"Franszca B1+" |
"Franszca A2 seviyesinde eitim alm rencilerin ve genel olarak herkesin B1 eitimini alrken yararlanabilecei, temel dilbilgisi konularnn Trkeaklamalar ve rneklerleseslendirmeli videolar ile bu seviye iin gerekli szck desteiiin ek dosyalar. Hibir kurumdan eitim almyorsanz dahi, uzaktan eitim yntemiyle alarak dilin yapsn kendi kendinize kefetme ve renme imkn."
Price: 49.99

"Franszca B2" |
"Franszca B1 seviyesinde eitim alm rencilerin ve genel olarak herkesin B2 eitimini alrken yararlanabilecei, temel dilbilgisi konularnn Trkeaklamalar ve rneklerleseslendirmeli videolar ile bu seviye iin gerekli szck desteiiin ek dosyalar. Hibir kurumdan eitim almyorsanz dahi, uzaktan eitim yntemiyle alarak dilin yapsn kendi kendinize kefetme ve renme imkn."
Price: 49.99

"Franszca Snavlar Delf B1 Sevyesi 2'li Paket" |
"Franszca snavlarnda karlaabileceiniz rnek snav sorularn hazrlamaya altk.Ayrca bir snav nasl yaplmal, sorular nasl deerlendirmeniz gerekiyor. konularnda yardmc olamaya altk.Her soru rnei ayrca incelenmi ve tm soru rneklerine videolarda yer verilmitir.Sizin iin zel olarak hazrlanm bu snavlar zerek Franszca eitiminizi pekitire bilirsiniz.Farkl sor rnekleri ve snav zm rnekleri sizin iin Franszca snavlarn daha kolay hale getirecektir."
Price: 34.99

"Instagram Mastery: Guide to More Followers Step-by-Step 2018" |
"In the course, we will show you to how gain hundreds of new followers everyday on Instagram!Instagram currently has over 800 MILLION active users with more bands and businesses jumping on board every day. This is a platform you cant afford to skip out on. Through this course you will learn the latest Instagram marketing tactics on how to gain thousands of targeted and highly engaged followers. We will teach you how to produce quality content, decide when the best times for posting are, and how to optimize your account to better attract those highly engaged followers. We will also share with you the best way to go about selling on Instagram and how to start making a profit from your account! What will we go over in this course? How to setup the perfect Instagram Account How to schedule posts How to find out when to post on Instagram for the most engagement How to gain hundreds of followers EVERDAY How to get huge amounts of engagement on your posts Drive thousands of new users to your profile How to make sales with Instagram How run Instagram Ads How to standout with Instagram Stories Reasons why you need to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! You get lifetime access to our lessons, including new lessons every month! Get instant access to us! (be able to directly contact us with ANY question and we will answer you ASAP) Everything you will learn in this course is the exact process we use every day to grow our businesses. We dont hide anything from you. We will show you how you can easily implement everything from this course into your business to help you experience rapid growth. You will be shocked at how easy it is! Constantly updated. As Instagram updates roll out, we will update our course! What are you waiting for?! Jump in now before we put the price up!! (Course Value $198)"
Price: 119.99

"Opera Futuros, Divisas y Acciones con Volume Profile" |
"Entenders la Importancia delos Nodos de Bajo y Alto Volumen que con base en el contexto te ayudarn a ubicar mejor tu operacin disminuyendo y controlando el riesgo de la misma. De igual forma dominars la forma de los perfiles para tener una perspectiva diaria, semanal, mensual o anual que se adaptar al marco temporal que ests usando.Aumentando el beneficio en cada operacin y comprendiendoel contexto del Mercado, alcanzars o fortalecers la consistencia en tu operativa. Con videos, casos prcticos y evaluaciones, dominars este fascinante tema que es aplicable a cualquier mercado de valores.Al finalizar podrs aplicar lo aprendido a cualquier instrumento financiero en cualquier marco temporal, ya sea Futuros, Acciones o Divisas."
Price: 1470.00

