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"U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy"
"How do the three branches of government operate? How is power shared among Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court? What role is played by federal agencies that have no direct constitutional authority oftheir own? In this part of our series on American Government, we will examine the separation of powers among the three branches of government, and the role of voters, political parties, and the broader federal bureaucracy. We’ll explore how “the people” affect the behavior of members of Congress, what constitutes success in a president’s domestic and foreign policies, and how much power an unelected judiciary should have in a democratic system."
Price: 49.00

"U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies"
"Public policy puts laws into action. The executive branch directs the combined activities of the federal government to address a multitude of problems, from the environment to the economy. The policies of the United States affect social issues, economic growth, taxes, regulation, and foreign affairs. This course will take a broad view of public policy in America but will use specific examples, such as the 2008 economic downturn and climate change, to illustrate the wide-ranging effects of those policies. We’ll address the intersection of religion and politics, and how issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage have played out in the political arena. We’ll discuss fiscal, monetary, welfare and income policy—what they are, what tools they involve, and what political divisions they create. We’ll examine partisan divisions over regulatory policy, and the basis for those divisions. Finally, we’ll trace the evolution of America’s position as a trading nation by examining trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This course will also serve as an overview of American government, concentrating on overarching tendencies such as its fragmented power structure. The importance of these tendencies will be explained by showing how thoroughly each of them affects American politics."
Price: 49.00

"American Government: Constitutional Foundations"
"“We the People” are the opening words of the U.S. Constitution, yet the original document did not give citizens much say in the election of their officials. Though some of those issues have been addressed, substantial barriers—gerrymandering, voter registration, and voter ID laws—still restrain the power of the vote. Why? How can a country, founded more than 200 years ago on the ideals of liberty, equality, and individualism, still struggle to empower all of its citizens equally? This course explores the origins of U.S. political culture, how that culture informed the Constitution, and how that framework continues to influence the country’s politics and policies. We will examine the Constitution’s provisions for limited government, the division of power between the federal and state governments, and the forces that have made federalism a source of political conflict and change. We will address how the Constitution not only established the structure of the U.S. government but guarantees personal freedoms and civil rights. These rights have been challenged and expanded in significant Supreme Court cases, which will help to illustrate how historically disadvantaged groups have struggled to realize the 14th Amendment's promise of equality."
Price: 49.00

"プログラミングしながら学ぶコンピュータサイエンス入門 : Introduction to Computer Science and Programming"
"ビッグデータやAI,いま,そういった言葉が世の中に満ち溢れています。それは,いろいろなことが計算に載るようになって,ビッグデータの利用や,それを使ったAI技術が本格化してきたからです。こうした潮流の中心となる「計算」の活用法を開発してきたのがコンピュータサイエンスという分野です。このコースでは,そのコンピュータサイエンスのエッセンスを学びます。ごく基礎的・入門的なところからはじめ,最先端のコンピュータサイエンスを概観できるまでの素養を身に付けられます。超入門的プログラミングで「計算」の設計法を体験しながら,コンピュータサイエンスの基礎を学びます。Big data, data-mining and AI are commonly used terms world-wide these days. We are now able to “compute” various things with computers, and it allows us to use big data and AI technology effectively. Computer Science is a field where the usage of computers and “computations” have continuously evolved. In this course, you will learn the essence of computer science. You will obtain an overview of cutting-edge computer science as well as learn the basics and introductory level knowledge of computer science, while experiencing, designing and writing your own simple programs. The video lectures in this course are delivered in Japanese accompanied by Japanese transcripts. An English version of this course is scheduled for release during the fall of 2019."
Price: 49.00

