"Aprenda a trabalhar com Tabela Dinmica" |
"Atravs deste curso voc j conseguir construir tabelas dinmicas que podem lhe ajudar no dia a dia como tambm enter como parte do processo poderia ser gerado caso voc tivesse que caminhar neste processo atravs da construo de frmulas.Com isso fica claro que caso no haja conhecimento das frmulas dentro do Excel a tabela dinmica pode ser um excelente caminho e rpido para chegar um resultado excelente na apresentao das informaes."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Solidworks - Best Overview for Beginners" |
"This CADTraining IncSolidWorksEssentials Training videos courseexplains the functionality of SolidWorks and also provides easy to understand, step-by-step exercises supported by downloadable part and assembly files.The course also offers 16downloadable manuals, containing 405 pages of content to support the videos, allowing you to learn both from thedemonstrations in the videos and from the text. The best tools to learn SolidWorks quickly and effectively at an excellent price."
Price: 24.99

"Maths Tricks Multiplication magic tricks" |
"You can do fast calculation mentally in brain. You will also learn to fast multiply any digit numbers using fingers of hands. It's very necessary these to do fast multiplication. Faster calculation always saves a lot of time. We are trying to do same math problems in faster way in mental way. Above mental multiplication tricks do not guarantee you will do fastest calculation, but it all depends on your effort and practice. More you practice more faster mental multiplication you will be able to do. So do tons of practice , I bet you will be surprised with yourself one day. You calculations will be so fast and instant and you will save a lot of times during your homework test & in exams."
Price: 24.99

chatbot |
"chatbot Chatbot Chatbot Facebook Line Application ( Admin)Chatbot Q&A Advanced Stock Database Machine learning AI"
Price: 4000.00

"Admob Mediation with Facebook and Unity Ad - Admob Mediation" |
"I want to make money with apps.Everyone wants to get high income with application or Game but there are many ad networks that don't pay enough. This Course will help you to create more income with mediation ads and as a result you can get high income with mediation.Now ball is on you own hand, means you can adjust eCPM by your own. Yes Adjust your eCPM and admob will act upon you adjusted eCPM value.Admob is awesome in case of filling your ad spaces or responding to your ad requests. To do this admob has a very big inventory ready all the time. But google display ads from third-part ad networks too.And not of all of these ad networks are high paying ad networks. Some of those ad networks pay as low as $0.05 per thousand impression or much lower.So you can increase your eCPM by implementing mediation with other great ad networks that you want. Mediation AdMob Mediation is a feature that lets you serve ads to your apps from multiplesources, including the AdMob Network, third-party ad networks, and AdMobcampaigns. AdMob Mediationhelps maximize your fill rate and increase your monetization by sending adrequests to multiple networks to ensure you find the best available network toserve ads.So finally my advice is to use Admob mediation to get extra high Income."
Price: 19.99

"intermediate psychic mediumship level 2" |
"The intermediate mediumship self study programme will give you the tools and exercises to reach a new level in mediumship skil and become more confident with your gifts.Are you ready to take your mediumship skills to the next level?Tune up, enhance and get better at readingsThiscourse is for those who are looking to give better readings, those thinking of becoming a professional medium and those who are looking for extra support and guidance. curriculum:Define your pathBoundaries and publicEvidence, discernment, wise communicationMind toolsIncrease your giftsPreparation before a readingDon't restrictMessenger guidesTurn up inner hearingClairvoyanceSelf doubtClosing communication closing a readingVisulization and exercise toolsTarget audience: Anyone who wants to enhance their gifts as a medium and intuitive.Anyone who has mediumshipabilities butwants improve themAnyone who wants to tap into their mediumshippower to improve their lifeAnyone who wants a safe and supportive environment to build up their psychic development"
Price: 139.99