"Curso de GNU/Linux con CentOS y Debian (II - Servicio SSH)" |
"SSHEs la herramienta ms utilizada por todos los administradores de sistemas Linux para poder gestionar, administrar y controlar los servidores remotos que tengan a su encargo.En este curso aprenders todos los secretos, comparativas, herramientas, mejores practicas de seguridad, funcionalidades, etc. Que como administrador debes de tener en cuenta para poderte desempear de forma eficiente en tu labor."
Price: 19.99

"Administrador de Sistemas Junior en Windows Server y Linux" |
"Seccin de Windows Server 2016La nube ofrece a las organizaciones de TI oportunidades de prosperar bajo un nuevo modelo que ofrece un tiempo ms rpido para valorar e innovar. Muchas organizaciones, sin embargo, se enfrentan a estrictos requisitos de cumplimiento o negocio. Para las organizaciones que lo necesitan todo: seguridad, eficiencia e innovacin, Windows Server 2016 lo entrega. Windows Server 2016 es el sistema operativo listo para la nube que admite sus cargas de trabajo actuales al mismo tiempo que introduce nuevas tecnologas que facilitan la transicin a la computacin en la nube cuando est listo.Es por esto que como administradores de sistemas o futuros debemos estar a la vanguardia de la tecnologa, en este curso aprenders desde cero la implementacin y administracin de Windows Server 2016 en sus roles y caractersticas.Aprende a:Identificar licenciamiento, edicin y tipo de instalacin que mas conviene a una infraestructuraImplementa los principales roles y caractersticasConoce toda la administracin de Active Directory Domain Services, el principal rol de Windows ServerRealiza la configuracin de servicios de red como DNS, DHCPDespliega polticas de grupo GPOY mucho mas...Seccin de Servidores GNU/LinuxAprende GNU/Linux de la mano de un verdadero SysAdmin Linux. En estecurso aprenders a manejar 2 de las principales distribuciones en sus ltimas versiones como CentOS y Debian, de esta manera, cuando te topes con alguna distribucin basadas en estas dos (Ubuntu, RedHat, Oracle Linux), podrs administrarla sin inconvenientes.Instalacin deDistribuciones CentOS 7 y Debian 9Administrar Grupos yUsuariosAdministrar Permisos de Archivos y CarpetasTrabajar conHerramientas de GestinAnalizar el Estado del SistemaGestionar Procesos y DemoniosY mucho mas..."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de GNU/Linux con CentOS y Debian (III FTP y NFS)" |
"Curso complementario de los cursos GNU/Linux con CentOS y Debian (I - Gestin y Admin y II - Servicio SSH).File Transfer Protocol o mejor conocido como FTPpor sus siglas en ingles (Protocolo de Transferencia de Archivos) es uno de los mtodos de conexin y envi de informacin empresarial mas difundidos actualmente, pero su gran desventaja radica en la seguridad que este puede llegar a brindar, y ocasionalmente, muchos administradores no saben la adecuada configuracin de este servicio tan importante para algunas compaas arriesgandolas a fuga o perdida de informacin. Con este curso aprenders a configurar los diferentes mtodos de conexin, como lo son, servidores pblicos, con login, usuarios virtuales, carpetas compartidas, seguridad y ms.Network File System o NFS por sus siglas en ingles (Systema de Archivos en Red), es un mtodo que permite centralizar informacin en sistemas estandarizados como Unix y Linuxpara tener un unico punto de control. Es muy utilizado en las empresas donde la velocidad, seguridad, confidencialidad e integridad de la informacin es muy importante. Tambin es utilizado como servicio central donde los dems servidores realizan su Backup o Respaldos. En este curso aprenders a configurar un servidor NFS donde reposaran todos los archivos que enven los dems servidores como el FTP."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Avanado de Kdenlive" |
"Que tal aprender a usar o Kdenlive de vez?Este curso foi feito exatamente para isso, com ele voc ir aprender a utilizar o programa da melhor forma, criando assim, excelentes trabalhos, seja para uso profissional, escolar, etc.So aulas que vo desde a apresentao do programa, at a exportao de seu arquivo final, explicando como funciona as opes existentes dentro do programa.No perca tempo, venha aprender a editar seus projetos dentro do Kdenlive!"
Price: 114.99

