"Chess openings - complete training" |
"In this course I will prepare you for all of the most common opening situations and after finishing this course you will 100% be able to win more chess games. I give you suggestions on what openings you should hold onto and you will not need to memorize almost anything, because you will acquire intuition about what moves are right in which positions.This course is mainly made for beginners and early intermediate players and in that period of your chess career you do not have to burden yourself with learning sequences of moves by heart.In 10 lessons I covered some of the most popular openings, such as Ruy Lopez, Russian, Scandinavian, Sicilian, Caro Kann, French, Queen's gambit and more.The only prior knowledge you need is knowing therules of chess."
Price: 104.99

"Servicio Profesional Docente (EMS-Mxico)" |
"La profesionalizacin de la Educacin Media Superior ya es una realidad. Ingresar como Docente no es tarea fcil, pues con Licenciaturas no afines al sector educativo complica la aprobacin del Examen.En este curso repasamos las Dimensiones que debes dominar, los acuerdos secretariales y como formular un plan de clase. Todo demanera sencilla y amena para que se queden grabados como conocimiento trascendente.Tambin te sirve como repaso para la evaluacin de permanencia cumplido el ao de servicio.Y lo mejor de todo, el acceso al material es de por vida, las 24 horas y con actualizaciones permanentes que te mantendrn informado.Trabajar para el sector educativo requiere de la preparacin permanente y este curso contiene todo lo que necesitas para dar ese primer paso."
Price: 1020.00

"VideoScribe animaciones fciles, rpidas y profesionales" |
"Cuntas veces vemos videos explicativos con gran atraccin perfectamente sincronizados la voz con la imagen? Aunque parezca increble su proceso de elaboracin no es complejo y con un poco de dedicacin podrs convertir tus ideas en asombrosos videos.Al manejar VideoScribe podrs. Emplearla como herramienta de Marketing Digital.Transmitir ideas de un libro o propias a pocos minutos de video.Darle valor a tus redes sociales con material propio.Destacar ante tu competencia.Disear y vender videos a clientes.Hacer presentaciones asombrosas.Compartir en tus redes sociales.Arrancamos desde lo elemental, revisamos todas las herramientas y culminamos con un proyecto digno para tu pblico.Escpate de las presentaciones tradicionales y sumrgete en la estrategia ms atractiva del mercado digital.Cuentas con asesora de por vida con respuesta mxima de 24 horas sin importar das festivos o vacaciones. No lo pienses ms e inscrbete!"
Price: 570.00

"Sales Training Course: Learn Basic and Advanced Sales Skills" |
"In this course, you will learn fromseasoned sales trainer,Adam Lieberman,the tools and mindset that he's shared with businesses and companiesfor over 2 decades. Here are some of the topics that will be covered in the course: Sales ProfessionalA sales professional is a professionalRequiring continuoustraining and improvement. 99% of sales is universal and the remaining 1% is the specifics of the product or service you are selling. This training will get you 99% down the field and you will plug in our 1% with the specific of your industry to score the touchdown. You Must Believe In The Product Or Service You Are Selling!!Would you recommend this product to your friends and familywithout earning a commission? Do younot know enough about your product or service? Sales PitchMark Twain, If I had more time, Id write you a shorter note. The skill is to take 20 minutes of content in 30-60 seconds. If you speak too long you exhaust yourself and your prospect. This cancome from a lack of confidence; the salesman doesn't feel the right to ask for the sale until hedumpsloads of information on the prospect. YouDont Need To Be Slick Or Aggressive To Be SuccessfulYou can master anything with enough practice. The pros are the ones who stuck to their game even when it was tough. There are stores that are expensive and they pride themselves in customer service and some customers are willing to pay a premium for it. Every product or service has aunique selling point if you think about it. Rejection You can master anything with enough practice. The pros are the ones who stuck to their game even when it was tough. There are stores that are expensive and they pride themselves in customer service and some customers are willing to pay a premium for it. Every product or service has aunique selling point if you think about it."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Blockchain Development with EOS and C++" |
"Smart Contracts?They're here. The EOS Blockchain?Covered. C++?Yep! There can be no understating it: EOS and blockchain technology is the most disruptive force in years. Companies cannot hire developers who understand blockchain technologies fast enough, but there are a tiny number of resources published to help youtrulyunderstand what blockchains are used for, let alone build apps with them. That's the purpose of this course:to be the best resource online for learning about EOS, blockchains, and how to build apps with this new technology.The development community is still figuring out the best way to use EOS in the creation of new and exciting apps. I spent a tremendous amount of time to research and create best practice for interfacing with EOS from C++. I can't overstate it enough; this course will show you the best and most easily repeatable patterns for creating production-readyapps with EOS.What tools and libraries are used?The EOS tech ecosystem is in constant change. Don't be fooled by other courses that mention how you'll learna dozen different libraries! Every library that you'll use with EOS breaks and is deprecated on a near-weekly basis! Instead, this course will teach you how to assemble your own boilerplate packageto develop, compile, and test Smart Contracts. By learning thecore technologies, you'll be prepared to adjust to EOS no matter how the ecosystem changes.What is EOS? EOS is a cryptocurrency much like Ethereum, andit has been heralded as Ethereum's successor. Whereas Ethereum currently has issues scaling with an increasing backlog of transactions, EOS is poised to surpass Ethereum in performance, popularity, and value. EOS was created to help developers like you create applications focused around transferring money or value from one party to another.Why not Solidity?Solidity is a programming language for writing Smart Contracts. Essentially, think of it as a way to control a bank account with code. With Solidity, we can write applications that simulate a crowd funding campaign, a lottery, a loan, or any other type of financial instrument. The problem is, Solidity is inefficient, and unsafe. This lack of safety and security around the language has led to numerous bugs and hacks that've lost the Ethereum community millions of dollars. Dan Larimer has chosen to use C++ as the primary language for EOS development due to it's speed, efficiency, safety, and the multitude of libraries available to developers. Where Solidity is forcing developers to reinvent the wheel for even the most simple of programming constructors, C++ has been around for decades. Who is the target audience?Programmers looking to leverage blockchain technology for advanced apps.Engineers who want to understand EOS and how to build dApps with it."
Price: 29.99

