"Master Your Mac Security macOS Complete Security Guide!" |
"Most people have no clue how to enable Apples built-in Security for Protecting their Mac. Honestly this concerns me, because its really easy, you just need to know how to do it! The built-in free tools are fantastic, but the problem is that Apple cannot ship the Mac with all the different Security options enabled. This means YOU must be the one to enable these Security options, but if you have no idea what they are and what they do, then why would you That is why this course was made, to help everyone Secure their Mac! Throughout the years I have assisted many people with their Mac Security, but what I discovered is that people really need to learn themselves and not just have it done by their Mac Guy. When you take this course and learn it, then go back to it whenever and forever, you gain a feeling of control and understanding of what the Security does and how to Configure it. My recommendation is to always enable the built-in tools from Apple, cause they are great and I recommend it to all my friends and family, which means you should do it too!Jesses personal goals for this course:One Hour Max Course Length - People are extremely busy and I did not want my course to feel like a burden. It took me 70 hours to shoot the 9 sessions in order to make it only 1 hour. Dozens of re-shoots, but I was able to accomplish the goal.Teach everyone how to enable and review Apples built-in Security tools.Make it easy enough for non-technical Mac Users and the Mac newby.Course Outline:Enable FileVault (Required to protect your data if your computer is stolen)Enable Firmware Password (Required to prevent your Mac from being used again if stolen)Enable Application Firewall (Control connections made to your computer from other computers on your network.)Enable SIP - System Integrity Protection (Helps prevent potentially malicious software from modifying protected files and folders on your Mac.)Review Gatekeeper (Gatekeeper helps protect us from the applications we download from the Internet, not the App Store as those are already vetted by Apple.)Enable Xprotect & MRT - Malware Removal Tool (Helps prevent malicious files downloaded from the internet within Quarantine-aware applications.)Easy Complex Passwords, Auto-Login = Bad, Require Password After Sleep or Screensaver, TouchIDReview Keychain Access (Stores your passwords and account information and reduces the number of passwords you have to remember and manage.)Enable iCloud - Backup & Find My Mac (iCloud can backup specific items on your Mac, along with the ability to track it, send alert sound to it, lock it, and wipe it.)Course Details:Enable FileVault (Required to protect your data if your computer is stolen):I will be showing you how to enable FileVault and generating a Recovery Key for you to store in a Safe place.Enable Firmware Password (Required to prevent your Mac from being used again if stolen):I will be showing you how to Boot into the Recovery Partition and Enabling a Firmware Password.Enable Application Firewall (Control connections made to your computer from other computers on your network.):I will be showing you how to enable the Application Firewall.I will be showing how to Approve and Block Application connections into your computer.Enable SIP - System Integrity Protection (Helps prevent potentially malicious software from modifying protected files and folders on your Mac.):I will be showing how to check and see if SIP is enabled from the Terminal Application.I will show how to Boot into the Recovery Partition in order to enable System Integrity Protection.Review Gatekeeper (Gatekeeper helps protect us from the applications we download from the Internet, not the App Store as those are already vetted by Apple.):I will show you the available options for Gatekeeper.I will show you Gatekeeper in action with a downloaded application from the Internet.Enable Xprotect & MRT - Malware Removal Tool (Helps prevent malicious files downloaded from the internet within Quarantine-aware applications.)I will show you how to enable the proper updates to make sure the XProtect System is getting the latest security patches.I will also show the XProtect and MRT system in action with a piece of Malware and with an outdated Adobe Flash Plugin.Easy Complex Passwords, Auto-Login = Bad, Require Password After Sleep or Screensaver, TouchID:I will show you how to come up with a good complex password with the Password Assistant.How to turn-off Auto-Login.How to require a password after Sleep or ScreenSaver.How to add a TouchID Fingerprint for Macs with TouchID.Review Keychain Access (Stores your passwords and account information and reduces the number of passwords you have to remember and manage.)Review Login KeychainReview Local Items KeychainReview System KeychainReview System Roots KeychainAdd Password Entry for Facebook to allow fast loginsAdd a Secure Note to keep data in a safe place.Enable iCloud - Backup & Find My Mac (iCloud can backup specific items on your Mac, along with the ability to track it, send alert sound to it, lock it, and wipe it.)I will be showing you how to enable iCloud on your MacI will be showing the different backup options within iCloudWe will be enabling Find My Mac and Location Services for Find My Mac to work.We will Track the Mac on a Map from the Find My iPhone app on iPhone, as well as fromwithin a Browser.We will send an Alert Sound to the lost Mac.I will show how you can send a Lock or Wipe to your lost Mac in the event it was stolen from you."
Price: 199.99

"Pass the Real Estate Salesperson Exam" |
"***MONEY BACK GUARANTEE***Conditions:- Prove to me you have passed a 40 hour pre-licensing course.- Show me you took the licensing exam within 60 days of purchasing the courseand did not pass.- If you qualify you can message me and i will gladly refund you.The Course:This course is designed to guarantee you a passing grade on your real estate licensing exam. I cut out all the information you don't need for the exam and secured the points that are crucial.You will understand the concepts of real estate, prep yourself to pass and think critically in order to put your knowledge to use. This course covers: property ownership, land use controls and regulations, valuation and market analysis, financing, principles of agency, property conditions and disclosures, contracts, transfer of title, practice of real estate, calculations, specialty areas andstate laws and rules.This material is not easy and does take some time to learn. Whether you want to watch the lectures or just take the notes/exam and run, don't rush and cram. Try to absorb the information into your long term memory and thoroughly understand the concepts, don't just memorize. I constructed the exam questions and i can assure you they are quality.With all the attached files i have provided you have more than enough information to be able to overcome this exam with the right preparation. In the end, I'm confident you WILL succeed."
Price: 19.99

"Build an Awesome LinkedIn Profile in 2018!" |
"Now updated with the 2018 LinkedIn Platform!What you will learn about inthis LinkedIn Course:Section 1 -Building your Profile:Learn how to build anamazing professional LinkedIn profile that will get you more leads or get hired!The PerfectProfile Picture &Cover PhotoHeadlines &Public Profile URLsThe PerfectProfile SummaryShowcasing your Previous ExperiencesHow to getEndorsements & SkillsHow to getRecommendationsShowcasing yourCourses & AchievementsThe importance ofConnectionsSection 2 - BONUS - Finding, Writing &Posting ContentFinding Content that worksWriting Articles within LinkedInPosting Content on LinkedInWho am I?Over 1000 Students on myLinkedIn Course!I have a passion for technology and the latest trends in Marketing, Software and Business strategies. I try to combine my knowledge in technology with my love for business and entrepreneurship.Even a beginner can use these techniques!"
Price: 199.99

