"Quick Guide For Approaching Large Companies For New Business" |
"When you see that a company has 50,000 or 170,000 employees do you ever stop to wonder what do 170,000 people actually do for a living? College would have you to believe that the only jobs that exist in the world are sales, marketing, finance, legal and PR - they dont really teach you about procurement, project management, supplier diversityemployee communications, product communications and so many other areas of companies that both the budget and need for your product and services."
Price: 79.99

"SER Lder Mdulo I" |
"Si eres gerente o director este es el programa para ti. Ya que tendrs la oportunidad de aprender y desarrollar las habilidades especificas de un lder en lo individual y en lo colectivo (lder de lderes). Para posteriormente poder realizar las actividades especificas de un gerente o un director, discriminando con precisin cuales son tus responsabilidades y quehaceres.En ningna formacin universitaria de grado o posgrado nos ensean cuales son y como desarrollarlas. Todas las habilidades del Lder tienen que ver con su carcter, personalidad e identidad (SER), no son recetas, tcnicas o instructivos. Es un proceso de introspeccin y reflexin que cambiar tu vida. Si te inscribes te garantizo que cambiar tu vida."
Price: 199.99

"Super Sales Star" |
"Super Sales Star is proud to be an effective way to learn sales skills using NLP. When you cometo Super Sales Star, you will be equipped with the necessary skills to become a superstar in sales. 1. You will learn the following skills:-Art of sales:+ Negotiation skills with customers+ Method of effective sales measurement+ Search and evaluate potential customers- Sales process:+ Targeting skill for sales process+ Sales management skills+ The art of appointing potential customers+ Applying NLP in communication+ Skills to deal with halt, fear of buying of customers- Sales Consultant:+ Skills to listen and understand customers+ Distinguish between amateur sellers and sales consultants+ Skills to influence customers- Introduce products directly to customers:+ Skills to create sympathy and trust for customers+ Skills to collect information from customers+ Communication skills with customers through body language and tone+ Using question skill to attract the attention of customers+ Motivation Techniques for customers to buy right away+ Confident and attractive presentation skills+ Skills to close sales+ Skills to deal with customer objections+ Emotional control skills when working with clients+ Fast and effective closing skills. 2. After this course you will: - Know how to manage the sales system for yourself and your employees- Understand and apply sales funnel- Measure sales effectiveness- Become a reliable sales consultant- Get successful sales thinking.- Understand deeply and perform step by step in the sales consultancy.- Take control all situations and overcome the failure in the sales process- Accumulate experience in building trust for clients in the consulting process.- Confidently present products to attract customers and gain effectiveness.- Understand how the customer's brain works- There are methods to improve sales effectiveness- Distinguish different customer groups and know how to respond to each group- Detect and correct common mistakes in the sales process- Know the buying signs of customers- Know how to turn the halt into a sales opportunity- Master in influence skill and become ""Super sales star"
Price: 174.99

"Bitcoin, Blockchain y Criptomonedas: La gua completa" |
"En el curso""Bitcoin, Blockchain y Criptomonedas: La gua completa,""vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas saber para invertir en Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin y otras criptomonedas. Tendrs acceso para siempre,sin lmites, 24 horas del da, 7 das por semana, en tu smartphone, tablet o computadoraa ms de 20horas de videoclases. Vas a aprender qu son las criptomonedas, cmo comprarlas, cmo almacenarlas de manera segura y cmo distinguir entre las criptomonedas que vale la pena tener y las que no valen la pena. Este cursote va a dar una base slida para que participes de forma inteligente, segura y bien informada en el boom de Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Facebook Marketing in 2018 and Generate More Leads" |
"Facebook marketing and lead generation is one of the most important aspect of social media marketing. In this course, you can learn how to create strategy on Facebook to get MORE CUSTOMERSand how you can CONVERT them into your business.Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!You can have lifetime access of this course. I will keep on updating it time to time.You canask me questionsand I will respond each of themthoughtfully!In this course, whatever you will learn is original, tested, and very detailed! Social media marketing strategies in this course will assist you to earn more leads and business.In this course, you will learnFacebook Marketingfrom beginner level to advanced!After joining in this course, if you are not satisfied, you can have 100% refund from Udemy within 30 days!Who is the target audience?Small business ownersBloggers/InfluencersMarketersAdvertising managersCorporationsANYONE looking for the most highly targeted and cheapest advertsing strategies on FacebookIT IS THE HIGH TIME TO TAKE A STEP TO FACEBOOK MARKETING STRATEGIESAND GENERATE MORE BUSINESS FROM FACEBOOK!"
Price: 19.99

