"Flips & Kicks! Der Einsteigerkurs fr Kampfkunst Akrobatik" |
"Dieser online Tricking Kurs zeigt dir, wie durichtigcoole Tricks und akrobatische Moves - kurz um - alles ber Kicks, Flips und Twistserlernst.""Gut Schriff fr Schritt erklrt, Slow-mo ansicht der bungen sehr hilfreich"" (Caroline)Ob du nun als erfahrener Kampfsportler oder Akrobat dein Bewegungsrepertoire erweitern mchtest oder nochganz frischer Anfnger bist - du wirst alles lernen, um mit Tricking so richtig starten zu knnen.Meistere den Tricking 101 Kurs und du hast das perfekte Fundament und Wissen, um weitere akrobatische Fhigkeiten zu erlernen.Obwohl es da draussen eine ganze Menge an Tutorials gibt welche zeigen wie man Tricks erlernen kann, ist es doch trotzdem nicht einfacheinen umfassenden Kurszu finden. Speziell fr alldiejenigen dienoch keine Erfahrung in diesem Bereich besitzen ist es schwierig, da es so viele verschieden Methoden gibt und man sehr leicht berfordert ist.Dieser Kurs bietet eine sichere und effiziente Anleitung um Schritt fr Schritt Fortschritte zu machen. Zustzlich zum Hauptteil mit denKicks,Flips und Twists beinhaltet der Kurs auch weitere Informationen zum korrekten Aufwrmen und interessanteHintergrundinfos zum Thema Tricking.Die Vorteile dieses KursesAlle Tutorials und Lektionen bauen aufeinander auf und es kommt alles aus einer HandDu kriegst direktes Feedback und Hilfe von mir, deinem Instruktor...also wenn du nicht mehr weiter weisst, einfach fragen!Die ideale Basis frs Tricking und Teilnahme weitereKurse vonTomtricksSchlsselpunkte welchedu erlernstHintergrundinfos ber Kampfkunst Akrobatik und TrickingDu weisst woher Tricking stammt und aus was es bestehtEin volles Aufwrm-Programm welcheswichtigebungen beinhaltetDu kennst die korrekten bungen fr jeden Teil des KrpersDu weisst wann und warum du die entsprechenden bungen machen musstDu weisst wie man sicher und effizient trainiert, um Verletzungen zu vermeidenDu kannst Techniken anwenden welche dir helfen, dich korrekt zu bewegen und sicher und effizient zu trainierenDu meisterst die ersten Basic-FlipsDu meisterst die ersten Basic-Kicks und Jump-Spin KicksKombiniere die neuen Tricks in ""Combo`s"" um die frisch erlernten Tricks gleich anzuwenden und so umso mehr Spass zu habenDu hast ein solides Repertoire und alles was du brauchst fr deine erste Tricking-SessionInhalte und berblickDieser Kurs startet ganz von vorne und du wirst erst ein paar Hintergrundinfos ber Tricking und Kampfkunst-Akrobatik erfahren. Du lernst was dieser interessante Sport berhaupt ist, von woher er kommt und aus welchen Hauptelementen er besteht.Bevor du dann mit den eigentlichen Tricks startest, lernst du wie du deinen Krper richtig fr das Training dieser Bewegungen vorbereitest. Das ist super wichtig und etwas was die meisten Tricker in ihrem Training vernachlssigen. Du erlernst verschiedene bungen fr jeden Teil deines Krpers - alle aufgefhrt in einem vollzeitAufwrm-Programm. Weil es sehr viele bungen beinhaltet, ist es mehr ein ganzer Topf voller Ideen - du kannst daraus nehmen was du magst!Sobald du weisst, was es mit Tricking auf sich hat und du die Aufwrmbungen kennst, kannst duin den Hauptteil dieses Kurses eintauchen- den Tricks! Du erlernst die Basic Kicks und von da aus geht es Schritt fr Schritt weiter mit mehr Tricks. Und es ist immer gemischt zwischen Kickund FlipTechniken. Diese bauen alle aufeinander auf und du folgst einfach den Lektionen.Am Ende, wenn du alle Tricks gemeistert hast und dich schon einigermassen sicher fhlst - dann bist du bereit fr eine kleine Herausforderung. Mit den frisch erlernten Tricks versuchst du, diese zu kombinieren und verschiedene Combo`s zu kreieren. Die erste Combozu landenist eine grosse Sache im Tricking. Es macht unheimlich viel Spass und du kannst entweder die Combo-Beispiele,welche ich vorbereitet habekopieren oder deine eigenen Kombinationen kreieren.Wenn du mit Tricking beginnenoder dein aktuelles Training bereichernmchtest, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtigfr dich!Zgere nicht und starte deine Tricking Karriere noch heute! Probiere es aus und schau, ob du den Kurs magst (was ich hoffe) und viel Spass dabei!TOMTRICKSThomas Inauen(Haftungsausschluss:Meine Teilnahme am Online Course von Thomas Inauen erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr und eigenes Risiko.Ich verzichte hiermit ausdrcklich auf smtliche Ansprche gleich welcher Art aus Schadensfllen, Verletzungen oder Folgeschdigungendie im Zusammenhang mit meiner Teilnahme am Online Kurssowiedem Training nach den von Thomas Inauen erstellten Anleitungen eintreten knnten.Auch fr Sachschden wird eine Haftung vonseiten Thomas Inauen ausgeschlossen.Ich versichere, sportgesund zu sein. Ich habe mich bei einem Arzt meines Gesundheitszustandes versichert. Habe ich darauf verzichtet, so tue ich dies auf eigene Verantwortung.Fr gesundheitliche Risiken, auch solche, die mir selbst aktuell nicht bekannt sind, bernimmt Thomas Inauen im Falle eines Unfalls oder Schadens keine Haftung.)"
Price: 19.99

