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Price: 3000.00

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Price: 3000.00

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Price: 3000.00

"Shopify ecommerce website development course in 2018" |
"In this course you will learn how to create a Stunning Ecommerce website using Shopify.Shopify is easy and flexible online platform where you can start your own Ecommerce shop instantly with in a day. It's provides you no. of good futures to increase the functionality of your website. By using Shopify you can sell any of your products online usingsocial media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google plus Etc.In this course you will learn following topics:1. Introduction to Shopify.2. How to create your store with Shopify.3. How to add products and collections4. How manage products and collections5. Shopify Theme installation and customization6. Menu management.7. Pages creation.8. Managing Payment Gateways9. Understanding Checkout Process10. Legal Pages11. Shopify Setting options12. Adding analytics to your website."
Price: 19.99

"Make Ali Express to Shopify Dropshipping store using oberlo" |
"* Get 60 days FREE Shopify trial with this course as bonus *Do you want to start aAli Express to Shopify Dropshipping store?Then this course is for you. In this course you will learn step by step how create a professional Shopify store with Oberlo app within just hour.If you go directly on Ali Express and copying all its data manually on your store then it will take too much time. Because one product is having so much datalike products images, product titles, products variations etc.What you will learn in this course?1. Create a brand new Shopify Store.2. Install oberlo in it.3. Import products from Ali Express to your Shopify Store.4. Creating Collections on Shopify Store.5. Installingand managing Shopify Theme.6. managing Oberlo setting.7. How to manage auto fulfillment.8. Managing Shopify Store9. Installing another useful Shopify apps.10. Payment gateway and General settings."
Price: 19.99

"C++ Komplettkurs: Praxisnahe und Moderne C++ Programmierung" |
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Der beste C++ Kurs auf deutsch! Es ist alles logisch aufeinander aufgebaut und der Jan beschreibt alles mit ruhiger und verstndlicher Stimme. Bei anderen Kursen hatte mich insbesondere die Unklarheit der Erklrung gestrt sodass es einem schwer fllt zuzuhren. Dies ist hier nicht der Fall, ganz im Gegenteil!"" ( von Victor Keidl)""Man merkt wirklich das Jan diesen Kurs aus Leidenschaft macht. Er erklrt wirklich die einzelnen Details genau und immer mit einem kleinen Beispiel. Der Kurs ist perfekt fr Einsteiger."" ( von Tobias Sachse)""C++ - Features fantastisch und vollkommen verstndlich erklrt! Wer verstehen will, wie C++ tatschlich funktioniert, dem kann man diesen Kurs nur wrmstens empfehlen!!! Groartig!"" ( von Oliver Jung)Kursbeschreibung:Du mchtest die moderne und effektive Programmiersprache C++ erlernen und beherrschen?Du bist ein Programmier-Anfnger oder kennst dich bereits in anderen Sprachen aus?Dann ist mein Kurs genau richtig fr dich! Der Kurs beinhaltet eine perfekte Balance zwischen interaktiven Lerninhalten und eigenstndiger bungen. Alle Sektionen des Kurses sind mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls wird der verwendete Code bereitgestellt.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Die Grundlagen der C/C++ ProgrammierungAlle wichtigen Features aus C++11, C++14 und C++17Der richtige Einsatz von Pointern und ReferenzenAlle wichtigen Features und Funktionen der STL und STDDer Einsatz von moderner ObjektorientierungDas Anwenden von Lambda Ausdrcken und TemplatesSmart Pointer und Copy/Move KonstruktorenDie Einfhrung von Threading und der Boost BibliothekDie Einfhrung in die GUI-Programmierung mit QtWarum sollte man die C++ Programmierung beherrschen?C++ ist eine schnelle und effektive ProgrammierspracheBietet die Mglichkeit Low-Level Operationen auszufhrenWird von Firmen, wie Amazon und Google fr groe Projekte eingesetztWerde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 149.99

"Machine Learning Komplettkurs mit Python inkl. AI Einfhrung" |
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Der Kurs ist perfekt! Einfach super, vor allem, da man dadurch auch mal sieht, was hinter den 'fertigen Modulen' von Sklearn steckt und wie die Algorithmen zustande kommen. Super erklrt und anschaulich! Vielen Dank!."" ( von Daniela Drose)""Sehr gute Einfhrung in die Thematik mit vielen praktischen Beispielen. Dieser Kurs hat richtig Spa gemacht"" ( von Johannes von Frieling)""Ein umfangreicher, sehr gut gestalteter Kurs mit einer gut ausgewogenen Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis. Die Sprach- und Videoqualitt ist hervorragend, die Lektionen sauber aufgenommen und die Inhalte (wenngleich komplex) verstndlich prsentiert. Meiner Meinung nach kann dieser Kurs kaum besser gemacht werden."" ( von Peter Drr)Kursbeschreibung:Das Maschinelle Lernen und die Knstliche Intelligenz wird der treibende Faktor der zuknftigen Wirtschaft und des Alltages sein. Wer sich somit schon heute mit den Methoden beherrscht, kann in der Zukunft nur gewinnen!Mein Kurs bietet nicht nur eine Einfhrung in die Machine Learning Bibliothek sklearn und TensorFlow 2.0 und Keras, sondern ich werde euch auch die Mathematik hinter den Methoden, fr jedermann verstndlich, erklren. Der Kurs beinhaltet eine perfekte Balance zwischen der Theorie und der praktischen Anwendung der Machine Learning Tools und ist mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls wird der gesamte Code frei zugnglich sein.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Grundlagen der Python ProgrammierungAnschauliches Erklrung des Machine LearningsMathematische Grundlagen des ML (Matrizen, Vektoren etc.)Supervised Learning (Regression, SVM, Neuronale Netzwerke etc.)Unsupervised Learning (PCA, Clustering etc.)Metriken und EvaluierungEinfhrung in das Deep Learning mit TensorFlow 2.0 und KerasEinfhrung in das Reinforcement Learning (AI)Werde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 149.99