"Bass Guitar Foundations More Rock, Less Drama!" |
"If you want to learn to play bass guitar without the hurdle of learning to read music, if you want the joy of bass without the headache,if you want to rock and have a good time, then this course is for you.In Bass Fundamentals: More Rock, Less Drama; you will learn how to play the bass, starting at the very beginning and by the end learning youfirst solos, blues riffs and walking bass line.You will be playing your first song from day 1.Along the way you will learn popular songs such as With or Without You, You ReallyGot Me and Another One Bites the Dust.If you want to play bass, and have fun doing it, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"REST API, Design, Test, Scale and Deploy" |
"Learn how to create scalable REST APIs using Java, Spring, Python and AWS. This course has hands on example and sample code for you to learn Spring Boot, Python Flask and AWS Lambda. This course introduces you to the concepts of YAML documentation using Swagger, Postman for testing APIs. Using JWT adding security to your API. AWS API Gateway to leverage Amazon's infrastructure and Serverless Architecture to build secure and scalable, production grade APIs. "
Price: 34.99

"Jumpstart Your Software Development Career" |
"This course will provide software programmers that are new or early in their career with the knowledge that is not typically covered in programming training courses.After successfully completing this course learners should be more equipped to work as a professional on a software development team. Learners will be introduced to knowledge & practices that are typically learned through years of experience giving them confidence and increasing their value to the businesses who employ them. This course is more about the breadth of knowledge than the depth of knowledge and will serve as a solid foundation that developers can use to build from.Throughout the course, you will be introduced to topics including:What to expect as a Software DeveloperChoosing the right development positionThe software development life cycle (SDLC)Project resources, roles, & responsibilitiesSoftware development methodologiesSoftware requirements analysisFunctional and non-functional requirementsEstimating development tasks"
Price: 99.99

"Terico intensivo para aprender a conducir, DonCar" |
"Aprueba el examen de conducir con Doncar y nuestro curso intensivo. A travs de vdeos, cuestionarios, test, maniobras y explicado por un profesor de Formacin vial con muchos aos de experiencia, conseguirs superar tu examen de conducir y ademas aprenders a circular, seguridad vial y todas las maniobras, seales, etc. que nos suelen pedir el da del examen."
Price: 19.99

"Conoce y atrae al hombre ideal, Comunicacin Irresistible" |
"El curso te ensear a conocer hombresy crear una mayor abundancia social en tu vida para poder elegir al tipo de hombre que es ideal para ti.Olvdatede pensar que no hay hombres y aprende a encontrarlos. No mspreocupacin al momento de una cita en cuanto a qu le voy a decir estar interesado en mi y realmente, aprender a valorarse y comportarse como una mujer de gran valor frente a cualquier hombre para llamar su atencin y crear aprender a crear qumica, atraccin y adiccin a travs de tus palabras y de una buena conversacin que te permita conectar y conocer a la persona que est enfrente de ti y decidir si es la persona que estabas buscando."
Price: 64.99

"AutoCAD 2D Bsico" |
"Curso de AutoCAD 2D en donde abordaremos los temas ms importantes en el dibujo 2D. El curso hace nfasis en el aprendizaje por medio de la realizacin de ejemplos, aprende haciendo. No requieres conocimeintos previos de ninguna especie. Anmate y sigue el curso. Adems en cada vdeo se sube el material utilizado."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende JavaFX desde cero" |
"Seguramente te has preguntado como programar un formulario o una aplicacinelegante en Java y que adems sea interactiva, dinmica y amigable con el usuario. Pues la solucin es JavaFx; esta librera ha sido presentada por Oracle para crear animaciones, formularios dinmicos e incluso desarrollar juegos. Este curso te guiarpaso a paso por el maravilloso mundo de JavaFx. En cada clase se desarrolla la teora y la prctica. Adems se realizarn proyectos enlos quese pone en prctica lo aprendido. Todo el material didctico como imgenes y cdigos de programacin estn incluidos. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad y dale un plus a tus conocimientos de programacin."
Price: 29.99

