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"La Reforma Energética de México y sus oportunidades"
"¿Sabías que la reforma energética en México es uno de los cambios más importantes que ha ocurrido en el país en los últimos 70 años? ¿Sabes cuál es el alcance de la reforma en la economía mexicana y cómo te impacta? Este curso te permite la identificación de las implicaciones económicas, políticas y sociales del nuevo marco institucional en todo el sector energético: hidrocarburos, subsector eléctrico y energías renovables; promueve el reconocimiento de los principales cambios del marco institucional del sector energético; favorece la argumentación de los distintos retos que la reforma plantea en su implementación; facilita la identificación de oportunidades potenciales que ofrece para el desarrollo de nuevos negocios; y finalmente, describir los efectos de la reforma en tu vida cotidiana."
Price: 29.00

"Smart grid: fundamentos técnicos"
"El conocimiento de los fundamentos técnicos de las smart grid o de las redes inteligentes son una necesidad actual para quienes buscan comprender las evoluciones energéticas globales. Las smart grids combinan áreas que antes no se encontraban en las redes eléctricas convencionales, como son los sistemas de comunicaciones o los sistemas inteligentes de toma de decisiones. Sin estas áreas, la integración de fuentes alternas de energía a las redes eléctricas estarían incompletas y no se podrían explotar de la manera eficiente. Por esta razón es necesario conocer cómo una smart grid se interconecta con los dispositivos inteligentes de casas o edificios en el IoT o Internet de las cosas, que al igual que las compañías de energía pueden suministrar, administrar y vender la energía eléctrica producida. En este curso el estudiante comprenderá el concepto de red inteligente analizando sus capas inferiores, profundizará en la generación de energía eólica y energía solar de manera experimental y teórica cuando se interconectan a la red inteligente, además podrá comprender la función de los sistemas eléctricos de potencia en las redes inteligentes. A partir de este MOOC el estudiante podrá: Profundizar en el conocimiento de sistemas eléctricos de potencia Analizar cómo cambian los escenarios energéticos a partir de las smart grid, las cuales predominarán en unos cuantos años y permitirán volvernos consumidores y generadores de energía eléctrica. La seguridad, en este caso la ciberseguridad, es fundamental en el smard grid, en este curso conoceremos las características de seguridad más relevantes en las redes inteligentes."
Price: 49.00

"Smart grid: las redes eléctricas del futuro"
"Las topologías actuales de redes eléctricas, hacen compleja la administración de la demanda, así como los cambios de estructuras locales y globales debido a una falta de automatización en los elementos de comunicaciones y de toma de decisiones. Como respuesta a estas necesidades, surge un cambio tecnológico a partir de las smart grid o redes inteligentes. El conocimiento de esta nueva tecnología en el sector energético permite que un país pueda hacer un uso efectivo de sus recursos energéticos. Si los usuarios tienen conocimiento de los dispositivos inteligentes actuales, que nos proporciona el internet de las cosas, podrán tener un ahorro energético evitando rezagos tecnológicos pasando de ser un consumidor pasivo a uno activo. De esta manera, el curso en línea aborda el tema de las redes inteligentes, en sus etapas y estructura para definir lo que se conoce como smart grid."
Price: 49.00

"Industria 4.0: fundamentos y alcances en el sistema eléctrico"
"Crecer en un contexto económico capitalista es producir más bienes y servicios. Esto significa generar más riqueza, la cual crea mayor cantidad de empleos, prosperidad y calidad de vida en las sociedades. Contar con mayor riqueza suele darles más bienestar a las sociedades de los países que logran generarla; por ello los países con un PIB (Producto Interno Bruto) superior suelen tener más peso en el mundo y los países con menor PIB están ligados con los indicadores de desarrollo humano más bajos. Algunos países como Alemania lanzaron desde hace una década estrategias como la “Industrie 4.0” para lograr una posición de liderazgo en el mundo, Japón con el “National Network for Manufacturing Innovation”, China con “Made in China 2025”, lo mismo otras naciones como EUA, Corea del Sur y Taiwán. Todas estas estrategias encaminadas a elevar la productividad y mantener una posición de ventaja en el mercado mundial para generar más riquezas y beneficios a sus países. Todas estas estrategias están encaminadas a elevar la productividad y mantener una posición de ventaja en el mercado mundial; asimismo, dichas estrategias se conforman de diversos principios rectores para hacer más eficientes y flexibles los procesos de producción de las empresas tomando ventaja de los últimos avances tecnológicos. Hoy en día, las economías emergentes se encuentran ante la disyuntiva de seguir basando sus sistemas de producción en una mano de obra barata y en el futuro ser engullidas por las empresas pertenecientes a la llamada Cuarta Revolución Industrial, o bien, invertir en tecnología y la generación de capital humano para modernizar los procesos productivos y con ello seguir siendo competitivos en el futuro. Por esta razón, vale la pena inspeccionar este curso de ingeniería y conocer que es la “Industria 4.0”, reflexionar si realmente nos encontramos viviendo la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, y darle respuesta a las siguientes preguntas ¿La Industria 4.0 es un neologismo de moda? ¿Cuáles son los cambios necesarios para mantenerse avante en esta nueva revolución? ¿Qué son los sistemas ciberfísicos?"
Price: 49.00

