"Find a Profitable Niche for Your Online Business (2018)" |
"If youre interested in running a successful website or blog, then the niche you choose at the start is one of the single most important decisions you will make.In fact, this one decision will impact everything from the design of your website, to the monetization options you choose, the type of content you create, and even the visitors you attract.This is THE essential course on niche marketing. You will discover the exact steps to become a top marketer in any niche and generate non-stop income streams on demand.You will learn:Key factors to consider when choosing a niche. Avoiding these is a surefire path to failure.How to research your chosen niche (and how NOT to do it).How to ensure the niche youve picked is a profitable one to be in.How to identify opportunities and genuine 'gaps' in the market to profit from.How to make money quickly and scale up to greater profits.How to create entirely new niches of your own for massive paydays.How to ensure a steady stream of new content for your chosen subject.How to work in and capitalize on niches outside your comfort zone.How to avoid critical mistakes when choosing your chosen niche.How to zero in on a certain demographic and laser target your audience.Includes e-book, worksheets, and checklists to ensure that you are able to better apply what you learn during this course!"
Price: 39.99

"Camtasia Studio 9 Masterclass" |
"In this 38-module course you will learn how to use everyaspect of Camtasia 9!What you'll discover in this Video Course:Purchase And InstallationBasic Screen Recording Controls and Capture MenuTools and Menu OptionsRecorded InputsTracking Your ProgressTimeline ElementsUsing MarkersQuizzes and SurveysLibrary ElementsTransitionsAnimationsCursor EffectsAudio EffectsQuizzing and Surveys ExpandedProject SettingsConnecting Your Mobile DeviceBatch ProductionScreencastCustom Production SettingsScreen CaptureRecording PowerPointAnnotationsBehaviorsInteractive HotspotsAnd much more!"
Price: 49.99

"Alibaba Masterclass (2018)" |
"How To Use Alibaba To Build Massive Online Wealth!Learn How To Be Successful With Alibaba Starting Today!If you want to build a successful e-commerce store, you must finda profitable product to sell. With the current boom in e-commerce, selling physical products on the internet has never been more lucrative.Alibaba is one of the best options on the internet if you're looking to find great niche products for your online store.Inside this courseis a series of video tutorials detailinghow you can make ATON of money finding and selling products fromAlibaba. Included is both an introductory and advanced module whichwill ensure your expertise.If you're struggling with finding a great, profitable niche, be sure to check out my other course, ""Find a Profitable Niche for Your Online Business."""
Price: 79.99

"Wordpress SEO Optimization (2018)" |
"With this 9-part, step-by-step video course you will discover how to get better search engine rankings by making your WordPress website more SEO friendly.Whether you are trying to rank for a specific term in Google or other search engines, most businesses forget one crucial thing, which is on-page search engine optimization.That technical term simply means that you help the search engines know what your site is all about.The reality is that most businesses forget this crucial piece of the puzzle and simply dont know why theyre not getting traffic from Google.With this blueprint you will learn:Introduction to On-Page SEOThe Main Focus5 Important FactorsURL StructureBody Text StructureImage OptimizationTitle OptimizationMeta OptimizationTop 2 WordPress Plugins"
Price: 49.99

"Email Marketing with GetResponse (2018)" |
"Discover How to Set Up Your Email Autoresponder withGetResponse So That You Can Grow an Email List That Gets Clicks and Converts into SalesStarting Today!This video course will take you behind the scenes to help you understand how to build a relationship with your listIn this course, Iwill also show you how to plan out your email series, but also how to take the series and set them up on GetResponse.Topics covered:Whats Your End Goal?Creating a ConnectionBackward Email FunnelQuick Overview of GetResponseCreating a ListSet Up Your AutoresponderSetting Up Your EmailsSetting Up Web FormsList Hygiene"
Price: 49.99

"Avoid 150 Common Mistakes in IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, FCE, and CAE" |
"It has often been found that learners of English as a second language commit some errors frequently in the use of grammar. This course will help in understanding such errors. And make them confident to use of language a fairly error-free one. The course has been designed for test takers of IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, FCE, and CAE."
Price: 59.99

"English Grammar: Verb Tenses in Active Voice & Passive Voice" |
"Two ""voices"" occur in English grammar: active voice and passive voice. The difference is subtle initially, but it's easy to understand once the basics are understood. Because of potential misconceptions passive and active voice in the English Language deserve special practice.This course will help in understanding verb tenses in the active passive voice."
Price: 19.99