"Curso voltado a todos que desejam criar contedo em EAD utilizando o Linux. Aprenda de forma simples e prtica a criar o seu contedo!Ao finalizar este curso, voc conseguir produzir um bom contedo para seu pblico, e claro, vender este contedo em uma plataforma que cada vez mais cresce, a UDEMY."
Price: 39.99

"JavaScript Game Development Step by Step" |
"In this course you will learn about all the tools needed for creating casual games in JavaScript. In the first section you will learn about various components of JavaScript and HTML that would be required in game development.In the succeeding sections you will create two games: Snake and Breakout step by step along with me. You will also learn about several other elements of the games that you can apply to your own game later on.In the last section of the course you will also learn to publish your game online.So, there's a lot to learn in this course and it will surely benefit you if you are planning to step into the world of JavaScript game development."
Price: 99.99

"Hands On Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Python" |
"In this course you will learn the various concepts of natural language processing by implementing them hands on in python programming language. This course is completely project based and from the start of the course the main objectivewould be to learn all the concepts required to finish the different projects. You will be building a text classifier which you will use to predict sentiments of tweets in real time and you will also be building an article summarizer which will fetch articles from websites and find the summary. Apart from these you will also be doing a lot of mini projects through out the course. So, at the end of the course you will have a deep understanding of NLP and how it is applied in real world."
Price: 99.99

"Interactive Prototypes with Framer" |
"This course is built for Framer Studio (Classics), NOT the latest version of Framer (X). I'm still using Studio for many of my projects as X requires more on the code side (React) and is in it's early version right now. That being said I'm working on the X course, however I do recommend to get to know Studio, too.Let me present to you one of the hottest technologies for interface prototyping, used extensively by such companies as Facebook, Google, Uber. You have to see for yourself how powerful of a tool it is. The best, most sought after UI/UX designers on the market, know programming! This course will prove to you that working with CoffeScript is one of the best, most pleasant ways to learn programming, and also one of the most interesting skills to master!What you'll learn?CoffeeScript the basicsPractical examplesWorking with componentsSketch and Figma integrationApple Watch PrototypeBonus UI Kit for iOSThis course is a practical compendium of knowledge on prototyping animations and micro interactions with the use of Framer technology. The application, created by Facebook engineers allows prototyping with no restrictions of a timeline or predefined presets. It lets you prepare finished animations for website, iOS/Android app, game, TV and so much more!This course will show you, using a set of practical examples, how to design typical mobile app UI transitions. In order to create them, we are going to make use of a range of in-built components, which simplify the design of user onboarding and app page animations to just a few lines of code Framer does all the rest!The course you are about to participate in is the doorway to a world of extremely valuable skills for UI/UX designers, who want to be competitive on the market. Invest in your professional development and you will appreciate how well designing interactive prototypes, micro interactions and animations which you can transfer to a website or an app with Framer technology, present themselves in your portfolio. It is a step in the right direction if you would like to design your own, complete applications with a friendly visual feedback, in the future."
Price: 34.99

"UI Prototyping in Flinto" |
"Prototyping with Flinto is one of the most essential skills for the best UI/UX designers. The software allows its user to create transitions and micro interactions which very precisely showcase the projects functionality. You are able to perfectly reflect the workings of an app before its final implementation or project presentation. Working with Flinto gives you an unprecedented level of control over every single aspect of the project, and this course is all you need to start your Flinto experience!The first part of the course includes a practical example to help you become familiar with all the important concepts of how Flinto operates, functions and tools. We are going to design an effective mockup of an application interface and discover the potential of Flinto.The latter half of the course involves practical application of Flinto functions in order to design all the transitions and animations for our intelligent home app. This project will prove how useful Flinto is, because it is entire possible to create even the most complex element of an app using this software.Another great functionality of Flinto comes from its capability to connect layers via transitions. This function lets us design animations where one layer smoothly transitions from one screen to another or even create shape animations, which simply morph one into another."
Price: 34.99