"Como Gravar Vdeos Pelo Celular - VideoPhone" |
"O curso online Como Gravar Vdeos Pelo Celular - VideoPhone foi criado pensando em voc que precisa iniciar seu Projeto de Vdeos e no sabe por onde comear ou ainda j iniciou, porm, no consegue sair do lugar. Voc vai aprender a Criar e Produzir Vdeos de forma rpida utilizando o que voc tem: o seu SmartPhone!Se voc no tem equipamentos ou morre de medo das cmeras, ento, est no lugar certo!Vou te ensinar tcnicas que voc ir conseguir criar vdeos capazes de atrair seu pblico perfeito. E tudo isso usando apenas seu celular, isso mesmo, apenas o seu celular.Voc no precisa ser um VideoMaker. Com a tecnologia quetem a em suas mos, voc conseguir atingir pessoas do mundo todo atravs dos seus vdeos incrveis.Porque fazer o Curso VideoPhone?O Brasil possui 236,5 milhes de celulares, com linhas registradas e ativas. Se assustou com esses nmeros que te falei antes da vinheta....pois , esses dados so verdadeiros e foi a anatel que confirmou. O Brasil fechou 2017 com 236,5 milhoes de smarphones na ativa, funcionando e sendo usados. Ns seres da raa humana, e principalmente ns brasileiros temos uma tendncia cultural de dar mais preferncia para contedos audiovisuais ao invs de textos.Nosso crebro processa informaes em formato audiovisual at 60 mil vezes mais rpido do que em formato escrito. Pensando nisso e sabendo que as pessoas esto cada mais penduradas, literalmente penduradas em seus smartphones que voc e seu negcio precisam urgente comear produzir vdeos. As emissoras de tv por exemplo j notaram essa mudana no comportamento das pessoas e comearam a oferecer seus contedos seja exclusivos ou repetindo sua programao da tv em canais na internet, quer um exemplo forte disso que eu estou falando? A globo que fundou a globo play onde voc pode assistir a tudo que tem na tv na hora que vc quiser e de onde voc quiser. Sabia que netflix fechou 2017 com nada mais nada menos que 117,6 milhes de assinantes no mundo. E por mais que a empresa no divulgue a quantidade de assinantes por pas os registros mostram cerca de 8 milhes de assinantes s aqui no brasil. E como o mundo cruel, enquanto uns riem outros choram: segundo dados da anatel liberados no incio desse ano em que vos falo as TVs pagas perderam quase 1 milho de assinantes no ano de 2017. Gente muita gente deixando a tv e dando preferncia exclusiva para internet. Ento, depois de todos esses nmeros o que podemos perceber que ns seres humanos habitantes dessa terra, mais propriamente dito, habitantes do brasil, queremos ter acesso a contedo de nicho e poder assistir a hora que a gente quiser. Ento voltamos no incio desse texto ............ t brincando, vamos continuar daqui. O quequero mostrar pra vocs que todos ns estamos no celular consumindo contedos em vdeos o dia todo!Mas a agora eu te falo, no basta ligar a cmera e sair falando de qualquer jeito. Como tem pblico tem tambm concorrncia. E claro que seu pblico vai preferir um vdeo de qualidade a umvdeo horroroso. No verdade? Pensando nisso nasceu o Curso Como Gravar Vdeos Pelo Celular - VideoPhone.Veja o que voc vai aprender no Curso:escrever um roteiro poderoso capaz de conquistar seu potencial pblico nos primeiros 20 segundos;criar um calendrio editorial para manter sua audincia sempre focada em seus contedos;produzir seu equipamento de gravao;criar um setup para que seus vdeos sejam muito mais engajadores;gravar e editar seus vdeos usando todoo potencial queseu celular pode te oferecer;divulgar e rentabilizar seus vdeos nas mdias sociais e em outras plataformas.Este curso para voc?Se voc est buscando uma nova forma de fazer contedo de alta qualidade para atrair mais pblico totalmente engajado no que voc tem a dizer, sim, este curso para voc!Confira agora todo o contedo do Curso Como Gravar Vdeos Pelo Celular - VideoPhone e se ficar alguma dvida me chame! Meus contatos esto todos na pgina do instrutor.Ficar somente pensando no far voc deixar de ser uma pessoa de iniciativa (pessoas que ficam somente iniciando inmeros projetos e nunca acabam) para ser uma pessoa de ""Acabativa"" (pessoas que sonham, pensam e realizam seus projetos).Venha fazer parte desta Comunidade das Pessoas de Acabativas!Se inscreva e comece agora!"
Price: 174.99

