"Adobe After Effects From Zero to Grand master Crash Course" |
"Thisbrand new Adobe After Effectscourse islaunched for you.Check out our profile page or search in the Udemy menu above to enroll in our that brand new course.You're here because you want to create video effects and motion graphics with Adobe After Effects, that can give a professional look to your videos and graphics. right?We welcome you here and really would be glad to see you inside.This course is perfect for anyone that wants to learn After Effects from scratch to create your own graphics and make your videos better.Course is designed to teach students how to successfully use After Effects, no matter if they have ever used the program before or not. Both the beginner and seasoned user can benefit from this course, starting with the basics of the program including navigation and continuing on to more advanced features, including:"
Price: 19.99

"Total Debt Elimination: How To Get Out of Debt Completely" |
"Total Debt Elimination: How to get out of Debt is a course designed for people, who find themselves in a financial trap of debt. If you felt you had no where to turn, worry no more! Ill show you how to eliminate all your debt so you can transform your life and enjoy financial freedom. No matter the type or amount of debt, this course will equip you with the tools you need to totally eliminate your debt.Our students will learn methods to get completely out of debt quickly. You will be very happy to know the skill in determining valid and disputable debts. Rest assure, an easy game plan will be formulated to help you eliminate debt, so you can save thousands in interest payments. All our students will master the art of negotiating lower payments on their debts. Constructing a Debt/Bills inventory table will be second nature to you by the end of the course. All you need is a pen and paper to take good notes and a calculator to make some calculations.Welcome to the beginning of the transformation of your life!You Need This Course If You Want:To be totally debt freeTo acquire skills in financial educationTokeep more of your own moneyTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomTo analyze credit reportTo create a plan for your financesTo improve credit by eliminating debtTo free yourself from your lenders andcreditorsTo maintain a good standing with product/service providers"
Price: 199.99

"Pay off Your House in 5 Years" |
"Payoff Your House in 5 Years: Build Wealth for Yourselfis a course designed for people, who find themselves with large mortgage debts and interest payments. The course is also designed to help new buyers payoff their house in five years. The strategies we teach can help anyone pay off any mortgage or debt in general in five years. Basically, if you were able to attain the mortgage, this coursecan help you pay it off.If you felt you had no where to turn, worry no more! Ill show you how to minimize interest paymentsso you can enjoy financial freedom, bysavingover150K in the process. This course will equip you with the tools you need to successfullypayoff a 200Khouse in five years.Our students will learn methods to quickly payoff their homes in as little as 5 years. Rest assure, an easy game plan will be formulated to help you escape the trap ofmonthly interest payments, so you can save thousands of dollars eachyear. All our students will master the art of strategicallypaying off their mortgages. Reading and interpretingyour own Amortization tablewill be second nature to you by the end of the course. All you need is a pen and paper to take good notes and a calculator to make some calculations.Welcome to the beginning of your quest foramortgage free-life.You Need This Course If You Want:To completely payoff your houseTo quickly pay your house ormortgageTo acquire skills in financial educationTokeep more of your own moneyTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomSave over 150Kin interest payments on a 200K mortgageTo create a plan for your financesTo improve credit by eliminating debtTo free yourself from your mortgage companiesTo be completely bad debt free"
Price: 199.99

"Ultimate Credit Repair" |
"Ultimate Credit Repair: How to Obtain Great Credit is a course designed for people, who find themselves with bad credit. If you felt you had no where to turn, worry no more! Ill show you how repair your creditso you can transform your life and enjoy financial freedom. No matter what negative activity you have on your credit report, this course will equip you with the tools to clear the negatives information offyour credit report.Our students will learn methods toquickly repairor establish greatcredit.You will be very happy to discover how toread all sections of a credit report and how to read the scoretable used by the credit reporting agencies.Rest assure, an easy game plan will be formulated to help you fix your credit, so you can save thousands in interest payments. All our students will master the art of negotiating lower payments on their debts. . All you need is a pen and paper to take good notes and a calculator to make some calculations.Welcome to the beginning of the transformation of your life!You Need This Course If You Want:To be repair badcreditTo improve your creditTo establish new creditTo analyze credit reportTo acquire skills in financial educationTobe able to secure loans from lendersTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomTo create a plan for your financesTo have access to better credit optionsTo maintain a good standing with product/service providers"
Price: 199.99