"Tableau 10: Visuelle Datenanalyse fr die Data Science" |
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Gut gegliedert Kein Vorwissen ntig Prgnant, alles unntige weggelassen Guter Einstieg in kurzer Zeit."" ( von Armin Drr)""Extrem gut strukturiert. Souvern vorgetragen."" ( von Corinna Trumpfheller)""Bisher eine sehr gute Einfhrung. Fr Personen ohne Grundkenntnisse sehr gut geeignet."" (1/2 von Stefan Geier)Kursbeschreibung:Du wirst anhand des Kurses die visuelle und intuitive Datenanalyse mit Tableau 10 (Public) kennen lernen. Dabei werden die besten und neusten Features von Tableau 10 vorgestellt und Schritt-fr-Schritt erklrt. Die verwendeten Beispiele im Kurs sind Real World Datasets.Alle Sektionen des Kurses sind mit Videos und Quizze versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren.Ebenfalls werden alle verwendeten Materialien frei zugnglich sein.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Die Installation und der Umgang mit Tableau 10Das Erstellen von verschiedenen Grafiken (Barcharts, Piecharts, Maps etc.)Das Erstellen von interaktiven Dashboards und StoriesDas Arbeiten mit Parametern und FilternGroups, Sets und Cluster erstellenBerechnungen mit Calculated Fields und Quick Table CalculationsWarum sollte man Tableau 10 verwenden?Tableau wird von vielen Big Playern genutzt, darunter sind z. B. SpaceX, Audi AG, Citibank, PwC, Google uvm. Es ist ein essenzielles Programm fr die Data Science und bietet eine reichhaltige Palette an Methoden der Visualisierung.Werde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing 2018: Untapped Platforms (PART 1)" |
"This course is set to show you some of the very important Online marketing Platforms to use in 2018 for thegrowth of your Online Businesses, as well as making massive sales for your Digital Products and Services.One of this platforms actually turns your selfies into Digital targets for Companies and organizations to use for the promotion of their brands.Find out."
Price: 19.99

"Erfolg durch CHARISMA - Mehr Ausstrahlung& Selbstbewusstsein" |
"Mein Name istStanley Amuzuund in diesem Kurs werde ich bewhrteStrategien mit Ihnen teilen, die Ihre Fhigkeiten verbessern, effektiv mit anderen Menschen zu kommunizieren und ein hheres Einkommen und mehr Erfllung durch ihr neues Selbstbild zu generieren.Starke Kommunikationsfhigkeiten sind sowohl in Ihrem privaten als auch in Ihrem Geschftsleben essentiellwichtig. Effektive Kommunikationbautstrkere Beziehungen auf, ermglicht es ihnenmehr Menschen zu erreichen und fr ihre Visionenzu begeistern. Auerdemerhht sich ihre Zufriedenheit, weil sieautomatisch mehr Anerkennung, Bewunderung und Vertrauen von ihrem Umfeld entgegengebrachtbekommen.Sie lernen folgende Inhalte:- BoostenSie Ihr Selbstwertgefhl, damit Sie selbstbewusst und authentisch wirken- Formen Sie ein neues Selbstbild, dass sie zu neuen Hchstleistungen befhigt- Beherrschen sie es auf neue Leute zutreffen und Freunde zu gewinnen-Meistern Siejegliche Form von sozialenSituationen ohne Angst oder Stress- Vor anderen Menschen sprechen und prsentierenohne Schwierigkeiten- Beeinflussen Sie andere Menschen durch die Art und Weise wie sie ausdrcken- Selbst in Stresssituationen Konflikteselbstbewusst und dominant meisternWenn Sie ein besserer Kommunikator werden, werden sich ihnenneue Mglichkeiten in Ihrem Leben erffnen und groartige Erfolge erzielen.Dadurch wird es ihnen leichter fallen neue Beziehungen aufzubauen, einengreren Einflussauf Ihr Umfeld zunehmenund dadurch in Zukunftmehr Geld zuverdienen und neue Grenzenzu erschlieen.Mir ist bewusst, dass jeder unterschiedliche Bedrfnisse hat und ich mchte, dass Sie sich bei der Anmeldung in diesem Kurs absolut wohl fhlen. Deshalb habe ich kostenlose Vorschau-Videos verffentlicht, damit Sie herausfinden knnen, ob die Inhalte fr Sie geeignet sind. Fr den Fall, dass Sie zgern, vergessen Sie nicht die 30 Tage Geld-Garantie.Ich garantiere ihnen meinen vollsten Einsatz und Input aus 5 Jahren Berufserfahrung. Ich gebe alles dafr, dass sie mit mir ""grenzenlos wachsen"" knnen und ihre Lebensqualitt deutlichverbessern und als neuer Mensch aus diesem Kurs hervorgehen.Und jetzt genug geredet! Investieren Sie JETZTin ihre Zukunft undmelden Sie sich fr diesen Kurs an.Ich freue mich mit Ihnen auf die Reise in ein selbstbewussteres Leben zu gehen."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Axure RP for Web and Mobile App Prototyping" |
"In this course, we will start from the basics and up to advanced Axurefeatures, hence making it comprehensive, suitable and engaging for both novice and intermediary users.In this courseyou will learn and feel comfortableCreating interactionsWorking with local and global variablesAnimating widgets and applying transitionsManaging IF / ELSEconditionsUsing repeaters,dynamic panels and mastersPublishing prototypes online for show-and-tell in front of stakeholdersEmbedding interactive Google ChartsUsing Google Sheets as a database in AxureSetting up workspace suitable for web and mobile prototypesCreate reusable widgets and librariesCreate tab, accordion controls, sliders, sticky headers, etc.Create dialpads with custom formattingand moreDuring the course, we will recreate Twitter Web and Mobile applications using all the knowledge and skills obtained throughout the classesand publish themonline.Thiscourse is not confined to standard libraries only. In Advanced Functionalities section we will learn how to save you a lot of time and keep you away from tedious and mundane tasks in prototyping by deploying third party widgets and libraries.What students say""Being relatively new to prototyping and Axure I found this course very helpful. With easy to follow tutorials which progressively get more advanced, giving me the confidence without getting bored to complete all of the tutorials. The few times I got a little stuck Bekzod was very quick to offer help. Having done in excess of 12 Udemy courses I can honestly say that this is the first course that I have completed 100%. Thank you for sharing your insight in a way that even a novice can follow."" - Natalie De Reuck""Course was great , well balanced and with nice extra. thanks!"" -Karel Bina""anfangs ging es etwas schnell, aber spter wurde alles gut erklrt. konnte gut folgen. "" - M L""I found this course really useful - and enjoyable! I had previously signed up to another Axure course on Udemy which was too short, without any examples. The examples he uses on this course are great! I learned a lot about how to use Axure. Thank you."" - Trevor Loveland""Short summary about this course : Good description about navigation in Axure. orrect using of features such as selection groups and others - Axure is not only dynamic panels)) Main point of these course - advanced functionalities - shows superpower of axure instead of all other prototyping tools)"" - Artem Denisov""This Course showed in great detail some of the more useful features of Axure. I definitely learned a lot regarding Tricks to do on your Social Media Prototype. I would highly recommend this course for any Axure newbie. It was Really Fun with a lot of useful resources(freestuff)."" - Gustav Eriksen"
Price: 99.99