"Transmisión de energía eléctrica"
"El conocer la manera en que funciona el sistema eléctrico mexicano como caso de estudio genera competencias importantes en el mundo actual y permite tener conocimientos de distribución eléctrica que se pueden usar en otros países. Es por ello que en este curso enfocado en la energía te permite examinar el funcionamiento de una red de transmisión de energía eléctrica, desde las centrales generadoras en diferentes ubicaciones hasta los sistemas de distribución donde se debe de entregar la energía eléctrica. En este curso en línea descubrirás cómo las líneas de transmisión interconectan diferentes centros de cargas y/o centrales, ya sea en condiciones normales o durante un estado de emergencia. Al inscribirte, habrás tomado una buena decisión, pues te estarás formando en uno de los temas de más relevancia en el mundo: la transmisión y distribución de la energía eléctrica."
Price: 49.00

"Game Thinking: Juego y toma de decisiones"
"En este curso se abordan los fundamentos de pensar estratégicamente, aprender a tomar decisiones en contextos donde se debe construir un plan para lograr lo que se quiere, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en proyectos personales. El objetivo es que los participantes puedan organizar ideas estratégicas derivadas de juegos expertos, a través del reconocimiento de los propios patrones de pensamiento moldeados por la cultura y los que han sido moldeados por el entrenamiento sistemático en solución de problemas en contextos de competencia, de tal manera que el participante pueda aplicar este conocimiento en la toma de decisiones en diversos contextos. La manera como se aborda este espacio formativo es única, se hace un recorrido a partir de enseñanzas prácticas derivadas de patrones estratégicos de juegos expertos (Juegos que requieren entrenamiento: como el ajedrez, go, reversi, etc.), de modo que durante el curso se propone aprender a pensar jugando. La idea base es conocer cómo piensa un jugador experto cuando se trata de armar estrategias, es decir, planes dirigidos a debilitar los obstáculos que no le permiten llegar a la meta. Uno de los aspectos importantes del curso es aprender a hacernos preguntas, desentrañar las que habitualmente nos hacemos y construir otras que nos permitan tener mejores desempeños como estrategas. Comprendemos que una mala decisión es el resultado de una pregunta ausente o una pregunta mal enfocada. Es importante resaltar que los ejercicios de juego no requieren ningún tipo de conocimiento previo, cualquier persona puede enfrentarse a ellos con indicaciones sencillas. En cada Unidad se conocerán diferentes juegos y de muy diverso nivel; sin embargo, el participante se dará cuenta de que no hay un enfoque en aprender a jugar un juego en particular, sino en aprender ciertos principios que estos juegos en general enseñan sobre el logro de metas en contextos diversos. La metodología del curso es una mixtura del Aprendizaje Basado en Juego (ABJ) y el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). De modo que la experiencia, la práctica y la diversión serán los componentes fundamentales del recorrido formativo que aquí se propone."
Price: 49.00

"Sustainable Building Design"
"Meeting growing global energy demand, while mitigating climate change and environmental impacts, requires a large-scale transition to clean, sustainable energy systems. Students and professionals around the world must prepare for careers in this future energy landscape, gaining relevant skills and knowledge to expedite the transformation in industry, government and nongovernmental organizations, academia, and nonprofits. The building sector represents a large percentage of overall energy consumption, and contributes 40% of the carbon emissions driving climate change. Yet buildings also offer opportunities for substantial, economical energy efficiency gains. From retrofit projects to new construction, buildings require a context-specific design process that integrates efficiency strategies and technologies. In this course, you'll be introduced to a range of technologies and analysis techniques for designing comfortable, resource-efficient buildings. The primary focus of this course is the study of the thermal and luminous behavior of buildings. You'll examine the basic scientific principles underlying these phenomena, and use computer-aided design software and climate data to explore the role light and energy can play in shaping architecture. These efficiency design elements are critical to the larger challenge of producing energy for a growing population while reducing carbon emissions."
Price: 99.00

