"The Rhythm & Melody of American English - Part 2" |
"This class is the second class in a two part series on American English intonation. The series is designed to help the high-intermediate to advanced English speaker master the key elements for speaking clear, understandable English. The series of courses focuses on the musical and rhythmic aspects of pronunciation, which are the most important aspects of intelligible English speech. Part 2 covers linking, thought groups and pausing, nonverbal communication and pitch."
Price: 59.99

"Learn to Cook Thai Food with Ann" |
"Ever missed the food you had during your visit toThailand and wished to have it again? Then you have come to the right place! At CookYourOwnThai, we will be showing and teaching you how to make those popular dishes you had in Thailand, which means that you can now have delicious authentic Thai food without having to leave your country.Most people have a misconception that Thai food has lots of ingredients and are a hassle to prepare, but we will change your mindset. Every recipe taught in this course will take no more than 20minutesto cook. In addition, all recipes have a downloadable ingredient list which you can print and bring along with you to the supermarket to get the required items.This course is suitable for anyone who loves Thai foodRecipestaught in this courseare popular and easy to prepareYou do not need any special equipments for cooking our recipesWe will be guiding you through every step, including cutting of ingredients like onionsBe sure to check out our course and if you have any questions, feel free to ask us through email or in the comments section. We hope that all of you will enjoy our teachings and find them useful!"
Price: 24.99

"William Blake: The Mad Poet" |
"Welcome to my first course! Enjoy learning about one of history's greatest poets. William Blake's works have influenced some of the world's greatest minds. Learn why in this course. Together we will analyze his poems, life, and times.We will examine his greatness and his madness.This course has just begun, content will continue to be added! If you have any poems you want me to go over just let me know."
Price: 49.99

"Poetry Basics: How to Write an Amazing Poem to Publish" |
"Are you having trouble getting started? Have you been rejected by publishers?Take this class tolearn the basics of writing spectacular poetry. Learn everything you need to writethe best poetry possible. Became aprofessional poet by completing this course.This iscomprehensive and will expand your knowledge base. Write poems that publishers beg for."
Price: 34.99

"Servo Motion Mastery (PLC Programming)" |
"This course is designed to give you a deep understanding of the core values neededto be able to program, troubleshoot, and have the deepest knowledge of RockwellAutomation PLCservo controls. This course starts from scratch and builds upelement by element to give the very best detail about servo motioncontrols.This is the best course in 2018 for detailed Rockwell Automation servo motion training program like this before for this price and I highly doubt that there will be anything close to this unless I am the one who makes it. Continuously raising the bar is my mission and I encourage you to join my journey.As part of making this course the best, I will be adding revisions or videos from time to time to add more sections but as it sits right now there is over 13 hours of video training about servo controls. Thisis Servo Motion Mastery 101 and AdvancedServo Motion Mastery 1 is released now as wellandAdvancedServo Motion Mastery2 will belaterinthis year so you have a deepcore understanding of servo motion controls.I have a very successful YouTube channel about PLC programming and run a websiteto assist with this effort as will which is Online PLC Support if you were toGoogle it."
Price: 34.99

"Advanced Servo Motion Mastery 1 (Servo PLC Programming)" |
"This course is the next in the series to continued the learning effort from the original Servo Motion Mastery. Advanced Servo Motion Mastery 1 is designed to give you a deep understanding of the advanced PLC programming methods needed to understand the depth of servo controls programming, troubleshoot, and have the detailed knowledge of Rockwell Automation PLC servo controls. This course picks up where Servo Motion Mastery left off and is a continued learning environment to help you complete your journey. The Advanced section of Servo Motion Mastery is going to be in two sections, Advanced Servo Motion Mastery 1 (PLC Programming) and Advanced Servo Motion Mastery 2 (PLC Programming). This is a effort to build a better education and a better delivery of information for this topic.Prerequisite: either have already taken the first course I made (Servo Motion Mastery) or already have a deep understanding of Rockwell Automation servo controls and how they operate. Meaning, you know how to build your own program and can get a servo system up and running within 30 minutes. If you do not meet this prerequisite then please first take my servo core values course (Servo Motion Mastery). As I do respect and value you as a student I would ask you to not purchase the Advanced Servo Motion Mastery unless you have been through Servo Motion Mastery, so you have a deep core understanding of servo motion controls.This is the best course in 2018 for detailed Rockwell Automation servo motion training program like this before for this price and I highly doubt that there will be anything close to this unless I am the one who makes it. Continuously raising the bar is my mission and I encourage you to join my journey, Servo Motion Mastery and Advanced Servo Motion Mastery.As part of making this course the best, I will be adding revisions or videos from time to time to add more sections but as it sits right now there is over 12 hours of video training about servo controls. This is Advanced Servo Motion Mastery and as noted there is my first course, Servo Motion Mastery.I have a very successful YouTube channel about PLC programming and run a website to assist with this effort as will which is Online PLC Support if you were to Google it."
Price: 34.99

