"Wix For Beginners - The Ultimate Wix Website Roadmap" |
"The Wix My Website course is designed to allow you to create a stunning Wix website in a week or less. In addition, the goal of this course is to take your knowledge level on Wix to new heights.After completing this course, you should be able to:1.) Have a vast knowledge of Wix and the Wix HTML Editor2.) Create a stunning website3.) Understand how to add, edit and update any elements on your website whenever you need to.Personally, Wix has changed my life in an amazing way. I have used Wix for 5 years now, and it has opened so many opportunities for me. I can say without a doubt, giving this course an opportunity will not only allow you to grow your business but also to expand your knoweledge and experience.Pre-ordering this course will put you ahead of the game and keep you on track with your goals.I look forward to watching you grow.I'll see you in the course.Thank you for your interest, trust and excitement in this course. I promise it will live up to expectations and truly help you exceed in Wix.Thank you again,Michael Strauch"
Price: 29.99

"Crer Son Site Wordpress GRATUITEMENTBonus Thme DIVI" |
"Ce cours va vous permettre de crer GRATUITEMENT votre site professionnel sur Wordpress en bnficiant des avantages suivants: Domaine Premium (.Com) avec seulement 0.99 $ /An,Hbergement USA GRATUIT vie,Thme DIVI GRATUIT: qui comporte des dizaines de thme et vous permettra dorganiser votre mise en page en mode visuel avec un drag and drop ultra optimis et dune efficacit impressionnante ! Il met disposition plus de 75 shortcodes, plus de 50 dmos importer en 1 clic et plus de 1300 icnes. Il est galement livr avec Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, Go Pricing Plugin et Master Slider. Compatible avec WooCommerce, il vous permettra de crer votre e-shop mais se veut galement multi-purpose. Pourquoi suivre ce cours ? Vousdeviendrez autonomeet pourrezcrer et dvelopper un site internet facilementsans connaissances techniques. Vous allezgagner normment de temps Vous allez suivre uncours dynamique et vido. Vous ne risquez rien: s'il ne vous plait pas, faites-le-vous rembourser dans les 30 jours. Je reste votre entire dispositionsur le forum si vous avez des questions ou des remarques. Rejoignez-nous dans ce cours! tout de suite ! :-) Yassine."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to web programming with Groovy on Grails" |
"Intro to web development using the Groovy on Grails framework. This course will take you all the way through setting up your localsystem for application development and then walk you through every step of building a web application start to finish. We paid special attention to trying to explain many of the gotchas or areas that are skipped over in many other resources online to ensure our students successfully complete their example application with a full understanding of all the steps necessary to become a successful web developer."
Price: 29.99

"Create Fitbit Ionic Clock Faces using JavaScript" |
"This course teaches you how to build your own custom Fitbit Ionic Clock Faces from scratch all the way through to deploying it on the Fitbit App Gallery.It is suitable for beginner developers with no prior knowledge of JavaScript, however a background in web development is certainly beneficial!Basic knowledge of HTML, CSSand JavaScript is beneficial but not required for this course.The course instructor Barry Michael Doyle will also provide supportand aid wherepossible to help youif you get stuck.It all begins here!"
Price: 199.99

"Como Conseguir Clientes desde el Facebook para tu Multinivel" |
"El objetivo de este curso es ensearte a conseguir mas clientes desde la publicidad pagada deel facebook. Puedes tener 5-10- 50- a 100 clientes diarios si lo deseas, que tanto quieres crecer? Laforma mas rpida de conseguir clientes para tu empresa es utilizar la publicidad de pago de facebookNecesitas nmeros de telfonos de tus clientes? yo te enseo como conseguirlos. El email es bueno pero los telefonos son mejores para cerrar las ventas. Quieres conseguir citas en tus oficinas para vender tus productos o venderles en eventos presenciales?Yo te enseo como hacerlo.Quieres vender tus oportunidad de venta multinivel a un grupo de emprendedores ? te enseo como convocarlos y juntarlos en un evento presencial.Con estas estrategias puedes vender mediante whatsapp. Crear tu listas de difusiones y mantener enganchados a tus clientes con tus servicios o productos. Te mostrare 2 casos de xito para una empresa inmobiliaria donde facturo mas de 100k en 4 meses y para una empresa de multinivel como se logro mas de 300k de ventas usando publicidad defacebook y eventos presenciales.Este curso esta diseado para personas que tienen algn conocimiento de hacer publicidad en facebook y no han tenido los resultados que ellos quisieran."
Price: 24.99