"Introducción a la Regulación Emocional basada en Mindfulness"
"Este curso en línea es el inicio de un viaje hacia ti mismo, hacia ti misma y hacia la naturaleza tranquila de la mente y la propuesta es hacerlo con el entrenamiento en Mindfulness o Atención Plena.  A través de la meditación te invitamos a explorar y a experimentar cómo es traer la atención a las reacciones automáticas o los hábitos que están en la base de mucho estrés o sufrimiento emocional.El curso en línea te puede ayudar a: Reconocer y tolerar emociones difíciles. Cultivar otras emociones como la gratitud, la amabilidad, la compasión y la alegría. Equilibrar el sesgo hacia la anticipación negativa característico del ser humano. Estar presente en tu experiencia en el momento presente. Investigaremos juntos también la importancia de sentirnos conectados, de formar parte de algo, de establecer relaciones interpersonales basadas en la aceptación y el no juicio utilizando una forma de hablar que conecta y abandonando otras formas de hablar que separan.  Mindfulness es un entrenamiento de la mente para traer la atención al momento presente, a la vida tal y como se despliega en este momento. Mindfulness es una forma de vivir y de estar en el mundo y por tanto este curso, además de ofrecer información científica, propone una experiencia. Haremos prácticas formales guiadas por profesoras certificadas en algunos de los programas de Mindfulness más difundidos y con larga experiencia como profesionales en el campo de la salud mental. Ofreceremos también sugerencias sobre cómo llevar la atención plena a actividades cotidianas, integrando así la atención plena en nuestra vida diaria. Si sientes curiosidad y estás dispuesto o preparada para conocer más sobre Mindfulness y sobre ti misma, ¡apúntate!"
Price: 49.00

"Image Processing and Analysis for Life Scientists"
"Nowadays, image-based methods are indispensable for life scientists. Light microscopy especially, has evolved from sketched out observations by eye, to high throughput multi-plane, multi-channel, multi-position and multimode acquisitions that easily produce thousands of information-rich images that must be quantified somehow to answer biological questions. This course will teach you core concepts from image acquisition to image filtering and segmentation, to help you tackle simple image analysis workflows on your own. All examples use open source solutions, in order to allow you to be independent from commercial solutions. Emphasis is made on good practices and typical pitfalls in image analysis. At the end of this course, you will be able to adapt and reuse workflows to suit your specific needs and be equipped with the tools and knowledge to adapt and seek advice from the ever-growing image analyst community of which you will be a part now The course is taught by senior image analysts with longtime work experience in a service-oriented core facility."
Price: 199.00

"Introducción al Derecho en la vida cotidiana"
"¿Te has preguntado alguna vez hasta qué punto las actividades y situaciones de tu día a día están vinculadas al Derecho? Desde el nacimiento hasta el final de nuestra vida, todos y cada uno de los actos que realizamos tienen trascendencia jurídica; desde los más sencillos como subir a un autobús, pagar con tarjeta o sacar a pasear al perro, hasta los más trascendentes como comprar nuestro primer coche, pedir un préstamo o que nos pongan una multa. Si esto es así, si el Derecho regula la convivencia del hombre en sociedad y donde hay sociedad, hay derecho (ubi societas, ibi ius), se vuelve esencial conocer algunas nociones básicas de esta materia. ¿Qué es el Derecho? ¿Debe un juez aplicar la ley aunque esta lleve a resultados injustos? ¿Son todos los seres humanos sujetos del Derecho? ¿Pueden los animales ser titulares de derechos y obligaciones? ¿Qué efectos jurídicos produce el nacimiento o fallecimiento de una persona? ¿Es posible contraer matrimonio con otra persona sin estar presente? ¿Es lo mismo la propiedad que la posesión? ¿Piensas que en el ámbito contractual, quien calla, otorga? ¿Cuál es el papel de la Constitución de 1978 en nuestro ordenamiento? ¿Cómo nos vinculan las normas de la Unión Europea? A estas y otras preguntas daremos respuesta a lo largo de este curso en línea, para lo cual acompañaremos a nuestros amigos Justino y Laya en su día a día, analizando diversas situaciones de la vida cotidiana a través de nuestra lente jurídica."
Price: 49.00