"Tricking Basic Kicks for Beginners - Learn Kicks with Style!" |
"Welcome! Are you readyto master the basickicks?This online course is all about basic andhigh kicksand will teach you all essential skills you need to master them! Learn everything step by step from the beginning on!""Great course, Tom gives clear and understandable explanations about kicks with a lot of background knowledge!"" (Christian)""Amazing in depth instruction and breakdown of every kick...."" (Shiv Singh)Wether you are an experienced martial artist or tricker who just wants to add more skills to his repertoire or a complete beginner - you are going to learn everything you need to know about kicking techniques.Master this KickingCourse and you will have the perfect foundation and knowledge to learn any otherkicking technique.While there are plenty of tutorials out there that show how to learn kicks, it is difficult to find a comprehensive beginner/advanced course like this one. Particularly for those with no experience at all it is hard because there are so many different methods and peopleeasily get confused.This course offers a safe and efficient guideline to learn step by step. In addition to the main technical aspects of kicks, it covers a lot of information about conditioning, warming-up and interesting background information about kicks in general.Course BonusesAll the tutorials, chapters andlessons are built upon each other and everything comes from one sourceDirect feedback and help from me your instructor...just ask if you have trouble somewhere along the wayThis course builds up on my previous courses and makes the perfectadditionFilmed in HD quality and acool design makes the learning even more funThe key things you will learnBackground information about kicks in generalKnowing the history of kicks and the origin of especially the high kicksKnowing which martial arts systems are using kicks and the role of kicks in TrickingKnowing the pros and cons of kicking techniquesThe best conditioning exercises especially for kicksA full body warm-up covering all the important exercises (frommy other courses)Knowing how to train safe and efficiently in order to avoid injuriesTechniques which will help you to master the kicksMastering all essential kicking techniquesMastering the first advanced jumping kicksCombining all the kicks into ""combo`s and apply them in a creative wayHaving great knowledge and all the fundamentalsto quickly learnany other kicking techniqueMaster all of the following kicking techniquesOutside Crescent KickInside Crescent KickRising KickAxe KickFrontkickRoundkickRoundhousekickSidekickBack KickReverse SidekickHook KickSpinning Hook KickTouch Down Hook KickFront Sweep KickBack Sweep KickJump FrontkickSplit KickJump SidekickContents and OverviewThis course starts from the beginning on and first you will get to know interestingbackground informations about kicking in martialarts & tricking. You learn about the history of the kicks and where especially the famous high kicks originatefrom. You will see which martial arts styles prefer to use kicking techniques, what role kicks play in Tricking and also some thoughts regarding theapplication of kicks.Before starting the actual kicking training you learn how to correctly prepare your body for the practice of kicks. This is very important and an essential element to master the kicks and improve your fitness. First you learn 10 of the most useful conditioning, stretching&mobilityexercises for kicks. In addition to thatyou find also in this course my full body warm-up programof my other courses. This one is extremelyuseful for every kind of training and covers all the importantexercises from head to toe!Once you know the background of kicks, it`s role in Tricking and how to warm-up you can dive into the main part of this course - the kicks! You will learn how to do your first 3 basic kicks.From there it continues step by step and you will gothrough 12 of the most important basickicks. By then you will be super fit and you will learn the first 3 more advanced jumping kicks.At the end when you have mastered all the kicks and feel confident about them, there will be a lastchallenge for you. In these final chapters you will learn how to combine all the kicks and create really interesting combinations. By no later than that, kicks will have becomeincrediblyeasy and fun for you!You know all the principles of kicking and you canbe totally creative with them!If you want to learn or improve your Kicks for Tricking or Martial Arts...then this course is exactly rightfor you!All my fee-based courses have a 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. That means you areable to check it out, make sure it`s the right course for you, and get a refund if it`s not.Are you ready to start learning?Don`t hesitate and start your Kicking-Training now!With this online courseyou can take it at your own pace. Even though you might betoo busy right now you canenroltoday and take the course at your own pace.Try it out and and have fun! Thank you so much for your interest in mycourse""Kicking Essentials"".See you inside...:-)Tom Inauen /TOMTRICKS(Disclaimer Notice:In order to perform the exercises effectively and safelyyoushould be in good physical condition prior to beginning the course.By registering for the course or performing these exercises you understand that exercising can lead tophysical injury.If you engage in any exercise suggested by Thomas Inauen, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Thomas Inauen from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown arising out of Thomas Inauen`s negligence.)"
Price: 49.99

"Tricking Basic Kicks fr Einsteiger - Lerne Kicks mit Style!" |
"Herzlich willkommen! Bist du bereit BasicKickszu lernen?In diesem online Kurs geht es rundums Thema ""Kicks"". Schritt fr Schritt und von Anfang an lernst dualles was du wissen musst, um alle wichtigen Kicks zu erlernen.Ob du nun als erfahrener Kampfsportler oder Trickerdein Repertoire an Kickserweitern mchtest oder nochganz frischer Anfnger bist - du wirst alles wichtige und wissenswerte ber Kick-Techniken erlernen.Meistere diesen KickingKurs und du hast das perfekte Fundament und Wissen, um jeglicheandere Kick-Techniken zu erlernen.Obwohl es da draussen eine ganze Menge an Tutorials gibt welche zeigen wie man Kickserlernen kann, ist es doch trotzdem nicht einfacheinen umfassenden Kurszu finden. Speziell fr alldiejenigen dienoch keine Erfahrung in diesem Bereich besitzen ist es schwierig, da es so viele verschieden Methoden gibt und man sehr leicht berfordert ist.Dieser Kurs bietet eine sichere und effiziente Anleitung um Schritt fr Schritt Fortschritte zu machen. Zustzlich zum Hauptteil mit denKicksbeinhaltet der Kurs auch weitere Informationen ber Krftigung, Mobility&Stretching, daskorrekteAufwrmen und allgemeineinteressanteHintergrundinfos zum Thema Tricking.Die Vorteile dieses KursesAlle Tutorials, Kapitel und Lektionen bauen aufeinander auf und es kommt alles aus einer HandDu kriegst direktes Feedback und Hilfe von mir, deinem Instruktor...also wenn du nicht mehr weiter weisst, einfach fragen!Dieser Kurs baut auf meinen vorherigen Kursen auf und bildet die perfekte ErweiterungGefilmt in HD Qualitt und ein cooles Design machen das lernen umso interessanterSchlsselpunkte welchedu erlernstHintergrund Informationenber Kicks allgemeinDu kennst die Geschichte der Kicks, speziell auch die Herkunft der hohen KicksDu weisst, welche Kampfkunst Systeme Kicks anwenden und die Bedeutung der Kicks im TrickingDu kennst die Vor- und Nachteile von KicksDie besten Vor-bungen die du fr Kicks machen kannstDas Ganzkrper-Aufwrmprogramm welche alle wichtigen bungen beinhaltet (von meinen anderen Kursen)Du kannst sicher und effizient trainieren und so Verletzungen vermeidenDu kennst Techniken welche dir helfen die Kicks zu meisternDu meisterst alle wichtigen Kick-TechnikenDu meisterst die ersten fortgeschrittenen gesprungenenKicksDu kombinierst die Kicksin ""Combo`s"" und wendest sie kreativ anDu erlangst ein grosses Wissen und alle Grundlagen, um schnell jegliche anderen Kick-Techniken zu erlernenMeistere die folgenden Kick-TechnikenOutside Crescent KickInside Crescent KickRising KickAxe KickFrontkickRoundkickRoundhousekickSidekickBack KickReverse SidekickHook KickSpinning Hook KickTouch Down Hook KickFront Sweep KickBack Sweep KickJump FrontkickSplit KickJump SidekickInhalte und berblickDieser Kurs startet ganz von vorne und du wirst erst ein paar interessante Hintergrundinfos ber Kicks in Tricking & Kampfkunsterfahren. Du lernst die Geschichte der Kicks kennen und woher besonders die hohen Kicks stammen. Du siehst, welche Kampfknste bevorzugt Kicks anwenden, welche Bedeutung Kicks frs Tricking haben und auch ein paar Gedanken zur praktischenAnwendung.Bevor du dann mit dem eigentlichen Kick Trainingstartest, lernst du wie du deinen Krper richtig fr das Training dieser Bewegungen vorbereitest. Das ist super wichtig und essentiell, um die Kicks zu meistern und deine Fitness zu steigern. Erst lernst du die 10 besten Kraft, Mobility & Stretching bungen fr Kicks. Zustzlich findest du auch in diesem Kurs das Ganzkrper-Aufwrmprogramm aus meinen anderen Kursen. Dieses ist extrem gut geeignet fr alle Arten von Training und beinhaltet alle wichtigen bungen von Kopf bis Fuss!Sobald du die Hintergrnde zu den Kicks kennst,ihre Bedeutung im Tricking verstehst undweisst, wie du dich richtig aufwrmst, kannst duin den Hauptteil dieses Kurses eintauchen- den Kicks!Du erlernst die ersten 3Basic Kicks. Vonda aus geht es Schritt fr Schritt weiter und du arbeitest dich durch 12 der wichtigsten Basic Kicks. Bis dannwirst du sowieso super fit sein und auch die 3 ersten fortgeschrittenen Sprung-Kicks lernen.Am Ende, wenn du alle Kicksgemeistert hast und dich schon einigermassen sicher fhlst - dann bist du bereit fr eine kleine Herausforderung. In den letzten Kapiteln wirst du lernen, wie du Kicks kombinieren und so richtig interessante Combos kreieren kannst. Sptestens dann werden Kicks fr dich unglaublich einfach auszufhren sein und so richtig Spass machen! Du kennst alle Prinzipien der Kicks und du kannst total kreativ mit ihnen sein!Wenn du KicksfrTricking oder Kampfkunstlernen oder verbessern mchtest,dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtigfr dich!Alle meine kostenpflichtigen Kurse haben eine 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie durch Udemy. Das heisst, du kannst dir den Kurs anschauen und sicher gehen das es der richtige Kurs ist fr dich...und falls nicht kriegst du dein Geld zurck.Bist du bereit mit dem Trainingzu beginnen?Zgere nicht und starte dein Kick-Training jetzt! Mit diesem Online Kurs kannst du deine eigene Geschwindigkeit vorgeben. Auch wenn du gerade zu beschftig bist und keine Zeit hast, kannst du dich trotzdem schon heute einschreiben und dich dem Kurs widmenwann immer du mchtest.Probiere es aus und viel Spass dabei! Vielen Dank fr dein Interesse an meinem Kicking Essentials Kurs.Ich sehe dich im Kurs...:-)TomTOMTRICKS(Haftungsausschluss:Meine Teilnahme am Online Course von Thomas Inauen erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr und eigenes Risiko.Ich verzichte hiermit ausdrcklich auf smtliche Ansprche gleich welcher Art aus Schadensfllen, Verletzungen oder Folgeschdigungendie im Zusammenhang mit meiner Teilnahme am Online Kurssowiedem Training nach den von Thomas Inauen erstellten Anleitungen eintreten knnten.Auch fr Sachschden wird eine Haftung vonseiten Thomas Inauen ausgeschlossen.Ich versichere, sportgesund zu sein. Ich habe mich bei einem Arzt meines Gesundheitszustandes versichert. Habe ich darauf verzichtet, so tue ich dies auf eigene Verantwortung.Fr gesundheitliche Risiken, auch solche, die mir selbst aktuell nicht bekannt sind, bernimmt Thomas Inauen im Falle eines Unfalls oder Schadens keine Haftung.)"
Price: 49.99

