"Oracle Multitenant is the architecture for the next-generation database cloud.The architecture comprises of a multitenant container database thatcan hold many pluggable databases. Some of the benefits of the multitenant architecture of oracle database 12cis: High consolidation density, managing many databases as one and easy cloning using SQL.This course is for the following students ;DBAs who has a basic knowledge of 12c multitenant architecture and will want to learn its installation on Centos Linux 7 Operating system.Beginner who wants to start a career as an Oracle DBA TOOLS NEEDED TO TAKE THIS COURSE :Virtualization Software- I used VMware Workstation 12 (Older or Newer version is allowed) . A copyof virtual box as been made available in the resource material provided for your download Cent0S 7 Iso imageOracle Database 12c Release 2 Installation filePlease note that links and locations to download the above files is available in the resource material provided.This Course Will Cover the Following:Creating a Virtual Machine Using VMware Workstation 12 or Virtual Box 5 (Newer Release can be applied )Installation of CentOS Linux 7Setup Centos Server to meet oracle installation prerequisite Installation of 12c multi tenant databaseSetting up CDB and PDBS for enterprise manager expressConfiguring SQL Developer for CDB, PDB and HR schemaBONUS -Remote connection through windows Mozilla web browser and putty application"
Price: 24.99

"Sumie - Bamboo for beginners -" |
"The pictures drawn by Sumi (black ink) are generally called Suiboku-ga or Sumi-e in Japan. It is said that Sumi-e is the most popular way of saying overseas. Sumi-e basically uses only black ink but sometimes uses a little bit of other pigments as well. Sumi-e with other pigments is called Bokusaiga.Sumie uses various techniques of gradation, shading, bleeding, blurring. Such techniques can be obtained through changing the amount of water added to the ink.At this time, the subject is ""Bamboo"". There are two kinds of techiniqueabout leaves, ""Zh"" and Roh"".""Zh"" techinique means drawing leaves by usingone tone inkwithout gradation. On the other hand, ""Zh""techinique means drawing leaves byusinggradation of ink. In this course, you can masterZh""techinique."
Price: 19.99

"Ruby on Rails. ." |
"-, , , , , . , , . - Landing Page ."
Price: 24.99

"Desenvolva uma aplicao com Django 2.0 e deploy no Heroku" |
"Neste curso vocaprendera preparar o seu ambiente ( sua mquina ), entendero funcionamentodeste excelente framework bem comodesenvolver e publicar seu primeiro sistema online, um gestor de clientes.Neste curso abordaremosos principaisconceitos do Django de forma clara e detalhada, sempre com abordagensprticas e com a mo na massa."
Price: 39.99

"Curso desenvolvimento web 2.0 completo 2018 Python e Django" |
"Se voc pretende ser um desenvolvedor web de sucesso vocprecisa saber conceitos que so a base da web, desde o momento em que um usurio digita a URLno navegador ate o momento em que o seu site/sistemcarrega no browser. Este curso vai te dar a base sobre os conceitos tcnicos da tecnologia ajudando voc a entender o funcionamento da internet. Este e um curso TERICO com exerccios prticos sobre os conceitos nele apresentado.Por mais que muita gente no goste de teoria ela a base para os grandes profissionais, se voc no domina bem a teoria sobre um assunto voc pode facilmente passar por problemas durante o desenvolvimento de um software e no teridia de onde o problema vem, por isso esse curso muito importante para todo desenvolvedor iniciante."
Price: 39.99

"Django 2.0 avancado, 100+ aulas domine framework like a boss" |
"Um curso dinmico e que mistura teoria com pratica em live coding utilizando as mais avanadas tcnicas no Django. Aprenda desde como ser mais produtivo na sua IDE ate como melhorar a performance e seguranada sua aplicao.Produtividade no PycharmConfigurando a virtualenv para load automticoCriando atalhos para as principais tarefasTodo listUso de mltiplas janelas para otimizao de tempo e cliquesDebugando aplicaes Django modo hardDebugando aplicaes Django modo inteligenteClass based viewsEntendendo as class based viewsBaseViewTemplateViewListViewDetailViewCreateViewDeleteViewUpdateVeiwRefatorando nosso projeto para usar CBVAdvanced template systemHerana de templates para economizar cdigo e facilitar a manutenoInclude de templates para organizar o cdigo em partesUsando template blocksFacilitando sua vida com template tagsCriando seus proprios filtersDjango ORM Advanced e performanceEsmiuando seus models pelo terminalUtilizando o bulk para criao de objetos em massaEvitando queries desnecessrias usando o exists()Acelerando consultas com o value_listOrdenando suas queries com order_byObtendo objetos como dicionariosUtilizando o pre fetch related para evitar queries adicionaisLevando a lgica de negcios para os ManagersDjango debug toolbarInstalacao do DDTVerificando a performance da sua aplicao Corrigindo gargalos e acelerando sua aplicaoPersonalizando o Django AdminTunando seus model viewsCriando suas prprias actionsPersonalizando os cabecalhos do Django adminUsando o autocomplete do Django 2.0Django PermissionsEntendendo o sistema de permisses do DjangoCriando suas prprias permissesVerificando permisses para garantir integridade da aplicaoCookies e sessoesEntendendo os cookies e sessesUtilizando cookies na sua aplicaoUtilizando sessoes de forma inteligenteMiddlewaresEntendendo o que sao MiddlewaresCriando seu proprio MiddlewaresSending emailsConfigurando seu envio de emailsEnviando emails de textosEnviando emails com templates HTMLGerenciamento de errosManuseando erros da forma corretaCriando pgina personalizada para erros 4.xxCriando pgina personalizada para erros 5.00Login com redes sociaisConfigurando o Django social pluginCriando a app no Facebook e configurando o login socialCriando a app no Twitter e configurando o login socialPreparando a pgina de login para as redes sociais habilitadasSeguranaAumentando a segurana da sua aplicaoUtilizando CORS_HEADERSA importncia do Allowed hostsEntendendo o Debug true para evitar exposio de informaes crticasExtraindo dados sensveis da sua aplicaoTestando sua aplicao DjangoEntendendo a engine de testesCriando seus prprios testesAPI's basicas sem uso de frameworks ( Alem do Django )Conectando sua aplicacao Django a um banco de dados existentePrximosCursos previstos:1 - Criando poderosas APIs com Django Rest Framework2 - Deploy de uma aplicao Django numa EC2 da Amazon com uWSGI e NGINX3 - Django como Backend para aplicaes Angular ou Mobile nativas"
Price: 39.99

