potolkov3 |
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Price: 19.99

"Cours dapprentissage Androde (truc de piratage & Hacking)" |
"BonjourCette cours s'addresse aux tudiants intress par piratage et cracking smart phone, particulire systme d'exploitation.Donc dans ce cours je vous pressente une simple truc pouvez vous aidez pass les verrouillage de gallery et pass les code desapplications de encryptage comme applock sur le smart phone Android.Danc ce truc tous simplement pouvez d'accedez tous les fichiers enregistres sur l'appareils sans restriction."
Price: 29.99

"Essential Digital Tools for Student Engagement" |
"Engaging and motivating students arealwaysvery challenging task faced even by seasonededucators. To make matter even more challenging is the fact that the average concentration span of adult learners are very short (around 9 seconds). Therefore it is incumbent upon the educators to find ways to gain the learners attention using creative strategies such as interactive learning activities in the classroom.You may have heard people say something like this: You dont need to be very good with technology to do very good things with technology. Thats the basic premise and promise of this course. This course will introduce several free web-based digital tools that can be used to design interactive learning activities that are simple and fun yet elegant and impactful.The advantages of using web-based tools are very obvious: no download and installationarerequired. Most of the web-based tools are also easy to use. In this workshop, several tools will be covered that would help educators to create interactive learning activities such as ice breaking session, brainstorming, discussion, reflection, and much more."
Price: 29.99

"DIY Rapid Video Creation for Everyone and Every Purpose" |
"Is it possible for a self-proclaimednon-tech savvy produce a professional quality instructional/educational video (sometimes called video explainer)? How about producing a stunning video montage for promotional and marketing? Or a video slideshow for personal use? Yes, anyone can do it! This course is designed to teach the necessary basic skill to anyone interested in DIY video production.Yes, creating video content nowadays is unbelievably easy and straightforward even for non-tech savvy.It could be fun as well! With just one click of mouse, you can create a teaching video by recording anything displayed on your computer screen or create a stunning video montage as seen in the promotional/introductory video of this course.Why would you want to create video content for teaching or instructional purposes?Imagine your students can listen to you speaking while they are on the bus, walking to the gym or doing their chores. If you have watched a video tutorial on YouTube or other video sharing sites, then you should appreciate the value of these resources in education. All you need is a simple web-based application or an app.This course will provide hands-on training on how to produce screencasts and rapid video content and discover how these tools can effectively enhance the teaching and learning environment of your courses.With the right techniques, making an engaging teaching or training video can be accomplished with little more than a smartphone, tablet or laptop.You will also learn how to create a stunning video montage and video slideshow for personal or professional use (such as video for promotion, marketing, etc.).I'll be coveringEIGHT important applications in this coursefour applications (Loom,Screencastify, Go Video, Soapbox) for screencasting (screen recording) and fourapplications (Lumen5, Biteable, Adobe Spark, Animoto) for creatingvideo montage, video animation and video story.They are all FREE, web-based (nothing to install),simple and intuitive. Most of the applications are relatively newbut increasingly popular because of their simplicity and the stunningquality of the products.Don't hesitate...start learning with me now!"
Price: 49.99

"SALES Success MasterClass - How to Become a Killer Salesman" |
"I've been practicing Sales & Marketing, for over 27 years.Therefore,Im NOT here to give you useless sales theories, or ""smart"" marketing fads !Im here to share with you my hard-earned experience on how YOU can SELL things to people"", in a systematic way, that can produce RESULTS and safeguard your own professional and financial autonomy.Sales isa formal step-by-step process, which anyone can learnandpractice.With this course, you will discoverhow to unfold your Sales Scenario in a structured and effective manner,so that the sales process moves seamlessly from an initial get to know him stage, up to the final get the deal stage in a disciplined way.Throughout this course, you will learn in detail:the complete sales theory,methodology, &tons of salestechniqueslotsofpractical examples onwhat to say, word by word, ateach stage of the selling processthe ONLYway you should train your mind in order to achieve your goalsin sales, marketing, andlifeYou need to know thatsales success is only50% based on learning andusingthe Sales Scenario over and over again. The other50%, relies on a killer way of THINKING, that will sustain and grow your mentality as a person.You haveto train your mind, andalways fully PRACTICE the Sales methodology AND the 8 non-negotiable Values that arepresentedinthis""Killers Salesman's"" blueprint.Whatever Im telling you here,Ive already relentlessly tried it out myself.My27 years in Marketing & Sales in the UK and Greece, 20 of which as an entrepreneur,is a hell of anexperience!Ive tried thingsover and over again,Ive failed miserably, and Ive triumphed gloriously.TRUST ME!When it comes to Sales, I know WHAT works and HOW to help YOU make it work in your own business.Here's to your success!"
Price: 104.99