"Complete Course on Data Visualization, Matplotlib and Python" |
"COURSE IN THE NUTSHELLConcise and to the point, asI appreciate your time and don't have the luxury to tell you my storyEasy to understand and tailored for a broad audience, as it only requires a basic knowledge of Python and onlyWHAT STUDENTS SAY""This is a great course! Bekzod's instruction is very clear and concise. I went from having zero knowledge of Matplotlib to creating highly customized visualizations within hours. Prerequisites in Python and Pandas are not necessarily needed but understanding the basics in both will maximize your experience in this course. I recommend to open a blank notebook and following along with Bekzod, pausing along the way read the help documentation he references, as well as read any code snippets you may not understand right away. It takes a little longer to finish the course but it's more than worth it. I'm looking forward to additional courses offered by Bekzod."" - Jeff Dowden""I learn a lot from the lesson until now. This lesson improves my understanding of OOP. It is so easy, interesting and amazing to use python to visualize data from the perspective of OOP."" - Haitao Lyu""This course is completely amazing. Direct to the point and use real data not simulation with numpy as usually others did. Great job Bekzod!! "" - Hartanto""'I've used Matplotlib and Seaborn for a number of years. I was reviewing this to see if it was a good introduction for people I work with. The answer, yes. It's a very good introduction that covers some of the critical details necessary to navigate Matplotlib in order to customize plots."" - Stephen BascoTELL ME MORE...After completing this course you will master Matplotlib on an intuition level and feel comfortable visualizing and customizing Matplotlib, Seaborn andPandascharts of any complexities. More specifically, this course is a great resource if you are interested in:How Matplotlib WorksHow to create charts from simple to scientific ones with Matplotlib, Pandas and SeabornHow to customizechartsofany complexities with easeTo achieve the objectives, I split this course into the following sections:Matplotlib AnatomyAs the name implies, in this section you will learn how Matplotlib works andhow a variety of charts are generated.It gives you a solid understanding and a lot of aha-moments when it comes to creating and / or customizing charts that you haven't dealt with before.Create 2D ChartsIn this section, you will generate plethora ofcharts using MatplotlibOOP, andPandas and mix them together toachieve the maximum efficiency and granularcontrol over graphs.Axes StatisticalChartsHere we will learn how to make statistical charts such as Auto Correlation, Boxplots, Violinplots and KDE plots withMatplotlibOOP and Pandas.SeabornSeaborn, a high-level interface to Matplotlib helps make statistical plots with ease and charm. It is a must-know library for data exploration andsuper easy to learn. And in this section, we will create Regression plots, Count plots, Barplots, Factorplots, Jointplots,Boxplots, Violin plots and more.Course Summary andExercisesThis section has dual purposes.For one, it is a good summary of the course and provides you with exercises to test your knowledge and then provide solutions for comparison.Secondly,If you are short-on time, you can start here and then move to othersections if you seek more granular coverage of the topic or when you have more time available.TOOLS USEDJupyter Notebook (IDE)Matplotlib 2.xSeaborn 0.8.1 or abovePandas 0.22 or above"
Price: 139.99

"Facebook Groups & Marketplace: The Complete Facebook Course" |
"Welcome to the ""Complete Facebook Group Domination and Facebook Marketplace Course"" that will show you how to build a profitable Facebook group and sell products viaFacebook marketplace.My name is Leon Chaudhari, I am a serial entrepreneur, drop shipping expert and I now already serve more than 22.000 students in 26 courses of which10are worldwide bestsellers.What will you gain from enrolling in this course?I will start off by teaching you how to build profitable Facebook groups from which I generate more than a 1000 dollars per month. You will learn how to get members engaged, how to sell products inside your group, train community managers and much more!In the chapter about Facebook marketplace we will additionally together learn how to identify products with high margins, how to import products from China via Aliexpress, how to use software tools such as Oberlo and Honey. You will additionally learn how to create location-dependent offers on Facebook Marketplace and set up a Facebook Marketplace online store with thousands of products without having to rent a warehouse or anything - you only need your laptop and no up-front investments have to be made. And dont worry: We will start making money from day 1 - thats my promise!What will you be able to do after you finish watching this course?Monetize their Facebook groups and generate consistent 5- or 6-figures annually from themTrain a community manager and automate the growth of your Facebook groupUse the Facebook groups analytics tool 'Grytics' to measure engagement and optimize itSell products via Facebook Marketplace & build a 1000+ products-strong Facebook marketplace storeMaster the art of importing products via Aliexpress from Chinaand much more!When you are finished watching this course, you will have your profitable Facebook group and drop shipping business on hand that you can manage from anywhere in the world only through the click of a button.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee .YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course now' button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,Leon Chaudhari- instructor ."
Price: 199.99