"So You Have to Speak in Public, Now What?!?" |
"So You Have to Speak In Public, Now What?!? Is the first course within the communication school So You Have to Communicate, Now What?!?If you are a visual learner (over 65% of people are) this course will be great for you! This course does not include a talking head, instead it is animated. It focuses on technique, giving you step-by-step explanation on how to construct a presentation based on your purpose and your subject matter.In the first Module, the lessons will teach you how to construct a presentation; beginning with how to overcome your fears and build confidence, elaborating on how to deliver your presentation and explaining how to incorporate visual aids.In the second Module, the lessons will teach you how to organize your presentation based on your purpose and content. At the end of the second Module you will have a learning activity.Stay tuned for more Modules within the So You Have to Speak in Public, Now What?!? course. Including Persuasive Presentations, which will focus on marketing, selling and prompting and Group Presentations, which will focus on group strategy and presentation."
Price: 24.99

"Construct 2 sin programar desde 0" |
"Quieres crear tu propio videojuego y no sabes por donde empezar? Acompanos en este curso donde aprenders a disear tu primer juego con Construct 2; una herramienta sencilla de aprender pero muy potente. No necesitas nada ms que tu entusiasmo y tus ganas de aprender para comenzar! Suscrbete y desata todo tu potencial!"
Price: 19.99

"UI/UX design & Prototyping using Adobe XD for All Levels" |
"Adobe XD is specially built for UI/UX designpurpose and it is easy to use, that iswhy you do nothave to be a professional to learn how to use this tool.In this Course, you will learn about all the tools that are commonly used in designing UI/UX for applications.By the end of this course, you will be confident to design your own idea into the real design or follow your goal of becoming a professional UI designerYou will learn :All the Adobe XD tools including Symbols, Repeat Grid, Pathfinder, and many moreShortcuts that will be really useful to save more time in designingHow to design a professional UI by using the example of one of the mostpopular appsCreate an interactive design or Prototype that you can share online"
Price: 19.99

"Javascript/JQuery praxisorientiert" |
"Der Kurs umfasst ber 60 Lektionen in denen sie schnell und sicher an die verschiedenen Grundlagen von Javascript und spter JQuery herangefhrt werden, sowie ber 20praxisorientiertebungen. Ich versuche mich mglichst kurz zu fassen damit sie ihrer Zeit, die sie sich frs Javascript/Query lernen genommen haben,optimal nutzen knnen. Das heit fr mich die Grundlagen kompakt darzulegen damit sie mehr Zeit haben selbstzu programmieren. Dass sie selbst aktiv werden ist Voraussetzung fr ihren optimalen Lernerfolg, denn wie uns der Testungseffekt zeigt lernt man am besten wenn man sich aktiv mit dem Themenbereich auseinandersetzt. Im Fall von Javascript/JQuery heit das natrlich, dass sie mglichst viel programmieren.Der Kurs enthlt alle wichtigen Informationen die sie brauchen wenn sie Javascrit/JQuery nutzen mchten um z.b. eine Webseite dynamisch gestallten wollen. Grundlegendes Verstndnis von HTML/Css habe ich fr diesen Kurs vorausgesetzt.Ich wnsche ihnen viel Erfolg und Vergngen, wenn es Fragen und Anregungen zu dem Kurs gibt knnen sie mir diese gerne schreiben. Ich werden den Kurs immer mal wieder berarbeiten und ihre Anregungen mit einflieen lassen.Viel VergngenTim"
Price: 19.99