"English Grammar - Verb Tenses Practice Test" |
"The concept and understanding of English verb tenses is very important in establishing effective communication. Effective communication means all four components of communication i.e. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Verb tenses are learnt in order to comprehend that in a given situation or in accordance with the time, an appropriate tense should be used so as to maintain effective communication.This course is for those individuals who want to review or polish their skills of proper communication in accordance with Verb Tense."
Price: 39.99

"Discrete Mathematics: Logic Essentials" |
"This course facilitates students to build up and increase the understanding of discrete mathematics with special emphasis on computer science practical applications. The key topics includes Propositional Logic, its history, developing and understanding logic statement, propositional variables and propositional connectives and variables. The courses covers some useful with examples and quizzes. the course also describes how to manipulate compound statements as well."
Price: 29.99

"How to Structure Your Personal Brand - by Andy Kafman" |
"How to Structure Your Personal Brand is a coursethat can change your personal and professional life,especially if you are: Entrepreneur,Trainer, Public Speaker, Coach, Psychologist or a Freelancer.What you gain as knowledgeafter completing this course?shape / reshapeyour ownbrand;find the right strategy to grow your own brand;provide advice for others forcreating a successfulbrand;help future customers recognize you more easily;how tolower your branding costs.This branding course is based onexperience gained over a very long period oftime, so why not benefit and buy now!I have used the knowledgepresented in this personal branding course for personal books, workshops, forhave more patients in the psychology cabinet and in training sessions.The information presented in ""How to Structure Your Personal Brand""you will not find itanywhere else becauseis a new concept of branding, also presented inmy book""Increase Your Personal Brand with a Low Budget"".Don't forget about your BONUS and Extra BONUS!!!Your aha moment is also a Bonus."
Price: 184.99

"Webservice Automation using SoapUI Groovy and Maven" |
"This course is to designed to provide good understanding of how to perform manual and automated testing of web services using SoapUI, Groovy and how it can be integrated with Maven for CI/CD integration.Below topics will be covered in the course.What are SOAP and REST web servicesSoapUI BasicsHow SOAP and REST web service projects can be maintained in SoapUIHow Test Management can be handled in SoapUIDifferent Test step types in SoapUIAssertions available in SoapUIHow to use properties and property expansion in SoapUIWhat is Groovy scriptingHow Groovy scripting can be used in SoapUIGroovy Scripting BasicsHow to use external libraries in SoapUIHow test steps can be automated using GroovyHow to connect to databases and perform validationsHow to mock web services in SoapUIHow to run SoapUI tests from command lineHow to integrate SoapUI with MavenHow to integrate with JenkinsHow to create web service automation framework using SoapUI, Groovy and Maven"
Price: 39.99

"DIY How to Make Your Own Art Doll" |
"Art dolls; so many artists online create these beautiful sculptures from clay, wire, and fabric, but how do they do it and how can you learn to make your own? The guides available online can be sparse at best, often glossing over many of the intricacies involved in the process, making it difficult if not impossible for some to know where to start. When I was first learning to make art dolls, it as a long process of trial and error which cost me a lot of money on supplies I didnt need or didnt know how to use. That, coupled with the frustration of making simple mistakes never addressed in the tutorials, made making my own art dolls a daunting task. There were, and still really arent, many comprehensive guides on how to make these dolls from start to finish; until now. This lecture series carefully aids you through every step of the way and addresses many of the common hurdles and trade secrets you need to know to make professional quality art dolls. From sculpting to sewing, I demonstrate through step by step videos as well as through supplemental written guides how to design and build your own one of a kind art doll. I have scowered the internet to find and answer the most commonly asked questions people have about art dolls, hoping to answer as many as I can to save others from the headaches of trial and error. How much does it cost to make an art doll? What materials and tools do I need to get started? How do I make patterns for the legs and body? All of these and more are answered in detail throughout the guide. Along with this, the lecture includes supplemental texts such as a character coloring guide, a beginners sewing guide, and much more. There are free line arts to use as you please to help you get started designing your character right away. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

Hairstyling |
"Becoming A Hairstylist Is Easy With My Course ! Hairstyling is a unique career that transcends virtually all cultural barriers. Having hairdressing skills and knowledge is a universally recognized career pathway across the majority of the world. Besides the opportunity to work in a number of hairdressing career paths within the country you also have the opportunity to travel and work overseas in the same capacity.This course was created for the purpose of teaching those who are interested in learning how to do hairstyles. The course is structured in many sections that outline the knowledge that you need..Types of hairstyles that will be taught:-Cornrows-Crochet-Sewn-In, Braiding and -Hair extension featheringMy online Hair Styling course is ideal for:* Makeup artists looking to add to their services* Cosmetologists wanting to expand their knowledge of styling practices* Anyone looking to learn hairstyling techniques and skills!Study Mode: Online LearningThis entire course is carried out via online.Course LengthThe average time within which students complete studies is: 4weeksPrerequisitesThere are NO previous work or education requirements for entry.How Will You Benefit?*Fast track your career as a hairdresser*Learn the inside secrets of how to become a hairdressing pro in months not years!*Free up valuable time, dont waste time and money traveling to classes*Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are*Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for."
Price: 19.99

