"Organic Chemistry - Become a Mechanism and Synthesis Expert" |
"Let me know if any ofthis sounds familiar...Organic Chemistry Its a weed-out course, many students fail, you will fail, its hard, its time consuming, its complicated, you wont like it, good luck (with sarcasm), you wont have a life, you may have to take it again, it will wreck your GPA, it may keep you out of medicinal schooland on and on.The story we hear about something dramatically influences how we see and experience something.Now, I want to share with you adifferent story about organic chemistry. And this story is backed up by years of teaching the material.Organic chemistry issimple andeasy to learn. There is a very effective and direct way to learn the material that allows you to start using it immediately. No matter where you are in the class, there are simple and effective ways to immediately increase your understanding and grade.Since I began teaching in 1998, I have been working on creating the simplest and most effective wayfor anyone to learn organic chemistry. And this courseis what has come out of those efforts.Well, lets not waste anymore time...Lets get to it!"
Price: 19.99

"Palo Mayombe: African Origins" |
"In this course you will better understand how the events and people in Africa shaped what would later become the religion ofPalo Mayombein Cuba.This course is made up of sevenlectures that are meant to easily explainthe origins of the Palo MayombeReligion as well as introduce you to the different denominations of Palo that exist today. You will also gain a better understanding of PaloMayombe's relaionship with other religions including Catholicism and other African religions.Oftentimes confused with Voodoo and Santeria, Palo Mayombe is a religion that hails from the people who were known as ""Congos""in Cuba. These people weren't just those that come from the present day Democratic Republic of the Congo but from a much broader area.They believed in much more than magic, this isa story of politics andintrigue that includes triumph, deceit, war and much more."
Price: 39.99

"Essentials to Building Your Sales Career as a Business" |
"This moduleis designed for executives, entrepreneurs, managers,business owners and industry leaders involved in direct sales, marketing, businessdevelopment, retail management, Customer Relations, Accounts Management(Including High Net worth) and many more.No matter if you are an independent salesperson looking to increase yourindividual sales results and income, or an organization looking to turn your salesteam into one that is highly skilled and productive, this module will give you extra strategies to enhance your sales revenue!Simply put, this modulecould just be for anyone who desires to understand theart and science of selling and achieve success, and greater heights in theirsales career.What everyone should knowabout being a greatsalesperson is that it is notabout having a gift or beingborn for it, but simplistically,its only a matter of strategiesand processes that affect thejourney of a salespersontowards sales greatness."" - Leroy Frank Ratnam"
Price: 59.99

"The Power Of The Jesus Prayer" |
"Learn amethodpracticed by Christian mystics for centuries to consent to the action and presence of God within:Access downloadable guided meditations, guidelines and training materialsLearn how to experience inner transformation through these practices in modern lifeLearn how to integrate a sense of the sacred into your everyday experienceReceive helpful tips on how to transition into contemplative space, and how to stay engaged on the pathConnect to Contemplative Community"
Price: 19.99

"Krav Maga Self Defense: Intro. & Core Combatives by D. Kahn" |
"This 14 lesson introductory course is designed to introduce both beginners and advanced martial arts practitioners to the core principles and combative strikes of the world-renowned Israeli krav maga self defense system. Not all krav maga is the same. These lessons include:Krav maga introductionSimultaneous Defense & AttackAnatomical TargettingEye Gouges & StrikesElbow StrikesKnee StrikesLinear Straight Punches & Palm-heel StrikesHorizontal Palm Heel StrikesStraight KicksRoundhouse KicksSidekicksKick & Punch CombinationsElbow & Knee CombinationsThis course is taught by David Kahn, United States Chief Instructor for the Israeli Krav Maga Association. David received his advanced blackbelt teaching certifications from Grandmaster Haim Gidon, the worlds highest ranked krav maga instructor. David has trained all branches of the U.S. military including the United States Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) along with the Royal Marines including dozens of other special operations personnel. He has also taught at many respected hand-to-hand combat schools including at the Naval Special Warfare Advanced Training Command, Marine Corps Martial Arts School of Excellence, Quantico, (MACE) and U.S. Army Combatives School, Fort Benning. David has also trained more than 220 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies including having taught at the FBI Academy (Quantico) and is a certified instructor by the State of New Jersey Police Training Commission. PBA 130 awarded David a lifetime achievement silver card by for his pro bono LE work. David works with NFL players including several Pro Bowlers. Mainstream media regularly feature David including Mens Fitness, New York Times, GQ, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Penthouse, Fitness, Marine Corps News, Armed Forces Network, Special Operations Report and Militarycom David authored the books Krav Maga, Advanced Krav Maga, Krav Maga Weapon Defenses, Krav Maga Professional Tactics and, most recently, Krav Maga Defense. He also produced the Mastering Krav Maga DVD series, Volumes I-IV along with the Mastering Krav Maga Online program. "
Price: 29.99

