"Curso de SolidWorks Peas e Montagens (Completo)" |
"Este curso foi elaborado para que voc realize seus projetos em 3D, de uma forma rpida e objetiva, para quese adeque s principais tendncias do mercado e seja um Profissional Expert em Modelamento 3D.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a modelar os principais tipos de componentes e de realizar montagens de conjuntos soldados e montados."
Price: 204.99

"Aprenda Desenho Tcnico Mecnico do Zero!" |
"Um treinamento para profissionais e estudantes que buscam interpretar desenhos tcnicos, a fim de compreender as geometrias e dimenses para que possam realizar tarefas em setor de fabricao, inspeo, projeto, compras, entre outros. Com este treinamento, ser possvel voc interpretar com autonomia desenhos dos mais variados segmentos e, dessa forma, voc estar preparado para os desafios do seu trabalho!"
Price: 39.99

"FMEA - Anlise de Modo e Efeito de Falha Curso Intensivo" |
"Este curso contempla aulas sobre os fundamentos do FMEA, que so conhecimentos essenciais para profissionais que atuam ou que pretendem atuar com produtos e processos. O profissional ter uma nova viso para otimizar e melhorar os processos.Uma vez que voc tenha concludo 100% do curso, ir receber o certificado de concluso."
Price: 39.99

"7 Ferramentas da Qualidade Curso Intensivo" |
"Curso que apresenta as 7 Ferramentas da Qualidade, so elas: Fluxograma, Diagrama de Ishikawa, Folha de Verificao, Grfico de Pareto, Histograma, Diagrama de Disperso, CEP.Este treinamento possui certificado e apoio ao aluno em caso de dvidas. Ao final do treinamento o aluno ser capaz de identificar qual ferramenta dever aplicar para melhorar e controlar determinado processo."
Price: 39.99

"Monitoramento de Rede - MBA PRTG Network Monitor - Mod. II" |
"200.000 administradores de sistema - em organizaes de todos os tamanhos, desde pequenas empresas Fortune 100 - utilizam o PRTG para tornar suas redes mais rpidas e confiveis. O PRTG cabe em qualquer oramento e cresce com as suas necessidades. Quem experimentar o PRTG nunca mais vai precisar comprar outro software de monitoramento de rede. PS: Mod. II da srie de cursos (Mdulos I, II, III e IV)."
Price: 144.99

"Monitoramento de Rede - MBA PRTG Network Monitor - Mod. III" |
"200.000 administradores de sistema - em organizaes de todos os tamanhos, desde pequenas empresas Fortune 100 - utilizam o PRTG para tornar suas redes mais rpidas e confiveis. O PRTG cabe em qualquer oramento e cresce com as suas necessidades. Quem experimentar o PRTG nunca mais vai precisar comprar outro software de monitoramento de rede. PS: Mod. III da srie de cursos (Mdulos I, II, III e IV)."
Price: 204.99

"Monitoramento de Rede - MBA PRTG Network Monitor - Mod. IV" |
"200.000 administradores de sistema - em organizaes de todos os tamanhos, desde pequenas empresas Fortune 100 - utilizam o PRTG para tornar suas redes mais rpidas e confiveis. O PRTG cabe em qualquer oramento e cresce com as suas necessidades. Quem experimentar o PRTG nunca mais vai precisar comprar outro software de monitoramento de rede. PS: Mod. IV da srie de cursos (Mdulos I, II, III e IV)."
Price: 204.99

lazyfriend-2 |
", , , !. , , , ! , . , ! -... ... , , : ! ? ? , ? ? ? ? , , /, ;) -, , , , !, 2 : 1. , ! 2. , . ?, . , !"
Price: 59.99

"Feng Shui" |
"1. Definition of Feng Shui & Energy2. Taichi and Ying Yang3. The Five Elements4. Producing Cycle and Damaging Cycle5. Twelve Earthly Branches6. Chinese Zodiac7. Time Zone8. Luck and Season9. Luck, Element and Temperature10. Best Friends and WorstEnemies11. Ten Heavenly Stems12. Number and Element13. Direction and Element14. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon15. The Eight Trigrams (Bagua)16. Flying StarFeng Shui17. God of Evil18. Purple Dragon Noble Star19. Marriage Star20. Money God Star"
Price: 24.99