"Roteiros para Vdeos que Vendem" |
"Voc quer gravar MAIS e melhorar a sua TAXA DE CONVERSO?Ol, eu sou Ale Riquena, criadora do ROTEIROS QUE VENDEM. Nesse treinamento, completamente desenvolvido para transformar vdeos comuns em VDEOS QUE VENDEM, eu vou te mostrar estratgias para voc aplicar no seu negcio!No frmula mgica! Todo o contedo que vou te passar aqui deve ser absorvido e colocado em PRTICA por VOC!Durante o treinamento, voc vai aprender como passar o seu contedo de forma objetiva, mas sem perder a sua essncia se conectando MUITO MAIS com o seu pblico.Com contedo ATUALIZADO, vamos focar nos principais meios de divulgao de vdeos! Alm disso, vou te mostrar DETALHADAMENTE como criar roteiro para vdeos institucionais, vdeos motivacionais, a melhor maneira de pensar e executar a gravao de um vlog e vdeos de review. muito contedo! E um contedo de valor que vai agregar conhecimento estratgico para voc ter uma ideia e conseguir colocar no papel, tornando a sua gravao seja muito mais dinmica.Todo o material de apoio que eu vou disponibilizar para VOC usar DIARIAMENTE durante a criao dos seus vdeos.Nesse treinamento s vai ter sucesso quem usar a palavra FAZER! Quem pegar todo esse contedo, todas essas estratgias e APLICAR.A PRTICA est EM VOC. O sucesso est em voc!Se Inscreva Agora!Estou te esperando na primeira aula!"
Price: 174.99

IoTJavaScriptArduinoIoT |
"IoTInternet of ThingsJavaScriptNode.jsArduinoGrove Starter KitIoTIoTIoTIoTIoTArduinoIoTIoTIoTIoT"
Price: 10200.00

"Lezioni di Lingua Araba" |
"Questo corso si basa sull'insegnamento teorico-pratico del testo 'Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba'della Veccia Vaglieri. Grazie a queste lezioni ed agli esercizi proposti sarete in grado di riconoscere le lettere dell'alfabeto arabo in ogni loro forma, ad unirle ed a pronunciarle correttamente. inoltre imparerete tutte le nozioni grammaticali di base per scrivere e leggere correttamente l'arabo."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Photoshop Mastery Course" |
"Welcome to the Learn Photoshop Mastery Course where studentswill learn the fundamentals, some cool tricks, creating awesome artworks, and become a digital media guru.This course is designed for anyone who has thedesireto learn andunderstandwhat really Photoshop can do for you, and who always wanted to master an image editing software tool, and eventuallyuse it like the Pros.Learning takes place by showing studentsa series of online videos, teaching in a step by step manner. As a result, students can learn without missing a single part of the lesson.Students will explore the fundamentals, the various types of image editing tools, discover the power of Photoshop brushes and some cool effects to turn your image into a piece of art.There isn't muchrequirements needed to enrol, just come join us and have fun learning."
Price: 19.99

"Automao de Testes com Capybara, Cucumber e Ruby" |
"Este curso ir te ensinar a fazer automaes em sites utilizando a metodologia:BDD(Behavior Driven Development Desenvolvimento Guiado porComportamento).Onde usaremos o Cucumber framework e conheceremos os fundamentos do Gherkin.Iremos conhecer oframeworkCapybara queajuda voc a testar aplicativos da web, simulando como um usurio real interage com seu aplicativo.E iremos usar a linguagem Rubybem como conhecer etrabalhar com Programao Orientada a Objetos."
Price: 99.99

"Japanese Pastry Course #2 Japanese Cheesecake" |
"Have you ever heard about Japanese cotton cheese cake?When I was living in Dubai, many friends asked me Do you know how to make Japanese cotton cheesecake? . Actually I didnt know that the cotton cheesecake is a specialty of the Japanese. I thought it was just one of many kinds of cheesecake.Japanese cotton cheesecake is very different from the regular cheesecake. It offers the same iconic sweet and tangy flavor of cheesecake with a soft, light and airy, melt-in-your-mouth texture. The big difference between a regular cheesecake and Japanese cotton cheese cake is the addition of the meringue, so the cake becomes airy and fluffy.It looks simple but I realized it is not after I tried baking it a couple times and failed many times. For this course, Im going to show you not only the recipe, but also the reasons why we fail, the solutions, and helpful tips. When you have questions, you can ask me anytime from my Q&A page in the course.Also Im going to introduce a new trendy Japanese cheese cake, which is Japanese cheese tart. Japanese cheese tarts have been getting popular here over the last 5 years. Cheese tart shops have been increasing everywhere not only in Japan, but also in other parts of Asia.Its crispy sweet crust filled with fluffy rich cheese cream. This is originally made from Japanese cheese but after re-doing the recipe over 10 times to find an original blend, I succeeded in a version which you can make with ingredients outside of Japan.I will explain every single step and give you all the tips, so lets enjoy baking together!So if you are interested in Japanese cuisine, want to add a new and delicious dessert to your collection or just want to impress your guests are the next dinner party. this class is for you. Are you ready for exploring the world of Japanese sweets and desserts?Lets get started!Asami"
Price: 29.99