"C# ile Kriptoloji" |
"Bu kurs temel C# programlama bilgisine sahip olan herkese ynelik Kriptoloji dersleri iermektedir. Kriptolojiye ilgisi olan herkes katlabilir. Balangta hangi sistemleri kullanacamz ve daha sonra bir takm kriptoloji algoritmalarn inceliyoruz. Burda yapmanz gereken nce dersi dikkatli dinlemek ve daha sonra kodlama yapmaktr. Ekte bulacanz zere yazdm kodlar bir rar dosyasnda kaydettim. Onlar size yardmc olmas iin indirebilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Blockchain Mastered: Beyond Cryptomania" |
"Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum and a lot of other cryptocurrencies are all around you in 2018.If you answer yes to any of the following questions then waste no time and sign up for this is the perfect course for you!- Are you tired of hearing only hype about blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereumand cryptocurrencies, without any real information?You came to the right place. In this course we don't hype, we present the facts of blockchain technologies, including the ones that most do not want you to know.- Are you tired of being left out of blockchain and cryptocurrency discussions whenever you areat work or with friends?We give you all the information that you require to be competent and have unique point of views regarding blockchain and cryptocurrencies.- You receive a lot of advertisements for investing in digital tokens and new cryptocurrencies and do not know which ones are legit and which ones are scams?In this course you will receive the insights of how to recognize the warning signs of possible blockchain and cryptocurrency scams.- Are you a busy professional or businessman looking on understanding quickly the concepts of blockchain in order to pursue a project in this domain?3 hours of lectureswill give youall the requiredfoundation concepts on which you can then start building your blockchain project.Look at the course contents and see that we will be answering the following questions:What problem does blockchain solve?Where can blockchain be used?How does blockchain enable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to work?How does blockchain provide security and what attacks it prevents?What is Ethereum?What are smart contracts?What are the biggest misconceptions about blockchaintechnologies?How to get started with blockchain?All the above and a lot more will be answered!Stop hesitating and start the journey!"
Price: 129.99

"This is a special course of Shodo, the Japanese calligraphy" |
"This is a special course of Shodo, the Japanese calligraphy. Thereason why I made this Udemy course of Shodo is because I wanted many people inthe world familiarize and challenge the art of Shodo and feel one of the heartsof beautiful Japanese culture. Inthis course, I will coach you what to prepare, how to hold a Fude, how to doyour posture when you do Shodo, how to write beautiful letters etc. in thisvideo course. You will learn thecomposition of Kanji, the trick to keep beautiful balance of letters, tips tobecome an excellent Shodo artist etc. Iwill also talk about the depth of meaning of Japanese Hiragana and Kanji andthose beauties.Letsget started to learn about the basics of Shodo.Asthe first step, I will teach how to write which is a single Kanji thatcontains many basic writing factors. Ifyou master this single Kanji, you can expand those techniques to other Shodowritings easily.I must remind you that each Kanji has a very deep meaning in it and although youwrite a letter by your hand, you also write a letter by your soul. The letter you wrote reflects the conditionof your heart. Butthe most important thing is to enjoy yourself and feel delight in your heart."
Price: 7200.00

"The Beginner's Guide to Healing Your Womb Trauma" |
"What is peace/healing worth to you?You probably already know that unresolved trauma can affect your day to day life in the form of panic attacks, stress, and anxiety. This may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that when you have womb trauma it can also affect your relationships, your wealth, your karma, your health and every person you interact with?Ilove this course because these are steps I personally took to heal my life and trauma. When I addressed the root of my problems andhealed my womb trauma, every other part of my life was elevated. If Ican do this, you can too! In this course we will be:*Building an easy to use list of coping techniques*Creating safety in our bodies*Showcasing how trauma affects sense of well-being *Educate on how trauma changes the brain & how to retrain it *Discussing generational womb trauma; how it gets passed down and how to stop the cycle.*Afree Distance Reiki Womb Blessing *and more...What do you feel like you really deserve?I can't promise that you will get your old life back, but after taking this course you will walk away feeling renewed, stronger and braver than you were before. Iwould ask you to trust me, but Iwould rather you decide for yourself. Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 44.99