"Leaving A Narcissist" |
"Leaving a narcissist or abusive relationship is tough. If you're in the process of leaving or thinking of leaving an abusive relationship, then this video series will help you to understand the challenges you will face. It will explain why we keep going back to them and find it so hard to leave. Why we feel sorry for them. Youll discover why leaving a narcissist is so painful and how important it is to feel those emotions, not matter how hard this is. It will show you how to cope with the pain of leaving a narcissist or abusive relationship. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. This will help you find the courage to take that first step."
Price: 34.99

"Recovering From a Narcissist" |
"Are you recovering from an abusive relationship? Are you struggling to get over a narcissist? Leaving an abusive relationship or a narcissist is not the end. Its the beginning of recovery and healing. Its a cycle of abuse that needs to be broken. Or you risk going back to them or straight into another abusive relationship. Do you feel that intense pull to go back to the person who is hurting you?Do you feel sorrier for them than yourself, even after abuse? This course will explain why. Narcissist abuse recovery begins with knowing why you were in thatrelationship in the first place. And learning howto rewrite your story, so you never look back. This video course will show you how."
Price: 34.99

"Mala Direta - Com Microsoft Word" |
"Curso dedicado exclusivamente para ferramenta mala direta, aprenda a dominar em mais 30 vdeos. No necessrio conhecimento prvio de Word.Aprenda a usar ou criar uma lista com os dados dos seu clientes ou funcionrios, criar regras, gerar e formatar mala direta, impresso de envelopes e etiquetas com nomes da sua lista e e-mails, entre outros recursos.Mala Direta uma correspondncia composta de informativos ou de publicidade, cujo principal objetivo consiste na divulgao de produtos e/ou servios de empresas, ou para fins informativos, como um comunicado interno de uma empresa. um erro pensar que mala direta s usada para marketing, porque uma ferramenta muito usada em grandes empresas para comunicados internos.Aprenda agora e otimize seu trabalho!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Formatao de Monografia (TCC) no Word" |
"No curso de Formatao de Monografia (TCC) voc ir dominar todas as tcnicas necessrias para formatao do seu TCC, todo o curso seguindo as normas da ABNT, tudo isso ensinado em um contedo especfico, pensado para pessoas de todos os nveis de conhecimento da ferramenta Word,mesmoquevocno conhea a ferramenta voc poder aproveitar 100% do contedo. O objetivo principal lhe mostrar como aplicar cada regra da ABNT dentro do seu TCC para que voc no perca tempo em sua formatao e se dedique completamente ao seu contedo, e caso tenha dvidas estarei sempre respondendo todas as perguntas dos alunos atravs dos canais de comunicao."
Price: 84.99

"Create Easy Simple Shaped Cartoons in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Illustrator is vector-based program. In this course;Whether you are new to Adobe Illustrator or have been working with Illustrator for years; there is something in this class for everyone!SOFTWARE USED INVIDEOS:Adobe Illustrator CC 2017YOUR FINAL PROJECT:Owlcreated in the videos inadobe illustratorYour own Simple Shaped Cartoon Character you created using the techniques in the video inadobe illustratorSKILLLEVEL:BeginnertoAdvanced; no previous AI Adobe Illustrator knowledge required.After taking this class in Adobe Illustrator, you'll be able to use simple shapes in adobe illustratorin a variety of ways to create simple but well drawn vector cartoons. Whether you're new to design or an Adobe Illustrator pro,you'll gain the knowledge you need to use simple shapes and the shape builder tool in Adobe Illustrator.Design your own shape based character using the shape builder tool in Illustrator.Back when I was taking traditional courses in college (wait...did that happen that long ago?) I learned that everything can be drawn using simple shapes. In this quick lesson-based course in Adobe Illustrator, you will learn how to use the illustratorshape tools and the shape builder tool to create a simple but effective cartoon animal.Remember this as you move forward:Anything can be created using simple shapes.Start with something simple and work your way up to more complex cartoons.Remember that you have to roll, scootch and crawl before you can walk or run.Colors can make or break a design; make sure you are drawing inspiration from things you love. Ive been inspired by my morning cereal box.*Make sure you download the attached Shapebuilder Guide pdf and open in adobe illustrator*Use this guide to ""trace"" the shapes until you get the hang of it or just use it as a backup of written instructions you can print out and use to help you along your way."
Price: 29.99