"Criando poderosas API's RESTful com Django Rest Framework" |
"ESTE UM CURSO PARA INICIANTES E INTERMEDIRIOSDesenvolva um projeto de Web API de pontos tursticos com Python + Django +Django Rest Framework e deploy no Heroku,utilizando as melhores prticas de desenvolvimento de software,desenvolvimento de web API's e de deploy seguro e confivel utilizando o PaaS Heroku.Aprenda a utilizar o framework Django Rest Framework para ter produtividade no desenvolvimento de API's, assim como o Django faz o desenvolvimento de projetos web produtivo e simples.Entenda todos os conceitos importantes sobre RESTful API's, como viewsets, serializers, responses, permisses, autenticao via token, consumo de API's e muito mais.Neste curso desenvolveremos e colocaremos no ar ( publicado na web ) um projeto com as seguintes caractersticas:RESTful Web API para exposio de pontos tursticos de uma regioPropor um novo ponto tursticoModerao dos pontos tursticos cadastrados Listagem bsica dos pontos tursticos ( Lista resumida )Listagem completa dos pontos tursticosDetalhe de um ponto tursticoAtualizao de um ponto turstico por usurios autorizadosDeleo de um ponto turstico por usurios autorizados"
Price: 39.99

"Deploy Django VPS Linux com Apache2, NGINX, uWSGI e Systemct" |
"Aprenda a fazer deploy de sua aplicacao em VPS Linux Ubuntu de forma profissonal.Neste curso utilizaremos um VPS da Amazon AWS mas o curso se aplica a VPS Linux de qualquer empresa, como Digital Ocean ou LinodeNeste deploy configuraremos o Apache2 de forma que voce possa usar o seu VPS com outros sites em HTML, PHP e etc, ou seja o seu VPS nao ficara ""amarrado"" ao Django.Utilizaremos o NGinx como proxy reverso e como servidor de arquivos estaticos e de media, seguindo as recomendacoes oficiais da documentacao do Django.Utilizaremos o uWSGI que e um servidor de aplicacoes que implementa o padrao WSGI e que inclusive e recomendado oficialemente pelo Django.Por fim configuraremos o Systemctl para monitorar o uWSGI em emperor mode e tambem sera encarregado de restartar a aplicacao em caso de crash (error ) e em caso de um eventual reboot do VPS."
Price: 39.99

"Draw as a professional- Complete Course of Comic Art" |
"This is a course where you will learn everything aboutthe professional and independent drawing of comics.In one place you will find out all about the whole comic process. You will learn about all the most important aspects of the drawings, after which you will be able to get out ofcomics, video games, illustrations, storyboardand all design industries.The course is very comprehensive, but do not be afraid of it, it's enough to have basic knowledge about drawing and a little drawing experience.You will learn the most important and basic segments of comicdrawing:Character designAnatomy & ProportionPerspectiveLinesSketchingFigure drawingIllustrationConcept ArtStorytellingWater Color for comic ArtistComic Page content..and moreWe teach lessons from one of the most famous French-Belgian comic artist- Srdjan Nikolic PekaIn this course, we learn how to achieve effective drawing, effects, shadows and details of old European masters of comic Art. So let's start!"
Price: 199.99

"Unity 3D strategia czasu rzeczywistego RTS" |
"Kurs wideo ""Unity 3D strategia czasu rzeczywistego RTS"" zosta stworzony z myl o osobach, ktre s fanami RTS i chciayby nauczy si tworzenia gier strategicznych w silniku Unity 3D.W tym kursie wideo nauczymy si, jak - z pomoc silnika Unity 3D - stworzy podstawowe elementy gry strategicznej.Omwimy takie tematyjak:- Zaznaczanie jednostek oraz wydawanie im polece, takich, jak chodzenie bd strzelanie.- Stworzymy system sztucznej inteligencji, nauczymy si kontrolowa kamer za pomoc myszy oraz klawiatury.- Dodatkowo, stworzymy system zoomowania i oddalania za pomoc kka myszy.- Wykreujemy cay wiat, wraz z drzewami, terenem oraz wiatem i cieniem.- Skorzystamy z siatki nawigacji, by nasze jednostki mogy si porusza za pomoc buff findingu wbudowanego w silniki Unity.- Bdziemy mogli kupowa nowe jednostki, jak rwnie stawia nowe budynki.- Przejdziemy przez podstawy systemu walki oraz oddawania strzau, jak rwnie nauczymy sie manipulowa animacjami.- Poznamy rozmaite skrty klawiszowe, a take dobre praktyki - zarwno w silniku Unity 3D, jak i w samym Visual Studio, w ktrym bdziemy programowa w jzyku C#. Poznamy w nim kluczowe metody wywoywane przez silnik Unity oraz napiszemy wiele wasnych, wykorzystujc do tego metodologi programowania obiektowego.- Spotkamy si z rnymi bdami programistycznymi i nauczymy si, jak je debugowa i jak je naprawia.- Dodatkowo, cay postp projektu bdzie zapisywany w metodologii Git, na repozytorium na GitHub. Wykorzystamy do tego klienta SourceTree i nauczymy si jego podstawowej funkcjonalnoci.Kurs Gra strategiczna (RTS - strategia czasu rzeczywistego) skada si z 22 praktycznych lekcji, prowadzonych przez profesjonalnego twrc gier:1. Wprowadzenie do kursu wideo Gra strategiczna (RTS - strategia czasu rzeczywistego).2. Instalacja niezbdnego oprogramowania (Unity 3D, SourceTree, GitHub).3. Zaimportowanie darmowych materiaw do stworzenia gry strategicznej.4. Praktyczne porady o utrzymaniu porzdku w rosncym projekcie gry komputerowej.5. Kreowanie wiata 3D - rzebienie terenu, teksturowanie, sadzenie trawy i drzew, zdobienie mapy rozgrywki za pomoc kamieni, wzgrz, kraterw itd.6. Ustawianie owietlenia gry pod kamer RTS, zmiana ustawie jakoci grafiki, opcje cieni i wypalanie wiatocienia na teksturze terenu7. Przygotowanie zaimportowanych modeli 3D do pracy, odpowiednie ustawienie modeli, avatarw i animacji.8. Tworzenie drzewa animacji, przejcia midzy animacjami, blendowanie animacji oraz kodowanie logiki stojcej za animowaniem postaci.9. Wypalanie siatki nawigacji, wyjanienie podstaw jej wykorzystania w praktyce, poruszanie si jednostek i podanie za sob, synchronizacja prdkoci animacji z prdkoci poruszania si.10. Poruszanie kamer za pomoc klawiatury oraz myszy, przyblianie i oddalanie, programowanie w zrozumiay sposb.11. Wgld do systemu UI w silniku Unity 3D, manipulowanie wielkoci i pozycj obrazw za pomoc kodu, przeliczanie pozycji kursora na pozycj selection box'a.12. Wizualizowanie iloci pozostaego ycia jednostek w sposb niezaleny od pozycji kamery, wykorzystanie World Canvas w praktyce.13. Zaznaczanie jednostek.14. Wykorzystanie systemu Message w silniku Unity 3D do przekazywania komend jednostkom, polimorfizm i rzutowanie typw w C# oraz ich zagroenia.15. Stworzenie systemu strzelania z karabinu.16. Stworzenie inteligenci opartej na drzewie stanw i przejciach midzy nimi, wykrywanie celw do ataku, gonienie celu i patrolowanie terenu.17. Importowanie nowych animacji do modelu poprzez system avatarw humanoida, rozbudowa animatora onierza o brakujce ruchy.18. Znalezienie assetu przeznaczonego na budynek. kupowanie jednostek w budynku, punkt zbiorczy dla kupowanych jednostek.19. Stworzenie wygodnego i uniwersalnego systemu zarzdzania walut w grze, typy zmiennych w C# umoliwiajce pynne i bezpieczne przechowywanie liczb.20. Sprawdzanie, czy moliwe jest budowanie budynku w danym miejscu, zaawansowane zapytania do systemu nawigacji oraz fizyki Unity 3D.21. Tworzenie tekstu pyncego po ekranie, dywersyfikacja komponentw silnika, minimalizacja funkcjonalnoci, nagrody za osiganie celw i prawdziwe koszta.22. Game Controller, warunek zwycistwa i poraki, ostatnie szlify gry.Jeli jeste fanem RTS i marzysz o tym, by zaj si profesjonalnym tworzeniem gier strategicznych, ten kurs wideo jest dla Ciebie. Wsplnie rozpocznijmy t pen wrae przygod!"
Price: 399.99