"Community Engagement: Collaborating for Change"
"Now more than ever, people are seeking ways to affect change in their communities — both locally and around the world. This course is for anyone — from novices to experienced practitioners — who wants to work more effectively with community members and organizations, including through, but not limited to: community-academic partnerships social change projects community service and learning education and work abroad traditional and community-based participatory research non-profit internships public scholarship civic performance Prepare in advance or take this course simultaneously to get the most out of your experience by engaging with communities ethically, respectfully, and sustainably.Developed by a highly interdisciplinary team of U-M content experts and faculty, this course is designed to be both engaging and challenging, offering an accessible entry into foundational topics as well as a jumping off point to pursue work and further learning in effective community engagement. It is also a toolkit and a roadmap that offers concrete takeaways and resources for working effectively with communities.Throughout the course, you’ll learn from experienced U-M students, faculty, and staff and local community partners, and you’ll have many opportunities to try out and apply the principles and concepts you’re learning.No prior community engagement experience necessary."
Price: 49.00

"Anatomy: Cardiovascular, Urinary, and Respiratory Systems"
"In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy XSeries, you will explore the interactive relationships of the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems, and the roles they play in your body. This course is a primer for the cardiovascular, respiratory, and urinary systems in which students learn the pertinent details of the structures and functions through a combination of lectures, videos, labeling activities and quizzes."
Price: 49.00

"Modern Japanese Architecture Part 1: From Meiji Restoration to the Pacific War"
"First, we'll begin from the year 1868 with Japan's emergence as a new nation. Its new and increasingly Western-style capital city of Tokyo grew upon the foundations of a far smaller seventeenth-century town called Edo surrounding a feudal castle. Before long, changing building methods and materials foretold a different age. By the turn of the twentieth century, a strong contrast between the old-style, low, wooden, Japanese structures and up-to-date modern buildings, first distinguished by red brick and later by industrially produced materials, was clearly visible to any and all.We'll discuss the intensive process of Westernization set in motion by Japan's imitation of European and American lifestyles. From that angle, we'll see how architects began to seek out their own version of early twentieth-century Modernism. As a starting point, Japanese practice followed the novel rational and ""functionalist"" innovations of the Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier and the stripped-down and up-to-date approach of Walter Gropius, director of the famous German art school known as the Bauhaus. Meanwhile, Japan had embarked upon educating its own architects, who were no longer the older skilled master carpenters trained on site. A distinct, if frequently eclectic, style evolved with a few younger Japanese seeking experience abroad. Our course seeks to discuss and illustrate the roots of Modernist building in Japan over approximately three quarters of a century in Part 1."
Price: 59.00

"Programación para todos (empezando con Python)"
"Este curso de Python tiene el objetivo de enseñar a todos lo básico de la programación de computadoras usando Python. Conocerás cómo construir un programa de una serie de instrucciones simples en Python. El curso de programación no tiene prerrequisitos y evita todo menos la matemática más simple. Cualquier persona con experiencia moderada con computadoras debe poder dominar los materiales en este MOOC. Este curso de informática cubrirá los Capítulos 1-5 del libro «Python para Todos». Una vez que un estudiante completa este curso, estará listo para tomar cursos de programación más avanzados. Este curso cubre Python 3. Los ejercicios se realizan en un navegador web para que puedas realizar todas las tareas de programación en un teléfono o computadora pública. ¡Comienza a programar en Python hoy mismo!"
Price: 49.00

"Localization: Adapting Digital Content to Local Markets"
"Want to know how to make your product relevant worldwide? Curious what it would take to have your app release in a set of international markets? Interested in what would be needed to show your website in several foreign languages? Learn what it takes to tailor digital products to a set of international markets through localization. This course shows you all the steps a company needs to take when releasing their software or websites in different markets. Industry experts will give you an introduction to localization, the adaptation of digital content to the requirements of a foreign market. This very often includes translation for the target markets with modern translation tools, including machine translation – and the management of translation assets, but it entails a lot more work through the different stages of a localization project tha tailors a product to the local consumer. You will also learn about: Setting up and managing localization projects The different project stages of localization projects Defining the scope Cost management Schedule management Quality assurance and control for localization You will alsofind out about how to work in the localization industry and learn new skills relevant to localization, software development, digital content and project management. Equipped with knowledge from this course you will be able to build your own localization strategy and find the right ways to reach your potential customer worldwide."
Price: 199.00