"Krav Maga: Defending Against Straight Punch Attacks" |
"The Israel Krav Maga AdvantageThis nine lesson course teaches to defend against a straight punch directed at your head; a typical street attack. The goal is to provide a few, instinctive Israeli krav maga solutions that will allow students to successfully fend off straight punch attacks. Defenses are taught when the defender recognizes an incoming attack and also when the defender is ambushed. Counter-attacks are incorporated into the defenses.The Israeli krav maga fighting system is designed to work against any attacker. The key is your mindset. You must turn the table on your opponent(s) immediately. In other words, you must be able to transition from a highly disadvantageous negative five position to an advantageous positive five position instinctively and instantaneously.If you must defend yourself, you need to dominate your attacker and incapacitate him. Krav magas core techniques provide cumulative building blocks for a formidable self-defense foundation. A few mastered techniques go a long way and are highly effective in most situations. The essence of krav maga is to neutralize an opponent quickly. There are no rules in an unscripted fight. This lack of rules distinguishes self-defense from sport fighting. In a sport fight the following are generally prohibited: eye gouge; throat strikes; head butting; biting; hair-pulling; clawing, pinching, or twisting of the flesh; striking the spine and the back of the head; striking with the tip of the elbow; small joint manipulation; kidney and liver strikes, clavicle strikes; kneeing or kicking the head of an opponent on the ground; and slamming an opponent to the ground on his head. These are precisely the core tactics we emphasize in krav maga. Keep in mind, however, that the level of force you use to defend yourself should be commensurate with the threat. You need not master hundreds of self techniques to become a kravist or competent krav maga fighter. In krav maga, we prepare for any type and number of attacks. Non-violent conflict resolution is always your best solution. While there are no set solutions for ending a fight, there are preferred methods using retzev or continuous combat motion to prevail."
Price: 29.99

"Krav Maga: Hook Punch Defenses" |
"This eight lecture course covers Israeli krav maga's instinctive, most brutally efficient defenses against a hook punch to the head. The goal is to provide students with a few easily learned and retained options to defend against the hook punch, a street favorite. Krav maga builds on the body's natrual flinch instinct and hones this skill to react instinctively and instantaneously to an attack, especially, an ambush.The Israeli krav maga self-defense system has achieved global recognition for its efficiency, simplicity, and, when required, brutal efficiency. Krav magas world-renowned weapon defenses were developed for a modern army, the Israel Defense Force (IDF), as its official self-defense and close-quarters-combat system. The IDF, Israeli National Police, and security agencies needed a defensive tactics system based on instinct, simplicity, adaptability and practicality. Krav maga is usually translated as contact combat. This specific translation is significant because of the word combat rather than the word fight. Combat is considered a life and death situation devoid of any sporting element, chivalry, or rules. This differentiation is fundamental to krav magas methods and philosophy. Equally important, self-defense is reacting from an unprepared state. Hand-to-hand combat occurs when two combatants square off; they are prepared to fight at any moment. In summary, Israeli krav magas popularity rests on the following four pillars: Krav maga emphasizes defending against any manner of attack (unarmed or armed.) The self-defense system relies on instinctive body movements, which are honed, easily learned, retained and performed under stress. The techniques are based on building blocks that, when combined, allow the defender to prevail in life-threatening situations. Defenders react with speed, economy of motion, and objectively reasonable force. This course is taught by David Kahn, United States Chief Instructor for the Israeli Krav Maga Association. David received his advanced blackbelt teaching certifications from Grandmaster Haim Gidon, the worlds highest ranked krav maga instructor. David has trained all branches of the U.S. military including the United States Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) along with the Royal Marines including dozens of other special operations personnel.He has also taught at many respected hand-to-hand combat schools including at the Naval Special Warfare Advanced Training Command, Marine Corps Martial Arts School of Excellence, Quantico, (MACE) and U.S. Army Combatives School, Fort Benning. David has also trained more than 125 federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies including having taught at the FBI Academy (Quantico) and is a certified instructor by the State of New Jersey Police Training Commission. PBA 130 awarded David a lifetime achievement silver card by for his pro bono LE work. David works with NFL players including several Pro Bowlers. Mainstream media regularly feature David including Mens Fitness, New York Times, GQ, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Penthouse, Fitness, Marine Corps News, Armed Forces Network, Special Operations Report and Militarycom David authored the books Krav Maga, Advanced Krav Maga, Krav Maga Weapon Defenses, Krav Maga Professional Tactics and, most recently, Krav Maga Defense. He also produced the Mastering Krav Maga DVD series, Volumes I-IV along with the Mastering Krav Maga Online program."
Price: 29.99

