"Fotografa Pictrica" |
"Durante el curso aprenders a componer escenas que se abstraen de la realidad y que se acercan ms a la idea de un lienzo en blanco que irs realizando a travs de pequeas tcnicas de luz, texturas y formas. Un taller en el que generar imgenes poticas y artsticas para romper con unafotografa normativa y dejarte llevar hacia un terreno ms pictrico.UNIDAD 1 LA IMAGEN Qu es la fotografa pictrica? Referentes pictricos. Los medios de expresin en torno a la imagen.UNIDAD 2 LA CREACIN Cmo llevar a cabo la idea. Tcnicas y proceso creativo.UNIDAD 3 LA PUESTA EN ESCENA Ejecucin de fotografa. Procesado de la imagen. Conclusiones finales.En ste curso se habla sobre todo de la pintura como elemento fundamental, hay una importante parte de creacin de texturas de forma manual y por ltimo y la mxima presencia del curso es el retoque digital para conseguir mezclar las texturas con la fotografa resultante. ste curso est recomendado a fotgrafos que quieran experimentar con nuevas tcnicas y dejarse llevar, para esas personas inquietas que quieran recorrer nuevos caminos creativos."
Price: 54.99

"Powershell Windows Sever 2016:" |
", PowerShell. , . . PowerShell . ISE. : Windows PowerShell; ISE; PowerShell Windows PowerShell Integrated ScriptingEnvironment (ISE); PowerShell, ; , ; ; PowerShell ."
Price: 124.99

"Azure for Beginners: Portal, Virtual Machine and Compute" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Azure Portal, Virtual Machine, Compute, Network Concepts basics.The goal is to provide coverage of Azure fundamentaltasks including topics like Getting Started with Azure Portal and Navigation, Azure Virtual Machines and Compute Basics, Azure Networking Concepts etc.The course is targeted to help start with your Azure skills gaining. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use Azure Portal. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.A Brief Contents of the Course:Azure Portal and NavigationBuilding Virtual NetworkCreating an Azure Availability SetDeploying a Virtual MachineBackup and RecoveryAzure Networking ConceptsBuilding a Virtual NetworkBuilding network security groupsBuilding a load balancerCreating a Virtual Network Gateway"
Price: 124.99

"High Availability: Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with PS" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange High Availability (Database Availability Groups) tasks including topics like Creating a Database Availability GroupAdding mailbox servers to a Database Availability GroupConfiguring Database Availability Group network settingsAdding mailbox copies to a Database Availability GroupActivating mailbox database copiesPowerShell Key Concepts"
Price: 179.99

"Active Directory: Domain Controllers, Operations Masters, GC" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSmain concepts like AD DS components: domain controllers, global catalog, cloning domain controllers, operations masters (FSMO), and more...The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:What is a domain controller?What is a global catalog?Give an overview of domain controller SRV recordsAD DS sign-in processWhat are operations masters?Transfer and seize FSMO rolesDeploy a domain controllerInstall a domain controller from Server ManagerInstall a domain controller on a Server Core installation of Windows Server Install a domain controller by installing from mediaClone domain controllersAdd Another domain controllersPowershell Key ConceptsInstall a domain controller and manage FSMO roles with Powershell"
Price: 179.99

"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell Bootcamp: 5h" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange Server Administration tasks including topics like Creating, modifying, and removing mailboxes using PowershellManaging distribution groups using PowershellManaging resource mailboxesCreating recipients in bulk using a CSV fileReporting on mailbox sizesReporting on the mailbox creation timeWorking with move requests and performing mailbox movesImporting and exporting mailboxesDeleting messages from mailboxes using Search-MailboxSetting storage quotas for mailboxesRestoring deleted items from mailboxesReporting on distribution group membershipAdding members to a distribution group from an external fileAllowing managers to modify group permissionsRemoving disabled users from distribution groupsWorking with distribution group naming policiesWorking with distribution group membership approvalCreating address listsExporting address list membership to a CSV/XML fileManaging the mailbox databasesMoving databases and logs to another locationConfiguring the mailbox database limitsReporting on mailbox database sizeFinding the total number of mailboxes in a databaseDetermining the average mailbox size per database Creating a Database Availability GroupAdding mailbox servers to a Database Availability GroupConfiguring Database Availability Group network settingsAdding mailbox copies to a Database Availability GroupActivating mailbox database copiesPowerShell Key Concepts"
Price: 179.99