"How to Build Wealth in 5 Years" |
"How to Build Wealth Forever in 5 Years: Make Your Money Work For Youis a course designed for people, who want to build wealth by acquiring incomeproducingassets. If you felt you had no where to turn, worry no more! Ill show you how to use assets to build wealth andenjoy economicfreedom. Whether you have begun building wealth or have just the desire, you are covered.This course will illustrate how to use business, real estateand investment to construct a wealth building machine.Our students will learn methods to build wealth forever in 5 years. You will be very happy to know the skills of using leverage and arbitrage to build wealth. Rest assure, an easy game plan will be formulated to help you eliminate bad debt, improvecredit, and save short term money to acquire assets. All our students will master the use of other people's resources to acquire assets. Constructing a Debt/Bills inventory table will be second nature to you by the end of the course. Your net worth will grow, allowing you access to greater funding for bigger assets.All you need is a pen and paper to take good notes and a calculator to make some calculations.Welcome to the beginning of the transformation of your life!You Need This Course If You Want:To build wealth forever in 5 yearsTo acquire skills in financial educationTokeep more of your own moneyTo be financially astuteTo enjoy economic freedomTo analyze your financial freedomTo create a plan for your financesTo improve credit by eliminating baddebtTo free yourselffrom your employerTo maintain sustainable wealth creating systmen"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Fingerstyle (Chord-Melody) em Portugus" |
"Este curso ensina a criar seus prprios arranjos em Fingerstyle na guitarra e/ou no violo. Atravs de uma serie de exerccios prticos para aprender as posies mais usadas dos acordes mais empregados em msica Pop, Rock, Mpb e Blues, o aluno aprender a desenvolver seus prprios arranjos das suas msicas preferidas.O segredo est em fazer todos os exerccios propostos! A concluso de TODOS os exerccios apresentados GARANTIA para que o aluno aprenda a criar seus prprios arranjos em Fingerstyle. Esta descoberta do estudo intensivo das posies dos acordes no instrumento como fonte de aprendizado definitiva do Fingerstyle ou Chord Melody inedita ate entao, e fruto de mais de 30 anos de pesquisa ininterrupta nesta area."
Price: 129.99

"Violo do Zero ao Samba (em Portugus)" |
"Em 4 aulas o aluno j estar tocando sua primeira msica!Com 67 musicas de exemplo divididas em 85 aulas e mais 134 materiais de apoio (partituras e Mp3 das bases musicais), o aluno aprender os principais ritmos para se acompanhar nos gneros Rock, Pop, Mpb, Bossa Nova, Samba, Swing, Reggae e outros.Aprender dedilhados, introdues das msicas, leitura de Tablatura e muitos outros segredos do violo.Terminando este curso, o aluno saber usar o violo bem para se acompanhar em qualquer msica, e tambm estar mais do que pronto para adentrar no sofisticado mundo do Fingerstyle.Algumas msicas de exemplo: Friends - Marshmello, Have You Ever Seen The Rain - Creedence, Tempo Perdido - Legio, Faz Parte Do Meu Show - Cazuza, Flor De Liz - Djavan, 2002 - Anne Marie, Flores - Tits, Mentiras - Calcanhoto, Heathens - Twenty One Pilots, Depois - Marisa Monte, Sun Goes Down - Bruno Martini, e muitas outras."
Price: 234.99

"Master the First Impression: Social media, attire, etiquette" |
"Do you want to tell your story and market yourself effectively, learn professional etiquette that will make you stand out and manage your personal brand through all channels to ultimately reach your career goals faster? This course is the answer. Your story, goal setting, looking the part, managing your personal brand online and prof. etiquette (email/phone/dining)Made To Hire: Master the First Impression takes all the tips and tools it takes most people years to learn and condenses them so you become an expert at crafting and telling your story, goal setting and impressing people wiht your professional etiquetteThis is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to learn to everything you need to know about networking:how to craft your personal storyhow set professional career goalshow to carry yourself in any situationhow to impress people with your professional etiquettehow to look the parthow to manage your personal brand onlineand much more!I've spent the past two decades working with some of the largest brands in the world in the field of marketing strategy and business development. I also teach masters degree level business and personal marketing and am the author of the career coaching book called Made to Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want. This course, which includes 8 videos, will be one of the most impactful investments youll ever make. I wish you the best in developing your number 1 tool, yourself."""
Price: 19.99