"Master How to Travel Solo" |
"Hey, I'm Bilal,I traveled to Brazil, Cuba, Poland, Germany, USA and Malta. This gave me a view of the world and I discovered the things that were important for me, for example the memories and connections you make with people is irreplaceable. This journey helped me grow and now I am contributing by helping people travel to the destinations they dream about.. If you have been dreaming about visiting a country, I can help you get organized, helping you save money and making it easier.I would like to inspire you, this earth is vast and people have big hearts, and there is so much to see outside your city. This course givesyouinstructions of the items you need to bring with you but most importantly it's a journey of discovery,to find out what you like and what you don't about yourself.This journey will awakenyour true self and help you livefreely without worrying or trying to impress anyone. You will be comfortable in your own skin in all situations, and that is true freedom.I want to inspire you that what we see in the news and media does not portrait the beautiful hearts of human beings and how we are able to do so much for strangers. I have been helped numerous times in my journey and Iwould like to pay it forward.Being helpful and being able to contribute knowledge so you to can travel and fulfill all your dreams and goals."
Price: 84.99

"The Art of Storytelling" |
"Inspired by the worlds best speakers in the TED/TEDx/SingularityUniversity environment, Niki Ernst has created a series of lectures around the art of being an inspiring stage personality:from a quick and easy setup to deliver a meaningful talk to different archetypes of storytelling, the right use of presentationsoftware and a lot more."
Price: 19.99

"Optimize YOUR Airbnb" |
"This Udemy courseis the video alternative to my book ""Optimize YOURAirbnb: The Definitive Guide to Ranking #1 in Airbnb Search"". It will give you a detailed view of how your listing looks to your future potential guests (FPGs) and to Airbnb.Hi, I'm Daniel, The Airbnb Pro! I run the website ' OptimizeMyAirbnb'which focuses on helping Airbnb hosts stay ahead of their competition. In the past, Iwas an Airbnb employee (2013-6). I also run an Airbnb property management company, wrote a book on Airbnb, am a Superhost, and use Airbnb as a guest 200+ days per year.There are two aspects to your Airbnb business: offline and online. Offline is how you treat your guest when they arrive at your Airbnb (check-in, house manual, amenities, etc.). Online is how you present yourself and your Airbnb listing to the FPG.This course focuses on the online aspect, but because the offline aspect is so important, I touch on the most important parts that flow directly into your online listing (ie reviews).You will learn about:Proper photo arrangementDo photo captions really matter?Why + HOW to respond to guest reviews (both positive and negative)How to use behavioral psychology principles to complete the text in your listing and your profileA pricing trick that virtually gaurantee's you more listing viewsA title trick that will get more eyeballs on your listing from the startHow to properly fill in all of your text sections (even if you don't know what to say)What makes a good house rules sectionHow cancellation policies effect your occupancyAirbnb Plus......more....."
Price: 19.99

"Gerenciando Projetos de Software com Azure DevOps - TFS" |
"TFS e sua verso On-Line VSTS (Azure DevOps) so as ferramentas ALM que ajudam os projetos em equipe de desenvolvimento de software, permitindo um mundo de colaborao e recursos como a gesto dos cdigos fontes com versionamento, rastreabilidade de alteraes e entregas, controle de tarefas de seu projeto, e troca de atividades entre as equipes, alm disso aprenda como criar Dashboards modernos com graficos e diversos outros WidGets para acompanhamento de seu projeto de desenvolvimento de Software.O VSTS gratuito para pequenas equipes de at 5 desenvolvedores. Voce aprender a criar Querys para seus Dashboards e relatorios de pesquisa, tambm ser ensinado o Quadro Kanban e detalhes de sua utilizao e configurao. Veremos tambm como criar seu projeto e suas Sprints de desenvolvimento (Interations) Um curso super moderno, Para quem trabalha em equipe ou no, mas quer uma ferramenta fantstica para controlar suas atividades e guardar com segurana seu cdigo. Voc pode estudar com Visual Studio 2017 ou 2015 ou 2013 verses gratuitas ou Profissionais. ""Recomendado para todo desenvolvedor .Net """
Price: 69.99