"Active Directory: Managing Users Accounts and Properties" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSusers. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Create user accounts.Configure user account attributes.Manage user accounts.Create user profiles.Manage inactive and disabled user accounts.Explain user account templates.Use user account templates to manage accounts.Powershell Key ConceptsPerform all these operations with Powershell"
Price: 179.99

"Active Directory: Managing Groups, Computers and OUs" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSgroups, computers, OUs. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Group types and scopesDefault groupsSpecial identitiesComputer accountsControl permissions to create computer accountsJoin a computer to a domainOU hierarchyADDS permissionsPowershell Key ConceptsPerform all these operations with Powershell"
Price: 179.99

"Active Directory and Windows Server 21+ Hour with Labs" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the complete information they need to know about Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of basic and advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and configure AD DS components.This course will be updated monthly. The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. It's 8 in 1 course and it consists of:Active Directory: Introduction and Administration ToolsActive Directory: Domain Controllers, Operations Masters, GCActive Directory: Managing Users Accounts and PropertiesActive Directory: Managing Groups, Computers and OUsActive Directory: Advanced AD DS infrastructure managementImplementing Group PolicyActive Directory: Managing user settings with Group PolicySecuring Active Directory Domain ServicesNew courses on Active Directory will be added here!After completing this course, you will be able to:Describe the components of AD DS.Describe AD DS domains.Describe OUs and their purpose.Describe AD DS forests and trees and explain how you can deploy them in a network.Explain how an AD DS schema provides a set of rules that manage the objects and attributes that the AD DS domain database stores.Describe Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).Identify the tools available for administering AD DS.Describe what is new for on-premises Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2016.What is a domain controller?What is a global catalog?Give an overview of domain controller SRV recordsAD DS sign-in processWhat are operations masters?Transfer and seize FSMO rolesDeploy a domain controllerInstall a domain controller from Server ManagerInstall a domain controller on a Server Core installation of Windows Server Install a domain controller by installing from mediaClone domain controllersAdd Another domain controllersInstall a domain controller and manage FSMO roles with PowershellCreate user accounts.Configure user account attributes.Manage user accounts.Create user profiles.Manage inactive and disabled user accounts.Explain user account templates.Use user account templates to manage accounts.Perform all these operations with PowershellGroup types and scopesDefault groupsSpecial identitiesComputer accountsControl permissions to create computer accountsJoin a computer to a domainOU hierarchyADDS permissionsDeploying a domain controller in Azure IaaSManaging objects in complex AD DS deploymentsAD DS domain functional levelsAD DS forest functional levelsDeploying new AD DS domainsDemonstration: Installing a domain controller in a new domain in an existing forestConsiderations for implementing complex AD DS environmentsUpgrading a previous version of AD DS to Windows Server 2016Migrating to Windows Server 2016 AD DS from a previous versionImplement Group PolicyImplement administrative Group Policy (GPOs) templatesConfigure Folder Redirection, software installation, and scriptsConfigure Group Policy preferencesItem-level targeting with Group Policy (GPOs)Securing domain controllersDeploying an RODCImplementing account securityPassword policiesAccount lockout policiesFine-grained password and lockout policiesPSO precedence and resultant PSOImplementing audit authenticationAccount logon and logon eventsConfiguring managed service accountsChallenges of using service accountsOverview of managed service accountsConfiguring group MSAsDeploy and manage certificate templates.Manage certificate deployment, revocation, and recovery.Use certificates in a business environment.Implement and manage smart cards.Much more..."
Price: 199.99

