge and skills to nurture children so that they can live a meaningful and happy life in this world. But they cant achieve it for free. Nothing is free in this world, isnt it? Parents need to help children because their success come from their parents.The Course Covers 4 Themes:You will be able to learn some essential parenting knowledge and skills on the four main themes; kids Behavior, Development, Motivation, and Principles of Learning, all of which are very essential to their growing up as a competent person.- Kids Behavior- Kids Development- Kids Motivation- Principles of LearningAll of these are based on psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, so you can apply what is covered in here to your parenting with confidence. Simply put, you apply them correctly, and then you will get what you want as an outcome for your child. This is what validated knowledge means. Improve on Your Parenting SkillsPeople say parenting doesnt come with a manual, but actually it isn't true according to a bunch of scholars who conducted a lot of scientific studies and produced many kinds of precious parenting knowledge.Hopefully, you will learn the basics of parenting skills from this course, so that you can give your child advantages not disadvantages.Course Image: Freepik"
Price: 199.99

"Kids Intelligence and Social Achievement" |
"Why Can't a child Choose Their Parents?The reason why your child was born in this world isn't for falling behind. If parents gave birth to their children in this world, they are responsible for raising them well so that they dont get behind in this society. They must not give their child any disadvantage out of ignorance and negligence. So they MUST learn validated parenting skills.Validated Parenting CourseParents need to have proven parenting knowledge and skills to nurture children so that they can live a meaningful and happy life in this world. But they cant achieve it for free. Nothing is free in this world, isnt it? Parents need to help children because their success come from their parents.The Course Covers 2 Themes:You will be able to learn some essential parenting knowledge and skills on the two main themes; kids Intelligence and Social Achievement, all of which are very essential to their growing up as a competent person.- Kids Intelligence - Kids Social AchievementAll of these are based on psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, so you can apply what is covered in here to your parenting with confidence. Simply put, you apply them correctly, and then you will get what you want as an outcome for your child. This is what validated knowledge means. Improve on Your Parenting SkillsPeople say parenting doesnt come with a manual, but actually it isn't true according to a bunch of scholars who conducted a lot of scientific studies and produced many kinds of precious parenting knowledge.Hopefully, you will learn the basics of parenting skills from this course, so that you can give your child advantages not disadvantages.Course Image: Freepik"
Price: 199.99

"Learning Personality and Marital Relationship for Parenting" |
"A Happy Couple Makes A Happy ChildThe quality of your marital relationship determines the degree of happiness of your children. Then how is your relationship with your partner? Is it good? Can you make it better?Validated Parenting CourseParents need to have proven parenting knowledge and skills to nurture children so that they can live a meaningful and happy life in this world. But they cant achieve it for free. Nothing is free in this world, isnt it? Parents need to help children because their success come from their parents.The Course Covers 2 Themes:You will be able to learn some essential knowledge and skills on the two main themes, all of which are very essential to building a robust and happy family.- Personality- Marital RelationshipAll of these are based on psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, so you can apply what is covered in here to your parenting with confidence. Simply put, you apply them correctly, and then you will get what you want as an outcome for your child. This is what validated knowledge means. Improve on Your Parenting SkillsPeople say parenting doesnt come with a manual, but actually it isn't true according to a bunch of scholars who conducted a lot of scientific studies and produced many kinds of precious parenting knowledge.Hopefully, you will learn the basics of parenting skills from this course, so that you can give your child advantages not disadvantages.Image: Freepik"
Price: 199.99

"Christian martial arts" |
"This is about self defense but more it is how to gain GOD favor for GOD to be with you and even GOD backing you up in combat It is about putting your faith in GOD to obey trust rely in him it is about that by prayer you can reach GOD as he can help you in anything in life like in self defense practice this course is also a practice of many arts in all of my life been lead by GOD to practice them to today i started as young as i could remember and still at it at 53 years old it is my life work dedication that i share to teach those interested after this course is published i will post new videos and info on training for as much as i know or will know in my life time"
Price: 19.99