"Introduction to Differential Equations"
"How do you design: A boat that doesn’t tip over as it bobs in the water? The suspension system of a car for a smooth ride? Circuits that tune to the correct frequencies in a cell phone? How do you model: The growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria? Gene expression? Online purchasing trends? The answer: Differential Equations. Differential equations are the language of the models we use to describe the world around us. In this mathematics course, we will explore temperature, spring systems, circuits, population growth, and biological cell motion to illustrate how differential equations can be used to model nearly everything in the world around us. We will develop the mathematical tools needed to solve linear differential equations. In the case of nonlinear differential equations, we will employ graphical methods and approximation to understand solutions. The five modules in this seriesare being offered as an XSeries on edX. Please visit the Differential EquationsXSeries Program Pageto learn more and to enroll in the modules. Photo by user: bizoo_n. Copyright © 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Used with permission."
Price: 100.00

"Faith and Finance"
"This course provides a progressive, holistic, Christian theological framework, in dialogue with other religious traditions, for wise personal and institutional financial stewardship. The course explores ways we connect faith and money in multiple areas of our lives. It seeks to increase financial literacy in religious leaders offering practical steps to reduce indebtedness and execute theologically and ethically informed financial planning both as individuals and as leaders within their respective institutions. The course offers guidance on building healthy nonprofit organizations and carrying out values-based fundraising."
Price: 49.00

"International Macroeconomics"
"Whether or not you are an avid learner of economics, this course on international macroeconomics will deliver a great level of understanding on the international economy as well as trade balance and exchange. Given how widespread globalisation and international trade is in the modern world, it is important to consider how interactions with other national economies will affect the internal economy. In this course we identify who the winners and losers of increasingly globalized economies are and explore how to measure the inflows and outflows of credit between countries using real-world examples, such as financial crises. In addition to teaching through the different kinds of exchange rate systems used in the world today, the course is wrapped up with the concept of purchasing power parity and how it relates to exchange rate systems. This MOOC is part of the Professional Certificate in Macroeconomics. We recommend that you explore the other two courses of the program, Macroeconomics Performance Indicators and Macroeconomics Policy. The program is based on an introductory macroeconomics course taught on campus at The University of Queensland. Recent global economic and non-economic events have highlighted the importance of understanding the interconnection between the domestic and the international economy, don't wait to enroll and begin your learning with industry experts now. If you are interested in pursuing economics further, UQx provides an accompanying Professional Certificate in Microeconomics running in parallel to this course. Building on your knowledge of macroeconomics with this additional program will provide you with a strong foundation of economics. Overall, this course is for everyone, whether you are studying at university, a career professional interested in expanding your economic knowledge, or simply curious about global economic behaviour and what influences it."
Price: 149.00

"Social Microeconomics"
"In this course, we begin by your strategic thinking journey by exploring imperfect competition, price discrimination, oligopoly, and game theory. You’ll be provided with practical examples the whole way through the course to enhance your real-world application of your new knowledge. The course also explores the concept of Public Goods, specifically those goods and services that have characteristics of being both non-rivalrous and non-excludable. You’ll learn how competitive markets can produce inefficient outcomes in the presence of externalities. The categories of public goods, private goods, collective goods and common goods are also explored through the use of real world examples, promoting a great practical understanding of the topic area. If you choose to enrol, you will also investigate asymmetric information and how firms deal with the problems associated with imperfect information. There are lots of practical examples for you to watch and work through to ensure you develop a thorough understanding and are able to apply your knowledge once you complete the course. This MOOC is part of the Professional Certificate in Microeconomics. We recommend that you explore the other two courses of the program, Principles of Microeconomics and Competitive and Imperfectly Competitive Markets. The program is based on a core microeconomics course taught on campus at The University of Queensland. Don't wait to enroll and begin learning from industry experts now! If you are interested in pursuing economics further, UQx provides an accompanying Professional Certificate in Macroeconomics program running in parallel to this course. Building on your knowledge of microeconomics with this additional program will provide you with a strong foundation of economics. Overall, this course is for everyone, whether you are studying at university, a career professional interested in expanding your economic knowledge, or simply curious about global economic behaviour and what influences it."
Price: 149.00

"Application of ISO 14001 for Waste Prevention"
"Within the duration of the lectures, you will gain an insightful understanding of the standardized requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge about application of ISO 14001 for waste prevention in order to provide value for the environment, the organization itself and its interested parties. The practical examples and cases of the course are focused at the industrial waste prevention at companies’ level. Competences which you will obtain: ● Development of waste management system in accordance with ISO 14001 (environmental policy development, significant aspects' identification, stakeholder analysis, environmental program creation, audit conducting, etc.). ● Enhance quality and effectiveness of environmental management system of organizations related to waste prevention. ● Achieving outcomes of an environmental (waste) management system: enhancement of environmental performance; fulfillment of compliance obligations; achievement of environmental objectives and waste prevention."
Price: 99.00

"Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish"
"In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app."
Price: 199.00

"How to Write a Novel: Structure & Outline"
"Have you always wanted to write a novel? Have you started a novel only to run out of steam halfway through? Led by international best-selling authors and professors from The University of British Columbia’s world-renowned Creative Writing MFA program, this is part of a series of courses designed to take your novel from concept to completion. Outlining is a crucial step in the novel writing process, one that fuels creativity and prepares the writer to stay on track and avoid common pitfalls. Through hands-on weekly exercises with a focus on craft and process, as well as insights from the real-world practices of accomplished authors, this course explores the core elements of fiction writing necessary to build an outline. You will learn the fundamentals of character development, world-building and the basics of storytelling architecture. You'll work intensively on your own creative project and hone your outline through feedback and discussion with fellow writers. In the tradition of the UBC MFA program, this course draws on the work habits of established authors to help writers move quickly toward creating a blueprint for a successful draft. Whether you’re seeking literary fame or working on a project to share with family and friends, this course offers the tools and skills necessary to plan a novel others will be excited to read. The course is recommended for professional and aspiring writers, writing groups, participants in NaNoWriMo, teachers and anyone who has ever dreamed of writing a novel."
Price: 295.00

"How to Write a Novel: Writing the Draft"
"Have you created an outline and now feel prepared to start writing your novel? Or have you started a novel draft only to find your interest or confidence waning? In this course, the international best-selling authors and professors from The University of British Columbia’s renowned MFA program introduce the essential fiction craft toolbox for writers struggling with the common hurdles of first drafts. While ideas and inspiration are often enough to ignite interest in writing a novel, writers can quickly lose confidence, especially when their best efforts have inadvertently produced flat characters, waning conflicts, tangled plots and weak dialogue. Reaching your goal of writing (and perhaps, publishing) a novel requires an understanding of fiction’s deeper mechanics and a familiarity with the specific craft elements that will help translate your creativity and imagination into compelling paragraphs, scenes and chapters. Through writing exercises aimed at developing new skills, concrete examples from published novels, feedback and discussion with fellow writers and opportunities to identify and strengthen weaknesses in their own projects, learners will broaden their knowledge of fiction craft as they explore creating memorable characters, the art of scene design, tactics for managing unwieldy plots and steps for writing layered and meaningful dialogue. Whether you’re beginning your novel draft or nearing the end, this course is a unique opportunity to learn the essentials of strong fiction writing from award-winning authors sharing their proven methods and approaches. The course is recommended for professional and aspiring writers, writing groups, those participating in NaNoWriMo, teachers and anyone who has a novel in progress."
Price: 295.00

"How to Write a Novel: Edit & Revise"
"Experienced writers understand that novels improve incrementally with each draft. This course teaches the skills of revision and the attention to detail it takes to make a good story great. Do you have a complete rough draft of a novel? Do you know it needs more work, but are unsure what to do next? Bestselling authors and professors from The University of British Columbia's renowned MFA program will guide you through a rigorous self-editing and revision process, a stage of manuscript development all successful writers undertake. The trend in global publishing is toward outsourcing the editorial process. More and more, publishers are looking for that elusive ""finished"" draft, placing the burden on writers to take their work to that next level. Learn the necessary skills to polish your novel and better position you in today's highly competitive and fast-moving publishing marketplace. In this course we'll explore the editorial process from macro to micro. From a far-reaching analysis of the three journeys every novel must take (internal, external, aesthetic) to a tight focus on the rigorous choices associated with prose style, learners will hone critical skills and develop a rewriting plan tailored to the needs of their individual projects. Through self-evaluation and discussion with fellow writers, learners will build an autonomous writing practice and discover a community of peers familiar with the challenges and aspirations of novel writing. This course is recommended for professional and aspiring writerswho have completed or almost completed a rough draft of a novel, especially those who have taken How to Write a Novel: Structure & Outline and How to Write a Novel: Writing the Draft."
Price: 295.00