"Learn to Create Easy Wreath Brushes in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Illustrator is a fun vector-based program.After taking this class, you'll be able to make your own custom art brushes in Illustrator cc. Whether you're new to design or an Illustrator pro; you'll gain the knowledge you need to use the Illustrator to create a blend, use the transform panel, and create Custom Wreath Brushes.SOFTWARE USED INCOURSE:Adobe Illustrator CCSkill Level:BeginnertoAdvanced; no previous AI adobeillustratorknowledge required.Follow along with the video to learn the tools in adobe illustratorto create the featured wreath using custom brushes. Then lets take the knowledge you have learned and use it to create your own brushes inadobe illustrator!Remember this as you move forward in adobe illustrator:Sometimes staying simple is better.Start with flat color first and after you get the hang of it you can get more creative.Remember that you have to roll, scootch and crawl before you can walk or run.All brushes can be edited or recreated. Remember to save as you go along.*Make sure you download the attached Wreath Brush Guide in pdf format and open it inadobe illustrator*Use this guide to ""trace"" the shapes until you get the hang of it or just use it as a backup of written instructions you can print out and use to help you along your way."
Price: 19.99

"Sfrdan Sanal Makineye letim Sistemi Kurulumu" |
"Merhaba Arkadalar,Bu Kurstailetim sistemlerinin sanal makinayanasl kurulduunu vehangi konfigrasyonlara ihtiyacmz olduunu anlatacam. Bu eitim gnmzde Bilgi lem departmanlarnn kulland sanal sunucu kurulumunu anlatmaktadr. Yani meslek niteliinde bir eitimdir.Srekli yeni videolar eklenecektir. Bir sorunuz olduu anda soru-cevap blmne iletebilirsiniz. Btn sorularnza hzl ve zverili cevap verilecektir.Herkese sevgi ve sayglarm sunarm."
Price: 409.99

rdgcouvq |
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Price: 19.99

"Semitica Narrativa para Roteiro e Livro" |
"Aprenda a escrever boas histriase resolver os problemas de seusroteiros,livros ou quadrinhos.Neste curso vocaprender atravs da semitica narrativacomo criar eidentificar de fatoa estrutura narrativa de sua histria, assim como compreender as origens dos conflitos de cada personagem,suas motivaes e desenvolver mais asua liberdade criativa.A partir deste curso voc ler as histrias com outros olhos e saber identificar detalhes de sua fluidez, nveis de texto,conflitos internos,trama suaspossibilidades de novos caminhos. um curso que explicar desde os conceitos bsicos da semitica narrativa comexemplos e dicasque podem ajudar muito na hora de criar suahistria e resolver problemas de fluidez de umroteiro ou livro, assim como ler artigos sobre o assunto com mais facilidade.Ocontar histrias, ou storytelling, uma arte que se baseia na vida para contaros principais e mais profundosconflitos humanosatravs de estruturas jusada hsculos, de uma forma em que as ideiasse fixam facilmentena mente, comunicandocom muito mais eficincia.Oconhecimento sobre como a narrativa se desenrola e seus reais motivos podem esclarecer muito qual histria se tem em mose qual rumo tomar, quais personagens so necessrios para enriquecer a trama e quais os eventos podem influenciar cada um delas.Este curso serve tanto para roteiristas, escritores, como para diretores,atores,artistas em geralque entendem a importncia de uma boa histria em suas obras ou mesmo pessoas interessadas em entender a estrutura narrativa para uso em seus projetos pessoais. um curso para quem quer aprender importantesferramentas da criao de histrias e ter muito mais liberdade na hora da escrita."
Price: 369.99

"Line Bot" |
"Line bot C#Line botAPIWebHook...C#Visual StudioLine botLine botLine bot"
Price: 3200.00

"LUIS(Language Understanding Intelligent Service)Chat Bot()...LUIS"
Price: 1600.00