"3DS Max + Corona wizualizacja kuchni" |
"Kurs wideo Wizualizacja kuchni 3DS Max i Corona Renderer zosta stworzony z myl o osobach, ktre chc rozpocz swoj przygod z projektowaniem wntrz i modelowaniem 3D.Dowiadczony inynier architektury przeprowadzi Ci przez 48 lekcji, trwajcych cznie okoo 11 godzin, przekazujc praktyczn wiedz i razem z Tob, krok po kroku, tworzc wizualizacj kuchni. Kurs wideo opiera si na pokazywaniu przez instruktora moliwoci programw 3DS Max i Corona Renderer na realnym projekcie i tumaczeniu prostym jzykiem wszystkich potrzebnych funkcji.Dziki temu moesz by pewien, e nie tylko z sukcesem stworzysz swj pierwszy model kuchni w technologii 3D, ale rwnie bdziesz mia chrapk na tworzenie wizualizacji kolejnych wntrz.Dodatkowo, kady kursant otrzymuje zestaw gotowych, niepowtarzalnych assetw, stworzonych w Corona Renderer wraz z materiaami, ktrych bdziesz mg uywa w swoich kolejnych projektach, nawet tych komercyjnych.W kursie wideo Wizualizacja kuchni 3DS Max i Corona Renderer wyjanimy sobie skd pobra potrzebne programy i plug-in'y.Nauczymy si modelowania w oparciu o zasady modelowania kuchni. Dowiemy si, jak uywa geometrii, jak j orientowa w przestrzeni. Stworzymy rwnie kilka, mniej i bardziej zaawansowanych materiaw na potrzeby naszego modelu wntrza. T wiedz uzupenimy o uycie programu AwesomeBump, dziki ktremu stworzymy mapy tekstur na podstawie pojedynczej tekst%ury z internetu, dziki czemu zyskamy niesamowite materiay, ktre bdziemy mogli wykorzystywa w projektach.Skupimy si take na tworzeniu nieco bardziej zaawansowanej geometrii, w oparciu o istniejce elementy wiodcego producenta mebli. Wyjanimy sobie take, jak korzysta z innych, gotowych modeli, cignitych z internetu lub tych, ktre zostay doczone do kursu, dziki czemu nasz model kuchni bdzie prezentowa si jeszcze bardziej atrakcyjnie.Kurs wideo Wizualizacja kuchni 3DS Max i Corona Renderer skada si z 48 praktycznych lekcji, dziki ktrym w niemal 11 godzin moesz sta si profesjonalnym projektantem wntrz:1. Pobranie niezbdnych programw, wstpne ustawienie interfejsu programu Autodesk 3DS Max i zapoznanie si ze rdami czerpania referencji, na ktrych bdziemy wzorowa projekt.2. Wstp do modelowanie kuchni, wytumaczenie podstaw tworzenia bry i orientowania ich w przestrzeni oraz wybr ukadu kuchni.3. Dalsza cz wstpnego modelowania kuchni, dopasowanie wymiarw wikszoci elementw, wybr budowy mebli kuchennych oraz podstawowe zagadnienia z pracy z obiektami, przeciganiem ich i orientowaniem w przestrzeni.4. Kontynuacja pracy nad ukadem mebli kuchennych i ich wymiarami, skupienie si na szafkach wiszcych, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu waciwych proporcji mebli i wymiarw odpowiadajcych realnemu projektowi.5. Modelowanie aurowanej szafki wiszcej, skadajcej si z wielu pek, a take podsumowanie nabytych wczeniej umiejtnoci w powielaniu, rozmieszczaniu i edycji poszczeglnych bry.6. Modelowanie frontu dolnych mebli, wraz z uchwytem w postaci osobnej bryy, przy uyciu funkcji TurboSmooth, ktra zostanie wyjaniona w taki sposb, eby kursant umia si z ni tak obchodzi, by uzyska atrakcyjn geometri.7. Wykorzystanie pierwszego frontu i powielenie go, w celu stworzenia wszystkich wariantw dolnych frontw mebli, a take zapoznanie si z zaawansowanym moduem orientowania obiektw w przestrzeni i odpowiednim manipulowaniem grupami.8. Modelowanie frontw grnych mebli, ktrych ukad jest znacznie prostszy oraz stworzenie do nich uchwytw.9. Modelowanie wiszcej szafki przeszklonej w oparciu o referencje istniejcego produktu, wykorzystanie bardziej miaego recyklingu geometrii, przy uyciu wczeniej stworzonych uchwytw, jako bazy do kolejnych uchwytw oraz uycie niezwykle pomocnego modyfikatora Symmetry.10. Kontynuacja modelowania szafki i jej obudowy (take pek znajdujcych si obok niej), a take stworzenie podstawowego zarys pomieszczenia, ktry pomoe w orientacji sceny.11. Wymodelowanie za pomoc TurboSmooth blatu wraz ze wpustem na zlew, ktry nastpnie stanie si podstawow bry blatu do edytowania w przyszoci bdzie to podstawowa brya blatu ktra jeszcze bdziemy edytowa w przyszoci, a take uycie TurboSmooth na ciankach budujcych szafki.12. Stworzenie prostego pomieszczenie dla kuchni, wraz z otworami okiennymi.13. Pobranie darmowego skryptu Floor Generator, ktry umoliwi stworzenie podogi w postaci paneli oraz wyjanienie, jak dziaa ten skrypt i skd pobra tekstury, ktre bd z nim wsppracoway.14. Zaimportowanie pierwszych modeli cignitych z internetu, ktre bd niezbdne do zorientowania si, jak ostatecznie kuchnia bdzie wygldaa z takimi elementami, jak piekarnik czy lodwka.15. Naniesienie poprawek w geometrii i dodanie drewnianych elementw pod piekarnikiem.16. Wyjanienie, skd i jak pobra oficjalne, darmowe materiay dla Corona Renderer, a take pokazanie, jak zainstalowa dane biblioteki materiaw oraz upewnienie si, czy wszystkie tekstury s na swoim miejscu i naprawienie ewentualnych bdw.17. Upewnienie si, czy pobrane biblioteki materiaw s w peni kompatybilne z posiadan wersj 3DS Max.18. Wyjanienie, skd pobra tekstury i mapy, ktre bdziemy wykorzystywali do tworzenia materiaw oraz gdzie umieci pobrane tekstury.19. Stworzenie pierwszego materiau, ktry zostanie uyty na frontach mebli kuchennych.20. Stworzenie blendowanej stali, czyli zaawansowanego materiau, ktry zastosowany zostanie na blat.21. Stworzenie materiau podogi, w oparciu o pobrane tekstury ze strony producenta podg, przy uyciu MultiMaterial Map, czyli mapy materiau pobranej razem z Floor Generatorem.22. Podzielenie projektu na warstwy, by praca w przyszoci bya uatwiona i by istniaa moliwo atwego ukrywania cikich obiektw.23. Dodanie i ustawienie podstawowych elementw rodowiska na potrzeby renderu, dodanie Corona Sun (ktre bdzie socem) wraz z map otoczenia, w celu uzyskania podgld renderu na ywo.24. Dodanie stworzonych wczeniej materiaw do istniejcej ju geometrii, jak rwnie wyjanienie, w jaki sposb operowa materiaami, jak dodawa je do obiektw i jak podglda je w czasie rzeczywistym.25. Dodanie kilku drobnych poprawek w geometrii i materiaach.26. Podejrzenie rezultatw zmian w materiaach i geometrii, a take wyjanienie, do czego suy i skd pobra program AwesomeBump, pozwalajcy tworzy materiay z pojedynczych tekstur.27. Uycie programu AwesomeBump w praktyce, poprzez stworzenie mapy na podstawie tekstur pytki i drewna, znalezionych w internecie.28. Zaimportowanie map stworzonych w programie AwesomeBump do 3DS Max i stworzenie z nich materiau pytki, ze wszystkimi doskonaociami i niedoskonaociami.29. Zaimportowanie kolejnych stworzonych map tekstury drewna i stworzenie za ich pomoc materiau drewna.30. Zmapowanie, czyli rozoenie tekstury drewna na wszystkich drewnianych elementach.31. Naniesienie drobnych poprawek, poprzez zmian tekstury podogi na bardziej odpowiadajc scenie oraz zmiana materiau uywanego do drewnianych elementw mebli.32. Stworzenie lub zrecyklingowanie materiaw, celem utworzenia materiaw dla okapu i lodwki.33. Stworzenie materiau na bocznych elementach lodwki, w oparciu o tekstury zawarte wraz z pobranym modelem, jak rwnie dodanie szklanego materiau do wiszcej szafki.34. Pocztek modelowania stalowych pek i wieszakw, jako elementw ozdobnych w kuchni - pierwszym i wyjciowym elementem bdzie pojedyncza szyna do wieszania elementw, ktra zostanie stworzona w oparciu o istniejcy produkt wiodcego producenta mebli.35. Modelowanie bardziej skomplikowanych pek, za pomoc uycia lub zrecyklingowania elementu stworzonego w poprzedniej lekcji, efektem czego bdzie stworzenie dobrze wygldajcej, stalowej pki.36. Wymodelowanie kolejnego elementu z serii kuchennych dekoracji - tym razem bdzie to wiszca suszarka na naczynia.37. Ostatnia lekcja zwizana z modelowaniem stalowych elementw - tym razem bdzie to podwieszany pojemnik, zgodny z opisem ze strony producenta.38. Zaprezentowanie ostatecznego ukadu pek i delikatne przeskalowanie frontw kuchennych, w celu dodania im realistycznego wygldu.39. Prezentacja zestawu elementw ozdobnych, ktre instruktor stworzy specjalnie dla kursantw oraz wyjanienie, jak uzupeni folder z teksturami i jak poprawnie uywa tych obiektw i dodawa je do sceny.40. Ukadanie wczeniej prezentowanych elementw.41. Posadzenie we wczeniej wymodelowanych pojemnikach trzech darmowych modeli rolinek, pobranych z internetu i wyjanienie, jak we waciwy sposb uywa tekstur doczonych do modelu.42. Dodanie kolejnych darmowych modeli pobranych z internetu - kwiatkw, garnkw i kranu.43. Uycie materiaw z pobranych wczeniej bibliotek, by omateriaowa uyte w poprzedniej lekcji garnki.44. Zaimportowanie ostatniego, zaawansowanego modelu z internetu, w postaci pojemnikw do przechowywania.45. Przygotowanie do renderowania, wyjanienie, jak ustawi Coron, jak rwnie ustawienie kamery we waciwym kadrze i zastanowienie si, jak powinno wieci soce, by model prezentowa si najkorzystniej.46. Sprawdzenie, jak wyszed render i wyjanienie, w jaki sposb mona go edytowa z poziomu 3DS Max oraz jak zapisa powstay obraz, jak rwnie zaprezentowanie kolejnego ujcia, zrobionego w wyniku zmiany pozycji kamery i soca, bez adnych innych zmian, majcych wpyw na render.47. Wyjanienie, w jaki sposb naprawi materia blatu.48. Ostatnia lekcja z prezentacj rezultatw kursu i powstaego projektu.Jeli marzysz o tym, by zaj si profesjonalnym modelowaniem kuchni i jeste gotowy na wietn zabaw poczon z praktyczn nauk tworzenia wizualizacji wntrz 3D, ten kurs wideo jest dla Ciebie. Wsplnie rozpocznijmy przygod po projektowaniu wntrz, ktra moe otworzy przed Tob drzwi do kariery, o ktrej od dawna nie!"
Price: 399.99