"Network to Get Hired: Your How-to-guide to Networking" |
"Do you want to meet more people, create relationships with people that matter, find a professional mentor that can help you accelerate your career and ultimately network to get hired? This course is the answer. Building your personal brand, getting mentors, turning informational interviews into jobs, and mastering how to networkMade To Hire: Network to Get Hired takes all the tips and tools it takes most people years to learn and condenses them so you become an expert at telling your story, networking like a pro and turning connections into interviews.This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to learn to everything you need to know about networking:how to build your personal brand while your're still in schoolhow to find a mentor and build that relationshiphow to use informational interviews as a career acceleratorhow to manage your professional relationshipshow to network like a prohow to turn your connections into resume buildersand much more!I've spent the past two decades working with some of the largest brands in the world in the field of marketing strategy and business development. I also teach masters degree level business and personal marketing and am the author of the career coaching book called Made to Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want. This course, which includes 6 videos, will be one of the most impactful investments youll ever make. I wish you the best in developing your number 1 tool, yourself."
Price: 19.99

"Ace the Interview: What to prepare, bring, wear, and convey!" |
"Trust us.... you haven't tried everything! We've got advanced interview tools (visual resume, suitability map & more!)Do you want to make more money, impress hiring managers and recruiters with your resume, and ultimately land your dream job faster? This course is the answer. Made To Hire: Ace the Interview takes all the tips and tools it takes most people years to learn and condenses them so you not only get the interview and have the tools to be well prepared for it but you also have the best chance at getting offered the job. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to learn to everything you need to know to land a job:how to get an interviewhow to create an effective and memorable resumehow to quickly get the best letter of recommendation you could ever hope forhow to create an interview packet that makes it easy for a recruiter or hiring manager to choose youhow to navigate the interview confidently, both before and afterand much more!I've spent the past two decades working with some of the largest brands in the world in the field of marketing strategy and business development. I also teach masters degree level business and personal marketing and am the author of the career coaching book called Made to Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want. This course, which includes 11 videos, will be one of the most impactful investments youll ever make. I wish you the best in developing your number 1 tool, yourself."
Price: 24.99

"You've Got the Job, Now What? Let's prepare for your CAREER!" |
"Do you want to make more money, get rated as a high potential employee, and ultimately reach your career goals faster? This course is the answer. Salary negotiation, raises, promotions, presentation skills, skill development, conflict mgmt, high potential ratings and more!Made To Hire: You've Got the Job, Now What? takes all the tips and tools it takes most people years to learn and condenses them so you become an expert at managing relationships, getting promoted faster, and accelerating your earning potential. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to learn to everything you need to know to catapult your career including:how to negotiate a job offerhow to successfully ask for a raise or promotionhow to stand out by developing your skillsethow to impress everyone in the room with your presentation skills - how to get rated as a high potential employeehow to fast track your careerand much more!I've spent the past two decades working with some of the largest brands in the world in the field of marketing strategy and business development. I also teach masters degree level business and personal marketing and am the author of the career coaching book called Made to Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want. This course, which includes 8 videos, will be one of the most impactful investments youll ever make. I wish you the best in developing your number 1 tool, yourself."
Price: 19.99

"How to Get the Job You Want: Resumes, Interviews, LinkedIn.." |
"Do you want to make more money, impress everyone you interview or network with, and ultimately reach your career goals faster? This course is the answer. Proven skills to build your personal brand, master your first impression, network, interview, and accelerate your career Made To Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want takes all the tips and tools it takes most people years to learn and condenses them so you become an expert at building your personal brand, landing your dream job, and accelerating your careerThis is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for you to learn everything you need to know to catapult your career including:how to make the best first impressionhow to tell your story most effectivelyhow to develop tools far beyond just a resumehow you really need to handle networking situationshow to actually get called for an interviewhow to ace an interviewhow to negotiate a job offerhow to fast track your career after you get the job you wantand much more!I've spent the past two decades working with some of the largest brands in the world in the field of marketing strategy and business development. I also teach masters degree level business and personal marketing and am the author of the career coaching book called Made to Hire: Market Yourself for the Career You Want. This course, which includes 30 short videos, will be one of the most impactful investments youll ever make, plus you have lifetime access! I wish you the best in developing your number 1 tool, yourself. "
Price: 49.99