"Japanese Pastry Course #1 Japanese Short cake" |
"What comes tomind when you think of Japanese food?Sushi, Tempura, Ramen, ... But how about Japanese sweets?Japanese strawberry shortcake is the most popular cake in Japan,You can find it in all cake shops along the streets here.If you ask Japanese people, ""Please draw any kind of cake"", everyone would draw this cake.Its made of soft and airy sponge cake layers, filled with freshly sliced strawberries in whipped cream.Its so good and everyone likes it.Its really simple, but its important to know some tips and techniques to create the perfect sponge cake and frost it with whipped cream.In this course, you will learn how to bake an amazing light and fluffy textured sponge cake and how to decorate the cake beautifully with frosting.Im going to show you every single step even some small tips, so you will get the hang of it.For this lesson, I will use the professional recipe but you can make it at home.Hope you enjoy baking with me!"
Price: 24.99

"Jenkins Curso Intensivo para DevOps y Desarrolladores." |
"De qu trata este curso: Este curso cubre todos los aspectos fundamentales sobre Jenkins y le ensea todo lo que necesita saber para configurar una build pipeline de Jenkins, comenzando con la inspeccin continua (construccin, prueba y anlisis esttico) hasta la implementacin continua (implementacin para puesta en escena y produccin). Al final de este curso, obtendr un conocimiento profundo sobre Jenkins y habilidades generales de DevOps para ayudar a su empresa o su propio proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Jenkins y ofrecer continuamente un mejor software. Qu aprenders en estas clases? En particular, aprenders a: Comprender los conceptos de inspeccin continua, integracin continua, despliegue continuo, y la diferencia entre ellos. Generar una pipeline automatizada de implementacin continua para construir, probar, analizar y desplegar una aplicacin web con Jenkins. Crear un multi-stage job en Jenkins y visualizar la complicada build pipeline con el plugin build pipeline de Jenkins. Integrar las builds de IC con otras herramientas como GitHub, Maven, Tomcat, Java, etc. Escalar el flujo de trabajo de Jenkins con la arquitectura master y slave de Jenkins, desplegar y configurar una malla multi-node de Jenkins, en la nube, para builds etiquetadas. Configurar y extender la funcionalidad de Jenkins con los plugins de Jenkins, como los plugings para copiar build artifacts y plugins deploy to container. Invaluables habilidades de DevOps, como la configuracin del entorno de puesta en escena y produccin para flujos de trabajo de integracin continua. Aprenda consejos sobre cmo mejorar efectivamente el tiempo de compilacin de Jenkins, como la ejecucin de trabajos en paralelo. Mejores prcticas de trabajo con Jenkins, basadas en nuestra experiencia profesional. Conocimiento profundo sobre Jenkins y confianza para ayudar a su empresa o su propio proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Jenkins y ofrecer continuamente un mejor software. Y mucho ms Por qu debemos aprender Jenkins: Jenkins est al borde de la tecnologa hoy. Tambin es una de las tecnologas ms atractivas de la ltima dcada debido a su gran impacto en el desarrollo de software y actividades operacionales. La solucin de integracin continua que proporciona Jenkins, se ha convertido en una necesidad en organizaciones de todos los tamaos que desean aumentar la productividad y agilizar el desarrollo de software en la era de Agile (metodologa para desarrollo iterativo de proyectos). Jenkins, tiene un gran soporte de la comunidad y ha extendido su funcionalidad principal al desarrollar miles de plugings muy tiles. Hoy en da existe un ecosistema de ms de 1.100 plugings, que permite a los clientes agregar todo tipo de funcionalidades e integrar a Jenkins con todo, desde Active Directory hasta GitHub y Tomcat. Jenkins se est convirtiendo en una herramienta imprescindible para DevOps.Permite a las empresas construir build pipelines muy sofisticadas en poco tiempo, lo que reduce en gran medida el riesgo a lo largo del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software. Muchas compaas ya estn usando Jenkins para implementar una pipeline de integracin continua. Hoy tienes acceso a esa misma tecnologa directamente en tu escritorio. Sobre el Autor: En el pasado, James Lee trabaj en muchas compaas como Amazon y Google. Ahora James est trabajando en una de las principales startups de Silicon Valley que se especializa en big data analysis. James ha trabajado con Jenkins durante ms de 4 aos y liderado a su equipo desarrollar varias pipelines complejas de implementacin continua con Jenkins, que les permiti implementar automticamente aplicaciones a gran escala. La compaa de James ha obtenido grandes beneficios al usar Jenkins en el desarrollo de build pipelines automatizadas. En este curso, compartir con usted sus experiencia profesional, aos de conocimiento, as como mejores prcticas de trabajo con Jenkins, aplicables a proyectos reales. Por qu DevOps skills? Hoy en da, los ingenieros de DevOps tienen una gran demanda en la industria de TI. Las empresas buscan desarrolladores que puedan desarrollar e implementar aplicaciones. El salario promedio de un ingeniero de DevOps es de aproximadamente $ 140,000 por ao enSilicon Valley, que es un 20% ms alto que el salario de un ingeniero de software, eso quiere decir que, mejorar o aprender habilidades DevOps te ayudar a mantenerte por delante en el competitivo mercado laboral de hoy en da. Por qu elegir este curso? Este curso es muy prctico, James se ha esforzado mucho para proporcionarte no solo la teora, sino tambin ejemplos de la vida real para la implementacin de un pipeline de integracin continua, que puedes poner en prctica en tu propia laptop. James ha subido todo el cdigo fuente a Github y podrs seguir sus clases con Windows, MAC OS o Linux. Al final de este curso, James confa en que obtendr un conocimiento profundo sobre Jenkins y las habilidades generales de DevOps que ayudarn a tu empresa o proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Jenkins y ofrecer continuamente un mejor software. 30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero! Obtendrs una garanta de devolucin de dinero por 30 das de Udemy para este curso. Si no est satisfecho, simplemente solicite un reembolso dentro de los 30 das. Obtendrs un reembolso completo. Sin preguntas en absoluto. Ests listo para llevar tus habilidades y tu carrera en DevOps al siguiente nivel? Toma este curso ahora!"
Price: 149.99