"How To Do A Backflip - The Ultimate Guide For Beginners" |
"How to do a backflip for beginners!Learn the Backflipin a safe, efficient and comfortable way with this uniqueonlinecourse!Wether you are a tricker or anacrobat, a martialartist,someone who loves fitness and training,a traceur orfree-runner, astuntman, a dancer or maybe a fresh beginner - this course is especially designed andthe perfect course for anyone willing to learn the backflip!This course will help your backflip training and you will know how to do a backflip on ground!While there are plenty of good tutorials out there that showhow to learn a backflip, it is difficult to find a comprehensive courselike this which includesdifferent methods and tactics to learn this challengingskill. After doing thousand of backflips over the years I know that there doesn`t exist onlyoneway to learn thebackflip.It totally depends on the person and what might workfor one person maydoesn`t work for someone else.It`s merely the combination of different methods and understanding the key elements whichcreates thisbulletproofway to learn the backflip and lead you to success!Course Bonuses5 different methods of learning the backflip featuredin one course!All the tutorials and lessons are builtupon each other and everything comesfrom one source.Direct feedbackfromme your instructor...if you get stuck you can ask anytime and get immediate help!Know how tobackflip is a great level-up andgives you the perfect foundation to learn more advanced acrobatic movements!The key things you will learnKnow the correct starting position and setup for the backflipUnderstand the technique and most important key elementsPractice three specialpre-exercises to strengthen and condition your bodyLearn the backflip by using five different methods and combining themLearn how to do a backflip without being scaredLand the backflip for the first time alone without any helpLearn more advanced tactics to further improve your backflipContinue to do backflips all over the place and have funContents and OverviewThe coursestarts with a brief introduction to myself and the course structure so that you know how to follow the lessons.Then you will get to knowthe basis of the basis which means...you`ll learnhow to setup for the backflip correctly. This is what you need to learn first because it is the most important thing at all!Before starting with the actual practice of the backflip you will learn three great pre-exercises to condition and prepare your body. These exercises contain the key elements and are ideal to memorise the correct motion. However, how much you will practicethose exercises totallydependson your current level of fitness and you can do themmore or less.Once you know about the correct technique, the key elements and the pre-exercises you are ready to start with practicing the backflip motion. You will get to know fivedifferent methods of learning a backflip. Each method is broken down in easy to follow steps and you can practice at your own pace. Take the method which feels most likeable for you or combine different methods and work yourself up to the backflip -step by step - until you will land it for the first time!At the end when you mastered the backflip you will find more tips and tricks in the bonus lesson. They will help you to improve the technique even more and really make your backflip solid as a rock!After finishing the course you will not only be able to land a backflip - you will also have a really nice and solid one!If you want to learn how to do a backflip, this course is for you!All my fee-based courses have a 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. That means you areable to check it out, make sure it`s the right course for you, and get a refund if it`s not.Are you ready to enter the backflip game?Don`t hesitate because with this online courseyou can totally take it at your own pace. Even though you might betoo busy right now you canenroltoday and take the course at any other time.Have fun and thank you so much for your interest!See you inside...:-)Tom Inauen /TOMTRICKS(Disclaimer Notice:In order to perform the exercises effectively and safelyyoushould be in good physical condition prior to beginning the course.By registering for the course or performing these exercises you understand that exercising can lead tophysical injury.If you engage in any exercise suggested by Thomas Inauen, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Thomas Inauen from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown arising out of Thomas Inauen`s negligence.)"
Price: 19.99

"Administre atravs das Ferramentas de Gesto da Qualidade" |
"Estudantes, empresrios e profissionais de qualquer rea ou nvel hierrquico podem atravsdeste curso,mudar de forma consistente oseu nvel de gesto. Atravs dos recursos que sero apresentados os alunos tero a possibilidade de organizar um modelo de gesto que poder ser utilizado durante toda sua vida profissional,independente da sua rea de atuao(vendas, produo, logstica, operao, tcnicae etc).Apresentaremos nestecurso a teoria e a utilizao prtica de diversasFerramentas de Gestoda Qualidade. Sero demonstradastcnicas que podero ser utilizadas com a finalidade de definir, mensurar, analisar e propor solues para problemas que eventualmente so encontrados e interferem no bom desempenho dos processos de trabalho e resultados.As ferramentas da qualidade desenvolvidas nadcada de 50, com base em conceitos e prticas existentes. Desde ento, o uso dasferramentas tem sido de grande valia para os sistemas de gesto, sendo umconjunto de ferramentas estatsticas de uso consagrado para melhoria de produtos,servios e processos.Folha de Verificao, Diagrama Ishikawa (Espinha-de-Peixe), Plano de Ao (5W2H), Diagrama de Pareto, PDCA, SWOT eoutrasferramentas compe um grupo de mtodos que devem ser de conhecimento de todas as pessoas envolvidas com uma empresa, do presidente aos colaboradores, e, por isso, devem fazer parte dos programas bsicos de treinamentos das organizaes.Praticamente todas as grandes empresas se utilizam destas ferramentas para a conduo dos seus negcios. Se voc pretende se destacar como profissional ou implantar estas ferramentas na sua empresa, no perca tempo e matricule-se agora!"
Price: 39.99