"Master Algebraic functions" |
"You will be able to answer any past exam question on functions from any exam boardi will answer any question you post on function.understand the terms function, domain, range, one-one function,inverse function and composition of functionsidentify the range of a given function in simple cases, and find the composition of two given functionsdetermine whether or not a given function is one-one, and find the inverse of a one-one function in simple casesillustrate in graphical terms the relation between a one-one function and its inverse."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner Alto Saxophone Lessons" |
"Hello and welcome Beginner Saxophonists ! My name is Matthew and I would like to teach you How To PlayThe Sax. You may be a Primary or Elementary School student (or parent), you may be a junior or senior High School student (or parent), you may be at University or College, or perhaps you are anadult who has always wanted to play the saxophone. If you are brand new to the saxophone, then I can help you learn how to play the sax. Here at How To Play The Saxwe cater for all beginner saxophone players ranging in age from about 10 to 110 years old. It is NEVER too late to learn how to play saxophone :-) Learn saxophone fast ! Play the music that YOU want to play !You can use these online beginner saxophone lessons as a stand-alone system to learn how to play the sax. Or, you can use them to supplement and as an addition to the sax lessons you might be having privately or at school. Either way, these beginner sax lessons will jump start and turbo charge your playing. As part of our beginnersaxophone lesson journey together we will be playing a lot by ear. That means that we will use our ears to hear, our eyes to watch and our brains to translate it all into our fingers and mouths on our saxophones.By listening and playing togetheryou will be making music together in no time ! Reading music is important, but actually playing music is important too. Initially we will simply concentrate on playing. And playing music is fun ! If you dont enjoy it, then perhaps you shouldnt be doing it. At least that is my opinion.....Here at How To Play The Sax we will be having fun. We will take some simple and traditional songs, learn them first, then play around with them. Well jazz them up, slow them down, rock them out and change them completely. As well as the video lessons, we have backing tracks as MP3 files that you can download too. Play them on your computer, your phone, your tablet, your stereo system and play your sax along with them. There are also PDF files to download (and print out if you wish) to help make learning the saxophone easier for you.Watch the lessons once, or twice, or ten times, or make them a part of your daily practice routine. Online saxophone lessons are a great way to learn how to play the sax, because you can download the videos, look on the screen or print out the materials and access them as often as you like, when and where it suits you. So, who am I and why should you let me help you learn how to play the sax ? My name is Matthew and I have been playing the saxophone for more than 33 years. I have played in rock bands, jazz bands, big bands, concert bands, musical theatre groups, orchestras and ensembles. I have played big gigs and small gigs, bars, pubs, clubs, and stadiums. I have played with famous people and people you and I have never heard of. I have recorded and been involved with CDs that have sold all over the world across all styles of music. I have taught students who are young and not so young. I enjoy playing my saxby myself or with others. I am equally at home on my Tenor sax as I am on my Alto sax or my Soprano sax. My theory is that I will play with anyone, at any time, in any style ! I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy it all.Music, and playing music is my passion and I want to pass this passion on to you. Playing the saxophone can be easy, with the right instructions and teaching. Whether you want to be the next Maceo Parker, John Coultrane, Clarence Clemons, Kenny G, Candy Dulfer, Zoot from the Muppets,or simply just want to learn how to play the saxophone, then you have come to the right place ! Let me show you How To Play The Sax !Click theEnroll Now button immediatelyand let's get you playing the saxophone."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Iniciacin a la Realidad Aumentada." |
"Iniciacin a la Realidad Aumentada y creacin de una aplicacin de realidad aumentada para dispositivos Android mediante Unity y Vuforia basado en Image Recognition. -Creacin de marcadores fsicos para Realidad Aumentada. -Prctica de Realidad Aumentada con Image target Vuforia y modelo 3D. -Resolucin de conflictos espaciales. -Exportacin del proyecto en Android como ejemplo de creacin de una app."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Hands On Learning!" |
"Why Ishould take this course?With over 3hours of video, you will be confident to build and manage your ownVPC on Amazon Web ServicesYou will have allthe required hands-on experience by building your own Amazon VPC environment following best practiceYou will learn about all the core components that make up a VPC and more advanced VPC conceptsThis course covers all the VPC knowledge required for AWSCertification Exams (Solutions Architect, SysOps, DevOps) at Associate levelYou have a life-time access to this course and 30 days money back guarantee, if not satisfiedOverview of the Course Contents -Section 1 Introduction:In this section, we willcover the following:Who is this course for?What is a VPC?Course ContentSection 2 - VPC Components:In this section, we will cover the following:Create a VPC using CIDR notationCreate Subnets in Availability ZonesCreate a Public Subnet using an Internet Gateway & Route TableDemo of NAT Instance using Private and Public SubnetsNAT Instance vs NAT Gateway and Bastion HostNetwork ACLsSecurity GroupsSummaryAWS Virtual Private Cloud -Test ASection 3 - Advanced VPC Concepts:In this section, we will cover the following:VPC Peering Part 1VPC Peering Part 2VPN ConnectionsAWS Direct ConnectVPC EndpointsAWS Virtual Private Cloud -Test BSo, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button.You have 30 days money back guarantee and a lifetime access to the course!!! See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 29.99

