"Latin American - Bronze Level Course" |
"Learn all the intricacies to take you through your full Bronze Level medal examinations in Latin American.Teaching you Rumba, Cha Cha Cha and Samba in three concise and in-depth video tutorials. You'll learn the routines, the footwork (for both the lead and follow), timing and body positions.Paul and Anna have been teaching for over 30 years collectively and bring you the first in a great series of Latin American, Street Latin and Ballroom dance videos. Whether you're looking to learn routines for your medal examinations, help with the social dance floor or want to improve your own dance style, you'll find everything you're looking for in these videos."
Price: 39.99

"Illustrator CC: fundamentos, trucos y tcnicas" |
"Tal vez eras ese nio/nia que viva rayando las paredes, llenando de dibujitos los cuadernos de matemticas y disfrutando de las cajas de colores? Si tu pasin es la ilustracin y ahora quieres dibujar digitalmente, este curso es para ti.Este curso esta dirigido a ilustradores y artistas en general, pero especficamente a quienes trabajan en el rea creativa del diseo: ilustradores editoriales, estudiantes de publicidad, diseadores grficos, etc.No importa si eres principiante o experto, en cada una de las partes del curso encontrars tcnicas para dominar el programa y realizar ilustraciones vectoriales de gran calidad en poco tiempo."
Price: 99.99

"Currculo, seu Melhor Representante" |
"Oque mais escuto das pessoas so reclamaes de que enviam seuscurrculose no recebem retorno nenhum. Creio que boa parte desse problema causado porque os currculos no mostram quem realmente a pessoa . No mostram o que ela pode agregar vaga que se procura preencher. Nesse curso vamos resolver, de uma vez por todas, as dvidas que tanto te afastam das grandes oportunidades."
Price: 39.99

"Advanced Conversation Skills for English Language Learners" |
"One of the best ways to improve your English language is to use it! Of course, we understand that it's not always easy to have conversations in another language. That's why we have designed this advanced conversation course!In this course you will learn lots of vocabulary and expressions, as well as strategies for starting, continuing and ending conversations with English speakers. We provide manyexamples in the lectures, and each lesson includes practice activities."
Price: 54.99

"Remember Names & Faces with Art of Memorising" |
"Remember that a persons name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any languageDale Carnegie was a smart man; he lived his life in terms of other people. He laughed, he cried, and he cared about them. One way Mr. Carnegie often showed his respect by using names instead of the often-overused Hey!this course will teach you how to remember names with faces, their designation, companies, states etc almost in no time. If you meet 100s of people a day still you can remember them by using this concept of Art of Memorising."
Price: 199.99

"You can either try and go through hours of endless Youtube videos on how to make money online. And Probably be able to put something together. Considering you dont have a full time job and plenty of hours to throw away researching. Or let me teach you proven strategies that work, not only from people who have done it, but from people who arestill currently doing it. The choice is yours!"
Price: 199.99

"Young Hair Stylist Survival Guide" |
"This course was developed to encourage professional in the Beauty Industry to never give up. It encourage and teaches them to render service the advertise to the public. This course also teaches people in the Beauty Industry to work with their client base on the information taught them in Cosmetology school. It encourage young students that just graduated from Cosmetoloy School to work in the beauty industry and grow their business. You can purchase the mini work book "" Young Hair Stylist Survival Guide"" at .thebookpatch"
Price: 24.99