"3DS Max - Modelowanie obiektw low poly" |
"Techniki tworzenia stylizowanej grafiki 3D to zaawansowany kurs wideo skierowanygwnie do osb posiadajcych chocia podstawow znajomo oprogramowaniado modelowania 3D. Jednak rwnie ambitni kursanci, rozpoczynajcy swojprzygod z projektowaniem gier, bd mogli wiele si nauczy i w kadej chwiliwrci do materiaw. Kurs trwa niemal 12 godzin i jest kompendium wiedzy zmodelowania w 3D na uytek gamedev'u.Profesjonalny twrca stylizowanej grafiki 3D do gier pokazuje tajniki swoich technikmodelowania. Pocztkujcy uytkownicy zapoznaj si z interfejsem programu ipodstawowymi narzdziami. Z kolei bardziej zaawansowani, bd mogli podpatrzeworkflow prowadzcego oraz zastosowanie najnowoczeniejszych programw narynku.Instruktor przeprowadzi Ci przez cay proces - od ustawienia sceny low poly, a pomapowanie i ustawienie materiaw. Utworzymy proceduralne materiay PBR wSubstance Designer. Omwimy charakterystyk pracy w ZBrush i tworzenie sculptw,czyli rzeb organicznych modeli high poly do wypalania na normal mapach.Prowadzcy zdradzi rwnie swoje techniki optymalizacji i wypalania modeli do gier.Zwolennicy rcznej roboty, w postaci chociaby malowania pdzlem, rwnieznajd co dla siebie. Na sam koniec instruktor pomoe Ci zaprezentowa efektyTwojej pracy i wyeksportowa wszystkie materiay do dowolnego silnika.Jeli tworzenie stylizowanej grafiki 3D na uytek gier komputerowych to umiejtno,ktrej Ci brakuje, ktr chcesz poprawi lub ktr chcesz naby, koniecznie powiokoo 12 godzin na szlifowanie swoich kompetencji wraz z dowiadczonyminstruktorem. Wsplnie stwrzmy realistyczne modele, ktre bdziesz mgwykorzystywa w swoich projektach!"
Price: 399.99