"Introduccin a Itris software" |
"En el mercado laboral esnecesario poder diferenciarte. Saca provecho de este curso y se el mejor usando Itris Software.Te invito a que formes parte de la comunidad Itris on line.Con este curso vas a poder resolver conocer en profundidad la nueva herramienta de gestin que tu empresa contrat. Es necesario que realices este curso y lo completes. Te va a dar un aprendizajeespectacular para entender la lgica de laherramienta. Tambin podrs hacer uso de todos los atajos y trucos que te ayudarn a generar ms tareas en menor tiempo.Tu gestin se optimizar al mximo, permitiendo ser eficiente y productivo."
Price: 99.99

"Tricky English Grammar/Master Punctuation for Better Writing" |
"Welcome to "" Tricky English Grammar/Master Punctuation for Better Writing "" courseIn this course, you will review verb English grammar tenses and punctuation. These skills are important for good writing. If you have too many mistakes in your English writing, it can be distracting to the reader. So use this class to check yourself and to improve these basic skills before you start writing. The ""Tricky English Grammar/Master Punctuation for Better Writing"" course will teach you everything you want to know about tricky English grammar, punctuation, and English writing skills. The course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of mastering tricky English grammar and punctuation to write powerful and effective essays in English.Even if you have a little to no experience with the material provided here, this course will take you step by step to master tricky English grammar and punctuation for Better Writing.Overview of the course:This course consists of two parts in which in the first part we start from scratch by explaining important English grammar terms such as participles in English, rules of adding ""s"", ""ed"" ""ing"" then we'll have look at articles, uncountable nouns, and countable nouns.and then we'll explain main verbs and auxiliary verbs with the 3 most important verbs in English ""to be"" ""to do"" ""to have"" to be ready to learn punctuation. So if you've already familiar with those terms you can skip up to the second part. In which in the first module we will make a review of the 12 verb tenses in English by focusing on the most tricky English tenses And I'll show you how to use correct punctuation with conjunctions. the second module you are going to learn compound sentences, adverb clauses, and complex sentences so that you' will be able to identify verb clauses, compound sentences, and complex sentences and then punctuate them correctly. In the last module, we will discuss punctuation by focusing on more comma uses in English sentences, then you will learn Parallel structure that will help you improve your English writing style. And then we'll wrap up the course by explaining sentence variety and why it's important to use sentence variety in your English writing in order to write strong and effective essays.What will you learn by enrolling in this course today? #First PartParticiples in EnglishRules of adding ""s"", ""ed"" ""ing""Articles / Uncountable nouns / Countable nounsMain verbs and Auxiliary verbs ( ""to be"" ""to do"" ""to have"")Tricky English grammar terms#Second PartReview of the 12 verb tensesUnderstand the most tricky English tensesIdentify the correct verb tenses to use Correct punctuation with conjunctionsFanboys conjunctionsCommas and conjunctionsSimple sentencesCompound SentencesComplex sentencesCompound sentences with conjunctionsCompound sentences with transitionsPunctuating transitions in compound sentencesAdverb clauses Independent clausesDependent clausesAdverb clauses connectorsUsing more commas in Written EnglishUsing Commas with a series of nouns, adjectives and verbsUsing Introductory phrases and how to punctuate them in your writingUsing Interrupting phrases and how to punctuate them Transition words with different usesTherefore Vs Therefore Parallel structureUsing Parallel structure with conjunctionsConnectors with parallel stuctureSentence VarietyCompound-Complex SentencesUsing Adverbs to create sentence varietyUsing Short sentences in your writingUsing Medium sentences in your writingUsing Long sentences in your writingUsing Synonyms for sentence varietyHow to use different sentences types in your writingHow to start sentences differently in your writingHow to use different sentence lengths in your writingHow to use synonyms effectivelyHow to write strong and effective essaysTake your writing skills to the next levelTo have a unique writing styleWrite more effectively in English Utilize several different sentence types Use commas effectivelyPunctuation Tricky English GrammarEnglish WritingWho should take this course?So whether you are: A completely Beginner Intermediate Advanced The course is appropriate for all levels.How to feel comfortable when making a purchase? Now I want my student to feel comfortable when making a purchase, that's why I have uploaded multiple free previews videos to see anytime. Also, We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked! I can't wait to see you in the "" Tricky English Grammar / Master Punctuation for Better Writing"" courseEnroll now, and I'll help you boost your knowledge and enhance your skills than ever before!Assem Hafsi ,"
Price: 74.99