"Illustrator CC 2020 Dbutant-Techniques de base + Ateliers" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives.Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, independant qu'tudiants souhaitant apprendre les bases d'illustrator et enfin pouvoir crer librementVous souhaitez crer votre logo, vos pictogrammes, vos visuels graphiques mais vous ne savez pas comment faire?Cette formation va vous guider pas pas pour l'apprentissage des outils de bases - Vous saurez maitriser tous les outils pour crer vous mme votre logo, modifier un logo, crer une illustration et ainsi tre indpendant dans le processus de cration de vos visuels.Illustrator est un logiciel simple d'accs mais avec quelques cls qu'il faut connaitre - C'est ce que je vous propose avec cette formation - A vos souris, la cration de votre logo et visuels n'est plus qu'a quelques clics.Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entraide, tutos de mes formationsTapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain DuclosAchetez cette formation et soyez enfin libre et autonome en cration graphique."
Price: 199.99

"Illustrator CC 2020- Intermdiaire - Outils + Ateliers Cras" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020 (explication des nouveaux outils de CC 2019 et CC 2020)Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives.Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendants, chefs d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant apprendre les techniques avances d'illustrator et enfin pouvoir crer librement.Vous avez dj les bases d'ILLUSTRATOR mais vous souhaitez progresser et apprendre plus de fonctionnalits, cette formation saura vous apporter tout cela.Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entraide, tutos de mes formationsTapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain DuclosSoyez indpendant dans vos crations graphiques, maitrisez toute votre communication graphique - Cette formation est en complment de la formation ILLUSTRATOR dbutant - Apprentissage de nouveaux outils- Apprentissage de fonctionnalits avancs - Mise en pratique de vos comptences acquises grce plusieurs ateliers cratifsAchetez cette formation et soyez enfin libre et autonome en cration graphique."
Price: 179.99

"Adobe ILLUSTRATOR CC 2020 15 Ateliers Pratiques / cratifs" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020 (explication des nouveaux outils de CC 2019 et CC 2020)Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives.Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendant, chef d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant mettre en pratique ses connaissances par le biais d'atelier cratif et augmenter sa crativit d'ILLUSTRATOR et enfin pouvoir crer librement.Vous avez quelques connaissances sur Illustrator mais vous ne savez pas forcement comment les utiliser.Retrouvez dans cette formation de nombreux ATELIERS Cratifs et concrets qui vous permettront de retrouver toutes vos connaissances des outils et de les mettre en pratique.Atelier 1 : La vache - Travailler le dessin simple a la plumeAtelier 2 : Le Hibou - Trac, symtrie, mise en couleurAtelier 3 : Logo Magasin en noir et Blanc - Utilisation du texte, techniques et formes plus complexeAtelier 4 : Logo City Bread - Redessiner un logo a partir de votre dessin sur papierAtelier 5 : Carte de visite - Crez et personnalisez une carte de visite recto-versoAtelier 6 : Papier entete - Dclinez votre carte de visite pour votre papier enteteAtelier 7 : La mosaique - Apprenez une technique d'effet sur une photo vectorisAtelier 8 : Affiche graphique - Utilisation de nouveau outils et raccourcis de crationAtelier 9 : Logo Design - Symtrie complexe, effet de formeAtelier 10 : Logo Water Deep - Effet graphique pour crer une profondeurAtelier 11 : Logo Lettrage 3D - Mettez en 3D des lettres pour crer une illustration ou un logoAtelier 12 : Bouteille Coca - Crez un objet en 3D et appliquez des texturesAtelier 13 : Logo Fox - 3D et effet poil ;)Atelier 14 - CooL effet 3D coup Atelier 15 : Paris Typo - Travaillons sur des options de typos pour crer des effets.Inspirez-vous pour raliser vous mme par la suite vos propres support de communication.Attention : la plupart des ateliers sont issus des formations ""Illustrator Initiation et Avanc"" si vous avez deja achetez ces 2 prcedentes formations il est inutile d'acheter celle la car vous retrouverez les ateliers cratifs >>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<< >>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain Duclos <<<ACHETEZ cette formation et soyez enfin libre et autonome en cration graphique."
Price: 199.99