"How to do crochet hair styles on yourself & others" |
"Becoming A Hairstylist Is Easy With My Course!Hairstylingis a unique career that transcends virtually all cultural barriers. Having hairdressing skills and knowledge is a universally recognized career pathway across the majority of the world. Besides the opportunity to work in a number of hair dressing career paths within the country you also have the opportunity to travel and work overseas in the same capacity.This coursewas created for the purpose of teaching those who are interested in learning how to do hairstyles. The course is structured in many sections that outline knowledge that you need..Types of hairstyles that will be taught:-Faux Loc,-Crochet braids ,-Cornrow,-Senegalese Twist and-Black HairstylesMy online Hair Styling course is ideal for:* Makeup artists looking to add to their services* Cosmetologists wanting to expand their knowledge of styling practices* Anyone looking to learn hair styling techniques and skills!Study Mode: Online LearningThis entire course is carried out via online.Course LengthThe average time within which students complete studies is: 4weeksPrerequisitesThere are NO previous work or education requirements for entry.How Will You Benefit?*Fast track your career as a hairdresser*Learn the inside secrets of how to become a hair dressing pro in months not years!*Free up valuable time, dont waste time and money travelling to classes*Study at your own pace whenever and wherever you are*Have access to a tutor who works in the industry you are training for."
Price: 19.99