"Merch by Amazon: Passives Einkommen mit Print on Demand" |
"BeschreibungBaue dir jetzt dein eigenes T-Shirt Business Online auf und verdiene passiv Geld mit dem vollautomatisiertem Verkauf von T-Shirts ber den Amazon Marktplatz und das ganze ohne eigene Kosten und Risiko!Du musst kein professioneller Designer sein, ein paar Grundkenntnisse inBildbearbeitung reichen vllig aus!Merch by Amazon bietet die einzigartige Mglichkeit, deine selbst gestalteten Produkte kostenlos der grten Kuferzielgruppe der Welt zu prsentieren. Amazonverzeichnet jeden Monat fast 3 Milliarden(!) Besucher. Mit Merch by Amazon hast DU seit kurzem die Mglichkeit, diese Zielgruppe fr dich zu nutzen und deine selbstgestalteten Produkte zuprsentieren und damit ein zustzliches Einkommen zu generieren.Das beste daran ist es ist Kinderleicht und jeder kann es lernen. Du musst nichts weiter tun, als dein T-Shirt zu designen, es bei Merch by Amazon hochzuladen und Amazon kmmert sich um den Rest. Frjedes verkaufte T-Shirt erhlst dueine Provision von bis zu 10$ und mehr pro T-Shirt!Warum solltest du also den Kurs machen wenn es so einfach ist?Die meisten denken, dass nur professionelle Designer und Illustratoren mit T-Shirts Geld verdienen knnen. Ich zeige dir, dass dies nicht der Fall ist. Dank Amazons Algorythmus und seiner Suchfunktion kommt es bei Merch by Amazon vor allem darauf an, WIE und vor allem WELCHERZIELGRUPPEich meine Produkte auf dem Marktplatz prsentiere.Wie das funktioniert lernst du in diesem Kurs.Natrlich bist du nicht der einzige der diese einfache Art Geld zu verdienen entdeckt hat und dementsprechend ist der Hype um Merch by Amazon entsprechend Gro. Die Konkurrenz wchst stetig und ich zeige dir in meinem Kurs alle wichtigen Tipps und auch Stolperfallen, die es zu beachten gibt, um von Anfang nicht die Fehler zu machen, die ich selber gemacht habe. Ich zeige dir wie dein Account schneller freigeschaltet wird und du dir bereits vorher eine gute Ausgangslage schaffst um direkt loszulegen! Verliere keine Zeit und lerne alle Tricks und Tipps kennen, wie du in kurzer Zeit ohne aktives Marketing oder Vertrieb einen lukrativen Nebenverdienst mit der Merch by Amazon Plattform aufbaust. Nach meinem Kurs fr Einsteiger hast du alle Werkzeuge an der Hand um mit Merch by Amazon sofort voll durchstarten zu knnen.Mit diesem Kurs lernst du:Wie du ein Merch by Amazon Konto erstellst und den Freigabeprozess beschleunigstWie man gewinnbringendeNischen identifiziert und mit kostenlosen Tools T-Shirts erstelltWelche Kategorien von Kufergruppen und Anlsse es gibt T-Shirts zu verkaufenSchritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung wie du deine T-Shirts bei Amazonhochldst und so beschreibst, dass sie sichVon selbst verkaufenTipps & Tricks um dein T-Shirt Business aufs nchste Level zu bringen.Mein Versprechen an dich:Ich bin Dipl.-Designer mit ber 10 Jahren Erfahrung im Design- und Onlinebusiness.Ich arbeite seit 12 Monaten mit Merch by Amazon und konnte bereits nach 3 Monaten vierstellige Umstze auf der Plattform erzielen. Ich garantiere dir, dass du fr ein erfolgreiches Merch by Amazon selber keinerlei Designkenntnisse bentigst!Ich mchte mein Wissen hier an dich weitergeben und dir helfen in krzester Zeit die gleichen Erfolge zu erzielen. Mein Kurs fokussiert sich auf die wichtigsten Aspekte und du bist bereits nach kurzer Lernphase mit allem Wissen gerstet mit Amazon voll durchzustarten. Doch nicht nur das qualitative theoretische Wissen, sondern vor allem der persnliche Austausch mit meinen Schlern liegt mir am Herzen. Stelle jederzeit Fragen zum Kurs und tauschedich mit anderen Teilnehmern aus. Ich stehe fr Fragen jederzeit zur Verfgung und untersttze dich bei deinem Weg zu einem lukrativen T-Shirt Business. Das ganze ist fr dich vlligRisikofrei Gefllt dir der Kurs nicht, bekommst du innerhalb von 30 Tagen dein Geld zurck. Ohne Wenn und aber!Schreibe dich noch heute ein, wenn du bereits morgen mit Merch by Amazon voll durchstarten willst."
Price: 49.99