"The best Guide for Amazon arbitrage and resell" |
"Wan't to get used to amazon and all important method to make business with this great platform ? so what are you waiting for ? this course is here for this.in this course you will learn how to work with amazon online arbitrage, and how to do amazon flips, you don't need to invest a big amount of money, or work 8 hours every day, you just need to learn some basics and begin your journey"
Price: 19.99

"Start your Instagram business and start earning monthly." |
"In this course Iwill guide you how to start your own online business without investing a single penny and earn 3 digits monthly. Also i will tell you how to grow this business and go up to 4digitsmonthly. This business does not need of any experience as any newbie can just start up also anyone can easily adopt this business idea as its not hard at all. Also if you have any questions you can contact me as i have mentioned it in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Constitucin y formalizacin de una Empresa Constructora" |
"Aprende los procedimientos de la Constitucin y formalizacin de una Empresa Constructora de xito que perdure en el tiempo. Aprenders los Conceptos Bsicos de una Empresa Constructora y como encaminarlo adecuadamentea la legalizacin con la finalidad de evitar tener inconvenientes y gastos en vanos en el futuro. Atrvete a llevar este curso con 30 vdeos de calidad."
Price: 19.99

"with R" |
"? ? ? R . , ._____________________________________________________________________________1. 2. 3. 4. 5. R 6. 7. ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ? ? ? ? '' . ?2 '' . , , ? . !3 ?4 . ... ... .. ? .5 100 . ._____________________________________________________________________________ . !_____________________________________________________________________________ 1 , , . ) / Text Mining____________________________________________________________________________ 2018 8 11 : ____________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 77000.00

"Learn Adobe Premiere Pro the FAST Way" |
"Adobe Premiere Pro is the number one video editing software of the moment. It is used by professionals all over the world to edit marketing videos for companies, music videos, short films and much more.This course will teach you how to:1-Download the beautiful and professional footage for you to keep and use.2-Get Started! Quickly create a project, easily import the files and start editing.3-Create an animated astonishing title for your Music Video4-Add the ""We Don't Talk Anymore"" split screen effect.5-Use the key frames to animate effects through the timeline.6-Create the widescreen effect.7-Use slow-motion effect to obtain a cinematic effect8-Create the most professional transitions you could think of.9-Organize video and audio files through the timeline10-Edit the color, contrast, brightness and other factors to make all your videos at once look more cinematic.11-Export your project in High Definition so you can use it on Youtube, Instagram, Web pages and any imaginable use.& Much More!"
Price: 34.99

"Neuro Ventas: El arte de vender sin vender" |
"Los nuevos resultados que obtendrs con el descubrimiento de estos secretos demostrados, te garantizaran ms amor, mejor salud y un aumento de su dinero. Estas tcnicas son completamente seguras y fciles de usar.Haremos un repaso por la teora de las Neuro Ciencias, Psicologa de los colores, aromas, textura, cdigos instintivos, Lenguaje Corporal, Objeciones de venta, todo para convertirte en un vendedor excepcional!"
Price: 104.99

"Curso de Guitarra 1" |
"Curso dirigido a personas que siempre han querido tocar laGuitarra, que nunca han tomado una, asi como para personas que ya empiezan y/o que tienen cierto avanze, pero sus bases no estan bien entendidas.Aprenderas desde como tomar la guitarra correctamente para no tener fatiga o lesiones, hasta crear tus propios ejercicios basicos y ritmicos, y poder seguir una cancion sencilla, leyendola en el momento !!!!*** Este Curso esta en progreso de subida, dentro de su primer etapa consta de 40 lecciones,y habra actualizaciones ***"
Price: 270.00

"A course in basic algebra" |
"In this course , I have started rightfromthe basics and various conventions used, to the various operation performed in algebra. Moreover , there are assignments also so to check the student's concept and problem solving ability. I would recommend thiscourse to anyone who is familiar with arithmetic but wants to dive in the world of algebra."
Price: 19.99