"Principle App - UI Prototyping" |
"Prototyping with Flinto is one of the most essential skills for the best UI/UX designers. The software allows its user to create transitions and micro interactions which very precisely showcase the projects functionality. You are able to perfectly reflect the workings of an app before its final implementation or project presentation. Working with Flinto gives you an unprecedented level of control over every single aspect of the project, and this course is all you need to start your Flinto experience!You will find two practical projects, in the course. The first one is a simple application mockup to help you become familiar with all the functions and tools of the Flinto app, including: transitions, behaviors, gestures, easing, and more advanced animations.In comparison with other prototyping tools, Flinto distinguishes itself by its wide array of unique capabilities, useful while creating micro interactions and animations. Behaviors, for example, allow the use of reusable components in the project, and save the designer a lot of time.We also discuss interactive capabilities of Flinto, including its cooperation with Sketch. With a special plug-in, you will be able to export your finished project to Flinto, and contrary to other apps, manage the whole structure of editable layers, as well as vectors!"
Price: 34.99

"Figma for UI Designers" |
"Figma is a revolutionary application, because it maintains its full functionality in both desktop, and browser versions. You can use either of them, and the web version will still surprise you with how efficient it is! Moreover, designing interfaces is but one of its many features. Thanks to its intuitive and user friendly interface and tool set, everybody is going to be able to edit graphic assets using this app. Figma differs from other, similar applications such as Photoshop and Sketch, mainly because of its amazing collaboration capabilities, where a project may be worked on by more than one person, in real time!During the course you will see all the tools and working techniques of Figma. The interface and tools available in Figma may be intuitive and user friendly, but its always good to use some reliable schemes and efficiencyimproving techniques.Figma is often compared to Sketch, but with the addition of great collaborative functions for UI/UX designers. It is possible to undertake real time cooperation with several team members on one project and even see the changes implemented, live in the browser! This provides an opportunity for an ongoing discussion and remote, constructive feedback. Moreover, you may also make use of Libraries, where your team members will have access to all the design elements you have prepared beforehand! A change in one library element, eg. Style Guide, results in an update applied to all the projects.One of the latest features of Figma is developer handoff as well as creating rapid prototypes from the static screens. Those new features all add up to make Figma one of the most interesting tools to follow and learn as an UI/UX desiner!"
Price: 29.99

"Restoring Dental Implants with CEREC and TiBase" |
"This is advanced CEREC. For those of you looking to improve yourCEREC game, bringing in implant restorations....SAME DAY dental implant restorations into your own dental practice, this course is for you. From just an introduction, to explanation of what pieces and parts are needed, to the step by step design process included here, to attachment of TiBase to ceramic to delivery to the completed restoration into the patients mouth....this is the course for you.I designed this course to fully prepare you to step out on your own into designing your own same day implant restorations in your dental office (wether you are a dentist, dental assistant, or lab technician).Enjoy!"
Price: 149.99

"Dental X-rays for Dum Dums" |
"Have you ever been in a dental office, in a dental chair for your a dental checkup and had dental X-rays shown to you? Did you understand what you were seeing? Was it clear where the cavities were, or what the little white spots meant?This lecture series is designed to explain to the non-dentist (anyone who has not had multiple years of dentalradiology training) the basics of digital dental X-rays. If youre at all interested in understanding more about what we (as dentists) see and what it means to us and to you, this is the course for you.Impress your friends by helping to explainwhat you seeon their dental X-rays!Not designed to be an end-all of dental radiology courses, but rather a soft introduction to some of the basics of what you will see at your average dental office when youre sitting in the chair.Thanks for watching and enjoy!"
Price: 109.99