"Introduction to Internationalization and Localization"
"Are you a developer who wants to understand how their software can get released internationally, without their source code having to be altered? Or are you a PM responsible for launching a website across different markets? Or someone who is just curious to understand how digital products can be launched worldwide and in various languages? Then this is the course for you! In this introduction to internationalization and localization you will learn Why it makes sense to release an app or a site outside of its original market in the first place What markets to cover first, for example those that have specific legal requirements around availability of a particular language The basic concepts and key terms of the industry: for example, how using Unicode and considering different time formats are both part of internationalization, how adapting the user interface of a software application is part of localization and what resource files have to do with localizability The different types of international releases and their specific challenges The different localization methods The history of the industry and important trends Roles and responsibilities Localization sourcing models, including outsourcing to so-called language service providers How to work successfully in the very international localization industry"
Price: 199.00

"Internationalization: Creating Digital Content for the World"
"Want to learn how to create a digital product that is truly ready for the world? One that can be released in many markets and for different languages without any alterations to its code? This is the course for you! It shows you everything a developer or PM needs to know to keep in mind when working on software or websites that will be consumed across different markets. This course is an introduction to internationalization, the process of developing the core of a digital product whose features and design are not solely based on a single language or locale. You will learn how to cater for different writing systems, regional formats and even directionality of scripts like the Arabic one. You will also learn about design requirements around localizability that need to be met before you can even start with translating your product into other languages. And you will get a glimpse at the challenges of creating products that don’t offend foreign markets because they are culturally or politically insensitive. This course will show what needs to be done to ensure the best user experience in international markets even before localizing."
Price: 199.00

"Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Exclusion"
"From women to children to indigenous peoples, the rights of marginalized groups the world over are violated daily. These injustices affect not just these groups, but also the stability of our world – and our collective future.Join this massive open online course to learn about the establishment of human rights and their linkages to many other global issues in sustainable development. Using legal frameworks as the lens, the course explores the barriers that prevent rights from becoming reality in different societies.This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students studying human rights, law, sustainable development, international relations, and related fields Human rights practitioners working on the ground who want to improve the efficacy of intervention programs Lawyers and policymakers interested in the context of existing and past human rights legislation and the current issues at play in revising legislation or adopting new legislation Private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility, who are interested in labor rights, gender equality and more Sustainable development practitioners who want to understand human rights in the context of a range of issues, such as forced migration"
Price: 49.00

"Креативное предпринимательство и проектирование инноваций"
"Креативность — это феномен человеческой души. Мы постоянно что-то придумываем, изобретаем, решаем какие-то задачи… Те, кто не мыслит своей жизни без креатива, находятся в постоянном творческом поиске, создают уникальные креативные предметы, существуют в особом пространстве, называемом креативные индустрии. Но эти индустрии требуют не только развитых творческих способностей, но и предпринимательских, которые помогут обеспечить успешный бизнес. Курс будет полезен всем, кто занят в креативных и инновационных индустриях, — стартаперам, разработчикам, музыкантам, спортсменам, деятелям искусства, исследователям, инженерам и т.д."
Price: 99.00

"Основы программирования мобильных приложений для Android"
"Курс будет полезен для начинающих программистов, желающих освоить разработку приложений на платформе Android. Вы научитесь работать с версткой, обрабатывать нажатия, создавать новые экраны, подключать библиотеки, подключаться к сети и познакомитесь с жизненным циклом Android. На первом занятии вы установите интегрированную среду разработки Android Studio. На протяжении курса создадите 10 работающих приложений. По окончании курса вы сможете создавать собственные приложения.Изучаемые темы курса: Android платформа, SDK Manager и среда разработки Android Studio Работа с Android Emulator Элементы управления View и ViewGroup Принцип работы ConstraintLayout Компоненты Android, работа с Activity и Fragment Использование объектов Intent Работа со списками Listview и RecyclerView Библиотека Picasso"
Price: 99.00