"HOW I GET SONG PLAYS IN 10,000 EVEN 100,000 + DAILY" |
"This course teaches how i made it to the top of the charts from the 1st week i joined N 1 M and held that position to just about 3 years and 10 months most days i teach you how you can do that also see i had no investor or sponsor true i had hardly or little money to invest in the project myself i did this i know you can also. also see the sample on video here as a sample to what you can do if you follow my advice in the course you can also make a carrier out of music if you get known to the millions of view and listeners you won and got there at least 1/2 way the other 1/2 is to have good quality songs recorded perfect and mastered perfect it is to say that you need to work hard to get the other 1/2 way or about join me as i show you how i did it all which will speed things up for you so much moreSo as then i write Christian song most of my songs teach on GOD THINGS i have listeners in the millions and even more views all these people listening to my songs and viewing they could not all possibly be wrong my songs have the message off GOD no different to my courses therefore here is the proof ThemistoklisChristian/Gospel / Christian / Contemporary ChristianPlays Today: 48,481Total Plays: 31,567,462Profile Views: 38,628,863see my site for proofgo to number one music and type in Themistoklisthen click on ThemistoklisChristian/Gospel / Christian / Contemporary ChristianAustralia, NARRE WARREN EASTit will bring you to my site to check on the above"
Price: 19.99

artist |
"describes the basic teaching of art that people must know it will be a course on water color pencils paints and how it can be a fantastic look in art if you practice i also strongly recommend that in anything in life that you do is to have faith in GOD which means to obey trust rely in him if so he will help you achieve your goals like no other"
Price: 19.99

"Christian self defence quiz" |
"THESE are some question on self defense so you will know what to do in training or knowledge some of these questions are from the holy bible old and new testament and gospel some of these questions can be from what i have learnt in lessons from many arts of martial arts but some of these questions can be from my art that i created been a master in many arts i have my own art also they can also be from self knowledge through GOD who helps me understand those kinds of questions."
Price: 19.99

"YEAR 1 TO 10 MATH" |
"WELCOME to this math test the reason behind this is that kids these days use calculators and that is fine to do so but not when you do not know math off by heart in my opinion and teachers opinion in my days we had to learn math off by heart you can use a calculator if you prefer but to learn here use no calculator preferred. i be doing a full course teaching on math year 1 to year 10 serch in udemy search under my name THEMIS KOUTRAS it should come up this course is coming soon so look out for it it will teach you steep by steep in how to do math off by heart easy to do only when you learn it but here is only a test"
Price: 19.99

"Dealing with changes in Human Resource Management" |
"This course highlights the current changes in Human Resource Management. All the details are explained with the help of current facts and figures. The data in lectures is discussed to identify the current and assume the future consequences as well. The course has 7 Sections and 17 Lectures. The main areas discussed in each section are the following.Brief Overview of HRM and its role in Organizational SuccessChallenges faced by HR Managers and how to deal with themActivities Performed by HR ManagersHow Human resource Management is evolving in today's world?How HR is contributing in Strategical Role with an organization?What are the roles of managers?What are the ethical issues faced at workplace by HR members?Case study of Google to discuss the reason for success of a Corporate CultureAll the above listed topics are discussed in detail in each lecture giving a comprehensive knowledge to know what are the changes you can face as an HR member in an organization and how you can find ways to face those challenges. This course will give the idea to develop a family-friendly culture if you want your organization to get listed among the top ones.Students will be able to know the current and projected situations and then analyze the gap existing in their ideas."
Price: 49.99

"Construisez votre site Internet - portfolio avec Wordpress" |
"Se lancer dans la conception de son site internet est excitant, un beau dfi... mais trop souvent, on se lance dans cette aventure mal prpar. La grande force de cette formation, c'est de vous accompagner tout au long du processus, du dbut, avec la prparation du matriel jusqu' la fin, la mise en ligne du site.Pour construire un site Internet, il faut :Rflchir la structure et au contenuCrer et/ou rdiger le contenuRapatrier tous les lments visuels et les prparer correctement pour l'intgrationIntgrer le contenu en tenant compte des notions d'indexation auprs des engins de recherche (SEO)Bref, construire son site Internet en 2 heures ou en 5 minutes, a n'existe simplement pas.Il est noter que cette formation est modulaire, ce qui veut dire qu'une fois votre site termin, vous choisissez les modules extras dont vous avez besoin sur votre site.Lors de cette formation, vous apprendrez entre autre : vous procurer votre nom de domaine et votre compte d'hbergement utiliser un logiciel ftp prparer votre matriel de faon adquate utiliser l'outil Wordpress crer du contenu de qualit maximiser vos chances avec les engins de recherche (SEO)"
Price: 19.99