"Excel VBA - What They Don't Teach You Part I" |
"What will I learn from this course?This course will show you the various techniques on how you can use VBAto get tasks created quickly. This course will show you how toautomate manual tasks so that you can do your job more efficiently than before.Go beyond the basicsUnlike other Excel VBA courses, this course will show you Excel functions that are not normally taught and also explain how they can be used in a real world scenario. Most Excel VBA courses only scratch the surface and explain the very basics. They will talk about functions like the Offset function, but won't explain why it is used or how powerful it can be used to automate a manual task such as to populate missing data on several rows and columns. This course will explain this function and technique in depth along with many other functions.What is the Course Structure?This course will walk you step by step at your own pace showing you the fundamentals of Excel VBA. This course is broken down into 6 sections. Each section will begin with a lecture followed by a demonstration of that lecture. There will be a quizzes throughout each section and an assignment at the end of each section that will test your knowledge and understanding of the material covered.What is in this course?This course is packed with over 50 lectures, 50 demonstrations, tonsof quizzes, 6 assignments, and bonus and resource material that will help you better understand the concepts of Excel VBA.What level should I be at after taking this course?After you complete this course, you will be at the Intermediate level with Excel VBA. This of course assumes that you will consistently practice the concepts that will be discussed."
Price: 39.99

"Apps erstellen ohne Programmieren" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir zwei verschiedene App- Bauksten, mit welchen du Apps fr Android erstellen kannst! Es sind keinerleiProgrammierkenntnissenotwendig!Alles wird langsam und genau erlutert, sodass absolute Anfngeram Ende des Kurses in der Lage sind, eigene Apps zu erstellen und zu verffentlichen!In der Einleitung zeige ich dir, wie du den Account anlegst, den du fr die Bauksten brauchst!Im 2. Kapitel erklre ich dir, wie du mit Hilfe des ersten Baukastens eine Quiz App erstellen kannst und wie du Werbung in diese einbaust! Alles ist praxisnah erklrt und du hast am Ende des Kapitels eine genaue Anleitung bekommen, mit welcher du ganz einfach deineQuiz Apps erstellen kannst!Im 3. Kapitel wird dir gezeigt, wie du deine App im Google Play Store verffentlichen kannst! Auerdem erklre ich dir, worauf du achten musst, damit deine App erfolgreich wird! Ohne diese geheimen und sehr wertvollenTipps wren die Erfolgschancen deiner Apps sehr niedrig! Am Ende des Kapitels befindet sich deine App im Play Store!Im 4. Kapitel stelle ich dir einen weiteren Baukasten vor, mit welchem du andere Apps, die keine Quiz Spiele sind, erstellen kannst! Wir erstellen zusammen eine App, welche vom Nutzer eingegebene Texte vorlesen kann!Kaufe dir jetzt meinen Kurs und investiere einmalig, damit du mit Apps Geld verdienen kannst und weit, wie du auf einfachste WeiseApps erstellen kannst!"
Price: 64.99