"LinkedIn Ads for Beginners - 2020" |
"Now updated with the 2020 Campaign Manager Platform!What you will learn about in this LinkedIn advertising Course:Section 1:LinkedIn Ads Essentials Designing the perfect ad Designing the perfect inMail Finding, Creating & Posting ContentSection 2:Campaign Manager Basics Conversion Tracking Sponsored Content Lead Gen Forms Sponsored Text Ads Sponsored inMailsThis course will help you understand the basics of LinkedIn advertising, find profitable content and generate leads!Requirements to start:A LinkedIn Business AccountBeginner LinkedIn Skills"
Price: 199.99

"Domain Flipping - Make a Profit Online Flipping Domain Names" |
"This course is beginner friendly!In this course, I will show you how to make money online through buying domain names , appraising domain names and then selling the domain names for profit!I will show you :Key Terms for Domain FlippingExpired Domains vs Deleted DomainsHow to Back order a DomainOur Domain Name SecretSourceValuating Domain NamesHow to check for Blacklisted DomainsHow to purchase a domainIn Section 2 I will show you:Where to sell your Domain NamesHow to create a DomainAuctionWriting a killer domain listing that sells!How to transfer a domain using Godaddy"
Price: 199.99

"SAP Business One Logistics (Sales & Purchasing)" |
"Introduction This course is designed for People who wants to enter ERP world specially SAP (leading German company in ERP world), you will learn about SAP Business One special solution from SAP for medium & small enterprises (not scale down from All-in- one), SAP B1 contain most of business units & modules which cover most of the industries in different areas.About this courseIn our course, we will learn overall the business process, SAP B1 versions and about SAP HANA new technology (In-memory), we will focus over SAP logistics modules (Sales & Purchasing) process & scenarios.In sales A/R (Account Receivable) module we know how to conduct all sales business process starting from sales quotation to sales Order to Delivery and finally A/R Invoice types (Like Down Payment or Reserve Invoice and difference between them) with its financial & Inventory effect as per Inventory type running.In Purchasing A/P (Account Payable) module we know how to conduct all Purchasing business process starting from Purchase Request which represent (Internal Requests for internal supplements by the employees) to Purchase quotation to Purchase Order to Good Receipt Purchase Order and finally A/P Invoice types (Like Down Payment or Reserve Invoice and difference between them) with its financial & Inventory effect as per Inventory type running.Instructor Contacts:Sara ArabyWhatsApp +02 0101 09 55 746Mail: Sara.Araby@outlook.comSkype: Sara.Araby@outlook.com"
Price: 104.99

"Ilustracin Digital para principiantes con Adobe Photoshop" |
"Curso bsico de ilustracin digital para artistas digitales que inician su aprendizaje as como para aquellos cuyo hobby sea la ilustracin digital, se abordan varios captulos en los que se encuadran: Paisaje martimo, Atmsferas, Planetas, Brillos, Estrellas, Paisajes boscosos, Nieve y principios de Speedpaint, no se requiere conocimiento avanzado de la plataforma Photoshop para abordar el curso pero se recomienda el uso de tabla digital para mejores resultados dentro del mismo."
Price: 945.00

"Weight loss in 8 Weeks only !" |
"8 weeks of training in the gym with the perfectexercises thathelp you to lose fats and to shape your body to more beautifulThe diet is playing very very very important role in any goal , so learn how to write it wisely and how to manipulate the body by caloric deficit to keep fat losing process continuous!!so you will learn in this course :Setting Up Your Weight Loss Diet (Step-By-Step)Determining Your Daily Calorie NeedsAmountProtein Intake For Weight LossAmount Carbohydrate Intake For Weight LossAmount FatIntake For Weight LossRecommendation OfTheRight MealsOptional foodsources with the nutrition facts of them:The Best Sources Of HealthyProteinThe Best Sources Of HealthyCarbsThe Best Sources Of HealthyFats2 Different Plans of Training That Will Shape Your Body Perfectly!!First 4 weeks :Perfect Chest and TricepsExercisesPerfect Back and BicepsExercisesPerfect Legs and Shoulders ExercisesSuitable Cardio and AbsExercisesTime of TrainingTime of Resting Between setsPerfect Time of CardioSecond 4 weeks :Harder ChestExercisesHarder Back ExercisesHarder Arms and AbsExercisesHarder Legs ExercisesHarder Shoulders , Arms and AbsExercisesCardio !Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, andstart Achievingyour goal and get ready for the summertoday!!"
Price: 99.99

"Master Flutter & Dart: De cero a experto" |
"Actualizado Mayo 2020: Dart 2.8Actualizacin Septiembre 2019: Validaciones Formularios, SQLite, Arquitectura BLOC, Streams, RxDart, FireBase, FirestoreFlutter es el nuevo framework mobile de Google para crear interfaces nativas en iOS y Android en un tiempo rcord. Flutter funciona con Dart (originalmente llamado Dash) el cual es un lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos y de cdigo abierto. La prioridad de Flutter es aumentar la calidad de desarrollo de aplicaciones y que sea sencillo.Porque deberamos comenzar a utilizar Flutter?Multiplataforma: Al utilizar el mismo render, framework y libreras, flutter permite crear a travs de un solo UI una aplicacin que pueda correr tanto en Android como en IOS, adems proporciona widgets basados en las pautas de Cupertino (IOS) y Material Design (Android) como los es el scrolling, navegacin, iconos y fuentes para proporcionar un completo rendimiento nativo en el dispositivoDesarrollo Rpido:Hot Reload es una prctica que permite realizar cambios en tu aplicacin en tiempos de ejecucin. En milisegundos las modificaciones se vern en el dispositivo sin la necesidad de tener que detener y levantar la aplicacin como se realiza en el modo tradicional.Comunidad en crecimientoFlutter es un framework an en Beta, pero est respaldado por Google, su comunidad va en crecimiento, lo cual queda demostrado en su github oficial.Que voy a obtener este curso:Desarrollar 15 aplicaciones distintas para comprender Flutter.Desarrollar un WhatsApp Clone.Desarrollar una aplicacin de cartelera de pelculas utilizando el API Tmdb.SQLite en una aplicacin real.El mejor soporte si tienes alguna pregunta.Al finalizar el curso tu vas a entender completamente:Conceptos de programacin a objetos (OOP): propiedades, mtodos, clases, herencias, clases abstractas e interfaces.Flujo de Control: IF/Else, switch, whiles, for loops.Estructura de Datos: Colecciones como maps y lists.Programacin asncrona: Como realizar llamadas asncronas a APIs y obtener datos de un servidor remoto.Conocimiento profundo del Framework de FlutterComprender el desarrollo de Flutter y Dart a travs de aplicaciones reales."
Price: 199.99