"Indesign CC 2020 - MasterClass - Dbutant Intermdiaire" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020 (explication des nouveaux outils de CC 2019 et CC 2020)Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives.Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendant, chef d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant apprendre Indesign dans son ensemble.Cette MasterClass vous permet de dbuter cette formation sans connaissance, juste avec votre envie d'apprendre -Je vais vous expliquer simplement mais professionnellement le logiciel INDESIGN de mise en page - Apprentissage tape par tape des outils avec une mise en pratique de vos acquis grce des ateliers cratifs - Au fur et mesure de la MasterClass vous allez acqurir de plus en plus de connaissances ce qui vous permettra par la suite d'tre libre pour crer vous mme vos visuels et autres supports de communication - Gain de temps et gain d'ARGENT et surtout maitrise de toute la chaine de cration et de ralisation - >>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<< >>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain Duclos <<<Vous serez libre de votre communicationAchetez cette formation et soyez enfin libre et autonome en cration graphique."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC 2020- Dbutant Intermdiaire + Ateliers cras" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020 (explication des nouveaux outils de CC 2019 et CC 2020)Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives.Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendant, chef d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant acqurir les bases de photoshop et du photo-montageVous allez au cours de cette formation Initiation, apprendre les outils de bases de photoshop et les utiliser grce des ateliers cratifs c'est MA METHODE et vous allez voir cela change tout... Vous saurez faire des photomontages simple mais prcis, retoucher et corriger des images et vous aurez toutes les connaissances requises pour tre libre de cration la suite de cette formation.- Apprentissage des outils- Retouche rapide des photos- Recadrage et mise a l'echelle des images- Dtourage des images- Photomontage simple- Cration de visuels graphiqueL'utilisation est simple, votre seule limite, votre imagination...Achetez cette formation et vous serez libre pour la manipulation des images et des retouches ;) >>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<< >>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain Duclos <<<"
Price: 179.99

"Photoshop CC 2020- Avanc Expert + Ateliers Cratifs" |
"Mise jour CC 2020 - Retrouvez les nouveauts 2020 (explication des nouveaux outils de CC 2019 et CC 2020)Les videos sont principalement expliques avec CC 2018 mais cela ne change rien si vous avez CC 2019 ou CC 2020Profitez des mises jour pour tre toujours au plus proche des nouveauts cratives. >>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<< >>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain Duclos <<<Vous allez travers cette formation apprendre et complter vos connaissances sur Photoshop avec prs de 9h de vidos.Cette formation se divise en plusieurs parties, des parties thoriques avec l'apprentissage des outils et de nouvelles fonctionnalits et des ateliers cratifs pour mettre en pratique vos connaissances acquises.LES OUTILS1 - INTERFACE UTILISATEUR2 - GEOMETRIE ET CORRECTIONS DE L'IMAGE3 - LES CALQUES AVANCES4 - FONCTIONS GRAPHIQUES ET EFFETS5 - GEOMETRIE6 - DETOURAGE ET MASQUESLES ATELIERS1 - ATELIER 1 - Pochette CD2 - ATELIER 2 - Affiche Birdy Man3 - ATELIER 3 - Affiche Voiture4 - ATELIER 4 - Affiche basket Nike5 - ATELIER 5 - Affiche Danseur6 - ATELIER 6 - Crer un gif anim7 - ATELIER 7 - Logo Lettrage en 3D8 - ATELIER 8 - Flyer Nike9 - ATELIER 9 - Creer une image en mouvement10 - ATELIER 10 - City Skyline11- ATELIER 11 - Ajouter une signature sur ses photosNous allons apprendre pas pas photoshop pour vous rendre autonome et cratif."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC - Retouches photo naturelles, rapide et pro" |
" >>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<< >>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation graphique by Romain Duclos <<< ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Designer Graphique depuis plus de 10 ans, j'ai entre autre enseign dans des Ecoles de cration graphique, Ecoles de Marketing et au sein de centre de Formation.Cette formation s'adresse aussi bien des personnes actives, indpendants, photographes, chefs d'entreprise qu'tudiants souhaitant acqurir les bases de la retouche Photo sur PhotoshopVous allez au cours de cette formation Retouche Photo, utiliser les outils de bases et faire des ateliers sur la retouche des portraits et des corps sur Photoshop - Vous saurez faire:- Des retouches simples, naturelles mais prcises- Retoucher et corriger des portraits et des corps - Vous aurez toutes les connaissances requises pour tre libre de cration la suite de cette formation.L'utilisation est simple, votre seule limite: votre imagination...Achetez cette formation et vous serez libre pour la manipulation des images et des retouches ;)"
Price: 59.99