"Ethical Hacking: Hacking using Linux & Termux From Scratch" |
"************************************ After watching a lot of Ethical hacking lessons i guess this is the best Tutorial i've ever seen because honestly ! it's more practical than theoretical unlike the other courses and the most exciting thing in this course is that it work in real world ( real ethical hacking )************************************ Thank you very much for the educational course offered by beautifully and beautifully, as well as the beautiful and clear educational points, practicality informs me very much and I wish you all the best. We also look forward to other courses offered- Mashaal Al Otaibi************************************ I love this course. I am continuously repeating my course in a regular interval to enrich my depth of knowledge.Thanks!- SHEIKH MD. MAHTABUR RAHMAN************************************I don't know how to explain my words how i felt while learning this course.... If you want to learn something i will recomended to all of you chose it... If you have a little exprince in this field then you will understand the value of this course. I'm not promoting this course. I'm sharing my words with all of you. I'm impressed with the instructor of this course very responsive and friendly. I really like your course and I would like to thank you for making this kind of courses and being friendly with us. Thank you so much. - Tabish Raza************************************ i got very experience instructor and i got to learn some new stuffand my instructor hope that ill put my name in world class listso i would like to thank my instructor and udemyi really enjoyed itthank you very much- Halal Rajan************************************This is a great and powerful course. A lot of helpful tips on securing our computer and on how hackers hack.Thank you.- Bobbie Smith************************************ it's a very good course really it's your gate to be a pro in hacking whatever your knowledge- Serag El-Din************************************ Well done! Labs are well explained, and very clear.************************************ Hi everybody, Welcome to your course, if you are reading this course it's sure that you want to get more information and to be sure about what you will buy, and that's exactly what a reasonable student will do, so let me tell you what the course offers, and then you can make your reasonable choice!Why you should take this course:I won't lie to you, this course is not a complete course of Ethical Hacking, and I don't believe that there is one! but it explains a big part of Ethical hacking theoretically, and practically it will explain an excellent methods on hacking anonymously (How hackers hack without getting doubts on them). Sometimes it will be in a separated videos and sometimes in a process.The advantage of the methods showing on the course is that they are flexible, which means that they can work on other Ethical Hacking operations (For example I practiced an anonymous hacking operation on a windows machine, which can be done in the same way just by changing the windows malware by an android malware).I had the choice to create a basic classic long Ethical Hacking course, or explaining the best useful hacking tricks (Because there are a lot of things that are explained but mostly they are old,useless and not effective now), for me I choose to not waste my time and keep with the best methods, and understand the concept of the old ones just theoretically.This course will explain everything from the pre-hacking to preform your hack successfully, everything is explained from scratch.Also, the course will explain every Linux commands that i have used (so we can chase two birds with one stone), and uses diagrams (in paint xD, yeah I like to draw! it gives me the total freedom).This course won't teach only how to use the Ethical Hacking strategies in your computer, but offers you the ability to learn how to use those hacking strategies also in your android device through Termux environment (so you can consider it as three birds with one stone ;) ).While this course is not a ""Classic Learning Course""; like I have mentioned before it explains the best anonymous hacking methods (undoubtedly), so it can help both; beginners and advanced students that maybe don't know this methods.I'm kind of a careful teacher; which means I like to make sure that all my students understand what I'm explaining, so if you are the kind of persons who needs more talk and deep explanation to understand then I guarantee you that you have found the right instructor!I want to mention negative points too (I like to be honest), this is my first online course ever; so maybe someones of you will find me kind awkward xD in the first lectures, also I have explained the hacking methods from scratch, so if you are kind of advanced you will waste some time on somethings that you already know before the hacking process starts, another thing is that sometimes I repeat somethings that are very important in more than one lecture (somethings that takes 5-8 seconds). That's it! personally I think that those are the negative points on the course. I didn't wont to write the lectures descriptions, because they are already written down on the curriculum (I don't want to waste your time twice), so for more information don't forget to visit the it, read the titles and make your choice, and don't forget the 30 days money back guarantee :) ... Make your reasonable choice, and I hope I will meet you down in the Lectures ;) #PEACE"
Price: 199.99

"Pass My Driving Test" |
"This is a test preparationcourse thatwill help you pass the road test to get your drivers license. It is organized into ninevideo lessons, with in-car driving videos that show you what to do as well as lecture videos that explain the concepts. This course is NOTanother slideshow course with a voice-over, these are REALvideos.Who is this course for?This course is for anyone who needs to take the road test in order to get their drivers license. It is based on Washington state, but the concepts are applicable nationwide.This course is for:TeenagersParents of TeenagersAdults getting their first licensePeople who recently moved herePeople who had a license and lost it, and need to take the test to get it backWhats in this course?This is a test prep course. This course will help you pass the road test to get your drivers license. I want you to walk into your road test with the knowledge of what youll need to do in order to pass, so that you can be calm and pass your test.You will learn:Exactly what you need to do on the testThe words you will hear when they give you instructionsWhat to do and what NOT to do on each maneuverThe good driving habits that increase your chances of passingHow to avoid little mistakes that can add up to a failing scoreThe big mistakes that will make you FAIL, instantlyWarning: This course is will not teach you how to drive. This course will tell you what you need to do in order to pass the test, but you need to practice in order to develop your skills. You must learn and practice these maneuvers before you take the test. If you dont know how to drive, you should take some driving lessons.Course outlineThis course is divided up into nine lessons. Each lesson has a four to twelve minute video, as well as a cheat sheet to help you practice. Some of the lessons will cover the major maneuvers that you have to perform on the test, such as parallel parking and backing around a corner. Other lessons will cover the good driving habits that increase your chances of passing.The maneuvers we will cover includeStarting and mergingTurnsParking on a hillBacking around a cornerParallel parkingThe good driving habits includeUsing good visionKnowing how to control the carSigns, signals, and lanesWell also talk about how the scoring works, and how you can make that work to your advantageTwo Important Hints1. You can totally bomb on a couple of maneuvers and still pass the test. So if youre really bad at something like parallel parking, dont worry about it! Its just one small part of the test. As long as you do well on the rest of the test, youll do fine.2. Using good vision is crucial to passing your test. Good vision means that you look where youre going. It means that you look over your shoulder to check your blind spot, and that you turn around and look out the rear window whenever you drive backwards.Vision is scored in many different places on the test. Which means that if youre not using good vision, if you arent looking where youre going, you can lose points over and over again. All of that can add up to a failing score."
Price: 39.99