"Learning Camtasia 9 / Creating Youtube Videos & Tutorials" |
"While it can be beneficial to explain certain concepts in person, you can save yourself timeand reach a more diverse set of learnersby encapsulating a lesson in an instructional video. Camtasia 9the popular video-editing softwareboasts an easy-to-use interface and an array of tools that can help you create high-quality video-based training. In this course, I am going to show you how to capture, produce, and share instructional videos using the tools and features offered in Camtasia 9.And to cover working with the Camtasia 9 interface, creating interactive videos, adding learning supports, creating accessible training, and publishing videos from Camtasia.Topics include:Understanding the Camtasia 9 interfaceRecording tips and tricksCapturing your videoProviding feedbackMaking a basic editAdding annotations, transitions, and musicHiding mistakesPosting your videoExporting, linking, and embedding video I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and I'll help you boost your knowledge and enhance your skills than ever before!Assem Hafsi,"
Price: 69.99

"English Grammar Foundations - Improve your Writing skills" |
"Welcome to the course!Grammar matters! Why? Proper English grammar improves the clarity of your writing and increases readers' confidence in your ideas. But memorizing every single English grammar rule is not the purpose of this course. Instead, I am going to help you apply the basic principles of English Grammar so you can avoid making the most common English grammarmistakes. Learn about the different parts of speech, possessive rules, and the difference between writing vs. spelling numbers. Then discover English grammar tricks for using words that look alike or sound alike (but have entirely different meanings) and enforcing parallel structure.- You'll get clear explanations about the difficult English grammar points and practice in using them correctly.- You will learn a lot of English grammar different ways to join ideas to make simple, compound, and complex sentences. You'll learn about English grammar types of conjunctions and adverb clauses. You'll also learn about how to punctuate all of these expressions correctly and effectively.- All of these English grammar points are essential for any learner trying to master fluency in the English language.- After completing this course, you will be able to:-Knowwhy does grammar matter?-identifyDiagramming sentences-Understandpronouns-Workwith adjectives and adverbs-Makesentences parallel-Decidewhen to use active and passive voice-Usecommas correctly and effectively-PracticeEnglishgrammar rules-identify the correct verb tenses to use - utilize several different sentence types - write more effectively in English I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and I'll help you boost your knowledge and enhance your skills than ever before!Assem Hafsi,"
Price: 74.99

"Sql Interview question and Answer" |
"I am SQL Developer andare you ?Hi all, I am Narendra andI have about 7+ years of experience in the SQL and PL/SQL. And in this 7 yearsof experience I havefaced 18 companies for interview and I have cleared 13 companies ofthem. These 100 question interviewquestion and answer were common in all that companies.If you know all answer, but you don't know how to explain them, then what is important of knowingthem.So Learn how to answer the SQL interview question.This 100+ interviewquestion contains all theory and logic of SQL, so read it carefully.I have put all my knowledge and experience to make 100+most important and common SQLQuestions and answer for you onlyIwant to help each one of you to succeed in the SQLJob Interview. If youwant after interview question and answer we can conduct one short round ofinterview.And my friends at the end of this course, you will know all theway to answer the most commonSQLinterview questions. So are you ready to prepare the most common question and answersof SQL.Take this course and enjoy the best way of learning SQL.See you inside the course!Some of SQL Question1. What is SQL2. what is DBMS3. How to Find Even number of rows from table4. How to Find Odd number of rows from table5. How to find multiple rows from dual table6. What is rowid and rownum7. Select FIRST n records from a table8. Select LAST n records from a table9. Explain types of join10. What is primary key11. What is foreign key?12.What is a view13. What is Cursor14. What is subquery in sql15. What is a constraint16. What is Self-Join?17. What is cross join18. What is an ALIAS command19. How to get 6 Max salaries ?20. Can you write return keyword in procedurePlease don't waste your time to search answer of all this question on internet."
Price: 19.99