"Unity 3D podstawy - 5 przykadowych gier" |
"Tworzenie gier w Unity 3D cho na pierwszy rzut oka moe wydawa si skomplikowane, w rzeczywistoci wcale takie nie jest. W tym kursie wideo poznasz podstawowe tajniki gamedev'u w Unity 3D i w efekcie stworzysz 5 minigier z mechanik znan z Arkanoida, Endless Runnera, szachw czy gier RPG. Gotowy na wyzwania i dobr zabaw? Zatem do dziea!Kurs wideo 5 minigier w Unity 3D skada si z piciu czci, z ktrych kada koczy si samodzielnym stworzeniem gry:Arkanoid - w pierwszej czci kursu wideo stworzymy prost gr, opierajc si wycznie na prostych assetach z Unity 3D oraz na prymitywach dostpnych na pocztek. Gra bdzie miaa mechanik znan z Arkanoida. Zdefiniujemy sobie fizyk, by kulka odbijaa w odpowiedni sposb, nauczymy si uywa podstawowego inputu, by porusza paletk oraz zdefiniujemy triggery, ktre pozwol nam zlicza punkty czy przegrane ycia. Stworzymy te bardzo prosty interfejs w postaci licznikw.Endless Runner - w drugiej czci kursu wideo stworzymy prost gr w stylu znanego Endless Runner 2D. Zawrzemy w niej prost maszyn stanw animacji postaci, cznie z podwjnym skokiem oraz umieraniem. Sprawimy, e nasza gra uruchamia si bdzie ponownie po zakoczeniu oraz dodamy proste menu pauzy, z moliwoci zatrzymywania gry w dowolnym momencie. Wszystkie komponenty i rne typy animacji 3D bd darmowymi assetami z Asset Store'a. Dodatkowo, przyjrzymy si podstawowym funkcjom komponentu Animation.Kko i krzyyk w UI - w trzeciej czci kursu wideo skupimy si na wykorzystaniu UI. Stworzymy menu gwne z przejciami midzy stanami. Wykorzystamy midzy innymi takie kontrolki, jak slidery, listy rozwijane czy checkboxy. Zajmiemy si rwnie tym, by nasza gra dziaaa na rnych rozmiarach ekranw, przy rnych rozdzielczociach. Kocowym efektem bdzie proste, parametryzowalne kko i krzyyk, z w peni dziaajcym menu. Split Screen Shooter - w czwartej czci kursu wideo opowiemy sobie o podstawach pracy z modelami 3D, midzy innymi o animacjach humanoidalnych i wykorzystaniu systemu avatarw do retargetowania ich midzy modelami. Zajrzymy rwnie do synnej paczki standardowych assetw i przyjrzymy si nieco jej zawartoci. Dodamy do naszej sceny takie elementy, jak character controller, ktry pozwala na atwe sterowanie postaci w stylu starych gier, jak Doom. Dodatkowo stworzymy system strzelania z dwikiem oraz efektami trafie, wykorzystujcy object pooling do optymalizacji. Efektem kocowym bdzie rozgrywka dla dwch osb na podzielonym ekranie. Zajmiemy si rwnie interfejsem i odpowiedni prac kamer w tego typu grach. Navigation - w ostatniej, pitej czci kursu wideo stworzymy prost gr z fragmentem mechaniki gry strategicznej bd RPG, czyli sterowaniem postaci za pomoc myszki. Bdzie ona zawieraa takie elementy, jak przeskoki dziur, sterowanie, cznie z ustawianiem obrotu czy prosta walka. W tym celu wykorzystamy system nawigacji w Unity 3D, dowiemy si troch o wypalaniu jej, o agentach, przeszkodach czy off-mesh linkach, sucych na przykad do przeskokw.Jeste gotowy na wietn zabaw poczon z praktyczn nauk gamedev'u? W takim razie zaczynamy nasz kurs wideo i wsplnie tworzymy 5 minigier w Unity 3D! Nie wierzysz, e moesz zrobi to sam? Wsplnie urzeczywistnijmy Twoje marzenia o przygodzie z gamedev'em!"
Price: 399.99

"Network Simulation using NS2" |
"Network is an essential part of life. Without a network, it is impossible to live up the digital life. Along with the pros, there are cons. Security is an essential part of thenetwork. Network Simulator (NS2) is a powerful open source network simulation tool. In this course, NS2 is discussed with hands on and plenty of examples. Many tools and techniques are covered with the support of shared resources. A candidate (student/researcher/industry person) who is willing to learn NS2 in depth, this is the right course for you!This course is designed to learn NS2 from scratch to the level of implementing own routing protocol.This course will help you to understand the fundamentals of NS2The course make you to learn about several tools useful in NS2 developmentThe course contains demonstration of each and every tool and shares the resources of sameThe course covers best practices in NS2 developmentThe course gives the in depth knowledge about automation of performance analysis to reduce the human efforts and errorsThe course will help you to set a strong programming foundation. It will help you to be an expert in C programming. The course will help you to face any IT interview confidently.Enjoy NS2 development!!!"
Price: 1920.00