"Tantra Meditation Techniques from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra" |
"Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is an ancient 5000 years old text on meditation. It contains 112 techniques of Meditation. Basically in the form of a dialogue between lord Shiva and his wife Parvati (refer to as Devi in conversation), this conversation discusses 112 meditation techniques which can be used for realising our true self.The conversation starts with a question from Devi regarding the nature of reality. She asked Shiva about Universe, about fundamental nature of this world, how one can go beyond space and time to understand this truth.He does not tell her what is.He tells her a methodthen another method.. then another he goes on.He tells her how.He tells her how one can realize this realitythrough 112 methods of centering in the self.Outline, Benefits and Outcomes of Course- Practice of 1st Meditation Technique of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra for enlightenment- Learn about the Deep Knowledge of 5000 years old Conversation of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra- Learn how just breathing can give you Enlightenment. - Get fit, develop core strength and stamina!- Learn pranayama (breath-work) and how to deeply relax the body and mindAfter completing the course you will feel revived, refreshed, motivated and vibrantly connected with life. You will feel healthier in body, mind and spirit and you will have learned how to tap into the your energy.Who this course is for:People looking for Highest state of Being and Enlightenment through Tantra techniques."
Price: 1280.00

"Wie zum Teufel bekomme ich Trados auf meinen Mac?" |
"Welcher bersetzer mit Vorliebe fr Apple-Produkte kennt das Problem nicht? Trados ist nicht mit Windows kompatibel!Es ist einfach zum Haare raufen: Du liebst schlielich deinen Mac und willst nicht mehr auf Windows umsteigen...Aber dennochmchtest du auch Trados oder ein anderes CAT-Toolnutzen, das nicht mit Mac kompatibel ist.Ich zeige dir daherin diesem Kurs, wie du das schnell und einfach selbst erledigst!"
Price: 19.99

Python---TensorFlow |
"Udemy30 PythonPython TesnorFlowTensorflow 1.xTensorflow2.x.Google Colab.,PythonPythonPythonTensorFlow MNIST.Google TensorFlowTensorSessionTensorflowTensorflowTensorflow-TensorflowTensorflowTensorflowTensorflowTensorflow,PythonPythonTensorFlowPythonNVIDIAGPUTensorFlow-GPUTensorFlow-CPU30....150...TensorFlowPythonPythonCNNRNNIMDBTensorFlowCUDACUDNNWindows 10minstTensorFlow-GPU.NVIDIAPythonTensorFlowPythonTensorFlowTensorFlow--openAICartPoleK-nearestKNNK-means:Word2VecTSNEWord2Vec-Anaconda -MacopenAICartPolePython -TensorFlowPython--1.Python1-1.MacPythonpip3 install pip3 install pip3 uninstall pip3 listAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibMacLaunchpadAnaconda NavigatorMacSpiderjupyter notebook1-2.Window 10PythonWindow 10PythonWindow 10Python,C:ProgramsWindow 10PythonPythonShellwin,pythonpythonpythonexit()Windows 10AnacondaAnaconda,Numpy,MatplotilibPython 3.6condaSpiderJupyter Notebook2.PythonMac/usr/local/binWindowsC:python36set path=%path%;C:python36utf-8-*-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#python$ python+-*/,,,=,3.tuple,settuple,()tuple,{}Set{:}4.,TrueFalseifwhileWhile.ifif:if : 1else: 2while,for:for in range(,):TrueFalseandTrueFalseorTrueFasleFalsenotTruenotFalseFalsenotTrueifif : if5:if (1):1elif (2):2elif (3):3elif (4):4else (5):5forPythonfor(statement)whileifwhile5.,,.,,.pass.,6.init__(self,..),self__init__(self), __del__(self)7.class (1,2,3,..): 1 2 (inheritance) (attribute) (method) :getEngine()8.raise,fp=open(,)9.matplotlibMatplotlib.pyplot.pyplot10.Python tuplesetScipynumpyPandasMatplotlib11.tuplesetScipytuple,()tuple,{}SetScipy12.numpynumpyreshape()np.zeros((10,3))10*313.Pandaspip installpandasPandascsvcsv,big5SeriespandasDataFramePandaslambdaPyCharmMacPyCharmPython,PycharmPythonJupyter notebookPycharmWindows 10PycharmCommunity14.TensorFlow MacVirtualenvnativepippipTensorFlowAnacondaTensorFlow15.TensorFlow GPUCUDAGPUCuda Toolkit 9.0CUDNNDLLTensorFlow-GPUjupyter Notebook-GPUcpuTensorFlow15-1CUDATensorFlowCPUGPUGPUTensorFlowGPUNVIDIA.CUDA Toolkit9.0,%PATH%cuDNNcuDNN 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Graph)(Node):,>=0>=0(Edge):,16.TensorFlow16-1TensorFlowtf.Variabletf.Constanttf.Placeholdertf.SparseTensorassigncost variable assignTensorFlow,RanksShapetf.TensorShapeRanksShapeRanksShapesTensorFlow,Sessiontf.addtf.addx+yx,ytf.add( x, y, name=None)x+ytf.multiply5*21016-2 TensorFlow-1j,jj*j=-1Z(n+1)=Z(n)*Z(n)+cMandelbrotreal,imagZ(n+1)=Z(n)*Z(n)+ctf.group()tensorMandelbroty=x*xyx510x=12.016-3SessionsTensorFlowTensorFlowsessionsess.run()with,,close()Session16-4 TensorFlow placeholderdtype,shape,nameplaceholder Tensorflowtf.addtf.multiply..tf.reduce_sum()tf.addx+yx,ytf.add( x, y, name=None)x+ytf.multiplyx*yx,ytf.multiply( x, y, name=None)5*210tf.reduce_sum()axisinput_tensor,axiskeepdimstrue,1tf.reduce_sum( input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=None, name=None, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=None)seed2,tf.random_uniformshapeseedtf.random_uniform( shape, minval=0, maxval=None, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None),,tf.random_normalshape,mean,stddevdtypeseedtf.random_normal( shape, 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fully_connected_1TensorFlow Cifar_10TensorFlow SaverPython -TensorFlowPython,,Mean,a,b,Losssession,(): : : K-nearestKNNK-nearestKNNKNNKNNMNISTKKNN1.K2.K3.KNNKNN,,KNNK.K.KNNMNISTtensorflow,matplotlibMNIST,distancetf.reduce_sumtf.reduce_sum,input_tensoraxis,axis,reduction_indicesaxistf.reduce_sum( input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=None, name=None, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=None)nKk-means:KDo Repeat1. K2.UntilAutoEncoder1.AutoEncoder2.Word2Vec1.Word2VectorCBOW2.TSNETSNEWord2Vectf.device(/cpu:0)cpuSGD1TSNE1282Thanks1.Anaconda -MacTensorFlow-MacAnacondatensorflowcondaPythontensorflowRLconda create -n tensorflowRL python=3.6.4tensorflowRLactivate tensorflowRLpiptensroflow pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflowkeras-rlpip install keras-rlOpen AI$ sudo pip install gympip install h5py2.openAIpython OPENAI_13.CartPolepython cartPoleCartPole4.rewards,actionreward,TensorFlowPolicyAgentCartPole-Function()aaction,sstate()policy,saBellman,immediate rewardsaction-valueDeep Q-LearningLoss5.Deep Q KerasTensorFlowgym.make(CartPole=v0)AgentCartPoleCNNagentDQN(Deep Q-Network)1.Python TensorflowKerasMNIST2.Python chain rule3.CNN,CNNCNNCNN,CNNkeras4.RNNRNNGoogleLSTMIMDbRNNLSTMadd()(units)(activation function)units(activation function)softmaxsoftmax(),01"
Price: 7800.00

