"CRYPTOGRAPHY: What Make You An Expert" |
"Cryptography isan indispensable tool for protecting information in computer systems. In this course you will learn the inner workings of cryptographic systems and how to correctly use them in real-world applications. The course begins with a detailed discussion of the core concept and the two parties, who have a shared secret key can communicate securely when a powerful adversary eavesdrops and tampers on them."
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Profile Video" |
"Build perfectly for you video presentation, timeline presentation, testimonial, photo presentation, business presentation, company profile, SEO company promotion, marketing website / company / service promotion, online Marketing, social media marketing intro, internet marketing company video, software company video, corporate presentation, broadcast video promo, product demo, company timeline, annual report, pitch presentation, regular presentation, and any kind of professional purpose presentation.Edit everything easily with complete video tutorial."
Price: 39.99

"Virtual Studio Project" |
"Virtual Studio 2 After Effects template is created for editors who want to incorporate a green screen video with a presenter in there projects.The main features:The length can be changed easily to fit the exact duration of your video presentation, supporting videos of up to 1 hourYou can edit the timing of all the animations by moving just two marks. This is a revolutionary new way to construct projects, so that you can change timing and animation very easily. You will love this new feature!We have included 4 colors setups, as well as our 3 click color system that will let you change all colors to mach your brandA detailed Video Tutorial is included to show you step by step how to edit the project.Features100% After EffectsFor photos and videosAfter Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015Full HD 1920108059.94 fps & 29.97 fpsNo plugins requiredUniversal expressions, works in any languageEasy to editColor can be changedDetailed video tutorialYou can add as many placeholder as you want, video tutorial is includedYou can extend duration with easy steps, video tutorial is included"
Price: 99.99

"Modern TV - Full Broadcast Pack" |
"TV channels, YouTube channels are the most informative stations and networks in the word. They give, sell, show, present everything to everyone, any information like movies, news, music, TV shows, latest videos, advertising and other content. Plus its biggest commercial structure in the world. Your brand is your communication method with the whole world, your key to the peoples hearts! This Smooth, Minimal, Elegant, Elegant Broadcast Pack is for you. Create or refresh your logo or entire channel. Do you want to earn good money and to become rich? Do you want to be famous and first? You want to share something with the world? Help other people to know? Do you want your brand to be the best, to look Modern or you want to get a stylish re-branding? This is your chance to let others to know your blog, info stream, channel, to remember it and to talk about it. This project is great investment, promotion and a chance to be sponsored, great chance for things you work with, maybe your corporation, company, whateverPACKAGE INCLUDES (70 Scenes):Bumpers (5 Versions)Commercial Breaks (7 Versions)Logo Sting (7 Versions)Openers (7 Versions)Time Schedules (3 Versions)Now (On Screen, Ending)Next (Intro, On Screen, Ending)Promo (Intro, On Screen, Ending)Trailer (Intro, 3 On Screens, Outro)Social NetworksTransitions (3 Versions)Lower Thirds (9 Versions)Upper Thirds (9 Versions)Sponsored (2 Versions)Two MonitoringEnd CreditsInfoPROJECT DETAILS:100% After Effects4K (38402160) Resolution;Fully Customizable;No Plugins Required;Modular Design Create Your Own Timeline;Works With AE CS6 and AboveUniversal Expressions(Works With Any AE Language Version)Without Prerenders13 Social Icons IncludedEasy to edit and change color schemeVideo Tutorial Included"
Price: 29.99