"Active Directory: Advanced AD DS infrastructure management" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDScomponents of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure AD DS trusts.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to describe:Why implement multiple domains?Why implement multiple forests?Deploying a domain controller in Azure IaaSManaging objects in complex AD DS deploymentsAD DS domain functional levelsAD DS forest functional levelsDeploying new AD DS domainsDemonstration: Installing a domain controller in a new domain in an existing forestConsiderations for implementing complex AD DS environmentsUpgrading a previous version of AD DS to Windows Server 2016Migrating to Windows Server 2016 AD DS from a previous version"
Price: 179.99

"Active Directory: Sites and Replication" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of AD DS components of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure AD DS Sites and Replication.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe how AD DS replication works. Configure AD DS sites to help optimize authentication and replication traffic. Configure and monitor AD DS replication."
Price: 179.99

"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Vagrant in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Vagrant. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to deploy a necessary IT environment with Vagrant from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Vagrant and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Vagrant components, how to deploy a single machine or multi machine environment instantly. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Vagrant and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Install VagrantManage the base boxes in Vagrant environmentManage single machine environmentManage multi machine environmentRead, create and modify VagrantfileAnd more...Introduction to VagrantVagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the ""works on my machine"" excuse a relic of the past.Why Vagrant?Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.For DevelopersIf you are a developer, Vagrant will isolate dependencies and their configuration within a single disposable, consistent environment, without sacrificing any of the tools you are used to working with (editors, browsers, debuggers, etc.). For OperatorsIf you are an operations engineer or DevOps engineer, Vagrant gives you a disposable environment and consistent workflow for developing and testing infrastructure management scripts. You can quickly test things like shell scripts, Chef cookbooks, Puppet modules, and more using local virtualization such as VirtualBox or VMware. For DesignersIf you are a designer, Vagrant will automatically set everything up that is required for that web app in order for you to focus on doing what you do best: design. For EveryoneVagrant is designed for everyone as the easiest and fastest way to create a virtualized environment!"
Price: 144.99

"Active Directory: Managing user settings with Group Policy" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of AD DS components of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure and Manage ADDS User Settings with Group Policy.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Implement administrative Group Policy (GPOs) templatesConfigure Folder Redirection, software installation, and scriptsConfigure Group Policy preferencesItem-level targeting with Group Policy (GPOs)And more..."
Price: 179.99

"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Git in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Git. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use Git from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Git and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Git components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Explain what Git is and how to use this toolInstall GitCreating a project for GitWorking with remote repositoriesGit important commands. Viewing commits' historyCreating, deleting and renaming branchesLearn the basics of command lineAnd more..."
Price: 19.99

"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Linux Command Line in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Linux Command Line. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use bash. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with command line and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of key components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Learn how to use this basic commandsRunning bash commandsCreating, deleting and renaming filesCreating, deleting and renaming directoriesAnd more..."
Price: 179.99

"DevOps Tools for Beginners: Ansible in 1 hour" |
"This course is A Beginner's Guide to Git. The purpose of this course is to prepare you to use Ansible from scratch. This course is aimed for IT Pros, Developers, Operators, DevOps, System administrators and Everyone and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Ansible and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of Ansible components and commands. The course is targeted to help learning and getting started with Git and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to:Explain what Ansible is and how to use this toolInstall AnsibleRun Ad Hoc Commands in AnsibleWorking with inventoriesAnsible important commands and modulesCreating and running playbooksAnd more..."
Price: 149.99

"Active Directory: Securing Active Directory Domain Services" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of AD DS components of advanced AD DS deployments, how to deploy a distributed AD DS environment and Configure AD DS Security.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe how to Secure domain controllers Implementing account security. Implementing audit authentication Configuring managed service accounts"
Price: 199.99