"SQL ServerMySQL-" |
"SQL ServerMySQL-SQL ServerMySQLSQL Server2019,18.....71...,,.SQL ServerMySQLSQL Server20171.Windows 10SQL Server SQLServer2017-SSEI-Dev 2.SQL Server Management SSMS-Setup-CHT 3.SQL Server Management 1.1-1.Windows 10Justinwu1-2.Justinwu2.3.SQL Server4.SQLSQLDDLcreate database companygouse companycreate table ( int not null, char(20) not null , char(8) not null, char(80), money, int ,primary key())create table ( int not null, char(20) not null , datetime, money, int not null,primary key())create table ( int not null, char(80) not null ,primary key(,))create table ( int not null, char(20) not null , char(80) , int not null,primary key(),foreign key() references ())create table ( int not null, int not null , int ,primary key(,),foreign key() references (),foreign key() references ())create table ( int not null, char(20) not null , char(8) ,char(80)primary key(,),foreign key() references ())SQLDMLinsert into (,,,) values (1,'3D','299',1)insert into (,,) values (6,1,25)insert into (,,) values (6,2,250)insert into (,,) values (13,4,350)insert into (,,) values (15,1,25)insert into (,,) values (15,2,350)5.ER DiagramALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT depart_noFOREIGN KEY ()REFERENCES ()ON DELETE NO ACTIONON UPDATE NO ACTIONALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT managerFOREIGN KEY ()REFERENCES ()ON DELETE NO ACTIONON UPDATE NO ACTIONALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT depart_locFOREIGN KEY ()REFERENCES ()ON DELETE NO ACTIONON UPDATE NO ACTION6.select-Join1.Join(AXB)1 Join R2JoinR1R2Join-INNER JOIN.9,8,8*9=722. 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[with encryption](forafterinstead of){[insert],[update],[delete]}asbeginend;8.Commit:Rollback:.Begin tran:begin tranbegin tranSQL Server@@trancountCommit tran:@@trancount1commit tranRollback tran:rollback tran@@trancount0MySQL1.Windows 10MySQL 2.MacMySQL MySQL MySQL MySQL Workbench MySQL Workbench MySQL1.View 2.Prepared 3.4.Stored RoutineStored RoutineStored ProcedureStored functionCREATE PROCEDURE ([,,,,])ProcedureDROP Procedure [IF EXISTS] CALL Stored functionCREATE Function ([,,,,])returns functionDrop function [If exists] 5.6.Stored Routines6-16-2IF6-3CASE6-4while,REPEAT6-5CURSORSHandlers,cursor.:cursorDeclare cursor cursor for Open cursorFETCH CURSOR into [,....]close cursor7.TriggerTrigger,INSERT,UPDATEDELETE,Trigger.trigger,Before trigger,Before update,Before delete,After insert,After updateafter delete.:create trigger .trigger before update on . for each row begin end; droptrigger drop trigger .trigger;"
Price: 7600.00