"Viruses and spam what you need to knowWhether youre a network administrator, use a computer at work, or just read email, this course is for you. We tell you the facts about computer viruses and spam in simple, easy-to understand languageIts estimated that 80% of all email sent in the entire world is spam. Only 2 in 10 emails are legitimate. Thats a LOT of spam.And spam isnt new - its been around since email was invented in the 1980s. While this old enemy may seem easily avoidable for some, it remains the no.1 cause of viruses entering and infect staff computers or even entire networks.This course will explain what to look out for, provide some tips on spotting fake emails even those that look very real and how you can reduce your exposure to spam longer termWhat can viruses do?Viruses used to play pranks or stop your computer working, but now they compromise security in more insidious ways. Here are the things that viruses can do. Slow down email. Viruses that spread by email, such as Sobig, can generate so much email traffic that servers slow down or crash. Even if this doesn't happen, companies may react to the risk by shutting down servers anyway. Steal confidential data. The Bugbear-D worm records the user's keystrokes, including passwords, and gives the virus writer access to them. Use your computer to attack websites. MyDoom used infected computers to flood the SCO software company's website with data, making the site unusable (a denial of service attack). Let other users hijack your computer. Some viruses place backdoor Trojans on the computer, allowing the virus writer to connect to your computer and use it for their own purposes.By the end of this course you will be able to defend yourself against spam and other phishing attacks"
Price: 19.99

"BlenderProject : ONE - Matriser la modlisation HardSurface" |
"Dans cetteformation Blender projectONE pisode 1, nous allonsapprendre comment crer un objet 3Den utilisant des techniques de modlisationHardSurface. Nous nous baserons sur un projetpratique: la crationd'unPower Cell.En plus de la modlisation, nous aborderons letexturinget le rendu de notre objet 3D.Il s'agit donc d'uneformation complte.Ce cours estdestin aux dbutants sur Blender qui souhaitent acqurir des bases solides, travers unatelier pratique.Voici les points qui seront abords dans ce premier pisode :Utilisation simple et complexe des outils demodlisation;Utilisation de plugins gratuits et payants (non indispensables) pouracclrer notreproductivit;Utilisation simple des outils detexturinget utilisation d'un plugin dematerial PBR;Utilisation dumoteur Cycles pour le rendu final.Pour les personnes qui ne sont pas au point avec les outils de modlisation, je vous conseille de regarder la partie ddie aux outils que nous allons utiliser. Il est conseill de connaitre un peu l''interface du logiciel pour suivre ce cours.Il est galement ncessaire de tlcharger la dernire version de Blender (minimum Blender 2.78).Tous les fichiers sources sont associs la formation.Bonne formation tous et bon project ONE !"
Price: 19.99

"Blender Project : ONE - Modlisation hardsurface avance" |
"Dans cette formationblender projectONEpisode 2, nous allonsapprendre comment crer un objet 3Den utilisant destechniques de modlisationHardSurface complexes. Nous nous baserons sur un projetpratique: la crationd'unPower Relay.En plus de lamodlisation, nous aborderons letexturinget lerendude notre objet 3D.Il s'agit donc d'uneformation complte.Ce cours estdestin auxutilisateurs intermdiairessur Blender qui souhaitent acqurir des bases solides..Note importante :je ne vais pas aborder la modlisation duPower Cell(que nous avons appris modliser dans la premire partie de la formation Project One).L'objet Power Cell est fourni dans les fichiers de travail de ce cours. Ce cours peut tre suivi de manire indpendante (mme si vous n'avez pas suivi le premier volume, donc).Qu'est-ce que la srie ""Blender Project"" ?Blender Projectest une srie de formations qui vous permettront dematriser tous les aspects du logiciel 3D Open Source : Blender.Chaque pisode se veut indpendant mais le fil rouge est devous rendre autonomeau gr des modlisations et projets proposs. Blender Project s'talera entre 2017 et 2018 et se composera de 3 phases distinctes :Project ONE: MatriserleHardSurface :Dans ce projet, je vous proposerai 4 pisodes qui vous permettrontde matriser tous les aspects de lamodlisation surfacique. Nous distinguerons 3 niveaux de comptences : dbutant, intermdiaire et expert. A l'issue de cette srie,vous serez capable de bien apprhender toutes les techniques de modlisation et de texturingsimples oucomplexes ainsi que le rendu 3D.Project TWO: Matriser leSculpting :Dans ce projet, nouveau 4 pisodes,ddis au Sculpting 3D. Ce projet se destinera surtout aux personnes d'un niveau intermdiaire expert. A l'issue de ce projet, vous dcouvrirez des techniques de modlisation pour raliser des objets destins augaming, l'animation et l'illustration.Project THREEsera rvl plus tard. Il se basera principalement sur l'animation 3D.Au programme de BlenderProject ONE, pisode2 :Voici les points qui seront abords dans ce premier pisode :Utilisation simple et complexe des outils demodlisation;Utilisation de plugins gratuits et payants (non indispensables) pouracclrer notreproductivit;Utilisation simple des outils detexturinget utilisation d'un plugin dematerial PBR;Utilisation dumoteur Cycles pour le rendu final.Pour les personnes qui ne sont pas au point avec les outils de modlisation, je vous conseille de regarder la partie du tuto ddie aux outils que nous allons utiliser. Il est conseill de connaitre un peu l''interface du logiciel pour suivre ce cours dans ce bonnes conditions.Il est galement ncessaire de tlcharger la dernire version de Blender (minimum Blender 2.78).Tous les fichiers sources sont associs la formationet sont dcoups pour vous reprendre la session de formation comme bon vous semble.Si vous avez des questions ou que vous tes bloqus, vous pouvez me solliciter dans le salon d'entraide.Bonne formation tous et bon project ONE !"
Price: 24.99