"Advanced Psychic Mediumship Level 3" |
"This Advanced Mediumship trainingIs specifically designed for: working mediums, Those who strongly want to improve their skills before becoming a working professional medium and for those who don't want to work as a professional working medium but want to be at the top of their game in spirit communication. The online course will cover topics such as:5 reading methodsDealing with resistant sitter'sOpening for a reading meditationDealing with multiple spiritsDeveloping your own unique style so you can represent Spirit to the best of your abilityWorking on your reference libraryTrust and confidenceWorking with your protector guideDirect communication vs indirectPositive affirmationsMelding with spiritBody language in readings The course will assist you in working with Spirit to enhance and build even more confidence, and to push the boundaries of your own mediumship. Improve all areas of Spirit communication, progress beyond your current capabilities. This class is not for beginners. It is highly recommended that you work on the beginners and intermediate courses before enrolling in the advanced course.To get the best out of this course, practice using your gifts regularly. Home work is provided as a chance to practice your gifts, however this is optional. You are welcome to join my Facebook community free of charge to practice the lessons, putting them into action and excel your mediumship abilities"
Price: 199.99

"Angel Reiki healing learning course" |
"This is an Extensive Training Course that will enable you to apply Angelic Reiki Healing to you life and if you wish, your clients too. The course is thorough and covers the roles of the Angelic Realm in our lives as well as showing you how to connect with them and work with them through angel reiki. More and more people are becoming consious and as the frequency of our minds and plant rises people are looking to healing modalities to help them solve problems, phyiscla and mental outside of, and incorporating with western medicine.Angel Reiki helps to raise your own vibrations, as well as those around you and that of your clients.The angels are ready and waiting to work with you at this time.You will also learn about aura's, chakra's, become initiated by angels and spirit's and attuned should you wish. attunement is optional.You will learn about angel Reiki use with plants, animals and protection, distance healing and clearing chakra blockages.There are various exercises through the courseAt the end of the course you will gain a certificate of completion"
Price: 34.99

"C ve C++ ile Programlama Eitimi" |
"Not: Bu kursu Veri Yaplar ve Algoritmalar isimli kursumla birlikte almak isteyen arkadalara zel indirim yapyorum, konuyla ilgili mesaj atabilirsiniz.Bu kurs ile programlamay, algoritma kurmay, C ve C++ dillerinde konsol uygulamalar yapmay reneceksiniz. Programlama bilmeyen ve renmek isteyenlere temelden balayarak eitli rnekler ile program yazmay ve algoritma oluturmay retmeye alacam. Yazdm kodun mantn ve ne iin yazdm anlatmaya altm, yazmazsam ne olacan da videolar iinde gstermeye dikkat ettim. Tm kodlar sfrdan yazarak anlattm. Geni konu kapsaml bir eitim seti hazrlamaya altm. Birok C/C++ eitimlerinde gremediiniz konulardan da temel seviyede rnekler yaparak anlatmaya altm.Birok niversitede Programlamaya Giri derslerinde gsterilen C dilini derste renmekte glk eken arkadalar ile bu ders iin yardmc kaynak arayanlara da yardmc olabilecek bir eitim hazrlamaya altm. renmesi zor olarak grlen bu dili ve programn alma mantn basit bir ekilde anlatmaya altm. Problemleri zerken, algoritmasn nasl kurduumuzu gstermeye altm.Sizlere de eitli devler vererek rendiklerinizi pekitirmeye altm. rendiklerimizle ilgili quizler hazrladm.renci arkadalar bana ularlarsa fiyat konusunda yardmc olmaya alrm.Yorumlarda teekkrlerinizi esirgemez ve eksiklerimi benimle paylarsanz ok memnun olurum. yi almalar."
Price: 309.99

"Veri Yaplar ve Algoritmalar 2020" |
"Not: Bu kursu C ve C++ ile Programlama Eitimi isimli kursumla birlikte almak isteyen arkadalara zel indirim yapyorum, konuyla ilgili mesaj atabilirsiniz.Mays 2020 tarihinde tm derslerde gncelleme yapld, yorumlarda belirtilen eksikler giderildi.Bu eitimde temel veri yaplar ile arama ve sralama algoritmalarn reneceksiniz. Temel seviyede C ve Programlama bilginiz olmas gerekmektedir. Dilerseniz dier kursumda bu eksiinizi kapatabilirsiniz.niversitelerde Veri Yaplar ve Algoritmalar dersinde gsterilen konular, bu ders iin yardmc kaynak arayanlara da yardmc olabilecek ekilde anlatmaya altm. Problemleri zerken, algoritmalar sfrdan yazarak ve anlatarak gstermeye altm.Yazdm kodun mantn ve ne iin yazdm anlatmaya altm, yazmazsam ne olacan da videolar iinde gstermeye dikkat ettim. Kodlarn ounu sfrdan yazarak anlattm.Yorumlarda teekkrlerinizi esirgemez ve eksiklerimi benimle paylarsanz ok memnun olurum. yi almalar."
Price: 159.99