"Dropshipping : Tout EXPLOSER... et lgalement !" |
"Dropshipping, dropshipping, dropshipping... On entend ce mot sur les lvres de tous les entrepreneurs !Tu es srement d'accord avec moi que les boutiques de Shopifyse ressemblent toutes, n'est-ce-pas ? Je vais te montrer comment crer une boutique shopify arme pour le drop qui saura se diffrencier ! Rien de tel pour mettre en confiance, augmenter ta crdibilit et booster tes ventes !Je t'offre une formation de dropshippingdot d'une relle pdagogie. Pourquoi ?Parce qu'en plus d'tre le CEO de MyMusicTeacheretdouble mdaill d'or du Lpine, je suis professeur de marketing l'universit de Metz. J'ai deux grandes passions : le business (principalement dans la musique) et la pdagogie. C'est donc avec beaucoup de d'entrain que je t'expliquerai tout ce que tu dois savoir pour crer une boutique rellement diffrente et russir en dropshipping !Tu sauras crer une boutique de A Z avec Shopify mme si tu n'as jamais cr de site auparavant.Tu dcouvriras comment l'amliorer et raliser des tunnels de vente bien plus puissants !Onappliquera une vritable stratgie et rflexion sur ton site en dropshipping sur le choixdes produits potentiel pour russir tes ventes !Je te montrerai bien entendu comment booster tes ventes avec quelques plugins et stratgies qui permettent rellement d'augmenter ton chiffre d'affaire.Sans oublier toute la stratgie facebook aux normes avec les mises jour que tu doismettre en place pour trouver rapidement tes futurs clients !Le tout, saupoudr d'astuces et petites ppites places au travers de chaque vido qui te permettront d'amliorer grandement ta rflexion en fonction de ta niche.Je te montrerai chaque exemple au travers de plusieurs boutiques en dropshipping de niche, multi-produits et mono-produit !Qu'en dis-tu ?C'est l l'occasion idale pour te distinguer de toutes les autres boutiques Shopify avec ces astuces qui proviennent de toutes mes annes dans l'entrepreneuriat ! (Je vie depuis 2012 de mes activits, ds l'ge de mes 21 ans !)Au plaisir de pouvoir te retrouver aux cts de ma communaut (PS : cette formation de dropshippingn'est en aucun cas la formation DropShipHacking propose par BusinessDynamite qui est un tout autre niveau).Bon succs toi et merci pour ta confiance dans ma formation de dropshipping !Frank Houbre - CEO de MyMusicTeacher, Grant de BusinessDynamite et Ukull-Masterclass, co-fondateur de BeatTheRhythm, Professeur de marketing l'universit de Metz"
Price: 189.99

"SEO Dropshipping : En 1re page de Google avec Shopify SEO" |
"SEO, SEO, SEO.... On entend ce mot sur toutes les lvres quand on parle d'obtenir dutrafic gratuit pour sa boutique en dropshipping... Et c'est totalement vrai ! Le rfrencement naturel est d'une puissance incroyable !Tu fais du e-commerce ou du dropshipping avec Shopify ?Ce cours va te plaire !Tu dcouvriras comment atteindre la premire page de Google en travaillant la description de tes produits et de tes articles de blog !Dcouvre une stratgie terriblement efficace etdes techniques de rdaction suivre lettre pour obtenir un flux de prospects qualifis chaque jour sans dpenser un seul euro !Obtiens des astuces pour monter beaucoup plus rapidement, des outils pour tre plus productif et chercher les mots ultimes pour obtenir tes premiers visiteurs gratuitement avides de tes produits dans 14 jours!Prt exploser tes marges en diminuant ton budget publicitaire et faire tes ventes sans mme dpenser un centime ?Bon succs toi !Frank Houbre - CEO de MyMusicTeacher- Fondateur de BusinessDynamite- Professeur de marketing l'universit de Metz - Co-fondateur de BeatTheRhythm- Grant de Ukullele-masterclass"
Price: 159.99

"Photoshop en dropshipping : magnifie tes produits" |
"L'tre humain est un animal. La premire partie de son cerveau qui interprte les informations est la partie reptilienne qui est sensible notamment son environnement et la vue.Un visiteur qui arrive sur un site internet proposant des produits de dropshipping qui ne sont pas mis en valeur ne sera pas rassur, n'est-ce pas ? Tout comme une chambre d'htel que tu dsires louer pour tes prochaines vacances, il faut que les photos soient belles, que l'environnement soit sduisant ! Si elles sont de mauvaise qualit, tu ne seras absolument pas rassur et tu n'auras pas envie d'acheter. C'est pourquoi, au travers de ce module photoshop spcial dropshipping et ecommerce, je vais t'apprendre : travailler tes visuels de produits pour les magnifier, mme si tu es un(e) parfait(e) dbutant(e) ! augmenter considrablement la valeur perue de tes produits par tes visiteurs pour pouvoir vendre un stylo achet 5$ un prix multipli par 10 ou 20 ! avoir un site homogne qui rassurera tes clients par ses visuels et par la mme occasion, convertir et vendre mieux !Ce module est adress aux dbutants qui dsirent utiliser le fameux logiciel Photoshop, un incontournable de la cration graphique.Les designs sont simples, percutants et efficaces et pourront tre raliss tant bien pour magnifier tes produits sur ta boutique de dropshipping, que de crer des visuels attirants pour faire tes publicits !Avec cette formation Photoshop pour magnifier tes produits d'Aliexpress ou de n'importe quel autre fournisseur en dropshipping, tu vas prendre une longueur d'avance considrable face la concurrence qui propose des visuels ""bas de gamme"" :-)"
Price: 159.99