"Samba no p" |
"O curso de samba no p possui uma didtica fcil visando alcanar quem nunca teve contato com a dana,quem j iniciou algum curso mas no concluiu e quem j dana mas deseja aprimorar a tcnica,ao longo das nossas aulas ser desenvolvido o ritmo do samba,sambar no lugar e se deslocando, desenvolvimento do quadril,gingado e muito mais.Seu momento agora!!Venha conferir a oportunidade dedar um show nas rodas de samba com os amigos e quem sabe desfilar no prximo carnaval.Aguardo voc.Vem danar a vida com a gente!!"
Price: 129.99

"Uczenie maszynowe od podstaw z Azure ML Studio (classic)" |
"Poprzedni tytu kursu (""Uczenie maszynowe od postaw z Azure Machine Learning Studio"") zosta zaktualizowany, aby odzwierciedli obecne nazewnictwo stosowane przez firm Microsoft. Samo narzdzie jest oczywicie cay czas dostpne, a wiedza zdobyta na kursie wci - mam nadziej - ma w duej mierze uniwersalny charakter.Serdecznie zapraszam na mj kurs dotyczcy podstaw machine learning. Licz, e w cigu spdzonych wsplnie kilku godzin uda mi si nie tylko wyjani czym jest uczenie maszynowe, ale te da Ci solidne podstawy do tworzenia wasnych modeli analitycznych. Omwimy proces tworzenia modelu prognostycznego, poznasz w detalach najpopularniejsze metody i algorytmy oraz oglne zasady pracy z danymi. Dowiesz si take z jakimi problemami najczciej borykaj si pocztkujcy analitycy, oraz jak sobie z nimi radzi.Jak wyobraam sobie Ciebie, idealnego uczestnika tego kursu? Zaczniemy od podstaw - nie oczekuj wic, e miae do tej pory jakkolwiek styczno z uczeniem maszynowym czy data science. Nie wymagam te od Ciebie gbokiej znajomoci matematyki, ani umiejtnoci programowania. Licz jedynie, e ciekawi Ci zaproponowana tematyka, posiadasz otwarty umys oraz motywacj do zdobycia nowych kompetencji. Z pen wiadomoci zdecydowaem si wybra, do wszystkich przykadw, darmowe i intuicyjne w obsudze rodowisko o nazwie Azure Machine Learning Studio. Omwimy je w szczegach i mam nadziej, e stanie si dla Ciebie dobrym fundamentem do pracy i okazj do dalszego rozwoju.Jeli cokolwiek w trakcie kursu bdzie dla Ciebie niejasne, lub pojawi si w Twojej gowie jakie wtpliwoci, skorzystaj z zakadki ""pytania i odpowiedzi"". Pozostamy w kontakcie.Koniecznie sprawd jako kursu przed zakupem i zapoznaj si z przykadow lekcj. Pamitaj te, e jeli z jakiego powodu wykupiony kurs nie bdzie Ci odpowiada, w cigu 30 dni moesz ubiega si o zwrot kosztw. Mam nadziej, e kocowy rezultat speni Twoje oczekiwania. Zapraszam do wsplnej nauki!"
Price: 369.99

"Excel : Macro - VBA" |
"Ce cours trs pratique s'adresse aux utilisateurs rguliers d'excel connaissant les fonctionnalitsde bases : mise en forme, quelques formules, graphique etsouhaitant apprendre automatiser des oprations rptitives.L'approche est progressive, les fonctionnalits sont vues en abordant des cas concret.Prsentant tout d'abord l'enregistreur des macrosLes raccourcis clavier ncessaires et les fonctionnalits excel connaitreLes modes d'enregistrementvous permettant donc trs rapidement crer des automateset cesans avoir coder sur des cas pratiques courants.La limite de l'enregistreur est prsente, ce qui explique pourquoi le VBA.Nous irons donc dcouvrir l'espace de travail du VBA, le jargon , la syntaxe ..tout ce qu'il faut pour tre a l'aise avec.Comprendre l'environnement VBAComment dcouvrir le code quivalent une manipulation grce a l'enregistreurLa notion d'objet , proprit , mthodeLa syntaxeLes bouclesLes formulairesLa programmation vnementiellePuis verrons comment crer une macro en saisissant du codePiloter d'autres applicationsNous verrons les cas a traiter les plus courant dans le monde professionnel (tableau variables, rapports a dynamiser,...).Des cas pratiques concrets seront prsents.Ouverture vers les autres outils du pack office :mailing de masse (pilotage Outlook)publipostage PDF avec un document par ligne (pilotage Word)"
Price: 199.99

"Vous allez grce ce cours raliser des de recherche sans hsitation et ceci travers une approche pdagogique progressive et pratique.Les fonctions de recherche abordes sont les plus couramment utilises :RechercheVRechercheHIndexEquivIndirectSIERREUR Utilisation des nomsRecherches imageAu del de la syntaxe vous allez Identifier dans quelle situation les utiliserla forme que doit respecter vos tableaux pour ces fonctionside de conception de tableaux de factures et fichesUne mise en pratique chaque tape et une consolidation des acquis travers des Quizz court et prcis fera de vous une ceinture noire des fonctions de recherche abordes ici ^^.Les raccourcis claviers essentiels pour booster votre productivit seront abords."
Price: 29.99