"GDPR As A Freelancer" |
"What's a data audit? How do I write a privacy policy? What do I need to do to be GDPR compliant? What happens if I don't?Well there's no getting away from it, as a freelancer who processes data, you have to be GDPR compliant. That might seem like a scary beast right now but this course will put it in plain English and break down the steps you need to take to assess your GDPR compliance.As well as video lectures from our marketing expert, Poppi Hallett and our Owner & Founder, Wendy Ledeux, you'll have templates which you can adapt to help you towards legal compliance. We answer questions you've asked about GDPR and give you exercises to make sure you understand what you're learning.Although this course was delivered initially to interpreters and professionals working with Deaf people, the principles apply to all freelance professionals of most disciplines working either directly with clients or under agencies. This course lasts for 90 minutes, with lectures in bitesized chunks and contains templates you'll be able to use to work towards your own GDPR compliance."
Price: 44.99

"Machine Learning Mastery (Integrated Theory+Practical HW)" |
"Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the study of data. Data scientists have the ability to take data, understand it, process it, and extract information from it, visualize the information and communicate it. Data scientists are well-versed in multiple disciplines including mathematics, statistics, economics, business, and computer science, as well as the unique ability to ask interesting and challenging data questions based on formal or informal theory to spawn valuable and meticulous insights. This course introduces students to this rapidly growing field and equips them with its most fundamental principles, tools, and mindset.Students will learn the theories, techniques, and tools they need to deal with various datasets. We will start with Regression, one of the basic models, and progress as we evaluate and assessing different models. We will start from the initial stages of data science and advance to higher levels where students can write their own algorithm from scratch to build a model. We will see end to end and work with practical datasets at the end of each module. Students will be issued with tutorials and explanation of all the exercises to help you learn faster and enable you to link theory using hands on exercises.This course teaches advanced theory including some mathematics with practical exercises to promote deeper understanding.Learning OutcomesAt the end of the course the students will:Have an in-depth understanding of the concepts of Machine LearningBe able to grasp, understand, and write machine learning code from scratchUse Builtin Libraries available to build machine learning modelsBe able to analyze, build, and assess models on any datasetBe able to interpret and understand the black box behind modelUnderstand the applications of data science by exhibiting the ability to work on different datasets and interpreting them.What is the working system of this course?Strong concepts and theory linked to practical at the end of each moduleEasy Lectures for those starting from scratchIllustration and examplesHands-on exercises with tutorials Detailed explanations of how models workWhat does this course cover?Introduction to machine learning: Overview of supervised and unsupervised learningRegression from scratch - Gradient Descent, Cost Function , ModellingUsing Machine learning builtin libraryFeature ScalingMultivariate RegressionPolynomial RegressionOver-fitting, Under-fitting and GeneralizationBias Variance TradeoffCross Validation Strategy and Hyper-parameter tuningGrid SearchLearning CurvesDecision Trees and introduction to other algorithms including neural networkExercises after each moduleAfter completing the course, you will have enough knowledge and confidence to code machine learning algorithms from scratch and to use built-in library. This course is for all interested in learning data science and machine learning, there is no such pre req. This course is different from other courses in a manner that it teaches to code algorithms and also exposes you to the mathematics behind machine learning, this even includes tutorials at the end of each module so that students can do side by side practice with the instructor. It exposes you to practical real world datasets to work on and get started with new problems."
Price: 44.99