"Marketing Analytics: The Full Marketing Research Masterclass" |
"Wouldyou liketo become an expert in marketing analytics and learn the approach of emotion-based buying? Do you want to know how to use the means-end theory in order to get deep insights into one'spsych and control it?Then this course is for you.My name is Leon Chaudhari and I now alreadyserve more than 22.000 students in 26 courses hereon Udemy.In this course, I will take you from a complete beginner in marketing to an expert in marketinganalytics and strategy.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching you the fundamentals of quantitive and qualitative marketing strategies, afterwards you will receive my complete guide on customer research and market research which will introduce you to marketing analytics. We will then cover dozens of software tools and strategies to analyze and improve existing marketing strategies for brands, projects and solopreneurs.You will learn the complete approach of emotion-based costumer research through the means-end theory. I will teach you how to take control over other peoples' decision making through means-end laddering and you will learn how to sell to people through emotions.After watching this course, you will be able to...Know how to successfully prepare, conduct and analyze qualitative and quantitative researchUnterstand emotion-based selling through the means-end theory & a concept called ""laddering""Set up their own data-driven emotion-based marketing strategies and funnelsUse Google tools like Google Trends, Google Shopping Insights & Consumer Barometer to do data-driven market researchMaster the skill of reverse-engineering marketing behavior by institutions, brand and solopreneursKnow how to analyze your competitor's/anyone's marketing strategiesand much more!When you are finished with this course, you will know how to apply the means-end theory. You will be an expert in marketing analytics and will master the skill of data-driven research.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any timeAlso, I offer you a 30 day money back guaranteeYOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,Leon Chaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 179.99

"Shopify Empire Masterclass: The Complete Shopify Course" |
"Would you like to start a profitable online store but thought that it's too complicated to set up or had doubts about the technical background of it? Then this course is for you! In this course, I will help you master the skill of online drop shipping via Aliexpress and Shopify. And after you finished watching this course, you will own your first highly profitable automated online store. So what exactly are you going to gain from enrolling in this course? In the first part of this course, we will cover the basics of drop shipping. Afterwards, we will accelerate quickly. Already in the second chapter of this course, we will cover the software Oberlo from A to Z and learn how to identify products with high profit margins on Aliexpress. We will afterwards learn how to import products from China successfully and get them to your customer automatically. You will learn how to edit products, import them in your Shopify store and much more!In the third part of this course, we will then concentrate on creating a beautiful-looking highly converting Shopify online store. I will cover step by step how I build my online store and you can copy my process one by one. Nothing will be left out, nothing will remain untouched. In the fourth part of this course, we will talk about product marketing - I will show you step by step how to set up a professional Facebook ads marketing campaign. We will in detail focus on Facebook traffic, engagement and messages ad campaigns and you will learn how to get cheap traffic. After watching this chapter, you will not just know about the technical background and the importing process, you will now know what is a vital to any business: How to generate sales! You will now be capable to identify, offer, promote, and sell your products worldwide! In the fifth part of this course, I will throw in a complete tutorial on email marketing. We will cover the software tool Mailchimp and you will learn how to use Mailchimp in order to build a reliable customer base. We will cover how to set up newsletters, create opt-in landing pages and much more! In the sixth part of this course, we will then focus on colour branding - we will talk about the psychological effects of colours and how you can use colours in branding and advertising in order to drive sales.In the seventh part of this course, we will additionally cover how to do Instagram marketing, build product-related Facebook groups, do marketing on Pinterest and much more!After watching this course, you will know what took me more than 6 years to learn. You will be an expert in identifying and importing products, setting up online stores with highly converting email and Facebook ad campaigns and you will know exactly how to generate not just your first sale, but first 1000 sales+. While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on Shopify drop shipping, this is an A-Z guide! Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling! "
Price: 199.99

"Home Business Masterclass: Build A Profitable Home Business" |
"I this course, I will show you how to build an online teaching business that generates 6 figures, how to sell ebooks, set up your own coaching business and sell design services. I will additionally show you how to find lucrative freelance jobs, write as a freelancer, and start your own consulting business - This course is 7 courses in one - the ultimate home business masterclass!This course consists of 6 parts.In the first part, I will show you step by step how to generate 6 figures from selling online courses on Udemy, Skillshare, Gumroad & Thinkific. We will cover how to set up accounts on all major online course publishing platforms, find course topics, structure courses and promote them via Facebook ads.In the second part, I will show you how to set up your own online coaching business. I will additionally show you how to create your own first websites, set up online offers and schedule coachings via the online software tool Calendly. You will learn my top long-term strategies to generate reoccurring income as a coach and I will show you the best software tools you could use to scale your coaching business.In the third part, I will introduce you to ebooks, ebook sales platforms and will show you my success strategy that enabled me to generate considerable profits from my ebook sales. You will additionally receive the software tools that I used to design my book cover. We will furthermore cover a software tool you can use to never have to worry about grammar or spelling errors anymore. In this part of the course, I will also teach you how to use Facebook Ads and the Gumroad sales platform to generate leads for your book or sell it to people globally and/or locally.In the fourth part, you will learn how to sell online design services. I will teach you how to succeed on the online sales platform fiverr, how to create gigs and work with templates from video hive and envato markets.Later on in the fifth part of this course, you will learn the 5 steps to succeed at freelance writing and getting freelance jobs on Upwork and Fiverr.In the last partof this course, I will teach you step by step how to set up your own profitable consulting business, how to find your consulting niche, create consulting contracts and generate your first 100 clients.What will you be able to do after you watched this course?Generate 6-figure profits from online courses published on multiple online course sales platforms (such as Udemy, Skillshare, Thinkific & Gumroad)Master the art of writing, editing, promoting and selling ebooks professionally & generate considerable profits from themSet up your own profitable consulting business & manage and acquire your first 100 clientsCome up with your coaching business for which I will teach you how to find your niche, create your offering, portfolio & website and sell coaching sessions via Facebook adsLand lucrative freelance jobs (for instance as a freelance writer, designer, web developer etc.)Know how to succeed on fiverr with your own design service businessand much more!When you are finished with this course, you will know how to set up 6 different home businesses.While other courses leave you confused, this course is a complete collection of strategies, business concepts and step by step guides - a complete collection of everything you need in order to start your own profitable home business.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guaranteeYOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN! And dont forget: If you enroll in this course, you are only a few hours away from your home business and potential financial freedom.Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'enroll in this course now' button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari"
Price: 199.99