"Snapchat, matrise la publicit pour vendre avec ta boutique" |
"Snapchat, snapchat, snapchat... On entend ce mot sur toutes les bouches des adolescents et des jeunes adultes ! Mais aussi chez ceux qui vendent des produits en ligne grce au dropshipping ou au e-commerce ! En effet, Snapchat Ads permet de crer des publicits sur la plateforme snapchat.Assez mconnue, elle a pourtant d'excellents avantages en stratgie marketing sur les rseaux sociaux :Le prix au clic est plus bas en gnral face Facebook ou Google Adwords.Les publicits sont efficaces et permettent d'afficher facilement une boutique notamment grce la technologie de pr-chargement.Snapchat permet de cibler un nouveau type d'audience, plutt intressant suite aux rformes que Facebook a fait sur ses publicits !En d'autres termes, Snapchat est une excellente opportunit si vous vendez des produits pour un public de 10 35 ans ! Une nouvelle aventure essayer qui peut potentiellement permettre d'ouvrir de nouvelles voies dans ton business, notamment pour les boutiques en ligne. Cetteformation Snapchat est courte et efficace et te permettra de matriser l'ensemble de la cration de publicit, quel discours tenir et quelles sont mes petites astuces pour crer une publicit efficace. En bonus, je te montre comment monter rapidement une vido de publicit Snapchat avec adobe premier (possibilit d'utiliser aussi un autre logiciel).Comme d'habitude, tu peux changer avec moi au travers des messages et commentaires au sujet de cette formation Snapchat ds que tu as une question particulire :-) tout de suite dans la formation de publicit Snapchat !Frank Houbre de BusinessDynamite"
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Guide to Building an Advanced Marketing Strategy" |
"If you want to feel confident that your marketing efforts arent being wasted or you're missing opportunities, then this course is for you. Youre a successful person and your marketing strategy should be successful also.In this course we will:1) Perform comprehensive target research. 2) Explore the most influential persuasive techniques imperative to marketing. 3) Analyze your research results.4) Evaluate which techniques will be most effective for your product and audience.4) Develop a strategy and tactics to be implemented based on our research and analysis."
Price: 44.99

"Perfect Photos WITHOUT Photoshop!" |
"How can we produce photos which WOW us, without spending time and money with expensive and complicated photo editing software? Using a few simple yet overlooked industry tools, we'll reveal exactly how to take amazing photos which you can go on to sell as a freelancer or stock photographer, or use in marketing promotions and for social media!"
Price: 29.99

"How to make Thai drinks and herbal healthy drinks" |
"In this course will teach you how to make Soy milk , Corn milk , Bale juice ,Aloe Vera juice , Roselle juice ,Pumpkin juice mix coconut juice , Butterfly pea flower honey lime juice , Mango milkshake, Coffee shake , Matcha green teashake ,watermelon shake ,lime soda syrup and Chrysanthemum tea at home easily.you can make good drinks for you and someone you love."
Price: 24.99

"Protractor Testing (Angularjs Automation) +Jasmine Framework" |
"This course covers Protractor test framework tutorial in detail. The course starts from very basics and gradually covers advance topics of functional test automation using Protractor test framework.Angular Automation Jasmine FrameworkProtractor automationProtractor JavaScript The course content is more focused on practical learning so that you can apply your learningto real projects in your organisation. The course also contains the test quiz . It would help you practice your knowledge and prepare yourself for automationinterviews.The course covers the basic set up needed forangularJS application automation using Protractor,node.js , npm (node package manager ) , webdriver-managerand JavaScript programming basics.In this course, you will find the clean and pure information. When preparing the training, we especiallyavoided unnecessary talk and waiting; we have found these parts for you and got themout.All the best!!Happy Learning!"
Price: 54.99

"Selenium IDE - Podstawy Automatyzacji + selektory webDriver" |
"Selenium IDE to proste narzdzie do automatyzacji testw w przegldarce Firefox i Google ChromePo przejciu kursu bdziesz sprawnie korzysta z Selenium IDE oraz zrozumiesz podstawowe zasady tworzenia automatycznych skryptw. Rwnie zdobdziesz solidne umiejtnoci zwizane z lokalizowaniem elementw na stronie. Jest to uniwersalna wiedza, ktra przyda Ci si w innych bardziej zaawansowanych narzdziach do automatyzacji np. Selenium Webdriver.Wybr Selenium IDE to najlepszy pierwszy krok w automatyzacji, pozwala si z ni zapozna, zrozumie i oswoi.Aby rozpocz swoj przygod z Selenium IDE nie potrzeba wiele, wystarcz chci do nauki i wytrwao. Kurs jest tak skonstruowany, aby by jak najatwiejszy do zrozumienia. Najlepsze efekty osiga si powtarzajc pewne czynnoci wielokrotnie. Dlatego w trakcie kursu jest kadziony duy nacisk na wasn praktyk. Po dawce nowej wiedzy s zadania, ktre pozwol j utrwali.Na wszelkie pytania odpowiadam od poniedziaku do pitku. Maksymalny czas oczekiwania na odpowiedz to 48h."
Price: 129.99

