"Sales Training: Value Based Selling" |
"Applied Excellence learning and development company Course: Sales Training Value Based SellingIt's a very competitive market. Regardless of what you're selling and the ability to separate yourself from everybody else is going to give you more trajectory towards closing more sales and earning more money and that's exactly what my goal is for you to accomplish here. It's all about inspiring what's inside you by giving you content, so that it connects with you and gives you the ability to have more intelligent conversations. I want you working smarter, not harder. That's the key to everything that I'm trying to give you as a shortcut because I am offering you information that has worked for me and what I know other successful salespeople have been using. That content that gives you the ability to also close more sales.This course will separate you from the competition by first teaching you how to differentiate yourself. If you ever walked away from a deal thinking that you nailed it and then suddenly they've purchased from someone else or they're not calling you back, or there's something that's amiss that you thought was really solid, that's because you haven't communicated your true value and what the value is that they are getting from your solution. Perhaps you haven't shown that you're the only solution that they should be considering and you end up being outsold by somebody else that's shown that their solution is really the only thing that that buyer should be considering. So I want to share with you the techniques and skills and the strategy that gives you the ability to separate yourself from everybody else. I want you to be a high level performer that absolutely surpasses your competition by incorporating the techniques that I'm going to share and not just learning them, but applying them. So make sure at the end of this course that you complete the exercises so that you start to focus on those milestones that you meet to be able to show that you're moving forward progressively. Remember, it's all about progression, not perfection. So just start to do some things a little bit differently that I'm about to share with you within this course and you will absolutely start to move yourself forward in sales and close more sales. So what are you going to learn? You're going to learn how to differentiate yourself from your competition. You can learn how to actually set the criteria. So the person you talked to realizes is that you're the only person that can offer them what they're looking for. You're going to give them the ability to realize the value of what you're bringing because you're going to not just outsell the competition with your differentiation, but you're going to have the ability with the information you're about to learn to elevate your value and reinforce to your person you're talking to that you've seen the bigger picture, and you may have enlightened them into something they hadn't considered. When you start to do that, you start to increase the value and you start to attract people towards you because they realize you're not just trying to sell them something, you're thinking for them. That's the key to selling. It's all about focusing on the person you're talking to and putting their interests first, above and beyond your own. They don't care if you have a quota to reach, they don't care if you've got commission that you must get, they don't care if you have your own personal goals. I don't care about anything that you've got. They care about themselves and make sure that you're focusing on the fact that you're supporting what they care about. You're reinforcing that need. You enlighten them to something that may not considered, and then you're showing them that you're the only person that could actually offer them the solution to that need."
Price: 199.99

"Design a 3D Slider Heart Pendant in Fusion 360 - 6 Easy Step" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to design your own jewelry using CAD/CAM software? This is your opportunity to learn at your own pace.This is a BEGINNER course. No previous experience is needed. This is the perfect class to gain exposure to 3D jewelry design and modeling.This class uses Autodesk Fusion 360.This CAD/CAM software is used by professionals but is FREE to students, educators, hobbyist and startups. If you are a hobbyist or startup you must make less than $100,000 a year to qualify for the FREE version of the software. Fusion 360 is cloud based.SIX EASY STEPS:We start by talkingabout designing in a 3D space.We will then become familiar with frequently used tools for jewelry designing in Fusion 360.Lesson 1 we setup our workspace with the tools and settings needed for designing and modeling jewelry. We then use the spline tool to start drawing the heart shape for the pendant.In Lesson 2 we use the mirror tool to finish the heart and we use the press and pull tool to turn the heart into a three dimensional shape.In Lesson 3 we create the hole for the chain to slide through by using the spline and sweep tools.In Lesson 4 we use the fillet tool to smooth out the edges of the pendant.In Lesson 5 & 6 we save to our Fusion 360 cloud account and export the file as a .STL file for 3D printing.We will look at basic model rendering options in Fusion 360.After completing this class you will have a solid foundation for creating a slider pendant for 3D printing."
Price: 29.99

"Digital Head and Portrait Painting" |
"Join the course that takes you from beginner to seasoned expert in portrait painting!Do you want to learn how to paint beautiful portraits? A refresher for anatomical drawing? Maybe you want to understand how light and color work to improve your drawing and painting skills.This 'Digital Head and Portrait Painting'course will teach you how to create believable and appealing portrait drawings and paintings digitally, both in grayscale and color. Whether you use Photoshop, ProCreate, Krita, or whatever other digital painting software, the content of this course will apply just the same! The principles I teach even apply outsideof the realm of portraits.Ill guide you through the process of understanding face and head anatomy so you can confidently draw from both reference and you imagination, and Ill show you some valuable resources to further expand your anatomical and artistic knowledge. Ill teach you the essentials of painting, light, and color, as well as explaining the way that common elements of portrait paintings should be implemented for the best results. Ill even go into full detail as I do two large painting demos for you, detailing my entire thought process and techniques so you can follow along every step of the way.The human head is an essential part of drawing and painting people, and understanding it is indispensable when designing appealing and believable characters, drawing from observation, and making impressive portfolio pieces. By the end of the course, you can go from knowing little about anatomy and drawing, to understanding and painting beautiful portraits!The course is set up to take you through progressive steps that build on each other. As you learn each principle, it will help you understand the next. With 6.5hours worth of lectures, theres plenty to learn, and I look forward to sharing it all with you!You'll also get exclusive resources and personal help!Youll have access to my own personal brushes for digital painting in ProCreate, the program that I use most frequently, as well as links to extra resources and reference for anatomy, drawing, design, and painting. In addition, youll be able to join a Facebook group exclusively for artists to post your work and get feedback from me and your classmates. Youll also have priority for live feedback and paintovers duringmy livestreaming sessions on Twitch.Plus, this course comes with a 100% money-back guarantee if youre not completely satisfied. Im ready to start helping you take your artistic abilities to the next level!Join the course and lets make some art together!"
Price: 149.99