"Sosyal Medya Uzmanl Eitimi Sfrdan Profesyonellie" |
"Sosyal medya uzmanl kursu sayesindetm sosyal medya sitelerini etkin ekilde kullanabilecek, profesyonel sayfalar oluturabilecek, etkin ekilde ynetebilecek, dk btelerle yksek performansl reklamlar yrtebileceksin. Satlar ve mteri iletiimini artracak almalar, monitoring faaliyetlerini ve dzenli ierik retimlerini nasl yapabileceini greceksin. Ksacas A'dan Z'ye sosyal medya uzmanln reneceksin.Kursu bitirdiinde dilersen""sosyal medya uzman"" tarznda yer alan i ilanlarna bavurarak sadecebu alanda bilemeslek sahibi olabileceksin. Freelance olarak evden alarak bu ii yapabileceksin."
Price: 49.99

"Google Ads Uzmanl Eitimi - Google AdWords" |
"2018 Ekim aynda Google AdWords'n deimesinin ve artk Google Ads olmasnn ardndan eitim tamamen gncellenmitir. Tm konular batan Google Ads dzeyinde tekrar hazrlanmtr. Ayn zamanda Google AdWords derslerine de eriebileceksiniz. Google ile ilgili olas tm deiikliklerde yine eitim gncellenmeye de devam edecektir.Web siteniz varsa, iletmeniz veya bir markanz varsa, herhangi bir rn ya da bir hizmet sunuyorsanz, ya da herhangi bir sebeple internet zerinden insanlara ulamak istiyorsanz, internet dnyasnn ana reklam yntemi olan Google Ads ile tanmanz gerekiyor. Bu eitimle internet reklamcl ile ilgiliihtiyalarnz ortadan kalkacak. Google Ads'de reklam vermek iin bir reklam ajansna, bir danmana ya da herhangi bir bilir kiiye ihtiyacnz kalmayacak ekilde size donanm kazandracak bir eitimdir. ilanlarndaki ""Google Reklamlar, Google Ads/AdWords bilen"" tarzndaki i ilanlarna rahatlkla bavurabileceksiniz.inizde baarlar dileiyle..."
Price: 49.99

openFrameworksoF |
"C++openFrameworksopenFrameworks3DCGMIDIOSCDMXopenCVWindos / Mac /Linux / iOS /AndroidopenFrameworksopenFrameworks"
Price: 22200.00

"15 Minutes to Facebook Fabulous" |
"Learn how to spend just 15 minutes a day rocking a Facebook Page for your small business.Discover over 40 bite-sized lessons designed to help you get to grips with all the technical aspects of managing a Facebook page.Module 1:Getting Started - enhanced set up, management & best practiceModule 2:Foundation Strategy - the five keys to successModule 3:Getting seen - understanding 'the bloody algorithm'Module 4:Understanding post types - with how-to tutorialsModule 5:Growing your audience - finding your fansModule 6:Driving engagement - getting more interaction on your pageModule 8:Beginners guide to Facebook advertising - including artwork tutorialModule 9:Content calendar - downloadable planner"
Price: 199.99