"Learn and Speak Moroccan Arabic language (Darija)" |
"A very clear course with tests in th end of lectures where you can find the most important expressions and wordsthat you can use in a basic conversation in Moroccan Arabic language.In the first section, you will discover the most beautiful cities and the best places to visit in MoroccoAnd in the second section there are many lectures endedwith tests to practice your DarijaI hope you will enjoy this course and welcome to Morocco"
Price: 19.99

"Refresh and Upgrade Your Scuba Diving Skills" |
"By the end of this dry course, you will have a complete set of tools to become a neutral buoyancy expert. You will bring your diving skills to the next level and improve your air consumption by at least 300 psi or 20 bar!You will practice unique breathing skills and develop them at your own pace with a training planner specially designed to guide you in your self-practice.Refreshing diving skills with breathing techniques is a totally new way to approach scuba diving and it gives you powerful tools you can use straight away!Go from Beginner to AdvancedYou will restore self-confidence and learn how to manage stress thanks to a deeper understanding of your gear and through guided meditation, specially created for scuba divers.If you combine this course with in-water training and practice, you will go from beginner to extremely high-level.You will also get: Lifetime Access to the Course Fast and Friendly Support in the Forums Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30-Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!"
Price: 39.99

"Guaranteed Success : ISTQB Agile Tester Certification" |
"Thiscourse helps participants to clear the ISTQB Foundation Extension Agile Tester certification test by clearing the concepts and making them ready to be part of Agile team. The course is beneficial to everyone at any level in Test team. The course focuses on teaching following areas of Agile: The fundamentals of Agile Software Development and the various Agile approaches that are recognized and how these embrace the 4 values and 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto.How Agile projects differ from traditional projects and what methods are implemented to demonstrate the status of testing throughout the project.Understanding the role of the tester on an Agile project and how to contribute to; estimating user stories, assessing quality risks, generating testable acceptance criteria and interpreting relevant information to support testing activities.Understand the various tools that support testing in an Agile project and how these differ from a traditional project."
Price: 10240.00

"Complete guide for IoT Testing" |
"This is a first of its kind of course on Udemy, about IoT. The course is helpful to each tester out who wants to learn something new and be ahead in crowd. The course contains details about what is IoT, How it works, examples, how to test IoT applications and future opportunities."
Price: 79.99

"Basic Compass Navigation" |
"This course will teach you the basic parts of a compass, how to identify a Northern Direction, correctly set a travel bearing, use your compass to travel over distance leap frogging to avoid lateral drift and to find you way back to know point of origin. We will discuss how to negotiate an obstacle and get back on your correct line of travel, as well as how to factor in how far you have actually walked using a pace count method. The basics of Compass navigation can give you a new sense of confidence when traveling in the outdoors, and allow you to leave the beaten path to discover the wonders of nature that others may not see."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Survival Concepts" |
"This course will help you do several things if you are new or at a Basic level of skill in the outdoor environment, It will help you to understand Survival Priorities, Build a Basic Survival Kit, Understand what items should be included and why, and how to use thise items in an Emergency Scenario."
Price: 69.99

"NOVO 2018! Especialista em vendas imobilirias" |
"Este curso est criado para lhe dar as ferramentas que qualquer consultor imobilirio necessita.O Curso inclui ensinamentos prticos de como definir o seu mercado alvo, de como definir e escrever os seus objetivos de vendas edo que fazer para criar um Plano de ao que lhe permita cumprir esses objetivos.Inclui tambm a identificao das principais causas para a falha no fecho da venda e o que fazer para superar essas causas, e ainda um modulo dedicado ao tratamento de Objees, onde vai aprender 6 tcnicas que lhe iro permitir tratar e superar as objees colocadas pelos Clientes seja no mercado imobilirio seja em qualquer outro setor de atividade.Por fim, ir aprender como fazer um teatro de vendas realista e eficaz e como envolver os seus colegas de trabalho para conseguirem atingir os respetivos objetivos de vendas."
Price: 24.99