"How to Design Your Dream Kitchen" |
" Do you dream of having a beautiful new kitchen, but dont know where to start? Are you about to start a kitchen remodel, but you are already overwhelmed with all of the choices you have to make? If this is you, then you have come to the right place! Whether you are planning on simply updating your kitchen finishes or you are planning a complete kitchen gut remodel, the breadth of todays kitchen options are truly incredible, and I am here to break it all down for you so that you feel confident in creating the perfect design for you.This course really is the A-Z of kitchen design, covering the most important aspects of kitchen design, including, but not limited to:Realistic kitchen remodeling budgets and timelinesKnowing what to ask your contractors to avoid costly mistakesSorting through all of the functional and aesthetic decisions youll need to make during the kitchen design process including, but not limited to, layouts, cabinetry, lighting, window coverings, breakfast nooks, countertops, backsplashes, appliances, and hardwareHow to mix metal finishes in the kitchen like a ProHow to choose the best kitchen style for you and your homeHow to save money when purchasing countertops and backsplashesLearn the latest in innovative storage solutions and the best small kitchen design hacksIll also provide you with some invaluable downloadable resources, first and foremost, a ""Master Kitchen Design Planner"", which well complete together in the course, and once completed, will contain all of the design details youll need for your kitchen remodel. Youll also be able to download my ""Ultimate Kitchen Design Style Guide"", which contains a wealth of information, covering the ideal finishes and selections for whichever style of kitchen you choose.In short, kitchen design is complicated. Unless you are a seasoned interior designer who already has experience in kitchen design, I encourage you to enroll, as this course is ideal for both non-designers as well as professional interior designers who are new to the world of kitchen design. I look forward to seeing you in the course!IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"", and ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 199.99

"NestJS Zero to Hero - Modern TypeScript Back-end Development" |
"NestJS is a Node.js back-end development framework built upon Express, leveraging the power of TypeScript.NestJS leverages the incredible popularity and robustness of JavaScript as a language and Node.js as a technology. It is inspired by common libraries and frameworks such as Angular, React and Vue which improve developer productivity and experience.Even considering the amount of superb libraries, helpers and tools that exist for server-side Node.js, none of them effectively solve the main problem - the architecture of an application.NestJS provides an out-of-the-box application architecture which allows developers and teams to create highly testable, scalable, loosely coupled and easily maintainable applications.Recently, the NestJS framework is gaining extreme popularity due to its incredible features;Leverages TypeScript - strongly typed language which is a super-set of JavaScriptSimple to use, easy to learn and easy to masterPowerful Command Line Interface (CLI) tool that boosts productivity and ease of developmentDetailed, well-maintained documentationActive codebase development and maintenanceOpen-source (MIT license)Supports dozens nest-specific modules that help you easily integrate with common technologies and concepts such as TypeORM, Mongoose, GraphQL, Logging, Validation, Caching, Websockets and much moreEasy of unit-testing applicationsMade for Monoliths and Micro-services (entire section in the documentation regarding the Microservice type of a NestJS application, as well as techniques and recipes).In this course I am going to guide you through the process of planning, developing and deploying a fully-featured back-end application, based on my experience developing and maintaining systems that support dozens of millions of concurrent users at scale."
Price: 29.99

"Design Patterns for Game Programming" |
"Want to create code that is robust, optimized and reusable? Then you need to learn about programmming design patterns.Game Programming Design Patterns are templates for building modularised code that are generally a repeatable solution to a commonly occurring mechanic applied in computer games. They are general solutions that arent tied to a particular problem, making them reusable. One such pattern is object pooling. Whether a game needs an onslaught of constantly spawning zombies or bullets fired from a gun or asteroids to pummel the players spaceship, an object pool is a group of classes that can be reused, exactly as they are, across not only these scenarios but a plethora of others whenever game objects need a spawn manager.In this course, Penny will take you through the top 12 game programming design patterns with C# and the Unity Game Engine using her internationally acclaimed Holistic teaching style and expertise from over 25 years teaching, researching and writing about games. Throughout the course you will follow along with hands-on workshops designed to teach you these core programming concepts that will take your games to the next level.Learn how to program and work with patterns such as:commandsflyweightobserverprototypesingletonstatesobject poolsgame loopsupdatescomponents...and more.Contents and OverviewThe course begins with a brief introduction and then you are straight into hands-on exercises, working through each of the design patterns as listed above. There are a variety of scenarios you will work on in both 2D and 3D from an asteroid shooter, to a radar object finding system to a programmable prototype prefab system. All starter files and Unity assets (including models and scenes) are provided for you. All you need to bring is a copy of Unity 2019.If you want to become a knowledgeable and skilled game developer, then this course is for you.What students are saying about Penny's courses:Excellent course!! I am already in game development industry and there is one quote here from the course that says it all ""Whenever you are not able to solve complex problem, its the right time to get back to the BASICS"".She is the best teacher ever in this platformI do like Penny de Byl's courses and way of teaching, they are much more specific than your average ""master Unity"" kind of courses and usually you don't learn just the engine, but also how things work behind the scenes (albeit briefly, at least it gives you an idea if you want to investigate more on your own). She's really amazing!"
Price: 19.99