"AWS SysOps Associate Exam questions(Guaranteed Pass)" |
"This course is designed to testyou on:Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling from the command line.Use AWS CloudFormation and other automation technologies to produce stacks of AWS resources that can be deployed in an automated, repeatable fashion.Build functioning virtual private networks with Amazon VPC from the ground up using the AWS Management Console.Deploy Amazon EC2 instances using command line calls and troubleshoot the most common problems with instances.Monitor the health of Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS services.Manage user identity, AWS permissions, and security in the cloud.Manage resource consumption in an AWS account using tools such as Amazon CloudWatch, tagging, and Trusted Advisor.Select and implement the best strategy for creating reusable Amazon EC2 instances.Configure a set of Amazon EC2 instances that launch behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up and down in response to demand.Edit and troubleshoot a basic AWS CloudFormation stack definition."
Price: 199.99

"Gitarre Lernen in 4 Wochen Crashkurs" |
"""Dieser Kurs ersetzt den Gitarrenlehrer!"" Dieser erfolgreiche Gitarrencrashkurs zeigt dir, wie du in 4 Wochen alle deine Lieder selbst begleiten kannst! Du lernst alle wichtigen Grundlagen perfekt zu beherrschen, sodass du dich endlich fit fhlen wirst. Du sparst dir dabei teure Gitarrenstunden, Fahrtwege, Wartezeiten, Termine, und die Suche nach dem richtigen Lehrer! Dein neuer Gitarrenlehrer Georg Norberg hat bereits viele Millionen Menschen weltweit Gitarre gelehrt - und ist Deutschland's Gitarrenexperte Nummer 1. Nur mit einem perfekten Lernkonzept kannst du sprbare Fortschritte erleben. Gnne dir die schnellste und effektivste Methode um in 4 Wochen Gitarre Spielen zu lernen."
Price: 199.99

"Dynamics of Particles using Matlab," |
", , ."
Price: 19.99

"Asian Food ""Crispy Wasabi Prawns"" by ARICH PAnG" |
"Boring? In love? Learning? Celebrating?Come This Way....Warning!! If you expect as super expert cooking style i am sorry this is not for you.But if you are looking for home style cooking for your love one or any special event,then letthis dish be apart of your and you will ever never forget the taste!!With all my heart."
Price: 19.99