"Consulting Business Masterclass: Start A Consulting Business" |
"Would you like to start a profitable consulting business? And do you want to become location-independent and work from anywhere in the world? Then this course is for you!In this course,I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into a highpaid consultant! By the way, did you know that some consultants make up to 5000 dollars an hour? Consulting is an amazing business sector and there has never been as much opportunity as right now! Its time for you to take your share.So what exactly will you learn in this course?Our Masterclass course starts out by teaching you the absolute basics of consulting. We will discover profitable niches and I will show you how to generate highly profitable consulting business ideas.Afterwards, we will concentrate on market research. In this regard, I will introduce you to 20+ software tools such as theAmerican Fact Finder,OEC research tools, Think with Google, Consumer & Website Barometer, Feedly, typeform and many more.We will continue by talking about costumer research and you will receive my complete 10+ pages guide for free that you can use in order to improve your customer research. We will have a look at how to ask questions properly and how to analyse customer research results.You will additionally learn about two market views - the top down and bottom up view and in this regard learn about the 7 ps of marketing the 7-SMcKinsey framework, and data analysis.The course will finish off by showing you step by step how to create consulting fact sheets and presentations that you can use to present your research results. Additionally, we will cover consulting from a business development perspective and I will introduce you to customer acquisition via Facebook Ads and Yellowpages.When you are finished watching this course, you will be able to establish, manage and scale your own consulting business.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"6 Figure Online Teaching Masterclass: The Complete Course" |
"Do you want to build you own profitable online teaching business with Udemy, Skillshare and Thinkific and would like to generate 6 figures fast? Then this course is for you.I will take you from a complete beginner in online teaching to a successful online teacher with a striving business generating 6 figures or more within the next 12-24 months.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching the basics of online teaching. We will together set up your Udemy, Skillshare and Thinkific account. I will then show you how to create your first course and promote it via Facebook ads. You will learn how promote courses online, generate thousands of students quickly and start your online brand with very little time investment and almost no money.I will reveal my teaching secrets and show you how I made 6 figures in my first year teaching online.What will you be able to do after you finishing watching this course?Generate a reoccurring 6-figure income with your online video courses you sell on Udemy, Skillshare & ThinkificMaster the art of planning, creating, promoting and selling high quality online video coursesBuild a business around your passion for online teaching and grow your brand worldwide quicklyAdvertise your courses effectively via Facebook Ads & other platformsGenerate hundreds of premium students for your Skillshare coursesHost your courses on Thinkific, generate affiliates and build your own online academyand much more!When you are finished with this course, you will have your online teaching business set up and ready to go.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any timeAlso, I offer you a 30 day money back guaranteeNothing to risk, everything to gain!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Udemy Mastery: How to create 1 course per day! (Unofficial)" |
"Would you like to know how I create a Udemy course every single day and generate a re-occurring six figure income with online video courses? Then this course is for you!I will show you step by step how to plan, create, sell and promote online video courses and how to do all of that in only 24 hours!If you think it is impossible to create high quality online courses in only 24 hours - then let me prove you wrong. Here on Udemy, I am a top-rated premium instructor, I already published more than 15 bestselling courses with more than 150.000 happy students inside and outside of Udemy from 166 countries.And let me tell you: I will reveal my course creation secrets in this online training. You will learn exactly how to create amazing courses that students love in a matter of 24 hours.But, why exactly should you create a course every day?Before I started Udemy, I had hundreds of free videos on YouTube. I simply have a strong passion to teach. If you dont have any passion for teaching, then this course is not for you!But if you want to teach, build a brand and make a living off online courses, then this course is a must-watch for you!What will you be able to do after you finished watching this course?Create a high quality video course every single dayPlan, record, sell, and promote their courses successfullyBuild a business around your passion for online teaching and grow your brand worldwide quicklyUtilize 30+ hacks to create engaging courses that students love quicklyAdvertise your courses effectively via Facebook Ads & other platformsand much more!Here now in this masterclass, I will for the first time reveal my teaching secrets and show you how I make 6 figures every single year selling online courses.When you are finished with this course, you will be ready to go! And dont forget, your first course is only 24 hours away!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Group Domination: Create Profitable Facebook Groups" |
"Do you want to make money off Facebook groups and want to scale them quickly? Then this course is for you! In this course, I will take you from a completely beginner to an expert in Facebook marketing!Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching you the basics of how to set up a Facebook group and how toget new members coming in consistently. You will learn how to create engaging content and measure your contents success with ananalytics tool calledGrytics. We will then cover monetisation of Facebook groups, how to set up advertising contracts for you to be able to sell ad space inside your group and how to use growth hacking tools like sniplyto generate leads from your Facebook group.At the end of the course, we will also talk about training a community manager who will help you to scale your group and how you can automate your group completely.What will you be able to do after you finished watching this course?Monetize your Facebook groups and generate 5- to 6-figures from them annuallyScale your Facebook pages & groups quickly without spending any money on advertisingBuild a community with a lot of engagement to which you can sell productsMaster the art of creating & branding products that are of interest for your followingSell products via multiple online sales platforms such as Gumroad or DigiStore24Analyse group posts with the analytics tool GryticsTrain a community manager and automate your Facebook group completelyWhen you are finished with this course, you will have your own profitable Facebook group that you can manage from anywhere in the world.Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any timeAlso, I offer you a 30 day money back guaranteeYOUHAVENOTHINGTORISK BUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button right nowand I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 129.99