"2018 Year of earth dog - Chinese Zodiac reading" |
"You will learn the luck ranking, profiles and characteristicsof all the twelveChinese Zodiac in 2018. It also covers some Chinese culture and lucky numbers. It is a good course to combine Chinese Zodiac, Astrology and Folk culture into one simple piece. If you have open minded, curiosity or interest about Chinese Feng Shui, you don't want to miss this course."
Price: 24.99

"Feng Shui and You" |
"This video will introduce the core part of daily Feng Shui practices such as interior, exterior and other basic concepts. Students will be able to use it in day one. If you are interested in Feng Shui and interior design and don't want to commit long hours to learn this subject. Then this course is just designed for you."
Price: 24.99

"Configurao Bsica de Servidor na Digital Ocean" |
"O primeiro curso voltado a configurao de servidores e hospedagem de sites em WordPress. O Curso foi pensado em iniciantes na rea de marketing digital,empreendedorismo ou profissionaisde qualquer rea que tenha interesse em turbinar seus sites e configurar o prprio servidor na Digital Ocean.Ao final do curso o aluno estar apto a hospedar qualquer site em WordPress e configurar cadeado de segurana para todos os sites. Alm disso tambm inclumos uma aula especial de migrao completa do WordPress."
Price: 24.99

"Modbus Fibel" |
"In diesem Kurs, ber das Modbusprotokoll, befassen wir uns zu aller erst mit der Geschichte des Modbus Protokolls.Zudem lernen Sie im weiteren Verlauf dieses Kurses, das Datenmodell von Modbus. Das Datenmodell wird anhand von praktischen Beispielen erklrt.Eine der Grundlagen zum Verstndnis desModbus Protokolls sind die sog. Function Codes und deren Anwendung. Daher widmen wir uns diesen in einem extra Abschnitt und lernen gemeinsam die wichtigsten Function Codes in ihrem vollen Umfang kennen. Wir werden verstehen was eine Request und eine Response ist und wie dieseaufgebaut ist.Ebenfalls wird der Aufbau einer Querkommunikation in Modbus erklrt und wie das Client/Server Modell funktioniert. Aufbauend auf diesemWissen wird der Unterschied vonModbus RS485 und Modbus Ethernet erlutert.Abschlieen werden wir den Kurs, indem die erlernte Theorie, in praktischen Beispielen aufgezeigt wird."
Price: 69.99

"Modbus Primer" |
"Inthis course,about the Modbusprotocol, we begin with the history of the Modbus.You also get to knowthe data model of Modbus,in the other lections of this course,. This isexplained on the basis of practical examples.One of the bases to the understanding of the Modbus of protocol arethe so-called Function codes and their use. Hence, we devote ourselves to this in a special section and get to know together the most important Function codes in theirfull extent. We will understand what is a Request and a Responseand how this is built up.Also, the construction of across communication is explained in Modbus and how the client / server model works. Building up on this knowledge the differencebetween Modbus RS485 and Modbus Ethernet is explained.We will end the course, by seeing the learned theory in practical examples."
Price: 69.99