"eBay SEO for eBay: Create a Professional eBay Listing Fast" |
"Selling on eBay doesn't need to be difficult, but if you don't know how to optimize your eBay listing and do proper background research, the items you havemaynever end up selling.There are lots ofeBaysellers that gettingsmall results, and then there areother eBaysellers that aregetting trulyIMPRESSIVERESULTS.What's the difference between the two? The answer is simple. Sellers that know how to best optimize and list their eBay items professionallyare the one's who are making the most sales.Having the ability to stand out on eBay is the key to success.This iswhat I've found being a eBay Powerseller for many years.Learn how to optimize your eBay listings and do the background research thatyou need to know in order to increase your TOTALSALESANDPROFITS.**Please Note** This course is not partnered oraffiliated with eBay Inc.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Become an eBay Powerseller on eBay: The Full Beginners Guide" |
"With the right knowledge and habits, nearly any eBay seller can become a Powerseller. I truly do believe that. In fact, you may be surprised to learn how possible and achievable it is to become an eBay Powerseller! To be clear it's not a walk in the park, but it's by no means rocket science!If you're looking to figure out the ways on how to TOP SELLING eBay sellers become successful on eBay, this course will show you my proven tips and habits to get you going in the right direction in becoming an eBay Powerseller.It has personally taken me over 10 years of selling on eBay to figure out each of the habits discussed within this course. Instead of having to go through the many challenges I faced when I was trying to become an eBay Powerseller, take the fast track into becoming a eBay Powerseller by enrolling in this course.Not only will it save you time, but it will save you the frustration I had to go through. I invite you to enroll in this course, and get ready to get your eBay account growing to become an eBay Powerseller!**Please Note** This course is not partnered or affiliated with eBay Inc.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything I know about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSES INCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!* Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GET ONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZING VALUE: LEARN FROM 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ALL IN JUST A COUPLE HOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR BUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEN YOU FINISH THE COURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEE The course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Wix Website Development: Create a Wix Website For Beginners" |
"Creating a website doesn't need to be difficult... That's exactly where Wix comes in!If you're looking to create your own website in a short period of time, chances are Wix is what you'll want to use. Wix offers lots of customization options for its users, but sometimes that can cause the feeling of getting overwhelmed.Don't worry because I will show you all the options and what they mean in Wix.I've personally been able to create over 50 websites, and I know that getting your website created right the first time is important.This course is here to help you do that.Iwalk through the basics of Wix, and even go over some advanced features that Wix has to offer. My goal for you is to have the knowledge and confidence to create your very own website - without frustration.If you'd like to get started and create your very own website, let's get start together by simply enrolling in the course.If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to reach out to me and I'll be happy to helpEnroll now to get started and I'll see you inside the course!**Please Note**This course is not partnered oraffiliated with Wix.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 49.99