"Create a 3D Endless Runner from Scratch in Unity" |
"Who doesnt love a good endless runner? Did you know its the genre that reigns from the early platform games of Donkey Kong and Mario Brothers? From Canabalt to Temple Run to Subway Surfer, this casual game has been the pastime of many a gamer with a mobile device and a few moments to while away. But did you know theres quite a bit of work that goes into such a game? Of course the scenery is repetitive, but did you know that it has to be constructed with pieces of the environment that can always fit together and be procedurally placed?In this course, Penny will take you through all the stages of game development with C# and the Unity Game Engine using her internationally acclaimed Holistic teaching style and expertise from over 25 years teaching, researching and writing about games. Throughout the course you will follow along with hands-on workshops designed to teach you these core programming concepts that will take your games to the next level. All assets including models, animations, textures and sounds are supplied.The objective of this course is to teach you all you need to know to make your own game!Learn how to program and work with:Character and World ModelsCharacter AnimationsProcedural Infinite World GenerationGraphical User InterfacesPick-upsParticle SystemsBackground MusicSound EffectsContent and OverviewThe course begins with setting up the character and applying animations in the Unity mecanim system, before writing code to control them. It continues step-by-step, going through the development of an infinite scrolling 3D world, including the use of the pooling and singleton design patterns. In these sections, obstacles such as fire and walls are added which the character is programmed to jump over and destroy. Thereafter, a graphical user interface (GUI) is put together in Unity's canvas system, where you will learn about alignment, fonts and screen resolutions as well as how to program button presses, sliders and create pop-up windows. Next, particle systems are investigated as a means of providing some special effects and several are constructed from scratch for magical spells and explosions. Finally, background music and sound effects are covered, as is controlling the sound of each from the GUI.What students are saying about Penny's courses:She is the best teacher ever in this platform.Most instructors are very smart people. Some are good at teaching and some are not. Penny is great at describing complex concepts without going down a dark cerebral rabbit hole that so many instructors feel obligated to do. It's like they need to demonstrate their knowledge by explaining every tiny aspect. Penny does not go there. She explains things clearly but does not overwhelm the student with more than they need to know. There is only so much most people can absorb in one sitting. You need to study, then you need to practice and then more study. I have taken most of her classes and I recommend them all."
Price: 19.99

"NLP Techniques To Power Up Your Life" |
"NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!Lets make this simpler with an example.Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didnt speak your language, and they couldnt understand you? The classic example of this is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a Foreign country and they think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they actually asked for liver stew.This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious mind. We might think we are ordering up more money, a happy, healthy relationship, peace with our family members, and being able to stick to a healthy dietbut unless thats what showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation.In NLP, we have a saying: the conscious mind is the goal setter, and the unconscious mind is the goal getter. Your unconscious mind is not out to get yourather, its out TO GET FOR YOU whatever you want in life. However, if you dont know how to communicate what you want properly, it will keep bringing steaming bowls of liver stew out of the kitchen.In fact, go ahead right now and think of, if there was one thing you could change, one habit you could break, what would it be?Would you remain calm during work presentations?Quit procrastinating and spending so much time Facebook?Not devour a whole bag of potato chips or tub of ice cream in one sitting?Whatever it is, realize that your unconscious mind only does that because it thinks thats what you want. (Sir, here is your procrastination along with a side of anxiety. Ive also told the valet to bring up your emotional baggage as per your request. Will you be needing anything else?)Neuro-Linguistic Programming is like a users manual for the brain, and taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful server that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life.NLP is the study of excellent communicationboth with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results."
Price: 24.99