"Almacenamiento de energía"
"Este curso se desarrolló con el apoyo del Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética (4E) en Centroamérica, implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH para el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). La revolución energética aumenta a un ritmo acelerado. Cada vez son más comunes los sistemas distribuidos de energía renovable de pequeña, mediana y gran escala. La energía renovable tiene muchos beneficios, no obstante, la intermitencia y naturaleza variable de algunas de ellas como la solar, eólica y filo de agua, es que se hacen evidentes grandes retos técnicos conforme aumenta el nivel de penetración en las redes eléctricas. Los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tienen un papel protagónico en las redes eléctricas del futuro y las aplicaciones del almacenamiento se encuentran en todo el espectro de los sistemas de energía (generación-utilización). Los sistemas de generación, transmisión, distribución y utilización pueden verse beneficiados con el almacenamiento de energía, entre ellos: Incremento de la penetración de sistemas de energía renovable, incremento de la eficiencia de la red, retraso o eliminación de la necesidad de construir nueva infraestructura de generación y de la red, mejoramiento de la calidad de energía, aumento de la resiliencia de la red a desastres naturales y ciber ataques, optimización de la operación y control de la red. En el futuro, el desarrollo y comercialización de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía tendrán un impacto significativo. Algunas de estas tecnologías de almacenamiento de aplicación a las redes eléctricas son: las plantas de rebombeo, sistemas de aire comprimido, volantes de inercia y los sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico como; las baterías de plomo-acido, baterías de litio, baterías de flujo, etc. En este curso se hace especial énfasis en las aplicaciones de sistemas de almacenamiento electroquímico en la red eléctrica y al finalizar contará con conocimientos básicos sobre los tipos de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía, las aplicaciones más comunes, herramientas básicas de diseño y dimensionamiento, viabilidad financiera, y futuras tendencias. Se trata de una oportunidad para profesionales que trabajan en el sector eléctrico de Centroamérica (generación, transmisión, distribución, comercialización, reguladores e instituciones que hacen políticas energéticas), así como personas en general que deseen tener conocimientos básicos sobre el almacenamiento de energía y su aplicación en las redes eléctricas."
Price: 29.00

"Pronóstico de la generación de energía eólica y solar fotovoltaica"
"Este curso se desarrolló con el apoyo del Programa Energías Renovables y Eficiencia Energética (4E) en Centroamérica, implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH para el Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Actualmente, el aprovechamiento de energías renovables es un factor de mucho interés a diferentes escalas de la actividad humana. En especial, en una gran mayoría de países desarrollados y en desarrollo, los sistemas eléctricos han incorporado fuentes de energía renovable entre las cuales destacan la energía eólica y la solar. La operación de estos sistemas, así como la planificación del despacho y su gestión de energía requieren tomar en cuenta el factor del pronóstico en variables eólicas y solares que posteriormente se transforman a energía eléctrica, resultando en un pronóstico para la planificación de generación y despacho de energía eléctrica. El presente curso desarrolla los conceptos sobre la generación de pronósticos de Energía Renovable Variable (ERV), las diferentes metodologías existentes y las características de su aplicación a nivel operativo. El curso se inicia con la descripción de las ERV, con un enfoque en la energía eólica y solar fotovoltaica, así como el impacto de su variabilidad en la operación de las unidades generadoras; posteriormente se introducen los conceptos de pronóstico de viento y radiación solar, y el uso de éstos por parte de los operadores de los sistemas de generación y despacho de energía eléctrica. Como contenido complementario se describen los métodos generales de pronóstico desde el punto de vista matemático-estadístico para luego desarrollar su uso en el pronóstico de ERV. Se describen las características de las series de tiempo y su descomposición, el uso de técnicas básicas de pronóstico como suavizamiento exponencial, ARIMA y otros modelos avanzados. En la segunda unidad del curso, se desarrollan conceptos básicos de meteorología, la dinámica y estructura de la atmósfera, circulación vertical y estabilidad atmosférica, así como la descripción de equipamiento para la medición de variables del tiempo y sus estándares operativos; todo esto complementa el hecho del uso del pronóstico numérico del tiempo como una base de sistemas de pronósticos operativos. Este contenido introductorio permite trabajar los temas específicos para el pronóstico de viento y sus aplicaciones a la generación de energía en parques eólicos: análisis de distribuciones de viento y uso de las curvas de potencia, pronóstico centralizado o descentralizado, métricas de calidad del pronóstico, así como las estrategias de implementación de un sistema de pronóstico basado en modelos numéricos de la atmósfera, sus principales componentes y requerimientos. En el caso de la energía solar fotovoltaica el curso desarrolla los fundamentos del recurso solar, el pronóstico de la irradiancia solar: métodos físicos, métodos estadísticos y/o híbridos, el error en los pronósticos y su variabilidad, así como la evaluación del estado del cielo y la estabilidad del régimen radiactivo. Esto complementa el desarrollo del pronóstico de energía asociado a sistemas fotovoltaicos puntuales y de área; las herramientas de simulación de plantas fotovoltaicas y el uso del pronóstico de energía solar en la planificación y operación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en red."
Price: 29.00