"ULTIMATE Quick & Dirty Guide to Currency Trading" |
"WELCOME!This course was designed from the ground up with the intention to take someone who is completing new currency trading to becoming an experienced and well-rounded trader. It combines the essential knowledge of currency trading with the more advanced knowledge of currency trading making the students a well-rounded trader.This course will take you from ZERO to ONE by the time you finish. If you have always wanted to get involved in currency trading or learn why this is the BIGGEST market where the majority of the worlds transactions are taking place Or maybe you want to understand the jargon and language of currency traders so you can sit around the dinner table and be able to talk about commons topicsand be in the mixOr maybe you dont like your day job and want to find other ways to supplement your income without having to go back to school and get an expensive degreeThen, this course will be perfectly for you. In this course, we will cover the must-have topics the absolute essentials while also given you a simplistic, easy-to-understand actionable trading strategy that will get you up and trading ASAP! We designed this course to provide topics that will catapult your understanding of the market and bring you eye-to-eye with the experienced traders. This course will also be hands-on, which means, you will be provided with numerous opportunities to practice and learn currency trading on a real or even a practice account. So you can be a part of the BIGGEST and most liquid trading market in the world and make a profession in it. Start your journey into the FOREX business by learning with an NLPTrainer and Day Trader, as he brings to light the essential information to get you up and running ASAP! By the end of this course, you will be able to discuss the following information: GETTING STARTED IN TRADING INTRODUCTION TO CURRENCY MASTERING THE BASICS LEARNING TRADING STRATEGY MANAGING THE TRADE What you get: You will receive the 30-day no hassle MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied seriously, no questions asked. Plus, you will receive a LIFETIME access to all add-ons, bonus material, and live demonstrations and there will be several to look forward to."
Price: 199.99

"Step by step on how to Make A Website with wix" |
"Are you more interested in running your business and exploring your passions than fussing over your website?This course was created especially for busyentrepreneurs, authors, artists, do-gooders, non-profit organizations, volunteers, and hobbyists who just want to focus on doing their work, NOT on the million and one steps it takes to design and run a good wix website.It's for users with zero web design experience as well as those with little to no web design budget at all."
Price: 19.99

"Il Fashion Moodboard: progettare usando la ricerca" |
"Questo corso in grado di insegnarti in modo rapido e incisivo come si svolge la ricerca tematica e delle tendenze che precede la fase di progettazione delle collezioni di moda. Apprenderai non solo a raccogliere dati e informazioni ma saprai anche desumere un tema di ispirazione imparando a tradurlo in un concept di progettazione.Tema e concept, infatti, non sono esattamente la stessa cosa: imparerai, anche attraverso l'ausilio del moodboard, a estrapolare dei segni da un immaginario e a progettare attraverso essi un prodotto innovativo, coerente e di forte impatto. Il corso indicato a chi si sta preparando a diventare un designer di moda ma anche a chi orientato al design in generale o a chi desidera tentare la carriera di cacciatore di tendenze o di fashion marketer."
Price: 39.99

"Simplified Animated Biology (WITH 5 FREE COURSES AS GIFT)" |
"Thebiggest proportion of this course are visual assisting materials, including animations, pictures and videos.However; the least proportion is for words and paragraphs. After finishing thiscourse you will not suffer anymore from boring and long details related to biology since the largest ""written"" slide will not exceed four sentences. Everything will be animated and simplified for you.The course will cover five main topics:1-Cell Biology and Microscopy2-Biological Molecules3-Enzymes4-Cell Membranes and Transport5-Mitotic DivisionBear in mind that the course will be continuously updated, many more chapters will be uploaded with more and more simplified animations. Quizzes and answer keys will also be included for each section alone."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Google Education Apps from A-Z (+5 free courses)" |
"This course is a general preparatory course for mastering google tools for education and attaining an official google certification. A lot of detailed videos with real sample questions are integrated into this course to create an identical environment to that of the google certification exam. All the apps are explained in a simplified way with a lot of real sample questions from the certification exam. "
Price: 199.99