"Photoshop CC Tutorial for Beginners" |
"Learn the Basics of Photoshop Even If You Have Never Used Photoshop Before!This course has been created for photographers who want to learn Photoshop but don't want to waste their time in learning anything that is not essential for a Photographer. This is where other Photoshop courses go wrong. They teach too many things which don't really help a photographer.In this course, I've kept the focus on teaching those tools and functions in Photoshop that make a huge difference to photographers and are used frequently.You'll be able to perform color, exposure and transformational editing to your shots and take your photography to a completely new level.I've also provided work-along images for each video so you can actually practice the techniques as you watch the video.You'll be learning things like:Using the Color and Exposure Editing to Change Your Images DramaticallyUsing Selection Tools to Select, Delete and Replace Certain Sections in an ImageUsing Tools to Remove Distractions Like People, Wires, Objects, etc.Using Toolsto Smoothen and Beautify the Skin in PortraitsUse Toolsto Cut Out and Replace Backgrounds in Complex SubjectsUsing the Technique of Dodge and Burning andSharpening Tools to Make Shots More DramaticAnd so much more."
Price: 19.99

"Art for Beginners - Learn to paint in less than two hours" |
"Are you ready to createyour first painting? In this course I will show you how. I show you everything you need to know. What canvases, brushes and paints to use. You can follow along and watch as I create two paintings and show you step by step how to create your masterpiece."
Price: 104.99

"Export Operations Management" |
"The course caters for students who wish to add an international dimension to their business education and who are aiming for a career in the global business market. It will be giving students the opportunity to live and work in one, or even two, countries other than their own.It is designed to provide students with the business and management skills and/or cultural awareness required for success in an international business environment. It will equip the students with an export knowledge and export operations management skills required for management posts in an international environment. The international experience will be an important and positive factor in the personal development of students and a foreign language competence will give them a competitive edge in the job market.This course is concerned with preparations to enter international markets. Initial emphasis is placed on export activities with a focus on the role of management in starting up international operations."
Price: 149.99

"Marketing Planning" |
"The course focuses on the role and application of marketing planning. It includes detailed work on the marketing audit which examines the macro and micro factors which impact on organisations, segmentation, market research, and strategic application of the marketing mix. It assumes no prior knowledge of marketing, aims to introduce you to some of the key areas of marketing and is suitable for both marketing and non-marketing students.At the end of the course, you should be able to identify the usefulness of marketing planning in a range of situations, outline a basic marketing plan and understand the application of the planning process in a variety of existing organisations whatever the financial basis of your organisation: government organisations may place more emphasis on public relations and internal marketing, for example; while insurance companies emphasise advertising and personal selling in carefully targeted sections of the community. Brand image and brand management are also part of marketing. In fact, there are many fascinating aspects to subject and many areas in which strong specialisms can be developed. This course provides a sound basis for non-specialists and integrates work from all functional areas.To this end, the course will provide learning opportunities to appreciate current writings and perspectives on the marketing planning. Opportunities will be given to analyze case studies, suggest realistic marketing strategies and identify marketing programs to support the strategies."
Price: 104.99

"Managing People in Business" |
"Managing People in Business is about getting the right employees in the right place at the right time, and ensuring that they work effectively. As opposed to the administrative job of the personnel function, managing people encompasses human resources management (HRM) functions. It is a set of management techniques designed to get the best out of employees. HRM strategy should derive from the business strategy, and HRM plans have to take factors such as labor turnover into account. Recruitment processes start with the plan, by identifying the jobs to be done, and then developing profiles of the people to fill them. Interviewing as a selection techniques should be supplemented by other forms of assessment. The process of induction should form an effective introduction to the organization and should include any essential initial training. Performance management is an active approach to defining what must be achieved and ensuring it is done. This sets the context for all the motivational, team working and appraisal activities."
Price: 149.99