"Ansiedad por separacin en perros - La gua definitiva" |
"Con este curso aprenders paso a paso cmo solucionar este problema con una metodologa novedosa usada por adiestradores y etlogos.La ansiedad por separacin es uno de los principales problemas de comportamiento de los perros. Tanto si eres profesional como particular, tienes la opcin de ayudar desde ya a tu perro, mejorar su bienestar y recuperar vuestra felicidad.Adems el curso contiene varios casos prcticos reales para que puedas poner en prctica todo lo aprendido.EXTRA: Obtendrs un IMPORTANTE Descuento en el precio del Curso si utilizas el siguiente Cdigo de Descuento: ANSIEDAD"
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to voice interface design" |
"In the course Introduction to voice interface design youll learn all about designing conversations for chatbots and voice bots. My name is Jana, and Ill be your instructor guiding you through this course.Im teaching chatbot and smart assistants here on Udemy. I also consult clients.And what Ive noticed is that many clients are confused when going from graphical interface to a conversational interface. Where most of the companies fail is to deliver satisfying user experience, and that is why people leave the bot never coming back.In this course I will guide you through the most common misconceptions of voice and chatbot design. And Ill introduce SOLUTIONS. Youll be able to implement them along the way. Youll improve your chatbot and voice interface as we move along the course.In the first part, we focus on chatbots and designing conversations for chatbots. And in the second part, we focus on Voice interfaces and designing conversations for voice bots. Designing for voice interfaces and chatbots have some crucial differences. Avoid common mistakes that prevent good user experience.One thing is true. Knowing the technology on how to create a chatbot is not enough. Its only a start. What you need to know is how to build great conversational interfaces.Its like when apps emerged. Many people have taken a web app and converted it into a mobile app, which was not the right solution.And now people take their frequently asked questions and turn them into a bot. This is a start, I agree.But for good user experience, you need more. And what that is youll learn in this course.This course is packed with many hands-on tutorials. We learn by looking at examples and applying the knowledge right away.Plus, I also offer 100%, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.Conversational interfaces are just at the beginning stage. And the best conversational apps will emerge in the next few years. Yours can be one of them.Why do users get frustrated in an attempt to communicate with chatbots? How can we prevent this and keep our users satisfied?And yes, how can we engage users? And build a satisfying relationship that is more personal and more human-like - using conversational interfaces?These are the questions well answer in this course.This course has thousands of examples of how not to the chatbot. And most important, even more, examples of how to make conversation with a bot a satisfying experience.Ive done in-depth research, talked to many professionals, looked at thousands of examples.What well cover in this course is an introduction to conversational interfaces, chatbots, and voice interfaces. Well cover how they can benefit us and where they are of best use.Then we dive deeper into chatbots. Well see where things go wrong, and where we can start when developing a chatbot. Well talk about the basics of designing a conversation and how to communicate with a user. Well talk about the chat components like special commands and handling error messages. Well talk about chatbot as a search agent and the bots personality. Then we go more into development and maintenance and analytics. Developing a chatbot is not a do and forget thing, as you will see in the course.After we cover this and more on the topics of chatbots, well go into voice. Well cover use cases, and I will help you avoid one common mistake done by voice bot developers. That is assuming that developing for chatbot and voice bot is the same thing. Voice and chat have some significant differences that need to be considered as developing a bot. And by incorporating these into the design, youll save your customer unnecessary frustration. The same as with chatbots, I will tell you what the mistakes to avoid are. And what are the best practices you can use. And well go into details like designing prompts and more.Do remember:IM HERE FOR YOU! I WILL ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS AND RESPOND TO ALL YOUR SUGGESTIONS!Now lets get started."
Price: 49.99

"Create Stunning Marketing & Promotional Videos using InVideo" |
"Are you looking to create stunning, effective videos to promote your business?Do you want to learn to produce videos without all the hassle of editing programs?Do you want to learn how to use social media like a professional?Then youve come to the right place.This course will teach you the ins and outs of video production and promotion from scratch, starting from the planning of videos, to their creation, and finally, their promotion. We will teach you the insider tips to creating & promoting great videos, including:Planning your videosEngaging viewers & promoting high conversion ratesProducing & editing videosPromotion & marketing using effective social media postsAnd much more!And the best part is: you dont need any experience with those complicated editing programs! You will learn to use a user-friendly, online editing program that will let you create high-quality videos with ease.The courses long list of resources, in-depth lectures, and quizzes will be sure to keep you engaged and motivated throughout the course.So, are you ready to finally take control of your marketing plans? Enroll now and start creating your own promotional videos today."
Price: 99.99

