"2018 Bitcoin Investment Strategy - a beginners must have" |
"STRATEGY is king - always have and always will be. Why should Crypto be any different?This course will give you an in-depth look at not one but three different investment strategies for Crypto investors.These strategies take into consideration the investors:- Aversion to Risk- Available Time- Vesting Times for the investment- Invested amountPortfolios differ from person to person, investor to investor.Whether your just beginning with a $200 roll of the crypto dice or a seasoned investor - looking to include digital currencies in your portfolio.The three detailed strategies can be tailored to meet your individual needs and is a must-have for any newcomer to the world of Crypto.The course takes a detailed look at:- The importance of an investment strategy- An in-depth look at the various Investment Strategies - Types 1,2&3- A detailed tutorial on how to implement Strategies 1,2&3As SunTzu so famously said ""Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."""
Price: 24.99

"Peace in Your Marriage" |
"Purpose: Peace, as one of the fruits of the Spirit, in and your marriage & relationships. This is a promise from God and our hope for you through this course. You will finish this course more encouraged and connected with others who will support and pray for your marriage & relationships. The course is in 6 sessions that builds on how peace can be brought into your marriage or relationship. We will also provide our information so that you can reach us for any questions. This course is to be considered as an interactive course. You are welcome to connect with us as we want to build strong marriages together."
Price: 19.99

"Corel Painter 2018 Brush Set and Brush Tutorials" |
"NOTE: This course started with a small number of brushes. In one of the videos, I mentioned I would add more brushes over time. I did. There are now 55 brushes in the set. You can do a lot with those brushes. That's all the brushes I'm planning on at the moment. Thank you.Anyone interested in the wet-on-wet oil painting technique will enjoy this course. The course comes with a video demonstration of each brush (downloadable brush set included) and the best settings to adjust to get the most out of each brush (no one else does that). Empower yourself... really learn how to use each brush. What you learn here carries over to ALL brushes.The brush set is for Corel Painter 2018 AND newer versions. Featuring the new Thick Paintbrushes. Paint along with the included (3) paintings.Note: I've always valued my student's opinions. Please, when giving a review tell me and others why you gave that number of stars. What could I have done better? I can't improve this and other courses without knowing. I spent a long time on this course, so please take a couple of minutes to explain your rating. Thank you.If you would like a painting evaluated please post it in the Q&A section and comment you would like to know what to do to improve that paining.What students have to say:Amazing, it took the fear away from me and I am proud to say, I did my first painting. Thank you. -Ilona For all the videos I have watched, this one has enlightened me tremendously and taken the fear of brushes away. The brush maker does an excellent job of explaining and demonstrating the brushes he has built and by extension, it is applicable to other brushes as well. You are taken by the hand and led along an amazing path with a few clouds and mountains thrown in. I can't thank the brush maker enough! -DavidHe talks slow and I can understand what he says. He gives the important stuff about the brush. I really do like the brushes. I hope you offer more courses in the future. I would like to try other brushes that you make. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with everyone. Do you have courses? -ElizabethThank you, students!!!!"
Price: 59.99

"Income Tax Preparation When You're Self-Employed" |
"This new course is designed for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and side hustlers that don't want to pay more in taxes than they are legally required to! It is a simplified view of the taxes that mayapply to those with self-employment income. The principles discussed don't change even when the tax law does!In this course you will:Learn to legally saveon taxes, penalties, and interest you may be required to pay each yearLearn how to make estimated tax payments to avoidpenalties and interestUnderstand the business deductions that may be available to youKnow what forms you are required to file with your taxes fromyour self-employment incomeLearn how to track income and expenses to reduce taxable net incomeBecome comfortable with any questions you may be asked by tax professionals or software regarding your business operationsStop being confused and frustrated by the taxes you are paying on income received by beingself-employed. Whether you are a side-hustler with just a little income oryour sole-proprietorship supports you financially, the material provided in this course can help you keep more of your hard-earned money in your own pocket.Enroll now and be one step closer to saving money on your taxesyear after year!"
Price: 99.99