"Cultural Heritage in Transformation"
"In recent decades the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage has become a crucial global challenge. In this context, the trend towards largescale urbanization raises questions as to how new development can take place which respects and maintains the intrinsic values and unique qualities which have been handed down from previous generations, particularly within urban areas. The course addresses these themes by providing participants with the skills to define, explore, conserve, utilize and manage cultural heritage. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to various methodologies and thematic approaches relevant to these skills using the City of Aachen as an example. Through case studies drawn from Aachen and beyond, you will explore examples at a range of spatial scales; from landscape and city scale to individual buildings and artifacts. Revision questions and assignments will enable you to consolidate your newly acquired skills and to implement these approaches within the city or town of your choice."
Price: 49.00

"Fondements de l’économie sociale et solidaire"
"Quel est le point commun entre un repair café, une coopérative maraîchère en circuit court, une entreprise d’insertion par le travail, une banque sociale, un café citoyen... ? Ces initiatives relèvent toutes du « troisième secteur » qui se distingue du secteur privé de type capitaliste comme du secteur public. Par leurs dynamiques entrepreneuriales, ces organisations défrichent de nouvelles activités porteuses de sens. Par leurs valeurs – finalité de service, gestion démocratique, autonomie, solidarité – elles inspirent confiance aux citoyens comme aux pouvoirs publics, qui leur confient de multiples missions d’intérêt général. Ce secteur représente jusqu’à 15 % de l’emploi salarié et des millions de volontaires. En offrant une analyse rigoureuse de l’économie sociale et solidaire et des entreprises sociales qui se multiplient dans le monde entier, ce cours en ligne fournit les outils d’une compréhension en profondeur de ces formes d’entreprise différentes et prouve à quel point nos sociétés ont besoin d’une économie plurielle. Ce cours analyse les concepts « coupoles » censés rassembler et nommer l’ensemble ou l’essentiel du troisième secteur : économie sociale, économie solidaire et, d’autre part, les formes d’organisation (coopératives, associations, entreprises sociales) considérées comme composantes centrales de ce troisième secteur. Loin d’opposer ces concepts entre eux, la démarche consiste plutôt à expliquer, pour chacun d’eux, ses racines historiques et le contexte institutionnel au sein duquel il a émergé, et à dégager son potentiel analytique pour éclairer les dynamiques de ce troisième secteur. L'objectif du cours n'est pas de proposer une théorie unifiée du « troisième secteur » mais d'analyser, en profondeur, ces différents éclairages. Grâce aux contributions de l’équipe pédagogique et d’intervenants extérieurs pionniers dans ce domaine (Jacques Defourny, Laurent Gardin, Jean-Louis Laville, Margie Mendell…), vous serez invité e à considérer chacun de ces concepts comme une source originale d’éclairage que vous pouvez mobiliser, seul e ou avec d’autres, en connaissant ses apports et ses limites, ses couleurs et ses angles particuliers."
Price: 50.00

"Machine Dynamics with MATLAB"
"This course will introduce you to a broad range of methodologies used in the field of machine dynamics. You will learn how to model a vehicle using the fundamentals of mechanics. You will get a deep understanding of the equations of motion and how to solve them using powerful MathWorks tools. Eventually, you will gain the ability to analyze and interpret the computational results in order to optimize your design. To get the most out of your time the course is subdivided into five weeks, each consists of lectures, tutorials and exercises. During lectures, you will get all the theoretical background of machine dynamics. Tutorials will teach you the basics of MathWorks products and exercises will merge your theoretical knowledge with the practical use of the software into an exciting application. You will learn how to model a vehicle by a one and a two degree of freedom system. These systems could be base excited, force excited or not excited, they could be damped or undamped and their mathematical representation could be solved analytically, by state space representation or by solving the differential equation itself. Therefore, if you ever wondered how to design a vehicle suspension using MathWorks tools, we highly recommend you attend to this course."
Price: 99.00

"Cultural Heritage in Transformation"
"In recent decades the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage has become a crucial global challenge. In this context, the trend towards largescale urbanization raises questions as to how new development can take place which respects and maintains the intrinsic values and unique qualities which have been handed down from previous generations, particularly within urban areas. The course addresses these themes by providing participants with the skills to define, explore, conserve, utilize and manage cultural heritage. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to various methodologies and thematic approaches relevant to these skills using the City of Aachen as an example. Through case studies drawn from Aachen and beyond, you will explore examples at a range of spatial scales; from landscape and city scale to individual buildings and artifacts. Revision questions and assignments will enable you to consolidate your newly acquired skills and to implement these approaches within the city or town of your choice."
Price: 49.00