"Fusion 360 - Modliser un silencieux" |
"Dans cette nouvelle srie de formation consacre au logiciel Fusion 360, je vous propose de raliser votre premier objet. La version utilise durant cette version est une version gratuite de Autodesk FUSION360Nous allons raliser un silencieux pour une arme qui sera par la suite modlise dans une formation future. Ce premier projet va vous permettre de prendre en mains les outils suivants :SketchExtrudePaterne Rectangular et CircularPress PullOffsetFilletLine pour raliser ses objetsCombineUn projet simple mais qui va vous faire dcouvrir des outils essentiels pour raliser vos premiers projets.Pas de connaissances requises pour cette formation car tout est reprit depuis me dbut. A la fin de cette formation je vous prsente le prochain objet qui sera en tuto"
Price: 19.99

"Modlisation Hardsurface" |
"Dans cette nouvelleformation blender, je vous propose d'aborder des techniques dehard surface modeling. Nous aborderons cette technique avec la ralisation d'une grenade moderne. Pour rappel, Blender est un logiciel de cration 3D, opensource et gratuit !Dans ce tuto Hard Surface Modeling BlenderJe vous montre grce aux pluginshardops,DECALmachineetboxcutterune autre faon demodliser dans un temps trs rapide des objets complexes.Pour suivre ce cours sur lehard surface modeling, ilest indispensable de connaitre les manipulationsfondamentales du logiciel.Les notions abordes :Utilisation des outils de modlisation de Blender ;Prsentation et utilisation des plugins payants et gratuits ;Mise en texture simple via le plugin gratuitPBR Material.Bien entendu, la formation est ralisable sans l'utilisation des plugins payants."
Price: 19.99

"Projets LowPoly Blender" |
"Dans cette nouvelle formation complte sur les techniques de modlisation Lowpoly, je vous propose de dcouvrir cet univers l'aide de 3 projets complets.Le but de cette technique de modlisation est de pouvoir reprsenter une scne dans sa globalit tout en tant conomique sur les dtails apports. A cette srie nous allons combiner le lowpoly avec un rendu raliste grce DynamicSkyintgr Blender 3D.Dcouverte des 3 projets :Projet 1 : Old GameBoyUne formation durant laquelle je vous propose de redcouvrir les annes fastes des consoles portables. Au programme de cette formation :Modlisation hardsurfaceTexturing Simple et UVMAP basicMise en scne des lments pour plus de ralismeRendu DynamicSky et CyclesUtilisation des nodes pour amliorer le rendu finalUtilisation de archimeshProjet 2 - La fameuse gameboy advanceModlisation hardsurfaceTexturing Simple et UVMAP basicMise en scne des lments pour plus de ralismeRendu DynamicSky et CyclesUtilisation des nodes pour amliorer le rendu finalUtilisation de archimeshProjet 3 : Computer 90'sDernire formation du pack avec la ralisation des bons vieux PC pour lesquels FPS et graphismes n'taient pas notre priorit :-)Modlisation hardsurfaceTexturing Simple et UVMAP basicMise en scne des lments pour plus de ralismeRendu DynamicSky et CyclesUtilisation des nodes pour amliorer le rendu finalUtilisation de archimeshL'ensemble du pack ncessite une connaissance de base des outils du logiciel et de son interface. Durant le projet 1, je prends le temps de tout expliquer ensuite pour les projets 2 et 3 je vais un peu plus vite sauf pour les notions qui ne sont pas encores abordes.Pas de timelapse tout est ralis en temps rel, comment et dtaill et le tout dans la bonne humeur."
Price: 39.99