"Curso de Criptomonedas para principiantes" |
"Se parte de la nueva economa digital.Aprenders la historia de bitcoin, sus pros y sus contras, as como el valor que hoy tiene en el mundo.Conocers otras criptomonedas ademas de bitcoin, as como su principal objetivo y solucin.Tendrs los conocimientos para comprar tu primer Bitcoin.Aprenders a como guardar y mantener segura tu criptomoneda.Aprenders para que sirve y como funciona la Blockchain.Aprenders como y cuantos Bitcoins son generados.Tendrs los elementos para evaluar proyectos de inversin de nuevas ofertas iniciales de moneda.El objetivo es darte las herramientas necesarias en linea para que te mantengas actualizado en el mundo de Bitcoin y Blockchain."
Price: 39.99

"My Favorite Things- Fun and Easy Writing Course for kids" |
"My favorite things is far from your average writing course! Its a digital course that includes cartoon animations and teaches young learners to craft paragraphs about things that they like. The instructor, Gahmya Drummond-Bey, has taught this course live for over five years in South Korea. The same curriculum can be used for students as young as five and as old as nine because it teaches the foundation of paragraph writing. In fact, its so simple, yet results producing, that many parents have admitted using it to study themselves. This course is especially useful for children who are learning English as their second language. Tip: When using this course, be sure to encourage your child to interact with the teacher. Stand up. Answer the questions. Read your paragraph aloud. Talk to the screen. Enjoy the experience. High-five your child and offer lots of praise for being active. COURSE DESCRIPTION (for kids):Hello! Welcome to Writing Class! Im your teacher, Gahmya! You can call me, Gahmya Teacher! Im so excited to teach you how to write well because writing is so much fun! Okay, if you think writing is boring, lets try it together! Do you know that some of the smartest people in the world exercise their brains by writing? Its true! Scientists, Doctors, Teachers, Fashion Designers, and even Singers write their ideas in books or magazines so that their ideas can live forever! Thats the great thing about writing. If you learn to write well, you can write your ideas and stories. Then, people can read them forever! Thats so amazing! So, come on! Lets learn to write about some of our favorite things together! Lets go!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Flutter ve Dart Programlama Dili Temel Eitimi" |
"Bu eitim serisinde Google tarafndan gelitirilen IOS ve Android platformlara tek bir yazlm dili ile Native uygulamalar gelitirmemize imkan tanyan Flutter Ktphanesi ve onun Yazlm Dili olan Dart Dili hakknda Temel seviyeden balayan eitimler alacaksnz.Bylece renmesi en kolay olan dillerin banda gelen Dart Yazlm dili sayesinde birok platforma tek bir dil sayesinde yksek kaliteli ve son derece modern tasarmlara sahip uygulamalar gelitireceksiniz.Dart dili sayesinde yalnzca mobil platformlara deil ayn zamanda web sunucularna ve web platformlarna da uygulama gelitirebilecek hatta IoT (Internet of Things - Eyalarn nterneti) uygulamalar bile yapabileceksiniz.Duyurular ksmndan kursun tamamlandn belirten bir duyuru yaynlamadm srece kursa eklemeler yapmaya devam edeceim ltfen takipte kaln"
Price: 199.99