"AWS MasterClass in Amazon S3 Storage Management" |
"AWS MasterClass in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Management course is designed to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to use, manage, secure, and monitor Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). It describes Amazon S3 features and tools and provides information about creating and managing a secure and performant object storage platform with Amazon S3."
Price: 29.99

"Math Tricks: Essential Tricks & Workouts to Ace Mental Math" |
"Howdy! Welcome to our amazing world of theEssential Math Tricks!!!This courseis based on our experience in training students both from schools and colleges in enhancing their calculation skills. Here we will help youlearnand discover the secrets of mental math using the essential math tricksthat you can quickly and easily master and apply in your competitive exams or in your every day life.We believemath tricks as not just somemereshortcuts for fast calculation butare somehandy tools to exercise our brain. Thetricks shared in this course arebased on some amazing mental math strategies that follow a pattern. With proper workouts you can apply these strategies to enhance your calculations skills and train your brain.Now what kind ofbrain training mental math strategy are we discussing here?Mental math can best be applied when you calculate from left to right. For instance, try calculating 23x6 from left to right. Looks simple? Now try to calculate 235x467 from left to right. Imaginesolving 10 such problems at a stretch. How good a brain workout can that be. Mental math strategies are fun. They canimprove math speed at a rate you cannot imagine. They instantly activate your brain, rapidly increase your math speed and improve your concentration skills.The beauty of left to right calculations with the help of the amazing math tricks, willmake you fall in love with maths.Why should you buy this Course?Our course is designed to be a comprehensive guide to learn and workout the essential mental math strategies.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorialsdemonstrated in a visual way that you would remember it betterover a normal learning through reading experience.That means we are saving you a ton of time searching around online and trying to piece different information together.Secondly, Check if any video online or any course that presents the tricks better than the way we did.Thetricks are presented based on a pattern that sit in your head. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There arebeautiful animations that explain all the amazing tricks and we're always on hand to answer student questions.You will have fun learning these tricks and you will adore them even more as you workout mental calculations by testing yourselves with numbers all around you.If you have a problem with our accent, dont worry just mute the video and you can learn the tricks just by watching them.Remember, the only way you can get good at maths is through practice and hence we have complemented the tricks with workouts to ensure that you have properly mastered the techniques required for mental calculations.By the end of this course, you will be fluently doing calculations in your head and will be equipped with some amazing techniques that you can use to train your brain. You'll also become the master of some rich set of math tricks that can be helpful in competitive exams where speed is of utmost importance.So, don't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos on YouTube. Or instructors with accents you can't understand. Your time is precious. We offer the best content that is carefully crafted withbeautiful animations and learning by doing. Remember,with a 30 days, 100% money back guarantee we have completely taken the risk out of the equation.Don't think. Don't wonder. Just try us out. Sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and within minutes you'll be learning exactly what you need to know to build your math skillsTODAY!"
Price: 39.99

"Basics of GraphQL with Ruby on Rails" |
"This course teaches the basics of using GraphQLin a Rails application. GraphQLis a query language invented by Facebook in 2012, and made open source in 2015. While it has certain clear advantages over REST, it alsohas a somewhat steeper learning curve.Structured in a simple andaccessible manner, these lectures will help you get on your way to using GraphQL to circulate data between back-end and front-end applications.In the first section we will learn about reading data; in the second, about changing data; and the slightly more advanced third section is about protecting data."
Price: 34.99

"Learn Morse Code with Stories" |
"Learn Morse... with stories!After an introductory section, you learn the Morse alphabet beginning with the easiest signals. Several methods are used in teaching, and at the end of each section, there's a special Morse-related story for you!Morse code was extremely popular before the Internet was invented, but even today it has its uses. Telegraphy gives you the personalsatisfaction that no internet chatroom can give you. Learn Morse and join the thousands upon thousands of people who still use it to communicate even today!"
Price: 19.99