"PLAN D'ACTION 2018" |
"2018 vient de commencer et tu repars sur les mmes bases quen 2017. En mode bloquTu espres chaque matin quun autre toi va se rveiller ! Tu penses que si tu ne russis pas, cest parce que tu manques de motivation ou bien de volont !Et anne aprs anne, tu finis par abandonner et tu finis par ne plus vouloir essayer.Ici, je te propose un plan daction pour reprendre ta vie en main. Un plan daction qui ninclut ni la volont, ni la motivation.Jai cr cette formation partir de mon propre parcours : mes russites, mes checs, les rencontres que jai faites en Europe et en Asie, ainsi que les livres que jai lus et les exercices que jai mis en pratique dans ma propre vie.Ce plan daction est compos de 17 sections!Dans la premire partie, on va tablir un bilan de vie et on fixera tes objectifs (Matrice des objectifs inverss) ainsi quun plan pour cette anne (Matrice de lescalier). Dans la seconde partie, on va travailler sur lchelon qui te permettra de passer laction : la confiance en soi . Jai voulu cette formation pratique et non purement thorique comme tu peux en trouver sur Internet. Tu auras juste besoin dun stylo ; pas besoin de papier, tu nauras plus qu imprimer toutes les matrices en format PDF.Je te laisse dcouvrir les 17 sections.- Section 1 : Introduction la formation.- Section 2 : 4 Principes fondamentaux.- Section 3 : Dfinir ce que tu veux.- Section 4 : Matrice bilan, 6 grands domaines de vie.- Section 5 : Matrice bilan 2017.- Section 6 : Mise en place des objectifs inverss- Section 7 : Comment utiliser la peur pour atteindre plus rapidement ses objectifs.- Section 8 : Comment utiliser la projection positive.- Section 9 : Lerreur de viser trop bas. Section 10 : Mthode de lescalier.Section 11 : Lchec nexiste pas, il ny a que du feedback.Section 12 : Confiance = Posture.Section 13 : Doper sa confiance en soi.Section 14 : La mthode pour sortir de sa zone de confort.Section 15 : Crer des relations premiums.Section 16: Reprogrammer dfinitivement son esprit.Section 17: ConclusionOn a tous le choix. On peut dcider de rester dans sa situation ou dcider dinvestir sur son meilleur actif, cest--dire soi-mme ! Tu es le seul qui dcide de ce qui va se passer cette anne.Alors tu fais quoi ?"
Price: 34.99

"The Beginners Guide To Building A Shopify Store In 2018" |
"Buildingan Ecommerce store doesn't half to be complicated. In fact in this course I'm going to show you how to create a Shopify store in under 30 minutes.In this course you will learn how to;Buy A DomainSign up for a free Shopify trial (14 Days)Layout your homepageImport a product into your system.Creating product variants like color and sizeCreate a beautiful product page.Create Collections for your products to go in. ( these are called categories)Hooking up your email capture to mail-chimp ( Building a email list right away is very important)By the end of this course you will be able to set up your very own Shopify store, and feel comfortable with the Shopify E Commerce Platform"
Price: 19.99

"iOS 11 i Swift 4 - Tworzenie app na iPhone'a i iPada od zera" |
"Ten kurs jest idealny dla wszystkich, ktrzy chc nauczy si programowania w jzyku Swift 4 i tworzenia aplikacji naiOS 11. Kurs wprowadza w temat od zera, zatem przeznaczony jest rwnie dla osb, ktre nigdy nie miay do czynienia z programowaniem. Zaczniemy od podstaw, eby stopniowo doj do programowania wysokich lotw! Po ukoczeniu kursu bdzieciepotrafilitworzy prawdziweaplikacje, gotowe do zaadowania na Apple Store.W pierwszej czcikursu poznamy podstawy skadni orazjzyka Swift: operatory liczbowe,operacje na zmiennych, instrukcje warunkowe,logik, ptle, kolekcje, funkcje oraz podstawy programowaniaobiektowego. W drugiej czci kursubdziemy ju natomiastbudowa prawdziwe aplikacje,ktre od razu bdzieciemogli zaadowa iprzetestowa na dostpnym urzdzeniu Apple: Kalkulator, gryKko i krzyyk oraz Pokemony, notatnik, klon Whatsappa, aplikacj rozpoznajc obiekty na zdjciach i wiele innych.Nauczyciesitworzy layouty, i programowa aplikacje z wykorzystaniem, midzy innymi,Google Maps, REST, Core Data, Google Firebase iCoreML (machine learning).W kursie udostpniamy kod rdowy wszystkich aplikacji, ktre stworzymy, dla porwnania zWaszymi aplikacjami.Program kursuWSTPPODSTAWY JZYKA SWIFTOPERACJE NA ZMIENNYCHINSTRUKCJE WARUNKOWEPTLEKOLEKCJEFUNKCJEPROGRAMOWANIE OBIEKTOWEAPP OBLICZ WIEKAPP KALKULATORGRA KKO I KRZYYKGRA POKEMONY - GOOGLE MAPS APIAPP WSCHD SOCA - REST API, JSONAPP iNOTER - CORE DATA, TABLE VIEWAPP WHATSAPP - GOOGLE FIREBASE, SEGUEAPP iDETECT - CORE ML"
Price: 399.99