"XBee paso a paso" |
"En el curso vemos como funciona, su interaccion con otros dispositivos como laptop, Microcontrollers.Adicional mente vemos su modo de OperacionAT y Modo API, asi como el xbee en Stand Alone.Finalmente damos recomendaciones del diseo cuando se instala en alguna aplicacion, la zona de fresnel y la posicion de la antena son bien importantes para obtener el alcance deseado."
Price: 49.99

"Arduino, el comienzo de una gran aventura" |
"Hemos plasmado aos de experiencia en el dictado de este curso en esta modalidad de curso Online, hemos desarrollado cuidadosamente cada seccin con sus respectivos captulos, todos en acorde concordancia y vamos avanzando poco a poco desde lo mas simple a los mas complejo.El curso abarca tanto la descripcin/explicacin del capitulo, ensamblaje de los prototipos , su codificacin en Arduino as como su demostracin, sin embargo conforme se hace el desarrollo, vamos avanzando en nivel acorde al avance del estudiante. Como indicamos previamente, vamos avanzando poco a poco de lo mas simple, hacia lo mas complejo.En el curso abarcaremos variedad de temas, entre los cuales podemos destacar los siguientes:Fundamentos de Electrnica: para los que no estn muy familiarizados con el tema, aqu describimos los conceptos mas importantes en electrnica para que afronten el desarrollo del curso sin ninguna dificultad.Fundamentos de Arduino: Aqu describimos los conceptos bsicos de Arduino, sus funciones con las cuales comenzaran a hacer cdigo y prototipos.Sensores: Tanto digitales como analgicos, su interaccin del Arduino con ellos.Dispositivo de Salida LCD: trabajaremos con el modulo LCD y su conexin, para posteriormente usar el modulo I2C para LCD, para ver la facilidad en la simplificacin del trabajo.Teclado Matricial: Aprenderemos a como trabajar con este modulo y haremos aplicaciones en conjunto con el LCD.Modulo RFID RC522: Aprenderemos su funcionamiento as como sus ejemplos en lecturas.Modulo Bluetooth: Configuraremos el nombre de este modulo, as como su conexin a un smartphone para en envi y recepcin de informacin.Robtica: Manejaremos tanto servomotores como motores DC, su control desde Arduino.Proyectos: Haremos proyectos interesantes como el control de un robot mvil desde el celular y un robot seguidor de Linea."
Price: 19.99

"Arma, Configura y Vuela tu Drone UAV desde cero, paso a paso" |
"En este curso veremos el funcionamiento de cada pieza del drone, el alumno sera capaz de resolver cualquier inconveniente que se suscite durante o despus de ponerse a volar el drone. EL curso contiene fundamento terico de cada elemento involucradoas como practico donde mostramos los resultados. El curso finaliza cuando el alumno ya es capaz de volar el drone con las recomendaciones brindadas."
Price: 44.99

"Early Stage Startup Marketing And Sales Success" |
"You have a great product you are about to launch or have launched, but you have no experience in marketing or selling! Having a great product is only the first step, andyou are nottruly inbusiness until you actually make your first sale and have a paying client. The most common mistake startup entrepreneurs make is they go to market without understanding what EXACTLY they are selling, who they are selling to, whether they want your product or not, and how to sell to them.In this simple but powerful course that has been successfullyused by hundreds of startups from around the world you will learn:How to develop a sales mindset giving you the confidence to convince prospects that they need your productFiguring out the main thing you are selling and how to properly market it to your prospective customerLearning what is unique about your product and how to differentiate from the competitionDeveloping a profile or your ideal customer and learning everything about them making it easier to sell to themHow to use interviews to fill your pipeline with leads that need what you haveCompile a list of all the potential buyer objections you will encounter and how to confidently reverse them to your advantageWhat the proper messaging is for your website and your marketing that will MAKEPROSPECTSBUYBuilding your sales strategy that will simplify your approach to sales and marketing giving you a better chance at succeedingThis course is filled with thousands of dollars of information that can give you the AHAmoment you are looking for to get your startup off the ground."
Price: 19.99