"How to Buy your First House AND Save Thousands of Dollars!" |
"** NEW CONTENT/RESOURCES ADDED as per Student Request **Learn how to buy a house right the first time and save thousands of dollars in the process. I will walk you through, step-by-step in full transparency on the full house buying purchase process from start to finish, how to think about buying a home, where to find the best deals and how I saved over $90,000 on a $198,000 house. This course is a MUST for First Time Home Buyers!By the end of the course you'll walk away well prepared knowing for the entire home buying process:How much of a home you can really afford (based on income and savings)Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting & Buying vs. BuildingA Balanced Approach to House Buying, taking into consideration Finances, Function & PreferencesA 5 Factor Analysis to Comprehensively Review the Factors that Impact Your Ability to Buy a HomeHow to Manage Your Finances and Understand if You're Saving EnoughThe Full House Purchase Process from Start to FinishThe Key Terms You Need to Negotiate in the Purchase ProcessPitfalls to AvoidHow to Compare Different Homes with Simple Valuation TechniquesWhy Your Credit Score Matters and How to Improve ItThe Types of Financing Available The Loan Pre-Approval & Approval ProcessConcrete Action Steps You Can Do NOW to prepare yourself for Success when Buying a Home How I Found My DealHow I Saved Over $90,000 on a $198,000 Home and How You Can Too!Here are a few of the resources I'll be sharing with you (with a video explanation & download for you to fill out):My Actual Real Estate Sale & Purchase AgreementMy Actual Credit ReportMy Actual Seller's Property Condition Disclosure FormMy Actual Loan Pre Qualification LetterMy Actual Home Inspection ReportMy Actual Home Appraisal Report My Actual Loan Closing Disclosure I'll also be giving you Custom Checklists & Resources that I made to make the First Time Home Buying Process Much Smoother:Home Buying Timeline Management Checklist (to help you keep track of what's done & what isn't)Financial Checklist (to help you keep track of the many costs, so there aren't any surprises)Family Income Statement (to help you know where you're at financially and what you can afford)Functional Checklist (to make sure you're getting all of the features you want & need in your home)Preferences Checklist (to help you keep track of which home you liked and why as you view many properties)Lender Comparison Sheet (to help you compare lenders apples to apples across multiple loan estimate formats)Disclosure:In the interest of full transparency, please note that I am not a licensed real estate professional, and do not have the same level of technical experience and understanding that a real estate agent, broker, title agent, real estate attorney or other such professional will have. This course is based on the actual process that I went through in buying my home, and the hours and hours of research, interviews and ground work that I did in order to get a great deal. I believe that as one new home buyer to another, that this course will be of great value to you, I just want to be transparent and up-front.I did save over $90,000 on my home purchase, which is over the course of the life of the loan. It is important to consider out of pocket expenses today, as well as into the future. I have not adjusted this number for ""net present value"" or inflation or any other financial techniques to increase it. I have simply added up the savings I will be enjoying today, and over the course of the loan and report them as is. "
Price: 199.99

"Real Estate Affordability Reality Check: House Buying Guide" |
"Learn how much of a home you can reasonably afford and the key factors that impact your purchase ability.Use custom made checklists and worksheets to get a handle on your finances, the total cost of buying your dream home and making sure you don't get in over your head.By the end of the course you'll walk away well prepared knowing:How much of a home you can reallyafford (based on income and savings)Pros and Cons of Buying vs. Renting &Buying vs. BuildingA Balanced Approach to Home Buying, taking into consideration Finances,Function &PreferencesA5 Factor Analysis to Comprehensively Review the Factors that Impact Your Ability to Buy a HomeHowto Manage Your Financesand Understand if You're Saving EnoughI'll also be giving you Custom Checklists &Resources that I made to make the Process Much Smoother:Financial Checklist (to help you keep track of the many costs, so there aren't any surprises)Family Income Statement (to help you know where you're at financially and what you can afford)Functional Checklist (to make sure you're getting all of the features you want &need in your home)Preferences Checklist (to help you keep track of which home you liked and why as you view many properties)Disclosure:In the interest of full transparency, please note that I am not a licensed real estate professional, and do not have the same level of technical experience and understanding that a real estate agent, broker, title agent, real estate attorney or other such professional will have.This course is based on the actual process that Iwent through in buying my home, and the hours and hours of research, interviewsand ground work that Idid in order to get a great deal. Ibelieve that as one new home buyer to another, that this course will be of great value to you, I just want to be transparent and up-front.I did save over $90,000 on my home purchase, which is over the course of the life of the loan. It is important to consider out of pocket expenses today, as well as into the future. Ihave not adjusted this number for ""net present value"" or inflation orany other financial techniques to increase it. I have simply added up the savings I will be enjoying today, and over the course of the loan and report them as is."
Price: 199.99

"Planen, Organisieren und Ziele erreichen mit Trello" |
"Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem Produktivitts-System bist, welches es dir ermglicht, alle deine privaten und unternehmerischen Ziele zu erreichen, ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!In diesem Kurs lernst du Schritt fr Schritt, wie duTrello nutzt, um immer einen berblick ber deine laufenden Projekte und Aufgaben zu haben. Auerdem lernst du, wie du groe Ziele setzt und erreichst.Dieses Trello-System wird dich zu einem organisierterem Menschen machen, der strukturiert und zielgerichtet seine Aufgaben erledigt -Tag fr Tag.Wenn du ein vergesslicher Mensch bist - wie ich es einer bin - wird dir dieses System enorme Vorteile bieten. Dinge vergessen wird damit der Vergangenheit angehren.Ich habe dieses System seit Jahren imEinsatz und habe es immer weiter optimiert. Lerne jetzt das System kennen, was dich produktiver und organisierter macht."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende PHP MySQL y Servidor Web: Curso Prctico Desde 0" |
"PHPes un lenguaje de cdigo abierto muy popular especialmente adecuado para el desarrollo web y que puede ser incrustado en HTML.Sitienes conocimientos de HTML y CSS habrs tenido ocasiones de comprobar que su principal limitacin es la imposibilidad de crear Pginas Webs dinmicas, por el contrario no te preocupes. El siguiente paso en tu proceso de convertirte en todo un Profesional de la Programacin Web y para ello debesaprender PHP.Comenzaremos desde lo bsico, conociendo la historia del lenguaje y su estado actual, todo esto de forma fcil y amena.Con PHP se han hechomuchos sitios hoy da como lo son:Yahoo y Facebook (tambin Udemy).Curso en el cual te ensea a Desarrollar unaAplicacino SitioWeb, la cual podrs visualizar de forma Local o Remota (Accediendo desde cualquier parte del Mundo) y desde cualquier dispositivo mvil, tableto Pc.Ponen prctica tus conocimientos bsicos para as ir aumentando y facilitando la forma en la que programes.Este Curso consta de 35 Videos explicados lo mas simple posible para que puedas analizar detenidamente y entender a Fondo el Lenguaje de Programacin PHP con una Duracin de 3 Horas.Iniciaremos con una breve Introduccin de PHP y las Herramientas a utilizar para poder programar desde nuestro computador, Herramientas Totalmente Gratuitas, como lo son el XAMPP y Sublime Text.Te daremos a conocer la Sintaxis Bsica de PHP comenzando desde el: Hola Mundo!, Variables, Operaciones, Comentarios, Condicionales, Operadores con Condicionales, Funciones, Recoger Datos desde un Formulario, Bucles, Arrays y Crear una Calculadora que (Sume, Reste, Multiplique y Divida).Tambin te dar una Introduccin a las Bases de Datos (MySQL), en la cual veremos como Agregar, Modificar, Eliminar y Consultar los Datos que tenemos en la misma.Estas mismas Funciones de Agregar, Modificar, Eliminar y Consultar las veremos tambin desde el Lenguaje dePHP para Conectarnos a nuestra Base de Datos (MySQL) y poder efectuar estas funciones.Finalmente te ensear a configurar tu Ordenador o PC para que puedas Visualizar tu Sitio web o Aplicaciones de Forma Local (En una Red Interna) o Forma Remota (Para que puedan Accederdesde Cualquier parte del Mundo) as como tambin desde Cualquier Dispositivo (Pc, Tablet, Mvil),para que puedas hacer las pruebas respectivas de tu Sitio Web o tus Aplicaciones."
Price: 49.99