"Die praxisnahe BPMN 2.0 Masterclass" |
"Dieser Kurs bringt Sie von 0 auf 100in BPMN 2.0 in nur 2h. Sie werdenallegrundlegenden BPMN-Elemente mithilfe von spannenden Prozessen aus bestehenden Business-Use-Cases erlernen.Wir werfen einen Blick auf:DenindustriellenProduktionsprozess eines privaten RaumschiffherstellersDenBearbeitungsprozesseines UrlaubsvisumsEin digitaler Prozessin der Gesundheits- und Schnheitsindustrie.Ein Prozess von manuellen Aufgaben, die als Arbeitsanweisung im Einzelhandel angewendet werdenUnd viele mehr!Jedes dieser Szenarien wirdmit einer bung abgeschlossen, in der Sie die frisch erlernten BPMN-Elemente direkt selbst anwenden knnen.Dazu verwenden wir Cawemo undSignavio.Leicht zu bedienendeund sehr benutzerfreundlichen BPMN Web Modeler, mit welchenSieIhre Prozessmodelle auch teilen knnen.Natrlich werde ich Ihnen vor jeder bung und jedem praktischen, realen Anwendungsfall jedes neue BPMN-Element durch eine kurze Theorieeinheit vorstellen. In diesen Theorieteilen lernen Sie die folgenden BPMN-Elemente kennenAktivittSequenzflussPools und LanesExklusivesGatewayParallelesGatewayInklusives GatewayEreignisbasiertes GatewayStart- und End-EventNachrichtenereignisZeit-EreignisBedingungsereignis EreignisLink EreignisAngehefteteEreignisseZugeklapptePoolsSubprozesseAufrufaktivittenDatenobjektDatenspeicherAll diese Elemente werden direkt auf einen realenGeschftsprozess angewendet."
Price: 49.99

"Soluciones Seguridad Cisco" |
"En este curso aprender como configurar, administrar y gestionar las soluciones de seguridad de Cisco que tienen un gran crecimiento y presencia en el mercado global. Soluciones como Cisco ASA (Adaptive security appliance), WSA (Web security appliance), ESA (Email security appliance), ISE (Identity service engine), Firepower (Next generation firewall), entre otros. Ademas obtenga practica requerida (no teoria) para las certificaciones Cisco como CCNA Security y CCNP Security a traves de videos explicativos. Tambin tenemos disponible el material y gua de estudio de la Certificacin Cisco CCNA Security."
Price: 19.99

"Fiverr Income: The Nuts & Bolts Of Being a Superb Freelancer" |
"There's something in this Fiverr course for people of all freelancing levels, so if you're a newbie then, that's fine or if you're a top-rated-seller concerned about the new level updates and what to do about it then, that's OK.My main aim to try and give information which is suitable for all parties, so if you're new to the platform and want to find out the best way in which to fill out things like :-Intro DetailsDescription of YourselfRelevant ImageThen I can give you that and when you're ready to fire up your first gig I can also give you the details required in order to make your gig the best it can be by way of gig title, description, tags, image size and the importance of a video.If you're a new seller then I can help you achieve level one status in quick time by following a few straightforward steps and having gigs which people are hungry and there's a real demand for. If you're a level one seller then, I can give you the information required in order to point you in the direction of becoming a level two seller and more importantly maintaining that level.If you're a level two seller then, the aim should always be to gain top rated seller status and join the top of the Fiverr pile. My course will show you what's required in order to make that leap.If you're a top rated seller then, the most important thing is to maintain that level and it's become increasingly difficult with the new updates and being assessed on the 15th of each month. The main thing is to try and keep all of your selling criteria in the green and I will show you ways in which to do that.The main thing is to take action once you've watched the course understood all of the details and you're ready. You that unwanted word called Procrastination. Developing a positive mindset and using it to your advantage as a Fiverr seller.Mos people want easy fish, but with this course, I'm going to give you a rod and hopefully teach you how to fish. You should then, be able to look back in a few months and say that guy really knows what he's taking about and helped me on my Fiverr selling journey.A great saying all sticks in mind by the late and great man John Lennon ""Life is What Happens To You While Youre Busy Making Other Plans"".Buy this course today at a great price and start to make a real difference regardless of your level. An added FREE bonus of my Marketing eBook.Fiverr NewbiesLevel One SellersLevel Two SellersTop Rated Sellers"
Price: 129.99