"Simpel investieren fr Finanzanfnger und Privatinvestoren" |
"Best-Preis jetzt 14,99,- Gutscheincode CODE50 bis zum 27. September 2020!In diesem Videokomplettkurs lernen Sie, wie man sein Geld eigenstndig ohne Finanzberater effizient vermehren kann und das ohne groe Risiken einzugehen. Ich fhre Sie schnell & unkompliziert in die interessante Welt der Exchange Traded Funds und Exchange Traded Commodities ein. Sie erfahren wie unser Geld wirklich entsteht und warum wir Menschen so schlecht damit umgehen knnen. Dieser Kurs zeigt, wie einfach man eine passende Anlagestrategie entwickelt und wie man bereits ab 25,- monatlich ein beachtliches Vermgen aufbauen kann.Dieser Videokomplettkurs richtet sich besonders an Finanzanfnger die keine Lust auf ein Finanzstudium haben, sondern sauber gefilterte Informationen mchten, wie man sein Geld lukrativ investieren kann. Auch fortgeschrittene Anfnger finden hier wichtige Detailinformationen. Lsen Sie nicht nur ihr Rentenproblem, sondern bauen Sie ein beachtliches Vermgen auf. Es ist so einfach!Lernen Sie ebenfalls eine einfache Strategie, wie man ein passives Einkommen generieren kann, mit Sofortumsetzungsgarantie. Schtzen Sie ihr hart verdientes Geld vor der Inflation und damit vor der Kaufkraftentwertung. "
Price: 29.99

"Excel Kurs: Formeln und Funktionen fr Beginner" |
"> Du arbeitest tglich mit Excel, machst aber immernoch fast alles per Hand, anstattleistungsstarke Formeln zu nutzen?> Du kannst bereits ein paar einfache Formeln undFunktionen verwenden, mchtest aber wissen wie man komplexere Berechnungendurchfhrt?> Du mchtest Excel effizienter nutzen um jedeMenge Zeit einzusparen?Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Ich werde dir Step-by-Steperklren, was eine Formel ist, welche Bestandteile eine Formel hat und wie du eine Formel effektiv und effizient aufbaust. Dabei werde ich dir so einige Tipps & Tricks verraten, die dir jede MengeZeit und Nerven sparen. Das wichtigste: Was du hier lernst, kannst du direkt am nchstenTag im Job einsetzen. Warum solltest du genau diesen Kurs whlen?In meinem Kurs gilt Learning-by-doing. ImGegensatz zu vielen anderen Tutorials stelle ich dir nicht nur die zu denVideos dazugehrigen Dateien zur Verfgung. Ich habe fr dich 60 realittsnahebungsaufgaben inklusive Lsungen in 3 unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden kreiert,die deine Fertigkeiten im Nu auf das nchste Level bringen werden. Zudem werde ich deine Kenntnisse in einem Multiple-Choice-Test auf Herz und Nieren prfen, um sicherzustellen, dass du alle bentigten Basics verinnerlicht hast.Ob dus glaubst odernicht - Ich werde deine Leidenschaft fr Excel wecken und du wirst berrascht sein wie schnell du Fortschritte machen wirst.Also lass uns loslegen, wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 149.99