"Planifier correctement un projet avec Microsoft Project" |
"Beaucoup de personnes utilisent encore Excel pour grer des projet, ce dernier est puissant mais montre ses limites ds qu'il s'agit d'intgrer un calendrier de projet ou des ressources sur les taches. Microsoft Project (aka Ms Project) est le produit de gestion de projet de Microsoft, le plus largement utilis en entreprise. Etre l'aise avec vous garanti une meilleure visibilit sur vos projets.Dans ce cours vous ne ferez pas que appliquer des principes, vous comprendrez surtout le pourquoi de ces principes. Vous saisirez ds les 15 premires minutes la diffrence entre le fichier de projet Ms Project et les autres fichiers office.Un ensemble d'tapes respecter pour russir un montage de projet sans stress:Paramtrage du fichierPlanifier le projetCommuniquer autour du projetOutils d'optimiser le planningUn projet pouvant intgrer des ressources, nous verronsCration et affectation simple des ressourcesUtilisation des rapports standardsJ'ai connu le produit Il y'a 10 ans, euphorique, je me suis jet dessus ds que j'ai su qu'il permet un montage rapide de projet et gnrant automatiquement les vues les plus importantes en pilotage de projet :CalendrierGanttPertChronologieRapportsEn gros vous vous occupez des donnes de votre projet : les tches s'enchanements entre elles, le logiciel gre en arrire plan automatiquement l'impact sur les dlais du projet ,..ooo magique.Et dsillusion ....des jours, semaines , mois aprs je galrais toujours avec car je n'avais pas compris ce fameux ""arrire plan automatiquement"". J'ai donc pris le temps d'apprendre, le fait est que sur internet le produit foisonne d'informations mais pas de mthode.J'ai donc conu ce cours pour vous proposer une mthode procdurale en 4 tapes clefs , applicable sur n'importe quel type de projet avec Microsoft Project pour la premire phase du cycle de vie d'un projet : la mise en place du planning. Vous comprendrez la magie derrire la scneEn ressources : Cas pratiques raliserDes modles de projets de tous type (Industrie, Commerce, Marketing,..)PDF regroupant les bonnes et mauvaises pratiques viter/!__________________________________________________________________/!PS: Ce cours ne traitera pas les points suivants (prvus pour un cours avanc) : Suivi de projet Audit des cots Personnalisation des lments (rapports, tables, graphiques, champs, filtres)Macros Lissage de charge Multi-Projet Partage de ressources"
Price: 149.99

"Moroccan Arabic and its culture : FIRST LEVEL" |
"Are you planning to visit Morocco? If YES, Then you came to the right Place, In this course, I will help you Speak Moroccan Arabic (Darija ) correctly and appropriately so that you can communicate effectively with Locals while you are In Morocco. Also, I will provide you with a basic knowledge about Moroccan culture.My experience as a Language and Cross- culture Facilitator of Moroccan arabic and its culture has afforded me the opportunity to interact with different nationalities and engage them in learning using teaching methods that coincide with the Universal Design for Learning. These methods provide high-interest learning material, multiple means of assessment and instructionThe course includes a variety of topics based on everyday situations; (vocabulary, grammar, Moroccan culture topics and communication skills)The followings are some of the things you will learn after enrolling in the course.* Introduce yourself in a culturally appropriate way*ordering a coffee*asking about time / locations*Shopping in Souks*Moroccan etiquettes*Grammar* Write simple sentences in Darija* etcI look forward to seeing you inside the course.Stay blessed, Abderrahim Arfaoui"
Price: 99.99

"Ultimate Guide to Start Up Web Analytics (Google Analytics)" |
"Many startups are still in the beginning stages of development and are hungry for web data. Though, finances get in the way of gathering resources tobuilda solid webanalytics infrastructure beforehand. By the time startups are ready, it's harder to fit in web analytics into the ecosystem.This web analyticscourse for startups is meant to remove that barrier and get you prepared in tracking your online behavior ASAP. You'll also know how to interpret web analytics and figure outnext steps based on actual web data you trust AND understand.Well cover the following topics: Develop a webmeasurement plan how to apply analytics into your startupmarketing strategy Learn about what digital analytics can offer what types of analysis and how digital or webanalytics fits into the rest of your data ecosystem Integrate a foundational web analytics tool (Google Analytics) Structure your web data with Google Analytics to get the essential elements for your day-to-day Browse through the utility of web analytics reports and apply them to test practice Explore other webanalytics methods to complement your Google Analytics data Dive into best practices for all online dataconceptsKnow how to make sure your web data is accurate with Google Analytics +Google Tag ManagerBONUS FEATURE: Unlimited Q&A for all types related to analytics! Not all startups are the same, so please reach out to me directly for additional follow-up questions in the Q&Asection...I'll be more than happy to help with more specifics. THIS INCLUDES A FREE CONSULTATION OF YOUR CURRENT WEBSITEto see how you can optimize from a webuser experience standpoint.With this course, youll really understand what web analytics can do for you and how you can apply it to your onlinebusiness. Ill guide you through the thought process, but also leave room for you to brainstorm. If youre ready to take advantage of what analytics can offer, then this is the course for you...30-Day Money Back GUARANTEE!Why worry about investing now?I promise you that you will get enough information to start your business with data. Always open to feedback as well as I can continue to improve this course and you'll have unlimited access to the new content that you've asked for!Join me in the world of webanalytics!"
Price: 49.99

"How To Be A Data-Driven Digital Marketer (Google Analytics)" |
"For all digital marketers out there. You are the voice of the consumer, so let's be more efficient and do your own data analysis and understand your consumers on a deeper level. Applyyour creativity to digital marketing with more accuracy and purposeful intent. There is a lot to review, but with this course, I give you enough resources and information to get you becoming more independent with web data. I'll show you how to look at webdata for each of your digitalmarketing initiatives from the list below:Email Marketing StrategyPay-Per-Click / Display Marketing (PPC) StrategySEO/SEMAnalysisSocial Media + ContentAnalyticsAffiliate/Influencer Marketing StrategyThen, I provide best analytics practices at a high-level on how to tie everything together into one story for powerful storytelling. It's all about how you approach the data - as long as you understand the risk and the application, you'll be successful in your marketing campaigns. Examples are given with real numbers in Google Analytics and other dashboards I've picked out to showcase the marketinganalysis process.BONUS FEATURE: Unlimited Q/Aaccess for any specific needs and I can help walk you through your individual campaigns on how to improve your analysis and marketing strategy. By linking up with this course, I'll share updates of new content about all things analysis - and keep you in the know of tips +tricks to better your marketing performance.See you in class!!- Elizabeth"
Price: 49.99