"Essential Drum Rudiments" |
"This course is designed for drummers and musicians at all levels to gain greater control of their instrument and build a stronger foundation in rhythm. It covers the fundamental concept of percussion rudiments. Rudiments are at the core of being a competent drummer and percussionist. If you're not a drummer, learning rudiments can enhance your musicianship, coordination, and give you a better sense of rhythm. This course is meant to build a solid foundation of technique, an in-depth understanding of sub-divisions, and coordinated control of various sticking patterns. A firm grasp of these core concepts will open many doors to drummers of any style or context. The rudiments in this course were thoughtfully chosen as common tools for the working drummer or musician. If you're not a drummer - this course can provide a deeper understanding of rhythm and improve your coordination by learning these sticking patterns. These can be applied to any instrument by gaining the skills of limb independence, improved dexterity, and a deeper sense of rhythmic concepts. These rudiments can be applied without drumsticks or playing surface. Simply play these exercises out on your lap with a metronome or a drum-beat accompaniment. If you have questions throughout this course, do not hesitate to message me with further questions about achieving your practice and performance goals. Thanks so much for taking a peak at this course!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprende Sql Server nivel bsico - avanzado ! (Actualizado)" |
"En este curso encontraras todo lo necesario para desenvolverte en el mundo laboral de manera optima y organizada. El curso se encuentra orientado al entorno empresa desde sus aspectos mas bsicos hasta alcanzar un nivel avanzado, lo anterior quiere decir que veremos todos aquellos temas que por lo general se abordan en un cargo de desarrollador de base de datos como por ejemplo: Creacin de una base de datos la cual contenga varias tablas, manipulacin de informacin, creacin de procedimientos almacenados, entre muchas cosas mas !."
Price: 19.99

"Secrets to Reverse Aging from around the World" |
"Anti-aging is not skin deep. Knowing how to maintain youthful vitality in all areas of your life is acrucial skillfor your health and happiness.By detoxifying we make space for fresh new energy to fill every area of our lives.We are fortunate that eachworld culturehasdevelopedtechniques to detox old stagnant energy from our body, mind, and spirit. This course compiles over 20 years of travel and studyto bring you, beauty, and vitality secrets (for body mind and spirit) from around the world. This practical hands on course will give you many life-long skills to keep yourself radiant and livelyboth inside and out."
Price: 29.99

"Avid Pro Tools Basics" |
"Set out with simple, easy to follow videos under 3 minutes each, this course takes the Pro Tools beginner from the first steps through to creating music!Learn about:how to set up a session and create tracksEdit and Mix environmentsTrack types and functionsSignal FlowConnecting USB mics & interfacesRecordingPlaylistsEditing & edit modesTempo & time signatureGroups & fadesBuses & sendsPlug-ins & virtual instruments27 on-screen walk-through videos with narration, make it easy to follow along and get the basics sorted in no time!"
Price: 19.99

"Start Your Herbal First Aid Kit" |
"Learn which herbs and remedies should be included in your first aid kit, different ways to use each herb, and where to find them. Be prepared when you or a loved one needs help dealing with upset stomachs, wounds, infections, sore throats, coughs, and more. At the end of this course, you will receive a PDF cheat sheet with all of the herbs mentioned and their uses for quick referencing in times of need."
Price: 29.99

"Handwriting Analysis : Read a person like a Book" |
"Handwriting Analysis is an art of looking at the writing of a person a be able to know a lot of personality traits of that person. Handwriting is a reflection of the personality of the writer. You may take handwriting analysis as a hobby or use it for a professional application.Handwriting Analysis is like unleashing the subconscious mind of a person. If you are interested in knowing about the mindset of a person for e.g. whether the person is a rule follower or a rule breaker, whether the person is an introvert or an extrovert person etc. and various other traits, then this course is for you. If you are interested in knowing the behavioral traits of a person as well asthinking patterns of a person, then this course is for you.Handwriting analysis helps you to improve your personality as well as helps youin understanding other people and their behavioral traits."
Price: 1280.00