"Managing Business Operations" |
"The broadest definition of business operations is that it focuses on the production of products and services which every organization, and each of its part, provide for customers. To satisfy such customers and to do this efficiently is the purpose of all organizations. This is the starting point and the focus of this course: it is about the management of the systems which actually provide the goods and services. The course is relevant to all types of business activity in both the private and the public sectors, because the operations function is at the core of all such activity.This course primarily concentrates on introducing you to the concepts of operations management and systems and how they apply in all organizational environment. The course will also define the techniques necessary in managing and controlling such operational systems. There are a number of activities which are designed not only to help you absorb the topics covered, but also to help you apply the principles to real life scenarios that may exist in your own organization.This course also deals with the critical relationship between operations and business policy. It looks at how changing patterns of work organization and design have evolved in response to both the development of organizations and the changing environmental pressures whch they face.It looks at how organizations can develop their capabilities and continuously improve their performance."
Price: 149.99

"Business Finance Essentials" |
"Every business organization exhibits three common types of activities: operating activities, investment activities, and financing activities. All these activities absorb and release cash flows and hence possess a financial dimension. If the cash flow into and out of each business activity is not coordinated and directed, there is no assurance the organization will move toward its goal, let alone achieve them. Cash balance is the focal point in the firm's financial position. Cash inflows from operating, investing, and financing activities increase the cash reserve. For example, cash received from sales of goods and services is an operating inflow; cash received from selling a piece of equipment represents the reversal of an investing (i.e ""divesting"") activity; and cash from a bank loan represents inflow from a financing activity. Conversely, cash outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities decrease the cash reserve.For example, payment of cash for employee wages represents an operating cash outflow; purchase of equipment represents an investing outflow; and repayment of a bank loan represents a financing outflow. Someone in an organization has to monitor, direct, and evaluate the flow of cash into and out of each basic organizational activity to make sure organizational goals are served effectively. This is the essence of financial management in the organization. This course focuses primarily on financial processes and, in particular , the planning and control of organizational cash flows, stock and inventory control, creditors and debtors control. It examines the importance of proper working capital management to the value of the firm and offers principles to guide working capital decisions."
Price: 149.99

"Sfrdan Kripto Para Ve Yatrm" |
"Tren kamadan binmek isteyen ancak nasl bu trenin ierisinde bulunacan bilmeyen kiilerin bilgi sahibi olmalarn amalayan videoeitim serisidir.Bu kursun bitirilmesi ile birlikte kripto para borsasna gvenli bir ekilde adm atabilecek ve kendi portfolyonuzu oluturabileceksiniz. Borsalara para aktarmay ve paranz geri ekmeyi, yatrmlarnzn gvenliini salamay, anlk olarak takip etmeyi reneceksiniz. Hadi balayalm."
Price: 49.99

"easy way to learn arabic (basics)" |
"Update Date: January 01st, 2019. If you have any questions / additions please, do not hesitate to contact me. Good Luck!______________________________________________________________Arabic language is not easy to learn but, it depends in the way of learning.In this course you will learn a lot through a creative way of teaching, I believe that it is going to be very useful.Start to speak with more confidence and variety by upgrading your Arabic!This course includes: pronunciation upgrade lecturesgrammar upgrade lecturesmost common greetingsNumbers with song.vocabulary upgrade lecturesspeaking and listening upgrade lecturessome of the practice videosfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF downloadsand MP4 videos so that you can learn anywhere, any time.and a lot more.Each section focuses on a carefully selected area of the course so that you can master each area and speak Arabic more accurately,If you want to speak Arabic more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like, or if you simply want to take your Arabic to a higher level, this course can help you achieve some steps of your goal of taking your Arabic to the next level and next courses will take your level to higher & higher.What are the requirements?A desire to improve your Arabic through practiceWhat am I going to get from this course?Speak Arabic with more confidence and clarityUse the target Arabic with precisionUnderstand the areas of Arabic that must be mastered to become more fluentHave a deeper knowledge of Arabic and how it worksWhat is the target audience?Take this course if you want to upgrade all areas of Arabic: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listeningTake this course if you want a more native-speaker.Take this course if you want to take your Arabic to a higher level"
Price: 19.99