"Detonando em Provas Discursivas para Concursos" |
"Pessoal, gravei esse curso como uma compilao de dicas para quem vai fazer discursivas. O curso rpido e mostra com eu fazia nas minhas provas discursivas. O objetivo mostrar a forma como a sua prova deve ser feita. Em 2012, eu fiz 89 pontos dos 90 possveis da prova para Auditor Federal da Controladoria Geral da Unio. Errei uma crase. Alm dessa prova, sempre tive bons resultados em todas as discursivas que fiz. Por exemplo, na prova do MDIC, no qual fui aprovado em quarto lugar, consegui uma boa nota mesmo sem saber o tema. Essa prova era ESAF. A estratgia muda se a banca for CESPE. Nesse curso, falo sobre isso tambm. Esse curso tambm resultado da minha experincia e de diversos cursos de discursivas que fiz durante minha vida de concurseiro. Ele tem dicas que gostaria de saber desde a minha primeira prova. Portanto, acredito que este um curso prtico e que efetivamente vai ajudar voc com as discursivas. Todo o foco desse curso o de concursos pblicos. Passei toda a minha experincia nesse curso e se voc seguir as minhas instrues, provavelmente ter um excelente resultado."
Price: 144.99

"Retargeting with Facebook Ads Like a Pro" |
"Remarketing(retargeting) is the process of following up with your prospects or clientsin the digital world.This is an Advertising Strategy used by the best marketers and businessownersout there.FUNFACT:Only 2% of peoplewill buy the firsttime they find out about your company. Which means, that all the people you sendto your Facebook Page or Website, only 2% will buy the first time98%of sales will happen in the next 2 to 7 interactions with your brand orbusiness.Retargeting Remarketing is the cheapest yet most effective form of advertising if donecorrectly.This iswhy you need to do Retargeting (remarketing)Otherwise,you are leaving money on the table and your ROI will decrease. Imagine beingable to double your sales just by applying this principle of retargeting(remarketing) All your hard work and all the money you spend on trafficbringing people to your site or Facebook Page will finally pay off.Acquiringcustomers through traffic without retargeting is basically leaving money ontable, and it is very expensive.Ifyou have a business, you probably have a Facebook Page. You may also have aWebsite.But it is not necessary to have awebsite to do Retargeting (remarketing).Youneed to assign a small budget to follow up with people where they left Youwill show ads to specific people to remind them to take the next action.What if you were able to push 5,10, or 20% MORE people to the next step of your funnel?Mostmarketers are leaving BIG money on the table because they dont follow up witha prospect after theyve left their funnel.Buttoday its easier than ever to follow up using ad retargeting.I will teach how toEASILYCreatethose Remarketing Audiences and Create Remarketing Campaigns on Facebook tofollow up with them without breaking the bank.Thisis all about converting more people into customers, and making your currentcustomers buy more from your company"
Price: 104.99

"Music Production: Create Killer Orchestral Mockups" |
"Updated January 17, 2018""Exceptional course! Lots of excellent information in a short course, which was great, as it inspired me to get working on my own pieces. The author is certainly a master of the subject and does a fantastic job of delivering the course.""-Rice M.""Fantastic! Well explained, straight to the point!""-Eduardo L.""A great primer to creating orchestral mockups quickly and professionally, allowing you to get your idea down as soon as it comes into your head. Truly an essential skill in the fast-paced and highly competitive film industry of today.""-StudentHaving the ability to digitally create a realistic orchestral cue from instrument libraries isan essential skillfor any game and film composer. Our Orchestral Mockups course dishes out tips and techniquesused by prosto get MIDI to work for you, bring virtual instruments to life, mix in the third dimension, and how to stretch a game or film project budget without compromising quality. In this courseyoull gain skills that you can instantly applyto your music to dramatically improve your orchestral mockups.Course Includes:How to get MIDI to work for youPicking an orchestral instrument library that fits your needsBringing your MIDI to lifeWhy the concept of mixing in 3D will instantly help your mixesPro tips for stretching a projects budget without compromising qualityTemplates, time-saving and organization tips"
Price: 39.99

"Western Music History" |
"In the words of composer Igor Stravinsky, Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal. Our take on what Stravinsky means here, is that a good composer learns what has been done well in the past and, using those techniques, makes it their own. Any composer worth their salt has studied the greats of the past. With our Orchestral Music History course, you will become closely acquainted with key composers and developments to orchestral music, from 1150 CE to the present day. With music examples, we examine the textures and tonalities used from the Medieval Period, through the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and 20th Century Periods.Course Includes:Major events in western music history from 1150 CE to present dayEvolution of the orchestra through the Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century periodsKey composers and music examplesSuggestions for numerous composers to check out on your own"
Price: 39.99