"SWIFT WORD: Microsoft Word Quick Professional Learning" |
"----------------------------------------------PROMO CODE:Use this code while purchasing for $9.99 only: 15616A3A4B8EEC81BC13unlimited redemption valid till: August 15, 2020 2:34 PM PDT--------------------------------------------The most important feature of this course is that it gives you time-value. It covers most of the skills you need to use Microsoft Word professionally and create stylish, well-organized files in TWO hours only.Essentials were delivered in a step-by-step manner while neglecting the unnecessary, boring details.It would be very useful to students, university professors, secretaries, office employees and all frequent Microsoft Word users. If you use Microsoft Word, then this course will help you a lot.This course fits all levels, from beginners to advanced users. Take this course if you want to learn Microsoft Word as a beginner or to improve your editing and designing skills. You'll be able to achieve this target in an extremely short period of time (120 Minutes)!.After taking this course, you'll be able to create and design your files confidently and modernly.Make sure to have a look on the two documents attached with the first lecture, these are a shortcut list to allow you use your Microsoft Word fluently, and the final look of the file that was been designed while explaining the course.Finally, the course was explained on Microsoft Word 2016 installed on Windows. However, except for some tools, the cardinal tools and options are nearly the same for Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 and 2013. You can still take this course if you are using these versions of Microsoft Word.Let me know if you have any question or issue.Enjoy the course...."
Price: 19.99

"Synthetic Monitoring for Applications, Website(s) and API's" |
"Course will cover below topics: - Synthetic Monitoring basics - Its usage or need in software industry - Implementation (basic level) - High level architecture - Synthetic Monitoring Parameters - Monitoring types - Some market solutions available - Monitoring by geography - Custom synthetic monitoring project in C# and sql implementing url monitoring and api monitoring, incident management systems overview and some miscellaneous topics."
Price: 2560.00

"ASP.NET Web API: Create RESTful API's using C# (.NET 4.5)" |
"ASP.NET Web API provides ideal platform for build restful services, it supports ASP.NET request/response pipeline and supports HTTP protocol. The course covers both core and advanced topics such as: - Web API Controller - Configuration - Routing - Parameter Binding - Action Return Type - Data formats - Filters - HttpClient for consuming Web/REST API - Hosting - Web/REST API Course also includes a project on building a restful service using Web API. Students will learn core concepts on Web API, comparison with WCF, tools for accessing web api with a project on building a REST application."
Price: 4480.00

"Get Your Dream Job" |
"At 24 I landed my dream job. Despite not having much experience, and being much younger than the recruiter expected, I managed to impress them and walk away with an incredible job offer. In this course I share every tip, trick and piece of advice I learnt about nailing the recruitment process. From knowing how to find the roles you should be applying for, how to write the perfect application, right through to accepting an offer and resigning, this course is designed to walk you through it step by step. It also shares the best ways to stand out to ensue that recruiters can't ignore you. This is a course for anyone who is dreaming of taking that next step and land the perfect role."
Price: 34.99

"Investimentos em Renda Fixa - TURBINADO" |
"Esse curso uma grande oportunidade para voc aprofundar seus conhecimentos em investimentos em Renda Fixa. Nele, voc entender os mecanismos por trs do mercado de ttulos de renda fixa, tanto no Tesouro Direto, quanto nos ttulos privados como CDBs, LCAs, LCIs e Debntures. um curso de nvel intermedirio, que vai alm do b-a-b da Renda Fixa. Voc aprender a identificar os principais riscos e a origem da rentabilidade dos seus investimentos em renda fixa. Com isso, voc ser capaz de estabelecer estratgias de investimentos compatveis com seus objetivos. E, estudando com dedicao, ao final do curso voc vai falar de igual para igual com sua gerente de banco e consultores de corretora. TURBINE seus conehcimentos em Renda Fixa!"
Price: 204.99