"Cmo identificar dlares falsos?" |
"Todos los que se inscriban en este curso aprendern a diferenciar entre un billete de dlar verdadero de uno falso. Adems, aprendern las diferentes maneras de contar billetes a nivel profesional, como lo hacen los cajeros Bancarios en instituciones financieras. Tambin aprendern a limpiar billetes sucios o manchados. Este curso est dirigido a estudiantes de contabilidad, finanzas, contadores, cajeros, turistas, personas de negocios, comerciantes, guas tursticos, cualquier persona que maneje dinero."
Price: 49.99

"Scratch 3.0" |
"Scratch 3.0(201912)Scratch6~18STEAM108!ScratchScratch"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Agile Technical User Stories and Spikes" |
"A healthy product backlog also comprises of Technical user stories and Spikes (in addition to user stories). This course is designed to teach you the essence of technical user stories & spikes, how to discover & write them and also how to avoid anti-patterns regarding technical user stories & spikes.In short, this course will help you to master these 2 topics by providing an in-depth review. Plus, as with all my other courses, there will be lots of real life examples of technical user stories and spikes to help you quickly connect with and learn the course material."
Price: 29.99

"WPS SAS ----------------------------------------------------------------HSBCSASSASSASSASSAS----------------------------------------------------------------SASSAS5SASSAS procedure----------------------------------------------------------------Udemy30SASSAS Institute SAS UniversitySASSAS SASSASWPS WPSSAS SASSASSAS SASSASSAS SASSAS"
Price: 109.99

"2019 Complete SAS Training - Learn SAS from Zero to Hero" |
"Legal notice: This course uses a commercial license from WPS SAS Programming. Anyone interested in fullinformation, visit our disclaimer at the bottom. Thank you!-----------------------------------------------------------Material recorded in WPS SAS but works in SAS Base, SAS University Edition, and SAS Enterprise Edition.SAS is an integrated software suite for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics. You can use SAS software through both a graphical interface and the SAS programming language.Enroll now to go through a deep diveof the most popular statistical analysis tool in the market, SAS. You can get a SAS Programming Certification.Multiple real-work projects will help you practice what you learn in the course!Why This Course is Enjoyed by Students? Fast and clear explanations. This course teaches you the SAS programming skills that are absolutely necessary.Hands on experience. This course use more than 5 real-world projects so you can learn how to apply SAS programming in practice.Taught by expert. I draw from my work experience as an Analyst, and teach you what SAS procedures are the most important ones.So, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering SAS and go from SAS Newb to SAS Guru! -----------------------------------------------------------EasyLearning aims to provide specialized training for university undergraduates and graduates. Hundreds of students and researchers have enjoyed our workshops in UQAM universities. We are providing our best courses online so more students can benefit from it.Our coverage ranges from how to use Excel efficiently to advanced programming in Python, SAS, Matlab, R, and other popular languages. Join us and enrich your skill set with hundreds of other students!-----------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMERWe are not in any way affiliated or associated with SAS Institute. We do not provide, nor do we endorse,a download of SAS University edition for your learning purposes, nor do we personally use SASsoftware, or SASlogos. We do not link to SAS website, nor do we linktoany SAScontent, nor do we have screen shots of any of their assets,nordo wedistribute it, nor do we suggest it's ours.We use a commercial license from WPS. The system I use, WPS, is in no way associated with SAS System. Furthermore, whenever you see the phrases""SAS"", ""SAS Language"" and ""language of SAS"" used in the course contentthis refers to the computer programming language. If you seephrases like ""program"", ""SAS program"", ""SAS language program"" used in my course, thisisused to refer to programs written in the SAS language. These may also be referred to as ""scripts"", ""SAS scripts"" or ""SAS language scripts""."
Price: 149.99