"WordPress for New Beginners: Learn & Customize your Website" |
"Welcome to Enes Yildirim - HAYEMMFZRO Online Tutorials.You are here because you are excited about Creating &Customizing Your Own Website.WordPress is the top popular website builder and I am here to walk you through step by step how to setup your settings and how to customize and build your own website.If you want to create a website just joinmy tutorials. You can create a Websitefor Hobby or Personal or Business reasons, you could build it with WordPress and sell your products via your ownwebsite without paying anything to anyone to sell your goods.Why youshould join my tutorials?I have been working on building websites forquite a long time.I have tried my best on this WordPress. I am goingto walk through with you step by step to show youhow to customize your website.Course Content:You will Explore the WordPress Dashboard.You will learn What WordPress is and Why should use WordPress.You will learn What do you need to run WordPress.You will learn Domain name &Web Hosting &IP Address.You will learn Discussion Settings.You will learn Avatar & Gravatar and how to change Gravatar logo.You will learn to Generate strong Password in order to keep your site secure.You will learn How to Update Plugins & Delete Plugins.You will learn How to Update Themes & Upload Themes.You will learn How to Add Pages & Delete Pages.You will learn How to Add 'Terms of Use' page.You will learn How to Reorganize Menus.You will learn How to Add Footer Page.You will learn How to Customize Site Title & Site Icon & TagLine & LogoYou will learn How to Create your Website Logo.You will learn How to change colors of Menu Background&Site Title&Menu Items&Sub-Menu Items&Sub-Menu Background&Header Slider Text.You will learn How to change colors of Sidebar Background &General Background &Primary Color.You will learnHow to change colors of Footer Page Background &Footer Widget Area Background.You will learn How to create More Spaces & RearrangeFooter Widget Area.You will learn How toCustomize Typography.You will learn How toCustomize Page Wrapper-Top&Bottom Padding.You will learn How to Add Header Media & Video.You will learnHow to add Media&Button in a different way.You will learnHow to Change Background Image.You will learnHow to add Page Builder# Create Text/Photo/Video pages.Plugins you will learn about:Beaver Builder PluginBlack Studio TinyMCE WidgetAkismet Anti-SpamEasy Google FontsMaxButtonsNextGEN GalleryOrbit Fox CompanionPage Builder by SiteOriginPowerPack Lite for Beaver BuilderSiteOrigin Widgets BundleSpacerTitle RemoverUse Google LibrariesWho is the Target Audience?New Beginners & New Learners.Whoever wants to Create & Customizetheir own website.More likely youngstudents who are excited about making their own website.ForStudents whoeverwants to make Millions of people to visit their website."
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye Wordpress ve nternet Sitesinden Para Kazanmak" |
"Bir web sitesine ihtiyacnz var fakat nereden balayacanz m bilmiyorsunuz? Doru yerdesiniz. Haber, blog, kurumsal veya e-ticaret sitesi fark etmez Her bir konu iin ayr ayr web sitetasarlayabileceksiniz.Alan ad, hosting ve tema gibi kavramlar reneceksiniz. Sitenize yeni birtemaeklemeyi,yeni sayfalareklemeyi veana sayfanz yaplandrmay reneceksiniz.Sonrasnda sitelerimizin gvenlii ve efektiflii adna yedek nasl alnr,sitemizi nasl daha gvenli yapabiliriz reneceiz."
Price: 359.99