"A-Z R Programlama ile Veri Bilimi" |
"Dersimizde bulunan uygulamal makine renmesi projeleri ve dier analitik projeler/admlar :1 - Ev Fiyatlar Tahmini2 - Otomobil Verisi Kullanarak Deerlendirme Tahmini3 - Sigorta rnlerinin Sat Tahmini4 - Titanic Kazasndan Sa kacak nsanlarn Tahmini5 - RFM Skorlama ile Mteri Analitii ve Segmentasyonu6 - Birliktelik Kurallar Analizi ile Sepet Analizleri ve Tavsiye Sistemleri 7 - Tm Veriler in Gerekli Grselletirmeler ve Veri Hazrlama SreleriKursumuzda ilk olarak Programlamaya Giriyapacaz. Genel programlama becerileri kazandktan sonra sradaki blmmzde R Programlama Temellerini greceiz. Bu blmlerde rendiklerimizi testler ile pekitirdikten sonra Matrix ve Data Frame'leri ileyeceiz. devimizi tamamladktan sonra Grselletirme ksmnda uygulamal olarak veri grselletirmeyi reneceiz. Sonrasnda Makine renmesine giri yaparak, Regresyon,Karar Aalar,k - En Yakn Komu, K - Ortalamaalgoritmalarn ve Yapay Sinir Alarntartacak ve onlar gerek veriler ileuygulamal proje bazl reneceiz.Birliktelik Kurallar Analizi blmmzle Apriori algoritmasn uygulayacak ve tavsiye sistemleri dnyasn tartacaz.Dersimizde ayrca Mteri Analitii hakknda bilgiler de bulabilirsiniz. Mteri analitii bilgisi bir veri bilimcide olmazsa olmaz bir bilgidir. Biz de RFMskorlamaya deinerek sizlere mteri analitii uygulamalar hakknda bilgi salyoruz.Dersimiz boyunca yaptmz uygulamal projelerin yannda, dersimizin son blmnde ek olarak batan sona uygulamal iki adet veri bilimi projesi bulunuyor. Bu blm dersimiz boyunca reneceklerimizin bir tekrar olmakla beraber zerine yeni bilgiler katacamz bir blm olacak. Verimizi alp, eksik hcreleri doldurup grselletirerek verimizi tanyacak, yeni zellikler yaratacak ve en sonunda baka bir Makine renmesi algoritmas olan Random Forest algoritmasn kullanarak bir tahmin modeli yaratacaz. Bu sayede bir veri bilimi projesinin admlarn utan uca uygulam olacaz. Dier projemizde ise RFM skorlama yntemi ile mteri analitii alanna giri yapacaz!Sorularnz soru - cevap blmnde 7/24bekliyor olacam.Sorularnz gn iinde cevaplanacak, ok sk sorulan bir soru ise konuyla ilgili video ders eklenecektir.Gncellemeler sizlerden gelen nerilere vemakine renmesi blmne ncelik verilmek zeredzenli olarak devam edecektir."
Price: 389.99

"C# for Beginners Step-by-Step" |
"Learn the basic programming concepts to build applications in the popular C# programming language. These concepts are essential for building a strong foundation of knowledge for creating applications of any size or type.Get the skills every developer needs to launch a successful career.Control LogicTranslating business requirements to functioning codeApplication creation processObject-Oriented Programming (OOP)Get up to speed quickly with the C# language without wasting time bylearning only what is necessary.Learning to create software can be quite a daunting task. There are literally thousands of things you might need to know but this course only covers what you definitely need to know. The concepts in this course will be very beneficial to you even if you decide to switch languages later on because the concepts are the same across all programming languages and these concepts are the core of what all developers need to know before truly starting on their programming journey.This course is somewhat different than others covering the same topic. As mentioned already, you will learn only the necessary parts of the language and more importantly, the concepts that are introduced are immediately implemented and then reinforced throughout the course to improve you knowledge and understanding.Course ContentYou will start with a video detailing the requirements of the application being built throughout this course.You will learn why C# is a great programming language for just about anyone to learn.You will learn how to download and install Visual Studio and how to use it efficiently.You willlearn the most important programming concepts that you absolutely need to know to be successful. I will walk you through building the application step-by-step, going from concept to completed application.You will have several assignments that let you test your knowledge and be given an opportunity to stretch what you have learned and how to apply it to real-world scenarios."
Price: 99.99

"ASP.NET MVC for Beginners Step-by-Step" |
"Learn concepts needed to create web applications using the popular ASP.NETMVCframework. The contents of this course will enable you to create progressively more sophisticated applications.Get the skills to create ASP .NETMVCapplications of any size or complexity.ModelsViewsControllersData AccessSeparation of ConcernsApplication ArchitectureGet up to speed as quickly as possible using the ASP .NETMVC framework.Focus on the most important parts of the MVCframework and learn how to use them. Throughout this course, you will learn to create a real world application.Course ContentYou will start with a video detailing the requirements of the application being built throughout this course.You willlearn the most important concepts that you absolutely need to know to be successful in the use of the ASP .NETMVCframework. I will walk you through building the application step-by-step, going from concept to completed application.You will have several assignments that let you test your knowledge and be given an opportunity to stretch what you have learned and how to apply it to real-world scenarios."
Price: 99.99