"Construa seu Site Totalmente Grtis (Hospedagem Grtis) 2019" |
"O curso Construa seu Site Totalmente Grtis te ensina a criar um site do absoluto ZERO, sem ter nenhum conhecimento prvio sobre web design ou programao.Voc vai aprender a criar sites para seu negcio, blogs pessoais ouqualquer tipo de site.Contedo:Introduo e Conceitos BsicosRegistrando um domnio para seu siteConhecendo a Amazon Web ServicesConfigurando o Servidor WebInstalando o Wordpresse personalizando seu siteApontando os domniosRankeando seu site no Google e analisando mtricasBNUS: Aprenda a criar emails corporativos para seu negcio (Ex.: contato@meunegocio.com.br)"
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Database Administration for JuniorDBA/Oracle cloud." |
"Oracle Database 12c is the world's leading relational database management system.After completing this course you will have fundamentals required for installation, configuration, and administration ,Architecture of an Oracle 12c database including hand on all exercise files are attached with respective chapter.Topics CoveredDatabase instance and storageInstance memory poolsInstance background processesClient connectionsDatabase storage file typesControl files and backup filesMulti-tenant databasesStarting and stopping the databaseInstalling Oracle 12c softwareUsing the developer toolsDatabase managementOracle Backup (RMAN) Hands-On Demo and ConceptsStarting and connecting to databaseHow to backup database in Archivelog and NoArchivelog mode with RMANOracle database incremental backup using RMANOracle Backup (User-Managed Backup) Hands-On Demo and ConceptsHow to take cold backup and RestoreHow to take Hot backup How to restore Hot backupOracle DBA interview questionsOracle DBA terminologyOracle Basic ConceptsQUICK REVIEW VERY Useful for DBA Install oracle 18c Demo Install Oracle enterprise manager(OEM) in steps DemoOracle Migration from Non-RAC to RAC database DemoOracle Database clone in RAC enviroment DemoConvert oracle database from windows to Linux DemoDuplicate Oracle Database using RMAN Demo=========================================Oracle Database 19c installation in Oracle Linux 7 Action Plan: 1. Preparing the Oracle Linux 7.6 Operating System for Database 19c installation. 2. Virtual Box Settings for Oracle Linux 7 VM. 3. Setting the static ip address 4. kernel parameters configuration 5. Resource limit configuration and stopping the Firewall 6. dependencies installation 7. oracle database installation 8. Host name configuration for Oracle Linux VM. 9. Oracle listener configuration after installation. 10. Starting the Database in SQL Plus 11. Create one Common user called ""scott"" 12. SQL Developer 19.1 Connectivity with Oracle database 19c 13. Mounting the pluggable database orclpdb and check connectivity on SQL Developer. 14. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager on host machine browser."
Price: 99.99

"Linux Administration and Supercharge Your Career" |
"Linux is more than a role alternative. It's popular for desktops and crucial for software development. CentOS is a Linux distribution (derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux) that is popular with system admins, dev ops engineers, and home users alike. This course shows you how to install and make your way around CentOS 7, perform common tasks from the command line, and get a firewall, a web server, and shared folders up and running. The following topics are covered in this course. What is CentOS? Installing CentOS Configuring networking with DHCP or a static IP Connecting remotely Working with SELinux Setting up a firewall Setting up a web server Connecting to shared folders Launching the graphical user interface (GUI) TroubleshootingLinux useful commands Linux Performance and tuningHow to setup WordPress on Ubuntu using LAMP stackDownload and install Ubuntu 18Install Apache Web ServerInstall MySQL Database ServerInstall PHP and ModulesInstall WordPress CMSLinux backupHow to backup Linux using DD with hands OnHow to use Rsync with lot of examples.How to setup OWNCLOUD Introductioninitial server setup for Centos 7Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack On CentOS 7Install and Configure ownCloud on CentOS 7Linux Security Demos IDS and Fail2BAN1-what is tripwire?2-Install and Configure Tripwire IDS on CentOS 7?3-What is Fail2BAN?4-How to Setup and configure Fail2Ban on CentOS 7?======= RHEL 8 VirtualBox Quick Install============"
Price: 114.99