"Content Marketing Mastery 2018: Beginner's Ultimate Guide" |
"If you want to spread the word about your business, your passions, or your point of view, then this course is for you. This course will help you get started using one of the most low-cost yet profitable methods of marketing available anywhere content marketing.Whether you have a product to sell, are a coach or consultant, or want to share with others about a cause near to your heart, mastering content marketing is vital for reaching large audiences of interested people quickly and easily. In this course you will Discover how content marketing can help you achieve your life and business goals.Identify and reach your ideal target audience quickly and easily.Set achievable goals for your content marketing success.Choose the best publishing platform based on your likes, dislikes, and natural abilities. Master the terminology and technology of content marketing without needing to learn new technical skills. Discover the best tools to use to succeed with content marketing.Create massive amounts of free time using the power of automation.Create and easy to follow, fun content marketing plan that will help you achieve your content marketing goals. Set a fun and flexible content marketing schedule that will ensure you publish often without content marketing becoming a job you must do. Discover low-cost and no-cost ways to reach massive numbers of people with your marketing message. Build a powerful and profitable email list so you can automate your marketing using autoresponders and other online tools. Promote any product, passion, or point of view using proven content marketing methods like blogging, social media, and more.And even more!The course contains fun and easy activities to help you set, and achieve your content marketing goals. Easy step in the content marketing journey is clearly documented and includes plenty of examples and specific suggestions. By completing the activities you will be building your own content marketing plan of action. By the time you finish the course you will have published at least three pieces of content online!Why Content Marketing?Content marketing has proven to be the most profitable type of marketing available today. By providing helpful content to the people in your target market before asking them to buy you will build trust and authority.When people like you and trust you they will buy from you. Nothing creates that like and trust faster than content marketing. Ignite the law of reciprocity in your online presence by sharing helpful content freely and watch and people join your list, buy your products, and recommend you to their friends!Why This Course?This is not a course where you listen to me talk about content marketing. Its a course where you DO content marketing!For the past 17 years I have been privileged to help over 24,000 students create and grow their own online business. Content marketing is the backbone of my own business, and in this course I share what works. No theory. No hearsay. Just real world tactics that work for me and will work for you too. By the time you finish the course you will BE a content marketer! You will have chosen you platform, know what to say in your content and how to create it quickly. You will also use your content to promote any product you want, or promote a point of view while winning friends and influencing people. All of this, and more, is waiting for you inside the course. Lets begin writing your content marketing success story today!"
Price: 199.99

"Sketch Anything in 10 Minutes (or less)" |
"Welcome to my class! I hope you're ready to sketch :)Sketching is a big part of my life as an artist. It's the one thing i would recommend to anyone willing to improve their drawing skills : practice sketching various subjects, as often as you can! You can create sketches in preparation for complex and detailed artworks, or simply to have fun. Whether you create digital or traditional drawings, if you want to improve your skills this class is for you!Level : BeginnerSupplies : your usual sketching materials, digital or traditionalWhat you'll learn :my trick to easily draw better proportionshow to create sketches in around 10 minutesmy personal sketching process, with live drawing examples for a portrait, an animal, a landscape and a still life objectRemember : sketching isn't about creating a ""perfect"" drawing!! In fact, the less time you spend on each sketch, the better! It's about training your eyes to see the proportions, and training your hand to recreate them :)Happy Sketching!"
Price: 19.99

"Digital Art : Painting Realistic Hair" |
"Take your art to the next level!Learn how to paint realistic hair in Photoshop.Prerequisites: For you to get the most out of this class, you need to have at least dabbled in digital art; I talk more about supplies in the first lesson, but owning a drawingtablet is a must.What you'll learn:how to paint realistic hair, from sketch to final resultthe most common mistakes when painting realistic hair, and how to avoid themhow to use the Blending Modes in Photoshophow to create custom brushes in Photoshophow to add realistic lighting to the hair"
Price: 24.99

"70-740 Windows server 2016 Installation, Storage et Compute" |
"salut ! dans ce cours vous allez apprendre installer Windows server 2016, grer le stockage, grer Hyper-V, installer docker, grer la haute dispo avec le cluster, configurer le NLB, dployer Windows server 2016 avec WDS et MDT, configurer les updates et enfin vous prparer l'examen 70-740 !! Good luck avec FluctuationIT votre coaching"
Price: 199.99

"Learn powershell for administrators from A to Z" |
"This course provide students with thefundamental knowledge and skills to use Powershell.so do not be afraid. Powershell is simple and you do not have to be a great developer. Just some computer skillsIn this course we will Describe the functionality of Windows PowerShell and use it to run and find basic commands,Identify and run cmdlets for server administration, work with Windows PowerShell pipeline, query system information by using WMI and CIM, Work with variables, write basic scripts in Windows PowerShell, administer remote computersYou will be the king"
Price: 199.99