"Beginners Watercolor Techniques with Geoff Hutchins" |
"This course is aimed at anybody who wants to produce their first watercolor paintings at home.English professional artist and tutor Geoff Hutchins guides you through ten exercises, each filmed in real-time. The first five exercises demonstrate elements such as trees and skies. The following five exercises extend to producing complete paintings. Geoff works through each exercise step by step using easy to understand methods.Materials required for this course have been kept to a minimum in order for the beginner to get started without spending a fortune. The PDF which accompanies this course contains helpful information on materials, including paints, paper types and brushes.Each lecture starts with a list of brushes and paint colors required to complete that exerciseThe total length of this course is around 3 hours 20 minutes.Enrol now and learn these easy to follow techniques at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. "
Price: 39.99

"Learn Dart 2 in 90 minutes" |
"Dart is a programming language by Google that has been gaining a lot of traction recently and is one of the most sought after skills in 2018. It is a general purpose language that can be used for developing command line tools, web servers, web applications (using AngularDart) and cross-platform mobile applications (using Flutter).This is a course for programmers looking to learn Dart 2.0quickly and start using it immediately.Following topics are covered in the course:1. Variables2. Data Types3. Functions4. Operators5. Control Flow6. Exceptions7. ClassesSome basic programming knowledge is assumed."
Price: 19.99

"Comunicare con la Fotografia" |
"Con questo corso imparerai come migliorare le tuefotografie e comecreare fotografie di grande impatto emozionale, utilizzandogli accorgimentiche ho usato ioin 30 anni di attivit fotografica. Non servono attrezzature professionali, anche unosmartphone pu essere uno strumento ideale, servono idee per scattare foto creative.Potrai raggiungere ottimi risultati anchepartendo da zero. E' il corso che avrei voluto aver visto quando ho iniziato a scattare le mie prime fotografia."
Price: 49.99

"Beginner Yoga Workout For Tight Hip" |
"This Course is based on beginners to advanced level Hip Opening practice. Practitioners often have a love - hate relationship with hip opening poses. Be it splits, lotus or king pigeon working with the hip requires a lot of patience, compassion and surrender as it brings us face to face with some of biggest challenges. We have designed this special workshop so that you can learn to identify your specific challenges and work to push your boundaries safely towards a more fulfilling practice and will explore some powerful hip opening therapies to restore mobility, flexibility, a greater sense of well-being."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Digital de Performance (COMPLETO): 9 CURSOS EM 1" |
"Voc quer aumentar suas vendasde forma rpida eeficiente? Ento este curso para voc!Diferentemente de outros cursos de Marketing Digital, este focado em melhoria de performance. Na prtica, isso quer dizer que, alm de aprender tudo sobre o tema, voc entender melhor:- Como obter o maior retorno possvel com seus investimentos em Marketing Digital;- Quais so as ferramentas e tcnicas que geram um maior retorno;- Como otimizar os investimentos feitos de forma constante.Alm disso, este curso um dos primeiros de Marketing Digital baseado em projetos na Udemy. Voc ir aprender tudo, do bsico ao avanado, enquanto executa um projeto que pode ser utilizado posteriormente na empresa que voc trabalha.Por fim, a formao em Marketing Digital de Performance composta por 9cursos, sendo eles:1 - Funil do Marketing2 -Google Analytics3 - Projetos e Objetivos de Marketing4 - Pblico-Alvo e Persona5 - Redes Sociais6 - Google AdWords7 - SEO (Search Engine Optimization)8 - Marketing de Contedo9 - Website para Converso"
Price: 579.99