"Existential Well-being Counseling: A Person-centered Experiential Approach"
"This humanities course offers you the opportunity to explore what really matters in life and teaches you how to nurture your well-being and enhance the well-being of others. We will address themes in your personal and professional life and show you how to counsel at all stages. We start with a positive approach by giving attention to people’s talents. We recognize that human existence involves constraints and difficulties, which is why this course is based on the idea of “existential” well-being. This course will teach you how to live fully as a human being, in this body, on this planet, while at the same time being conscious that you are just a small part of a vast, incomprehensible, universe. Our experiential approach focuses on the innate wisdom of the human organism and our tendency to evolve in a forward-moving direction. You will learn how to become aware of this deeply felt knowledge by giving attention to your body as felt from the inside and to your emotions. Our person-centered approach encourages building optimal human relationships through empathy, respect and authenticity. These are complex skills, which we will bring within your reach by means of simple exercises. Through examples, role-play and video-demonstrations we will illustrate how you can apply our existential well-being approach in a variety of helping contexts, including counseling and psychotherapy. You will develop skills to embody the existential well-being approach as a person and as a professional. Your learning will be enriched through exchanging thoughts and experiences with a diverse group of international participants. You will learn to notice how people from different cultures have different ideas about what it means to live well and meaningfully. You will engage in discussions where divergent values can be respectfully acknowledged. Your personal view of well-being will expand and deepen to a more universal perspective on what it means to be human. This course is taught by instructors with decades of experience in existential psychotherapy, focusing -oriented and emotion-focused therapy, person-centered counseling and positive psychology. The instructors are also teachers and researchers in the fields of psychotherapy, positive psychology, meaning and spirituality at KU Leuven, a prestigious European University. This course offers you a high degree of flexibility. You can follow the content in sequence or choose to complete sections in order of interest to you. Be aware that it would be realistic to spend 6 to 8 hours on each section. The course will be available from October until the end of June and you can follow your own rhythm in studying and practicing what is offered in each section."
Price: 49.00

"Sikhism Through Its Scriptures"
"Sikhi, commonly known as Sikhism, is a monotheistic religious tradition that was founded byGuru Nanak in late fifteenth-century Panjab in South Asia. Today, Sikhi’s approximately twenty-five to thirty million adherents can be found all over the globe, making it one of the six major religions of the world. Sikhi encompasses a number of religious, social, economic and politicalinstitutions, most of which were established and nurtured by Guru Nanak and his ninesuccessors, known as Sikh Gurus. For over five hundred years, Sikhs in the Panjab and all over the world have engaged with their scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, through the devotional practices of exegesis, singing,recitation, memorization and calligraphy. This course examines the Sikh scripture from a doctrinal and historical perspective by providingan overview of Sikh teachings as well as the historical context within which the scripture evolvedand became canonized. It also examines the musical and aesthetic dimensions of the Sikhscripture, as well as ways in which the voluminous text has provided Sikhs with a social, ethical,spiritual and political message to help them respond to and shape the world around them."
Price: 49.00

"The Tabernacle in Word & Image: An Italian Jewish Manuscript Revealed"
"This mini-course introduces the use of early modern manuscripts for intellectual history—that is, the history of how ideas and the communication of those ideas changes over time. Professor Alessandro Guetta presents a case study constructed on a single, remarkable Hebrew manuscript from 17th-century Mantua, Malkiel Ashkenazi’s Tavnit ha-mishkan (University of Pennsylvania CAJS Rar Ms 460). By examining this work, an extended commentary on the structure and implements of the ancient Israelite Tabernacle (mishkan), Professor Guetta explores how the manuscript can help us understand early modern Jewish intellectual life. Written in Renaissance Italy, he explains that the textual “reconstruction” of the Tabernacle and Temple was in part a Jewish response to the importance of buildings and architectural expression for early Modern Italians. He also considers how other manuscript copies of the same text can be studied to determine the history of the text’s transmission and development across time, thus shedding light on the historical context in which they were produced. This course comprises five short video lectures (10–12 minutes each) that explore this manuscript, its editions, and how it opens a window into Italian Jewish intellectual life only possible by attention to the physical manuscript.No previous knowledge of Jewish history, intellectual history, or manuscript studies is required. Nevertheless, this course will be most interesting to advanced students of Jewish and Early Modern history, and those interested in censorship, Jewish life in Early Modern Italy, and biblical commentary. It also introduces a fascinating, freely browsable, Italian Jewish text in the collection of the University of Pennsylvania."
Price: 29.00