"Sistema de Star Rating similar a Google Play con PHP7/MySQLI" |
"Aprenda a crear un sistema de valoracin/clasificacin de estrellas totalmente funcional que puede agregar a cualquier sitio web!Un sistema de clasificacin de estrellas avanzado sin uso de plugins ni libreras o tecnologa de terceros, 100% desarrollado de manera nativa desde cero.Nota importante: En este curso no est incluido un sistema de formulario para registrar los votos, los votos se agregan de manera manual en nuestra base de datos. Sin embargo al final del curso encontraran un recurso sencillo, prctico y de fcil utilizar, donde este recurso queda como tarea para que usted pueda implementar los votos del producto mediante una creacin de un formulario por sus propios medios.Todos los recursos/archivos estn incluidos para que usted pueda crear sus propios proyectos rpidamente. El uso de la sintaxis se explica paso a paso en nuestro curso de aprendizaje.En este curso avanzado se usaran varias tecnologas, mediante una plantilla con estructura simple de HTML5 y simples estilosCSS3 y, un pequeo cdigo jQuery adaptado al diseo de plantilla base de nuestra aplicacin, se requiere conocimientos previos.Aprenderemos a generar cdigo HTML Mediante PHP, segn las valoraciones del producto que mediante una consulta dinmica con expresiones MySQLi lograremos obtener el mismo sistema de estadsticas de Amazon y la misma contabilizacin de votos de Google Play adaptado an diseo similar al de Udemy.Alfinalizar el curso, usted obtendr un conocimiento slido sobre el proceso general de desarrollo web en la vida real.Estimad@s estudiantes les deseo el mayor de los xitos en este curso de programacin."
Price: 199.99

"Qu es la Andragoga? [ACTUALIZACIN 2020]" |
"Te interesara dedicarte a la docencia en el mbito universitario? Deseas impartir la enseanza a personas adultas que quieran seguir estudiando? Entonces has llegado al lugar indicado. En este curso te explicar sobre la Andragoga y la importancia de la educacin en la adultez. Aprenders los conceptos claves sobre esta ciencia, qu conlleva el estudio de la Andragoga y el significado de ser un adulto. Conoce las claves que debes seguir para transmitir tus enseanzas a los adultos y valora la educacin permanente como una forma de adquirir nuevos puestos de trabajo o aprender algn oficio durante la adultez. CURSO ACTUALIZADODebido a los acontecimientos surgidos en los primeros meses del 2020, he decidido actualizar el contenido del curso con recursos y herramientas para impartir la educacin a distancia, de tal forma a que los docentes que no estn familiarizados con esta modalidad puedan lidiar con los dispositivos electrnicos y sientan inters por aprender a usar las TICs para una mejor experiencia en las clases virtuales."
Price: 19.99

"Nociones bsicas de las Artes Visuales" |
"""Qu son las Artes Visuales? Eso con qu se come?De qu voy a trabajar?""De seguro te habrs hecho esa pregunta cuando conociste a un estudiante de Artes Visuales. O puede que te hayas interesado en la carrera, pero no ests seguro de qu trata realmente. Por ese y otros motivos, he creado este breve curso donde te explicar de qu trata las Artes Visuales, cules son las disciplinas que puedes aprender durante la carrera, qu aspectos debes tener en cuenta si quieres estudiar Artes Visuales y cules son las salidas laborales. Este curso estar compuesto por videos explicativos, presentaciones filmadas, textos, ejercicios de comprensin y un examen final. Cada video podr ser descargado por el alumno, as como tambin ofrecer material adicional en PDF listo para su descarga.Que la carrera de Artes Visuales deje de ser un misterio. Inscrbete y preprate para ser un experto en el tema."
Price: 19.99

"Database Design & Management: MySQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL" |
"Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, but if you dont master database designing and management, you will miss the opportunity to create databases designs or manage data properly.What if you could change that? My complete Database Design course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to learn database design process, create advanced SQL queries, master SQL and master Oracle & PostgreSQL. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it.:)What Is In This Course? Your Database Design Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at database design, know The Relational Data Model, master Logical Database Design, do Querying and Manipulating Data, learn Data Management, know Functional Dependencies and Normalization, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even design databases. As what Vitalik Buterin, a Russian-Canadian programmer and a co-founder of Ethereum, says ""In order to have a decentralised database, you need to have security. In order to have security, you need to - you need to have incentives."" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This Database Design Training, You'll Learn: The Entity Relationship (= ER) Model The Relational Data Model Logical Database Design Relational Algebra (an algebraic query language for the relational model) MYSQL, PostgreSQL Querying and Manipulating Data SQL Data Definition Language Single Block Queries Aggregation Transaction Management and Concurrency Control Database Access from a Programming Language: JDBC 5 Data Management Data Storage and Indexing File Organization and Indexes Tree-structured Indexing: B+-trees Hash-based Indexing Indexes in PostgreSQL Query Evaluation, optimization & Plans in PostgreSQL Functional Dependencies and Normalization System Development Life Cycle Preparing Written Documentation, Visual Materials Database Design Database development process Relational database design using ERD Normalizing database designs Object-relational design using EERD Advanced SQL The DBMS lifecycle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to learn database design process? Are you wondering how to create advanced SQL queries? Do you understand how to master SQL, Oracle & PostgreSQL? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all software developers, database designers web developers, data scientist, data analysts and anyone looking to master database design. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master Database Design? Let Me Show You Why To Master Database Design: 1. You will learn database design process. 2. You will create advanced SQL queries. 3. You will master SQL. 4. You will master Oracle & PostgreSQL. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 00% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Project Management (PMP) & Management Skills: Pmbok, Scrum" |
"Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The exam is based on the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), but if you dont master project management, you will miss the opportunity to manage project and become a professional. What if you could change that? My complete PMP course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to do Program Management, control your project like a pro, define quality and create action plans. For less than a movie ticket, you will gethours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :) What Is In This Course? Your PMP Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at Project Management, Do Program Management, Understand Group Processes, Monitor and Controlling Process Group, Develop a Project Charter and Control the Project Schedule, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master PMP. As what Cornelius Fichtner, President at OSP International, says ""The P in PM is as much about 'people management' as it is about 'project management."" This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. InThis PMP Training, You'll Learn: Do Program ManagementKnow Project Life Cycle and OrganizationOrganizational Structure TypesCreate Action PlansProject Management ProcessProject Management & Risk Management PlanUnderstanding Group ProcessesExecuting Process GroupMonitor and Controlling Process Group Close Process GroupHow to Develop and Manage your ProjectDeveloping a Project CharterDeveloping a Project ManagementDirect and Manage Project ExecutionProject ScopeControlling your project like a proDo Time ManagementControl the Project ScheduleCost Management& estimating costingControl CostsDefine Quality------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to do Program Management? Are you wondering how to control your project like a pro? Do you understand how to define quality? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to all project managers, business development managers, engineers and anyone looking to master PMP. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master PMP? Let Me Show YouWhy To Master PMP: 1. You will do Program Management. 2. You will control your project like a pro. 3. You will define quality. 4. You will create action plans. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"MongoDB, NoSQL & Node: Mongoose, Azure & Database Management" |
"MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas, but if you dont master MongoDB, you will miss the opportunity to store data and write queries. What if you could change that? My complete MongoDB course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to how to store data, import and export data from MongoDB, write queries and store large volumes of data. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it. :)What Is In This Course? Your MongoDB Skills Will Never Be The Same. Except if youre an expert at MongoDB, Install Of MongoDB, Run The MongoDB Server, Master The Software Development Platform, Design NoSQL Schema, Configure The MongoDB Based On The NoSQL Schema, Create And Drop Databases, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even master MongoDB. As what Harold Abelson, a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, says Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk. In This MongoDB Training, You'll Learn: Install Of MongodbRun The Mongodb ServerCreate Collection On MongodbIntegrate Your Server With Extension Know The Mongodb InterfaceMaster The Software Development PlatformLearn How To Create The Infographic Guide UsageEnsure The Mastery Of The Programming Language On The Interphase RunDesign Nosql SchemaCreate & Nest QueriesManage Mongodb ComfortablyLearn How To Create The Running Query To Ensure Flow Part Of The EquationAcquire Knowledge Of Looping The Equations To Learn As Multiple QuestionsConfigure The Mongodb Based On The Nosql Schema Use Mongodb Stores Data Understand Data StructureUnderstand The Living Data Flow On The DatabasesDesign Scalable DatabasesCreate And Drop DatabasesConstruct Complex QueriesConfigure The Database Based On Its PerformancesLearn All About The Size Of The Complex Analysis Extending The Formulae In Data BasesPerform Crud Operations On Web ApplicationGet The Concept Of Crud Operational Tactics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is This For You? Do you want to store data? Are you wondering how to import and export data from MongoDB? Do you understand how to write queries? Then this course will definitely help you. This course is essential to All Developers, IT architects, IT Professionals and anyone looking to master MongoDB. I will show you precisely what to do to solve these situations with simple and easy techniques that anyone can apply. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why To Master MongoDB? Let Me Show You Why To Master MongoDB: 1. You will how to store data. 2. You will import and export data from MongoDB. 3. You will write queries. 4. You will store large volumes of data. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You can be sure you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you inside it! Why wait any longer? Click the green ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free now!"
Price: 184.99