"Cybermobbing Die bedrohlichste Art von Mobbing" |
"Cybermobbing ist in aller Munde und die Medien berschlagen sich tagtglich mit neuen Berichten. Es kann jede und jeden betreffen, egal ob im Privatleben, der Schule, der Ausbildung oder im Berufsalltag. In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du was Cybermobbing ist und wie Du es erkennen kannst. Es wird gezeigt wie Du dich so gut wie mglich gegen Cybermobbing schtzen kannst und wie Du sicher im Internet unterwegs bist.PS: Der Kurs wird regelmig aktualisiert und erweitert!"
Price: 59.99

"Jhrliches Extrageld fr Blogger Autoren Fotografen Firmen" |
"Herzlich Willkommen zum Udemy Kurs ""Jhrliches Extrageld als Blogger, Autor, Fotograf und Online Unternehmerverdienen""!In diesem Kurs lernst Du, wie es auch fr Dich als Blogger, Gastblogger, Teilnehmer von Blogparaden mglich ist mit einem geringen Zeitaufwand jhrlich Geld zu verdienen.Gleiches gilt fr Autoren, Fotografen und Online Unternehmer, sowie weitere Berufsgruppen.Ja ganz genau jhrlich, Du hast richtig gelesen! Und das ist ganz einfach, wie das funktioniert erfhrst Du in diesem Kurs...Viel Spa damit und sichere Dir dein jhrliches Extrageld!Dein Andreas SchmiedPS: Du findest in den einzelnen Lektionen immer wieder Kontoauszge ber meine bisher erhaltenen Ausschttungen! Dies zeigt dir, dass es tatschlich machbar ist und funktioniert und sich nicht um einen Fake handelt!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Mechanics of a Camera" |
"Learn to take control of your camera instead of the camera controlling you! Learn the difference between aperture and shutter priority, and when to use manual mode instead. There are ways to compensate for harsh light, low light, natural light and ambient light. Perhaps you want to take a close up portrait and focus on the eyes, letting the rest of the face fade away. What about the split second to catch your kid at bat connecting with the ball for a home run? Or the velvety smooth essence of a waterfall. The better you understand your camera, the quicker your reactions are which is necessary when photographing life."
Price: 29.99

"Rules of Composition" |
"Your camera is a machine that sees differently than your eye, which means that sometimes a photograph will not turn out the way you might expect. The eleven lessons in Rules of Composition work separately and combined with each other to help you develop your own signature style. Maybe you want to create a sense of frenzy within the image, pushing the viewers eye to dart back and forth and up and down within the frame. Perhaps the story you want to tell is framed in such a way to convey a subject who is completely alone and unobserved, or perhaps the opposite, challenging the camera with humor, hostility or irony. Learn how different colors can create different moods. Develop easy to learn techniques to make your subject appear tiny and powerless or bold and dominate. And then of course, there is lots of fun in breaking the rules once you know them."
Price: 29.99

"21 Steps for Overcoming Adversity" |
"Are you struggling to overcome adversity in your life?Learn from an expert how you can turn your life around.William A. Roper overcame paralysis from a Traumatic Brain Injury, the debilitating effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anda financial crisis that could haveended inbankruptcy, but did not thanks toa strong willeddetermination.Against all odds, he learned how to walk again, ran marathons, and created a successful business career.Today he is a publishedauthor and inspirational speaker, helping those who find themselves facing adversity. Is that you?This course teachesthe same practices and techniques that William used to overcome his own struggles and challenges, and he will guide you on a 21 day journey to achieve the same results. His motto is 'If you believe it, you can achieve it'!"
Price: 24.99

"SEO para lojas Shopify" |
"Um dos principais recursos que atrai vendas para seu e-commerce o trfego orgnico gerado no Google. Para conquistar esse trfego fundamental haver uma estratgia de SEO. NesseCursodeSEOvoc aprende na prtica as tcnicas e dicas para melhorar o posicionamento da sua loja Shopifynos resultados doGoogle.Se voc j conhece SEO ou ouviu falar, este o treinamento para voc! Aprenda com quem realmente entende e domina o assunto!"
Price: 19.99

"Shopify Layout - Erros que voc deve evitar" |
"Oque no falta por a empresa que comete alguns erros simples na hora de planejar o desenho da sua loja Shopify.Pensando nisso, criamos essa lista com oserros mais comuns que acontecem na hora de bolar o layout de uma loja. Uma lista bem til tanto para os grandes quanto os pequenos varejistas."
Price: 19.99