"Super way to Learn Arduino Creative" |
"Updated: January 06th, 2019 Sunday_______________________________________About this course: The Arduino is an open-source computer hardware/software platform for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world around them. In this class, you will learn how the Arduino platform works in terms of the physical board and libraries and the IDE (integrated development environment). You will also learn about shields, which are smaller boards that plug into the main Arduino board to perform other functions such as sensing light, heat, GPS tracking, or providing a user interface display. The course will also cover programming the Arduino using C code and accessing the pins on the board via the software to control external devices.Upon completing this course, you will be able to:1. Outline the composition of the Arduino development board2. Describe what it means to program the board's firmware3. Read board schematics4. Install Arduino IDE5. Describe what ""shields"" are and how they are used6. Specify the role of libraries in the use of shields7. Compile and run a program8. Name C Variables and Types9. Name common C operators10. Use conditionals and loops11. Explain functions, their definition, and invocation12. Explain the implications of global variables13. Undertake the Arduino build process14. Describe the role of the tools behind the IDE15. Describe how to invoke functions in classes16. Explain the structure of an Arduino sketch17. Access the pins of the Arduino18. Differentiate between digital and analog pinand all of it through a very creative learning way, I am sure that it is going to be a short and sweet learning process for you.If you would love to start making what you have in your mind of creative ideas, enroll and best of luck.Best Wishes to all of you: ].See you in class: ]."
Price: 19.99

"Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3" |
"Launch a new career in web development By the end of this course by learning HTML, CSS, jQuery,Bootstrap 4 , Preprocessors like LESS and SASS , How to export your elements from your PSD file , use Trello as Project Manger.All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust .Our plan will be like this we will start by introducing you to the technologies in this course like (Adobe Photoshop , Bootstrap 4 , less , Sass and more ) ,then we will code our first awesome website in this course .. after that we will take a break by coding a fabulous 404 penguins-page page not found .. and finally we will move to the advanced website in this course which is the Merkury website ..After this course you will have 3 stunning websites to add to your portfolio And you will be confident in your skills as a front-end Developer / designer .. and ready to start your front-end developer career easily .. This course is for anyone who wants to learn front-end development regardless of your current level .. All that matters is that you are comfortable with HTML & CSS .. thats itJoin me now .. and i will see you inside"
Price: 199.99