"Autoconhecimento e uso das Emoes no Ambiente de Trabalho" |
"*** [BIBLIOGRAFIA AO FINAL DESTA PGINA] ***CONTEDO PROGRAMTICO:CAP. 1 Por que devemos nos conhecer melhor e relacionarmos com as pessoas.1.1 Enxergando a ns mesmos e aos outros1.1.1 Voc se conhece? O autoconhecimento como meio de orientao de carreira e de vida;1.1.2 Qual a importncia de termos habilidades para as inter-relaes humanas, principalmente no ambiente de trabalho da era atual?1.2 Inteligncia Emocional1.2.1 O que Inteligncia Emocional e como ela pode favorecer as nossas relaes;CAP. 2 O uso de uma metodologia para desenvolvermos o nosso Autoconhecimento e Inteligncia Emocional: O Eneagrama.2.1 Entendendo o ser humano de uma forma prtica atravs do Eneagrama2.1.1 O que estesistema tem para nos ensinar sobre comportamento humano, favorecendo a nossa inteligncia emocional?2.1.2 O Eneagramacomo uma ferramenta de anlise dos perfis de personalidade2.1.2.1 O que personalidade? Personalidade, a matria-prima doEneagrama; como ela surge dentro das pessoas?2.2 Os princpios da Tipologia doEneagrama para a anlise dos perfis (tipos) de personalidade2.2.1 Qual o significado desta tipologia?2.2.2 Os 3 Grupos que compem o Eneagramae as suas sub-divises, em 09 diferentes perfis (tipos) de Personalidade;2.2.3 Caractersticas que regem os 3 Grupos de Personalidade doEneagrama.*** Detalhando cada um dos 09 perfis (tipos) de Personalidade da Tipologia doEneagrama.CAP. 3Grupo 1 Os Institivos (Tipo 8 O Chefo, Tipo 9 O Tranquilo, Tipo 1 O Certinho);CAP. 4 Grupo 2 Os Emocionais (Tipo 2 O Amigvel, Tipo 3 O Bem -Sucedido, Tipo 4 O Sonhador);CAP. 5 Grupo 3 Os Mentais (Tipo 5 O Fechado, Tipo 6 O Desconfiado, Tipo 7 O Extrovertido). Tpicos abordados nos tipos de personalidade, constantes dos captulos3/ 4/ 51 Definies gerais de cada tipo;2 Smbolos representativos;3 Caractersticas Gerais;4 Como estabelecer a empatia na convivncia com os tipos;5 Como cada tipo se relaciona com a questo da hierarquia;6 O desafio pessoal dos tipos.CAP. 6 Os desafios cotidianos no entendimento dos comportamentos humanos.6.1 Existe uma nova tica para enxergarmos a ns mesmos e aos outros, apsconhecermos os perfis de personalidade representados na Tipologia de Gurdjieff?6.2 Quais os benefcios que os vrios mtodos de anlise da personalidade (dentre eles a Tipologia de Gurdjieff)podem trazer em nossas vidas, em termos pessoais como profissionais?*** BIBLIOGRAFIA ***Baron, R., & Wagele, E. (2009).The Enneagram made easy: Discover the 9 types of people. Harper Collins. Beesing, M., Nogosek, R. J., & O'Leary, P. H. (1984).The enneagram: A journey of self-discovery. Dimension Books. Bennett, J. G. (1990).Estudios sobre el eneagrama. Editorial Sirio, SA. Blake, A. G. E. (1996).The intelligent enneagram. Shambhala Publications. Cron, I. M., & Stabile, S. (2016).The Road Back to You Study Guide. InterVarsity Press. Daniels, D., & Price, V. (2009).The Essential Enneagram: The Definitive Personality Test and Self-Discovery Guide--Revised & Updated. Harper Collins. Goldberg, M. J. (1999).The 9 ways of working: How to use the Enneagram to discover your natural strengths and work more effectively. Da Capo Press. Hurley, K. V., & Dobson, T. E. (2001). What's My Type? Use the Enneagram. Jaxon-Bear, E. (2001). The Enneagram of Liberation; From Fixation to Freedom.Bolinas, CA: Leela Foundation. Maitri, S. (2000).The spiritual dimension of the enneagram: Nine faces of the soul. Penguin. Riso, D. R., & Hudson, R. (1999).The wisdom of the Enneagram: The complete guide to psychological and spiritual growth for the nine personality types. Bantam. Riso, D. R., & Hudson, R. (2000).Understanding the enneagram: The practical guide to personality types. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Rohr, R., & Ebert, A. (1990).Discovering the enneagram: an ancient tool for a new spiritual journey. Crossroad. Palmer, H. (1995).The enneagram. Sounds True Audio. Palmer, H., & Karstens, W. (1995).The enneagram in love & work: understanding your intimate & business relationships. HarperSanFrancisco. Zuercher, S. (1996).La espiritualidad del eneagrama: de la compulsin a la contemplacin(Vol. 178). Narcea Ediciones."
Price: 474.99

"Negociao Estratgica e Gerenciamento de Conflitos" |
"Negociao Estratgica: Como Otimizar seus contatos e alcanar ResultadosCAP. 1 Por que e quando negociamos?CAP. 2 A comunicao eficaz no processo de negociao 2.1 A importncia da comunicao 2.2 Comunicao eficaz2.3 Linguagem verbal e no-verbal (o corpo fala) CAP. 3 O passo a passo da negociao 3.1 Princpios da negociao 3.1.1 Adoo de estratgias 3.1.2 Adoo de tticas (o que quero; pra que quero; como quero) Passos tticos 3.2 Estruturao dos argumentos3.3 Momento inicial do contato 3.4 Execuo da entrevista de sondagem 3.5 Apresentao dos argumentos 3.6 Compreenso da mensagem CAP. 4 Influncias pessoais e culturais no fechamento da negociao4.1 Fatores humanos na negociao 4.2 O jeito brasileiro de negociar 4.2.1 Os diferentes estilos de negociao nas vrias regies do BrasilCAP. 5 Bnus: O que rapport?"
Price: 219.99