"Vendas da Prospeco a Negociao (COMPLETO): 15 CURSOS EM 1" |
"Voc quer aumentar suas vendasde forma rpida eeficiente? Ento este curso para voc!""Como vender mais e melhor?""- Que atire a primeira pedra aquele funcionrio ou empreendedor que nunca foi dormir com essa pergunta na cabea.Todos sabemos que osucesso de uma empresa depende diretamente do seu resultado em vendas. Nesse sentido, este curso procura ensinaras melhores prticas e tcnicas para cada etapa do processo de vendas. Algofundamental para quem querfechar muitos negcios e ter uma empresa de sucesso.Alm disso, este curso um dos primeiros de Vendas baseado em projetos na Udemy. Voc ir aprender tudo, do bsico ao avanado, enquanto executa um projeto que pode ser utilizado posteriormente na empresa que voc trabalha.Por fim, a formao em Vendas composta por 15cursos, sendo eles:Funil de VendasIntroduo Prospeco AtivaProspeco PrimriaProspeco SecundriaIntroduo Elaborao de PropostaProposta TcnicaProposta ComercialIntroduo NegociaoPlanejando Uma NegociaoArgumentando em Uma NegociaoLinguagem Corporal na NegociaoExecutando Uma NegociaoAnalisando e Aprimorando Uma NegociaoFechando o AcordoComo Desenvolver a Sua Carreira em Vendas"
Price: 579.99

"Curso de Criao do Pssaro Diamante Gould" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar o pssaro Diamante Gould com tranquilidade e segurana, feito para iniciantes, em apenas duas horas voc aprende o que fazer para melhorar a vida do seu pssaro e voc pode assistir novamente quando quiser. Vale a pena fazer o curso para vocno perder tempo tentando adivinhar o que est acontecendo com o seu Pssaro e o porque voc depois de meses ainda no conseguiu criar nenhum filhote com o seu casal.Ofereo suporte a todos os alunos atravs do meu Celular via WhatsApp e por e-mail tambm.Para aqueles que no sabem o Pssaro Diamante Gould faz parte da Fauna Domstica do Ibama que no obriga o registro dos pssaros e nem precisa de autorizao para a criao como o caso dos pssaros Silvestres."
Price: 249.99

"leri Dzey ExcelDashboardExcel p Ular2020" |
"********** KURSUMUZ YEN VDEOLAR LE GNCELLENMTR2020 **********Bu kursu neden almalym? Dierlerinden fark ne?ncelikle ben sadece bir eitmen deilim. lgili sektrlerde alanlarn nelere ihtiyac olduunu biliyorum. Bu eitimi izlerken aklnza bir soru geldii anda hemen cevabn zaten alacaksnz. nk sizlerle ayn perspektife sahibim. Eitim bittiinde ise imdiye kadar merak ettiiniz tm sorulara cevap bulacak ve kazanm olduunuz yetkinlie inanamayacaksnz.Bu eitimde gereksiz bilgi yok. Zaman kayb yok. Eitimin her saniyesi nemli bilgilerle ve kimsenin kolay kolay sizlerle paylamayaca detaylarla dolu. Kurs tamamen proje temellidir ve neye ihtiyacnz varsa onu sunmaktadr.Bu eitimde 5 tane Excel Dashboard yapacaz. Bu sayede;Tm ileri Excel fonksiyonlarn,Makro yazmay,Excel grafik biimlendirmelerini ayn anda reneceksiniz. Bylelikle renmi olduunuz bilginin nerede ve nasl kullanlacan da renmi olacaksnz.Ayrca kolaylkla her yerde bulamayacanz inanlmaz ip ular da bu eitimde sizi bekliyor. Tm videolarn alma dosyalarn indirebilirsiniz."
Price: 399.99

"Harita zerinde Excel Dashboard" |
"Bu kursu neden almalym? Dierlerinden fark ne?ncelikle ben sadece bir eitmen deilim. lgili sektrlerde alanlarn nelere ihtiyac olduunu biliyorum.Bu eitimde gereksiz bilgi yok. Zaman kayb yok. Eitimin her saniyesi nemli bilgilerle ve kimsenin kolay kolay sizlerle paylamayaca detaylarla dolu. Kurs tamamen proje temellidir ve neye ihtiyacnz varsa onu sunmaktadr. Dnyada sayl kiinin bildii Harita Dashboard'u renecek ve ilerinize uyarlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Downsize, Organize & Thrive" |
"Do any of the following items describe you?You're about to move to a smaller homeYou want to partake in some serious spring cleaningYou feel as though you've lost control of your home due to the sheer amount of items withinYouwish you could tidy up your space lickedy splitDownsize, Organize &Thrivegoes through a step-by-step process on how to overcome the monumental task of cleaning and sifting through your items at home.In this course you will learn:How to get rid of the excess ""stuff"" around your homeHow to organize the remaining items in an aesthetically pleasing and functional wayThat ahappy, healthy, and organized home andwork space is conducive to victory for all other areas of your lifeThis course is for you, as well as anyone who wants to enjoy the place they call home.Pick it up now and thrive!"
Price: 99.99