"Best Practices for Project Management Success"
"Project management plays a key role in supporting a business's success. In this project management course, you will learn what's required from an organization for projects to excel. You will learn how to turn project management principles and theory into practice. The course will cover: project management methods and best practices project portfolio management the project management office Six Sigma corporate culture and organizational behavior project management leadership The course will utilize case studies and examples from companies to help students sharpen their project management skills to recognize and implement an environment that supports success. First, we will cover the basic organizational and leadership elements required to provide a successful environment for all projects to succeed. Second, we will cover the necessary organizational support structures and methods that enable project management and project managers to deliver results to the business and to the customers they serve. Finally, we will explore the challenges of specific types of projects such as projects in crisis, global projects and managing a portfolio. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach the importance of the organizational and leadership characteristics for the success of projects. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00

"International Project Management"
"Managing global projects presents unique challenges. This course addresses the knowledge, skills and behaviors required to successfully manage projects that span organizations, national boundaries and cultural differences. In this course we will explore the impact on project management of culture, language variations, religious, regulatory and legal practices, technology penetration, temporal orientation, gender issues, corruption, ethics, personal liberty and political contexts. We learn how to meet global projects challenges through efficient use of practices and technology. The course will utilize available case studies and examples from companies to help students sharpen the skills needed to recognize and foster a successful international project environment. First, you will learn how culture affects how teams perceive each other, lead, solve problems and execute tasks. Although the world is increasingly connected, the people behind the projects have biases, expectations and a perception of life that impacts all decisions. Second, you will learn how to effectively manage global teams including how to build trust and collaboration across various cultures, time zones and technological settings. You will learn how to design communication channels and project structures effectively in a global project environment. Third, you will become familiar with the issues underlying the problem of corruption, which is the abuse of trusted power for private gain. Reducing the risk of corruption strengthens a company's reputation, builds the respect of employees and raises credibility with key stakeholders. Finally, you will learn how the adoption of collaboration tools can enhance the global project experience. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach how to successfully deliver projects in an international environment. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00

"Project Management Life Cycle"
"Learn about project management from a multidisciplinary perspective, as we cover fundamental tools and techniques for managing a broad range of projects. You will learn about the project management life cycle from initiation to closing. We will address the behavioral and quantitative facets of project management, as well as the use of methods, tools and techniques for the initiation, planning, execution and closing of projects. The course will be divided by the project life cycle phases. First, we will cover project initiation. We will review projects in organizations, project selection models, the project manager role and project organization structures to better understand how a project is initiated. You will also learn how to create a key project management deliverable, the project charter. Second, we will cover the project-planning phase. You will learn how to build a comprehensive project management plan covering the key aspects of risk, quality, scope, schedule, cost, time, resource and communications. Third, we will cover the project execution phase. We will explore the monitoring and control of a project including earned value analysis and project reporting. Case studies and examples will be used to help you understand the correct actions for a project manager to take to keep a project in control. Finally, we will cover the project closing phase, where we explore the tasks to complete an effective project closure. This course is part of the RIT Project Management MicroMasters Program that is designed to teach the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in a project management career. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a verified certificate in each of the three courses as well as pass a capstone exam."
Price: 150.00

"Managing Disruptive Change"
"Disruption is simultaneously the greatest threat and the biggest opportunity for any business. While some companies proactively manage this potential risk and leverage it to further grow their business, others fall behind by not acknowledging the profound impact that this type of change might have. This course helps you to get in the driver seat by teaching you a structured approach to respond to disruptive change through targeted actions: Identify emerging disruptions early on Why do companies get disrupted in the first place? What are potential sources of disruption? What are disruption patterns that can be spotted? Proactively manage disruptions to leverage them as an opportunity What are potential ways to handle disruptions? How strong is the disruption and what kind of impact might it have on my business? What are generalizable action patterns that I can transfer to other contexts? We put special emphasis on the use of real-life case studies and tutorials to ensure practical relevance and help you prepare for actual situations. This course prepares you for a position at the interface of technology and management, going beyond the operational scope to take a more strategic perspective. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager, Change Manager or Innovation Manager. Professionals from the industries of IT Management , Mechanical Engineering , Marketing Consulting and Project Coordination already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00

"Innovation and Creativity Management"
"Business innovation is nothing without great ideas. But creativity can be difficult to spark on a schedule. It requires a steady hand to manage the creative process and move it forward in a productive way. This course focuses on ways to manage creativity effectively and introduces a flexible and iterative innovation management process model. You will learn how to navigate a new product concept through all different stages: The Development stage of an Innovation Project What are the key perspectives of problem solving activities in the development stage of the innovation process? How to use experimentation as a core activity of problem solving? How to utilize open innovation and the TRIZ method The Launch and Nurture Stage What needs to be considered for the diffusion and adoption of an innovative product or service? How do Diffusion and Adoption work in this stage of an innovation launch? How to employ consumer reactions towards new products? Launch and Project Review How to finalize an innovation launch? What are the key points of a project review? Besides the online lectures you will engage in a series of exercises to deepen your understanding of the topic at hand. Real-life case studies and examples from companies will help you to better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Product Manager , Engineer , Process Manager and Marketing Manager. Learners from the industries of Product Management , Engineering , Human Resources and Change Management already completed the course as well as Consultants and Entrepreneurs. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00