"Rigging Completo com Tcnicas da Indstria de Animao" |
"Ol, seja muito bem-vindo! Meu nome Joo Victor Ferreira e sou o instrutor do curso Rigging Corporal e Facial no 3Ds Max. Tenho 15 anos de experincia no campo de CGI e Rigging. Trabalhei para empresas e estdios como Paramount Pictures (USA), TV Globo, Ilion Animation Studios, Hydralab, Seagulls Fly, Platinum FMD, Snowball VFX, Koi Factory, MMJ Studio, ArtefatoZ, Zombie Studio entre outras, tenho trabalhos lecionando rigging em revistas internacionais como 3D Artist Magazine e tenho experincia real em produo na indstria de animao, o que me possibilita ensinar truques extremamente importantes para que seu rigging possa funcionar 100% de forma profissional.Nesse curso voc aprender a desenvolver sistemas de Rigging para um personagem completo no software 3Ds Max. Voc aprender Rigging corporal e facial utilizados em produo real, incluindo coluna, braos, mos, pernas, ps, cabea e expresses faciais.Aprender a desenvolver sistemas hbridos como IK/FK Blending e tambm parametriz-los. Desenvolveremos sistemas como Bend Spine e Stretch Spine, muito utilizados para produes cartoon e sistemas de Twist para o antebrao. Desenvolveremos tambm sistemas eficientes como Reverse Foot. Voc aprender a fazer Rigging facial ligando e mixando Morph Targets controles de expresses faciais. Faremos controles tambm para sobrancelhas, nariz, orelhas, lngua, mandbula, olhos, plpebras e dentes para que o aluno esteja apto a desenvolver o Rig de um personagem completo.Este curso disponibiliza o modelo de personagem genrico do Hippy Drome e os sistemas de rigging completos para o aluno acompanhar o curso! O arquivo .zip est disponibilizado na aula 4!Aps fazer esse curso, voc estar pronto para fazer o avanado: procure no Google por ""joaovictor3d rigging avanado"" e veja o resumo e partes do curso gratuitamente para ter idia do que voc ir aprender.Bons estudos!"
Price: 474.99

"Rigging with Animation Industrys Techniques" |
"Hello, you are very welcome! My name is Joo Victor Ferreira and I am the instructor of the Rigging: Body and Facial trainning. I have 15 years of experience in the field of CGI and Rigging. I worked for companies and studios like Ilion Animation Studios, Paramount Pictures, Hydralab, Seagulls Fly, TV Globo, Platinum FMD, Snowball VFX, Koi Factory, MMJ Studio, ArtefatoZ, Zombie Studio among others and I have works teaching rigging published on magazines like 3D Artist Magazine. In this course you will learn tips and tricks from the professional animation industry, for develop 100% useful and functional rigging systems.In this course you will learn how to develop Rigging systems for a complete character in 3Ds Max software. You will learn body and facial Rigging used in actual production including spine, arms, hands, legs, feet, head and facial expressions.You will learn how to develop hybrid systems such as IK / FK Blending and also parameterize them. We will develop systems like Bend Spine and Stretch Spine, much used for cartoon productions and Twist systems for the forearm. We will also develop efficient systems such as Reverse Foot. You'll learn how to do facial Rigging by linking and mixing Morph Targets with facial expressions controls. We will also make controls for the eyebrows, nose, ears, tongue, jaw, eyes, eyelids and teeth so that the student is able to develop the Rig of a complete character.This course provides the generic character model of Hippy Drome and the complete rigging systems for the student to follow the course! The .zip file is available in class 4!After complete this course, you will be able to join the Advanced Character Rigging Trainning: search on Google for ""joaovictor3d advanced rigging"" and watch parts of the classes for free to know what you will learn.Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99