"Business Goal-Setting Masterclass: The Complete Course" |
"Would you like your business to succeed through proper goal setting and - management? And would you like to get insights into time management and goal setting strategies that helped me sell more than 1,3 million dollars in goods last year? Then this course is for you!In this course, I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into an expert in goal-setting and time management.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this courseOur Masterclass course starts out by teaching you the basics of OKR (objectives and key results), afterwards, we will concentrate on the SMART model - on goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time bound. We will learn how to apply them in the business sense, personal sense and will cover practical industry examples.Afterwards, I will introduce you Edwin Lockes goal setting theories and how to apply them in business.The course will finish off by giving you tested, ready-to-apply goal-setting hacks and strategies that will help you to not just get things done but get them done good.What will you be able to do after watching this course?Master the art of effective goal-setting and time managementSet S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, time-bound) goals in your personal and business lifeUse OKR in order to quarterly re-evaluate your business goalsUnderstand Edwin Locke's enumeration theory and theory of motivation and give your business the competitive edgeApply 10+ highly effective goal setting and assessment strategiesWhen you are finished watching this course, you will have a professional background in goal setting and time management.While other courses leave you confused, this is an A-Z guide - the complete business goal-setting masterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Leadership Masterclass: The Complete Course on Leadership" |
"Would you like to develop properleadership skills but do not know how? And would like to learn how tonot become a bossy, self-entitled leader but an empathetic, honest and forward-looking leader that people respect? Then this course is for you!In this course, I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into an empathetic, highly strategically thinking leader who looks out for others. I will make you an expert in leadership theories, leadership styles and strategies.So what exactly are you going to gain from enrolling in this course?In the beginning of this course, we will focus on leadership theories such as the great man theory, traits theory, behavioural and contingency theory. Afterwards, we will analyse the worlds most respected leaders such as Winston Churchill, Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Mahatma Gandhi. After we are done with that, you will learn about the most crucial traits that almost every leader possesses and I will introduce you to a three steps three chapters course structure.In the first part of this course, we will focus on becoming more self-aware. You will learn how to identify your own strengths and weaknesses. We will learn about emotional intelligence, empathy and conduct a professional EQ test that you can take at any given time.In the second part of this course, we will then learn about other people. We will analyse their behaviour, feelings, ideology, and much more! You will become an expert in behavioural psychology and learn how to influence other people.In the third part of this course, we will then learn about more than 30 leadership strategies ranging from automated feedback loops to organisational structuring.When you are finished with this course, you will know exactly who you are, how to influence people, structure organisations, build long-lasting relationships, promote yourself, build a following and much more!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on leadership skills development, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on leadership skills!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"Udemy Masterclass (Unofficial): The Complete Guide on Udemy" |
"Welcome to the complete Udemy teaching masterclass!Would you like to get started teaching online? And would you like to know how you can earn thousands of dollars with your Udemy courses?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will take youfrom where you are right now and turn you into a 5- or 6-figure Udemy instructor with thousands of students from all over the world.What exactly are you going to gain from this masterclass?Our masterclass starts out by teaching you the basics of Udemy. You will learn how to sign up to become a Udemy instructor, how to use educational and promotional announcements properly as well as how you can manage students properly and enroll them in multiple of your courses.Afterwards, we will talk about Udemy SEO and how you can get your course onpage 1 all the way to the top. We will also talk about bestsellers and I will reveal my strategy that helped me to get more than 20 bestsellers over the course of one year.Next, we will focus on promotion. You will learn how to promote your courses via Facebook ads, Facebook groups and the bestblackhatforum. You will get a clear step by step guide that will help you to make profits fast and consistently!At the end of this course, I will reveal 10 secrets that will elevateyour teaching career on Udemy. You will learn what makes the difference between anaverage and a top instructor and you will get a clear plan on how to become a Udemy bestselling instructor.While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on Udemy, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on Udemy!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 194.99

"Skillshare Masterclass: The Complete 2018 Skillshare Formula" |
"Welcome to the Skillshare Masterclass!Would you like to start teaching on Skillshare?Or have you never heard of Skillshare and are looking for new ways to earn money online? Then this course is for you! In this course,I will take you from where you are right now and turn you into a 4- or even 5 figure Skillshare instructor.What are you going to gain in this Skillshare Masterclass?We will start out talking about the technical background. You will learnhow can you set up your Skillshare account, conduct e-mail marketing through Skillshare, create projects that students wants to take part in and much more!We will then move on to class creation! You will learn how I created more than 200 Skillshare classes without thousands of students enrolled in them. You will learn how to earn more with Skillshare by getting students to watch more minutes in your class and you will learn best practices for camera recording and editing classes,equipment, lighting, and publication.Afterwards, we will learn about promotion. We will step by step cover how you can enrol thousands of students in your courses and earn thousands of dollars on a monthly basis in the process.In the end of this course, we will take about referrals. On Skillshare you earn 10 USD per referral. So how can you get more than 100 people to sign up via your referral link every single month. In this regard, we will talk about Facebook ads, Facebook groups marketing and much more!While other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on Skillshare, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on Skillshare!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.Also, I offer you a 30 day money back guarantee!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 194.99