"Internet Marketing: Be All You Can Be With Great IM Methods" |
"This course is aimed at both newbies and more experienced folk who want to add additional income to their weekly/monthly online earnings. My straightforward course takes you through the required steps in order to prepare you correctly with the necessary tools and how to use them effectively and all using FREE traffic methods.I deal with two parts. The first is how to compete for the first 10 entries on the first page of Google for every future product you promote and the second ishow to use various online platforms in order to drive traffic towards your offer using an effective intermediate.The course deals with both the digital and psychical parts of the online marketplace, so whether you're aClickbankaffiliate and/or aAmazon affiliate, the same methodology still applies.Once the methods have been understood and applied correctly then, you can expect good results with as you increase yourexperience using this approach and once you get how the marketplace works, just rinse and repeat the process for more earnings."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Become a Successful Clickbank Affiliate" |
"There is no real hidden secret in becoming a successful affiliate with digital products, so if you want to take your future product Clickbank and/or WarriorPlus campaigns to the next level then, you've certainly arrived at the right place.What this course (if followed correctly) can do for you is to help you achieve your affiliate goals by using a straightforward process in gaining future success with the products you promote.Following a specific and proven path is always the key and with that, will give you fresh impetus with the time and effort you put in to your affiliate promotions.This is an ideal course for affiliate newbies or folk who've previously struggled with their product promotions and are looking for a bit of direction using effective methods."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Have an Attractive Looking Wordpress Site" |
"It is my aim for everyone who follows my course correctly to have appealing Wordpress sites. My techniques involves a straightforward process in getting the best out of the Wordpress library of FREE tools enabling you to make each future site you create aesthetically pleasing and also having the basic SEOin place for the Google bots and future indexing.1. Dealing with the main components of look including, free themes, headers and background images.2. Understanding permalinks and how to use it for domain extensions and better ranking.3. Understanding the difference between a static site and latest post settings and what it means for you.4. How to splice your pages for short post bursts on your homepage.5. What plugins to upload and what they meanfor your site.6. Creating an effective main sidebar via the widget libraryfor advertisement purposes.7. The importance of basic SEO ref. your site title (keywords) and tag line (description).If you follow my course correctly then, you should not only be able to create nice looking websites going forward, but also one's which have the necessary SEO in place ready for the search engines and in particular Google."
Price: 19.99

"Unleashing Miracles through meditation" |
"Ibelieve one of the biggest reasons why we don't stick to our meditation practice is because we are given so much information and we tried to implement that information, and our meditation practice just doesn't stick. In my course I willteach you what you need to know to get started in your practice and help you create a practice that is unique to your needs. It is my highest intention to help you quiet your mind with techniques to focus on and to simply find your sweet spot to get into your meditative state."
Price: 19.99

"Practice Quick Calculation Techniques" |
"Hereyou will learn to calculate fastas you give the practice test.Whilegoing through thetest you will learn many methods of doing calculation fast. This will be verybeneficial for you if you arepreparing for any entranceexamination.Thetricks learned while going through these practice tests will also be beneficialin the college leveland school level mathexamination. You will be ableto solve questions in much lesser time than other.Thebest part of this course is designed only to do practice. No more lectures ornotes. Practice and Learn. Hope you will enjoy it.BeforeI sign offI request you to keep sending your valuable feedback. I willlove to hear from you.Keeppracticing!!!Keep Learning :-) Withall best wishesNikhil"
Price: 19.99

"Generational Communication in the Workplace" |
"This course is designed to educate students on the most popular yet conflicting generations: Millennials and Generation Xers. The lectures will discuss what makes someone a Millennial or Generation Xer and explain how to communicate with each generation. Whether you are a manager, coworker, or student, this course will teach you how each generation views the world, and how you can effectively communicate and relate to both generations. This is just a basic course to begin your understanding of Generation X and Millennials."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Perder Peso en Tan Solo 15 Das [Y SIN PASAR HAMBRE]" |
"Sabes cmo bajar de peso rpidamente? Bueno...admito que se dicentantas mentiras sobre la prdida de peso que te cueste creer lo que tengo para mostrarte en este curso.A lo largo de todos estos videos te voy a mostrar la forma ms segura y rpidade perder peso. Quiero que te quede todo claro sobre qu tienes que hacer y qu NO tienes que hacer para comenzar a bajar de peso HOY MISMO!Te mostrar a travs de estas claves lo que nadie te cuenta. Para mi es fundamentalque conozcas estos secretos y te los mostrar uno a uno con lujo de detalles...Tres razones para TOMAR ESTE CURSO ahora mismo!Tienes acceso de por vida a todos los mdulos y recursos!Podrs hacerme preguntas y las responder de inmediato a cada una de ellas! Ser tu entrenador en lnea...Lo que aprenders en este curso es muy detallado pero a la vez concreto para quepuedas aplicarlo rpidamente! Antes de seguir djame decirte algo. NO se pierde peso haciendo miles de abdominales. S que esto te confunde un poco pero CREME que esto es as,te han engaado durante toda la vida lo lamento...Hola! me llamo Marcelo Rodrguez soy Prof. de Educacin Fsica, EntrenadorCertificado e Instructor en Udemy y estoy aqu para ayudarte.Quieres bajar de peso? Piensas que es imposible perder peso a esta altura de tu vida?Continuamente veo ERRORES MONSTRUOSOS en la gente al entrenar...Este curso podra llamarse destruyendo MITOS! es ms, lo voy a pensar...Con estas Claves que te voy a mostrar vas A TRIPLICAR tus resultados. En poco tiempo vers comomoldeas tu fsico evitando estos errores que tienen ms del 93% de las personas... Estars 5 PASOSdelante de aquellos que no los conocen y que entrenan LITERALMENTE HORAS ylo peor de todo...sin resultados.Mira!, voy a mostrarte de forma prctica cmo realizar ejercicios que te denresultado SIN pasar horas entrenando.Es verdad que cuando nos ponemos grandes nuestro metabolismo se ponems lento...Lo que NO es verdad es que estar en PSIMA FORMA FSICA sea normal. Por msque lo parezca, no es as. Lo ideal es estar saludable y sentirse bien, incluso a los 90.Mi abuelo tiene esa edad y est divino...Seguramente te sucede que te sientes cansada/o la mayor parte del da.Sientes las piernas pesadas y al finalizar la jornada piensas... ""pero si no hice casi nada hoy,cmo puedo sentirme as"". Tranquila/o es normal, es el estilo de vida, la mala alimentacin yescucha bien, influye tambin tu manera de pensar...S, eso tambin influyeEntonces: 1. Te voy a ensear las 7 claves (aunque te voy a dar alguna ms) para que ests saludable sin tenerque pasar horas entrenando. Siempre digo que entrenar ms no siempre es mejor... 2. Se sentirs como un roble con simples (pero EFECTIVOS) ejercicios para perder pesosin pasar ms tiempo entrenando. Les llamo ejercicios de oro. Son ejercicios excelentes para perder esos kilitos de ms. 3. Ejercicios que no llevan mucho tiempo pero que harn que despeguesHACIA LA ESTRATSFERA de energa. 4. A tu alrededor vern en poco tiempo como mejora tu fsico... pero sobre todoTU AUTOESTIMA y eso es impagable, creme que lo es. Te has sentido alguna vez que todolo puedes? que te comes el mundo? Te prometo que lo hars. 5. Tendrs mi apoyo en todo momento para que me puedas plantear tus dudas,ser como tener a tu ENTRENADOR EN CASA para decirte ""eso est de ms, no te lo puedes comer, es suficiente"". La llave de la heladera la tendr yo y no se discute... 6. Te sentirs rebosante de energa, podrs jugar con tus hijos o nietos sin que te duelan las rodillas o la espalda cada vez que te agachas. Son secretos que te los voy a revelar...ES UN CURSO imperdible!Te lo resumo: tienes 3 opciones1) Seguir entrenando con tu entrenador o en tu gimnasio y GASTANDO muchodinero MES TRAS MES. Tal vez puedas perder peso pero tendrs que invertir mucho dinero.2) Aprender por tu cuenta QUE ESTA MUY BIEN pero te llevar 3 veces ms tiempoy SACRIFICIOo 3) Aprender de este curso, que te ahorrar DINERO, Y LO MS VALIOSOTIEEEEEEEMPO. Vas a ACORTAR MUCHO CAMINOUn saludoNos vemos dentro"
Price: 24.99