"Change Your Words Change Your Life" |
"Hello friends welcome to this program of hypnotic language of success. Before we proceed to the main program let us see the background of this program. During my experience with mind programming i found out that words are very important. I have seen people change their life by changing their words. Also every time when I have watched an interview of successful people I hear them very closely, the things they say and it predicts what is going to happen in their life. What happens is when you say something an image comes into your mind. These images get programmed in your subconscious mind without the knowledge of your conscious mind. Next day when you go for that activity things start happening subconsciously without the knowledge of the conscious mind. This happens because it is already pre-programmed in your subconscious mind.So my friends one must understand that every word has a power.There are high energy words and low energy words.Brain, Body and mind are intimately and integrally connected.Any improvement anywhere creates corresponding change in all three.Expressions, gestures, words are directly connected to brain mechanism and state of mind.We are only limited by our beliefs.The body is easiest to access but most difficult to change.The brain is difficult to access but easier to change.The mind is most difficult to access but easiest to change.If you start using positive words and high energy words to yourself and others your life will change. People will start liking you more. They will feel good energy coming from you. You may have experienced this. A person who is always complaining always negative and when you engage with them you feel drained as if you have lost all energy. On the other hand meet a person who is always positive and you will feel energetic, enthusiastic and happy.Now most of the time we set a goal and we reach close to it and then we stop or sometimes we achieve but dont actually know what we want.In goal setting this is very important.By changing the words we can change the thinking pattern of the mind. By changing the words we break down the barriers of limitation and become limitless. Use this formula for the things you were not able to accomplish.In this course you will learn how to use words to your advantage. you will learn which words to avoid. You will also learn low energy words and high energy words. Words that motivate you into taking action. Words that galvanize you towards success. Using positive words you develop a positive mindset and view the world in a more positive light."
Price: 24.99

"NLP Techniques For Motivation" |
"We know knowledge is power. All around you knowledge is being offered. You have the potential and you can very well explore the potential.But to do all this you need motivation.There are things in life that you need to do. They are very important. And you probably have the skills to do it. But there is lack of motivation. Motivation needs to come from inside you. There will always be good and bad times in life. It is our motivation that keeps us going when the going gets tough.Communication is made of so much more than conversations or interactions between people. There exists an entire world of communication within your mind and body. Your perception, beliefs, your mindset, attitude, and feelings is also an active form of communication.In this course you will learn how to increase your level of motivation instantly, anytime and anywhere.You will learn simple but effective techniques that you can use anytime to improve your motivation.These techniques increase your motivational level and help you achieve whatever you want to achieve in life.By using these techniques you can get motivated anytime and you can get into a state of mind instantly so that your motivation is high. The techniques are powerful yet very simple.Be relaxed and move at your pace. By the time you complete this course you will be able to motivate yourself to achieve what you want in life.Motivation, happiness, peacefulness, anger, sadness these are all states of our mind. So something which is a state of mind we all have experienced all these states of mind in the past. These are all available to you whenever you need it and we need to know how to utilize it. So we will use these state of mind in a way so that you can use it anytime, anywhere you want instantly.I will guide you through the exercises. If something is not clear then rewind the video and watch it again. But just make sure that you do it correctly. Now learning depends on the individual. Some people learn fast and some people learn faster. So go at your pace. Be patient.Use earphones for better results."
Price: 19.99