"Get AdWords Certified This Week!" |
"Google AdWords Certification Course All you need to pass google AdWords exam The best source for your study material - 661Q&A- to insure you get certified To get Google AdWords certification you need to first pass Adwords Fundamental assessment and one of the five others. Mobile, search, video, display, shopping. Youwill learnsearch in this course that is the biggest and most similar to google fundamental.If you prefer the other:Display,Video, Shopping, Mobile, They are allso included in the course Google certification exam Fundamental exam is 90 minutes time and 65 questions. Search exam is 120 minutes and 100 questions. you need 80% right on both examine. After this course you will fly over it! Why take google Adwords certificate Digital marketing is growing big all around the world. There is a need for more PPC (pay per click) manager. To be google certified is a big bonus. It lifts your CV, promote on social media, your website and your next job interview. The examine is free and if you fail today you can retake after 24 hours for as many time you want. I explain step by step in the course for you to pass. Your success is my success!What do I get from this course?Step by step how to be prepared for the exam Google partner, academy for ads overviews The best source for your study material Links to books, blogs for you that want to get deep in AdWords 125Q&A for Goggle fundamental exam 127 Q&A for Goggle search exam 109 Q&A for Google display exam124 Q&A for Google video exam106 Q&A for Google shopping exam70 Q&A for Google mobile examHow to promote your certification 30-day money back guarantee!Lifetime access to allupdates"
Price: 99.99

"Learn C++" |
"Brilliant course of its kind. In this course you will learn many techniques how to be an excellent programmer. Below, I will explain what this course will consist of;First video is about tutorial regarding how you all can download free version of C++ editor on Internet. After downloading and Installing it we can proceed with our main course.Moreover, Our main section starts with the hello world program in C++. Basically it is a guide on how to print the hello world string into the screen. I also talk about what variables are. Furthermore I discuss about the fundamental data types of a C++ program: char, int, float, double. Then I explained the memory model of C++. I provided a concrete example on how variables are stored inside RAM. I also talk about addresses and make a brief introduction to pointers. In this tutorial I talk about functions. I discuss the first of the three basic ways to pass parameters to a function. Moreover, I demonstrate the use of functions. I talked about functions and pointer parameters. This is the second way to pass a variable to a function. Mainly I explain how to change the real value of a variable through a function. Moreover, I discuss its usage and I also explain how this works on the RAM model (I provide an example). In this tutorial I talk about the third (and the last) way of passing a variable to a function. References are type alias and a syntactic sugar. I also discuss the use cases of pointers and references. I also talked about type conversions. I demonstratedthe implicit cast and the explicit cast. Moreover, I provide two different ways to perform an explicit cast: the c-style cast and the C++ style cast. Finally, I provided advice of which one is better and included quizat the end.The course contains 16 videos and is just over 1.5 hours long. Watch the videos at your own pace, and post questions along the way if you get stuck in any part. Thank you for choosing my course."
Price: 19.99

"Winning People and Situations in a Job" |
"Hi FriendsCorporate journeyis a very exciting, adventurous and full of challenges.Yet it envelopes severecompetitiveness and mind games.One has to understand the importance of perception building ,and more importantly during difficult times.This course covers a very important aspect of the corporate world i.e. People relationship.Everything is people in corporate world and your growth in the corporate ladder depends upon how goodyou understand people at various roles (Peer,immediate seniors, or uppermost senior leadership team).The journey does not end at only understanding but also using this information for your best.Please understand that it is a set of strategies that is required for understanding and implementing actions with people at different level for your good. It is the People who is doing all the work,decision making and career growth decision.So unless you do not implement strategies against the people who matter, you will fall flat on the ground.This course takes you through this journey and what we have done is to divide the difficult situations in 5 major categories which will cover 80% of the corporate issues.Also to note that we will give 50 unique strategies and corporate intelligence that will help you overcome any problem in the corporate world.You can use this 50 strategies anywhere and at any situation.I am happy to also state that it is irespective of which company,where it is locate or which product they sell,these strategies will be a success points for you.This course completly devotes in your success in the corporate world.The 5 major areas that we will cover are1. New Joinee - Being a fresher or migrating from another company,fitment into the ciluture and a headstart in the race is of Utmost importance2.Daily Life @ Corporate - Daily Life @ corporate can be very hectic and stressful.But what ever it is you have to WIN everyday and create a positive perception everyday. Perception is reality and that gives growth3.Failing KPI- The worst nightmare is when you don't meet your target and you are completely scare to face the seniors.This is completely natural and don't feel Bad about it.But what you need to know are some of the basic strategies that will help to keep your perceptions intact with the seniors, face the review meetings with full confidence.4. Stakeholder Management - We achieve success through team.Here team does not signify your own team but also the cross functional teams.Company has different departments becauseit brings efficiency and optimization of Specific process ,but collaboratively it brings profitability for the business.Therefore it is very evident that without collaborative approach success is not possible,hence stakeholder management is very important.5. Annual Appraisal - Normally it is seen that people work for 2 reasons , Money and Identity.This Appraisal time is a process which decides both for you.Hence dealing with this situation is very critical for you.I would Request all to please have completly concentration when you go through this course.If required , if voice is down to increase the volume.Please try to understand the context of each of the strategies.ThanksShuvojit"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Solidworks Flow Simulation para hornos" |
"Este curso aprenders a crear una pieza de un horno de fundicin con crisol tipo basculante bsico para luego ser simulado con la herramienta de Solidworks Flow Simulation y analizar los resultados para optimizar el horno antes de construirlo. Los modelos que se harn sirven para todo tipos de hornos como de arco elctrico, induccin, resistencia, cubilote, reverbero y crisol. Los hornos de crisol pueden ser mvil, estacionario o basculante. Tambin para hornos especializados como de arco de plasma o de cremacin."
Price: 99.99