"The Beginner's Illustration Masterclass" |
"This quick and easy course for beginners will help you make original, custom digital paintings and illustrations using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and/or Gimp (or any similar program) in just a matter of minutes that look professional and can be used online, in videos and animations, or for print purposes such as on a poster, letterhead, even a T-shirt or other products. *Please note that free 7-day trial versions of Photoshop and Illustrator are available for download from Adobe's website. Gimp is a free program.Save money making your own unique digital images and illustrations (and stop paying others to do them for you) and develop skills that can help you start making money creating professional-looking images for others. You can also use these simple techniques to make unique images and illustrations as free gifts for friends and family. You also don't need to know how to draw. There are actually a HUGE number of graphic designers who CAN NOT draw... but they make up for it by using techniques like the ones in this course and naturally, learning more about layout design, composition, color, typography, and other fundamentals of visual literacy. You can decide how much time you will spend on each image which will then affect your end results. As you do more and more, you can be cranking these out in a matter of minutes and could actually make a little illustration/digital painting business creating these for others on websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and other freelancing websites.*New: This course now also comes with the FREE bonus course: Make Easy But Powerful Social Media Graphics: Canva StencilAre you ready to take charge and learn quick and easy methods for creating and editing powerful web images/social media graphics like a professional in just 1 hour?With this course as your guide, you'll learn how to confidentially and professionally create and manage your OWN unique images for your website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages using free online tools. ------What Students Are Saying: ""A great course by a great instructor. It was amazing to see the making of an image, with all the techniques, attention to detail, and also to hear the thinking process behind each decision. I found it stimulating and inspiring."" -Robin Scanlon ------ This course was created for:Complete beginnersArt hobbyists and novicesPeople who have all but given up on the idea that they might be creativePeople who think they can't draw at allPeople who used to draw but have forgotten howPeople who like easy tips and tricks that give impressive results fast (*like a super easy recipe that looks like you spent hours slaving in a kitchen when really you whipped up something quite easily in minutes)Traditional artists who'd like to get started also working digitally.Children who want to learn introductory digital painting and illustration techniquesArt educators who want to learn tried and true techniques that build confidence in students and that will get them making beautiful and unique illustrations in just over an hour with big smiles on their faces.Any artist at any skill level who is open-minded and wants to learn a few cool new tips and techniques to add to their bag of tricksAnyone who wants to learn the most important tools that can be found in virtually ANY imaging program, not just Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. (layers, brushes, erasers, transparencies, colors, etc.) This course is not for:people who only want to focus on drawing from life or imagination. People who want to know every feature of Photoshop and Illustrator. In this course, I only focus on the most important tools you can start with right away that are also found in virtually every other decent imaging program and tools that will still be around 20 years from now.I'm a practicing award-winning multimedia artist and an Associate Professor of Digital Media who recently taught for universities, international schools, and NGOs in Myanmar from 2016-2019. I co-founded and directed the Film and Digital Media Program at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm now living in Lilongwe, Malawi and am a Digital Media and Animation Specialist for The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Malawi).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP.Please Note: All students who enroll in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated current and upcoming courses.You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need specific feedback along the way. Empower yourself now by enrolling in this digital painting course and join our growing learning community!Enroll now and let's get started building your digital painting, software, and design skills today."
Price: 119.99

"Make Quick & Easy Websites, Social Media Graphics & Video" |
"Are you ready to take charge and learn quick and easy methods for creating and editing powerful websites, web images, social media graphics, and web videos like a professional in just a few hours? Whether you are an entrepreneur, employee, content creator, teacher, author, or social media maven, over the last few years it has become CRUCIAL to know how to do a little bit of everything online. With this beginner's masterclass as your guide, you'll learn how to confidentially and professionally create and manage your OWN website as well as unique images, web videos, and social media graphics for your website, blog, eCourse, eBook, presentations, or social media pages.-No design skills required. -No expensive software required. -Beginners and busy people welcome.Save time, money, and sanity by learning how to finally make your own website, images, and media without having to always pay someone else to do them for you. In this course you will learn:Easy and quick ways to create professional websites, web & social media graphics, and videos for the web and social media in minutes using free online toolsHow to take your regular logo and put it on a transparent background in four minutes or lessLearn the most essential and useful tools in Canva, Stencil, Wix, InVideo and the freeware imaging program GimpUnderstand how to get free images, music, and video for your projects that you can use worry-free every timeAbsorb the most important design principles as we work together making real websites, images, videos, and social media graphics for real clientsUnderstand how to better choose and organize type, images, colors, and layout in your designs See how to schedule and deliver graphics through the free social media post-planning tool, Buffer.Get a birds-eye view of the design process from concept to final product.Gain FREE access to the course, Make an Easy Promo Video in 1 Hour: iMovie Spotlight.Create a quick and dirty, yet persuasive promo video using InVideo. This course was created especially for complete beginners as well as people who fight with technology who want to gain new and valuable digital imaging skills and web design skills that can be used every day. You can watch and follow along with me as I show you through case studies for actual client s how I make professional-looking social media graphics and web images using the free online tools Canva and Stencil and easy, code-free/fuss-free websites using the powerful free tool Wix. You'll also learn how to make the most essential image fixes and edits using the free program Gimp as well as the trial version of Adobe Photoshop. I'll also show you how to make easy and effective web videos using InVideo. Also as a special bonus, you'll learn how to use simple iMovie trailer templates to make professional and effective promo videos in just 1 hour.I'm a practicing award-winning multimedia artist and an Associate Professor of Digital Media who recently taught for universities, international schools, and NGOs in Myanmar from 2016-2019. I co-founded and directed the Film and Digital Media Program at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm now living in Lilongwe, Malawi and am a Digital Media and Animation Specialist for The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Malawi).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely design advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP. Empower yourself now by enrolling in this course and join our growing learning community! Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the upper right corner and let's get started building your new web and image creation skills today."
Price: 119.99

"ekirdekten Uzmanla Egzersiz ve Projelerle Komple JAVA" |
"Neden Bu Kursu Almalsnz ve Bu Kursu zel Yapan Nedir?Bu eitim seti javaprogramlama dilini en ayrntl ekilderenmek isteyenleriin hazrlanmtr.Trkiye'de yazlm alannda kaliteli kaynaa eriimde yaanlan skntlardan dolay bir bayapt olarak hazrlanmtr. nc bir kurs olmas amalanmaktadr.Bu eitim seti kavramlar temelinde ve znde ok iyi bir ekilde kavracanz ekilde hazrlanmtr.Neden Java renmeliyim?Java dnyann en popler ve en ok i sahas olan yazlm dillerindendir. Java kodu bir kere yazarsnz ve her platformda(Android,Linux,Windows,Mac v.s) alr. Genelde en ok kazandran yazlm dilidir. Java ile web ve mobil dahil olmak zere birok platforma uygulama gelitirilebilmektedir."
Price: 19.99