"Dominando Moodle 2020: Aulas virtuales desde cero" |
"Curso para administradores y educadores de grandes y pequeas comunidades educativas.Secuenciade vdeo clases, que te explican desde cero a crear un entorno moodle, y aplicar para desarrollar educacin en linea. Explicaciones claras y precisas, sin rodeos.La ventaja de este curso es que te permite crear un entorno gratuito donde podrs aplicar todas las herramientas que posibilita la plataforma moodle. Desde luego que, en este curso se explica el uso de recursos y actividades con mucho detalles, y una lgica de aplicacin. Por lo que, este curso, no slo trata de la parte tcnica, sino tambinde su raznpedaggica."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Mind: a guide to joyful living" |
"Everyone wants to live a joyful life. No one wants to live amiserable one, or feelhurt, angry,depressed or lacking inself worth. We know we shouldn't fall into theseharmful emotions or attitudes, but we do anyway. More often than not, this tide of negativitybecomes a way of life which seemstoo powerful toresist. It gives rise to the question:are we able tochange the way we think to livecontented and happylives? Or is it just the way things are?When I was a young man many questionspuzzled me.Ifelt like Iwas merely treading water, that an essential ingredient was missing, one which I couldn't put my finger on, nor understand. Life was a mysteryhiding a secret. In the 1980s I travelled to India to study with a legendary Master tofind answers to thesequestions.During my time there, I learned many things such asthe meaning and relevanceof thegreat yogas: Karma, Gyan and Bhakti (the ways of action, knowledge and love), as well as the subtleties ofmeditation. I was taught the essence of the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and otherprofound spiritual writings.One key point however, was the necessity to understand the importance of the mind, how it works, and how it can beshapedto bring out the best in your life.In other words, we/you can change. To live a happy, joyful life is in fact our true nature. The great Sage, Ved Vyas, wrote:Everything you do in life has the singular aim to be happy. There are no exceptions. The underlying motive behind all actions is to be joyful. It is your essentialnature, anditcompels you to happy.When you think about it, no two human faces out of 7 billion people are the same, no two leaves on a tree are the same, no two thumbprints are the same ... and yet, without being taught, everyone instinctively desires to be happy. It truly is our nature to be so.Why dowe struggle and often fail in this endeavour to be happy?Because of the way we use, or misuse, the mind. It is such an extraordinary power that itdemands respect if we are to get the best from it.SageVed Vyas cautions us:The mind can either liberate you and bring you joy, or it can bind you, and bring you misery. It has the potential to do both. How do we change our thoughts for the better then? It seems such a hard and arduous road to travel upon. One reason many feel like this is simply due to habits thatare strongly engrained because of a lifetime's practice of thinking a certain way. Habits may be hard to change, but not impossible. Many have succeeded in doing so, and so can you. All you need do is gain true knowledge of your self, of the power within, of your mind.If a room has been dark for a billion years but is suddenly exposed to light, the darkness will automatically recede in deference to light. In the same way, ignorance of the mind, of your inner nature, of the world, will also recede in the presence of true understanding.From where can this knowledge be found? There are many sources available but the most profound comes from the Vedas andthe Bhagavad Gita. It is from the essence ofthese writings, and fromthe teaching I learned from my Spiritual Master while living India, that I will present to you in this course.Your mind is genuinely the mostpowerful thing you have. How you think determines everything about you:your life experience, how you feel about yourself and the world around you. It shapes your present and builds your future. It is pivotal to your essential well being.This course is the beginning of realising your true potential and moving towards it. Mastering the mind is about you, aboutharnessing and focussing your mind to live a genuinely joyful life.Join me and discover this for yourself.SincerelySwamiji (Swami Govindananda)TESTIMONIALS:""It was a genuine privilege to host Swamiji at Yoga Synergy. For 90 minutes he spellbound more than 80 people with his depth of knowledge, sense of humour and beautiful presentation. One thing really stood out and that was his ability to speak on profound philosophical subjects in a most easy to understand manner. A wonderful evening. Thank you Swami Ji."" -Simon Borg-Olivier,Director.""I'm writing this to say thank you for all your videos and recorded sessions that I have had a chance to watch. My life is full of questions and even more answers! I know that some people would say, how come? There is a question - there is an answer, right? But not in my case, well, at least in the past 3-5 years. I'm glad that one day, I was looking for the answer about Yoga Philosophy, and I have found your three videos, Yoga Beyond the Mat. This trilogy, became my basic but so clear pathway to somewhere else, where some simple principles turned out to be the only way to follow up!!! I wish you a long life and many, many years of delivering the wisdom of the life to our hearts. Thank you for your time you take to teach us the principles of the Universe! I wish to meet with you in person, but it is just for one reason - to look into your eyes and to say thank you! Namaste"", Arsenal R.""I was delighted to have Swami Ji at our centre in Noosa, despite not knowing what to expect, having never met a swami or guru before.I thought he may have been too much for some of my more conventional thinking friends, however I learnt very quickly that his style is very current and approachable. His talk was informative ....having gathered some solid wisdom about human nature, and his method of delivery, with humour, made for an extremely enjoyable and educational afternoon. I feel that you can pluck anyone off the street, place them in his workshop and they will immediately be captivated, intrigued