"Sfrdan Almanca reniyorum" |
"Kursumuz "" Sfrdan Almanca renmek"" isteyenlere yardmc olmak iin hazrlanmtr.rencilerimizi skmadan,basit,anlalr ve kesin bilgiler sunuyoruz. ""Bilinmesi gerektii kadar bilgiyi veriyoruz"" . Bu kursu tamamladnzda "" A1"" seviyesinde Almanca ve hangi durumda , nasl sorular,cevaplar veya nasl davranlmas gerektiini"" renmi olacaksnz.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Unity: Building 2D Games From Scratch" |
"Ever wanted to create 2Dgames but didn't know where to start? Wellyou've come to the right place.You will learn to create 5 2D games that will take you from beginner to creating amazing games in Unity.After enrolling in this course you will start learning c# step by step from scratch and than start using c#programming language in practice so we can create these awesome games. Even if you did not have opened unity once or written any lines of code this course will be perfect for you, i covered everything that is needed for beginners and even experienced programmers/game developers. Going trough course youwill get better and better, i have put it like that so that first game is the simplest and every other game is more complicated, because we will always add something knew to the game.I have into programming and game development for few years and i took that everything i wanted to know as a beginner i put have put it right here, so you guys can take advantage of that as beginners, but still there are advancedgame development techniques if you already know how to make games.if ever get any issue or if you are interested in something more than explained, just ask a question i will responseas fast as possible.Things you will learn in this course:How to use Unity 2017Import Assets and Organize ProjectFrom Basic to Advance C# ProgrammingSound FXAnd MusicBasic AI(Artificial Intelligence)Creating Cool Menus And Adding Animations To ItAnd More!0 Chance For Risking, How??Well, If Youare not satisfied with course there is always option for refund within 30 days of enrolling and of course Its full refund of your money.So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and i will see you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Introduccin a Animacin 3D en Maya" |
"La animacin ha ganado mucha popularidad en los ltimos aos ya que es una disciplina artstica que nos permite darle vida a un objeto inanimado y crear as, mundos e historias fantsticas.Aprender animacin 3D es una de las cosas msinteresantes y satisfactorias ya que combina la fsica, el arte visual, la actuacin, la anatoma y la lgica.Es por eso que en este curso aprenderemos sobre los principios de la animacin y sobre las herramientas utilizadas en los estudios de animacin a nivel mundial, poniendo especial atencin en los fundamentospara as poder crear animaciones que den la ilusion de que nuestros personajes estn con vida."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Actualizacin en Dietoterapia de la Obesidad." |
"Qu son los ENFOQUES DEL NUEVO MILENIO?Son una recopilacin de NUEVOS ENTENDIMIENTOS que proponen una serie de CAMBIOS de PARADIGMAS en la terapia nutricional-mdica de la obesidad.Siendo que las estrategias tradicionales poco han funcionado, en un sentido global, es necesario mirar hacia nuevas perspectivas que realmente ataquen el problema.Lleg el momento de actualizar el conocimiento.No es posible seguir empleando la misma estrategia cuando ya se sabe de antemano que ha fracasado."
Price: 1245.00

"Inicia tu plan de alimentacin desde cero con un Nutrilogo." |
"En este curso prctico yo, J. C. Vzquez, ser tu Nutrilogo y te guiar para que puedas entender la alimentacin de otra manera.Aprenders a seguir un plan de alimentacin.Te explicar un par de cosas esenciales para que veas por ti mismo lo sencillo que es cambiar tus hbito de alimentacin y perder peso.Luego, mediante una historia clnica tendr tus datos para elaborartu plan de alimentacin a la medida, tu dieta personalizada para comenzar a reduciresos kilos extra desde hoy.Es un gusto conocerte y me una gran alegra que seas mi paciente a partir de hoy."
Price: 420.00

"Aprende a seguir una alimentacin fitness." |
"Llevas tiempo entrenando en el gimnasio, pero no has visto resultados convincentes.Se siente horrible. S porqu ests pasando. Yo tambin segu dietas inspidas por aos: pollo y verduras cocidas, huevos desabridos y dems. Me restringa de alimentos que me gustaban sin razn. Pero solo terminaba harto del estilo de vida que escog en lugar de beneficiarme.Todo mundo te recomienda qu comer, pero nadie te dice cmo ni cunto ni porqu. Solo terminas ms perdido y no encuentras el norte en tu dieta.Haba gastado miles de pesos en suplementos, polvos mgicos y pastillas milagrosas que lo nico que lograron fue vaciar mi billetera en lugar de llenar mis msculos y drenar la grasa corporal.En este curso aprenders sin promesas falsas ni frmulas mgicas lo que necesitas saber para empezar a mejorar tu fsico.Est lleno de principios nutricionales y las ltimas tendencias dietticas, claro, las que funcionan y estn basadas en la evidencia cientfica.No solamente tendrs esa infromacin, sino que podrs consultarme directamente, pues tu inscripcin incluye una valoracin nutricional y mi asesora personal, porque s que deseas mejorar tu fsico yquiero que realmente progreses.Ahora sabrs qu comer si entrenar arduamente en el gimnasio ests listo? Porque esta es la piedra angular de los resultados."
Price: 945.00