"Active Directory Powershell Workshop COMPLET 2018" |
"WorkSHOP Active Directory PowerShellTravailler avec des utilisateurs et des groupesApprenez automatiser les tches routinires de gestion des utilisateurs et des groupes, notamment crer, modifier, activer, dsactiver, dverrouiller, etc.AD Quering (faire des requtes avances) LDAPExplorez les techniques d'interrogation de l'active directory Suivi des modifications de l'active directoryRpondez la question ""Qui a fait cela?"" Effectuez le suivi lorsque vos donnes ont t modifies, en utilisant des mtadonnes, des journaux d'vnements, des verrouillages et des autorisations.Nettoyage d'objets primsApprenez nettoyer les objets prims dans Active Directory l'aide de PowerShell. RcuprationEmpchez la suppression accidentelle, en utilisant la Corbeille, et voyez comment vous pouvez rcuprer des objets supprims. Dploiement de contrleurs de domaineApprenez installer un domaine contrleur"
Price: 199.99

"Powershell complet pour les dbutants" |
"Salut ! Dans ce cours Powershell pour les dbutants, je vaisvous expliquer les concepts de base de Powershell, ce super langage qui a t cr pour les techniciens et ingnieurs grant les OS Windows Server et Windows workstations.Vous apprendrez a lancer Powershell, chercher de l'aide, comprendre la syntaxe d'une commande.Vous apprendrez galement comment rcuprer des informations d'inventairessur d'autres ordinateurs grce au protocole WMI et CIM.Vous apprendrez excuter des commandes a distance sur d'autres ordinateurs.Dans la seconde partie de cette formation, vous apprendrez utiliser des variables pour pouvoir crer votre premier script.Ainsi vous allez commencer a comprendre les avantages de l'automation et comment rutiliser votre script a volontDans la dernire partie, nous allons aborder des cas pratiques de tous les jours comme par exemple la gestion des imprimantes,la gestion des drivers, la gestion des utilisateurs.Ouaaaaa ! quel programme. Apres cette formation, vous aurez toutes les bases pur commencer utiliser Powershell pour grer votre jobBonne formation...."
Price: 199.99

"Build your online business with digital information products" |
"Would you like to start your own online business but don't know where to start? Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there of what you should do and what not? Are you looking for someone that has done it and will guide you through your first steps?Then you are at the right place!I have developed and produced this course with the beginner in online business and digital information products in mind. Iprovide you with a solid overview based on my own experience.Hi, my name is Chris and I am a successful entrepreneur and business owner from Germany. After ten years as an investment banker and management consultant, I have become self-employed three years ago. I started out as a freelance consultant but have invested time and money to slowly build up my own portfolio of digital information products.Today, my digital information products and the online business I built around them allows me to live comfortably and spend my time on the things that are important to me.I think nearly everybody can start producing their own digital information products and start earning a side income almost immediately.The great thing about an online business is that you are able to scale it over time. So your side income grows and grows and will eventually become a full-time income.Just imagine the flexibility and freedom such an online business would provide you with!I have developed this course to guide you along your very first steps of this journey.We will be covering these topics here:You will learn why an online business based on digital information products is the best business model out there to start your journeyWhy it is essential that you pick the righttopic and niche early onWhy you need your own platform and how you start building itThe best type of marketing for your online businessWhat makes great contentHow you can capture interest and start building a relationship and trust with your target audienceWhat are the most important aspects of digital information productsHow you can ethically sell your products without become a sleazy salesmanLong-term growth strategies for your online businessSo where are covering a lot of ground in this course.But let me stress again that this course is focused on the needs of absolute beginners in online business. If you are already on your way and have started your journey, this course is probably too basic for you.I see this course as a roadmap a beginner can use to structure his initial work in building an own online business.This structure will also help you in your long-term efforts of growing your online business into a full-time income.So, I hope you are as excited as I am to teach you this. Don't wait and enroll today.You don't have anything to lose! Of course, Udemy's 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee also applies to this course. You can test it risk-free and see for yourself if it will help you in guiding you along your way.So, don't wait and enroll in this course right now. Iam happy to see you inside and help you building your own online business!"
Price: 29.99