and entertained. I wish himthe very best as he continues on his path of helping people find peace in their lives"". -Frank Macchia Director urBanCALM""When I first met Swami Ji it was very evident that he was a man of considerable knowledge and ability. After hearing him speak, I was quickly moved to invite him to be part of Inspya yoga's Teacher Training Course. Swami Ji has the 'X' factor and brings light and warmth wherever he goes."" -Lance Schuler,DirectorInspya Yoga""Swami Govindananda is a gifted and inspiring speaker. He is a true spiritual teacher who eloquently and simply communicates great spiritual truths in a way that is accessible and enlightening to the novice and experienced student alike. He shares his words of wisdom and love with a beautiful blend of entertaining stories and profound insight.We feel extremely blessed to have met Swami Ji and to have hosted him at our yoga school."" -Anthony SalernoAustralian Yoga AcademyDirector""I found last night a life-changing experience! For me it was one of the best 'presentations' Ive ever seen. His faultless and penetrating oration punctuated with anecdotes and humour but always to the point was a joy to experience! The music was so powerful too and superbly played and sung. WOW! So thanks Swami Govindananda."" -David J, New Zealand""He is a wonderful teacher and communicator - wise, humorous, accessible, clear, generous, authentic and humble. And he delivers his teachings with a knowledge and wisdom that are profound, deep and inspiring.He takes what some of us have been blessed to experience on the mat or in life - those peek moments where the sense of wholeness, love, quietude and peace we feel are an expression of our mind, hearts and bodies beating as one and we reside in a Space that is vast and undisturbed by time or thought - and gives us an understanding of this, our essence, our higher Self and the bigger picture of life and death.And he illuminates the wisdom that lies at the heart of Yoga, which is both its beginning and end, with clarity and anecdotes that are both easy to digest and inspiring, reminding us once more of what is important and true.It is a privilege to be able to hear this wisdom (and experience the high vibration of the traditional Kirtan chanting) and to receive it in an environment that is dedicated to sharing that energy and supporting all of us as individuals and a community."" -Christina PaterasYoga Teacher, Breathing Space, Avalon, Sydney Australia""Swami Govindananda impacted our community with a calm nature and wise presence. His delivery of fundamental concepts of Vendanta was easily understood and accessible to all and his humor and wit made the session a delight to be involved in. We look forward to learning more from Swami Ji and embracing him in our beautiful community. A true example of a modern day Yogi for us all"". -Duncan PeakCEO/FounderPower Living Australia""Swamijihas been involved with our Canberra community and two yoga studios for the last few years. Swamiji has delivered many workshops, in house retreats, and information sessions to our yoga students. He is one of the best teachers we have ever had the pleasure of hosting - delivering philosophy and ancient teachings in a meaningful, yet practical and humorous way. His knowledge is deep, giving him the capacity to sit with any audience - from those who are new and curious, to those who have a regular spiritual practice. Compelling, easy to understand and insightful - Swamiji is often sought out by us and our students regularly for one on one sessions. Swamiji and Carmens sessions are often combined with kirtan, creating an experience that is rare and special. We look forward to hosting them regularly, as they have become a big part of our community."" -Justine and Marcus JanssenPower Yoga Canberra""Swamiji is an exceptional inspirational speaker, a highly respected and revered individual. He is our friend & guide. Wanderlust festivals are a caldron of ideas on how to be your best self, how to pick your path in life, how to find your true north. Wanderers seek the wisdom of spiritual and mindful living leaders, but also how to apply this to their self. Swamiji brings a real, modern, urban approach to the ancient philosophies of India. Often light hearted, always warm with love, and teaching profound yoga wisdom and meditation. We are ever grateful and welcome him to return to our festivals in North America, Australia, New Zealand and around the globe."" -Festival Director Australia/New ZealandWanderlust""We had the honour and pleasure of having Swamiji Govindananda speak at our Inaugural International Ayurveda and Yoga Conference in April 2006 in Sydney, which was a landmark event and the first of its kind in Australia! He once again did us the honours by presenting at our 2nd International Conference in April 2009 at the City Recital Hall in Sydney CBD together with 11 International speakers.In 2006 Swamiji was a keynote speaker at our Conference and he had the whole crowd of nearly 400 participants all spell bound for 50 minutes! He also conducted a post conference workshop for which we received very positive feedbacks. He once again enthralled the audience this time in April 2009 with his dynamic presence and his knowledge.He is a great singer and plays the harmonium beautifully. People were amazed hearing him sing sanksrit and hindi bhajans with excellent pronunciation as a westerner.His diction, his wisdom, his classic style makes him a great Orator and we were so happy that we got this opportunity to have Swamiji once again capture the audience with his pearls of wisdom on the Bhagvad Gita and the Indian philosophy of Bhakti Yoga! He is a dynamic speaker and wherever he speaks people get so entranced with what he has to deliver! It comes from his heart and soul!Swamiji takes you on a journey of the soul to find and experience your true reality, inner peace and happiness and ultimately, the love divine.We would not hesitate to recommend Swamiji for any conference, as people will benefit greatly with his wealth of spiritual knowledge and experience in connecting with their Higher selves and achieving that mental equilibrium to sooth the senses and calm the mind, which is so much needed these days, with our busy lifestyles!"" -Farida IraniFounding Director Ayurveda Yoga Australia"
Price: 19.99