"30 Days to Decluttered Bliss: How to Declutter Your World" |
"Looking for an easy way to downsize?Want to find a simple process for getting rid of excess stuff?Tired of losing things amidst the chaos of a closet full of junk?Its time for you to take the 30 Day to Decluttered Bliss Challenge! We broke this course into 5 sections which will turn your home from chaotic mess to pristine beauty in no time.If I've learned anything from moving 5 times in the last 4 years, is that it's good to have less. I set up our new apartment in under 4 hours the last time we moved. YES, completely unpacked in 4 hours.How did I do it? I've learned the hard way that while parting with items isn't easy, it's essential to live out our best and most time efficient life. I've turned my expertise into an easy to follow 30 day course. Each week we will tackle new decluttering strategies perfect for the beginner who feels overwhelmed by the junk in the trunk:Week 1: Bye-bye messy old pile of clothes! This week you will learn how to downsize your wardrobe. I promise you wont even shed a tear. Well, not too many This is a course about decluttering after all! If I can get rid of dresses and spend 6 months not buying anything new, you can do it too!Week 2: Nobody really needs 15 towels. If we are honest, 13 pots and pans of all different sizes arent necessary, nor we need 30 pillow cases. This week the focus will be on how to identify and downsize essential household items.Week 3: If you have lots of extra books, electronic gadgets, and hoozy-whats-its, then you are like most people. We all have too many of those items we dont even know what to do with. This varies from coin collections, to model cars, to having way too many Lego sets. Hobbies are great, but taking stock of what you still need compared to what your current interests are is very important.Week 4: That old bear your mom got you when you were two Old yearbooks and letters from past boyfriends or girlfriends, boxes of unorganized photos, you name it, we have it. Discover the tactics associated with parting with sentimental stuff that is weighing you down.Week 5: The close: We do a complete wrap up of what you learned the past 4 weeks. From doing a complete walk-through of your home, to giving up that old bicycle you used to love, we will go the extra mile here and finish strong.This course will teach you day by day how to know when its okay to give something up vs. holding onto it. In 30 days, you will become the master of your house and your stuff once and for all.If you have ever wanted a more clean and comfortable home, along with a fresh perspective on stuff, this is the course for you.Join me in decluttered bliss."
Price: 99.99

"Build amazing real desktop application by javaFx" |
"before anything i promise you, after this course you will be able to build any desktop application for you customers.Welcome to the online JavaFx Tutorial Course.Are you Looking to boost your income as a Java Developer? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Or you are seeking a career in Java Programming that will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?Build a strong real apps in JavaFx Programming with this javaFx tutorial and complete course.Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this complete course is intended for everyone who wishes to build desktop applications by javaFx.Have you ever seen a course which will make you professional in just Five weeks? Yes, you heard it right. You will be able to design your apps using javaFx programming language in almost five weeks. In this course you will learn alot of things like how to build complete real desktop application, how to deal with mysql database, how to deal with netbeans, how link scene builder with netbeans, how to print bill for customers, how to use new technology, how to display maps in javaFx, how to use notifications and dialogs."
Price: 199.99

"JavaFX with Web Services and build amazing Desktop Apps." |
"Welcome to the online JavaTutorial Course.Are you Looking to boost your income as a Java Developer? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Or you are seeking a career in Java Programming that will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?Build a strong real apps in JavaProgramming with this javaFx tutorial and complete course.Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this complete course is intended for everyone who wishes to build desktop applications by java.In this course you will learn a lot of things like how to build complete real desktop application by javafx, how to deal with mysql database, how to deal with netbeans, how link scene builder with netbeans, how how to connect java with firebase and webServices, how to get data from server and parse it in java, how to use new technology, how to download large files."
Price: 199.99