"PL/SQL Interview Questions and Answer with Video Examples" |
"I am PL/SQL andSQL Developer and are you ?Learn PL/SQL with best example.Hi all, I am Narendra and I have about 7+ years of experience in the SQL and PL/SQL. And in this 7 years of experience I havefaced 18 companies for interview and I have cleared 13 companies of them.These question interview question and answer were common in all that companies.If you know all answer, but you don't know how to explain them, then what is important of knowingthem.So Learn how to answer the PL/SQL,SQL interview question.65+ Theory and10+ Video interview question and answer forPL/SQL . this all questionsareenough for any interview. So come and read theory with Practicals.I have put all my knowledge and experience to make 200+most important and commonSQL and PL/SQL Questions and answer for you onlyI want to help each one of you to succeed in the PL/SQLJob Interview. If you want after interview question and answer we can conduct one short round of interview.And my friends at the end of this course, you will know all the way to answer the most common SQLinterview questions.So are you ready to prepare the most common question and answers of PL/SQL.Take this course and enjoy the best way of learning PL/SQL.See you inside the course!Some of PL/SQL Question1.What is Package2. How to write Package specification3. What is Package body4. What is Procedure5. How to execute procedure from Pl/SQL block6. How to drop or delete procedure7. What is Function8. how to call function in PL/SQL block9. How to call procedure in begin block10. How to call package11. What is substr Function?12. What is ceil Function?13. What is translate Function?14. select translate('12Benchpe34','1234','5678') from dual;15. select translate('1234Benchpe567','1234567','www..in') from dual;Please don't waste your time to search answer of all this question on internet."
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin for Beginners: Cryptocurrency Guide" |
"Have you been hearing about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the news? Well this is the only course you will need to get started.This course will help lay the basis of knowledge in using Crypto-currency for beginners.Learn the history of Bitcoin.Understand the basics of Crypto-currency and the types of cryptocurrencyGain an insight into the technology behind Crypto-currency and BlockchainUseful tools and strategiesto investin cryptocurrency.This is a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity!Cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the way money is transacted, much like how computers, the internet, email, and cell phones have revolutionized the world!Experts predict cash will be completely eliminated in many countries in 10 yearsNOTICE: This course comes with a Risk-Free30 DayMoney Back Guarantee!So, what are you waiting for?!Click onBUY NOWandLET'S GET STARTED!"
Price: 19.99

"I'm newly divorced, now what?" |
"Do you struggle with this new 'single' life following your divorce?Do you want to recover from your divorce and start feeling good again, and regain your true self and eventually start meeting new friends?If you want to understand and accept your feelings post divorce understand how your beliefs and fears may be holding you back from recovering from your divorce determine what's truly important to you now that you are divorced adjust to your new life following your divorceTaking this introductory course will help you to do just that!I'm Newly Divorced, Now What? will help you, the recently separated or divorced individual to understand what you are going through, what to expect and how to make the required changes to adapt to a new beginning and recover from your divorce.The course begins with what it's now like being on your own and alone and will challenge you to redesign your life, now that you are in recovery from your divorce.I'm Newly Divorced, Now What? will invite you to reflect on your life's circumstances, write things down and complete some assignments, including a life redesign so you can recover from your divorce.Once you finish the course, youll be on your way to feeling better about your situation, to wanting to change your circumstances and to wanting more for yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Manage Your Stress!" |
"Youdo not enjoy life as it isand now youare STRESSED.Youhave been taught to work hard and play hard, but this way of thinking and doing simply isn't working for youanymore. Youhave to stop, simply stop, breathe and consider your optionsto manage yourstress.Whether you are a middle aged person going through the empty nest syndrome,an individual dealing with loss, or a manager wanting to learn how to be a better leader,this comprehensive course has been designed to simplify your learning, to integrate what you are learning about managing stress in your day to day activities so you can reduce your stress.In this course, you'llbe introduced to some 'theory' so you have a better understanding of what stress isand how it affects you.understand how your perception of stress affects youunderstand about the different types of stress so you can managestress in your lifebe introducedtovarious stresscoping strategies which you willstart using to manage your day to day stress more efficientlybe introduced to laughter yoga andmindful movement to help you manage your stresspracticerelaxation and mindfulness techniques to help you feel more connected to your present situation and feel less stressIt's time to Understand, Cope and Relax so you can be a stress lessyou!"
Price: 24.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Succeed in Your Job Search" |
"Whether you were layed off, looking for a new career or a first job, this Ultimate Guide to Succeed in Your JobSearch course will provide you with everything you need to know to be successful and get a job.In this comprehensive course, you'll learnwhat job search iswhat strategies you could consider when looking for workwhich sites could be useful for your job searchwhich documents you may need during your search and at an interviewhow to choose the right resumefor the targeted position how to prepare for the job interviewthe typical questions asked at an interview and how to answer themYou'll also learn some of the important skills when it comes to job search.Time management, planning skills and communication skillsStress management and relaxation skillsBy completing this course and following my guidance youwill succeed!"
Price: 24.99