"La Gua Definitiva para Bajar de Peso Mientras Descansas." |
"Sabes cmo bajar de peso sin hacer prcticamente nada? Aprender a perder pesovers que no es demasiada ciencia si sabes las estrategias que tienes que utilizar.Hola mi nombre es Marcelo Rodrguez y Prof. de Educacin FsicaEntrenador Certificado e Instructor en Udemy.Tres razones para TOMAR ESTE CURSO ahora mismo!Tienes acceso de por vida a todos los mdulos y recursos!Podrs hacerme preguntas y las responder de inmediato a cada una de ellas! Ser tu entrenador en lnea...Lo que aprenders en este curso es muy detallado pero a la vez concreto para quepuedas aplicarlo rpidamente! A travs de este curso te ensear LA FRMULA EXACTA y sobre todo SENCILLA! para perder peso de forma segura. Ya no tendrs que entrenar 2 horas.Eso lo hacen todospero a partir de ahora, SERS DE LAS/LOS POCAS/COS que tendrs esta informacin...Con este mtodo vas a bajar de peso seguro...Al fin podrs ponerte ese traje debao que te gusta pero que no puedes usar... Se aproxima el verano y si siguesmis consejos LO VAS A LOGRAR. Vers que perder grasa nunca ha sido tan fcil.Aprenders a bajar esos kilos de ms incluso mientras ests descansando en tu casa. S, mientras ests descansando, parece mentira PERO ES REAL. Perders peso mientras te ejercitas, pero tambin mientras ests durmiendo,cmodamente en tu casa.Seguramente haces ejercicio y te cuidas en las comidas sin resultados. Si ests aqu es porque ests buscando la solucin definitiva. Djame decirte que estsen el lugar correcto. Te preguntars Podr comer? SI Tendr que hacer mucho ejercicio? NO. Pero entonces? Sigue leyendo...En muy poco tiempo lucirs un cuerpo espectacular. Ser poco el trabajopara los resultados que vas a obtener. Bajar de peso es fcil con estos ejercicios y metodologas que te voy a ensear. No son MGICAS, es ciencia y te las quiero ensear SOLAMENTE A TI. Siempre digo que el conocimiento es poder. NO es trampa...es conocimiento. Conocer los ejercicios y mtodos es lo que te separa de los dems. Si conoces los pasospuedes perder peso desde el primer da. El tema es que la mayora desconoce la receta o se deja guiar por gente que solamente repite lo que escucha... Sers la envidia de tus vecinos que no van a poder creer cmo has bajado de peso y adems en tan poco tiempo. Cmo Profesor de Educacin Fsica y Entrenador veo gente que comete muchos errores al entrenar. HOYvas a conocer esos errores y adivina que... No los vas cometer. Y aqu est la primer clave. Hay ejercicios y metodologas que no funcionan, puntoVas a correr con ventaja. Sabrs lo que otras/os no. Es informacin muy valiosa, ES ORO PURO. Con esta informacin vas a bajar de peso SEGURO!Testimonios"" me gusta como lo explica"" - Eliseo Alvarado "" Tiene conceptos interesantes"" - Jairo Yate "" I think it is a great course direct to the point not only with theory but also with real examples. You can see on the videos how to perform the exercises and how to create a routine. The instructor is great. He can explain everything with no complicated words and he shows the exercises. Realmente un buen curso, con ejemplos que se pueden aplicar en la vida real."" - Guadalupe Martinez "" Porque yo siempre he sido deportista y se de lo que esta hablando, he tenido entrenadores y acondicionadores fsicos."" - Mara Dolores "" Excelente"" - Miriam Zaccari Tendrs mi apoyo de por vida para consultarme tus dudas. Ser tu ENTRENADOR PERSONAL VIRTUAL y ESO NO TIENE PRECIO Y LO SABES. Solo piensa cunto has gastado en productos, aparatos de ejercicio, entrenadores, suplementos. Solo has la cuenta...Te llevar a travs de todo el curso explicndote en detalle todo lo debes saber paraencaminarte y lograr resultados y perder peso a la velocidad de la luz.Te mostrar a travs de videos todo lo que tienes que conocer. Paso a paso, podrs parar los videos y volverlos atrs si te quedan dudas. Esos videos estanah para ser consultados las veces que quieras.Es necesario que entiendas que es un curso PROFUNDO, haymucho de qu hablar pero quiero que te tomes el tiempo para recorrer cada mdulo. NO TE PUEDES PERDER porque hay detalles que realmente marcan la diferencia. De verdad te lo digo.Lo program de tal forma que en cada uno de los captulos existan detalles claves,si te los pierdes no entenders el resto. Tmate el tiempo de recorrer el curso hasta el final y como digo siempre s inteligente. ENTRENA CON RESULTADOS Y APRENDIENDO DE LOS MEJORES, DE LOS PROFESIONALES. ********** Ah! recuerda siempre entrenar con alguien calificado y certificado. De esta forma NO TE LASTIMAS, evitars lesiones y por tanto evitars perder tiempo en LLEGAR A LOS RESULTADOS. **********POR LTIMO...Entrenar ms no siempre es mejor. Perder Peso se logra si se Entrena con cabeza.Te lo resumo:tienes 3 opciones 1) Seguir entrenando con tu entrenador o en tu gimnasio y GASTANDO muchodinero MES TRAS MES. 2) Aprender por tu cuenta en base a prueba y error (QUE ESTA MUY BIEN) pero te llevar 3 veces ms tiempo y SACRIFICIO o 3) Aprender de este curso, que te ahorrar DINERO, Y LO MS VALIOSOTIEEEEEEEMPO. Vas a ACORTAR MUCHO CAMINO REALMENTE.................................................. Te pido que no me califiques hasta que pueda aclararte todas tus dudas. Es un trato? Es un ganar-ganart habrs quedado conforme con el curso y yo de que me des las 5 estrellas ok? Un saludo...................................................Es una OFERTA MUY MUY LIMITADA luego se cerrarn las puertas definitivamente...Dale a ""Comprar ahora""Un saludo yNos vemos dentro"
Price: 24.99

"JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, AJAX e JSON Aprendendo a partir do ZERO" |
"Domine as linguagensJavaScript, JQuery, AJAX e JSON atravs de uma metodologia voltada a prticas e necessidade dirias de um desenvolvedor Web.Em um nico curso aprender e ganhar experincia nasJavaScript, JQuery, AJAX e JSON.Destaque !O curso possui mais 90% de prticas e exerccios para te ajudar a ganhar experincia nos assuntos abordados.De forma aajudar no FOCO, os Mdulos seroliberados com o intervalo de 15 dias depois do mdulo anterior.So mais de 100 aulas e mais de 150exemplos prticos, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX e JSON na veia!Se tiver alguma dvida de como funcionar o curso, fale diretamente comigo ou com a minha equipe, pagina soudesenvolvedorweb.Neste curso voc aprender a:Criar scripts e aplica-los;Linguagem JAVASCRIPT;AJAXLinguagemJQUERY;e JSONO Seu professor possu mais de 17 anos de experincia em WEB, ir te proporcionar muito conhecimento e experiencia do dia a dia.Quem o pblico-alvo?Pessoas com vontade de aprender e ganhar experincia para se tornarem desenvolvedor web;Pessoas, que buscam se destacar como desenvolvedor WEB;Pessoas iniciantes que buscam um espao para se tornar um conhecedor nas linguagens;Pessoas que trabalham com SUPORTEde TI e desejam trabalhar com desenvolvimento de Software;Pessoas que desejam estarsempre atualizadas e participando de um grupo seleto de aprendizado em WEB"
Price: 129.99

"Learn Marker Drawing From Scratch to professionality" |
"This course is offered to students and graduates who study design in general. The course contains a variety of videos that enable you to understand the principles of sketchesPasses through four separate skits starting from the initial drawing steps through the most deceptive tricks and features in the markersAnd ending with the work of more than one project, not only on white paper but with colored paper"
Price: 109.99

easyobjectphotography |
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Price: 49.99

simple-photography-basics |
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Price: 49.99

"Intro to Substance Designer" |
"This walkthrough begins with the basics and builds on these core concepts to provide a thorough introduction to building procedural materials in Substance Designer. The course is divided into three parts, each building on the knowledge acquired in the previous section.Part 1: In this section, we start with the basics. After taking a look at the interface, including how to set up our own Substance Library, we dive right into making our first PBR texture - the obligatory Brick Wall. Starting with a single b/w node, well build a tiled PBR glazed brick texture, which well save to our Library for later use. As we build our material well have a chance to look at many of the Atomic Nodes Substance uses to build basic materials and how they work with each other.Part 2:Having gotten the basics out of the way, this section takes a look at some more advanced Atomic Nodes and how to expose Input Parameters to make procedural materials using Dynamic Functions. Well also learn how to blend materials, repurposing the brick wall we built in Part 1 to create a second, more complex procedural material.Part 3: The last video is a sneak peak at some more advanced concepts...and we'll build a simple animated water material. This will give us a chance to build more advanced Dynamic Functions and look at the Pixel Processor node."
Price: 34.99