"Golden Ticket to Mindfulness" |
"The Easiest Way To Develop Mindfulness.1. A 23-minute animated video includingallof the best information inall10 books.Perfect for a daily re-boost.2. Animated video summaries of the world's 10 most popular books that teach mindfulness. 100 hours of reading summarized into 2 hours of video"
Price: 19.99

"Secrets to Building Winning Facebook Advertisements" |
"""Secrets to Building a Winning Facebook AdvertisementCampaign"" is a compilation of my professional social media marketingexperience andis perfect for beginners through advanced Social Media Marketerswho are looking to increase their skills in order togeneratemore revenue for their smallbusiness. This is acompleteFacebook Advertising Tutorialon how to methodicallyuse the right techniques and tools for effectivepaid advertisementson Facebook.Throughout the entire Video Tutorial,Iwill hold your hand andwalk you through thecampaignconceptual phase all the way through optimizing the Ads onFacebookin order for you to finally generate apositivereturn on investment(ROI).Whether you're an Lawyerin private practice, an Electrician,oryouve just opened your first E-commerce online websiteand are frantically searchingfor ways to profitablygenerateleads andrevenue,this Facebook Adstutorial is meantfor you.Im going to show you, step-by-step, what you need to do and how you should approach common Facebook Advertisingscenariosso that by the end of this video tutorialyou are independently capable ofmakingthe right decisions which will allow you to generatemore leads. sales, and revenuesfor your SmallBusiness.Developing effective Facebook Advertisements is a mixture ofpart Science and part Art. Byexaminingand understandingthe anatomyofa winning Facebook Ad Strategy,you will be able to understandthe Science part.But to be truly successful, you have to Master the Art of Digital Marketing.""Secrets to Building Winning Facebook Advertisements""will help you to fullyunderstand boththeArt and Scienceof Mastering Facebook Paid Adsin a muchdifferentway than you will findelsewhere. This isbecauseI recordedthis Facebooktutoriallivewith my actualpayingclients. There's no edits or scriptinginvolved.Recorded live, unscripted and unedited,I'm reviewing Facebook campaignstats and givingperformancerecommendations,all live and unscriptedI'm not trying to teach you a""get richquick3 steps to ultimate Facebooksuccess"" type ofsystem. And thatsbecause it justdoesn't exist.Here's Why.These systemsbeing preached by so called Facebook MarketingGuru's""does NOTwork simply because as soon as a curve ball isintroduced into the equation,you will have no wayknowing how to react and make theappropriateadjustments.My goal is to teach you how to think about any given situation and able to react the best way you can given the information at hand.One of the most unique things about this course comes from clientquestions regardingtheir campaigns performance. You willfind that theirquestions are more than likelythe exact same ones you have and Iwill give you my opinion and back it up with examples for why I think that way.All videos in this tutorial seriesare recorded withmy Client'sLive and Running Facebook AdCampaigns Data. This isn't simulated. This is real money on the line in a very high stakes game.This meansyou not only get theoretical knowledge but also get to see its'practical application in action.Like my father always said,TheProof is in the Pudding, andIpracticeexactlywhat Ipreach. My methods are unconventional and not at all by the book.Ionly know what Ihave done, not what someone has said or something Iread.In ""Secrets to Building Winning Facebook Advertisements"" you will learn:Basics of Facebook MarketingHow toOptimize FacebookAdson Power EditorAdvertisingDesign Setup and Audience &Campaign LaunchFacebookAd Optimization &Landing Page DesignAdEspresso Setup and Campaign OptimizationA/B Split Testing Facebook AdsConversion AnalysisTroubleshooting Disabled Facebook AdsTop of the Funnel FacebookLead Generation StrategiesFull Sales Funnel Flow using Facebook AdvertisingSo what are you waiting for?Now is the time to take action in order to startbuilding Winning Facebook Advertisements!Tostartthe course ""Secrets to BuildingWinning Facebook Advertisements"" which is a compilation of my Professional Experience, all you have to do is sign up for it right here on this page.Always remember that I am here to help you if you get stuck developing your Facebook Advertisements.Till we chat, best of luck and remember to practice as I go over concepts. Practice makes perfect and there's just no shortcuts to success."
Price: 199.99

"Mastercam Expert Level Training" |
"Mastercam -CAD(2D & 3D) 96 HD (1080P)Video Lectures3 Sections:Section 1: Wireframe Modelling.Section 2: Surface Modelling.Section 3: Solid Modelling.Section 1:Wireframe Modelling.Introduction to Mastercam.Introduction to Mastercam - CAD.Introduction to Geometric Modelling.Introduction to Wireframe Modelling.Basics, Video Lectures and Practice Exercises.Section 2:Surface Modelling.Introduction to Surface Modelling.Video Lectures and Practice Exercises.Section 3: Solid Modelling.Introduction to Solid Modelling.Video lectures and Practice Exercises.Feedback."
Price: 12800.00

"Do you want to know how to get your website live on the web with your own domain name and hosting absolutely free? You've come to the right place!You no longer need to spend money every month for hosting and domain service. If this is interesting for you and wonder how this is done, then join me and let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Asertywno: Jak radzi sobie z krytyk" |
"Kurs ten dedykuj kademu, kto chce poczu si lepiej w wiecie penym krytyki...Podczas tego kursu rozwiniesz swoje umiejtnoci radzenia sobie z sytuacjami, kiedy kto `Ciebie krytykuje, zarwno publicznie, jak i w cztery oczy. Nauczysz si reagowa na obraliwe uwagi, wymiewanie, niepochlebne komentarze pod Twoi adresem. Staniesz si te spokojniejszy w sytuacji krytyki."
Price: 124.99

"Da zero a PrestaShop 1.7 - Diventa Store Manager" |
"L'unico corso completo online che ti permette di diventare store manager e di conoscere la piattaforma PrestaShop in tutti i suoi aspetti. Inoltre vedrai come lavorare e sviluppare il proprio sito sul proprio pc e come pubblicarlo online. Durante il corso ci saranno sempre spunti per suggerimenti e consigli. Dopo averlo seguito, PrestaShop non avr pi segreti per te!Scrivetemi su LinkedIn per chiedermi un coupon sconto!"
Price: 69.99