"Useful English Vocabulary & Idioms With Fluency Exercises" |
"THIS UNIQUE COURSE will:Make you smile while you learn, practice, pronounce, and master important English vocabulary and idioms.Test your knowledge and proficiency with stories and quizzes, review conversations, and practice exercises.IN THIS COURSE, we use entertaining situations to:Learn, practice, and pronounce useful English vocabulary words and English idioms that you can start using immediatelyUse @ablelingo Instagram Stories as a fun and unique way to help you learn and rememberFirst learn each vocabulary word or idiom in three parts: 1) Example, 2) Definition, 3) PracticeFurther develop the target vocabulary and idioms with extra examples, extra explanations, extra pronunciation practice, conversations, and lively storiesTO GUARANTEE your improvement, this course uses:Extra synonyms and antonyms to expand your understanding of target vocabularyAdditional similar and opposite expressions to increase understanding of target idiomsQuizzes and hands-on exercises to test your knowledge of what was taughtImportant vocabulary and idioms used frequently by native English speakersStep by step pronunciation practice to improve your oral communication skillsAFTER taking this course:Students will be able to communicate more effectively in English and sound more like a native speaker.Students will understand similar and opposite expressions to the target idioms and vocabulary.Students will recognize vocabulary and idioms on IELTS, TOEIC, FCE, TOEFL, OPI, and OPIC exams.Students will better understand English speaking TV shows, YouTube videos, audio, movies, etc.Students will be able to successfully use, pronounce, and understand all target idioms and vocabulary.TARGET ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS:English vocabularyEnglish idiomsEnglish pronunciationEnglish conversationEnglish fluencyActive English grammarTHIS COURSE WILL:Improve your ability to successfully use common English idiomsIncrease your vocabulary skills by learning alternative ways to say essential words and phrasesImprove your English grammar by using active grammar and English that is relevant to daily lifeIncrease your confidence and ability to communicate at a more advanced English levelABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Michael teaches American English. He was born and raised in the United States and speaks with an American accent. Michael is TESOL and TEFL certified. Since 2012, he has successfully taught customized English courses to students from around the world.Michael has graduate and undergraduate degrees in Spanish and Criminal Justice. Prior to living in SE Asia, he was a U.S. Federal Investigator. Before that, Michael was a police officer. Hes fluent in the following languages: English, Spanish, American Sign Language, and Indonesian.~~~Improve your English and become more Valuable.~~~ "
Price: 19.99

"Master English Swear Words Phrases With F#ck" |
"*** WARNING: Inside this course, the swear words are NOT censored. If you are easily offended or wish to avoid swear words, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE. ***Our goal is NOT to turn you into an ugly monster who swears like crazy.Our goal IS to make you more fluent in English and better understand people when they use phrases with the word ""f#ck"".This course is a safe place for you to learn swear words, phrases, and safe alternatives commonly used by native English speakers.In this course, students will:Learn, practice, and master phrases with ""F#ck"".Learn, practice, and master similar and opposite expressions WITHOUT swearing.Learn various safe alternatives and see them used in real life conversations.See LOTS of conversations where the target phrases and expressions are used.Answer LOTS of conversation questions to demonstrate understanding and mastery.Many people say, ""Its not polite to swear,"" ""You shouldnt swear,"" or ""Swearing is offensive."" Guess what? Theyre right! However, theres a BIG problem: Swear words are a HUGE part of EVERY language! Swear words are frowned upon, but they're used everywhere: in movies, in videos, in songs, in conversations, on the internet, when we get emotional, etc, etc, etc. Because swear words are potentially offensive, does that mean we shouldnt understand them? NO!Because swear words are SO common and potentially offensive, its that much MORE important to understand them. It's also important to learn useful alternatives so there's no need to swear. We're NOT saying its good to swear. We ARE saying its important to understand what swear words mean. This way, we can improve our English fluency and be more confident. What you'll learn:Students will have a deep understanding of English phrases using the word ""F#ck.""Students will be able to use similar and opposite phrases without having to use ""F#ck.""Students will understand phrases with ""F#ck"" used in movies, on TV, on the internet, etc.Students will understand English slang and swear words not taught in schools.Students will be able to communicate more effectively in everyday English.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Michael teaches American English. He was born and raised in the United States and speaks with an American accent. Michael is TESOL and TEFL certified. Since 2012, he has successfully taught customized English courses to students from around the world.Michael has graduate and undergraduate degrees in Spanish and Criminal Justice. Prior to living in SE Asia, he was a U.S. Federal Investigator. Before that, Michael was a police officer. Hes fluent in the following languages: English, Spanish, American Sign Language, and Indonesian.~~~Improve your English and become more Valuable.~~~"
Price: 19.99