"SAS Programming - Learn SAS from Beginner to Advanced" |
"Legal notice: This course uses a commercial license from WPS SAS Programming. Anyone interested in fullinformation, visit our disclaimer at the bottom. Thank you!---------------------------------------------------------------SAS Programming all in One PackageThis SAS Programming course combines 3 different courses.SAS Programming 101 - An Introduction to SASSAS Programming 102 - Intermediate Level SASSAS Programming 103 - Advanced Level SASMaster SAS Programming SQL and Macro programmingMaterial recorded in WPS SAS but works in SAS Base, SAS University Edition, and SAS Enterprise Edition.Enroll now to go through a deep diveof the most popular statistical analysis tool in the market, SAS. You can get a SAS Programming Certification.Multiple real-work projects will help you practice what you learn in the course!---------------------------------------------------------------Students Love This CourseThis course is taught by an HSBC Insurance Analyst on SAS Base Programming and will equip you with skills to become a SAS Analyst.This is themost comprehensive, yet straightforward, course for the SAS software on Udemy!Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of SAS, this course is for you! We will teach you the SAS syntax and practice your skills in real-world case studies!---------------------------------------------------------------=Why This Course is Enjoyed by Students? Fast and clear explanations. This course teaches you the SAS programming skills that are absolutely necessary.Hands on experience. This course use more than 5 real-world projects so you can learn how to apply SAS programming in practice.Taught by expert. I draw from my work experience as an Analyst, and teach you what SAS procedures are the most important ones.So, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering SAS and go from SAS Newb to SAS Guru! -----------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMERWe are not in any way affiliated or associated with SAS Institute. We do not provide, nor do we endorse,a download of SAS University edition for your learning purposes, nor do we personally use SASsoftware, or SASlogos. We do not link to SAS website, nor do we linktoany SAScontent, nor do we have screen shots of any of their assets,nordo wedistribute it, nor do we suggest it's ours.We use a commercial license from WPS. The system I use, WPS, is in no way associated with SAS System. Furthermore, whenever you see the phrases""SAS"", ""SAS Language"" and ""language of SAS"" used in the course contentthis refers to the computer programming language. If you seephrases like ""program"", ""SAS program"", ""SAS language program"" used in my course, thisisused to refer to programs written in the SAS language. These may also be referred to as ""scripts"", ""SAS scripts"" or ""SAS language scripts""."
Price: 169.99

"Learn Python - Data Analysis From Beginner To Advanced" |
"Python Data Analysis all in One PackageThis Python Programming course combines 3 different courses.Python Programming 101 - An Introduction to PythonPython Programming 102 - Intermediate Level Python: Data ManipulationPython Programming 103 - Advanced Level Python: Advanced AnalysisMaster Python Programming - Automated Data AnalysisTaught by HSBC Global Wealth & Insurance Analyst.Material recorded in most updated Python 3!Enroll now to go through a deep dive of the most popular statistical analysis tool in the market, Pandas. You can get a Python Data Analysis Certification.Multiple real-work projects will help you practice what you learn in the course!---------------------------------------------------------------Students Love This CourseThis course is taught by an HSBC Wealth & Insurance Analyst on Python Data Analysis and will equip you with skills to become an senior Data Analyst.This is the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, course for Python Data Analysis on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! We will teach you the Python syntax and practice your skills in real-world case studies!==> Become a Data scientist!==> Make astonishing graphics!"
Price: 169.99

"Produktive Meetings: Geheimnisse effektiver Besprechungen" |
"""Entweder du bist im Meeting oder du arbeitest"", sagte der Management-Guru Peter Drucker ganz zynisch.Weltweit haben Meetings keinen guten Ruf. Sie sind zeitraubend, unangenehm und hufig ergebnislos, weshalb sie sowohl von vielen Mitarbeitern als auch von vielen Fhrungskrften innerlich abgelehnt werden. Wir verbringen im Schnitt 6-8 Stunden in Meetings; Fhrungskrfte sogar je nach Hierarchie-Ebene 50-90% ihrer Arbeitszeit.Meetings produktiver zu gestalten ist also im Interesse von uns allen. Egal, welche Funktion Du im Unternehmen hast. Dieser Kurs hilft Dir, in Deinen Meetings einen kleinen Kulturwandel im UN anzustoen und alle werde es Dir danken, wenn Meetings produktiver werden.In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du 1) die 10 praktische Regeln, wie das Meeting zum Erfolg wird 2) die 3 grundlegenden Meeting-Typen und wie du das beste aus ihnen machst3) Psychologische Tipps: wie Du die unterschiedlichen Charaktere aktivierstber Deinen Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Die Vorteile produktiver Meetings sind klar: wir sparen Zeit, wir sparen Geld und produktive Meetings machen gute Laune. Daher: Beginne den Kurs und sorge fr produktive Meetings!"
Price: 74.99