"Substance Designer - Intro to FX Maps" |
"This series is all about FX Map nodes and how they can be used for more than just makingproceduralnoises.We start with the basics, learning about the FX Map nodeand exactly how it works. In the second videowe dive right in to making an FX Map-driven animated mask.First we'll start with a simple scratches noise that will be part of a custom image we'll animate with a second FX Map. Once we've got our FX Map animation running, we'll take a look at the Gradient Map node as a way of making both grayscale and color masks that can be used for blending materials. Finally, we'll take a brief look at the Material Blend and Multi-Material Blend nodes to see exactly how the mask we've stored in our Substance Librarycan be reused to make a variety of different animatedmaterials."
Price: 24.99

"Substance Designer - Simple Water with Directional Controls" |
"In this series we take a look at making a simple water animation. While were making our material well learn about creating and exposing parameters as well as some basic dynamic functions that will drive our animation. We'll also learn how to drive several related functions with a single parameter, letting us make a liquid that seamlessly moves from standing to moving with one slider.We keep the functions simple. So this is a great course for people who are just beginning to explore the procedural aspects of Substance Designer. For those that already know a bit about animated materials, it's just a great lightweight water!"
Price: 24.99

"Procedural Materials with Photoshop & Substance Designer" |
"In this course we take a look at the various ways we can use photos and other 2D images to create seamless Substance Designer materials. By creating a linked workflow between Photoshop and Substance we'll take advantage of the tools both these programs have to offerto create proceduralhand-painted materials.We start by creating a seamless hand-painted color map from images off the Internet. Once our color map is complete, we use it as a guide for creating all the other maps and masks we'll need for our material.After finishing the basics in Photoshop, we set up a linked workflow with Substance Designer that will allow us to view our progress in the Substance 3D view, and easily adjust our maps in Photoshop. Here we'll further refine our 2D mapsby using some of the nodes available in Substance Designer.We'll also add procedural qualities to our material. First we'll add some metal veins that can fade in and outand then an animated lava that can be toggled on and off."
Price: 34.99

"Intro to Animated Materials with Substance Designer" |
"This course is designed as an introduction to some of the most common Nodes and Dynamic Functionsused in animating Substance materials. We'll build an Animation Test material that will incorporate these nodes and functions to see how we can get them to work together to create almost unlimited animationpossibilities.One at a time, we'll examine thePixel Processor, Splatter, Transform 2D and FX Map nodes, noting their strengths and weaknesses in material animation. As we do this, and begin to connect them, we'll also take a look at several other Nodes and techniques we can use to create even more functionality in our material. We'll also take a look at how we can use Dynamic Functions to animate noises in the Substance Library as well as thecolors of our material."
Price: 34.99

BitZeny |
Price: 2400.00

"Rural Remote" |
"Does any of this sound like you?You spend an hour or more commuting every day to a job youre notin love with.Office politics make you feel like youre in a grown-up version ofMean Girls.You constantly have to deal with coworkers interrupting youjustas you get into the zone.Or maybe you wish you could earn more money without having to relocate to an area with a higher cost of living and a lower quality of life. (Which kind of defeats the whole earn more money thing, right?)Ive been there with ALL of those situations. But I came up with a solution. I stopped looking for jobs where I had to drag myself to an office every day and started working remotely for companies all over the world.And you can do the same thing!I was the first person I knew to start working remotely. I didnt have a bunch of friends pushing me toward it. I didnt know anyone who was actually doing it in real life. In fact, ten years ago, when I got started, not that many people were even working remotely anywhere.Ask me how much I love working remotelyThroughout the last decade, Ive worked remotely for companies all over the world as a regular contributing writer, editor, copyeditor, and content marketer. Its great to work from my little corner of northern Vermont while earning wages that are more in line with what Id earn working in a major city.That means I can workpart timeand still earn more than enough to live comfortably in my local area! And depending on the structure of the specific remote job, Ive also had a ton of flexibility over when I work. That means if I want to take a day off and go to the lake because its beautiful out,I can do that.Without needing to take a personal day or vacation day or any other time off.How great is that?I want to teach you everything I knowI had to figure out this whole remote work thing on my own. When I started ten years ago, there were only a handful of blogs even talking about working remotely. I had to do a ton of research before I even really started to think it was possible.I want to save you all that time and energy. So I put together this Rural Remote course to share with you all the knowledge Ive gained over the last ten years. By the time you finish, youll know what kind of remote job you want, what skills you need (and have an idea of where to learn any you dont already know), and how to actually go about finding alegitimatejob you can do from home.Whats included in the course?Youll get seven video lessons about skills you need to get a remote job (and where to learn them), the kinds of remote jobs out there, and how to put together a resume and cover letter that sets you apart from other people applying for the same jobs.PLUS, youll get a bonus remote career planner that will help you figure out what remote job you want, the skills you already have and those you still need to learn, and a timeline for actually landing the job!"
Price: 89.99