"Thinking & Acting like an Entrepreneur"
"All of today’s well-known companies got started the exact same way: as an idea within someone’s head. While the idea itself is an important prerequisite for success, it was rather what these individuals did with it that enabled them to become the success that they are today. You can learn to think and act like these innovators too. This course helps you to turn your idea into a real-life business and make it a commercial success: Find and assess your idea What does it actually mean to be entrepreneur? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to actually find an idea to start a business? Turn your idea into action How to deal with uncertainty? What are the core questions that I have to answer to make my idea successful? How to assemble the right team of people to help me get my idea off the ground? Set yourself up to succeed How to know what my customers really expect? Do I have to stick to my original idea no matter what? What are typical traps into which entrepreneurs fall at the start of their career? We will walk you through real-life examples of the entrepreneurial process to help you understand how it differs from that of established companies and how you can apply it for your own purposes. A series of homework exercises, tutorials and case studies will enable you to develop a perspective that goes beyond the theoretical scope to prepare you for actual situations. By doing so, this course will not only give you specific tools to start you own venture but also to transfer the benefits of entrepreneurial thinking to a corporate context, thereby preparing you for leading positions in Business Development , Strategy and General Management and of course as an Entrepreneur. Learners from the industries of Business Development and Entrepreneurs from all over the world already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00

"Thinking & Acting like an Entrepreneur"
"All of today’s well-known companies got started the exact same way: as an idea within someone’s head. While the idea itself is an important prerequisite for success, it was rather what these individuals did with it that enabled them to become the success that they are today. You can learn to think and act like these innovators too. This course helps you to turn your idea into a real-life business and make it a commercial success: Find and assess your idea What does it actually mean to be entrepreneur? Are entrepreneurs born or made? How to actually find an idea to start a business? Turn your idea into action How to deal with uncertainty? What are the core questions that I have to answer to make my idea successful? How to assemble the right team of people to help me get my idea off the ground? Set yourself up to succeed How to know what my customers really expect? Do I have to stick to my original idea no matter what? What are typical traps into which entrepreneurs fall at the start of their career? We will walk you through real-life examples of the entrepreneurial process to help you understand how it differs from that of established companies and how you can apply it for your own purposes. A series of homework exercises, tutorials and case studies will enable you to develop a perspective that goes beyond the theoretical scope to prepare you for actual situations. By doing so, this course will not only give you specific tools to start you own venture but also to transfer the benefits of entrepreneurial thinking to a corporate context, thereby preparing you for leading positions in Business Development , Strategy and General Management and of course as an Entrepreneur. Learners from the industries of Business Development and Entrepreneurs from all over the world already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00

"Strategic Management: From Intuition to Insight"
"Learn how to design effective strategy processes and to spot fundamental market and technology changes in your industry. This foundational course enables you to analyze shifting industry structures and develop new capabilities in times of industry transition by covering different parts of strategy: The Process of Strategy What precisely is strategy and why does it matter? What are the building blocks of strategy and how can they be arranged as a process? What distinct conceptions of the strategy process co-exist and what are their advantages and disadvantages? Analyzing Industry Structure What is the role of the industry and its structure for firm performance? How to unpack industries and identify the most attractive strategic positions to occupy therein? How to identify what it takes to outcompete others in our strategic group? Developing Internal Resources Can firms succeed in generally unattractive industries? How to find out which resources and capabilities are likely to have the greatest strategic value? What are dynamic capabilities and how do they matter for firm survival and performance? All key ideas from the online lectures are illustrated through a real-life case study on Tesla and its role in the technological transformation of the global automotive industry to help you better prepare for real-life situations in your company. After completing this course you will improve your career qualifications as Business Development Manager , Sales Manager or Consultant. Professionals from the industries of the Automotive , IT , Finance , Health Car e, Telecommunication and the Energy sector have already completed the course. This course is part of the ""Managing Technology & Innovation: How to deal with disruptive change"" MicroMasters program designed to teach the critical skills needed to be successful in this exciting field. In order to qualify for the MicroMasters Credential, you will need to earn a Verified Certificate in each of the six courses of the RWTHx MicroMasters program."
Price: 199.00