"Ready,Set,Traffic - Thousands of visitors to blog or website" |
"I think you will agree with me when I say........Getting traffic can be hard.You do everything that you have read about and even have the 3 green lights on your Yoast SEO plugin.But still the page views are low, or you are not ranking on the search engines.SEO is greatbut there is so much more involved today to rank on Google and climb up the rankings.However.You can rank on Google and receive thousands of visitors every day.I know this because that is exactly what I am doing.It is just a case of knowing what the search engines are looking for and having your marketing optimised for each article or post.By following along and implementing what I share in this course I guarantee you will see results.Here arejust a few of the things I willcover with you.How to get your post indexed fast.Automate the whole process.Improve your click through rate.RSS Feed Content on 100 different platforms.The Power Of The #Quickly and easily turn your article into a PDF and submit to high PR ranking pages.Getting qualified traffic to your latest website or blog article.How to answer questions about your blog post.I have put all these strategies into this course for a very simple reason:It's because they work, have a proven track record and are helping me to receive thousands of visitors.What will you discover from this course?You will get a proven step-by-step guide to follow which will ensure you get maximum exposure to your blog or website quickly. From this course you willlearn quick and effortless ways to generate highly targeted traffic to your blog or website. This course is easy to follow along with, you do not need any technical skills what so ever.Along with the videos I have also put together several PDFs to help drive even more traffic for you.Who will benefit most from Ready Set Traffic? In the broadest sense, anyone and everyone who needs website or blog traffic. Whilst writing optimised and SEO content will help you to get traffic this is not a long-term strategy to generate traffic.This course shows you how to create your content to be evergreen and on hundreds of different platforms very quickly.In a nutshell; If you want to start receiving traffic to your blog or website then Ready Set Traffic is the course for you.Once you have completed the course you will be armed with the following knowledge.Step-by-step guide how to drive traffic to your website or blog. How to optimize your marketing to drive thousands of visitors.Have your latest blog or website article jumping out on google and improve your CTR. Content on hundreds of different platforms. Backlinks from high PR blogs and websites. Social BacklinksHow and where to find viral articles.Thank you very much for reading this description and considering my course.I wish you the best of luck.Take Care.Furn"
Price: 49.99

"Quora Traffic Tactics - Free Website Visitors Every Day." |
"What is Quora? Quora is basically a huge question-and-answer site. It is currently ranked in the top 200 websites in the world with some impressive stats. 190 million monthly users.400,000 topics that you can answer question on.Over 8 million questions are asked every month.In this course, you will learn how to use Quora to drive traffic to your website, blog, service or products that you promote. You will also learn how you can grow your own brand, build an audience and get laser targeted traffic using Quora.In the last 30 days I was able to generate over 4000 views on my answers by spending as little as 5/10 minutes per day on the site. In the last 5 months I have received over 16 thousand views on my answers which direct readers to my blog and products I promote. This course will show you exactly how I do this, and how you can start generating traffic too. I will show you step-by-step how to Set up your account properly.How to find topics which are relevant to your product or service.Find qualified questions that you can answer.Free keyword tool to target specific phrases or long tail keywords you may be targeting.Correctly answer questions and format them so they link back to your product or service.Understand which answers are driving the most traffic for you.How to track your progress and much more.Quora is perfect for complete beginners and anyone already established online. If you are looking to increase any of the following then this is the perfect course for you.. Free targeted traffic to your products or services.Generating more traffic to your blog or website.People looking for your content.Increase your online sales.Maximum results with 1-2 hours work per week.Thank you very much for reading this description and considering my course.I wish you the best of luck.Take Care.Mark"
Price: 19.99

"Steemit - Complete Course To Getting Your Content Seen." |
"Do you want to become a professional blogger or content creator?Have you always been interested in creating content but not sure how and where to begin? Or are you on Steemit and want to know how to increase your blog reach and get more people upvoting your content? If so then this Steemit Cryptocurrency Course is for You. __________________________________________________________________________Welcome To Steemit - Complete Course To Getting Your Content Seen. You will get instant access to over 20+ Lectures and 2+ hours of HD content with lifetime access. Have a watch of the promo video to see exactly what you will learn in this course from an Instructor that is on Steemit and currently doing everything I share in this course with you. __________________________________________________________________________ In this complete course you will learn exactly how to get paid to blog, like peoples content, share videos and more. Even if you have no experience this course will show you step by step how to. Set Up Your Steemit AccountCover Steemit and Steem basics.How To Create Content & Get Maximum Exposure To It.Use Other Platforms that integrate with Steemit.Understand the pay-out system and how to withdraw to your account.How to use free tools to get your content shared more.Exactly how I get my articles in the HOT & TRENDING section.Much more revelledin this course.Whenever I find something new that is working well on Steemit or the other platforms we look at in this course I will be updating the course at no additional cost to yourself.Finally, In addition to the Udemy money back guarantee, you have my personal guarantee that you will learn something new and exciting in this course that will take your Steemit game to the next level.Thank you very much for reading this description and considering my course.I wish you the best of luck.Take Care.Furn"
Price: 19.99