"Master Class: Dietoterapia en el paciente nefrpata" |
"En este curso avanzado de nutricin clnica, categora Master Class, aprender los criterios de la terapia nutricional-mdica del paciente con enfermedades renales.Aunque el ncleo de la temtica sea la enfermedad renal crnica por la clara relevancia epidemiolgica que ostenta, tambin se abordarn otras enfermedades como el sndrome nefrtico, nefrolitiasis y la insuficiencia renal aguda. As mismo, se tratarn temas especializados como el soporte nutricio, el trasplante renal, la osteodistrofia renaly la situacin del paciente geritrico nefrpata.Es ideal para quienes ya van en los semestres avanzados de la licenciatura en nutricin o medicina, y tambin para los profesionales de la nutricin que busquen reforzar sus conocimientos en esta rea que resulta ser muy compleja por las caractersticas del mismopaciente.El paciente nefrpata es caso muy complejo de manejar desde el punto de vista nutricionaly las instituciones de salud actualmente presentan un dficit de personal sanitario especializado en el tema, por lo que es esencial que ms profesionales se dediquen a ellos.La enfermedad renal crnica est ganando gran importancia epidemiolgica y se espera que en unos aos ya no se pueda atender a estos pacientes por los altos costes de la terapia dialtica, sin embargo, la carta del triunfo es la dietoterapia, parala prevencin de esta y las enfermedades que la suelencausar.Y no solo eso, la dietoterapia tambin funge como un gran incentivo para la mejora de la calidad de vida."
Price: 2970.00

"Ayuno intermitente: el mtodo el inteligente." |
"El mtodo que le est dando la vuelta al mundo por su popularidad y practicidad, y no solo eso, el gran cuerpo de evidencia que ha emergido en torno a los beneficios saludables que ofrece a quienes los practican, desde personas sedentarias, fsicamente activas, atletas y hasta personas con enfermedades crnicodegenerativas.No es un mtodo para bajar de peso, pero sin duda puede ayudar mucho a lograrlo como lo he visto con mis pacientes y en mi mismo.As que en este curso te ensear el cmo, cundo y porqu aplicar este mtodo en tu estilo de vida desde hoy."
Price: 720.00

"Aprenda sobre actitud , amor y relaciones" |
"El amor a uno mismo, nuestra actitud se reflejan en nuestras relaciones personales y laborales en todo aspecto de nuestra vida, este curso te da las herramientas de como ser mejor persona en lo general. El amor las experiencias propias en la vida personal y productivas, nuestras muletas mentales y el poder de decisin estn relacionadas con el amorla actitud y se reflejan en nuestra relaciones."
Price: 49.99

"The Trauma Healer's Chakra Balancing Program with Free Reiki" |
"Feeling out of whack? Learn how to balance your Chakras using different holistic methods including Reiki, food,herbs, crystals, and essential oils to help you balance and stay that way. Learn what parts of the body each Chakra is in control of.Each Chakra lesson includes a free Reiki Chakra Balancing/Healing Session. Plus, upon completion, you will receive a code to use to schedule one free one on one Distance Reiki Healing Session with Lynn personally."
Price: 74.99

"Animao 2D do bsico ao avanado - Combo Estdio" |
"Comece a animar j!! Condensamos mais de 15 anos de aprendizado em um curso com pouco mais de 10 horas de durao, repleto de exemplos, apostilas, arquivos de animao e exerccios. Um curso com todo esse contedo pode custar at 10x mais no mercado, e aqui voc vai ter acesso vitalcio s aulas. Novos vdeos sero disponibilizados no futuro, sem nenhum custo adicional. Alm de poder enviar suas dvidas e, se no estiver satisfeito, pode pedir seu dinheiro de volta em at 30 dias. E ns garantimos que ao concluir o curso e reproduzir todo material que ensinado, voc estar mais do que preparado para ingressar na rea da animao. uma oportunidade imperdvel!O curso separado da seguinte forma:Introduo sobre todo o processo de animao 2D e das principais ferramentas do software. Aqui voc j vai aprender a utilizar os principais recursos de desenho e animao;Rigging do personagem; ensinaremos o rig membro a membro, alm de sua elaborao inicial e exportao. Com o aprendizado de rigging, voc poder animar qualquer personagem que quiser, autoral ou no;Animao 2D cut-out; com muitos exemplos de movimento, lip sync e tudo de mais importante nesse processo.Cada videoaula detalhada e explicada da forma mais didtica possvel, sempre com comentrios pontuais a cada passo feito. nosso prprio scio e diretor de animao, Fernando Mendona, quem d todas as explicaes de cada mdulo. Alm disso, ele sempre conta com a ajudinha do Combinho, nosso mascote. Dessa forma, o aluno tem aulas leves e divertidas, sem o tdio e a burocracia que encontramos por cursos a fora.Portanto, est esperando o qu? Se voc quer aprender - ou aperfeioar - as mais importantes tcnicas de animao e rigging da atualidade, junta-se a ns do Combo Estdio, e anime como um profissional!"
Price: 99.99