"Managing Stress 101" |
"You think you've been managing your stress.... until now.Sure you can handle it, but now you want to master it, you want to improve how you manage your stress.This introductory course has been designed to integrate what you are learning about stress management in your day to day activities.In this course, you'll be introduced to some 'theory' so you have a better understanding of what stress is and how it affects you.You'll also be introduced to various practical coping strategies which you can start using to manage your day to day stress more efficiently and continue to enjoy your life.In this course you'll learn how your perception affects your stress. strategies to manage your thoughts to reduce stress strategies to improve your communication and avoid stress strategies to improve your time management and manage stress a mindful breathing technique to eliminate stressYou may be experiencing some stress now and you may still experience stress once you finish this course, but you will be in a much better position to deal with it. You will be able to recognize it more, understand how your perception affects your stress and use various strategies including a simple meditation technique to help you deal with it."
Price: 19.99

"Job Search 101: the fundamentals" |
"Have you beenworking at the same job for a while, and now youwant a new challenge?Have youbeen sending your resume and not getting a response?Are you looking for your first job?By taking this one hour crashcourse and following my guidance you will succeed!Whether you were layed off, looking for a new career or a first job, this one hour andintroductorycourse will provide you with the fundamentals of whatyou need to know to be successful in your job search.In this introductorycourse, you'll learn:what job search is,about the hidden and visible job market,how to choose the right resume. andhow to prepare for the job interview.Once you complete this introductory course, you will bemore confident to start your job searchable tofind job postings you are interested inmore prepared for the job interview"
Price: 24.99

"ISTQB 2018 Temel Seviye (CTFL) Sertifika Snavna Hazrlk" |
"Dersimiz hem yazlm testleri konusunda temel seviye bilgi edinmek isteyen hem deISTQB temel seviyesertifika snavna hazrlanmakisteyenler iin tasarlanmtr.Dersimiz, mevcut ISTQB ders programn 2018 mfredatn tamamen kapsar ve kilit alanlarda ek bilgi ve rehberlik salar.Bu derste kullanlan terimler, mevcut ISTQB szlnden alnmtr.Dersimiz CTFL yani temel seviye test snav iin tm konular kapsamaktadr.Bu dersimiz ile hedefimiz yazlm testleri konusunda konusuna hakim temel bilgileri bilen bireyler yetitirmektir...."
Price: 399.99

"MS Project ile Proje Planlama, zleme ve Kontrol" |
"Proje Yneticileri iin baarl projeler gerekletirmenin gereksinimlerdenbiriprojelerde sistematik bir ynetim yaklamn uygulanmas; dieriisebir proje ynetim aracnn kullanlmasdr.Bu eitimdePMIproje ynetim metodolojisi zerinde, MSProject'in proje ynetiminde nasl kullanlabilecei anlatlmtr. Eitimin hedef kitlesiniversite rencilerinden profesyonel proje alanlarna kadar proje yapan, projelerle ilgilenen herkestir.Proje Ynetici adaylar bu eitim ile MS Project bilgilerini arttrp proje ynetim bilgilerini pekitirebilirler."
Price: 199.99

"FX Hedging explained" |
"Become an expert in hedging the FX exposure ! Learn how to master the FXderivatives instruments !There are a lot of risks related to a business, some of them arequite obvious, others are not.A power break is an example of riskAcompetitor entering the market with a substitute product is another type of riskA big company coming to town may absorb a lot of working force causing the salaries to increaseThe bankruptcy of a supplier could cause serious purchase problemsThe bankruptcy of a big customer may endanger the company'sprofitabilityWhat happens if any of these risks take place ? How much money can you lose ? Can you quantify ? Hardly, I would say... And even if you couldcalculate the losses, what instruments can you use in order to protect your business ?The first good news about the FXrisk is that it can be calculated exactly. For example, if you have an exposure of one million dollars and the FX rate moves adversely by 0.05, then you could lose 50,000. Precisely !The other good news about the FX risk is that you have a lot of instruments to protect. So, why not learn how to do it ?"
Price: 164.99