"Expired Listing Mastery 101" |
"A lot of Real Estate Agents won't touch Expired Listings. Their business is a never-ending pursuit of listing after listing while they ignore one important aspect: getting homes sold for the most money possible.In their wake is a goldmine for any Agent willing to hustle: Expired Listings.Expired Listings are the low-hanging fruit of the Real Estate industry. You can become a top producer in ANYmarket just by working Expireds.Iteach a system that helps you build actual relationships with your clients and provide massive value to them not just as someone who wants to sell a home, but as a homeowner.Homeowners have a particular set of needs, and in my system, I teach you how to meet those needs and build a database full of value that will have you reaping MEGA rewards as a Real Estate Agent.By the end, people in your market will know you as the go-to person for all things Real Estate, but more than that, they will call you ""friend"".Let's get in there and learn how to make Expired Listings, an area most Agents don't bother with, our bread and butter!"
Price: 199.99

"Real Estate Agents Pre-Listing Package." |
"Did you know 70 to 80% of your competition in real estate does not use a Pre-List Package? And the few of those agents that are using a Pre-List package are not using them correctly. I'm sure you're aware of the saying Selling is not telling and I also heard the saying A picture is worth a thousand words Well, with the right Pre-List Package. Your package will sell your clients on you, your team, your service, and your marketing plan. It's time to get excited! Here are a few things you will learn in this full detailed course:How to prospect for now business and new businessPre-qualify your clients before the appointment (Scripts Included)What should you include in your Pre-Listing PackageHow to customize your Presentation FolderWalk through of my 18 point action plan (Edible version provided) Discussing the 150 Point marketing plan (Edible version provided) And much much more! Over 3 hours of essential content! On your mark, get set, go! Let's dig in and learn how to overtake the competition with a professional proven Pre-List Package! Can't wait to see you inside the course.William"
Price: 199.99

"New Real Estate Agent Business Plan" |
"Do you want to be a million dollar producer in Real Estate? In order to become one, you must establish a solid foundation on which to build your business. The best way to do that is with a business plan.I've put in the work to create this course for you to show you a super easy business plan that you can implement easily. Most business plans in the industry are cumbersome and too complicated to really understand.In this course, you will learn:Why you should have a business plan in the first placeAbout the three types of agents in the Real Estate gameHow to put together a strong, 10-year business plan that will get you resultsDon't delay, take my course and set your path to a million bucks today."
Price: 199.99

"Open House Master Class For Real Estate Agents" |
"This Open House Master Class is for any and all Real Estate Agents who are looking to acquire new and future business. The main goal of this course is to teach you how to find, setup and execute a successful open house. All listings are not created equal. That's why this course shows you how to identify the right open house for a maximum sales opportunity in addition going over key information you must know to run an open house safely.There's no way to generate more business than having your leads come to you with the proper open house and the proper training. You can use this information to close more home sales. The secret that most top producers won't tell other agents is, when you consistently perform a successful open house in a certain area, you dominate that area! That's why top producers love open houses. Top producers use open houses to develop their Farm areas.If you would like to inject your real estate business with hot leads who are looking to buy now and close more transactions then your average real estate agent, this is the course for you. I'm excited for you and your career in real estate, looking forward to seeing you on the other side William"
Price: 199.99

"Finanzas amigables" |
"En menos de 45minutos podrs aprender lo bsico de las finanzas. Con este curso podrs tirar los mitos de que las finanzas son complicadas o solo para expertos.Lo queramos o no, todos somos parte de las finanzas ya que son parte de nuestra vida y nuestro trabajo, desde las finanzas personales (ingresos, costos, gastos, crditos, ahorrosy financiamientos) hasta finanzas corporativas. En finanzas amigables encontrars informacin sobre finanzas personales, apalancamiento, finanzas bsicas, mercado de valores, tica en los negocios, casos de estudio, recursos descargables y ms.El presente curso bsico e introductorio te proporcionar informacin necesaria para comprender mejor los temas financieros.El presente curso es una gran opcin para emprendedores, directivos o cualquier persona comprometida con mejorar su vida."
Price: 270.00