"Unlocking Investment and Finance in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs)"
"Back by popular demand, join the 49,000 participants from 198 countries and territories who signed up for the first two editions of this course delivered by the World Bank Group. This course assesses how to unlock investment and finance of all kinds – international, domestic, public and private - including the $100 trillion in assets under management by institutional investors globally, to achieve the SDGs by 2030. Progress to date will be reviewed and participants will be invited to discuss additional actions needed to accelerate investments and finance in EMDEs."
Price: 5.00

"AWS Developer: Building on AWS"
"In this course, part of the AWS Developer Series, you will develop and deploy applications on the AWS platform. Throughout the course, working in Python on Linux, you will develop a web application building upon your developer skills and using AWS services and tools. Your AWS instructors will guide you through getting started with AWS, creating an account, and installing SDKs. Throughout the course, we will use hands-on exercises to build out a web application. You will use both the Amazon EC2 and AWS Lambda compute services, as well as learn about object stores by saving and accessing images and video in Amazon S3. You will use Amazon Rekognition to analyze images and video. Collected data will be managed using the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). You will refactor your application along the way, increase availability using load balancing, and improve performance and durability using messaging and queuing with the AWS SNS messaging service and Amazon SQS queuing service.  Throughout the class, your instructors will introduce you to general AWS concepts such as Regions, Availability Zones, Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), and Security Groups. You will use the AWS service APIs programmatically via AWS SDKs, the AWS CLI, and the AWS Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE).  Class discussions will provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff. When you have completed this class, you will be ready to continue on into the second course in this series, which will focus on deploying applications in the cloud."
Price: 149.00

"AWS Developer: Deploying on AWS"
"In this course, part of the AWS Developer Series, you will learn how to use DevOps methodologies and tools. You will build and test your application using AWS Cloud9, and deploy to your cloud-based infrastructure with AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You will create a continuous integration/continous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeCommit, and AWS CodePipeline. You will monitor your application and deployment using Amazon Cloudwatch, and create dashboards using Amazon Elasticsearch and Kibana to gather and catalog performance metrics. This course has a significant hands-on component. Throughout the class, you will perform exercises using the AWS services covered. Class discussions provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff."
Price: 149.00

"AWS Developer: Optimizing on AWS"
"This course, part of the AWS Developer Series, will focus on helping you optimize your applications and you work in AWS. We strongly recommend that you complete the first course in the series, ""Building on AWS"" before starting this course. You will look at ways to improve utilization by using containers with the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), caching services such as Amazon CloudFront and Amazon ElastiCache, and monitoring tools such as Amazon CloudWatch. You will look at serverless architectures using Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon API Gateway and, AWS Lambda. You will explore the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and learn how to use the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). You will finish off the class with a deep dive into AWS CloudFormation and a capstone exercise where you will debug a CloudFormation template. This course has a significant hands-on component. Throughout the class, you will perform exercises using the AWS services covered. Class discussions will provide an opportunity for you to interact with fellow students as well as AWS training staff."
Price: 149.00

"Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology"
"Where is Giza? How were the Pyramids built? How did the cemeteries and hundreds of decorated tombs around them develop? What was Giza’s contribution to this first great age of ancient Egyptian civilization, the Old Kingdom?The Giza Plateau and its cemeteries — including the majestic Pyramids and the Great Sphinx — are stirring examples of ancient Egyptian architecture and culture. They provide windows into ancient Egyptian society, but also contain mysteries waiting to be solved. The Egyptian Pyramids at Giza provide an opportunity to explore the history of archaeology and to learn about some of the modern methods shaping the discipline today.This introductory course will explore the art, archaeology, and history surrounding the Giza Pyramids. We will learn about Egyptian pharaohs and high officials of the Pyramid Age, follow in the footsteps of the great 20th-century expeditions, and discover how cutting-edge digital tools like 3D-modeling are reshaping the discipline of Egyptology.Join us on this online journey to ancient Egypt’s most famous archaeological site as we uncover the history and significance of Giza, and use new digital techniques to unravel the mysteries of its ancient tombs and temples."
Price: 99.00