"Creating a robot in Maya and ZBrush" |
"A great course where you will learn to create a fully detailed robot, from scratch and step by step using Autodesk Maya and ZBrush, so you do not need any prior knowledge using these programs.You will learn the correct planning of an error-proof character before generating the main pieces and the details, how to obtain a good scale and proportions for the character, and once the above is done, you will know one of the best techniques for the creation of this type of models using the new modeling tools that Autodesk Maya 2016, 2017 and 2018 has for us as the modeling toolkit, you will learn modeling tips and tricks for this type of surfaces, as well as learn to manage two of the best programs for 3D Autodesk Maya and ZBrush.Finally, once the modeling of the robot in Autodesk Maya is finished, you will learn how to take those pieces to ZBrush to add the final details and return that detail to Maya by means of normal maps.At the end of the course you will be able to create your own characters or models of the same style using everything you have learned."
Price: 119.99

"Rigging for characters in Autodesk Maya" |
"A great course where you will learn to create a very complete rig, both facial and body excellent to be animated later, we will start from scratch having the character ready to get the final complete rig, we will create the bones (joints) and name them appropriately to duplicate them to the other side automatically, we will create the IK handles to give movement in hands and feet, we will create the controls for each part of the body, we will configure the switch from IK to FK for the arms, in this way our character will be able to emulate any movement of the hand, later we will create the facial controls, as well as the jaw bone to have an easy-to-use facial rig, we will configure the eyes, the overall control and the mouth of the character.Finally we will create the facial gestures, we will configure the rig of the fingers and weigh the character to achieve excellent deformations almost automatically and without using plugins.No doubt the ideal course for you if you are interested in learning to create complete and functional rigs for the animation of 3D characters.At the end of the course you will be able to create a complete and functional rig for your own characters and thus move to the animation stage.In summary, with this course you will learn:Use Autodesk Maya for RiggingCreate complete and functional rigs for animationCreate custom controlsAdd both IK and FK modesAutomate a rigCreate facial and body rigAchieve excellent deformations almost automaticallyCreate facial gesturesAutomate the creation of facial gesturesTips for locating bones and controlsConfigure the jaw and mouth in generalTest and optimize a rig"
Price: 119.99

"Jewelry Design Video Course: 23 Step-by-Step Lessons" |
"Good day designers my name is Aleksander Chuly.I am a jewelry designer and mentor with over 15 years of experience.I have successfully established several jewelry brands and have created thousands of jewelry designs. I mentor many jewelry designers and have collaborated with them to create their successful jewelry collections.After years of working with and mentoring designers,I have discovered a pattern to their mistakes and questions.There is a complete lack of information for startup designers. This course will help designersavoid many mistakes and enjoy the creative process.This video course is a blueprint for startup jewelry designers and entrepreneurs offering knowledge of the step by step jewelry making processfrom IDEA to FINISHED PRODUCT.I will guide you on where to go for services andhow to save time and money.I will advise you onhow to avoid overpaying for services.And how to make sure your design is completed within your timeframe.I have included interviews with owners of some of the most successful polishing and casting houses. The owners give their perspective on jewelry designers biggest mistakes.This video course gives start up designers years of experience thereby greatly accelerating your learning process.Startup designers will avoid many mistakes, thereby saving time, money and frustration."
Price: 149.99

"[] R (Visualisation)" |
"? 100,000 ? , , Tool , , R . 3 .R RStudio R tidyverse package R R . ., ( , English) ."
Price: 220000.00

R |
"SPSS & (Excel) ? 100,000 SPSS ?SAS . , SAS . 200 R . R 2012 21 (Sexist) . , . 3 .R RStudio R , , , ~t-test, ANOVA, . R . . , ., ( , English) ."
Price: 22000.00

"Crypto Trading with QuantConnect (C#)" |
"Eric Summers shows you how to use QuantConnect to write your own algorithmic trading programs to trade cryptocurrency LIVE in the market!Students will learn how to use the QC coding environment to create algorithms, run backtests on historical data, and interpret their results to optimize their programs. By the end of the class, students will know how to connect their programs to their GDAX account andlaunch their algorithmsLIVE in the market.Course covers basic programming etiquette (C#), using QC's built in Indicators, Loops and Conditionals, Logging Data,Plotting Charts, Debugging, as well as breaking down different strategies that are used by some of the best traders..."
Price: 34.99

"Linux Raw Socket Output In Python" |
"Linux Raw Socket OutputAt This Course We Gonna Learn How To Build And Construct AFully Ip Raw Packet Header And Its PayloadWe Will Look Deeply Behind The Scenes And UnderstandHow And Why Values Represent As They Are From Time To Time You Will Need ToPut An Binary Glasses Through The Course We Will See The Things In Another Point Of View And Get From It Tools Which Will ProvideAdditional Knowledge To The Following Subjects: Sniffers,Manipulation Packet Programs,Scanning Tools,Analyze PacketsWe Will Learn How The Checksum Algorithm In Binary Work And How To Handle Successfully With The Binary Addition ,WeWillPrepareOurIPHeaderValuesAndTcpHeaderValuesForTheIP&TCPChecksum AlgorithmInBinaryAndVerifyItsResultThrough:HexaCalc,ManuallyBinaryCalc,TheDataWeCapturedThrough WiresharkSnifferAs We Sent Our Raw Packet We Construct. We WillUse Lot Of Internal Methods And Its Functions On The HeaderValues For Each Layer Construction Which Will Calculate,Convert ,Store,Prepare,DoSpecial Actions.We WillGet Into The Root Of The Construction And Some OfTheConceptions We FamiliarWith.EventuallyThrough The Code StructureAndItsProcedureWeWill GetExerciseAnd ExperienceAbout, AtThe End Its Purpose ToSimplifyOurUnderstandingAnd Supply AdditionalTools."
Price: 59.99

"Breathing Techniques in the Yoga Practical Sequences" |
"This is a set of videos from yoga-workshop of Andre Siderskiin Tel-Aviv, Israel. He is aworld knownyoga master, diver, creator ofpaintings in Psychotronic Art, poet, and writer, whose works left an indelible impression on those who experienced them.This course is aimed to make hatha-yoga practice more efficient, safe and in fact more interesting anddiverse."
Price: 49.99