"SQL Server Administration on Linux Basics" |
"Your wait is finally over as we bring to you the first ever course onSQLServer Administrationon Linux. This beginnercourse being the prefaceto the Advance Administration of SQLServer on Linux, will help you jump start on SQLServer without caring about the platform. Thecourse has been designed bySME's workingin SQLServer and Linux with over a decade of experience in Industry. This course will be helpful for both beginners and seasoned DBA's. This course focuses on Administration of SQLServer and Linux for a novice and help us alsoto understand the kerberos authentication and working with Active Directory on Linux."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo hablar en pblico (y tener xito)" |
"Si buscas aprender ciertas ideas, ""tips"", experiencias u ocurrencias de Cmo hablar en pblico, este no es tu curso. Para ello puedes dirigirte a Youtube donde dispones de amplio material.Este es un curso para que aprendas algo que te va a servir tanto profesional como socialmente. Va a requerir algn esfuerzo por tu parte, el curso lleva temas multimedia (videos) con los que se aprende de forma sencilla y prctica, pero tambin contiene lecturas y test para controlar lo que vas aprendiendo. Porque este es el objetivo: que aprendas todo lo necesario para comunicarte con una o con mil personas. Porque si adquieres unos buenos conocimientos sobre comunicacin, te van a facilitar mucho las cosas.ObjetivosPor medio del aprendizaje de la comunicacin verbal y no verbal el curso pretende que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos suficientes para comunicarse de forma exitosa con las personas, ya sea para su actividad profesional o social. MtodoEl curso se divide en 4 mdulos: Comunicacin verbal Hablar en pblico Comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin comercial Videos Lecturas Tests Y utiliza tres formas de aprendizaje: Con ello se pretende un aprendizaje prctico, cmodo, sencillo y rpido. Temario0 IntroduccinCOMUNICACIN VERBAL La comunicacin verbal Lectura la comunicacin verbal Test de comunicacin verbal Los propsitos de la comunicacin Lectura los propsitos de la comunicacin Test los propsitos de la comunicacin Cualidades de la voz y variedad vocal Lectura cualidades de la voz Test cualidades de la voz Las reglas del mtodo Tcnicas para perder el miedo Tcnicas para vender el miedo Tcnicas de memoria visual Hablar en pblico y tener xito Naturalidad La audiencia La primera impresin Superar el nerviosismo Prepararse Los interlocutores El ritmo Lectura cmo hablar en pblico I Test cmo hablar en pblico I El qu y el cmo Creatividad La Storytelling Lectura cmo hablar en pblico II Test cmo hablar en pblico II La charla Lectura cmo hablar en pblico III Test cmo hablar en pblico III Los gestos Concepto de comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin corporal Lectura I comunicacin no verbal Test I comunicacin no verbal Comunicacin paralingstica Comunicacin verbal espacial Postura y movimiento Gestos y expresiones de la cara Contacto visual Vestimenta y aspecto Una buena imagen Tener estilo Imagen personal Lectura II comunicacin no verbal Test II comunicacin no verbal Proceso de comunicacin comercial Fases de la comunicacin comercial Estrategias para mejorar la comunicacin Lectura comunicacin comercial Manual de cmo hablar en pblico Examen del cursoHABLAR EN PBLICO Y TENER XITO LA COMUNICACIN NO VERBAL COMUNICACIN COMERCIAL"
Price: 19.99

"SAP BI Berechtigungen sind einfach" |
"Wenn Sie ein Projekt in SAP BI durchfhren, mssen Sie meistens komplexe Zugriffsrechte vergeben damit sensible Firmendaten nicht in falsche Hnde geraten. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen anhand vieler Beispiele die entscheidenden Schritte zur Entwicklung und Realisierung eines Berechtigungskonzepts in SAP Business Intelligence.Lernen Sie in diesem Kurs, inwiefern sich SAPBIund SAPERPBerechtigungen unterscheiden undwie Sie mit Analyse- und Objektberechtigungen in SAP Business Warehousearbeiten, Berechtigungsmodelle konzipieren, analysieren und anpassen."
Price: 69.99

"Digital Marketing Analytics" |
"Il corso ti consente di prendere il controllo del tuo business online attraverso un metodo semplice e molto pratico nell'uso dei dati che realmente servono per ottenere i tuoi obiettivi di marketing digitale. Potrai capire come si fa misurazione, il tracciamento corretto dei dati, le tecnologie da utilizzare e come approcciare i dati con una visione e startegia chiara.Si comprender quali sono i tipi di conversioni per modelli di business, come tracciare al meglio il proprio sito e come configurare il tracciamento di attivit di advertising per capire la migliore achimia e creativit che possibile usare per non spendere inutilmente soldi in pubblicit.Attraverso esempi pratici e casi di studio si proceder a fare una analisi delle cose che funzionanoo meno e che consentono un miglioramento dei propri risultati attraverso strumenti di test e di visual analytics.Limportanza dei dati ormai considerato preziosa quanto il petrolio, le informazioni sono una ricchezza inestimabile che consente a chi gestisce i propri dati grandi opportunit di crescita della propria azienda, per questo le professioni del futuro come quella del Digital Analyst, figura ricercatissima sul mercato sar sempre pi importante per guidare le aziende verso un approccio data-driven e che consentir di sviluppare tecnologie di Intelligenza Artificiale.Con questo corso si acquisir un mindset strutturato per cogliere le nuove opportunit e sfide del'attuale e prossimo mercato."
Price: 119.99