"Microsoft Excel Bootcamp (Intermediate to advanced level)" |
"This course is created for all kinds of audience, from beginners to advance level users. This course covers all the basics and essentials for excel users so whether you are a novice or an expert, I believe there is at least something valuable that you can gain from this course.There are no prerequisites of this course. All you need is a system (laptop, computer or tablet),access to internet to take this course and a copy of MS Excel (available for free to students and as trial).This course is divided in various sections, each section dealing with a distinct feature. It will start by covering custom format and will go no to teach VBA, freezing panes, date functions, pivot tables, power BI, etc.The objective of this course is to equip with all the knowledge that is deemed necessary for proper and smooth execution of modern projects and office tasks. After taking this course, I believe you will be well versed in carryout various projects with high level efficiency and effectiveness, while preparing professional reports and presentations.I sincerely hope this course will be worth both your time and money.Warm Regards."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning With R, T-SQL, and SSRS" |
"In SQLServer 2016, you have to the ability to integrate R for in-database, scalable machinelearning. We will explore some of the challenges faced when pushing your algorithms and results to a consumable format. In this course, we will:Configure RWrite R in SQLServer Management Studio (in T-SQL)Create Dynamic Stored ProceduresDisplay Statistics and Graphs in SSRSThis is the first course in a series of courses to be released."
Price: 29.99

"Brother ScanNCut Basics" |
"This course is just what you need to get started with your Brother ScanNCut so that you can make the most of your crafting experience. Even if you have been using your machine for a while, you will benefit from the wide variety of projects presented in this course. You will learn about the features of the Brother ScanNCut CM350 and be able to apply the same concepts to other models as well. You will learn how to work with built in patterns, how to scan and cut drawings and stamped images and how to cut images out of patterned paper. You will learn how to save your projects so that you can retrieve them and cut them again in the future. This will save you a lot of time and enhanceyour crafting experience.Many other projects and topics are included and you will have the opportunity to practice and share your work with other students in the course. I encourage you to interact with the course content, to ask questions and to share your experiences with your ScanNCut. I look forward to taking this crafty journey with you."
Price: 29.99

"Brother ScanNCut Advanced" |
"In this course, you will: Delve deep into the Brother ScanNCut SettingsCut Cardstock, Acetate, Vinyl, Iron-On Material and Poster BoardCreate Projects from Brother Canvas WorkspacePractice Your Skills and Share Projects with Other StudentsThis Brother ScanNCut Advancedcourse helps you take your Brother ScanNCut skills to the next level so that you can make the most of your crafting experience. This course is project based so that you will learn the features of the Scan and Cut and apply them to your own projects. Even if you have been using your machine for a while, you will benefit from the wide variety of projects presented in this course including how to create embellishments, boxes and stickers. You will learn about the features of the Brother ScanNCut CM350 and be able to apply the same concepts to other models as well. You will learn how to work with built in patterns, how to scan and patterned paper, how to use the drawing feature, how to save and retrieve projects, and how to work in a variety of materials including card stock, acetate, vinyl, iron-on material and poster board. One of the unique features of this course is that I show you start to finish how to obtain projects from the Brother Canvas Workspace and cut them on your machine. I dont leave out any steps so that you can follow along and then find your own projects to work with. Many other projects and topics are included and you will have the opportunity to practice and share your work with other students in the course. I encourage you to interact with the course content, to ask questions and to share your experiences with your ScanNCut. I look forward to taking this crafty journey with you."
Price: 29.99

"Youtube Orgnico 2018" |
"Essa a sua chance de ter acesso ao meu melhor contedo de forma simples, organizado, de fcil aplicao, em formato de vdeo-aulas.Absolutamente todos os conceitos, tcnicas e planos de ao que eu uso para gerar resultados para os meus vdeos postados no youtube e vender os meus produtos/servios utilizando todo o Poder do Youtube Orgnico.Esse curso destinado para todas as pessoas que querem ter milhares de visualizaes em seus vdeos de uma forma orgnica, ou seja, sem ter que investir nenhum centavo em campanhas de Marketing Digital ou em Youtube Ads.O custo do curso baixo se tratando de um curso to rico em detalhes e estratgias de Youtube Marketing, sem contar que se algum no ficar satisfeito, ter um ms para exigir o dinheiro de volta."
Price: 159.99