"Ultimate Guide to Skilled Immigration" |
"Why this course?This course is designed to save you thousands of dollars and exponentially increase your ability to migrate to your dream country and have a better quality of life. I will teach you a proven system to take the exact steps to select a dream location, find low cost options to study to ultimatelytransition as a skilled migrant. This is part 1 of the course that focuses on ways to study abroad so that you get the best bang for your buck.Who is this course for?The earlier you are in your path to skilled immigration, the more you will benefit from this course. This course is ideally suited for existing professionals or potential students from across the globe who are planning to migrate to a foreign location as a skilled migrant, but are not sure about:where to migratehow to migratewhat factors to consider that you may be unaware ofhow to lower their costs during the processbecome employed in a foreign countryI have been through each of these steps and have developed a unique fast track way to help you decide and maneuver the varied unknowns. See the features section of this six path course for more details.International student applications to most school cost upwards of a hundred dollars and there are thousands of dollars at stake while educating internationally without any guarantee that you will be successful as an immigrant in your pursuit. By spending less than half the cost of a single college application, you will get access to unique insights and a step-by-step guide to migrate as a skilled migrant."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Maestro de Spring MVC: Desarollando Aplicaciones" |
"Este es un curso que a m me hubiera gustado llevar cuando estaba conociendo el mundo de Java y la programacin en general. Hemos puesto un total nfasis en la parte terica para que se pueda comprender la parte prctica. Se aborda muchos temas y apartados competentes al framework Spring as como SpringBoot. Se usa ejemplos muy prcticos. Al final del curso se realiza un proyecto donde realizaremos una API RestFull con Spring Boot y que ser consumida por un cliente realizado en Angular 5. Tambin veremos como consumir APIS externas, en el proyecto se uso la API de GIPHY. Este es un curso muy completo y espero que sea de mucho provecho para ustedes, de parte ma siempre estar atento a resolver cualquier duda que tengan."
Price: 104.99

"Quickest Way To Speak French" |
"This is the easiest way to learn and speak French as a native speaker. The instructor,Creisson Soni, who is originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is a country colonized by Belguim. The firstlanguage she spokewas French, and as she learned to speak English as a third language.Very soon she began toreceiveseveral feedback about her accent. Therefore, she decided to teach othershow to speak French in a way that eliminates the accent. After using her method, you not only learn French, as bonus youwill sound exactly like a native speaker. Without anaccent.The course will contain different sections, with each section having lectures that you must follow. Once finished with the lectures, you will then take a quiz to test your attention to the material,your new found understanding, and your pronunciation of the French language."
Price: 34.99

"HTML5 Canvas Animasyon Dersleri ve Javascript Oyun Yapimi" |
"HTML5 Canvas ve Javascript ileizim,animasyon ve oyun yapm hakknda bilinmesi gereken tm temel bilgiler ve canvas animasyon rnekleribu kursta.Kurs ieriini dikkatle inceleyin. Sizleri harika bir kurs bekliyor.HTML5 Canvas etiketi ve Javascript kullanarak sfrdan oyun nasl gelitirilir ,Javascript ile oyun nasl yaplr? Eer oyun programlamaya yeni balyorsanz Oyun gelitirmek iin gerekli temel bilgileri ieren bu kurs tam size gre.Html5 ve javascript ileweb oyunu tasarlamak ve gelitirmek iin ne yapmak gerekir diyorsanz html5 canvas animasyon ve izim uygulamalarn ieren bu eitim serisine balamanz iddetle tavsiye ederim.Html5 ve Canvas ile animasyon ve oyun oluturmak zahmetlidir ama programlama gcnz gelitirecek bir ok sorunla karlarsnz.oumuzun bildii ylan oyununu yaparak rendiklerinizi pekitirebilecek bir oyununuz olacak.Ylan oyunu ok basit bir oyun evet fakat ylan oyununu gelitirirken siz de fark edeceksiniz iinde bir ok algoritmalar var sorunlar var ...Web oyun gelitiricisi olmak isteyen ve yeni balayanarkadalara zellikle tavsiye ediyorum.nce yrmesini reneceiz sonra birlikte koacaz.Haydi balayalm !"
Price: 99.99

"The Basics Of Forex Trading" |
"Learning to trade Forex is tedious and many people set out to learn but give up the second they start because it's so confusing and can be very hard to understand. We put this course together in hopes that beginners can understand and apply it in their every day trading life."
Price: 49.99