"Crer sa microentreprise et trouver ses premiers clients" |
"Profitez de plus de 2 heures de formation vidos pour crer votre entreprise, trouver vos premiers clients et russir vos ventes ! Accdez toutes les ressources dont vous avez besoin pour dmarrer sans perdre de temps et un plan d'actions suivre point par point pour ne rien oublier !Profitez de l't pour vous former et concrtiser votre projet ! CETTE FORMATION EST POUR VOUS SI :Vous souhaitez crer votre microentreprise, devenir freelance et dmarrer votre activit sans perdre de tempsVous avez dj crer votre microentreprise mais vous avez des difficults trouver votre march et vos premiers clientsVous avez du mal vous organiser et vous voulez vous concentrer sur les actions essentielles pour vivre de votre activit rapidementVous avez un projet, une expertise ou une passion, et vous avez besoin d'en savoir plus sur la cration d'entreprise avant de franchir le pas"
Price: 19.99

"YouTube for Beginners - Go Like a Pro." |
"Welcome to this course. You are right here to learn more about YouTube.Whether youwant to be a super youtuber or want to run business in YouTube, First of all you should know all the techniquesto rank inYouTube. In this course you will learn all the stuffs, starting from basic to advancestep by step.What you are going to learn in this course?In this course, you will learn allabout YouTube fromvery beginning to advanced.First you will learn about the resources to create videos.Then you will learn How to create a brand new YouTube channel and optimize it.And you will learn how to make thumbnail andchannel art.Also you will learn to do Keyword Research and the techniques to write Great Titles, Description and Tags for your video that would rank your video higher.And the quick ways to get views on your videos,convert viewers to subscribers and much more, that you can see in the curriculum of this course.So, Right now ENROLL and step ahead among millions of YouTube creators.Thank you so much for taking outtime to check out my course description. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you.See You Inside..."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Complete Guide (Novice to Expert)" |
"Today YouTubeisone of the biggest video platforms in this world. It has overbillions of users and overmillions of YouTubecreators.It has become difficult for a normal YouTube creator to rank his videos higher and get views on it. And if you are the same,then this course is for you.What you are going to learn in this course?In this course, you will learn allabout YouTube fromvery beginning to advanced.First you will learn about the resources to create videos.Then you will learn How to create a brand new YouTube channel and optimize it.And you will learn how to make thumbnail andchannel art.Also you will learn to do Keyword Research and the techniques to write Great Titles, Description and Tags for your video that would rank your video higher.And the quick ways to get views on your videos,convert viewers to subscribers and much more, that you can see in the curriculum of this course.So, Right now enrolland step ahead among millions of YouTube creators.See you inside this course...."
Price: 199.99

"Bootstrap 4 Tutorial and 10 Projects Course" |
"Bootstrap 4 is latest version of the most popular mobile development framework.In this course we will be learning Bootstrap 4 by creating various projects.If you want to build websites quickly Bootstrap 4 is for you!!!!All Project Intros are available for preview.1.Project Nr 1 - Long website using only Bootstrap 4 classes for styling withvery minimal css .2.Project Nr 2 - Grandma's Sweets Website3.Project Nr 3 - RentersRealtors Website4.Project Nr 4 - Furniture E-commerce Website5.Project Nr 5 - Car Dealership Website6.Project Nr 6 - Restaurant Website 7.Project Nr 7 -Portfolio Website8.Project Nr 8 - Agency Website9. Project Nr 9 - Music App 10. Project Nr 10 - Admin Theme"
Price: 19.99

"HTML & CSS Tutorial and Projects Course" |
"If you want to start your career inWeb Development, HTML and CSS are essentialskills to have because they are foundational languages of the web.HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. In short HTML is a markup language that is used developing web pages.CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. In short CSS is a language responsible for layout and styling of the web pages.In this course we will cover both languages from the scratch and by the end of the course become HTML and CSS ninjas by building Responsive Real World Projects.Why you should take this course?Reason Number ONE - You Will Understand the Web Better.Knowing the HTML and CSS and how they are used to create web pages is essential for web developer as they are building blocks of everyweb page.Reason Number TWO - You Will be able toCreate Websites.Once you will know HTML and CSS you will be able to create a personal,unique web page for yourself.Reason Number THREE- Start a Web Career.For anybody who wants to pursue a career in Web Development knowledge of HTML and CSS is required.Reason Number FOUR- You Will Progress to Another Programming Languages with Greater Ease.Once you know the fundamentals of HTMLand CSS you will be able to pick up languages like Javascript with greater ease.Reason Number FIVE- We Will LearnHTML and CSS from Scratch and Will Use it to Build Responsive Real Life Projects.Not only we will learn the theory of HTML and CSS step by step. We also will apply our knowledge by building Real Life Projects."
Price: 19.99