"Awaken your Healing Abilities" |
"How would you love to make the shift that will heal your life and develop your innate abilities to help heal on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spirituallyif this is your desire thenTHIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! This course is different from Reiki. With energy healing there is no need for symbols and you understand that in order for the energy to help you heal, you need to resolve your challengesthose issues in your tissues. However, if you are a Reiki practitioner you will find a lot of great information here. Join me for this insightful 3-hour energy healing video course that will change your understanding of yourself and others. You will learn simple yet profound methods for your own self-healing. The video is broken down into 12 sections so you can learn at your own pace. Here are the topics that will be covered to help you understand how to heal yourself: Introduction to Energy Healing Theres certainly nothing new about hands-on healing. It is an ancient method of revitalizing the energy fields of your own (or someone elses) body. Im going to start at the beginning and teach you each of the basic techniques in turn. Well create a solid foundation and then build from there. Well start with things you can do for your own healing, and if you are already an energy practitioner, I think you will find plenty of information here that will be useful as well. Video 1 - Who can benefit from Energy Healing?Gentle Energy Touch is good for everyone! Its goal is to discover the limitation causing a blockage, recognize its pattern and where it comes from, and then let it go. Video 2 - What is the Gentle Energy Touch Method?Gentle Energy Touch (GET) is a hands-on method that helps to create a feeling of inner peace. It shows you how to think of yourself as being lovable and grateful for what you already have. It enables you to explore and support your inner growth and spiritual development. Video 3 - Learn about Gentle Energy Touch, Chi and ChakrasGentle Energy Touch works by unblocking the natural flow of vital energy through the body. This vital energy or ki (also called chi or qi) continually courses through all living things and supports life. The vehicles through which this energy flows are called chakras. Video 4 - Understanding all Seven Major Chakras in DepthSince all healing depends on allowing the free flow of Chi by opening the chakras, were going to explore what they are and how they work. Lets start with the word itself, which derives from the ancient Sanskrit term meaning spinning wheel of energy. Video 5 - Learn about Your AuraAnother word for energy field is aura. The dictionary defines aura in many ways, one of which is, a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a person, such as an aura of sanctity. Simply put, your aura is a multilayered energy field that surrounds your body and intermingles with the atmosphere of the earth and all other forms of life. Video 6 - Learn how to feel the Energy you will be working withThis exercise is done with the intention of activating the energy in the hands. Start by shaking both hands for fifteen seconds. Video 7 - What you may Experience during your Self-Healing TreatmentsAs you begin to practice the self-healing treatments, you may experience a cleansing period. The mind and body are being stimulated to release toxins, along with feelings and emotions that are no longer needed. Video 8 - Learn the Steps you need for your Healing Session (Understanding the Importance of Closing, Balancing and Grounding after your session)Every session as you work on yourself has some essential elements. In my work, I have identified thirteen steps that make for a complete healing session. I will explain each one but want to give you a whole picture first of what needs to be done. Video 9 - Learn the Self-Healing PositionsComplete self-healing positions with chakra information for each area of your body. Video 10 - Learn Energy Protection TechniquesNow that you learned about your aura, chakras, and how to do energy healing on yourselfI have one more step for you to follow because I feel it is extremely important that we protect our energy and it is called energy protection. Video 11 - ConclusionI feel these are all the tools you need to help yourself heal on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. As you enter into the world of energy healing, see within yourself that stable center, that perfect seed, the perfection, your potential. This course is packed with instructional materialsIncluded in PDF format are Essential guidelines, self-healing positions and photos, energy protection techniques, affirmations, plus much more"
Price: 19.99

"Raising Backyard Chickens" |
"In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about raising chickens in your backyard. The course provides necessary information for:Growing a baby chick into a full grown healthy chickenSelecting the right chicken breeds for your backyardSetting up a chicken coop in your backyardCreating the right living conditions for your chickensDesigning your yard to make it ""chicken-proof""Entertaining your chickens so they don't get boredProtecting your chickens from predators and diseasesManaging your chicken coop in than less 5 minutes per dayMaintaining the coop such that it does not attract flies or bad odorHaving 100% FUN with your chickensWho is this course for:Anyone interested in raising chickens in their backyard for fresh farm eggsIndividuals and families looking to have chickens as petsUrban farmers looking to expand their gardens by adding a chicken coopAnyone interested in starting a small-scale chicken farmThis course does not teach:How to slaughter a bird for meatFactory farming methods for raising chickens"
Price: 29.99

"Unity C#; Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Oyun Tasarlama" |
"Kursumuza her ay bir oyun yklenecek ve her ay biraz daha kapsaml oyunlar olacakve 7/24 ulaabileceiniz den emin olarak ve asla ekinmeden takldnz yerleri veya aklnzda planladnz oyunu benimle paylap fikir alabilirsiniz. Kaynak arama derdiniz olmayacak derslerde kullanlan tm kaynaklar temin ettiim iin zamannz kaynak aramaya deil yapacanz oyunu nasl gelitirirsiniz onu dnmeye harcayacaksnz sizce de iyi deil mi ?Bakalarnn yapt oyunlar saatlerce oynamak yerine kendi oyunumuzu yapp bakalarna sunmak sizce de daha iyi olmaz myd?""Tabi ki""de olurdu dediinizi duydum o zamankendinizi gelitirmek veya yeni eyler renmek iin doru adres. Eitim videolarn istediiniz her yer de ap bakabileceiniz ve aklnzda soru iareti kalmadan her eyi reneceiniz tek adres hepinize baarlar ve iyi almalar.Srekli gncellenen eitim dersleri sayesinde alm olduunuz paketi yz yze ders gryormu gibi gncel bilgiler ile ve sorularnza gnnde cevaplar ile ulam olacaksnz.Steam ve Google Play OyunlarEkip almasyla online oyunlarSfrdan balayanlar ve kendini daha da gelitirmek isteyen arkadalar iin bir yararl olacaktr.Bu kurs bitiminde her rencinin bir uygulamas olacak ve uzman ekibimizyardmyla oyunu gelitirip belirli platformlar a uygun olacak hale getirip sunacaz. Uygulama veya oyun gelitiren arkadalarmz arasnda da bir eleme yapp birinci olan arkadamza Google Play e oyun atmas iin bir hesaphediyemiz olacak hepinize baarlar ve iyi almalar."
Price: 399.99