"Forex Trading Strategie" |
"Ces stratgies sont des comportements et des modles et comportent des rgles et des outils techniques qui doivent tre suivis lors de l'achat et de la vente .Cette technique fournit un moyen gnral d'analyser le march. Une fois que vous avez compris cette technique, vous pouvez effectuer d'innombrables transactions conformment aux rgles.vous verrez quel point cette technique permet de prdire les mouvements de prix court et long terme.Vous fournir un rconfort psychologique en prenant des dcisions d'achat et de vente.Ces stratgies ont prouv leur efficacit et leur succs aprs une longue priode."
Price: 194.99

"Gestin de Correos Contactos y Calendario en Windows 10" |
"Este es un curso de modo avanzado en el cual aprenderemos aconfigurar por primera vez la Aplicacin Mail o Correoy de igual manera, configurar la aplicacin de Contactos y Calendario, administrando asestas dos ltimas aplicaciones desde la aplicacin de Mail o Correoy sincronizarlascon otros dispositivos ya sean de escritorio,porttiles o mviles, aprovechando en un cien por ciento todas sus capacidades, con esto, vamos a poderordenar nuestra ocupada vida por completo, por sobre todo en el mbito laboral.El cursoesta orientadoa la Gestin de Correos, Contacto y Calendarioen Windows 10.La aplicacin Mail o Correo, es un software o programa gratuitoque por defecto ya viene integradoen los sistemas operativos deWindows 8 a Windows 10.La AplicacinCorreo, brindasoporte de una manera mas rpida, efectiva y limpia, ya que esun gestor endonde se pueden administrar bandejas de correos electrnico sin necesidad de ir directamente al webmail del proveedor de correoso inclusive de ir al mismsimoMicrosoft Outlook.La Aplicacin Contactonos servir para llevar el registro de cada uno de nuestros contactos, ya sean familiares, personales ode trabajo, crendoles un nimi perfil con ciertos datos que nos ayudarn a sincronizar todas nuestras tareas y actividades con ellos mediante invitaciones electrnicas.La Aplicacin Calendario nos servir para agendar de manera ordenadatodas nuestras tareas ya sean por hora, da, semana, mes o ao sin que se nos pasenpor alto aquellas fechas especiales, tareas por cumplir, reuniones o invitaciones, ya que se nos activar una alarma en la que nos dir que evento prximo esta por venir para que nos pongamos al da.El programa Correopresenta las mismas funciones que podemos encontrar en Microsoft Outlook, el cual cumple con el mismo propsito con la diferencia que esta aplicacin esta incluida dentro del paquete de Microsoft Office y el programa Correo es independiente y no pertenece aese paquete.En este curso aprenderemos lo siguiente:Que es el Programa Correo. Cules son las funciones bsicas del Programa Coreoy como administrarlas. Como configurar Correopor primera vez con nuestra cuenta de correo. Conocer la interfaz completa de Correo. Como administrar nuestra bandeja de correos. Como administrar nuestros contactos telefnicos. Como administrar nuestro calendario (agenda). Agregar o crear una cuenta de correo con un correo gratuito. Agregar o crear una cuenta de correo con un correo corporativo. Como vincular los correos creados para tener una sola bandeja de entrada. Como personalizar el color y el fondo de la interfaz de Correo. Configurar acciones rpidas para administrar nuestros correos. Configurar respuestas automticas cuando nos llega un correo. Activar o desactivar opciones de lectura de nuestros correos. Como colocar una firma al final de nuestros correos enviados. Personalizar la configuracin de notificaciones de nuestros correos. Configuracin de la seguridad de nuestros correos. Como estar al tanto de las novedades y ltimas actualizaciones. Como buscar ayuda y activar el registro de diagnstico. Activar o desactivar el centro de confianza. Enterarse de los comentarios hechos por los usuarios de Correo. Conocer cul es la versin actual de Correo.Y todava haymucho mas."
Price: 19.99