"Developing Promising Online Business Ideas" |
"Are you interested in developing your own online business? Would you like to know how promising your online business idea is before you start? Would you like to do as much as you can upfront to increase the odds of success for your online business?Then you are at the right place!This course teaches you everything you need to know in order to develop your own online business idea! Although the approach is structureearound an online business based on digital information products, the approach can be used to develop any online business idea as well!But not only that! You will also learn in this course how to develop a very flexible plan for implementing that online business. And this plan holds up even when things go wrong during implementation. You simply pick an alternative you have already develop and move on! How great is that?!But wait a minute! Who am I to teach you about developing online business ideas?Hi, my name is Chris and I am a successful entrepreneur in Germany. After a career in investment banking and management consulting I became self-employed in 2015. Since then I moved from freelancing to building and selling my own digital information products in my online business. Today, I can live comfortably of the proceeds of my online business.I have done so many things wrong that I want to help other aspiring online business entrepreneurs to avoid the mistakes that I have made.A proper preparation and development of a promising online business idea is for me the very first step towards your own successfulonline business.I am friend of a structured approach in a step by step fashion so we will be covering the following topics in this course:Why I think you should use the expert business model for your online businessHow to generate numerous potential ideas and decide on the most promising to evaluate furtherHow to research and analyze your potential target audiencesDoing a business reality check to ensure that your online business suits your lifestyle preferencesAnalyzing the financial potential of your online business ideasDeciding on which online business idea to choose in a very structured wayPreparing your online business idea for implementation by developing a flexible planSo we are covering a lot of ground in this course! In the end, you will have one online business idea that you have analyzed in great detail and for which you have a flexible implementation plan that still holds up when something goes wrong during the implementation phase. And believe, although you are well-prepared, there will be things going wrong. So you really need this flexibility in your implementation plan!So what are you waiting for? Enroll in this course right now by clicking on the red button above!You don't have anything to loose here. As for all courses here on Udemy, of course this course also applies for the generous 30 day money back guarantee. So you can easily test this course risk-free and decide for yourself if it's worth it! I strongly believe that this course is the most structured and complete approach to developing online business ideas!Now, enroll in this course right now by clicking on the red button above!"
Price: 69.99

"Google Adwords para Microempreendedor Individual - MEI" |
"Aprenda passo a passo como desenvolver anncios no Google Adwords com as maiores chances de cliques, com as melhores taxas (CTR,ndice de Qualidade...) pelo menor custo possvel.Nesse treinamento de Google Adwords para Microempreendedor Individual (MEI), voc vai aprender a construir campanhas que vo atrair clientes em potencial investindo o menor valor possvel.Se voc um MicroempreendedorIndividual ou um Profissional Autnomo e precisa melhorar suas vendas pela internet, esse treinamento ideal para voc. O foco vai ser para quem est comeando, tem pouco oramento para investir ou no quer (ou no pode no momento ) contratar uma empresa especializada.Comece agora mesmo a investir em anncios do Google Adwords e aumente o faturamento da sua pequena empresa.Retorno rpido do investimento;Treinamento ideal para quem no tem muita grana pra investir (a maioria dos microempreendedores);Exemplos de campanhas com apenas R$50;Anncios profissionais (melhores taxas ealto ndice de cliques de potenciais clientes);Ttulos e descries de anncios que mais convertem no Google Adwords;Aprenda passo a passo no seu ritmo;Suporte e dicas para diversos cenrios;Acesso vitalcio (garantido pela plataforma);Receba ""bnus"" do Google pela qualidade do anncioColoque seu sitemais bem posicionado (acima de grandes empresas).Clique em comprar (ou inscreva-se agora)e aprenda de forma clara e objetiva como aumentar seu faturamento rapidamente com anncios no Google Adwords. Te espero na aula."
Price: 519.99

"Autotratamentul Reiki Tradiional" |
"Autotratamentul este o parte foarte important din practica Usui Reiki Ryoho, mpreuna cu cele 5 principii.Acest curs v ofer o introducere scurt n Reiki Tradiional - Usui Reiki Ryoho, apoi v nva cum se efectueaz autotratamentul, care sunt beneficiile lui, cnd i cum se face. Vei nva toate poziiile standard din Reiki Tradiional, precum i metode alternative i informaii preioase."
Price: 29.99

"Self treatment with Traditional Reiki (English Voice)" |
"This course gives you a brief introduction into Usui Reiki Ryoho - Traditional Reiki (English subtitles available!), then teaches you what the self-treatment is, what is it good for, when and how to do it. You will get to know all the Traditional Reiki standard positions, as well asalternate ways of doing it, along with various tips and tricks."
Price: 29.99

"SolidWorks : Sfrdan Uzmanla Uygulamal Eitim Seti" |
"Trkiye'nin en ok satan SolidWorks eitmeninden, mekanik tasarmn temellerinden balayarak retime uygun, nokta at tasarm gerekletirmek isteyenlere... SolidWorks programn A'dan Z'ye bu eitim sayesinde reneceksiniz! SolidWorks hakknda hibir n bilgiye sahip deilken bile eitim serisi sonrasnda sizi sertifikal SolidWorks kullancs haline getirir. Bu ders sonrasnda CV nizde SolidWorks becerilerinizden gururla bahsedebilirsiniz. SolidWorks kursumuza kayt olduunuz takdirde dier eitimlerden farkl olarak dinamik bir eitime sahip olacaksnz. Bu sayede her ay gelen yeni gncellemelerle mekanik tasarm alannda piyasay yakndan takip edebileceksiniz. Eitim seti bnyesinde bulundurduu soru-cevap blm sayesinde ise hem eitmenle hem de dier kursiyerlerle sorunlarnz zerinde tartp, zmler reteceksiniz. SolidWorks ile tasarlamann snr yoktur. Tasarm yapmay ve yeni eyler ortaya koymay seviyorsanz bu eitim serisi tam da size gre. "
Price: 159.99