"Budgeting and Finance for Public Libraries"
"Money isn’t generally the first topic that comes to mind when thinking about libraries, however it is a critical resource that touches every aspect of the organization. Whether you are an aspiring manager or a library director, it is important that your organization’s finances are aligned with your service goals and priorities. This course, part of the Public Library Management Professional Certificate program, will help you understand how to build a budget, read financial reports, and plan for the long-term sustainability of your library."
Price: 49.00

"Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement Capstone"
"This capstone course will feature knowledge, disposition, and performance assessments that examine growth along dimensions critical to the effective leadership of educational innovation and improvement. Learners will apply knowledge and principles of ambitious instruction, logics of innovation, improvement science, and exemplary cases to case studies of large-scale, practice-focused innovation. In doing so, they will identify and explain strengths in these innovations. They will also identify problems and challenges faced by these initiatives and, then, propose means of organizing and managing in response to those problems and challenges. This course is part of the Leading Educational Innovation and Improvement MicroMasters Program offered by MichiganX."
Price: 249.00

"Introducción a las radiocomunicaciones"
"En este curso en línea se presenta una introducción a las radiocomunicaciones.  Este curso introductorio está dividido de la siguiente manera: Se comienza introduciendo conceptos básicos de comunicaciones y propagación de ondas, para continuar describiendo las ondas electromagnéticas Luego se trata la propagación de las ondas electromagnéticas en la atmósfera, describiendo los distintos fenómenos que intervienen Más adelante se comentan los fundamentos de las comunicaciones analógicas y digitales, tratando los distintos tipos de modulaciones, el proceso de digitalización, el uso de tramas y protocolos y la encriptación y compresión de datos, acabando con un módulo dedicado a las antenas, sus parámetros y sus tipos Todos los conceptos se tratan a nivel muy descriptivo con el objeto de que el alumno se lleve una idea general del funcionamiento de cada uno de los procesos sin que sea necesario profundizar en las ecuaciones que los rigen.En este curso de ingeniería se desarrollarán los conceptos básicos del uso de las ondas radioeléctricas para la comunicación a distancia."
Price: 50.00

"Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability"
"Agriculture is more than waving fields of wheat; our ability to grow food from existing natural resources –and without decimating those resources –is key to sustainably feeding the world. In this course, learn about food security worldwide, the effects of malnutrition, how we manage ecosystems that provide food resources and more. You’ll emerge from this course with a clear answer to the question: What can I do to make food consumption and production more sustainable? This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students in agriculture, economics, international development and other fields who are learning about the intersectional factors impacting agriculture and food production/consumption Nutritionists, agriculture professionals and other practitioners interested in the latest developments in the field Sustainable development practitioners –including those who work for international aid organizations and nonprofits in the realms of poverty, nutrition and agriculture – who want to understand the lifecycle of food production and food security Private actors , such as those engaging in or investing in social entrepreneurship and the support of local agriculture Partners: This course is supported by faculty based at Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, Rothamsted Research, Tufts University, and Wageningen University and Research."
Price: 49.00

"Climate Action: Solutions for a Changing Planet"
"Harmful emissions, the degradation of the earth’s resources and global warming have loomed large for decades. With the negotiation and ongoing ratification of the sweeping Paris Agreement, commitments to reducing the effects of climate change abound.But how do we turn those commitments into action?Enroll now to learn from the professors and researchers leading the battle against climate change, hailing from world-renowned institutions including Columbia University’s Earth Institute, the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP), the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD).  This course is for: Graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in the key concepts and practices of this growing field. Climate change activists who want a concise overview of the current science and emerging solutions. Sustainable development practitioners – as well as private-sector actors, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or renewable energy – who need to understand how climate change solutions are being implemented and made successful."
Price: 49.00