"Change Pictures In Your Mind and Change Your Life" |
"In this course you will learn simple NLP techniques on how to change the pictures in your mind to change your life for the better. Now whenever we think about something pictures or images come into our mind and these pictures affect our access. These pictures become our mental blocks. So first we must know what pictures should be changed and then how to change them and what is the effect.At the end of this course you will be able tochange pictures in your mind, images in your mind or movies in your mind in a way that you will start achieving what you want easily, naturally and effortlessly.You will learn powerful mind programming techniques so that you can achieve whatever you want in your life.You will learn how to use your mind, emotions and actions to get whatever you want in your life.So friends before we proceed further follow some guidelines,Please keep a pen and pad with you to take notes and do the exercisesMake sure you are in a quiet place where nobody disturbs you so that you can do the exercises correctlyIf you are with someone no problem but make sure you are not disturbedKeep your mobile on silent modeFollow the instructions carefully and if something is unclear pause the video and replay itUse earphones for better results as these are guided exercisesDo the exercises and by the end of the course you will become very powerful and positive.I believe more in techniques and hands on practical exercises.So let us now proceed."
Price: 24.99

"NLP Techniques For Super Confidence" |
"In this course of developing confidence, you will learn powerful NLP techniques to instantly become confident.This is a practical course and does not involve theory. Do not take this course if you are interested in theory.I will guide you through some process of NLP which will reprogram your mind to become more confident.You learn practical ways of dealing with your mind, you learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind so that you can make positive changes in your life.Learn how communication works within yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Master The Power Of Creative Visualization" |
"Visualization is the key to success that you want to achieve. It opens a new world of success foryou. A world that you can change with anything you want to - owning a house, getting yourself abetter job, improving your personality and even enriching your relationships.Through the Power of Creative Visualization you can make your mind work for you that willeventually lead you in getting what you want.But how difficult is it? Can everybody do it?YES! Because it is easy. Just as your flip a switch to turn on a computer, visualization is simply aswitch to let the power of your mind flow with ease.By any means, is visualization complicated?It is not. All you need is the power to daydream, which every human does. If you can daydream,then you can also visualize. The idea is to possess the simple ability to see, or sense images inyour mind. However, the only difference between Visualization and daydreaming - which is animportant distinction - is, while daydreaming is casual and random in nature. Visualization is morestructured and directed.However different people visualize in different ways. Some see mental images by sensing. Otherssee them as if they were looking at photographs.One might even do both, sense and see at the same time. The picture can be as varied as itappears, vague or clear. It doesnt matter. What matters is you must recognize what you areseeing.Now let is find out if you can visualize or how difficult the process of Visualization is, by answeringthe following questions.I can picture my favorite shirtI can picture my bedI can remember my favorite Movie StarI can find my way home from OfficeI can remember what I was doing last MondayI can imagine what I will do tomorrowI can remember an incident from childhoodI look forward to a splendid occasionEven if you have marked one Yes then you can visualize.And if you can visualize, then you can as well rule over your mind. If you can make your mindwork for you, then it is certain that you can get anything you want.All through the Power of Creative Visualization."
Price: 24.99

"NLP Techniques For High Self Esteem And Personal Power" |
"In this course of developing high self esteem and personal power, you will learn powerful NLP techniques to have that feeling of personal power.This is a practical course and does not involve theory. Do not take this course if you are interested in theory.I will guide you through some process of NLP which will reprogram your mind so that you can have high self esteem and personal power.You learn practical ways of dealing with your mind, you learn how to communicate with your subconscious mind so that you can make positive changes in your life.Learn how communication works within yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Personal Transformation In 30 days" |
"The key concept behind this course is that, our beliefs mold our lives. If we have encounteredfailures in a particular venture in the past, we might begin to believe that we could never againsucceed in that particular venture. This belief can shackle us from even trying out that venture in thefuture. Thus, the key to a more satisfying life is to overcome these negative beliefs. But, myexperience has shown that merely this knowledge is not enough. This is where hypnosis comes in,which will be used to flush out the negative beliefs from your mind, and fill it with positive, selffulfillingbeliefs.You are advised to go through the material with a notebook and pen handy, so that you can makenotes as you go along. Also, if possible, find a quiet and comfortable place for this purpose.It is important to note that this is not an academic course. Here, there are no passing or failinggrades. The purpose of this course is to provide you with the tools you could employ to make yourlife simpler and more fruitful. So, be open-minded and do the exercises whole-heartedly."
Price: 29.99