"Roman Yazmak steyenler in Ayrntl Bir Yol Haritas" |
"Roman yazmak isteyenler! Romannzn atmosferi, diyaloglar ve karakterleri ile ilgili ayrntl bir yol haritas aryorsanz ite size hayallerinizi kitabevi raflarna tayacak harika bir rehber.Derslerde;Yazmaya balamadan nce cevaplamanz gereken sorulara,Romannz ile ilgili almanz gereken kararlara,Art yk, yan yk ve atmosfere,Eril-Diil diyaloglara,Gereki - gerek diyaloglara,Uygun diyaloglara,Kfr ve argo kullanmna,Diyaloglar iin etiket kullanmna gz atyoruz.Teslim-Yayn ve Pazarlama aamasnda nelere dikkat etmeniz gerektiine ve karlaacanz muhtemel konulara deiniyoruz.We will examine the following topics in this workshop;The topics you need to answer before you start writing your novel, Decisions you need to make for your novel (narrator, period, time, place, beginning, ending)Story (atmosphere, art story, side story, fiction)Dialogue (Realistic-Appropriate, Slang, Singing, Curse, Masculine Dialogue-Feminine Dialogue, Adding Motion to Dialogues, Dialogue Labels)Character (Protagonist-Antagonist, Main Characters-Side Characters, Clich Characters Freud, Erikson, Jung, Adler, Mitsel Male Hero, Modern Female Hero,What you need to do for Delivery-MarketingSome tricks I think you might useWith this workshop that will carry your dreams to the shelves of bookstores, you will learn the ways of depth layering."
Price: 239.99

"Complete WordPress mastery course beginner to pro" |
"Description With Wordpress powering more than 25% of all websites in the world, there's never been a better time to build an income and a business around it. You will be learning wordpress web designing by making different kind of multiple websites from scratch, we will be using premium and free themes making simple blog, portfolio, and services websites and then we will be moving to the advance level where we will covering advance topics in e-commerce by making ecommerce websites and multi-vendor platforms. Then we will be moving to our next phase where i will be showing you how you can sell any kind of products on your website. In next phase we will be moving to get educate ourselves for the marketing and registering websites with Google, Facebook marketing, seo and much more... This is one of the best Word Press courses you will find on any online educational platform. I designed each lesson very well so that anyone can learn and get benefit from this course. You do not need to purchase or study about wordpress anywhere else because i am making this course the biggest course of udemy on wordpress. you will not only learn to design websites or customize a theme but you will also learn Marketing, SEO, E-commerce, selling your own product on your store or affiliate products or even you will learn how to dropship any product from Aliexpress and sell that on your website. You will learn woo-commerce from scratch. We are going to build a multi-vendor platform where you will hold many stores on your single web site and much more to be covered. The lessons are very easy to comprehend and engaging. No better time than now, and only increasing You're here because you want to Learn and master WordPress and thats a good idea and fortunately you're in the right place. And, you can do it without learning any programming or coding. While WordPress is open source, and because of that has thousands of developers building resources for it, it still takes quite a bit of learning to become a master at building and managing websites with it. It's not just learning the WordPress CMS platform, there's a small amount of graphic design knowledge needed, hosting and server management, troubleshooting broken sites or problems by hacking into the back end and server setup, and properly staging development environments around new sites or when performing updates and changes on existing sites. Why am I qualified to teach you? Through this course, I'll teach you everything I've learned and mastered in more than 3 years of building, managing, migrating, and hosting WordPress websites. My business lets me work on my own schedule, manage my home workspace without a boss or a manager you can say i am a boss of my own, and gives me an unlimited ceiling for profit and income and time freedom no, burden of hurry or fear of losing my job. Without learning to code or programming anything, I'm able to leverage what's already been done with WordPress to create modern, responsive, robust and fully functional websites for clients of all types. I'm hoping you'll get the same results. Let this course give you the head start you need to increase your income fast by making your own web design company or finding a web designer job easly. During this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to start or improve your own WordPress website business."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de WordPress Crie Sites Profissionais do Zero" |
"Voc quer aprender acriar sites ou blogs profissionais de verdade,sem a necessidade de saber nada deprogramao?Ento este o curso perfeito para voc!Voc noprecisa saber nada deprogramaoNo precisa terexperincia no assunto.Aprenda como criarsites profissionaispasso a passo do zeroBasta apenas um computador com conexo a internetO objetivo deste curso entregar algo rpido e de fcil entendimento para seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoalnessa rea, neste cursovou te pegar pela moemostrar passo a passo como criar um site profissional e responsivo em Wordpressdo absoluto zero.Vamos construir juntos um site institucional voltado para tecnologia e criao de Sites e Aplicativos, e depois disso voc estar apto para criar quantos sites voc quiser.A partir de agora voc no ir mais precisar contratar um programadorpara criar um site profissional para sua empresa ou uso pessoal, vou te explicar tudoemdetalhes, para que voc possa construir o seu site Wordpresse publicar na webem poucos dias.No gaste mais dinheiro contratandoum programador, agora voc mesmopoderfacilmente criar seus prprios sites e blogs sozinho(a).Este curso para iniciantes, se voc um especialista em Wordpress este curso no para voc.Ao final docurso voc ter um site extremamente profissional criado epublicado na internet, e tudo isto em algumas horas."" Lembre-se! Adeciso certa torna-se errada quando tomada tarde de mais! ""Voc est preparadopara comear a criar seu site ainda hoje?Ento vamos l...Nos vemos dentro do curso!"
Price: 99.99