"Learn how to make a replica custom 1/64 scale 379 Peterbilt" |
"Have real Peterbilt semi? Have a great memory riding in a truck with your husband, father or friend? Make a replica of it.This course delivers step by step instructions to make a custom 1/64 scale replica Peterbilt. With downloadable resources and video students can create a permanent memory of that special semi."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Desenvolvedor Web Full Stack Jr. COMPLETO!" |
"Um curso prtico de desenvolvimento web full stack para iniciantes que querem aprender a criar sites otimizados e sistemas web modernos do zero, utilizando recursos bsicos e avanados. Quer garantir sua profisso na rea de tecnologia? Comece agora o seu curso completo de desenvolvimento web full stack!O curso repleto de exemplos prticos, 8 miniprojetos de websites, mas sem deixar de lado toda a base terica essencial, que vai desde projeto de site e navegadores, at hospedagem e SEO (Mdulo Bnus). So 97 aulas em 21 mdulos, organizadas para um aprendizado rpido e eficaz, ministradas por profissional com anos de experincia na rea.Olha s o que voc vai aprender neste curso de desenvolvimento web:Como a Internet funcionaNavegadoresEtapas relacionadas com projeto de siteEtapas relacionadas com desenvolvimento de siteEtapas relacionadas com publicao de siteHTMLCSSJavaScriptIntroduo ao Bootstrap + jQueryPHPXMLJSONMySQLWordPressDados EstruturadosPginas AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)Como funcionam os planos de hospedagem webDomniosGoogle Search ConsoleGoogle AnalyticsSEO (Search Engine Optimization)Contedo complementarComece a estudar hoje mesmo e garanta sua profisso como desenvolvedor web full stack jr."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de Google Analytics - Do bsico ao avanado!" |
"Aprenda de uma vez a analisar com preciso o retorno do seu site, partindo do zero at o pouco explorado do Google Analytics. ""Um dos melhores cursos de GA. Claro, prtico e com muitos detalhes"" - Bianca Vasconcelos ""J sou usurio do GA faz um bom tempo e pude me aprofundar ainda mais na ferramenta. Vale a pena!"" - Marcos Roberto ""Ferramenta bem mais complexa que o imaginado, mas tudo muito bem explicado. Recomendo de olhos fechados."" - Lafaiete PereiraCom o Google Analytics no seu site possvel analisar o trfego e realizar configuraes especficas para o seu negcio em cenrios bsicos e avanados, capturando assim diversos dados sobre caractersticas e comportamento dos visitantes, da aquisio at a converso, gerando insights e relatrios completos para medir o retorno sobre o investimento e tomar decises estratgicas.Se voc tem um site, blog, loja virtual ou trabalha com marketing digital ou desenvolvimento web, esse curso pra voc.Curso de Google Analytics, do bsico ao avanado!Com este curso, que tambm uma formao, voc aprender tudo que necessrio para usar os recursos bsicos e avanados do Google Analytics, no seu ritmo, e mensurar o retorno de diversos tipos de sites.So aulas para todos os tipos de pblicos, com configuraes da ferramenta em diversos tipos de cenrios, usando programao e Google Tag Manager, assim profissionais tcnicos e de marketing digital podem tirar o mesmo proveito do curso e fazer anlises avanadas dos dados obtidos.Garanta uma formao nova! Conhea mais alguns dos principais assuntos que vamos tratar no curso e te convido para acessar a grade completa e tambm o ndice detalhado da grade curricular para conhecer os detalhes de tudo que ensinado em mais de 150 aulas.Como o Google Analytics funciona e base para anlise de dadosConfiguraes bsicas e avanadasConfiguraes com Google Tag ManagerConfiguraes com programaoConfiguraes em Wordpress e outras plataformasConfiguraes em diversos tipos de sitesMonitorando dados alm do seu sitePoltica de dadosAnlise de dados avanadaComportamento, engajamento e caractersticas do usurioAnlise das mtricas mais polmicas do Google AnalyticsEstudo detalhado de relatrios complexosSituaes reais do dia a diaIdentificao do usurioGoogle Analytics Demos & ToolsUsando APIs do GA com programao PHP e JSFiltros, segmentos e agrupamentos de dadosDomnios e subdomniosMonitorando aes ""escondidas"" dos usurios com eventosTrabalhando com metas, converses e funisMensurando campanhas de Marketing digitalOrigens de trfego e retorno sobre o investimentoRetorno sobre a publicidadePageSpeed InsightsAnlise do site e pginas acessadasMonitorando pesquisas internasComrcio eletrnicoNotificaes, insights e compartilhamentoDashboardsExportao de dadosAplicativoAcesse agora mesmo o ndice detalhado da grade curricular para conferir tudo que ensinado em detalhes neste curso de Google Analytics, do bsico e avanado, ao pouco explorado, usando recursos tcnicos e Google Tag Manager, que facilita a configurao para profissionais de marketing digital.Esta poderosa ferramenta do Google oferece tudo que voc precisa para medir o trfego do site, as converses, desempenho de aes de marketing digital e entender como as pessoas utilizam seu site.Garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias - sem perguntasEste curso conta com uma garantia de devoluo do dinheiro em 30 dias, portanto no h risco de comear!Inscreva-se hoje para dominar o Google Analytics."
Price: 99.99

"Unity sem SCRIPTS - Clone Flappy Bird com PlayMaker" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar jogos comUnityePlayMaker, juntas formam umaferramenta muito poderosa e quevem ganhandocada vez mais espao no mercado de desenvolvimento de jogos.Aprenderemos a desenvolver umClone do FlappyBird sem SCRIPTna prtica,onde aplicaremos conceitos consagrados de jogos famosos deste estilo, como:Configurar a resoluo do gameparaQualquer Celular;Fazer Colises e Triggerscom o Personagem;Configurar a Interface do Usurio;Trocar de cenas;Criar uma telade Score e HighScore;Muitasoutrascaractersticas que um bom jogo 2D dever ter;Ao final deste curso voc estar apto aplicar tudo o que aprendeu, para criar seus prprios jogos 2D.Espero te ver nas aulas."
Price: 69.99