"Quora Marketing: Drive Traffic to Your Website or Sales Page" |
"What if you could get access to the traffic from a website that is currently ranked in the top 200 in the world?Getting traffic from the large social media platforms can bedifficult and are oftenquite competitive. Instead, learn how you cangrow your own brand, build an audience and get traffic using Quora!In a matter of a day, I was able to get hundreds of views onmy answers!In fact, there are people that are generating millions of views to their own answers! But what did they do exactly?That's what I'm going to go over with you in this course.What exactly you need to know in order to get started in getting people to view your answers to ultimatelydrive traffic to your website or evensales page.Is Quora a way to get millions of people to your website overnight?No. However, with the right knowledge that is given throughout this course and your efforts, you to can be driving targeted traffic to your own website.If you're interested in learning how you can get more free targeted traffic going towards yourwebsite or sales page, then this is the course for you!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Bing Ads / Microsoft Advertising: A Beginners Guide To PPC" |
"Are you looking to start advertising onlinebut you don't wantto spend a fortune on ads?That's exactly where Microsoft Advertising can comes in handy!From my experience, Microsoft Advertising can be as much as 60% cheaper thanGoogle Adwords!The best part isMicrosoft Advertising is oftenoverlook by many marketerswhich offers you a great opportunity to get targeted visitors to your website -inexpensively!This course is designed for anyone who is to brand new to advertising online or Microsoft Advertising. Throughout the course, I walk you through what things you NEED to know.In fact, I've even put in some advanced lessons to ensure you learn as much as possible.Did I mention that I will also be going over allof my active BingAds? This way you can see some real world examples of how I've had success with Bing Ads (and how you can too).If you're wanting to learn what it takes to have success with Microsoft Advertising, then I invite you to enroll into this course and get started driving traffic to your website!============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"SEO WordPress Masterclass: Full WordPress SEO Course" |
"This SEOMasterclass course will teach you how to properly use SEOto get targetedtraffic back to your website.Especially when you're first starting out, SEO can simply feel confusing, overwhelming and there's always a chance thatyou may feel lost at times.With the course, it's here to make sense of SEOand simplify itdown. No matter if you're a beginner or you've been at it for some time,you'll be able to take away many strategies from this course.I'll be showing you whatI've learned over the years whichhelped me land multiple 8 figure business clients. While everyone's SEOjourney will be different, Ican guarantee that I'll show you the most important information that I've learned with you inside this course.You'll learn the most important in's and out's of SEO to ensure that you'releft with a much better understanding of how it works, and how you can use it to dramatically grow your website overtime.The course has been designed for all levels of experience with SEO. Whether you have no idea whatSEO means, or if you've been trying to understand it for quite a while, but youhaven't had any results, this course will help you. It will give you clarity on what your next steps should be.Here's some of the things you'll learn:-Learn what it takes to rank #1 in Google-How to conduct smart keyword research-Learn proven link building strategies- And MUCHMOREIf your ready to stop guessing, and start learning on what it really takes toseeresults, then this course is for you.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours! * Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE? Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

"Typing 101: Typing Course Basics & Improve Your Typing Speed" |
"Learning how to type properly is incredibly important. Without the skill, you may really start to fall behind others. The good news is that you don't have too!This course is mean't to get you caught up and even help you improve your current typing skill.Whether this is your first time learning how to type,or you just need areminder, this course has been designed to teach you the in's and out's of typing.Why is learning how to typeimportant?Saves you time (get your work done faster)More attractive to employeersAllows you to take on more tasks for clientsWithin the course, it is designed to be beginner friendly and explain everything that you need to know in order to maximize your success.============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur for 10+ years, and have taught over 25,000 students how to improve their own skills. I've become a eBay Powerseller and Amazon Best Selling Author and active consult with multiple 6, 7, and 8 figure businesses. From what I've learned from these experiences, I'd love to share the knowledge with you.My goal is to help as many people possible by teaching each student everything Iknow about each topic. I teach to ensure each student leaves each of my courses feeling like they've learned something new.============================BONUSESINCLUDED* Free extra downloadable worksheets to make the course even more valuable!* Free priority customer support. Have a question, get an answer back within at most 24 hours!* Free eBook on Ways on how to start saving and increasing income (no email needed)!*Free entry to get automatically entered to get chosen for my student of the month (get featured in a shout out email)!============================GETONE-ON-ONE HELP You can get my help and advice at any time - simply email me through Udemy! Regardless if your just starting your course or have been done for months, I'm happy to help you. Students are able to start discussions and message me with private questions. I aim to answer 99% of questions within 24 hours. I really enjoy helping students who've taken my courses and I look forward to helping you!============================AMAZINGVALUE:LEARNFROM10+YEARSOFEXPERIENCEALLINJUSTACOUPLEHOURS!The information that you'll learn in this course can be either learned from many years of experience, or you can learn valuable skills all best summarized within a couple hours of time. Is it really worth taking hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time to learn this information by yourself? The choice is yours to make.============================PROVEN STRATEGIESTOGROWYOURBUSINESSAll strategies that I share are either from my personal experience or are well proven strategies based off industry experts.============================WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?Simply put, save time, save money and learn valuable skills that you can implement into your life (for the rest of your life). Learn from others that have done it before you, and learn what have proven to work best for them. Don't do it all by yourself!============================CERTIFICATEOFCOMPLETIONWHENYOUFINISHTHECOURSE When you complete 100% of the videos in this course, you'll be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy!============================MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThe course comes with a Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try this course absolutely risk free. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that you will improve your skills after completing this course.Invest in your future. Enroll now."
Price: 199.99