"Unlimited Royalty Free Images For Your Website,Blog,Project" |
"Get Unlimited High-Quality Royalty Free Images & Videos For Your Website, Blog or Project.In this course, I will show you how to get unlimited high-quality royalty free images and videos for your website, blog or project. Do You Want High-Quality Images & Videos For Your Website, Blog, Or Project? Images That Not Everyone Else Is Using? Enroll today and I show you exactly how & where to Get High-Quality Royalty Free Images & Videos For Your Website, Blog Or Project. Here Is A List Of Everything You Will Learn In This Course: The different licenses that come with images and videos.How & where you can use the images or videos that you download.The best websites for downloading and using royalty free imagesHow to download the images or videosHow to edit the images using free softwareLots more..... Thank you very much for reading this description and considering my course.I wish you the best of luck.Take Care.Furn"
Price: 19.99

"Blogging tools and tips to help you write the perfect post." |
"Welcome to this course - Blogging Tools and tips- Learn How To Write Headlines & Content That Stands Out To Attract Website Visitors.In this course, you will learn the following.....How to create headlines or titles that attract visitors.How to analyze your headline/title to make sure it is perfect.Understand search volumes relating to your headline/title.How to structure your content.Create posts that are rich with organic keywords relating to your title.How your article should look.Engaging your audience and lots more.At the end of this course, you will have the skills and know exactly how to start creating the perfect blog or website article.Many bloggers fail because they do not optimise their content for Google and the search engines.You need to make your content stand out to improve not only your click through rate but also your ranking on Google.You may have the best blog post or article in the world but if you do not follow the correct steps to rank your content including SEO and keywords your content will never get seen.I know this better than anyone because I spent 6 months creating content and getting little traffic.After I started implementing what I teach in this course my traffic went from less than 20 views a day to over 1 thousand views a day.Who is this course for?BloggersWebsite ownersContent creatorsAnyone who wants to start ranking on GoogleAnyone who wants their latest article or blog post to jump out on Google and improve your click through rate.You will also learn about some free tools to help you when creating content online.Thank you for reading my description and considering my course.Good luck and Take CareFurn ""Not Taught @ School"""
Price: 19.99

"Make Full-Time Money Trading the Forex Market Part-Time" |
"This is a SCALPING strategy using the 5-Minute time-frame andtheDynamic Fibonacci Lines.Learn to manage your trades EASILY with ourOne-Click executionMoney Managing Panel.Learn to have thewinning MINDSET to effectively trade the market.Set GOALS, have a trading Journal and control your EMOTIONS to succeed as a trader.This method will provide exactEntry & Exit signals giving you MORE frequent opportunities.Live Trade examples!By the end of the course you will have EVERYTHINGyou NEED to be a SUCCESSFULtrader."
Price: 199.99

"Breath & Heart" |
"This beginner's guide to Heart Rhythm Meditation provides simple, clear instruction in this form of meditation in which you synchronize your breath and heartbeat to tune your basic internal rhythms to one another. If you've tried other types of meditation but found the method vague and the practice difficult to stick with, you will appreciate this step-by-step guide to bring yourself to a meditative state. This course breaks down the practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation into seven guided meditations with instruction and benefits. We begin with observing the breath, and take you through the steps to synchronize your breath with your heartbeat, culminating in a meditation that encourages you to feel the depth of that practice and affect your internal state. If you practice Heart Rhythm Meditation, youll find that is both calming and energizing, and with regular practice, its effects will be life-changing."
Price: 49.99

"DIY Financial Planning: Home Purchases" |
"The average prospective home buyerspends over 52 hours figuring out the financial detailsfor their home purchase.Do it the right way, in less time than it takes to watch a movie.This course is intended for anyone who is in the market or considering purchasing a home for the next few years:This includes anyone:Looking to get concrete answers on if they can afford a specific home or notFrustrated by time consuming and unreliable do-it-yourself researchLooking for an alternative to hiring a financial planner which would be more expensiveWho is not quite ready to buy a home but wants to figure out how much they need to save for itMortgage Brokers who want to help educate their clientsFollow the techniques, exercises, and spreadsheetsa Certified Financial Planner uses to prepare a client for the purchase of a home instead of relying on online searches and get professional guidance without the professional financial planner price."
Price: 129.99