"Udemy Experto: Cmo Crear un Curso Paso a Paso - Unofficial" |
"Listo para aprender a crear tu propio curso y obtener grandes ingresos? La enseanza online se ha convertido en una forma de generar ingresos extras de la que puedes aprovecharte para mejorar tu estilo de vida.En este curso aprenders todas las tcnicas y secretos que te permitirn crear tu propio curso con una calidad excepcional en tiempo record. Detallamos paso a paso cmo disear tu curso desde el principio al final, desde la eleccin de una temtica ganadora hasta la creacin de diapositivas, grabacin y edicin de vdeo, cmo crear tu estudio de grabacin particular, el equipo recomendado,estrategias para que tu curso sea uno de los ms demandados, cmo obtener mayor nmero de ventas...Si tienes algn conocimiento que puedas compartir para que otros aprendan, a qu estas esperando? no solo ayudars a otras personas a desarrollar sus habilidad sino que podrs ganar dinero hacindolo. Esta es una oportunidad de mejorar tu situacin econmica transmitiendo tu pasin, haciendo lo que a ti te gusta.Te encuentras ante el curso ms completo y detallado sobre la creacin de cursos para la venta online. No solo te guiamos en el proceso paso a paso, sino que te facilitamos de forma gratuita los programas y software necesarios para para que no tengas que realizar ninguna inversin en este aspecto.Durante el curso encontrars ""Casos Prcticos"" para que veas todo el proceso de creacin y diseo de cursos en accin y puedas copiar y reproducir el procedimiento, lo que hace de este curso uno de los ms pioneros y tiles del mercado. Estaremos creando un curso para que lo veas con tus propios ojos.Adems encontrars una seccin con informacin extendida sobre los detalles a tener en cuenta para conseguir el xito con tus cursos online, cmo ir ms all para no solo tener tu curso en Udemy, sino poder crear tu propia plataforma, cmo el efecto bola de nieve puede ayudarte a realizar mayores ventas yganar ms dinero del que en un principio habas imaginado, cmo atraer a nuevos clientes y que los clientes existentes te compren ms, cmo aplicar embudos de venta de una forma eficiente, cmo conseguir generar ms trfico a tu curso, diferentes formas de marketing... y mucha ms informacin de un valor incalculable...Quieres convertirte en un experto en la creacin y venta de cursos online? En este curso dispones de toda la informacin y estrategias que necesitas."
Price: 199.99

"SEO Al Descubierto: Posicionamiento Web y Trfico Infinito" |
"Este curso, SEO Al Descubierto, te mostrar todos los factores a tener en cuenta que te permitan alcanzar las primeras posiciones en los motores de bsqueda como Google, incrementando las visitas a tu pgina web o blog de forma exponencial en un tiempo rcord.Un experto en la materia te muestra todo lo que debes tener en cuenta para mejorar tu posicionamiento rpidamente, con ejemplos reales y prcticos para que puedas aplicar todas las explicaciones de forma inmediata.Pequeos cambios pueden suponer un cambio radical en la mejora del posicionamiento de tu pgina web y blog en los motores de bsqueda, y con este curso aprenders las estrategias que llevarn tu sitio al siguiente nivel, experimentando una mejora indiscutible en el nmero de visitas que recibes.La finalidad de una pgina web o de un blog es recibir el mayor nmero de visitantes cualificados posible, y es aqu donde el SEO entra en juego. Gracias a la aplicacin de buenas estrategias SEO conseguirs que tu pgina web aparezca en las primeras posiciones de los resultados de bsqueda, incrementando rpidamente y de forma exponencial las visitas recibidas. Un aumento de visitas se traduce rpidamente en una mayor exposicin, popularidad y venta de servicios y productos, generando un fuente impacto en tus beneficios.Siendo uno de los mejores cursos en SEO y Posicionamiento, SEO al Descubierto te muestra el camino a seguir, mostrndote los secretos y estrategias que utilizan los profesionales para recibir miles de visitas y obtener resultados espectaculares."
Price: 199.99

"WordPress Para Principiantes - Disea Tu Web Profesional" |
"Este curso de WordPress esta diseado para que puedas crear tu propia pgina web o blog en un tiempo rcord y con un acabado profesional, incluyendo las estrategias para conseguir posicionarte en las primeras posiciones de los motores de bsqueda.Es un curso prctico realmente completo compuesto pres tres secciones principales para que puedas seguir de una forma ordenada: Wordpress en profundidad, Proyecto Real Paso a Paso, SEO y Posicionamiento.En la primera seccin aprenders en profundidad todas las herramientas y opciones que WordPress pone a nuestra disposicin para crear una pgina web y un blog, analizando cada una de ellas mientras la ponemos en uso para que veas casos prcticos sobre cada una de estas herramientas y te familiarices con ellas. En esta primera seccin tambin te mostraremos cmo adquirir el mejor servidor y dominio y tambin crear un servidor local. Aqu aprenders sobre diseo, creacin y configuracin de cabeceras, pie de pgina, pginas, entradas y posts, permalinks, creacin de contenidos, insercin de vdeos, audios, imgenes, gestin de usuarios y un largo etc.En la segunda seccin encontrars un proyecto real de diseo de una pgina web y blog donde te mostramos paso a paso como la creamos desde cero, de forma que podrs seguir las clases para disear tu propia pgina web o blog y crearla de una forma realmente fcil y rpida.La tercera seccin est destinada al SEO y Posicionamiento. para que quieres tener una pgina web o un blog si no consigues trfico y visitantes? Te mostramos lo que debes tener en cuanta y cmo llevarlo a la prctica para que consigas posicionar tu pgina web en las primeras posiciones de los motores de bsqueda como Google Increble!.Tienes ante ti lo que probablemente es el curso ms completo para aprender a crear tu pgina web o blog con Wordpress creado por el mejor equipo de profesionales y diseadores, Listo para empezar?"
Price: 199.99

"Grabacin de Vdeos para Cursos Online, Youtubers, Bloguers" |
"Un curso enfocado de forma prctica y realmente increble para aprender a grabar vdeo con tu ordenador destinado a creadores de cursos, youtubers, bloguers..Aprenders a grabar vdeos en cmara, tipo presentacin, presentacin de diapositivas, combinacin de ellos y muchos otros formatos con los que tus seguidores, estudiantes y espectadores quedarn encantados.Obtendrs una calidad de vdeo superior del ms alto nivel con una definicin increble. Aprenders acomponer distintas escenas y composiciones y utilizarlas durante tus grabaciones a tiempo real, creando efectos a los que todos estamos acostumbrados y vemos en la televisin, pelculas, series, entrevistas, noticiarios, exposiciones... otorgando a tus vdeos un dinamismo con el que quedarn sorprendidostus seguidores, alumnos, clientes ocualquier otra persona que visualice tu vdeo.Te mostraremos como eliminar por completo la necesidad de edicin de tu vdeo; simplemente tendrs que presionar el botn de grabar, terminar grabacin y tendrs tu vdeo listo y terminado para subirlo a las redes sociales, plataforma de cursos, tu blog o web... Si piensas en la cantidad de tiempo y trabajo que te ahorrars eliminando el trabajo de edicin de vdeo quedars sorprendido.Te ensearemos cual es el mejor equipo del que puedes disponer para conseguir una imagen y audio impecable.Sers capaz de utilizar e incluirmultitud de efectos; insercin de textos, imgenes, vdeos, marcas de agua, msica de fondo, uso de webcams, micrfonos y entradas de audio, elementos decorativos, cambiar de perspectivas, y mostrando y ocultando los diferentes elementos, y muchos otros.El vdeo es uno de los medios preferidos y se ha convertido en toda una revolucin que no puedes desaprovechar, es la forma actual e ideal de transmitir cualquier tipo de informacin.Sin duda alguna este es el curso de grabacin de vdeo que necesitas, con el que aprenders a obtener el mismo resultado que un profesional de forma rpida y sin esfuerzo. Y lo mejor de todo es que programa/software de grabacin est incluido de forma gratuita con tu inscripcin al curso.Ahora tiene disponible el que probablemente sea el mejor curso de grabacin de vdeo de la red.No pierdas esta oportunidad e inscrbete ya."
Price: 99.99