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Price: 199.99

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"C# OOP . GUI . C# 2017 ."
Price: 71500.00

"Photoshop CC 2018" |
"'Learning Photoshop CC 2018 Properly' focuses on web design, app design and photo editing theories through Photoshop CC, and learning about new features that are highly value-for-money.You will be able to understand the contents of the lecture by explaining major theories through the textbooks. After the theoretical learning, you can practice how to use photoshop in practice through videos.""Learning about Photoshop CC 2018 Properly"" consists of the following sections:part.1 What's newpart.2 Key Featurespart3. Various other functions"
Price: 104500.00

"Intermediate WordPress - Step by Step" |
"Learn what it takes to customize, enhance and secure your WordPress website.A Marketable Skill For all Current and Future DevelopersEach day more website owners are using WordPress to build their websites. Whether it is a basic store, a monthly membership site or a subscription based service, using WordPress has become the industry standard.We leave nothing to chance in this course. We start with a basic WordPress website and add enhancements. In addition, we go over different ways to improve your SEO and add security to the site. By the conclusion of the course, you will be able to successfully: Create Custom Headers Create Custom Footers Create Page Templates Install Google Analytics Improve your SEO Tighten security and much moreWith this newly knowledge, you will be able to create exciting websites for yourself or your clients. This course contains xx lectures and over x hours of content.Best part of all in our Learn By Doing sections, you actually walk through the process of setting up different parts of the website. I look forward to beginning of our learning journey."
Price: 34.99

"WordPress Multisite - Step by Step" |
"Learn what it takes to build a fully functioning WordPress network online using Multisite.A Marketable Skill For all Current and Future DevelopersEach day more website owners are consolidating their websites into one easy to manage Multisite installation. Whether it is a basic presence site, a membership site, a subscription based service or a Woocommerce store. You can now manage all of these sites in one admin dashboard.We leave nothing to chance in this course. We start from a basic WordPress site and turn it into a fully functional Multisite network. By the conclusion of the course, you will be able to successfully: Install Multisite using Softaculous Install Multisite manually Configure Network Settings Add Sites Delete Sites Keep your Multisite installation secure and much moreWith this newly knowledge, you will be able to create online networks for yourself or your clients. This course contains 20 lectures and 1 hour of content.Best part of all in our Learn By Doing sections, you actually walk through the process of setting up different parts of the Multisite network. I look forward to beginning of our learning journey."
Price: 39.99

"Build a WordPress Reservation System" |
"In this course we show you how you can use WordPress to build a reservation system. You can use this reservation system for a variety of applications:Spas/SalonsYoga or Any Other Kind of InstructorBabysittersDoctors/LawyersHotels or Innsand so many more...We start from the beginning to create a reservation system for a fictitious Bed and Breakfast. By the end of this course you will be able to create a reservation system for your own application/use.A Marketable Skill For all Current and Future DevelopersWe leave nothing to chance in this course. We start from a basic WordPress site and turn it into a fully functional reservation system. By the conclusion of the course, you will be able to successfully:Create a Bookable ProductCreate and Manage Availability DatesSet Blackout Dates (Unavailable Days)Set Occupancy LimitsHaving various pricing based on number and type of occupantsHow to Send Notification EmailsKnow what Notifications the Admin receivesSet Booking PrioritiesHow to Quickly Duplicate Bookable Products to Save Creation Timeand so much more....With this newly knowledge, you will be able to create online reservation systems for yourself or your clients.This course contains 30 lectures and over 1 1/2 hours of content.Best part of all in our Learn By Doing sections, you actually walk through the process of setting up the Reservation System. I look forward to beginning of our learning journey."
Price: 29.99