"Developing Your Psychic skills & Abilities" |
"Developing Your Psychic Skills & Abilities courseis for those who are newly wanting to discover their own psychic abilities, this course gives you the confidence needed to explore and sets you on your own personal path of self discovery!If youhave always wondered ''do I have a psychic ability'', this course can help you not feel so lost on where to start.I have set this course so it flows and builds up on itself, this is not a quick fix overnight course there is work to be done but you'll be rewarded with the effort you put into your own psychic development.Build a strong foundation to start developing your psychic skills and abilities with this coursefor beginners.Discover the 4 main psychic senses:Clairvoyance,Clairaudience,Clairsentience andClaircognizance.Learn to meditate to help you connectLearn how to ground yourself so you can let go of energy and become calmerLearn other topics that help with psychic development such as; Chakras, divination and meeting your spirit guidesPsychicdevelopment goes hand-in-hand with self-discovery andwith self-discovery comes a deeper understanding that strengthens allyour relationships.Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning psychic development, through this course of 30lectures and 2hours of content, youll learn all of the psychicfundamentals and establish a strong understanding to strengthenyour own skills and abilities of the 4 main psychic senses.Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with learning to meditate effectively, this course will take you through the 4 psychic sensesand how to developthem. By giving you a clear outline andcreating confidence, youll a establish a strong understanding of your own personal strengths and abilities.With these basics mastered, the course will take you through to a more intermediate level of psychic development so you can continue your personal path with confidence and the skills needed.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to continue on their own path of self discovery and become more aware of the world around them and their inner self's.Complete with PDF worksheets and hands on practical exercises,youll be able to see your own personal growth, and will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course and a deeper understanding of your own psychic skills and abilities."
Price: 124.99

"Life Coaching Tarot Course" |
"Life Coaching Tarot Courseis not onlyfor those who are already Life Coaches but for anyone who is committedto creating the best life possible, this course gives you a new tool andthe confidence needed to explore your life to create meaningful goal!If you use Tarot, you can discover a new way of using the cards for self-improvement/development and if you're a life coach this course teaches you another option to add to your coaching toolbox.I havecreatedthis course so it flows and builds up on itself,with quick and easy to follow lessons.Learn a new skill for Life Coaching using the Tarotwiththis coursefor beginners and advancedpractitionersalike.Discover how to use Tarot in a Life Coaching settingLearn to skill to add to your Life Coaching ToolkitUse Tarot as a self-improvement and discovery toolLearn other topics that help with Life Coachingsuch as: The GROW ans SMART ModelsLife Coaching with Tarotgoes hand-in-hand with self-discovery andwith self-discovery comes a deeper understanding that strengthens allyour relationships.Content and OverviewSuitable for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners, through this course youll learn how to use Tarot in a Life Coaching setting using a simple Five Card Tarot Spread in all Eight Areas of Life, then moving on to using the SMART Model and then the Grow Model.Each chapter closes with exercises, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with learning to connect with theTarot before a Life Coaching session, this course will take you through all life areasand then move on to creating an action plan.By giving you a clear outline andcreating confidence, youll a establish a strong understanding of your own personal strengths and abilities, using Tarot as a Life Coaching tool.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to use Tarot as a tool in their own life coaching practices or for personal use.Complete with PDF worksheets and hands on practical exercises,youll be able to see your own personal growth, and will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course and a new skill to create the best life possible!"
Price: 24.99

"The Arduino Platform and C Programming1: Active session...." |
"this course :Active session , Rich , interactive and simplifiedis Homework each last lessonApplication in Arduino and SimulationProteusStudents' responses are through commentsThese duties are very important, allowing for the exchange of ideas and correcting the wrong onesAdds and expands cognition and helps the lesson to maintain the objectiveAnd the answer to the call and thanks to all"
Price: 19.99