"Javascript Tutorial and Projects Course" |
"Three fundamental languages of the web are HTML, CSS and Javascript.Html is used for structure, CSS is used for styling and Javascript is used for functionality.Reasons to learn JavascriptNumber One - Javascript is the most popular programming language in the world.Number Two - Javascript is de facto language of the webNumber Three - Javascript is Easy to learnNumber Four - Knowing Javascriptprovidesgreat opportunity to get a jobNumber Five - Javascript is Everywhere.Javascript is not web-exclusive anymore. Its on the servers (NODE.JS), cross-platformdesktop-apps etc...This stepby stepcourse is intended for everyone who wants to start working with Javascript.We will cover what is Javascript, how to add Javascript to our projects, how to start working with Javascriptand at the end we willmake few simple projects. A basic knowledge of HTML, CSS would be preferred."
Price: 19.99

"Create a simple 3D Unity Game from Scratch" |
"Have you ever wondered if Game Development was right for you? This course is here to give you a taste of what it's like to make a game. We understand that coding and developing can be overwhelming so we are here to break it up into easy steps so that you stay on track and feel comfortable working with fun technologies."
Price: 19.99

"MVVM iOS Swift" |
"( ) MVC. , ViewController , . , MVVM, MVC. MVVM, , . Swift, MVC, MVVM, , ! !"
Price: 44.99

"Freelancer Masterclass" |
"Welcome to The Freelancer Masterclass - How to Become a Successful Freelancer and dominate your niche.This course is the step-by-step guide to turn your freelancing career into a success and to win more projects straight away. We have put together bespoke contents and inisghts that are based on more than 10 Years of freelancing experience of Waseem Bashir.Waseem is a Top-Rated Upwork freelancer and specializes in Sales Funnel development and web design. He has a background and a MSc in Computer Science. Freelancing allowed him work on his passion every day and also he set up a web agency that has grown to 10 employees in a few years.The Freelancer Masterclass brings top-class knowledge and state-of-the-art freelancing strategies and tactics together. Whether it is about getting started with building up your profile, cracking the interview or setting up a seamless process - All of the steps to make your freelance work a success will be presented. Waseem is going to share the knowledge that generated him $100,000 in the last year with freelancing alone.In the course we have featured other experienced freelancers and industry experts to learn from different perspectives. We are looking forward to see you in the course. Let's get hacking!"
Price: 24.99

"Facebook Ads Laser Targeting Tutorial" |
"If you want tolaser target your customerwithFacebook Ads, you willlovethisUdemycourse! It has beendesigned to tailor tobusy entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to use Facebook Ads but dont have the time to learn thefinerdetailsof online advertising and cant afford to lose money on advertising that doesnt work.In this course, I will take youfromknowing little to nothing about Facebook Ads to being a Facebook ninja and setting up your ownsuccessfullaser targeted adin under 45minutes!You will learn:How to target your nicheaudience ofpeople who specificallyWANTwhat you are selling!How to gethighly-targeted Leadsand with the knowledge ofhow to get them for lessthan your competitors are spending for the same group!A step-by-step guide to creating asuccessful Facebook Adin less than 10 minutes.ThisFacebook Ads Laser Targeting Tutorial will teachyouwhat you need to do to hyper target your niche and reach your ideal customersWho is the target audience?Small business owners, brandsand entrepreneurs looking to learn how to reach their niche audienceBusiness owners who want to sell products using Facebook AdsBusiness owners who want to laser target theircustomers on FacebookBusiness owners justgettingstarted with Facebook Ads"
Price: 19.99