"Blockchain Assets" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender como se tornar um investidor de criptomoedas! Aprender todo o processo necessrio para voc investir utilizand uma exchange brasileira e estrangeira, quais os principais procedimentos de segurana que voc deve tomar e como armazenar suas criptomoedas em uma carteira independente, que permite operar mais de 15 ativos digitais."
Price: 39.99

"The Ultimate Communication secrets course" |
"You are here because you want to be in your best while dealing with others and in difficult communication situations welcome to SPECILAISTU communication secrets course, that will help you doing this Communication is the foundation of all human relationships. It helps us to facilitate the process of sharing our information, knowledge, ideas and even! our emotions In this course you will not learn only the communication skills, but you will learn the secrets of communication that will focus on 4 main amazing parts to learn: Part 1: You will learn the nature of human interactions and the roles people play during communication, and how these roles could be used in manipulating others. Part 2: You will learn the top manipulating games people use during communication and negotiation and how to react to them or even use it for yourself Part 3: You will learn how to communicate in the top difficult communication situations and the step by step guide to react in these situations. part 4 : which is very exciting part, you will learn how to read others reactions through reading their body language you will learn how to detect lies and if the other person is lying to you and how to use the proper body language secrets for yourself. By the end of this course you will be more effective, more successful and sure you will be a better communicator. What are you waiting for! enroll now, and have such a great learning experience that will change your whole life."
Price: 49.99

"Lean Six Sigma White Belt" |
"What are you waiting for learn the basics of Lean Six Sigma!White Belt Certification of Completion provided upon completing the course!After completing this course you will have abasic understanding of Lean Six Sigma. The only thing you need to complete this course is anopen mindset and a desire to learn new concepts.No need to pay $100 - $500 to learn the basics of Lean Six SigmaLearn at your our pacefrom your computer or phone.Certificate of Completion provided.Satisfaction Guaranteed. 30 day money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course.You will learn the basics of LeanSix Sigmathrough short and easy to understand video lessons and quizzes.Here is a summary of topics covered in this course.Develop a basic understanding of Lean Six SigmaDevelop a basic understanding of DMAIC improvement methodologyDefine the 7 types of waste (TIM WOOD)Identify ongoing Lean Six Sigma learning and growth opportunities"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Forensic Series: Computer Forensics" |
"The purpose of this course is to present an introduction to computer forensics using not only lecture, but hands-on labs that utilize free software. It will also utilize the basic understanding of operating systems such as Macintosh, Linux, and Microsoft along with an introduction to the two major mobile operating systems in the industry, IOS and Android. This course delves into important topics and need-to-know information when dealing with digital forensic cases."
Price: 199.99

"Digital Forensic Series: Mobile Forensics" |
"This course is designed to allow the student to not only learn but have hands-on experience in examining mobile devices with free tools. This is an extension of the Introduction to Computer Forensics course. Students will get an understanding of iOSand Android devices. This course is also designed for students to understand the architecture, file system, and appropriate tools for analysis."
Price: 99.99

"Ukulele spielen - Startpaket: Vom Stimmen zum Akkordspiel." |
"Der Kurs ist beinhaltet alles, was aus Erfahrung notwendig ist, um mit der Ukulele loslegen zu knnen. Stimmen, die ersten Akkorde und Troubleshooting. Zu denVideos mit ansprechenden Songs kann man mhelos dazu spielen, auch wenn man kein gebter Snger bzw. gebte Sngerin ist.Informationen werden anschaulich via Videos vermittelt, oder zum Download schriftlich zur Verfgung gestellt.Und wie soll es dann weiter gehen? Mit ein paar Tipps am Ende des Kurses erffnen sich weitere Perspektiven, wie man nochweiter kommt."
Price: 29.99