"Passive Income Masterclass: Learn to Build Passive Income" |
"Would you like to earn more passive income? And have you ever wondered whether there are ways to retire early or step by step guides on how tobuild your retirement fund in just a matter of years?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will show you step by step how to earn passive income - and not just from one or two sources, but forty sources, offering maximum security! If you are ready to have more free time, earn money while you sleep and live the life you always wanted to live, then please give me two more minutes of your time.Here is what you are going to learn in this passive income masterclass...In the beginning of this course, we will cover Udemy and Skillshare - the two biggest online course publishing platforms in the world. You will learn how to become a bestselling author on both platforms and how to create courses that students love. We will go into detail onhow to make a living teaching online and I will even show you my best hacks on how to create courses quickly and turn them into bestsellers.As soon as we finished this part of the course, we will continue with long-term crypto currency investments. If you think that cryptocurrencies are not for you - then you feel like I did two years ago. Since then, I invested heavily into cryptocurrencies and studied the markets - We will together set up your cryptocurrency retirement fund and learn where and how to trade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin,Ethereum, Dash or Ripple and dozens of so-called Altcoins.We will continue with stock trading and ETFs - We will learn how and where to buy stocks, ETFs, bonds and other kinds of equity. We will cover stock screeners like FinViz and cover the basics of portfolio management.We will additionally also cover Shopify and dropshipping in general - After completing this part of the course, you will know how to build your own profitable online dropshipping business and how to set up your shop with the software Shopify. Nevertheless, we will not just cover how to make money by dropshipping products from China via Aliexpress but I will teach you how to create highly converting Facebook ads and sales funnels in order to drive traffic to your store and make it profitable in the long-term.At the end of this course, we will finish off by me showing you 25 more ways to earn passive income. We will cover peer to peer lending, ETFs, online CDs, Amazon &Shopify affiliate marketing, blogging, YouTube, membership sites, renting out cars, vending machine businesses and much more!After completing this course, you will be capable to:Earn passive income from 40+ sources such as investments, dropshipping stores, digital products, trading, blogging and moreSet up a highly profitable online drop shipping store with Shopify & scale it to 5-figures fast with little money and help of Facebook adsInvest capital into smart investment opportunities such as real estate, startups, ETFs, online CDs, and much moreBuild your retirement fund with 40+ strategies to earn passive incomeCreate your own blog and monetise it through affiliate links from Amazon or ShopifyBuy highly profitable Shopify stores on the Shopify exchange & increase their sales through Facebook adsTrade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash or Ripple successfully with Poloniex and CoinbaseSet up your own wallet with Coinbase and know how to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZCash, Monero and other cryptocurrencies with itConduct professional technical analysis for cryptocurrency pairs and currency/cryptocurrency pairsUnderstand price moves in the cryptocurrency world & know how to predict themBecome a bestselling author on Udemy and earn a living from teaching onlineEarn a living teaching on Skillshare & promote your courses to thousands of people dailyBuild your own membership site with Memberpress or AMemberRent out your car as well as put ads on itKnow how to apply an additional 25 strategies for long-term passive income creationand much more!Now, while other courses leave you confused and only give you a glimpse on passive income, this is an A-Z guide - the complete course on passive income!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time.YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the 'take this course'button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!Yours sincerely,LeonChaudhari- instructor -"
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Sales: Learn to Sell Based on Social Responsibility" |
"Would you like to learn how to sell ethically?And have you ever wondered whether it is somehow possible to double, tripple or even quadruple salesin a short period of time?Then this course is for you!In this course,I will show you step by step how to sell more products via the phone, television and online. We will cover in-depth strategies and after taking this course, you will be able to generate more sales than ever before. Let me takeon a journey of ethical selling, honest promotion and self-discovery.In this course, we will cover the following topics in detail:Basic sales strategies - Before we start with more advanced material, we will cover some quite basic sales strategies and talk about yoursales mindset. We will cover basic cold-calling strategies, online sales strategies and much more!Emailmarketing - You will now learn how to conduct professional email marketing with Mailchimp. After completing this chapter, you will know more about lead generation, lists, Mailchimp templates and email campaigns.Cold-calling -We will now cover highly effective cold-calling strategies that will 10X your closing rate. You will learn about exit and closing strategies, we will cover rhetorical hacks and much more!Sales funnels - I will now show you step by step how to set up highly converting sales funnels such as 4 week email sales funnels, interest driven sales funnels and many more. We will cover each funnel's individual funnel plan and you can watch me draw them out step by step.Gumroad - If you want to sell your products online, then this chapter is for you! We will cover how to use Gumroad to sell your products online, including membership products, drip and subscriptions products, physical and digital products.15 sales strategies: At the end of this course, we will cover 15 ethical sales strategies that you can use in order to double, tripple or even quadruple your sales. After completing this chapter, you will be able to apply them right away.After completing this course, you will be able to do the following:Generate leads and convert them into paying customersConduct professional email marketing with MailchimpUse cold-calling in order to generate more salesUse highly converting sales funnels to turn leads into paying customersUse 15+ sales strategies in order to double, tripple or even quadruple your salesWhile other courses leave you confused, this is an A-Z guide - the complete ethicalsales masterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 199.99