"Aprende ya el pasado simple en ingls" |
"Si ya te iniciaste en el aprendizaje del idioma ingls y sigues teniendo problemas para aprender el pasado simple, no te preocupes, existen tcnicas que con este curso puedes adquirir y que te sern de utilidad para que de una vez por todas ya empieces a usar esta forma verbal."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Critical Thinking" |
"How do you tell truth from fiction? How do you get past your own biases and misconceptions to have a clearer-eyed view of things? How do you tell when someone's trying to mislead you intentionally? This course will give you some basic groundwork for skepticism and critical thinking -- how to recognize fallacies in media, how to pick out spurious statistics, how to craft an argument, andhow to know when scientific terms are being misdefined. By the end, you'll be a more savvy reader and listener, and have a better ability to articulate your own views clearly and accurately."
Price: 49.99

"How to Negotiate Your Salary" |
"In this course, you'll learn what you need to do before, during and after a salary negotiation to earn more money in your career. Designed to be beautiful, fun and easy to do, this course has the potential to help you increase your salary by thousands of dollars. It will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to negotiate your salary no matter what your circumstances."
Price: 29.99

"O essencial em HTML e CSS - lana o teu site gratuitamente" |
"Para que haja inovao preciso ideias e conhecimento. Neste curso vais aprender as tecnologias base da Web. Depois de fazeres este curso tens tudo o que precisas para dar o primeiro cdigo s tuas ideias.Tecnologias ensinadas: HTML, CSS, um pouco de JS e ainda vais ter o primeiro contacto com Node.Vais aprender todas tecnologias necessrias de forma a criar uma Interface para qualquer site que possas imaginar.Durante este curso vais criar um site onde vais colocar em prtica todos os conhecimentos adquiridos. Mas a melhor parte vem depois! Ao saberes estas tecnologias ests mais perto de conseguir criar qualquer coisa que imagines!"
Price: 29.99

"Create an Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing Skill Quickly & Easily" |
"Top entrepreneurs like Mark Cuban and Gary Vaynerchuk hail voice-first technology as a revolutionary market shaper. Meanwhile industry estimates show voice will grow by about $1 billion annually for the next six years.But, getting involved in this technology can be hard.Not anymore.This course will help you quickly and easily take advantage of the voice-first market. You will create your own Amazon Alexa flash briefing. You'll then have access to a publishing platform. You'll also formulate and determine the subject of your briefing.Your instructoris Nick Brown.Nick isa professional teacher, Fulbright Scholar, and Co-founder of Effct, a company that makes publishing content on Alexa easy. His co-founder is Moses McCall. Moses is a former NASA software engineer with a passion for innovation and coding.We're excited for you to use this course to take advantage of the voice-first market!"
Price: 34.99

"DOCKER Step by Step for Beginners with Sample Project" |
"This course is created for complete beginners. Understand DOCKER in the easiest way with analogies.If you want to understand what really docker is and how it works, this course is for you. Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch. In this session, we will start from very basics of DOCKERWhat is DOCKERWhy you should use DOCKERHow DOCKER worksBenefits of DOCKERHow to install DOCKERBasic CommandsDocker ImagesDocker ContainersDockerfileDocker ComposeDocker with JenkinsDocker Swarm and much more...Let's Get Started..."
Price: 64.99

"POSTMAN API Testing - Step by Step for Beginners" |
"This course is created for complete beginners. Get started with POSTMAN step by step.If you are a complete beginner on Postman, this course is for you. Very basic step by step videos to guide you from scratch. In this session we will learnWhat is POSTMANHow to download and installUnderstand Postman GUICreate Collections, Variables, Environments and TestsData Driven TestingRun from command-line and JenkinsLet's Get Started..."
Price: 29.99

"Mindfulness 1 Course - Introduction to Mindfulness" |
"Mindfulness is a powerful tool that has grown in popularity in recent years. With the benefits of meditation becoming clearer with recent research, we are beginning to understand just how useful mindfulness may be. From helping relieve stress to improving sleep, mindfulness practice has helped millions find relief from difficulties. In this course, you will learn the basics of mindfulness meditation and be able to practice with confidence.The course offers video lessons, guided meditations, and review practices to investigate mindfulness for yourself. Together, these offerings will create a full-featured learning experience in which you can both learn the principles and examine them in your own experience. Matthew will lead you through the foundations of mindfulness and how to cultivate awareness, compassion, and balance in your own life. An empowered Buddhist meditation teacher from Spirit Rock Meditation Center, he offers these ancient teachings in a way applicable to modern living."
Price: 29.99