"IP Adresi ve Subnetleme (IP Adressing and Subnetting)" |
"Bu kursta IP adres hesaplamalar yaplacak olup, katlmclara IP adresi ile ilgili btn gerekli bilgiler verilecektir.Kurs ierii tecrbeli ya da tecrbesiznetwork ile ilgilenen, bu sektrde alan ya da gelecekte network zerine kariyer yapmak isteyen herkese hitap etmektedir.Bu kurstan sonra; IP adresi nedir sorusuna, eksiksiz yant bulacaz, IP Adres hesaplamalarnda, pratik ve doru ekilde sonuca ulaacaz, IP adreslerinin alt alara blnmesi hesaplamalarnn, nasl yaplacan reneceiz, Network topoloji tasarmlar yaparken IP adreslerini doru ekilde blerek, baarl tasarmlar yapacaz, Internette ve Lokalde kullanlan IP adres ayrmlarna varacaz, hayatnda kullanlan IP adresleri ile ilgili yeterli bilgiye sahip olacaz, CCENT,ICNDI, ICNDII, CCNAve Network ile ilgili snavlara hazrlanan herkesin IPadresi ile ilgi sorular doru yantlamas iin gerekli bilgiye sahip olacaz."
Price: 149.99

"OSI Modeli ve Katmanlar (OSI Reference Model)" |
"Bu kursta OSIModeli ve Katmanlaranlatlacak olup, katlmclara OSI Modeliile ilgili btn gerekli bilgiler verilecektir.Kurs ierii tecrbeli ya da tecrbesiznetwork ile ilgilenen, bu sektrde alan ya da gelecekte network zerine kariyer, yazlm gelitirmesi yapmay dnen, Security ile ilgilenen herkese hitap etmektedir.Bu kurstan sonra; OSIModeli nedir sorusuna,eksiksiz yant bulacaz, OSI Modelinin her bir katmanndan ayr ayr bahsedeceiz, OSI Modelini simlasyon zerinden inceleyerek pratik uygulamalar zerinden de mantksal zmleme yapacaz, Temel ve basit protokollerden bahsedeceiz, Layer 2, Layer3 ve Layer4'den ayrntl olarak bahsederek OSI'nin Network'de kullanmn analiz edeceiz, CCENT,ICNDI, ICNDII, CCNA, Security, Yazlmve Network ile ilgili snavlara hazrlanan herkesin OSIModeliile ilgi sorular doru yantlamas iin gerekli bilgiye sahip olacaz."
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft 70-740 - Install, Storage & Compute w/ Server 2016" |
"Installation, Storage and Compute with Windows Server 2016 is the first step towards taking theMicrosoft Certified System Administrator (MCSA) exam. This course addresses all of the concepts,terminology, and technology related to the MCSA certification and it provides the opportunity to be ableto apply the knowledge to the real-world scenarios.Installation, Storage and Compute with Windows Server 2016 course is an offering for those IT professionals who have some experience with Windows Server and want to enhance their knowledge with the latest technologies Microsoft Windows Server 2016 offers. This course gives a detailed insight in the Microsoft Hyper-V environment and how the features like high availability, fault-tolerance, disaster recovery, automated backups and network load balancing can be achieved through it. It also covers the storage aspect and the basic protocols and techniques which can be used to configure local storage systems."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft 70-741 Networking with Windows Server 2016" |
"This course, 70-741: Networking with Windows Server 2016, covers the essential networking skills required to design, deploy, configure and support Windows Server 2016 in most organizations. It elaborates on the TCP/IP fundamentals, remote access technologies, and more advanced content including Software Defined Networking.The course 70-741: Networking with Windows Server 2016 is part of a three course series required to pass the MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification. The course curriculum is designed keeping in view the exam topics covered in the Microsoft exam 70-741. In this way, this course is equally helpful for IT professionals looking to gain their knowledge as well as the candidates willing to appear in the said exam.Career Path:The 70-741exam is geared toward network administrators that are looking to reinforce their existing skills and learn about new networking technology changes and functionality in Windows Server 2016."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft 70-742: Identity in Windows Server 2016" |
"This 70-742: Identity in Windows Server 2016 course teaches IT professionals on the deployment, configuration and troubleshooting of identity services such as Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and Group Policy in Windows Server 2016. Additionally, this course also covers the deployment and installation of other Active Directory server roles, such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) and Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).The course 70-742: Identity in Windows Server 2016 is part of a three course series required to pass the MCSA: Windows Server 2016 certification. The course curriculum is designed keeping in view the exam topics covered in the Microsoft exam 70-742. In this way, this course is equally helpful for IT professionals looking to gain their knowledge as well as the candidates willing to appear in the said exam."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016" |
"The 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016 course covers the topic of enhancing the security of the IT infrastructure in detail. At the start, this course focuses on the importance of assuming that network breaches have occurred already, and then goes on to brief the students on how to rectify the breach and protect administrative credentials and rights to make sure that the system administrator can perform the necessary tasks to avoid such occurrences in future. This course also teaches the in-depth knowledge about mitigation of malware, spyware and other threats that can compromise the security and integrity of any organizations data. The course teaches the students on how to use the Advanced Threat Analysis feature in Windows Server 2016, securing virtualization platform, and use new deployment options.The course 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016 covers the exam topics of the Microsoft exam 70-744. This course is designed to help the aspiring candidates of the said exam. In addition to that, the course is equally helpful for network and system administrators working in a network security job-role. The course helps the students to understand the essential tools and techniques to secure the Windows Server 2016 environments.This series will then prepare you to take the MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure exams. Prior to this, you must complete the 70-740, 70-741, and 70-742 series and take the MCSA: Windows Server 2016 exams."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Project Management" |
"The Introduction to Project Management course is a comprehensive course based on the curriculum advised by the Project Management Institute for their Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. The course covers the basic concepts of project initiation, planning and execution. The course is based on real-world scenarios which provides an opportunity for an interactive and practical knowledge-gaining experience.The Introduction to Project Management course will help the students to get the basic knowledge to prepare themselves for the key positions in the field of project management. The course also helps the students to prepare for the PMI certification exams.Available PDUs for this Course Series: 21 By completing this course series, you will earn 21 PDUs. Available CEUs* for Course Series Completion: 21 By completing this course series, you can earn up to 21 CEUs.(*CEUs are entirely dependent on the organization you are applying)To get the certificate, visit https://integrity.training/p/cif and provide your details. Please note: Candidates do not require to have the certification to complete this course, however the certificate is required in case the candidates are looking forward to sit in the exam or earn PDUs. PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)" |
"The Certified Associate in Project Management Exam preparation course is designed for the aspiring candidates of the said exam. The course outline covers the exam topics in detail and enables the students to prepare for the exam. CAPM certification is offered by Project Management Institute as a foundation level training. This certification can help the students to kick-start their career in the field of project management. The course contents are based on the PMBOKGuide 5th Edition. Most of the aspiring project management professionals have heard about the PMP certification by PMI. However, an equally beneficial certification designed for entry-level candidates in Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM). The course helps the students to learn the concepts that will be tested in the CAPM certification exam. Available PDUs for this Course Series: 21 By completing this course series, you will earn 21 PDUs. Available CEUs* for Course Series Completion: 21 By completing this course series, you can earn up to 21 CEUs.(*CEUs are entirely dependent on the organization you are applying)To get the certificate, visit https://integrity.training/p/cif and provide your details. Please note: Candidates do not require to have the certification to complete this course, however the certificate is required in case the candidates are looking forward to sit in the exam or earn PDUs. PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Certified Penetration Testing Consultant CPTC" |
"The Certified Penetration Testing Consultant (CPTC) course teaches the IT security professionals and IT network administrators about the penetration tests to check the security of large and complex network infrastructures. The course is based on the real world scenarios similar to large corporate networks, services provider networks and telecommunication networks. The course focuses on the attacks on the underlying network infrastructure and protocol loopholes rather than the L4-L7 attacks.The CPTC training course starts from basic techniques such as packet capturing and continues to the more sophisticated and advanced techniques of conducting a penetration test on any kind of network infrastructure. The course includes practice labs as well to provide hands-on experience to the students and apply the learnt knowledge to real-world scenarios. The course is an essential part of the preparation for CPTC certification by Mile2.Exam InformationTheCertified Penetration Testing Consultantexam consists of two parts. Part 1 is taken online through Mile2s Assessment and Certification System (MACS), which is accessible on your mile2account. The exam will take 2 hours and consist of 100 multiple choice questions. Part 2 is a multi-hour practical exam in which students are expected to penetrate between 3 - 5 targets (2 buffer overflows (ASLR and DEP enabled for one), 1 Linux local exploit + priv esc and 1 web exploit) and then create and provide a detailed penetration testing report to mile2."
Price: 199.99

"PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Exam Prep" |
"The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) certification is the worlds fastest growing agile certification. This course covers the entire recommended content for this certification. The adoption for agile practices is increasing by each passing day as the organizations around the world have understood the value of implementing agile approach. This recognition of agile has resulted in more demand for the professionals who are well enabled to adopt the agile transition. This preparatory course enables the professionals to demonstrate the agile professional skillset to your peers, stakeholder and employers.The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner course is equally helpful for candidates looking to gain initial familiarity with agile practices as well as experienced professionals already using agile approaches and want to stay relevant in the competitive and professional world. The course is important to demonstrate true leadership ability on fast-paced and iterative projects.Available PDUs for this Course Series: 21 By completing this course series, you will earn 21 PDUs. Available CEUs* for Course Series Completion: 21By completing this course series, you can earn up to 21 CEUs.(*CEUs are entirely dependent on the organization you are applying)To get the certificate, visit https://integrity.training/p/cif and provide your details. Please note: Candidates do not require to have the certification to complete this course, however the certificate is required in case the candidates are looking forward to sit in the exam or earn PDUs. PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Agile Master" |
"Scrum is a standout amongthe most well known Agile philosophies. It is a versatile, iterative, quick, adaptable, and compelling philosophy intended to convey huge esteem rapidly and all through a venture. Scrum guarantees straightforwardness in correspondence and makes a domain of aggregate responsibility and ceaseless advance. The Scrum system, as characterized in the SBOK Guide, is organized such that it bolsters item and administration improvement in a wide range of ventures and in an undertaking, regardless of its many-sided quality.PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Scrum Developer" |
"Scrum Developer Certified is a foundation certification for software developers working in or with a Scrum team. The objective of this certification course is to make sure that the candidates get enough knowledge to effectively contribute to a Scrum project.Scrum Developer Certified course alumni have demonstrated that they have a thorough understanding of Scrum principles, and have learned to apply and make use of the specialized Agile engineering skills. The goal is to expose students to the most important tools and techniques needed to build good and practical software in the iterative and incremental fashion that Scrum requires. These ideas are central to the entire field of Agile software development. PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99

"Scrum Master" |
"The Scrum Master course helps the students in understanding the fundamental principles that form the foundation of Agile. The course also explores the Scrum framework in deep detail and also blends an overview of the key practices for Agile. The course starts off with an introduction to Scrum, the most frequently used agile framework with over 70 percent of agile projects using Scrum in one form or another, then it goes on to the real-world examples to enable the students to apply the knowledge to solve real problems.Scrum is the agile development process that allows teams to deliver usable software periodically throughout the life of the project, dynamically absorbing change and new requirements as the project proceeds. The course covers the Scrum Master Certification curriculum in detail and enables the students to clear the exam.PMI, Project Management Institute, Project Management Professional (PMP), PMP, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), CAPM, PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), PMI-ACP, PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), PMI-RMP, PMBOK, PgMP, PULSE OF THE PROFESSION, THE PMI TALENT TRIANGLE and The PMI REP Logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 199.99