arduino_and_c_programming_active-session |
": Proteus"
Price: 19.99

"verkaufen leicht gelernt" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr DICH konzipiert worden. Du hast in ein exklusives Premiumprodukt und viel wichtiger noch - in Dich selbst - investiert. Dieser Masterkurs ist die Quelle, um Deine Verkaufsskills auf die nchste Stufe zu heben.Wichtig: Dieses Coaching ist so zusammengestellt, dass Du alle Inhalte, unabhngig von Deinem bisherigen Wissen und Deinen Fhigkeiten, in Deinen Verkaufsalltag integrieren kannst. Hier und da sind kleine Anpassungen notwendig, die Essenz hilft Dir auf jeden Fall weiter.Wichtiges zu BeginnMit den Inhalten aus diesem Kurs hast Du die Mglichkeit eine Menge Einfluss geltend zu machen, sehr berzeugend zu sein und Menschen motivieren bestimmte Handlungen durchzufhren. Wir legen groen Wert darauf, dass Du alles, was Du hier lernst und fr Dich anwendest im ethisch, moralisch und gesetzlich erlaubten Rahmen machst.Es gibt leider immer wieder Menschen im Verkauf, die falsche Absichten haben und Menschen ausnutzen. Dies ist weder notwendig noch sinnvoll. Wir arbeiten hier absolut sauber und legen grten Wert darauf, dass Du es auch tust.Wie nutze Du diesen Masterkurs bestmglich?Um diese Inhalte optimal zu verinnerlichen und nutzen zu knnen, haben wir hier einige kurze Tipps fr Dich zusammengestellt. Versuche regelmig (tglich) ein paar Inhalte zu konsumieren. Regelmigkeit ist wichtiger als Menge.Nutze Dein Trainingsportal berall - Die Inhalte sind fr den Desktop, das Tablet und das Smartphone optimiert.Lege Dir ein (digitales) Notizbuch an, in dem Du Deine Erkenntnisse, die fr Dich wichtigsten Inhalte und Gedanken festhltst. Fr die digitale Variante empfehlen wir z.B. Evernote, Onenote oder Google Notizen. Nimm Dir bestimmte Trainingszeiten und ziehe diese durch. Z.B. eine bestimmte Uhr- oder Tageszeit. Starte mit kurzen Zeiten und verlngere je nach Mglichkeit und Bedarf. Vorwissen - Jeder Teilnehmer diesen Kurses hat unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse. Dies ist bercksichtigt. Da es gleichermaen wichtig ist seine/die Basics immer wieder zu wiederholen (Wiederholung ist die Mutter allen Knnens) und gleichzeitig seinen Wissenshorizont permanent zu erweitern, wirst Du hier genau dort abgeholt, wo Du gerade in Deiner Karriere stehst. Einer DER Vorteile, den dieser Masterkurs fr Dich bereithlt:Durch den Aufbau des Kurses hast Du die Mglichkeit, gerade die Formulierungsbeispiele und -hilfen, immer wieder und wieder zu trainieren. Wir machen immer wieder die Erfahrung, dass gerade das hufige Konsumieren dieser Abschnitte die Sicherheit, das Selbstvertrauen und damit auch die eigenen Umstze steigen lsst.Arbeite mit den bereitgestellten Arbeitsmaterialien (z.B. Nutzenargumentationstabelle). Diese Tools untersttzen Dich darin eine eigene Datenbank an Informationen aufzubauen, die Du perfekt mit den hier vermittelten Techniken anwenden kannst. Um das hufige und einfache Trainieren der Formulierungen zu gewhrleisten sind diese Videos in kompakter Form gehalten und auf das Wesentliche beschrnkt. ""Fllmaterial"" findest Du hier vergeblich :-)Deine Meinung - Du findest am Ende des Kurses eine Bewertungsfunktion und ein Textfeld, Z.B. interessiert uns, welche Techniken fr Dich am besten funktionieren, welche Du bevorzugst etc. Ich liebe Verkauf mit allem was dazu gehrt. Deshalb habe ich ein hohes Interesse an der stndigen Optimierung meiner Inhalte und der Bereitstellung weiterer Inhalte fr Dich. Je mehr Du uns hier mit Deiner Meinung hilfst, desto besser kann ich diese bercksichtigen und weitere Inhalte in die entsprechende Richtung produzieren. Notiz: Natrlich sind alle diese kurzen Umfragen zu 100% freiwillig.Stndige Erweiterung - Ich arbeite permanent an der Verbesserung und Optimierung diesen Kurses. Bitte wundere Dich nicht, wenn es pltzlich neue Inhalte, Videos oder anderweitige Ressourcen gibt.Notiz: Natrlich informiere ich Dich ber Neuerungen.Eine paar letzte und wichtige Hinweise:Ersetze Dein Wissen nicht durch unseres - In jedem Bereich, Verkauf (online wie Offline) ist da keine Ausnahme, gibt es eine Menge Propheten, die unterschiedliche Dinge predigen. Wir haben kein Interesse an egoistischen Wirsinddiebestenchallenges. Besitzt Du Techniken und Anwendungen, die fr Dich funktionieren - super! Wende sie an, alles andere wre idiotisch. Ergnze Dein Wissen und Deine Fhigkeiten mit all dem, was Du hier fr wertvoll erachtest, so dass Du Schritt fr Schritt mehr Wissen zusammen sammelst, flexibler wirst und Deine Fhigkeiten verbesserst. Es geht am Ende um ein Ziel: Mehr verkaufen online wie offline!Teile Deine Erfolge mit mir - Lass uns jederzeit wissen, mit welchen Techniken, Informationen und Anwendungen aus diesem Masterkurs Du Erfolge feierst. Dein Erfolg ist unsere Inspiration stndig neue Ideen zu entwickeln und weitere Inhalte zu konzipieren. Lets go!"
Price: 139.99

"Ketogenic Diet For Beginners! Become a Fat Burner Now" |
"THISISYOURANSWER!Ketogenic Diet For Beginners is a simple understandablestep-by-step guide to getting started on a ketogenic diet for the person who doesn't know how orwhere to start! No other courses are needed as this will answer all your questions plus you'll receive:- Mealplan-Shopping list-Food tracking worksheets-Workout (optional)-RecipesDon't get lost deep in the confusing science, Brandi delivers the information onwhen you can start losing weight immediately...This course shows you how to get into keto, stay in keto, calculate calories and macros, design your own mealplan,select your fat sources, track your food intake, shop for the perfect foods and more!The science is madeBrandi providesfull support along the way, for every question you may have. She also provides answers to your questions regarding your meal plan and how to modify it for your needs."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Portuguese in easy method - Course 1" |
"Learn to Read and write Portuguese.Learn Portuguese in a fast and easy method. With this course you can learn Portuguese inan easy manner with simple and logical way.It gives you pronunciation ofPortuguese words and phrases. You can listen and repeat or use his version of phonetics to help you pronounce words. Theres a useful explanation of commonly used expressions. By the end of the course, youll be able to hold basic Portuguese conversations such as introducing yourself, asking for directions and making small talk with others. Youll also know how to read and write in Portuguese.The words and expression you will learn will be useful in any visit to Portugal or Brazil. And you will learn how to put these expressions and the words together to form sentences.With continuous repetition and building on verb forms, you get helpful drilling practice in conjugating verbs while learning vocabulary groups. This course is intelligently designed to get you speak Portuguese in the shortest time possible. I have created this course as complete Portuguese course for the complete beginner who only has few minutes to spare in a day."
Price: 19.99

"Healthy Start - Lifestyle Course" |
"Kelsey Byers is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, 50 Pound Weight Loss Success, Mom and Oxygen Magazine Fitness Cover Model. She coaches women all over the world to transform their bodies and feel their best. In this video, Kelsey outlines the simple steps she's learned on how to get great results through healthy nutrition and fitness. This beginner's course is for anyone starting their journey and doesn't want to obsess about calories, the scale and doesn't have hours to spend in the gym. Work smarter, not harder! This course covers simple workout, nutrition and weight loss tips that Kelsey has learned during her 10+ year fitness journey. KELSEYBYERS.COM"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Dosh App!" |
"In order to use this course you must have the Dosh app.https://link.dosh.cash/ISypY7nqyLClick the link above to get started if you don't alreadyYou will learn Mainly about Marketing using Facebook ad managerThen I will recommend other forms of marketing including Youtube and Word of mouthto get as many referrals as possible in a short amount of time!"
Price: 19.99