"React Redux" |
"User InterfaceJavaScriptReactReact ReactReduxReactRedux CRUDRESTful APIUdemyQ&A"
Price: 199.99

"GraphQL with React" |
"3GraphQLRESTGraphQL APIReactGraphQL GraphQLQueryMutation ApolloGraphQL7.5()GraphQL ReactReactES2015JavaScriptGraphQLQ&AGraphQL3Udemy Udemy30100% GraphQLGraphQL3RESTMcDonald'sGraphQLREST APIGraphQLRESTAPIGraphQLAPIRESTGraphQLGitHub GraphQL APIGraphiQLGitHubAuthorizationQuery(query)(Fields)(Types)Documentation ExplorerGraphQL QueryQuery(Arguments)(Aliases)(Fragments)DRY(Operation Name)(Operation Name)QueryMutation(Variables)(Variables)(Mutations)(Mutations)CRUDCUD(Inline Fragments) (__typename)(__typename)(Type System)(Scalar Types)(Object Types)(Schemas)(Pagination)Relay-Style Cursor Pagination3ForwardBackwardpageInfo(startCursorendCursorhasPreviousPagehasNextPage)connectionedgescursorbase64cursor - GitHubGitHubGitHub(FAQ)ReactGitHubGitHub TokenGitHubReactGitHubcreate-react-appGitHubfirst pushnpm(apollo-boostgraphqlreact-apollo)apollo-boostnpm dotenvdotenvGitHubGraphQLapollo-boostapollo-cache-inmemoryapollo-clientapollo-linkapollo-link-httpgraphql-tagGraphQLGraphQLGitHub GraphQL APIGraphQL(Separation of Concerns) graphqlsearch queryVariables(Variables)(ReactState)thisbind0(Repository)(Repositories)dataedgesnode(Next)target=""_blank"" cursorForward(Previous)cursorBackwardstarLet's See the Stargazers!starstarred unstarredonClickstarstarrableviewerHasStarredfalse trueonClickstarstarrableviewerHasStarredtrue falserefetchQueriesstarstar/partial21refetchQueriesArrayFunctionwriteQuerystar2Mutationupdatestorestore.readQuerystore.writeQueryReactrefonChangequeryquerysetState()onSubmitReact.createRef()refcurrent(attribute)DOM"
Price: 199.99

"How To Cook a Traditional Moroccan Lahm Tajine With Prunes" |
"Some say that the Moroccan cuisine is known by it's very delicious and healthy Meals , Well It's entirely true thanks to it's natural and helathy ingridients .Come with me as we discover the moroccan flavours and what the moroccan cuisine hides as secrect ingridients to make one of the most famous dishes wich is :The Lahm TajineThe ingredientsThe toolsThe right TajineBon Apptit <3"
Price: 29.99

"how you cook the syrian traditional food kital" |
"we are here for you and i made this vedio to teach you how you can to cook the kital the syrian traditional food and everything is easy with us.you can cook the kital if you listen to me and this food need hard work but we are together and it will be easy and please you should do what i say in the vedio"
Price: 49.99

ajdwfdpe |
Price: 19.99

learnshopify |
Price: 19.99

"Writing Highly Effective Internal Audit Report In < 60 Days" |
"In this course, you will learn""- The components of an Audit Finding (Condition, Criteria, Cause, and Effect) and how to organize the flow of thought to write a clear and concise Audit Finding in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors International Standards for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IIAs Standards). Case studies included;- How to get rid of irrelevant information in writing an Audit Finding;- How to write an Audit Recommendation, addressing the Cause (NOT Condition nor Criteria), meeting the IIAs Standards. Case studies included;- How to develop an impactful Executive Summary. Case studies included;- How to balance the tone of an internal audit report so that it aligns with the severity of the Audit Findings;- The 60-Day Writing Transformation Plan to help you write a highly effective internal audit report in 60 days or less."
Price: 199.99

"Guides To The Presentation of Internal Audit Meeting" |
"In this lecture, you will learn:- How to organise an effective and efficient internal audit meeting (Kick-off Meeting, Status Meeting, and Exit/Closure Meeting);- What to present and communicateduring the internal audit meeting and how longeach internal audit meeting should last;- Communicate the ""preliminary audit findings"" upfrontwith the auditees; and- How to build rapport with the auditees during the audit engagement."
Price: 119.99