"Blogs: Marketing de Artculos para Empresas y Negocios" |
"Aprende como optimizar los artculos de tublog para mejorar tu posicionamiento en los motores de bsqueda y obtener ms consultas de potenciales clientes.Mejora tus habilidades como bloggerAprende como sacar ideas para generar nuevos artculos.Organiza los temas a escribir para ser ms productivo.Conoce las normas decopyright para evitar infraccionesde derechos de autor.Optimizatus artculos para que tenganms trfico orgnico y consultas.Establece un ritmo de publicacin.Una gran habilidad que puedes desarrollarAprender a creary optimizar contenidos permite que tublog puedaobtener visitas y consultas de potenciales clientes. Un blog es una gran herramienta para cualquier negocio o empresa, pero para aprovecharla almximo debes seguir una estrategia ydesarrollar habilidades especficas quetepermitan (mediante la publicacin de artculos)conectar con tu pblico objetivo.Contenidos y descripcin generalEl presente curso tiene ms de 3horas de videoyun PDF de 80 pginas sobre blogs ymarketing de artculos para empresas y negocios, el curso estadiseado para personas que ya poseen un blogydeseanmejorar la calidad de sus artculos,aumentar el trfico orgnico de su blog ygenerar consultas de potenciales clientes.En primer lugar se har una introduccin a los blogs para negocios y empresas, luego se abordarn los posibles usos que puedes darle alblog de tu negocioy qutipos de artculos puedes escribir en el mismo.Luego se aprender como optimizarartculos mediante el establecimientode categoras adecuadas, tener una correctaestructura,inclusin de llamados a la accin yel uso correcto de imgenes,adems de aprendercmo establecer un ritmo adecuadode publicacin.Posteriormente se ver como gestionar loscomentarios y consultas recibidasen nuestro blog adems de compartiralgunos lineamientos para publicarnuestros artculos en las redes sociales.Al finalizar de este curso, tendrs habilidades valiosas que te ayudarn a desarrollarel blog de tu empresa o negocio (generando ms visitas orgnicas y consultas de potenciales clientes) adems derecibirun certificado verificable de finalizacin al terminarel curso."
Price: 59.99

"The Ultimate Course To Dropshipping" |
"There has never been agreater time in the existence of the worldto make money by clicking some buttons on a screen.The dream of removing yourselffrom the9-5 grind to work on yourown terms, on yourownbusiness,isattainable toeveryone.Have you just had enough of working for someone else? Maybe it's for a person you're not really fond of. Or maybe you're just ready for a new career, one where you're in control of your hours and how much money you can make...And one where you can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a laptop and internet connection.Well, there's good news!InThe Ultimate Course To Dropshipping,I'll take you through the ins and outs of creating your own dropshipping business from scratch.In this course, you will learn:What dropshipping is and the BIG advantages it has over other onlinebusinessesHow to choose the perfect product that will net you profitsHow to build a brand and an audience that are drawn to your productsHow toset up an eCommerce storeHow to write engaging copy and sales pitches that will have potential customers ready to pounce on your offersAnd much more!Upon completion of this courseyou will know exactly what to doto create the online business that you've always wanted, but just didn't know how to begin.Get serious about breaking free from the traditional job path and build your life of freedom. In this course, I'll show you the roadmap to do just that!"
Price: 49.99

"The Skull Anatomy : Drawing Course" |
"Learn the anatomy of the skull in a simple and fun way.Understanding the structures beneath our skin allows us to create better and more accurate portraits.The skull is like a puzzle, where different bones come together to create it, in each chapter we will cover these bones one by one with the help of 3D models.Then we will trace these bones in a real portrait and compare the gender differencesAt the end of this course you can trace the anatomy of the skull on any face."
Price: 19.99

"The Facial Muscle Anatomy: Drawing Course" |
"facial muscle anotomy for artistsIf you are a student of fine art, you like to draw anime or manga or tatoo artiststhis coursewill help you take your portraits to another levelThis course is designed for both beginners and professionals who want to have a better understanding of the anatomy of the face.In this course you will learn, in an easy and fun way, the different facial muscles.Humans have many muscles in our face, understand how these muscles work, allows us to draw the face in a more realistic and detailed.in each chapter we will look at a different group of muscles, and we will make a tracing of these muscles in a real photo.Welcome"
Price: 19.99

"The Facial Expressions Drawing Course: Anatomy to render" |
"You wantto learn howto draw portraits like a professional?With this course you will learn everything you need to know about the anatomy of facial exphressions.If you are an art student, anime or you like to draw faces, this course can take your portraits to the next level.Understanding the structures under the skin will allow you to create more realistic and accurate portraits.In this course we will study how the muscles of the face interact with each other to create different facial expressions.we will use professional models in 3d, so you can see the different expressions in several angles and we will make a tracing of the muscles on real portraits, we will see that muscles are active and passive in each exprsion"
Price: 19.99