"Perdez du poids sans frustration !" |
"Danscetteformation Perdez du poids sans frustration,je vous propose de voir la perte de poids d'un il nouveau, loin desrgimes restrictifs et culpabilisants.Cetteformation s'appuie sur les principes de la dite flexible, qui tepermet de perdre du poids tout en mangeant ce qui te fait plaisir,tant que cela respecte ton apport calorique.L'objectifde cette formation est de vous livrer les cls de la dite flexibleet de vous apprendre crer vous-mme votre plan alimentairegourmand pour vous sentir nouveau l'aise dans vos fringues.QU'ALLEZ-VOUSAPPRENDRE DANS CETTE FORMATION?Al'issue de cette formation, vous raliserez que quand on veut perdredu poids, les aliments soit-disant interdits n'ont pas raison d'tre.Vous serez en mesure de composer votre propre plan alimentaire enfonction de vos gots et vous perdrez rapidement vos premiers kiloset vous vous sentirez mieux dans votre peau. Etle plus important: vous serez totalement autonome pour grervotre perte de poids!Ce ne seront plus les rgimes qui vousdicteront les rgles, mais vous qui dicterez les rgles de votrergime!COMMENTSE DROULE LA FORMATION?Laformation se compose de plusieurs vidos qui vous expliquent tapepar tape comment se dbarrasser des prjugs sur les rgime, comprendre les principes de bases d'une bonne dite flexible et l'appliquer ses propres besoins et envies pour maigrir sansfrustration.Jevous montrer des exemples dtaills et vous explique les actions mettre en place pour dterminer son propre plan alimentaire et utiliser au mieux les applications pour compter ses calories.Voustes absolument libre de visionner les vidos quand vous lesouhaitez, mais il est important de les suivre dans l'ordre. Votreaccs la formation est illimite et les vidos serontdisponibles 24h/24, 7 jours sur 7!AQUOI VA RESSEMBLER CONCRTEMENT MA FORMATION?Voicile contenu qui compose la formation Perdez du poids sansfrustration:I. Adieuaux croyances sur les rgimes et bienvenue une nouvelle mthode!Leserreurs ne pas faire quand on veut perdre du poids.Leprincipe de base pour perdre du poids : le dficit calorique.Ladite flexible : qu'est-ce que c'est ?II. Commentsavoir combien de calories je dois manger par jour ?Lemtabolisme de base : qu'est-ce que c'est et comment le calculer ?Commentcalculer ses besoins en macro nutriments (protines, lipides,glucides)?Commentcrer son plan alimentaire avec une application smartphone ?III. Comment suivre sa progression et grer l'aprs-rgime :Commentsuivre la progression de sa perte de poids ?L'adaptationmtabolique : comment grer une stagnation de poids ?Commentstabiliser son poids aprs avoir atteint son objectif ?ENBONUS:Vousaurez accs gratuitement 2 e-books:Le1er est un guide complet pour appliquer cette mthode dans tonquotidien et te rconcilier avec tes pchs mignons.Le2me est un guide de motivation pour vivre ta perte de poids sansculpabiliser, et tre plus sereine dans ton quotidien."
Price: 79.99

"The Ultimate Guitar Players Guide to Major Scales" |
"Are you interested in learning how to play your major scales? Then you've come to the right place. 50% of all songs you're probably going to play will be in a major key. So why not understand the music theory behind what makes those songs so great. This course was designed to teach you how to play any major scale, pentatonic scale, or major chord tones in any key anywhere on the neck. This material is absolutely essential to becoming a good guitar player. What will you learn in this course?The music theory behind the major scaleHow to create major scales going up the neck and across the neckHow to ready my circle of 5ths chartHow to play the major scale in any key anywhere on the neckHow to play the major pentatonic scale in any key anywhere on the neckHow to play the major chord tones in any key anywhere on the neckGreat practice techniques for these scalesBonus book just added for 2019!A digital copy (PDF) of my scales book called ""Basic Scales A study of the Ionian and Aeolian Scales"". The book is 85 pages long and has charts for the followingmajor scales all over the neck in all 12 keysmajor pentatonic scales all over the neck in all 12 keysmajor chord tones all over the neck in all 12 keysminor scales all over the neck in all 12 keysminor pentatonic scales all over the neck in all 12 keysminor chord tones all over the neck in all 12 keysWhy should you buy my course?My name is Chris Rupp and I'm the founder of the Guitar Training Camp. I've been teaching guitar full time for over 18 years. I have taught more then 30,000 individual private guitar lessons. I teach guitar students online all over the world. I have a bachelors of music degree from the world renowned Berklee College of Music where I studied with some of the best guitar players on earth. I created a successful line of guitar instruction DVDs that sold very well and garnered the attention of the ""As Seen on TV"" folks. I love teaching guitar and helping students become better musicians through the guitar. I will answer your personal questions and help you with learning the material in this course. Why should I take your course and not just learn from YouTube?You can try to learn guitar from YouTube but eventually you'll figure out there's so many videos out there is very hard to put the information together in a coherent way. I have students come to me all the time that are tired of watching random guitar videos on YouTube and don't know how to put the information together. With my course you will get a systematic way of learning your major scales. Do I have to be a great guitar player to benefit from this course?No! This course is more geared towards beginner and intermediate players. There's a lot of information in this course so take you're time learning the material. You will have full lifetime access to the course. "
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao Radio Definido por Software" |
"Este curso vai lhe ensinar a desenvolver aplicaes para radio definido por software. O contedo focado para uma audincia ampla e no requer um profundo conhecimento em fsica ou matemtica. A nica restrio que o estudante deve possuir um adaptador de rdio USB para seguir as aulas(RTL2832). Se voc estiver interessado em fazer o curso, veja uma amostra de aula gratuita em que ensino onde comprar este produto."
Price: 99.99

"10 Instagram Marketing Strategies That Make Me 6-Figures" |
"Welcome to my course that will teach you the 10 incredibly effective Instagram marketing strategies I use to gain thousands of followers every month, and hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on Instagram.My names Nik Swami and Im an entrepreneur with a collection of online companies that each generate up to $45,000 per month, a lot of which comes from Instagram.So, what are my 10 Instagram marketing strategies for success? Youll be getting live on-screen video demonstrations for each of them throughout this course:Instagram marketing strategy 1: Youll learn how to supercharge your Instagram profile so that youre ready for explosive growthInstagram marketing strategy 2: Youll learn how to post high performing Instagram content, so that you build a really engaged audience, and get the results you wantInstagram marketing strategy 3: Youll learn how to grow fast with Instagram influencers, including how to find them, assess their quality, contact them, and launch promotionsInstagram marketing strategy 4: Youll learn how to get discovered on Instagram with features, which allow you to get massive amounts of growthabsolutely freeInstagram marketing strategy 5: Youll learn how to use an Instagram hashtag framework, and youll love this because most people on Instagram do hashtags completely wrongInstagram marketing strategy 6: Youll learn how to do authentic Instagram engagement hacking, which can get you crowds of new followers, leads and sales very quicklyInstagram marketing strategy 7: Youll learn how to launch Instagram competitions that people go wild for, and they can grow so fast its actually insaneInstagram marketing strategy 8: Youll learn how to get shown on the Instagram explore page, which is one of the keys to unlocking Instagram successInstagram marketing strategy 9: Youll learn how to gain huge results with Instagram ads, and Ill be taking you through one of my accounts that has made over $820,000Instagram marketing strategy 10: Youll learn how to maximize the network effect, which will not only give you better results on Instagram today, but it will also power your growth long into the future.So, if youre an entrepreneur, an influencer, a professional or any type of organization that wants to absolutely crush it on Instagram, then this Instagram marketing course is for you.Anyone who enrols in my Instagram marketing course will also have direct access to me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram. See you on the other side!Cheers,Nik"
Price: 99.99