"Master Business Reporting with Pivot Tables & Charts - Excel" |
"Whether you are a Freelancer, a StartUp, an Established Business, or even if still working on a new Business Idea, Pivot Tables can do brilliant magic for you!Decision making will become so much easier and faster!In this course, learn how to use Pivot Tables & Charts Super Effectively and create meaningful, actionable Reports for your Business, in a flash! Why should you invest your timein learning pivot tables in-depth? Pivot Tables in Excel is one tool that will give you the power to analyze data in an unbelievable and quick manner! Instead of using tons of formulas and spending time in creating error-free formaulas, using Pivot Tables,your report will be ready in no time! ;-) Case Scenarios we will use to learn everythingT-shirt Sales datasetFacebook posts analysisWarehouse inventory analysisWhat all will you learn (completely hands-on) in this course?Good versus Bad Data data structures (what works, what doesnt)Create single & multilayer pivot tables Display options Custom Sorting & FilteringCopying, Moving &Deleting quicklyDrilldownSummarizing values in various waysShowing values differently to make more sense out of dataApplying Pareto's 80/20 principleRankingGroupingReport filter & pagesCalculated FieldsSecuring your PivotTablesGETPIVOTDATAfunction's awesome applicationsPivot ChartsConnecting slicers & timelinesBuild your 1st DASHBOARD! No programming required!2 awesome real-life data ProjectsSURPRISEBONUS!_________________________________This is what our Participants have to say:The training provided by Rushabh Shah was excellent. His understanding of the subject is very deep and his methodical approach to train his participants ensures that the learning imparted will never be forgotten.- CA Mihir Sheth, Managing Director - Vision 3K Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.Rushabh is an excellent trainer. Not only is he knowledgeable in his skill, his presentation is flawless and extremely interactive. He makes sure that no one in the class is left behind in understanding of the concepts. This course has been of great help to me to make a sound beginning in the world of data analytics.- Abhijit Audhya, Head - Global Data Infrastructure Services at Socit GnraleRushabh Shah explained so well, even a 6th grade student would have excelled in Excel.- Praveen Udayakumar, Executive - Production (Tier Manufacturing) at MRF TyresYou want to learn Microsoft Excel Rushabh Shah is the man! Trust me i just finished with a workshop and it was amazing, the way he teaches step by step. He forces you to think logically which i think is amazing and they way he drills you, you can remember it for the rest of your life. I absolutely loved it and i am hoping he does more courses.- Dimpy Bhalotia, Fashion designer at Dimpy BhalotiaRushabh Shah is one of the finest instructor I have ever come across. It was fun learning excel from him. Suddenly Excel seems so exciting !!- Abhimanyu DassExcel Trainer Rushabh has thorough knowledge of Excel and he is very good at delivering it in class. He makes sure that he carries the entire class with him. Extremely happy with his Training. Thanks a ton Rushabh !!!- Yashodhan Watve, Assistant Project Manager - Cyient Ltd.___________________________________________________"
Price: 4800.00

"Pneumatic Control" |
"Hi There, Welcome to Pneumatic Control for industrial. In this course, we are going to understand properties ofpneumatic component, circuit diagram of machines and automation systems, and practice at FluidSim. Automation of manufacturing technology has been gained important after 3th industrial revolution. Automation has taken over many work duties like monotonous and hazardous work. This technology can be applied by electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic control. This course contents pneumatic control, but you will understand hydraulic, too. Because they are nearly same. Only difference between them is fluid.The objective of this course is to understand the fundamental principles of industrial pneumatic control. It provides to have knowledge about pneumatic component. You can draw a circuit diagram of machines. You will understand new program which can be added your curriculum vitae.I hope to see you in this tutorial."
Price: 49.99

"Ansys Fluent- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)" |
"Hi there, Companies want to avoid testing money. So, some analysis programs are developed. These programs provide to save your money. Theyll give you result which is nearly correct. In my opinion, every engineer should learn one analysis program at least. Ansys is one of the analysis programs. Some claims that its best. It can analyze structural, fluent, heat transfer, vibration or more. This course contents information about computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Well learn how to create geometry, mesh at Ansys. Then, this course helps to setup conditions. After taking this course, well able to select solver which is best for our problem. I hope to see you in this course."
Price: 59.99