"25 Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C: The Complete Course" |
"Would you like to generate more B2Bor B2C sales?But do you struggle with coming up with highly effective sales strategies?Then this course is for you!In this course, you will learn aboutpersuasion techniques, online and offline sales, the FRAT system and much more!So what exactly are we going to cover in this course?Persuasion techniques - You will learn step by step how to get a business or a customer to tell you why they need you. We will learn about psychological effects, conservative but also aggressive sales strategies and you will learn how to sell people as quickly as possible.Cold-Calling -We will now cover highly effective cold-calling strategies that will 10X your closing rate. You will learn about exit and closing strategies, we will cover rhetorical hacks and much more! After completing this part of the course, you will feel more confident when talking to people on the phone and you will be able to close them more quickly.Additional strategies - We will cover all the strategies that helped me and many other sales people to increase sales while not increasingtheeffort.I will let you in on a couple of sales secrets and you will take action toward generatingmore salesright away.After completing this course, you will be able to:Understand and apply highly effective persuasion strategiesGenerate more B2B and B2C sales through highly converting sales strategiesAccelerate at cold-calling and close more sales every dayKnow how to convince potential clients of your solutionWhile other courses leave you confused, this is an A-Z guide - the complete B2Band B2C 25 sales hacksmasterclass!Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, thats why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time!YOUHAVENOTHINGTORISKBUTEVERYTHINGTOGAIN!Its time to take action. This offer wont last forever.Go ahead and click the take this course right now button and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling!"
Price: 184.99

"Protheus 12 - Arquitetura e instalao na prtica" |
"Entre no mundo do sistema ERP mais utilizado em todo o Brasil, o Protheus, da TOTVS.Aprenderemos desde o inicio, como instalar e configurar o sistema para correto funcionamento, assim como toda a sua arquitetura e aplicaes que complementam o ERP. Veremos como instalar servios do Protheus no Windows Server, como executar o Protheus via navegadores web, estrutura de arquivos e pastas, criar ambientes para testes e ainda como modulo bnus aprenderemos sobre a nova atualizao 64bits do Protheus, intitulada de Lobo-guar!Hoje o mercado de trabalho est cada vez mais exigindo altos nveis de conhecimento e aqui est sua melhor chance de adquirir o conhecimento inicial necessrio para alavancar de uma vez por todas a sua carreira! Se voc est na pgina deste curso, por que j faz ideia do quanto profissionais devidamente qualificados em ERP so procurados pelas empresas de todo o Brasil, no deixe de comear a aprender ainda hoje algo que pode mudar sua carreira para sempre. Matricule-se agora mesmo no curso de Arquitetura e instalao Protheus 12 e faa a diferena.** APRENDA NA PRTICA! **Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade da TOTVS S.A."
Price: 189.99

"Programando em ADVPL - Aprenda do Zero" |
"O sistema ERP Protheus da TOTVS est presente em inmeras empresas de vrios segmentos pelo Brasil. Aprender ADVPL se torna uma tarefa um tanto difcil para quem nunca teve contato com a linguagem, pensando nisso, a RCTI resolveu dar continuidade no curso de Arquitetura e instalao do Protheus 12 com um curso completo de ADVPL do Zero!No curso voc vai iniciar instalando a IDE TOTVS Developer Studio, utilizada para desenvolver os programas em ADVPL e tambm vai instalar e configurar a IDE Microsoft Visual Studio Code, caso prefira utiliza-la. Depois vamos aprender como utilizar as perspectivas da ferramenta, at criarmos o nosso primeiro programa em ADVPL, o famoso ""OL MUNDO"". A partir da teremos aulas prticas para voc fixar de maneira fcil cada contedo passado no curso. Caso voc no tenha muita familiaridade com estes assuntos ou com os nomes ditos aqui, no se preocupe, voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa para continuar seus estudos sobre o Protheus e se tornar um profissional altamente qualificado no mercado de trabalho.Este curso avaliado em um alto valor, mas agora voc poder aprender com um valor totalmente simblico.O que voc est esperando? Inscreva-se no curso e aproveite tamanha oportunidade e qualquer duvida, estarei a disposio.Instagram: RCTItreinamentos* Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade da TOTVS S.A. *"
Price: 159.99

"Protheus - Treinamento APSDU" |
"Se voc iniciante no mundo do sistema ERP Protheus, da TOTVS, ou se precisa reaprender algumas funcionalidades, ou apenas entender sobre banco de dados no Protheus, este curso para voc. Esta uma tima oportunidade para aprender sobre uma ferramenta muito poderosa do sistema ERP Protheus.Nunca foi feito e disponibilizado um curso totalmente dedicado ao APSDU do Protheus, embora estar presente na vida de qualquer analista Protheus, o APSDU as vezes passa despercebido diante do aprendizado total do sistema, na maioria das vezes causando frustraes por no terem o devido conhecimento.Neste curso voc vai aprender do zero como utilizar a ferramenta e assim poder alavancar seu conhecimento e sua carreira. No perca esta oportunidade e comesse hoje mesmo o curso.** O curso ainda acompanha um E-book gratuito como material de apoio ao aluno ;)** Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade da TOTVS S.A. **"
Price: 99.99

"Facebook Messenger Chat Bots & Marketing: The Complete Guide" |
"Would you like to create chat bots for product suggestions or customer service? And have you ever though about Facebook messenger and how to make money with it? Then this course is for you.In this course, I will turn you into a professional chat bot creator & online marketer focussed on Facebook advertising. So, what are we going to learn in this course? In the first chapter of this course, I will show you how to create a buyer persona and launch Facebook ads. You will get a complete training course on Facebook ads - in particular we are going to cover messages ads, and in this regard single image ads, single video ads and slideshow ads. Afterwards, we will talk about traffic and engagement ads as well as how to create cheap ads to create as much messenger traffic as possible. In the second part of this course, I will introduce you to Facebook chat bots and I will teach you how to create one. You will later on learn how to turn your chat bot into a customer service chat bot and products suggestions chat bot. In the last part of this course, I will throw in my best Facebook messenger and chat bot marketing strategies for you to copy and apply. Now, I want my students to always feel comfortable when they make a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free videos for you to view at any time. Go ahead and click the 'take this course' button right now and I will see you in the course. Thanks again for enrolling. Yours sincerely,Leon Chaudhari - instructor - "
Price: 199.99