"Photoshop Visualisation for Architects" |
"Architectural Representation is key to a good architectural project understanding. Today, there are tons of 3d render engines that can make your project renders in less than a second, but we all know it can sometimes get very technical and confusing. Although it is important to learn all these programs we also need to know what other options we have. That is where Photoshop comes in. Some of you have probably heard that you can do anything in Photoshop! and its true. Well, you can do architectural renders using only photoshop, and here you are going to learn how this is done.By using only a line image from our sketchup model, we are going to learn and see how to make an architectural image.*Adjusting your 3d Model*Mood Board* Sketch Reference*Exporting to Photoshop* Downloading your Textuers*Foreground Textures*Background Textures*Building Textures*Adding Trees*Light and Shadows*Final AdjustmentsIf you are looking to take your skills to a whole new level, this course is for you. See you in class!"
Price: 34.99

"Illustrator para iniciantes: logotipo" |
"Aprenda a criar um logotipo cheio de efeitos do zero! Curso voltado para quem nunca usou o programa! Voc vai aprender de modo fcil e com linguagem simples e descomplicada a criar uma arte cheia de efeitos! Ainda temos o suporte via whatsapp incluso durante 5 meses!Vc tambm vai aprender a instalar o programa, baixar artes do site freepik e a como instalar uma fonte com sucesso! Vrias dicas preciosas que vo te fazer dar os primeiros e fundamentais passos neste programa to incrvel!"
Price: 159.99

"The technique of SQ3R Approach.Students who you use this approach have never been found to fail exams for they retain up to 80% of information studied.Students discover that longtimeafter if you are called to recite what you have studied you will still be able to remember.Students time are consume and also demanded but it pays good dividend if applied."
Price: 24.99

"ZugZwang Chess 101 - Perfect for Beginners" |
"This course is ideally suited for anyone looking to learn by doing. By completing the exercises in parallel to the lectures, your learning will be effective & efficient. I've covered all the topics needed for your to play a friendly game of chess and be able to do chess puzzles. I strongly recommend using websites like chesskid, chess dotcom and LiChess if you like to further your learning after this course.Chess has wonderful benefits that help cognitive development, especially in children. Working on chess puzzles can help develop critical thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning abilities."
Price: 19.99

"ASP.NET MVC le Web Programlama Kursu" |
"MVC deseni, gnmz internet tabanl uygulama gelitirme platformlarnda olduka yaygn biimde kullanlmaktadr. zellikle byk lekli projelerin ynetiminin kolaylamas ve yaynlanmalarnn ardndan basit ve doru ekilde gncellenmelerinin yaplmas iin kullanlmas gereken desenlerden birisidir. Bu kurs kapsamnda da .NET teknolojisine uyarlanm MVC dizayn mimarisini greceiz. Ders anlatmnn samimi bir slupla yapldn dnyorum. Kurs takibi esnasnda aklnza gelen sorularnz bana iletmekiin; alperentuzun@(gmail,hotmail,yahoo).com e-posta adreslerini kullanabilirsiniz. Kursun faydal olmasn temenni ediyorum ve herkese baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda mais e melhor em at 50% do tempo" |
"Voc vai aprender habilidades fundamentais para otimizar o seu tempo, absorver mais informaes, ter um melhor rendimento, ser mais produtivo e organizado.J deixou de fazer algum treinamento on-line interessante por achar que no conseguiria aprender da mesma forma que em um curso presencial? Claro, para fazer um curso on-line preciso foco, disciplina e planejamento, assim como em vrias outras atividades que fazemos normalmente.Portanto, adquirir essas habilidades no vai apenas te deixar pronto para aprender com materiais on-line, mas ir tambm te auxiliar em vrios aspectos da sua vida pessoal e profissional. Alm de tambm te ajudar a otimizar seu tempo em material off-line, como livros e apostilas."
Price: 39.99