"How to Relocate to Los Angeles" |
"This course will help you relocate to Los Angeles by helping you identify why you're moving, help you develop a savings plan, orchestrate your transition, and jump start your new life in a new city. This course was created by an artist with artists in mind but it can really help anyone who wants to live in LA for any reason."
Price: 19.99

"Master Sales Skills w/ Proven Sales Techniques & Strategies" |
"Do you want to maximize your sells?Are you a sales person or an executive or a freelancer or a door-to-door seller or a B2B seller trying to meet your sells targets? Stop searching now and welcome to Master Sales Skills w/ Proven Sales Techniques & Strategies course. It must have taken you a while to get here, but believe me that you are at the right place. LETs MAKE EVERY SALE MORE REWARDING, FUN, AND PROFITABLE. In this course, you will not only will you learn how to prepare for success in sales and the steps in the sale process, but also how to apply proven sales strategies and principles that make sales rewarding, fun and especially profitable. This course walks you through the step-by-step sales process; from when you meet a prospect to the end of the deal. I am also going to provide you the guidelines for building your own pitch. KEY COURSE TOPICS A brief insight of this course: The best salesperson is one who knows how to influence people. With this course, you would be able to build an understanding of the skills necessary and develop the necessary skills to persuade potential buyers. The good news is that with the understanding of certain strategies and techniques, you can learn the abilities necessary to achieving success in the sales process. With this course, you will not only learn how to influence a buyer but also how to get success with sales. This course examines in depth, why you need to prepare when selling and the preparation steps needed to set yourself up to win. A winner plans to win, prepares to win and so they win. This course will show you how to prepare to succeed in sales and also what you do from the moment you say hello to the client until the end of the deal. This course will help you to learn, Steps you should take daily to get more sales A step-by-step detailed sales process Discover the 9 key elements for success with sales How to make your customers take action? Learn how to handle rejection and stay motivated What you should do when someone says no? Resources to build your own pitch This course shows you real hands-on techniques and an action plan that you can implement immediately in your sales career. I SHARED EVERY INSIGHT I KNOW TO HELP YOU TO GROW YOUR SALES INSIDE THIS COURSE! TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE BY ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE NOW! Thanks for all your interests in Master Sales Skills w/ Proven Sales Techniques & Strategies course I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Buy now button to enrol inside the course, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. Don't forget that Udemy offers a 30 Day 100% money back guarantee so there is no reason to hesitate or delay. All the Best and see you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"GDPR Foundation in 1 Hour - Get Certified" |
"This course is designed and delivered in collaboration withMartin de Bruin,a recognised industry expert withover 20 years experience in data protection,information governance and information security to provide you with thefundamental knowledgerequired and to prove that you understand therequirements of the legislation.As a foundation course it can be seen as the first step towards practitioner level training for those individuals with more senior data processing responsibilities.We have managed to compress a 7 hour long GDPR Foundation course into 1 hour ofengaging content, case studies and quizzes to test your knowledge and prepare you for the official exam.You will learn:Essential General Data Protection Regulation background and terminologyThe six data protection principlesThe special categories of personal dataThe rights of data subjects, including data access requestsThe obligations of controllers and processorsData protection by designSecuring personal dataHow to report data breachesThe role of the data protection officer (DPO)Transferring personal data outside the EUThe powers of supervisory authoritiesCourse StructureModule 1 - Introduction to Data ProtectionQuizModule 2 Data Protection PrinciplesCase StudiesQuizModule 3 Lawful Processing & Delegated ActsCase StudiesQuizModule 4 Rights of the Data SubjectModule 5 GDPR RolesCase StudiesQuizModule 6 Transfers of personal dataCase StudyQuizModule 7 Supervisory AuthoritiesCase StudyQuizAfter completing the course you can take an official exam with IBITGQ to obtain EU GDPR Foundation Certificate.EU GDPR F online examThis is an ISO 17024-certificated, 60-minute, multiple-choice exam set by IBITGQ and is taken online.There are two online exam formats. The format taken will depend on your computers operating system.Duration: 60 minutesExam format: closed book, multiple choice Exam pass mark: 39/60 questions (65%)"
Price: 199.99
